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Carob beneficial properties. Carob - benefits, properties, how to use

The homeland of carob (carob, Ceratonia capita, Tsaregrad pods, sweet carob, John's breadfruit) is considered to be the Mediterranean.

An evergreen plant, reaching a height of up to 12 m, with a wide crown, dense feathery leaves and fruits collected in a pod, belongs to the Legume family. Its various parts have been used in cooking and folk medicine since ancient times.

The beans contain the polysaccharide polygalactomannan, which determines the constant weight of the fruit (0.19 g) and their hardness. In ancient times (during the era of the Roman Empire), hard and flat seeds were used as a measure of weight, from which the term carat (an expression of the mass of pearls and precious stones) originated.

Dried carob pods ground into powder are used in the confectionery industry as a cocoa substitute. Another name for the powder is carob or carob flour.

This powder is also indispensable in the treatment of diarrhea. To cure an upset stomach, it is enough to consume about 25 grams of the product per day, diluted with warm water and milk, with the addition of 4 grams of starch.

Beneficial properties of carob

Carob beans, 10 to 25 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide and ½-1 cm thick, have a rich brown color and a firm structure. The seeds in the fruits of the plant are covered with juicy sweet pulp, in which the content of natural sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose) reaches up to 50%. Sweet fruit pulp and powdered flour from them replace sugar, which is especially important for patients with diabetes and obesity.

Rich in starch, dietary fiber, tannins, proteins and organic acids, the fruits have excellent taste and medicinal properties. Carob fruits contain vitamins B, D, healthy fatty acids, tannin, pectin, antioxidants and a whole complex of macro- and microelements: iron, magnesium, chromium, potassium, calcium, iodine, boron, selenium, zinc, etc.

Thanks to this biochemical composition, the fruits have the following therapeutic properties:

  • expectorant;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • cleansing;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiemetic;
  • diuretic;
  • hypoglycemic;
  • restorative;
  • adsorbent;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • astringent.

When fresh, the fruits exhibit a laxative effect, but flour from dried beans has powerful antidiarrheal properties, since it absorbs toxic substances when it enters the intestines. The dietary fiber of carob powder helps convert liquid into a colloidal gel, which relaxes the intestinal walls and normalizes the functioning of the organ.

To treat diseases of the digestive tract, the symptom of which is diarrhea, a decoction of carob fruits is used: pour ½ kg of fresh raw material with a liter of hot water, keep in a water bath for about an hour, strain. Take 15 ml of elixir three times a day 20 minutes before main meals.

Carob syrup

The beneficial properties of carob fruits are also transferred to derivative products, so syrup from the fruits has a powerful healing effect. A sticky substance with a dark brown, almost black color and a dense structure reminiscent of honey, is used to prepare cocktails and various drinks.

The product is indispensable in the treatment of respiratory pathologies and helps against coughs, tracheitis, as well as hoarseness and pain in the throat.

With the help of syrup, they improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the intestines of accumulated metabolites, toxins, wastes and carcinogens. According to reviews of traditional healers, the product heals nervous disorders, melancholy, attacks of irritability, migraines and insomnia. And its resorption also eliminates small ulcers and wounds on the oral mucosa.

To treat gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea and cleanse the digestive system of toxins, use 1 tbsp. spoons of carob syrup 3 to 5 times a day (take half an hour before main meals). For children from 2 to 5 years old, the dose is 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, and from 5 to 12 years old - 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

The beneficial properties of carob syrup will also help in the treatment of coughs, colds, sore throats, bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI, acute respiratory infections - the syrup is diluted in a glass of hot water (60°C) and taken up to 6 times a day. Treatment is carried out until complete healing and cessation of coughing.

  • For nervous disorders, insomnia and frequent headaches, the remedy is taken in the same way (course of treatment up to 90 days).

Syrup also helps to normalize weight. Drinking the following cocktail: dissolve a tablespoon of syrup in a glass of warm water and add fresh juice squeezed from ¼ of a lemon, a quarter of an hour before meals twice a day (lunch and dinner) relieves hunger attacks, suppresses appetite, activates metabolism, which leads to a natural reduction in caloric intake and, ultimately, weight loss. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

A thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier, widely used in the food industry (food additive E410), called locust bean gum, is obtained from bean seeds. To produce the product, the seeds are softened by soaking, after which the shell and embryo are removed. The plant gum is extracted from the crushed endosperm.

The product is used in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system and nasopharynx, indigestion, cystitis, obesity, diarrhea and some sexually transmitted diseases. Traditional medicine recommends the use of gum as an antiemetic.

To treat nausea and vomiting, adults are prescribed 1 tbsp. spoons of gum per 200 ml of drinking water. The following drink can stop vomiting in infants: 1 gram of gum per 0.1 liter of mother's milk at each feeding.

  • Before starting treatment, consultation with an experienced pediatrician is required.

Carob - benefit, but harm?

Speaking about the benefits and harms of carob fruits, one should not forget. All products made from fruits, although they do not have a toxic effect on the body, can cause constipation if therapeutic doses are exceeded.

Be healthy!

The popular name for this tree is carob, and scientific – ceratonia capita. It is named carob because of these very pods: when ripe, they curl into long (from fifteen to thirty centimeters) curved stripes, reminiscent of the horns of a ram or goat.

Ceratonia is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, it reaches as much as twelve meters in height and, due to its lush foliage and spreading branches, provides abundant shade.

The ancient Greeks were the first to use the fruits of this tree. It was carob that gave the world the well-known measure of weight “carat”. Since all carob seeds weigh exactly the same, this makes them ideal “weights” for jewelers and apothecaries.

Carob in cooking

The ceratonia pod is widely used in the cuisine of the peoples of Mediterranean countries. Sugar makes up more than half of its pulp. The bag is cleared of seeds and dried: it can be eaten whole, cut into strips, crushed and used as a powder, or made into syrup.

The hard, sugary cone is especially popular among those who, for some reason, cannot have cocoa: this elongated brownish-red shell tastes very much like chocolate. Carob is caffeine-free, it does not raise blood pressure and does not cause headaches. The abundance of carbohydrates guarantees quick saturation. In Malta, Israel and North Africa, dishes made from pods have long secured their place of honor in the holiday menu.

Syrup and its beneficial properties

It is believed that Cyprus was the first to make syrup from ceratonia horns. It is prepared like this: the pods are placed in a huge bronze cauldron, where they are boiled for at least four hours. The liquid is passed through a fine sieve, which traps pieces of pulp. The finished product has a dark golden color that is pleasing to the eye. Due to its rich taste, it is often diluted with juices, such as orange.

The islanders call their product "Cypriot black gold" and export it widely. It is especially popular in Muslim countries, where it is drunk in large quantities during the month of Ramadan. Currently, Cypriots compete with regions such as Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Sicily, where carob syrup is also widely brewed. Its use, however, is not limited to the confectionery industry alone: ​​this drink is recognized to have beneficial effects on health.

We'll describe it in more detail. healing properties of ceratonia syrup:

  • It helps with sore throat and;
  • It contains truly gigantic amounts of calcium: three times more than milk;
  • The drink is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and dietary fiber;
  • It contains (albeit in not very significant amounts) vitamins B 2 and B 3;
  • Due to the presence of tanning substances (tannins), it also treats loose stools (this effect is most pronounced in young children);
  • It is free of gluten and casein, which extensive experience suggests may increase symptoms of childhood autism and hyperactivity, migraines and ulcerative colitis in adults;
  • The drink is rich in polyphenols - plant antioxidants that help the body cope with harmful free radicals.

Carob syrup is added to drinks or plain water. It is so sweet that four to five tablespoons a day is enough for an adult, but for children and teenagers it is better to limit themselves to three teaspoons.

Generally speaking, anyone can enjoy the taste of sweet syrup. There are, however, certain groups of people for whom it is especially indicated:

  • Smokers and those who quit smoking. Let us not once again describe the wide range of health hazards from this still popular bad habit. Let us only note that people who regularly inhale hot smoke saturated with tar constantly have their throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs themselves irritated. Carob syrup will help soothe inflammation and stimulate mucus flow, thereby helping the body rid itself of toxins. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of carob will only slightly mitigate the harm of smoking, but will not completely eliminate it. You can make it a rule: when your hands reach for a pack of poison, drink instead a small glass of water or tea with a sweet additive dissolved in them. Double benefit and no harm!
  • We can give a similar recommendation to those who have noticed excessive partiality to such everyday stimulants as coffee and chocolate. If you drink 4-5 cups of coffee a day and cannot imagine a morning that would not begin with this invigorating drink, we must warn you: your health is at risk. High blood pressure, nervous exhaustion, heart problems are just the beginning of a long list of ailments that await you. Carob syrup is very similar to coffee in taste and color, but since it does not contain a single molecule of caffeine, it does not harm the nervous system or the entire body as a whole. Using this substitute drink will help you preserve your favorite tradition, while potential harm will turn into visible benefits.
  • You are being tormented gastrointestinal problems: poor digestion, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Although such conditions should be treated by a doctor and nothing can replace consultation with an experienced specialist, we note that carob decoction, used as an addition to the main treatment, will enhance the effect of the medications taken and will more likely bring the desired relief.

Who is the syrup contraindicated for?

  • Although ceratonia pods are extremely rare, when introducing a new dish into the diet, it always makes sense to exercise caution. At first, take small amounts of the supplement in food - a third of a teaspoon. If you do not notice any negative consequences (they manifest themselves primarily in the form of skin rashes), feel free to increase the dose.
  • If you have diabetes (especially type 1), your intake of easily digestible “fast” carbohydrates should be placed under maximum control. Unfortunately, it is these carbohydrates that make up the lion's share of the components of the carob drink. Carefully read the ingredients and calorie information on the product label and never exceed your doctor's recommended daily intake of carbohydrates.
  • If you are struggling with excess weight, you should not eat anything that can be easily converted by the body into excess fat tissue. In this case, your choice should not be a spoon with sweet contents, but jogging, exercise and a strict diet with a protein and vegetable bias.
  • Let's not ignore common myths. Since carob is something of a fashionable novelty, unscrupulous importers and distributors have rushed to declare carob products the latest panacea. You can often find claims that this remedy helps with anemia, impotence, improves kidney function and successfully fights viral infections. Unfortunately, for all of the above conditions, the help that the body will receive from ceratonia will consist only of the well-known placebo effect.

Beneficial properties of carob fruits (video)

So our story is over - your knowledge has been enriched with information about what carob syrup is. It would be useful to describe the beneficial properties and contraindications of this drink to your friends - it’s so nice to share reliable news!

In Europe and the USA, carob syrup has become widespread in cooking, dietary nutrition, treatment, cosmetics, chemicals and food additives. In cooking, such syrup, which is easy to buy, is added to baked goods, sweets, drinks, and is also used as a sweet sauce for various desserts.

In addition, it is part of many different medicinal syrups for symptoms of bronchitis, coughs and colds. So, what are the beneficial properties of carob syrup? Let's find out.

What is carob syrup?

The carob tree is also known to many as the Tsaregrad pod, ceratonia pod, sweet horn, in the scientific community it is called Ceratonia siliqua. Basically, such syrup is created in Cyprus and then exported to various countries around the world.

When deciding to buy syrup, you should know that it is made from a plant of the legume family, which at the peak of its life can reach a height of 10–15 meters. It is distinguished by a fairly wide crown and dense feather-like leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods that are similar in appearance to a carob.

The total length of the pods ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters, the thickness is 5–10 millimeters, and the width is 2–4 centimeters. Inside a ripe fruit there may be 5–17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans have juicy pulp, inside of which there is up to 50% sugar - mainly sucrose, fructose and glucose.

What is made from carob?

Carob beans have a variety of properties, so they are used in almost any field. Flour is made from carob beans; it is widely used in cooking; in addition, they are used to create gum, which is used for the needs of the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries.

In particular, such gum is included in most milk curds, as well as cosmetology products - anti-wrinkle creams, gels, serums. Syrup is also made from carob fruits.

Benefits of syrup

Every person who wants to buy carob syrup should know its use and the properties it has. This product is a general strengthening and immunomodulatory product. It has been known since ancient times for its nutritional value, as well as many beneficial properties. This product contains such useful components as:

  • minerals and trace elements;
  • all B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • pectin;
  • natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural chocolate substitute, distinguished by its sweet taste and its specific smell. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits along with water. Sugar is not added to it, so the use of syrup is allowed for diabetics, and it can also be used in dietary nutrition. The syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has virtually no contraindications.

Using syrup in cooking

The syrup has various properties, so it is also used in cooking. In most countries, especially the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add this product to a variety of dishes. It is used for drizzling on pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and is also used as a component for dough in baked goods. You can also simply add syrup to tea, coffee, water and other drinks.

Healing properties of syrup

Carob syrup has been used in both folk and official medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for nervous disorders, insomnia, colds, sleep disorders, diarrhea, poisoning and for weight loss. The presence of zinc and calcium in the syrup makes it simply irreplaceable for bones and teeth. The syrup can also be used for colds, sore throats and coughs. Carob syrup is included in many medications.

This remedy is extremely effective during anemia, shortness of breath, it can also prevent rapid heartbeat, and can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and microelements, carob syrup is especially useful for children and pregnant women.

Harm of syrup

The product can cause individual intolerance, especially in those people who react sharply to the presence of fructose in dishes. Carob syrup should be used with caution. Today it has been proven that it raises blood sugar levels after consumption in the same way and can affect insulin secretion, like cheaper fructose-based syrups. The process occurs more slowly than with sucrose, but still, diabetics, as well as people sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, are advised to refrain from consuming carob products.

Often, when consuming carob drinks, a reaction similar to lactose intolerance appears. A person gets a strong laxative effect from one cup of a drink with milk, but this does not mean that he has an allergy. It’s just that milk lactose and carob fructose together are quite poorly absorbed, causing flatulence, gas formation and even in some cases diarrhea. Carob syrup, used for the purpose of losing weight, is by no means a panacea; it contains calories, unlike chemical sweeteners.

Those who use recipes with carob should count the caloric content of their diet and ensure that the amount of simple carbohydrates in each meal is not extremely large. In particular, it does not make much sense to consume syrup if you are on a diet containing about 1 kg of fruit per day. And, of course, switching from coffee and cocoa to carob may cause a temporary slowdown in the functioning of the nervous system, associated with caffeine withdrawal syndrome, and not with the effect of carob.

Contraindications for use

Oddly enough, such a product has its contraindications. The syrup has quite delicate characteristics that are not capable of causing harm to the body. Of course, you should regulate your consumption and adhere to a certain dosage.

It is also a good idea to first consult with a doctor to avoid allergic reactions that occur as a result of individual intolerance. The main positive property of the product is the almost complete absence of contraindications for use, this distinguishes it from most other medicines made from fruits and plants.

Using syrup

Carob syrup can be used as a dietary supplement for health and home treatment. To treat gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, and to remove toxins and waste from the body, you must take:

  • adults: 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old – 1 teaspoon per day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

For acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats, colds, and coughs, you need to take 1 tablespoon of carob syrup diluted in one glass of hot water (+ 60 degrees) 5-6 times a day.

In case of insomnia, neurological headaches, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally up to 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it is recommended to repeat it after 2 weeks.

As mentioned earlier, this syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without the use of sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day.

To reduce weight, 1 tablespoon of carob syrup is diluted in one glass of water at room temperature, with the addition of the juice of a lemon wedge. The ingredients are mixed and the finished drink can be consumed. It is recommended to drink it 5–15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add one more dose - before breakfast.

Carob syrup is a healthy product that is recommended for anyone to consume. If you want to stay healthy for many years, replace sugar with it and add it to baked goods instead of cocoa. When losing weight, it is not enough to take only carob syrup, although it helps to reduce weight. It is also necessary to normalize your diet and add at least light physical activity to your daily schedule.

Nature never ceases to amaze humanity. The Legume family unites varieties of valuable cultivated and wild plants. It contains representatives of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. An interesting type of legume is the carob tree, also called ceratonia, St. John's bread and Tsaregrad pod.

Biological features of carob

Evergreen ceratonia, reaching a height of 10 meters, covers rocky slopes and gorges, and is found in evergreen oak, juniper and pine forests of the Mediterranean. Spain, Italy, America, India, Greece are countries where carob is cultivated. Cypri Levant supplies the best Constantinople pods. They are slightly inferior to the beans collected by the Spaniards and Italians.

The mighty trunk of the tree is covered with bark of brown and dark gray shades, and twisted branches and twigs extend from it in all directions. The wide crown of ceratonia is formed by dense feathery leaves. Seven-year-old trees begin to bloom vigorously. Flowers with inconspicuous, rapidly falling calyxes without corollas are collected in purple-red clusters.

Rocky soils affected the development of the root system of St. John's bread. The carob tree has roots that are powerful and tenacious, with many branches in the crevices and cracks that penetrate the infertile lands.

The tree is cultivated for its fruits - indehiscent beans that look like horns, beautiful and very hard wood, suitable for carpentry. The horn-shaped pods, growing up to 30 cm in length, are filled with medium-sized round seeds and juicy pulp rich in sugars.

Nutritional value of ceratonia beans

Carob is rich in natural sugars, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats and fibers. The benefit of fiber is that it slowly converts sugars during digestion. Pods containing up to 50% sugars are a source of incredible energy nutrition (100 g - 315 kcal).

The saturation of sweet beans with proteins is such that when mixing cereals with ceratonia flour, nutritious mixtures are obtained. Such products are equivalent in value to animal proteins. There is no gluten in flour made from the seeds of Tsaregrad horns. Products made from it are important for the nutrition of people suffering from celiac disease.

Beans contain minimal fat. The pods contain fatty acids that are not produced by the human body. Eating carob products helps replenish linolenic and oleic acids. The composition of sweet cones is enriched with tannin, a substance from the category of powerful natural antioxidants that protect against cancer.

Benefits of ceratonia fruits

Ceratonia beans are rich in fibrin, pectin and lignin. These substances, having a special effect on the intestinal flora, reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the growth of colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. Pectin is a well-known thickener, along with a laxative effect, and has a coagulating and bactericidal effect.

It prevents the appearance of benign and malignant tumors. It is used to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. Thanks to it, the level of “bad” cholesterol drops. Pectin is involved in the formation of cell membranes and helps protect the mucous membranes lining the intestines.

Antitussive teas are brewed from sweet beans to relieve colds. Decoctions of them help reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Infusions are used to make lotions that heal sore eyes, and to gargle an irritated throat.

Since ancient times, carob, whose properties are amazing, has been used in pharmaceuticals. The products (flour, gum and syrup) obtained from its pods have been considered excellent medicines for centuries.

Healing properties of gum

The tree's beans are enriched with gum, a soluble fiber that has an astringent effect. Fiber prevents inflammatory processes that occur on the mucous membranes. Thanks to it, digestion is facilitated, diarrhea disappears, pain in the gastrointestinal tract goes away, and stomach function is normalized.

An unusually healing substance is carob gum. It prevents the appearance of anxiety in the stomach and effectively relieves digestive disorders. It is recommended to be used for asthma, cystitis, laryngitis, and as an expectorant to cleanse the respiratory tract.

Medicinal properties of flour

Fresh pods have a laxative effect. Flour from them is used as an antidiarrheal agent. It helps fight childhood diarrhea and gastroenteritis in infants. It heals ulcers and suppresses intestinal infections. In addition, flour can absorb toxins from the digestive tract.

Flour fibers have a triple effect. Mixing with liquid, they contribute to the formation of a useful colloidal gel, help relax the intestinal walls and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Uses of carob

There are white and black carob fruits. White pods are good for cooking, while black pods are good for producing alternative chocolate, ersatz cocoa and medicine. Sweet beans are suitable for making honey, syrup and wine. They are used to make baked goods, gourmet delicacies, compotes and refreshing drinks.

White and black “crane peas” are used to fatten livestock. Substances extracted from the bark are used to tan the leather. The seeds are used to make parachute glue. In Israel, folk craftsmen produce expensive souvenirs from wood.

Carob has found application in jewelry. The resin that flowed down the trunks of trees that grew in South American lands for tens of millions of years turned into amber. Atlantic amber, as pure as a tear, contains an incredible number of inclusions. It is recognized as the most valuable jewelry material. The extraction of the Atlantic (Haitian or Dominican) mineral is carried out using the artisanal method. Makeshift mines have been built in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Tsaregrad horns have an interesting use. Their seeds became the standard for weighing precious metals and stones. The absolute uniformity of the shape and weight of the seeds made them a unique and reliable example of trade.

Even in pagan Rome, seeds became a kind of “weights”, having the same weight - 0.189 g. Taking advantage of the unique quality of seeds, jewelers invented an unshakable measure that allows them to determine the mass of stones and metals - carats (from the Greek keratos - “horn”).

Properties and uses of gum

Locust bean gum - extracted from the juice of beans. The chain of this polymer includes molecules represented by residues of various monosaccharides. The powder, classified as a food additive and with virtually no aroma, has a yellowish-white color.

Heating, salty and acidic environments do not destroy the properties of the thickener. The stabilizer is characterized by high viscosity. To dissolve it, you need water whose temperature is not lower than 85 o C. It turns all kinds of liquids into jelly.

During the cooling process of the thickener, for which the carob fruit is ground, ice crystals form at a slower pace, promoting the formation of a structured gel. Gum allows cheeses, yoghurts and other dairy products to retain their shape.

It is added to baked goods, sauces, frozen desserts, canned vegetables, fish and mushrooms. In addition to the food industry, the stabilizer is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It is added to anti-aging creams, serums, gels and medicines.

The natural supplement is considered harmless to humans (with the exception of hypersensitivity to gum). The stabilizer is not able to break down in the body. It comes out unprocessed. This thickener is even added to baby food.

Application of ceratonia capita syrup

Carob, or rather its pods, are used to prepare syrup - a product suitable for dietary nutrition, treatment, culinary products, cosmetics and chemicals. The delicacy is made by boiling finely chopped pods with water and evaporating.

Syrup is one of the ingredients in sweets, baked goods, drinks, candies, and sauces served with dessert dishes. They serve pancakes, pancakes, and ice cream with it. It is used to sweeten water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

Beneficial carob syrup is added to medicines that cope with colds, coughs and bronchitis. Syrup-based preparations strengthen the immune system and treat gastrointestinal disorders.

Benefits of syrup

Delicious carob syrup has an immunomodulatory and restorative effect. It is rich in B vitamins, minerals, tannins and natural sugars. Its composition is not deprived of organic acids, starch, pectin and proteins.

Since no sugar is added to this product, it is suitable for diabetics. In terms of calcium content, carob syrup, the use of which is justified in dietary nutrition, is 3 times higher than milk.

The delicacy is not inferior to chocolate in terms of sweetness, taste and aroma, but it does not contain the bitterness characteristic of cocoa and tonic substances that cause addiction, so it is recommended as a natural substitute for chocolate.

The healing power of syrup

Not only folk, but also official medicine recognizes carob syrup. Its use to obtain many medications confirms the medicinal properties of the product. With the help of treats, they get rid of toxins that clog organs and tissues. They treat insomnia, diarrhea and colds.

The syrup relieves nervous disorders and promotes weight loss. It is taken for poisoning. Rich in calcium and zinc, it helps strengthen teeth and bones. The syrup is an excellent cure for coughs and sore throats.

It eliminates shortness of breath, fights anemia, prevents heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Syrup enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex is useful for people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

The syrup has no contraindications for use. It is used as an ordinary food product.

Syrup for weight loss

Syrup reduces excess weight. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product and lemon juice squeezed from one slice in a glass of water. Drink a weight loss drink before lunch and dinner (5-15 minutes before). After 14 days, they begin to consume it before breakfast.

Carob syrup

In Western countries, carob products have long been widely used in cooking, for the manufacture of various medicines and as food additives. A special place is occupied by carob syrup, which has many beneficial properties. This product has gained particular popularity among healthy eating enthusiasts.


  • Vitamins and minerals


The syrup has found use in medicine and cooking, and vegetarians are happy to include it in their diet as a natural sweetener. Carob syrup (or carob) is included in the menu of people who want to maintain their health without giving up sweets. This product is used for the production of confectionery products.

This syrup can be used by people with heart and vascular diseases, it will not harm those who have frequent migraines, and is suitable for use with vegetative-vascular dystonia and urolithiasis.

Due to its low calorie content, this product is considered dietary and is suitable for use in cases of obesity and diseases of the nervous system. It is also a welcome addition to the menu of people who want to lose weight.

The rich chemical composition has made this syrup an important tool in the fight against diseases of teeth and gums.

Other beneficial properties of this syrup include:

  • antitumor effect;
  • acceleration of metabolism and loss of appetite;
  • prevention of overeating;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing problems with potency;
  • rejuvenation of the body.

Due to the presence of tannins, pectin, vitamins, and organic acids in carob, this product is effective in the prevention of respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. In folk medicine, carob syrup is used to treat nervous disorders.

The antioxidants found in carob syrup relieve frequent colds, reduce the risk of premature skin aging, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

It is especially important to use carob syrup for people with weakened bronchi and smokers. This product is also used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats, and is included in cosmetics for the care of face and body skin. With its help you can prolong youth, get rid of fine wrinkles, and improve complexion.


Carob syrup is not an allergen, and therefore can be included in the diet of people with frequent skin rashes. This product does not contain toxic, harmful substances or carcinogens.

Losing weight with this syrup will be effective. But you should not replace a full meal with this sweet syrup. Otherwise, problems may arise in the body's metabolic processes, which will slow down metabolism and complicate the process of getting rid of inches of excess fat.

Carob syrup should not be consumed by people who are sensitive to high levels of fructose in their diet. Also, this product may be accompanied by side effects if it is consumed by people with individual intolerance to the components of carob syrup.

If you exceed the daily intake of carob syrup, you may experience an increase in blood sugar levels. This syrup contains many simple carbohydrates, but almost no saturated fatty acids.

Calorie content

100 grams of carob syrup contains 320 kcal (16% of the daily value).


Published October 16, 2013 |

Good day to you, dear reader of the medical blog “Traditional Medicine Recipes”! Today I decided to add a new article in the “Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants” section. Topic of the article: " Carob beneficial properties use in folk medicine»

Carob|Ceratonia siliqua|Legumes|Fabaceae

The carob tree is also popularly called: Tsargrad pod, sweet horn. This is a large tree that grows in Mediterranean countries and reaches a height of 20 meters or more. Compound, pinnate leaves with 6-10 leaflets. Reddish, small flowers without a corolla, they form shiny racemes. The horn (fruit) is a bean with 8-12 seeds, which are separated by fleshy partitions.

"This is interesting! Due to the fact that the carob seed has a constant mass, jewelers use it as a standard - a metric unit: 1 carat = 0.2 g. Carob gum solutions are widely used as gelling agents in the food industry of many countries.”

The carob tree does not shed its leaves; when ripe, it acquires a red-brown color.

Carob – parts used and content of active substances

In folk medicine, the seeds and fruits of the carob tree are used. The collected seeds are first softened, then soaked and the embryo and shell are removed, obtaining plant gum from the crushed endosperm. After drying and grinding the pulp of the mesocarp of the fruit, carob flour is obtained.

Carob beneficial properties use in folk medicine

The active substances contained in carob flour form the basis of an absorbent antidiarrheal drug that protects the intestinal wall from irritants. The plant's gum, mucilaginous substances and endosperm extract are used in folk medicine as antiemetics. For obese patients, non-digestible locust bean gum is useful, as it relieves hunger.

In the treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea) in adults, children and infants, preparations based on carob flour are widely used, which can be used either alone or in combination with extracts of other plants. Mucous substances cure habitual vomiting in pregnant women and infants. Since the plant's gum has no nutritional value, it can supplement the diet when prescribing a weight loss diet. For the same indications, carob flour is used in combination with sunflower or rice aleurone (or ready-made starch).

Carob (preparations made from parts of the plant) does not have toxic properties or undesirable (side) effects when used in therapeutic doses. And yet, with an overdose, constipation may occur.

Carob - traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of diarrhea (diarrhea):

Take 20-30 g of carob flour daily in milk or warm water; To avoid irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa, 15% starch should be added to this mixture, and 1% flour for infants.

Adults drink one tablespoon of locust bean gum in a glass of water before bed;

Infants: per 100 ml of breast milk - 1 g of gum at each breastfeeding.

Treatment of diarrhea, gastrointestinal upset, removal of toxins and wastes:

Drink half an hour before meals according to Art. l. plant syrup 4-5 r. per day (children from 2 to 5 years old - 1 tsp, from 5 to 12 years - one dessert spoon three times a day, up to two years is not recommended.

Treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, sore throat and colds:

The same doses of syrup in a glass of warm water (60 degrees C) 5 to 6 times a day.

Treatment of insomnia, headaches, nervous disorders:

1 tbsp. l. syrup 5-6 r per day for three months in a row, continue treatment after two weeks.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

Rinse and chop half a kilogram of carob thoroughly, then add one liter of water and cook over low heat for sixty minutes, then filter; Take a tablespoon before meals twenty minutes.

Obesity treatment:

It’s a little surprising: how can you use sweet, sweet syrup for weight loss?!; everything is brilliantly simple: carob syrup is made without adding sugar, and the fructose it contains has absolutely no effect on blood sugar levels. And now about the mechanism of suppressing hunger with the help of syrup. As you know, candy eaten before lunch interrupts our appetite, as a result of which we eat less than usual; this is explained by the fact that after the carbohydrates in the candy are broken down, the blood sugar level rises, promoting a feeling of fullness;

In this sense, syrups and even their aqueous solutions are even more effective: by increasing sugar, they also fill the stomach, so the syrup should be taken before meals; in addition, the syrup contains iron, magnesium and calcium, due to which the body accelerates metabolism, suppresses appetite and ultimately loses weight;

To lose weight, you should dilute a tablespoon of syrup and the juice of a quarter of a lemon in a glass of water at room temperature; after mixing the ingredients of the mixture, drink it before meals five to fifteen minutes; treatment begins with two doses: before lunch and before dinner, and two weeks later we add a third one - before breakfast.

Carob fruit (carob)

Carob: description and beneficial properties of the fruit

Carob fruit- these are the fruits of a plant called Tsaregrad pod, sweet horn (lat. Ceratonia siliqua), belonging to the legume family.

Carob fruits are dry pods that have a yeasty smell when broken. Therefore, this plant is also called breadfruit of John. By the way, the measure of carat weight comes from the Greek ?????????, which is reflected in the generic name of the plant. This is due to the fact that the seeds contain a polysaccharide (polygalactomanan), which determines the constancy of their mass (0.2 grams). Therefore, even in ancient times they were used as a measure of scales.

The plant has been cultivated in the Mediterranean since ancient times and is found growing wild.

Biological description of carob

The tree is evergreen, usually reaches 10 meters in height, has a very wide crown, dense feathery leaves. The flowers are small, collected in racemes.

The pods are from 10 to 25 centimeters long, 2 to 4 centimeters wide, and 0.5 to 1 centimeter thick. Color - dark brown. The beans are indehiscent when fully ripe. Inside contains seeds and juicy sweet pulp containing up to 50% sugars. The dried fruits are ground into a powder called carob.

Benefits of carob

The beans are used as a delicacy (sweet in taste), a drink is prepared from carob that is very similar in taste and aroma to cocoa, carob is also used in baking. In Spain, Malta, Portugal, Sicily, and Turkey, compotes and liqueurs, as well as refreshing soft drinks, are prepared from beans.

The medical use of beans comes down to the fact that they are used to make various medicines used to treat colds, coughs, to strengthen the immune system, as well as for various gastrointestinal disorders.

The seeds are used to produce a gum, which serves as a thickening agent used in the food industry. Sometimes the seeds are added to livestock feed.

Carob syrup is very popular among some peoples. In Russia, especially before the advent of the pharmaceutical industry, syrup was used to treat sore throats, colds and dry coughs. The syrup is also used to remove waste and toxins from the body, for various poisonings, diarrhea, sleep disorders and nervous system disorders. Carob syrup has proven itself very well as a remedy for shortness of breath, especially caused by allergic reactions (for example, asthma). The substances it contains help lower cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to use it for anemia (anemia).

The syrup is also good for the heart, as it reduces heart rate.

The syrup should be consumed by those people who want to strengthen their bones and teeth and improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

It is an excellent dietary supplement for pregnant women and children, as it contains a lot of mineral elements, vitamins, and is completely non-allergenic.

Title[edit | edit wiki text]

The scientific name of the genus comes from the Greek "horn" ????????? ( сerati?n), ????? (seras)). Specific epithet - from Latin siliqua- “pod, bean.” The dry pod has a yeast smell when broken, name John's Breadfruit widespread in national languages. The term carat (meaning a measure of weight) also comes from the same Greek???????? ( сerati?n).

An evergreen tree from 6 to 12 m high with a wide crown. The leaves are feathery and dense.

The flowers are small, collected in racemes. The calyx of the flower is inconspicuous, quickly falling off; there is no corolla.

The beans are about 10-25 cm long, 2-4 cm wide and 0.5-1 cm thick, brown, indehiscent. In addition to seeds, they contain juicy, sweet pulp (about 50% sugar).

The powder extracted from the dried pod of the carob tree is called carob. Used instead of cocoa powder by people for whom caffeine is contraindicated.

Ripe carob fruits on a branch Carob fruits and seeds in the Toulouse Museum

Usage[edit | edit wiki text]

Beans are used for baking, as a cocoa surrogate, as a delicacy (in Egypt), to obtain a refreshing drink, for the production of compotes and liqueurs (Turkey, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Sicily), in medicine (included in various medicines mainly used for coughs, colds, to strengthen the immune system and for gastrointestinal disorders)

The seeds are used for livestock feed (Cyprus) and for the production of locust bean gum, a thickener widely used in the food industry.

During the era of the Roman Empire, hard, flat brown seeds of the carob tree (lat. siliqua graeca) were used in the Roman weight system as a measure of mass, equal to approximately 0.19 grams ( see silicva; carat).

Nature never ceases to amaze humanity. The Legume family unites varieties of valuable cultivated and wild plants. It contains representatives of herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees. An interesting type of legume is the carob tree, also called ceratonia, St. John's bread and Tsaregrad pod.

Biological features of carob

Evergreen ceratonia, reaching a height of 10 meters, covers rocky slopes and gorges, and is found in evergreen oak, juniper and pine forests of the Mediterranean. Spain, Italy, America, India, Greece are countries where carob is cultivated. Cypri Levant supplies the best Constantinople pods. They are slightly inferior to the beans collected by the Spaniards and Italians.

The mighty trunk of the tree is covered with bark of brown and dark gray shades, and twisted branches and twigs extend from it in all directions. The wide crown of ceratonia is formed by dense feathery leaves. Seven-year-old trees begin to bloom vigorously. Flowers with inconspicuous, rapidly falling calyxes without corollas are collected in purple-red clusters.

Rocky soils affected the development of the root system of St. John's bread. The carob tree has roots that are powerful and tenacious, with many branches in the crevices and cracks that penetrate the infertile lands.

The tree is cultivated for its fruits - indehiscent beans that look like horns, beautiful and very hard wood, suitable for carpentry. The horn-shaped pods, growing up to 30 cm in length, are filled with medium-sized round seeds and juicy pulp rich in sugars.

Nutritional value of ceratonia beans

Carob is rich in natural sugars, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fats and fibers. The benefit of fiber is that it slowly converts sugars during digestion. Pods containing up to 50% sugars are a source of incredible energy nutrition (100 g - 315 kcal).

The saturation of sweet beans with proteins is such that when mixing cereals with ceratonia flour, nutritious mixtures are obtained. Such products are equivalent in value to animal proteins. There is no gluten in flour made from the seeds of Tsaregrad horns. Products made from it are important for the nutrition of people suffering from celiac disease.

Beans contain minimal fat. The pods contain fatty acids that are not produced by the human body. Eating carob products helps replenish linolenic and oleic acids. The composition of sweet cones is enriched with tannin, a substance from the category of powerful natural antioxidants that protect against cancer.

Benefits of ceratonia fruits

Ceratonia beans are rich in fibrin, pectin and lignin. These substances, having a special effect on the intestinal flora, reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to the growth of colonies of beneficial lactobacilli. Pectin is a well-known thickener, along with a laxative effect, and has a coagulating and bactericidal effect.

It prevents the appearance of benign and malignant tumors. It is used to remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. Thanks to it, the level of “bad” cholesterol drops. Pectin is involved in the formation of cell membranes and helps protect the mucous membranes lining the intestines.

Antitussive teas are brewed from sweet beans to relieve colds. Decoctions of them help reduce inflammation and heal wounds caused by gingivitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis. Infusions are used to make lotions that heal sore eyes, and to gargle an irritated throat.

Since ancient times, carob, whose properties are amazing, has been used in pharmaceuticals. The products (flour, gum and syrup) obtained from its pods have been considered excellent medicines for centuries.

Healing properties of gum

The tree's beans are enriched with gum, a soluble fiber that has an astringent effect. Fiber prevents inflammatory processes that occur on the mucous membranes. Thanks to it, digestion is facilitated, diarrhea disappears, pain in the gastrointestinal tract goes away, and stomach function is normalized.

An unusually healing substance is carob gum. It prevents the appearance of anxiety in the stomach and effectively relieves digestive disorders. It is recommended to be used for asthma, cystitis, laryngitis, and as an expectorant to cleanse the respiratory tract.

Medicinal properties of flour

Fresh pods have a laxative effect. Flour from them is used as an antidiarrheal agent. It helps fight childhood diarrhea and gastroenteritis in infants. It heals ulcers and suppresses intestinal infections. In addition, flour can absorb toxins from the digestive tract.

Flour fibers have a triple effect. Mixing with liquid, they contribute to the formation of a useful colloidal gel, help relax the intestinal walls and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Uses of carob

There are white and black carob fruits. White pods are good for cooking, while black pods are good for producing alternative chocolate, ersatz cocoa and medicine. Sweet beans are suitable for making honey, syrup and wine. They are used to make baked goods, gourmet delicacies, compotes and refreshing drinks.

White and black “crane peas” are used to fatten livestock. Substances extracted from the bark are used to tan the leather. The seeds are used to make parachute glue. In Israel, folk craftsmen produce expensive souvenirs from wood.

Carob has found application in jewelry. The resin that flowed down the trunks of trees that grew in South American lands for tens of millions of years turned into amber. Atlantic amber, as pure as a tear, contains an incredible number of inclusions. It is recognized as the most valuable jewelry material. The extraction of the Atlantic (Haitian or Dominican) mineral is carried out using the artisanal method. Makeshift mines have been built in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Tsaregrad horns have an interesting use. Their seeds became the standard for weighing precious metals and stones. The absolute uniformity of the shape and weight of the seeds made them a unique and reliable example of trade.

Even in pagan Rome, seeds became a kind of “weights”, having the same weight - 0.189 g. Taking advantage of the unique quality of seeds, jewelers invented an unshakable measure that allows them to determine the mass of stones and metals - carats (from the Greek keratos - “horn”).

Properties and uses of gum

Locust bean gum - extracted from the juice of beans. The chain of this polymer includes molecules represented by residues of various monosaccharides. The powder, classified as a food additive and with virtually no aroma, has a yellowish-white color.

Heating, salty and acidic environments do not destroy the properties of the thickener. The stabilizer is characterized by high viscosity. To dissolve it, you need water whose temperature is not lower than 85 ° C. It turns all sorts of liquids into jelly.

During the cooling process of the thickener, for which the carob fruit is ground, ice crystals form at a slower pace, promoting the formation of a structured gel. Gum allows cheeses, yoghurts and other dairy products to retain their shape.

It is added to baked goods, sauces, frozen desserts, canned vegetables, fish and mushrooms. In addition to the food industry, the stabilizer is widely used in cosmetology and pharmaceuticals. It is added to anti-aging creams, serums, gels and medicines.

The natural supplement is considered harmless to humans (with the exception of hypersensitivity to gum). The stabilizer is not able to break down in the body. It comes out unprocessed. This thickener is even added to baby food.

Application of ceratonia capita syrup

Carob, or rather its pods, are used to prepare syrup - a product suitable for dietary nutrition, treatment, culinary products, cosmetics and chemicals. The delicacy is made by boiling finely chopped pods with water and evaporating.

Syrup is one of the ingredients in sweets, baked goods, drinks, candies, and sauces served with dessert dishes. They serve pancakes, pancakes, and ice cream with it. It is used to sweeten water, coffee, tea and other drinks.

Beneficial carob syrup is added to medicines that cope with colds, coughs and bronchitis. Syrup-based preparations strengthen the immune system and treat gastrointestinal disorders.

Benefits of syrup

Delicious carob syrup has an immunomodulatory and restorative effect. It is rich in B vitamins, minerals, tannins and natural sugars. Its composition is not deprived of organic acids, starch, pectin and proteins.

Since no sugar is added to this product, it is suitable for diabetics. In terms of calcium content, carob syrup, the use of which is justified in dietary nutrition, is 3 times higher than milk.

The delicacy is not inferior to chocolate in terms of sweetness, taste and aroma, but it does not contain the bitterness characteristic of cocoa and tonic substances that cause addiction, so it is recommended as a natural substitute for chocolate.

The healing power of syrup

Not only folk, but also official medicine recognizes carob syrup. Its use to obtain many medications confirms the medicinal properties of the product. With the help of treats, they get rid of toxins that clog organs and tissues. They treat insomnia, diarrhea and colds.

The syrup relieves nervous disorders and promotes weight loss. It is taken for poisoning. Rich in calcium and zinc, it helps strengthen teeth and bones. The syrup is an excellent cure for coughs and sore throats.

It eliminates shortness of breath, fights anemia, prevents heart palpitations, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Syrup enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex is useful for people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

The syrup has no contraindications for use. It is used as an ordinary food product.

Syrup for weight loss

Syrup reduces excess weight. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product and lemon juice squeezed from one slice in a glass of water. Drink a weight loss drink before lunch and dinner (5-15 minutes before). After 14 days, they begin to consume it before breakfast.