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Cats don't stop coming into heat. Estrus in cats: signs, stages and methods of solving the problem. When is the best time to have offspring?

When a cat is ready to continue breeding, she goes into heat. As a rule, the first heat in cats occurs at the age of 6 to 8 months, in some animals a little later - at 8-9 months. By this time, the cat’s body gains the ability to produce mature eggs. The onset of puberty in domestic felines occurs before the completion of their growth and physiological development. They reach physiological maturity only at 15 months.

In indoor cats, sexual activity can occur at any time of the year. This is how they differ from their wild relatives. Domestic cats show a special desire to realize their natural instincts in the spring months.

The period of estrus is accompanied by certain changes in the mental and physical state of the animal. They are considered to be signs of estrus in cats.

Signs of heat in a cat

At the initial stages, pets may show excessive affection or, on the contrary, aggression. During heat, a cat always tries to keep an eye on windows and doors so that when the opportunity arises, it can jump out into the street. But these are not the most unpleasant signs of the onset of estrus. The greatest inconvenience is caused to the owners by the constant calling of the cat by the cat. She screams and makes purring sounds at any time of the day or night.

Physiological changes include partial or complete refusal of food, enlargement of the genitals and colorless discharge from them. At this time, some even the cleanest cats may begin to leave puddles on the floor of the apartment and “mark” pieces of furniture; they urinate frequently.

How long does a cat's heat last? Stages of heat

Estrus in cats is a sequence of several stages, replacing each other within 10-12 days.
There are 4 stages of the reproductive cycle:

  1. At this stage, the animal’s body is preparing for mating, its duration is from 2 to 4 days. At this time, specific processes in the animal’s body are activated and its behavior changes. The cat becomes restless, excited and very affectionate.
  2. This stage is characterized by continuous calls from the cat to the cat to mate. The animal rolls around on the floor, rubs its head against interior items and the legs of its owners. If you touch her back, she takes a specific pose: she falls on her front paws, raises the back of her body, and moves her tail to the side. She also demonstrates this behavior when she sees a cat.
  1. Next comes a phase when there is a decrease in sexual arousal in the cat. It begins 6-8 days after the second stage. If fertilization has occurred previously, embryos begin to develop at this stage.
  2. If there was no fertilization, estrus is approaching its final stage. After this, a period of sexual rest begins. The cat gradually returns to her normal life, all signs of estrus disappear.

At what age does a cat stop going into heat?

The duration of estrus in an elderly cat depends on its physical condition. Typically, with age, heats become shorter, and the periods between them become longer. However, it should be noted that cats do not go through menopause; estrus continues throughout their lives.

How to calm a cat during heat: 3 ways to solve the problem

A cat in heat causes enormous problems for the owner. Owners suffer from the unbearable behavior of their pet: loud screaming, marks, attempts to escape from the house. However, a pet's estrus is a natural process that is regulated by hormones. It is useless to punish and scold a cat; it is unlikely to bring any benefit, but will only turn your pet against you.

There are 3 ways to solve this problem:

Mating with a cat

Of course, you can give the cat what she asks for and introduce her to the cat. However, this method is not suitable for every animal owner. If your cat has breeding value, then mating a pet will only bring benefits. However, if the pet is outbred, then the kittens born after mating may not be needed by anyone and it will be difficult to find suitable owners for them.

Castration of cats

Castration is a surgical operation to remove the gonads in animals. The operation is abdominal and is performed under general anesthesia.

Risks during and after surgery:

  • Intolerance to anesthesia during surgery (anaphylactic shock, allergies, cardiovascular failure, respiratory arrest);
  • Postoperative complications (bleeding, inflammation);
  • Long-term consequences (stress, metabolic disorders, obesity, etc.)

The use of drugs to regulate sexual heat

Experienced owners know how to calm a cat during heat without harming the animal's health. Many of them prefer to use contraceptives.

The use of drugs to regulate sexual heat allows

  • Effectively regulate the periods of sexual estrus;
  • Safely and reversibly reduce and interrupt sexual arousal during estrus. Complete restoration of procreation function occurs two to three months after stopping taking the drug;
  • Prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Gestrenol is the most humane solution to the problems of estrus in cats

This drug is chosen by experienced breeders and animal owners for the following reasons:

  • Designed specifically for cats. Gestrenol was developed specifically for cats, taking into account their species and gender characteristics. It contains modern active ingredients. This ensures high effectiveness of the drug for cats.
  • Safety of action. Gestrenol is a bihormonal drug that contains two analogues of natural sex hormones. Due to this, the concentration of active substances in the drug is reduced tens of times compared to monohormonal drugs. This ensures the safety of using Gestrenol for your pet.
  • Will ensure your pet's peace of mind for a long time. With regular use of the drug according to the scheme of maintaining sexual rest, the cat will not experience sexual arousal for a long time. Moreover, 2-3 months after stopping treatment, the pet will again be able to have healthy kittens.
  • Easy to use for cats. Gestrenol contains catnip, which attracts cats with its smell and taste, which makes it easier to use.

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Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-10 months. A sign that animals are ready to mate and bear offspring is estrus. During this natural process, pets do not experience any bleeding. Estrus in cats is accompanied by a change in behavior.

Estrous cycle: what is it?

Veterinarians use this term to refer to the physiological changes that occur during the reproductive cycle in animals. The estrous cycle is usually divided into several stages:

  • proestrus (precursor);
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Proestrus is the first period of estrus in a cat. Its duration ranges from 1 to 4 days. At this time the behavior changes slightly. The pet becomes more affectionate, comes to the owners to be petted, or rolls around on the floor. The first discharge appears, but despite this she does not allow cats near her.

Estrus is the second stage of the estrous cycle. It is impossible to say exactly how long this period lasts, because each cat has an individual duration (from 1 to 1.5 weeks). The onset of estrus can be determined by the behavior of the animal.

A cat during heat becomes inadequate. The sounds it makes can be described as a howl. Another sign of the onset of estrus is the position that the animal takes at the moment when it is stroked. The cat presses the front half of the body to the floor, lifts the back half, and moves the tail to the side. She begins to have clear discharge.

When a cat's sexual arousal begins to subside, metestrus (after-estrus) occurs. The duration of the period is from 2 to 19 days. As a rule, cats become pregnant during metestrus. The pet begins to show aggression towards cats. In some cases, metestrus ends in the development of a false pregnancy.

The final period of the estrous cycle is called anestrus (interestrus). The cat's behavior returns to normal. She calms down, begins to eat normally, and returns to her usual rhythm of life. In the absence of pregnancy, estrus resumes after a certain period of time.

How do you know when estrus starts?

It is not difficult to determine the beginning of this period in an animal. You just need to pay attention to his behavior. Some cats behave aggressively and restlessly during this period. They rush around the corners, unable to find a place for themselves. Someone is trashing your home, marking objects.

The following are the main symptoms of estrus:

  • the animal makes drawn-out and plaintive sounds;
  • rubs against various objects;
  • stops eating;
  • often licks the genitals due to discharge;
  • tries to escape from housing;
  • bends his posture, lying on the floor.

It is recommended to keep the cat indoors during this period. You need to make sure that she doesn’t get out into the street through the doors and windows of an apartment or house. An animal may get lost or injured if it jumps out of a window and falls from a height.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, an animal's estrus ends with the onset of pregnancy. The gestation period lasts about 2−2.5 months. At this time, the animal is not in heat. They begin after the kittens are born, 3-3.5 months later. If the offspring is stillborn, then estrus begins earlier.

If a cat does not become pregnant, then the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later. When cats come into heat and how long it will last depends on a number of factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • time of year (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breed (it occurs more often in Siamese and Persian individuals than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

What to do to stop estrus?

You can prevent estrus in animals by sterilizing them. This procedure involves the removal of reproductive organs. Sterilization not only eliminates the problems associated with this process, but also prevents the development of dangerous diseases (pyometra, cancer of the mammary glands, ovaries and uterus). Many people are interested in whether it is possible to sterilize a cat during heat. Veterinarians answer that this is not a contraindication.

Sterilization is not the only way. Another option is mating with a cat. Mating will result in pregnancy. As a result, the signs of estrus will disappear. However, they will arise again, but after childbirth. Mating with a cat is a temporary measure.

You can also eliminate the symptoms using hormonal drugs (for example, contrasex, pillcan). They can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. Experts do not recommend frequently giving hormones to pets. The drugs should be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

How to calm a cat during heat is a pressing question for pet owners. In order to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can buy the following products:

  1. Cat Baiyun . This drug, intended to correct the behavior of pets, is available in tablet form. You can also find drops on sale. The drug is absolutely safe for animals. The product contains natural ingredients (oregano, valerian, sweet clover, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peony roots).
  2. Phospasim. You can give injections or drops. The medicine can alleviate the psychological and emotional state of the cat. The substances that make up fospasim do not accumulate in the body. Thus, the drug does not have a negative effect.
  3. Bach drops. This product contains no artificial additives. The drug calms the animal without depressing the nervous system. The drops have no hypnotic effect.

Any remedy or injection from the above medications calms the cat, but does not help stop the estrus.

What should cat owners be wary of?

If an animal shows signs of estrus, then you should not stuff it with hormonal drugs. These remedies work effectively. However, their negative impact cannot be ignored. Due to the use of drugs, hormonal levels are often disrupted, and this in turn leads to the formation of tumors of the uterus and ovaries at any age.

The first heat in cats can begin at 7 months. In some animals this process occurs much later. In any case, you should not introduce a cat to a cat too early. At a young age, the pet’s body is not yet fully formed. It happens that early pregnancy leads to complications.

The disgusting behavior of a cat during this period can anger any person. But hitting your pet and yelling at it because it meows loudly or marks its home is prohibited. He cannot control himself during this period, but he still feels guilty. If the owner constantly screams, the animal will receive irreparable psychological trauma.

Heat disorders

Some animals show no symptoms of estrus. Veterinarians refer to this condition as “anaphrodisia.” The disease is treated with hormones (folliculin, estrone and choriogonadotropin). The injection is administered intramuscularly. Approximately 1-2 weeks from the moment the first injection was given, the pets go into heat.

Prolonged estrus is another disorder that can be detected in a cat at any age. It is characterized by an increase in the duration of estrus (over 21 days). To determine the cause, specialists conduct diagnostics to exclude ovarian pathology. Treatment to alleviate the pet's condition consists of giving an injection and subcutaneous injection of gestagens and estrogens.

Thus, a cat’s estrus is a natural process that requires special attention. If your pet is not purebred, then sterilization is the right solution. Thanks to this procedure, you will ensure peace of mind for yourself and a healthy life for him. If sterilization of your pet is not planned, then you should understand that frequent pregnancies and childbirths are not good for the animal. The cat becomes physically and emotionally exhausted and develops various diseases.

How long does estrus (heat) last in cats? How often does this happen? How to prevent complications and when should you consult a specialist?

These questions plague many cat owners around the world.

Knowing about the peculiarities of cat menstruation is important primarily for those who are encountering a cat in heat for the first time.

After all, proper care of an animal in many cases presupposes its health.

Any cat lover, before buying his future pet, is faced with a choice: to take a cat or a male cat?

Of course, a person’s choice depends on many factors and characteristics of the animal, one of which is estrus in cats.

The physiological processes in the body of an animal, as a result of which menstruation itself occurs, are in many ways identical to the processes in the body of a woman.

But unlike humans, puberty occurs faster in animals, and as a result, many owners are unprepared.

On average, the female is ready for mating at 10 months, when estrus begins

When does a cat go into heat for the first time?

Typically, a cat begins to go into heat at 10 months.

Of course, everything depends both on the breed of the animal and on its individual characteristics, such as:

  • Temperament;
  • Hormonal background;
  • General health.

Puberty occurs quite quickly in the average cat.

For example, a cat can give birth as early as one year of age.

During this period, the animal’s body is already fully formed and ready for bearing a litter, immediate and subsequent feeding of kittens.

But the first heat does not indicate that the cat needs to be immediately paired with a male cat.

If animals are mated prematurely, this can lead to difficult births and the death of kittens before they are born.

This is especially true for cats that are smaller in size and under one year of age.

Despite this, a large number of owners believe that the violent temper of cats must be pacified with the help of various drugs.

In fact, some medications, such as drops for cats, significantly reduce the discomfort and distress of the animal, but such medications should be used very carefully and moderately so as not to harm the pet’s body by interfering with the normal physiological process - hormonal levels cannot be radically changed cats.

The owners are usually advised about this by a veterinarian, who also establishes the need for sterilization and the period during which it can be carried out.

The most important problem that cat owners face is discharge from the cat’s vulva, which leaves stains.

Typically, compared to dogs, cats lick themselves much more often and, as a result, less “stain” the clothes, carpets and sofas with which they come into contact.

But in some cases this problem can be especially acute.

But often, this device interferes with the animal, as it prevents licking, especially if the cat is not accustomed to it in advance.

Since estrus for a cat, especially if it happens for the first time, is stressful, owners are strongly advised to be patient with the animal’s behavior, and in no case punish it, so as not to injure its body - after all, the pet does not understand what’s wrong with it is happening.

How long does estrus last in cats: First signs and timing

How long does a cat's heat last? Typically, menstruation in these animals begins at 10 months of age. Of course, everything depends on the breed of the animal, as well as on temperament, hormonal levels and general health.

If you intend to have a female kitten, you should prepare in advance for the fact that at a certain age the animal will go into heat. There is nothing to worry about here, this is a natural process for all living beings. However, the future owner should get an idea in advance of what to expect and how to help the pet during this not entirely easy period for her.

Let's understand what estrus is

Estrus is the scientific name for the familiar word “estrus”. At this time, females undergo a psychophysiological restructuring of the body that precedes mating. At the estrus stage, follicles mature in the cat's ovaries, ovulation occurs and conception becomes possible.

Signs of estrus:

  • changes in the pet's behavior. Two extremes are possible: either excessive aggression or excessive complaisance;
  • inviting, uterine meow. Often, a cat can call a cat for almost a day;
  • slight swelling of the genitals (often recognized only by a specialist);
  • increased urination;
  • decreased and even lack of appetite. It can manifest itself both on the first day and throughout the entire estrus phase;
  • changes in gait: the hind legs are half bent, the tail is raised and moved to the side;
  • Clear, non-bloody discharge appears on the genitals. The animal often begins to care for its intimate area.

Signs of estrus can be observed both complexly and alternately. Consider another important fact: not only cats mark territory; during estrus, cats can also do this.

There is such a thing as “erased estrus,” in which sexual heat in the female practically does not manifest itself at all. A similar phenomenon is usually observed in weakened cats with obesity or other diseases. The appearance of “erased estrus” is also possible in healthy, low-temperament females. And yet, before enjoying the opportunity to get a good night's sleep, it is worth taking your pet to the veterinarian.

When do cats go through puberty?

Many owners of young cats are interested in the question: how soon will their pets begin estrus. However, there is no clear answer. Numerous factors can influence when a cat goes into heat for the first time: the breed and size of the pet, the season, the presence of a cat nearby, and even the color of the domestic predator.

The average first ovulation in female cats occurs at the age of 6–8 months. However, in some cases it can begin only by 1 year. If after a year the cat still has not started to come into heat, this is a reason to sound the alarm. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of hormonal disorders or diseases in the animal. It is necessary to show your pet to a doctor to determine the exact causes and receive guidance on how to eliminate them.

Duration and regularity of estrus

Both are individual for each individual cat. However, if we talk about generalized data, the first estrus is often short-lived. Subsequently, its duration increases and can range from 5 to 10 days; rarely - up to 20 days. Intervals between heats can vary from 15 days to 6 months; less often - up to 1 year.

Factors on which the breaks between estrus depend:

  1. Season. Most often, estrus is regular until the winter season, then it subsides temporarily. This is due to the fact that the maturation of follicles depends on the length of daylight hours.
  2. Specifics of the animal's living conditions.
  3. Environment.
  4. Breed.
  5. Presence/absence of contacts with others like yourself
  6. Features of cat physiology.

In general, if you know the duration of your pet's heat, you can easily calculate the intervals between its occurrences. If you are concerned about how often your pet goes into heat, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will take into account all the characteristics of your cat and will provide assistance in selecting means and methods to normalize or eliminate this process (drugs, sterilization).

The beginning of the first heat: what to do, when to sterilize

If breeding is not part of your plans, then everything is quite simple: there is no need for any action, estrus will pass by itself. Once completed, your pet can be sterilized. Take into account the fact that this kind of operation should not be carried out in the midst of estrus; you need to wait until it is completed.

On the other hand, when there is an extreme need for this (medical indications), sterilizing a cat during this period is still acceptable. During the process of releasing eggs from the follicles, cats produce much less bloody discharge than dogs. A competent doctor will be able to perform a high-quality operation even in such difficult conditions. After sterilization, the cat's estrus stops completely.

In some cases, cats are in heat even after sterilization. However, this is not a normal phenomenon. Continuation of sexual heat in an animal will indicate a poor-quality operation: either sloppy manipulations, or only one ovary was removed. To avoid such negligence, you should only seek help of this kind from veterinary clinics with a good reputation.

In order not to disrupt the stability of the cat’s body, before sterilization it is recommended to allow the animal to go through 1-2 heats on its own. To avoid any discomfort during this period, you should inquire in advance about how to calm your pet down. For such purposes, many hormonal drugs are sold in animal pharmacies. However, before purchasing them, you should consult your doctor.

The veterinarian must be informed:

  • the number of estrus periods preceding a visit to the doctor;
  • describe your pet’s behavior during estrus;
  • your further intention regarding the sexual estrus of your pet: sterilization or breeding.
  • During the consultation, taking into account the information received, the doctor will recommend a suitable medicine for your pet and help her survive this difficult period.

Many veterinarians do not recommend long-term use of contraceptives. There is a high risk that the cat will subsequently have complications during pregnancy or birth. In addition, kittens that are born are likely to have various congenital pathologies.

When is the best time to have offspring?

Owners who decide to have offspring should wait for the first 2-3 heats before mating their pet. During this period, it is impossible to suppress sexual desire with contraceptive drugs; the pet’s inviting cries will have to be stoically waited out.

Due to the fact that the intervals between heats are individual for each cat, take care that sexual intercourse followed by fertilization does not occur too early. During the restructuring of the cat's body during estrus, the general psychophysical plan of the animal is adjusted. By the time of fertilization, the pet must be ready for conception not only physically, but also psychologically. Otherwise, you risk harming her health.

You should take care of choosing a boyfriend for your pet in advance. When the cat is ready and estrus begins, you can take the pet to the cat. You will learn that conception has occurred after 1–2 days when sexual estrus has stopped.

During pregnancy, birth and feeding of kittens, the cat will not be in heat. It will appear again 3–3.5 months after lambing. If kittens are taken away from their mother cat, estrus can begin on the 2nd day of lactation.

Avoiding mistakes

The most common two common mistakes are:

  1. Contraception. The fact that you know the symptoms of estrus and can easily identify it is not yet a reason to run to the pharmacy for drugs that suppress sexual desire. It is not enough to have this kind of knowledge; it is also very important to clearly understand the likely consequences. Only a specialist can select the necessary medicine, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the animal.
  2. Violence. It is not only physical, but also psychological. A cat that screams and climbs towards you cannot control itself at the moment of estrus. She is not able to correct her behavior even with the help of you hitting her or shouting at her. But you can easily cripple her psyche with such influences, because she perfectly feels guilt at the moment when you scold her.

If you are unable to tolerate cat behavior during the period of heat and are not able to help her during this difficult time, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a little predator.

Video: how to calm a cat during heat using a bandage

If you intend to have a female cat rather than a male cat, you should prepare from the very first days for the fact that at a certain age she will go into heat. This is a natural process in the animal’s body, but you need to prepare for it in advance, because the owner of the animal must not only know how the cat behaves during heat, but also be able to help his pet prepare for “adult” life. And don’t think that caring for a cat during heat will be simpler and easier than caring for a cat in a similar situation!

What is heat in a cat?

In another way, this phenomenon is called estrus and involves a change not only in the physical state of the animal, but also the occurrence of certain changes in its psyche. Estrus begins when the follicles in a cat's ovaries mature, and this sign is the first evidence that the animal is ready to bear offspring and subsequent births.

As a rule, estrus in cats lasts several days, and its onset can be determined by the following signs:

  1. change in the behavior of the animal - it can become either very aggressive, or, on the contrary, very affectionate,

  2. the appearance of uterine and calling cries (sometimes a cat can scream all day and night),

  3. swelling of the genital organs (almost insignificant, so its presence can often only be determined by a specialist),

  4. the appearance of frequent urination,

  5. decreased or even complete absence of appetite (observed either throughout the entire period of estrus in cats, or only in the first days),

  6. a change in the cat’s gait - it begins to walk on half-bent hind legs, with its tail raised,

  7. the appearance of clear discharge from the genitals - to remove it, the cat begins to wash itself much more often (unlike dogs, cats do not have bloody discharge!).

These signs of estrus in a cat can alternate, or they can be observed in combination. However, in any case, the owners of the animal need to be prepared for the fact that sometimes the cat marks its territory during heat!

However, there are also cases when “erased” estrus occurs in cats, the symptoms of which are completely unnoticeable or significantly muted. This is very pleasing to those who do not want to listen to loud screams at night and fight a cat running on their heels during the day. If you need to increase the signs of heat, just keep the cat close to the cat for a while.

Estrus in cats: age of puberty

Many pet owners are interested in when cats go into estrus, but it is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because the onset of estrus often depends on many factors, including the breed of the cat, the time of year, the size of the animal, the presence of cats near it, and sometimes even the color of your cat. favorites!

In general, a cat's first heat can begin at the age of 6-8 months, but some animals can live without it for up to 12 months. And if estrus does not begin later than this period, you should show your pet to a doctor: most likely, she has hormonal imbalances, and only a veterinarian can examine the animal and recommend what needs to be done.

If you are wondering how long estrus lasts in cats, then you can rest assured: the first time it is very short, but subsequently this period can last up to 6, and sometimes up to 10 days (in some cases, estrus lasts up to 20 days!) .

If you intend to regularly get kittens from your cat and engage in breeding, you should definitely know how often cats go into heat. In some cases, the intervals can be very short and amount to only 15-25 days! However, as a rule, the intervals between estrus are different for different animals, so you will have to study your pet individually, but remember that the frequency of estrus may depend on:

  1. time of year (usually estrus is quite regular until winter, and then subsides for a while, since the formation of follicles in the ovaries depends, among other things, on the length of daylight hours),

  2. characteristics of the cat’s living conditions and environment,

  3. animal breeds,

  4. the frequency of his communication with his relatives,

  5. physiological characteristics of the cat.

In general, if you know how many days a cat is in heat, then you can easily calculate the frequency of its occurrence. And if for some reason you are concerned about the frequency of estrus, contact your veterinarian and tell them how often cats go into heat. He will take into account all the characteristics of the animal and help you choose the optimal means of temporarily suppressing sexual activity for it or offer to sterilize your pet.

The cat is in heat! What to do?

If you do not plan to have offspring, then everything is very simple: you don’t need to do anything, and the heat will end on its own, after which you can sterilize the animal. However, remember that sterilizing a cat during estrus is undesirable, so you are still better off waiting until the end of this period. However, if you really need it, you can still sterilize a cat during heat: the genitals of these animals fill with blood much less than, for example, the genitals of dogs, so a good surgeon will be able to perform the operation even during such a dangerous period. After you perform this operation, you can rest assured: a sterilized cat’s heat will not bother you. In some cases, however, cats may be in heat after sterilization, but this will only mean that the animal either did not have one of its two ovaries removed, or that the operation was performed carelessly. To avoid this, you should be sure to contact only a trusted clinic and entrust your animal only to a doctor you trust!

However, even if you have planned an operation (namely, it is considered the best “sedative” remedy), you will still have to go through at least 1-2 estrus, so it is better to know in advance how to calm a cat during estrus. For these purposes, you can use various drugs that are available in abundance in veterinary pharmacies. However, before purchasing them, you should contact your veterinarian, who needs to be told:

  1. how many times was the cat in heat before treatment,

  2. what is the behavior of a cat during estrus,

  3. Do you plan to sterilize or have offspring in the future?

After this, the doctor will recommend a drug (usually tablets or drops) that will best suit your pet and help her during a difficult period in her life. True, according to many veterinarians, after long-term use of such tablets, you should not allow the cat to give birth - this can lead to complications and the appearance of various pathologies in kittens.

How to help a cat in heat if she is planning to give birth?

If you are planning on giving your cat kittens, then just wait until your pet goes through her first 2-3 heats (most likely, you will just have to endure them without giving the cat any medications or trying to suppress the manifestations of estrus). Then you can start thinking about mating her with a male cat. However, remember that early fertilization is not recommended, because this can subsequently provoke various complications during pregnancy, as well as cause serious harm to the health of your cat, so it is better to wait a little.

When the time is right, find a partner for your pet in advance. As soon as you notice the beginning of estrus in cats, you can make an appointment for the animal to meet the cat, and if during this meeting the animal is fertilized, the signs of estrus will end in 1-2 days.

After this, there will be a long break in estrus for pregnancy and childbirth, because estrus is impossible for a pregnant cat, and the next estrus will begin approximately 3-3.5 months after the cat gives birth to kittens. In some cases, estrus begins already on the second day of lactation. True, if animals lose all their kittens during childbirth, then estrus in cats begins earlier after childbirth.

What not to do

If you know how estrus manifests itself in cats and have noticed its first signs, do not rush to immediately stuff your pet with suppressive drugs. It is not enough to know how to determine estrus in cats; you also need to clearly understand the consequences of suppressing this phenomenon and take into account the individual physiological characteristics of your pet. Therefore, it is best to discuss the issue of easing estrus with a veterinarian.

And, of course, you should clearly remember: you should never shout at a cat that is in heat and is screaming and caressing you, and even more so you should not hit the pet, even if she has angered you with her pestering. First, you could cause permanent injury to your cat. Secondly, the animal in such a situation simply does not control what happens to it and cannot obey. However, a constantly scolded cat still experiences a feeling of guilt, and purely physiological problems in this regard are also mixed with psychological ones, which can make your pet suffer. Taking this into account, it is better to think in advance how to make it easier for your cat to go into heat and how to endure this period, and if you cannot do this, it is better not to get a cat.

Characteristic signs of estrus in a cat indicate that the animal is ready to conceive and bear offspring.

Felines are polycyclic animals, which means that the cat’s period of readiness for fertilization occurs several times throughout the year. During 1 season, the female undergoes several sexual cycles. Most often, the mating season for females begins at the beginning of the year, in January, and ends by the end of summer or beginning of autumn. In some cases, there are females that are capable of fertilization periodically throughout the calendar year. The only period when such animals do not come into heat is the period when kittens are fed milk. A return to normal behavior occurs 1 week after the kittens are weaned from the cat.

The female's first estrus occurs, like all other mammals, after she reaches sexual maturity and is ready to breed.

Attention! Typically, sexual maturity in females occurs in the period from 7 to 10 months after birth, but physiological maturation of the female occurs in the period from 12 to 14 months.

The time of the onset of the first heat, as well as the regularity of subsequent ones, depends on a large number of factors. The breed of the animal influences the time of the onset of sexual heat. In breeds bred in the East, the period of estrus occurs more often than in cats bred in other regions.

Factors influencing the female's first estrus and signs of the onset of the heat period

The main factors influencing the onset of estrus in females are:

  1. Breed.
  2. Season.
  3. Presence of a male in close proximity.
  4. Cat sizes.

Most often, a cat goes into heat three times a year. The duration varies for different breeds, but for most animals it lasts about 2 weeks. Violations of the schedule and process in females are observed in the presence of hormonal imbalance.

The main signs of the first heat in a female are the following:

  1. The females are excited.
  2. Restless behavior is observed.
  3. Contact with a cat has an exciting effect on it.

In addition, when determining a cat's first heat, you should pay special attention to the following signs:

  1. Before the start of the hunting period, the animal's genitals enlarge, and a clear, thin discharge appears from them, which the animal can leave indoors.
  2. The process of urination becomes more frequent than in normal periods of life.
  3. The females become tender and begin to rub against everything. Cats may roll around on the floor and squirm their bodies. In some cases, females may become more aggressive.
  4. In rare cases, females experience a disturbance in appetite; during this period they eat less and less frequently.
  5. The cat tries to escape from the house, using every opportunity.
  6. The female emits a plaintive meow and calls for the cat.

The cat may arch its back, lie down on the floor, and move its tail to the side.

How does estrus occur in cats?

The period of sexual heat in a cat is divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Each of these stages differs in the behavior of the cat and the state of its body.

Proestrus is the initial stage of the period of sexual desire in a female. The duration of this stage can range from 1 to 4 days. This period is characterized by more or less calm behavior of the pet and a slight increase in affection. The animal's appetite remains, and in some cases may even increase. Sometimes the cat makes quiet sounds in its throat. During this period, there is a gradual enlargement of the external genital organs, and the formation and secretion of transparent mucus from the genital organs begins. At this stage, the cat does not allow any other cat to approach her.

Estrus is the second stage of the sexual desire period. The duration can vary from 1 to 1.5 weeks. This period is directly the estrus itself. It is during this period that the female becomes affectionate and wriggles, begins to meow loudly, calling the cat to her. If you stroke a cat in the area of ​​the sacrum, then it, bending, takes a pose characteristic of the mating process. The optimal time for mating is from the 3rd to the 5th day of estrus.

Metestrus is a stage of the estrus period during which the female's sexual desire decreases. The duration of this stage ranges from 3 to 12 days. If fertilization is carried out at the estrus stage, then at the metestrus stage the cat begins to show aggression towards cats. There are cases when cats develop false pregnancies. This condition is accompanied by all the signs of a true pregnancy, except that such a pregnancy cannot end in delivery. Most often, with a false pregnancy, all signs disappear 1.5 months after the cat’s estrus ends. If the female is fertilized at the previous stage, the cat will give birth 60-70 days later.

Anestrus is the 4th stage of estrus. This stage occurs if the female is not fertilized. During this period, the cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How to calm a cat during heat?

When the first signs of estrus appear in a cat, if you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, you need to take some measures to calm the animal and bring it back to normal.

In order to calm the cat during this period, she should be given more attention. To do this, you should pick her up more and stroke her. In this way, it is possible to calm the animal and relieve its psychological stress.

To reduce psychological stress in an animal, you should play with it. For the game, it is better to choose a new toy that may interest the animal. While playing with a new toy, the cat will begin to jump and run around the room in which it lives, which will allow it to release a large amount of internal energy.

During this period, the cat should be fed less. Very often, veterinarians recommend not feeding your cat during the day, but giving it a small amount of food at night. It should be remembered that the animal must have water in the drinking bowl constantly and in the required quantity.

Attention! When signs of the female's first heat appear, she should be isolated in a separate room for several days, which will reduce her mating calls.

When isolating a cat in a separate room, one must not forget that the animal must have plenty of water; in addition, a comfortable bed should be provided for the cat.

The use of homeopathy helps some females cope with the changes occurring in their body at this time. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian so as not to harm the health of the animal.

How to solve the problem of estrus in a female cat?

As soon as a female cat reaches sexual maturity, the question immediately arises of how to solve this problem. There are several methods to solve this problem.

These methods are as follows:

  1. Carrying out an operation to sterilize an animal. The operation to sterilize an animal involves removing the female's uterus and ovaries. As a result of such a surgical intervention, the female’s desire completely disappears, and signs of the onset of estrus are not observed in the cat.
  2. Mating a female with a male. The purpose of this procedure is to mate a cat with a cat during the period of estrus. After mating, the cat always calms down. However, the owner of the animal should be clearly aware that frequent pregnancies and childbirth in a female can provoke the development of serious diseases. In addition, frequent pregnancies lead to physical and emotional exhaustion in the animal.
  3. Use of hormonal drugs at the onset of sexual heat. The use of these drugs allows you to stop the onset of estrus in the animal. Such drugs can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. They are allowed to be used 1-2 times a year. As a result of the use of hormonal drugs, disturbances in the functioning of the animal’s body may occur. Frequent use of hormone-based drugs can cause tumors of the ovaries and uterus in a cat.
  4. Use of sedatives. Using light herbal infusions during a female's heat can alleviate the animal's condition. Such drugs include, for example, Kot-Bayun and Bach Drops. It should be noted that this method is not always effective.

What to do if you plan to get offspring from a female?

Owners of purebred cats most often keep females in order to produce offspring both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when it is time to inseminate the female. For this purpose, you need to be able to accurately determine the time of the onset of estrus in a female.

For animal breeders who do not have enough experience to determine the signs of estrus in a cat, we can recommend looking at specialized sites dedicated to cat care for photos and videos demonstrating the behavior of a female during the period of sexual heat.

Attention! If you want to get offspring from a female, you should remember that the optimal timing of insemination is the first and second days after the start of the heat period.

A female should mate with a male 2-3 times, with the interval between matings being 12-14 hours. If you comply with all these requirements, then the chance of getting offspring increases several times.

Owners of purebred cats should remember that sexual maturity in cats occurs at the age of 4 to 6 months, however, early pregnancy is undesirable for the animal, since the animal has not reached full physiological maturity during this period, and its body is still developing. Full physiological maturity of the female occurs a year after birth.

Signs of estrus in a cat and what should the owner do during this period? was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Estrus, estrus, heat are the names of the state when the female’s body is ready for mating, bearing, and giving birth to offspring. The body undergoes natural endocrine changes caused by the maturation of follicles in the ovaries. The external manifestations, duration, and frequency of this condition are difficult to predict; they depend on various factors. But understanding your pet’s condition will bring undoubted benefits.

Signs and symptoms

Although the symptoms of this process manifest themselves differently in each Murka, you must learn to identify them. The onset is determined by the following characteristic features:

  • enlargement of the genitals;
  • the appearance of special bloodless discharge;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • an increase in the number of licks;
  • decreased appetite;
  • more affectionate or aggressive behavior;
  • frequent attempts to go for a walk;
  • characteristic unpleasant sounds.

Whether all symptoms appear simultaneously or only some depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. The pet can roll on the floor, wriggle, throw its tail to the side, howl deep in its throat, make screams, i.e. do everything possible to attract a male and begin reproducing offspring.

For her, this is completely natural behavior, which seems strange and illogical to the owner. There are other manifestations: screaming, constantly meowing, marking territory, walking past the toilet, ignoring the litter tray, eating poorly, not eating anything, sleeping a lot, losing weight, peeing on the bed.

How does the furry beauty feel?

Changes in the endocrine background cause changes in emotions. The condition of the reproductive organs changes. The brain receives signals that significantly change the pet’s behavior. The situation becomes unusual and stressful. The cat begins to worry and feels the need for affection. An increase in stress levels provokes instinctively aggressive behavior, furious meowing. When Murka's puberty proceeds normally, the baby is not in pain, but her anxiety increases noticeably, and she may lose weight due to nervousness.

How often does estrus occur?

Breeders note that the frequency of cycles depends on the breed, more often in temperamental ones, less often in calm ones. The first include the Siamese and Persians, the second - the British and Scots. There are other factors: time of year, childbirth, age, hormonal changes, health status. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each individual. In cats of the same breed and age, periods of arousal differ markedly.

How long does it last

The duration of estrus is individual for each individual. Usually it lasts only a few days, sometimes it lasts two weeks, twenty days. Felinologists recommend carefully monitoring the process, recording the duration of each rut, and marking the dates on the calendar. Sudden changes in timing indicate trouble. Prolonged sexual activity is a characteristic symptom of problems with the ovaries: cysts, tumors, inflammation. A reduction in the timing of the rut occurs with hormonal problems, expressed in thyroid pathologies, abnormal development of the ovaries.

Seasonality of the reproductive cycle

The time of year affects the frequency of heat in cats. In spring, summer, and autumn, the desire to mate increases, in winter it decreases. It is necessary to take into account the conditions of detention; permanent residence in a warm house blurs the lines between seasons; the female is ready to mate regardless of the season. This is an individual moment. One Murka expresses a desire to mate at the very beginning of spring, the other - closer to the beginning of summer. With age, the seasonality of the reproductive cycle changes. If Murka is healthy, there is no need to worry.

Frequency of estrus

How many times and exactly when the process starts depends on:

  • childbirth and feeding, after which half a year or less may pass until the next active phase;
  • death of kittens or early weaning after birth, which reduces the break until the next active phase;
  • age, the desire to mate becomes less as the female ages.

One heat cycle every three months, i.e. four per year is considered the average norm. There are cats that are ready to mate every month or more often; for some, one date with a male every six months is enough.

If there has been mating, the desired pregnancy has occurred, estrus will stop for the duration of gestation, i.e. for two months or a little more. The next active phase occurs 3-5 months after birth or earlier if the offspring was stillborn.

Cat's first heat

This is a special time. The pet's body changes, sensations appear that she has not experienced before, Murka needs care and attention. It is difficult to accurately calculate the beginning of a special time. When your pet turns six months old, it is necessary to carefully “try on” changes in behavior for signs of maturation in order to identify the onset of natural maturation processes and recognize early symptoms of possible diseases.

When does the first heat start?

The time of onset of the first estrus in a cat varies widely: from six to sixteen months. There are “early” babies who mature by four months, although such early estrus indicates the presence of a developmental pathology, the onset of the disease. If a one-and-a-half-year-old beauty does not experience estrus, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. A long process of puberty is a sign of developing problems that cannot be ignored.

Features of the first rut

The optimal age for the first rut is approximately 10 months; mating at this time will allow the mustachioed beauty to have offspring by a year or a little later. The body is already mature enough to withstand the stress associated with childbirth. It is important to have a general idea: when the cat’s first sexual estrus began and how it proceeded. During early rutting, probable pathologies are identified and treatment is begun. The decision to sterilize is also made at this stage.

What is happening to Murka at this time?

Experts divide the rut into four main periods. It is difficult to see clear boundaries between them, but knowing how to understand when your pet is having sexual activity will be useful. The owners will better understand the feelings of the pet and will be able to choose the optimal time for mating. This will increase the cat's chances of starting pregnancy at the right time. The defining moment is the exact determination of the first day of the cycle.


The initial stage lasts from a day to four, often lasting two days. The pet eats less, there is slight discharge and swelling of the genitals. The cat becomes affectionate, reacts aggressively to the cat or remains indifferent. The process has just begun, the pet is not ready for mating. It is worth assessing what color the discharge is during the rut. They should be scanty, transparent, odorless.


This is the active phase, suitable for mating, and lasts five to ten days. Now it becomes clear what this process looks like in a cat. Now characterized by increased hormonal levels and heavy discharge. The cat's behavior acquires a pronounced desire to mate. She arches, rolls on the floor, wriggles, throws her tail, and makes unusual body movements. The pet does not purr, but rather screams.

The inability to release sexual energy during mating can cause mustachioed beauties extremely unpleasant physical sensations, which is why they scream. Any disciplinary measures will increase stress; neither persuasion nor punishment will change the endocrine background of the pet. If estrus is asymptomatic, behavior remains calm, and there is a high probability of problems in the gynecological area.


It is called post-estrus or metestrus. Depending on whether there was mating, here are the options for the development of events:

  • fertilization has occurred, pregnancy has occurred, kittens will appear in ten weeks;
  • after mating, fertilization did not occur, a false pregnancy occurred, lasting thirty to forty days, then the next rutting period will begin;
  • there was no mating, arousal will gradually decrease over a period of two days to two weeks.

In this phase, the manifestation of aggression towards the male is considered natural. New hormonal changes associated with a return to normal or the development of pregnancy again affect the animal's behavior. The pet begins to calm down and does not let the cat near.


The resting phase from metestrus to the next estrus. In cats that are regularly bred after pregnancy or childbirth, this period may be longer than in a pet that has gone through an empty heat. Aneestrus lasts several weeks or months. Felinologists note that numerous rutting periods that do not end with fertilization do not bring benefit to the cat. The likelihood of developing a number of diseases increases. It is necessary to decide now how to stop or interrupt the next hunt.

How to behave as an owner

Mating is a natural step for a current female, but it is not always possible. It's a bad idea to breed a female cat during her first heat. Simple methods and techniques will help ease the baby’s suffering:

  • distract with favorite or new toys;
  • pick up, stroke, massage, soothe with gentle words;
  • feed frequently in smaller portions;
  • reduce room lighting;
  • use sedatives recommended by your veterinarian;
  • invite an active neutered male for mating.

Some owners independently stimulate the cat to help the pet get through a difficult period if the cat does not want the cat or is unavailable. First you need to put a glove on your hand and prepare a clean cotton swab. You need to stroke the cat, which is in a state of rutting, on the back, and gently grab it by the withers.

The vulva is then gently stroked until the vagina begins to pulsate and the tail is pulled to the side. Now you can slowly insert a cotton swab or other suitable object inside. Stimulation is carried out until discharge occurs. The procedure is repeated several times.

If there are cats in the house, and mating is not planned, the current female must be isolated and harmless folk remedies used to calm her down. The bed should be placed next to a radiator or other heat source, and a warm heating pad should be placed. Frequent bathing helps relieve tension. You need to wash your pet carefully. If Murka does not like water, the irritation will not subside, but will intensify. Sometimes catnip or decoctions of soothing herbs: lemon balm, chamomile give results.

There are herbal soothing drops and tablets to stop Murka from screaming:

  • Stop Stress;
  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Anti-stress.

They have a mild effect and do not affect the hormonal state of the animal. There are relatively safe means in the first aid kit to calm Murka down. Suprastin is given at the rate of a quarter of a tablet per five kilograms of weight, once a day towards night, for three days.

Suprastin suppresses the psyche of fluffies; it cannot be considered as a replacement for hormonal therapy or sterilization. The medicine is prescribed as a temporary measure after childbirth to delay the onset of a new pregnancy.

On specialized forums there are reviews, photos, prices for medicines, recommendations on what else can be used for a pet during estrus. If she starts peeing anywhere, marking her territory, she needs to use special underpants.

Deviations from the norm

The owner needs to carefully monitor the seasonality, duration, and nature of estrus in order to record anomalies. A long absence of the active phase, its frequent occurrence, pain, sluggish response to treatment, yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor, bloody inclusions indicate endocrine disruption and more serious health problems. If the first rut does not occur for too long, when estrus lasts longer than two weeks, consultation with a veterinarian is required. Signs of ill health must be combated with means recommended by specialists.

Prolonged heat

In this state, the duration of the physiological phases of the process increases. The continuous rut ​​lasts more than two weeks, causing discomfort to the pet. A characteristic feature is the continued appearance of mucous discharge, accompanied by manifestations of aggression towards the male. Mating does not occur, fertilization does not occur, the mustachioed beauty remains excited. Prolonged stress makes the situation worse.


This is the name for the condition of a fluffy beauty who is of childbearing age, but does not show any signs of sexual desire. Anaphrodisia (acyclia) is a characteristic sign of delayed puberty. If the female is not intended for breeding purebred offspring, she may not need treatment. The veterinarian examines the animal to rule out hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or adenohypophysis. If pregnancy is necessary, combination therapy with follicle-stimulating hormones is carried out: choriogonadotropin, folliculin, estrone.

False pregnancy

Only a veterinarian can accurately diagnose this condition. It is characterized by the same symptoms as for normal pregnancy:

  • increased appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • finding a secluded place;
  • increased attention to small soft objects;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • increase in abdominal size.

The problem is considered psychological and is seen as the result of prolonged stress. The sad result is purulent mastitis and similar diseases. Sphynx cats have an innate tendency to show signs of false pregnancy.

Empty heat

Lack of fertilization is not considered a normal condition. If your pet does not become pregnant, the body experiences unwanted hormonal stress. The situation is complicated by the substances that caring owners give to calm the cat at this time. In the future, there is a high probability of developing dangerous diseases: mastitis, hyperplasia, cancer, ovarian cysts, polycystic disease, endometritis, purulent inflammation, etc. If you do not plan to get offspring from a cat, timely sterilization will be a choice in favor of her health.

Frequent heats

The average norm is two to four rutting periods per year, although much depends on temperament, breed, and genetic characteristics. It happens that the re-rut occurs too often, literally every week or two. This dangerous condition cannot be ignored. If mating is not planned, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian. Perhaps this is a manifestation of a serious gynecological disease, for example, polycystic disease. Treatment with hormones can be effective. If the problem is not resolved, castration is the next appropriate step.

Bloody issues

The appearance of blood in mucous secretions indicates the presence of a serious pathology. It is impossible to determine the cause “by eye”; a serious examination by an experienced veterinarian is necessary: ​​standard tests, histology, cytology, ultrasound, studies, the decision of which is made by a specialist. Some diseases develop rapidly. If you have bloody discharge, the most sensible step is to visit the clinic immediately.

Reasons for lack of estrus

Among the reasons for a long-term lack of desire to mate are:

  • predisposition caused by genetic breed characteristics;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine shift;
  • pathological condition of the ovaries;
  • hermaphroditism, etc.

There are emotional factors that cause sexual dysfunction. Lack of hunting is observed in individuals that are kept indoors, do not have contact with other representatives of their species, and do not observe normal sexual behavior.

Purebred females over one and a half years old who are involved in breeding require treatment to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. Pets kept for pleasure do not need such treatment. The veterinarian will examine the pet; if other pathologies do not appear, treatment is not necessary. Periodic preventive examinations will be required.

Sexual desire in a sterilized cat

The surgical procedure used to prevent pregnancy is commonly called sterilization. In practice, the animal undergoes one of three operations:

  • tubal occlusion: tubal ligation;
  • oophorectomy - removal of the ovaries;
  • Ovariohysterectomy - simultaneous removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Tubal ligation does not stop the maturation of the follicles, creating an obstacle to the fertilized egg entering the uterus. The hormonal background does not undergo changes, the occurrence of heat in a pet that has been sterilized by tubal ligation is the norm. The cessation of sexual activity occurs as a result of oophorectomy or ovariohysterectomy. These two procedures protect the pet well from inflammation of the uterus, ovarian cancer, polycystic disease, and similar diseases.

Is it possible to sterilize a cat at this time?

Sterilization during the rutting period is strictly prohibited. A gross change in the development of hormonal processes will negatively affect the health of any animal. The procedure is recommended two weeks before or two weeks after the active phase.

Kittens predisposed to the development of mammary gland cancer are sterilized before the first heat, the permissible age is six months or a little more, weight is more than three kilograms. The rest are sterilized after the first heat. The signs are not always obvious; there is a danger of missing the deadline and performing the operation when the pet is in a state of activity, which is strictly contraindicated.

Use of hormone-based medications

Mustachioed pets cope with this difficult time in different ways. Some need a little affection and attention to survive this period, while others suffer from unsatisfied desire, despite the efforts of their owners. If the usual methods of calming down are powerless, you will have to turn to special means, tablets, drops, options that help relieve tension. When mating is not planned, sterilization is the right option.

The principle of operation of drugs of this type

Only hormones, natural or synthesized, can effectively influence the onset of sexual heat. Progesterone enters the body during pregnancy. A dose of progestin preparations administered during the rest period suppresses the effect of follicle-stimulating hormone. Estrogen, which provokes sexual desire, does not enter the blood, and the period of sexual desire is blocked. If hormonal medications are used incorrectly, your pet may die.

Types of drugs

Hormonal preparations of this type are available in tablet form, as drops for internal use or application to the withers. An effective, high-quality product contains a complex of hormones. Veterinarians often prescribe the following:

  • “Stop-intim”, drops based on megestrol acetate, a synthetic analogue of progesterol, given orally with a treat, sugar or forcibly;
  • “Contrasex”, drops, tablets containing synthetic hormones acetomepregenol, ethinyl estradiol;
  • “Gestrenol” is a complex biohormonal preparation in the form of drops and tablets;
  • “Sex barrier” - mepregenol acetate plus ethinyl estradiol, liquid, tablets;
  • “Ovostop” is a complex of megestrol, proroxan, melatonin, drops on the withers.

Features of application

For health and safety reasons, it is best to consult your veterinarian first. Hormones are prescribed only to healthy animals; they are administered in strict accordance with the instructions. Progestins have many contraindications; a non-specialist cannot determine them by eye. You should not skip a dose or increase the dose to compensate for the missed dose of medication.

Non-extended-release medications must be taken for the entire prescribed period. Determining the dosage is the task of the veterinarian. Spontaneous use of hormonal contraceptives is unacceptable. It is forbidden to use progestin preparations during sexual heat, this is after the end of the active phase.

Hormones do not replace the sterilization procedure; their purpose is:

  • delay the onset of the active phase if pregnancy is contraindicated for your pet for some time, after recent childbirth, cesarean section, gynecological problems;
  • adjust the mating time, for example, until a suitable male is found;
  • prevent pregnancy if immediate sterilization is contraindicated.

Within 24 hours after an unwanted mating, progestins can prevent unplanned pregnancy.

How to determine the right day

Taking hormonal drugs in the active phase will be a disaster for the cat. The third day of the period is considered critical; the process enters the active phase. Many females experience a quiet, mild estrus, which begins almost asymptomatically.

An inexperienced owner may not pay attention to the signs: Murka becomes thoughtful and affectionate. An important point is the behavior when stroking the sacrum. The pet characteristically arches, throws back its tail, sexual activity is in full swing, progestins cannot be given. When there is no such reaction, the use of the medicine is acceptable.

Hormonal injections

The veterinarian sometimes recommends a hormone injection using a long-acting drug. Usually it is Covinan or Depo-Provera. The first is based on proligestone (synthetic progesterone), a steroid that inhibits the processes in the animal’s body that cause sexual desire, reducing the concentration of luteinizing hormone.

After discontinuation of the drug, fertility is restored. Injections are given according to a strict schedule to minimize side effects. If diarrhea, vomiting, or undesirable effects occur, the drug is discontinued.

Depo-Provera was originally developed as a female contraceptive, but has found use in veterinary medicine. The basis of the drug is medroxyprogesterone, a synthetic substance that can suppress ovulation. Available in the form of suspension and tablets. These medications should absolutely not be used during estrus. At the end of use, the ability to produce offspring is restored.

Sterilization is the right choice

This is the most humane choice for a furry beauty who is no longer involved in breeding. It is recommended to sterilize a Murka taken into a home for love before her first heat. Cats are not people. They do not have the choice “to give birth or not to give birth.” Cat reality: “give birth or suffer.”

Empty estrus and thoughtless use of hormonal drugs lead to painful diseases that require expensive treatment. If your pet survives after medical procedures, sterilization is still inevitable.

Modern sterilization is a gentle procedure performed using laparoscopic equipment. The cost is moderate. One or more small cuts will be required. After a short recovery period, the pet will continue to live a full life, bringing joy to the home.

Sterilization increases the life expectancy of a pet by five to ten years. Murka will be able to calmly walk everywhere, and the owners will no longer worry about unwanted kittens.

Mistakes of owners in methods of calming down

The pet behaves unusually at this time, the owner needs to react correctly. You cannot respond to aggression with punishment or try to silence it with a shout. It is better to leave an irritated animal alone and give it time to recover.

Murka must have her own place, it is necessary to provide her with the opportunity to retire, especially if there is a dog or other pets in the house. You need to react in a similar way to any changes in behavior, for example, if she shits anywhere. Gradually, the body will return to normal, the correct habits will be restored.

Some people mistakenly consider valerian to be a sedative, but for fluffies it is a stimulant that increases sexual desire. Contact with valerian is undesirable during the rest period; during the active phase, the pathogen will cause harm; the drug must be removed out of reach.

You should not try to use Corvalol, Valocordin, glycine, motherwort, or “human” medications to calm the baby, without a veterinarian’s prescription; special feline homeopathy is preferable.

Catnip is used as a sedative, but it is a pathogen that acts much more mildly than valerian. Suitable for correcting the behavior of cats; use the product carefully during sexual activity. Sometimes there is a need to vaccinate, i.e. vaccinate or worm the cat during estrus. There are no significant contraindications for this, but permission from a veterinarian is required.

A terrible mistake would be uncontrolled, too long-term use of hormonal drugs. Using alternative sedatives is a temporary measure. Even if it is possible to relieve the symptoms, complications from empty heats are almost inevitable. The cat must be regularly mated with a male cat or sterilized.

Kittens grow up very quickly. 2-3 months have passed since the fluffy ball appeared in the house, and people learn from their own experience how the behavior of animals changes during sexual hunting. If the pet is a cat, then sooner or later the owners will face the problem of estrus.

It is impossible not to notice the onset of estrus in a cat. A sweet, smart, obedient pet seems to be going crazy. The cat is trying to escape from the apartment by all means, refuses to eat and seems to stop sleeping. In any case, its owners will definitely not have time to sleep, because the heart-rending screams and howls do not stop with the onset of night.

Cat in heat

After the first sleepless night, the question arises: how long does estrus last in cats, and is it possible to somehow calm it down? Because during this period the cat becomes unbearable. People often lock their screaming pet in the bathroom. It’s cruel, but you can understand the owners – after all, you have to go to work in the morning.

Others are concerned about whether the cat is suffering from an unsatisfied desire, whether something hurts - its “songs” sound so dramatic.


Age at first estrus in cats

For most cats, the first heat begins after the female reaches a weight of 2.5 kg. This rule does not apply to large breeds such as or.

The age of puberty ranges from 4 months to 1.5 years. Most often, a cat first begins to ask for a cat at 6-9 months. This age depends on several factors:

  1. Heredity.

Some cats are more temperamental than others, and some, on the contrary, are late maturing. In mixed breeds, the onset of the first heat is difficult to predict in advance, but among purebreds, patterns have already been identified.

The fastest maturing are the short-haired “oriental” breeds - Thai, Siamese, Burmese, Bengals, etc. On the other hand, cats of long-haired breeds sometimes begin to walk at 10-12 months and later - Persian, Maine Coon, Siberian.

Young cat of the Bengal breed

  1. Daylight hours.

March cats are not a fiction. Increasing the duration of daylight hours encourages the onset of estrus. If the cat is six months old in the spring, you should expect the onset of estrus soon. If the same age falls in October-December, then the onset of estrus is more likely only next spring.

In an apartment, this dependence hardly manifests itself due to constant heat and constant artificial lighting.

  1. Conditions of detention.

Exhausted cats lacking vitamins and fats do not go into heat. Therefore, street animals mature later than domestic animals, and their estrus occurs less frequently.

  1. Communication with relatives.

The presence of another cat in heat or an unneutered cat provokes the onset of heat in young teenage cats.

To delay the onset of the first heat as much as possible, the owner needs to keep the cat isolated in the apartment and turn on the light for no more than 4-6 hours a day.

How to understand that a cat is “walking”

The cat's behavior changes dramatically. The pet becomes annoyingly friendly, rubs against people and furniture, rolls around on the floor, and constantly demands attention.

Characteristic signs of estrus:

  • A prolonged inviting meow, a cat can scream for days;
  • Irregularities or complete lack of appetite;
  • In response to stroking the back or rump, the cat invitingly arches its back, raises its butt, moves its tail to the side and tramples with its hind legs;
  • Allows males to mate with her.

Cat in heat

Unpleasant manifestations of sexual heat include the desire to mark territory: the cat may begin to urinate in inappropriate places.

There is no point in examining a cat's genitals to determine estrus. The cat will not have any obvious changes to the vulva or any discharge.

Behavior during estrus is largely determined by the breed, and in the case of barn cats, by the temperament of the animal. There are cats that walk quietly and a little, meowing modestly and caressing. Others literally climb the wall, and their screams are heard by all the neighbors.

A Bengal in heat is desperately trying to get out of the house

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

Characteristic behavior lasts from 3 to 10 days. The period when a cat is in sexual heat and allows a cat to approach her is called estrus. At this time, the ovarian follicles produce the maximum amount of estrogens and sex hormones.

In the very first days of estrus (1-4 days), the cat demonstrates sexual arousal, but does not allow mating. This time is called proestrus, “forerunner”. Unlike dogs, cats do not have a clear boundary between estrus and proestrus, and it is difficult to determine these periods.

If sexual intercourse does not occur during estrus, then ovulation does not occur. In this case, sexual heat returns every 10-14 days. The period between estrus is called interestrus, this is a time of rest for the uterus and ovaries. In some cats, the concentration of estrogen in the blood does not decrease, and the animal walks constantly.

Prolonged heat is a sign of follicular ovarian cysts, which must be removed surgically.

Complete rest of the ovaries, which means the absence of the reproductive instinct, is called anestrus, the absence of estrus. In stray cats, this period occurs in late autumn or winter, due to short daylight hours and the action of the hormone melatonin. Anestrus does not occur in domestic cats due to constant light and nutritious food.

A distinctive feature of the breeding system in cats is induced ovulation. Simply put, an egg is released from the ovary only in response to vaginal stimulation. Natural ovulation occurs due to mating, but artificial ovulation is also possible - as a result of manipulations in the vagina.

Ovulation occurs 1-2 days after intercourse, and after another 1-2 days the estrus stops. The ovary forms the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone to maintain pregnancy.

If the egg is released and fertilization does not occur, progesterone will be produced “by inertia” for 1-1.5 months (less than a true pregnancy). Progesterone prevents the resumption of estrus.

In cats, sexual function does not decline until death; even at 16-19 years of age, estrus is observed from time to time in non-sterilized animals.

I'm 14 years old, motherfucker, how old can you be?

How quickly does estrus return after childbirth?

About 64 days pass from the date of first mating to birth. Then the cat feeds the kittens; the duration of this period largely depends on the owners. 10-14 days after the end of lactation, estrus resumes.

Cat feeding kittens

The problem is that some lactating cats go into heat as early as 2 weeks after giving birth. If mating with the cat does not occur at this moment, then the cat begins to walk, as before, every 10-20 days.

If mating occurs, fertilization is unlikely due to the fact that the uterus has not yet recovered from childbirth. But mating during the next heat can be effective, so you can often see a nursing cat already pregnant with a new litter.

How to calm a cat during heat

How to calm a walking cat? Read about this in my book “No Way”. No joke, the Internet is full of advice and recommendations, but they don’t work:

  • Stroke the cat and pay attention to it: tactile contact only increases sexual arousal;
  • Give herbal sedatives: the cat is not stressed and is not nervous. She wants to reproduce. Owners can drink Persen with Novopassit; no herbs will affect the cat’s behavior.
  • Use products with pheromones such as Feliway. They really help you survive the trip, get comfortable in a new place, and welcome a new family member. But they are expensive, and during estrus they are absolutely useless.

When a cat is in heat, she doesn't let anyone live

It is no secret that hormonal drugs against sexual heat in males and female cats are widely sold in pet stores - Stop-intim, Sex-barrier, Contrasex. But such drugs should not be used during the first heat or for more than 1.5 years in a row. Another important point: the use of hormonal drops in the midst of estrus leads to serious side effects. They need to be used in advance, preferably under the guidance of a veterinarian, in order to control the reproductive function. And don’t run to the nearest pet store for a miracle cure when the roast rooster has already pecked.

Hormonal drugs are a means to prevent, not stop, estrus!

There is one trick that allows you to distract your cat for about an hour in order to fall asleep peacefully. Wet the fur with water or smear it in something tasty (sour cream, canned cat sauce). The cat will inevitably begin to tidy up its fur, and it is impossible to lick itself and meow at the same time. Unfortunately, as soon as the fur coat dries, the cat will start singing calling songs again.

The only way to forget about the problem for a long time is mating and subsequent pregnancy. This option is only suitable for breeding animals with a successful exhibition career. If the owners are not interested in having offspring, then the best option would be surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is optimal to carry out sterilization before the first heat. During the height of estrus, you should not take your cat to surgery.

A cat rolling on the floor is one of the signs of heat

It happens that a cat is planned for breeding, but it is impossible to breed during this particular heat (first early heat, rapid onset of heat after a cesarean section, lack of a suitable pair). Then the solution would be to artificially induce ovulation.

Simply put, the owner needs to simulate sexual intercourse. The cat is held firmly by the withers (the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is gathered into a fist), and with the other hand they press on the sacrum. When the cat moves its tail to the side, a suitable object is inserted into the vagina approximately 2 cm. This can be a thermometer with a soft tip lubricated with ointment or a cotton swab wrapped in the finger of a latex glove. The procedure should be repeated several times within an hour, and then again after 12 hours. If the massage was successful, the cat begins to meow loudly and roll on the floor.

The onset of ovulation causes a false pregnancy, which in cats is not accompanied by changes in behavior or false lactation, as in dogs. The estrus stops and does not return for 1-1.5 months. This method should also not be used regularly, so as not to provoke inflammation of the uterus.

Many people are afraid to get a cat due to the supposedly difficult care of her during heat. However, this is a normal physiological process that means your pet has reached sexual maturity. Today I will tell you How do cats go into heat?, and how you can alleviate the animal’s discomfort.

The first symptoms of estrus

How can you tell if your cat is in heat? Several signs indicate the onset of puberty:

By the way, signs of estrus in cats can develop over time. That is, at first the pet does not change its behavior in any way. This is explained by the fact that the pet’s body is still developing, and the most severe symptoms occur over time.

You should not think that a cat’s bad behavior is its protest or disobedience. At such times, it is controlled by hormones, so the pet is not able to monitor its behavior. Don't yell at the purr or use punishment.

Age at first heat

Many people are interested in when cats go into heat. Unfortunately, there is no unanimous answer to this question. Each animal body is unique, and physiological processes occur differently. The onset of estrus can be influenced by several factors:

  • breed;
  • character;
  • presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • sizes, etc.

However, on average, veterinarians agree that cats go into heat when the animal is between 8 and 11 months old. It is considered normal for a cat to not come into heat until she is 12 months old. However, if the purr still does not show the first symptoms before the age of 18 months, it is advisable to take the cat to the veterinarian - there is a risk of disease or hormonal imbalance.

You should not think that if an animal is in heat, the cat is ready to mate and give birth to kittens. The body can develop for several more months. Therefore, it is necessary to breed the animal after the first few heats.

Stages of estrus

Estrus in cats occurs in 4 stages, each of which has its own characteristics. Alas, you are unlikely to be able to distinguish them from each other. But, if you plan to introduce her to a male cat or if you want to ease the discomfort that comes with estrus, you need to familiarize yourself with the main phases:


The beginning stage, which can be considered preparatory. As a rule, the phase lasts no more than 4 days. Characterized by the appearance of minor discharge, the cat also becomes more tender and asks for care and attention. This stage shows that the animal is just entering the cycle and is about to become pregnant. During this period, the pet drives cats away from itself.


The main stage of estrus, lasting 7-10 days. Mostly dependent on the number of years lived, characteristics of the breed and the presence or absence of diseases in the purr. It becomes difficult for the animal to control itself, it emits a loud meow, and the discharge becomes more abundant and noticeable. If you wanted to mate a cat to breed offspring, you need to do it now.


The final stage, which can develop in several directions. Everything will depend on whether fertilization has occurred. Right now, if mating has occurred, the gestation period begins, as a result of which the cat reproduces offspring after 65-75 days. If conception does not take place during mating, pets often experience a so-called “false” pregnancy, the symptoms of which disappear after about a month. If the cat has not had contact with the cat, then it will completely lose interest in the opposite sex within 2-10 days.


A period of calm, which is the final stage. The pet begins to behave the same as before estrus. The final stage usually lasts about 20 days. However, it may take a couple of months.

How to calm an animal?

It is difficult for cat owners to watch their cat suffer from pain and discomfort during the period of estrus. After all, even though estrus is a physiological process that accompanies absolutely all cats, its course can be long and quite difficult for the animal. That's why so many people want to know how to ease a cat's heat and calm their pet down.

Today I will share with you several ways to help your cat when she is in heat.

Method 1. Mating with a cat

The simplest and rather banal way. After all, this is exactly what the animal asks for. Of course, this technique is only suitable for purring owners who are subsequently ready to place their little kittens in good hands. If you did not plan to breed pets, you can try to breed a purr with an active neutered cat.

Method 2. Outdoor games

During this period, the cat is quite active and often aggressive. Therefore, you can sublimate your pet’s energy into play. Buy several toys that would distract the animal from discomfort and turn on the hunting instinct.

Method 3. Balanced diet

Too fatty foods and large portions can increase discomfort in the animal's body. Therefore, try to feed your cat more dietary foods. It’s better to have small but frequent (5-6 times a day) portions.

Method 4. Sedatives

Medicines (for example, Kot Bayun) calm the animal and relieve nervousness. Give preference to herbal-based drugs that do not cause further addiction to the medicine.

Method 5. Hormonal drugs

They are able to interrupt estrus, as a result of which they have a strong effect on hormonal processes in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use this technique no more than 2 times a year. Frequent use of hormonal drugs can cause inflammation of the genital organs, cysts, benign and malignant tumors, and problems with the adrenal glands. Therefore, you should resort to them only if the cat’s heat is too painful.

How long does heat last?

Again, there is no clear answer to this question. Everything here will depend on the developmental characteristics of your pet’s body. All veterinarians agreed that the normal period of estrus duration is from 5 to 20 days.

If estrus lasts less than 5 days, this is a reason to pay attention to the cat’s thyroid gland or ovaries. If the heat lasts for more than 20 days, be sure to check if the animal has inflammation of the ovaries, cysts or tumors.

Important! Be sure to sterilize the animal if you do not plan to breed offspring. Constant estrus without further pregnancy has a negative impact on the health of the pet - the risk of inflammation of the genitourinary system increases. And the constant use of hormonal medications, which facilitate the process of estrus, can cause serious hormonal disorders.

While after the operation, all symptoms of estrus disappear in the animal - the cat calmly enjoys life, does not look for the cat, does not mark the apartment, etc.

What not to do?

Having figured out how to make it easier for a cat to go into heat, you should also talk about what is strictly forbidden to do:

  1. You shouldn't bother punishing actions that your cat can't control. Believe me, she would now happily curl up and fall asleep - active aggressive behavior is dictated by the action of hormones.
  2. Do not aggressively calm the animal. Some sources of information say that you can relieve the symptoms of estrus by bathing the animal. However, doing so will only cause unnecessary stress. Of course, for about 30-40 minutes the animal will wash itself, and it will seem to you that it has calmed down. However, this is a very harmful practice.
  3. Another myth says that if you lock your cat in a room without light, the heat will go more calmly. This is due to the supposed effects of sunlight on the body and hormonal system of the animal. However, leaving your pet alone indoors is likely to cause fear and serious stress in her, which can subsequently develop into a mental disorder.

Now you know everything about how estrus occurs in cats, and how you can relieve your pet’s pain. I assure you that the best help will be your concern. Take time for the animal, pet the cat and do not yell at it for its whims and pranks during this period.

Meow everyone,