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How to give intramuscular injections correctly and safely for a patient. How to give intramuscular injections to yourself, children and animals

It is also prescribed for the treatment of certain ophthalmological pathologies, increasing endurance, both physical and intellectual.

There are several forms of release of Mildronate, each of which can be prescribed based on the severity of symptoms, the patient's condition or his personal preferences. Doctors usually prescribe Mildronate injections in cases where it is necessary to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect or if the patient cannot take pills. Usually, the course of treatment can be continued in the future, switching from the injection to the oral form of the drug.

Description of the active substance

According to the instructions for use of Mildronate, the active ingredient in its composition is meldonium or trimethylhydrazinium propionate dihydrate. In structure, it is an analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, which is present in all human cells. The mechanism of action of meldonium is to block the production of carnitine, as a result of which the synthesis of gamma-butyrobetaine increases. It promotes vasodilation and more efficient blood supply to tissues, especially those under hypoxic conditions.

The drug protects cells from the aggressive effects of catabolic products and toxins, accelerating the elimination of these agents from the body. With ischemia of tissues and organs (for example, myocardium, brain, retina), meldonium changes the blood flow ratio in favor of areas with hypoxia. Thus, its anti-ischemic and antihypoxic effect is manifested.

In conditions of acute lack of myocardial blood circulation, Mildronate helps slow down the formation of necrotic damage and shortens the rehabilitation period. For angina pectoris, the drug reduces the number of attacks of anginal pain and increases cardiac output. Thanks to it, the stimulation of neurons increases, the motor sphere and physical endurance are activated. It also has an anti-stress effect.

Meldonium improves the course of the rehabilitation period in patients who have suffered vascular, inflammatory diseases of the brain or had injuries to the central nervous system. It reduces movement disorders (paresis), improves coordination, and reduces the severity of vegetative manifestations. The use of the drug helps improve the condition of patients with alcohol dependence and reduces the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome.


The maximum plasma concentration of Mildronate for injection is achieved almost immediately after its parenteral administration. It is quickly distributed in tissues and binds to blood plasma proteins. The bioavailability of the drug is 100%.

Attention! The drug partially penetrates the hematoplacental barrier, and has also been found to pass into breast milk.

Metabolism of Mildronate occurs in the liver

The drug and its metabolites are excreted primarily by the kidneys. The half-life is 3-6 hours.


What is Mildronate used for, and when can it be useful? Indications for the use of the drug are the following pathological conditions:

  • cardiovascular pathology: chronic ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure;
  • dishormonal cardiomyopathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • chronic circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • pathology of peripheral arterial vessels;
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as a component of complex treatment;
  • eye diseases of various origins: hemorrhage in the retina and vitreous body of the eye, retinopathy (hypertensive and diabetic), thrombosis of the central retinal vein, impaired blood supply to the retina.
  • chronic alcoholism and withdrawal syndrome in alcohol addicts in combination with other types of treatment;
  • high physical fatigue and overstrain;
  • low productivity of physical and intellectual labor.

Attention! For diseases of the organ of vision, the use of Mildronate injections only parabulbarly is indicated.

In case of cardiovascular pathology, Mildronate injections are part of the complex therapy of these diseases and cannot replace constant treatment with basic drugs

Among the indications for the use of Mildronate, sports training has also found its niche in order to increase endurance, for quick recovery after hard and long-term sports.

How to take the drug?

Mildronate solution has a meldonium concentration of 10%. It is produced in ampoules of 5 ml. Accordingly, 1 ml of solution contains 100 mg of meldonium, and one ampoule contains 500 mg. The box contains 10 ampoules. The drug is prescribed 1 or 2 times a day. The drug solution can be administered in several ways:

  • intramuscularly;
  • intravenously;
  • parabulbar (near the eyeball).

Mildronate is usually administered intravenously in a jet manner, this way the desired effect can be achieved faster. If there is no urgent need for immediate action of the drug, then it can be injected into a vein using a dropper.

The drug in the form of a solution does not need to be diluted before administration.

Mildronate solution is available in a sufficient concentration of the active substance and does not require additional dilution. This applies to all methods of injection delivery of the drug. However, doctors may prescribe its administration, for example, with saline solution. If Mildronate is nevertheless diluted, then the absolute amount of the active substance will not change, only its concentration will decrease, which may affect the speed of onset of the drug’s effect.

In cases where rapid action is not required, Mildronate can be diluted. For this purpose only, it is better to use a 0.9% sodium chloride solution (saline). Mixing with other solvents may affect the properties of the drug, which is extremely undesirable.

Mildronate activates nervous activity, so it should be taken at least 4-6 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, sleep disturbance in the form of insomnia may occur. The daily dose can be taken in one injection or divided into two doses.

Dosage for various pathologies

The dose of the drug depends on the specific disease and is selected by the doctor individually:

  • Unstable angina and myocardial infarction. In such cases, intravenous administration of the drug is indicated, since these conditions are acute and require immediate intervention. 5-10 ml of Mildronate are administered intravenously. If injections are poorly tolerated, the entire dose is administered once; in other cases, dividing it into two injections is indicated. The duration of parenteral administration of drugs ranges from 1 to 10 days. In the future, you can switch to oral forms of Mildronate and take it in a general course lasting up to 4-6 weeks.
  • Chronic circulatory failure. Use 5-10 ml IV once a day or 5 ml twice a day IM. The course lasts up to 2 weeks with a transition to syrup or tablets.
  • Ophthalmological pathology. In this case, Mildronate is used parabulbarly at 0.5 ml per day (50 mg meldonium) for 10 days.
  • Brain stroke in the acute phase. To achieve a quick effect from the use of the drug, it is administered intravenously at a dose of 5 ml per day for 10 days. You can also inject it intramuscularly at a dose of 500 mg once a day for 2-3 weeks.
  • Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. For this pathology, the drug is administered either intramuscularly or in tablet form. Inject 5 ml of solution intramuscularly 1 time for 14 days. Reception is extended if necessary up to 4 weeks.
  • Dyshormonal cardiomyopathy. Apply 5-10 ml intravenously in one injection per day or 5 ml intramuscularly 2 times a day. The course is 14 days, and if oral administration is continued, it is recommended to take Mildronate for another 2 weeks.
  • Chronic alcoholism. Patients receive Mildronate intravenously, 5 ml 2 times a day to relieve neurological symptoms. Continue therapy for up to one week.
  • Increased fatigue during periods of high physical and intellectual stress. There is no urgent need for parenteral administration of Mildronate for such indications, but it all depends on which method is more acceptable to the patient and how quickly the effect is expected. The drug is taken intramuscularly, 1 ampoule 1 or 2 times a day. It is also possible to take Mildronate intravenously in a similar dosage regimen. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks. If there is a need, it can be repeated after another 2-3 weeks.

If, in chronic cerebrovascular accidents, there are swallowing disorders or digestive problems, you should choose the parenteral route of administration of Mildronate


Mildronate, interacting with other drugs, can cause both desirable and dangerous reactions in the body. Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to combine meldonium with other drugs. Only a doctor can give a definite answer to this question.

Meldonium increases efficiency:

  • antiplatelet agents;
  • anticoagulants;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antiarrhythmics;
  • antianginal drugs;
  • diuretics.

When prescribing Mildronate, always warn your doctor about taking any medications and about concomitant diseases.

The drug potentiates the effect of beta blockers and cardiac glycosides. Particular caution should be taken when taking Mildronate with the following drugs:

  • alpha blockers;
  • nitrates;
  • calcium channel antagonists;
  • peripheral vasodilators.

Taking these drugs together can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia.


According to the instructions for use of the drug, it is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • allergy or the presence of individual hypersensitivity to meldonium.

Side effects and drug overdose

Typically, patients experience a high degree of tolerability of the drug, but sometimes there are cases of adverse reactions to Mildronate:

  • skin allergic manifestations in the form of rash, urticaria, rarely - angioedema;
  • dyspepsia;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • insomnia and psychomotor agitation;
  • weakness;
  • change in blood count (increased level of eosinophils).

special instructions

In patients who have serious kidney and liver diseases with insufficiency of the functions of these organs, biochemical blood parameters should be monitored. If long-term use of meldonium is necessary, consultation with the attending physician is required to adjust the dose of the drug.

A person taking Mildronate may be allowed to drive vehicles and operate machinery, since the drug does not cause a slowdown in reactions. Elderly patients should reduce the therapeutically effective daily dose.

Application in sports

Due to Mildronate's ability to increase the absorption of oxygen by tissues, it can be recommended for increasing tolerance to physical activity. It improves nutrition of the myocardium and peripheral muscles. This helps reduce fatigue and speed up recovery after training.

Until recently, meldonium was not considered doping, but since 2016 it has been included in the list of drugs that are considered doping in sports

Storage conditions

After opening the ampoule, the solution cannot be stored under any circumstances. A refrigerator is also not suitable for this purpose. After 20 minutes or more have passed after the seal has been broken, the ampoule should be discarded.

Reviews of Mildronate

Patient reviews of this drug are mostly positive. Doctors' opinions on Mildronate are somewhat different.

On the other hand, there are supporters of Mildronate therapy who note the high effectiveness of the drug in their patients.

Since there is almost no evidence base for the drug Mildronate, its effect is equivalent to the placebo effect

I took Mildronate to improve my performance during exams at the institute. I can only say good things: the drug greatly helps overcome fatigue and improve memorization of material. I could stay awake for a long time and still feel relatively alert. Its action is similar to that of an energy drink, only without the side effects.

Valentina, 58 years old

The doctor advised me to take Mildronate after an increase in angina attacks. At first I received intravenous injections for a week, then I drank syrup for another 3 weeks. During this period, the attacks of pain stopped, and there was almost no shortness of breath.

Irina, 42 years old, cardiologist

Mildronate increases exercise tolerance in patients with coronary artery disease. It has a good effect on the well-being of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. During therapy with the drug, the symptoms regress completely, but a course of treatment is required, which should be repeated from time to time.


Among the various methods of introducing medications into the human body, intramuscular injections are in second place (after tablet forms) in terms of frequency of use. This is due to the fact that the technique for performing such injections is as simple as possible compared to other injections, and the injected medicine quickly enters the bloodstream without the development of many side effects.

It is known that when taking some tablets (for example, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs based on diclofenac), there is an irritating effect on the stomach or the proliferation of beneficial intestinal microflora is inhibited, and when these drugs are administered intramuscularly, such side effects are minimized.

Where can I inject medications for intramuscular administration?

The medicine is injected intramuscularly only into large muscles - the gluteal muscles, the anterolateral surface of the thigh muscles and the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. More often it is injected into the leg or buttock. Some vaccines are injected into the shoulder muscles, as well as first aid medications (painkillers, anti-shock) in emergency conditions, when there is no time or opportunity to administer the drug differently.

In most cases, they try to inject intramuscularly into the upper-outer part of the buttock, since in this area the muscle tissue is thickest and there is the least danger of touching a large nerve or blood vessel. The gluteal muscles have a well-developed capillary network, so the medicine quickly enters the general bloodstream.

To select the injection site, the buttock is mentally divided into four parts, choosing the upper-outer area. Then the center of this area is approximately found (this is usually 5-7 cm below the level of the protruding parts of the ilium) - this will be the point of the intended injection.

An alternative to the gluteal region for intramuscular injections is the vastus lateralis muscle. Injections in the thigh are resorted to when seals have formed on both buttocks due to a long course of treatment with intramuscular drugs, or abscesses due to improper administration of the drug into the buttocks. Also, the thigh area is preferred by many of those who inject themselves, because not all patients can turn the torso towards the buttock (especially when an injection is needed for radiculitis or rheumatism).

In this case, the thigh surface is more accessible for insertion. To select the injection site, you need to place your hand on the anterolateral surface of the thigh so that the fingertips touch the knee. The area of ​​the femoral muscle under the palm (closer to the wrist) will be the optimal site for administering the medicine. It is strictly prohibited to stab into the thigh above or below this area, as well as from behind or on the inside of the leg due to the high risk of hitting large vessels and nerves.

When giving an injection to a child or thin adult, to be sure that the needle has hit the muscle, before the injection you need to collect the intended injection area into a large skin-muscular fold and feel the muscle under your fingers.

How to properly perform an intramuscular injection?

  1. It is necessary to use only disposable syringes and needles for intramuscular injections to avoid infection with blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B, C, D). The syringe is unpacked immediately before the injection; the tip is not removed from the needle until the ampoule with the medicine is opened.
  1. Insert the needle with a quick movement perpendicular to the surface of the skin into the area treated with alcohol to a depth of 3-5 cm (for the buttock), or in a direction slightly at an angle to the skin to a depth of 2-3 cm (for the thigh). The needle should remain 1/3 of its length above the skin so that it can be removed if it breaks. Slowly pressing on the plunger, inject the medicine.

The choice of the optimal form of drug administration should not be made by the patient himself, but by a specialist with a medical education, who will decide in each specific case which method of administration will be the best. In addition, when performing your first intramuscular injections at home, try to invite a health care professional to evaluate the correctness of the technique and correct possible errors in the injections you made yourself.

Despite the simplicity of the technique for performing intramuscular injections, you should not resort to them unreasonably often, especially if it is possible to obtain the same medicine in tablet form.

How to give an intramuscular injection correctly

Intramuscular injections? is the second most popular method of administering medications after the use of tablets. This is due to the simplicity of the injection technique and the high effectiveness of the medicine, which goes directly into the blood. Injections have virtually no side effects, do not cause intestinal irritation and do not lead to inhibition of the proliferation of beneficial microflora, which cannot be said about tablets and antibiotics. Let's consider how to properly give an intramuscular injection? and what you will need for this.

Intramuscular injections - what are they and why do them?

Injections are divided into two types - intravenous and intramuscular. The first should be trusted exclusively to professionals. The latter can be practiced even by people remote from medical practice. An intramuscular injection is done to penetrate the needle under the subcutaneous fat layer and inject the medicinal drug.

In order to give an injection, you need to choose a comfortable position. The best options are a lying position or a standing half-turn position. If you plan to inject into the gluteal muscle, it is recommended to give it a slap before administering the injection. This will relieve muscle tension, which will reduce pain to a minimum.

If the injection is performed in the reed area, then it is first necessary to collect the fat layer into a fold. This will prevent the needle from entering the periosteum. Intramuscular injection is the main alternative to taking pills. The action of the injection is more effective and faster. This is especially true for those people who experience severe pain and need prompt relief.

How to give an intramuscular injection correctly

Follow these steps:

  1. Take the syringe with your right hand (if you are right-handed), remove the cap from the needle, press on the base of the syringe to force out excess air;
  2. Place your left hand on the patient’s buttock, after dividing the muscle into four parts (choose the upper one);
  3. Move your thumb as far away from the rest as possible. The optimal place for the injection will be between the thumb and index finger;
  4. Pull the skin lightly with your left hand to secure;
  5. if the patient has practically no fat layer, then the skin should be gathered into a fold even on the gluteal muscle;
  6. You need to insert the needle sharply and confidently, make a small swing and pierce the skin ¾ of the length of the needle. Insert the needle at a slight angle, this way the pain will be minimized and part of the solution will not go under the skin;
  7. The upper part of the syringe must be held in the right hand, and its base should be fixed with the left hand;
  8. Having fixed the syringe, begin to slowly press the plunger, injecting the medicine;
  9. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to press the puncture site with cotton wool soaked in a disinfectant solution;
  10. Quickly pull out the needle;
  11. Keep the cotton wool on the injection site for a few more seconds.

This is important: carefully read the instructions for the medicine; some medicines (for example, oil preparations) must first be heated, and powder analogues must be diluted with novocaine.

How to prepare for the procedure and what will be needed for this?

For intramuscular injection you will need:

  1. ampoule with medical solution;
  2. dry substance and ampoules with solvent;
  3. cotton wool;
  4. alcohol;
  5. syringe.

To prepare for the procedure, you should choose a place for medical supplies in advance. Next, wash your hands with soap and dry them well with a towel. Review the medication ampoules to make sure they have the correct expiration date. Take the ampoule and turn it over so that all the contents are at the bottom of the bottle. To do this, you can tap your fingernail on the top of the ampoule.

Wet a cotton swab with alcohol solution and treat the top of the bottle. Next, you should file the ampoule a little so that the tip can be broken off freely. Take a disposable syringe; reusing the tool, even if you are injecting only yourself, is strictly prohibited.

Draw the contents of the bottle into the syringe and turn it up. Slowly press down on the syringe handle to push out excess air. Stop when drops of medical solution appear on the tip of the instrument.

Select the injection site, divide the area into four parts, wipe the upper area with cotton wool soaked in alcohol and disinfect several times. After this, you can give the injection.

Tip: choose the volume of the syringe depending on the type of medicine and the location of the procedure. For example, syringes from 2 ml are best suited for injection into the thigh. To inject the solution into the buttock, you should choose an instrument with a volume of 5 ml. You should not use syringes larger than 10 ml, as this can lead to the formation of difficult to resolve tumors and lumps.

Without forgetting about safety

We learned how to properly give an intramuscular injection. However, before, during and after the procedure, there are mandatory rules:

  1. the syringe, ampoules, cotton wool and gloves (if you used them) must be thrown away. Do not use a disposable syringe twice, even on the same patient. You should not skimp on cotton wool and soak an already used tampon in alcohol. Traces of blood remain on it, which can lead to infection of another person;
  2. If you need to give several injections at a time, you should distribute them over several places. It is not necessary to inject only into the gluteal area, as this can lead to the formation of lumps and lumps;
  3. When carrying out the procedure, be sure to ensure that the instruments are sterile;
  4. if there are no special conditions for administering the injection, then it is recommended to choose 2-cc types of syringes. They ensure faster distribution of the drug in the bloodstream, and also minimize the risk of compaction formation;
  5. If blood begins to flow into the syringe during injection, it means you have entered a blood vessel. To correct the situation, slightly change the direction of needle insertion and reduce the penetration depth.

You should give injections yourself only after consulting a doctor, who will indicate the medications you need, their dosage and frequency of use. It is important to remember that in addition to medicinal properties, most drugs have a list of contraindications.

Features of the procedure for children

The technique for children is practically no different from the procedure for adults. Choose syringes of a smaller volume than for an adult, choose 4 cm needles. Before injecting, you need to massage the baby’s muscles well. Preparations for the procedure should be done away from the child’s eyes; do not frighten him in advance.

However, it is not worth convincing the baby that it will not hurt. He should know that during the injection there may be a feeling of discomfort. However, this will not last long and the painful sensations will quickly pass. Convince your child that this measure is necessary to fight the disease. At the end of the procedure, be sure to reward him with a sweet reward.

Consequences of an incorrect injection

  1. hematoma formation - occurs if a vessel is broken or if you press the syringe plunger too sharply and inject. Painful sensations occur that can last about a week;
  2. an infiltrate is formed - occurs when the medicine is not completely absorbed, voluminous lumps are formed that are visible to the naked eye;
  3. abscess - occurs in case of infection at the injection site, is formed as a result of purulent processes in the soft tissues. It looks like a swollen lump with purulent contents. Abscesses should definitely be shown to a specialist. It can be removed with ointments; in extreme cases, surgical intervention is used;
  4. if a needle hits a nerve, there is a feeling of numbness in the limbs, and paralysis may even occur. Anti-inflammatory and vitamin preparations are used for treatment;
  5. allergic reaction - can manifest itself in the form of redness, bouts of runny nose and cough.

The reason for these consequences is non-compliance with the rules of hygiene of the procedure and administration of the medicine at the wrong angle. Follow the above recommendations, and such troubles will not affect you.

Is Magnesia intramuscularly effective for pressure: dosage and nuances of injection

Magnesia for unstable blood pressure is considered an excellent remedy that helps provide a lasting vasodilator effect.

Since this phenomenon is observed in frequent stressful situations, depression, nervous strain, negative emotions, during pregnancy and menopause, you must always be prepared for a change in the state of the body.

Hypertension is characterized by unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, rapid heartbeat, nausea and, in rare cases, vomiting. So is it allowed to administer a drug like Magnesia? Why is it prescribed intramuscularly and how to inject Magnesium sulfate intramuscularly?

Is it possible to inject Magnesia intramuscularly?

The drug can be used either orally or administered by injection. Experts recommend doing this intravenously and intramuscularly.

Magnesium sulfate in ampoules

The product is available in the form of a regular injection solution and in the form of a fine powder from which a suspension is prepared. The latter can be bought in packaging. Its weight varies: 10 g, 20 g, 25 g and 50 g. But ampoules with the solution are produced in the following volumes: 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml and 30 ml.

The medicine also has another name - Magnesium sulfate. The concentration of the active substance can be 20% or 25%. Regarding the question of whether Magnesium sulfate can be administered intramuscularly, the answer is positive.

However, we must not forget that injections of this substance are quite painful, so some experts prefer to use intravenous administration. To significantly reduce pain, you need to mix the drug with Novocaine. The doctor selects the dose individually, depending on the indications.

The injection of Magnesia intramuscularly is given quite deeply, it is for this reason that the syringe needle must be long. The introduction should be carried out very slowly.

If Novocaine is used for maximum pain relief, then it is combined with the drug in one container and the resulting solution is drawn into a syringe. For one ampoule with a concentration of the active substance of 25%, you need to take approximately one part of Novocaine 2%. It is not recommended to practice self-administration of the medicine, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Indications for use

The drug is used for many pathologies because it has a large number of positive properties:

  1. helps eliminate neuroses, excitement, irritability, aggressiveness and anxiety. It has a powerful sedative effect. With a slight increase in the indicated dosage, the effect of the drug is observed as in sleeping pills;
  2. helps remove unnecessary fluid accumulated in the body. Thanks to this, you can get rid of swelling of the face and body;
  3. lowers blood pressure;
  4. relaxes the muscle tissue of the artery walls. This is what helps the vessels expand so that blood can circulate freely in them;
  5. eliminates convulsive phenomena in the upper and lower extremities;
  6. reduces pain caused by muscle spasms;
  7. minimizes the excitability of myocytes, and also returns ionic balance to normal levels.
  8. prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries and protects the cardiovascular system from various damages;
  9. improves blood supply to the vessels of the uterus due to their expansion. In addition, the contraction of her muscles is inhibited;
  10. helps eliminate signs of poisoning of the body when metal salts enter it.

Intramuscular magnesium has the following indications for use:

  • hypertensive crisis with visible symptoms of cerebral edema;
  • convulsions in eclampsia, as well as in severe preeclampsia;
  • strong contractions of the uterine muscles;
  • polymorphic ventricular tachycardia;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • acute hypomagnesemia;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

If we consider the oral use of this drug, we will be able to achieve a strong laxative effect, since with this type of use it is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

  • problems with stool;
  • cholecystitis and cholangitis;
  • duodenal intubation;
  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder during tubing;
  • cleansing the intestines to diagnose its condition.

How to properly inject Magnesia intramuscularly?

Magnesia is used for pressure intramuscularly at a dosage of 25% solution of the drug, which is available in ampoules.

Before injecting Magnesia intramuscularly under pressure, the solution does not need to be further diluted.

As a rule, such an injection is quite difficult to tolerate, since it is accompanied by severe, unbearable pain. Immediate administration of the medicine may cause seizures.

If you do this inside the muscles, the product begins to have its effect within 30 minutes. The positive effect can last for several hours.

To carry out the procedure, you need to acquire a long and thin needle. The ampoule must first be warmed up a little and the injection site treated with a special disinfectant solution.

With a quick movement of the hand, the needle is inserted into a certain place until it stops, and only after that the medicinal composition is gradually and smoothly released from the syringe. It is not recommended to allow the product to stagnate in the muscles.


Magnesia is used intramuscularly at pressure with a dosage of 25% ampoule solution.

It is important to remember that the largest single dose of Magnesia at intramuscular pressure is 200 ml of a 20% solution.

As for the use of medicine for children, with the method under consideration it is prescribed for the immediate relief of emergency conditions, such as: severe asphyxia, high blood pressure inside the skull. In case of such dangerous phenomena, the drug can be prescribed even to infants.

It is also used to treat ailments in pregnant women. As a rule, the most common indication for use is uterine hypertonicity. To eliminate this pathological condition, an appropriate dosage of Magnesia is required, which is prescribed by the attending physician. This measure is urgent in conditions such as the threat of miscarriage or the risk of premature birth.

It is advisable to carry out an intramuscular injection in a hospital setting under the supervision of a personal specialist. This is due to the fact that the drug can cause respiratory depression and an unexpected drop in blood pressure in the baby.

Due to possible complications, the drug solution should be stopped approximately several hours before possible delivery.

Due to its strong diuretic effect, Magnesia can be used during pregnancy to reduce swelling (for example, with preeclampsia and eclampsia). In this case, the solution itself can be administered through a dropper.

The duration of its use is absolutely individual. In some cases, it is prescribed once to improve the condition of the expectant mother. However, only the attending physician can determine the duration of therapy.

Before administering Magnesia intramuscularly, you must ensure that there are no following contraindications:

  • bradycardia;
  • visual impairment;
  • instant rush of blood to the face;
  • Strong headache;
  • slurred speech;
  • urge to vomit;
  • weakness and drowsiness.

Contraindications for the use of Magnesium sulfate include:

  • stones in the bile ducts;
  • presence of intestinal obstruction;
  • tendency to a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • high concentration of magnesium in the blood;
  • exacerbation of certain chronic diseases;
  • attack of appendicitis;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The indication for use of the drug during an increase in blood pressure is a hypertensive crisis. Therefore, in this condition, only doctors can inject this drug.

However, many modern specialists completely refuse to use Magnesia for hypertension. They explain this by the fact that the drug has the ability to significantly lower blood pressure, and not bring it back to normal.

Video on the topic

Is Magnesia effective for high blood pressure intramuscularly and how to give the injection correctly? Answers in the video:

From all the information presented in this article, we can conclude that a drug called Magnesia is highly effective in treating such a dangerous condition as hypertensive crisis. Only the attending physician can administer treatment through intramuscular injections.

If you have high blood pressure, use extreme caution as the medicine can significantly lower your blood pressure levels. In some cases, even to a critical point. There is no need to self-medicate and inject medication into muscle tissue.

How to beat HYPERTENSION at home?

To get rid of hypertension and cleanse blood vessels, you need.

To get an injection in the butt, you first need to prepare in advance:
- syringe 2.5-11 ml (depending on the volume of the medicine prescribed for injection);
- drug for injection;
- cotton pads;
- 96%.

At a 90˚ angle, sharply insert the needle ¾ into the muscle with a clap. Slowly pressing the plunger, begin to inject the drug. The rate of administration depends on the specific medicine, so carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Important: do not insert the needle all the way.

Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and press it onto the injection site, sharply removing the needle at an angle of 90˚. Finally, massage the damaged muscle for a while.

To avoid infection or complications, follow these safety rules:
- avoid injections in one buttock - try to alternate;
- use syringes with thin and sharp needles;
- never use a previously used syringe or needle!

Please note that 2 cc syringes have a thinner needle than 5 cc syringes.

In addition to the boring theory, there are many instructions in the format, which clearly show and describe in detail the procedures for intramuscular injection into the buttock.

Intramuscular injection is one of the most popular methods of drug administration. The main thing is to know how to properly give an injection in the buttock if the manipulation is carried out at home.

The popularity of this procedure is explained by its effectiveness and safety for health. Thanks to good blood flow, the product is quickly distributed throughout the body. The buttock area also contains minimal nerves, making the procedure less painful than other injections.

To give an intramuscular injection, you need to purchase a disposable syringe. Its volume for injection for an adult is 5 ml, for a child – 3 ml. After the injection, the instrument is disposed of.

It is recommended to use a long and thin needle. It enters the muscle more easily and causes minimal pain. The long needle also delivers the drug into the deeper layers of the tissue, allowing the medicine to spread throughout the body faster.

It is important to know not only how to properly give an injection in the buttock, but also how to prepare for the procedure. Mandatory manipulation – disinfection. It is necessary to disinfect hands or medical gloves, as well as the injection site. This will prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body.

  • disposable syringe;
  • needle;
  • ampoule with medication;
  • a special file for opening the ampoule;
  • a cotton swab soaked in an alcohol-based product to disinfect the puncture site.

Which part of the buttock should the injection be given?

When injecting yourself, it is important to know how to inject into the buttock. The drug is injected into a specific area. If you inject in the wrong place, you can injure the person or cause them severe pain.

For proper injection, the muscle is visually divided into four areas. To give the injection, use the upper outer part. This choice is not accidental. There are no vessels of particularly large dimensions here. This part also contains a minimum of nerve endings. This means that during the procedure the patient will experience a minimum of discomfort.

From this area, the drug will also spread throughout the body at an optimal speed, so after an intramuscular injection the patient quickly feels an improvement in well-being.

The instructions for administering the drug intramuscularly are almost identical for each age category, but each case has its own nuances that should be remembered.

For an adult

The algorithm for performing an injection in the buttocks of an adult is as follows.

  1. Prepare all the necessary tools. Check the name of the medicine on the ampoule and the name of the drug on the prescription written by your doctor. Read the instructions that come with the medication. It is recommended to pay special attention to the speed at which the product should be administered. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the post-injection procedures, for example, whether you should apply ice or a heating pad to the puncture site.
  2. Hands are washed thoroughly with water and detergent. After this, they and the area where the drug is administered are disinfected. A cotton swab is soaked in an alcohol-containing solution and placed aside on a sterile surface. It is used later, after the puncture.
  3. The ampoule is picked up and shaken so that the main active ingredient is distributed evenly throughout the drug. After this, the upper part is tapped with light movements to allow the medicine to flow down. At the point of narrowing, small notches are made using a file. After this, take a cotton swab or bandage in your hands, grasp the tip of the ampoule and make a break to open the drug.
  4. A needle is put on the syringe and the cap is removed. The ampoule is held with one hand, and the medicine is taken out of the package with the other using a tool by pulling the piston up.
  5. The syringe is turned vertically, with the needle facing up. The plunger is pressed lightly with your fingers to remove oxygen bubbles from the syringe. If there is more medicine in the instrument than the doctor prescribed, the excess medicine is drained.
  6. The needle is applied to the injection site so that the syringe stands vertically. The instrument is pressed so that the needle enters completely into the buttock. After this, press the piston to inject the drug.
  7. The puncture site is clamped with a cotton pad, and the needle is removed from the muscle. The injured area is massaged in a circular motion for better distribution of the medication throughout the body.
  8. A cap is put on the needle. All tools are collected and recycled.

To kid

A child should be given an injection slightly differently than an adult. The algorithm of actions is the same before administering the medicine.

In order for the child to experience a minimum of discomfort, with your free hand you grab the entire part of the buttock where the puncture will be, and a fold is made from the muscle. It is compressed forcefully, and then a needle is inserted. If this condition is met, then the baby will practically not feel that he was given an injection.

To myself

A lonely person is forced to give the injection himself. He can inject himself while standing in front of a mirror.

The rules for self-administration of the drug are as follows.

  1. Take the medication from the ampoule into the syringe. Stand in front of a mirror and determine the injection site. Disinfect the area of ​​the intended puncture and relax.
  2. In one sharp movement, insert the needle into the buttock. It must go in completely. If it has entered three-quarters of the way in, there is no need to stick it in further, as this will cause an acute attack of pain.
  3. Press down on the plunger to allow the medication to enter the body. Remove the needle and massage the puncture site. This will help the product disperse throughout the body.

Disinfection of hands and the site of the intended puncture is a mandatory measure that will protect the body from blood poisoning. The safety rules for intramuscular injections are not limited to this.

It is important to dispose of any instruments left after the procedure. It is recommended to break the needle and then cover it with a cap. Then all tools are disposed of so that children and animals cannot reach them in order to avoid sad consequences.

After administering the medicine intramuscularly, a lump may appear at the puncture site. It will not cause harm to the body, but it will cause pain, especially in a sitting position.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to massage the injured area immediately after removing the needle. Then the medicine will disperse throughout the body, and stagnation will not occur.

To ensure that the procedure causes minimal discomfort, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations during injection.

  1. The gluteal muscle should be relaxed. Its tension will make it difficult to insert the needle, and this will cause severe pain.
  2. The needle is inserted to its full length. Thanks to this, the drug penetrates deep into the tissue.
  3. The next injection is given in the other buttock. You need to alternate sides constantly. This will help prevent seals from occurring.


Knowing how to properly inject yourself or your loved ones into the buttock, you can perform the injections yourself, but only after consulting a doctor. Self-administration of the drug can cause the most serious consequences. Video tutorials clearly demonstrate how to perform injections.

Knowing how to give injections correctly is very useful, because it is not always possible to call a nurse or go to the clinic. There is nothing difficult about doing injections professionally at home. Thanks to this article, you will be able to do them for yourself or your loved ones if necessary.

Don't be afraid of injections. After all, the injection method of administering medications is in many cases better than the oral one. With the injection, more of the active substance enters the blood without causing a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Most drugs are administered intramuscularly. Some drugs, for example, insulin or growth hormone, are administered subcutaneously, that is, the drug goes directly into the subcutaneous fat tissue. Let us consider in detail these methods of administration. You should immediately talk about possible complications. If you do not follow the injection algorithms, then the following are likely: inflammation, suppuration of soft tissues (abscess), blood poisoning (sepsis), damage to nerve trunks and soft tissues. Using one syringe to inject several patients contributes to the spread of HIV infection and some hepatitis (for example, B, C, etc.). Therefore, in preventing infection, it is of great importance to follow the rules of asepsis and carry out injections according to established algorithms, including disposal of used syringes, needles, cotton balls, etc.

What is needed for intramuscular injection

Syringe 2-5 ml
Injection needle up to 3.7 cm long, gauge 22–25
Needle for withdrawing medication from a bottle up to 3.7 cm long, 21 gauge
Tampon pre-treated in an antiseptic solution (alcohol, chlorhexidine, miramistin)
Raw cotton ball
Strip of adhesive plaster

What is needed for a subcutaneous injection

Assembled (with needle) insulin syringe (0.5-1ml caliber 27-30)
Cotton ball treated with alcohol
Dry cotton ball

If possible, it is necessary to place the syringe in its packaging in the refrigerator an hour before administering the solution, which will help avoid deformation of the needle during the injection process.

The room in which the injection will be performed should have good lighting. The necessary equipment should be placed on a clean table surface.

Wash your hands well with soap.

Make sure that the disposable packaging of the equipment is sealed, as well as the expiration date of the medicine. Avoid reusing disposable needles.

Treat the bottle cap with a cotton swab moistened with an antiseptic. Wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated (the lid will become dry).

Attention! Do not use syringes and other accessories that were not packaged or if their integrity was damaged. Do not use the bottle if it has been opened before you. It is forbidden to drive a drug that has passed its expiration date.

A set of the drug from a bottle into a syringe

#1 . Remove the syringe and attach to it a needle intended for drawing up the solution.

#2 . Fill the syringe with as much air as you need to administer the medication. This action makes it easier to draw the medicine from the bottle.

#3 . If the solution is produced in an ampoule, then it must be opened and placed on the table surface.

#4 . You can open the ampoule using a paper towel, this way you can avoid cuts. When collecting the solution, do not poke the needle into the bottom of the ampoule, otherwise the needle will become dull. When there is little solution left, tilt the ampoule and collect the solution from the wall of the ampoule.

#5 . When using a reusable bottle, you need to pierce the rubber cap with a needle at a right angle. Then turn the bottle over and introduce into it the air that was drawn in before.

#6 . Fill the syringe with the required volume of solution, remove the needle and put the cap on it.

#7 . Change needles using the one you will use to inject. This recommendation must be followed if the solution is drawn from a reusable bottle, since the needle becomes blunt when piercing the rubber cap, although this is not visually noticeable. Remove any air bubbles in the syringe by squeezing them out and prepare to inject the solution into the tissue.

#8 . Place the syringe with the needle cap on a non-contaminated surface. If the solution is oily, it can be warmed to body temperature. To do this, you can hold the ampoule or bottle under your arm for about 5 minutes. Do not stand under running hot water or in any other way, because in this case it is easy to overheat. A warm oil solution is much easier to inject into the muscle.

Intramuscular injections

#1 . Treat the injection site with a swab soaked in antiseptic. It is best to inject the solution into the upper outer part of the buttocks or the outer thigh. After treatment with a swab, you should wait until the antiseptic dries.

#2 . Remove the cap from the needle, stretch the skin of the intended injection site with two fingers.

#3 . With a confident movement, insert the needle almost its entire length at a right angle.

#4 . Slowly inject the solution. At the same time, try not to move the syringe back and forth, otherwise the needle will cause unnecessary microtrauma to the muscle fibers.

When performing an intramuscular injection, it is correct to inject the solution into the area of ​​the upper outer quadrant of the buttock.

The middle part of the upper arm is also suitable for injection.

In addition, you can inject the solution into the area of ​​the lateral thigh. (Colored in the figure.)

#5 . Remove the needle. The skin will close, closing the wound channel, which will prevent the medicine from flowing back out.

#6 . Dry the injection site with a cotton ball and, if necessary, cover with a strip of adhesive tape.

Attention! You cannot insert a needle into the skin if there are mechanical injuries, pain is felt, a change in color is observed, etc. The maximum volume of solution that can be injected at a time should be no more than 3 ml. It is recommended to change the injection site to avoid getting the solution in one place more than every 14 days. If you have weekly injections, use both buttocks and thighs. When you inject in the second circle, try to move a couple of centimeters from the previous injection site. Touch with your finger, perhaps you will feel where the last injection was and inject a little to the side.

Subcutaneous injections

Treat the injection site with an antiseptic. The lower abdomen around the navel is the best place for injection. Wait for the alcohol to dry completely.

The area of ​​the abdomen that is best suited for subcutaneous administration of the drug is indicated by shading.

#1 . Remove the cap. Gather the skin into a fold to separate the subcutaneous fat layer from the muscles.

#2 . Using confident movements, insert the needle at a 45-degree angle. Make sure the needle is located under the skin and not in the muscle layer.

#3 . Enter the solution. There is no need to make sure that they do not fall into the vessel.

#4 . Remove the needle and release the skin fold.

The skin should be gathered into a fold, which facilitates the introduction of the solution into the subcutaneous fat layer.

Treat the injection field with an antiseptic. If necessary, after administering the medicine, the puncture site can be sealed with a strip of adhesive tape.

Attention! You cannot insert a needle into the skin if there are mechanical injuries, pain, a change in color, etc. It is not recommended to inject more than 1 ml of solution at a time. Each injection must be given to a different area of ​​the body. The distance between them should be at least 2 cm.

A subcutaneous injection is an injection given directly into the fat layer under the skin (as opposed to an intravenous injection, which is given directly into a vein). Because subcutaneous injections distribute medications more evenly and slowly than intravenous injections, subcutaneous injections are commonly used to administer vaccines and medications (for example, type 1 diabetics often administer insulin this way). A prescription for medications that must be administered subcutaneously usually contains detailed instructions on how to properly administer the subcutaneous injection.

Note: Please note that the instructions in this article are provided as an example only. Before injecting yourself at home, consult a healthcare professional.



    Prepare everything you need. Giving a hypodermic injection properly requires more than just a needle, syringe and medication. Before you begin, make sure you have:

    • A dose of medication in a sterile container (usually in a small ampoule with proper labeling)
    • Sterile syringe of the required size. Depending on the amount of medication and the patient's weight, you may choose the following syringe sizes or other sterile administration method:
      • volumes of 0.5, 1 and 2 ml with a 27 gauge needle (0.40 × 10 mm 27G × 1/2);
      • syringe with Luer lock, 3 ml volume (for large doses);
      • refilled disposable syringe.
    • Container for safe disposal of the syringe.
    • Sterile gauze pad (usually 5 x 5 cm).
    • Sterile adhesive tape (make sure your patient is not allergic to the adhesive of the tape, as this may cause irritation around the wound).
    • Clean towel.
  1. Make sure you have the correct medications and their dosage. Most subcutaneous medications are clear and come in similar packages, so they can be easily confused. Double-check the labeling on the product before use to make sure it is the correct drug and dosage for you.

    • Please note that some ampoules contain enough drug for only one injection, and some for several. Before you continue, make sure you have enough medication for your prescribed injection.
  2. Make sure the work area is clean and tidy. Before administering a subcutaneous injection, it is advisable to avoid contact with non-sterile objects. Arrange the materials you need in order in a clean workplace in advance - this will make the injection faster, easier and more sterile. Place the towel next to you where you can easily reach it. Place your tools on a towel.

    • Place your tools on a towel in the order you will need them. Please note: in order to quickly remove the wipe, you can tear the packaging of the alcohol wipes (do not open the inner packaging that contains the wipes).
  3. Select the puncture site. A subcutaneous injection is made into the fat layer under the skin. This layer is easier to reach in some areas of the body than others. Some medications come with instructions on exactly where they should be injected. Check with your doctor or medication manufacturer if you are not sure where to inject. The following are the places where a subcutaneous injection is usually given:

    • Soft part of the triceps, back and side of the arm, between the elbow and shoulder
    • The soft part of the leg on the front of the thigh between the knee, thigh and groin
    • The soft part of the abdomen, below the ribs in front and above the hips, but Not around the navel
    • Remember: it is very important to change the injection site; If you inject in the same places, scars may form on the skin, and the fat layer may harden, making subsequent injections more difficult and the drug may not dissolve properly.
  4. Wipe the injection site. Using a fresh alcohol wipe, wipe the injection site in a spiraling, gentle motion from the center outward; Be careful not to rub in the opposite direction, on an already cleaned surface. Let the injection site dry.

    • Before wiping the future puncture site, if necessary, free it by moving clothing or jewelry to the side. This will not only make it easier to access the injection site, but will also reduce the risk of infection if a person comes into contact with anything non-sterile after the injection before applying a bandage or adhesive plaster.
    • If you find that the skin at the intended injection site is bruised, irritated, discolored, or inflamed, you should choose a different injection site.
  5. Wash your hands with soap. Since a subcutaneous injection is given through penetration of the skin, it is necessary to wash your hands before the injection. Hand washing kills all germs on your hands, which, if accidentally introduced into a small puncture wound, can lead to infection. After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly.

    Taking a dose of medication

    1. Remove the stopper insert from the medication ampoule. Place it on a towel. If the stopper has already been opened, if the ampoule contains multiple doses, wipe the rubber stopper of the ampoule with a clean alcohol wipe.

      • If you are using an already filled disposable syringe, skip this step.
    2. Take the syringe. Hold the syringe firmly in your working hand. Hold it like a pencil. With the needle facing up (without opening the needle).

      • Even though you have not opened the syringe cap yet, hold it carefully.
    3. Open the syringe cap. Hold the needle cap between the thumb and forefinger of your other hand and remove the cap from the needle. From this point forward, make sure that the needle does not touch anything other than the patient's skin while he or she is receiving the injection. Place the needle cap on the towel.

      • Now you are holding a small but very sharp needle in your hands - handle it very carefully, never swing it or make sudden movements.
      • If you are using a prefilled syringe, skip this step.
    4. Pull the syringe plunger back. Keep the needle pointing up and away from you, and with your other hand, pull the plunger back to the desired volume, filling the syringe with air.

      Take an ampoule of medicine. Using your non-dominant hand, pick up the medication ampoule. Hold it upside down. Handle the ampoule with extreme care and do not touch the stopper of the ampoule as it must remain sterile.

      Insert the needle into the rubber stopper. At this time there should still be air in the syringe.

      Press the plunger to introduce air into the medication ampoule. Air should rise through the liquid medicine to the top of the ampoule. This is done for two reasons - firstly, it will ensure that there is no air during the filling of the syringe with the medicine, and secondly, it will create suspended pressure in the ampoule, which in turn will make it easier to withdraw the medicine.

      • This is not always necessary - it all depends on how thick the medicine is.
    5. Draw the medicine into the syringe. Making sure that the needle is immersed in the liquid medicine and not the air pocket in the ampoule, pull the plunger slowly and gently until you reach the desired dosage.

      • You may have to tap the sides of the syringe to push any air bubbles to the top. After this, gently press the plunger and squeeze the air bubbles back into the ampoule.
    6. If necessary, repeat the previous steps. Repeat the process of drawing up the medicine and releasing air bubbles until you have drawn up the required amount of medicine and have gotten rid of the air in the syringe.

      Remove the ampoule from the syringe. Place the ampoule back on the towel. Do not place the syringe down as this may cause the syringe to become contaminated and the wound to become infected. The needle may need to be replaced at this point. When taking the medicine, the needle may become dull - if you replace it, the injection will be easier to administer.

    We give a subcutaneous injection

      Prepare the syringe in your dominant hand. Hold the syringe the same way you would hold a pencil or dart. Make sure you can easily reach the plunger of the syringe.

      Gather the skin at the injection site. Using your non-dominant hand, gather approximately 2.5 to 5 cm of skin between your thumb and index finger, creating a small fold. Do everything carefully so as not to bruise or damage surrounding tissue. Skin harvesting is necessary to increase the thickness of the subcutaneous fat at the injection site, which will allow the medicine to be administered into the fat layer rather than into the muscle tissue.

      • When harvesting the skin, do not harvest the muscle underneath. You will be able to feel the difference between the soft fat layer and the hard muscle tissue underneath.
      • Subcutaneous medications are not designed for intramuscular administration and may cause bleeding in muscle tissue, especially if the medication has blood-thinning properties. However, intramuscular injection needles are usually small enough that administering the medication is unlikely to cause any difficulty.
    1. Insert the syringe into the skin. With a slight acceleration of the hand, insert the entire length of the needle under the skin. Typically, the needle is inserted into the skin at a 90-degree angle (vertically downward relative to the surface of the skin) to ensure that the medication is completely injected into the subcutaneous fat layer. Sometimes, for muscular or very thin people who have very little subcutaneous fat, the needle is inserted at a 45-degree angle (diagonal) to avoid the medication getting into the muscle tissue.

      • Act quickly and confidently, but not too harshly. Slow down and the needle may pop out of the skin, causing increased pain.
    2. Press the plunger of the syringe firmly and evenly. Press the plunger without additional force until all the medicine has been injected. Use the same constant and confident movement.

    3. For minor pain relief, you can use an ice cube.
    4. To prevent a bruise or small scar from forming at the injection site, apply pressure to the injection site with gauze or cotton wool for 30 seconds after removing the needle. If we are talking about giving an injection to a child, tell him that he can control the degree of pressure - the main thing is that he does not press too hard.
    5. Also alternate injection sites between injections on the legs, arms, or body (left and right, front and back, bottom and top), so that you do not inject in the same place more than once every two weeks. Just stick to the same order for the 14 locations and the injection sites will rotate automatically! Children love predictability. Or give them the opportunity to choose the injection sites themselves - write a list and cross out the injection sites.
    6. Apply pressure to the injection site with gauze or cotton wool, this will avoid tension on the skin when you remove the needle, and the pain from the injection will be less.
    7. Go to the manufacturer's website for exact instructions.
    8. If you are giving an injection to a child and he is afraid of pain, use Emla as an anesthetic. Apply it to the injection site half an hour before the injection.
    9. Warnings

    • Read the medicine label carefully to make sure it is the right medicine with the required concentration level.
    • Do not dispose of syringes and needles in regular trash; only dispose of them in medical waste containers.
    • If you use an ice cube to relieve pain, do not apply it for too long. This can lead to hypothermia and tissue damage, which in turn will reduce the absorption of the drug.
    • Do not give injections without first consulting your doctor.