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Breeds of long-haired cats. Longhaired cats Breeds of longhaired cats with photos

Cats are perhaps the most popular pets and one of the oldest domesticated animals. Today everyone is accustomed to the fact that there is a huge variety of breeds. Some prefer simple Russian “muroks”, others - on the contrary, exotic, rare and not so rare ones.

The angora's coat is silky, flowing, lengthening towards its end and thicker on the panties and tail. Her tail resembles an ostrich feather. The coat has almost no undercoat. These animals are very graceful. Their nature is extremely inquisitive, and they are also affectionate and flexible. Breeders of such cats note their very melodic voice. Features of Angoras include deafness, which occurs in white individuals.

British: character and opinion of owners

Another popular option is the British Longhair cat breed. It came from All representatives of this species are very friendly and self-possessed. British Longhair cats easily adapt to the society in which they live. But at the same time they are quite self-sufficient and proud.

They are absolutely non-confrontational, even with all their dissatisfaction, they only show their attitude by wagging their tail. The owners note the aristocracy in the behavior of the British, as if they only allow one to admire their grace and thoroughbredness. Adult representatives lead a very measured lifestyle, but kittens are quite ready to play and have fun.

British Longhair cat: description of the breed

They are predominantly medium in size, have a broad chest and a muscular body. At the same time, the limbs are quite short with round thick paws. The British cat's tail is dense and quite short. The widely spaced ears are small and short. The peculiarity of representatives of this breed is their eyes. They have an almost regular round shape and are quite large.


There is no diversity in the breeds of black longhaired cats. This color is most often found in smooth-haired or short-haired animals.

First of all, we can name the already mentioned British. They are dark and black in color. The same should be said about Persian cats.

The color of the Persian is absolutely black, without the slightest speck of another color. The coat is extremely long. The constitution is very powerful and dense in the area of ​​the front legs on the belly and chest and on the shoulders. There is a fairly dense undercoat. Long black hairs flow over it like a silken cover.

Cats of this breed have a strong, muscular and robust body, which is supported by short, thick paws with thick fur. The pillows are also black. The animal has a flat snub nose on its muzzle. The eyes are quite round, predominantly bright orange or copper. The ears are small and round. The tail is unusually short but bushy. The mustache is long and also black. Like all Persians, they are majestic and calm. They prefer a slow life to playing with their owner.

The owners state that there are no problems with these cats in adulthood. You just need to take proper care of them. Kittens, like babies of other breeds, have some behavioral problems.

You can find a Persian that is not black. Indeed, today the breed has many diverse and unusual colors. Among them there are tortoiseshells, spotted ones, red ones and even blue ones.

Burmese longhair cat: description and opinion of owners

This cat has double coloring. It is very similar to the color of a Siamese cat, with the difference that it is not cream with a dark brown face and paws, but almost white with gray-brown spots in the same places. And, of course, we should not forget that today we are interested in long-haired breeds. have rich fur. Moreover, it is very interesting that, according to breeders, such a cat is born completely white and only at the age of 3-4 months does it gradually begin to acquire its future color. According to the owners, representatives of the breed are playful, affectionate and unpretentious.

Maine Coon

A very interesting and recently fashionable and popular breed of long-haired cats is the Maine Coon. Handsome creatures of enormous size, similar to a lynx. They were bred from wild members of the family. Outwardly, perhaps, they are more reminiscent of an ordinary cat, only extremely large and with a muzzle, like a wild one. The ears, like those of a lynx, are long and have tufts at the ends.

Maine Coons come in a wide variety of colors. The owners are very proud of such rare cats, surprising everyone with the size of their pet. These cats are very smart, dexterous and a little capricious, or rather, capricious. The breeders themselves note their selectivity in food and a clear division in the hierarchy of family members.

Norwegian forest

What other long-haired breeds are there? These cats are quite diverse. For example, Norwegian forest. One of the most ancient species, obtained from a wide variety of outbred cats living in northern Europe. In general, in these areas there were always quite large cats with long and thick hair. They became the progenitors of the Norwegian forest species. She really looks like a simple mongrel cat, only her face is more reminiscent of a wild jungle cat. Its color is predominantly brindle, gray-brown.

Therefore, anyone who wants to get a purebred cat and surprise their friends with it must understand that this is unlikely to happen with a forest cat. Only a specialist can distinguish it from the usual one. An elongated muzzle with large eyes set close to the nose, large ears - these are the main differences between a forest beauty and an ordinary one. The character of a representative of this species is extremely independent and freedom-loving.

Although at the same time she is quite calm, intelligent and sociable within the limits allowed by her.

Longhaired gray cat: a breed with Iberian

And, of course, don’t forget about the Siberian cat. Our compatriot, one of the ancient natural breeds. She has long and very thick hair with a dense undercoat, since her homeland is Siberia and the Urals. She is friendly and resilient. The character is playful and inquisitive. “Siberians” have a beautiful, slightly pointed muzzle with a fringe of fur, like a lion’s mane. The tail is also fluffy. And its tip, also like a lion’s, has a thickening like a brush. The colors of the Siberian are gray and brown tones. They also come in red, blue, and spotted. So there is no specific color standard. All the uniqueness lies precisely in the location of the spots on the coat.

Beauty and showiness are what attract people to long-haired breeds. Siberian cats are also very smart and insightful. The owners of such pets claim that they do not bother people, but they always appear when the owner needs affection. There is also an opinion that it is the Siberian that can help relieve pain and even have a healing effect.

Neva Masquerade: description and opinion of breeders

Another Russian breed of long-haired cats is the Neva Masquerade. This is a relatively new species, it was registered in the 90s of the last century. The Neva cat has thick fur that is more fluffy. Only the tail is covered with really long hair. The northern breed, selected in St. Petersburg, should have a dense undercoat, but not too long hair on the body due to the high humidity of the climate in its homeland. The colors of this breed are not very varied. But still not the same for all cats. The color is slightly similar to the Siamese, but can vary from light beige to bright orange, almost red. There are almost always spots on the face, as if a mask is being worn.

The cats of this breed are especially large; they can reach almost ten kilograms in weight. Kitties are neat and clean to the point of fanaticism. But their character is accommodating, friendly and gentle. They play well with children and tolerate their sometimes tactful behavior. Breeders even advise families with children to get Neva masquerade cats.


These are not all long-haired breeds. These cats are quite numerous. With the development of club breeding and the fashion for cats brought and bred in other countries, the number of breeds is only increasing. Of course, there are also felines who do not have a luxurious fur coat. But still, many people prefer to purchase fluffy long-haired beauties. It always seems that they are more comfortable and beautiful, although, as you know, there is no friend according to taste and color. And yet, the luxurious, shiny coat of long-haired representatives always attracts attention.

Long-haired cats easily find their way to any human heart. They are considered more gentle and calm than their short-haired counterparts. If you decide to get such a cat, rest assured: it will become your most devoted and most affectionate friend.

History of longhaired cats

Today there are several long-haired cat breeds.

All wild cats have short or medium hair. It would be logical to assume that long-haired cats were brought to Europe from the cold northern regions. However, in reality everything is different.

It is believed that long-haired cats appeared in warm countries as a result of random mutations and inbreeding. The first cats with long hair were brought to Europe in the 16th century from Asia Minor. An Italian traveler who brought furry beauties to Italy presented several animals to the Pope. Soon the Persians arrived in France, where they managed to win the hearts of the aristocrats and Cardinal Richelieu himself.

As for modern longhaired breeds, almost all of them are descended from their wild relatives, brought to England in the 19th century from Persia and Turkey.

Most long-haired cats belong to one type called Persian. All Persian cats have a round head, a stocky build, a short, depressed nose, short legs and round eyes. In the USA, such animals belong to one breed, while the British, depending on color, divide “Persians” into separate breeds.

There are long-haired cats that are not of the Persian type. Such animals have a narrower muzzle, long legs and a slender build.

The Persian cat has an easy-going disposition and a peaceful character. In a family, as a rule, she chooses a “leader” for herself - a person whom she loves and respects more than others. He is great with children and calmly reacts to children's pranks.

Despite the fact that the Persian cat is considered to be a “couch cat,” representatives of this breed love active games. She is very clean and tidy, which is especially important for a breeder. As a mother, the Persian cat accustoms her kittens to the litter box from the first weeks of their life.

Maine Coon

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their innate nobility. The Maine Coon consciously divides people and animals into strangers and their own, and never offends children or weaker neighbors in the house (birds, fish, rodents, etc.).

The Maine Coon has high intelligence for a cat, which allows it to remember individual words and commands. This cat learns the habits of its owner and completely adapts to the person. Over time, the Maine Coon learns to understand its owner by glance, gestures and intonation.

Bohemian rex

Externally, the Bohemian Rex resembles a Persian cat. These breeds are distinguished from each other only by the fact that the Bohemian Rex has curly and thicker hair.

The Bohemian Rex is extremely obedient and loving. A cat can sit next to its owner for hours while he goes about his business, or follow a person to whatever part of the house he goes to.

It is recommended for extremely patient and attentive people to own this breed. The Bohemian Rex is quite difficult to comb. If you bought a kitten of this breed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to devote a significant part of your time to caring for the animal’s fur.

Norwegian Forest Cat

An elegant and freedom-loving cat, which, nevertheless, is very sociable and cannot live without a person. From its ancestors, the Norwegian Forest Dog inherited strong claws, waterproof coat, and strong and developed muscles. Large representatives of this breed resemble a lynx in their appearance.

Because of the two-layer coat, the cat appears to be very large, but the body weight of an adult rarely exceeds 9-10 kg.

The Norwegian Forest Dog is extremely inquisitive, active, loves physical activity and long walks in the fresh air.

A dwarf breed created by crossing a Munchkin cat and a Persian or exotic cat. Essentially, Napoleon is a smaller version of the Persian cat. The breed was named after the French emperor, who, as you know, could not boast of tall stature.

The dwarf Napoleon cat is a patient and docile animal, famous for its compact size and childishly touching expression on its face. Representatives of this breed are dog-like devoted to their owners and are extremely calm about children's pranks. The Napoleon cat is a “clump” of love and tenderness, as well as a complete absence of aggression.

A breed of long-haired cats that got its name from a peculiar mask on its face, which makes the cat look like a beauty attending a ball.

The Neva Masquerade is a noble and capricious animal. Be prepared for the fact that occasionally the cat will show you its character. Animals of this breed become strongly attached to their owner, do not know how to harbor a grudge against a person, and will never show aggression towards a child.

The Neva Masquerade is moderately active and playful. She will never bother you if you are in a bad mood. The cat is perfect for keeping in an apartment and is an excellent companion.

The main feature of the breed is a certain muscular “inhibition”, due to which the animal may seem too phlegmatic. The name of the breed literally translates as “rag doll”, and the cat lives up to its name. You can do whatever you want with a Ragdoll cat - pick it up, hug it and cuddle it. The animal will take any position you put it in. This is probably why this breed is an ideal option for a family with children.

The Ragdoll is distinguished by its rather large size, strong powerful paws, and developed intellectual abilities. The animal is not suitable for a family whose members spend most of their time outside the home. The cat becomes very attached to its owner and cannot tolerate separation from him.

Burmese cat

A breed that is characterized by the presence of a color-point color and white “socks” on its paws. The presence of white spots on other parts of the body is considered a deviation from the norm.

The cat is very sociable and moderately playful. Unlike many long-haired breeds, the Burmese cat loves to sit on the owner's lap. He is not at all afraid of strangers coming into the house, and easily finds an approach to any guest.

Burma has excellent manners. She can lie idle for hours, waiting for her owner to give her attention, and be extremely active when you decide to play with her.

A medium-sized cat with soft white fur. She has a very flexible body, which makes her very graceful.

The Turkish Angora becomes attached to its owner. She, unlike many other cats, never gets tired of human society. Representatives of the breed are active and playful. A cat can play with its owner for hours until he gets tired of it. It is distinguished by its developed intelligence: if desired, the animal can be taught to turn on the light, bring objects in its teeth, and open doors. Cats of this breed are easily toilet trained.

And why does it attract people so much →.

Features of caring for long-haired breeds

If you decide to get a long-haired cat, get ready for the fact that you will have to take care not only of the animal, but also of its coat.

The main thing that the owner of a long-haired cat needs to know is that the pet needs to be brushed regularly. Persian and Burmese breeds need this procedure daily, other cats can be combed as needed, i.e. few times a week.

In order for a cat's fur to remain smooth, it is necessary. If you wish, you can buy special food designed for cats with long hair. Please note: high-quality food contains vitamins A, E, C and fiber, which allows you to remove hairballs from the stomach.

By buying a long-haired cat, you are buying a reliable and devoted companion who will share with you all the joys and hardships of life.

The long-haired cat is a sensational cat! It was presented to pampered Europe in the 16th century by aristocrat Pietro della Valle. The famous traveler took a couple of long-haired beauties from Persia and presented them to the Pope. The Supreme Pontiff was the first to fall under the Persian spell, and after him the rest of the Italians fell, and then the French.

Historically, oriental beauties immediately fell under the patronage of noble persons. And if in Italy long-haired cat breeds conquered the Pope, then in France they lived at the court of Cardinal Richelieu. Oh, how many small and big secrets of the world behind the scenes have been seen by cats with long hair! But long-haired cat breeds are not known for being talkative, and the domestic aristocrat remains a reliable keeper of secrets.

At the same time, many note that long-haired cats are much more affectionate than their short-haired friends. They are literally created for an apartment or a house, but in their affections, they still give first place to people. For children, and for adults too, long-haired cats are ideal companions!

We will talk about the main long-haired representatives in this material.

Long-haired cat breeds with photos and names

Persian cat

This luxurious cat appeared in our open spaces around 1980. These long-haired cats were brought to the USSR by diplomats and for a decade and a half they were, perhaps, the main representatives of the “exotic” cat world. Yes, the “childish” face and the cloud of magical fur could not help but fall in love with the world community. Years later, we can say that breeders have done a lot to improve their appearance.

Today, Persians can be painted in a hundred (!) different colors. Gray, white, black, red, lilac Persian is no longer surprising, the main thing is that the coat itself has a thick, long, thin mulberry structure.

Kurilian Bobtail

This “domesticated lynx” was bred by Russian breeders relatively recently - only in 95 of the last century the standard for this breed was adopted. There are two types. One variation belongs to the semi-longhair cat breed, and the other to the shorthair cat breed.

Representatives of this breed are not large animals, the main visual advantage of which is their short pom-pom tail, the maximum length of which is 13 cm.

Read also:

Norwegian Forest Cat

Who do you think accompanied the Scandinavian Thor on his adventures? You're right, cat! She did not leave Freya’s side and therefore often turned out to be the heroine of the myths and legends of the northern peoples. True, no one took her for a thoroughbred, although the famous naturalist Frinks was interested in the Norwegian one back in 1599. The Norwegian Forest Cat achieved well-deserved fame in 1938. But she didn’t get star fever. I just straightened the crown and continued to live my life.

Burmese cat

Combines the aesthetics of the Persian, the grace of the Siamese and its own charm. The latter consists of symmetrical spots on the skin, snow-white gloves and a special silkiness of the coat. Connoisseurs believe that this breed can be called a masterpiece of breeding work! By the way, according to legend, a fur coat, sapphire eyes and gloves are signs of the holiness of this cat, so serve the Burmese her food with all respect!

The origin of the Siberian is shrouded in darkness. Hardly of Russian origin, as many believe. Most likely, the ancestors of the Siberian cat are wild cats of the Trans-Urals. This breed belongs, rather, to the semi-longhaired breed. The wool feels quite harsh, but, surprisingly, it does not cause allergies in almost anyone.

Somali cat

This cat is active like no other. Lying on the sofa? Purr on your knees? These are not our methods! Aboard! There is so much that is interesting and unconquered in the human home that one simply cannot sit still. Somalia originates from Abyssinian cats and its main wealth is its luxurious tail, collar and panties.

Turkish Angora

One of the oldest cat breeds was preserved thanks to the timely intervention of the Turkish authorities, who, saving the disappearing Angora population, began to cultivate the breed in zoos. At one time, American breeders exported several luxurious representatives from Ankara. But even today, the real thing is highly valued.

If you see him, shake his paw. Thanks to this cat, Noah swam to land, because a representative of this breed defeated a rodent that had gnawed a hole in the ark. For this, according to legend, she was awarded a divine mark - a “fingerprint” in the area of ​​her left shoulder. Vanir wool is similar to cashmere and is very easy to care for.

Caring for long-haired cats

But not all long-haired cat breeds are as problem-free as Turkish Vans. Most furry cats require a lot of care. Experts recommend accustoming kittens to such care from the first days of their appearance in your apartment.

The British Longhair cat (Highlander) is a full-fledged variation of the British Shorthair. More recently, they were recognized as a separate independent breed. Every day, longhaired British cats are gaining more and more popularity and are valued by cat lovers for their calm, affectionate disposition and, of course, appearance.

What kind of British Longhair cat she is can be seen in the photo. The breed is also called Haindlers or uses the abbreviation BDS.

The British Longhair doesn't have a compelling story that's more like Legend. At the beginning of the 20th century, felinologists wanted to improve the type of British Shorthair and create new colors. To achieve what they wanted, they began to introduce the blood of Persians, Chartreuse and some other cat breeds to the British. In addition to the desired characteristics, the British have inherited a recessive gene that is responsible for the length of the coat. As a rule, it is passed on unnoticed from generation to generation, but if a cat and a cat who have it are accidentally mated, cute and very fluffy kittens are born.

Persians have long remained outside the generally known pedigree and there is usually no one to blame for the accidental birth of long-haired British kittens; both parents can be purebred short-haired British, the genes just coincided.

For a long time, long-haired kittens remained unnoticed; they did not participate in the breeding of British cats, only sometimes they were involved in the breeding of Highland Folds, long-haired Scottish Folds.

It was only in 2001 that the British Longhair cat breed was added to the list of breeds by TICA and WCF, and in 2004 a standard was developed for them. The British Longhair is called Britannica in most European countries, particularly in England, and in the Netherlands and the USA it is better known as Lowlander or Highlander. Due to the similar names of British Highlanders and Scottish Highland cats, confusion often arises, but everything is very simple. British and Scottish (Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight) shorthairs are two breeds that developed around the same time and are closest relatives.

From them two long-haired breeds later evolved: from the British - Highlander(British Longhair), and from the Highland Fold Scots(long-haired with hanging ears) and Highland Straight (long-haired with erect ears, respectively). And if we are already talking, then there cannot be a British long-haired fold cat; only Scottish fold cats can have fold ears: Scottish Fold (short-haired) and Highland Fold (long-haired).

Video review of the British Longhair cat breed:

Description of the breed

The British Longhair is a medium to large sized cat with a muscular, slightly squat body. The chest, back and shoulders are broad and massive. The neck and legs are moderately short. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed, cats are lighter and smaller than males. More detailed description of the breed:

Head and muzzle

The head of the British Longhair cat is wide and round with a strong chin, which forms a perpendicular line with the line of the nose. The nose is wide, short and straight. If you look in profile, the stop is clearly visible. The cheeks are rounded, and the full and expressive whisker pads give the muzzle a clearer outline. The ears are medium in size, rounded at the tips and wide at the base, set fairly wide apart and pointing straight. The eyes are round, large and expressive, set wide apart. The color of the iris can be any, but must match the color of the coat.


The body is medium to large, the chest is wide, the shoulders and back are massive and squat. The limbs are short and stocky. The paws are round and strong. The tail is short and thick with a rounded tip.


The coat is very dense with a well-developed undercoat. The hair is smooth and of medium length, somewhat rougher to the touch than that of its fellow British Shorthairs, but its texture may also differ slightly depending on the type of color.

The fur coat is plush, due to the fact that the fur does not fit tightly to the body. A thick collar and pants are desirable.


For cats of the British Longhair breed, any color is allowed, including colorpoints.

The relatively young British Longhair cat was described recently, so its standard is still being supplemented and adjusted, but this plays a positive role in the dynamics of the development of the breed, as well as in stabilizing the phenotype.

Popular colors of British Longhairs

According to the standard, British Longhair cats can have a wide variety of colors, but some are especially popular.

British Longhaired Pointing. Color point is a whole group of “Siamese” colors. The word “color” can change to blue, red, etc. and indicates the basic tone, and the prefix “point” means that the cat has a light body and a darker muzzle, ears, paws and tail.

British longhair chinchilla cat. The chinchilla color is undoubtedly very beautiful, and the secret of such iridescence is that most of the guard hairs have dark tips.


There are some features that are, to a lesser or greater extent, characteristic of all representatives of the British Longhair breed; the character of these cats is calm and balanced. They are very affectionate, sociable and are always happy to play with a sunbeam, a candy wrapper or even a stream of water.

Britannias are unobtrusive and at the same time very attached to the family or owner. Not aggressive at all. It gets along easily with other animals and often finds a common language with small rodents and birds. They are patient with children's pranks.

Kittens are often immensely curious, playful and fussy, but they quickly understand what is possible and what is not, and adapt to the rhythm of the owner’s life. By 2-3 years, even the most active ones become calm, reaching their final physical forms and emotional maturation.

Reviews about the breed

Next, we tried to collect the maximum number of relevant reviews about the British Longhair breed from owners or veterinarians. These cats are not only very beautiful cats, they are calm, gentle and affectionate. Clean and not playful, moderately active and moderately playful. They become attached to the owner, but quietly spend time alone. Their main disadvantage and at the same time advantage is wool. She is undeniably chic, but requires regular care and costs for cosmetics. Such conclusions can be drawn about the breed based on reviews from owners.

Review of the British Longhair from a specialized site:

Another comment about the breed:

Like all other owners, the complaint is not the huge amount of fur.

Another review about the British Longhair, this time from the forum.

Very often, owners mention the intelligence of cats; They note that they are smart and obedient, easily remember house rules and try to follow them.

Representatives of the breed calmly tolerate the absence of their owners, but still need human company and get very bored if no one is home for days. DSB has sensitive digestion; once you have chosen a diet, you should not experiment further. We need more and better toys that move on their own.

The British are very social:

And another review that the cat is still very smart.

British longhair cats can be owned by anyone who can pay enough attention to their rich fur coat and are not too sensitive about cat fur on their favorite chair. The breed is equally well suited for families with children, single people and busy people.

Caring for Britannicas is not difficult, but must be done regularly. It is necessary to comb the hair of British longhair cats 2-3 times a week, and every day during periods of seasonal shedding. This is necessary to avoid the formation of tangles; tangled hairs can still be combed at the initial stages, but will have to be cut later. When brushing your cat, start from the head and end with the tip of the tail. It is not advisable to comb the wool with slicker brushes, as they tear out a lot of living hairs.

If a kitten is taught hygiene procedures from an early age, then by the age of 6 months, he will have nothing against hairdressing services and will even begin to enjoy them. There is no need to bathe British cats often, usually only before a show and during periods of heavy shedding. During water procedures, special shampoos and conditioners must be used. You can also use dry products that do not require rinsing.

The claws of the British cat grow quickly and break off, so you need to keep an eye on them and trim them on time. Eyes and ears are cleaned as necessary, and special means are regularly given to remove hair from the stomach.


There are no special feeding requirements for the British. This can be either natural food or ready-made food. The diet is selected depending on age and physiological state (pregnancy, tendency to be overweight, allergies). Ready-made food contains all the necessary elements, vitamins and minerals. If the cat eats homemade food, it is necessary to additionally include vitamin and mineral complexes.

If the animal is accustomed to a certain diet that completely suits both the cat and the owner, you should not change it or try to diversify it.


In general, British Longhairs are a healthy and hardy breed, but are not without a predisposition to certain diseases. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be inherited (diagnosed based on ultrasound of the heart). Like other short-faced breeds, they are prone to tartar formation, so it is necessary to regularly inspect the pink cavity and keep the teeth clean. In addition, representatives of the breed are prone to obesity, and some suffer from allergies. And, of course, do not forget about vaccination and regular deworming of your pet.

Choice of kitten and price

The breed is quite popular today and it will not be difficult to find a nursery and a good breeder of the British Longhair breed; the price of kittens depends on many factors, for example, pedigree, nursery status, color. A British longhair cat will cost a little more; the price of cats is usually lower. The cost of a kitten varies between 2,000-20,000 rubles.

When buying a baby on the Internet, you should not believe the breeder that his British Longhair and the kittens in the photo are the most purebred, the litter and at least one of the parents must be seen.

Among DS breeders, it is also customary to divide kittens into classes: pet, breed and show. The animals involved vary in genetics, documentation and appearance. The price of a kitten of each class will be different, but in general they are relatively inexpensive. Sometimes really good kittens are specially assigned to the pet class and sold for castration in order to avoid competition at shows and in sales.

People around the world are divided into two groups: dog lovers and cat lovers. The main reason for success is the variety of cat breeds: everyone can choose a pet to suit every taste.

The first 49% of 100, the second - cat people - are slightly ahead of their rivals, their 51%. What is a cat's secret? In a wayward character, in a cat’s purring that is healing for humans, in soft fur?

By what characteristics do they differ?

There are several classifications of cats based on appearance. The main method of separation is the length of the wool.

Breeds are also distinguished by:

  • territorial basis,
  • shape of body parts (ears, tail),
  • size,
  • color,
  • prevalence (or rarity) of the animal,
  • cost and other characteristics.

By coat length

So, the main method of classification is the type of animal’s fur. Cats are divided into four groups:

  1. Longhair
  2. Semi-longhair
  3. Shorthair
  4. Hairless


It is believed that the ancestors of modern longhaired cats were brought to England from Persia and Turkey in the 19th century. Fluffy cat breeds are a group that requires careful care.

The pet needs to be combed daily and sometimes cut. The house turns not only into a cat hair salon, but also into a fur storage facility. Cleaning the room where an individual with impressive hair (up to 12 cm) lives can take several hours.

Important! Long-haired cats are completely unsuitable for allergy sufferers.

The most popular types of long-haired breeds:

Persian cat

The breed is characterized by a stocky build, a rounded head with a flat muzzle, and round eyes. Sometimes Persians are divided into subspecies based on color: solid, smoke, shaded, marbled tabby, bicolor (any color).

Cats of this breed are peaceful; they choose one owner in the house - the leader, who is respected more than others. They love active games, including with children, but are mostly calm.

Neat, clean, easy to train to the tray. Characterized by the highest degree of domestication. Without a person, some individuals cannot even eat (due to the structure of their muzzle).

Photo: Persian cat

American Curl longhair

Cats of this breed have crescent-curved ears, almond-shaped eyes, a medium-sized body, and a long tail.

Any color except smoke white and tabby point red. They are playful, active, but at the same time easy to train.

Photo: American Curl

Turkish Angora

Graceful cats of this breed have a crumbly, silky coat of tabby, solid and bicolor colors.

Color: white, red, brown, blue, cream. They have a medium-sized body with soft features. Angoras are capricious, but get along well in a large family.

Photo: Turkish Angora


Large, furry cats resulting from crossing a Burmese and a long-haired domestic cat. Colors: color point, bicolor.

Colors: cream, chocolate, lilac, blue. Ragdoll cats are very trusting, easy to train, and require careful care and supervision due to the lack of self-preservation instinct. The name of the breed translates as rag doll.

Photo: ragdoll


The result of crossing a Persian and a Siamese cat. They are small, stocky, have short body parts and very fluffy fur.

Colors such as color point and tabby, chocolate, lilac, seal, red, blue. The Himalayan cat is calm and loyal and requires constant attention.

Photo: Himalayan cat


This includes those with long fur, but not as impressive and fluffy as their long-haired counterparts.

The main difference is in the undercoat: in this group it is less developed. These cats also have a noticeable difference in fur length depending on the season.

Maine Coon

The handsome Maine Coon has an impressive size and is one of the largest species of domestic cats (an individual's weight can reach 18 kg).

The cat's ears are large, pointed, the tail is long, fluffy, and the fur on it is slightly wavy. Maine Coon colors: bicolor, solid, tabby, shaded.

Color – white, black, blue, cream, red. Cats are peaceful, but they require a lot of personal space. Well adapted for hunting.

Photo: Maine Coon


The Balinese originated from long-haired Siamese cats. It is distinguished by its long body, narrow triangular muzzle, fluffy tail, and color-point color. A characteristic feature is resourcefulness: they easily break out and get out of captivity.

Photo: balinese


Similar to the Persian, but with less dense hair. The main difference is the white socks. The tail of the Burmese is very fluffy at the tip, color-point colors of chocolate, lilac, cream, blue and seal. They become attached to their owner and are jealous of other animals.

Photo: Burmese

Bobtail Kurilian

Bobtails from the Kuril Islands have a peculiar gait: the animal’s hind legs are longer than its front legs, so it seems like it’s dancing slightly. The tail of such cats is curled and raised high.

The colors and patterns are varied. The Kurilian Bobtail loves water and can be bathed. Also gets along well with other pets.

Photo: Kurilian bobtail


Adorable tailless cats. Dense, round, with a soft coat of bicolor, tabby, color-point or solid color. Any colour. Kimri cats are peaceful, non-aggressive, but can be offended.

Photo: kimrik

Short hair cats

Short-haired cat breeds do not require constant grooming like their long-haired relatives. They have fur up to 5 cm in length. To maintain a well-groomed appearance, it is enough to comb them 1-2 times a week. The most famous breeds:


This bright ticking tabby cat comes from Ethiopia. Breeders highlight the red coat color, but the breed also has other colors: silver, blue, sorrel and fawn.

Abyssinians have almond-shaped eyes, pointed ears (sometimes with tassels), and the length of the tail is equal to the length of the body.

Photo: Abyssinian

Russian blue

This breed has strict color requirements: solid blue. The ancestors of the Russian Blue lived in the northern regions of Russia and were transported from there to Europe.

The fur is double, thick and soft. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, with clearly defined whisker pads. The character is reserved, independent, attached to only one person. They meow quietly, but purr loudly. They can be alone for a long time.

Photo: Russian Blue


A large, graceful cat with a spotted coat. The breed was obtained by crossing a Siamese and an Abyssinian. Playful, active, require large living space. The Ocicat is an unusual combination of wild colors and domestic loyalty.

Photo: Ocicat


Color – colorpoint of any color. They have no undercoat. The neck is long, the head is small in the shape of a triangle - it is difficult to confuse this cat with another. Siamese do not tolerate other animals and persistently demand attention to themselves.

Photo: Siamese cat

No wool

Hairless cats are of particular interest to people prone to allergies and who love pristine purity. Names of breeds and their descriptions:

Sphinx of St. Petersburg (Peterbald)

The Peterbald's skin is covered with thin, sparse down; there are remnants of fur on the face, paws and tail, so it is sometimes classified as shorthaired.

The St. Petersburg Sphynx has an elongated body that is hot to the touch. The tail should be straight, whip-like. Peterbald cats love affection and attention, are playful, and cannot stand loneliness.

Photo: Peterbald

Don Sphynx

Complete or partial absence of fur (on point colors), wrinkled skin. They have a slender body on long graceful legs. The cheekbones and eyebrows are clearly defined, which is why the animal has a piercing gaze.

Cats of this breed do not like to be petted. They will prefer a light pat. Playful, curious.

Photo: Don Sphynx

Ukrainian Levkoy

A young breed, named because of the resemblance of the ears to the gillyflower flower. A small amount of fuzz over the entire body is acceptable. Any color. Patient, affectionate, sociable.

Photo: Ukrainian Levkoy

Classification by territory

Breeds can be classified according to territorial characteristics:

To size

The weight of animals varies from 1 to 20 kg. Large cat breeds:

Miniature breeds:

Munchkinfrom 1.8 kg
Minskinfrom 1.8 kg
Toy bobfrom 900 g

Photo: toy bob

According to the shape of the ears

Based on the shape of the ears, three groups are distinguished: fold-eared (ears curved forward), straight-eared, and backward-curved. There are close and wide ear fits. The presence of tassels also indicates the thoroughbred of the animal.

The fold ears include the Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold), the Ukrainian Levkoy; Curl cats have ears that curl back. Orientals have straight, wide, high ears. Tassels are found in Maine Coons, Siberian cats, and pixie-bobs.

The largest ears are those of the Abyssinian cat, Kanaani, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex and other rexes.

By color or eye color

By color: white, smoky, tortoiseshell, cream, lilac, chocolate, blue, red, beige.

Types of colors:

  • continuous (uniform),
  • tabby - striped brindle,
  • point – darker limbs,
  • piebald - with white spots.

By eye color:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • orange;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • blue;
  • aquamarine;
  • variously colored.

Some breeds only allow certain combinations of coat color and eye color. Pedigree animals have expressive, bright eyes.

By rarity

Despite the efforts of breeders, some breeds remain in short supply.

Top 5 rarest cats:

By price

Cats differ not only in appearance, but also in their significance to humans. The most expensive cat breeds cost from $300 to $22,000.

Purchasing the following breeds will affect your budget:

Photo: Scottish fold

Photo: laperm

Photo: elf cat

Photo: toyger

Photo: kao-mani

How is a cat's breed determined?

To be sure, it is better to contact a veterinarian with this question, since it is possible to distinguish a purebred cat from an ordinary one only by some barely noticeable features known only to a professional.

You can independently determine the breed by the following external characteristics:

  1. Ear shape. If the ears have unusual features - hanging, curled like a crescent or topped with tassels, then perhaps this is a purebred animal. For example, drooping ears are a British trait, Curls have backward ears, and Maine Coons have tassels.
  2. Paw length. If your legs are short, like those of a dachshund, you are most likely the proud owner of a munchkin.
  3. Tail shape. Some breeds do not allow kinks, for example, the Siamese. Hairless cats have a whip-like tail. Curled tails are a sign of bobtails. The tail may be absent - a sign of Cymric.
  4. Animal size. If you see an uncharacteristically large cat, it may be related to the Maine Coon or Bengal cat.
  5. Color. Pay attention to the patterns (spots and stripes).
  6. Eye color and fit. Orange-colored eyes are characteristic of the British, wide set (squint) are characteristic of Siamese cats. Heterochromia occurs in Turkish Angoras and Vans. In Russian Blue, only green eye color is allowed.
  7. Habits. The capricious nature of an animal is a reason to think about its belonging to noble blood.

Look at photos of the breed on online sources. If your pet does not have all the characteristics of a noble breed, do not be discouraged.

Animals without a specific breed are often just as playful, careful and loyal as their purebred counterparts, and sometimes their personality traits supersede any other characteristics of a pure breed.

The most beautiful views

The York Chocolate cat attracts attention due to its color.

Photo: York chocolate

The Maine Coon is popular for its size and elegant ears.

Photo: Maine Coon

The Persian cat is the standard of fluffiness.

Photo: Persian

Munchkin is the owner of funny short legs.

Photo: munchkin

Rexes are cats with gorgeous curls.

Photo: Bohemian Rex

Photo: Devon Rex

Photo: Ural Rex

Photo: Cornish Rex

Savannah is the largest and most expensive breed. And all thanks to the unique wild color.

Photo: savannah

Photo: savannah

The cat world is diverse and interesting. These animals differ not only in external features.

Each cat is an individual, has its own character, habits, and attitude towards its owner. We wish you to choose “your” breed and find a common language with your pet!

Video: What breed of cat is for you? TEST