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Sanatorium and resort treatment for diabetics. Treatment of diabetes mellitus in a sanatorium. How and how diabetes is treated in sanatoriums

Sanatoriums in the treatment of diabetes create optimal conditions for treating the disease, restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and combating obesity. This is a gentle treatment that has a beneficial effect on the entire body, which is based on a set of procedures using natural ingredients. The basis of spa therapy is mineral waters and mud baths. There are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account before purchasing a tour.

Sanatorium and its benefits

Sanatorium-resort treatment of diabetes mellitus has a number of advantages over purely medicinal intervention. Sanatorium treatment includes complex therapy based not only on the influence of natural forces, but also physiotherapy, balneotherapy, and taking a course of medications. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus involves control over nutrition and exercise regimen.

A boarding house is the best way for diabetics to regulate their diet based on the recommendations of nutritionists and treat complications. An important factor is the presence of diagnostic procedures in sanatoriums, which make it possible to record changes in the functioning of the body and the dynamics of the course of the disease. Diabetes mellitus is treated in sanatoriums for people of different ages and degrees of illness, since this type of therapy is the most gentle physiologically and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Resorts for diabetics

Treatment of obesity and diabetes.

In addition to diabetes, boarding houses treat problems of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the immune and nervous systems, and help in the fight against obesity. In addition to controlling sugar levels, the resorts eliminate ailments caused by diabetes. The table provides a description of sanatoriums for the treatment of diabetes:


Basic methods

"Berezovsky Mineral Waters"
Ukraine (Kharkov region)
Drinking procedures and baths based on mineral waters with a high content of organic elements
Baths and drinking regime with carbonated mineral water
South Ossetia
Therapeutic effects of a temperate climate and a course of taking carbon dioxide mineral waters
Therapy with mountain air and mineral waters for drinking and bathing
Mud and water baths, chloride water
Stavropol region, Russia
Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium carbonate water, baths and mud therapy
Radon baths and the beneficial effects of climate
Poltava region, Ukraine
Balneological drinking and mud therapy
Western Ukraine
Mineral springs, treatment with Naftusya water

When is spa treatment for diabetes undesirable?

Main contraindications:

  • epilepsy;
  • chronic bleeding;
  • precoma and coma.

Resort kmv illness and treatment sanatoriums specializing in diabetes are located at the Essentuki resort.

Sugar level

In ancient Egypt (1500 BC), in the treatise on medicine, the Ebers Papyrus, there is a description of diabetes mellitus. The Egyptians classified the disease as independent.

Descriptions of the thoughts of the great healers of Rome and Ancient Greece about the causes and consequences of this mysterious disease have reached us.

From the physician Aretaius came the name diabetes, which in Greek means “passing or flowing through,” which implied the body’s loss of ability to absorb sugar.

The ancient scientist Celsus argued that the cause of diabetes mellitus was indigestion. When diagnosing patients, Hippocrates, the great physician and philosopher, defined diabetes as a disease by tasting the patient’s urine. They did the same in ancient China. Chinese healers have invented an original method for diagnosing diabetes using wasps or flies. If insects land on a plate with urine, this is a sign of sugar content in the urine, and therefore the presence of diabetes as a disease.

Today we know that diabetes mellitus is a serious disease and we take it very seriously and its treatment and prevention. It is a proven fact that the spread of the disease is exponential, especially in developed countries such as the United States.

Of all the places in the world, nature has endowed the Essentuki resort with the most favorable natural conditions for the treatment of endocrine diseases and, first of all, diseases of various types of diabetes.

But not all resort sanatoriums have sufficient medical facilities for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. I would like to note the Essentuki sanatoriums with a strong medical base and a highly professional team of doctors specializing in diabetes. These are the sanatoriums Shakhtar, Kalinina, Ukraine, Yunost. In these sanatoriums, endocrinologists provide comprehensive diagnostics and treatment. The nursing staff also has special training in endocrinology. Medical posts equipped with express diagnostics are able to determine glycemic levels, and medical staff regularly monitor glucose levels in urine and blood. Studies are carried out on biochemical indicators of kidney function, liver function, protein and lipid metabolism, and blood clotting is checked.

As an example, with a detailed list of prescribed procedures, diagnostics carried out and pricing policy, you can see the diabetes program at the Shakhtar sanatorium.

What medications for type 2 diabetes are provided free of charge?

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases of our time. The number of patients with this disease is increasing every year. Treatment of this pathology is not simple and requires a lot of money. But not many people know that the state provides benefits to such people. As of 2015, the current law clearly defines the criteria that allow type 2 diabetics to receive medications and other compensation without payment.

What free benefits are available to people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Every year, a certain amount is allocated from the state budget for patients with type 2 diabetes, regardless of disability. Special territorial committees distribute material resources that are due to diabetics (medicines, money, social privileges).

  • free medicines;
  • free rehabilitation;
  • financial payments.

For this disease, people are prescribed special pharmacological agents. Free medications are provided depending on the category to which the patient belongs (insulin dependent or not). In addition to medications, what patients are prescribed includes glucometers and special tests in the form of strips.

In addition, benefits for type 2 diabetes include the provision of free trips to sanatoriums, hospitals, and recreation centers. Regarding the amount and accrual of financial resources for patients with diabetes, they are determined and issued individually for each specific case. The patient can also refuse a trip to the sanatorium in exchange for monetary compensation.

As for minors with type 2 diabetes, according to the law, such children under 14 years of age are paid financial assistance in the amount of the average salary. These funds are allocated to purchase subsidized medications for the child and support the normal functioning of the young person. In addition, the treatment program for children with type 1 diabetes includes annual fully paid trips to a sanatorium together with their parents.

How to get free medicines?

The list of preferential pharmacological drugs for type 2 diabetes is not small. These are mainly sugar-lowering pharmacological agents. Free medications for type 2 diabetes, their quantity and how many test strips are required are determined by an endocrinologist. The written prescription is valid for a month.

  1. Tablets (Acarbose, Repaglinide, Gliquidone, Glibenclamide, Glucophage, Glimepiride, Glibenclamide, Gliclazide, Glipizide, Metformin, Rosiglitazone).
  2. Injections (Insulin in suspension and solution).

In addition, for type 1 diabetes, syringes, needles and alcohol are provided free of charge. But for issuance, you will need to collect documents and contact the appropriate authorities. It is the hostility to bureaucratic processes that is often the reason for the refusal of state benefits for diabetics.

To obtain the right to discounted medications for diabetics, you will need to submit documents to the Pension Fund. After registration, this organization will transmit data to government medical institutions, pharmacies and health insurance funds.

You must also obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming that the person does not refuse benefits for people with diabetes. This document will be required by the doctor who will write a prescription for free medications.

  • passport;
  • a certificate certifying the right to benefits;
  • individual insurance number of the personal account;
  • health insurance.

The attending physician must write a special prescription with which a patient with type 1 diabetes must go to the pharmacy. But diabetics can only apply for free medications from government organizations. If a person does not have information about such medical institutions, you can find out their location at your place of residence by contacting the Ministry of the Region. healthcare.

Very often, patients refuse what is required for patients with diabetes, preferring monetary compensation. Even if a patient with type 2 diabetes feels great, you should not reject benefits for diabetics. After all, financial payments are much less than the cost of treatment. When refusing legal free therapy, people with type 2 diabetes should take into account that if the condition suddenly worsens, it will no longer be possible to undergo government treatment.

When spa treatment of diabetes is undesirable

Main contraindications:

  • severe form of diabetes (angiopathy and organ decompensation);
  • predisposition to ketoacidosis (excess of ketone bodies, acetone in the blood);
  • predisposition to hypoglycemia (pathological decrease in sugar);
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders when a person cannot take care of himself;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • cachexia (extreme exhaustion of the body);
  • chronic bleeding;
  • precoma and coma.

Patients with septic processes and acute hepatitis are prohibited from visiting resorts. If there are oncological diseases that appeared as a consequence of diabetes mellitus or before it, this will be a refusal of spa treatment. Doctors prohibit boarding houses for the treatment of diabetes for people with heart muscle defects in the stage of decompensation. Before purchasing a voucher, you should take a medical certificate confirming the possibility of using spa therapy.

The benefits of mineral water for diabetes

  • Types of mineral and sparkling water
  • Which water is most beneficial for diabetics?
  • Providing mineral water therapy
  • Enemas and gastric lavage
  • The relevance of mineral baths in the context of diabetes mellitus

How should you drink water?

The beneficial properties of mineral water for type 2 diabetes, as well as for the whole body as a whole, have long been of interest to specialists

Its therapeutic effect on the functioning of internal organs has been proven, which is very important for a diabetic. That is why further I would like to dwell in more detail on what kind of mineral water can be treated, and what additional information is available when faced with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Types of mineral and sparkling water

First of all, each of the names differs in its composition and the presence of certain components. The type of water used in this case may include hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid salts, as well as carbon dioxide and other components.

According to experts, regular use of any one of these compounds can significantly reduce the amount of acetone in the bloodstream. In addition, drinking mineral water is beneficial due to an increase in alkali reserves and a decrease in the concentration of under-oxidized components. Regular consumption of carbonated drinks with minerals is also very beneficial for the liver. Of course, this is relevant if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is noteworthy that:

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  • sulfate and carbon dioxide water containing mineral components can trigger regeneration and oxidation;
  • due to this, the ability to produce a hormonal component changes;
  • most often, treatment of type 2 diabetes with such water involves the use of a name enriched with hydrogen sulfide;
  • They drink mineral water not only to reduce sugar, but also to simply normalize these indicators.

In addition, it is very important to decide how much water you can drink if you have diabetes, and which type will be most useful

Which water is most beneficial for diabetics?

Such water for diabetics should be carefully selected. It would be best to coordinate your choice with a specialist who will suggest the most effective names based on the patient’s health status and sugar levels

In addition to sugar levels, the specialist takes into account the patient’s age, the duration of development of the pathological condition and whether he has complications. Mineral water for type 2 diabetes, which you should drink, will be most useful in a sanatorium setting. The fact is that in this case it is closest to the original source and has not undergone any additional processing.

The ideal algorithm for two types of diabetes looks like this: once or twice a year the patient visits sanatoriums, and for the rest of the time drinks purchased water. It should be borne in mind that it should fit perfectly into the nutritional schedule, so that the excess amount of liquid does not harm the functioning of the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. It is also necessary to remember that mineral water for diabetes can also be used externally.

Sanatorium named after M.I. Kalinin

This institution is located in Essentuki and specializes in the rehabilitation and treatment of the digestive system, as well as endocrine organs. For a long time, a center for the rehabilitation of patients through the influence of natural factors has been operating at its base. The “Diabetes Mellitus” program consists of the following points:

  • drinking mineral waters;
  • dietary prescription;
  • mud therapy;
  • massage sessions;
  • therapeutic physical education classes;
  • mineral and whirlpool baths;
  • swimming pool with water aerobics sessions;
  • Physiotherapy methods – electrophoresis, electrotherapy.

The staff of the sanatorium developed a scheme for diagnosing and treating complications of the process. Patients are taught self-control, a process called diabetes school.

Statistics show that after undergoing rehabilitation in a sanatorium, 9 out of 10 patients feel the need to review their glucose-lowering therapy with a tendency to reduce dosages. The tour costs from 1900 to 9000 rubles per day.

On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients with diabetes mellitus to sanatorium-resort treatment

When choosing a resort, you should take into account the type of diabetes mellitus, severity, nature of the course and state of diabetes compensation; the presence of complications and concomitant lesions of various organs and systems.

The list of mandatory diagnostic tests before spa treatment includes: clinical analysis of blood and urine, determination of glucose levels in blood and urine, ECG, X-ray examinations of the chest organs. According to indications, additional studies are carried out: glucose tolerance test (GTG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c); Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Indications and contraindications

Endocrinologists refer their patients for rehabilitation and treatment in a sanatorium in case of the following pathological conditions: diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2, development of secondary insulin-dependent diabetes. Impaired carbohydrate tolerance, along with metabolic and hypothalamic syndromes, and Pickwick's syndrome are also indications for such treatment.

It should be noted that staying in a sanatorium is indicated for a compensated course of the pathological process, that is, glycemia numbers should not be high. An important point is the absence of even the most minimal manifestations of ketosis, and very minor glucosuria is allowed. Treatment of persons with comorbid pathology is possible, but the diseases should not be in a period of exacerbation. Combined pathologies primarily include:

  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • JVP;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative defects of the digestive system;
  • angiopathy.

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Severe decompensation of diabetes, accompanied by frequent episodes of ketosis, and a tendency to hypoglycemia, especially those that occur with fainting, are considered contraindications for treatment in sanatorium conditions.

How to choose a sanatorium

There are quite a lot of sanatoriums for diabetics in Russia, and sometimes patients are lost when choosing this institution. It is best if the attending physician recommends specific sanatoriums to the patient, based on the characteristics of the course of diabetes and the presence of concomitant diseases

But if the patient wants to choose a place to relax on his own, it is important for him to remember some nuances:

  • the sanatorium should organize a regular appointment with an endocrinologist and other specialized therapeutic specialists;
  • the establishment must have its own laboratory so that, if necessary, diabetics can take general and biochemical blood tests, undergo a urine test for sugar, etc.;
  • Exercise therapy classes should be held on the territory of the institution;
  • patients should be able to seek medical help at any time of the day (for example, in case of hypoglycemia or the development of other complications of diabetes);
  • food in the canteen should be dietary and low-fat, preferably diet No. 9.

The patient should consult with a doctor about the possibility of providing a free trip to a sanatorium. The conditions for receiving it depend on the severity of the disease, the presence or absence of a disability group and the characteristics of the annual financing of such institutions by the healthcare system.

Do you still think that diabetes cannot be cured?

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against high blood sugar is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about inpatient treatment? This is understandable, because diabetes is a very dangerous disease that, if not treated promptly, can be fatal. Constant thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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EtoDiabet.ru » All about diabetes » Important information about diabetes

Treatment of diabetes mellitus sanatorium near Moscow

Diabetes mellitus is a serious and complex disease, so patients with it should be attentive to their daily routine, diet and other important factors. In the Moscow Region sanatorium, all conditions have been created for patients with diabetes to receive qualified treatment and restore their own strength.

Diabetes mellitus can disrupt the optimal functioning of many organs and systems, which is why diabetes treatment must be taken under control. The most important tasks are compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, prevention and treatment of complications, normalization of body weight, and training in self-control. The specific treatment of diabetes mellitus is determined by the type of disease.

The Moscow region sanatorium specializes in the effective treatment of diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Of course, it’s no secret that people with diabetes need a special diet. The Moscow region sanatorium is ready to accept patients with different types of this disease.

Diabetes treatment program

Sanatorium Podmoskovye offers round-the-clock medical supervision and possible correction of drug treatment. You will be prescribed a special diet and a planned daily routine. You can relax, walk along the well-groomed forest paths on the territory of the sanatorium, and also undergo comprehensive diagnostics. You can successfully combine rest and treatment in one place and at one time.

Walking, massage, physiotherapy, various group and individual classes are included in the program, which helps improve the well-being of patients with diabetes. Hydrotherapy, various baths, herbal medicine, and group psychotherapy are also included in the spa treatment program.

The Moscow Region sanatorium provides everything to provide the necessary treatment for diabetes mellitus of any severity in a state of compensation. The main goal of treatment is to prevent the development of complications and maintain ability to work.

Timely and professional treatment of diabetes almost always guarantees a favorable prognosis. It should be borne in mind that there is no change in climate or time zone, so the adaptation period passes very quickly without unnecessary stress for the body.

Improving the general condition of patients with diabetes mellitus occurs simultaneously with solving local problems. There is no doubt about the positive influence of climatic factors on the state of the respiratory system, nervous system, and cardiovascular system in diabetes mellitus. An important role in the treatment of diabetes is played by adherence to the regimen and adequate physical activity used on a regular basis. The Moscow Region sanatorium has been successfully treating diabetes for many years and invites you to relax and recuperate according to a specially designed program.

To the list of wellness programs

The importance of spa treatment

It is important to note the widespread prevalence of the pathology. According to the World Health Organization, about 3% of the world's population suffers from this disease, while the number of sick people is steadily growing

Projections state that every 15 years, the number of patients will double.

Insulin therapy, as well as tablet drugs, help improve the well-being of patients, their quality of life, and the prognosis of the disease. But, even with the most adequate therapy, there is a high risk of developing late complications of the process.

Expert opinion
Guseva Yulia Alexandrova
Specialized endocrinologist

Ask a Question

First of all, we are talking about vascular and neurological problems. They contribute to the decline, loss of ability to work, and the development of disability. This necessitates their prevention.

It is important to understand that treating diabetes is difficult. After all, it is necessary to correctly use several groups of medications at once, which can lead to side effects and unexpected allergic reactions

This prompts the search for various methods that can reduce the number of drug groups. These primarily include traditional medicine, as well as the influence of various natural and physical factors.

The results of numerous studies claim that some mineral waters have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, spa therapy has given an absolutely revolution in diabetology. We advise you to relax in Pereslavl Zalessky, excellent conditions, clean air.

Diabetes is a vulnerable disease and in order to achieve the best results, in addition to drug treatment, patients are recommended to undergo sanatorium treatment in order to maintain immunity and strengthen general well-being. Sanatoriums for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in our country can provide all possible assistance, and treatment can improve the prognosis. In most cases, it is possible to achieve stable and long-term remission.

Statistics show that patients begin to feel healthier after completing a spa treatment course. Famous resorts in our country offer the most rational methods and systems of treatment for diabetes. Patients will learn to control their well-being, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, dose physical activity, and adequately relate to their illness and, of course, health.

Diabetics are encouraged to improve their health by:

  • stable course of the disease at the stage of compensation, stable remission;
  • disease at an initial stage or moderate severity;
  • diagnosing nephropathy, circulatory disorders in the periphery of the lower extremities, diabetic retinopathy 1 degree.

Sanatoriums offer comprehensive treatment for diabetes mellitus, in particular with drinking water: sodium chloride, radon, iodine-bromine.

However, not every patient is indicated for a course of health improvement and rehabilitation in a dispensary. The technique is completely unsuitable and contraindicated for:

  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • suspected acidotic hypoglycemia;
  • the patient has renal failure, severe exhaustion of the body, retinopathy, obesity, severe disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Treatment methods

The disease is serious - diabetes and the sanatorium will help improve your health, especially during the recovery period. It is proposed to take a wellness course with Essentuki mineral water, indicated for use for any degree of diabetes severity for:

  • improving carbohydrate metabolism;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • enzyme activation;
  • accelerating the penetration of glucose into tissues;
  • activation of the early phase of insulin secretion;
  • reducing cholesterol, lipids and triglycerides in the blood;
  • normalization of metabolic processes of microelements;
  • improving overloaded kidney function under the influence of diabetes.

It is proposed to use mineral water in various ways by:

  • washing the intestines, stomach;
  • setting microenemas to eliminate acidosis;
  • carrying out duodenal drainage to alleviate the condition;
  • taking mineral baths to improve metabolism and regulate the functioning of internal organs.

Healing the body and eliminating unpleasant symptoms of diabetes is indicated with mud for:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the lower extremities and in the musculoskeletal system;
  • disruption of digestion;
  • the appearance of innervation in the periphery.

Thanks to this treatment, you can improve metabolic processes, increase blood glucose levels, and normalize overall well-being. Sea salt is used when carrying out thalassotherapy to improve metabolism, heliotherapy with sun treatment.

Treatment at the sanatorium is comprehensive with the following purposes:

  • physiotherapy in clean air;
  • aerotherapy, useful for lack of oxygen in organs and tissues.

Each method is selected individually, taking into account the degree, stage of diabetes, and the presence of concomitant chronic ailments. The goal of any sanatorium is to achieve stability and normalization of well-being, stable remission and maximum effect from the completed health course.

In case of latent form of diabetes mellitus of mild and moderate severity, it can be carried out in a sanatorium for the treatment of diabetes in Pyatigorsk, or Truskavets in the presence of any degree of severity.

The sanatorium in Essentuki, Mirgorod, Adygea, Belokurikha in the Altai Territory offers a place to relax, improve your health and cure diabetes.

  1. The health resort in the Stavropol Territory offers the following services: full diagnostics, healing of the body with mineral waters, laser procedures, balneology, mud therapy.
  2. Essentuki with specialization in metabolic disorders in the digestive organs and the gastrointestinal tract in diabetes mellitus. Patients are provided with: full diagnostics, identification of complications, prescription of mud therapy, pool swimming massage, physiotherapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, hydrocarbon mineral baths, intake of Essentuki mineral water, procedures for washing the intestinal cavity with mineral waters.
  3. Lago Naki is a sanatorium in the Republic of Adygea, a popular health resort using the traditions of Chinese medicine in combination with the latest advances in healthcare. The rehabilitation center develops individual programs for each patient individually. Treats gangrene of the feet and offers a special therapeutic dietary table. In addition, visitors are offered: consultations with a psychologist and therapist, complex procedures: massage, balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, mud treatment, mineral water.
  4. Belokurikha, Altai Territory is an amazing place in Russia surrounded by natural beauty and mountain vegetation. Specialization: treatment of endocrine diseases, prescription of a low-carbohydrate diet, diagnostics, testing, treatment in a sanatorium with mud, mineral waters, various baths, physiotherapy, massage, hirudotherapy. A sauna and swimming pool are available.
  5. A sanatorium in the Moscow region, Domodedovo, surrounded by green areas with the location of a two-story cottage with cozy rooms. Visitors are offered many different programs on how to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes or complications that arise. There is an extensive endocrinology department with the ability to carry out tests, conduct a full examination, and then prescribe appropriate procedures.
  6. At the Essentuki sanatorium in the Urals, doctors treat endocrine diseases, type 1-2 diabetes mellitus with stable remission. In addition, children aged 4 years and older are accepted. In the Essentuki sanatorium, every child can improve their health. Suggested: swimming in the pool, taking Caucasian mineral water, physical education, using a radon pump, rational tasty food with dietary table No. 9, children's live playrooms, mud therapy, treatment with Essentuki hydrogen sulfide mineral water, hardware techniques, physiotherapy.
  7. Health resort in Kislovodsk. This is a specialized balneological resort surrounded by mountain slopes with the cleanest air, so necessary for diabetics. Services available: hydropathy, mud treatment, contrast swimming pool, physiotherapeutic equipment, laser devices, balneological procedures with iodide-bromine, narzan water, and turpentine baths, treatment with mud from Lake Tambuk, hydropathy, hydrokenesothalassotherapy, contrast swimming pool, cryotherapy, hardware treatment, water aerobics, intake min. Narzan water, diet therapy developed by highly qualified nutritionists.

The variety of proposed methods and prevention for diabetes mellitus is impressive. The main direction is to improve the quality of life of patients, achieve stable and long-term remission, and significant reduction in body weight.

Patients in Russian health resorts can improve their psychological, moral attitude towards life and, of course, their health. According to statistics, those who completed a course in sanatoriums and health resorts feel more confident, much better, during the period of discharge.

Today, resort medicine is faced with the task of improving methods of restorative treatment of socially significant diseases, which, in particular, include diabetes mellitus (DM). The scale of economic costs associated with the treatment of this pathology makes this area a priority in the work of many resorts.

Diabetes, which ranks third as a cause of death after cardiovascular diseases and cancer, was recognized by WHO experts as a non-infectious epidemic of the 20th century. According to various sources, there are from 120 to 180 million people with diabetes in the world, which is 2-3% of the total population of the planet. The number of patients suffering from diabetes continues to grow steadily and, according to forecasts, their number is expected to double every 15 years.

Advances in insulin therapy and the use of glucose-lowering tablets have significantly improved the condition of patients and increased their life expectancy. However, in these new conditions, chronic, so-called late complications of diabetes from various organs and systems (primarily vascular and neurological), which lead to long-term disability, early disability and determine an unfavorable prognosis in patients with diabetes, have come to the fore.

The problem of prevention and treatment of diabetes is acute throughout the world. Therefore, WHO and the International Diabetes Federation adopted the St. Vincent Declaration in 1989, which emphasizes the importance of measures to reduce mortality and disability in patients with diabetes. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2004 No. 715, diabetes mellitus is included in the list of socially significant diseases.

The federal target program “Diabetes Mellitus,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 7, 1996 No. 1171, is aimed at reducing the morbidity, disability and mortality of patients with diabetes in the Russian Federation. In addition, the program addresses issues of organizing prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment of diabetes and its complications, increasing the duration and improving the quality of life of patients. As part of this program in Essentuki, on the basis of the sanatorium named after. M.I. Kalinin, where they have been treating diabetes for more than 10 years, a Center for Rehabilitation of Patients with Diabetes using natural factors has been created (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 No. 353), and a specialized department has been organized in the children's sanatorium "Malakhovka". In 28 regions of the country, sanatorium treatment is organized on the basis of local sanatoriums, where diabetes doctors who have completed specialization at the Department of Endocrinology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education work.

Treatment of diabetes and its complications is difficult. It includes a significant arsenal of medications that require long-term complex use, which often leads to polypharmacy and the development of adverse and allergic reactions. These circumstances determine the need to search for various non-drug methods of therapy, among which a special place belongs to the use of natural and preformed physical factors.

Research has shown that of all the mineral springs in the resort cities of the Caucasus with mineral waters, the Essentuki mineral waters have the most pronounced positive effect on the state of carbohydrate metabolism and its hormonal regulation. The Essentuki resort is currently the leading resort in Russia, where patients with diabetes can receive comprehensive and qualified medical care.

Indications for spa treatment

Class IV. Diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders. Group of diseases: diabetes mellitus. ICD-10 code: E 10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; E 11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.


  • in a state of compensation (normal levels of ketone bodies in the blood, absence of acetone in the urine, glycemia not higher than 9-10 mmol/l, daily glucosuria not more than 5% of the sugar value of food);
  • burdened (in remission) with chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, biliary dyskinesia, intestinal dyskinesia, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, angioretonopathy of the I-II degree, polyneuritis.

It should be remembered that patients with stage 1-2 diabetic retinopathy, stage 1 nephropathy without azotemia, patients with impaired peripheral circulation in the lower extremities without trophic ulcers and gangrene can be referred for sanatorium treatment.

Contraindications: DM in the stage of decompensation; tendency to hypoglycemic states with rapid loss of consciousness.

Principles of spa therapy for patients with diabetes boil down to prescribing a physiological diet, dosed physical activity, adequate insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic drugs in combination with sanatorium-resort rehabilitation. Prevention and treatment of chronic complications, primarily angioneuropathies, involve achieving stable compensation for diabetes and prescribing angioprotectors. Patient education and self-monitoring are prerequisites for successful treatment.

Many methods of resort therapy for patients with diabetes were developed by scientists from the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology. These methods formed the basis of the standards of sanatorium-resort care for diabetes in the stage of compensation, subcompensation with an uncomplicated course, approved by Order No. 220 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004.

The leading method of resort therapy for diabetes is crenotherapy - treatment with mineral spring waters. Mineral waters have a positive effect on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism: hyperglycemia and glucosuria are reduced, the influence of certain enzymes that promote the penetration of glucose into tissues is enhanced, and the lipid spectrum of blood serum is improved. At the same time, the processes of tissue metabolism of carbohydrates improve, the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) increases, the breakdown of which releases a large amount of energy. In addition, mineral waters significantly increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors to this hormone, and therefore in almost all patients the need for exogenous insulin and tableted hypoglycemic drugs is reduced.

The maximum and most lasting effect (up to 10-14 months) is achieved with a combination of crenotherapy and balneotherapeutic procedures. When taking mineral baths in patients with diabetes, favorable dynamics of indicators of all types of metabolism are observed, the functional state of the nervous system and metabolism are activated, and there is a positive effect on neuroregulatory mechanisms, contributing to the normalization and stabilization of hemodynamics. Mineral baths significantly enhance nonspecific protective factors and improve specific immunity, improve carbohydrate and other types of metabolism and, in addition, have a pronounced positive effect on the course of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, digestive organs, musculoskeletal system, skin , kidneys, genital area, etc. The most pronounced effect is observed when using gas mineral baths: carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, radon.

According to the results of studies conducted by doctors at the Essentuki resort and the Pyatigorsk Research Institute, mud therapy can be used only in 10-15% of all patients with diabetes, since this often increases the activity of the cortical and medulla layers of the adrenal glands, and, according to some data, the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system. The mechanisms listed above in some cases cause a deterioration in carbohydrate metabolism, especially with poor compensation and severe disease. In this regard, the use of mud therapy in people with diabetes is very limited and requires caution and special monitoring of the patients’ condition.

Physiotherapy, unlike mud therapy, does not have a negative effect on impaired carbohydrate metabolism and is the method of choice in the treatment of patients in a state of sub- and decompensation, with a severe or labile course of the disease. The use of “dry” carbon dioxide baths as part of complex spa therapy plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diabetic microangiopathies. Phytotherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy, and physical therapy are also widely used in complex spa treatment. The inclusion of special kinesitherapy complexes in resort therapy for patients with diabetes is pathogenetically justified and has high therapeutic significance. Systematic physical activity appropriate to the patient’s condition reduces the need for glucose-lowering drugs. The adequacy of the load is determined by the physical therapy doctor together with the endocrinologist - based on changes in the level of hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and body weight. A wide range of treatment procedures used in spa therapy for diabetes makes it possible to select an adequate treatment technique individually for each patient. Studies conducted at the clinic of the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology indicate the beneficial effect of complex spa therapy using drinking mineral waters of the Essentuki type on the functional state of the kidneys and the ophthalmoscopic picture of the fundus in patients with diabetes who have microvascular complications (diabetic retino- and nephropathy).

Similar studies were conducted by the Ternopil State Medical Academy in the Tovtry sanatorium in the Khmelnitsky region. There, a clinical and immunological examination was carried out on 65 patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes who were undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment in the Tovtry sanatorium after a course of treatment with Zbruchanskaya Naftusya - a low-mineralized (M - 0.88 g/l) bicarbonate sodium-magnesium mineral water, prescribed at a dose of 10 ml per kg of weight, three times a day, 45 minutes before meals. Researchers observed a pronounced positive effect of mineral water on the clinical course of the disease, as well as laboratory parameters: bilirubin, cholesterol, blood serum and urine glucose. A nonspecific immunomodulatory effect of mineral water from the Zbruchansky deposit was revealed, which was more pronounced in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Complex treatment of patients with diabetes at the Bulgarian National Rehabilitation Center "SKK Narechenski Bani" included drug therapy, diet therapy, drinking treatment with low-mineralized (1.46 g/l) radon, hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium mineral water, physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, and hypnotherapy. As a result of treatment, positive dynamics of clinical symptoms, a statistically significant decrease in blood sugar (from 10.2 to 5.85 mmol/l), and a significant improvement in lipid metabolism were revealed.

The results of studies conducted by the Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine and Balneology of the Belarusian State Medical University in the Krasnousolsk sanatorium showed that mineral drinking waters have a preventive effect on the progression of impaired glucose tolerance, thereby delaying the manifestation of diabetes. Treatment at the resort allows you to achieve a more benign course of the disease, helps reduce clinical manifestations, and in some cases prevents the occurrence of complications, reduces the manifestations of concomitant ailments.

According to studies conducted at the Dorokhovo resort, the use of sulfate magnesium-calcium Dorokhovskaya mineral water helps to create a reserve of substances in the body that determine insulin activity, and microelements make it possible to achieve inactivation of the insulinase enzyme, which, in turn, leads to normalization of blood glucose levels . In most cases, with diabetes, mineral water is prescribed 200.0 ml 3 times a day. The time for taking mineral water and its temperature are set depending on concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract according to general indications.

For these concomitant diseases in patients with diabetes, other methods of internal use of mineral waters are used: duodenal drainage, gastric lavage, microenemas, siphon intestinal lavage. Rectal methods of administering mineral water to patients with diabetes contribute to the rapid elimination of ketoacidosis.

Magnesium-containing mineral waters occupy a special place in crenotherapy for patients with diabetes. In the general range of macro- and microelements, magnesium ions occupy a special position. Together with calcium ions, magnesium determines the activity of more than 300 enzymes. It has been proven that in diabetes there is a decrease in the concentration of magnesium ions in the blood by 10-12%. Therefore, the additional supply of magnesium ions through internal intake of mineral water allows one to quite effectively replenish the reserves of magnesium homeostasis and promotes the activation of metabolic reactions, which is vital for diabetes.

Results of clinical testing of medicinal mineral water Donat Mg (Mg content 1014 mg/l), carried out on the basis of the endocrinology department of ICD No. 11 and the diabetology sanatorium named after. V. Chkalov, indicate the high effectiveness of crenotherapy with magnesium waters in the complex treatment of diabetes.

Crenotherapy with bottled mineral waters, such as Donat Mg, Essentuki No. 17, Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki “Novaya”, is advisable to include in the complex therapy of diabetes in the post-resort period. Mineral waters have an impact on the main links in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its manifestations. At the same time, there is an improvement in the islet apparatus of the pancreas, manifested in the optimization of the producing ability of b-cells due to an increase in the labile and main pools of insulin, and the effectiveness of its action in tissues. The disrupted interaction between insulin and glucagon is restored. Intestinal-pancreatic and neuroendocrine relationships are activated, as well as the secretion of gastrin and intestinal hormones that affect the function of the islet apparatus of the pancreas. Contrinsular effects are inhibited, which relieves intense stimulation of b-cell islets and leads to an increase in their functional reserves.

It is generally accepted that a rational nutrition plan and pharmacological glucose-lowering therapy are the mainstays of diabetes therapy. Statistics show that 17% of all conflict situations that arise due to poor-quality organization of medical care at resorts are associated with diabetes, or more precisely with the lack of proper catering in sanatoriums for this category of patients. According to Israeli doctors, the diet of a diabetic patient is ideal for any healthy person. In all specialized sanatoriums, six meals a day are provided on two diets: for patients receiving insulin and for people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. In many sanatoriums, natural soy products are included in the diet of patients with diabetes.

Many health resorts operate a “diabetes management school,” which teaches patients how to manage their disease and control the course of diabetes, allowing patients to actively participate in treatment. The possibility of combining non-drug therapy with the use of highly effective pharmaceuticals and the use of modern medical technologies available at the resort made it possible to reconsider the contraindications of resort treatment for many categories of patients. The circle of people who are indicated for resort rehabilitation, the use of drinking water, mud, and balneotherapy is significantly expanding. Treatment of this category of patients is possible only if the principles of phasing of therapy and continuity between city healthcare facilities and resort healthcare facilities are observed. The basic principles of carrying out rehabilitation activities in long-term ill patients are a systematic analysis of the clinical status, carried out with the aim of individualizing rehabilitation programs, as well as the principle of specialization and integration.

Another important aspect of resort treatment for patients with diabetes is dialysis in a resort setting. Patients with diabetes suffering from diabetic nephropathy can undergo complex treatment at resorts in Russia (Sestroretsky resort) and the Czech Republic (Marianske Lazne, Windsor clinic in the Pacific-Astoria sanatorium). Mineral waters, climatotherapy, landscape therapy, along with the main methods of treating diabetes, significantly increase the effectiveness of complex treatment for this category of patients. According to recent studies, the mental state of patients in need of constant dialysis is regarded as asthenic-depressive syndrome. Symptoms of depression are often “masked” by a decrease in contacts, initiative, sleep disorders, and appetite. These patients need sanatorium treatment and simply quality rest. The possibility of carrying out dialysis in a resort setting - a new direction in the treatment of this serious disease - allows not only to improve the patient’s condition, but also to significantly improve the quality of his life.

We have developed a resort selection system (RSS) (), which reflects the main natural healing factors. Resorts are systematized by region and, therefore, by climate zone. This is especially important for people with chronic diseases and the elderly, as well as when conducting short courses of spa therapy, since the processes of adaptation and readaptation that inevitably occur when climate conditions change can significantly reduce the effect of treatment and even worsen the course of the disease. The table shows the climatic characteristics of the resorts, indicating the main types of mineral waters and medicinal mud.

Considering the fact that in Russia there is a unique resort and recreational potential focused on the provision of medical services, SPC allows you to choose a resort taking into account the main and concomitant (competing) diseases in any region of Russia. The SPK also includes European resorts that are available to the Russian consumer of sanatorium and resort services and are represented on the market by leading travel companies.

The list of resorts in Russia and Europe indicated for patients with diabetes includes resorts and sanatoriums that work on special programs for the treatment of patients with diabetes, which have organized “diabetes management schools,” as well as sanatoriums that accept for treatment patients with concomitant and competing diseases occurring against the background SD.

N. V. Manshina
Medsi Medical Center, Moscow

Treatment diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders are currently organized in many specialized sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system. However, this category of patients requires treatment not only for diabetes itself, but also for a number of concomitant diseases.

by treatment area

According to statistics, 17% of all misunderstandings regarding poor quality organization of sanatorium-resort treatment are related specifically with the treatment of diabetes and metabolic disorders, and, often, with a complete lack of proper catering for this category of patients in sanatoriums. In many specialized sanatoriums in the medical treatment complex patients with diabetes and metabolic disorders a program called “School for Diabetes Management” was introduced. This program trains the patient to manage the disease, control the course of diabetes, thereby actively participating in its treatment. At the “School of Diabetes Management”, patients are taught the principles of rational nutrition, strict self-control, various methods of dosed physical activity, as well as adjustment of insulin doses in accordance with the level of glycemia.
In the treatment of diabetes mellitus, timely prevention of possible complications plays a huge role, therefore the most effective method is the treatment and prevention of complications of diabetes mellitus in sanatoriums Russia , CIS , countries of the world. Moscow region , Central Russia, on Altai in Belokurikha, V Novgorod region on resort Staraya Russa and in other regions carried out only at the compensation stage. Sanatorium treatment of diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders is aimed primarily at correcting carbohydrate metabolism and preventing complications. In Russian sanatoriums, in the treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), specially designed diets are used with a limitation of easily digestible carbohydrates, exercise therapy, therapeutic swimming are prescribed, and a variety of balneotherapy is prescribed (for example, radon baths). To prevent and treat complications of diabetes in sanatorium-resort treatment, not only balneotherapy is used, but also hardware physiotherapy (for example, magnetic therapy) and other methods.

View the full catalog of sanatorium-resort institutions by treatment area

Treatment of diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders in sanatoriums Moscow region , Leningrad region, other areas Russia, as well as in countries CIS does not stand still. New methods of treating and preventing diabetes are being actively developed and implemented.
Below are sanatoriums that accept patients with diabetes and metabolic disorders, information about which can be considered practically reliable. Details should be clarified with managers when booking a tour to a sanatorium with treatment for diabetes and metabolic disorders.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus in sanatoriums Moscow region

Central Military Clinical Sanatorium "Arkhangelskoe" Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Located in the Moscow region, on the banks of the oxbow of the Moskva River, 18 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Volokolamsk Highway (20 km along the Ilinskoye Highway). Medium-mineralized sulfate calcium-magnesium-sodium waters “Arkhangelskaya” are supplied to the drinking pump room of the Arkhangelskoye sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Brine sodium chloride waters are used for balneotherapy and diluted to the concentration of sea water - in the pool. The “mother and child” department of the Arkhangelskoye sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation provides treatment for diabetes and other diseases for parents with children aged 4 years and older.

Altai region

The Zheleznovodsk resort is famous for its Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya waters, which have no analogues in the world in terms of their healing properties. It has two main profiles: diseases of the digestive system, as well as kidney and urinary tract diseases and andrological diseases. In Zheleznovodsk, treatment is indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus with concomitant diseases: digestive organs, as well as kidney and urinary tract diseases, musculoskeletal system, ENT organs, gynecological and andrological diseases.

Sanatorium named after CM. Kirov
In the sanatorium. CM. Kirov has a specialized department for children and adolescents with diabetes.
Address: 357406, Stavropol Territory, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov str., 12, sanatorium named after. CM. Kirov

Stavropol region. Caucasian Mineral Waters

The basis of the resort resources are mineral carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium waters, or, as they are commonly called at the resort, salt-alkaline waters - the widely known Essentuki No. 17 and Essentuki No. 4, thanks to which Essentuki has become the largest balneotherapeutic resort in Russia (mainly with drinking treatment) .

As part of the Federal program to combat diabetes mellitus on the basis of the sanatorium named after. M.I. Kalinin, where they have been treating diabetes mellitus for 10 years, a Center for the rehabilitation of patients with diabetes mellitus using natural factors has been created. In specialized departments of the Essentuki sanatoriums, patients with diabetes are treated by highly qualified endocrinologists, as well as leading scientists (candidates and doctors of medical sciences) in the field of general and resort endocrinology

Sanatorium and children's health camp " Victoria "
Sanatorium "Victoria" accepts children with their parents and groups of children with diabetes
Address: 357600, Stavropol Territory, Essentuki, Pushkina st., 22, sanatorium "Victoria"

All Kislovodsk Narzans are related to each other. The main Narzan is used for balneological procedures. The waters of Dolomite Narzan are characterized by greater mineralization and a high content of carbon dioxide. The waters of Sulfate Narzan are distinguished by a high content of carbon dioxide, sulfates, the presence of active iron, as well as microelements (boron, zinc, manganese and strontium). Dolomite narzan improves metabolism, enhances urination and removal of waste products from the body. Narzan sulfate increases gastric secretion, improves digestion, improves biliary function of the liver, reduces bloating, and regulates intestinal function. In Kislovodsk, treatment is indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus with concomitant diseases of the circulatory system, digestive system, and musculoskeletal system.

Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation " Red Stones "
The sanatorium "Red Stones" accepts adults with diabetes mellitus
Address: 357740, Stavropol region, Kislovodsk, st. Herzen, 18

There are more than 40 springs in Pyatigorsk - almost all types of mineral waters. The combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon sources and mud from Lake Tambukan, a favorable climate and natural landscape predetermined the fate of what is now the most versatile resort in Russia. In Pyatigorsk, treatment is indicated for patients with diabetes mellitus with concomitant diseases: stomach and intestines, liver and biliary tract, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels of the lower extremities, musculoskeletal system, skin, gynecological diseases of endocrine and inflammatory origin, andrological diseases, occupational diseases ( vibration disease, occupational polyneuritis), metabolic disorders and others.

Diabetes mellitus is an insidious disease that sometimes creeps up unnoticed and gradually destroys a person’s health. The optimal way to combat the disease is a healthy lifestyle, supportive therapy, and spa treatment.

The choice of a sanatorium depends on a number of reasons. This includes its location, medical facilities, and the cost of the trip. There are many options available to patients. Let's tell you more about them.

Sanatoriums in Belarus

From the moment a person is diagnosed with diabetes, he must pay close attention to his health. Visiting sanatoriums and boarding houses in Belarus is a good option for relaxation and recovery. Of course, you should come for treatment not when serious complications of the disease appear. and during a relatively calm period. The mild climate, coniferous forests, high level of service, affordable prices - all this makes sanatoriums in Belarus very popular. The following effective methods are used for treatment:

  • heliotherapy
  • baths – ozone and oxygen
  • physiotherapy
  • magnetotherapy

In addition, patients drink mineral water, which has an immunostimulating effect. They are also prescribed walks and therapeutic nutrition.

Sanatoriums Essentuki

Many people come to this famous Kavminvod resort precisely to treat diabetes. The basis of therapy is drinking mineral water and healing baths. They help here cope with the manifestations of the disease not only for adults, but also for children, starting from 4 years old. Parents and children have the opportunity to live together and undergo treatment depending on their specific health problems: after all, Essentuki is a multidisciplinary resort. Doctors begin working with patients by teaching them to follow a certain diet. The list of procedures includes baths, mud, massage, physiotherapy. It is popular to use currents of various frequencies.

Attention is also paid to the psychology of patients. Everyone knows how difficult it is for patients not to lose heart and to maintain faith in the strength of the body. Exercise therapy classes are held every day, which also give positive emotions. In Essentuki, several sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diabetes, so you can choose both a more expensive and a more economical option. And drinking mineral waters “Essentuki” and “Essentuki Novaya” always pays off.

Sanatoriums of Crimea

Endocrinologists of the highest qualification category work in the sanatoriums of Crimea; even very complex patients are accepted here. Doctors advise and prescribe comprehensive treatment. It includes:

  • baths
  • mud
  • aromatherapy
  • massages
  • physiotherapy
  • therapeutic nutrition

The sanatoriums of Crimea are comfortable, equipped with everything necessary for organizing treatment and pleasant leisure. Swimming pools with sea and fresh water, gyms, saunas, concert halls - resort guests really like all this.

Sanatoriums of the Krasnodar region

Krasnodar region is a forge of health. A large number of sunny days, the Black Sea coast, clean air, warm climate - all this contributes to the treatment of a variety of diseases, including diabetes. Many of the country's largest health resorts are located here. In sanatoriums, patients with diabetes are prescribed a special diet, medication, and exercise therapy. Those for whom the disease has already become a way of life are taught self-control techniques, which allows complications to be kept to a minimum. The use of mineral waters normalizes metabolism, activates the immune system, and leads to a person’s need for insulin being reduced. 1/5 of diabetic patients are recommended for mud treatment, which also has a beneficial effect on the body. The list of procedures offered in sanatoriums in the Krasnodar region includes physiotherapy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and psychological work with patients.

Sanatoriums of Kislovodsk

Kislovodsk has the best climate of all the cities of the Caucasian mineral waters. The cleanest air and the greatest number of sunny days of the year. The oldest sanatoriums in the city, whose medical facilities offer wide opportunities, accept patients with diabetes for treatment. Patients are prescribed various types of baths, taking Narzan mineral water, healing mud from Lake Tambukan, ozone therapy, drinking herbal teas, physiotherapeutic procedures and, of course, diet.

Sanatoriums in Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic)

If finances allow, an excellent option for treating diabetes are sanatoriums located in the Czech city of Marianske Lazne. A balneological institute has been operating here for several decades. During this time, doctors have achieved a lot. They manage to regulate metabolic processes in the human body and reduce the main danger of diabetes – the risk of vascular complications.

You can give some advice: even if you have been undergoing treatment for several years, and came to the Czech Republic with a “fresh” sanatorium-resort card, it is worth getting an appointment with one of the local professors and taking additional tests. You may receive completely unexpected recommendations that will be of great benefit.

In sanatoriums, people are treated with mineral water and healing baths, including dry gas baths. Acupuncture and CO2 injections are performed. food in many sanatoriums is organized according to the “Sokolinsky system”, as a result of which the sensitivity of cells to insulin improves.

Sanatoriums Rogaska Slatina (Slovenia)

It’s a pleasure to visit this small country and you can immediately receive very effective treatment. A good climate, several options for very effective procedures, reasonable prices with a fairly high level of service - all this contributes to the popularity of the resort, especially among married couples. Sanatoriums in Slovenia are located near healing springs - thermal or mineral. During the treatment, hot mineral baths are used. Under their influence, the capillaries expand, the level of release of the hormone insulin changes. Patients begin to feel much better. This treatment is also suitable for preventing the development of serious illnesses.

Sanatoriums in Jurmala (Latvia)

One of the most popular resorts in Latvia has become famous due to its mild climate, combination of sea and pine air, the presence of thermal springs and healing mud. The latter contains amino acids, vitamins and even natural antibiotics. Physiotherapy and juice therapy are also used in sanatoriums, and there is an Ayurvedic center. Horseback riding for medicinal purposes is also popular. There is also a “Learn to Manage Diabetes” center in Jurmala, where special programs have been developed for various categories of patients, taking into account their psychology and basic needs. Here they learn to use medications correctly, develop individual diets, prepare dishes that are useful for diabetes, work out unusual situations - and adapt to the conditions of ordinary life. There are programs designed for parents with children, young people, pregnant women, those who suffer from type 2 diabetes and those who want to undergo rehabilitation. In short, you can return from here a real expert.

Indications for diabetes treatment in sanatoriums

You can be successfully treated in sanatoriums for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, in the latent form of the disease. It should be emphasized that the patient’s condition should not be severe, that is, the sugar level cannot exceed moderate values. It is very important for patients that the sanatoriums treat not only diabetes itself, but also diseases associated with it. As well as those ailments that can significantly worsen the health of a diabetic. These are, first of all, diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis. Chronic cholecystitis beyond the acute stage. The use of mineral waters, a special diet, a daily routine, the help of psychologists - all this contributes to the rapid restoration of good health.

How and how diabetes is treated in sanatoriums

The main task that doctors set for themselves when accepting a patient with diabetes mellitus for sanatorium treatment is to strengthen the body’s strength, increase immunity, and restore the person’s ability to work. Medicine cannot completely cure diabetes mellitus, but almost 100% of those who punctually followed the doctor’s instructions experience a stable remission. To a large extent, this happens because in every sanatorium, patients are taught to carefully monitor their condition: eat right, regularly measure blood sugar levels, take the necessary medications, monitor their weight, and give themselves physical activity. Balneotherapy is used as therapeutic procedures, a course of mineral water is prescribed, natural mud, hardware physiotherapy, and herbal drinks are also used.

Mineral water as a result of intake improves metabolism, sugar in the blood and urine decreases. Cholesterol also becomes lower. The load on the liver is reduced, and wounds begin to heal faster. Also, with the help of mineral water in the sanatorium, the stomach and intestines are washed, waste and toxins leave the body, and the functioning of internal organs is normalized. Treatment with local healing mud is also very popular at resorts. It has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and digestive organs. In addition, each sanatorium has its own characteristics related to its location. For example, if the health resort is located by the sea, the patient will probably be prescribed procedures related to the use of sea water, swimming and sunbathing will be recommended.

Physiotherapy also has a good effect on the condition of diabetics. It has fewer contraindications than mud treatment and is suitable for almost everyone. However, the advantages of the sanatorium lie in the fact that an individual approach is applied to each patient. This applies to everything – diet, physical activity, procedures. Therefore, with sanatorium treatment it is possible to achieve the maximum effect.

Contraindications to spa treatment

As for diabetes itself, contraindications for treatment in a sanatorium are its severe decompensation, a tendency to hypoglycemia and fainting. Regarding other diseases, contraindications are oncology and active tuberculosis, aggravated chronic pathologies, life-threatening heart disease, periodic bleeding, and late pregnancy. Severe obesity, as well as severe disorders of the thyroid gland, will also become an obstacle to referral to a sanatorium. Sanatorium treatment may also be denied if you have recently undergone surgery, including surgery on the organs of vision. Also, in order to be treated in a sanatorium, you need to be able to take care of yourself. This also applies to people with disabilities.

Documents required for treatment in a sanatorium

In order to begin the procedures upon arrival at the treatment site without delay, you need to take with you:

  • passport - a citizen of the Russian Federation, and if you are going to a foreign sanatorium, then an international passport
  • health resort card
  • medical insurance

It is best to register for a CCM at a local clinic, and begin this process a couple of weeks before the intended trip. It’s not worth it earlier - it’s advisable to have fresh test results and examinations on hand. The local physician will refer you for fluorography and ECG, and prescribe blood and urine tests. Women will need to visit a gynecologist. In addition, it is recommended to visit the specialist whose profile you are going to the sanatorium for treatment. For diabetics, this is an endocrinologist. The SCC can also be issued upon arrival at the resort, but here you will have to pay for consultations, examinations and tests. In addition, if you are found to have contraindications to spa treatment, you will have to return home “without a slurp.” Another thing is that in a large resort city you can get advice from a medical “luminary” and subsequently use his recommendations. Such opportunities should not be rejected.

Diabetes mellitus - symptoms

Diabetes mellitus is the third most common disease in the modern world. But at the same time, a quarter of people whose sugar is elevated do not pay attention to the symptoms, which are not yet too pronounced. Such neglect of one's health can end sadly: a heart attack, heart attack and stroke, irreversible problems in the functioning of the kidneys and organs of vision.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes increase rapidly in a person, to the point that the patient may fall into a coma. This:

  • pronounced thirst: the patient drinks and cannot get drunk
  • smell of acetone when breathing
  • noticeable weight loss with a constant feeling of hunger and increased appetite
  • excessive urination
  • itching, inflammation of the skin, and wounds do not heal well.

Diabetes of this type can begin unexpectedly after an illness or nervous shock.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes develops gradually and does not manifest itself so clearly, to the point that it is sometimes diagnosed by chance, during an examination for another reason. The symptoms are partly similar to type 1:

  • thirst
  • frequent and copious urination
  • difficult wound healing

This is accompanied by: fatigue, decreased visual acuity, difficulty walking - pain and numbness in the legs, ulcers may appear on the skin. Over time, a person begins to noticeably lose weight. Unlike type 1 diabetes, which is common in young people and even children, type 2 diabetes is more often diagnosed in middle-aged and older people who are overweight. If you notice the above symptoms, you need to take the time to check your blood sugar levels. Neglect of your health can end tragically.

Particular attention is paid to children. Previously, young people mostly had type 1 diabetes, but today type 2 is not uncommon. There are a lot of guys with metabolic disorders and overweight. Their symptoms appear in a fairly subtle form and, often, doctors attribute them to other diseases. Therefore, blood sugar levels need to be controlled. Sanatorium-resort treatment for diabetes mellitus gives a pronounced positive effect, and this should be used.