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Royal Poodle breed disadvantages. Detailed description of the Royal Poodle breed. What does it look like and what are its features? Description of the breed: appearance, color

The large poodle has a second status name - royal. And it is completely justified: this stately, tall dog with luxurious curly hair looks truly gorgeous. The dog's outstanding appearance is complemented by a sharp intelligence, sociability and devotion.

Poodle-shaped dogs have been known to man since ancient times: this fact is confirmed by numerous archaeological finds dating back to the 12th-13th centuries. Dogs with an elongated muzzle and a curly head were depicted on coins in Rome and Greece, written on the walls of the Cathedral in Reims and on the columns of the Montreal Monastery.

Reference! The first official description of the poodle was made by Konrad Gesner in 1555, and 7 years later, Gunrat Forer described all three varieties of the breed: dwarf, large and multi-colored.

The history of the origin of the royal poodle in its modern form remains not entirely clear to this day. The most common version says that he appeared as a result of crossing a German “sheep” poodle and a Spanish “water dog”.

Initially, these individuals were used for duck hunting. The slender body and thick hair allowed the dog to swim quickly and, in general, feel comfortable in the water.

It is believed that the name poodle comes from the German verb “paddeln” - “to splash” or from “pfundelhund” - “waterfowl dog”. The poodle, despite its “glamorous” and pampered appearance, loves to swim in the water, and if its owner allows it, it will happily dive into a pool or pond to frolic.


Buying a dog is a responsible step. You must familiarize yourself with all the breed characteristics and weigh the pros and cons. First, let's look at the advantages of the breed:

  • Intelligence: Poodles are ranked second in the top ten smartest dog breeds in the world.
  • Obedience: The authority of the owner for a poodle is unshakable.
  • They don't shed: Poodle hair does not settle on clothes, furniture and carpets.
  • Health: strong immunity and endurance make poodles long-lived.


It is worth mentioning some negative aspects. It is likely that these traits may not suit everyone.

  • Loud voice poodles and the love of barking for no reason can cause a lot of inconvenience to residents of panel houses.
  • Needs grooming: Grooming for a poodle is a necessary procedure. It is necessary to regularly trim the hair near the tail, on the paws and face.

Strengths and weaknesses of character

The Royal Poodle combines two incompatible character traits: he is very affectionate, but at the same time willful. A dog dotes on its owner and the rest of the family; it can become an excellent friend for a child, patiently putting up with being pulled by the ears and tail.

The poodle subtly senses the true attitude of a person towards himself: if he sees aggression, neglect and disrespect, he will not obey, demonstrating all his aristocratic pride and stubbornness.

The poodle is universal in its temperament: it can easily adapt to the rhythm of life of a tireless athlete, and will happily take a nap on the sofa next to a couch potato or go hunting.

Reference! Royal poodles show excellent results in agility (canine sports competitions).

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a high IQ: they enthusiastically engage in the learning process and absorb new knowledge like a sponge. They like to overcome themselves and receive praise and treats from their owner for this.

One of the character flaws is the habit of barking for no reason, but with proper training, a dog can be weaned from doing this.

Standard weight and height at withers

The Royal Poodle is a stately and harmoniously built dog. The breed standard includes the following parameters:

  • Height: up to 62 cm at the withers.
  • Weight: up to 25 kg.
  • Head: The forehead blends smoothly into the muzzle. The bridge of the nose is flat and slightly shorter than the skull. The lips, which fit tightly to the jaw, are outlined by a pigmented outer line.
  • Teeth: scissor bite, teeth meet evenly - without gaps. The enamel is white, dense, opaque.
  • Nose: black or pigmented according to color. Wide with movable nostrils.
  • Eyes: straight set, dark brown.
  • Ears: soft, elastic, tightly fitting to the head. They are active when the dog listens and becomes alert.
  • Body: the overall silhouette fits into a rectangle, the muscles are well developed, the back is proportional and level, with a slightly convex loin and a rounded croup. The skin is smooth, without wrinkles.
  • Paws: level and perpendicular, shoulder blades slightly sloping, shoulders and wrists vertical. The paws are small, shaped like a truncated oval. The fingers are connected by membranes and fit tightly to each other.
  • Tail: Naturally set high and long. In some cases it is stopped.
  • Wool: Wool consists of neatly trimmed curls or curls rolled into cords. The color is invariably monochromatic: gray, black, white, apricot, or brown. Brick color or spots are a disqualifying feature.

Size chart by month

The Royal Poodle is the largest representative of its breed. You can estimate how long an adult will be when the puppy reaches one month of age.

Reference! To calculate the weight of an adult, the following rule is used: the weight of a one-month-old puppy is 10% of its body weight upon reaching one year.

The following table clearly demonstrates the growth dynamics of the Royal Poodle:

Dog age Weight
1 month 2.5 kg
2 months 6.5 kg
3 months 10 kg
4 months 13 kg
5 months 16 kg
6 months 18 kg
7 months 20 kg
8 months 22 kg
9 months 23 kg
10 months 24 kg
11 months 24,5
12 months 25

It is worth noting that females weigh on average 3 kg less than males.


As mentioned earlier, poodles are long-lived. With proper care, dogs of this breed can delight their owner with their company for 15-18 years.

Common diseases

Royal Poodles are prone to the following diseases:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, volvulus, gases;
  • epilepsy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • intervertebral disc disease;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • insulinoma;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • progressive retinal degeneration;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • baldness;
  • ear infection;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • allergy.

Important! Visit your veterinarian at least once every six months for a preventive examination. This will help you protect your pet from unwanted diseases.

In popular culture, poodles are presented as proud and pampered pets who lie on their high feather bed all day, only occasionally coming down for a meal. In fact, this is an active and curious dog, which has a very hard time sitting still.

Therefore, if you decide to get a poodle, make sure in advance that he has enough space and toys so that he can entertain himself in your absence.

Also, purchase a rug or bed in advance and accustom the dog to your “place” - otherwise, your pet will rest wherever he pleases: on the sofa, armchair, or even on the closet if the tomboy can jump there.

Another point that is worth considering if you plan to keep a dog in an apartment building is the “bark” of poodles. Teach your pet not to react to extraneous sounds from neighbors' apartments, not to howl or bark alone.

How to walk with him?

Active games outside are a favorite pastime for the Royal Poodle. However, given the climatic conditions of our country, it is worth taking care of clothing in advance.

And the point is not even that the poodle will freeze - he will get dirty. Imagine a fluffy and snow-white puppy like a cloud, who runs with delight to plop down in a dirty puddle with gasoline stains. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

And even worse are the consequences. You, as the owner, will have to spend more than one hour to get the mess in order.

This can be avoided by using special demi-season clothing - waterproof raincoats, raincoats and boots.

Reference! Sew reflective tape to your pet's jacket - this will protect him if he accidentally ends up on the roadway.

For a full-fledged life and comfort for a poodle, two walks of 30-60 minutes are enough: during this time the dog will have time to relieve itself, socialize and play enough with its playmates.

Adult dog diet

Like other breeds, the Royal Poodle can eat a natural or dry diet.

The first option is suitable for experienced breeders, since when drawing up a natural menu, it is necessary to take into account not only the list of permitted and prohibited foods, but also calculate the KBZHU so that the dog has enough all the nutrients.

Premium and holistic dry food is the ideal balance of simplicity and benefit. You should not mix natural products with dry food.

Reference! Find out what the breeder fed the puppies and stick to the same menu for the next two weeks. A sudden change in diet is stressful for the puppy, and, as a result, digestive problems.

How to feed?

The basic rules for feeding royal poodles are as follows:

  • The food plate should be located at chest level. Buy a bowl on a stand with an adjustable height and add a few centimeters as your puppy grows.
  • Feed your dog on a schedule: Pour in food at the same time. If your dog leaves food in the bowl, remove it until the next feeding.
  • Don't give your dog treats from the table: firstly, it is fraught with poisoning, allergies or indigestion. Secondly, this will lead to the dog constantly begging and looking for treats outside the bowl, and given the dog’s intelligence, it will not be difficult for him to find where you hide cookies or candy.
  • Feed animals separately: if you have two or more dogs at home, place their bowls at a distance, or better yet, in different rooms.
  • Provide access to clean water: Make sure your dog always has fresh drinking water in his bowl.

Of the breed, the Black Royal Poodle is recognized as the largest species. But, despite their size, such dogs are distinguished by their friendliness and intelligence. They will not offend, will protect the owner and will remain faithful to him.

The owners of the breed note that their pets have a unique canine sense of humor. Their antics cannot but bring a smile, even when they have done something forbidden. Poodles are often hired to work in circuses or other entertainment venues.

Standard breed data

  • The average height of a large royal poodle ranges from 45 cm to 60 cm.
  • Dogs weigh up to 25 kilograms.
  • Poodles come in different colors: silver, white and black, brown and mixed colors.
  • Poodles are great for keeping in an apartment - their fur doesn't shed much, and they don't sharpen their nails.
  • But here's what you need to remember: poodles definitely need active physical activity.
  • Poodles are highly trainable. This breed greatly values ​​good breeding, both in its owner and in its character. They are not afraid of hours of training and are ready to spend day after day on the site.
  • The average lifespan of a Royal Poodle is approximately 20 years. It is perfect for large families; children will be delighted with it.

History of the breed

Poodles first appeared in Germany and France. Back in the 18th century, people managed to appreciate the intelligence and devotion of these dogs. They were very easy to train, so healers, hunters, and sailors often took them as pets. Poodles are also excellent at searching for an expensive world delicacy - truffles. That's why restaurateurs and chefs valued these dogs!

At that time, poodles were considered exclusively a hunting breed. Almost only they served the masters at the royal court (hence the name of the breed). Ordinary people did not have the right to keep them at home or even to be near a poodle - according to the law, this dog belonged only to persons of “blue blood”.

Fashionable haircuts for poodles were held in high esteem back in the 18th century. This way the owners could express the pet’s individuality, as well as show their imagination. Bohemian fashionistas at court did this.

During the 19th century, during the First World War, these animals were brave helpers - they carried the necessary equipment for soldiers, looked for mines and helped scouts.

Description of the dog

This charming and intelligent animal will not leave anyone indifferent. Royal Poodle puppies are in demand in dog markets and sell out quite quickly. This breed is well suited for families with children. They will get along well and become nannies for your child.

They are not tall in height - only 60 cm, like their relatives. The color of this breed of poodles comes in classic colors: brown, snow-white, silver and black + non-standard mixed ones.

By their nature, poodles are very sociable. They quickly become close to both people and other animals, sometimes without even thinking about the possible danger. Loneliness is the worst fate for them.

Each of your walks with your beloved pet will be bright and stormy - everyone will hear a loud, cocky bark, which notifies that he definitely needs to play and have fun. And it doesn’t matter whether his friend is a cat or a bulldog.

Caring for a Royal Poodle

It is necessary to take care of the fur. It is necessary to comb your poodle a couple of times every 7 days, otherwise the hair will begin to tangle into lumps, which become more and more difficult to comb each time. The dog should be washed a couple of times every 2 weeks. It is not advisable to comb wet fur - you can injure your pet's skin.

A poodle needs to be trimmed every 2 months. It is better to contact a special salon. Don't think you can do it yourself. The Royal Poodle is difficult to keep in place.

Poodles' claws are formed in such a way that if they grow too long, they begin to cause injuries to the paw pads. The dog suffers from this and begins to limp. Therefore, it is better not to let the claws grow, but to trim them periodically.

You need to make sure that the puppies’ fangs do not double when changing teeth; if this happens, contact your veterinarian. In an adult dog, it is necessary to remove plaque 2 times a week with a brush with short, hard bristles to prevent the formation of tartar.

The ears of such dogs rarely get sick; they just need to be cleaned about once a week with a dry cotton swab.

Diseases common to royal poodles

  • Bloating. Do not give your pet food from the table and do not overfeed.
  • Intervertebral disc diseases. Do not train immature puppies.
  • Eye diseases. Make sure that dirt does not get into your pet's eyes.
  • Hair loss. Care for the animal properly and select high-quality products for washing it.


Royal poodles are completely unpretentious in grooming. The most they need is quality food. Such dogs need to eat lean meat, kefir, milk, and cottage cheese every day. It's good for bones.

Cook liquid cereal porridge for your pet. But you can’t feed him meat and milk at the same time - this will tear his stomach and intestines. The quality of everything must be top notch, they are a royal breed.

If you follow the rules of care, give proper nutrition and exercise it daily, then your pet will always be a clean, healthy, loyal and active animal.

Should I buy a poodle?

Advantages of the breed:

  • lively character,
  • faithful,
  • friendly,
  • understanding,
  • clean.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • It is necessary to maintain a neat appearance.

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Well, decide for yourself whether to buy a poodle. We can only advise and guide.

> Royal Poodle The Royal Poodle, also known as the Large or Standard Poodle, is the largest variety of this group of breeds. The dog received such a noble name due to the fact that several centuries ago large poodles lived exclusively in the palaces of French kings and were used to hunt waterfowl, and breeding them outside the royal court was punishable by death.

Nowadays, these curly-haired beauties have gained worldwide popularity not so much for their hunting qualities, but for their amazing intelligence for an animal. To train and train a dog, you do not need to have any special skills; it picks up commands on the fly and remembers up to 250 words and gestures. The breed rightly occupies the “silver” level in the official ranking of the smartest dogs in the world. The Royal Poodle also demonstrates excellent service qualities and is successfully used in customs, border and other services. Such a pet will become a full-fledged and beloved member of the family; thanks to excellent socialization and innate sociability, the dog will get along with both small children and other animals in your home.

Brief description of breed standard and life expectancy

As the largest of the breed, the Royal Poodle reaches 45-60 cm at the withers and weighs 20-23 kg. The breed standard presupposes an elegant dog of a harmonious type, covered with a specifically designed coat, curly or corded. The length of the body usually exceeds the height of the animal at the withers, and the length of the head should be approximately 2/5 of the height of the dog. The muzzle is long, the ears hang along the cheeks and ideally reach the corners of the lips. The poodle's gait is springy and light. The tail can be either docked or natural length. The standard allows for black, white, brown, gray and apricot colors of the breed.

The lifespan of Royal Poodles ranges from 15 to 18 years.

Difficulties in care and maintenance

Ninety percent of the poodle's royal appearance is due to its luxurious curly hairstyle. Maintaining such a dapper appearance is not easy. Daily brushing for 10-15 minutes will ensure your pet has no tangles and good blood circulation. Once every one and a half to two months the dog needs to be cut. The breeder can use the services of a qualified groomer or master the difficult science of professional haircuts himself. There are many hairstyle options for poodles. If you do not plan to exhibit the animal, you can choose any one, but it is advisable to give preference to a short and simple haircut.

Walks are of great importance for an active and active handsome man and should last at least half an hour. After being outside, the poodle's paws must be washed, carefully inspecting the toe pads and claws. The animal’s ears should also be periodically cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in water and ensure that there are no signs of inflammation.

The main disadvantage of the breed

The Royal Poodle is a dog whose disadvantages are difficult to identify. As fans of this breed often like to repeat: “The poodle has only one drawback - it cannot live forever.”

Among the characteristics of temperament, one can note some anxiety that occurs when the dog is left alone. In rare cases, an upset dog may behave destructively, barking, howling and even damaging property.

If you decide to get a large poodle as a guard dog, remember that its main function will be a loud warning bark. The poodle is unlikely to attack someone who disturbs your peace due to its innate friendliness and respect for people.

Versatile Poodle

The Royal Poodle is the most versatile of all breeds. The dog adapts perfectly to the habits of its owner. If you lead an active lifestyle and enjoy hunting and fishing, a poodle will be happy to keep you company; it will make an excellent service or hunting dog. If you are a homebody and a lover of “sofa” relaxation, your pet will easily support you in this type of leisure.

Another advantage of the poodle is that the breed is not subject to seasonal shedding. The Royal Dog will be an excellent pet option for people prone to allergies.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a small poodle, you need to focus primarily on purebred and healthy parents who are likely to produce promising offspring. Before buying, it is advisable to visit a dog show, where you can find out for yourself exactly what a high-breed dog should look like.

Historians suggest that the large royal poodle originated in ancient Greece. Breeders living in France and Germany made a significant contribution to the development of the breed. Today this decorative, curly-haired beauty is the largest among the representatives of the species. To keep such a dog at home, you need to know about all its features.

There are 4 main varieties of animals of this breed: large poodle (also known as standard); small (or medium); dwarf (or miniature); that one. The largest dog is called Royal because once upon a time only representatives of royal blood could have one.

According to the standard, the height of the animal at the withers should be 45–60 cm, and the average weight should be about 22 kg. The ratio of the length of the muzzle to the skull is 9:10. The body must be longer than the height of the dog at the withers, and the height at the withers and the parameters of the croup are approximately the same.

Next we will give a detailed external description of the breed. According to the standard, a poodle's head should be harmonious, the back of the head should not be very massive, and the forehead should be moderately convex. The lips are close fitting, the teeth are white and even, with a tight scissor bite. The nose is dark in color, the eyes are almond-shaped and brown, the ears are long and rounded at the ends. The body is muscular, the chest is wide, the back is straight. The limbs are straight and located perpendicular to the body. The tail has no bends and is set high.


The poodle can be clipped or laced. The nose, lips, gums, eyelids, palate and natural openings should be well pigmented. The same goes for the scrotum and paw pads. The breed standard allows for solid colors of black, white, gray (silver), brown without red and apricot.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FIC) does not recognize the black and tan (phantom) and white and black (harlequin) colors, but they are distinguished as separate breeds by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and Russian Kennel Federation (RKF) systems.

Character and temperament

By nature, the poodle, also known as the royal poodle, is an intelligent, inquisitive and quick-witted pet. This is a cheerful and active dog, friendly towards people and capable of becoming a true friend. The Poodle is attentive and observant. A patient and affectionate owner can count on the pet quickly remembering the rules of behavior in the house and commands.

If you do not do enough training, the dog can turn into a stubborn and mischievous creature. The representative of the species loves children, will never harm them and is able to get along even with a cat. The poodle quickly adopts the owner’s lifestyle - it can equally easily accompany him on trips or lie next to him on the sofa.

Education and training

A healthy and calm puppy brought into the home is initially ready for education and training. It is strictly forbidden to shout at a new family member or physically punish him. Then he will trust his owner and obediently follow commands in order to earn praise. Having brought the baby into your home, you should familiarize him with the surroundings, show him the place of rest, feeding and toilet. The dog is also introduced to those who live in the house, including pets.

It is recommended to train a puppy, starting with teaching simple commands. He needs to get comfortable in the house and get used to the leash on walks. The poodle is characterized by some cunning, so during the training process the owner must be able to insist on his own. Your pet must follow the command the first time, and not wait until it is repeated many times. It is recommended to add trick training and special games to the training course. Poodles are highly trainable – it’s not without reason that many representatives of the species perform in the circus and star in films.

Caring for a dog involves maintaining good hygiene and preparing the right diet. The pet's fur deserves special attention, especially if it is expected to participate in exhibitions. This dog needs professional trimming. If you just want to keep the animal as a pet and friend, it needs to be brushed daily. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes, helps prevent the formation of tangles and improves blood circulation.

It is necessary to inspect the ears for the presence of fluid or the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Periodic cleaning of the ears is carried out with cotton wool soaked in warm water. If a yellowish plaque is detected during examination of the teeth, it is removed using a special paste. An excellent prevention of the formation of tartar is the addition of tomatoes or their juice to the diet. Paws should be washed after every walk. Claws are trimmed no more than 2 times a month, using scissors or a nail clipper, as well as a nail file.

A poodle's diet includes lean meat - chicken or turkey. Boneless sea fish, beef liver, rice and buckwheat porridge are good for such a dog. Your pet needs vegetables and greens, so you can give pumpkin, zucchini, carrots or cauliflower. Among dairy products, cottage cheese and kefir, as well as milk (in the absence of allergic reactions), will be useful. It is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to dishes daily.

The list of prohibited foods is quite large, it includes fatty meat, fried and spicy foods, smoked foods, river fish with bones, sweets, and so on. You cannot feed the animal food from your table. It is acceptable to feed your poodle dry food or canned dog food, selected according to its age and health condition.

The largest of the poodles is the standard or large poodle, also called the king.


The Royal Poodle is an intelligent and loyal dog. Like all poodles, Royal Poodles are very playful and easy to train. Fans of this breed say that these dogs have a great sense of humor. Often, owners of royal poodles laugh at the tricks of their pets, and poodles take this as praise and happily perform new tricks.

Royal poodles, due to their high intelligence, require regular mental stress and training, especially good behavior; if they are not trained, they will teach themselves, but what they learn will most likely not be liked by their owners.

Royal poodles always warn of danger with a loud, strong bark, which makes them good watchdogs. But in general, they are not prone to excessive barking and tend to have a calm temperament.

Dogs of this breed adapt well to change. They can lie at your feet while you watch TV, or go on a hike with you.

Royal Poodles are very good with children and other dogs, and the more socialized Poodles are as children, the more friendly they will be as adults.

Poodles are one of the few breeds that seem to recognize other dogs of their own breed. When two poodles get the chance to play with each other, it can be a very exciting experience.

However, Royal Poodles prefer the company of people more than other dogs. They hate being ignored and don't like being treated "just like dogs."


Royal Poodles are prone to the following diseases:

  • Bloating or volvulus
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Epilepsy
  • Lymphadenitis
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Insulinoma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • von Willebrand disease
  • Progressive retinal degeneration
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma

Poodles are also prone to hair loss, ear infections, kidney stones, allergies, cryptorchidism, and deafness.


Despite the fact that Royal Poodles, like other poodles, practically do not shed, they require quite a lot of time to groom. It is best to brush your Royal Poodle once a week, otherwise the dog's coat will become tangled and form tangles.

The Royal Poodle also needs to have its nails trimmed and teeth brushed regularly. If you allow your nails to grow too long, they can cause pain and damage to your dog's paw pads.

The Royal Poodle needs to be groomed every 4-6 weeks. You can visit a pet salon or contact a person who knows how to do this. The owner of a Royal Poodle can try to learn how to groom his Royal Poodle himself, but it is worth keeping in mind that this is not a very simple matter.

There are many types of poodle haircuts. If your dog does not participate in exhibitions, you can choose any one. The shorter the haircut, the easier it is to care for.

Royal Poodles need 30-60 minutes of daily exercise every day to stay happy and healthy.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!