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Natural estrogens for women. Phytoestrogens for women Types of drugs for hormonal therapy in the form of tablets

Phytoestrogens are unique substances that help get rid of many problems associated with age-related changes. Regular consumption of products and preparations with them helps to improve the functioning of many systems in the female body, as well as improve appearance.

What are phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are complex substances of natural origin that act as substitutes for female sex hormones. In the process of interaction with estrogen receptors, the production of elastin, collagen, as well as the process of cellular renewal occurs, and the body does not even notice the substitution. The external effect of these substances is manifested in the gradual smoothing of wrinkles, increasing skin firmness and elasticity.

The benefits for the body are as follows:

  • improvement of the general condition of the body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes, including in the skin;
  • stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • relief of hot flashes during menopause and relief from depression;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Harm is noticed if a woman does not have a deficiency of the hormone estrogen. However, this only applies to cases where drugs containing phytoestrogens are used.

No negative effects are observed from the products due to the insignificant amount of herbal component in them.

There are several classes of phytoestrogens that are found in different foods, herbs and mushrooms. These are acidic lactones of the resorcylic type, lignans, phytosterols, isoflavones, as well as saponins (steroidal and triterpenoid types) and coumestans. They are all similar in structure.

Phytoestrogens for women

In pharmacies you can find many drugs that contain phytoestrogens. They are available without prescriptions, but before taking them you must consult a specialist.

The most common highly effective products:

  • "Qi-klim"
  • "Feminal"
  • "VitalWoman" (dietary supplement),
  • "Estrovel"
  • "Cliogest"
  • "Green Care" (dietary supplement),
  • "Trisquence"
  • "Inoclim"
  • "Climaxan"
  • "Remens"
  • "Menopausal Formula" (dietary supplement),
  • "Klimadinon".

These drugs have minimized side effects, they are used to delay menopause and alleviate the condition, as well as to improve the condition of the skin and bust. Depending on your goals, you can purchase dietary supplements, capsules, drops, tablets, creams and vitamins.

Phytoestrogens during menopause

The main purpose of phytoestrogens is to improve the condition of a woman during menopause, as well as before and after it. During menopause, the level of estrogen decreases sharply, and for normal functioning the body needs to replenish its reserves. Plant hormones contained in medicines cope with this task.

During this difficult period, a woman must take a responsible approach to menu planning. Soybeans, herbs, some vegetables and oils fill the deficiency well.

To safely correct hormonal levels, improve mood and skin condition, it is recommended to consume daily dietary supplements, vitamins, and drink high-quality tablets containing cohosh root extract, twig, soybean isoflavones, hops and clover: “Qi-klim”, “Remens”, “Feminal” and pl. etc.

Cosmetics with phytoestrogens

In European countries, cosmetics containing plant estrogens are widely used. These are face and body creams, peelings, masks. The most popular drugs are “Natura Bliss” (cream-gel for facial skin), “Pleyana” (lifting cream with natural ingredients), “Dehydroquerticin” (cream with a rejuvenating effect that protects against negative external influences). The “Qi-Clim” line is also popular, including products for the face and body, and “Qi-Clim Votoeffect” is an excellent alternative to well-known beauty injections.

For breast enlargement

Often capsules and creams with phytoestrogens are used to enlarge the bust. Many experts recommend such products to improve breast condition after rapid weight loss or after pregnancy and childbirth. The effectiveness of the drugs is due to the role of weak estrogens by the main components. It is worth noting that when you stop using the creams, their effect also ends.

Table of drugs containing phytoestrogens

In pharmacies you can buy many drugs in different release forms. All of them differ in their content of large amounts of phytoestrogens. Some of them are shown in the table:

Name of the drug Type of herbal substance that replaces estrogen Daily dose
Cedar power (with vitamins and proteins) Flax lignans
Remens (in drops) Phytoestrogens from black cohosh roots 5 ml
Doppelhertz (menopause active) Soy isoflavones
Klimafen Red clover isoflavones and coumestans
Qi-klim Black cohosh extract 20 mg
Feminal Clover isoflavones 40 mg
Klimadinon (tablets) Phytoestrogens of black cohosh 20 mg
Estrovel (capsules) Triterpiode saponins, black cohosh extract 30 mg
Inoclim (capsules) Soy isoflavones 100 mg
Klimaktoplan (tablets) Phytoestrogens of black cohosh 35 mg

Before using any drug, be sure to consult your doctor, since the wrong drug or its dosage can lead to negative consequences.

Phytoestrogens in Foods and Herbs

The products we use for cooking contain significant amounts of plant substitutes for the female hormone. Also, a large amount of them is present in natural cow's milk. But there will be no benefit from a packaged product. Rich in female hormones and beef.

If we consider the fruit and vegetable categories, we can distinguish the following representatives:

  • asparagus and garlic;
  • ginger and parsley;
  • apples and pomegranates;
  • cauliflower and broccoli;
  • cherries and grapes (red variety);
  • carrots and celery.

Some oils are also rich in this hormone, so they must be present in a woman’s daily diet.

Oils containing phytoestrogens include the following:

  • coconut;
  • olive;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • soy;
  • Palm;
  • linen;
  • sesame;
  • date

Plants are also rich in these substances. Their general strengthening and restorative effect is noted.

Some of these herbs are:

  • linden (flowers) and sage;
  • verbena and oregano;
  • mistletoe and licorice (shoots, roots);
  • red clover (heads) and damiana;
  • alfalfa and sweet clover;
  • Angelica and St. John's wort (leaves).

In addition, hormone substitutes are found in safe quantities in soy, some mushrooms, sunflower seeds, dates, legumes, rice, nuts, wheat and unripe corn.

Table of foods with phytoestrogens

Below is a table indicating the content of phytoestrogens per 100 g of different products. For convenience, all values ​​are converted to mg.

Name of high content product
Vegetable content
substances (in mg)
Flax seed 380
Milk 0,0012
Dried fruits (dates, dried apricots) From 0.3 to 0.5
Soy products (milk, yogurt, beans) From 3 to 104
Coffee 0,006
Sesame seed 8
Walnut almond 0,13
Bread with added bran Around 8
Bulb onions 0,03
Beans (sprouts) 0,5
Vegetable oils From 0.18 to 0.5

In moderate quantities and on the recommendation of a specialist, phytoestrogens can significantly improve health and help transform both internally and externally. With the correct selection of the drug and the preparation of a certain diet, the skin will be radiant and youthful, the mood will improve, and a thirst for life will appear.

The female body goes through three key stages in life: puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, and withering. Each of these processes is provided by the sex hormone estrogen. Under its influence, a woman acquires rounded shapes, the girl’s menstrual cycle is established, and the normal functioning of the reproductive system is ensured.

To maintain female beauty, youth, and health, the level of the sex hormone estrogen must be normal. If there is a certain imbalance, HRT is prescribed.

The ovaries are responsible for the synthesis of this hormone. Physiologically it is stipulated that after 30-40 years this process gradually slows down. At about 45 years of age, a woman begins to notice a change in the cyclicity of menstruation, the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as sudden sensations of heat (hot flashes), weight gain, and increased blood pressure. This condition is called menopause. After 50 years, estrogen becomes negligible, the ovaries atrophy - menopause occurs.

The level of estrogen in a woman of childbearing age depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. It is in the range of 57-476 pg/ml.

Balance of estrogen in the body

Estrogens take part in a large number of different chemical and physiological processes. Three different states are possible:

  • Hypoestrogenism is an insufficient amount of the hormone. It is most characteristic of menopause, although it also occurs at an earlier age, being a pathological condition.
  • Normal - all hormones are in normal proportions. The body functions without failures, a woman rarely suffers from diseases characteristic of imbalance.
  • Hyperestrogenism is estrogen in excess of normal. An excess of the hormone is the same pathology as a deficiency. Under its influence, estrogen-dependent diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and malignant neoplasms can develop.

Honey. preparations with phytoestrogens for women

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin, contained in varying concentrations in foods and herbs. They got their name due to their molecular structure and mass, similar to natural human hormones. This causes phytoestrogens to interact with the same receptors. Only their strength is up to 1000 times less.

Preparations with phytoestrogens are not medicines; medicine classifies them as dietary supplements. Therefore, in case of severe disorders, one cannot rely on them.

If a woman has hypoestrogenism, taking homeopathic remedies can slightly improve the situation. At normal levels, phytoestrogens compete with estrogens, taking their place, which leads to an imbalance.

Are phytoestrogens drugs?

To clarify the issue of taking a herbal analogue of the female hormone, several fundamental issues should be clarified:

  • phytoestrogens are not hormones, and preparations based on them are steroid substances;
  • regardless of the form of release, these are food additives (dietary supplements), not medicines;
  • can have a complex or local effect;
  • Effectiveness appears only when taken internally, therefore they do not have any effect in various skin serums.

Only the attending physician can choose the best drug. The choice is based on the examination result, clinical picture, and previous therapy.

Depending on the release form, pharmacies sell tablets, capsules, and suppositories. Vitamins with phytoestrogens are also available for menopausal women. They may contain extracts and concentrates of various herbs. The most common are red clover, oregano, black cohosh, soybean and many more.

The effectiveness of drugs containing phytoestrogens

Recently, many women prefer taking phytoestrogens, considering them more effective and safe than drugs based on synthetic estrogens for replacement therapy. There is also a tendency to independently select dietary supplements, which occurs on the advice of friends and Internet users. Remember, although phytoestrogens are not drugs, they can cause significant harm to the body.

Phytoestrogens in oral form, when taken uncontrolled, can cause significant harm to women's health.

Most often, drugs with phytoestrogens are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, primarily hot flashes and headaches. But low levels of human estrogen are dangerous for other, less noticeable problems. Among the main ones:

  • Increased blood pressure. In the process of hormonal imbalance, changes in the digestive system, and a slowdown in metabolism, the formation of cholesterol plaques occurs.
  • Development of cardiovascular diseases. Poor absorption of minerals (potassium, magnesium) provokes a weakening of the activity of this system. As a result, women over 50 years of age are more likely to have heart attacks and strokes, and the mortality rate from these pathologies increases.
  • Thinning of bone tissue as a result of low calcium levels in the body. There is not enough female hormone for its complete absorption. The result is osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Taking herbal non-steroidal analogues is not able to solve the above problems, because to obtain the same amount of hormonal substances it is necessary to increase their concentration by 5000 times. This is impossible to do for a number of reasons, including side effects.

Phytoestrogens can be used as an additional remedy for HRT.

Rating of side effects of taking drugs with phytoestrogens

  • Allergic reactions. This is one of the largest groups of complications. Before you start taking it, you should study the composition in detail. The body can react both to plants growing in our latitudes and to plants that are uncharacteristic for us.
  • Toxic effect. Many herbs contain potent essential oils that accumulate in the liver after long-term use or overdose.
  • Can cause bleeding and miscarriages.

The presence of acute and chronic diseases is also a contraindication. Take care of your health and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

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It is extremely important for women to know everything about their health - especially for initial self-diagnosis. This rapid test will allow you to better listen to the state of your body and not miss important signals in order to understand whether you need to see a specialist and make an appointment.

Having crossed the forty-year mark, not many women are ready for menopause. Irritability, headaches, increased sweating, the appearance of body hair - all these menopausal symptoms cause discomfort and negatively affect the quality of life.

All these processes occur due to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. Safe herbal remedies - phytohormones for menopause - will help remove unpleasant symptoms and slow down the aging process.

Even ancient healers noticed the healing power of plants. Some representatives of the flora contain substances similar in their action to female hormones. Thanks to these properties, unique products have emerged that have a gentle effect on a woman’s body during menopause. They are called phytohormones.

Phytohormones are products of plant origin, obtained from extracts of plants, fruits, etc. Phytoestrogens serve as an alternative to synthetic hormone therapy.

Many women are afraid of prescribing hormonal therapy, which is important for replenishing hormonal levels. Phytohormones for women have a more gentle effect, remove unwanted symptoms, do not cause rejection by the body, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and have a positive effect on the psychological state.

What is menopause

Menopause is a physiological state of a woman associated with the decline of ovarian function upon the onset of menopause, accompanied by changes in the hormonal levels of the female body.

Symptoms of menopause:

  • frequent mood swings, irritability, tearfulness;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • headache;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • the appearance of unwanted body hair;
  • metabolic disorders, weight gain;
  • increased sweating, frequent hot flashes;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • insomnia.

Menopausal syndrome most often occurs in women aged 45-50 years. Nowadays menopause has become younger and some people begin to suffer after 40 years. There is no need to self-medicate, ask friends for advice, first of all you need to contact a gynecologist.

The doctor will select individual, competent treatment depending on your condition.

Sources of phytohormones

Phytoestrogens are found in large quantities in plants, legumes, cereals, etc. Clover and soybeans contain the largest amount of plant estrogens. Having information about which foods contain benefits for the female body, it is possible to begin the fight against menopause by creating the right diet.

Beans, peas, lentils, flax, sunflowers, soybeans are part of the list of foods useful for women after 40 years. Eating foods is usually not enough; hormonal therapy is required.

Phytohormones for women will become indispensable in the treatment of menopause. In addition to the fact that they effectively combat the main manifestations of menopause, they additionally have a preventive effect against breast cancer.

Another advantage is the absence of side effects. The only exception is individual intolerance to any of the components. In this case, a qualified gynecologist will help you choose another phytohormone that will be ideal for you.

How to use herbal remedies

The therapeutic effect of phytohormones does not occur immediately; these agents have a cumulative effect. The first signs of improvement begin a couple of weeks after starting treatment. The effect of photo products is not as pronounced and rapid as that of synthetic hormones.

Hormone replacement therapy has a number of side effects. In addition, when a woman has a history of diseases that are absolute contraindications to the use of hormones, taking phytohormones will be a life-saving solution.

Japanese researchers argue that maintaining women's health must begin in advance by including foods containing plant estrogens in the daily diet: fish, seafood, soybeans, flaxseed and vegetable oils, rice, lentils, etc.

After 40 years, you can start using photo products after consulting with your doctor, who will select the correct dosage of the drug. With an increased content of phytohormones in the body, it leads to dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting against the background of headache, as well as scanty discharge from the female genitalia.

When taking phytohormones, it should be taken into account that some factors can significantly reduce the absorption of drugs:

  • smoking does not allow phytoestrogens to be fully absorbed;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • insufficient dietary fiber intake.

Indications for use

Phytohormones for women should be used strictly according to indications:

  • If menstruation has stopped before the age of 45. This is considered premature termination, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • The woman had an irregular menstrual cycle long before menopause.
  • When the ovaries are removed, a complete hormonal change occurs in the body.
  • After chemotherapy to restore the body.
  • Various heart pathologies, circulatory disorders.
  • A woman who has diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The first signs of osteoporosis: fatigue, morning cramps in the legs, etc.

Effect of drugs

Phytohormones can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are available in the form of dietary supplements; you do not need a prescription to purchase them. It is better not to self-medicate, but to follow the recommendations of the treating doctor.

When using the drugs, your sleep will improve, you will be in a good mood, your blood pressure will normalize, sweating will decrease, and your body will become generally stronger.

In pharmacy chains you can purchase the following drugs based on soy, clover, red brush and other herbs. The list of the most popular is Qi-Klim, Menopause, Estrovel, etc.

Lists of phytohormones

Clymandion. The basis of the product is extract from black cohosh root. It has a good calming effect, fights irritability and sleep disturbances. The effect becomes noticeable after 7 days of use. Climandion effectively relieves the symptoms of menopause.

Remens. An effective remedy for restoring a woman’s hormonal levels during menopause. Intense headaches go away, sweat production is regulated, and cardiovascular activity is normalized.

Feminal. Based on an extract of clover - one of the most effective and popular plants containing phytoestrogen. Acts like female sex hormones. Hot flashes are quite rare, the symptoms of menopause are smoothed out, and the condition of the skin and nails improves.

Incolim. Herbal preparation based on soybeans. Effective against the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, eliminates insomnia, gives vigor and efficiency.

Climaxan. Ingredients: extract from apis and black cohosh. First of all, this drug affects the normalization of the psychological state. Eliminates irritability, frequent mood swings, insomnia, migraine attacks. Another feature of it is that it is prescribed for those with a tendency to allergic reactions.

With all the variety of herbal medicines, despite the same indications, they have an individual effect on each patient. Therefore, it would be correct if the treating gynecologist prescribes the drug and its dosage.

Plants with phytoestrogens

For negative symptoms, in addition to medications, it is possible to use herbal infusions. To prepare, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herb with a glass of boiling water. Let the decoction steep for 15 minutes and use it as tea. For greater effect, herbs are added to the bath.

List of the most effective medicinal herbs:

  • red brush – rhodiola, is most effective for normalizing hormonal imbalances;
  • mint has a calming effect;
  • cohosh – regulates metabolic processes, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system;
  • clover – contains some of the most powerful phytoestrogens;
  • motherwort – has a pronounced calming effect;
  • sage – has a tonic effect;
  • rosemary – improves blood circulation, has a positive effect on skin and nails;
  • hops – effectively calms the nervous system.

Phytohormones in cosmetology

The unique properties of plants are not only available in tablets; there are phytohormones in creams. To keep your skin and nails in excellent condition, the same medicinal herbs are suitable, but in a more convenient form of release.

The cream is simply enough to apply to the face, neck, hands and begins directly with topical application. If you use the whole complex, the effect will be much stronger. A side effect can only be an allergic reaction to one of the components.

Beware, phytohormones!

Herbal medicines are the priority of choice in the treatment of menopausal syndrome in women. They are safe, have a gentle effect on the body, completely smooth out the symptoms of menopause, and improve the general condition of the body.

But there is one thing! You need to be very careful when dosing herbal remedies. What was medicine will become real poison if the dosage is chosen incorrectly.

Therefore, it is correct to consult a doctor before taking phytohormones.

Be always young and healthy!

Phytoestrogens are special plant substances that are similar in chemical structure to estrogens. Estrogens are sex hormones that have a strong feminizing effect.

Phytoestrogens comprise a whole group of chemical substances such as flavones, isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. These substances are neither plant hormones nor estrogens, but in the human body can cause effects similar to sex hormones.

Isoflavones- natural components found in some foods and herbs, such as soybeans, clover. These substances belong to phytoestrogens. Isoflavones are part of the human diet and have metabolic and anticarcinogenic properties.

Mechanism of action

In their structure, phytoestrogens are similar to estradiol. Due to this, they can act as both estrogens and antiestrogens. These substances were discovered in 1926, but until the 1950s their effects remained unexplored. For the first time, it was noticed that sheep that graze on pastures rich in clover (a plant with a lot of phytoestrogens) have reduced fertility.

The main mechanism of action of phytoestrogens is binding to estrogen receptors, which exist in two types: alpha and beta. Many plant estrogens have a much greater affinity for beta receptors. The effect of phytoestrogens on the body is approximately 500-1000 times weaker than the effect of human hormones.

The main structural elements of the plant hormone molecule, which explain its high affinity for estrogen, are:

  • phenol ring;
  • an isoflavone ring that mimics the estrogen ring at the site of contact with the receptor;
  • low molecular weight of the compound, similar to female sex hormones;
  • the distance between the two hydroxyl groups of the isoflavone core, which is similar to estradiol.

In addition to the feminizing effect, phytohormones can also have an antiestrogenic effect. In a healthy woman with normal hormonal levels, plant-derived estrogens compete with her personal hormones. They occupy those receptors that could use natural hormones.

Products containing phytoestrogens

According to a study by L.W. Thompson and B.A. Booker published in 2006, nuts and oilseeds top the list of foods that contain phytoestrogens. Following them are soy products, cereals and bran bread, legumes, meat and other food crops. The largest amount of isoflavone is found in soy and other legumes. Lignan phytoestrogens in foods are found in flax seeds, nuts, fruits (citrus fruits, cherries, apples) and vegetables (broccoli, spinach, garlic and parsley).

The best studied phytoestrogens are those found in soy: the isoflavone substances daidzein and genistein. These substances are present in the plant in the form of glycosides. Thanks to the action of bacteria in the human intestine, the compound breaks down into pieces. Not all breakdown products cause a cellular estrogenic response; the main contribution to the hormonal action of soy is made by equol (a modified product of daidzein).

To enlarge the bust, it has long been recommended to eat cabbage. All its types (cauliflower, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli) contain large amounts of phytoestrogens, which can increase hormonal levels.

Dairy products also contain natural estrogens. Blue cheeses contain a large amount of these substances, which is due to the action of a special fungus.

Any seeds and nuts also contain a large amount of phytoestrogens. Phytosterols, which have hormonal activity, are found in wheat germ, olive and palm oils, as well as coconut oil. Dried fruits such as dried apricots, prunes and dates also increase estrogen.

People eat not only foods with phytoestrogens, but also drinks with these hormones. Red wine contains resveratrol, which exhibits high antioxidant activity. Pycnogerol is obtained from grape skins and seeds. The hop cones from which beer is made contain 8-prenylnaringenin, which is 10 times more active than other phytoestrogens.


Comparative amounts of phytoestrogens in food sources (µg/g)

1 µg = 0.000001 g

SourcesAmount of mcg per 100 g of product
Flax seed379380 mcg
Soya beans103920 mcg
Soy yogurt10275 mcg
Sesame seed8008.1 mcg
Flax bread7540 mcg
Soy milk2957.2 mcg
Hummus993 mcg
Garlic603.6 mcg
Dried apricots444.5 mcg
Pistachios382.5 mcg
Dates329.5 mcg
Sunflower seeds216 mcg
Chestnuts210.2 mcg
Olive oil180.7 mcg
Almond131.1 mcg
Cashew121.9 mcg
Green bean105.8 mcg
Peanut34.5 mcg
Onion32 mcg
blueberries17.5 mcg
Corn9 mcg
Coffee6.3 mcg
Watermelon2.9 mcg
Cow's milk1.2 mcg

Table isoflavones

Food sources of isoflavones (µg/g)

Food groupTotal isoflavonesDaijouinGenisteinGlycetin
Soybeans1176-4215 365-1355 640-2676 171-184
Roasted soybeans2661 941 1426 294
Soy flour2014 412 1453 149
Protein isolate621-987 89-191 373-640 159-156
Tofu532 238 245 49
Soy hot dog236 55 129 52
Soy bacon144 26 83 35
Cheddar cheese43-197 0-83 4-62 39-52
Mozzarella cheese123 24 62 52
Tofu yogurt282 103 162 17
Soy drink28 7 21 -

Herbs with plant estrogens

Red clover. Phytoestrogens from clover flowers and grass contain isovlavone and coumestane compounds. There are no studies yet that would show that this plant can be safely used to prevent menopausal disorders.

Licorice. The roots of this plant contain an isoflavone called glabridin. In small doses it stimulates the proliferation of cancer cells, and in high doses it suppresses them.

Alfalfa. Estrogens in alfalfa herbs are represented by coumestrol and a small amount of formononetin. Like red clover heads, this grass can cause reproductive problems in sheep. The effect of this plant on people is also not well understood.

Linen. This herb contains large quantities of female phytohormones of the lignan group. In the intestines of the human body, herbal estrogens are converted into enterodiol and enterolactone.

Effect of phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens in small doses have the same biological effect as endogenous hormones. Their effect on the body largely depends on the gender and age of the person who consumes products with phytoestrogens.

  • Impact on young women

Plant hormones can act in the opposite way. This is due to the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood and the sensitivity of their receptors.

If a woman has normal estrogen levels, then plant hormones will act as antiestrogens. The higher their concentration, the more pronounced this effect. Therefore, phytoestrogens in tablets do not always have a positive effect on the female body. In the clinic, there are certain indications for these drugs, such as the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation.

The effect of phytoestrogens on breast cancer remains controversial. Some studies (D. Ingram et al., 1997) have shown that these substances have a protective effect, while other experiments (M. L. De Lemos, study 2001) describe that phytoestrogens stimulate the growth of cancer cells in women with breast cancer. .

  • Impact on men

A 2010 study by D. M. Hamilton-Reeves et al found that adding isoflavones or soy products to foods did not change testosterone concentrations in men. There were also no changes in sperm morphology, concentration, number or motility. The effect of phytoestrogens on the development of testicular cancer remains controversial and remains unproven.

  • The influence of children and adolescents

It was believed that plant estrogens had a very strong feminizing effect on young boys, especially during the neonatal period and puberty. Therefore, it was recommended that boys and women during pregnancy not abuse products that contain estrogens. But research by R.D. Merritt and H.B. Hanks, which was published in 2004, proved the opposite. A review of the literature concluded that feeding soy formula to infants did not cause further problems. There were no abnormalities in sexual development, behavior, or immune system functioning.

Plant estrogens during menopause

After 50 years, a woman may experience a number of disorders, including irritability, lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood, hot flashes, palpitations and other symptoms. One of the modern trends in the treatment of menopausal disorders is hormone replacement therapy.

Since taking hormonal drugs during menopause sometimes leads to the appearance of serious side symptoms, women often abandon these drugs and resort to the help of phytoestrogens. Medicines containing isoflavone phytoestrogens (for example, Menoril, Klimaxan, Remens, Klimadinon) are mainly used.

Since during menopause there is a pronounced decrease in the concentration of hormones, plant substances do not act as antiestrogens, that is, their use is relatively safe for women after 40 years of age.

Phytohormones can potentially have the following beneficial effects:

  • reduce the severity of menopause and act as a mild form of hormone replacement therapy;
  • reduce blood cholesterol and blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • may reduce the risk of breast, colon, prostate and skin cancers.

Data Published by E. Lethaby et al in 2013, plant estrogens for women after 40 - 50 years of age do not significantly alleviate menopausal symptoms. At the same time, it is additionally necessary to conduct a study of the effects of genicistein, whose influence has not been fully elucidated.

Phytoestrogens in foods and medicinal herbs are used for various hormonal disorders in gynecology. Their uncontrolled administration can lead to the fact that they behave not like normal female hormones, but like antiestrogens. The potential of phytohormones has not yet been exhausted and may be revealed in the near future.

At the age of 40–45 years, a woman’s body undergoes rapid changes. It seems that just a month ago everything was fine, and suddenly fat folds appeared on the sides and under the arms.

In fact, no one will be able to avoid this fate, not even athletes who have devoted their entire adult lives to sports. Fat begins to be unevenly redistributed throughout the body due to a number of factors.

Age fat

The health, and especially the beauty of a woman, directly depends on the concentration of sex hormones. Of these, the leading role is played by estrogens, which are commonly called the main female hormones.

The production of these hormones decreases significantly after 40 years and practically stops after 50 years with the onset of menopause. It is at this age that most women begin to consult various specialists about high blood pressure, joint pain and problems with excess weight.

This is explained simply. The female body, preparing for menopause, adapts to it, and hormonal changes redistribute subcutaneous fat with an increase in its amount. This increase in fat is required by the body, since when the production of sex hormones (estrogen) by the ovaries decreases, adipose tissue takes over this function.

How to compensate for estrogen deficiency

There are drugs designed to increase estrogen levels in women, but quite often this problem can be solved without the use of any synthetic drugs, just saturate your diet products containing phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are components of plant origin, similar in their functions to estrogens, which are produced naturally in the female body. Although phytoestrogens are not a product of the human endocrine system, they act on the same cellular receptors as human estrogens.

Consumption of products containing phytoestrogens allows women to reduce the symptoms characteristic of the postmenopausal period.

Foods rich in phytoestrogens

  • Soybeans and legumes
    When talking about phytoestrogens, people most often think of soy and soy products. Interest in soy arose in the late 20th century, when health studies were conducted in Europe, Asia and America.

    It turned out that in Japan, China, Indonesia, Taiwan and Korea, mortality from cancer and cardiac diseases is much lower than in European countries and America, and women suffer less from menopausal disorders, osteoporosis and breast cancer.

    In Southeast Asian countries, large amounts of soy are traditionally used as food. Conclusions have been drawn about the association of high health indicators with soy consumption. The debate is still ongoing. However, soybeans are indeed rich in the isoflavones genistein and daidzein, and their sprouts are rich in glycitein.

    Soybeans and nuts, textured vegetarian protein, tofu, soy milk and soy yogurt, tempeh fermented soy drink, miso soup, soy protein powder all contain plant estrogens, which, for certain indications, are very useful to include in the daily diet.

  • Flax seeds
    They contain ligans - substances that bind to cell receptors and stimulate certain biochemical reactions. There have been no studies on the long-term use of phytohormones, but they have been found to be safe for everyone except pregnant women. Flax seeds are especially indicated during menopause.

  • Hop cones
    They contain flavonoids that bind to estradiol receptors (one of the estrogens) and have a similar effect. After 40 years, hop cones are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

  • Milk and dairy products
    Sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese - contain phytoestrogens from the herbs that cows ate. Blue cheese has a higher amount of phytoestrogens due to the fungus, which additionally enriches the product with its own hormone-like substances.
  • Licorice roots
    Contains isoflavones and steroids. They have a positive effect on the female body during menopause and normalize liver function.
  • Vegetables
    Among vegetables, a serving of garlic contains the most phytoestrogens, followed by alfalfa sprouts, followed by winter squash, olive oil, kale and olives.
  • Ortilia
    Among the herbs - sources of estrogen - the pine uterus, or ortilia lopsided. Traditional healers claim that her decoctions have an extremely positive effect on a woman’s body. Experts prescribe preparations based on ortilia to normalize hormonal levels.

  • The intake of phytohormones should be agreed with a doctor after a blood test for hormones. If this is not done and you take the medications on your own for a long time, you can achieve persistent hormonal imbalance and related problems.

    How to lose weight by 20 kg per month

    With age, absolutely everything changes in appearance, regardless of body constitution. However, those who play sports and pay enough attention to healthy eating have a better chance of looking fit in old age.

    Do you want quick results? Then arm yourself with the ideas from our article. And don’t forget to consult your doctor before going on a diet, because health is more important than beauty.

    You can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in two weeks thanks to the diet of actress Maria Poroshina. But this is only possible if a person has a fair amount of willpower, since it is very difficult to last two weeks on such a diet.

    Maria Poroshina's diet menu

  • First day of the first week
    On the first day of the diet, your menu should include 5 boiled potatoes and 3 boiled eggs.
  • Second day
    Your diet will be represented by one glass of kefir and 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  • The third day
    Kefir (500 ml), 1 liter of fruit juice and 2 apples.
  • Fourth day
    A serving of boiled chicken or beef (400 g) and an unlimited amount of tea without sugar.
  • Fifth day
    During the day you need to eat either pears or apples (half a kilogram).
  • Sixth day
    3 boiled potatoes and 1.5 cups of kefir or yogurt.
  • Seventh day
    Only kefir (500 ml).
  • First day of the second week
    The diet should consist of only boiled beef (250 g).
  • Second day
    Vegetable salad and boiled beef (150 g).
  • The third day
    2 apples, 2 slices of bran bread, a portion of boiled beef or chicken (200 g).
  • Fourth day
    2 eggs, boiled beef (150 grams), and 150 g of rye bread.
  • Fifth day
    3 boiled potatoes, 700 g apples and kefir (500 ml).
  • Sixth day
    2 eggs, 2 fresh cucumbers, boiled chicken (300 g) and an unlimited amount of tea without sugar.
  • Seventh day
    2 boiled potatoes and 2 apples.
  • Losing as much weight as you dreamed of is only half the battle. Another half of the battle is keeping the weight off. Maria Poroshina recommends that at the end of the diet you should not allow fried and fatty foods into your diet, and also stay away from simple carbohydrates. It is better to eliminate late meals forever and have your last meal before six in the evening.

    "So simple!" regularly introduces its readers to the most effective diets. So, we recently wrote about the mega-popular protein diet of the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. It is known that his diet helped the Duchess of Cambridge lose weight before her wedding, and Jennifer Lopez helped her get in shape after giving birth.

    You might be interested in a weight loss system from nutrition guru Henri Chenot. Using his method, Luciano Pavarotti and Silvio Berlusconi, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Elena Baturina, and Mikheil Saakashvili lost weight in their time.