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Why do your heels hurt? Dangerous consequences of severe heel pain: what to do? Rheumatoid, gouty, infectious arthritis


Every person has to deal with physical pain in their life. At the same time, the understanding comes that it is a symptom of an emerging disease. Why do my heels hurt? The answer to this question lies in knowledge of the anatomical structure of the feet and the diseases to which they are susceptible. Sharp pain in the heel can be caused by pathologies of the tendons, joints, and connective tissue of the foot. Some common human diseases affect the heel bone, accompanied by swelling and inflammation localized in this place. It is worth understanding what diseases cause heel pain.

What is heel pain

To make it easier for the doctor to diagnose the cause of heel pain, it is necessary to describe the painful sensation as accurately as possible: location, duration, frequency and nature. It is a manifestation of foot disease or a general illness. These tables will help to more accurately characterize heel pain:

Description of pain when it occurs


external manifestations of the disease

presumptive diagnosis

burning, making you want to put your feet in cold water

all over the foot

redness with a bluish tint to the skin


harsh when walking

area of ​​tendon damage extending across the entire sole of the foot


pressing after sleep. Dulls with rest, worsens with load on the leg

below the heel

swelling of the arch of the foot

Plantar fasciitis



swelling of the foot

calcaneal fracture

strong, unabated. Acute at night.

from ankle to heel bone

inflammation, redness, swelling of the heel and ankle

rheumatoid arthritis

Why does your heel hurt?

The upright position of the human torso causes enormous loads on the legs. Every step he takes puts pressure on his lower limbs with a force of 1.5 body weight. With sudden movements, this force increases 3-4 times. The heel bone and tendons are natural shock absorbers of the human musculoskeletal system. Without preventive measures and control over your own body weight, systematic overload of the legs occurs, which can develop into a disease. Foot and heel pain are associated with many factors.

All causes of heel pain can be divided into several groups:

  • not associated with pathological changes in the body:
  1. Tension of muscles and ligaments from the need to stay on your feet for a long time, heavy lifting (certain types of professions, training).
  2. Constantly wearing uncomfortable or high-heeled shoes.
  3. Atrophy of the fat layer, caused by a sharp decrease in body weight or heavy physical activity, flat feet.
  4. A person is obese or rapidly gaining excess weight.
  5. Corn.
  • foot disease:
  1. heel spur;
  2. tendinitis (inflammation) of the Achilles tendon;
  3. apophysitis of the calcaneus;
  4. Haglund's deformity;
  5. bursitis;
  6. calcaneal exostosis;
  7. Achillodynia;
  8. tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  9. Morton's neuralgia;
  10. hallux valgus, etc.
  • systemic diseases:
  1. Bekhterov's disease;
  2. osteomyelitis of the calcaneus;
  3. bone tuberculosis;
  4. gout;
  5. rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  6. tumors, metastases of malignant neoplasms;
  7. diabetic angiopathy;
  8. infections affecting bone tissue;
  9. epiphysitis;
  10. cracks caused by diabetes, mycosis or dermatitis.
  • injuries:
  1. sprain, tendon rupture;
  2. injury;
  3. ligament damage;
  4. fractures, cracks of the calcaneus.

It hurts to step on

With pathologies of the heel zone, pain is felt in the heel when stepping. This is understandable, because it consists of the heel bone, muscles, ligaments, tendons, thick fatty and connective tissue, penetrated by a network of blood vessels and nerve fibers. Any inflammatory process, injury or deformation of the parts that make up the heel under the pressure of a person’s weight leads to pain. It hurts to step on:

  • Bekhterov's diseases. Due to genetic predisposition, some people develop chronic inflammation of the joints and vertebrae of the skeleton. The inflammatory lesion spreads first along the spine and then affects the ankle joints, Achilles and heel tendon areas. These processes cause pain, although they do not have such a destructive effect as with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Gout. The cause of this disease is high levels of uric acid in the blood, which occurs in people after 40 years of age. Urate crystals are deposited in the joints, blocking mobility and causing severe inflammation at times, called gouty arthritis. Such processes may involve the toes and ankles. An attack of gout is accompanied by swelling of the joint and adjacent tissues, pressing pain, which intensifies when stepping on the leg.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease in which lymphocytes (immune cells) destroy connective tissue cells of the joints, perceiving them as foreign. In this case, many small and large joints of the human body are simultaneously affected, similar to polyarthritis. The tissues of the ankle and phalanges are destroyed on the foot. At first, the legs ache at night, but as the disease develops, the pain becomes constant.
  • Osteomyelitis of the calcaneus is an infectious lesion of all bone elements. This process is long and manifests itself as a secondary disease against the background of diabetic ulcers or injuries to the heel area. It is characterized by the formation of an open, non-healing ulcer on the skin of the heel tubercle. The pain that occurs is not acute, but constant. A characteristic feature is the loss of support on the leg, the inability to walk without aids.

When walking after sleep

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to “unwind” after sleep: heaviness in the legs, numbness and dull pain in the foot are felt. You have to step carefully, choosing a comfortable position for the sole of your foot. Over time, the pain goes away when walking, but may return after the person is sitting or lying down. If these symptoms become a regular occurrence, you should consult a doctor, because the cause may be a disease called plantar fasciitis.

The fascia of the foot is a subcutaneous connective tissue that performs a supporting and trophic function. Constant loads on the lower limbs, unnatural position of the foot associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes or flat feet lead to inflammation of the fascia and their anatomical damage. These processes cause heel pain when walking. Over time, calcium salts are deposited in the area of ​​inflammation, forming a pathological bone growth. Degenerative changes in the heel bone lead to chronic pain.

Heel bone at the back

Exostosis, a non-tumor growth of osteochondral tissue (osteochondroma) on the back surface of the heel bone, brings great discomfort and pain. This growth can reach 2 cm in diameter and causes pain when moving and wearing shoes. It happens that an osteochondral lump forms on the plantar part of the heel bone. People call it a “heel spur.” These pathological changes can compress the nerve endings, which causes pain. There may be numbness in the foot and loss of sensation.

On the inside of the foot

Flat feet cause pain on the inside of the feet. Factors influencing the development of this disease are weak leg ligaments, excessive excess weight and genetic predisposition. Deformation and flattening of the arches of the foot leads to loss of its shock-absorbing function. Because of this, the spine can be bent, and joints often ache. If the feeling of frequent nagging pain inside the foot, radiating to the heel, recurs, you need to consult a doctor to determine flat feet and its treatment.

The heel tubercle on the inside can hurt due to a bruise, sprain of the medial ankle ligaments, or cracks in the heel bone. Less often, but there may be pain in this area with epiphysitis, a childhood disease. By the age of 15, bone, ligaments and tendons are finally formed. Before this, there is a possibility of rupture of the apophysis from the body of the calcaneus during heavy physical activity in children, for example, intense sports.

It hurts inside

In case of infectious diseases, such as osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, the patient’s feet ache inside the heel. Doctors note the same symptom for urogenital and intestinal infections. Bone tuberculosis is caused by pathogenic microbacteria. Most often they affect the lungs, but in rare cases, microbes travel through the bloodstream to the heel bone. This form of tuberculosis occurs only in children 10-15 years old with weak immunity.

The child has

Any illness in a child causes fear in parents. In order to act wisely and provide the necessary assistance, you need to know what causes heel pain in children. Pain in the foot does not at all mean the presence of a serious disease, but may be a consequence of:

  • child obesity;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet of a growing organism.

If your child often complains that his legs hurt, you should take these complaints seriously. Haglund-Schinz disease can manifest as a similar symptom. The reason is the greater mobility of children and their fragile musculoskeletal system. This disease is more often diagnosed in girls 12-15 years old. Apophysitis of the calcaneus is provoked by repeated childhood injuries and overstrain of the foot from stress during sports. Restriction of movements, massages, and physiotherapy lead to the child’s complete recovery.


The first signs of pain in the heel should be taken seriously. The doctor will prescribe a general and biochemical blood test. Factors determining the disease will be the level of leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and uric acid levels. Depending on the indicators, anemia, gout, and the presence of an inflammatory process in the body can be diagnosed. Microbiological studies of scrapings (serological analysis) from the urethra will help determine the presence of urogenital infections.

Diagnosis of pathological changes in the foot and systemic diseases characterized by pain in the heel area depends on the age of the patient. Diagnostic methods are as follows:

  • Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging are effective in identifying pathological neoplasms.
  • Tumor neoplasms. If their presence is suspected, the patient will be offered tests for tumor markers.
  • X-ray examination will help detect pathologies of the heel bone.
  • A puncture biopsy will determine osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis.
  • If bursitis is suspected, a puncture is taken from the synovial bursa of the joint.
  • Densitometry is used to quantify bone density when osteomyelitis is suspected.
  • Bone scintigraphy is used to detect the destruction of bone metastases and their necrosis.

What to do if your heel hurts

Often, when people experience pain in their legs, they turn to a surgeon, but in this case, the choice of a doctor is not entirely correct. You should contact this specialist if:

  • leg injury;
  • inflammation of muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments;
  • ulcers, ulcers on soft tissues;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • joint pathologies;
  • tissue necrosis.

A podiatrist should be consulted if flat feet are suspected. This specialist will conduct the necessary diagnostics and recommend orthopedic insoles for therapeutic correction of the foot and reducing the load on it. It is within the competence of the orthopedist to prescribe massage, therapeutic exercises, and the necessary medications. A rheumatologist treats joints. If you have inflammation, pain and deformities in the ankle or small joints of the foot, you should contact this doctor. If you have doubts about which doctor can help, you need to go to a therapist. He will refer you to the right specialist.

Drug treatment

If your heel hurts, you should definitely consult a doctor to get a qualified diagnosis of the disease and the necessary treatment. Medical care may consist of non-drug treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medications:



release form

therapeutic effect


arthritis, muscle pain due to injury

ointment for external use

warms, relieves pain


rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia

has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect

rheumatoid arthritis, articular syndrome due to gout, bursitis, inflammation of tendons and ligaments

gel, non-steroidal agent

acts as an analgesic, removes exudate


Bechterov's disease, arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis

tablets, solution for intramuscular injection, ointment, gel, suppositories

exhibits antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects


articular syndrome, diffuse connective tissue diseases, tendon inflammation

tablets, ointment, gel, suppositories

relieves pain, relieves inflammation


acute pain due to arthritis and other systemic diseases

tablets, drops, granules, injection solution, suppositories, gel

glues platelets together, lowers fever, relieves pain and inflammation


joints or muscles hurt

solution, ointment

has an anesthetic effect


arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis

warms, dilates blood vessels, relieves inflammation


injuries, sprains and muscles

has analgesic and absorbent properties

Diclofenac is an effective, time-tested and clinically tested drug. It perfectly relieves acute pain and has a long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect. In case of severe pain, 3 injections are prescribed intramuscularly, then the tablet form of the drug is used at the rate of 150 mg per day. Advantages: has different release forms, quickly relieves pain. Negative properties: not suitable for long-term use because it causes stomach pain, aggravates peptic ulcers, gastritis.

Ketoprofen is a strong analgesic drug. It has proven itself to be excellent for relieving joint pain due to arthritis. It is well tolerated by patients. It is convenient for outpatient use, as it has different release forms. Advantages: optimal combination of price and quality. With occasional use there are no side effects. Negative properties: does not help with extensive lesions, has a gastropathic effect.

Surgical treatment

If conservative treatment does not bring the desired result, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. Surgery is performed when:

  • Haglund deformities. The bone growth is removed from the surface of the heel tubercle endoscopically. Thanks to a camera embedded in the heel area, the operation is quick and precise. Surgical treatment for this disease is 90% effective. The rehabilitation period is minimal.
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome. Surgical intervention is required for large pathological formations in the tarsal canal. With the help of surgery, the growths are removed, thereby restoring the normal patency of the canal.
  • Tuberculosis of the heel bone. In the later stages of the disease, conservative treatment is not effective. In this case, surgical intervention is prescribed: dead tissue is mechanically removed and the cavity that has formed inside the heel bone is disinfected.
  • Osteomyelitis. Surgery involves opening the abscess in the heel bone, mechanically clearing the dead tissue and disinfecting the affected area.

Traditional treatment

When the foot hurts as a result of gout, diabetic angiopathy, reactive arthritis, epophysitis, osteomyelitis of the heel bone, etc., serious medical treatment is necessary, which does not exclude surgical intervention. Folk remedies can only be used for:

  • bruises;
  • sprains of tendons and ligaments of the ankle joint;
  • bursitis;
  • fasciitis.

If your heel hurts, you should get a positive response from a doctor about using folk remedies to relieve pain. At home, you can prepare tinctures and compresses to relieve pain. Among the effective recipes, the following are recommended:

  • For fasciitis:
  1. Lubricate the sole of the foot as often as possible with a tincture of white acacia flowers and vodka. The proportion of components is 1:3. Leave for 3-7 days in a dark place.
  2. Mix the roots of marsh cinquefoil 1:3 with vodka and leave for 24 hours. Apply 2 tablespoons orally 3 times a day.
  3. Garlic compress. Finely grated garlic and apply to the sore spot for 3-4 hours.
  • For a heel bruise, sprained Achilles tendon and ankle ligaments, joint bursitis:
  1. Apply a compress of grated raw potatoes several times a day.
  2. Apply a paste of crushed aloe leaves to the sore spot in the form of a compress. Keep for 6 hours.
  3. Peeled, finely chopped onions are mixed with sugar in a 2:1 ratio and applied to the sore spot with a compress. The dressing is changed after 24 hours.


To prevent heel pain, you should take measures that will protect your feet from injury and deformation. Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of pain in the heel area include:

  • Refusal of shoes with high heels or completely flat soles such as ballet shoes. It is advisable to have shoes with wide heels 5 cm high.
  • Timely consultation with a doctor at the first manifestation of painful symptoms in the foot area.
  • Control over extra pounds of the body. Excess weight increases the load on the legs, which can provoke the diseases described above.
  • Regular foot skin care.
  • The diet should include the necessary microelements and vitamins.
  • Using relaxing salt foot baths.
  • Ice skating, skateboarding, skiing using protective equipment to prevent leg injuries.
  • Applying a nourishing cream to the skin of the feet to avoid excessive drying.


Why do the heels of my feet hurt? Let's look at 7 main reasons.

Tablets to boost immunity for adults - list

Heel pain causes significant inconvenience to a person, because he needs to walk every day, and this ailment seriously affects the quality of life. This problem is widespread among the elderly, athletes and pregnant women. To get rid of pain, you first need to find out the reason that caused this unpleasant symptom.

Main causes of heel pain

The causes of pain vary. In some cases, you can easily cope with the problem by making several therapeutic compresses and baths. In others, a more global solution to the problem regarding the treatment of the underlying disease will be required. What reasons can cause heel pain?

Causes not related to illness

  • Overweight. If you have suddenly gained weight, this may well be the cause of heel pain.
  • Pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, her weight increases by 8-20 kilograms. Naturally, such a significant increase impairs blood circulation and can provoke pain.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Wearing not the most comfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes (for women).
  • Staying on your feet for a long time (for several hours in a row).
  • Atrophy of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the heel area. This phenomenon can occur with sudden weight loss or with excessive physical activity.
What diseases cause heel pain? Several groups can be distinguished.

Inflammatory diseases

  • Heel spur. This is a foot disease manifested by inflammation of the aponeurosis, the function of which is to maintain the longitudinal arch of the foot. The result is the formation of a bony protrusion on the heel. The inflammatory process often spreads to the surrounding soft tissues, causing their deformation.
  • Bursitis. In this case, the periarticular bursa of the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed, resulting in pain and swelling.
  • Inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

Spurs on their heels (video)

This video discusses heel spurs (plantar fasciitis) in detail. You will learn a lot of useful information about the causes, symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Systemic diseases

  • Ankylosing spondylitis. This disease is characterized by an inadequate response of the immune system when leukocytes destroy cartilage tissue, perceiving it as foreign.
  • Gout. With this disease, the joints become inflamed due to the accumulation of uric acid salts.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. This disease also affects the joints, with the lower extremities being predominantly affected.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.

Infectious diseases and injuries

  • We are talking about intestinal (salmonellosis, dysentery) and urogenital (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia) diseases, which can occur in a latent form and lead to reactive arthritis.
  • Bone tuberculosis.
  • Osteomyelitis of the calcaneus. With this disease, purulent-necrotic processes develop in the bones and surrounding tissues.
Traumatic injury ( bruises and fractures of the heel bone, sprains and ruptures of tendons). As a result of damage, an inflammatory process develops.

In addition, heel pain can occur due to osteochondrosis of the spine (especially the lumbar region), flat feet and the appearance of neoplasms.

Why does heel pain occur (video)

This video discusses possible causes of heel pain, citing several specific pathologies as examples.

Classification of diseases (depending on the nature of the pain)

It hurts to step on your heel

The reason lies in trauma and inflammation of deep-lying tissues.

Most often, this is the occurrence of a heel spur. At the beginning of the disease, pain is more disturbing in the morning and during the first half of the day, then it can decrease and recur in the evening. As the process progresses, the pain becomes more intense and becomes permanent.

Sometimes there are cases of pain when trying to step on the heel, caused by damage to the sciatic nerve.

These pains usually occur due to damage to the plantar fascia or due to wear and tear of the tissue. This can happen due to bursitis or a fracture of the heel bone.

Heel hurts inside

Such pain can be caused by infectious diseases (urogenital, intestinal, osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis).

Callus on the heel

Plantar and bone calluses can cause significant discomfort and noticeable pain.

A plantar callus is a yellowish lump on the heel caused by excessive friction between the heel and shoes while walking. Pain syndrome develops after infection and development of the inflammatory process.

A callus forms on the bone tissue of the heel. The pain will be sharp and unbearable. This type of callus can be treated surgically.


Diagnostic testing of the patient will depend on clinical symptoms and age. If the pain syndrome is present for a long period of time, it should be more thorough.

As for laboratory tests, the first thing the patient is prescribed is general and biochemical blood tests. In the general analysis, you need to look at the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), the level of leukocytes, and the presence of signs of anemia. In biochemistry, uric acid levels are assessed, since exceeding normal values ​​will help diagnose gout.

If reactive arthritis is suspected, doctors may order additional microbiological tests. For example, taking a scraping from the urethra to detect urogenital infections.

If there is a suspicion of tumor formations, it is necessary to conduct an analysis for tumor markers.

Probably one of the main diagnostic methods prescribed for heel pain will be X-ray examination. As a rule, in the pictures you can see signs that will be characteristic of each type of pathology.

In case of suspected osteomyelitis or bone tuberculosis, performing needle biopsy.

Puncture of the bursa done if there is a suspicion of bursitis.

Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging are needed to identify tumors.

Densitometry– allows you to study bone density.

Osteoscintigraphy– performing a bone scan to detect fistulas, necrosis or metastases.


If you are experiencing pain in your heels, it is best to immediately contact a specialist so that he can determine the exact cause of their occurrence. Doctors who deal with this disease are an orthopedist, a rheumatologist, a neurologist. Depending on the origin of the pain syndrome, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

It may include non-drug, medicinal, surgical and traditional methods. Most methods are aimed at relieving swelling, inflammation, pain and are suitable for treating a wide variety of diseases. But we must remember that each individual disease requires an individual approach and specific treatment.

Non-drug treatment

  • Wise choice of shoes. If you choose the right and comfortable shoes, this is the key to the health of your feet. Women are not recommended to abuse high heels; ideally, the heel height is 2-5 centimeters.
  • Therapeutic exercises for the feet (rolling a small ball, exercises for stretching ligaments).
  • Massage.
  • Use of instep supports and thrust bearings. Their function is to ease the load on the heel and protect against impacts. They are sold in pharmacies and orthopedic stores.
  • Alternating ice massage with heating. After pain occurs, do this massage several times a day. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. Then you need to take a short break and put the heating pad on the sore spot for the same amount of time.
  • Wearing orthopedic insoles.

Drug treatment

  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs both internally (Ibuprofen) and externally in the form of ointments (Fastum Gel, Diclofenac).
  • Performing a blockade with Lidocaine and Diprospan.
  • Treatment of calluses requires the use of special patches with acids (lactic, salicylic).
Physiotherapeutic treatment. It is common to use ultrasound, laser, UHF, magnetic therapy and shock wave therapy.

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, massages, and therapeutic exercises will be effective.

Therapy for bursitis requires rest, the application of a special splint, and sometimes a puncture is necessary to rinse the synovial bursa.

Systemic diseases require the use of medications: anti-inflammatory drugs, cytostatics, and gold preparations.

For gout, medications that reduce the concentration of uric acid (Thiopurinol, Milurit) must be included in the therapeutic course.

Treatment of infectious diseases is carried out with the help of antibiotics aimed at combating the microorganisms that cause the disease.

To treat bone tuberculosis, of course, you will need anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Surgical treatment

To treat heel spurs and some other pathologies when conservative treatment methods are ineffective, surgical intervention is used to excise the plantar fascia. This operation can be performed either open or endoscopic.

The endoscopic option is undoubtedly more preferable. Its undeniable advantage is a short recovery period.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine also has effective ways to help cope with pain. Basically, this is the use of various medicinal compresses, as well as special baths.
  • Garlic. You need to prepare garlic paste and apply it to the heel area for three hours.
  • Black radish. Compresses are made from grated radish and applied to the sore spot, after which they are insulated with plastic film and woolen cloth.
  • Hot salt baths. Bath time is half an hour.
  • Horseradish root compress.
  • Compress made of honey and capsicum.
  • Compresses made from raw potatoes.

A child’s heel hurts: causes and treatment

Children lead an active lifestyle, so quite often they may complain of heel pain. Of course, you need to immediately begin to find out the cause of the pain syndrome. Perhaps it's just a matter of uncomfortable shoes. In other cases, these may be much more serious illnesses or injuries.

The peak incidence is observed in the autumn due to the start of school classes and various sections (football, gymnastics, choreography and other sports).


  • Heel bone fracture. As a rule, it occurs as a result of falling on your heels or an unsuccessful jump. Characteristic symptoms are pain (varies from moderate to unbearable), swelling of the heel area. An X-ray examination is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
  • Bruise, sprain. Such injuries often occur as a result of outdoor games, sports, or running.
Treatment is always prescribed by an orthopedic traumatologist. Usually this is complete rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sever's disease (epiphysitis)

This disease is caused by a rupture of the cartilage tissue between the heel bone and the apophysis. The risk group is teenage boys and children living in the Far North (due to a lack of vitamin D). A characteristic symptom is severe redness of the heel and swelling.

Achilles bursitis

This pathology occurs due to inflammation of the heel bursa and can be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes. Characteristic symptoms are pain when walking, swelling of the heel. Treatment of Achilles bursitis is rest, physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, magnet), therapeutic compresses, and sometimes the application of a splint.

Haglund-Schinz disease

Children complain of pain when walking, and slight swelling will be visually observed. Treatment is indicated by maintaining rest and reducing the load on the sore leg. You can also use physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massages.

Flat feet

Pain occurs due to excess pressure on each part of the foot. Treatment – ​​performing special therapeutic exercises (rolling a ball with your foot is especially effective), wearing orthopedic shoes.

Plantar fasciitis

Inflammation of the plantar fascia occurs when using uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, the main treatment measure is urgent replacement of shoes, as well as the use of anti-inflammatory ointments.

To avoid its occurrence, you need to monitor the child’s feet and try to prevent possible deviations at a very early stage.


Preventive measures are quite simple, and every person can carry them out.
  • Give your legs proper rest after intense physical exertion or prolonged standing.
  • Use comfortable shoes made of good materials.
  • Proper, balanced nutrition.
  • Keep your weight under control.
  • Performing physical therapy for the legs.
  • Try to avoid foot injuries.

Unpleasant sensations in the heel indicate the consequences of an injury or the presence of a disease. The massive part of the foot is designed to bear heavy loads and perform a shock-absorbing function for the spine. This is facilitated by its anatomy and dense fat deposits. The structure of the ankle contains many nerve endings, vessels, and tendons. The spongy structure of the bone increases the risk of various types of damage. Their result is a sore heel and it hurts to step with every step.

The intensity and location of pain directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. There are natural sources of the problem and those caused by inflammatory processes in the heel zone. The first group of factors is associated with the activation of static load on the sole. Then pain rarely occurs at rest. The second group of reasons is caused by a disorder of the endocrine system or immunity. This creates favorable conditions for infection of the soft tissues of the foot by various microorganisms.

Uncomfortable shoes

When everyday shoes do not correspond to the actual size of the foot - they are tight, narrow, pressing - pain occurs when walking. This unpleasant symptom is more often observed in women due to the need to use heels.

In order not to overload the lower part of the ankle and prevent its subsequent inflammation, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Do not wear shoes with flat soles or excessively high heels for a long time (maximum height – 7 cm).
  • Avoid low-quality materials that can put excessive pressure on the leg or rub the skin.
  • Avoid excessive abrasion of the sole, especially if you have flat feet.
  • Choose shoes with arch support, preferably on an orthopedic basis.

In some cases, it is possible to achieve comfortable wearing of shoes with the help of special insoles that fix the foot in the optimal position.

Excess weight significantly increases pressure on the legs. The ankle joint is especially affected. It is necessary to alleviate the situation with proper nutrition, physical activity and systematic foot massage. The diet should include foods containing proteins, vitamins, and microelements. Every day you should burn more calories than you consume. Morning jogging, swimming, cycling, fitness, and athletics help improve metabolism and burn excess fat.

The need for long-term walking or standing increases the total load on the heel area. A person with a sedentary lifestyle who decides to sharply increase physical activity will encounter physiological errors. Its manifestations are pain in the longitudinal arch of the foot, corns, and calluses. It is necessary to increase pressure on the feet gradually, especially for people with a thin layer of subcutaneous fat on the plantar surface.

Calcaneal bursitis

It is an inflammation of part of the joint - the synovial bursa. A distinction is made between posterior calcaneal bursitis and Albert's disease - achillobursitis. Potential reasons:

  • Using tight shoes that rub the heel and increase the load on it.
  • Various injuries affecting the posterior talofibular ligament.
  • Development of bone spurs on the lower leg (Haglund deformity). One of the symptoms of the disease is a visual increase in the size of the heel.
  • Flat feet, club feet.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, other autoimmune diseases.

The pain in both types of disorders is localized behind the heel, where its protruding part connects to the Achilles tendon.

It is a consequence of damage or inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is responsible for connecting the heel bone to the foot. An additional function of the anatomical structure is to provide the ability to fully move.

Risk factors for developing plantar fasciitis include:

  1. Excess weight, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalance.
  2. Pregnancy, during which a woman actively gains weight, changes her usual gait pattern.
  1. Staying on your feet for a long time is typical for workers in relevant professions and athletes - track and field athletes, skateboarders.

Most often, the disease manifests itself after 40 years, when the muscle corset weakens and an age-related decrease in activity occurs.

Arthritis, arthrosis

At the initial stage, degenerative-inflammatory processes develop without signs of pain. Changes in the condition of bone tissue are detected during an x-ray examination. Arthritis of the 2nd and 3rd degrees is manifested by severe pain, especially when walking. Additional symptoms are swelling of the leg, redness, and a significant increase in the size of the ankle.

Deformation of the feet is inevitable. Therefore, the intensity of symptoms is reduced immediately - with drug treatment or a course of physiotherapy. It is important to prevent loss of the ability to move independently.

It is a wart on the skin surface of the heel area. It causes an unpleasant sensation and difficulty walking. The plantar spitz is a source of pain, burning, itching. Treatment methods include surgery and drug therapy.

Characterized by bone fragility due to a decrease in their density. With stage 2 or more of the disease, the area to the right or left of the calcaneofibular ligament is of concern. Adults over 37 years of age are susceptible to pathology. The main factor in pathogenesis is the leaching of micronutrients from bone tissue. The development of the phenomenon is facilitated by:

  1. Poor food.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Early menopause, late menstruation.
  4. Long-term breastfeeding.

Along with the pain syndrome, the phenomena of osteoporosis are detected in scoliosis and decreased growth of the body. The disorder can also be detected when the healing of fractures takes an unnaturally long time. Therapy is based on following a proper diet and taking medications that stimulate bone regeneration.

Classification of diseases according to the nature of pain

The main reason for the long-term pathogenesis of diseases is the slight fusion of bone and tendon tissue during the night period, when the body is recovering. In the morning, the fused ligaments of the foot are destroyed due to spontaneously increased static pressure, causing pain in different localizations.

Microtraumas to the heel bone provoke pain in the muscles of the ankle joint, leading to plantar fasciitis. Symptoms of the disease are sharp pain in the morning when getting out of bed. If during the day the condition returns to normal, and in the evening the acute pain returns again, a diagnosis of heel spur is assumed. It is a calcium growth on the bottom of the foot. Timely treatment will prevent subsequent systematic discomfort.

It hurts to step on your heel

Pinching of the sciatic nerve is manifested by pain at the bottom of the ankle in the morning. This is understandable, since the fiber extends from the hip joint to the toes.

Pain in the back of the heel

Caused by achillodynia, calcaneal exostosis. Each disease does not appear immediately. In the first case, the heel bursa is affected. After this, the ankle joint hurts when touched. 9 out of 10 patients note an increase in discomfort even at rest.

The second pathology in its clinical picture is an analogue of a heel spur. Exostosis is characterized by the formation of growths. Neoplasms mature behind the calcaneus with a parallel pathogenesis of bursitis.

Pain in this localization in adolescents is characterized by calcaneal apophysitis. It predominates in boys in parallel on both legs. It manifests itself after a long run or exercise.

Pain in the middle of the heel (along with pain in the back)

Indicates achillobursitis. Pulling pain around the cuboid bone is transmitted throughout the entire plane of the foot when the load is applied. Symptoms include painful swelling on the back of the foot. It is advisable to carry out treatment by an experienced specialist, especially with a protracted form of the pathology.

Pain, numbness or tingling in different parts of the foot

It is a manifestation of varicose veins on the foot, various forms of damage or pinching of nerve fibers:

  • Phalen's syndrome is caused by compression of the nerves behind the ankle with a characteristic 30-second pain sensation;
  • entrapment of the tibial nerve tract;
  • Tinel syndrome is accompanied by throbbing pain from the foot to the knee.

Such sensations may indicate the presence of Achilles tendinitis, calcaneal apophysitis, or hereditary sensory neuropathy.

At the first stage of the examination, a visual examination is carried out, palpation of the affected part of the foot, and a questioning of the patient. Special medical equipment is then required to detect changes in the heel. The third stage is a laboratory blood test (may precede hardware diagnostics).

Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis

Involves X-ray examination and computed tomography. A preliminary examination by a doctor is aimed at checking the sensitivity and tone of the ankle muscles, reflexes, and coordination of movements. MRI provides the most information.

Diagnosis of heel spurs

All calcium build-ups and painful areas are easily detected by compacted tissues at the initial appointment with a specialist. It is almost impossible to feel them, therefore, together with the inflamed tendons, they are visible only on an x-ray. The diagnosis is confirmed by everyday observations. There is unbearable pain after changing body position, morning stiffness in the joint, and increasing discomfort when walking.

Of the diagnostic methods, X-ray and laboratory tests have the proper level of information. It is important for the doctor to rule out other heel diseases (Reiter's syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis).

Diagnosis of calcaneal apophysitis in adolescents

A medical examination is of utmost importance. All assumptions are supported by the results of complex radiation imaging methods - MRI, ultrasound. The patient then undergoes laboratory diagnostics. X-ray examination in this case is useless.

The soft tissues and muscles around the heel bone at the junction of the Achilles tendon are examined using ultrasound and MRI. X-ray measures are characterized by lower diagnostic value. At the discretion of the doctor, additional puncture of the synovial cavity may be required, followed by analysis of a sample of the material.

Diagnosis of achillobursitis

First of all, the patient undergoes an X-ray examination, which reveals the effects of trauma and bone destruction from rheumatoid arthritis. Your doctor will then order laboratory tests. A blood test can detect gout. Puncture and taking the contents of the tendon bursa confirms or denies the presence of viral bursitis.

Diagnosis of nerve compression

Nerve compression can be complicated by diabetes mellitus and central nervous system damage. To determine the diagnosis, a blood glucose test is performed. Additionally, instrumental techniques are used:

  • MRI and ultrasound reveal inflammation, tumors affecting the nerves.
  • Electroneuromyography (ENMG) determines the quality of transmission of signals from muscle fibers to nerve endings.
  • X-rays reveal calcium deposits and bone deformation.

Nerve compression is also determined independently. Sitting on the edge of a chair and placing a moderately heavy load on your knee, you can feel pain at the bottom of the ankle. This confirms the presence of neurological disorders.

Which doctor should I contact?

A neurologist, traumatologist, and orthopedist will prescribe complex treatment using joint therapeutic methods. When visiting a medical facility, it is better to have an initial consultation with a therapist. He writes out a referral to specialists in the listed profiles.


At the first manifestation of pain symptoms in the heel area, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor. If you wait until the disorder becomes chronic, it will not be possible to completely regenerate bone tissue (for example, with arthritis, arthrosis). But restoring natural movement is quite possible. Doctors of different profiles can carry out diagnostics, identify the true causes and prescribe competent treatment and only through joint efforts. Therapy is carried out in several directions, the following are prescribed:

  1. A diet that involves taking vitamins (especially group C), trace elements, and minerals. It is recommended to consume natural juices, herbal decoctions, protein foods, including those containing Omega-3 PUFAs and calcium.
  2. Gels, ointments with an analgesic effect, activating the restoration of bone tissue and tendon integrity.
  3. Medicines for oral and injection use (in advanced stages of the disorder, antibiotics are prescribed). The goal is to anesthetize the patient and stop inflammatory processes.
  4. Physiological recovery courses using specialized massage procedures and gymnastic exercises. This approach can improve blood circulation and absorption of nutrients in the affected areas.

A separate point worth noting are shock wave, laser procedures, and electrophoresis. These manipulations are prescribed individually, taking into account the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s body.


Prevention of pain inside the heel is based on protection from damage, avoidance of physical inactivity, and daily care of the skin of the feet. Equally important is maintaining proper nutrition - excluding alcoholic and carbonated drinks and foods with low nutritional value. It is recommended to avoid damage to the feet, strong impacts, overloads, and prolonged standing on your feet as much as possible. Early elimination of the first signals of disturbances will help to avoid unpleasant sensations inside the heel area and prevent their recurrence.

Video: Why does heel pain occur and is it always a heel spur?

The heel is a shock absorber that smoothes out the walking process. It is the foot that bears the main load that occurs when the human body is in an upright position. The heel consists of ligaments, tendons, the heel bone, a layer of fatty tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers.

Causes of heel pain

All causes of pain in the heel area can be divided into several groups, depending on whether they are associated with any diseases or not.

The first group includes diseases as the main causes

  1. and bursitis associated with the occurrence of inflammation of the corresponding tissues. The peculiarity of these pathologies is increasing pain, which can go away after a small massage. However, physical activity provokes an outbreak of pain.
  2. Fasciitis, associated with the development of inflammation in the fascia of the sole. This pathology occurs as a result of wearing tight shoes and provokes the development of other complications.
  3. Heel spur refers to inflammatory processes of a chronic nature. It is associated with the development of a formation on the heel and is characterized by intense pain, especially in a calm state.
  4. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The source of pain is located above or below the heel area.
  5. Infectious processes in the body, including urogenital (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, etc.) and intestinal (dysentery, yersineosis, salmonellosis), occurring latently, can lead to reactive (including heel bones). At the same time, heel pain often occurs not only when walking. In patients with reactive arthritis, the heels may hurt even at rest, at night. And sometimes it is at night that they hurt the most.
  6. , that is, chronic inflammatory processes in the joints, characterized by metabolic disorders.
  7. Haglund-Schinz disease caused by mechanical stress. It is characterized by necrosis of the bone surface at the site of impact or bruise.
  8. Achillodynia, that is, the appearance of inflammation of the tendon of the heel area.
  9. Morton's neuralgia, caused by compression of the common nerves of the sole, causing the movements of the toes.
  10. Sensory neuropathy which is hereditary in nature. The disease causes loss of sensation in the distal parts.
  11. Malignant tumors, characterized by increasing pain at the site of the lesion.

Second group of reasons

  1. "Heel pain syndrome" caused by constant load on the foot. This phenomenon often occurs when wearing high-heeled shoes.
  2. Thinning of the subcutaneous fat of the sole in the heel area. This is typical with a sharp increase in physical activity.
  3. on your feet.
  4. Sudden weight gain, obesity processes.

The third group of factors consists of various injuries of the heel bone

  1. Varied tendon ligament damage. Most often, the injury is associated with a strong blow to the tendon.
  2. Heel bruise, which can occur after an unsuccessful jump. This type of injury is characterized by burning and pain in the heel bone.
  3. Calcaneal fracture, which occurs after falling on the heel.
  4. Epiphysitis of the calcaneus, developing with rapid bone growth as a consequence of professional sports activity.

Examination for heel pain and treatment

The appearance of heel pain requires a mandatory visit to the doctor. He will evaluate the patient's complaints, conduct an examination and collect a detailed history. Previously acquired diseases and injuries are of great importance. The information obtained will become the basis for the doctor to make a diagnosis. If it is necessary to confirm it, the specialist will refer you for additional examinations. These include:

  • general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • microbiological analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • study of tumor markers;
  • serological tests;
  • puncture biopsy of bone tissue.

After the examination, depending on the test results obtained, a treatment regimen is drawn up. It depends on the primary cause, existing symptoms and the degree of development of the disease. In this case, help in getting rid of heel pain can be provided by a neurologist, surgeon, oncologist, or phthisiatrician.

The human heel, along with the rest of the foot, performs a shock-absorbing function. She experiences heavy loads every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that she is especially prone to injury. In addition, many blood vessels and nerves pass through it, which is why any damage to it causes so much discomfort. If a person has it on his right leg, then only a doctor can find out the causes of this condition. The symptom can either be associated with severe overload or signal complex diseases developing in the body. You should not try to cope with the problem on your own. Such actions very often lead to aggravation of the situation.

Unpleasant sensations in the right heel are a common symptom that accompanies many different diseases. Such pain may appear:

  • in women who constantly wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes;
  • in professional athletes;
  • in people suffering from flat feet;
  • in people who spend long periods of time standing.

However, it is not only heavy loads on the heel that can lead to this symptom. Sometimes, if a person constantly has pain in the heel of his right foot, then the following reasons can cause this condition:

Most often, pain in the right heel is associated with a heel spur. In this case, calcium salts accumulate under the skin of a person. They, being deposited in the heel area, provoke the formation of a growth. He, in turn, begins to put a lot of pressure on the soft tissues, causing pain. Their intensity is especially pronounced in the morning. When getting out of bed, a person experiences severe cutting pain when walking. During the day the symptom subsides a little, and after sleep or a long rest it intensifies again.

Diagnosis of pain in the heel of the right foot

Doctors strongly do not recommend tolerating such a symptom. If a person has pain in the heel of his right foot, then it is important to quickly find out the causes of this problem. Comprehensive diagnostics will help with this. A patient who contacts a doctor with similar complaints will be prescribed the following procedures:

Basic methods for diagnosing pain in the heel of the right foot
Diagnostic technique Time Accuracy
General blood analysis 10 minutes 80-95%
Blood sugar test 10 minutes 80-95%
X-ray of the ankle joint 10 minutes 50-60%
Ultrasound of soft tissues 20 minutes 85%-99%
MRI of the ankle 20 minutes 85%-95%

Only after studying the data obtained can the doctor say why the heel on the right foot hurts and determine the exact reasons. After this, he has the right to begin treatment. For each patient, the specialist develops an individual treatment plan. This takes into account the patient’s condition, his age and physiological characteristics.

Which doctor treats heel pain?

If such a symptom appears, a person should urgently seek medical help. If the heel on your right foot hurts badly, the following specialists will help you find the cause:

At the first appointment, the specialist will examine the patient and listen to all his complaints. To obtain a more detailed picture of the disease, the doctor will check with the patient.