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Collection of didactic games for the development of verbal and logical thinking of preschool children. Selection of didactic games for different age groups. Specific features of didactic games

Collection of didactic games

for the development of speech.

Shekhtel I.N.

Collection of didactic games

for the development of speech.

Urumkai secondary school

Shchuchinsky district

Shekhtel Irina Nikolaevna

primary school teacher


Explanatory note.

In the world of pedagogy, the game form of education has recently become widespread. In the pedagogical literature, it is often called "active learning" due to the fact that the use of games activates the learning process. The need for their use in primary school is obvious, since the education of children begins at the age of six.

The main activity of preschoolers is the game, so it is very difficult for a first grader to immediately switch to teaching. Games and game exercises used in the classroom make this process more interesting, entertaining, create a cheerful, working mood in children, make it easier to overcome difficulties in mastering educational material, and evoke positive emotions.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Let's take a closer look at what place play occupies in a child's life ... For him, play is the most serious thing. The game reveals the world to children, reveals the creative abilities of the individual. Without them, there is not and cannot be a full-fledged mental development.

The transitional form from the game to learning is the didactic game, which organically connects learning with the game form of its organization. The use of the game in the educational process helps to more quickly and painlessly overcome the mental barrier that arises when a child enters school.

Didactic games are a kind of games with rules specially created by a pedagogical school for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems in teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities.

The didactic game is included in a holistic pedagogical process, combined and interconnected with other forms of education and upbringing.

This collection developed games and exercises for the development of students' speech, which are combined into 3 sections:

1) games aimed at staging and consolidating sounds, forming a dictionary;

2) oral games with words;

3) games with pencil and paper.

The games of the first section, aimed at the development of phonemic hearing, are built with a gradual complication of game and educational tasks. At first, children learn to hear, distinguish between a sound and a syllable, determine the first and last sound in a series of words (the game "Chain of words"), practice in selecting words with a certain sound. In the game exercise “Find a Pair”, the child, moving the arrow around the disk, learns to select words that are similar in sound: bowl - bear, mustache - wasps, com - catfish etc., in the differentiation of the most complex sounds: s - w, r - l(the game "Who will collect things faster").

This section ends with a game that is like a control - "Train". It allows you to find out whether children can determine the position of a sound in a word, the number of sounds in a word.

In order for the process of assimilation of linguistic features to be most intensive and at the same time entertaining, already in folk pedagogy from time immemorial there were many techniques for better assimilation by children of the meaning of a particular word, development of options for its use in speech practice and consolidation of success in memorizing them.

The second section contains targeted exercises based on the use of various properties of individual words and expressions of the rich Russian language. Word games are built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on their existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them.

As students master the skills of writing, the teacher can turn to the third section, which contains crosswords and puzzles on topics familiar to children. Performing entertaining written tasks helps to quickly distinguish words and letters similar in spelling, fixing clear oculomotor and speech-motor operations, stability of attention, visual and auditory memory for words, as well as training the secondary zone of the occipital cortex of the left hemisphere, responsible for the implementation of reading functions.

The games of all three sections are aimed not only at the development of students' speech, but also develop logical thinking, sharpness of mind, quick wits, imagination, will be excellent exercises as a training, stimulating the ability to reason and prove.

Based on the use of these games and similar ones, a diagnosis was made of the level of development of students' speech, as well as other important skills and abilities:

1. Games aimed at staging and consolidating sounds, forming a dictionary.

"Which sound".

Didactic task: develop the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants, fix speech sounds with icons.

Equipment: cards with schematic images of vowels and consonants.

"How many sounds did you hear?"

Didactic task: to develop the phonemic hearing of children, to form the ability to distinguish between sound and direct syllable.

"Choose a toy"

Didactic task: to consolidate the skills of correct placement of stress in a word.

Equipment: set of various toys or pictures.

"Three piglets"

Didactic task: learn word-formation skills by replacing sounds.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting three little pigs, an illustration from the book for the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs".


Didactic task: to form the ability to divide words into syllables.

Equipment: hammer.

Option. The teacher names the first syllable of the word and taps with a hammer the total number of syllables of the intended word. Children must guess which word is intended. The guesser thinks of his word, and so on.

"Moving to a new apartment"

(board game)

Target: to teach children to distinguish between objects that are similar in purpose and similar in appearance, to help remember their names; activate the appropriate vocabulary in the children's speech.

Equipment: 1. Paired subject pictures: a cup - a glass, a mug - a cup, a teapot - a coffee pot, a saucepan - a frying pan, a scarf - a scarf, a hat - a hat, a dress - a sundress, a sweater - a sleeveless jacket, a coat - a jacket, trousers - shorts, socks - knee-highs, gloves - mittens, a satchel - a briefcase, a chandelier - a table lamp, etc.

2. Boxes for folding pictures.

6-9 children play. The teacher gives each child 2-3 pairs of pictures, for example: a cup - a glass, a scarf - a scarf, a satchel - a briefcase. He says: “Children, we got a new apartment. We need to collect all the things and pack them for the move. First I will pack the dishes. You will help me. Give me only the thing that I name. Be careful - many things look similar. Do not confuse, for example, a mug with a cup, a teapot with a coffee pot. I will put the collected dishes in a blue box.

The teacher names one item from each pair, for example, a coffee pot. If the child is mistaken (presents a teapot). The picture remains with him.

By the end of the game, the children should not have a single picture left. The winner is the one with the remaining pictures.

Then, in order to activate the corresponding dictionary in the speech of the children, the teacher offers one child to take out the collected pictures from the box and say what he got, and the rest to name the object paired with the presented one. For example, the host says: "Gloves." - "Mittens", - the partner in the game answers and gives him his picture.

"Chain of words"

(board game)

Target: exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words.

Game material:

Cards with subject pictures: pencil - wardrobe - flag - bush - ax - rocket - bus - bough - key - kettle - cat - pineapple - catfish - poppy - crocodile - onion. (Fig. 1)

On the tables of the children are cards (one for two). The teacher has a card with a picture of a pencil.

The teacher explains: “Today we will lay out a chain of objects. Our chain will begin with the word pencil. The next link in the chain will be the word that begins with the sound that the word ends with. pencil. Which of you will find an object with such a name in your picture, attach your picture to mine and name your object so that the last sound in the word is clearly heard. If you find two items at once, then the one who found it first will attach the picture. And the remaining picture will be attached later, when the word with the same sound is again required for the chain.

When the whole chain is laid out (it can be placed in a circle), the teacher invites the children to name the objects in chorus, starting with any indicated, slightly highlighting the first and last sounds in each word with their voice.

“Who will pack things faster?”

(board game)

Target: Exercise children in differentiating sounds s - sh.

Game material: A map in the middle of which two suitcases are depicted. (Fig. 2) Items of clothing are drawn in a circle, in the names of which there is a sound With or w(fur coat, cap, hat, earflaps, scarf, shawl; sundress, boots, sandals, suit, shirt). Between objects - circles in an amount from one to four; 2 chips of different colors, a cube with circles on the sides (from one to six circles); squares of different colors (8-10 each), they can be with letters With or sh.

Game progress

Two children are playing. One child must collect things in the names of which have a sound in a suitcase With, the other - things with sound sh. Children alternately roll the dice and move their chip by as many circles as they are indicated on the top face of the dice. If the chip hits an object that has the sound the child needs in the name, he puts a cardboard square on his suitcase. Whoever has the most things wins

will collect in his suitcase (gain more squares).

"Find a couple."

Target: Exercise children in the selection of words that differ from each other in one sound, develop phonemic hearing.

Game material: 1. A disk divided into 2 halves, along the edge of which the same number of circles of velvet paper (5-7 pieces) are pasted in the upper and lower parts. A double arrow is attached to the disk, which is convenient to move (Fig. 3).

2. Subject pictures on circles of the same size as the circles on the disk), glued on the reverse side with velvet paper or flannel (Fig. 4)

Goat - braid bear - mouse whale - cat

Grass - firewood roof - rat whiskers - wasps

Coil - coil helmet - mask com - catfish

Duck - fishing rod poppy - cancer house - smoke

Game progress:

1 option. The teacher places a disk with pictures on the flannelograph (in the upper half). The rest of the pictures are located on the flannelergaf or lie on the teacher's desk. Invites children to play the game "Find a Pair". He explains: “This disk is divided into two parts. The upper half contains various pictures. One arrow points to the picture, and the second to the empty circle below. On this circle you need to place a picture with an object whose name sounds similar to the name of the object pointed to by the upper arrow.

The teacher calls the children to the board. Having picked up a picture, the child pronounces both names, emphasizing their similarities and differences in voice (“Ko With a - to h A"). The teacher then moves the arrow to the next picture.

Option 2. Each player receives one or two cards. The teacher sets one arrow on any picture and names the object depicted on it. Children look at their pictures, choose the right one. The one who has the picture left loses.

"What are their names?"

Target: To consolidate in children the ability to determine the first, last, second and third sounds in words, as well as to make names from them.

Game material:

1. Table with images of children: girls and boys (four to five). Above - 4-5 long pockets for subject pictures, below - pockets for letters. (fig.5)

2. Subject pictures and cards with letters

a, y, o, s, l, m, w, r.

Game progress:

1 option. The teacher offers to find out the names of the girls and boys shown on the table. Explains that for this it is necessary to determine the first sounds in words - the names of objects drawn in the pictures in the upper pockets. Children name: horse, watermelon, cancer, aster - and come to the conclusion that the girl's name is Lara.

Subject pictures for reading (composing) a name Shura: ball, duck, fish, orange; name Masha: mouse, bus, bump, antenna; name Roma: hand, wasp, poppy, car.

Option 2. Children make up names, focusing on the last sounds in the words: shura(reed, kangaroo, ball, vase); Lara(table, cat, ax, duck); Masha(house, bag, lily of the valley, fork); Roma(mosquito, wheel, catfish, saw).

3 option. Names are composed by the second sound in words: Lara(elephant, cancer, watermelon, poppy); shura(ears, chickens, rooks, sleighs), etc.

4 option. Names are made up by the third sound in words: Lara(wolf, rook, brand, crane); Roma(brand, elephant, lamp, dress); shura(bear, pipe, stamp, crab)

"Make a Word"

Target: Make up a word from the given letters. Children are invited to solve several riddles. Two teams are participating. First one guesses, then the other. From the four letters received, each team must make a word - the name of the animal - and line up in one line so that this name can be read by letters on the plates.

For the first team:

Pure and clear, like a diamond, a steel horse,

There are no roads, Linen tail. (Needle)

He was born from his mother

He gives birth to her himself. (Ice)

White as snow

In honor of everyone. (Sugar)

In the middle is scarlet, sugar,

And the caftan is green, velvet (Watermelon)

Those who first give the answer to the riddle are given tablets with the capital letters of these answers: A, C, I, L.

For the second command:

Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (Language)

Which bell does not ring? (Wild flower)

The house is walking down the street.

It takes us to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And in rubber boots. (Bus)

The barn is full of white sheep. (Teeth)

The children who guessed first are also given tablets with capital letters of the answers to the riddles: C, A, Z, Z.



    Teach children to identify the presence of the indicated sound in words.

    Exercise in determining the number of sounds in words.

    Exercise in determining the number of syllables in words.

Game material:

    A long panel depicting a locomotive and three wagons. (Fig. 6)

There are 3 windows in each carriage (squares with pockets at the bottom), slots on the roofs of the carriages, where plates with circles are inserted to indicate the number of sounds in words (from 3 to 5) or to indicate the number of syllables in words (from 1 to 3), as well as tablets with letters to determine the presence of sound in words.

2. Subject pictures of the same size as windows with images of animals (animals and birds).

Pictures for one given sound: With: elephant, elk, lynx, dog, owl; w: hare, zebra, goat, monkey; w: cat, mouse, horse; and: giraffe, crane, hedgehog, toad; l: fox, lion, wolf, camel; R: crow, sparrow, chicken, crocodile.

Pictures for 3 given sounds: beetle, cancer, catfish, bull; for 4 sounds: elephant, fox, wolf, toad; for 5: cat, mouse, ram, zebra.

Pictures for monosyllabic words: elk, lynx, bull, elephant, lion, wolf; into disyllabic words: giraffe, cat, toad, goat, hare, ram; into three-syllable ones: crow, chicken, dog, sparrow, crocodile.

Game progress:

1 option.

The teacher shows the children a locomotive and 9 pictures of animals, explains: “The train for animals and birds has arrived. It has 3 wagons. Each animal can travel only in the carriage assigned to it. The first carriage will carry animals whose names contain a sound With…" etc. The teacher calls three children and invites one child to select passengers for the first car (sound With), to the other - for the second car (sound and) and for the third car (sound R). Then he invites three more child controllers who must check if the passengers are in their seats.

Option 2.

The teacher inserts plates with circles into the slots on the roofs of the cars and offers to select passengers, focusing on the number of sounds in words.

Calls the child, gives him a picture of an animal. The child clearly names it so that each sound in the word is heard, then says how many sounds are in this word, and inserts the picture into the pocket of the corresponding car: “The bull must ride in the first car, because in the word bull three sounds”, etc.

3 option.

The teacher inserts new plates with circles into the slots on the roofs of the cars. Explains that animals whose names are not divided into parts (monosyllabic words) should ride in the first carriage; those animals whose names can be divided into 2 parts will go to the second car, etc.

You can assign a child to the role of cashier and give him number cards with one, two and three circles. Children will come up to him in turn and say: “I am a wolf. Give me a train ticket." The cashier determines the number of syllables in a word and gives a numerical card: “Wolf, you will ride in the first carriage”; “Fox, you will ride in the second car,” etc.

2. Oral games with words.

Target: learn by ear to distinguish a given word from those that are similar to it.

Game progress:

The teacher chooses a word that he slowly pronounces several times in a row. But in parallel, he “mistakes”, between repetitions he pronounces other words similar to the main word. The student should hear the wrong word and give some sign to the teacher that he "wrong", say, clap his hands. This seemingly simple task actually requires focus and attention.

For example, the word “mountain” is chosen as the leader, but in repetition the chain of words will look like this: mountain, mountain, time, mountain, hole, mountain, mountain.

Here are a few more options for similar tasks:

    Spit, braid, braid, dew, braid, braid, goat.

"The names of girls and boys."

In this task, the children need to find out the names of girls and boys hidden in the text. The echo may suggest the answer, because the clue is hidden at the very end of the question. But you need to be careful: the echo can fail.

Example: Who brought the doll from the store?

Answer: Zina (shop).

Who tells his brother a cartoon about Samodelkin and Pencil?

Answer: Dasha (KarandASHA).

    Who will show the house where the confused man lives?

    Who is looking forward to gifts from Santa Claus?

    What is the name of the girl who went south on the seventh of January?

    And the eighth of July?

    Who doesn't drink kefir?

    What is the name of the boy who is not afraid of either hail or thunder?

    Who sings a song about a midshipman every morning?

    Who is reading Lemuel Gulliver's Travels for the third day in a row?

    Who watched the feature film "The Invisible Man" ten times in a row?

    What is the name of the girl who is green from green?

    Who teases the camel in the zoo?

    What is the name of the boy who has thick hair?

    Who eats a bagel on both cheeks?

    Who, noticing the spider, hid under the sofa?

    What is the name of the girl with whom Malinin's daughter is friends?

    Who makes a herbarium from maple, birch and ash leaves?

    Who will tell your friends a place where delicious blackberries grow?

    What is the name of the boy who is waiting for the bite?


1. Yasha. 2. Rose. 3. Varya. 4. Julia. 5. Ira. 6. Roma. 7. Marina. 8. Faith. 9. Dimka. 10. Lena. 11. Luda. 12. Yura. 13. Alik. 14. Ivan. 15. Nina. 16. Senya. 17. Vika. 18. Lyova.

Target: develop logical thinking, reasoning skills.

The child is given the task to continue the phrase that the teacher began. The beginning of the phrase must be chosen so that in it the child clearly feels what needs to be said in the future.

For example:

- If it snows outside, then

Children's responses can be very diverse: winter has come, you can go sledding, you need to dress warmly.

Here are some more options for such phrases-tasks:

- If the sun shines in the sky, then ...

- If the birds fly south, then ...

- If you went to the store with your mother, then ...

Game "Yes" and "No" don't say

"Black" with "white" do not take.

Target: develop attention when answering questions, learn to look for new answers.

This is an old Russian game in which the player must answer the questions of the driver, really avoiding the words "yes", "no", "black" and "white".

The task of the facilitator is to compose questions so skillfully that the child is forced to look for new answers each time. You can only answer questions with words, you can not use gestures and facial expressions, for example, negative shaking of the head.

Questions can be the most ingenuous: “Do you love your mother?”, “What color is milk?”, “Does your cat know how to wash his paw?”.

Target: learn to make meaningful sentences, develop speech.

Any word of 4-8 letters is written in a column. Thus, we got the basis for composing future new words. Then these words must be entered horizontally, starting with each letter. The main task is to choose words so that they make a detailed sentence. For example, the word "cherry" is selected. First, let's write it in a column. Now it remains to sign a word for each letter, so that a meaningful sentence comes out as a result. Game Summary:

IN left

AND van

W sculpt

H new

I a lizard

Of course, the proposals in such cases turn out to be somewhat fantastic and even full of absurdities, but the result of the game is all the more amusing. You can play it, competing not only between individual students, but also between teams.

You can use this game to better memorize vocabulary words.

"Field of Miracles with Prepositions".

Target: remember and consolidate prepositions, learn to make sentences with prepositions.

Cut out a disk for playing the "Field of Miracles" from thick paper. Divide the circle into several sectors along the ruler. In each sector, write prepositions - "with", "on", "in", "under", "above", "because of", "from under", etc.

Attach an arrow to the center of the circle, impaled on a pointed match, start your spinning top, spinning the arrow. The task of such a “Field of Miracles” is indicated by prepositions in its sectors: which pretext the arrow points to, with that pretext the player needs to make a proposal.

"The words fell apart"

Target: develop attention and ingenuity when composing words from these letters.

The first letters in these words are correct, but the rest have mixed up their order. Help the letters to get into the right places, then you will guess what words were encrypted here.

1. Mshiana-, vrtee-, kferi-, jzeeol-, kaash-.

2. Klasoba-, daum-, kotr-, mreo-, pnale-.

3. Bsuy-, cold-, rmtp-, tmae-, kvor-.

4. Koin-, nzhyon-, stikrat-, knaig-, setan-.

5. Pdiroom-, xorata-, shleek-, kdokilor-, tsevok-.

6. Lsyurta-, zhkorae-, mkasi-, blauk-, kzhao-.


    Machine, wind, kefir, iron, porridge.

    Sausage, thought, mole, sea, pencil case.

    Beads, cold, rhythm, theme, blood.

    Movie, scabbard, old man, book, wall.

    Tomato, beauty, silk, crocodile, flower.

    Chandelier, roast, bowl, bun, leather.

"Guess the object by its parts."

Target: to acquaint children with the beginning of the deductive method - to teach, based on the analysis of several details, to make up a single whole.

The teacher prepares visual elements in advance - cards with pictures on them. Children - participants in the game - are given such cards on which there are images of various objects. These can be pieces of furniture, familiar vegetables, animals, different types of transport, and so on. The child examines his card, after which, turning it towards himself and not showing it to other players, he names the parts of the object shown in the picture. The task of the other players is to guess who or what is being discussed. If the game is played as a competition, then the player who first gives the correct answer takes the card for himself and, thereby, earns one point.

A little easier is the oral version of this game, when you can play it just on the go. Here are some examples for her.

Collar, sleeves, pockets; four legs, backrest, seat; numbers, arrows; spout, lid, handle; letters, pictures, pages; trunk, branches, leaves; root, stem, leaves, petals; screen, buttons, electric cord, remote control; paws, tail, collar; paws, tail, trunk.

"What I'm talking about?"

Target: to teach to guess the subject according to this description, to develop the speech of students.

The condition of the game is to guess the object according to the given description. This game is a more complex version of the previous one. Drivers will have to give more detailed descriptions of the intended items. But for those who act as a guesser, on the contrary, it will be easier. Indeed, according to more detailed characteristics, it is easier to guess the subject.

In addition, at the very beginning, when making a word, the driver must give a hint - in which area of ​​​​human knowledge it can be present. Simply put, it is dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic or wild animals, etc.

Here are some examples of assignments:

Wild animal, lives in the forest, big, shaggy, loves berries and honey.

A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.

An insect, with multi-colored wings, looks like a flower.

Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.

Vegetable, red, round, it is put in salad and borscht.

Sweet, small, in a beautiful piece of paper.

"Recognize a proverb or saying by its changeling."

In Russian, there are many common proverbs and sayings, for example, “I read the book - I became smarter”, “Small and remote”. In this game, you need to learn a proverb or saying by its "shifter". That is, in the variant when each of its words is replaced by the opposite in meaning. First, you need to mentally pronounce its antonym instead of each word, and then check according to the answer given whether the proverb is correctly guessed.

1. "Under the policeman, the headscarf is sinking." The correct folk version is “The cap is on fire on the thief.”

2. “To die with hares is not to giggle like a hare.” - "To live with wolves - howl like a wolf."

3. "Two legs are bad, but one is worse." - "One head it's good, but two better".

4. "Started idleness - sit at home timidly." - "Finished the job - walk boldly."

5. "With laziness, drown the meat in the river." “You can’t catch a fish from a pond without effort.”

6. "You are too lazy - you will offend the animals." “Hurry up and make people laugh.”

7. "Cheerful night until morning, if everyone is idle." “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do.”

8. "Enemies are not known in happiness." - "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

9. "Bulka - no legs." “Bread is the head of everything.”

10. "Drinking is worse before rest." “Food tastes better after work.”

11. “If you run away before one wolf, you will catch up with all two.” “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch one.”

12. "The ruble squanders a penny." - "A penny saves a ruble."

"Hide and Seek".

Target: develop attention, learn to find other words in the composition of words.

The children are invited to play hide and seek. But it will not be the disciples who will hide, but the words. In this game, words for animals are hidden inside others (at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a word). For example, in the word "bagel" the word "ram" (BARANka) is hidden, in the word "hiccup" - "cat" (iKOTA), and in the word "Vasilisa" - "fox" (VasILISA). The task of the children is to find all the hidden words.

1. Wave. 15. Leash.

2. Hygiene. 16. Blot.

4. Dirt. 18. Rocket.

5. Annoyance. 19. Earring.

6. Damper. 20. Wanderer.

7. Ticks. 21. Pickle.

8. Skates. 22. Doubt.

9. Skates. 23. Tamer.

10. Man. 24. Bird cherry.

11. Usual. 25. Joke.

12. Front garden. 26. Elevator.

13. Loop. 27. Encyclopedia.

14. Whitewash. 28. Anchor.

And in the words "pulp" and "poacher" two animals hid at once! Find them too.


1. Vol. 2. Hyena. 3. Owl. 4.Ide. 5. Wasp. 6. Elephant. 7. Bream. 8. Horse. 9. Cat. 10. Already. 11. Bull. 12. Fox. 13. Aphid. 14. Squirrel. 15. Gadfly. 16. Lobster. 17. Donkey. 18. Cancer. 19. Hedgehog. 20. Whale. 21. Deer. 22. Som. 23. Mole. 24. Fly. 25. Duck. 26. Lev. 27. Bedbug. 28. Yak. In the word "pulp" yak and cat, and in the word "poacher" - cancer and horse.

"Happy Strikethrough".

Before the students - encrypted notes. Each of them contains a word related to the Russian language. It's easy to decipher. To do this, you need to cross out all the letters that appear in the line two or more times, and connect the remaining letters.



It's clear? Then let them decipher all the notes.

















1. Root. 2. Dash. 3. Preposition. 4. Union. 5. Letter. 6. Sound. 7. Hyphen. 8. Rod.

9. Case. 10. Number. 11. Language. 12. Symbol. 13. Sign. 14. Dictionary.

15. Phonetics.

3. Games with pencil and paper.

Crossword "What kind of animal?"

1. What are rivers, seas, oceans filled with?

2. Elevation, hill.

3. When soup is cooked, it is sprinkled for

4. Military combat vehicle.

Control word - diagonally:

evil beast, which in fairy tales

met Little Red Riding Hood, three

a piglet and seven kids.

Answers: 1. Water. 2. Mountain. 3. Salt. 4. Tank.

The control word is wolf.

Crossword "Guess the word."

The answers to the crossword puzzle questions should be written in a column. Then it will be possible to read the control word in the first letters vertically.

    The cold heroine of the fairy tale of the same name.

    He left his grandmother, he left his grandfather.

    He treats birds and animals, nowhere is he kinder.

    Who boasted of their courage?

    Who saved the cockerel from being kidnapped by the fox?

    The name of the sister whose brother turned into a goat

Answers: Snow Maiden, bun, Aibolit, hare, cat, Alyonushka.

The vertical control word is the most favorite literary genre of children. (Fairy tale)

Crossword test "Toys".

Solve a crossword puzzle compiled according to the poetic cycle of A. Barto "Toys".


    Will not drown in the river: a knife, a tank, a ball?

    Jumping behind a small boat: lizards, frogs, kangaroos?

    A toy that you can ride to visit: a frog, a penguin, a horse?

    I'm not used to riding in a truck: a bull, a cat, a lion?

    Wet to the skin in the rain: bull, bear, bunny?

A toy that was dropped on the floor.


1. Ball. 2. Frogs. 3. Horse. 4. Cat. 5. Bunny.

In a vertical row: Bear.

Crossword test "Who will fight the giant?".

Solve a crossword based on K. Chukovsky's poem "Cockroach".


    Ate each other: hares, tigers, wolves?

    She sat on a hedgehog: a lizard, a tigress, an elephant?

    Flying in a balloon: piglets, mosquitoes, caterpillars?

    Riding backwards: an owl, a whale, a cat?

    Hiding in the lair: bulls, beetles, lions?

    Riding a bike: cranes, bears, gorillas?

    Were we on the tram: bunnies, frogs, nightingales?

In selected cells vertically:

Who defeated the giant?


1. Wolves. 2. Elephant.3. Mosquitoes. 4. Cat. 5. Bulls. 6. Bears. 7. Bunnies.

In a vertical row: Sparrow.

Solve a crossword puzzle compiled according to the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower".


    The magical part of a seven-flower flower: petals, leaves, stalk?

    The dog ate Zhenya: bagels, sweets, pies?

    The birds that Zhenya considered: crows, magpies, chickens?

    When the seven-flower flower fulfilled Zhenya's third wish, did they hang on her nose: light bulbs, clothespins, icicles?

    The name of the boy whom Zhenya cured was: Vitya, Oleg, Senya?

    The game that Zhenya liked to play: rounders, tags, backgammon?

In the highlighted words vertically:

The name of the younger brother Zhenya.


1. Petals. 2. Bagels. 3. Crows. 4. Icicles. 5. Victor. 6. Salki.

In a vertical row: Pavlik.

In this puzzle, you will have to guess words with different meanings. In addition to the fact that each of them is given a description - what kind of object it is and where it can be found - the puzzle has a kind of hint.

Each word has a combination of letters that make up the word "owl". True, these letters are located at different distances from each other, but still they provide their help in guessing the puzzle. The lattice for inscribing letters in each word has its own.

1. This owl is a truck, not a bird

He will rush along the highway with a heavy load.

Layout: S_ _ o _ wa _

    In this - folk wisdom lurks,

In life, perhaps it will come in handy.

Layout: _ _ c _ s _ _ a

    Both tigers and lions are submissive to this,

when they enter the arena.

Layout: _ _ _ c _ _ _ s _ _ _ a

    In this - stocks of grass you will find -

Under a roof where the rain won't soak them.

Layout: S _ _ ova _

    This one feeds only on words

In a book read by students.

Layout: S _ ova _ _

    For this, the scientist made a discovery

And he described everything in his dissertation.

Layout:_ with _ _ _ _ ova _ _ _

    This owl hisses angrily on the stove,

Fried eggs, pancakes and meatballs.

Layout: S _ s _ _ _ _ a

    You will find this owl without a clue,

If you get paper and paint.

Layout: _ _ owl _ _ _

Answers: dump truck, proverb, trainer, hayloft, dictionary, research, frying pan, drawing.

This puzzle is similar to the previous one with only one difference. In each of her words there is a combination of letters that make up the word "stork".

    This stork - with a greedy look,

It easily leads to controversy.

Don't let it grow

And kindness to lead astray.

Layout: _ a _ ist _

    This stork is very proud -

The world record has been broken.

He lifted a heavy load

Like a string bag with a watermelon.

Layout: _ _ a _ _ ist.

    There's gasoline in this stork

Sleeping in the trunk of cars.

Layout: _ a _ ist _ _

    This old schoolboy

Dressed in formal uniform:

And with a cockade on a cap,

And with an emblem on the buckle.

Layout: _ _ _ _ a _ ist

    This one loves trains

The sound of wheels over him always.

Railway track route

You will enter these cells here.

Layout: _ a _ ist _ _ _ _

    This one bows his head

Silently beats the horse with an elephant.

Layout: _ a _ _ _ _ ist

    This one, hidden in the fog,

He does not reveal his secrets.

In an adventure novel

He usually builds nests.

Layout: _ a _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ st _

Answers: envy, weightlifter, canister, gymnasium student, highway chess player, entertaining.


One type of puzzle is called a charade. The components of the charade are separate small words, which add up to a larger word. For a riddle-charade, a description of each part of it is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. Here, for example, is how the word “sail” can be encrypted in verse:

Three letters flutter like clouds

Two are visible on the face of a man.

And the whole sometimes turns white

"In the mist of the blue sky."

Now guess the proposed charades.

1. The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book there is a whole,

And every line has them.

Answer: "Buk - you."

    The first syllable in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf,

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.

Answer: "A"

    Part of the dance is my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable

Generally transported

Through the tow-line river.

Answer: Ferry.

    My first syllable is a preposition

And in the second we will live all summer,

A whole from us and you

Been waiting for an answer for a long time.

Answer: "For - giving."

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.

Answer: Kar-tina.

    You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second - the bull carries.

Do you want to find the whole

So look for it along the way.

Answer: "Do - horns."

    My first syllable

Then you will find

When in the boiler

Boiling water

Pronoun - second syllable

And in general -

Your school table.

Answer: "Pair - that."

    Take my first syllable from the squeak of birds,

The second is with a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find

Something that you have eaten more than once.

Answer: Pi-horn.

    Here it is - the first syllable,

Entrance to the palace.

At the end is

The one that the alphabet

Must open.

Sorry no answer:

There was, yes, the answer floated ...

Answer: "Pro - page - a."

    pronoun, preposition,

Between them - the name of the poet,

And the whole is a known fruit,

What ripens at the end of summer.

Answer: "I am a block - o."

    The first is a note, the second is the same,

But in general - it looks like peas.

Answer: Fa is salt.


A palindrome (turnover, shifter) is a kind of puzzle in which a word or text is read the same way from beginning to end and from end to beginning. Here are examples of such nouns: “income”, “argument”, “order”, “rotator”. And here are the options for palindrome phrases: “And Liza Mazila”, “Road outside the city”, “Ducks are being dragged to the cat”, “Milk is near Misha”, “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw”, “I believe Yura”.

Try to guess the following palindrome words:


    Type of revolver.


    A peasant, a descendant of settlers on the Don, Kuban.

    Appeal to a woman in some foreign countries.

    Noise produced when walking, running.

    Aibolit's dog.

    A house made of poles covered with branches and straw.

    The hero of Russian folk amusement, who refused to thresh.

    Girl's name.

    Father of father or mother.

    Volgograd football team.

    Ship cook.

    An item that can be made from snow.

    Parrot breed.

    The hero of Shergin's fairy tales.

    Pantomime artist.



1. Bob. 2. Eye. 3. Revolver. 4. Radar. 5. Cossack. 6. Madam. 7. Stomp. 8. Abba. 9. Hut. 10. Tit. 11. Anna (Alla, Ada). 12. Grandfather. 13. "Rotor". 14. Cock. 15. Lump. 16. Macaw. 17. Shish. 18. Mim.19. Flood.

Table of contents.

Explanatory note…………………………………..

Games aimed at staging and consolidating sounds, forming a dictionary…………………………

Game "What sound?"

The game "How many sounds did you hear?"

Game "Choose a toy."

The game "Three little pigs."

Telegraph game.

The game "Moving to a new apartment."

The game "Chain of words."

The game "Who will collect things faster?"

Game "Find a couple."

Game "What are their names?"

Game "Make a word."

Game "Train."

Oral games with words.

Game-task "Name the extra word."

Game "Names of girls and boys."

Game-task "Continue the sentence."

The game "Yes" and "No" do not say, "black" with "white" do not take.

Intellectual game "Word in a column".

The game "Field of Miracles with prepositions."

The game "Words crumbled."

The game "Guess the object by its parts."

Game "What am I talking about?".

The game "Recognize a proverb or saying by its changeling."

"Happy Strikethrough".

Pencil and paper games.

Crossword "What kind of animal?".

Crossword "Guess the word."

Crossword test "Toys".

Crossword test "Who will fight the giant?"

Crossword test "Magic flower".

Puzzle "Eight mysterious owls".

Puzzle "Seven mysterious storks".



Used Books.

Agapova I., Davydova M. Best games with words. M., 2006

Karpova E.V. Didactic games in the initial period of study. I., 1997

Kozlova M.A. I go to a lesson in an elementary school. Russian language. M., 2003

Stepkina I.A. "Didactic game as a means of developing the creative abilities of younger students." NSC № 6, 2007

Sukhin I.G. Entertaining materials. Elementary School. M., 2004

Sukhin I.G. Developing crossword puzzles for children 7-12 years old. Rearrange the letters. M., 2003

Shavrina G. A. "Game as a learning process." NShK №7, 2007

Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech. M., 1988

Topic 1.3. Characteristics and features of the organization of didactic games

Basic concepts and terms on the topic: games with rules, didactic game, game action.

Topic study plan(list of questions to be studied):

1. Methodology for managing didactic games.

2. Selection of didactic games for different age groups. Specific features of didactic games.

3. The structure of the didactic game. The presence of a learning task and game action.

4. Types of didactic games: games with objects, verbal, desktop-printed. Folk didactic games.

Methodology for the management of didactic games.

Games with rules- a special group of games specially created by folk or scientific pedagogy to solve certain problems of teaching and educating children. These are GAMES with ready-made content, with fixed rules that are an indispensable component of the game. Learning tasks are implemented through the child's play actions when performing some task (find, say the opposite, catch the ball, etc.). Depending on the nature of the learning task, games with rules are divided into two large groups - didactic and outdoor games, which, in turn, are classified according to different grounds. So, didactic games are subdivided according to content (mathematical, natural history, speech, etc.), according to didactic material (games with objects and toys, desktop-printed, verbal). Outdoor games are classified according to the degree of mobility (games of low, medium, high mobility), by predominant movements (games with jumps, dashes, etc.), by objects that are used in the game (games with a ball, with ribbons, with hoops, etc. .). The main feature of games with rules is determined by their name: these are educational games. They are created by adults for the purpose of educating and educating children.

The essence of games with rules - does not act openly, but is realized through a game task, game actions, rules.

It is necessary to create conditions for games: to select the appropriate didactic material and didactic toys, games. Think about how to place didactic material and toys so that children can freely use them; provide a place to play. You should pick up games and toys that you can take out for a walk in the warm season. Teach children to carefully handle didactic toys, games, carefully fold them at the end of the activity. Board-printed games require special attention of the teacher, from which chips, dice, cards and other attributes are easily lost.

Care should be taken to continually enrich the children's play experience. To do this, it is advisable to conduct training in game actions with didactic toys, performing these actions together with the child, organizing situations for mutual learning of children (“Vitya, teach Alyosha to fold the house!”). It is advisable to gradually introduce new didactic games into the group, and as they are mastered, introduce more complicated options (changing the game task, including new characters, additional rules, game actions).

In the field of view of the teacher, there should always be the tasks of developing children's independence, self-organization skills, and a creative attitude to the game. It is necessary to support the child's interest in the game, approving successful, skillful play actions, expressiveness in the performance of the role, manifestations of mutual assistance and mutual assistance. When organizing a game familiar to children, it is advisable to offer one of them to remind the rest of the game task, the rules.

Didactic games are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of children. Being an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in early age groups - the main form of organizing the educational process.

Selection of didactic games for different age groups. Specific features of didactic games.

Didactic games are characterized by the presence of a task of an educational nature - a learning task. Adults are guided by it, creating this or that didactic game, but clothe it in an entertaining form for children. The learning task is embodied by the creators of the game in the appropriate content, is realized with the help of game actions that children perform. Thus, active participation, especially winning in a didactic game, depends on how much the child has mastered the knowledge and skills that are dictated by her teaching task. This encourages the child to be attentive, memorize, compare, classify, clarify their knowledge. This means that the didactic game will help him learn something in an easy, relaxed way. This unintentional learning is called autodidacticism. The ability to teach young children through active activities that are interesting to them is a distinctive feature of didactic games. However, it should be noted that the knowledge and skills acquired by the players are for them a by-product of activity, since the main interest is not the learning task (as is the case in the classroom), but game actions for children of early and younger preschool age, and the solution of the game task , winnings - for children of older preschool age).

Didactic games have been around for centuries. Their first creator was the people. Throughout the history of mankind, each nation has developed its own didactic games, created original didactic toys that have become part of its culture. The content of didactic games and toys reflected the features of the national character, nature, history, work, life of a particular people. But one can also trace something in common that is characteristic of all didactic games and toys, regardless of in which corner of the globe they originated. They clearly trace the view of the child, which has developed in the ideas of different peoples, as a creature that needs for its full development in the knowledge of the world around it, a joyful mood, emotionally colored communication with people close to him, in active actions, movements that allow him to open up, express himself. . With good reason, we can consider folk didactic games as the embodiment of a humane, respectful, careful attitude to the forces, opportunities, and trends in the development of the child.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool education should ensure the comprehensive development of the child's personality, which covers such areas as socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. Depending on the children, the following didactic games can be used.

Games for social and communicative development

Games of this type help the child learn to communicate with adults and peers, regulate their own behavior, and empathize. They contribute to the formation of readiness for joint activities, a positive attitude to work.

Game "Magic Wand"

Purpose: to teach communication with peers.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher reports that he has a magic wand in his hands, which can turn any person into a polite, friendly and benevolent person. He invites the guys to take turns picking up this magic wand, and then call their neighbor on the right with an affectionate name and tell him a pleasant wish. After such a greeting, the magic wand is passed to the neighbor. The game continues until all the children complete the task of the magic wand.

Game "Big secret for a friendly company"

Purpose: to teach children mutual understanding, to form skills of interaction with each other, establishing contact with peers.

This game is played with a group of children (5 - 6 participants). It is necessary to prepare a beautiful box and put small objects into it (ball, cube, animal figurine, car, etc.). You can replace these things with pictures with their image.

Children gather in a room and sit at a distance from each other. The teacher approaches each child and invites him, without looking into the box, to take any object at random from it.

When everyone has received their little thing, the teacher says that its name must be kept in strict confidence. After that, he invites the children to try to find out secrets from each other. To do this, they can:

  • persuade your friend to tell his secret;
  • offer some prize in exchange for revealing the secret;
  • agree on the mutual disclosure of secrets to each other;
  • ask leading questions to guess the name of the item.

The teacher must ensure that all children are included in the game and that no one tries to deceive others in any way. If necessary, help the most timid and indecisive.

The game ends when all secrets are revealed. Don't make the game too long. If one of the children is too keen on keeping his secret, you need to persuade him to change his behavior, to show friendliness.

Game "Courtesy Store"

Purpose: to teach children polite communication, to behave adequately in various situations.

To conduct the game, it is recommended to create bright decorations for the store, equip a cash register, distribute play money to all participants. The teacher explains to the children that polite words are sold in his store (you need to print them in large print on cards and put them on the shelves).

The teacher describes to the children various situations that can happen in their lives, and suggests using polite words to find the right way out. For example, a child broke some thing and wants to avoid punishment. He needs to buy such polite words that will help him apologize to his mother. If the children do not know how to read, then they simply name the words, and the teacher selects the right card himself.

Didactic games for the speech development of children

Such types of games are aimed at enriching the child's vocabulary, developing the ability to build grammatically correct statements, use speech to communicate with others, develop sound culture and phonemic hearing.

Game "Animal Talk"

Goal: expanding the vocabulary of children, developing articulation skills.

For the game, it is enough to prepare a children's ball. The children line up, and the teacher stands opposite them and tells the children the rules of the game: he will name the animals and throw the ball to the first player. The child must catch the ball, name what sounds this animal makes, and return the ball to the leader. The ball is then thrown to the next player.

The game ends when the last player in the line receives the ball and completes the task. You can use the second version of the game: the leader calls the sounds, and the children must guess the animal that makes it.

Game "Live Words"

Purpose: to teach children to make grammatically correct sentences.

The teacher informs the children that they will have to use facial expressions and gestures to depict one word that he will call. Then he offers to go to the board of the one who can show the word (for example, "bunny"). After that, the teacher calls the next word (for example, “loves”) and calls another participant.

Both preschoolers stand in front of the children and take turns “showing” their words, and everyone calls them in chorus: “The bunny loves.” Next, the teacher asks to complete the sentence by naming the third word. Children offer different options, and the teacher chooses a word and invites a third participant to the board to represent it.

Then the teacher asks the participants to switch places, and the children must say what will come of such a rearrangement. All combinations must be played. Thus, several new proposals are made.

Game "Find a place for a picture"

Purpose: to teach children to make a coherent statement, to observe the sequence of events.

For the game, you need to prepare a series of plot pictures and lay them out on the table in front of the child. One picture is placed separately. The child is offered to look at the picture, find its place among those that are already arranged in order, and then make up a story based on them.

Games for artistic and aesthetic development

Such types of games are aimed at developing in children the ability to perceive and understand works of art, the development of aesthetic taste and their own creative potential.

Purpose: development of imagination, the ability to perceive objects.

For the game, you need to prepare cards with the image of clouds of various shapes. These cards are given to the children. They need to look at the pictures and say what the cloud looks like.

This game can be played while walking, inviting preschoolers to look at the sky and describe the clouds. Another version of the game: the teacher names any object, and the children must draw a cloud similar to it.

Game "Pick by color"

Goal: develop color perception, teach children to distinguish colors and their shades.

The essence of the game is the need to distribute objects into groups according to their color. There are many variants of this game.

1 option. Prepare chips of different colors and boxes that match them. The chips are mixed, and the child puts them into boxes. Instead of boxes, you can use juice bags with a screw cap. The bottom of the package is cut so that it can be slightly opened. Lids are painted in different colors. The game is played with colored balls.

Option 2. On the poster, draw several girls, the same, but with different colors of hats. The poster is accompanied by several umbrella templates, which are painted in different colors. It is necessary for each girl to choose the appropriate umbrella. You can make a similar game on the theme "Flowers - Butterflies", "Gnome - House", etc.

Game "Paint the plate"

Purpose: to teach to perceive objects of arts and crafts; learn to create geometric ornaments, develop artistic taste.

For the game, you need to prepare a presentation on the topic "Decorative Plates", a plate layout and a set of geometric shapes. First, the children are invited to view the presentation and tell what impression they have left of what they saw, which samples are most memorable.

During the game, children choose any geometric shapes and lay them out on a layout. Then there is an exhibition of the received works.

Educational games for older children

Cognitive games are aimed at developing curiosity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, the ability to perform cognitive actions, as well as the formation of ideas about the world around.

Game "Group by sign"

Purpose: to teach children to group objects according to an essential feature, to develop logic.

For the game you will need 15 - 20 different items. They need to be put on the table in front of the children, and then offered to select only those items that have the same property:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • round;
  • edible;
  • red;
  • small;
  • needed for school, etc.

The task can be offered to an individual child or a whole group of children.

The game "What messed up Dunno?"

Purpose: to expand the horizons of children, their knowledge of the world around them; develop logic and thinking, learn to find inconsistencies.

There are several game options. You can invite the children to look at the pictures that Dunno drew and find errors on them. You can ask the participants to listen to the description of the items and identify the discrepancy. For example: "The duckling has a small tail, long ears, yellow fluff and big paws."

Game "Collect the caterpillar"

Purpose: to teach children to generalize, to choose groups of objects according to a generalizing word, to develop attentiveness.

For the game, you need to prepare caterpillar head templates and round object pictures (make holes for the lace on the sides of each picture). Put all pictures in the center of the table.

The children are given a task - to collect a caterpillar that collects clothes (dishes, plants, etc.). You can divide the participants of the game into groups and give each a separate task. Children must select the desired pictures, and then connect them together with a string.

Educational games

One of the main tasks of the educational process in the senior group of kindergarten is preparation for school. Therefore, preschoolers are necessarily offered to participate in games that contribute, introduce them to letters, teach them to perform simple mathematical operations with objects.

Game "Funny paper clips"

Purpose: preparation for learning to count, familiarity with numbers.

There are several game options. You need to prepare cards with written numbers (from 1 to 5). Make holes on both sides of the cards.

1 option. Children are invited to use paper clips to connect all the pictures together, arranging them in order.

Option 2. For each picture with a number, you need to attach the appropriate number of paper clips.

Game "Find the sound in the word"

Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, to learn to find the right sound in a word, to determine where it is located.

For the game, you need to prepare cards with images of individual items. Near each picture there is a row of the table, in which the number of cells corresponds to the number of sounds in the word.

Children are invited to find the desired sound in words (for example [t]). They must pronounce the name of the object so that the indicated sound is heard clearly. Then determine what place the sound occupies in the word and paint over the corresponding cell in the table.

Game "Geometric track"

Purpose: to introduce children to geometric shapes, to teach them to distinguish between them.

To play, you need to make large templates of several basic geometric shapes and arrange them on the floor of the room in a chaotic manner. Next, the children are given the task to move from one side of the room to the other, stepping only on the indicated figure.

The game can be complicated by making figures of different colors and indicating several tasks. For example, step only on red triangles, etc.

A variety of didactic games allows you to make educational activities in kindergarten exciting and effective.

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, topic: "Toys"

(Material on the same topic is available on our website in the form of lesson plans for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. The games and exercises there are selected based on the age and skills of the children, and in this collection we have prepared and collected a large number of tasks and exercises in addition to those already contained in the abstracts).


Enrich the active vocabulary of children with words-names of toys.
To form stable ideas about the size, shape, color, quantity.
Continue to acquaint children with geometric shapes.
Teach children how to make a whole out of parts.
To acquaint children with an unconventional drawing technique - drawing with cotton swabs.
Improve the ability to draw straight lines with a pencil, stick the details of the image in the right place.
Develop thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Exercise in onomatopoeia, in the ability to navigate in space, to coordinate movements with words.
Improve concentration and attention span.
Cultivate respect for toys.


Toys: cheburashka, small handout dolls, cubes, balls, a cat, a bear, flags, steering wheels.
A picture of Cheburashka without ears and a bib, these details cut out of paper, glue sticks.
Boats made from soap dishes with the numbers "1" and "2" pasted on them.
A sheet of green cardboard with a river glued on, narrow and wide bridges, bushes with three and many berries.
Cotton buds, red gouache, baskets cut out of paper.
Pictures with a silhouette image of a tumbler (from circles), multi-colored circles corresponding to the size of the picture, multi-colored pebbles, a circle with the image of a tumbler's face.
Picture blank for finger painting "Tumbler" (without eyes), ready-made plastic eyes, plasticine, finger paints, wet wipes.
Clothespins, colorful circles.
Drawing with empty spaces in the form of geometric shapes, geometric shapes of appropriate sizes and colors.
Cut pictures with the image of toys.
Various toys in duplicate each, chest for toys.
Buttons of two sizes of different colors, a picture with the image of multi-colored flags corresponding to the color and size of the buttons.
Toys: elephant, bull, bear, bed, box.
Cookie squares cut out of cardboard, pictures depicting a cat, dog, cow, mouse, crow, pig, goat, duck, chicken.
Color pictures of toys cut out of paper and their black shadows drawn on cardboard.
Colored pencils, sheets of paper with painted flags without sticks, counting sticks.
A container with cereals in which small toys are buried.
Background picture with the image of toys, cardboard squares-cubes of different colors.
Picture-blank "Night sky", yellow plasticine.
Audio recordings: "Cheburashka", "Flag", "Toys-animals".

Surprise moment "Cheburashka"

Look who came to visit us today? Cheburashka. He is a toy himself and loves other toys. Today we will play with a variety of toys.

Application "Cheburashka"

To complete the portrait of Cheburashka, you need to glue the missing details: ears and a bib.

Didactic game "Find the shadow from the toy"

The toys have lost their shadows. Find the shadow of each toy and place a colored toy on top of its black shadow.

Didactic exercise "Cut pictures"

But these toys were not lucky - the children played badly with them and broke them. Let's fix these toys - put the parts together.

Didactic game "How many nesting dolls?"

Here are the boats for nesting dolls, but you can put as many nesting dolls in the boat as the number you see on the boat. If the number “1” is on the boat, then only one matryoshka can be put in this boat. And if the number “2” is on the boat, then two nesting dolls can be put in such a boat.
Take the boats and seat the matryoshkas.

Didactic game "Matryoshkas went to the forest"

Matryoshkas love to go for walks in the forest. Now, take the matryoshka and take it for a walk. (Children manipulate a matryoshka toy on a sheet with glued bridges across the river, stumps, berry bushes).

Here comes the matryoshka. There is a river in front of her. Are there bridges? How many bridges? Two bridges. Same bridges? No. Various bridges. One bridge is narrow and the other is wide.
Matryoshka went along the narrow bridge.
Tired and sat down to rest on a narrow stump. Uncomfortable on a narrow stump, the matryoshka moved to a wide stump.
And here are the bushes with berries. There are many berries on one bush. And on the other, little. Matryoshka came up to a bush on which there are few berries. I collected all the berries and counted them: one, two, three. Then the matryoshka went to the bush, on which there are many berries.
It's time for matryoshka to go home. She went home along the wide bridge. Goodbye!

Drawing with cotton swabs "Berries for nesting dolls"

Matryoshkas wanted to collect berries in baskets and bring them home. Let's draw berries. And we will draw berries with cotton swabs.

Musical didactic game "Give cookies to the animals"

We have cookies for animals. Now we will treat them to these cookies. Listen to the words of the song carefully - the song will tell you who to treat. (According to the words of the song “Animal Toys”, children find a picture with the image of this character and put “cookies” next to it).

Construction "Tumbler"

Here is the Tumbler. Let's make it beautiful, bright with the help of multi-colored circles. Choose circles of a suitable size and apply to the drawing.

When the children lay out the image of a tumbler from the circles, you can offer to decorate the torso - the children decorate a large circle with multi-colored pebbles and put a circle-face on a circle-head.

Visual activity "Tumbler"

Let's make Tumbler beautiful eyes: we blind two balls of plasticine, attach it to the picture, put ready-made eyes on top of the plasticine and press them with your finger.
And now with the help of finger paints we will make a beautiful red dress for Tumbler.

Mobile game "Carousels"

Barely, barely, the carousels spun,
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel!
One and two and one and two
So the game is over!

Game with clothespins "Rattles"

The rattle sticks broke. Make them from clothespins. (In the course of the assignment by the children, the teacher is interested in what color the rattle sticks are chosen by the children).

Finger gymnastics "Toys"

My toys on the table
Lurked in silence.
Five birthday gifts
The guys brought me.
(With circular movements of the fingers of one hand, we stroke the open palm of the other)

Once - a furry, soft bear,
Two - green crocodile.
Three is a naughty bunny,
And four is one horse,
Five is a huge machine
With a large yellow body.
(With the index finger on the count, stroke each finger with the other hand in the direction from the base to the tip)

I put my gifts into it
Put early in the morning.
(We connect the palms and rub them in a circular motion with a little effort)

Didactic game "Find a pair of toys"

Children are given toys and are invited to go to the "shop" and buy another exactly the same toy.

Dynamic pause "Checkbox"

Guys, choose your flags. What color flag did you choose? And you? What color is your flag? Listen to the song and repeat the movements.

Button game "Flags"

Place the buttons in the right places.

(In the archive with the lesson there are several versions of this game for children of different ages).

Drawing with pencils "Sticks for flags"

Here are some beautiful multi-colored flags.

From counting sticks, make stick-holders for the flags. (Children put sticks on the flags vertically). Put away your chopsticks and take your pencils. Now let's draw sticks for the flags.

Didactic exercise "Find geometric shapes in the picture"

Look, some figures have escaped from this beautiful picture.

Here you have a triangle, a circle, a square, a rectangle, and you return these shapes to their places in the picture.

Reading a poem by A. Barto "Elephant"

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down in a box on a barrel.
Sleepy bear went to bed
Only the elephant does not want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He sends a bow to the elephant.

Modeling "Night outside the window"

Night has come. The moon appeared in the sky.

And we ourselves will make the stars. Tear off pieces of plasticine, apply to the night sky and press down with your finger.

Exercise "Find toys in the croup"

From a container filled with cereals, children dig out small toys.

Didactic game "Build a tower of cubes"

Build a tower from squares-cubes. Name the color of each cube.

Relay race "Put the toys in place"

Children run one after another from one end of the room to the other, take a toy, come back and put it in the chest.


didactic games and manuals for the development of sensory abilities of young children


Early childhood is the most amenable to pedagogical influence period. Everything is mastered and known for the first time. There are still no skills, no ideas, no knowledge. But the predisposition to assimilation is great, the ability to learn is high, since there are innate mechanisms that serve as the basis for the formation of mental qualities that are characteristic only of a person. If you do not pay attention to certain areas that can be most successfully implemented at a particular age stage, then in the near future a delay in significant skills is almost inevitable.

Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and feels the environment.

The child at each age stage is the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further neuropsychic development and comprehensive education of a preschooler. The smaller the child, the more important sensory experience is in his life. At the stage of early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. After all, it is not for nothing that early age is called the “golden time” of sensory education.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, this problem occupied one of the central places.

Today in stores a huge selection of educational games and toys. And yet, many teachers create their own, which are no less, and sometimes even more loved by children.

Didactic aids

"Magic Pasta"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects; development of small muscles of the hands.

"Hula Hup"

Target: development of aesthetic perception and perception of color in young children; increase in emotional tone.

"Wonderful Buttons"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the shape and size of objects; development of small muscles of the hands.

This manual can be used both for individual work with a child and for independent activities of children, encourage them to name the shape and size of buttons.

"Sensor bag"

Designed for children and parents.


1. Develop tactile sensitivity of the fingers, fine motor skills of the fingers when fastening, unfastening, applying;

2. Introduce the shape of the object, color, size;

3. Introduce various materials (fabric, metal, paper, etc.).

1 adult shows a ladybug, examines it with the child, names the color, shape, pays attention to spots, offers to touch it, unfasten it. Examines geometric shapes, names color, shape, examines them.

Questions: what color is the triangle? Show me the red square Etc.

2 adult offers to consider flowers. "What a beautiful meadow", Show me a red flower? What colour? Take a red flower and fasten it to the red center, etc.

"Make a Path"

Target: Formation in children of ideas about sensory standards, the ability to group objects by color, shape, size, development of small muscles of the hands.

Equipment: Type-setting canvas made of cardboard with cards on the right and left sides and with holes for colored laces.

The game is designed for the joint activities of a teacher and a child aged 2-4 years.

Game progress: The teacher, together with the child, examines the cards, the teacher draws attention to their similarities and differences. Then the teacher opens the cards on both sides for color differentiation and connects one pair with a string. Then he invites the child to pick up the next pair of pictures using a lace of a different color. Then the same actions are performed with cards for the size and shape of objects.

This multifunctional manual can be used for classes not only in sensory development.

Game options: “Who lives where?”, “Treat the little animals”, “Find the mother for the cubs”, “Find the outline of the object”, “Let's dress up the dolls”.

Didactic games

"Hide Bunny"

Target: formation of ideas about color.

Material: houses of red, yellow, green, blue color (flat image). In every house, in the window - a bunny; fox (planar image); windows according to the color of the houses.

Game progress: the teacher offers the children to hide the bunnies from the fox - pick up the windows according to the color of the houses.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/584/images/image011_31.jpg" align="left" width="597 height=415" height="415">


Target: consolidate with the child the performance of targeted actions (open, close), exercise in drawing up a whole of two parts, continue to learn to name the primary colors.

Game progress: The teacher offers the child With having united the parts of the bottle, fold the halves of the drawings; name: the resulting drawing, the color of the objects

"Multicolor rugs"

Target: To fix color, shape, size with children, to develop fine motor skills of fingers.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/584/images/image014_29.jpg" align="left" width="636" height="466 src=">

The teacher, together with the children, consider what is in the bags, what objects, what color, size.

Each bag contains objects of a certain color, thus fixing the primary colors.

Flowers are placed on the basket in accordance with the color of the button. With the help of this game, the primary colors are fixed, fine motor skills of the fingers develop.

Development environment

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees. And you always want to decorate your house, make it cozy and warm, unlike others. The desire to borrow something from work for home - in our country, alas, is not particularly surprising. But in kindergartens, an absolutely opposite process is observed: educators and managers carry things from home to kindergarten, and even involve relatives and friends in this.

The developing subject environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally models the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance.

We can safely say that in our city the hands of teachers and parents have created unique versions of the developing environment. It is paradoxical, but true - the lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of creativity.

Most of the time in kindergarten, the child spends in a group, and kids generally rarely leave its limits. This means that the development of a preschooler largely depends on the rational organization of the subject environment in a group room. It matters here: the color of the walls and ceiling, the division of space into functional zones, the variety of games, toys and their age-appropriateness, the availability of space for independent games and privacy for a child who is tired of being forced to constantly communicate with peers.

In this collection, we propose to get acquainted with the subject-developing environment for sensory education on the example of MDOU d / s No. 000 "Electronics" of the combined type.

Didactic aids "Ladybug" and "Caterpillar".

Target: the formation of ideas about the color, shape, size of objects.

Didactic aids to enrich the sensory experience of children in the process of getting to know objects of different shapes, sizes and colors; development of small muscles of the hands

Didactic game

"Put the ball," kinder - egg "in your house"

Target: pay attention to the color of objects, group homogeneous objects by color, learn to match dissimilar objects by color. To fix the concept of color: red, blue, yellow, green.

Material: egg trays painted red, yellow, blue, green, plastic balls of the same color, collected in a bag.

At the first stage of learning to play, children are offered only two colors: blue and red, or yellow and green. As the colors are memorized, the game is played with three, four colors.

Developing environment in the first junior group

Multifunctional panel

Sports corner

Didactic game

"Give the elephant a flower"

Target: enrichment of sensory experience; development of small muscles of the hands

Game progress: the teacher invites the child to find and “give” the baby elephant (toy) a flower of blue (red) color.

Didactic game

"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, the ability to use a clothespin; development of attention, observation, the size of the object.

Material: trihedral Christmas trees made of cardboard, multi-colored clothespins.

The teacher offers to take a clothespin of any color or take a clothespin only blue, red, yellow, green and fasten it to the Christmas tree.

Didactic game

"Dim Pens" or "Magic Cubes"

Target: to teach a child to fasten and unfasten buttons, lace up and unlace, fasten the lock, development of attention, perseverance.

Didactic aids

"Sun" and "Hedgehog"

Target: formation of ideas about sensory standards.

These benefits are used to develop the small muscles of the hands. The child is invited to choose from multi-colored clothespins the rays for the sun and the needles for the hedgehog.