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A reworked fairy tale teremok about the new year. Scenario of the performance based on the fairy tale "Teremok" in a new way. Tale for the New Year "Teremok in a new way"

Before you is another scenario of a Russian folk tale from the talented poetess Olga Mirko. This script was written in 2007 for the environmental holiday, which took place at the school where Olya studied.

The scenario of the fairy tale in a new way "Teremok"

Author: The forest is dense, there is an edge in the forest ...
A mouse was walking through the forest.
Mouse: I would like a country house
Build here, and moreover,
To be rich, not small
Arrange a ball for guests.
Author: She hired beavers -
The best masters.
Took clever beavers
In the paws of saws, axes,
Made right on time
A wonderful tower - a tower.

Very soon in this forest
The Mercedes is coming.
A frog is driving.

Frog: Wow, you, whose hut is this?
Who lives in a teremochka?
Mouse: I live here, a lamb mouse.
Frog: Hello, old friend!
Mouse: Ah, hi! Come on into the house.
We will live together with you.

Author: Only everything around calmed down,
The roar of a motorcycle rang out.
A jumping bunny is coming.
The bunny thinks: “Come on,
I'll look into the teremok,
And to the window jump-jump.
Hare: Who lives in the teremochka?
Mouse: I live here, mouse norushka,
And I have a frog with me.
Come to the housewarming party
There will be a mountain feast, fun!
Hare: Very happy with these words,
I will visit you.
Author: Somehow a fox walked by,
She had a habit
Sniff everything out, find out ...
Fox: The house is chic, match me,
Silver and gilding.
I would like to live in such a place.
Knock-Knock. Who lives here?
Author: The mouse came out of the gate.
Mouse: I am the hostess, the mouse-louse,
And a frog lives with me,
Gray bunny jumper.
Fox: May I come to you, hostess?
Mouse: Come on. In a week
We'll have a disco.
Author: Beckons with light teremok
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Banks, candy wrappers, bottles
Flying over the edge...
A gray wolf was walking through the forest.
Wolf: I won't take anything for granted
Who could build in the forest
This rich teremok?
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
The people left the house.
Mouse: I live here, mouse-norushka,
I have a frog.
A fox came to us in the tower,
Here is a hare oblique,
And we'll put you here
Come to us - you will be yours!
Author: The days are running fast,
People live in the tower...
Mouse: Before we part
Incendiary dance
Yes, I want fun here
Let me turn on the music.

The animals are dancing. A bear appears, the music stops.

Author: Here to them from the forest waddle,
Taking a big stick
An angry bear came out
And let's roar at everyone.
Bear: Who dared in my forest
To spoil marvelous beauty?!
I'm a policeman here
And such bad manners
I did not see when I was born,
Spread dirt everywhere!
In front of the house in the meadow
Broken bottles, cans!
It's already late in the yard,
But you started dancing.
Oh, you neighbors, neighbors,
You have no conscience!!!
Author: Gave the bear to the fox and the wolf
In the paws of a bucket and a whisk.
Bear: Mouse, frog, but what about you
Rake - rake out all the trash.
Author: The animals immediately got down to business,
And work began to boil.
Dirt and rubbish all sweep,
It will be clean here.
Our bear in a short time
I was able to put things in order
Will be clean all the time
Where the tower was built.
May many, many years
Every forest lives without troubles
And the animals in it are unreasonable
Never will, no!!!

Olga Mirko

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(can be used at any holiday as an improvisation scene)
Fairy tales are loved by everyone.
Loved by adults and children.
Fairy tales teach us kindness and diligent work
They say how to live
To be friends with everyone around.
Teremok in a new way, we will show you now.
Listen to the story, my friend.
Do not eat your pie:
(music plays on a visit to a fairy tale)
In some kingdom
In a distant state
In a meadow among flowers
Teremok towered.
(Teremok comes out)
He was not low, not high.

Who ran past?
Tell me friends...

No, you don't say everything.
This is a tower in a new way ...
A bun ran past ...
(the bun runs out to the music)
He sees: a miracle tower,
Alone in the open field.
Kolobchek was surprised
Approached and stopped.
Kolobok. Who lives there, in the tower?
Maybe invite him over?
I'll knock on the door ... (Knocking)
Whose, tell me, this tower?

Vedas. But no one answered
The house was free.
Gingerbread man enters the tower, looks out of the window.
Kolobok. I will live in the tower,
Songs to sing and not grieve.

Vedas. A day or two the Kolobok lives...

Kolobok. Being alone at home is so boring!
No one to sing and dance with...
Invite someone to visit!

Vedas. At that time, one old woman -
Grandma Yozhka laughing,
Went out for a walk in the field
Fly on a broomstick.
(Baba Yaga flies to the music on a broomstick)
Sees: Terem-Teremok,
Alone in the open field.
Then the old woman was surprised
Came and stopped.

Baba Yaga(knocking): Who lives here in the tower?
Maybe invite him over?

Kolobok(Peeking out)
Lives here, Gingerbread man - ruddy side
And who are you?

Baba Yaga. I am a cheerful old woman.
Grandmother Yozhka- chuckle. (jumps for joy).
I will be your friend!
And now through the threshold
I'll jump in, I'm in the tower!
We are now together
And let's dance and sing! (jumps into the tower).
Vedas. They began to live and live
Songs to sing and dance!

Vedas. The kitty ran past,
Soft paws, scratches on the paws.
(the cat comes out to the music)
I saw the tower, I was surprised (looks around)

kitty: I'll knock on the door,
Whose, tell me, this tower?

Heroes in the tower: I - Gingerbread Man - ruddy side,
I am Grandmother Yozhka-laugher. Well, who are you, answer!

Cat. And I'm a purr kitty.
I can live with you!

Kolobok and Baba Yaga. Let's be friends with the three of us!
The cat enters the teremok

Vedas. They began to live and live
Songs to sing and dance!
Here from the thicket, from the thick
The forest man came out ...
(Lesovik comes out to the music)

Lesovik. I am thirsty! Water to drink! (saw the teremok)
What a miracle tower
Alone in an open field?
I'll come closer ... (hears singing and laughter)
Cheerful laughter is heard in the house.
I'll knock on the door...
Whose, tell me, this tower?

- And Grandma Yozhka is a laugher!
- Well, along with them the Cat!
Well, who are you?
Lesovik. I'm a tough little man Lesovichok.

Heroes. So come and live with us.
Lesovichok enters the teremok.

Vedas. They began to live and live
Songs to sing and dance!
A mouse ran past
(mouse runs to the music)
I saw Terem in the field.
Knocked softly on the door
Mouse. Who lives there, in the tower?
Does he dance and sing there?

The heroes take turns peeking out from behind the door:
- Lives here, Gingerbread Man - ruddy side!
- And Grandma Yozhka is a laugher!
- Well, along with them the Cat!
-And Lesovichok is a tough guy!
Well, who are you?
mouse. And I'm a mouse - norushka, let me live with you.

Heroes. No no no
What mice!?
There is no place for mice in the house!

Vedas. The mouse got angry and cried.
But suddenly Teremok turned on his right side
And said:
Teremok. Shame on you, friends!
Prejudice is nonsense!
The mouse is a cute little animal!
Let her go to hell!

Heroes are embarrassed(leave the house and calm the mouse)
Let's go, Mouse, you
We are now one family.
In our wonderful little house,
We sing, we dance, we dance.

They all dance together.

Vedas. This is the end of fairy tales
and who listened - well done!
Let's applaud our heroes.

Teremok in a new way

Everyone loves fairy tales,

Loved by adults and children.

Fairy tales reveal secrets

Children are invited to visit.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Good fellows lesson.

The storyteller appears on the stage

far, far away

Not low, not high

The house was big

With carved roof and chimney.

The house is warm, cozy,

Just very, very empty.

But let's not grieve.

Shed our tears

The fairy tale invited

The door quietly opened.

Have fun, kids!

You don't have a feather!

On the stage - a colorful house, trees. Calm music sounds. Owl Appears - Wise Little Head

owl : stupid Owl,

Empty head!

(knocks his head and gets angry with himself)

Minister of education

Gave me an important task -

open the school

To teach forest animals.

It was only yesterday

And today I forgot the address!

What is this sweet home?

It's spacious and comfortable.

The rooms are wide

The ceilings are high.

Children will study here

Be proud of your Teremkom.

(posts a sign "Teremok Forest School")

Need to bring a party

Sweep the floor,

Open books and notebook

Yes, wait for the animals.

(hides in the house)

The Little Mouse and the Frog Frog enter the stage

mouse : What kind of tower-teremok, teremok.

Frog : who, who lives in a little house,

Who, who lives in the low?

Owl : I am a teacher Owl,

Wise head.

I know everything, I know everything

I accept animals in school.

Frog :

We also want to be in school,

mouse (stomps foot indignantly)

You know, frog

Dear friend,

You go to school on your own

I won't go there with you.

I do not want to study,

And I want to frolic

Run through the forest, play,

Run away from foxes.

Frog (strict)

I remember yesterday you sobbed the night,

And I couldn't help you, poor thing.

The telegram came to us, important news,

But we failed to read it.

To become smart and literate.

Mouse (joyfully)

Hurry, hurry, let's go to class!

Your wise advice helped me a lot.

Fast music is playing. Bunny jumps out, followed by a wolf. They run across the stage, the Wolf tries to catch up, but he fails.

Bunny : open, open quickly!

A flock of animals is chasing me.

Terrible, terrible, very dangerous!

Frog . Poor thing, you're so scared!

Here you are, hare, and fox teeth.

Mouse: Here you are, gray, and wolf legs.

Owl: Here you are, oblique, and lynx claws.

Hare : Uh! What do I need fangs and claws for?

My soul is still hare.

I want to enroll in school

Do physical education.

Owl: You're right, hare.

Be friends with physical education

Be strong and healthy.

Morning workout with music. The song "Stand Up"

Lisa appears.

Fox : I'm an unhappy fox.

A wasp grabbed my nose

I, poor thing, so twirled,

That the whole bag shattered

Notebooks and books were torn.

Oh, and it's bittersweet for me, baby.

Wolf : Well, cheat, finished playing,

Finally you got me!

You're a prankster, fox!

That young wasp

What beat you

She turned her nose into a potato.

I will never forget

How you deceived me!

And my gray wolf tail

Hard to the hole frozen!

Fox: Wolf-top,

Gray barrel!

Realized my mistake

Forgive me, fox.

I feel very sad in the forest.

I will go to school,

Learn the rules of good behavior.

Owl : it's great that you made up, friends,

I am very, very pleased with you.

Well, now it's all about the lesson.

Long awaited call.

The owl conducts a game with the audience.

Hedgehog : What is this teremok, teremok?

He is not low, not high, not high.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who lives in the low?

I am a frog, green ear.

And I - Mouse - norushka, girl - laughter.

I am a Bunny, a long-eared coward.

I am Fox, red beauty.

Well, I'm a gray wolf, click teeth.

I am a teacher, Owl, a wise head.

And who are you?

Hedgehog : good-natured, businesslike.

All covered with needles.

Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?

This is your friend - Hedgehog.

I can't cry like a bear

But I can play and sing.

The hedgehog sings the song "one palm, two palms" the rest sing along to him

Owl : gloriously all of you have worked hard,

Don't be lazy, just study.

The table is set, it's time for dinner.

A bear appears.

Bear : I love fish and raspberries.

So I will keep my health.

Gotta get to lunch first.

Rolls, sweets, I will say "NO"

Oh! Oh! Oh!

There's been trouble!

My clumsy paws

Clueless head!

What have you done, what have you done

Teremok ruined ours.

Fox : Mishenka, bear,

You don't have to cry so loud.

Frog : We will help you in trouble,

Better yet, build a house.

Hare : Animals are friendly everywhere-

Both in study and in work.

Wolf : Let's pull up a little-

There will be a teremok again

Invite all of us.

Owl: Well, our house is built

It will be warm and spacious.

We've been waiting for this day for a long time.

We are all very well

Because he came to visit us,

New Year's holiday!

We have a game for you

I will start it now.

I'll start - and you finish,

Answer in unison.

All the people rejoice

This is a holiday ... ... (New Year)

He has a ruddy nose

He himself is bearded.

Who is this ... (Santa Claus)

That's right guys!

In the yard the frost grows stronger -

The nose blushes, the cheeks burn,

And we meet here

Cheerful ... .. (New Year)

Under the azure sky

Beautiful on a winter day

Happy New Year)

And we wish you happiness!

Fox : Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

All of you, without exception,

We invite you to have fun!

Wolf : Let's dance!

Let's play games!

Let's start the holiday!

Owl: Someone is knocking on our door

Come here soon

We welcome you gentlemen.

The guys from the 1st grade came to visit us. Let's welcome them.

Frog: Someone else is knocking

Children from the 5th grade came to visit us.

Fox : And now guys from grade 3 will show my number

Bear : The guys from the 4th grade also came to visit us. Let's give them a big round of applause.

Hedgehog : You know, guys, I really like students from grade 2, so I invite them to this stage.

mouse : Guys, someone else came to visit us.

Let's all ask together: "Who is there?"

Children (in chorus).

Who's there?

The postman Pechkin enters.

It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you New Year's greetings and wishes, as well as

Pechkin hands over the mail to Mouse.

And from what cartoon did the postman Pechkin come to us, guys?

Children answer: “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”.

Quite right!
Guys, today I would be glad
Near the Christmas tree
Sing along with you, dance
And, of course, play!
Hare: .
Guys, let's all become a round dance, sing our favorite songs and dance our favorite dances. .

Round dance is organized and conducted.

Hare: .
Well done! Let's see what kind of surprise the postman Pechkin brought us.

She takes out the package and reads it.
"There was a cheerful runner
Come here for the New Year.
He carried a small package
And in the package is an envelope.

He takes out an envelope.
And in the envelope is a secret,
And in secret is the answer
Laced, numbered,
As without matches and without candles
Light our Christmas tree!

Prints an envelope.
Oh, friends, here is a secret cipher,
Secret cipher from different numbers.

Shows numbers.
Two ... zero ... one ... ... ... three(last digit must be a digitcoming year).
If we decipher the code,
Under which the New Year,
The tree will light the fire for us.
How to arrange these numbers
Come on, answer, children!

Children . year 2013!

The Christmas tree lights up, the guys applaud in unison.

Owl : .
Interesting surprise, right guys? Well, let's read another postcard.
"Dear Guys! In order for Santa Claus to come to your holiday, you need to identify the most smart, witty, resourceful and award him the title of "Grandson Frost", only he can make Santa Claus come to your Christmas tree.
Snow Maiden".

Owl : .
Well, get to work, guys! After all, we can’t do without Santa Claus ...

Task number 1
Who sings these songs, name them.
If I scratch my head, it doesn't matter,
In the head of my sawdust - yes, yes, yes.
But although there are sawdust,
But chants and yells,
As well as noisemakers, puffers and nozzles
I write well sometimes.
(Winnie the Pooh.)

Is it because of the suit
Will I not be happy in my life?
I am offended by an evil fate!
Oh, why am I blue?!
(Blue puppy.)

A lion cub lies nearby
And wiggles his ears
Only I'm lying
And I don't look at the lion cub.

From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
From a smile in the sky, a rainbow will wake up ...
(Little Raccoon.)
“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
Tell me, my love, how are you? —
"I ran after you, Santa Claus,
I shed many bitter tears.
(Wolf, Hare.)

Owl :
Well done boys! All of you, without exception, have earned the title of "Grandson Frost". But still
one of you answered a little better than the rest. And we will give him the right to call Santa Claus to us. To do this, pull out one postcard from this pack.
(The boy pulls out a card).So... Now read what is written on it.(All postcards must have the same text.)
Grandson Morozets (reads).
Walks, walks through the trees,
Cracking on frozen water
And the bright sun plays
In his shaggy beard.

Owl : .
Answer the question:
"Who's coming to us?"
Father Frost!
Owl : .
The man is middle-aged
With an enormous beard
Brought with you by the hand
To your granddaughter for the holiday.
Answer the question:
Who is this?
Children. Father Frost!

Music sounds. Santa Claus enters with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health.
Here I come to you again
We will sing songs and dance.
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Let's welcome the New Year.
Games and dances are organized and held.
Snow Maiden.
I congratulate you too!
I wish you happiness, joy.
And today with you
Of course I will play.
Guys, repeat after me:
Because it's New Year's
Because the tree!

Children repeat the words after the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden.
Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with these words. Agreed?
Snow Maiden.
Why is the blizzard
Earth like a whisk?
Because the new year
Because the tree!
Snow Maiden.
Why does the accordion play
Fun and loud?
Because the new year
Because the tree!
Snow Maiden.
Why is there a round dance.
Songs without pause?
Because the new year
Because the tree!
Snow Maiden.
Why did you come
Santa Claus on the Christmas tree?
Because the new year
Because the tree!

Owl: .
And now we'll sleep together
And we'll all sing a song together.

The round dance is led by the Snow Maiden.

Santa Moro h (against the background of music).
Our boys and our girls!
In the New Year, we want to wish
Schoolchildren only excellent studies,
Do not take twos and threes with you.
Snow Maiden.
New meetings are already on the threshold,
New entertainment awaits you.
Joy, songs, fun, health,
Happy new year guys!


New Year's fairy tale "Teremok"


Mouse, Frog, Hare, Fox, Wolf, Bear

On the left is a Christmas tree - on the right is a tower.


Fairy tales are loved by everyone

Loved by adults and children

Fairy tales teach us good

And diligent work

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone around.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
She knocks on our door
Let's say a fairy tale: "Come in!"



Gray mouse - norushka

Went for a walk in the forest

Look for sweet grains

Sees at the edge


A mouse comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.


Everyone has to live somewhere
Both in winter and in summer.
How can the Mouse not grieve,
If there is no home?
Everyone needs somewhere to sleep
And have lunch somewhere. How to celebrate the New Year
If there is no home?

The mouse stops in front of the tower .


What a glorious teremok -
Not big, not small.
It's not locked up
The stakes are not closed.
Who lives in the terem here?
I'm a cook
I can sew and embroider.
I want to live here
To live and live!

The mouse looks around. Nobody answers her. She enters the tower and looks out of the window .


Stop wandering around the world
I will be warm in winter.
If no one is here
So this house is mine!

The mouse disappears into the window. The Frog comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower .


What a glorious tower!
Ah, what a miracle!
He's not low, he's not high
There is a dam nearby!
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Open the door for me!
Who lives here in the terem,
Come on, speak!

Mouse peeking out the window .


The mouse lives here!
Who will you be, answer!


I am the Jumping Frog
I have nowhere to live, help me out!


There's a place for you
It's more fun to live together.
Now let's knead the dough
And then we'll have a cup of tea!

The frog enters the house. The mouse disappears into the window. Zaichik comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.


What a glorious tower
Grew up in the woods?
The hare prince could live here
With the Bunny Princess!
The mouse looks out of the window.


The mouse lives here.

The frog looks out of the window.


Who disturbs our peace?
I am a Leaping Frog.
Say who you are!


Open up, it's me
Runaway Bunny!
You let me live
I'm a good Bunny!
I can clean floors
And wag your ears.

mouse (to the frog)

Maybe let the Hare live?

Frog (to Bunny)

Stay with us!

Bunny enters the house. Mouse and Frog are hiding. The Fox comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.


This is how Terem-Teremok
Fine, but elegant!
I smell apple pie...
Where is the front entrance here?
I don't want one

To celebrate this holiday.

Who, who lives here

Who will answer me?

Animals in order: .


The mouse lives here.


And eared Bunny!


And the Jumping Frog.
Who are you, tell me!


About beautiful Lisa
The rumor has been going on for a long time.
Everyone knows me in the forest!


She has a place!


Come on, godfather, be bolder,
New Year's dinner is waiting.


Together will be more fun!

Fox enters the house.


There is no better home in the world!

All the inhabitants of the tower hide in it. The wolf comes out from behind the trees into the clearing and goes to the tower.


Here are the mansions, so the mansions -
There's room for everyone here!
Why are you silent? Is there anyone at home?
Don't be afraid, don't eat!

Its inhabitants timidly look out from the tower one by one.


The mouse lives here.


And eared Bunny!


And the Jumping Frog.


And Lisa, the mistress!
I won't take anything for granted
Who are you?


Let me in the house!
I'm not a terrible wolf at all!
See for yourself!


Okay, Gray, come in,
Just don't bite!


We'll kick you out right away, mind you
If you offend the Hare!

The wolf enters the house.

All the inhabitants of the tower go out into the clearing, dance around the Christmas tree and sing in chorus:

Tra-ta, tra-ta, oh, what a beauty!

Tra-ta, tra-ta It's time to celebrate the New Year!

The Bear comes out from behind the trees and goes to the tower .


new year and i want

Meet with you


No bear, you're sorry

Painfully you are huge.


Don't be afraid, I'll fit in.
I am modest in requests.

The bear climbs into the tower. The house starts to wobble and falls. The inhabitants of the tower are crying in the ruins.


What have you done, Mishka?


We did warn you.


Teremok destroyed our!


He left everyone without a holiday!


Well, forgive me
I didn't do it on purpose.

How are we going to live now?

Bear (with a sigh)

Can not imagine!

Frog (to the bear)

If you did something wrong,
You can fix it!


Even though the bear is to blame
We will help him!


What to regret about the house,
It’s better to add a new one! (All raise the house together)


The story has come to an end
and who listened, well done.
Friendship helped the fairy tale.
Friendship gets along well.

The song is about friendship.


Story play script.


(in a new way)


mouse- a fashionista, takes care of herself very much, is dressed in a bright suit, always carries a cosmetic bag with her.

Hare- spoiled, young, dressed very fashionably, always has a cell phone in his hands, headphones on his ears, constantly chews something.

Bear- elderly, in an old fur coat, offended by modern youth.

Mosquito-adventurer without a special place of residence. Dressed in the latest fashion.

Frog- very rich, dressed in all green, dollars are visible from her pockets, she has bags of money in her hands

Fox- no longer a young, but very fashionable person, in high-heeled shoes, a natural fur coat, brightly made up.

The action takes place on New Year's Eve in the forest.

1 act

Mosquito. What a bore! (stretches) I'll fly around the world. Hang out somewhere. I’ll find a glue house for myself, as a person I’ll live. (Flies, sees the tower) This is class! Hut what you need! (looks out the window) Yes, there is no one here! Super! Now I will live here. (Goes into the tower)

2 act

A small room with a mirror and an upholstered chair.

Mouse.(Sits in front of the mirror, paints her nails) Oh, how tired of everything! I'm so cool, beautiful! And there is no home. (crying) I live in a hole. (stops crying, puts the polish in her makeup bag) I'll go around the world, maybe I'll find a decent house. (walks, sees the tower) This is class! The house is a dream! I would like this!

Mosquito.(runs out of the tower) Come on, get out of here! I live here, cool mosquito.

Mouse. Don't be angry, cool mosquito. I am a cool mouse, I lived in a hole, I have been waiting for you all my life. Let's live together - let's not grieve.

Mosquito. What more!

mouse. Don't be angry. You and I will arrange such a cool party that everyone in the forest will die of envy!

Mosquito. Die of envy? Well, that's another matter. Come in!

(Both enter the tower)

3 act.

Small room. A chair, a table, money, wallets, bags of money are everywhere.

Frog.(counts dollars) My little greenies! (kisses the bill, puts it in a bag). There is no one in the world richer than me! (thinks) What if there is? (Bewilderment and fear. Hugs bags of money) No! It cannot be. There is no one richer than me in the world! Yes, what is there to think. I will ride around the world, see how others live. And if I find a house cooler than my swamp - I'll buy it! (Jumps, sees the tower) Yes! Super! This is a teremok for me! No money is a pity. (Knocks on the window)

A mosquito and a mouse come out.

Mosquito. What are you breaking? Can't you see we live here?

Mouse. Let's get out of here! We'll call security!

Frog. Yes that me your protection! I am a super rich frog! I have so many bucks that you never dreamed of. I want to buy your house.

Mouse and mosquito(together). He is not for sale.

Frog. Everything in this world is for sale! I'll give you five bags of bucks.

Mouse. Class! (reaches for money).

Mosquito.(pushing her away). Well, I do not! You better stay with us. You will feed us, give us water, we will live on your money. Enough space for everyone. (They enter the tower.)

A hare appears.

Hare.(Talking on the phone) Hello! I'm jumping through the forest. Looking for somewhere to relax and have fun. (Approaches the tower) Wow! I'll call you back. (Turns off the phone, looks out the window).

Everyone runs out of the tower.

Mouse. What do you need, eared?

Frog. I don't need freeloaders for my bucks!

Mosquito. Get out! And then we nail it.

Hare. Haven't you heard about me? I am a super DJ hare. I have the coolest hangouts in the woods.

Mouse. We didn't recognize you right away. Come in. We will live together - we will not grieve.

4 act.

A small room, a chair with a mirror on the wall, next to it is a portrait of a fox.

Fox.(Powders in front of the mirror). Oh, I'm beautiful! Natural fur coat from Versace, shoes from Limonti. It is a pity that no one sees my beauty. I will go to the white world. Maybe I'll meet someone.

Goes. He sees the teremok.

Wow! Here is the teremok! Just a sight! I like this. (closes eyes, dreaming).

Everyone runs out of the tower.

mouse. And who are you?

Fox. I am a fox, slender as a match. I live in the forest. I wear natural coats.

Mosquito. Do you have grandmothers?

Fox. Certainly!

Frog. We need such friends, otherwise my bags are exhausted.

Hare. Yes, and my ancestors do not send money. Stay with us to live - we will not grieve.

Wolf: popular, very famous, fashion stylist. In sunglasses. Dressed in a beautiful, fashionable suit.

The wolf appears. Goes and talks:

Wolf: I almost fashionably dressed the whole world, I came up with a cool image for everyone. Who else would you like to mod? (sees the tower) Oh, what a beautiful tower. Exactly for me! (knocking)

Everyone runs out of the tower

Mosquito: Hey, who are you?

Hare: You didn't know? This is a super mega-cool stylist!

Wolf: Yes, I'm a Wolf - I know a lot about fashion! Do you want to pick up an outfit for all of you?

Frog: Wouldn't that be cool?

Mouse: Come in, we need people like you. You will live with us, you will not grieve!

They enter the tower, music plays loudly from the window. A bear appears near the tower.

Bear. What a life! Everywhere music. There is nowhere to rest! What a youth gone! Well, I'll show them! (Knocks on the window). Well, pot-bellied trifle, free the tower. I will live here.

Everyone runs out of the tower.

Mouse. Honey, don't be angry! Better have fun with us.

Hare. It's so cool!

Fox. You'll like it.

Mosquito. After all, today is the New Year! Everyone is having fun.

Bear. Okay, agreed. Turn on the karaoke and let's sing.

Music sounds. The bear is singing.

I don't remember when I arrived.

In the forest, I was the coolest.

My address is neither a house nor a street.

My address today is:

W teremok

SPB dot ru.

W teremok

SPB dot ru.

Mosquito and Mouse.(sing)

When we found this tower

(there is no registration)

We have become very calm

Our address today is:

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.

Frog, hare and fox.(sing)

We always have bucks in our pocket.

Dreamed of such a life.

Our address is neither a house nor a street.

Our address today is:

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.


We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year

And we want to wish you happiness.

We ask friends Santa Claus

Send gifts to the site.

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.

VVV teremok

SPB dot ru.