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Side effects of naftusya mineral water. Mineral water “Naftusya. Mineral water "Naftusya"

We continue to introduce you to the famous Ukrainian resort Truskavets.

The healing base of Truskavets is thirteen mineral springs - different in the physical and chemical composition of the waters. They can be divided into three groups.

  • The first is low-mineralized, in which the amount of salts does not exceed 2 g/l.
  • The second group consists of waters of medium mineralization, containing from 2 to 15 g/l of salts.
  • The third group is highly mineralized waters and brines, the salt content of which reaches 250-400 g/l.

All waters are classified as cold, as their temperature ranges from +8 to +13°C.

Waters of “Naftusya” No. 1 and No. 2, as well as sources No. 1, No. 2, No. 4, No. 11 and No. 12 are used for drinking, No. 3 - for inhalation. Waters No. 5, No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 9 and No. 10 are used for baths.

Naftusya is the main wealth of Truskavets

The main healing factor of the resort is mineral water Naftusya, opened in 1835. The mineral spring is located in the center of the resort and is a shallow captured well, the water of which is supplied through pipes to the central pump room. " Naftusya» - cold, low-mineralized (0.7 g/l), hydrocarbonate-sulfate magnesium water. It contains organic substances such as phenols, heavy acids of the saturated petroleum series, as well as a small amount of hydrogen sulfide and volatile sulfur hydrocarbons. Organic substances give Naftusya mineral water a specific taste and smell of oil, which was the reason for its name (from the Ukrainian word “nafta” - oil - in a diminutive form).

In terms of its physico-chemical composition and physiological effect on the body, “Naftusya” is unique water and has no equal in Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries. Mineral water “Naftusya” No. 1 removes toxins from the blood that have accumulated as a result of the body’s vital activity, especially in cases of metabolic disorders or insufficient function of individual organs: liver, intestines, kidneys, etc. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, reduces the inflammatory process in the urinary tract, stimulates intestinal function, enhances bile-forming, bile-excretory functions of the liver and the functions of other organs.

“Naftusya” is used to treat kidney stones, uric acid diathesis, pyelitis, cystitis, as well as metabolic diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis, hepatocholecystitis and cholangitis.

The Naftusya spring No. 2 is located in the picturesque Pomerki tract (3 km from the resort center) and is a captured mine well. Mineral water “Naftusya” No. 2 is hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium water - an analogue of “Naftusya” No. 1, but with significantly lower mineralization (0.3 g/l). Its medicinal use is similar to that of Naftusya.

  • Source No. 1 is located in the western part of the resort. According to its chemical properties, its water belongs to medium-mineralized chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium cold waters. Used to treat diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and biliary tract.
  • Source No. 2 is located next to source No. 1. A pavilion was built above the source captivity. Mineral water from source No. 2 belongs to cold, medium-mineralized (8-12 g/l) sodium chloride mineral waters and is used for diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion and intestines.
  • Source No. 3 is located in a gully, 450-500 m from the center of the resort. Its water belongs to the chloride-sulfate sodium-calcium waters with average mineralization (12-16 g/l) and is used in the form of inhalations for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Source No. 4 is a former mine in the Nomerki tract, filled with highly mineralized water such as brines. The water of the surface layer is sodium chloride (mineralization 165 g/l), the bottom layer is sodium chloride-sulfate (mineralization 365 g/l). From the mineral water of spring No. 4, Barbara salt is extracted by freezing, which is used to treat diseases of the liver, biliary tract, intestines, etc.
  • Spring No. 5 is located next to spring No. 2. The chemical composition of its water is slightly mineralized (0.99 g/l), chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium. Since groundwater penetrates into the source, the mineralization of the water fluctuates and is not used for medicinal purposes.
  • Spring No. 6 is located in the center of the resort and is a former ozokerite mine filled with mineral water. The chemical composition of this water is hydrogen sulfide, sulfate-hydrocarbonate-chloride calcium-magnesium-sodium with average mineralization (3.6 g/l) and is used for baths.
  • Spring No. 7 is located in the resort park. This is a former ozokerite mine filled with hydrogen sulfide sodium chloride water with a salinity of 150-316 g/l. The amount of free hydrogen sulfide ranges from 70 to 140 mg/l. The spring water is used for baths.
  • Springs No. 8 and No. 9 are located in the Lipki tract. Both sources are former mines filled with sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium mineral water, which is used for baths.
  • Spring No. 10 is next to spring No. 4 and is a mine filled with hydrogen sulfide sodium chloride water with high mineralization (176-300 g/l). Currently no water is used.
  • Source No. 11 is located in the western part of the resort and is a captured well. The mineral water of the source belongs to low-mineralized (0.7-0.9 g/l) hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium-magnesium waters with medicinal properties similar to those of “Naftusya”.
  • Spring No. 12 is located in the center of the resort. According to the chemical composition, its water is moderately mineralized (6 g/l), sodium-calcium chloride-sulfate, and is used for drinking for diseases of the digestive system.

For a long time it was not possible to find a way to bottle Naftusya so that it would not lose its medicinal properties. However, the efforts of scientists and doctors were crowned with success. Now water bottling has been organized in Truskavets, and this allows it to be used outside the resort.

Previously, in addition to mineral waters, the resort widely used peat mud, which contains about 3% ferrous substances, for medicinal purposes. Recently, mud has been replaced by the more effective ozokerite - earth wax. Ozokerite has low thermal conductivity. During the transition from the molten to the solid state, a large amount of heat is released, which has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease.

The largest group at the resort are urological patients. The second largest group are patients with damage to the liver, biliary tract and a small group with diseases of the stomach, intestines and metabolic disorders.

An even tan, gigabytes of bright photos, a little sand at the bottom of the suitcase and, of course, unique souvenirs.

Even the famous fog will not prevent you from seeing. The best way to view them is from the window of the equally famous red double-decker bus.

It did not at all harden like wax. Sculptors willingly respond to the trends of the times. The most striking personalities and events have every chance to be captured here.

"Naftusya" is a hydrocarbonate, hypotonic, calcium-magnetic mineral water containing biologically active substances: bitumen, humus, carbonic unsaturated fatty acids, amino compounds, neutral and acidic resins, oils, phenols, etc. It also contains trace elements: sodium, manganese, copper, sulfates, chlorides, free carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, silicic acid, lead, lithium, iron, bromine, iodine. Water mineralization is about 0.63 - 0.85 g/l. Mineral “Naftusya” is of petroleum origin, so it has a slight taste of oil and the smell of hydrogen sulfide. If you pour “Naftusya” into a mug, the water first releases gas, and after a few hours an oil film appears on its surface. The water retains all its qualities only for about 15-20 minutes after being taken from the pump room. After this time, the beneficial qualities decrease sharply. That is why it makes no sense to bottle this water.

The Naftusya deposit is a mountainous area, which is located behind the central pump room of Truskavets mineral waters. The process of “ripening” of this unique mineral water occurs as follows: precipitation and meltwater from snowfalls penetrate through the upper layers of soil with a high content of organic matter and form aquifers at a depth of 50 m. Therefore, the reserves of Naftusya and other mineral waters in Truskavets are stable.

Medicinal and health-improving properties of “Naftusya”
The healing effect of water is also determined by the high content of organic substances, which ranges from 1.4 to 30.2 mg/l (depending on the time of year, meteorological conditions and operating conditions of wells). “Naftusya” has a diverse microflora, which facilitates the absorption of difficult-to-digest organic substances such as bitumen, phenols and humuses. This microflora includes hydrocarbon-oxidizing, methane-forming, butyric acid, ammonifying, denitrifying, nitrifying, thionic and desulfurizing microorganisms. Therefore, “Naftusya” is the most complex product of microbial activity. It is assumed that this microflora in water plays an important role in the formation of biologically active components. Therefore, “Naftusya” has a more pronounced diuretic effect than other mineral waters. It also has a detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stimulates bile formation and excretion, as well as the function of the kidneys and some endocrine glands. This water also helps to increase the secretion of urea and reduce the concentration of residual nitrogen in the blood.

In addition to these properties, “Naftusya” has many other medicinal and health-improving applications:
- antispasmodic, analgesic effect;
- normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas, endocrine glands, restoration of liver cells, calming inflammatory processes;
- normalization of metabolism (including carbohydrate metabolism, which is especially important for patients with diabetes);
- normalization of metabolism;
- removal of small stones from the kidneys, urinary and biliary tract, gall bladder and prevention of their formation;
- ensuring the functional activity of the stomach, pancreas, liver and bile ducts;
- restoration of protective forces in the body;
- prevention of cancer;
- cleansing the body of waste, toxins, radionuclides;
- increasing immunity.

Treatment with Naftusya is prescribed by a doctor in the presence of kidney and urinary tract diseases(urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, congenital anomalies, prostatitis), digestive diseases (chronic hepatitis, colitis, intestinal dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis), metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, obesity and excess weight).
Naftusya also treats patients with problems of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and peripheral nervous systems.

Truskavets pump rooms offer all types of mineral waters in several temperatures, most often cold water, 17 degrees and 30 degrees. In particular, cold water is prescribed for kidney disease, and warm water for liver disease. The use of "Naftusya" is usually 100-250 g three times a day one hour before meals. Drink it slowly through a straw, or from a special glass, since water that gets on tooth enamel can cause it to darken. In addition to using only “Naftusya”, complex programs are drawn up for combination with other types of mineral water: “Sofia”, “Maria” and “Bronislava”, which are also presented in various temperature options. Options for effective combinations will be prescribed only by your sanatorium physician based on the condition of your body and your own experience.

Usually, when talking about mineral water, we mean well-known varieties from the deposits of the Caucasus, where such brands as Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, and a number of others have long been famous. However, as is well known, Ukraine is also a country rich in mineral water deposits. Mineral water is mainly extracted in the western part of the country, near the Carpathian Mountains. Thus, some balneological resorts located in this region are quite popular, where every vacationer can undergo treatment or prevention with the help of mineral water and therapeutic mud. One of the most famous brands of water in Ukraine is Naftusya, which is produced in the area of ​​the city of Truskavets and in some other places.

Truskavets is one of the oldest resorts of this kind in all of Ukraine - treatment here has always been no less popular than in the famous Baden-Baden or Karlovy Vary. Since ancient times, people have had an idea about the beneficial properties of springs located near the city. Naftusya, like mineral water, is not a specific well, but a whole type of sources similar in composition that have a beneficial effect on human health.

The very name of this water is associated with oil, and this is quite fair. First of all, everyone who tried Naftusya water was able to notice a slight smell and taste that was truly reminiscent of oil. This is due to the content of chemical microelements that are present in water and make it beneficial for the human body. However, besides this, there is something else that connects this brand with the mineral. The thing is that a large deposit of water of this type was found precisely during oil development, and they were not looking for it purposefully, but found it completely by accident, while trying to drill an oil well.

A large water deposit was discovered right on the bank of Zbruch, not far from the town of Satanov. The well went almost one hundred and fifty meters into the ground, when suddenly a fountain erupted from there. Scientists became interested in this phenomenon, suggesting that the water might be useful and sent samples for laboratory research.

Of course, that's what happened. Laboratory analysis revealed a lot of useful substances that this mineral water contains. Scientists were able to establish similarities between this water and that produced in Truskavets, combining them into one group. It was decided to develop it industrially for use in hydrotherapy. Thus, the Naftusya brand received an additional source of resources.

Naftusya actually lies mainly where oil fields are located, and oil enriches it, saturating it with useful substances. Therefore, both the taste and smell of Naftusya are somewhat reminiscent of oil, and this is not surprising. Once in the water, microelements become suitable for human consumption. The name of water is inextricably linked with the mineral, because water draws its strength from it.

For a long time it was mistakenly believed that only water directly taken from the mine could have a beneficial effect. Therefore, Naftusya was used only in conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment - in treatment rooms, baths, and pavilions for drinking mineral water. It was used in the same Truskavets, famous for its balneological procedures and therefore attracting many people who want to undergo a course of treatment. However, over time, an amazing fact was revealed, which was that water does not lose its beneficial qualities for a long time, and those microelements that make it truly healing continue to be present in it for six months after being taken from the source.

Of course, this very valuable observation could not be left without action without revealing the full potential of this beneficial water. Naftusya began to be bottled and sold through stores. So, everyone got the opportunity to purchase bottles of Naftusya - whether specifically for undergoing procedures or simply to quench their thirst. In fact, it became table water, which can still be taken with food today.

The very idea of ​​bottled Naftusya water turned out to be truly revolutionary - because from now on, in order to get all the beneficial effects it has on the body, it is not at all necessary to go to a resort. Moreover, people do not always have such an opportunity. By purchasing water in a store and drinking it according to the doctor’s instructions or simply during meals, everyone can count on the beneficial effects that this water brings. The fact that trace elements remain in it for a long time makes water extremely valuable. It would seem that the very nature of Ukraine has given people such an opportunity - to use its gifts not only with a positive effect, but also with convenience.

Naftusya is sold in glass bottles, and in modern Ukraine it is the most popular brand of mineral water. Of course, today there are other brands on the market, but, as practice clearly shows, people still prefer to buy Naftusya. Firstly, this is its own, well-known remedy, which was popular a hundred and even two hundred years ago. Secondly, it is distinguished by its relatively low cost, which makes water very popular, given its beneficial properties. In addition to shops and supermarkets, you can buy Naftusya in pharmacies, which only emphasizes the fact that official medicine looks at it more than seriously, putting it on the same counter with medicines.

Water, as a medicine, has no contraindications. In other words, everyone can use it, and for any person it will be extremely useful. A truly miraculous medicine of the most natural origin - with regular use of this water, the effect will immediately appear. Sold throughout Ukraine, it makes a significant contribution to the overall health of the nation, and is therefore especially valuable.

Nature itself can become the main source of healing. Proof of this is the mineral water that originated in the depths of the Carpathians and has a unique composition. Naftusya water’s uniqueness surpasses all mineral compositions in the world; it is impossible to replicate its structure artificially, and it is also impossible to maintain its usefulness when in contact with air. It cannot be bought in a store, bottled or drunk far from the source - the properties of Naftusya are preserved only at the pump room. It was this water that brought Truskavets worldwide fame.

The secret is in the special composition

The properties of Naftusya are the result of the interaction of many components of its structure. Iron, bromine, iodine, sodium, copper, manganese, chlorides, carboxylic acids (unsaturated), oils, amino compounds, free carbon dioxide, organic substances - water of petroleum origin is a storehouse of useful microelements.

Naftusya's composition is suitable for:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the whole body and individual organs;
  • normalization of metabolism and activity of all digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • activation of endocrine and nerve cells that regulate the secretion and motility of the liver and other body systems.

Naftusya is a mineral water with an extensive microflora that can destroy organic substances (bitumen, humus, phenols). This stimulates the removal of sand from the gallbladder and its ducts, kidneys and urinary canals, the elimination and resorption of small stones, their elimination without trauma to the passage channels.

Action of water

The medicinal properties of Naftusya are manifested by detoxification, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects, an increase in the secretion of bile and urea, and a decrease in the residual concentration of nitrogen in the circulatory system.

What goals can Naftusya treatment achieve?

  1. Normalize metabolism, including carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Optimize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver cells.
  3. Remove stones and prevent the appearance of new ones from the kidneys, bile and their ducts.
  4. Strengthen the immune system (cleanse the body of toxins, waste, radionuclides, prevent cancer).

Don’t trust reviews and want to check the healing properties of Naftusya mineral water yourself? A few days of rest in Truskavets will provide health for the whole year. To do this, it is enough only at the Naftusya Hotel. Comfortable apartments, special meals, comprehensive attention from doctors and staff - you get excellent service at an inexpensive price.

MINERAL WATER “NAFTUSYA” AND “MARY” In 2008 and 2013, my wife and I vacationed in the resort town of Truskavets (90 km south of Lvov), drinking mineral water “Naftusya” and “Maria”. During the rest, I looked at the hands of more than 40 people with diseases: ● cholestasis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, Fig. 36c: http://s020.radikal.ru/i714/1303/57/6986781d92d5.jpg Fig.39a: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9265/64490783.2/0_be7fe_8196bad0_orig Fig.40: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9259/64490783.2/0_b6940_ebfc6b45_orig Fig.41: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6435/64490783.0/0_af4b9_518843f8_orig● chronic pancreatitis, Fig. 42: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9223/64490783.2/0_b3bf3_ff73d699_orig; Fig.57: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9107/64490783.2/0_c1570_587432bd_orig; Fig.58: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9113/64490783.2/0_b3764_95a68566_orig; Fig.58a: http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9322/64490783.2/0_c54dc_f23b2f3b_orig. ● diabetes mellitus type 2, Fig. 37 http://s017.radikal.ru/i410/1303/9a/d8c4fbf9da9d.jpg; ● urolithiasis; ● osteochondrosis of the spine and arthritis of the joints. The stereotype is deeply ingrained in people’s minds that if you look at your hands, then this is definitely fortune telling. It will take time to erase this ingrained stereotype. You begin to tell a person about his illnesses using the lines on his palm, he confirms them (if he knows, but mostly people do not know their illnesses) and is surprised that illnesses can be diagnosed by the hand. Some deny everything, although the disease is visible on the hand, others do not want to hear or talk about their illness, do not want to know any information about it, thereby only worsening their condition, the cost of which is often prohibitively high. The Truskavets resort specializes in the treatment of kidney diseases, liver diseases, diseases of the urinary and biliary tract, and metabolic disorders. “Naftusya” is the most famous mineral water of Truskavets and Skhidnitsa with a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide and a taste of oil. There are no analogues to “Naftusya” outside Ukraine. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, stimulates the removal of small stones, sand from the kidneys, gall bladder and biliary tract, normalizes metabolism, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, protects and restores liver cells, and also removes radionuclides from the body and slags Mineral water also has a diuretic, choleretic, analgesic effect, relieves inflammation in the kidneys, urinary and biliary tracts, liver, and intestines. If there are large stones in the kidneys, mineral water must be used carefully, because Excessive use can worsen the course of the disease. It is advisable to use sanatorium-resort treatment after the passage of a stone or its surgical removal with satisfactory renal function. “Naftusya” is prescribed an hour before meals, 150-200 ml 3 times a day, after 20-30 minutes “Maria”, the water is taken cold or heated to a temperature of +37-40 degrees. Contraindications: high arterial hypertension; severe anemia; chronic renal failure. Mineral water "Maria" is indicated for diabetes, pancreatitis, most liver diseases and concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For gastritis with high acidity, “Maria” reduces inflammation of the gastric mucosa, reduces acidity and normalizes gastric secretion. Plus, the functioning of the neuromuscular system improves in hyperacid gastritis. The medicinal properties of “Maria” are that it reduces gastric secretion, stimulates intestinal motility, activates bile formation and excretion, relieves inflammation and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduces the concentration of cholesterol in bile. If you have gastritis, stomach ulcers, chronic pancreatitis, constipation, take Maria mineral water an hour before meals, 150-200 ml 3 times a day, and Naftusya, 150-200 ml an hour after meals. Link to photo.