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Subcostal pain on the right side. Pain under the right rib. Nature of pain

Pain in the right hypochondrium is often found among ailments; an experienced specialist cannot make a full diagnosis based on assumptions alone. The patient must undergo a full examination, after which reasonable conclusions can be drawn.

In similar cases, the urge symptom is not dangerous; in some cases, professional medical intervention is immediately required. Every person should understand that only doctors can find the right approach to the problem.

About 30% of the human population suffers from acute, intense pain. To form a painful shock, a sharp painful attack may be the basis for the worsening of gastric colitis.

Thromboembolism formed by a stone in the bile ducts provokes pain radiating to the area of ​​the collarbone, back and shoulder blade, accompanied by severe damage to the liver organ. Possible eating disorders in the form of vomiting carry characteristic ailments such as hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis.

Let's celebrate! A particular sign of pain under the concept of acute abdomen is accompanied by a condition that requires immediate attention from surgeons.

Pain in front

The feeling of pain is generated by the organ directly located near this area. Most of the liver body borders the right hypochondrium and provokes negativity. These factors are also affected by the disease - echinococcus (worm), the cyst located in the right half of the liver, when expanded, compresses the intrahepatic bile flows and capillaries.

When the cyst fills with pus, a liver abscess occurs, which leads to blood poisoning and inflammation of the peritoneum. Liver cancer is similar to cirrhosis and is determined by examining the tissue. The very appearance of cirrhosis manifests itself during hepatitis and jaundice, with an enlargement of the spleen and liver at an early stage. In the later form, it shrinks in size and the patient faces death.

Note! Sharp, recurring pain - characterized by a particularly bright, aching pain that radiates under the shoulder blade from the right behind the sternum and leads to a heart attack. Also, pain in combination with low blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and pale face.

The causes of subcostal pain in the front include diseases such as:

  1. Hepatitis cirrhosis of stagnant bile.
  2. Pleurisy with pneumonia.
  3. Pancreatitis is like pancreatic cancer.
  4. Shingles.
  5. Acute cholecystitis, prolonged myocardial infarction during angina pectoris.
  6. Appendicitis, duodenal ulcer.

Pain from behind

A disease with pain in the right kidney is primarily called urolithiasis; it tends to feel a pain during urine output. Colic in the thighs of the reproductive system, when passing from the renal cyst, paroxysmal. Tapping on the lower back increases colic, radiates to the groin, the appearance of red bodies in the urine, but the pain is also accompanied by vomiting.

Pain is also accompanied by the adrenal gland of the inferior pudendal vein and intercostal nerve. Pyelonephritis is a disease in which intoxication begins and the temperature rises, causing pain at the end of urination. There are frequent false urges during sleep, swelling in the eyes. The transformation of purulent inflammation in the inferior genital vein is called apostematous pyelonephritis.

Let's celebrate! An increase in pain when taking a deep breath is a symptom of muscle inflammation and intercostal neuralgia, as well as pain when bending and turning. Osteochondrosis has a factor such as inactivity and tightness. Accompanied by intense shooting pains of varying degrees.

The pain is associated with the disease herpes, a rash of vague blisters along the muscle nerve. Severe redness, itching and pain are expected on inflamed skin.

A variant of thromboembolism of the inferior genital vein accompanies lumbar colic. Factors such as pain in the posterior hypochondrium may include:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia.
  2. Shingles.
  3. Urolithiasis disease.
  4. Thrombosis of the pudendal vein.
  5. Lumbar osteochondrosis.
  6. Pyelonephritis.
  7. Bruised ribs.
  8. Kidney cancer.
  9. Right adrenal gland.
  10. Acute pyelonephritis.

Acute pain

Acute pain requires immediate intervention by surgeons. The previously listed ailments are equated to them: liver rupture, appendicitis, hematoma of the gastric bladder, kidneys, and acute pancreatitis.

Attention! Every pain in the hypochondrium makes it clear that changes in the body are for the worse and therefore you should immediately go to the doctor!

Blunt pain

A dull aching pain occurs with prolonged inflammation in the following pathologies;

After eating, the secretion of bile accelerates due to increased blood flow to the liver. At the same time, the stomach begins to work harder, thereby giving a load. For patients, we advise you to rest a little without making sudden movements.

After physical activity

A person who is not accustomed to heavy loads, as well as sports activities while running, will feel a tingling sensation in the right hypochondrium. This is due to the fact that exercise leads to a surge of adrenaline, reducing the tone of the bile ducts, leading to stretching of stagnant bile, and an increase in blood flow to the liver.

Note! It is not recommended to engage in strenuous sports for people suffering from the disease. Fast running significantly affects the pain on the right side of the rib. Untrained lungs cause the diaphragm to spasm, leading to shortness of breath and pain. Engaging in light sports without overworking the body is even beneficial, especially in the fresh air.

In pregnant women

In pregnant women in the third trimester, the uterus is significantly stretched, touching puts pressure on the organs, so the pain in the right hypochondrium touches, displacing the intestines, liver and gall bladder.

Progesterone, which helps maintain pregnancy in later stages, increases the bile ducts and normalizes bile. It is highly likely that you will feel discomfort and heaviness during physical and sports activities.

Diagnosis of pain in the right hypochondrium

The specialist you need to contact with such symptoms is a therapist.

After the consultation, the doctor writes a referral for laboratory testing:

  1. MRI diagnostics.
  2. Radiography.
  3. Ultrasound of internal organs.

The instrumental laboratory examination includes: general blood test, blood biochemistry.

The main thing that every patient must know is not to take strong drugs. Do not self-medicate without a doctor’s prescription, complicating further treatment.

Taking analgesics, antispasmodics and similar medications significantly increases the path to recovery. Websites are filled with dangerous and ineffective advice that requires help and are replicated many times on the Internet.

You need to know that in case of intense pain, contact an ambulance; treatment includes taking analgesics, antispasmodics, diuretics, choleretic drugs, and so on.

Good to know! Medicines are prescribed exclusively by a doctor only in cases of intestinal obstruction, perforation of an ulcer, when surgical intervention is required. In all other cases, conservative therapy is used.

Prevention measures

The prevention technique is carried out in the following cases:

  1. You cannot engage in physical activity.
  2. It is recommended to dress warmly.
  3. Cover your lower back in winter and early spring.

Each of us has experienced pain in the right hypochondrium at some point - this could be due to various reasons, including disruptions in the functioning of the most important human organs.

What does pain in the hypochondrium mean?

For example, such pain may characterize disturbances in the functioning of the liver, which is known to be involved in the breakdown and digestion of food, as well as in the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body. The nature of the pain in this case can be very different - from stabbing to burning and aching, and can characterize a variety of diseases - even cirrhosis of the liver. In most cases, the cause of pain is poor diet, oversaturated with fatty and spicy foods, irregular diet, as well as alcohol abuse. In addition, a viral infection in the body can also cause pain.

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be a symptom of diseases of the gallbladder, which is involved in the digestive process, secreting bile fluid for processing animal and vegetable fats, and protects the body from the effects of gastric juice. Pain under the ribs on the right may indicate the formation of large stones in the gall bladder and liver. In this case, the pain is burning and sharp, and also long-lasting, since it will not stop until the stone passes the bile duct. The reasons for the formation of gallstones are a sedentary lifestyle and abuse of fatty foods.

In some cases, pain in the right hypochondrium manifests itself or inflammation of the cecum, when the appendix is ​​located directly under the liver. In such cases, the pain is first localized throughout the abdomen, and then concentrated directly in the place where the appendix is ​​located. These cases cannot be ignored - the patient needs emergency hospitalization.

Less often, however, it happens when pain in the right hypochondrium indicates disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. This happens when the pancreas is located closer to the right side.

Diagnosis of the disease

Whatever the reasons, it is almost impossible to determine them on your own, which means that if such pain occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will help determine the nature and origin of the pain, and then prescribe adequate treatment.

By nature, pain in the right hypochondrium can be nagging and dull, long-lasting and sudden, sharp and strong. The nature of the pain can often determine the cause of its occurrence. So, when the muscles contract, the pain will be cramping, when the outer membranes are stretched, the pain will be constant, and when an inflammatory process occurs, the pain will constantly increase. Sudden outbreaks of sharp pain, as a rule, indicate rupture of an organ or the occurrence of internal bleeding due to, among other things, blockage of a vessel.

Treatment methods

Prescription of treatment cannot be carried out independently - it is important to eliminate the cause of the pain, and not to relieve the symptom itself. Self-diagnosis in this case is simply dangerous. Pain, for example, may indicate liver inflammation, including viral inflammation of any of the three types. There are very frequent cases when pain in the right hypochondrium causes inflammation of the pancreas, because its head is located just on the right side of the abdomen. People with gallbladder diseases and alcoholics often have a disease such as. In this case, pain in the right hypochondrium is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, the person sweats profusely. Another feature of pain with pancreatitis is that it intensifies in a supine position and weakens when bending forward. Only a specialist can make a final diagnosis after laboratory tests.

Pain in the right hypochondrium can be caused by renal pathology. Since the kidneys are located on two different sides, pain occurs on the side on which the damaged kidney is located. If pain develops on the right, it can be assumed that the kidney on the right is infected, there is suppuration, an abscess, or we are talking about kidney stones. The peculiarity of this pain is that it is felt not only in the right hypochondrium, but also radiates to the back.

Here are a number of diseases and disorders that can provoke pain in the right hypochondrium: gall bladder cancer, liver adenoma, cholangiocarcinoma and liver failure, secondary biliary cirrhosis of the liver and acute viral hepatitis, cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis, cardiac cirrhosis of the liver and toxic liver damage , gallbladder empyema and nipple stenosis, duodenal ulcer and graft rejection after liver transplantation.

Whatever the reason, it is important to understand that even minor pain in the right hypochondrium is not something that can be ignored and expected that the problem will resolve itself. With such an attitude towards the problem, the patient may miss the onset of a serious illness, which without timely treatment can lead to death.

Such a harmless symptom at first glance, such as pain under the right rib in the front, is in fact very often a signal of a disruption in the normal functioning of the liver, intestines, gallbladder or pancreas. In order not to worry once again and not make terrible diagnoses for yourself, let’s figure out what specific diseases such pain may indicate.

As mentioned above, pain on the right under the rib is most often a sign of liver or biliary tract disease. In second place, according to statistics, are diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs. However, to accurately determine the cause, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of the pain, duration and frequency of attacks.

Diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts

Quite often, pain in the right hypochondrium is a symptom of liver disease and indicates the presence of pathological conditions such as:

But during inflammatory processes in the pancreas, pain is not always localized precisely in this area: it is often irritating. If the disease has entered the chronic stage, the pain is dull and less intense. Accompanying symptoms include nausea or even vomiting.

If the pain is very sharp and paroxysmal, this may indicate the development of cholelithiasis.

Often pain under the ribs on the right is a consequence of a feast. To neutralize them or avoid them altogether, you just need to exclude certain types of foods from your diet, namely:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • marinades.

Other causes of pain

In addition to all of the above diseases, the following pathologies can cause pain in the right hypochondrium:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • appendix;
  • myocardial infarction and angina pectoris;
  • pneumonia, pleurisy;
  • shingles;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Of course, every disease requires additional diagnosis, taking into account all indicators of a person’s health status. And only a specialist can make an adequate diagnosis. For example, the appendix is ​​located in the lower right part of the abdomen, but during the inflammatory process the pain often radiates directly under the rib. And it is generally quite difficult to diagnose heart disease using this sign, since in this case pain under the right rib is a concomitant symptom.

With herpes zoster, pain under the right rib only bothers you if the rash is localized there. Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia often complain of pain in this area. However, their pain is characterized by great variety: it can be nagging or aching, paroxysmal or constant. Such pains are called psychosomatic. As you can see, the range of diseases that cause pain under the right rib is quite diverse.

That is why it can be quite difficult to immediately say why the right side hurts under the ribs.

Acute pain and its causes

Any severe pain is a very dangerous signal, which is a sign that a person needs urgent help. The reason for its occurrence may be:

  • injuries, namely: rupture of the gallbladder, liver or kidney, fracture of the ribs;
  • colic: hepatic or renal;
  • inflammatory processes in the gallbladder or pancreas;
  • strangulation of the renal cyst.

All these pathological changes in the body are characterized by severely tolerable acute pain under the rib on the right. A person may lose consciousness from pain, this especially often happens with injuries. A patient with such symptoms should be hospitalized immediately.

Causes of pain in women

Women experience pain under the right rib, usually in the following cases:

  • with premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • for diseases of the female genital organs located on the right;
  • during pregnancy.

In some women, before the onset of menstruation, the body produces an increased amount of female hormones - estrogens. In this regard, a couple of days before the start of menstruation, pain begins to be felt under the right rib, which is sometimes accompanied by nausea and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

The most likely causes of pain under the right rib during pregnancy are:

  • an increase in the size of the fetus, which is especially often felt in the later stages;
  • active movements of the child in the womb: the baby rests its legs against the mother’s ribs, thereby causing some discomfort;
  • an increase in the size of the uterus, which moves upward and puts pressure on the lower ribs.

This pain does not require special treatment, because it will go away immediately after the baby is born. Although it is, of course, necessary to inform your doctor about your discomfort.

If there are inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, pain can also be experienced under the right rib.

Prevention and treatment of pain under the right rib

Pain is the body's alarm signal, and it is unwise to ignore it. Only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. But there are general rules that will help, if not get rid of pain, then at least prevent its reappearance. These are:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • exclusion of physical activity and nervous strain;
  • diet;
  • compliance with all doctor's instructions.

And one more very important point: before going to the doctor, it is advisable not to take any painkillers, since sometimes this makes it very difficult to make a diagnosis.

What might severe pain in the right hypochondrium indicate? Pain that is localized under the two lower ribs on the right side of the abdomen may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes and pathologies of organs located in this area. Discomfort in the right hypochondrium most often indicates the presence of chronic diseases or the development of acute infectious processes of the gallbladder, liver, duodenum or pancreas. Pain in case of damage to the kidneys, large and small intestines is projected onto this area. However, discomfort can also be caused by other reasons; only a specialist can determine them and prescribe appropriate treatment.

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    Provoking factors

    Painful sensations extremely rarely appear suddenly, even if there is a history of a disease of which they may be a symptom. The exception is isolated cases of rapid exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the digestive, nervous or endocrine system, internal genital or respiratory organs, urinary and biliary tract.

    Patients sometimes notice discomfort and tingling under the lower ribs after eating, physical activity, or sexual intercourse; pain almost always occurs when the abdomen and chest are injured or internal bleeding occurs.

    In case of exacerbation of an existing inflammatory process or pathology of internal organs, pain of varying strength and nature may appear as a reaction to taking certain medications and supplements or eating certain foods. Chronic diseases make themselves felt during the off-season, with loss of strength, decreased immunity, prolonged emotional and physical fatigue, hormonal changes and other conditions.

    One of the main preventive measures to avoid pain in the right hypochondrium, as well as other diseases, is the timely detection of even minor discomfort and contacting a specialist. In the presence of chronic inflammatory processes and pathologies, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor regarding diet, permissible duration and nature of physical activity, and taking medications.

    Possible causes of exacerbation of diseases, which are characterized by painful sensations of varying strength, localized mainly in the right hypochondrium: neglect of the advice of a specialist.

    Localization of pain

    Discomfort in the right hypochondrium can indicate a large number of different diseases, so it is often not possible even for a qualified specialist to determine an accurate diagnosis from this symptom alone. This area is located under the lower two ribs on the right side of the body and may hurt in the back or front

    To significantly narrow the range of diseases, one of the signs of which may be pain in the right hypochondrium, allows us to determine the nature and specific localization of pain. To solve this problem, additional research, laboratory tests, examination and questioning of the patient during the appointment, and familiarization of the attending physician with the patient’s medical history (medical record) are used.

    Thus, discomfort in the front side of the body under the lower ribs may indicate liver pathologies, gallbladder diseases, some types of myocardial infarction, intestinal diseases accompanied by flatulence, and certain other conditions. Back to the right, pain is localized in urolithiasis, acute infectious inflammation of the right kidney, osteochondrosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, pathologies of the intercostal nerves or the inferior vena cava. Discomfort in the back often appears due to various mechanical damage (fracture of the lower ribs, cracks).

    Nature of discomfort

    Pain in the right side under the ribs can be of a different nature. Aching discomfort is characteristic of chronic diseases, dull throbbing pain appears in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and kidneys, cholecystitis, osteochondrosis, damage and trauma to the ribs, tumors or mild forms of colitis.

    Acute unbearable pain in the right side of the abdomen under the lower ribs can be the result of a serious injury. Often severe discomfort, accompanied by vomiting, a drop in blood pressure, fainting and presyncope, leads to painful shock. This condition requires emergency medical attention, including surgery, as it can be fatal. In medical practice, acute abdominal pain and its accompanying symptoms are combined with the concept of “acute abdomen.”

    In rare cases, stabbing pain and acute discomfort accompanied by vomiting may be a manifestation of pseudo-abdominal syndrome, characteristic of acute forms of gastritis, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, and pyelonephritis. Such conditions do not require surgical intervention and are treated traditionally.

    Heaviness under the ribs indicates edematous conditions of the liver, some forms of heart failure and chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis, and pathologies of the biliary tract. In most cases, the cause of the feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium is gastroenterological diseases.

    Associated symptoms

    Pain in the right hypochondrium is rarely an independent symptom. In the vast majority of cases, discomfort is accompanied by concomitant signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine, nervous and respiratory systems, and various inflammatory processes. Additional symptoms may include:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • signs of intoxication of the body (high temperature, sweating, loss of strength, etc.);
    • digestive system disorders (diarrhea, bloating, etc.);
    • drowsiness, fatigue, weakness;
    • decrease or increase in blood pressure relative to normal;
    • disturbances of consciousness;
    • pain in the heart area;
    • dizziness, fainting;
    • increased heart rate;
    • bleeding of mucous membranes;
    • yellowing of the skin;
    • difficulty urinating, pain and itching;
    • redness of the skin in the ribs, rashes;
    • copious vaginal discharge;
    • spasm of the respiratory system, cough and many others, depending on the specifics of the existing disease.

    Often, the presence of concomitant symptoms in a patient is the only opportunity to determine a specific pathology that can cause pain of various types, localized in the right hypochondrium. Additional manifestations help to find out which system or internal organ is affected by the disease and begin appropriate treatment in a timely manner.

    What can pain in the right hypochondrium mean?

    Pain in the right hypochondrium can be a sign of many diseases and means an exacerbation of chronic pathology, the occurrence of emergency conditions, and sometimes appears during a period of remission due to the negative influence of certain provoking factors.

    Most often, with discomfort in the right side in the area of ​​the lower ribs, one or more of a certain set of pathologies is diagnosed, and the rest are rare. The most common causes of painful sensations of various types are injuries, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pathological conditions of the gallbladder and bile ducts, or inflammation of the genitourinary system. The accompanying symptoms of pain in the right hypochondrium are so varied that discomfort may even indicate cardiac pathologies, diseases of the respiratory system, minor injuries to the spine - these conditions are diagnosed somewhat less frequently.


    A common cause of pain in the right hypochondrium is cholecystitis, an inflammatory disease of the bladder that develops in acute or chronic form. Discomfort under the lower ribs with cholecystitis has a strong cramping (during exacerbations) or aching (during chronic course) character and appears due to spasms of the bladder. The pain is acute, radiates to the lower back, shoulder blade and shoulder on the right side of the body, the back and sides ache, discomfort appears after eating. Sometimes the patient may experience such severe discomfort that the painful shock leads to loss of consciousness.

    Cholecystitis in the acute stage of the disease is characterized by bloating, a feeling of bitterness and a metallic taste in the mouth, belching, upset stool, irritability, sleep disturbances and symptoms of intoxication of the body. During exacerbations, the patient experiences colic, the pain intensifies when inhaling, belching, or some time after eating, and can last more than several hours.

    To relieve symptoms, experts prescribe antispasmodics. In addition, the patient is prescribed bed rest. Cholecystitis is treated by following a special diet, antibiotics, physiotherapeutic procedures, drinking mineral waters (sanatorium treatment) and other methods at the discretion of the doctor. In some cases, surgery may be required (to remove stones or the gallbladder itself).


    Discomfort in the right hypochondrium is a characteristic symptom of cholelithiasis, i.e. the formation of stones in the gall bladder as a result of a violation of metabolic processes or the functions of the organs of the biliary system. Gallstone disease can be a complication of other diseases (for example, chronic cholecystitis, metabolic and endocrine disorders, or problems with the nervous regulation of the liver and biliary tract).

    Other symptoms of kidney, liver, or bladder stones:

    • difficult or impossible urination (if the stone blocks the bile duct, urgent surgical intervention is required);
    • pain and cutting in the urethra;
    • yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes;
    • nausea and vomiting, which accompany constant aching, dull pain in the right hypochondrium;
    • headache, weakness, fever.

    Only small stones (up to 1.5 cm) in the gallbladder are subject to drug therapy, and such treatment is effective only in 50% of cases. An advanced form of the disease requires surgical intervention; often surgery is the only effective treatment method, since even after successful dissolution of stones with pharmacological drugs, the disease is prone to relapse.

    Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

    Painful sensations in the area of ​​the two lower ribs on the right side of the body are typical for gastric and duodenal ulcers. The nature, frequency, strength and localization of pain in this disease depend on many factors; discomfort can appear not only after eating or physical activity, but also at night or on an empty stomach.

    Stomach and duodenal ulcers are characterized by the following symptoms: the patient experiences heartburn, belching, nausea and “sour” vomiting, which bring minor relief, temperature rises, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation), loss of strength and irritability. .

    Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, which somewhat complicates timely diagnosis. In advanced forms, bleeding may occur; a dangerous complication of an ulcer is peritonitis, requiring urgent surgical intervention.

    Complications of the disease and the occurrence of acute conditions requiring emergency medical care for stomach and duodenal ulcers can be avoided by following the recommendations of the attending physician, adhering to a special diet, dosage and medication regimen.

    Inflammation of the pancreas

    Bursting, nagging pain in the hypochondrium on the right, which can be confused with a sign of food poisoning, is a common typical symptom of inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

    The disease is characterized by a decrease in the patient’s body weight, bloating, digestive disorders, intoxication of the body, increased fatigue, skin symptoms (pallor, cyanosis or yellowness of the skin), manifestations of “chronic fatigue syndrome,” nausea and vomiting, and vomiting does not bring relief to the patient. Diabetes mellitus and jaundice are often accompanying diseases of chronic pancreatitis.

    The treatment regimen for pancreatic inflammation is based on relief of symptoms during exacerbations of the disease, as well as supportive therapy: the patient is shown a special diet, taking certain pharmacological drugs to prevent the active phase of pancreatitis, quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, physiotherapeutic procedures, sanatorium treatment (if possible ).

    Any methods of therapy should be agreed upon with the attending physician, since pancreatitis can develop in several variations (alcoholic, pancreatic cyst or pseudocyst, purulent pancreatitis, etc.) and forms (acute, chronic), each of which has its own characteristics in diagnosis and treatment.

    Suspicion of hepatitis

    It often hurts under the right rib during inflammatory processes and necrosis localized in the liver - hepatitis. The disease is provoked by a number of reasons: alcohol abuse, prolonged negative effects on the liver of certain medications, hereditary predisposition, and complications of other pathologies.

    With hepatitis, the pain in the right hypochondrium is nagging, skin itching, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to heavy fatty foods, intoxication (fever, weakness, drowsiness, decreased immunity and general tone of the body) occur, digestive disorders and spasms, which are standard for most gastrointestinal diseases, are possible. One of the characteristic signs of hepatitis, as well as liver damage in general, is yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes, disruption of the functioning or condition of the liver (the liver is enlarged, the outflow of bile is impaired, etc.).

    Hepatitis therapy involves the complete elimination or reduction of the inflammatory process in the liver and the prevention of complications (the pathology can develop into cirrhosis of the liver or cancer). Improvements are achieved through complex treatment, which involves taking medications, measures aimed at generally strengthening the immune system, as well as streamlining the patient’s lifestyle: proper nutrition is indicated with special recommendations regarding the number of meals and menu composition, playing feasible sports, giving up bad habits.

    Other reasons

    Other diseases and pathologies, the symptoms of which may include painful sensations of various types in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the right side of the body, are the following:

    • from the digestive system: gastritis, peptic ulcer, various inflammatory processes, intestinal obstruction, colitis, pancreatitis, spasms and pain simulating gynecological diseases, peritonitis, etc.;
    • from the nervous system: compression of the nerve endings that are located in the intercostal space (intercostal neuralgia), herpes zoster, characterized by acute pain, the appearance of rashes, itching;
    • from the respiratory system: pneumonia (pneumonia) or bronchitis in acute or chronic course - cough provokes spasms of the respiratory system, which are felt as painful sensations in the right hypochondrium;
    • from the urinary system: pyelonephritis affecting predominantly the right kidney (otherwise the pain is localized on the left side, and not in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the right), renal colic, stones;
    • from the liver: liver dystrophy, cirrhosis, abscess, hepatitis A, B, C and others, heart failure accompanied by stagnation of blood in the liver, and other chronic diseases and acute inflammatory processes;
    • inflammation of the uterine appendages, osteochondrosis, appendicitis, etc.

    When can a disease be considered a variant of the norm?

    In some cases, discomfort in the area of ​​the lower ribs on the right side of the body does not indicate the development of an acute inflammatory process or the presence of a chronic disease and may be a normal variant. In this case, the patient does not experience pronounced accompanying symptoms, and the pain quickly passes.

    Sometimes stabbing pain in the right hypochondrium occurs after physical activity. Discomfort appears after particularly intense workouts, when you neglect the warm-up or when resuming exercise after a break. Such unpleasant sensations are typical for beginners in almost any sport that involves active movement.

    The nature of the origin of pain in this case is as follows: physical activity stimulates the release of the hormone adrenaline, which, in turn, reduces the tone of the bile ducts, leads to the filling of the liver with blood and its stretching, as a result of which an untrained person feels a stabbing pain in the right side, which occurs most often during running time.

    In healthy people, discomfort may also occur after eating fatty or heavy foods, especially in large quantities. Overeating, in addition to abdominal pain, causes increased heart rate, drowsiness, and sometimes nausea. Unpleasant sensations usually disappear within 1-3 hours.

    A separate category of patients who complain of pain in the right hypochondrium, but do not experience other symptoms of various diseases, are women. Representatives of the fair sex may experience discomfort in the right hypochondrium during menstruation, after sexual intercourse, when taking hormonal contraceptives, or during pregnancy. In this case, the pain is explained by the physiological characteristics of the structure of the female body and does not require special treatment.

    Which specialist should I contact?

    If you have unpleasant sensations localized under the two lower ribs on the right side of the body, behind or in front, you should first consult a therapist. A general practitioner, based on examination and questioning of the patient, reviewing the medical card (medical history), conducting additional diagnostic examinations and laboratory tests, determining the nature, location of pain and accompanying symptoms, will make a preliminary conclusion and refer the patient to a specialized doctor.

    Therapy for pain in the right hypochondrium and other symptoms characteristic of diseases that are the root cause of discomfort can be carried out by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist, traumatologist, surgeon, cardiologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, urologist or several specialists at the same time. The profile of the attending physician is determined by the specific diagnosis made to the patient with complaints of pain on the right side of the body under the two lower ribs.

    Relief and pain relief

    Pain in the right hypochondrium is a symptom of a disease that occurs in acute or chronic form, and not an independent pathology. That is why it is necessary not only to relieve severe pain with emergency measures during exacerbations, but also to carry out complex therapy for the existing pathological process. Acute pain syndrome should be treated with extreme caution in cases where the specific diagnosis is not fully understood.

    What to do if there is pain on the right side under the ribs, but there is no opportunity to see a doctor immediately? You should absolutely not heat the sore spot. At home, to temporarily reduce pain in the right hypochondrium, you can use the most common antispasmodics: these drugs are available without a prescription, have no significant side effects if the dosage is observed, are quite effective and have minor limitations (many painkillers should be used only after the recommendation of a doctor during pregnancy ). To relieve pain, No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine Forte and similar antispasmodics are suitable.

    Important! You should not abuse painkillers and delay visiting a therapist. Delay and incorrect or insufficient therapy can lead to a significant deterioration of the patient’s condition and complicate further diagnosis of the causes of pain in the right hypochondrium.

    You should definitely consult a specialist in cases where discomfort occurs in a healthy person or during pregnancy. Pain may indicate the presence of hidden diseases (often asymptomatic severe pathological processes), which, if left untreated, rapidly progress and pose a serious threat to the health and sometimes the life of the patient (or, during pregnancy, the fetus).

    Cases of emergency medical care

    Sometimes pain in the right hypochondrium can be one of the signs of conditions that require emergency medical intervention. Among such dangerous pathologies: ruptures of internal organs, “acute abdomen”, internal bleeding. It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance if the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

    • the pain is acute, unbearable, lasts more than a few minutes (not attacks - spasms, characterized by cramping pain, but constant significant discomfort);
    • incessant vomiting;
    • fainting and presyncope;
    • delay or complete inability to urinate;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • blood in vomit, feces, urine;
    • significant increase in body temperature (above 38.5°C);
    • Prevention

      Prevention of pain in the right hypochondrium includes timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the symptom of which may be such discomfort, full compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician, maintaining immunity, a balanced diet, following a special diet, giving up bad habits and taking medications (exclusively on the recommendation specialist).

Pain in the right side under the ribs warns of various diseases of the internal organs. After all, it is in this area of ​​the abdominal space that important organs for the normal functioning of the body are located. The type of pain also plays an important role here. If such a symptom occurs regularly and does not go away within three days, then this is a serious reason to visit the clinic and provide medical care to the patient.

Pain on the side on the right side under the ribs often indicates inflammatory processes in the liver (other symptoms of a diseased liver can be found in), the gallbladder, and also the kidneys or intestines, which can be a consequence of injuries. Painful sensations can be pulling, aching or sharp, stabbing, cutting and unbearable. Their location can be local or spread over the entire side. Unpleasant sensations can radiate pain to the stomach, ribs and even to the shoulder.

Such sensations indicate the following pathologies:

  • colic in the kidneys is characterized by acute pain on the right side;
  • diseases in the chronic form of the abdominal area are manifested by dull pain;
  • stabbing sensations indicate inflammation;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane and gall bladder is manifested by aching painful sensations on the right.

What can happen in the body with right-sided pain under the rib?

Cutting and colic on the side indicate various pathologies or consequences of injury in a person. Painful sensations piercing the back are characteristic of liver problems. Most likely, organ intoxication occurred. This can happen after a meal, fatty and spicy, or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Smoking also severely damages the liver.

Pain on the right side can also come from. It is a component of the endocrine system and produces insulin. When symptoms are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and excessive sweating, the development of pancreatitis can be suspected (read more about pancreatitis) . The reasons for its appearance can be different: trauma, alcohol addiction, surgical treatment.

The factor that provoked the pain in the right side could be appendicitis, although this is only possible if it is in an atypical location, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder.

Pain in the anterior right hypochondrium

This kind of painful sensation alerts a person to serious problems with his liver. The patient may suffer from bursting pain with tingling. Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by additional symptoms: weakness, heartburn, lack of appetite and decreased functionality. There may also be a burning sensation in the affected area.

The sign also characterizes the development of liver cirrhosis and the appearance of cystic formations. The latter block the passage of bile and blood, which causes heaviness in the affected organ due to its enlargement.

With heart failure, there is a disruption in blood flow throughout the body, swelling forms, and the liver enlarges. This provokes pain in the part of the human body being studied. Strong impulses of a painful nature develop with abdominal myocardial infarction.

The colon can stretch. With this pathological condition, a person suffers from colic. Their intensity will increase with further distension of the intestine.

Cramps under the ribs on the right appear with digestive disorders, problems of the gastrointestinal tract: increased gas formation, diarrhea. Often severe pain characterizes the manifestation of colitis. It is characterized by spasms, problems with stool, and flatulence.

Pain syndrome can develop with echinococcosis. The cause of the onset of the disease is the activity of the worm Echinococcus, as a result of which cystic formations filled with fluid are formed in the right part of the liver. Cysts can gradually compress the capillaries and bile ducts. The consequence is an enlarged liver and pain signals. With further progression of the formation, a liver abscess occurs, causing sharp painful sensations.

Pulsating pain bothers the patient with any movement. It can even hurt under the shoulder blade. If the disease is ignored, the body temperature rises, the peritoneum becomes inflamed, and blood poisoning occurs.

Characterized by an atypical onset of inflammation. The pain intensifies when walking, decreases if you lie on your right side. An accompanying symptom may be high body temperature, nausea, and vomiting. After a few hours, the pain can spread to the entire abdominal area.

Pain in the posterior part of the right side under the ribs

Painful sensations from the back indicate the consequences of various injuries, problems in the functioning of the liver, paired organs, and the vena cava. This kind of impulse also occurs during urolithiasis, when stones and grains of sand descend down the ureters. In a baby, pain under the rib from behind is caused by pathologies of paired organs that develop against the background of decreased immunity.

Common causes are kidney inflammation (pyelonephritis), rib injury, malignant neoplasms, as well as necrosis of the renal papillae, herpes zoster and intercostal neuralgia.

The latter pathological condition causes nagging pain, numbness in the side, and painful sensations in the ribs. If tingling occurs, the person may lose the ability to move. When muscles become inflamed, myositis develops, causing twitching or colic.

Severe pain is caused by a malignant tumor in the kidneys when the disease is advanced, especially if the cancer has blocked the urinary tract. It can also hurt under the ribs if there is a tumor in the adrenal gland when it reaches a large enough volume.

If there is a severe bruise of the posterior segments of the ribs, a person may feel aching pain that intensifies when coughing or inhaling. A fracture is accompanied by a characteristic crunch, so when this symptom occurs, a person can analyze whether a similar injury has occurred.

Pain when inhaling

When pain when inhaling is unbearable, this indicates the development of cholecystitis, an inflammatory process in the lungs, and peritonitis. As cholecystitis progresses in the body, bile accumulates in the cavity of the biliary tract, which does not reach the intestine. When it gets on the mucous membranes, it begins to bake, because its composition is salty. The pain intensifies, body temperature rises. ABOUT

A stabbing sensation when inhaling or coughing can provoke pleurisy.

Painful cramps in women

Representatives of the fair half of the population experience pain in the last days of menstruation due to a sudden hormonal imbalance. Severe pain occurs against the background of spasm of the bile ducts, which can radiate to the back. Therefore, the physiology of the female body is often the cause of painful sensations.

When taking hormonal birth control pills, a woman may experience tingling, burning and dull pain in the area of ​​the right rib. This occurs due to obstruction of the bile duct.

Carrying a child and pain under the rib on the right

Women who are pregnant may experience pain in the side when the uterus presses on the paired organs. If the liver is overloaded, the ureter will also suffer. During pregnancy, you should not worry about tingling or numbness on the right side, unless it is a constant phenomenon. A representative of the fairer sex may get a prick in the side due to physical activity, so it is worth limiting sports activities.

During pregnancy, progesterone increases the bile ducts, causing fluid stagnation in them, the symptom of which is a burning sensation in the right side. To avoid complications, a pregnant woman needs to seek help from a doctor, take blood and urine tests, undergo an examination and an ultrasound examination. If necessary, therapy will be prescribed.

Important! Every expectant mother should remember responsibility not only for her life, but also for her child. Therefore, enduring pain is strictly contraindicated. In case of any deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Acute type of pain

Such sensations usually bother a person with attacks. The phenomenon often occurs at night. In the right side, an acute sharp pain indicates renal colic, which characterizes the movement of a stone along the ureter in urolithiasis.

Painful sensations in the hypochondrium on the right also indicate an ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Here the symptoms are supplemented by nausea, vomiting, and belching. This may also be a sign of rupture of a cyst, ovary or fallopian tube, gallbladder, or appendicitis.

Severe attacks are characteristic of acute cholecystitis. Pain under the rib on the right may be due to the progression of vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, the pain is not constant.

Aching manifestations

Aching pain can occur with the following problems:

A similar feeling often occurs among athletes when running. Sometimes it hurts your leg. Indicates stretching of the muscle capsule. The reason for this is a malfunction of the diaphragm due to improper nutrition and a decrease in blood outflow.

It's quite easy to get rid of it. Athletes must warm up before exercise and breathe correctly (deep breaths, belly breathing) during sports activity. In such a situation, it is not necessary to see a doctor.

But this kind of sign may indicate the development of right-sided pneumonia. The pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, dyspeptic disorder and blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle. Often the symptom expresses a disease of the right urinary organ.

Dull and stabbing pain in the side

Dull sensations bother a person with pathologies of the liver and pancreas. This could be a tumor, hepatitis, poisoning of the body, as well as inflammation of the gallbladder or its head, or enlargement of the liver.

Shingles pain is often caused by neuralgia, pleurisy, problems with the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. With pancreatitis, such pain is intense and sharp. Doesn't subside even when lying down. Concomitant symptoms of the disease are a blue tint to the skin, vomiting, and small hemorrhages in the navel area and on the sides.

Important information about pain

For each person, it is important to remember some points about pain in order to promptly go to the clinic or call emergency help:

  1. Differences between acute and chronic forms of pain. In the first type, pain occurs rarely, the intensity can increase every hour. The chronic manifestation is usually dull, from which the patient may suffer for a long period of time. People need to differentiate between types of sensations to understand what is happening in their bodies. After all, in case of acute pain, you need to immediately call the emergency room and go to the hospital. The situation may require surgical treatment. Chronic pain characterizes the long course of the disease.
  2. If you have acute abdominal pain, do not take painkillers until examined by a doctor. Chronic sensations do not have such contraindications.
  3. Painful sensations in the right area of ​​the peritoneum do not always indicate diseases of the organs of this particular area of ​​the body. Sometimes this is a radiating pain that occurs due to the characteristic features of the passage of nerve trunks.

Diagnosis of pain manifestations

To begin with, the doctor asks the patient about the type of pain and its location. Nutrition, the condition of the abdominal muscles and fatty tissue, the presence of injuries and infections are important. The doctor then examines the affected area of ​​the body by palpation. Then he directs the person to take the necessary tests.

Hardware research may be additional. This is an x-ray of the gastrointestinal tract, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, and bile excretion pathways. To diagnose oncology, a biopsy is performed. Excretory urography, vertical aortography and radioisotope renography will be informative.

Under what circumstances is it urgent to see a doctor?

A person who continues to vomit, accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, should consult a doctor immediately.

Important! Pain syndrome can often signal processes in the body that lead to the death of a person without proper treatment.

Providing first aid

If people experience pain, they should urgently call an ambulance. After all, there are many factors in the development of such a condition, and only a doctor can identify them after a complete examination of the patient. Before medical professionals arrive, you can apply ice to the affected area. The patient needs to be helped to find an optimally comfortable body position. A person should calm down and relax as much as possible.

After diagnosis, the person will be prescribed the necessary medications: antispasmodics, analgesics, vasodilators and other drugs.

Who can help with pain on the right side under the rib?

It is impossible to identify the exact disease only by pain symptoms above the waist. A person needs to undergo a full examination. First you need to see a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination and survey, and if there are complaints, he will refer you to a specialist of the required profile. This could be a cardiologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and also a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Self-medication is strictly contraindicated. Without knowing the exact cause of the discomfort, you can harm your health and aggravate the situation. Therapy is permitted only after a doctor has prescribed treatment based on test results and a full examination.

How to relieve unbearable pain?

In case of severe pain, taking antispasmodics is not recommended. After all, in this case the exact clinical picture of the pathological condition is washed away. In rare cases, taking No-shpa is acceptable. In general, after examination by a doctor, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, which includes drug therapy aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease, diet and a course of vitamins. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary.

Important! Under no circumstances should you apply a heating pad or other heat to your inflamed side. Let's just let it be cold.

How to help a child with painful sensations?

If your baby experiences pain on the right side, you should immediately call an ambulance. Giving your baby pills and other medications for pain on your own is contraindicated.

Dietary adherence

Proper nutrition is the key to quickly getting rid of pain in the right side, both in men and women. To do this, you need to give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse), if any. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty and fried foods prepared with spices and herbs. Carbonated drinks, canned food, and smoked foods are contraindicated.

If a person has been diagnosed with a chronic disease, such nutrition will contribute to long-term remission and make the work of the diseased organ easier. It is important not only the quality of food, but also adherence to the meal schedule. With fractional nutrition, the metabolic process accelerates, the outflow of bile returns to normal, and the load on the internal organs becomes even.

Methods for relieving pain

If the patient is worried about renal colic, doctors do a novocaine blockade. In case of liver inflammation or exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (in the absence of stones), tubage is indicated.

When cholecystitis causes severe pain, it can be eliminated with pressure. The manipulation can be done independently. To do this, the patient lies on his back and gently presses on the affected area of ​​the bile ducts. You need to apply pressure with your hand when the pain is minor and release after 20 seconds. When the discomfort intensifies after a couple of minutes, you need to apply pressure again. The procedure lasts until the pain stops completely.

Alternative medicine in the fight against right-sided pain

Traditional remedies are indicated for chronic pain. Basically, herbs that contain an alkaloid and have an antispasmodic effect will be useful here. These are mint, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort and anise.

For cholecystitis, immortelle, oregano, and corn silk will be effective due to their choleretic effects. Potato decoction will also be useful here. Boiled potatoes “in their jackets” are pounded directly in water, and eaten one spoon three times a day.

For kidney discomfort, a remedy made from honey and cinnamon or lemon and olive oil will help.

In folk medicine, there are many useful recipes for pain, but their use is allowed only after consulting a doctor and receiving his recommendations.

Preventive measures against discomfort on the right

To prevent pain from taking a person by surprise, it is necessary to follow a number of very simple rules:

  • seek medical help at the first sensation of pain;
  • do not eat a lot of fried, fatty and salty foods that are hard on the stomach;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • do not neglect preventive visits to the doctor and ultrasound examinations.

There are many causes of pain in the right hypochondrium. Accordingly, the treatment for each situation will be different. It is important not to be your own doctor, and not to take medications on your own. In case of severe and sudden manifestations of pain, you must urgently seek help from a medical professional and act according to his recommendations. After examination and studying the test results, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary therapy to eliminate pain and the factor that provoked the unpleasant sensation. Otherwise, you can seriously harm the body, which will end in disaster.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.