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Why does my stomach feel tight a week after ovulation? Ovarian cyst and pain after ovulation. Main causes of pain

It is difficult for a woman to feel and understand the onset of ovulation; no changes are felt during this period. The female body feels the approach of menstruation, they manifest themselves in pain in the lower abdomen. What does it mean when pulling in the lower abdomen after ovulation? What could be the reasons for this?

What happens during ovulation?

Ovulation in women begins two weeks before the onset of the menstrual period. This is the time of egg maturation. During ovulation, the chance of getting pregnant increases. It often happens that women calculate the day of their ovulation precisely for this purpose. If the egg is not fertilized, it leaves the body during menstruation.

Unpleasant sensations, such as severe pain in the lower abdomen, are caused by rupture of the follicle.

The appearance of pain in the middle of the cycle is considered normal and is not a pathology. Many women do not notice ovulation at all, it all depends on the individual pain threshold. Dizziness and nausea may also be added to the pain in the lower abdomen.

The pain may be accompanied by characteristic discharge:

  1. Due to the hormone that is released when the follicle bursts, the mucus, which was previously thick and covered the cervix to prevent sperm from entering there, thins out;
  2. When a cell enters the genital tract, the nature of the mucus changes and facilitates the passage of male cells;
  3. Mucus differs from other days in its transparency, thickness and viscousness;
  4. After the follicle ruptures, brown specks may form in the mucus. The most important thing is that they disappear after a few days.

Causes of pain after ovulation

There are several causes of pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation.

Postovulatory syndrome

Not every woman experiences this syndrome. This is due to the fact that 3 out of 10 women experience changes in their bodies after ovulation occurs. This does not affect the others in any way. The duration of the syndrome can range from 3 hours to 2-3 days. Some women confuse the symptoms with premenstrual syndrome. The cause of these phenomena is considered to be changes in the hormonal background of a woman.

During this period, a woman may experience:

  1. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can be sharp and tingling;
  2. May be accompanied by mild discomfort, which does not affect the decrease in performance;
  3. Emotional instability, sudden changes in mood;
  4. Change in the nature of vaginal discharge.

Each woman exhibits symptoms differently. Doctors associate this with the ability to tolerate pain.

During the process of ovulation, follicles rupture under the influence of hormones. This is a trauma for the body. If the rupture occurs near a blood vessel, minor bleeding may occur. Just during the period of rupture, women with a low pain threshold are able to feel pain. It is localized and appears on the side in which the ovary with the mature egg was located.

Premenstrual syndrome

A few days before the start of menstruation, most women experience strong changes in their bodies. Premenstrual syndrome has many manifestations, one of which includes nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Underbelly whines if there is a delay in the menstrual cycle. This situation may arise due to stress or a cold. Many contraceptives can cause hormonal imbalance and premenstrual syndrome will be prolonged. But during the period when ovulation occurs and menstruation should begin, hurts stomach.

Onset of pregnancy

If pulling in the lower abdomen after ovulation on the third day, this indicates successful fertilization of the egg. This is the first sign of pregnancy. The onset of pregnancy in many women is accompanied by nagging pain after ovulation. Other signs appear a little later, after a few weeks. The pain occurs because the fertilized cell attaches to the wall of the uterus, causing discomfort. A small pink discharge may appear, but it should not last more than a day.

If the pain does not stop and begins to radiate to the lower back, this may be a sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding. For prolonged pain, you should consult a gynecologist.

Nagging pain can accompany a woman throughout the initial period of pregnancy due to exacerbation of diseases during conception. Since the onset of pregnancy brings with it global changes in the body, the nature of many diseases that were previously observed in a woman may also change. Pain in the abdomen and lower back can be a consequence of these diseases.

Pain in the lower abdomen is the cause of inflammation

If pain in the lower abdomen continues, you know for sure that there is no pregnancy, you need to consult a specialist. Pain may indicate an inflammatory process in the female reproductive system. Pain may mean:

  1. Tumor initiation;
  2. Hormonal imbalance in the body;
  3. Improper functioning of the female reproductive system;
  4. Inflammation of the appendages;
  5. Disturbance in the location of the uterus or appendages.
  6. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which is associated with their obstruction. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, fever and discharge similar to pus.

All these deviations require mandatory medical treatment and cannot be ignored.

How to deal with pain

If pregnancy does not occur, but the pain still continues, this may be a signal of serious problems in the female body. Causes may be different. If there was a cyst in the ovary, it could reach such a size that the ovary burst.

Pain can be a consequence of serious inflammatory processes. Such diseases must be treated, otherwise they can lead to infertility.

If you experience severe pain every month during the postovulation period, you should consult a doctor. This may be due to hormonal imbalance. In the most severe cases, specialists prescribe hormonal drugs that can suppress ovulation.

During this period, try to drink more fluids. Apply a warm heating pad to your lower abdomen to make the pain easier to bear. But if the pain is long-lasting, in order to prevent serious consequences, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist if the pain continues for several days after ovulation and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The pain is so severe that it causes loss of consciousness;
  2. The pain is accompanied by fever, pain when urinating, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

To understand whether discomfort really occurs during ovulation, you need to keep a calendar. It should indicate on what days the pain begins and when it ends.

Nagging pain after ovulation is not inflammatory in nature, even if it lasts more than 7 days, and it is not accompanied by discharge. Painful sensations on day 3 after ovulation may be a sign of pregnancy. The most important thing is not to ignore it if the pain becomes systematic and continues for a long period.

Tightening in the lower abdomen after ovulation - a symptom of what disease is this, or does this happen normally? To answer this question, you need to know the very nature of “ovulation”.

All girls and women with the onset of puberty and before menopause ovulate almost every month. It occurs around day 12-14 of the cycle and lasts a couple of days. Ovulation is the period when the egg is fully mature and ready to be released from the ovary. The end of ovulation is considered the moment when the egg penetrates the fallopian tube, this occurs on days 12-17 of the cycle. Such a long time interval is explained by the individual characteristics of the female body and the duration of her menstrual cycle. During ovulation, a woman may experience tenderness in her breasts and lower abdomen. And this is the norm, but it happens that painful sensations persist in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This is not the norm.

One of the most common complaints from gynecologist patients is pain in the uterus and ovaries, which in some cases also radiates to the lower back. Typically, women are bothered by nagging pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation.
It is worth noting that such pain cannot be caused by premenstrual and menstrual syndrome due to the fact that these periods have already ended. Such complaints can be a sign of various kinds of pathologies and gynecological diseases, the diagnosis of which takes into account the results of various tests and examinations, most often ultrasound.

So why might a woman feel such pain? If, after the end of menstruation, you continue to have pain or a week after ovulation, you have pain in your lower abdomen and lower back, then know: these symptoms are not characteristic of either premenstrual or ovulation syndromes. With rare exceptions, painful manifestations can occur due to the consequences of long and heavy periods. But as a rule, this indicates the progression of the pathology of the genital organs. These include ovarian apoplexy, displacement of the appendages, cysts or tumors, adhesions and inflammatory processes.

However, pain in the abdominal area after ovulation does not always indicate pathology; rather, on the contrary, it is often a sign of pregnancy. Including ectopic, unfortunately. And often there is a threat of miscarriage. If you were planning to have a child, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor in order to maintain a possible pregnancy.

It is also necessary to see a doctor because this may be a sign of serious illness. Sometimes women notice, in addition to pain, bleeding and nausea. Fainting also occurs. In this case, you cannot delay, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

The nature of such pain is such that it often radiates to the back and lower back. At the appointment, the gynecologist will ask you questions about when the pain began, where exactly it is localized, its nature, whether there is soreness in the breasts and nipples, the presence of nausea, headache and fever, the treatment performed and its effectiveness. After conducting additional research, the doctor will make a diagnosis, tell you why your lower abdomen is pulling after ovulation, and prescribe the necessary treatment. It is important to seek medical help immediately after the first painful signs appear in order to prevent the development of serious diseases and unwanted complications.

What's in the article:

Usually the second phase of the menstrual cycle in women does not cause any unpleasant sensations, but sometimes it happens that after ovulation the lower abdomen feels tight. This may not be a signal of distress at all, but a normal physiological phenomenon associated, for example, with pregnancy.

But sometimes the appearance of a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or lower back after ovulation can still signal serious health problems, so it is important to understand the reason why this symptom occurred. You can try to do this yourself, but it is better that the gynecologist is also in the know, especially if such manifestations have not occurred before.

Why there is a pulling in the lower abdomen after ovulation: safe reasons

The reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight after the day of ovulation may not pose any threat to health. But we cannot exclude the influence of pathological factors, so let’s study in detail why this symptom may occur.

Ovulation syndrome

One of the most common non-pathological reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation is ovulation syndrome. It is direct evidence of the release of a mature egg from the follicle onto the surface of the ovary. This process is accompanied by an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, and the woman may complain that her lower abdomen or lower back are tight, as well as that clothes have temporarily become tight in the pelvic area.

Such unpleasant sensations usually occur 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. If the patient continues to complain of nagging pain in the lower segment of the abdomen or in the lower back after the end of ovulation, then this should be a good reason for visiting the gynecologist’s office.

Late onset of ovulation

Changes in hormonal levels often lead to a woman's menstrual cycle changing somewhat. As a result, it becomes extremely difficult to determine the period of onset and end of ovulation. The same applies to the date of arrival of menstruation.

Therefore, if after ovulation a woman has a tightening in her lower abdomen, she must make sure that this process took place at the right time. If there is a delay in menstruation, it means that the ovulation period was determined incorrectly.

Another possible option is a second ovulation. Not every woman knows about it, but it happens often. During this period, you may notice that the lower abdomen and lower back are pulling, and clear, odorless discharge has again appeared from the vagina. In general, symptoms characteristic of “normal” ovulation reappeared.


Oh, this premenstrual syndrome, familiar firsthand to many girls... And it is PMS that is one of the most common reasons for pulling in the lower abdominal segment, as well as the lower back after ovulation.

Engorgement of the mammary glands, increased sensitivity of the nipples, emotional lability - this is only the most laconic list of symptoms characteristic of this condition. A woman may notice that her lower abdomen is tight before her period arrives, 1-2 weeks after the end of the ovulation period.

Current pregnancy

If there is a strong pull in the lower abdomen and lower back after ovulation, and abundant mucous discharge without blood or unpleasant odor appears from the vagina, this may be evidence of pregnancy. But to be more confident that conception has actually occurred, you need to wait 1-2 weeks, that is, until the day when menstruation should occur.

And if there is a delay, then a happy diagnosis, as they say, is obvious. At the same time, unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen can persist for quite a long time even after the end of the ovulation period.

Pathological causes

So, earlier we looked at the safest and most harmless reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation. Now let’s look at the pathologies that can lead to this symptom.

Follicular ovarian cyst

This disease in itself cannot be called pleasant, nor can the symptoms that accompany it. However, during ovulation, when a woman’s hormonal background changes significantly, as well as after it, the clinical course of the pathology only worsens.

The patient complains that she has a strong pull in the lower abdomen, and there is also bursting pain. You can’t joke with such a disease – the cyst can burst at any moment. And this is fraught not only with incredibly intense pain, but also with serious complications.

Uterine myomatosis

It is not uncommon to experience pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation in patients suffering from uterine fibroids. And since this disease is hormone-dependent, changes in hormonal levels during the ovulation period significantly affect the course of the pathological process.


If the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, or purulent or mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor appears, this may be evidence of the development of sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. The symptoms of these diseases are very similar to each other, so it is quite problematic to independently understand the causes of the illness. But if a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen or lower back for several days after ovulation, and the pain does not go away, but, on the contrary, intensifies, she should consult a doctor immediately.

What discharges should you pay attention to?

The ovulation period is always accompanied by vaginal discharge. If the lower abdomen and lower back aches or hurts, it is imperative to pay attention to the mucus released from the vagina. Normally it should be:

  1. Thick, viscous, colorless. Such discharge indicates that ovulation has occurred.
  2. Brownish. If such discharge is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen for 2-3 days after the end of the ovulation process, this means that this period passed normally. However, if such symptoms persist for a week or longer, accompanied by lower back pain and signs of general intoxication, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

But often many women do not notice the appearance of any unpleasant symptoms either during or after ovulation. Of course, this is a purely individual factor, so generalization in this case is inappropriate.

When is a doctor needed?

You need to worry if discomfort in the lower abdominal segment after ovulation is accompanied by:

  • significant increase in body temperature;
  • purulent, unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge;
  • itching, discomfort, burning in the vagina;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • general malaise.

It is also important to sound the alarm in a timely manner if nagging pain in the lower abdomen does not stop for quite a long time, or only gets worse. Under such circumstances, you cannot hesitate to visit the doctor. The gynecologist will find out the reasons why these symptoms appeared and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Note. Nausea, vomiting, slight increase in body temperature - often such ailments are the first signs of pregnancy. However, there areThey2-3 weeks after fertilization of the egg. Ifthey appeared a few days after the endovulationperiod, this is no longer a normal phenomenon that should alert you.

What to do?

First of all, you cannot engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so, self-medication. Before visiting the gynecologist's office, you can do the following:

  1. Calm down, don't panic. You need to sit down and think carefully about what could be the cause of the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, if they were not observed before. It is important to remember all, even the most insignificant, details. You should then report them to your gynecologist.
  2. Drink enough fluids and regularly measure your body temperature throughout the day. If it increases, you should not postpone making an appointment with the doctor.
  3. Take a mild pain reliever if the pain gets worse. Of course, it is better not to use any medications without prior agreement with the gynecologist, but in case of intense or increasing pain, one tablet will not cause any harm.

Some gynecologists advise their patients to keep a so-called “menstrual cycle diary.” It should indicate the date of ovulation, as well as the day it ends. The beginning and end of menstruation must also be entered in this diary.

You should also record the nature of pain during these periods, their duration, and the presence of accompanying symptoms (if any). This will further help to find out the cause of the malaise.

Sometimes, with fairly intense pain in the postovulation period, gynecologists prescribe oral contraceptives, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at suppressing ovulation. But you should not take any hormonal medications on your own, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your health.


A pulling sensation in the lower abdomen or lower back that occurs after the end of the ovulation period can either be a symptom of a disease or indicate the influence of various factors. If a woman has not encountered such a phenomenon before, her anxiety will be quite understandable.

But only a doctor can dispel doubts, as well as identify the provocateur of unpleasant sensations. You should not hide any facts regarding intimate health from your gynecologist. Perhaps they will become a clue that will help establish the true reasons for the deviation.

If the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, then a woman should not panic, especially if she has a strong desire to become a mother. This phenomenon may well mean that the desired conception has been achieved, but at the same time, the likelihood of developing a pathological process should be taken into account. In any case, when the lower abdomen feels tight after ovulation, it is necessary to take control of this symptom and carefully monitor the development of the situation. If there are additional signs, long-term abnormalities or increased pain, you should consult a doctor. Only appropriate examinations will differentiate normal from pathology. Most importantly, you should not engage in amateur activities: self-medication in such cases can only do harm.

Physiological aspect

The female reproductive system is configured in such a way that it periodically (every month) prepares the body for conception. In essence, the main task of each menstrual cycle is to prepare the egg for fertilization and ensure its safety after it, and if fertilization does not occur, then prepare a new attempt. The whole process is characterized by changes in hormonal levels.

At the first stage of the cycle (within 14-15 days), a new egg matures in the ovaries. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, an egg completely ready for fertilization leaves the ruptured follicle and migrates towards the uterus through the fallopian tube. This short period of egg release (1-1.5 days) is called ovulation and is the optimal period for conception. If fertilization has occurred, the cell is implanted into the uterine mucosa within 4-7 days, and in place of the destroyed follicle in the ovary, a temporary endocrine-type gland () is formed, actively producing the enzyme progesterone.

If the egg does not meet the sperm, then the corpus luteum disappears within 14-15 days and a new follicle is born with another egg. Thus, the menstrual cycle occurs with a certain frequency, which, in the absence of conception, begins with the cleansing of all affected components, which is expressed in menstrual flow. At conception, the corpus luteum functions for almost 3 months, supporting the onset of pregnancy.

Essence of the problem

The concept “after ovulation” includes nagging pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen that occurs immediately after the release of the egg and in the period before menstruation. This phenomenon may have a normal physiological nature or be generated by pathogenic factors. Most often, the stomach swells during or after ovulation for completely natural reasons not related to any disease.

Manifestation of postovulatory syndrome

Physiological pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation is called. This phenomenon is familiar to 12-15% of all women and can manifest itself with varying intensity. Postovulatory syndrome is a series of symptoms that are observed immediately after ovulation and can last from 4-5 hours to 2.5-4 days. These symptoms are very similar to signs, but the latter develops before menstruation. Both phenomena are caused by significant hormonal changes in the female body during the corresponding period (both before menstruation and after ovulation).

The symptoms of the syndrome have individual characteristics, but most women complain of the following manifestations: aching, pain and pulling in the stomach after ovulation; there is a slight general malaise; emotional lability appears; vaginal discharge appears. Pain in the lower abdomen can be barely noticeable, but can also have a pronounced stabbing, spasmodic, pulling, cutting character.

The appearance of painful signs in the lower abdomen after ovulation is explained by the pain threshold (sensitivity), which varies from person to person. In general, the process of destruction of the follicle, the introduction of an egg into the mucous membrane of the uterus, is a mechanical trauma for the female body, which causes bleeding and a corresponding reaction. During this period, the follicle is destroyed under the influence of the pituitary hormone, and is completely natural and passes quickly. Such pain is also felt immediately after the separation of the egg, which is also considered normal and does not require medical attention. The intensity of pain depends on the pain threshold, and therefore most women very easily tolerate (practically do not notice) the processes that occur after or during ovulation.

Manifestation of conception

If nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen appears a week (more precisely, 5-7 days) after ovulation, then this may be. This is exactly how long it takes for a fertilized egg to implant into the uterine cavity and begin to conceive a fetus. The process of implantation of the egg into the uterine tissue is helped by enzymes that soften the membrane to securely fix the embryo and connect it to the supply system. During implantation, the integrity of the uterine mucosa and blood vessels is disrupted, which naturally provokes a painful syndrome.

Not every woman feels the onset of pregnancy: just as in the previous case, it all depends on the individual pain threshold. However, almost half of women feel nagging pain, and sometimes with sufficient intensity. If the pain is severe and radiates to the lower back, then there is a risk of an abnormal process and the possibility of miscarriage. If such signs occur, you should urgently consult a gynecologist. Most often, a woman feels a slight tug in the lower abdomen and notices spotting of a brown or red color, which indicates conception.

Premenstrual syndrome

Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen before menstruation can also be considered as phenomena that occur after ovulation, although they are not directly related to it. And this syndrome cannot be called purely physiological: its symptoms and intensity significantly depend on the influence of external factors, the presence of diseases, especially chronic infectious types. Premenstrual syndrome leads to psycho-emotional, vegetative-vascular and neuroendocrine manifestations. The main reason is hormonal imbalance.

Pathological mechanism of the phenomenon

In the vast majority of cases, nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen both before and after ovulation is considered normal and does not require special treatment. However, you should not completely relax your vigilance, as sometimes the lower abdomen feels tight due to dangerous pathological factors. When pain occurs, it is important to assess its duration, intensity and the presence of additional symptoms.

Warning signs include the following symptoms: severe pain that does not respond well to conventional painkillers, especially when radiating to the lower back; significant bleeding; dyspnea; disruption of the process of urination and defecation; increased tone of the abdominal muscles; signs of general intoxication (dizziness, fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache, loss of appetite, insomnia). If additional symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and undergo examination.

Gynecological pathologies

A dangerous disease can develop during abnormal ovulation. During the period of destruction of the follicle and release of the egg, ovarian apoplexy may occur. This pathology causes internal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. Often the pathology is provoked by physical overload, sexual contact, and heavy lifting. This pathology is very dangerous due to its bleeding and requires urgent medical attention, and sometimes surgical intervention.

In addition to the mentioned pathology, nagging pain can cause the following gynecological diseases: destruction of the cyst of the female reproductive glands; twisting of the stalk of a tumor-like formation; ectopic pregnancy; damage to ulcers in the pelvic organs; inflammatory processes in the ovaries. These pathologies require urgent medical attention when the first signs appear.

Advanced diseases can lead to surgical removal of the ovaries, fallopian tube, and uterine tissue. The result can be female infertility.

Impact of diseases of the genitourinary system

Painful and nagging phenomena in the lower abdomen can be a consequence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary organs. The pain syndrome in such pathologies, as a rule, has a paroxysmal nature, intensifying with physical fatigue, stress, sitting in the cold, fasting and poor nutrition. The diseases are accompanied by increased vaginal discharge of various types, impaired urination, and problems with conception. Prolonged pain may indicate the following diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, colpitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis. In the occurrence of most of these diseases, the main culprits are considered to be infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis).

The causes of nagging discomfort in the lower abdomen after ovulation are most often associated with physiological processes that do not pose a danger to women's health. However, in some cases, one should be wary of the pathological etiology of this phenomenon, when medical attention is necessary. In any case, such anomalies should be treated with extreme caution and at the first suspicion you should contact a gynecologist.

Aching abdominal pain during menstruation does not alarm the fair half of humanity. After all, such discomfort is completely “normal” and is caused by Mother Nature. But what does it mean if the lower abdomen is “” after ovulation, one or two weeks before “these days”? Should I worry?

Why does my stomach hurt after ovulation?

The female cycle is a rather complex mechanism that takes place in several stages. About two weeks before the start of the next period, a woman ovulates. And it is during this period that the probability of becoming pregnant is very high.

So, the egg matures and leaves the follicle where it was formed. It then moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. There it finds a “warm place”, attaches itself and waits for fertilization. If within 36-48 hours she remains “unbridled” with sperm, nothing happens. With subsequent periods, the unfertilized dead egg is released from the body. And the “new girl” already “has plans” for her housing, who begins to mature as soon as menstruation begins. It all depends on the duration of the cycle: for some women, the process of egg maturation lasts 10-14 days, for others it takes much longer.

Why does pain occur? When the egg leaves the follicle, rupture occurs. This is a kind of internal trauma that does not go away without discomfort. And to all this is added nausea, headache, fever, general weakness and a whole mountain of various emotions. After ovulation, discomfort in the lower abdomen can have different “shades”: spasmodic, cramping, dull, muffled, short-term or long-lasting, weak, prickly... This range of discomfort depends on the characteristics of the female body. If the aching pain does not go away in the following days and the woman does not have another symptom of ovulation - spotting, she should consult a doctor.

The cause of pain can also be pregnancy and the likelihood of its complications (increased uterine tone, etc.), as well as health problems. Discomfort may alternate and occur either on the right side or on the left. This has a simple explanation: the egg matures every month in either the right or left ovary.

Postovulatory syndrome. How to deal with it?

The postovulatory period begins on the 15th day of the cycle. This stage is also called the corpus luteum phase; it continues after ovulation itself until the start of the next menstruation. The walls of the burst follicle gather together, accumulate fats and luteal pigment. The so-called corpus luteum is formed - a temporary endocrine gland, which produces the hormone progesterone and prepares the inner mucous membrane of the uterus to receive the embryo and its subsequent development.

Postovulatory syndrome does not occur very often in women, so it is really alarming. But scientific research claims that in fact, not all representatives of the fair sex have a stomach ache during or after ovulation. According to statistics, only 15-20% experience discomfort, that is, every 5-6 women.

If you were planning to conceive a child, then aching pain after ovulation, oddly enough, is a good sign. This may be a "symptom" of health. This means that the sperm did meet the egg, and conception occurred. But this is not always the case. There are a large number of diseases that, in some ways, may resemble menstrual and postovulatory syndromes. And only an experienced doctor can determine what exactly you have - pregnancy or some kind of illness. Therefore, do not hesitate, but rather contact a qualified specialist. Unfortunately, prolongation of the disease in the future can lead to infertility.

If such discomfort appears 4-7 days after conception, then this may be the first sign of a long-awaited pregnancy. A woman may also have pink, cream, or brown discharge, but this should end within a few hours and not recur.

Although abdominal pain after ovulation can be a harbinger of the onset of conception, however, this is not yet the key “symptom”. You should really be wary of breast enlargement and nipple sensitivity.

Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen and postovulatory syndrome occur precisely when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. If you did not plan the pregnancy or conception did not occur, then you can go crazy in guessing. After all, similar symptoms can also be caused by cystitis, appendicitis, fatigue, and gynecological diseases. For example, an ovarian cyst burst, which the woman did not even suspect about. Or, due to an enlarged cyst, the ovary ruptured, and inflammatory processes could intensify. You may have experienced a major illness, had an injury, or were taking hormonal medications. All of this can affect how you feel during your cycle. And sometimes aching pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation indicates nothing more than the beginning of the next period.

What to do if you have pain after ovulation?

In any case, you should not self-medicate. Don't panic, try to calm down. Drink more fluids and measure your body temperature throughout the day. Your gynecologist may prescribe mild pain medications for you. Of course, you can also take regular over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol. But after ovulation, it is better not to play with painkillers and seek help from specialists.

Never ignore pain after ovulation if it has been going on for several days and is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, vomiting, bloody stools, painful urination, fever, and breathing problems. Such symptoms may indicate diseases of the digestive system and require tests, x-rays and further treatment.

If this is not the first time you have had pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation, and doctors have not found any illness, try keeping a cycle diary. Write down painful “moments” there before, during and after menstruation. In the future, this will help to find out the cause of monthly discomfort. Sometimes gynecologists can prescribe oral contraceptives aimed at suppressing ovulation.

Therefore, there is no point in guessing during postovulation: is it pregnancy or a disease. It is better to immediately go to the doctor to get an accurate answer and dispel all doubts.

Especially for Nadezhda Zaitseva