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Hay fever is a seasonal disease. Hay fever (hay fever) Allergy hay fever symptoms

Watery eyes, runny nose and cough are not always symptoms of a cold. In the warm season, these signs indicate the presence of hay fever. This is an allergic reaction of the body to the flowering of a plant. Without treatment of this pathology, bronchial asthma develops. For this reason, many people want to know what the symptoms and treatment are for hay fever.

It is known that itching in the nasal passages occurs with hay fever, that this is not an infectious disease and cannot be infected by airborne droplets. Hay fever is an allergic response of the human body to the influence of pollen from various plants. The reaction has a clearly recurring seasonality. Most often, the disease manifests itself as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes.
In addition, the disease is also commonly called:

  • pollen bronchial asthma;
  • pollen rhinopathy;
  • hay fever;
  • spring catarrh;
  • allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

The most correct term is hay fever.

Risk factors

The disease usually appears in the female half. Climatic, environmental and geographic factors influence infection rates. Rural residents often suffer from hay fever.

An important role is played by hereditary predisposition. If two parents are endowed with allergic diseases, then the risk of the baby developing the disease will be 50%. If only one is sick, then the percentage drops to 25%. If both parents do not suffer from this pathology, then the risk of the disease is 10%.

The risk of illness increases significantly if a child from early childhood is constantly in an environment contaminated with allergens. Malnutrition and viral diseases also lead to the disease.

Causes of hay fever

The disease progresses when the body is overly sensitive to the action of a small stimulus. The irritant is pollen from wind-pollinated plants. To enter the human body, one inhalation or the deposition of small particles on the conjunctiva, nasal mucosa or oral cavity is enough.
The reason for the active action of pollen is permeability factors that facilitate the entry of microscopic elements into the epithelium.
After the onset of the local acute inflammatory process, soluble allergic particles are quickly absorbed into the blood and various parts of the body. They cling very strongly to cells and stimulate the release of histamine.
The result is a reaction in the form of spasms of smooth muscles, swelling of the mucous membrane, and difficulty breathing.
After contact with the irritant, literally 20 minutes pass, after which the allergic reaction begins to progress. In case of weakened immunity, allergies begin to appear in different parts of the body.
Plants to which pollen is most often allergic:

  1. Trees at the time of flowering such as poplar, alder, willow, maple, birch.
  2. Trees during leaf fall.
  3. Meadow and cereal grasses.
  4. Flowers such as buttercups, asters, lilies of the valley.
  5. Weeds.

An allergic reaction may begin to appear when eating plant products that contain pollen antigens. But Dr. Komarovsky believes that if the immune system is strong, then no allergies or hay fever will be scary.

Symptoms of hay fever

Signs of the disease appear at the same time every year. The main symptoms are:

  • itching in the nose, ears and throat;
  • the appearance of discomfort in the eyes such as itching, lacrimation, photophobia;
  • itching in the genitals;
  • rhinitis with discharge of a fair amount of mucus;
  • increased fatigue.

Later, the following signs begin to appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • labored breathing;
  • the appearance of urticaria on the epidermis;
  • symptoms of cystitis.

A dry paroxysmal cough appears. With hay fever, this phenomenon is associated with irritation of the respiratory tract.
When the first signs appear, you must urgently contact a specialist to avoid undesirable consequences.

Diagnosis of hay fever

A patient with these symptoms should be examined by a specialist. This is done by an otolaryngologist. When examining the nose, ear canals and oral cavity, the doctor must exclude ARVI. After this, a diagnosis of hay fever is made. Only after examination by an ENT specialist does the patient undergo a venous blood test for immunoglobulin levels. Next, the patient goes directly to the allergist.

In the cold season, after the symptoms disappear, the doctor will be able to do allergy tests. Such tests will help determine which product a person is experiencing such a reaction to. Samples include:

  • small notches are made on the forearms;
  • diluted allergen is dripped onto each notch;
  • an allergen that provokes bright and prolonged redness is the cause of the disease.

After identifying the allergen, the doctor prescribes an effective treatment for the disease.

Treatment of hay fever

At first, treatment of the pathological condition is carried out throughout the year:

  • in warm weather, patients take measures to eliminate symptoms;
  • during the cold period, the irritant is determined.

Only then is it possible to keep hay fever under control. After a couple of years, you can reach the minimum amount of funds used. To reduce symptoms you need to:

  • change your lifestyle;
  • stick to a diet;
  • take medications against illness.

Lifestyle adjustments

At the time of exacerbation, the patient must be protected from pollen. During the warm season it is recommended:

  • rinse your nose and mouth with a sodium chloride solution;
  • shower constantly;
  • regularly perform wet cleaning;
  • ventilate the room at night;
  • do not leave the house during the hot period of the day;
  • do not travel during flowering to places where there are many irritants;
  • the air should always be slightly humid.

During the cold period, you do not need to take pills for hay fever. It is important to simply strengthen your immune system. To do this you need:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do hardening;
  • exercise.


Diet for hay fever consists of eliminating foods containing allergens from the diet. At the time of exacerbation, it is necessary to exclude cow's milk, seafood, bee products, chocolate, and citrus fruits from the diet. You should also avoid those foods that may cause cross-allergies. You should exclude beer, bananas, melon, potatoes, watermelon, margarine, apricots, red apples and much more.

Drug treatment

The main drugs in the treatment of the disease are those that block the release of histamine from immune cells. During the period of acute allergies, tablets are indicated:

  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin.

Third generation medications may also be prescribed:

  • Erius;
  • Cetirizine;
  • Loratadine.

Antihistamines for this pathology must be taken as a whole course. They provide excellent relief from symptoms.
During pregnancy, it is extremely difficult to treat this disease. All medications are contraindicated for use. It would be optimal for a pregnant woman to change her place of residence.

Symptomatic treatment

This is a therapy that is prescribed depending on the symptoms that appear:

  1. For difficult nasal breathing, vasoconstricting medications are indicated: Nazol, NOC-Spray, Lazolvan-rino.
  2. In case of symptoms of bronchial asthma, Singulair and Acolat are prescribed.
  3. For watery eyes, Ketotifen eye drops are prescribed.

Homeopathic treatment

Official medicine does not approve of the treatment of this pathology using homeopathy. This is extremely dangerous and self-medication is not recommended. It is only possible to turn to experienced homeopaths.
You can use certain homeopathic medicines that can alleviate the patient's condition. A positive result is shown:

  • Cinnabsin;
  • Sinupret;
  • Nux vomica.

Treatment in children

If hay fever is diagnosed, treatment in children is carried out using the same methods as in adults:

  1. Walks should be in places where there are not many flowering plants.
  2. Do wet cleaning daily, hang moistened gauze on the window.
  3. In spring, summer and autumn, take a bath after each walk, but do not use herbal decoctions.
  4. Follow a strict diet, just like adults. If you are ill, you should not add new dishes to your diet.
  5. When taking medication, listen to all the doctor’s recommendations. Not all drugs can be used for therapy in children.
  6. After a walk, be sure to rinse your nose with saline solution.
  7. Do not use homeopathic medicines.
  8. ASIT can be used in children from 5 years of age.

Prevention of hay fever

Doctors offer several preventive measures that will help prevent the disease. Prevention methods are as follows:

  1. Primary. Prevent negative reactions and eliminate harmful factors. It is necessary to harden the body, eat right, and succumb to physical activity.
  2. Secondary. It is important to reduce negative symptoms and prevent their manifestation. It is necessary to undergo a timely course of therapy.

The causes of hay fever, what it is, and the symptoms of the disease are known, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to get help. You should not resort to self-medication, as the consequences may be undesirable. Treatment with traditional methods is possible only after preliminary consultation with a specialist.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not love spring - a wonderful time of year when everything is just beginning. However, hay fever (pollen in English - pollen) also begins - an allergic disease caused by plant pollen, which is characterized by acute inflammation in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes.

Seasonal hay fever, also called hay fever, pollen allergy, spring catarrh, seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollen bronchial asthma, is a widespread disease, it can occur in every tenth child and every fifth adult. Although hay fever can develop at any age, it is most common in children and adolescents. The main manifestations of the disease are itching and redness of the eyes, watery eyes, sneezing and itching in the nose, mucous discharge from the nose, and nasal congestion.

Since the symptoms of seasonal hay fever resemble a cold, people often think so - they say they have a cold. However, this mistake can be costly - if the disease is not treated, then in subsequent flowering seasons coughing, shortness of breath, and asthma attacks may occur - this means that pollen asthma has appeared.

Pollen is to blame for the development of hay fever. Pollen is the smallest grains, varied in structure, shape and size, containing male reproductive cells of plants and intended for their sexual reproduction. Hay fever is not caused by any pollen, but only by those with certain properties that manifest themselves under certain conditions.

For example, if plants have bright and fragrant flowers (fruit trees, acacia, ornamental flowers), then they have large and sticky pollen. They are pollinated by insects, such pollen is spread, as a rule, over short distances, its concentration in the air is low, and allergies to it are extremely rare.

But in wind-pollinated plants with small, inconspicuous, odorless flowers, the pollen is small, non-sticky, with a smooth and even surface - it is the cause of allergies, being transported over long distances. For example, ragweed pollen is found more than 500 kilometers from the US coast, where it is the main pollen allergen. And since it is produced in large quantities, it creates a high concentration in the surrounding air.

A common misconception is an allergy to poplar fluff. It is not pollen at all and therefore is not allergenic. When patients with hay fever often blame everything on poplar fluff, the real reason is the pollen of cereal grasses blooming at this time.

The release of pollen in most wind-pollinated plants occurs in the early morning, but towards the end of the day its concentration in the air becomes maximum, since air circulation is stronger during the day. Pollen grains that cause allergies are not visible to the naked eye, since their average size is only 20-60 microns. They penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and cause the development of an allergic reaction.

In the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, the main plant allergen is ragweed.

There are three main types of plants whose pollen causes allergies: trees, cereals and weeds. Hay fever has a clearly recurring seasonality that coincides with the flowering period of plants. In the central zone and the European part of Russia, three periods of hay fever are observed.

Spring period - from mid-April to the end of May, while the trees (mainly alder, hazel, birch, poplar and pine) are gathering dust.

Summer period - from the beginning of June to the end of July, the pollen of meadow grasses (timothy, fescue, hedgehog, bluegrass, foxtail, bromegrass) works. It is from cereal pollen that most patients with hay fever suffer.

Summer-autumn period - from the end of June to the beginning of September, weeds bloom: Asteraceae and Chenopodiaceae (wormwood, quinoa, nettle).

The first and main treatment measure for any allergic disease is the exclusion (or maximum reduction) of contact with the allergen. However, with seasonal hay fever, this means going to the other end of the country for the entire period of pollen release from the culprit plant. It's a good thing, but hardly realistic. Therefore, it is usually recommended to spend less time in the open air, keep the windows in the house and car closed, and avoid traveling outside the city - to the field, to the forest. It’s good to relax near bodies of water, where the pollen concentration is much lower.

Often you cannot do without medication. The main means of symptomatic treatment of seasonal hay fever are antihistamines. They act on the symptoms of the disease - sneezing, nasal discharge, itching in the nose and eyes, eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes, and reduce cough. It is very important to start treatment with these drugs as early as possible, since they not only eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but also prevent their reappearance.

Antihistamines should be taken throughout the flowering season of plants that cause hay fever. The doctor decides which drug to choose. Recently, antihistamines of the new, so-called third generation are increasingly used. These include Telfast, which is the most modern and one of the most effective means of combating allergies.

Telfast is practically free of side effects and restrictions in use. Take it once a day. The usual dose is 120 mg. An important advantage of this drug: it is not addictive, which means it can be used for a long time, and the effect will not decrease. It doesn’t make you want to sleep and doesn’t reduce your performance. So let's welcome spring with a smile, not tears.

© Natalya Nenasheva

Itching and burning in the nose and eyes, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, copious mucus secretion and exhausting sneezing - all this is an allergy, or, to speak correctly about this particular form, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. This disease is a form of eye and nasal allergies. With it, as a result of allergens, the mucous membranes of the nose and conjunctiva become inflamed. It can be either permanent or seasonal. In the latter case, it is called allergic hay fever or hay fever.

Features of the disease

If allergic rhinoconjunctivitis occurs regularly throughout the year, then its source is nearby. Most often, the condition is caused by an allergy to mites that live in house dust; the dust itself, including book dust; mold and fungi; household chemicals; epidermis and skin secretions of pets; food products; medications. In this case, rhinoconjunctivitis can make itself felt sporadically, but with constant contact with the allergen it can become a constant companion in life.

If we are talking about seasonal hay fever, then it usually manifests itself in the spring and summer, since the main allergen is plant pollen. The condition worsens when going outside, going into nature, outside the city, where there are especially many flowering plants.

When the disease lasts a long time and there is no treatment, it can be fraught with deterioration of smell and hearing, headaches, and nosebleeds. In the worst case, Quincke's edema will occur or bronchial asthma will develop. It is especially important to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment in children, since the growing body is the most vulnerable.

Causes and symptoms of allergic hay fever

Rhinoconjunctivitis is caused by exposure to an allergen on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. Seasonal hay fever occurs in spring, summer or early autumn. The period is determined by which flowering plant you are allergic to. In spring, this is pollen from trees that bloom first: alder, birch, hazel and others. At the beginning of summer, the main allergen is cereal pollen. Various weeds bloom throughout the summer. And at the end and beginning of autumn, the time comes for the flowering of wormwood varieties, the pollen of which is a very strong allergen.

The body of an allergic person perceives pollen as hostile penetration and produces a lot of histamine, a hormone that protects against harmful substances. It is because of histamine that unpleasant symptoms appear. Most often, allergies are inherited, that is, there must be a genetic predisposition to it. The disease first makes itself felt between the ages of 10 and 20 years. However, sometimes it manifests itself in very young children, and in other cases it is “silent” for many years.

Additional risk factors are:

  • weak immunity;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • bad habits, especially smoking;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • nutrition poor in nutrients.

In addition, people who are under stress and regularly experience great mental and psychological stress are more susceptible to hay fever. The crazy pace of life, coupled with stress and air pollution, makes city dwellers more likely to suffer from allergies than residents of rural areas. Despite the fact that there are fewer flowering plants in the city.

Hay fever is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching in the nasal passages;
  • sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • itching and redness of the conjunctiva.

A skin rash may occur. Hay fever is also accompanied by headaches, weakness, apathy, suffocation, and itching in the throat. A person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, and his performance decreases.


At the first symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, you should consult a doctor. Firstly, make sure that it is allergic. After all, similar symptoms accompany many viral infections, for example, the same flu. Secondly, to identify the allergen and begin treatment.

During an exacerbation of hay fever, the nasal mucosa and conjunctiva of the eyes are examined. If necessary, a study of mucous secretions and an x-ray of the sinuses is carried out to determine their condition. A blood test is also prescribed.

During remission, it is important to identify the allergen that causes hay fever. To do this, an allergist performs skin tests with pollen and other substances. Possible allergens are applied to a special patch and placed on the patient’s forearm. After a few hours, a reaction occurs, on the basis of which the doctor makes a conclusion.


Treatment of hay fever involves two forms: alleviating the condition during exacerbation and preventing relapses during remission. In the first case, medication is required. Here are the antihistamines prescribed for hay fever:

  1. Antihistamine tablets. There are first and second generations. The former cause drowsiness, apathy, and require taking several times a day. The latter, as a rule, have a prolonged action (one tablet per day is enough) and do not have side symptoms. However, in any case, they should not be abused.
  2. Local medications. This group includes drops - eye and nasal, as well as gels. These drugs may be antihistamines. More often they are made on the basis of cromoglycic acid, a powerful antiallergic agent. Additionally, vasoconstrictors and other drugs may be prescribed.
  3. Local glucocorticoids. These are hormonal drugs - nasal sprays. They relieve inflammation well, while being poorly absorbed into the blood. However, hormonal drugs are addictive, so they are used last.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) allows you to get rid of allergy symptoms for many years. After the doctor uses tests to determine the main allergen, he begins to regularly introduce it in safe doses into the patient’s body. This is done so that the immune system gets used to the presence of this substance and stops reacting to it. Treatment is long, from several months or more. However, after it is carried out, you can forget about the manifestations of allergies for years. Important: such treatment is carried out only outside the period of exacerbation.

Hay fever in children

Timely treatment of hay fever in children is especially important. If you do not pay attention to alarming symptoms, they can develop into asthma in a child. Therefore, it is necessary to relieve the allergic condition in a timely manner.

The main symptoms in children are the same as in adults. This is allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: sneezing, itching in the nose and eyes, swelling. In addition, some babies have more severe allergies. With digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and changes in stool. Rhinoconjunctivitis can develop from allergic to bacterial. In this case, the discharge from the nose and eyes becomes purulent.

It is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. If you confuse hay fever with an acute respiratory infection and self-medicate, there will be no effect. And the wrong medications will also worsen the child’s condition.

It is possible to detect a baby’s predisposition to allergic hay fever before the first symptoms make themselves felt. Children with allergies are especially at risk. Boys are also more likely to get sick than girls. If a child also often develops inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract that do not go away for a long time, it is better to play it safe in advance and consult with an allergist.

When the diagnosis of “allergic hay fever” is confirmed in a child, the main allergen is identified. Unlike adults, this is done not by test samples, but by blood tests. Having discovered the cause, it is important to limit the patient’s contact with the source.

Treatment of hay fever in children with antihistamines differs from treatment in adults only in dosages. Upon reaching eight to nine years of age, a child can undergo ASIT in a slightly different form than an adult. Alternative treatment methods: acupuncture, homeopathy give good results in the treatment of hay fever in children. However, such methods should be started only after consulting a doctor.

How to relieve the condition without drugs

During an exacerbation of hay fever, it is important to limit contact with the allergen. Ideally, go to a place where there is no plant that causes such a reaction, and return when it stops blooming. If this is not possible, then try to go out less often and not travel outside the city or into nature. Especially in dry, windless weather, when the concentration of pollen in the air is high. You can walk during and after rain with almost no danger.

When going outside, you should try to ensure that clothes cover most of the body, especially for children. Sunglasses will be a good idea to reduce the contact of pollen with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Arriving home, you should change into clean clothes, thoroughly wash your face and hands, it is advisable to rinse your nose and gargle with clean water or saline solution. Pollen accumulates in the hair, so during periods of exacerbation it is better to wash it every day and also shower more often.

It is also recommended to frequently wet clean the house, especially if rhinoconjunctivitis is caused not only by pollen, but also, for example, by ordinary dust. But, on the contrary, it is worth ventilating the room as little as possible during the flowering of allergenic plants. It is ideal to do this during and after rain, when all the pollen is “nailed” in drops to the ground. Clothes need to be washed frequently, especially those that are intended to be worn outdoors. You can't dry it outdoors; it's better to do it indoors.

After the period of exacerbation of seasonal hay fever ends, you can return to your previous lifestyle. However, if rhinoconjunctivitis is all-season and is caused not by pollen, but by other allergens, frequent cleaning, washing, and rinsing the nasopharynx should become constant companions of life.

Prevention of hay fever

Prevention of hay fever can be primary and secondary. The purpose of the first is to prevent the onset of the disease if there is a predisposition to it, but symptoms have not yet arisen. The second is needed for those who are already sick with hay fever. The idea is to prevent it from getting worse when hay fever begins. Namely: minimize contact with the allergen, start taking medications on time.

To prevent the disease from occurring, the best prevention is a healthy lifestyle. If you are at risk of allergic hay fever, it is important to stop smoking. Tobacco smoke has a depressing effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The ciliated epithelium changes and is no longer able to retain particles of dust and pollen, preventing them from entering the body.

Alcohol destroys the immune system and reduces the body's ability to resist harmful influences. Strong immunity is important. It will be strengthened not only by the absence of bad habits, but also by physical activity, hardening procedures and proper nutrition.

Seasonal hay fever often causes cross food allergies. A negative reaction is given by products whose proteins are similar in structure to pollen proteins. So, if allergies are caused by tree pollen, then nuts, carrots, apples and other fruits become forbidden foods. If cereal pollen is to blame, it is bread, cereals, muesli, legumes. In the case of weeds, honey, halva, mustard and mayonnaise, and citrus fruits become allergens.

The diet for hay fever, especially during the period of exacerbation (or the possibility of its occurrence), should be built without these products. In general, nutrition should be nutrient-dense and balanced. Vitamin C, which is abundant in bell peppers, strawberries, sorrel, and citrus fruits, will help strengthen the immune system.

Allergic hay fever and accompanying rhinoconjunctivitis are an unpleasant condition, but not fatal. If you lead a healthy lifestyle and take timely measures to avoid illness, then you can live peacefully with it, without denying yourself anything.

What are the causes of the disease? Is it possible to prevent the appearance of negative symptoms? How to treat hay fever in adults and children? The answers are in the article.

  • Hay fever: what is it?
  • Reasons for the development of an allergic reaction
  • Signs and symptoms
  • General rules and methods of treatment
  • Allergen removal
  • Medications
  • Specific immunotherapy
  • Hay fever in children
  • Preventive recommendations

An immediate allergic reaction develops in people who are sensitive to pollen components of certain plants. Seasonality of the disease is a characteristic sign of hay fever: lacrimation, damage to the conjunctiva, cough and runny nose appear during the flowering period of poplar, ragweed, wormwood, and quinoa.

The name “hay fever” was not given to the allergic reaction by chance: it affects not only the respiratory tract, eyes, and nasal passages, which are in direct contact with the allergen, but also other organs. In severe cases of spring catarrh, Quincke's edema develops, negative reactions appear on the skin, and sometimes internal organs swell.

The ICD code for hay fever is J30–J39 (disease block “Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract”).

ICD-10 is used in international practice for clear systematization and analysis of diseases.

The disease develops when the body is oversensitized to the action of a tiny irritant - pollen from wind-pollinated plants. The size of the allergen is no more than 0.04 mm; inhalation or contact of the smallest particles on the conjunctiva, nasal passages, and oral mucosa is sufficient to penetrate the body.

Learn about the common symptoms of cat allergies in children and how to treat your body's reaction.

For instructions for use and dosage of Suprastin in ampoules for children of different ages, see this page.

Process Features:

  • the reason for the active action of pollen is “permeability factors” that facilitate the introduction of microscopic elements into areas of the epithelium;
  • after the development of a local inflammatory process, soluble allergic components quickly penetrate into the blood, enter different parts of the body, firmly attach to mast cells, and provoke the release of serotonin and histamine;
  • the result is an active reaction of the body in the form of spasms of smooth muscles, swelling of the mucous membranes, abundant production of mucus, and difficulty breathing;
  • no more than a third of an hour passes from contact with pollen to the development of clear symptoms;
  • with increased sensitization and weak immunity, manifestations of allergies in various parts of the body, including internal organs, are often added.

The tendency to have a negative reaction to plant pollen is often inherited. A genetically determined disease is highly likely to develop in more than half of children if the father and mother are diagnosed with hay fever.

Pollen bronchial asthma, as the allergic disease is often called by people, is often confused with a cold. In late spring - early summer and from August to mid-September, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and other colds are diagnosed less frequently, but not all patients know the signs of hay fever and allergies are rarely suspected.

Without consulting a doctor, it is difficult to choose the right treatment method. Cough tablets and syrups do not help; a runny nose cannot be cured even with the help of high-quality sprays and drops with an active therapeutic effect. Patients are confused; they do not understand why the symptoms of a cold do not go away. The reason is simple - it is an allergic reaction; other methods of therapy are needed.

How to recognize hay fever? Main symptoms:

  • redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • copious discharge from the nasal passages, liquid, transparent mucus;
  • irritability;
  • coughing attacks, in severe cases suffocation develops;
  • redness of the epidermis, allergic rash;
  • sore throat.

If symptoms reminiscent of a cold appear, it is important to visit a physician in time. If the doctor suspects that a persistent runny nose or cough with attacks of suffocation are signs of pollen bronchial asthma, he will definitely refer you for a consultation with an allergist. Using special tests, after a conversation with the patient, the doctor will determine the type of allergy and prescribe comprehensive treatment.

On a note! Hay fever has a strong seasonal character; symptoms appear from the beginning of flowering of plants until the end of this period. From October to April, allergy patients suffering from a reaction to pollen do not experience noticeable discomfort.

Allergen removal

Lack of contact with plant pollen is a prerequisite for reducing or completely disappearing negative symptoms. Often, after weeding a flower garden or fighting ragweed near the house, attacks of pollen bronchial asthma stop.

Sometimes pollen exposure cannot be stopped by landscaping an area or city with allergenic plants. What to do? You will have to leave the populated area during flowering.

Some patients do not have this option. You need to adapt to living near allergenic trees or flowers.

How to proceed:

  • leave the house less often on a sunny, windy day;
  • close windows;
  • ventilate the apartment during rain, when pollen settles down and is not carried by the wind;
  • use air purifiers;
  • do not go out into nature;
  • do wet cleaning indoors more often;
  • wear a medical mask outside;
  • avoid contact with plants that have similar allergic effects;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor to prevent allergic reactions. The best option is long-acting tablets. Syrup or drops are suitable for children.

Taking modern medications allows patients to lead a normal lifestyle and experience less discomfort from seasonal allergies. Antihistamine compounds belonging to the third and fourth generation do not cause drowsiness, and the negative effect is minimal. Taking many medications does not interfere with work and study, concentration is maintained, there are no delayed reactions, and driving is allowed.

Effective drugs for the rapid elimination of symptoms of Quincke's edema, allergic dermatoses, conjunctivitis, rhinitis:

  • Terfenadine.
  • Loratadine.
  • Astemizole.

Components of topical glucocorticosteroids with high anti-inflammatory activity stop sneezing, unblock the nasal passages, and reduce itching. Potent drugs are allowed to be used only as prescribed by an allergist. Glucocorticosteroids are recommended for severe forms of seasonal rhinitis. For allergic conjunctivitis, combination medications show a positive effect.

Drugs with anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Flucticasone.
  • Garazon.
  • Beclamethasone.
  • Triamcinolone.

Important! The selection of medications for seasonal allergies is carried out only by an experienced doctor. It’s not always possible to find the best option the first time, but you can’t stop trying. The pharmaceutical industry offers many antihistamine formulations for patients of different ages. Most allergy sufferers find “their” drug after a while and successfully use the medicine throughout the flowering period of dangerous plants.

Specific immunotherapy

One of the effective methods of therapy, the duration of treatment using SIT is from three to five years. The essence of the method is to rebuild the patient’s immune system so that the body stops perceiving pollen as an allergen.

Features of the method:

  • the patient receives small doses of the irritant subcutaneously, the immune response is adjusted, and with each new portion the pollen irritates the body less and less;
  • gradually the allergic reaction disappears or the manifestations are very weak and do not cause serious inconvenience in everyday life;
  • the dosage and method of administration (subcutaneously, sublingually or into the nasal passages) are chosen by the allergist. The treatment is long-term, regular visits to a specialist are required, you should not miss an appointment, you need to adjust the dose in time in case of an acute reaction;
  • During treatment, complications are possible: skin itching, redness at the site of pollen injection, tissue swelling.
  • If the rules are strictly followed, most patients almost completely forget about such an unpleasant disease as seasonal allergies. Of course, there are also failures: it is important to remember that none of the methods provides a 100% guarantee of a cure, especially if you have chronic diseases or live in areas with poor ecology.

How to treat an allergic cough? Look at the list of medications and recipes for folk remedies.

Find out what acute urticaria looks like in children and how to treat an allergic reaction from this article.

High sensitivity to pollen often provokes the following upper respiratory tract lesions in young allergy sufferers:

  • tracheitis. The main symptom is a painful, “barking”, dry cough;
  • allergic pharyngitis. Granularity of the pharynx, itching and sore throat, cough without sputum discharge;
  • laryngitis. The voice is hoarse, the child is periodically tormented by a cough, and expectoration is difficult.

Weak children show skin signs of seasonal allergies:

  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • atopic and contact dermatitis.

With a severe reaction to pollen, diseases of the internal organs develop:

  • hepatitis;
  • colitis;
  • cystitis;
  • myocarditis.

With hay fever in children, seizures or Meniere's syndrome are rarely recorded. An aggravated reaction to pollen in young patients, just like in adults, manifests itself in the summer.

Treatment is carried out with antihistamines, drugs from the glucocorticosteroid group, taking into account age. You cannot give a small allergy sufferer the same compounds that your neighbor’s child takes: the body’s reaction is individual, and dangerous manifestations are possible, especially before one year of age. When treating infants, it is recommended to mix the drops with mother's milk or formula to reduce the risk of side effects.

It is important to choose the appropriate form of medication. For example, the drug Zodak for allergies has three varieties: drops, tablets and medicinal syrup, but up to two years only drops are allowed to be used.

Allergists offer several preventive measures to prevent hay fever or reduce the risk of developing the disease. Some actions are available to a specific person; to eliminate other factors, the participation of sanitary services and green management workers is required.

Doctors distinguish two types of prevention:

  • primary. The task is to prevent negative reactions and remove harmful factors. Beneficial actions: hardening the body, rational nutrition, reasonable physical activity, limiting contact with allergens. Greening populated areas with non-allergenic plants and controlling weeds, especially ragweed, is the task of public utilities;
  • secondary. Responsibility lies with the patient and the allergist observing a patient diagnosed with hay fever. Objectives: reduce negative symptoms during seasonal exacerbations or prevent their occurrence, prescribe and take a course of medications in a timely manner that reduce the influence of allergens.

Hay fever is quite difficult to overcome; many patients visit an allergist for many years, monitor the course of the disease, and adapt to life complicated by seasonal allergies. When selecting optimal medications and following all recommendations for the patient, negative signs appear with less force. The use of specific immunotherapy in the absence of contraindications increases the chances of cure. Patience, a positive attitude towards the result, and trust in the doctor improve the outcome of therapy.

Next video. Elena Malysheva and the TV show “Live Healthy” about the manifestations and treatment of hay fever:

Due to the deteriorating environmental situation, the number of patients with allergies is growing every day. The most common disease is hay fever, which can cause painful allergy symptoms in both adults and young children.

In different countries, it affects up to 30% of the population. To deal with the problem, you need to know what hay fever is and how to eliminate its manifestations or reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory reaction. Let's look at this in more detail.

Hay fever(the second name is seasonal allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis) is a group of allergic diseases that occur seasonally and are characterized by acute allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, and less often of the skin. Sometimes the pathological process can affect other organs and systems (allergic gastritis, cystitis, etc.).

Some sources call this disease hay fever. This name is a tribute to the historical past. When this disease was first described, doctors believed that its development was associated with the influence of hay. It has now been established that hay plays virtually no role in the development of the disease, and fever practically does not occur with this pathology.

The cause of hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen from various plants. There are several groups of allergenic plants: cereals, weeds and trees.

The incidence and exacerbation of the disease occurs during the flowering period of these plants:

  • first wave (April-May). During this period, active flowering of trees is observed. The most common causes of an allergic reaction are: poplar, hazel, birch and alder pollen;
  • second wave (beginning of summer). Cereal plants begin to bloom. One of the most active allergens is rye and wheat. This type of disease occurs mainly in rural residents;
  • third wave (late summer-early autumn). Weeds (quinoa, timothy, wormwood, etc.) actively produce pollen.

Sensitization to a particular type of pollen depends largely on geographic location. So in the USA, allergies to ragweed are more common, and in the south of Russia to sunflower and corn.

In addition, the following factors are important in the development of the disease:

  • family history of allergies;
  • birth trauma and infectious diseases in young children;
  • unhealthy diet and bad habits;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • geographic climate and month of birth (children born in regions with abundant pollen activity during the spring and summer months are more likely to develop hay fever);
  • harmful industrial and domestic conditions.

Pollen allergies can present with a variety of symptoms. The most common signs of pathology are:

Allergic rhinitis. This form of the disease is accompanied by:

  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion and swelling;
  • clear mucous discharge;
  • decreased or loss of sense of smell;
  • constant sneezing;
  • stuffy ears.

Allergic conjunctivitis. The patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • discomfort and pain in the eyes.

A combination of the two previous forms - rhinoconjunctivitis
Bronchial asthma. Occurs in 20-30% of patients. Its common symptoms:

  • cough;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • shortness of breath at rest and during exercise;
  • wheezing in the lungs, rapid breathing and tachycardia.

Skin manifestations of the disease:

  • such as various rashes;
  • itchy skin;
  • hives;
  • swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes.

Rare manifestations of hay fever also include:

disorders of the digestive tract and damage to the genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, etc.).

All these manifestations of the disease are characterized by one common feature - they develop exclusively in the same season, have a favorable course and respond well to treatment with antihistamines.

Important! Often, an allergy to pollen of certain plants is combined with a food allergy to certain foods. So, if a patient is allergic to wormwood, then he often develops an allergy to potatoes, sunflower oil and seeds. Such patients need to use allergenic foods like honey with caution and it is better not to be treated with herbal medicine.

In pregnant women, hay fever often develops against the background of hormonal changes in the body, especially when the first trimester of pregnancy occurs during the flowering season of plants.

The disease manifests itself in various forms, but usually pregnant women are bothered by a runny nose and eye problems. Severe attacks of bronchial asthma develop less frequently.

Pregnant patients are prescribed to adhere to the regimen and, if necessary, medications are selected. Cases have been recorded in which, after childbirth, hay fever was cured on its own and in the future did not remind of itself with a single symptom. Most likely, this is due to the normalization of hormonal levels.

to the content?

Hay fever can occur in a child of any age, but the disease most often occurs in children 4-8 years old. Early onset of the disease is observed in children who had diathesis or atopic dermatitis in early childhood. Hay fever is more common in bottle-fed children than in breastfed children. In addition, diseases during pregnancy and infection during childbirth are important. Males get sick more often than females.

In children, the disease manifests itself as allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or a combination thereof. A runny nose is accompanied by sneezing, nasal congestion and mucous clear discharge. Conjunctivitis begins with discomfort and itching in the area of ​​the eyeballs, then lacrimation, pain and pain in the eyes. When these two syndromes are combined, the baby may experience increased fatigue and drowsiness. The child begins to sleep poorly and loses weight.

Bronchial asthma as a manifestation of hay fever in children is quite rare. This form usually occurs together with other variants of the disease and is accompanied by chest discomfort, asthma attacks and a dry cough.

Skin manifestations of hay fever develop more often in children than in adults. This may be urticaria with various elements of a rash, skin itching or Quincke-type edema. Allergic contact dermatitis is rare.

In children, the pathology is accompanied by pronounced changes in the nervous system, since children are more emotional and unstable. They become capricious, whiny, irritated for no reason, their sleep and appetite are disturbed. Against this background, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels may occasionally be recorded. Sometimes there are problems with the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Diagnosis of hay fever occurs in several stages:

The history of a small patient is studied. To do this, the child himself and his parents are interviewed. They focus on the connection of the disease with the time of year and the flowering season of dust plants. The child is examined by various specialists: ENT, ophthalmologist and others.

The probability of hay fever is high with the following anamnestic data:

  • allergies in parents and close relatives;
  • the disease and its symptoms occur once a year during the flowering period of plants;
  • at other times there are no signs of the disease.

Based on the data received suggest a diagnosis of hay fever.

For this purpose, various methods are used:

  • skin tests. Do not carry out during the period of exacerbation of the disease and in children under 3 years of age. Before the study, the patient should not take hormonal or antihistamine medications.
  • determination of specific immunoglobulin E in blood serum;
  • immunoblotting. The air panel includes the most common pollen allergens, such as birch, alder, poplar, ragweed, wormwood, etc.
  • provocative tests. They are used only in hospital settings for patients with complex diagnoses. Practically not used in childhood.

At the last stage, the doctor assesses the severity of the disease (mild, moderate or severe) and develops an individual treatment regimen for the patient separately for the period of exacerbation and remission.

Approaches to treating the disease depend on the severity and manifestations of hay fever. Various tablets and medications are used to eliminate symptoms.

To eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis and nasal congestion, various drops and sprays are used:

hormonal (Avamys, etc.). Use a week before flowering so that the effect of the hormone can accumulate and manifest itself in full. Use for a month. Can be used in children after the age of three. They do not have a systemic effect on the body;

decongestants (vasoconstrictors). Used in emergency situations when it is completely impossible to breathe. Use no more than a week. Many sprays and drops with different active ingredients and dosages have been developed for children and adults (Sanorin, Nazol-baby, etc.);

antihistamine drops (Vibrocil, Allergodil). The composition includes a local antihistamine, which effectively eliminates the manifestations of allergic rhinitis. Use for about 2 weeks;

sprays and washes based on sea water. They remove part of the allergen from the nasal mucosa, partially relieve swelling and wash out mucus from the nose. Used in children of any age, pregnant and lactating women.

You can relieve eye symptoms using drops and ointments:

  • rinsing with decoctions of antiseptic herbs: chamomile baths, rinsing with calendula decoction, etc.);
  • hormonal ointments (prednisolone, etc.) relieve inflammation and relieve itching;
  • eye allergy drops (Lecrolin, etc.);
  • when an infection occurs, use eye drops with an antibiotic (Sofradex).

For severe itching and rash use:

  • antihistamine ointments (Fenistil);
  • hormonal ointments (hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • baths and lotions with decoctions of antipruritic herbs (oak bark, chamomile).

Local remedies are used only for mild cases of the disease, or as part of complex therapy. Antihistamines are used as a systemic treatment for allergies. These drugs block the release of histamine and prevent the allergic inflammatory reaction from starting.

To treat hay fever, antihistamines of various generations are used:

  • I-th ( Tavegil and others.). The main side effects are sedation and severe drowsiness. They work for 6 hours. A side effect in the form of dry mucous membranes can have a positive effect in the treatment of a runny nose with copious discharge;
  • II ( Loratadine and others.). The main group of drugs for the treatment of hay fever. They act quickly and for a long time. These tablets have a negative effect on the heart, which must be taken into account in patients with problems in this area. Do not cause a hypnotic effect;
  • III-e ( Tsetrin and others.). Deprived of most of the side effects of the two previous groups. They act for a long time and gently.

Systemic hormones in the treatment of the disease can be used to relieve attacks of bronchial asthma (intravenously or inhaled). In addition, hormones are indicated for severe hay fever, accompanied by the development of life-threatening conditions, for example, Quincke's edema.

Specific immunotherapy can have a good effect in the treatment of hay fever when the causative allergen is accurately identified. It is carried out in courses outside of exacerbation (late autumn, winter or early spring).

Primary prevention is aimed at preventing people at risk from developing hay fever. For this we recommend:

  • balanced diet;
  • normal sleep and rest patterns;
  • living in ecologically clean areas;
  • planning pregnancy at a certain time of the year (outside the flowering season);
  • choosing a place to live taking into account plants and trees (avoid allergenic plants in the immediate vicinity of housing).

If the patient is already sick with hay fever, then secondary prevention comes into force, aimed at preventing the deterioration of his condition and alleviating the symptoms of the disease. Recommendations for patients with this type of allergy:

  1. Limiting or eliminating contact with the allergen, up to moving to another region during the flowering season;
  2. Control of dust and pollen content in living quarters. The use of vacuum cleaners with hepa filters, humidifiers and other air purifying devices.
  3. Limiting outdoor visits during the period when allergenic plants are active.
  4. Regular showering and rinsing your nose after coming from outside.
  5. Hypoallergenic diet. It has been proven that with hay fever, cross-allergy to certain foods occurs. For example, with an allergy to birch pollen, a cross-reaction to apples and nuts often develops.
  6. The patient and his relatives need to be taught the treatment regimen during exacerbation and prevention during remission.
  7. Do not plan operations and trips during the flowering period of plants and do not travel outside the city or into nature at this time.

Question: What is nasal hay fever and how does this disease manifest itself? Answer: Hay fever is an allergic disease caused by pollen from various plants. The disease manifests itself in the nasal cavity with rhinitis, congestion, swelling and clear watery discharge from the nose, as well as constant sneezing. Question: What does the diagnosis of “allergic hay fever” mean? Answer: This is the wrong term, since hay fever is an allergy to pollen, so there is no need to use the word allergic, because hay fever is not just non-allergic. Question: Can such seasonal allergies develop into bronchial asthma or not? Answer: Yes, there is such a possibility; 20-30% of patients with hay fever develop bronchial asthma of an allergic nature. Therefore, the disease needs to be monitored, prevented and treated in a timely manner.

Hay fever- These are allergic diseases caused by the body's reaction to pollen from various plants. Its symptoms cause many problems for both adults and children. Various groups of medications are used for treatment.

Hay fever (code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10) is one of the most common allergic diseases and occurs in 2-20% of the world's population. The first official information about this disease appeared back in 1819. The disease was initially called hay fever, as hay was thought to be the cause of its occurrence.

Hay fever in children occurs a little differently than in adults: the main symptoms differ. There are several thousand plant species on our planet, but only about 50 of them have pollen, which causes hay fever. Hay fever is a seasonal disease that affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. The pollen of all plants has allergenic activity, which is why after contact with it, sensitive people prone to allergic reactions develop this disease (ICD 10).

After contact with an allergen - pollen, an inflammatory process begins on the nasal mucosa. Pollen particles settle on the mucous surface of the respiratory tract, causing the following symptoms:

  • frequent sneezing,
  • allergic rhinitis,
  • swelling in the nose (impossible to breathe through one or both nostrils),
  • itching of the palate, eyes, nose,
  • increased salivation,
  • tearfulness.

Hay fever - an allergic reaction to pollen

Also, the patient gradually begins to show general symptoms of the disease (ICD 10):

  • irritability,
  • increased fatigue,
  • loss of appetite,
  • sleep problems,
  • depressive state.

It is very important to distinguish the signs of hay fever from a common cold in time, since the principles of treatment for these ailments are different.

First, the patient begins to sneeze; a person can sneeze up to 10 times in a row. This is how pollen affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. While the allergen is in effect, the patient is also bothered by a runny nose. Usually, blowing your nose does not help ease nasal breathing, since nasal congestion occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane.

The duration and severity of allergies (ICD 10) depends on the individual characteristics of the body: for some it can manifest as a mild allergic runny nose, and for some people hay fever significantly spoils the quality of life for a week or more.

If the allergen reacts with the mucous membrane of the eyes, inflammation and severe swelling occur. As a result, the eyes become inflamed, red, baked, and the patient is bothered by constant tearing.

In rare cases, hay fever leads to quite serious consequences:

  1. Bronchial asthma.
  2. Quincke's edema.

Also, during seasonal flowering, allergic dermatitis worsens and urticaria appears on the skin.

Hay fever in children manifests itself differently than in adults:

  • In preschool children, hay fever occurs almost unnoticed. The only symptom is severe congestion in the ears, which can sometimes lead to temporary hearing loss,
  • in some children the allergy manifests itself only as conjunctivitis,
  • for the rest - a runny nose and frequent sneezing,
  • In rare cases, seasonal allergies can manifest as attacks of bronchial asthma.

Main signs of the disease


If you suspect that you or your child has hay fever, the first step is to rule out diseases with similar symptoms. You need to make an appointment with a therapist or allergist.

If the doctor confirms the diagnosis (ICD 10), the next step will be to determine the source of the allergy. To effectively treat hay fever, it is necessary to find out which plant pollen caused the allergic reaction. This can be done using special tests that accurately determine which type of plant your body is allergic to.

It is best to carry out such tests in winter, when there is no irritating factor and the body does not receive medications to treat allergies. It is in this case that the results of this study will be most reliable.

Allergen determination is carried out using 2 methods:

  • injection,
  • prick test.

Diagnosis of hay fever

The test is carried out as follows:

  • The doctor makes several small scratches on one of the patient's forearms.
  • Drops of preparations containing high concentrations of various allergen plants are applied to them.
  • Such solutions can be administered under the skin by injection.
  • After some time (about 20 minutes), the doctor determines by the size of the scratches which allergen the body reacts to most.

But children undergo such tests only from the age of five. For younger children, an alternative method is used - a blood test for antibodies, which are produced by the body in response to exposure to allergen pollen. The same method is used to diagnose hay fever in pregnant women.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure hay fever once and for all. Treatment comes down to alleviating the patient’s suffering - this is symptomatic therapy. Since the allergy is seasonal and occurs due to pollen, it goes away after the plants stop blooming.

To treat hay fever, doctors most often prescribe the following medications:

Loratadine is an antihistamine that helps treat

You need to know this

To alleviate your condition during the flowering period of plants, follow these useful recommendations:

  1. Avoid country walks. The further you get from the pollen source, the better you will feel. Wait until the allergenic plants bloom, and only then go to the barbecue.
  2. Remember that in windy weather the concentration of pollen in the air is maximum.
  3. Try to walk in cloudy weather or after rain: at this time, all pollen is washed away by water, and there is practically no pollen in the air.
  4. Do wet cleaning at home and humidify the air as often as possible.
  5. You will have to change your diet a little while you are sick. Exclude from your menu:
    • chicken meat, eggs,
    • apples, pears, plums,
    • bee products,
    • products with food coloring.

What is the danger of hay fever for people?

During the flowering period, plants and trees release pollen, which contains proteins. If there are no disorders in the human body, then plant pollen is retained in the nasal cavity by mucus and then removed. When the immune system malfunctions, the protective barrier is destroyed. Foreign proteins, thanks to the special molecular structure of pollen, penetrate into the upper layers of the mucous membranes of the nose.

In response to the invasion of a foreign protein, the immune system produces antibodies, which it then directs to the site of the “attack.” As a result, foreign substances are broken down, and the body’s own cells also suffer. An inflammatory reaction begins, which changes the composition of the blood. It is for this reason that the disease manifests itself as a complex of symptoms indicating disruption of the functioning of various organs and tissues, and not just the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Even the organs of the lower respiratory system, which do not have direct contact with the allergen, are involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms appear within 10-15 minutes after contact with the allergen, and an immediate allergic reaction occurs.

Hay fever can occur at any age, regardless of a person’s gender. Children are most susceptible to the disease, the reason lies in the weakness of the immune system. If measures are not taken in time, hay fever progresses. With age, this will manifest itself as more pronounced symptoms, and an allergic reaction to those antigens that previously did not cause an inflammatory process is possible. A person who suffers from an allergy to ragweed pollen in his youth may also react painfully to birch pollen in adulthood.

Doctors find it difficult to say why the immune system at some point stops functioning normally. Therefore, the primary factor is unknown. There is a suspicion that genetic abnormalities play a leading role. This theory is supported by the high likelihood of developing hay fever in children whose parents suffered from this form of allergy.

A secondary factor is pollen from plants and trees. It is small in size, appears during flowering and is easily transported by the wind, including landing on human mucous membranes. The most potent allergen is pollen from the following trees and plants:

  • ambrosia
  • poplars
  • birch trees
  • sunflower
  • wormwood

A number of factors have also been identified that weaken the body’s protective barriers, thereby facilitating the introduction of pollen elements into the mucous membranes. The most dangerous are infectious diseases and polluted atmosphere. It has been established that children born in the city during the flowering period of trees have an increased risk of developing the disease.

Hay fever is a seasonal and recurrent disease. In most cases, the exacerbation stage alternates with remission every year. In more rare cases, an allergic reaction occurs once every two years.

Most often, sick people complain of the following symptoms:

  • severe runny nose
  • eye inflammation
  • itching and burning at the beginning of the nasal passages
  • repeated sneezing
  • tearfulness

These are the first symptoms of hay fever, occurring 20 minutes after contact with the allergen. Then the pathological process spreads to other tissues and after 5-6 hours the clinical picture becomes more obvious. For example, if the bronchial mucosa is affected, signs of bronchial asthma appear. People complain of attacks of severe coughing, choking, burning in the throat and chest.

In most cases, symptoms disappear after the trees bloom. After just a few weeks, swelling subsides, breathing and vision are restored, and heart function returns to normal.

First of all, the patient must be protected from contact with the allergen. If possible, it is better to move to another region, and if this is not possible, you need to stay indoors and not open the windows. For most people, this measure leads to the disappearance of symptoms.

If the signs of hay fever are not eliminated or the person is unable to stay in the apartment for weeks, the doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment. Currently, the following drugs are used to combat hay fever:

  • cromohexal
  • aldecine
  • nasonex

Currently, specific immunotherapy is widely used to treat hay fever. In this case, a person who has a hypersensitive reaction to allergens is given medications that reduce sensitivity to irritants. The course of treatment ranges from three to five years. The drugs can be administered subcutaneously or applied to the nasal mucosa.

An alternative method of restoring the functioning of the immune system is the use of products containing transfer factors. These are molecules consisting of amino acids that carry immune information. Strengthening the cells of the immune system occurs due to the introduction into the body of molecules containing the correct data. They seem to “teach” the immune cells the desired reaction.

Among the immunocorrector products, the 4Life Research line with the logical name Transfer Factor stands out. To combat allergic reactions and prevent hay fever, it is recommended to use TF Classic and Protein PRO-TF.

Transfer Factor Classic is a classic immunocorrector that specifically improves the body's protective functions. When identifying the presence of infections or viruses in the body, as well as after previous illnesses, to prevent hay fever, it is recommended to use a product with a higher content of transfer factor molecules - TF Advance.

As a result of this adjustment, the immune system better recognizes pathogenic microorganisms and quickly responds to a potential threat. In the future, the immune system will “remember” the attacking pests and will not allow their activation. As a result, an allergic reaction to irritants will be excluded.

Protein PRO-TF will also be an indispensable product for symptoms of allergic reactions. Due to its protein and amino acid composition, the body will be completely balanced in proteins and will not react to proteins that cause allergies. An ideal program for restoring the proper functioning of the body's defenses. Life without allergies kit.

There are often cases of complete recovery of people suffering from hay fever after taking immunocorrectors. Immune correctors should act as an auxiliary agent. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Are you looking forward to spring with horror? At a time when all people are enjoying the blossoming of nature and warm days, are you spending time at home, in the company of a handkerchief and cold medicine? Most likely, you are a victim of so-called seasonal allergies or hay fever.

Hay fever. This disease is one of the most common in both adults and children. Hay fever in children is the most widespread type of allergic disease. Hay fever is a disease of an allergic nature and, as a rule, has a chronic form. Hay fever symptoms have the following:

  • Allergic inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, which is caused by exposure to plant pollen.
  • Seasonal runny nose that begins when certain plants are in flower.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.

Despite the widespread prevalence of this disease, unfortunately, it is often not diagnosed, or is diagnosed untimely. And timely diagnosis is very important - after all, it is much easier to take preventive measures and prevent the development of the disease than to subsequently fight it in its advanced form.

Doctors very often mistake undiagnosed hay fever for a viral disease at best, for which they prescribe antiviral drugs that are absolutely useless for allergic reactions. In the worst case, doctors diagnose the patient with some kind of inflammatory disease and prescribe antibiotics for treatment. Antibiotics in this case will bring nothing but harm to the body.

It is most difficult for young children in this regard. As you know, most allergists only see children over two to three years of age. And hay fever often occurs in one-year-old babies. And if the attending physician, a pediatrician, who is observing the baby, turns out to be insufficiently experienced and does not understand the reason for the baby’s ailment, taking unnecessary and sometimes dangerous drugs for the body is almost inevitable. That is why all parents should have at least a general idea of ​​what hay fever is, the causes of its occurrence and its symptoms.

If parents have this information, they will be able to understand in time what is happening to their baby and consult an allergist. By doing this, they will provide an invaluable service to their baby. Unrecognized hay fever can lead to quite serious complications - a chronic allergic reaction of the body to a certain allergen, weakened immunity, and even the development of such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as bronchial asthma.

Causes of hay fever

Hay fever begins to develop if the human body sharply increases its sensitization to the pollen of one or more plants typical of the climate zone in which the sick person lives. Sensitization is the body's sensitivity to the effects that any environmental factor has on it.

If we take the most average data as a basis, in Russia there are three periods of flowering of the main plants, which most often lead to the development of allergic reactions in humans, in particular, cause hay fever:

  • The spring flowering period begins in April – May. During this period, trees and shrubs such as hazel, oak, alder, birch and others begin to bloom.
  • The summer flowering period begins in June - July. At this time, cereal grasses, such as wheatgrass, timothy, fescue, bluegrass and other common plants, are actively blooming.
  • The period of summer - autumn flowering occurs in late August - September. At this time, the flowering of those plants that belong to the gonoceae or Asteraceae family occurs - ragweed, quinoa, wormwood.

During the period of active flowering of plants, pollen can spread very, very widely. This is due to the fact that pollen is tiny in size, released in huge quantities and is easily carried by the wind for many kilometers around the plant itself. If a person is prone to allergic diseases and hay fever, upon contact with pollen he will immediately feel a significant deterioration in his health.

However, often hay fever can manifest itself to varying degrees of severity even outside the flowering period of plants - for example, in autumn or winter. In this case, be sure to try to find the cause - a provoking factor that has an extremely negative effect on the human body. This factor can be almost anything: strong odors of paint, household chemicals, perfumes, smoke and even extremely low air temperatures - the so-called cold allergy.

Many sick people are trying to find an answer to the question of why someone suffers from allergic reactions, while others are completely immune to them. In fact, genetics and heredity play a huge role in transmitting the tendency to allergic reactions.

A person most often inherits the genes responsible for allergies from his father or mother, and sometimes from both at once. If only one of the parents suffered from a tendency to allergic reactions, the chances of inheriting a similar gene are approximately 25%. But if both parents suffered from allergies, the chances rapidly increase to 50-60%

Development of hay fever

Hay fever develops according to the following standard scheme. Pollen penetrates through the respiratory tract and settles on the mucous membrane of the lungs and the respiratory tract itself. Pollen also enters and remains on the mucous membrane of the eye and the eyeball itself. In the body, immediately after pollen penetrates into it, the process of recognizing the allergen starts. The cells of the immune system are responsible for this process. They immediately begin to produce antibodies (protective bodies) that act overwhelmingly on the foreign agent. It is this process that allergists call the process of sensitization.

A similar mechanism of the body’s developing tendency to allergic reactions, if the child has a predisposition, can begin at almost any age of the child. To start such a mechanism, as a rule, a very small amount of pollen is enough.

Outwardly, such a sensitization process does not manifest itself with absolutely any symptoms or signs. Often, several months or even one year pass from the first contact with an allergen to the clinical manifestation of signs of an allergic disease.

For example, a child came into contact with ragweed pollen. If a child is predisposed to allergic reactions, a process will immediately begin in his body in which the child’s immune system recognizes a foreign agent, in this case, ragweed pollen.

After this, the body will immediately begin to produce protective substances - antibodies, which will remain in the child’s body until the next contact - next year - with ragweed pollen. And then parents can observe the development of hay fever in all its “glory.” This process is called the “resolution” process and is the final phase in the development of allergic hay fever.

This is why parents are often perplexed as to why allergies occur for no apparent reason, and to those allergens to which the child has never been allergic before. In fact, all this time a process of sensitization was occurring in the child’s body, which turned into an allergy.

Symptoms of hay fever

Speaking about the symptoms of hay fever, the first thing that needs to be noted is the fact that hay fever is most often an exclusively seasonal disease that recurs cyclically, every year, during the active flowering phase of certain plants. Hay fever always proceeds quite typically and an experienced allergist will not have any difficulty diagnosing the disease in a timely manner.

As a rule, hay fever allergy has the following symptoms:

  • A sick person begins to have conjunctivitis of allergic origin. There is redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, itching, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and photophobia.
  • Simultaneously with conjunctivitis, a sick person develops an allergic runny nose, accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, itching and burning in the nose, and the release of copious transparent contents.
  • Sneezing.

As a result of swelling of the nasopharynx, hearing and smell can often be significantly reduced, and very often sick people complain of severe headaches. All these symptoms of hay fever are most strongly and fully expressed in the morning. This fact is explained by the fact that it is in the morning hours that the level of pollen in the air is highest.

The most important difference between hay fever and a banal acute respiratory infection is the absence of hyperthermia. The body temperature of a sick person almost never rises above the physiological norm. If a sick person has hay fever, during his examination the doctor will not notice the redness of the mucous membrane of the throat and enlargement of the submandibular and ear lymph nodes typical of acute respiratory infections.

If a person suffering from hay fever exhibits the above symptoms, this indicates an additional respiratory disease. As a rule, the combined course of these two diseases significantly increases the severity of the course and reduces the effectiveness of treatment for each of them. Antiviral drugs significantly reduce the effect of antihistamines on the human body.

The most severe form of hay fever is considered to be the hay fever that accompanies bronchial asthma, which has an allergic nature of the disease. This form of asthma is accompanied by allergic conjunctivitis and runny nose. During the flowering period of plants, a sick person experiences more frequent attacks of suffocation than usual.

In the event that a person suffers from bronchial asthma coupled with allergic hay fever, attacks of hay fever occur a little differently and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The person may experience severe headaches
  • Increased irritability and even tearfulness may also occur.
  • Weakness, sweating, chills.
  • Increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.
  • A sick person experiences a feeling of increased fatigue.

Diagnosis of hay fever

If you suspect that you or your loved ones are faced with a disease such as seasonal hay fever, the first thing you need to do is contact your doctor to rule out acute respiratory diseases or diseases that are inflammatory in nature, for example, acute bronchitis or pneumonia.

If other diseases are excluded, you need to see an allergist-immunologist. In large cities, it is available in children's clinics; residents of small towns, as a rule, are forced to go to regional centers in multidisciplinary medical institutions.

If the sick person is a child, the first stage of the examination includes a detailed survey of the parents about the child’s development and what diseases he suffered from. Next, both adults and children take a blood test and the contents of the nasal mucosa for laboratory testing.

The next step will be to determine which pollen is an allergen for a particular person. The most optimal time for conducting allergy tests is winter, when the irritating factor - in this case, pollen - is absent, and medications do not enter the body of a sick person. This allows you to get a more reliable picture of the disease, not “blurred” by taking pharmacological drugs.

During testing for various allergens, the level of class E immunoglobulins in the blood is determined - these are proteins of the immune system that perform a protective function in the body. Almost all allergy testing techniques are most often performed on an outpatient basis. As a rule, either children or people with exacerbation of bronchial asthma are hospitalized.

Allergy tests

Most often, allergists use prick tests or prick tests to determine the allergen. These tests are also carried out only in winter, at least two weeks after stopping taking medications that have an antiallergic effect.

These tests are carried out as follows. Several scratches are made on the forearm, on top of which drops of drugs are applied, which contain a high concentration of various allergens. Or these allergens can be administered by subcutaneous injection. After about 20 minutes, the doctor assesses the size of each scratch, based on which the allergen is identified. The larger the size of the red spot at the site of application of the allergen, the stronger the allergic reaction to this allergen.

However, despite the fact that these tests are the most reliable, they are used only in children over five years of age. For younger children, doctors recommend an alternative research method - a specific blood test aimed at determining the content of protein antibodies that the immune system produces in response to exposure to a particular pollen. A similar research method is carried out at any time throughout the year, without regard to the patient’s health condition and the pharmacological medications he is taking. For young children, this is the only opportunity to diagnose an allergic disease and identify the allergen. Hay fever during pregnancy is most often diagnosed in a similar way.

Treatment of hay fever

Hay fever is a seasonal allergy; treatment is also carried out during the period of exacerbation. However, the most effective measure is to prevent seasonal allergies. Try to completely eliminate contact of a sick person with the allergen. If possible, a person needs to leave his region during the flowering of certain plants. This could be a trip to a pioneer camp, to visit grandma, or on vacation.

If this is not possible, the following measures must be taken:

  • Completely avoid country walks during the flowering of plants that cause allergic reactions. Remember that a harmless trip to a barbecue in nature can result in a significant deterioration in your health.
  • Try not to leave the room unless absolutely necessary, especially during the hot daytime. Remember that in windy weather the concentration of pollen in the air approaches its maximum.
  • Try to walk in the evening; walking after rain or in cloudy weather is especially useful - at this time there is practically no pollen in the air, it is all nailed to the ground. This time is the most optimal for walking.
  • It is necessary to stretch a mesh or gauze over the window openings and constantly moisten them - this will help to retain most of the pollen. Do not forget to promptly and regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room. When cleaning, be sure to use a gauze bandage - this will reduce the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction to dust and chemicals.
  • In the room where the sick person sleeps, try to remove carpets and soft toys, which are excellent dust collectors.

Prevention of hay fever also involves following a certain diet. If you have hay fever, diet will greatly alleviate your condition. The diet is, in essence, quite simple, but following it helps to avoid many health problems. A sick person needs to exclude only a few foods from their diet:

  • It is not recommended to eat chicken meat, especially chicken legs.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • During the flowering of fruit trees, it is not recommended to eat apples, pears, cherries, and so on.
  • Under no circumstances should a sick person be allowed to consume honey or any other bee products.
  • When taking any medications, be sure to ensure that they do not contain herbal ingredients.
  • Try to avoid eating foods that contain any food coloring.

You should not try to treat seasonal allergies by prescribing medications to a sick person yourself, relying on advertising or advice from people you know. A drug that effectively helps one person can significantly harm another. An allergist will give you recommendations on how to treat hay fever. As a rule, a sick person is prescribed a course of treatment with antihistamines, which suppress the allergic reaction. To reduce the discomfort associated with a runny nose, it is recommended to instill special medications that have a vasoconstrictor effect.

Very often, patients ask the question of how to cure hay fever so that it disappears once and for all. Unfortunately, this is practically impossible. In the literature on traditional medicine you can find material about such a disease as hay fever. Treatment with folk remedies, unfortunately, does not bring any results in practice. And often folk recipes contain herbal ingredients that can provoke an even more severe allergic reaction.

However, despite the fact that spring hay fever is almost impossible to cure completely, doctors are well aware of how to treat seasonal allergies. This knowledge and preventive measures allow a person suffering from seasonal allergies to lead a full life, and not become a hostage to their own illness.

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