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Eye drops natural tears. Review of eye drops Vizin pure tear Vizin pure tear instructions for use for children

Often, periodic wearing of contact lenses, prolonged work at the computer, contact with dust, smoke or chlorinated water leads to dryness, redness and irritation of the cornea. Timely elimination of the problem with the help of the drug “Visin Pure Tear” allows you to avoid any consequences associated with eye health and human vision in the future.

Composition and effect of the drug

Most people whose professional activities are directly related to long and continuous work at the computer have more than once encountered dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is characterized by increased evaporation of natural tears and the systematic destruction of the tear film.

The main active component of the drug is TS-polysaccharide. Auxiliary components, characterized by sodium dihydrogen phosphate (monohydrate), mannitol, sodium hydrogen phosphate (dodecahydrate), purified water, benzalkonium chloride (preservative), enhance the effect of TS-polysaccharide.

The formula of this component is designed to be as similar as possible to a human tear, thereby guaranteeing absolute safety and high efficiency when used.

Having an enhanced effect of moisturizing and eliminating dryness of the cornea, “Visin Pure Tear” is effective in reducing the severity of such striking signs as: irritation, excessive dryness, hyperemia, eye fatigue. In addition to this, the drug is able to increase the stability of the tear film, while simultaneously preventing the development of possible complications that directly arise due to a violation of the integrity of the tear film, as well as irritation of the cornea.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is due to the development in the patient:

  • dryness and irritation of the eyes resulting from the influence of external factors (we can talk about dusty and dry air, prolonged work at the computer, the use of aggressive cosmetics);
  • due to impaired secretion of tear fluid.

In what cases should the drug not be used?

Despite the safety of the drug, there are some contraindications to its use that must be taken into account in order to avoid possible health consequences. Such contraindications are characterized by:

  • allergy to any components of the drug;
  • some infectious diseases.

Precautionary measures

Before using the drug and during its direct use, some precautions should be taken into account:

  • if the patient regularly uses contact lenses, they must be removed before instillation;
  • If, when directly using the drops, the patient shows signs of allergy (redness, pain, a feeling of stinging in the eyes), a feeling of discomfort and irritation occurs, you should stop using the drops;
  • when using this drug, do not use other eye drops, since the effect of the main one may change or weaken;
  • If the seal of the bottle is broken or damaged, its further use is not recommended.

Side effects

Despite the safety of the drug during its use and easy tolerability, some side effects are possible, characterized by:

  • irritation;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • tearfulness.

Often side effects occur due to a component such as benzalkonium chloride, which is aggressive and can have an irritating effect. With frequent use of drops, the likelihood of irritation increases, so the drug should be excluded from use.

The drug "Visin Pure Tear" is dripped into the conjunctival sac. Before use, you should wash your hands to avoid any infection. During the day, the drops can be used 4 times, however, on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist, the number of applications can be increased.

When instilling it is necessary:

  • tilt your head back slightly;
  • gently pull down the lower eyelid with your hand;
  • Blink lightly and slowly several times to ensure the product is evenly distributed.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of the drug are:

  • "Oxial";
  • "Oftagel";
  • "Visomitin";
  • "Ophtolik"
  • "Hilo-Chest of Drawers";

Cost of the drug

The average cost of the drug “Vizin Pure Tear” ranges from 300-440 rubles, depending on the region. Due to unpredictable price increases recently, the current price may change.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are an innovative drug that creates protection and moisturizes the eye. The components are as close as possible in composition to human tears, so this drug can be called one of the safest.

Eye drops Visin Pure tear to protect and moisturize the eye

The drug is used regularly, there are no contraindications or age restrictions.

Effect of the drug

Pure Tear eye drops contain a unique component, which is currently considered patented - a natural plant extract. Its composition is similar to human tears, which means that there are no overdoses or harmful indications.

After application, the drops are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the cornea, thereby improving the stability of the natural moisturizing film. This helps relieve dry and irritated eyes. The effect of the drug can be observed for 4-8 hours, then it stops.

Composition of drops

Vizin Pure Tear eye drops include the following components:

  1. TS-polysaccharide 0.5%, it comes in combination with mannitol.
  2. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate.
  3. Sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate.
  4. Water for injections.

The product is available in sterile plastic bottles of 10 ml.

Visin Pure Tear eye drops are available in a 10 ml bottle

When are they appointed?

Pure Tear drops are prescribed to eliminate:

  1. Dry eyes.
  2. Irritation of the cornea, with contact conjunctivitis.
  3. For intense visual stress. This could be a bright sunny color, constantly working at the computer, welding and much more.

The remedy is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Visual computer syndrome.

Visin Clean Tear eye drops instructions for use

Installation of the drug must be carried out 1-2 drops in each eye 2-4 times a day. It should be used until the painful symptoms are eliminated.

To improve the distribution of the drug, it is recommended to blink intensively. This will help distribute the liquid evenly and quickly throughout the entire perimeter of the eye. You can use eye drops an unlimited number of times, until the person’s symptoms go away.


The drug cannot be used in only one case - if a person is allergic to one of the components.

Side effects

After installation of the drug, short-term blurred vision may occur. As a rule, it passes quite often, so it’s not worth worrying about. Plus, during a short-term loss of clarity, there is no pain.

Directions for use

  1. An open bottle must be used within 30 days.
  2. Remove lenses 15 minutes before instillation. We wait the same amount of time to put them on again.
  3. Be aware of short-term loss of clarity. Driving is not recommended at this time.
  4. Store at room temperature.


Now the average price for Vizin Pure Tear in Russian pharmacies is 400-550 rubles. If we are talking about Ukraine, then the cost here is around 130 UAH.

Visine Pure Tear analogues

Now many people are interested in what Vizine pure tear analogues are cheaper, because the cost of the original drug is quite high. Now in pharmacies you can find the following drops similar in composition:

  1. Systane-Ultra.
  2. Oksialom.
  3. Inoxan.
  4. Vizimitin.
13.11.2014 | Viewed by: 5,922 people.

Visin Pure Tear – eye drops

Visin pure tear eye drops are a complex topical preparation that has a protective and moisturizing effect - when used, the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva and the sclera of the eyeball are protected from drying out and the damaging effects of external factors.

In terms of its physicochemical properties, the drug is similar to natural human tear fluid, due to which it is well tolerated and does not cause discomfort.

Composition and form of the drug

Visin pure tear eye drops are produced in the form of a sterile transparent solution, which is packaged in transparent plastic dropper bottles - each of them contains 10 ml of the drug.

It consists of a polysaccharide compound, which in its properties and structure is similar to the components of natural human tears, a small amount of mannitol to regulate the water-base balance of the solution, benzalkonium chloride, phosphate salts and water for injection.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic and preventive effect of Visin pure tear eye drops is due to the presence in the drug of a natural extract of plant origin, which is similar in composition to the polysaccharide compounds of human tears.

After administration, Visin pure tear eye drops form a transparent film on the surface of the eye, which prevents the damaging effects of external factors and retains water molecules, which has a moisturizing effect. After a single use of the drug, its effect lasts 5-8 hours, and the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Visin pure tear eye drops are prescribed to patients who experience discomfort when wearing contact lenses (daily and permanent) and who expose their vision to significant stress when working at a computer monitor or reading.

Drops can be used as part of complex therapy for contact conjunctivitis, which develops when dust, sea or chlorinated water, cosmetics, bright light, and ultraviolet rays come into contact with the mucous membrane and cornea.

Method of use of the drug

Visin pure tear eye drops should be carefully instilled into the cavity of the conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day (until the discomfort disappears). After administering the drug, you need to blink intensively several times - this is how Visin pure tear eye drops are better distributed over the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye.

The maximum duration of treatment is not limited for patients of all age groups.


Visin pure tear eye drops should not be used only if you are hypersensitive to any of the components of the drug. Short-term blurred vision that occurs immediately after instillation of eye drops does not indicate intolerance to the drug - it goes away on its own.

Even with long-term use of the drug, there are no side effects - Visin pure tear eye drops can be used simultaneously with other medications for systemic or local use.

Shelf life and storage

After opening the bottle, the drug retains its properties for 1 month. Immediately before instilling Visin pure tear eye drops, contact lenses must be removed and re-insertion of lenses is possible only 20 minutes after instillation.


Drops have a similar effect:

Visin Pure Tear is an ophthalmic agent used to moisturize eyes when they are dry and tired.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of Visina Pure Tear is sterile eye drops (10 ml in dropper bottles, 1 dropper bottle in a cardboard pack; “for one day” – 0.5 ml in resealable plastic ampoules, 10 ampoules in a cardboard pack).

Composition of drops:

active substance: TS-polysaccharide – 0.5%; additional components: mannitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, benzalkonium chloride (for the drug in ampoules), purified water.

Pharmacological properties


The active substance Visina Pure Tear is a natural plant extract (TS-polysaccharide), which is similar in composition to human tears and is suitable for regular use.

Main effects of the drug:

significant improvement in tear film stability; effective hydration, which leads to relief of eye strain and a long-term return to a comfortable state; relief of all the main symptoms of fatigue and dry eyes that may appear when wearing contact lenses, driving a car, working at a computer, poor lighting, reading, etc.; improvement of the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye; providing a long-lasting moisturizing effect.

Visin Pure Tear does not contain preservatives, so it can be used when wearing contact lenses.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Visin Pure Tear is prescribed to prevent and reduce the severity of symptoms of irritation due to fatigue and dry eyes.


A contraindication to the use of Visin Pure Tear is the presence of individual intolerance to its components.

Instructions for use Vizina Pure Tear: method and dosage

Visin Pure Tear is used conjunctivally.

After instillation, a brief feeling of blurred vision may occur. This is not a side effect and usually goes away if you blink 3-4 times after administration, which helps distribute the drops evenly over the surface of the eye.

Side effects

In rare cases, when using the drug, pain/tingling in the eyes, burning sensation, redness of the eyes, blurred vision, dilation of the pupil and irritation of the conjunctiva are observed (medical consultation is required).


There is no information about overdose symptoms.

special instructions

In cases of irritation or discomfort in the eyes, temporary discontinuation of therapy is indicated.

Do not touch the tip of the ampoule or bottle with your hand or allow it to come into contact with the surface of the eye.

Do not wash the tip of the ampoule or bottle with detergents.

If you have redness, infection, pain or inflammation in your eyes, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.

Drug interactions

Visin Pure Tear should not be used simultaneously with other ophthalmic drugs, as this may change their action.


Analogues of Vizin Pure Tear are Vid-Komod, Vizin Classic, Vizmed, VizOptic, Vitrum Vision forte, Lens-Komod, Kromohexal, Okulohel, Hilo-Komod, Octilia, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at temperatures up to 25 °C. Keep away from children.

Shelf life – 2 years.

After opening the bottle, the drug can be used for 30 days, ampoules - 12 hours.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews of Visine Pure Tear

According to reviews, Visin Pure Tear usually effectively relieves symptoms of eye fatigue. However, many note that the drug has a short duration of action or insufficient effect. They also point out the high cost of drops for frequent and long-term use.

Price for Visine Pure Tear in pharmacies

The approximate price for Visin Pure Tear (1 bottle of 10 ml or 10 ampoules of 0.5 ml) is 480–580 or 460–590 rubles.

Visin drops Pure Tear are a neutral pharmacological drug that is used to moisturize the organs of vision during dry eye syndrome and in case of irritation or fatigue that arise as a result of prolonged loads.

Visine pure tear: instructions for use and general information about drops

The drops contain components that are almost identical in composition to human tear fluid.

That's why the drug has no contraindications for regular use at any time and in almost unlimited quantities, while the age and gender of the patient do not matter.

Keep in mind! Visine Pure Tear is suitable for those who experience heavy eye strain.

First of all, these are office workers, drivers, and even those who spend a long time near the air conditioner, since such equipment during work contributes to the drying out of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In some cases, natural tear fluid intensively evaporates from the surface of the eye due to the presence of any ophthalmological pathologies.

In such situations, Visine Pure Tear will also be useful.

The medicine can be used not only by people with dry eye syndrome, but also by those who do not complain about this problem for use as a preventive measure.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of Visine Pure Tear is a plant extract related to polysaccharides, which is technically is an analogue of human tear fluid, therefore regular use of the drug is allowed.

Reference! This medicine is evenly distributed over the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, thereby creating a natural protective layer in the form of a film.

It is this that prevents the eye from drying out, even if the organ of vision is exposed to external factors and influences.

This topical remedy works in different ways.

Depending on the intensity of drying of tear fluid and other physiological characteristics of the eye the effect of the drug can last from four to eight hours.

The benefits of Visin Pure Tear eye drops include:

long-lasting moisturizing effect; rapid relief of symptoms of dry eye syndrome; relieving irritation, fatigue and swelling caused by unfavorable external factors; safety in use; improvement of the regenerative functions of the cornea and mucous membrane; bringing the tear film into a stable state.

Note! These drops do not require consultation with an ophthalmologist and are suitable for systematic use.

How to use Visine

According to the instructions for use, instill Visine drops Pure Tear up to four times a day, one or two drops in each eye, although if necessary, the procedure can be performed more often.

Before taking the bottle, hands must be thoroughly washed with soap.

When instilling, you need to tilt your head as far back as possible, and after the drops get into the eye, you need to blink intensively several times so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the surface of the conjunctiva.

Indications for use

First of all, the drug used to eliminate and prevent dry eye syndrome, also the medicine is effective fights irritation and redness of the mucous membrane.

The drug can be used to relieve symptoms that arise due to conjunctivitis of various origins: exposure to external irritants, use of cosmetics, contact with chlorinated water in the eyes, exposure to infections.

Important! Visine Pure Tear also helps to cope with photophobia and lacrimation resulting from exposure to sunlight.

While using Visine does not react with others ophthalmological medications.

However, in some cases, drugs can neutralize each other's effects, so the interval between instillations of different drugs should be at least 15-20 minutes.

Side effects and contraindications

There are no serious systemic side effects when using this drug.

And as a side effect can only be called short-term deterioration in vision sharpness, but it lasts no more than a minute and goes away on its own.

Contraindications include allergic reactions, which occur when the eye is hypersensitive to certain components that make up Visine Pure Tear.

Use during pregnancy

Need to know!


classic Visine

Which during pregnancy is used only in extreme cases, the drug Visine Pure Tear has no restrictions in such situations.

This is also a means can be used while the baby is breastfeeding, since the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and is distributed only over the surface of the conjunctiva, evaporating from it.

Composition and features of release from pharmacies

The drug contains the following ingredients:

TS-polysaccharide (main active ingredient); benzalkonium chloride; sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate; sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate; sterile water.

In pharmacies in Russia, the product is sold in two forms: these are disposable plastic ampoules with a volume of 0.5 milliliters, and plastic bottles of 10 milliliters.

Storage conditions and periods

You can store the product in a dry, dark, cool place where the temperature should not exceed +25 degrees.

Carefully! Whole, unopened bottles can be kept in such conditions for three years, and the opened product must be used up within thirty days, after which Visine Pure Tear loses its beneficial properties.

Cheap analogues of the drug

There are several drugs with a similar mechanism of action.

And although Visine Pure Tear is the safest of them, in some cases it is advisable to use cheap analogues, since they may have certain additional properties that are not characteristic of the original:

This drug is also known as Skulachev drops.
The drug is a keratoprotector, which is effective in treating changes in the organs of vision that occur with age.
Such ailments include dry eye syndrome and “computer syndrome.”
The latter is characterized by fatigue and irritation of the eyes after prolonged work at the computer and other gadgets.
During the use of Visomitin, the tear film is normalized, inflammation is eliminated and redness of the conjunctiva disappears.
This analogue has the advantage of providing a therapeutic effect in addition to conventional moisturizing. Inoxan(inox).
These are bluish drops, the peculiarity of which is to give the iris of the eyes the same shade during prolonged use, but this effect is considered harmless.
Inoxan is a gentle preparation based on extracts of medicinal herbs and helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve symptoms of dryness and irritation. Ophtolic.
Most effective for irritation, discomfort and dryness caused by external factors (smoke, working in dusty rooms, exposure to wind and sunlight).
The drug has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect, promoting the regeneration of the cornea.
The composition of the medicine is close to natural human tear fluid. Likontin.
This is one of the few drugs that can be used without removing contact lenses.
It is mainly used by owners of such contact optics to relieve irritation and dry eyes, regardless of what type of optics is used - from toric to multifocal. Hilo chest of drawers.
Another drug for owners of artificial lenses, which helps relieve irritation after wearing contact lenses.
This medicine is also prescribed in the postoperative period for patients in whom surgery may result in suppression of the lacrimal gland, which does not secrete enough fluid.

Remember! Despite the fact that neither Visine Pure Tear itself nor its analogues require mandatory examination by doctors, before using them you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Average price in Russia

Visin Pure Tear is a relatively expensive drug, the cost of which can be from 400 to 550 rubles per bottle depending on the pharmacy. On average, the price of this medicine is 500-510 rubles.

Before using Visin Drops Pure Tear, you must consider the following points:

it is inadmissible to use the medicine, if found violation of its tightness ( bottle damage); before instillation is required contact lenses need to be removed, you can put them on approximately 15 minutes after instillation; Do not touch the tip of the bottle to your eyes when instilled; The bottle with the drug cannot be washed with ordinary detergents.


active substance: TS-polysaccharide - 0.5%,

Additional components: mannitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate monohydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecohydrate, benzalkonium chloride, purified water


The main component of Visine Pure Tear is a plant extract belonging to the polysaccharides, which is technically an analogue of human tear fluid, therefore regular use of the drug is allowed. It is this that prevents the eye from drying out, even if the organ of vision is exposed to external factors and influences.

This topical remedy works in different ways. Depending on the intensity of drying of the tear fluid and other physiological characteristics of the eye, the effect of the drug can last from four to eight hours.

The benefits of Visin Pure Tear eye drops include:

Long-lasting moisturizing effect;

Quick relief of symptoms of dry eye syndrome;

Relieving irritation, fatigue and swelling caused by unfavorable external factors;

Safety in use;

Improving the regenerative functions of the cornea and mucous membrane;

Bringing the tear film into a stable state.

Use during pregnancy

Need to know!

Unlike classic Vizine, which is used during pregnancy only in extreme cases, the drug Vizine Pure Tear has no restrictions in such situations.

This medicine can also be used while the baby is breastfeeding, since the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and is distributed only over the surface of the conjunctiva, evaporating from it.

Ophthalmic moisturizer

Side effects

There are no serious systemic side effects when using this drug.

And as a side effect, we can only name a short-term deterioration in vision sharpness, but it lasts no more than a minute and goes away on its own.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special storage conditions

Whole, unopened bottles can be kept in such conditions for three years, and the opened product must be used up within thirty days, after which Visine Pure Tear loses its beneficial properties.


First of all, the drug is used to eliminate and prevent dry eye syndrome; the medicine also effectively combats irritation and redness of the mucous membrane.

The drug can be used to relieve symptoms that arise due to conjunctivitis of various origins: exposure to external irritants, use of cosmetics, contact with chlorinated water in the eyes, exposure to infections.


Contraindications include allergic reactions that occur when the eye is hypersensitive to certain components that make up Visine Pure Tear.

The drug should not be prescribed if there is increased individual sensitivity to its components.

Drug interactions

During use, Vizine does not react with other ophthalmic medications. However, in some cases, drugs can neutralize each other's effects, so the interval between instillations of different drugs should be at least 15-20 minutes.

Prices for Visine Pure Tear in other cities

Buy Visine Pure Tear,Vizin Pure Tear in St. Petersburg,Vizin Pure Tear in Novosibirsk,Vizin Pure Tear in Yekaterinburg,