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How is the process of menstruation. How do periods go - how a regular cycle is formed and what should be the discharge. Sex life and pregnancy

The onset of menstruation is an important event in a girl's life. By the beginning of the first critical days, the child must be mentally prepared. Many modern girls who know how to use the Internet, long before the onset of menstruation, know what this physiological process is. However, this does not relieve mothers from the need to tell their daughters about what menstruation is, when girls begin menstruation, how they flow and what to be afraid of.

Let's discuss all the important questions: what signs can you guess about the imminent onset of menstruation, how to maintain hygiene these days, and whether you need to visit a gynecologist.

A few decades ago, girls began menstruating at almost 18 years of age. Now puberty comes earlier. The occurrence of the first menstruation at the age of 11-16 is considered the norm. For some girls, critical days come earlier, and for some later.

It depends on several factors:

  • diseases that were transferred in childhood;
  • heredity;
  • nutrition;
  • living conditions;
  • physical development.

In addition, if the grandmother and mother began their periods early, then the child is likely to happen the same way. If a girl is ahead of her peers in physical development, then her period will come earlier. Conversely, if the baby grows weak and often sick, then she is likely to lag behind in puberty. Menstruation will come later with poor nutrition, a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth and development of a young organism.

There are cases when the first menstruation in girls begins at 8-9 years. Early sexual development can be caused by hormonal imbalance, heavy physical exertion. If menstruation has not begun by the age of 17, then this is an occasion to visit a gynecologist. The reason for the lag in sexual development may be insufficient functioning of the ovaries, emotional stress, nervous overload, hormonal metabolism problems, disorders arising from the pituitary gland, exhausting sports training, unfavorable environmental conditions, and dieting.

Signs before the first period

Any mother who monitors the condition and health of her daughter may notice signs that precede the onset of the first menstruation. It is from this moment that you need to start preparing the child for a new life period. About a couple of years before the onset of menstruation, the girl's figure changes (breasts increase, hips become wider). Under the armpits and on the pubic hair begins to grow. In addition, menstruation in girls is preceded by acne on the face and back.

A few months before the first critical days girls notice traces of atypical discharge on their underwear. They can be transparent, yellowish or whitish without an unpleasant odor. All this is normal and does not indicate any disease. If symptoms such as itching in an intimate place, a strange smell inherent in the discharge are observed, then it is worth visiting a specialist.

A few days before the onset of menstruation a girl may show signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which occur in adult women:

  • frequent mood swings, tearfulness;
  • apathetic or aggressive state;
  • headaches that occur for no reason;
  • pain sensations of a pulling nature, localized in the lower abdomen.

How is the first menstruation, and how to prepare the child?

The first signs of menstruation in girls - bloody issues . They can be moderate or very scarce. During the first menstruation, about 50-150 ml of blood leaves the body (depending on the individual characteristics of the girl, hereditary factors). On the very first day, a small amount of menstrual blood is lost. The most abundant discharge is observed on the second day. Then their volume is gradually reduced. The duration of menstruation can vary from 3 to 7 days.

The first time a girl's period may be accompanied by weakness, discomfort in the lower abdomen . With the next menstruation, they can also be observed. These symptoms occur in most adult women, so do not worry about this.

Menstruation has a characteristic odor. It is explained by the fact that during menstruation the mucous glands of the vulva are actively functioning, producing secrets.

The first spotting, slight pains of a pulling nature can scare the child. The task of the mother is to explain to her girl that menstruation is a normal physiological process that occurs in the body of every girl and adult woman. The conversation should be friendly, not instructive.

The mother should tell her daughter:

  1. About the menstrual cycle. Critical days arise every month. Be sure to tell how long menstruation lasts for girls. It should also be noted that the average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but during the first two years it may fluctuate.
  2. About the need to follow the rules of hygiene. Blood is a very favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. They can lead to the development of serious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. About the risks of sexual relations. With the onset of menstruation, every girl enters childbearing age, and intimate relationships with the opposite sex can lead to pregnancy, which is highly undesirable at that age. Childbirth can harm both the young mother and her baby. That is why the girl should be aware of what promiscuity, unprotected sex can lead to.

Features of the menstrual cycle

In adolescent girls, the menstrual cycle (the period from the first day of the previous period to the first day of the next period) is 21–35 days. However during the first two years, not everyone becomes regular. For some, it fluctuates constantly. For example, one menstrual cycle may be 25 days and the next 32 days. This is normal. It does not indicate that the girl has some kind of pathology. If there is any suspicion, then you can visit a doctor. The specialist will tell you exactly whether this is the norm or an ailment.

It is worth noting that intervals between periods can range from one and a half months to six months. Don't worry if your period doesn't come at the right time. At a young age, the menstrual function is not yet fully formed. That is why some girls have long breaks. If menstruation does not occur after a few months, then you need to seek help from a doctor. A long pause between the first and second menstruation in girls may indicate a serious malfunction in the work of the young organism.

With the onset of the first menstruation, the daughter should be taught to keep a calendar in which she could mark when the periods began and ended. This information may not be useful in the first 1-2 years from the start of critical days, because at this time the menstrual cycle has not yet been fully established. But then the calendar will come in handy when consulting a specialist if the cycle remains irregular. Too short or long periods, a small or large interval between periods can be a sign of a disease.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

Hygiene is an important issue that mothers should highlight when telling their daughters about menstruation. During critical days, all girls and adult women use pads and tampons. For girls, pads are most preferred. Tampons interfere with the natural outflow of blood. The pads are much easier to use. It is best for girls to buy these intimate hygiene products with a cotton layer. Gaskets with a mesh coating (“plastic” layer) are less hygienic and provoke sweating, irritation of delicate skin.

Pads during menstruation should be changed every 2-3 hours. The longer the pad is attached to the underwear, the less useful it will be (the number of bacteria will grow exponentially). If you do not replace the pad for 6 hours or more, then the body will be seriously harmed. Infectious-toxic shock may develop - a condition that occurs as a result of the action of microorganisms and their toxins (body temperature rises, blood pressure decreases, confusion is observed, coma is possible).

What you need to know about the use of pads during menstruation in girls:

  • be sure to wash your hands before replacing the gasket (pathogenic microorganisms can get from dirty hands to a clean gasket);
  • do not use expired pads (the less time has passed since the manufacture of the intimate hygiene product, the higher its degree of protection);
  • do not use pads with aromatic fragrances (chemical components often provoke allergies, skin irritation);
  • do not save on the purchase of pads (often intimate hygiene products sold at a low price are made from low-quality raw materials, which poses a danger to the girl's health);
  • it is not recommended to store pads in the bathroom (a large amount of moisture is an ideal environment for the active reproduction of microbes that can penetrate the intimate hygiene product).

Special attention should be paid to underwear. Girls must wear normal panties made from natural fabrics. Thongs are beautiful and sexy lingerie that many teenage girls dream of, but wearing it is completely unhygienic. A narrow strip of thong can be called a kind of bridge for the movement of microorganisms between the anus and the vagina. The intestinal microflora should not enter the genitourinary system, as it can provoke the development of inflammatory diseases.

The onset of menstruation in girls is not a reason to take a bath often. The most suitable option is daily shower . You also need to be sure to wash during the day at least 2-3 times. Soap is not recommended. Gynecologists recommend using special products for intimate hygiene (gels, mousses, etc.), which contain lactic acid. This component does not adversely affect the microflora, unlike conventional soap.

Preferably during the first and subsequent periods avoid physical activity . Sports activities will have to be postponed. It is allowed to perform light physical exercises, engage in recreational gymnastics. In addition, girls need psychological peace.

Another important point to pay attention to during menstruation is dieting . The word “diet” does not mean reducing the amount of food consumed, but revising the diet and removing spicy foods from it. Because of such food, there is a rush of blood to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. This can lead to increased uterine bleeding. Alcoholic drinks are also contraindicated.

The essence of menstruation- consists in preparing the girl's body for subsequent changes and the most important - birth. The great mystery of conception, pregnancy and the birth of a baby is directly related to menstruation - the maturation of the egg, which is ready for fertilization, and its removal from the body if fertilization does not happen.

Those. basic the essence of menstruation is the preparation of the woman's body for fertilization and childbearing.

Actually, menstruation is called bleeding, which is caused by the rejection of the mucous membrane after the non-fertilization of the egg by the sperm - i.e. when pregnancy did not occur.

This is the question that interests almost all young girls, since at a young age the cycle and discharge are not yet stable. The menstrual cycle is conditionally divided into 3 phases:

  1. The phase during which menstruation occurs.
  2. follicular phase.
  3. The premenstrual or luteal phase.

But at the same time, there are no strict criteria by which you can understand that your critical days are going well and everything is normal. After all, each organism is unique and all processes proceed in their own way. However, there are general approximate indicators that you can focus on. The volume of secretions on critical days in the range of 10 - 80 ml is considered the norm. At a young age, the amount of discharge may change and this is quite normal, but at an older age, when everything has already been adjusted, you should pay attention to the change in discharge. Thus, if the menstruation is much poorer or more abundant than you are used to, then you need to consult a doctor.

Also, the general indicators of the norm, what should be monthly, serve such indicators: menstruation should not be very painful, not very scarce, not very plentiful and not very long. In most cases, critical days are accompanied by the following symptoms (PMS):

  • increased irritability - a consequence of a hormonal surge;
  • pulling pains in the lumbar region, which are aggravated in the supine position;
  • spasms in the pelvic area;
  • short-term constipation is likely;
  • acne, pimples appear on the face;
  • the mammary glands enlarge and become too sensitive;
  • general weakness, which is characterized by malaise;
  • sometimes there may be cramps in the legs;
  • headache;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.

After several years, every woman is already beginning to understand her body and knows all the possible precursors of her menstruation, understands what should be monthly she has. And if one day it is noticed that menstruation goes according to a different scenario, this is a reason to go to the doctor. The end of the period should be a period when the woman experiences some lightness in the body and, if everything went well, she should not have any discomfort.

If instead of a surge of strength and vigor, after menstruation you feel “broken”, and there are still pains in the abdomen, back or chest, and the feeling of heaviness has not gone away, you need to visit a therapist and a gynecologist.

It is important to understand that the discharge on critical days should not be bright red and there should not be a high temperature. If the pain does not stop or increases, and the discharge has become bright red, you should immediately call an ambulance and tell about the situation.

Could there be a delay in menstruation?

Can there be a delay in menstruation- this question is usually of interest to girls just at the time when either menstruation is not yet stable, or when the delay has already happened. Natural, physiological reasons for the delay in menstruation are explained in the pubertal period during the formation of the menstrual cycle, when menstruation can be irregular for a year and a half. In women of reproductive age there may be a delay in menstruation when, respectively, pregnancy occurred and during lactation. In the period preceding the onset of menopause, the menstrual function gradually fades away, the rhythm changes, the duration of bleeding, and delays in menstruation are replaced by their complete cessation.

In all other cases, when the delay in menstruation is more than 5-7 days, an early consultation with a doctor is necessary, since this cannot be explained by natural phenomena. The menstrual cycle of a woman is a delicate mechanism that maintains the reproductive function and reflects all sorts of changes in the general state of health. Therefore, for a better understanding of the causes and mechanisms of delayed menstruation, it is necessary to clearly understand what is the norm and deviation in the characteristics of the menstrual cycle.

To better understand the rather complex mechanism of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to trace its action from the very beginning. At some point (every girl has her own time), a small gland the pituitary gland, located deep in the mass of the brain, sends its first hormonal signal. Blood carries pituitary hormones throughout the body, but the most sensitive to their action are the ovaries, which in turn also begin to produce special hormones.

See also:

Since birth, each girl has about 100-150 thousand immature eggs in each of the ovaries. When the ovary receives a hormonal signal, one of the eggs begins to mature. The egg is located inside a special sac (follicle), which, developing, increases in size and, as it were, protrudes to the surface of the ovary. Approximately from the 8th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs: the follicle bursts, and the mature egg safely enters the fallopian tube.

The time of ovulation (i.e., the full maturation of the follicle and the release of a mature egg) is individual for each woman. It can only be calculated approximately, since various factors influence this process. These include diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, liver, kidneys, etc. Stress and emotional experiences can also cause accelerated or slow development of the egg.

The egg is the largest cell in the human body, although it is difficult to see with the naked eye. Its diameter is 0.2 mm. After ovulation, the mature egg, due to the movement of the fringes that cover the inner walls of the fallopian tube, moves to the uterine cavity.

While the follicle with the egg is maturing, under the influence of the hormones already mentioned, the preparation of the uterine mucosa is being read in parallel. Its thickness increases from 1 to 10 mm, a large number of new blood and lymphatic vessels form in it, it becomes juicy, soft and represents nothing more than a potential bed for a conceived being.

If, as a result of sexual contact, a mature egg in the fallopian tube meets a male germ cell (sperm), the egg and sperm are combined, and fertilization (conception) occurs. The days after ovulation are the most favorable for conception. If fertilization does not occur, then the bed prepared in the uterine cavity turns out to be redundant, the juicy, thickened mucous membrane is rejected and menstrual bleeding occurs. This cycle is repeated in a woman who has reached puberty every month. This is where the second name for this process came from among the people - menstruation.

The beginning of menstruation in a girl testifies to her puberty and the ability to reproduce a new life. This should not be forgotten, because. these days, the onset of menstruation sometimes coincides with the onset of sexual activity. Ignorance of the elementary processes occurring in a woman's body leads to unpleasant consequences. I have repeatedly seen the surprised faces of young girls who did not even realize that they could become pregnant due to unprotected sex.

Menstruation (menstruation) is one of the most important processes in the female body. Taking critical days for granted, many do not pay due attention to the symptoms that provoke serious diseases in the female body.

It is important for any girl or woman to know when these processes occur within the normal range, and when they go beyond it, in order to have time to prevent diseases in time.

girl puberty

Puberty in girls occurs at the age of 11-15 years, and more often has hereditary factors. The age of the onset of menstruation in a girl corresponds to the age at which they began with her mother, aunt or grandmother.

Given the accelerated development of the body, menstruation may begin a little earlier, which is not a deviation. A sign of serious violations in physical development is the absence of menstruation at the age of 17-18. In this case, an appeal to an endocrinologist, gynecologist and infectious disease specialist is mandatory.

The absence of critical days is associated with serious diseases that occur in the body, with stress, underweight or overwork.

The menstrual cycle and its duration

The menstrual cycle is the time that elapses from the beginning of the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. More than 70% of women are concerned about irregular menstrual cycles. It takes them several months, sometimes even a year, for it to normalize.

A 28-day cycle, called a lunar cycle, is ideal. Given the physiological characteristics of the female body, we can name certain norms, a deviation from which is considered a violation. A normal cycle is a cycle with a frequency of 21-35 days. In all other cases, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, due to possible malfunctions of the ovaries.

Girls and women are encouraged to maintain a special calendar, with which you can control your periods. The calendar makes it possible to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as its regularity. It will allow you to calculate favorable days for conception.

How are periods going? duration of menstruation

There is no exact figure that indicates the duration of bleeding. But there are certain norms for all women: menstruation, passing from 3 to 7 days. The first few days you can observe abundant discharge, and the rest of the days they become scarce.

If during the period of menstruation there is heavy bleeding, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for an examination.

Contraceptives affect the abundance of blood secretions. The intrauterine device provokes painful periods with increased bleeding. Oral medications, such as hormonal birth control pills, make periods shorter and heavier. It should be taken into account that the above funds do not affect the duration of critical days. Menstruation should not last more than a week.

Quality and quantity of menstrual flow

There is little blood loss during menstruation. Every day a woman gets rid of 20 to 50 grams of blood, and in total (for the entire period of menstruation), the mark can reach 250 grams.

As a rule, menstrual blood does not clot, has a pronounced scarlet color and a specific smell. Sometimes periods can contain clots in the form of unprocessed blood that accumulates in the vagina. Clots appear during heavy critical days.

Spotting - bloody spotting observed at the beginning and end of menstruation is considered normal. Too long blood smearing indicates the presence of gynecological diseases.

Pain during menstruation

An important issue that worries women is pain during menstruation. The natural process, accompanied by hormonal changes, has a special effect on the entire female body. During menstruation, there is irritation and a feeling of tension, chest pain and swelling are felt.

There are many signs of premenstrual syndrome:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • rapid breathing and pulse;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • heaviness in the lower back, lower abdomen or legs.

From the point of view of physiology, it is not worth focusing on such problems, but if the symptoms negatively affect the ability to work, you should consult a doctor. Any processes that occur in the body that affect the general condition and well-being should not be overlooked. Especially when it comes to women's issues.

Fever, severe pain, profuse bleeding, the need to take medications are symptoms that require careful diagnosis, and, if necessary, subsequent treatment by a specialist.

In our article, you can read about why the uterus hurts during menstruation, how menstruation goes during lactation and while taking contraceptives, and also why you can’t sing during menstruation and actively play sports.

uterus during menstruation

Menstruation is the process of detachment of the endometrium and its subsequent removal together with blood from the uterus. As a rule, this process in women of childbearing age occurs monthly.

The first day of the monthly cycle is the first day of menstrual bleeding. The menstrual cycle is the time interval from the first day of the onset of menstruation to the beginning of the next. The normal menstrual cycle is 21-38 days. If you have any abnormalities, you must immediately inform your doctor.

An unstable menstrual cycle is usually found in young girls after the onset of the first menstruation, called menarche. But from year to year it becomes more stable and eventually completely normalizes. The uterus during menstruation gets rid of the endometrium, which prepared after ovulation for the attachment of a fertilized egg. But when this does not happen, the endometrium begins to flake off. With a regular cycle, ovulation during menstruation is almost impossible. But if a woman's cycle is irregular, for example, if menstruation appears several times a month or is absent for a long time, then ovulation during menstruation can still occur. With a cycle duration of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day after the start of menstruation.

The cervix is ​​slightly open during menstruation. This fact, and the presence of blood secretions, create favorable conditions for the reproduction of dangerous pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to diligently observe individual hygiene, since the uterus during menstruation is especially vulnerable. You should wash at least twice a day and remember to systematically change tampons and sanitary pads. It is advisable to stop sexual relations during menstruation for the same reason.

Pain during menstruation

Pain during menstruation occurs in many women. This is due to the fact that the uterus contracts rhythmically during menstruation. Small pains are not a deviation from the norm and disappear at the end of menstruation.

Too heavy, long and painful periods can be caused by an excess of the hormone estrogen in the blood. With hormonal surges, women can simultaneously suffer from both algomenorrhea and PMS.

The occurrence of pain is often associated with an increase in the level of prostaglandins in the blood. These are special chemicals that play an important role in causing many of the symptoms associated with period discomfort. They are produced by the tissue of the uterus and provoke its contraction. The higher the content of prostaglandins in the body, the more intense the contraction of the muscle tissue of the uterus and, consequently, the pain increases. An excess of prostaglandins can also cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, chills, sweating, and tachycardia.

In addition, factors that cause pain during menstruation may include:

  • intrauterine device;
  • bending of the uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • cysts, fibromatous nodes;
  • venereal diseases;
  • calcium deficiency in the blood;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • stress.

Therefore, women who have a stomach ache during menstruation should be examined by a specialist, since gynecological diseases often cause infertility.

Girls should also watch for heavy menstrual bleeding. Blood loss should not exceed 80 ml. If you have to change your pads every 2-3 hours, then the bleeding is heavy. It can be caused by poor blood clotting, endometriosis, various neoplasms in the uterus, etc. If you have severe bleeding, accompanied by pain and high fever, then an examination by a gynecologist during menstruation is simply necessary for you.

Menstruation during lactation

Menstruation during lactation is a fairly common occurrence. In the first two months after the birth of a child, women may continue postpartum discharge, which is completely unrelated to menstruation. They are purifying.

If a woman breastfeeds her baby, then her periods appear 6-12 months after birth. If the baby is bottle-fed, a woman's menstruation appears much earlier, about 6-8 weeks after the baby is born. But in rare cases, menstruation in a nursing woman occurs only 1.5-2 months after childbirth, and this depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Periods while taking birth control pills

Contraceptives, if taken correctly, prevent pregnancy in almost 100% of cases. Starting to drink contraceptives during menstruation should be on the first day of the menstrual cycle, only then the drugs work. Tablets are taken once a day for 21 days, after which a break is made for 7 days, and then the tablets from the new package continue.

In addition, the use of these drugs regulates the monthly cycle, relieves many women from heavy menstrual bleeding and pain during menstruation. Modern contraceptives help to avoid the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual periods, reduce the risk of developing cancer, prevent acne and stop unwanted facial hair growth.

But it should be noted that contraceptives have some side effects. For example, when taking these drugs, bleeding may occur, which is both breakthrough and spotting. Spotting appears in the first few months of taking birth control pills. Most often, they are observed when taking drugs with a low content of hormones and occur because the meager doses of hormones contained in the pill do not have time to accumulate in the body in an amount to delay menstruation. This phenomenon is not a deviation from the norm, therefore, if spotting occurs, you should not stop taking contraceptives. In addition, menstruation while taking contraceptives can occur a little earlier or later than the due date, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. You should not worry about this, the cycle normalizes when the body fully adapts.

If your period has not returned to normal within 6 months of stopping birth control, contact your doctor.

Thrush during menstruation

Many women get thrush during their period. The cause of candidiasis (thrush) during menstruation is the formation of favorable conditions for the spread of this fungus. Menstruation is just one of the provoking factors for exacerbation of candidiasis. This disease can also appear during pregnancy, during the period of ovulation, while taking contraceptives and antibiotics. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of this disease:

  • redness of the genitals;
  • curdled discharge.

If thrush appears during menstruation, a woman may experience pain during menstruation, and the discharge will have an unpleasant odor. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe treatment. To avoid the occurrence of thrush during menstruation, personal hygiene should be monitored very carefully.

Should I use candles during my period?

Often in the instructions for the use of vaginal suppositories it is indicated that they should not be used during menstruation. The fact is that all the healing substances that are contained in candles, with menstrual bleeding, come out along with the discharge. And this happens because many vaginal suppositories in their composition have a base that is washed off by menstrual blood, especially during heavy menstruation.

Gynecologists advise not to use suppositories during menstruation, even if the instructions allow it, since it is unlikely to be effective. It is best to start treatment after the end of menstruation.

Can I donate blood during my period?

Many women, taking tests during menstruation, do not assume that their results may be distorted. For example, deciding to donate blood during menstruation, you should be prepared for the fact that the hemoglobin level these days may be somewhat lowered due to heavy blood loss. In addition, it also makes no sense to take an analysis aimed at examining blood clotting. Since to prevent bleeding during menstruation, blood clotting increases.

And although menstruation does not have a special effect on other blood characteristics, it is still better to take tests only five days after the end of menstruation. Of course, if the results are urgently needed, then menstruation cannot be a contraindication.

Sports during menstruation can be very beneficial. Moderate sports loads can save you from general weakness and abdominal pain. During training, blood circulation in the pelvis improves, tension in the lower back disappears and endorphins are produced - “happiness hormones” that help to cope with stress and bad mood.

Postpone fitness classes during menstruation should be if your doctor has forbidden them. Also, you should not play sports if during menstruation there are severe pains, heavy bleeding, dizziness. And remember that the load should not be too intense.

Why you shouldn't sing during your period

During menstruation in the body of a woman, slight swelling of some organs can be traced, including the vocal cords and larynx. The capillary network on the vocal cords becomes more pronounced, due to a stronger than usual blood flow. The consequence of the influx of blood will inevitably become swelling of the vocal cords and, as a result, their poor mobility. This, when singing, can cause damage to the ligaments (tiny tears, knots, or even hemorrhages in the vocal muscle).

For this reason, singing should be stopped until the menstruation is over.

What to do with pain during menstruation?

If you experience severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if they are accompanied by fever, heavy bleeding and dizziness. To diagnose the causes of a cycle disorder, you may be prescribed: MRI, ultrasound, blood tests, smears, urine, etc. After establishing the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. With an imbalance of hormones, hormonal therapy is performed, with bleeding, curettage is often prescribed, with various infections and inflammations - antibiotics, if the pain is associated with stress - sedatives, etc.

If your doctor has not identified any pathologies and the pain is of natural causes, he may prescribe pain medications such as Celecoxib or Meloxicam. The intake of Thiamine, Magne B6, Omega-3, calcium preparations, vitamin A will help restore the cycle.

Pain can decrease if you eat right, avoid all kinds of stressful situations, exercise regularly, give up bad habits.

For any irregularities in the cycle of menstruation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Untimely identification of the causes of failures in the cycle can lead to serious consequences, for example, to infertility.

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