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Stunned eyes. Amazing eyes of ordinary people. The most active muscles in the human body are the eye muscles.

Why are they blindfolded before execution?

At the meeting, the head of the department made a sharp remark to one of his subordinates. He remained silent and only glared, as one of the employees put it, at the offender. And after about five minutes the boss suddenly fell head first on the table and wheezed...

The ambulance that arrived pronounced him dead. The pathologist was perplexed: “For no reason at all, my heart stopped beating. It’s as if someone took it and stopped it, like a pendulum on a clock.” Police Colonel Vasily Vladimirovich V. conducted an investigation into this rather unusual case. Wherever the investigator turned to regarding the “killer look,” he always received the same answer: “The facts of murder with a look are unknown to science...”

However, history is replete with cases related to the mysterious influence of the gaze. This is what, for example, the Canadian Tribune reported several years ago. 55-year-old Canadian Steve McKellan was attacked by a grizzly bear while hunting. Lying on the ground “Steve instinctively put his hand forward with a knife, and his gaze, full of despair and rage, stared into the eyes of the beast. And a strange thing - the bear froze in place. The hunter continued to gaze steadily into his eyes, trying to look exactly into the pupils. He knew that doing so would only inflame the rage of an aggressive animal. But I couldn’t help myself. And suddenly... the beast let out a thunderous roar and collapsed to the ground... The beast was undoubtedly dead...".

Not a single wound or even a scratch was found on the bear! And then the researchers suggested that the cause of death was a powerful bioenergetic impulse from the human eyes, which destroyed the nerve cells in the animal’s brain...

There is nothing extraordinary in such an assumption. People have long believed that the gaze of a person on the verge of death carries within it a colossal emotional force that can cause irreparable harm to those he looks at (By the way, this is precisely what explains the custom of blindfolding those sentenced to death).

However, let’s leave the terrible stories for a moment and turn to less tragic, but no less mysterious cases from our time.

Burning eyes

Many people are familiar with this feeling: someone is looking at the back of your head. We turn around: “the gaze is crushing”... Scientists from an American university Queens decided to experimentally confirm or refute this popular idea. More than a hundred volunteers took part in the experiments. Each person was seated in the middle of the room, and at a certain time another person looked (or did not look) at the back of his head.

And what? It turned out that in 95% In some cases, someone else's gaze was felt quite clearly. Most perceived it as a fleeting pressure on the back of the head, like a breeze. The only conclusion that comes to mind is: human eyes emit some energy. But which one? And is it always harmless, like a light breeze?

This is what a preparatory class teacher in one of the schools in Bishkek said. During an art lesson, the kid snatched a jar of gouache from his neighbor. No, she did not rush at the offender, did not cry. She just looked closely at his hand. And suddenly the naughty boy dropped the paint with a cry.

The teacher ran up and was amazed: a bubble swelled on the boy’s wrist, as if from a burn. “What did she burn you with?”“With his eyes,” the baby roared... When the six-year-old girl, at the request of the researcher, concentrated her gaze on his hand, he felt a rather sensitive prick. What's the matter? Are eyes really capable of emitting some kind of invisible rays?

In 1925, an English physicist C. Ross conducted a whole series of experiments. The subjects tried to influence by looking at a miniature metal spiral suspended on a silk thread. Many succeeded: their gaze forced a spiral to unfold along the “rays of vision.” On this basis, the scientist suggested that the eye emits electromagnetic waves. They began to look for the mechanism of this radiation.

A Soviet radio physicist proposed his hypothesis B. Kazhinsky(1889-1962), who devoted many years to research into telepathy and mental interaction at a distance. His acquaintance with V. Durov(1863-1934). In the 20s, the famous trainer more than once demonstrated to Kazhinsky how, under the gaze of people, animals carry out mental suggestions or fall into a state of tetanus. At the same time, one important feature was noticed: if you look away even slightly away from the animal’s pupils, it immediately comes to its senses.

Based on similar observations, Kazhinsky came to the conclusion that the “rays of vision” are narrow beams bioradiation brain radiation. And the role of unique electromagnetic waveguides is played by the “rods” of the retina, directly connected to the brain. With their help, the energy generated by the brain can be concentrated and emitted in a narrow direction.

Some modern scientists also adhere to similar ideas. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yu. Simakov put forward a hypothesis: “In the complexly arranged rods of the retina, something like an X-ray biolaser appears, operating in very short flashes.” Was it this laser that caused a burn on the hand of a preschooler from Bishkek? Is it not this laser that causes the notorious evil eye And spoiling?

Recent research in the field of so-called long-distance interactions has shown that many of the ancient superstitions are not so groundless. In particular, experiments conducted by academician V. Kaznacheev at the Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), convincingly showed that a laser beam of a certain range can transfer information that can infect with viruses from a distance completely isolated environment (even in a sealed glass vessel).

If “rays of vision” are at least somewhat similar to laser ones, then it is possible that they are also capable of transmitting viral diseases. In other words, it is far from indifferent to our body where we look and who looks at us...

She's spotted and you're caught!

The author of The Master and Margarita was a subtle psychologist: “They ask you a sudden question. You... in one second take control of yourself and know what needs to be said in order to hide the truth... Not a single fold on your face moves, but, alas, alarmed by the question, the truth from the bottom of the soul jumps into your eyes for a moment, and it’s all over. She's been spotted and you've been caught! Sometimes these “moments of truth” last a second or even a fraction of a second, but they are always there. You just need to catch them...

The casket opens simply - a look can radiate thoughts. It was this important conclusion that V. Durov and B. Kazhinsky came to. The power of the human gaze is truly mysterious, the great trainer believed. He had every reason to say this. More than once he demonstrated to scientists the ability to convey his thoughts to animals through his eyes.

How complex mental suggestions can be is shown, for example, by an experiment in which Kazhinsky became a participant on November 17, 1922. At the request of the scientific commission, Durov had to instill in the dog the following sequence of actions: go out of the living room into the hallway, go to the table with the telephone, take the address phone book in his teeth and bring it into the living room.

Durov looked into the dog’s eyes for only half a minute, but everything was done accurately. And by the way, as was noted in the protocol, in addition to the telephone book, there were other books on the same table. “The dog was alone in the front, the professor was watching its actions G.A. Kozhevnikov- through the crack of the open door. V.L. Durov was in the living room out of sight of the dog.”

In 1920-1921 alone, 1,278 similar experiments (most of them successful) were carried out in Durov’s zoopsychological laboratory. At the same time, the suggestion was carried out not only by the trainer himself, but also by other people who knew his technique. And she is like this: “I look through my eyes, as if into the dog’s brain, and imagine, for example, not the word “go,” but a motor action with which the dog must perform a mental task...” This technique can be done by almost any person who knows how to concentrate his thoughts. It is suitable for “programming” not only animals, but also people.

Scientists have yet to find out what types of energy are responsible for the transfer of thoughts. In addition to the electromagnetic one, other hypotheses are being tested today. Some researchers suggest that this is a completely independent type of radiation that accompanies, in particular, electromagnetic oscillations and torsion (spin) fields.

Other scientists say that so-called form fields hollow structures. A Novosibirsk entomologist was one of the first to discover them above bee honeycombs. V. Grebennikov. It turned out that these fields can be felt: in the form of light pressure, a cool breeze, flashes in the eyes or a metallic taste in the mouth.

It is assumed that the rods and cones of the eye - the same cellular-layered structures - are also capable of creating a similar wave field. Moreover, the direction of its radiation depends on the direction of view...

This effect is especially effective when the mental flow is directed into the eyes, and through them, as Durov said, “somewhere deeper than the eyes - into the brain of the animal” (and man). Some modern researchers share the same opinion...

They believe that, thanks to vision, the brain receives the bulk of not only optical, but also “telepathic” information about the person with whom communication is taking place. A huge part of this information is analyzed by us on a subconscious level. And it is precisely because of this that, within a minute or two after the start of communication, we intuitively feel what a hitherto unfamiliar person is like.

Are we squinting our eyes with pleasure?

The hypothesis about the telepathic role of the eyes explains a lot. We stare in surprise or surprise. We devour with our eyes what we are extremely interested in. Our eyes pop out of their sockets when we are frightened... This is understandable: our eyes open wide when we unconsciously strive to receive maximum information through them - both visual and telepathic...

And vice versa, we involuntarily cover our doors when we want to isolate ourselves from the outside world: during a boring conversation, when we are very tired or don’t care about what is happening. The eyes close on their own and when we try to focus on something internal: our thoughts, memories, sensations.

We squint our eyes when we are closely observing something or when our thoughts are highly concentrated. Leaving only a slit for vision, the body thereby tries to isolate itself from everything that is secondary, unimportant, and interferes with focusing on the main thing.

It is also no coincidence that a person closes his eyes or averts his eyes under someone’s reproachful, condemning gaze. Thus, he does not allow other people’s emotions into them and protects your brain from negative information.

If we agree with the hypothesis about the transmission of thought through gaze, then other patterns noticed by psychologists become clear. So, for example, during a conversation, the one who considers his interlocutor to be stronger, more experienced, wiser looks more often into the eyes. Like a student at school, he thus opens his mind to telepathic suggestion. For the same reason, the narrator rarely looks into the listener's eyes. An intensive process of formulating thoughts is going on in his brain, and someone else’s gaze (and, consequently, other people’s thoughts) can interfere with this. So he averts his eyes.

It is known: the greater the distance between interlocutors, the more often they look into each other’s eyes. There is nothing mysterious about this either: frequent glances compensate for the decreased information exchange. And the advice of experienced people is quite natural: in order to better understand someone or convey your own thoughts without distortion, look the interlocutor straight in the eyes. In this case, not only each other’s state of mind, but also thoughts will be better perceived. After all, the information dialogue goes directly: brain - brain.

And vice versa, in order to protect our subconscious from unwanted influences, It's better not to look into the eyes of the one who attacks us. Turn away. As a last resort, look at the bridge of his nose or forehead. The “aggressor” will not notice anything, unless he feels something subtly unpleasant, “cold”: after all, there will be no real sensitive contact (which is what is required). But at least we will somehow be protected from its impact. negative energies: the narrowly directed microantennas of our eyes will deviate from someone else’s energy and will not miss O most of it into our brain.

Interesting observation: women, unlike men, make eye contact much more often and do not perceive direct gaze as a threat. Rather, on the contrary, for them it is a sign of interest and desire to establish contact.

Some researchers believe that such a need for direct views is inherent in women by nature itself. On the one hand, it is caused by the need to attract a partner for procreation. And on the other hand, the need for “subtle” communication with newborns: it is through the eyes that the mother establishes telepathic contact with your child when he had not yet learned to speak.

There is another explanation why women strive for direct views. If for the male half of humanity logical thinking is more characteristic and therefore, first of all, the meaning of words is important, then for a woman - a more intuitive being - what is behind the words is more important. She is much more receptive to telepathic information, and therefore her gaze is much more important than for men.

Black eyes, passionate eyes...

Psychologists performed an interesting experiment. Two photographs of the girl were taken from one negative and presented to different people so that they would choose the one where the girl was prettier. Everyone, as one, pointed to the same photograph, although they could not explain their choice, since they did not notice any difference in the photographs. And the secret was simple: in this photo, with the help of retouching, there were slightly enlarged pupils of the eyes. Scientists could not explain why they are so attractive.

Meanwhile, in the old days it was believed that the size of the pupils speaks of vitality: they are wide open when the body is full of strength, and decrease when energy leaves it (in old age, during a serious illness). If we accept this point of view, then it is clear why we are so attracted to large pupils: healthy, full of energy people are always liked more. But this is only a psychological explanation...

There is also an energy information version. Pupils become larger when there is a need for external information. They are dilated in childhood, when the brain thirsts for knowledge... In stressful situations, when we need maximum information to make a decision... And the pupils immediately constrict when interest in the world around them is lost, when a person tries to isolate himself from it, to withdraw into himself, when he is irritated , embittered... It is assumed that there is another reason for this: the constriction of the pupils prevents the already depleted supply of energy from leaving the body...

It has been noticed that with increased interest in a sexual partner, the pupils noticeably dilate. This is a kind of appeal - perhaps this is where the subconscious sympathy for those with large pupils comes from. But this is not just a call. Most likely, when the pupil dilates, the “magical” effect on the “desired” person intensifies. After all, the telepathic channel for secret thoughts and desires is also expanding. Here is a special type of evil eye for you - love, as it was called in Rus'. Generated by ardent passion, it caused in the victim not illness, like an ordinary evil eye, but an insane love desire.

Knowing or intuitively understanding the role of the pupils, women have long resorted to tricks to make them larger. For this they were ready to sacrifice even visual acuity. Back in Ancient Rome, and later in Italy and Spain, they dropped the juice of a very poisonous herb - belladonna - into their eyes. This caused the pupil to dilate greatly, the eyes acquired a mysterious shine and depth, which gave the woman a special attractiveness. Not by chance "belladonna" in Italian it means “beautiful lady, beauty.” In Rus', this herb was called no less symbolically - belladonna

The hypothesis about the reception and transmission of thoughts with the help of gaze explains a lot. Including "the magic of black eyes". Their pupils are also indirectly to blame for their incomprehensible attractiveness: they merge with the dark color of the iris and this makes them seem very large. And then we talk about the eyes: bottomless, magical... It is possible that the size of the pupils explains the special charm myopic ladies. After all, their lack of vision is often compensated by enlarged pupils...

But the dilation of the pupils at the moment of death is a fact that cannot yet be explained. It still awaits deep study... However, there is an assumption that dilated pupils give a person the opportunity to better look into the “subtle” world where he has to go. Who knows?..

Ramona went to her first college party. Shy and nervous, she began to look around in search of anyone who looked friendly, and saw Kevin, who immediately caught her eye and smiled. They met and began chatting casually. When talking to Ramona, Kevin constantly looked into her eyes and smiled, and she liked it. She felt calm and confident with him, and it was easy for her to communicate with him.

Suddenly, Kevin's old friend Dar-ril, whom he had not seen for some time, came up to them and happily greeted Kevin. After greeting Ramona casually, he then struck up a conversation with Kevin. Kevin tried to get Rayona involved, but Darryl never made eye contact with her.

No matter what Ramona said, he always looked away. Finally Ramona understood everything. Darryl didn't like her and didn't want her around his friend. The more we like a person, the more often we look at him, and if he is unpleasant to us, then we try not to look at him.

Truthful eyes

If a person smiles at you, you can tell how sincere he is by his eyes. In a study conducted by Tamara Newman in Boston at the National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, sixty women were videotaped while experiencing anxiety and depressed mood. The lips of these women smiled joyfully, but this had nothing to do with their true feelings. The true emotional state of these women was reflected only in their eyes, sad and not smiling at all.

If you take a photo of a smiling person and cover his lips with your hand, his eyes will tell about his true feelings. And these eyes can be very sad, even if his lips are curved in a joyful smile.

If a person's smile involves only his lips, it is very likely that he is not having fun at all. A real smile enlivens the entire face, especially the eyes. If wrinkles do not appear around the eyes or nothing changes in the forehead area, then this smile is deceptive and false. And people are not happy with you at all, even though they say the opposite.

Emotional eyes

To understand a person, you need to observe the change in his facial expression. You can guess that someone is happy, surprised, scared, bored or in love even by the subtle movement of their eyes.

Surprised eyes

When a person is surprised or taken by surprise, it is immediately visible in his eyes. The one who is shocked opens his eyes wide, and not only the iris (the colored part of the eye) becomes visible, but also the sclera (the whites). The eyebrows rise high and arch, the lower jaw drops, and the mouth opens. Knowing these signs can help you pin someone down, for example, after accusing them of lying. And if you see such an expression on his face, then know that you have exposed him.

Frightened eyes

When frightened, people also open their eyes wide, which seem to freeze in this position specifically in order to catch the slightest change indicating the approach of a threat. The lower eyelids of a frightened person are tense and the eyebrows are raised, but unlike those who are surprised, they are brought together, and the lips are stretched out like a thread.

Angry eyes

When a person is angry, he usually stares at the person who angered him. Squinting, he looks intensely straight into his eyes, while his own eyes are almost invisible. If a person stares straight at you without blinking, perhaps he is dangerous to you, trying to scare you or subjugate you.

Staring too closely

When a person looks too closely at another, there are two possible explanations. Staring is an element of sexual behavior (in which case it can be inviting or repulsive) or an expression of hostility. Whether you are a chimpanzee, a gorilla, a dog, or a human, staring too closely is not good. If someone relentlessly watches someone with the same facial expression for long enough, the person being watched becomes increasingly uneasy.

I was recently invited to a boxing match in Las Vegas. It was my first time seeing the fight live and I was simply amazed at how the athletes stared at each other in the ring before the fight began.

Machiavellian people also like to look at others too closely, but they do not look calmly and naturally, but purposefully. They are skilled liars and have learned to control their anxiety by staring at people in order to manipulate them.

Hesitant eyes

If a person squints, frowns, and raises an eyebrow at the same time, they may be doubting what you said. Often this facial expression also appears on those who do not know what decision they should make.

Shocked eyes

When a person is extremely surprised, he raises his eyes to the ceiling. When he doesn't believe you or can't believe that some event happened, an expression of mocking surprise appears on his face. It also occurs when a person cannot believe what he saw or heard.

Shy eyes

When a person is shy or embarrassed, instead of looking directly at your face, he glances at you on the sly.

When a person hangs his head low and looks at you from under his brows, like a child, when he is embarrassed or feels awkward, this can also be an element of flirting.

Anthropologist Desmond Morris writes that such facial expressions are conflicting because they are “bold shyness,” a concept that contains a contradiction. Essentially, the manner of looking away submissively and modestly reflects a suppressed desire to look someone straight in the face. Depending on the situation, this behavior attracts or irritates people.

Eyes sad, shy

A person experiencing sadness, embarrassment, or shame usually looks down at his feet to avoid making eye contact with others. He usually frowns too. When a person first looks away, he is sad or ready to make concessions.

“I didn’t do it!” eyes

When a person lies, he avoids making eye contact with anyone, and when he tells the truth and is confident in himself, especially if he has just been falsely accused of something, he intensely looks the other person straight in the eye. At the same time, he does not squint and looks firmly and steadily.

Eye tic

When we do something completely unnecessary for us, our body finds a way to tell us about it.

I had a client who was engaged to someone who was not at all suitable for her. He drank a lot, and she was constantly looking for him in bars. Immediately after the woman decided to marry him, she developed an eye tic that did not go away for six months until she broke off the engagement.

The daughter of another client of mine began having an eye tic immediately after she began working in the law firm of her domineering and abusive father, and disappeared when she left the job.

An eye tic is a muscle contraction, or spasm, that is usually caused by tension or stress. Therefore, if you ever have one, think about what is happening in your life. This is a warning that you have overexerted yourself: be on guard?

Blinking too much

Frequent blinking is a sign of nervousness or excitement. I had a client, a news anchor, who started blinking rapidly while on air.

Despite the fact that she was very articulate, she was very worried that her contract would not be renewed. The internal discomfort that she experienced due to the fact that she might lose her job was manifested in blinking.

As a result of our long discussion of her professional affairs, including possible alternatives in the event of her dismissal, she finally began to calm down. We decided that working in a news program was not the only option for her, and our studies played a positive role. The very next time she went on air, her excessive blinking had completely stopped. Once she calmed down and stopped worrying about her future, her eyes relaxed, and eventually her contract was extended for another three years.

Frequent blinking also occurs when a person is telling a lie or is worried about not being believed.

Shifty eyes

If a person avoids looking you in the face, you can be sure that something is wrong. The person does not want to meet your gaze because he does not like you, is not interested in you, is not able to resist you, or is afraid of you. In most cases, people who lie are also trying not to make eye contact with you. They feel guilty and can't look you in the eyes.

At the same time, if someone simply looks away, this does not necessarily mean that he or she is lying. The person feels embarrassed, expects to be attacked, or perhaps has something to hide. People also avoid direct gaze because they do not want others to understand what they really are like. If they suffer from low self-esteem, they will avert their eyes so that no one will guess what they are.

Expressive eyebrows

If you want to know if someone likes you, pay attention to their eyebrows. When a person greets you and smiles, his eyebrows automatically rise and then fall. This eyebrow movement is done only once, and it is always accompanied by a smile. When someone arouses our interest, we usually look at them with wide eyes and raise our eyebrows. If the other person does the same, rest assured that you are on the right track and that he is interested in you too. But if a person's eyebrows never rise, it means he doesn't care about anything at all.

Eyebrows like a thread, upturned, frowning

If someone doesn’t like you or he’s worried, he makes his eyebrows with a thread: he simultaneously raises them and brings them together. According to Desmond Morris, this is a contradictory movement in which the corresponding muscles simultaneously try to raise and lower the eyebrows. Such facial expressions express grief, pain, anger and fear, which add up to anxiety.

A person raises his eyebrows when he is shocked or does not believe something, and lowers them (at the same time bringing them together so that vertical wrinkles appear on his forehead) when he is angry.

Models (clockwise from top left): Chris Milligan/FremantleMedia, Rachel Lever, Danny Spanners/EastBrunswickTattoos, Tiffany Diaz

Hollywood legend Marlon Brando always closed his eyes when the paparazzi tried to photograph him. He knew that his photograph with his eyes closed would never be published.

Eyes are the most important element of any portrait. Thanks to beautiful eyes, even the most boring portrait can enchant you. Poorly lit eyes, out-of-focus eyes, or a vacant gaze always detract from the effectiveness of a portrait.

In this post, I'll share three of my favorite tricks to help you highlight your eyes in portrait photos.

No. 1 – Light

“Light is everything in photography. Use light. Admire the light. Love him. But above all, understand the light. Learn to understand it, no matter the cost, and you will succeed in photography." - George Eastman

Eyes look best when they are well lit and have beautiful highlights. Glare is the reflection of a light source in the eyes. The size, shape and brightness of the glare depends on the light source used.

The two large frosted windows in my studio create beautiful reflections. Model: BryanaKaranikos

Diffusing on-camera flash creates a softer, rectangular highlight.

The middle softbox on the right side gives a soft and natural highlight.

Poorly lit eyes without glare look cold and a little creepy.

No. 2 – Eye expression

“You are what you think about. You are everything that arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts you create your own world" - Anon

In the photo on the left (above), Tiffany's eyes look cold, while she herself looks rather nervous. After I encouraged Tiffany to do a “visualization” exercise, her eyes became warmer, more confident, and more focused (right photo above). Model: Tiffany Diaz

The way you communicate, connect with your subject and direct her actions greatly influences the expression in her eyes. If the model's smile is not entirely sincere, her eyes will be cold and boring. If your model is nervous or distracted, it will show in her eyes too.

“Visualization” (the model imagines, dreams, creates visual images of something that is not nearby at the moment, or does not exist at all) is one of the methods that I use to get more expressive eyes. I ask my model where she would like to be now or what she would like to do. Please tell me more about this. Who else does she represent in this place? What feelings arise? As soon as the moment of visualization arrives, gestures and facial expressions immediately change.

No. 3 – Post-production processing

“Spare no effort to go from second to first place and become a winner” - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The so-called post-production, or post-shooting processing, will help turn good photographs into simply stunning ones, however, this will require a lot of effort. The secret to successful post-processing is not to overdo it. With all the editing tools that modern software offers, it's easy to get carried away. It's addictive, it's like opening a jar of Nutella - it's very difficult to control yourself once you've already gotten down to business.

When it comes to retouching, I always try to “sleep” with my work. After working with an image, I try not to look at it for at least a day. I noticed that my eyes, my perception, are constantly adapting to the adjustments I made and then it is difficult to realize that somewhere I overdid it.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to correct your eyes in AdobeLightroom:

Before and after: I used Lightroom to add contrast and brightness to the eyes, as well as a more saturated color.

a) Import the image into Lightroom and use the basic tools (Develop→Basic) to edit the photo. In this particular case I used one of my own presets (beautypresets).

The main adjustments I made to this photo.

b) Zoom in on the area around the eyes (B) and select the Adjustment Brush Tool (A). You can also select the Adjustment Brush using the K key on your keyboard.

c) The next step is to adjust the eye color:

  • Increase the temperature (A) to make the eyes appear warmer;
  • Increase exposure (B) to brighten the iris;
  • Zoom in on the shadows to detail the shadowed area (C);
  • Increase the sharpness to make the eyes appear more expressive.

Adjust only the iris of the eye (highlighted in red) and set the brush size to small so that adjustments can be made gradually.

d) Then select a new “Adjustment Brush” (A), set the sharpness (B) to +22 and paint over the colored part of the eye, eyelashes and eyebrows. This will highlight the eyes.

e) Select the new Adjustment Brush again. Set the exposure slider to -29 and increase the clarity by +10. Draw the brush along the edge of the iris. This will darken the area a little and give the eyes more definition.

f) The final image was imported into Adobe® Photoshop® where I retouched the skin and removed a few small blemishes.

The eyes of lizards and other reptiles are often called beady eyes. Perhaps this is due to the cold-blooded nature of these creatures. Yet, if you take the time to look at them closely, you will realize that they are one of nature's most beautiful creatures. We present to your attention 12 amazing images of eyes.

Similar collections have already been published on LifeGlobe, for example, a photo post with cat eyes, or a selection of amazing photographs called Eyes are the mirror of the soul. This collection will contain photographs exclusively with the eyes of various reptiles. So, let's begin…

Looking at this chameleon's eye can give you a lot of makeup ideas. The soft blues and yellow colors on his eyelid are quite attractive. The scaly eyelids of chameleons in the shape of a cone are unique and inimitable in their own way.

This stunning eye belongs to the Tokay gecko. These geckos are nocturnal. Their eye colors range from brown and greenish-brown to yellow and orange.

This beautiful eye doesn't need any surrounding color to stand out. The red shade itself is charming! Nocturnal reptiles have smaller eyes than their diurnal cousins.

This green, crested lizard has a truly breathtaking eye. Surrounded by a beige ring, the eye is highlighted in the same way that dark eyeliner highlights a woman's eyes. Green eyelids and scaly skin make him stand out even more dramatically. One of Mother Nature's subtle effects.

Once again we look at the eye of the little chameleon, which is decorated with pastel shades.

This Green Monitor has some of the most beautiful eyes in this collection.

The "glassed" caiman (so called because of the bony ridge between its eyes.) The eyes are located high on the head so that it can see what is happening above the water while it is in the water.

This is the eye of the Lesser Antillean Iguana. Chocolate flecks surrounding the iris, highlighted by the incredible green and yellow hues of the animal's scaly hide, make the eyes magical.

Lizards can see in color, and the cone-shaped eyes of many lizard species allow them to see colors.

This soft and beautiful eye of a bearded dragon is not the only type of eye it possesses. It also has a special scale on top of its head, known as the third or parietal eye, which is light sensitive. It reacts to shadows to always be aware of what is happening.

1. Cute boy

Unfortunately, it is unknown who he is and where he is from, but his portrait really stands out among the rest and deserves special attention. Look at the amazing contrast of his dark skin with bright eyes! No words..

2. Afghan girl

You're probably already used to seeing the same classic photo under this title, but let me tell you one secret: there are a lot of Afghans with incredibly beautiful eyes, and therefore it was very difficult to choose. This pretty girl has a very memorable look.

3. A male version of "Afghan Girl"?

This man's eyes are special. They are bright, unusual, and have a peculiar uniqueness, the same one that made the photograph of the “Afghan Girl” a hit. It is unknown whether the photographer had a specific idea in mind when he took this photo, but beautiful eyes are always beautiful eyes, right?

4. Stunning blue eyes

Look at those stunning eyes! Have you ever seen a closer look? It seems almost unnatural!

5. The Woman with Golden Eyes

Everyone has probably already heard about golden eyes, but no one has ever seen such a pair. This gorgeous woman leaves a lasting impression. Her golden eyes are really very unusual. Do you know anyone with golden eyes?

6. Innocent eyes

This Tongan girl has huge, deep eyes that seem to lure the viewer into a trap. And there is no need to say anything more. Her eyes speak for themselves...

7. Ian

This young man's name is Ian and he has a very interesting pair of eyes and, most likely, has broken more than one heart. Thanks to his eyes, he could appear on the cover of any magazine without having to be a celebrity!

8.Clear eyes

Have you ever seen such purity? Her huge eyes seem like deep, clear lakes. This photo catches your eye for at least a few minutes. Need I say anything more?