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How to become a rich person from scratch. How to get rich from scratch in Russia: real ways, recommendations and reviews

HOW TO BECOME RICH FROM SCRATCH? There is probably not a single person on earth who would not want to become a rich and successful person, and very quickly. This is why the TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” has become so popular today; all kinds of lotteries and free winnings have become in great demand. In addition, today many manuals and special literature have been created that describe in detail how to become a billionaire in a short time and without extra effort. But it’s important not only to manage to read all this and master the basic laws of wealth, but also to be able to highlight the most important and, most importantly, apply THIS IMPORTANT in life.

What does it mean to be a rich person?

Before you start becoming rich, you need to understand and understand what it means to be rich.

Since we are all different, with our own individual psychological characteristics and needs, the understanding of “being a rich person” is also different for each person. For some it is:

  • have a huge bank account and a large country cottage;
  • your own apartment, car and the opportunity to travel;
  • a profitable business that generates enormous income;
  • or just a big, loving family, etc..

The list could go on for a long time; it’s all purely individual. One thing remains unchanged: A rich person is considered to be a person who is simply happy and content with what he has. .

For example, American millionaire Robert Kiyosaki believes:

– this is the amount of time that a person can not work without changing his usual lifestyle;

A Rich man - a person who may not work for money, receiving income from his existing assets.

That is, he measures WEALTH by the time during which a person can not work without changing the quality of his life. And a RICH PERSON, in his understanding, is the owner of assets that bring him enough money for him.

Before starting your path to wealth, each person must answer the following questions for himself:

  1. Why do some people manage to earn big money and others don’t?
  2. Why does someone manage to earn big money and actively relax at the same time? And someone, working day and night, barely lives to see their salary?
  3. Why is it that some people can afford expensive purchases with a minimum of effort, while others can barely make it to their payday? And, for the most part, they don’t survive at all?
  4. Why is it that some people simply, as it seems to some, make money out of thin air, while others do not live, but survive?
  5. Why does it seem that some people are constantly pursued by luck, while others cannot get out of the “debt hole”?

Many people truly consider this to be a matter of luck, and someone who has already achieved success and wealth in life will say that this is entirely an approach to life and a way of thinking. This does not mean that if you start thinking like a rich person and look at life from the other side, then wealth will immediately fall on your head. It will simply help you start your own journey to wealth in the right direction and with the right mental attitude.

How to become rich from scratch. Step-by-step guide to action

Step 1. Make a firm decision to become a rich person

Based on all of the above, you need to clearly define for yourself what exactly you want, and how much of it you need in order to feel happy, rich and successful.

To become rich, you must first decide to become rich. The decision must be firm and the intention unshakable. So that not a single relative, friend or just neighbor can change your firm decision and unshakable intention.

“Your own decision to succeed is more important than hundreds of others” - Abraham Lincoln

When making a decision, you must initially understand that you are choosing a completely different lifestyle with completely different habits and ways of thinking.

And remember:Poor is not the one who has little, but the one for whom there is always little.

Step 2. Set specific goals

I want to become a rich person - this is not a goal, but a dream that needs to be formulated correctly. It is necessary to clearly and specifically understand for yourself what lies behind the word wealth. A big house, an expensive car, a huge bank account, or just a big family and a high-paying job.

Specific goals are a clear plan of action, following which in small steps you will certainly become a rich, successful and happy person.

Step 3. Developing the Habits and Mindsets of Rich People

and thinking rich people - this is precisely the main basis that And also, the answer to the question: How to become rich from scratch? This is what distinguishes them from poor and not very successful people.

To become a rich and successful person, you JUST NEED to develop the habits and thinking of rich people. You shouldn’t count on quick results, much less despair if something doesn’t work out. This is exactly what is developed over time and developed with experience. You need to start small, adding more and more useful habits and gradually changing the way you think. So, the emphasis must be on patience, patience and more patience.....

Step 4. Develop confidence in yourself and your own abilities.

The belief that you are not worthy of wealth and constant doubts about your own abilities will always prevent you from becoming a rich person. Low self-esteem has never made anyone rich. What is in your head directly affects your actions and directly affects the result.

Stop whining and complaining - it hasn't helped anyone yet. Remember, the road can only be mastered by those who walk. Reconsider your thoughts and view of the world. Learn to think not like a loser, a weak-willed and spineless person, but like a person who is confident in himself and his own strengths, capable of much. As Dale Carnegie said: when a person starts a war with himself, he is already worth something.

Step 5. We begin to change our lifestyle.

A person’s lifestyle determines his essence, actions and deeds. Therefore, this is what distinguishes a rich person from a poor one.

The first thing you will need to change is your environment. Man is a herd creature, loving to imitate and with a great need to be like everyone else. Therefore, a person’s environment influences his actions, actions, habits, thinking and, accordingly, his lifestyle. And that’s why the first thing you will need to change is your environment.

Start communicating with more successful people. This way you will quickly develop the right habits and thinking, and begin to act and act differently. You will begin to live like a successful and confident person.

Step 6: Educate yourself financially

Unfortunately, they don’t teach how to become a rich person either at school or at college. Therefore, you will need to try to learn financial literacy on your own and

Start reading more financial literature, attending trainings and seminars on finance and business, look for the information you need on the Internet, sign up for webinars. All this will greatly help you become a financially literate person and help you take the right steps, and a correctly and competently drawn up financial plan, like a compass, will show you in which direction you need to act.

Step 7: Take Action

Surely everyone has heard that water does not flow under a lying stone. Any, even minor, goals and plans must be accompanied by specific actions. Without action there will be no result.

Don't sit and wait for lady luck to fall on your head - it won't happen. Do not be afraid of anything and remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Step 8. Be patient

Regardless of which way to get rich you choose, it takes time to implement your plans, and not a little. So, be patient and just continue to move forward with your plan, act, make mistakes and draw the right conclusions, on the basis of which you can make the necessary adjustments to your financial plan.

Basic rules and important tips for millionaires on how to become rich from scratch

1. Pay yourself first

Whatever your monthly income, you should always set aside a set percentage of your total income and not touch it until you decide to do so. No matter how hard it is for you, this rule is inviolable and cannot be appealed.

2. Financial literacy

All our adult lives we are forced to study well in order to find a good, well-paid job in the future. First, we are taught the basics of literacy at school, then we receive vocational education, after which we look for a stable and reliable job, where we work for money until retirement. But no one teaches us how to become rich and financially independent. You must clearly distinguish between assets and liabilities, good debt and bad. For this you need to become financially educated. Financially literate people do not work for money, but make money work for themselves.

As John Davison Rockefeller said:

He who works all day has no time to earn money.

"Knowledge is power." Bacon

3. Positive cash flow

“You don’t have to be afraid of big expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes

John Davison Rockefeller

You need to start your path to wealth by creating a positive cash flow. Namely, from the creation and competent management of your income and expenses, liabilities and assets. For which, as mentioned above, you need to become a financially literate person.

4. Learn from mistakes

Since childhood, we are taught that making mistakes is bad, that everything must be done correctly. They punish us for the slightest mistakes and defeats. Is it really that scary to make a mistake and do something wrong? Let's remember a small child who begins his life's journey with continuous mistakes: he will climb into the wrong place, then put his hand in the wrong place, whine, whine, draw conclusions for himself and will not do this again. And so on until he grows up and it is drilled into him that making mistakes is bad. But all of us, from birth to death, learn something thanks to these very mistakes. It’s not for nothing that they say: “You learn from mistakes.” It is the ability to learn lessons and draw conclusions from our mistakes that gives us truly invaluable experience and knowledge. The important thing is not that you are wrong, but what benefit you derive for yourself. The more mistakes a person makes, the smarter, more experienced he is, and therefore, the richer he is.

“Mistakes are a science that helps us move forward.”

W. Channing

“The worst mistake you can make in life is to be afraid of making a mistake all the time.” Elbert Hubbard

5. Debts

“It is unforgivable frivolity to make debts if you intend to pay them.”

Egon Fidel

“People go broke not because they incur debts, but because they pay off debts.”

Moses Safir

There are two types of debt: good and bad. A good debt is when someone pays your obligations, a bad debt is when you pay off debts with your sweat and blood. It is necessary to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, bad debt and increase good debt.

6. Organization of income

There are three types of income:

  • professional (earned);
  • investment (stocks, bonds, etc.);
  • passive (for example, income from real estate).

All this income is very important. Organizing these incomes correctly will help create positive cash flow for you. Which, in turn, will help you become a rich person. And for this you need to improve your

As John Davison Rockefeller liked to say: Create a source of passive income and live for your own pleasure!

7. Change something

People who are afraid of making mistakes find it easier to do nothing or do the same thing as before. To increase your chances of becoming rich, you need to change something. Or rather, simply move from the category of an ordinary worker to the category of a businessman or investor.

“If you don’t have enough money, you need to do business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently, right now!” John Davison Rockefeller

8. Self-discipline

Today it is no secret to anyone that only strictly disciplined people. All success begins with self-discipline. It all starts with you. After all, in order to achieve success, you must strictly follow the plan and overcome many difficulties. Never say: “I can’t”, say: “I can, but not now”

Controlling your unnecessary and useless expenses will increase your chances of getting rich. Which also requires enormous will and self-discipline.

Remember, even with a great desire to become rich, without certain knowledge and skills, without changing your thinking and lifestyle, getting rid of fears, without self-discipline and the necessary decisive action, you will have to say goodbye to your dream of becoming rich and financially independent.

“The greatest victory is victory over yourself.” Cicero

9. Change your mindset

The thinking of a poor person is radically different from. Reconsider your outlook on life. Learn to think not like a poor person, but like a rich person. Communicate more with successful and prosperous people. Learn from them. Find a mentor and learn from their experience. And then success, luck and wealth will not keep you waiting long.

10. Patience

We all know the proverb “Patience and work will grind everything down” from childhood. In terms of money, you couldn't say better. Only colossal patience and a lot of work will help you achieve well-being and prosperity.

“Everything comes on time to those who know how to wait.”

Francois Rabelais

11. Start investing

Money should not lie under the mattress, it should work. Only through investing is it possible, which will make you a financially independent person over time. Big money is earned not at work, but in your free time.

In conclusion, we can say that becoming a rich person from scratch is quite possible. To achieve financial well-being, a person just needs to have more patience, acquire the necessary skills and spend a certain amount of time.

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Conversations on the topic “how to become rich” is a hot topic of discussion for many of us. This is truly a vast and sensitive question, on which you could write a whole book and still not tell everything. In this article we will highlight the main points and answer the following questions:

  • How successful people came to their wealth
  • Where to start on your journey to millions
  • Why can't you become rich?

For those who are just beginning to face such issues, some points will cause disagreement. All of the tips listed below work together. I advise you to start by at least thinking about the material you read.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are not rich enough yet, which means you need to change something in your life. And first of all, you need to change yourself, your way of life and thinking. Read this article more than once to ingrain all the thoughts presented in your head.

Many books have been written about wealth. There is no point in reading them all, since almost all of them have the same ideas, which are simply told in different words. I have read a lot in my life and I can say with confidence that most of these tips really work.

Unfortunately, not all of us are destined to be rich. Many people just say: “I want to be rich,” but in his heart he is afraid to start changing and he misses opportunity after opportunity in every possible way, because he is comfortable complaining about life and about those around him. But on the other hand, it’s good that there are such people, because in this case you will have less competition on your way.

At the end of this article the best books on this topic will be listed. In the meantime, I want to give you working advice for achieving wealth.

The main question that you should get an answer to in this chapter is: “how can a poor person become rich.” The path to wealth lies in changing your worldview and routine. Let's look at the most basic concepts for achieving wealth.

To become a wealthy person, you need to change yourself, change your habits to the habits of the rich. The results will not be visible immediately, so it is necessary to follow them constantly, otherwise the habits of the poor will again drag them down.

Check out the list of habits of rich people. Surely you have never done more than half of it.

What the rich do that the poor don't:

  • Engage in reading and self-development (read one book a week)
  • Have a proper daily routine (go to bed and get up at the same time)
  • Exercise and eat right
  • Do not drink alcohol (or in minimal doses)
  • Learn new things (always on top of the current situation and trends)
  • They don’t watch TV, don’t sit on social networks, and especially don’t play computer games.

Do you think this list is "bullshit"? This means you are simply subconsciously looking for reasons to justify your “poverty”. Anyone has a chance to change themselves. Every person who has achieved outstanding results has given up many things that the poor always chase and dream of.

Wealth does not mean drinking beer with pizza and watching TV.

If you give a poor person a million dollars, then most likely he will “squander” it quite quickly on useless purchases. The issue here is poor financial literacy.

You don't have to look far for examples. How many cases have there been when an ordinary US resident won a jackpot in the lottery (this is an amount of tens of millions of dollars). It would seem, what could be better? Now his life was to become a fairy tale. Many poor people dream of this. However, after this gift, on the contrary, problems began in the life of the lottery winner, which led to the complete collapse of the individual. At the same time, the problems are not related to the fact that the amount of money is not enough for happiness. After all, no matter how much money they give him, he will still lose it and at the same time remain unhappy.

A financially literate person, even with a much smaller amount (for example, $1 million), will be able to live comfortably for the rest of his life only because he can intelligently invest it in assets that will generate income for him. And he will live on the interest from this money. Yes, let it be, for example, $2 thousand a month, but it will be stable until the end of your days.

This is one of the most important rules of wealth:

Money makes more money, so the rich get richer

For the poor, money flows away only to passive purchases. “Passive” means that they buy exclusively what needs to be maintained in the future and only spend money (yachts, expensive palaces, cars).

Anyone can become rich and live only on the interest from investments. Successful and famous billionaires such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki have proven this by their personal example.

If you continually invest a portion of your income in assets, over time that money will turn into millions. Any of us can have $1 million in our account in 10 years if we start saving at least 10% of our income right now. With this money you need to buy financial assets such as stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency.

With this simple approach, the fortune will grow exponentially. And all thanks to compound interest (we make a profit on investments, then we get even more profit on this money simply by reinvesting it).

Important rule

Wealth comes with time (10-20 years). At the same time, your condition will grow faster every day.

Let's highlight the main concepts: where to start your path to financial wealth:

  1. Save
  2. Put it off
  3. Invest (read: what to invest money in, investing in securities)
  4. Look for new sources of income

You must be the best at whatever you do. Moreover, you can start being the best right now at your current job.

You have to work harder than others and do your job perfectly. Stay longer at work to have time to complete all tasks to completion and with high quality. Such an impulse will not go unnoticed. Soon you will be promoted and paid more.

Many will argue that “this approach doesn’t work for their job.” However, few people are able to communicate their ambitions to their immediate superior. If he doesn’t offer anything in return for your hard work, then this is a reason to look for another job where your desire will be noticed and properly rewarded. Not all employers stick to their key employees. Therefore, you should not worry too much about such businessmen. They will never be able to develop due to the wrong attitude towards their employees.

However, in a regular job it is unlikely that you will be able to earn as much money as you would like. And there is a lot of important reason for this: you initially work for another person (the owner of the company). Therefore, always strive for leadership positions, or open your own business (for example, as a franchise).

Don't sell your time cheap!

Time is the only resource that we manage solely at our own discretion. The amount of time given to us from above is the same for both rich and poor. Use it wisely, with maximum benefit.

Don’t forget to regularly set aside part of your earnings for trading on the stock exchange and other investments. This is the path to financial independence.

There is a famous phrase from Rockefeller

Whoever works constantly has no time to earn money

Therefore, in addition to work, look for other ways to increase your capital. I recommend looking for your chance in trading stocks, currencies and bonds.

Each of us periodically faces problems both in life and at work. But are they really that scary? Or can you still strain and solve them?

Most problems can be solved (you’ll agree), but because of our laziness of the brain, we try in every possible way to simplify everything so as not to stress ourselves out again. In the process of evolution, nature made sure that a person does not strain his brain too much, since he “eats” a lot of energy. Most of us are not "Einsteins". That is why we are so lazy by nature and always look and will always look for only easy ways.

Personal development occurs only when you leave your comfort zone, so an important rule for successful people:

Don't run away from problems. Solve them!

Risks can arise in many areas of each of our lives. For example:

  • Investments (we invest our money to get more in the end, but no one guarantees success)
  • Change of type of activity. Many are afraid to take risks - what if it gets worse, etc. This uncertainty is holding you back. You only have one life, so you need to act now.

To achieve your dreams you need to take risks. There is a wonderful saying:

Take risks or your dreams will remain dreams


Most likely, 20% of your efforts give 80% of your income. Think, maybe you can improve exactly this 20% and get more? In any business there is something to improve and optimize.

Look for new sources of income. A thinking person will always find ways, but a whiner will always have excuses.

The rich never stop looking for new sources of income. They regularly increase their number. The poor tend to spend a lot.

Also one more rule:

The rich calculate how much their work costs per hour. The poor rely only on their monthly salary.

1.11. Develop throughout your life

Development should occur in all areas of activity: sports, education, communication, acquisition of new skills. Successful people constantly develop and never stop.

At the same time, it is important to regularly change the field of activity. A person cannot constantly read, play sports, work, or travel. He needs breaks, a change of scenery. The best life is the harmony of a little bit of everything.

1.12. Set big goals

Set goals that are greater than your desires, because there must be some reserve.

As you know, the higher your goals, the greater results you can achieve.

If you want to earn 1 million rubles a month, then set the bar to 1.5 million rubles. Always have a reserve.

1.13. Find a financial mentor

Finding a financial mentor is not easy. How and where should you look for it? Everyone has their own situations in life. Perhaps you are surrounded only by “rich people”, or maybe vice versa.

In any case, try to take a closer look at your surroundings. Which of your friends and acquaintances is the richest? Ask him to talk about his success. Most likely it will be a simple story. It is important not to copy his activities, but to psychologically understand for yourself how easily he was able to achieve such results. After all, everything in the world is not so complicated.

Over time, you can become a mentor yourself if you follow the principles described in this article.

1.14. Work for yourself

Working for someone else's uncle will never become rich.

You say: “What should I do if I don’t have start-up capital and what field of activity should I go into?” There is no universal answer for each of us. For example, if you are a programmer, designer, lawyer, you can find a job as a freelancer on the Internet and work for yourself. If you are a far-sighted person, you will immediately understand how you can expand your activities and already hire people to work for you.

The same is true in the offline sphere. What can you do? Maybe you are a builder? Then start making repairs yourself. Over time, assistants will appear, so you can become a foreman. You will look for work for your workers. If you go even further, you can even open a repair company.

Maybe you know how to do something with your hands? Great, start making it and selling it. On the Internet, interesting things sell out quickly. Even banal things like cake making, decorators, hairstyles, makeup artists - all this is in demand!

And if you do nothing, don’t strive and only find excuses that everything is wrong with you, then don’t expect anything. All successful people started somewhere and never looked for excuses. They were looking for solutions.

1.15. Improve your communication skills

This tip follows on from the previous recommendation. Successful people often have to communicate. Your ultimate success depends on how effectively you can find a common language with different categories of people, both by age and status. Statistically, sociable people achieve much more in life: they have many connections and clients. That's why:

Develop communication skills, smile, be friendly and then clients will come to you.

To do this, buy books on the psychology of communication, NLP, and marketing. This is necessary knowledge for successful and rich people.

1.16. Surround yourself with goal-oriented and successful individuals

Our environment greatly influences us. Therefore, to achieve more, we must be surrounded by only the best at what we do.

Whiners and critics never succeed. Simply because they don't want it. It is most profitable for them to simply condemn everyone. They crush all interesting ideas to smithereens. They love to discuss other people, other people's opinions, and especially politics. Shifting the blame onto other people for being the cause of their poverty.

2. Psychology of wealth - how the most successful people think

For some reason, many of us understand the concept of “wealth” to mean exclusively a lot of money. Is it so? In fact, wealth is something big. There are many definitions for this concept. I would rather call it personal improvement in all aspects, success in everything. A lot of money will not solve all problems. At a minimum, happiness requires: family, health, friends, a favorite activity, new experiences, but many people forget about this.

In order to become financially independent, it is enough to have financial literacy or, more simply put, to be able to handle money professionally. In 10-20 years of simply investing in the stock market, you will become completely independent of money, but will you be rich? As Robert Kiyosaki said:

Wealth is the amount of time you can not work while maintaining a comfortable standard of living

Think about this phrase. She will be able to open up something more to the understanding of wealth.

If in your mind wealth means throwing money away left and right, then you are deeply mistaken. Wealthy people never make unnecessary purchases. I agree that many of them spend relatively large amounts of money because they buy expensive and high-quality things that they need. They give expensive gifts not because they have a lot of money, but because they respect themselves and the person to whom they give them.

Rich people don't spend money just like that. They are very selective in their choice, because they know the value of every ruble/dollar mined and will never waste it.

Money only gives opportunities to each of us. However, if a person is uneducated, overly emotional, and cannot control himself, then suddenly a lot of money appears in his possession can completely kill him.

Money won't make you happy. Happiness requires other fundamental principles that each of us can develop, free of charge and quite quickly.

In general, having a lot of money only makes its owner worry about it. After all, no one wants to lose all or even part of their fortune. Therefore, you have to almost constantly think about what to do next. Many people worry about their “money condition” all their lives.

Each of us has our own comfort zone. If you leave it anywhere, then you have a feeling of anxiety.

Big money means big responsibility. An ordinary person is not ready to dramatically change his psychological thinking, so subconsciously he will do everything to get rid of a large amount of money.

Therefore, you need to gradually go towards it, prepare yourself psychologically that you should have it. Imagine that you are the owner of things that you currently could not afford. I know that this sounds like nonsense to those who are just starting to get acquainted with this topic, but it really works. The brain needs to be deceived in the first stages, and then it will look for solutions on its own in order to achieve goals.

Set your mindset that "being rich is good." During childhood, parents often teach children that wealth is evil. They give examples of “evil rich people”, that they are all deceivers, thieves. However, this is just a stereotype.

This thought negatively affects our self-development and achievement. Parents initially set up their children to avoid money in the future.

As we grow up, we can rid our subconscious of this concept. Do it now.

Most wealthy people are the elite of society for a reason. They are healthy, smart, athletic. They don't drink and don't go to bars and clubs at night. Their circle of surroundings is the intelligent and business world. They are good people in many ways.


Yes, there are bad people with large sums, but this is the exception, not the rule. There are many more untalented individuals among the poor than among the rich.

Having a lot of money is certainly good, but it is not the final goal. Imagine that you have so much money that you can afford anything. What will you be doing? Are you going on vacation? Buy a new car? An apartment? What next?

Go on vacation, drive a new car, and give expensive gifts to your loved ones. But you quickly get used to everything. A couple of months will pass and life will be the same again. You will understand that money is not the goal of life at all.

No one argues that each of us needs funds, but only in such quantities that you feel comfortable doing things that are really important to you.

Think about your dreams. After all, as psychologists say, we attract to ourselves everything we think about. Don't believe me? Remember what you were thinking 5 years ago? 1 year ago? All we have are the results of yesterday's thoughts and actions.

Those people who do not believe in themselves never achieve success. Attract success and luck to yourself.

Therefore, do not hesitate to dream about your desires. You attract them into your life. The brain will direct your actions in such a way as to carry them out. Those who read this for the first time may not believe it. Try it and see the results in a year. Just dream sincerely and most importantly believe in it yourself.

If something didn’t work out for you at work, in business, in investments, then you shouldn’t look for those to blame. Even if someone is really to blame, it doesn’t matter anymore. History cannot be changed. The main thing is how you react to this and what conclusions you draw.

Blaming and making excuses wastes too much energy. We all love to be pitied, sympathized, and supported. However, this approach will lead to eternal dissatisfaction with your situation. Winners never complain, but draw conclusions and move on. No matter how many times they stumble and fall, they will still rise and achieve results.

This is a psychological moment that you need to develop in yourself. To do this, read more biographies of successful people and listen to motivational speeches.

Taking responsibility is a trait of strong people, true leaders. Responsibility is always rewarded according to its merits.

Successful people always take matters into their own hands and never give up responsibility. I am sure that this trait will be useful to you too.

Habits of rich people - 10 differences

Each of us probably thought or dreamed about how to become a rich and successful person from scratch. I want to earn more, improve my life, see the world... Such desires always remain relevant, but not everyone turns them into reality. In today's article we will look at several ways to get rich or at least improve your financial situation. All that is required of you is not to be lazy and put them into practice, then your dream will come true.

1. Anyone can become rich

Many come up with stupid excuses for themselves: they say there is not enough time, money, opportunities, connections, etc. This is just a reason to preserve their life and themselves personally at the same level. Any of us can become rich, despite the situation in which we find ourselves at the moment. The main thing is to have a desire and act in this direction.

2. Set a financial goal

Before you become a rich and successful person from scratch, determine exactly how much money you will need and for what. This understanding is of great importance. When there is a clear goal, the human brain begins to look for ways to achieve it, motivation and inspiration appear.

But if you write a certain amount on a piece of paper (for example, $20,000 to buy a car or $60,000 to buy a new apartment) and earn it, you will not become rich. Yes, you will get what you dreamed of, but after that there will be no money left.Therefore, the goal should be such that the funds constantly work, so that your monthly income increases, and different sources of income appear. Only with this approach can you get rich.

3. Make a list of ways you can earn money

Let's say that at the moment you have no money at all, or you want to increase your income. Think about how you can make money today or tomorrow. Write down your options. It is possible that your first answer will be “no way.” This is not true, any of us knows how to do something useful. Perhaps you have a hobby that you can use to earn extra money, or you can think of some other ways. Try to show your imagination and write down as many ways as possible to earn money in the coming days, this is very important.

For example, there are many opportunities to earn money on the Internet. In 2014, I decided to start investing on the Internet with 200 dollars in my wallet, and with the help I multiplied this money tens of times.

4. Start earning money

In the paragraph above you have compiled a list of ways to earn money. Now choose from it the most suitable (or liked) options for you and start implementing them. For what? Firstly, your income will increase, and you will at least partially be able to solve your current financial problems (if any). Secondly, it has great psychological significance. You will believe in yourself, having seen in practice that you can earn money however you want if you really want it.

5. Invest

“If you’re thinking about how to become a rich and successful person from scratch, then why aren’t you investing?” Most people answer this question predictably: because there are no funds. They wait until they earn a lot of money, and only then will they invest it. This is a fundamentally wrong approach.

Firstly, investing is exactly the way to make money and quickly achieve your goal of getting rich. Secondly, you can start investing with a very small amount of 10-20 dollars. You will gain valuable experience, because if you can make $100 from $10, then you can easily turn $1000 into $10,000. Therefore, you need to start with small amounts, so you will reduce the risk of losing a lot of money due to your ignorance. If you have at least some amount of money, start looking for ways to invest it with maximum profit.

Yes, investing is a risky business. But unstable wealth is better than stable poverty:) I advise you to read the material “”

6. Surround yourself with rich people

We can do one simple experiment right now. Choose a person from your circle: friend, neighbor, colleague, etc. Find out what his monthly income is and compare with yours. You will find that the numbers are very similar.

This indicates that income is highly dependent on your social circle. Instead of talking with poor Vasya, who constantly complains about life, sitting on the couch and dreaming of millions, it is better to keep in touch with rich Sasha, who generates new ways to make money.

7. Keep records of income and expenses

Even in the saddest situation, when you are completely in debt, be sure to describe your current financial situation in numbers. Record your monthly profit, write down how much you currently have, how much you spend and on what.

Within 5-6 weeks you will make many interesting discoveries. For example, you may find that you spent more than seven thousand on alcohol, although these funds could have brought you additional profit. And one more thing: eIf you spend as much as you earn, you are unlikely to become a rich person. Part of the funds needs to be invested, only this approach will help increase capital.

8. Check out the success stories of rich people

There are many stories online about people who were previously poor and also wondered how to become a rich and successful person from scratch. Now they are millionaires and have made their fortune themselves. Stories like this are good motivation. Listening to the stories of successful people, you yourself begin to think and act differently, therefore, the result will be different.

Building relationships in the modern world, and not only that, is based on constant assessment of each other. One of the most important criteria for such an assessment is material wealth. If a person wants to feel happier and get the widest possible opportunities for the realization of personal individuality, then he needs to draw up the most thorough plan possible that meets his personal needs on how to become more successful and richer.


In this case, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer or a fully developed scenario for moving towards the intended goal, so first you should think about your own priorities, the environment, and in general... what and how? Becoming richer is a completely achievable goal, but for what? Wealth alone does not create a happy life. Joy and mental well-being come from what can be achieved with capital. Thus, stable material wealth and super-profits create only the basis for moving on. But where? That's the question.

Personal goals

For those who are deciding how to become richer, it can be important to get the opportunity to travel a lot, convey your thought, word or deed to others, igniting them with your own ideas. For some, this means an excellent education, providing for family and other equally optimistic aspirations. And the most important thing is to gain freedom in defining your goals, the opportunity to act without limiting your needs.

Everything is ghostly...

It might be a good idea to look at people with good incomes and try to determine. Almost all billionaires whose wealth was not inherited started out small. For example, Steve Jobs and one of the founders of Apple Inc) were so bored with classes at the University of California during his school years that he decided with great pleasure to work in a small radio engineering company. Later, having entered and studied only one semester at Portland College, he went “nowhere,” seeing no point in spending significant parental savings on studies with which he had no life plans. At first, his further life was not pampering, forcing him to even hand over cola bottles to purchase food and the basic necessities. He visited the Hare Krishna temple, where he could have the opportunity to receive free food. However, despite the lack of ambitions and far-reaching plans, passion for his own idea and concentration on his favorite pastime helped him reach the heights desired by many.

Unknowable secrets of the rich

How did the rich get rich? Many of today's oligarchs were forced to change oil at gas stations (David Medlock - $2.5 billion), fix used televisions and sell them (Andrew Beal - $4.5 billion) and even collect nuts in the surrounding forests (Charles Schwab - $4.7 billion). From the very bottom of information empires, Denis Washington, Patrick McGovern, Sheldon Adelson and T. Boone Pickens began their careers as newspaper delivery men, earning billions.

And take a closer look at the life of your own immediate circle: fairly wealthy people most often become those who once, to put it mildly, did not shine with school success and did not lead a very exemplary life. Therefore, there is no need to talk about a primitive understanding of ways to achieve wealth, and the question of how to become richer and happier can only be answered by thoroughly understanding your own needs. However, this is precisely what is most often shrouded in mystery, especially at the beginning

How to become richer (statistical wealth analytics)

According to the first American billionaire, if you constantly think only about making money, you will not achieve significant wealth. And the feeling of happiness will constantly slip away. Analyzing the income structure of the largest US taxpayers, taken from the statistics of the Tax Department, we can say that the maximum profits are derived from capital gains (about 46% of total income). And only a small part of the oligarchs’ wealth increases due to wages. Thus, when choosing priorities and determining how to become rich, you should not invest in working for someone else. This may solve immediate problems, but will not lead to monetary abundance. In practice, it has been proven that reasonable investment can increase capital to a greater extent in order to invest it again.

How to become rich without a salary?

Apparently, maximum attention should be paid to investing in fairly new and non-trivial areas of development. It should be understood that their relative insecurity has not yet led to an influx of competitors. In addition, large companies are an option that has already been worked out by others. It is much more difficult to develop a large-scale, clumsy colossus, because, having “progressed”, such a company has a decreasing potential. Investing in your own and others' projects that have a gold mine is the best investment.

Developmental beginning

On the path to financial well-being, it is very important not to think about how to become rich and famous, but to strive for constant development. It is precisely the persistent progress towards the intended goal without paying attention to the ridicule of others that distinguishes the most prominent representatives of the oligarchic world. It is also extremely important to receive a quality education, even if this does not happen in a completely traditional way. Thorough knowledge of the most specific issues of one’s own business gives an undoubted head start to a potential candidate for financial tycoon.

The power of faith and the ability to rejoice

Belief in one’s own strengths and the success of the started enterprise helps to radically change the attitude of colleagues and competitors. At the same time, one of the main components in solving the question of how to become rich and smart is the ability to properly organize rest and enjoy the most basic things. Sincere love for family, as well as regular care for one’s health and that of others, makes a person happy and successful.

Compliance with the laws of decency and justice sets you up for peace of mind and complete order in your thoughts. It is in this state that it is easiest to assess the adequacy of the chosen goals and the shortest ways to achieve them.


The easiest and least expensive method for promoting your newest business idea is to be extremely passionate about it. To some extent, this is capable of zombifying others and competitors, creating a favorable environment for development. An exalted and extraordinary way of thinking may at first be somewhat frightening, but it will not leave you indifferent. Diverse interest on the part of the largest possible number of potential followers and competitors creates a specific atmosphere and emotional disposition for a positive result. Our rapidly changing world increasingly provides the opportunity to fulfill daring dreams bordering on fantastic euphoria. Crazy ideas, backed by enthusiastic confidence and knowledge, help future oligarchs not to think twice and get richer.

The habit of not being lazy

Daily planning and following a clearly established routine does not leave time for thoughts associated with laziness. Their way of life and ingrained habits leave no room for pampered idleness. They do not have to make any special efforts to achieve the goal, because they consider this mode of work to be the most natural. Thinking about how to become rich, each person solves the problems of internal routine and mental structure in his own way. But the less free time you leave for “empty” inaction, the more of it will be spent on fully perceiving the world around you and interacting with it. This means that a person will be given more chances for his efforts to be rewarded (often financially).

And in conclusion, we recommend that you do not focus on how to become richer, but try to live your own life, every day of which is given to you. And it depends only on you how high quality it will be and how much material wealth is needed to fully experience it. God grant you so much money that you don’t feel its importance and stop making petty calculations, because that’s when you can feel happy.

Wealth is a flexible and purely subjective concept. For some, it is measured by the number of things purchased per month, and for others – by the number of apartments and cars or the amount of the deposit. In any case, wealth is the fulfillment of all your desires and the formation of the image of a successful person. Today we will tell you the secrets of how to become rich, and you will also understand why the rich get richer, while the poor continue to suffer from lack of money.

Further contents of the article:

18 principles of success or how to become a rich person

If you think and act like a rich person, then sooner or later you will wake up like this. The principles described below will tell you in which direction you should change and how to gradually but surely achieve wealth.
  1. Everyone can earn money (any amount). Remember this! Absolutely anyone can become a billionaire, it all depends on what you are willing to do for money and wealth.

  2. Learn to sacrifice. A point that follows from the previous one. To achieve wealth in this life, you will have to sacrifice something (free time, good relationships, relaxation, etc.).

  3. Determine your criteria for wealth. There will always be little money, no matter how much you receive, no matter what savings you have, but you still need to decide on clear wealth figures. They will help you understand how close you are to your goal, and what attempts are worth making.

  4. “I want to become rich!” - a phrase that should be forgotten once and for all. The fact is that this is not a goal, it is a dream that will forever remain a dream if it is not formulated correctly. An example of a correct goal: “I need to earn $20,000 by June 1 of next year!” Then formulate a plan of your actions by answering the question: “What can I do to earn this money?” If you don’t find a reasonable and realistic answer, change the desired amount of money or timing. The goal must have time boundaries, clear requirements, and realistic methods of implementation.

  5. Your goals are your secrets! Stop telling everyone about your goals in life or business. Understand a simple point: rich and successful people are indifferent to your goals and are not at all interested, and for the poor - this is another reason to put a “stick in your wheel”, out of feelings of envy and your own lack of education, to try to dissuade you from the correctness of taking certain actions on the way to the goal, and, in the end, prevent them from achieving them, etc. The less others know about your plans, the better it will be for you.

  6. There are no poor people, there are LAZY people! Despite the fact that laziness is the engine of progress, it is also the engine of poverty. Rich people cannot be lazy, they always have an active position: they work a lot, are interested in a lot of things, go to a lot of places, read a lot, experiment a lot, etc.

  7. Find yourself a mentor. Most rich people have mentors in their lives who always push them in the right direction in the business field. Moreover, the mentor could be either a real acquaintance and a successful businessman, or an idol from history, about whom hundreds of books have been written with a biography and his principles. The essence of this principle is to find an idol, study it and act in life as he would act. The fact is that although everyone’s life is different in essence, the situations in it are often identical, and if you take into account the successes of your idol, then following the well-trodden path is still easier than moving towards wealth blindly.

  8. Rich people develop in all directions. You should not think only about money, your life should improve from all sides: health, love, relaxation, emotional positivity, etc.

  9. Learn not to avoid problems, but to solve them. Please note that wealth will not erase problems from your life, it will only change their format. In addition, having set yourself the goal of becoming rich, prepare for a huge number of tasks that will need to be solved. Problems should be treated not as failures, but as opportunities to improve or bring yourself closer to wealth.

  10. It is possible to earn money honestly, although it will take longer and be more difficult, but it will not shorten your life. We will not hide the fact that many rich people in our country earned their capital in dishonest ways, but even they do not recommend repeating their path, since the lives of most rich swindlers end in imprisonment, or sudden death or an unhappy and troubled life.

  11. Use your envy for good. Every normal person has a feeling of envy, but it can be used as a motivator to achieve goals. That is, other people's successes will stimulate you to work even better and at a higher quality.

  12. Surround yourself with people of great wealth. If you change your social circle, you yourself will begin to change: talk more about profitable businesses, news in the business world, adopt the habits of your successful friends and acquaintances, understand their position and way of thinking. You will see real examples of success more often, and as a result, you will be less tempted to relax and slow down on the path to your own wealth. And, of course, you can get real help from fairly wealthy friends and acquaintances.

  13. Risk is a noble cause! Almost no operation of businessmen is possible without risk; this is their destiny. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks, but the risk must be justified and calculated.

  14. Manage your earned money correctly. The money you earn should never go in one direction. Try to save some of it, spend some on needs, and return some to your business, developing it. Only in this case will you protect yourself from all sides.

  15. Try to work for yourself, not for someone else. Remember that your boss always gets the most money. Try to open at least a small business. Even growing mushrooms in your garage for sale is already a business.

  16. Dream less - do more. The problem with most people is that they think, dream and plan a lot, but act very little. You need to pull yourself together right now, stop being lazy and putting everything off until later, and start acting and not wait for the right moment.

  17. Always look for alternative ways to earn money. Even if you already have a stable source of income, do not miss the chance to start earning money in a different way. Discover new niches for yourself, try to find new partners and at the same time develop your current source of income.

  18. Getting rich quickly is not possible! Face this axiom. Fast and a lot - it can only be unpromising, illegal and short-lived. A good business takes years to build!

The best books for those who want to become rich

If you are trying to get rich, we advise you to read some important books that will help you get rich. First of all, we recommend studying the literature of Robert Kiyosaki. The best book by this author would be:

This book will be interesting to the younger generation, as it talks about the fact that there are rules that rich people follow. But there are other rules that about 95% of the entire population know, and that poor parents teach their children. In the book you will find a lot of advice that may be very unusual for you, but very useful.

Author of the book: Richard Branson (one of the richest people in the world). This book can be called a real manifesto about risk, action and even inaction. The underlying idea of ​​the book is that you need to do what you love and what you like. There is no need to be afraid of risk and succumb to your fears, even if you do not have education, experience or general knowledge in your chosen field. The author literally encourages you to take up what you love right now. Having read his book to the end, the reader receives a powerful charge of optimism and self-confidence, which is very necessary for a person who strives to become rich.

Napoleon Hill, an American psychologist and author of Think and Grow Rich, describes in detail the steps to wealth. This book gives a clear understanding of what wealth is, as well as who needs it and why. Hill's philosophical book was included in the top 10 bestselling business books that helped people achieve success.

Famous business coach John Kehoe teaches you how to create a full-fledged business using the power of thought. He himself became rich from scratch. The book looks at many examples of ordinary people who were able to get rich.

Author of the book: Wallace Watleza. After reading it, the approach to wealth changes radically and, despite the fact that the book was written in 1910, it still remains relevant instructions for creating your own business.

Video about how to become rich and successful

As a video, we have prepared for you interesting tips from Donald Trump, an American businessman and generally famous personality. He is the owner and founder of many companies, such as Trump Entertainment Resorts (a company that operates many hotels and casinos located around the world).

That's all for us. We sincerely wish you good luck and patience on the path to wealth!