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Treatment regimen for acute gout with colchicum. Colchicine for gout. Vitafon: treatment and prevention of various diseases

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces many effective medicines for the treatment of articular diseases. Allopurinol for the treatment of gout is one such effective drug.

In the human body, metabolism is constantly taking place, in which proteins break down and form energy for life. This process is accompanied by the formation of uric acid, the excretion of which is carried out with the help of the excretory system - the kidneys.

In violation of this function, these in the joints and tissues, leading to the development of gout, affecting the joints: hands and fingers, elbows, knees, feet. Often, gout occurs in conjunction with the joints. Therefore, if it appears, doctors advise contacting specialists for advice.

gout symptoms

Signs of gout

Signs of gout cannot be confused with other diseases, they are so specific. Pronounced symptoms of this joint disease are inflammation, acute with pain syndromes that give relapses. The first symptoms of gout appear in the form of severe pain, starting from the joint of the big toe.

It is the big toe that is affected by gout, becomes the first target, patients complain of:

  • excruciating severe pain of a sharp nature;
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain in the kidney area and blood in the urine.

The formation of tophi in gout

How to take Allopurinol for gout?

Allopurinol can be taken without chewing with water after meals. The dose is prescribed taking into account the patient's condition, depending on the content of uric acid in the blood.

To increase the solubility of uric acid salts and ensure normal daily diuresis for the removal of urates, during treatment it is necessary to adhere to a certain correct diet and diet, drink plenty of water (up to 2 liters per day).

Dosages and treatment regimens:

  • For children, the drug is prescribed only in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.. For babies under 6 years old, Allopurinol is prescribed taking into account body weight, 5 mg per kg of weight, for children from 6 to 10 years old, the therapeutic dose is 10 mg, taken, divided by 3-4 times.
  • Adult patients and children over 10 years of age the daily dose of Allopurinol is determined from 70 to 100 mg, then the dose is evenly increased by 100 mg every 2-3 weeks.
  • The maintenance dose of Allopurinol is 200-600 mg. depending on the development of the disease. In some severe cases of the disease, a maximum dose of 800 mg is prescribed. With a daily dose of 300 mg, it should be divided into 2-4 doses with the definition of equal intervals between them.
  • In severe forms of the course of the disease, a single dose of 200 mg is prescribed, the maximum single dose of 300 mg. Treatment with this appointment of Allopurinol continues for 2-4 weeks, then you can switch to a maintenance dose of 100-300 mg.
  • Elderly people with liver and kidney failure Allopurinol is prescribed with caution and in small doses.

The Allopurinol instructions state that the duration of the drug can be about 2-3 years with short interruptions. It is impossible to stop taking the remedy without the doctor's instructions, this can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Increasing the dose is carried out under strict careful control of uric acid in the blood. When using the drug, it is recommended to regularly check the condition of the liver.

Contraindications for use

Like any medication, Allopurinol for gout has contraindications for prescribing. Application without taking into account dangerous factors can lead to irreparable consequences.

The drug should not be taken by patients with:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy;
  • serious violations of kidney function;
  • liver diseases;
  • reduced creatinine clearance.

Do not drink pills for acute pain, during severe attacks of gout. Do not prescribe Allopurinol to pregnant women and during breastfeeding, as well as to babies under 3 years of age.

Before starting therapeutic measures in the treatment of gout, it is recommended to carefully study the mechanism of action of Allopurinol, the presence of contraindications for tablets, and compare these data with the patient's state of health. It is unacceptable to take medication without a doctor's prescription.

The drug has a cumulative effect, for this reason, an important condition for taking tablets is the implementation of all prescribed treatment courses, as a result of which severe painful attacks are reduced, there is a decrease in salt deposition in tissues.

With strict adherence to the diet and prescriptions of the urologist, patients begin to notice a relief in their condition after a few months.

The effectiveness of Allopurinol

If your back, neck or lower back hurts, do not delay treatment if you do not want to end up in a wheelchair! Chronic aching pain in the back, neck or lower back is the main sign of osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious disease. Treatment needs to start right now.

Side effects

Usually, taking Allopurinol tablets is normally tolerated by patients, but each organism is individual, in some patients it can cause side effects.

If the patient suffers from insufficiency of kidney and liver function, then taking the medication may cause an adverse reaction.

The use of Allopurinol may be accompanied by:

  • an increase in blood pressure, bradycardia;
  • headaches, drowsiness, blurred vision, weakness;
  • uremia, nephritis and hematuria;
  • thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia;
  • impotence, infertility and gynecomatia;
  • allergic manifestations: rash and itching, hyperemia of the skin.

    If side effects occur, you should definitely contact your doctor. With an overdose of Allopurinol tablets, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhea


Drug analogues

All analogs are prescribed, like Allopurinol, to reduce uric acid and the formation of its urates in the body of patients with gout. Allopurinol can be replaced with another drug. Only the attending physician can answer the patient's question which drug to choose, since each analogue has its own characteristics and side effects.

Name of the drug Description Release form average price
Allopurinol Egis The tool helps well with increased salt formation without signs of gouty nodes and arthritis. Pills 90 rubles


Reduces the formation of uric acid salts. Pills 70 rubles
Adenurik Reduces the level of uric acid, inhibits the formation of its salts. Pills 570 rubles
Colchicine Relieves severe attacks of gout, inhibits the formation of uric acid salts. Pills 1700 rubles

Interaction with other drugs

Treatment of gout is complex, so urologists should prescribe Allopurinol, taking into account the interaction of the drug with other medications.

Indapamide is a thiazide diuretic used for high blood pressure, co-administration of the drug with Allopurinol tablets can lead to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.

Sometimes urologists prescribe a complex application Allopurinol with Blemaren. Blemaren prevents the formation of uric acid salts, dissolves them. According to patients, such treatment contributes to the rapid removal of uric acid salt crystals from the body and to achieve a faster result in the treatment of gout.

It is also possible to include hormonal drugs such as Prednisolone or Metipred. The simultaneous use of such drugs with Allopurinol contributes to a more effective and rapid removal of the symptoms of the disease.

Prednisolone in the form of ointment Metipred

Interaction with alcohol

During the course of treatment with Allopurinol, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Drinking alcohol can cause:

  • pain in the liver and muscles;
  • apathy and drowsiness;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • impotence and diabetes;
  • increased blood pressure and bradycardia.

In some cases, if the patient drank alcohol after taking the pills, then alcohol can provoke a coma.

Nutrition for gout

  • Avoid fatty, salty foods.
  • Alcoholic beverages must not be consumed.
  • The diet should include plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables.
  • Starving is strictly prohibited.

During treatment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the content of uric acid in the blood and the state of the liver.

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Treatment of gout provides for a differential strategy depending on the stage of the disease (acute attack or interictal period, chronic form).

gout therapy.

Therapy of gout consists of arresting an attack of arthritis and measures in the interictal period (prevention of repeated exacerbations of the articular syndrome, treatment of extra-articular manifestations of gout - gouty tendonitis, myositis, gouty nephropathy, etc.). There are 3 main tasks in the treatment of this disease:

  1. stop an acute attack of gout as quickly as possible;
  2. prevent its recurrence;
  3. prevent or reduce the manifestations of chronic gout (primarily the formation of tophi and kidney stones).

Successful treatment of gout is possible only with the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient. One of the important components of success is the patient's diet.

Therapeutic nutrition for gout.

For gout, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed within table No. 6. This diet provides for the exclusion of foods containing a large amount of purines (200 mcg), limiting the intake of salt (5-8 g), fats (fats have a hyperuricemia effect); the total protein content is normal, but with a reduced quota of animal proteins (the ratio between vegetable and animal proteins approaches 1:15); enough vitamins.

Alkaline mineral waters and citrus fruits are included in the diet to enhance the excretion of urates from the body. Food is given to the patient in unground form, steamed or boiled in water. Vegetables and fruits are consumed raw, boiled or baked.

The total amount of free fluid increases to 2.5 liters if there are no contraindications from the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to take liquid in the form of tea, cranberry juice, juices, alkaline mineral waters.

The diet is fractional, 5-6 times a day in small portions, in between meals - drinking.

  • Bread and flour products: wheat, rye bread, puff and pastry products are limited.
  • Meat and poultry: low-fat varieties, boiled no more than 1-2 times a week. Boiling meat and poultry leads to the transition to the broth up to 50% of the purines contained in the products.
  • Fish: low-fat varieties, 1-2 times a week, boiled.
  • Dairy products: milk, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, mild cheese.
  • Fats: butter, vegetable oil.
  • Cereals: in moderation any.
  • Vegetables: in any cooking, salted and pickled vegetables are limited.
  • Fruits and sweet dishes: any fruits and berries, fresh and in any culinary processing; creams, jelly, marmalade, marshmallow.
  • Drinks: weak tea, juices, fruit drinks, kvass, rosehip broth, alkaline mineral waters.

Forbidden: liver, kidneys, brains, tongue, smoked meats, canned food, fatty, salted, smoked fish, canned fish, meat, fish, chicken, mushroom broths, beef, pork and cooking fat, legumes, sorrel, spinach, figs, chocolate , cocoa, strong tea, coffee.

When gout is combined with obesity, a hypocaloric table No. 6e is prescribed (the amount of bakery products, cereals, easily absorbed carbohydrates, and fats in the diet is reduced).

Medical relief of a gout attack.

For the relief of an acute attack of gouty arthritis, colchicine- Colchicum preparation, which is a powerful inhibitor of phosphatase and inhibits the processes of cell division. It is recommended to strictly adhere to the following rules when using colchicine (Wallace S., Singer J., 1984):

  • a single dose should not exceed 2 mg, and the total dose should not exceed 4 mg (first, 1 mg of colchicine dissolved in 20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution is administered for at least 10 minutes);
  • if this patient received oral colchicine the day before, this drug should not be used intravenously; after intravenous administration of a full dose, colchicine in any form should not be used for at least 7 days;
  • in the presence of kidney and liver disease, the dose of colchicine should be reduced (by 50% if creatinine clearance is below 50 ml / min). If this indicator is below 10 ml / min, colchicine is not used. In elderly patients, it is desirable to study creatinine clearance before intravenous use of colchicine;
  • precautions should be taken to eliminate the risk of colchicine entering nearby tissues. The onset of action of intravenously administered colchicine is observed within 6-12 hours.

There are several schemes for the use of colchicine:

1) inside 0.5 mg every hour until arthritis is relieved or until the maximum allowable dose is reached - 6 mg;

2) inside, 1.0 mg every 3 hours until the maximum allowable dose is reached - 10 mg;

3) safer scheme:

1st day - colchicine inside 1 mg 3 times a day after meals;

2nd day - 1 mg in the morning and evening, then 1 mg per day.

Improvement usually occurs within 12 hours of starting treatment. The action of colchicine is extremely specific for gout (in no other arthritis does the drug have such a stopping effect as in gout). The drug is effective in 90% of patients. Most often, the lack of a therapeutic effect is due to the late use of the drug.

Colchicine causes side effects from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, less often - vomiting), as a result of which it is necessary to reduce the dose or even cancel the drug. Diarrhea can be persistent and distressing, and bismuth preparations are given concomitantly with colchicine to prevent it.

An absolute contraindication for the appointment of colchicine is a combination of renal and hepatic insufficiency, a pronounced decrease in glomerular filtration and extrahepatic biliary obstruction.

With long-term treatment of gout with colchicine, anemia, leukopenia may develop..

Significantly less toxicity and incidence of side effects in NSAIDs, which are also used to treat gouty attacks. Pyrazolone preparations (butadione, reopyrin, ketazol, phenylbutazone) and indole (indomethacin, metindol) series have found wide application in clinical practice.

For the relief of acute gouty arthritis, NSAIDs are used in large doses, but even with this use they are better tolerated than colchicine. In addition, in the event of side effects or intolerance to one of these drugs, it can be replaced by others, and often a more pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved.

Voltaren is widely used to stop a gouty attack, which is prescribed on the first day at 200 mg, and then at 150 mg / day. The advantage of the drug is its good tolerability and the increase in the clinical effect as the dose increases. Voltaren can also be administered intramuscularly at 3 ml 1-2 times a day, which is especially important for concomitant diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of prolonged forms of drugs is very effective: voltaren-retard, metindol-retard, etc.

In terms of safety, taking into account the development of side effects, especially from the gastrointestinal tract, preference is given to selective COX-2 inhibitors (nimesulide, meloxicam).

The good effect of using corticosteroids in an acute attack has long been known, this method is considered safe and is indicated when it is impossible to use NSAIDs or colchicine due to intolerance to these drugs, the presence of kidney failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Their parenteral administration is most effective. D. Werlen (1993) showed that the effect of their administration is fast and persistent, even when using single intramuscular doses (7 mg of betamethasone). The drugs are well tolerated, the frequency of adverse reactions is low, and isolated cases of transient hyperglycemia are possible.

GCS can be used in the following ways:

  1. prednisolone 40-60 mg on the first day (tablet form), followed by a dose reduction of 5 mg every other day;
  2. triamcinolone i / m 60 mg, if necessary, repeat the introduction after 24 hours;
  3. methylprednisolone in / in 50-150 mg, and also in severe cases in the variant of small pulse therapy: once 250-500 mg;
  4. periarticular or intra-articular (with the obligatory exclusion of septic arthritis) administration of corticosteroids (diprospan, hydrocortisone).

Treatment of chronic gouty arthritis.

In long-term therapy of gout, to prevent recurrent attacks of polyarthritis, it is necessary to achieve a decrease in plasma levels of uric acid. Antigout (long-term, basic) therapy is carried out in patients with frequent (3-4 times a year) attacks of arthritis, and especially with chronic tofus gout and nephrolithiasis. Important indications for the initiation of gout therapy are also persistent hyperuricemia, even with a history of one attack of arthritis, or a reduction in the intervals between attacks.

Currently, two groups of drugs are used: uricosuric drugs, which increase the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, and uricodepressive drugs, which reduce its synthesis.

Allopurinol(hydroxypyrazolopyrimidine, milurite) inhibits the xanthine oxidase enzyme, as a result of which the conversion of hypoxanthine to xanthine and then to uric acid is disrupted. Its content in the blood decreases, while uricosuria decreases, so there is no risk of the formation of urate stones in the urinary tract. The drug can also be used in the presence of renal pathology (but without severe renal failure). The allopurinol metabolite oxypurinol also inhibits xanthine oxidase.

Indications for the appointment of allopurinol are:

  • reliable diagnosis of chronic gouty arthritis;
  • hyperexcretion of uric acid (more than 800 mg / day - without a diet and more than 600 mg - on a low-purine diet);
  • kidney damage with a decrease in creatinine clearance below 80 ml / min:
  • formation of tophi in soft tissues and subchondral bone;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • a persistent increase in uric acid levels of more than 13 mg% in men and more than 10 mg% in women;
  • contraindications to the appointment of uricosuric drugs;
  • conducting cytotoxic therapy or radiotherapy for lymphoproliferative diseases;
  • gout not controlled by uricosuric agents and colchicine, manifesting with prolonged attacks or uncontrolled hyperuricemia;
  • identifying signs of gouty nephropathy.

Allopurinol is available in tablets of 0.1 and 0.3 g.

It is necessary to adhere to the following basic principles in the treatment of gout with allopurinol:

  1. It is not recommended to start therapy with allopurinol in the presence of an acute articular attack, it is necessary to stop the articular syndrome. If the attack developed during allopurinol therapy, then you can reduce the dose and not completely cancel the drug.
  2. To prevent acute attacks of arthritis, sometimes occurring at the beginning of taking the drug, and the occurrence of allergic and severe adverse reactions, it is recommended to start therapy with a small dose (usually 100 mg per day). A reflection of the correct selection of the dose of the drug is the rate of decrease in the level of hyperuricemia of no more than 0.6-0.8 mg% or 0.1-0.6 mg / dl, or 10% of the initial figures for 1 month. therapy.
  3. Low-dose colchicine or NSAIDs may be used early in the treatment of allopurinol to prevent an acute attack of gout.
  4. With the abolition of allopurinol, the level of uric acid increases rapidly (within 3-4 days).
  5. It should be remembered that during an attack of arthritis, the level of uric acid is usually lower than in the period between attacks, therefore, repeated studies of its level are required after the relief of arthritis.

The initial dose of the drug is 50-100 mg / day, then daily the daily dose is increased by 100 mg and adjusted to 200-300 mg in mild forms of the disease and up to 400-500 mg in moderate and severe forms.

The level of uric acid in the blood begins to decrease on the 2-3rd day and reaches normal numbers on the 7-10th day. As uricemia decreases, the dosage of allopurinol decreases, stable and complete normalization of uricemia usually occurs after 4-6 months, after which a maintenance dose of allopurinol is prescribed - 100 mg / day.

Reducing and reducing the intensity of attacks, softening and resorption of tophi is observed after 6-12 months. continuous treatment with allopurinol. After prolonged treatment, chronic articular manifestations may completely disappear. Treatment with allopurinol continues for many years, almost continuously.

The drug does not have a noticeable effect on gouty nephropathy. In case of insufficiency of kidney function, the dose of allopurinol is determined in accordance with the value of creatine clearance: with clearance values ​​\u200b\u200bof more than 60 ml / min, 200 mg / day is sufficient, with a clearance value of less than 40 ml / min, the daily dose should not exceed 100 mg. With a decrease in creatinine clearance below 10 ml / min, allopurinol is limited to 100 mg for 3 days. The use of higher doses can lead to aggravation of chronic renal failure. This is due to the fact that allopurinol blocks purine breakdown to xanthine, the level of the latter in the blood and urine increases many times, and xanthinemia and xanthinuria can have a harmful effect on the kidneys.

Tolerability of allopurinol is good, in rare cases side effects are possible:

  • allergic reactions (itching, skin rashes, angioedema, vasculitis);
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • acute renal failure;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • Steven-Johnson syndrome.

During the treatment of gout with allopurinol, it is necessary to ensure diuresis within 2 liters and a slightly alkaline urine reaction in order to avoid the formation of xanthine stones (when urine is alkalized, hypoxanthine and xanthine remain in a dissolved state).

Contraindications to the use of allopurinol:

  • severe liver dysfunction,
  • hemochromatosis,
  • pregnancy,
  • children's age (except for malignant diseases with hyperuricemia).

Clinically significant drug interactions of allopurinol with other drugs:

  • when combined with cyclophosphamide, bone marrow suppression is aggravated;
  • with simultaneous administration of azathioprine - potentiation of immunosuppressive and cytolytic effects;
  • when combined with ampicillin, the frequency of skin rash increases.

Thiopurinol- derivative of allopurinol in tablets of 0.1 g.

The drug inhibits the synthesis of uric acid, inhibits glutamine phosphoribosyl transferase, is as active as allopurinol, but is much better tolerated by patients. It is used in a daily dose of 300-400 mg.

Uricosuriges have the ability to reduce tubular reabsorption of urate, resulting in increased excretion of uric acid by the kidneys.

Indications for appointment:

  • renal (hypoexcretory) type of gout in the absence of severe gouty nephropathy;
  • mixed type of gout with daily excretion of uric acid less than 2.7 mmol (less than 450 mg).

When treating gout with uricosuric agents, the following should be taken into account. The main way to increase the excretion of urates by the kidneys is to increase diuresis. With a large diuresis, the concentration of urates in the urine decreases and their tendency to crystallize decreases. Minute diuresis also increases, which contributes to an increase in urate clearance. In addition, for increased excretion of urates, it is necessary to alkalize the urine (for example, by taking 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate daily in the morning).

Thus, to enhance the excretion of urates from the body, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 2-2.5 liters per day) and alkalinize urine with sodium bicarbonate, alkaline mineral waters.

probenecid(benemide) - a derivative of benzoic acid, an analogue of phenylbutazone. Initially, it is prescribed in a dose of 0.5 g 2 times a day, later, depending on the magnitude of hyperuricemia, the dose can be increased, but not more than up to 2 g / day. The most commonly used daily dose is 1-2 g. A daily dose of 1 g increases the excretion of uric acid in the urine by an average of 50% and reduces uricemia. The drug should be used for a long time, for a number of years.

Benemid is well tolerated, but in some cases, dyspepsia, allergic reactions (skin reactions, itching, fever) are possible.

Long-term treatment of gout with benemide is not recommended for moderate and transient hyperuricemia, reduced glomerular filtration rate (less than 30 ml per minute), and frequently recurring articular crises.

Benemide is contraindicated in chronic renal failure, pregnancy, hyperuricosuria (800-1000 mg per day).

Anturan(sulfinpyrazone) - available in tablets of OD g, administered orally at a daily dose of 0.3-0.4 g (in 2-4 doses) after meals, preferably with milk. The uricosuric action lasts about 8 hours. Salicylates weaken the action of Anturan. The drug is well tolerated, but exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum is possible.

Anturan also has an antiaggregatory effect.

When treating gout with Anturan, it is necessary to take at least 2-2.5 liters of alkaline liquid per day.

Contraindications to the use of Anturan:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives,
  • severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

Benzobromarone(Desuric) has a strong uricosuric effect due to inhibition of the absorption of uric acid in the proximal renal tubules. In addition, the drug inhibits the enzymes involved in the synthesis of purines. Under the influence of benzobromarone, the excretion of uric acid through the intestines also increases.

The drug is available in tablets of 0.1 g, is prescribed during meals, starting with 0.05 g (1/2 tablet) 1 time per day, with an insufficient decrease in the content of urates in the blood - 1 tablet per day.

Tolerability of benzobromarone is good, in some cases dyspepsia, skin allergic reactions, diarrhea are possible. In the first days of treatment, pain in the joints may increase, in these cases it is necessary to take NSAIDs.

In the treatment of gout with benzobromarone, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of alkaline fluid per day to prevent the deposition of stones in the urinary tract.

Contraindications to the use of benzobromarone are severe liver and kidney damage.

Hipurik- micronized benzobromarone in tablets of 0.8 g. Treatment is carried out in the same way as benzobromarone.

Losartan is an angiotensin II antagonist. In recent years, ACE inhibitors have been shown to increase uric acid excretion. M. Nakashima (1992) found that the uricosuric effect of losartan is dose-dependent and reduces serum uric acid levels.

Using the test system, it was found that losartan acts on the urate/lactate and urate/chloride exchange systems. The IC50 of losartan in relation to these two metabolic systems is much lower than that of probenecid, which indicates that losartan has a much stronger affinity than probenecid for these urate metabolic systems and is a potent inhibitor of urate reabsorption.

On average, the expected decrease in serum uric acid levels during treatment with losartan is 1 mg / dl (60 μmol / l), i.e. 10-15% at a dose of losartan 50 mg per day (Wurzner G., 2001).

Allomaron- a combined preparation containing 100 mg of allopurinol and 20 mg of benzobromarone; inhibits the synthesis of uric acid and increases its excretion in the urine. The combination of two drugs in Allomaron - a uricodepressant and a uricoeliminator - reduces the risk of side effects of allopurinol and eliminates the risk of kidney stones.

Allomaron effectively reduces the synthesis of uric acid, so that its excretion remains within the normal range (despite the use of benzobromarone in the preparation). In this regard, no precautions are required (heavy drinking, alkalinization of urine) necessary during therapy with uricosuric agents to prevent the formation of stones.

With severe uricemia, the dose is increased to 2-3 tablets per day. Patients with nephrolithiasis during the first 10-14 days of treatment with Allomaron should be advised to drink plenty of fluids and alkalinize urine.

The use of allomaron achieves a greater reduction in uric acid levels than monotherapy with allopurinol (100 mg/day) or benzobromarone (20 mg/day). Allomaron at a dose of 1-3 tablets per day provides normalization of uricemia within 3-4 weeks. in most patients with gout and hyperuricemia. Treatment lasts 3-6 months. and longer.

Allomaron is used for gout, hyperuricemia of any origin and to prevent recurrence of arthritis, as well as kidney damage and the formation of tophi.

Contraindications to the appointment of Allomaron:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • age up to 14 years;

Allomaron is well tolerated. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders, a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood.

Topical application of drugs for gout.

It is advisable to use local (on the joints) applications of anti-inflammatory ointments (dicloran, fastum, longit, voltaren, etc.). To stop a gouty attack, compresses are used with a 50% solution of dimexide, which has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (applications consist of 1 tablespoon of a 50% solution of dimexide, 1 tablespoon of water and an ampule of analgin or novocaine; they are applied like a compress for 30-40 minutes ). The course is 10-20 procedures.

Physiotherapy treatment in the acute period of gout is limited.

Ultraviolet irradiation of the joint in an erythemal dose, started as early as possible, before the appearance of swelling and redness of the joint, sometimes makes it possible to interrupt the onset of the attack.

Use phonophoresis with calcium, diphenhydramine; iontophoresis with lithium; reflexology, acupressure, transcranial stimulation of opioid structures.

Physiotherapy treatment in the interictal period of gout includes diathermy, mud and paraffin applications. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The hydrocortisone received through the procedure, due to its immunosuppressive effect, helps to reduce the inflammatory process, increase local blood and lymph circulation, and accelerate the removal of urate crystals from the affected tissues. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone also improves kidney function, removes urates from the body and reduces their level in the blood. The course of treatment - 6-8 procedures.

Heat therapy (applications of mud, paraffin, ozocerite, combination of mud applications with inductothermy) contributes to a significant improvement in joint function, reduces pain and inflammation in the periarticular tissues, and reduces the content of urates in them.

Heat treatment of gout is especially effective in the combination of chronic gouty arthritis with osteoarthritis, with joint deformities. The course of treatment is 6-8 procedures.

In complex treatment, it is advisable to carry out balneotherapy, the use of radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine sodium chloride baths.

Balneotherapy of patients with gout is carried out in the interictal period. Balneological procedures improve the microcirculation system, have a uricosuric effect, improve the trophism of tissues and the synovial membrane, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the affected joints. This, in turn, contributes to the removal of uric acid salts from the synovial membranes and tissue depots. Under the influence of balneotherapy, inflammation in the joints decreases, the activity of lysosomal enzymes decreases, the functionality of the liver and kidneys increases, and the indicators of purine and lipid metabolism improve.

Radon baths for gout.

The main active factor in taking radon baths is a-radiation. Radon enters the body through the skin and lungs, which causes internal exposure of the body. The decay products of radon are deposited on the patient's skin, an active plaque is formed, which carries out external skin irradiation. Radon baths normalize uric acid metabolism, improve liver function, favorably affect lipid metabolism, normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the affected joints. Radon baths have an analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect. Radon baths are prescribed with a radon concentration of 1.5 kBq / l, temperature 36-37 ° C, duration of 10-15 minutes, two days in a row followed by a break day or three days in a row, 4 or 5 baths per week; course of treatment - 12-14 baths.

Hydrogen sulfide baths for gout.

The specific effect of these baths is due to hydrogen sulfide, which enters mainly through the skin. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on the liver, which affects the state of purine and other types of metabolism. Hydrogen sulfide baths enhance microcirculation, trophic processes in the tissues of the joints, improve cartilage nutrition, reduce the level of uric acid in the blood, and have a uricosuric effect. Assign hydrogen sulfide baths with a concentration of 50-100 mg / l, a temperature of 36-37 ° C, a duration of 10-15 minutes, two days in a row followed by a day of break; course of treatment - 10-12 procedures.

Contraindications to hydrogen sulfide baths for gout are:

  • acute attack of gout;
  • phase of incomplete remission;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Iodine-bromine sodium chloride baths for gout affect the body through skin receptors. Trace elements iodine and bromine, forming a depot in the skin, partially penetrate into the humoral environment of the body. As part of various enzyme systems, they affect metabolic processes. Sodium chloride, which is the main mineral component of iodine-bromine chloride-sodium baths, promotes the penetration of iodine and bromine into the body. Iodine-bromine baths have a positive effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, sympathoadrenal and pituitary-adrenal systems, stabilize hepatocyte membranes, improve kidney function, increase urate excretion, reduce the level of urate in the blood, and normalize lipid metabolism. Iodine-bromine baths, having anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and bactericidal effects, contribute to the rapid cleansing and scarring of tophi, are well tolerated by patients. In patients, pain quickly subsides, tophi decrease, signs of inflammation decrease.

Iodine-bromine baths are indicated for patients with gout in the remission phase, as well as for gout combined with stage 1-2 hypertension, obesity, urolithiasis, IHD not higher than FC II without heart rhythm disturbance. Iodine-bromine baths are prescribed with a sodium chloride content of 20 g/l, iodine - 10 g/l, bromine - 25 g/l; bath temperature - 37 ° C, duration of the procedure - 10-15 minutes, two days in a row followed by a day off. With good tolerability of baths, patients use 5 baths per week, 10-12 baths per course of treatment.

Iodine-bromine baths in combination with hydrocortisone phonophoresis are used to treat gout in the phase of incomplete remission, hydrocortisone phonophoresis in this case reduces the risk of exacerbation during treatment, reduces inflammation activity and improves the functional state of the joints.

The method of complex treatment of gout with the use of hydrocortisone phonophoresis (on the affected joints) and iodine-bromine sodium chloride baths: hydrocortisone phonophoresis (UZT-1 apparatus) with a frequency of 880 kHz is prescribed to the area of ​​the affected joints in a continuous mode with an intensity of 0.4-0.7 W/cm2 (labile technique) for 5 minutes per field (no more than two joints per day) daily. The course of treatment - 12 procedures.

This method of complex treatment of gout is also used for concomitant gout obesity, osteochondrosis of the spine, and urolithiasis.

Spa treatment is prescribed for patients with gout in the remission phase with preserved functional ability of the joints. The main therapeutic factors are balneotherapy, mud therapy, drinking alkaline mineral waters, therapeutic nutrition.

Physiobalneotherapy in sanatoriums and resorts is carried out against the background of ongoing treatment with anti-gout drugs.

Efferent methods of treatment of gout.

Currently, in the treatment of various pathological conditions of gout, methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection are widely used, which are more effective in cleaning the blood from various toxins and toxic substances. In the treatment of gout, it is preferable to use plasma exchange with extracorporeally modified autoplasma(POEMK). This method was developed on the basis of cryoplasmosorption technology. Plasma is obtained during hardware plasmapheresis. Indications for POEMK:

  • development of resistance to drugs that stop articular gouty attack;
  • intolerance or poor tolerance of basic therapy drugs;
  • steadily progressing course of gout;
  • progressive gouty nephropathy.

Patients with gout undergo plasmapheresis - 3-4 sessions every 6 months.

When performing POEMK, the type of dyslipidemia must be taken into account. Thus, the use of POEMK with an isolated elevated level of triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) is inappropriate. It should be borne in mind that in familial hyperlipidemia (type lib or IV), plasma freezing and cryoprecipitate formation may worsen due to an increase in triglycerides. This significantly reduces the efficiency of cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) removal during plasma exchange.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy is determined by a decrease in the level of uric acid in the blood serum, a decrease in the frequency of gout attacks, resorption of tophi, the absence of progression of urolithiasis, a decrease in the need for NSAIDs, colchicine, GCS.

Prognosis for gouty arthritis generally favorable. Prognostically unfavorable factors for gout are:

  • development of the disease before the age of 30 years;
  • persistent hyperuricemia more than 0.6 mmol/l;
  • persistent hyperuricosuria more than 1100 mg/day;
  • the presence of urolithiasis in combination with urinary tract infection;
  • progressive nephropathy, especially in combination with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension.

In 20-50% of cases, urolithiasis develops, and renal failure is the cause of death in 18-25% of cases.

Joint diseases
IN AND. Mazurov

The device "Vitafon" is a medical physiotherapy equipment, which today has no analogues.

Numerous studies conducted by qualified specialists have confirmed its high degree of effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, as well as the consequences of trauma.

The device allows you to exert a point effect on local areas of the body, stimulating microcapillary blood flow in them and increasing lymph flow.

Vitafon is a device created in 1994 to help with arthritis, based on microvibration processes. The fact is that a lot of energy is spent on natural vibrations in the human body, but this function is necessary to speed up the metabolism between body tissues. Their absence can lead to dysfunction of various organs.

Under natural conditions, they are independently produced by the body, but in our time, cells often do not cope with this function adequately. The Vitafon device is able to create the same frequency as the human body during strong muscle tension.

In the first mode of operation, it creates vibrations with a frequency of 20 Hz to 4.5 kHz, and in the second - from 200 Hz to 18 kHz. The device expands the capabilities of the body and, accordingly, is the prevention of many diseases.

Phonation is a method of physiotherapy, in which the diseased part of the body is exposed to acoustic vibrations to stimulate microcapillary blood flow and lymph flow. This improves tissue microvibration, the deficiency of which leads to the development of various pathologies due to the accumulation of damaged cells.

To increase the speed of capillary blood flow, lymph flow, to stimulate microvibration with the help of phonation is obtained due to a decrease in the hydrodynamic resistance of blood vessels. This is possible under the influence of a certain frequency of the acoustic wave, the magnitude of which depends on the diameters of the capillaries.

from 0.0001 to 0.05

The higher the frequency and amplitude with which the impact occurs, the greater the likelihood of cell death due to vibration. For this reason, the use of vibratory massagers has a limited time and many contraindications.

An amplitude that does not exceed the cell size, that is, below 0.05 mm, is safe for the body. It can be used to accelerate the healing of wounds, fractures, reduce hematomas, hernias. In addition, with the help of properly performed phonation, the following effects can be achieved:

  • compensate for weak microvibration in tissues and organs;
  • improve metabolism, supply of nutrients to tissues and cells;
  • stimulate the immune system, reduce the body's susceptibility to diseases, quickly get rid of the flu, colds and other respiratory diseases;
  • improve lymph outflow;
  • stimulate tissue healing;
  • reduce the healing time of fractures, stimulate the restoration of joint mobility;
  • improve intracellular respiration;
  • relieve pain, inflammation, swelling;
  • get rid of a hematoma;
  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • relieve muscle fatigue;
  • cleanse the tissues of toxins, metabolic products, dead cells, toxins.

Vibroacoustic apparatus Vitafon was the first instrument for vibroacoustic phonation. The first version of the device appeared in 1992, was tested, and two years later was recommended for use by the commission of the KNMT of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation. Since then, several devices of this type have appeared.

Vitafon is the easiest model to manage, produced since 1994. It consists of an electronic unit that has a built-in mains plug. There are 2 buttons on the front panel, with which you can specify one of the four operating modes.

Two soldered transducers are connected to the electronic unit. These are vibraphones that are applied to the body. After turning on the device, they send constantly changing sound frequencies into the body, causing microvibration. The device has the following specifications:

  • electrical voltage: 220 V;
  • weight of the device without packaging: 0.5 kg;
  • power consumption: no more than 6 VA;
  • mains frequency: 50 Hz;
  • lower / upper frequencies of 1 subband: 40 Hz / 3 kHz;
  • low / high frequencies 2 sub-bands: 0.3 / 18 kHz;
  • frequency change time: 80. 160 s;
  • microvibration amplitudes at the lowest frequency: in modes 1 and 3 it fluctuates between 2.8 - 5.4 µm; in modes 2 and 4 between 6 - 12.3 µm.

Among the disadvantages of the first model is the lack of a timer to set the time of exposure to the diseased area. The power supply unit is combined with the control unit, so for ease of use you need a network extension cord.

Otherwise, during the procedure, you will have to stand near the outlet. The device provides only 2 vibraphones, so one session at the maximum mode takes 1-1.5 hours. In this case, treatment is required to be carried out 2-3 times a day.

After some time, new models with great capabilities appeared. Among them:

  • Vitafon-T. In addition to the basic configuration, there is a timer, indicator, automatic shutdown, separate control and power units, cuffs that are applied to the affected area and expand the exposure area. The session takes 1-1.5 hours, you need to do it 2-3 times a day.
  • Vitafon-IR. The model is almost a complete analogue of the first model, only instead of one vibraphone it has an emitter that has a pronounced effect, the task of which is to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Vitafon-5. It is possible to connect more than 6 vibraphones, a built-in battery, with which the procedure can be carried out in any position of the body. The kit comes with an ORPO mattress, thanks to which you can do sessions aimed at general support of the body, incl. liver, kidneys, the entire region of the spine. The model includes a battery designed for 8 hours of continuous operation.
  • Vitafon-2. The device is designed for use in a hospital, but it can also be used at home. There are versions of the device with basic and advanced equipment. The basic model includes 2 infrared emitters, 2 double vibraphones, an anti-decubitus mattress with 9 vibraphones. The device can be adjusted according to the weight and height of the patient. The procedure on such a device will take 30-45 minutes.

Conditions and causes of the onset and development of hypertension

“Often, having discovered high blood pressure, people rush to bring it back to normal with the help of any medication. From the standpoint of a systemic (resource) approach, this practice is not entirely correct and can lead to a deterioration in kidney function and the development of secondary adverse effects.

  1. It is well known in medical science that kidney function improves with increasing systolic blood pressure and that the kidneys are the only organ that needs high pressure to filter blood. At very low pressure (less than 80 mmHg), the kidneys stop filtering. A long-term significant artificial decrease in blood pressure will adversely affect the whole body, the risk of complications and the transition of arterial hypertension (hypertension) into a chronic form - hypertension will increase. The optimal level of blood pressure is the pressure at which the best state of health and the highest performance are observed.

    The kidneys are always involved in the regulation of blood pressure. In order to lower blood pressure, it is very important to first improve kidney function. In most cases, lowering blood pressure is achieved using technique No. 1.

  2. Another cause may be vascular insufficiency of the spinal cord or brain. In this case, method number 2 is more effective.

With age, there is a general decrease in the number of functional cells in all organs. Starting from the age of 40, the number of working nephrons in the kidneys decreases by 1-2% per year, and by the age of 60-70, kidney function deteriorates by 30%, which contributes to an increase in blood pressure.

It is known that the filtering function of the kidneys depends not only on systolic pressure, but also on other physical factors, primarily microvibrations. Nature uses the physical effects of microvibration to overcome friction and increase the frequency of contact between substances and cells.

Biological microvibration is always a scarce resource of a living organism, because it is formed as a result of contraction of muscle cells. Compensation for this deficit with the help of Vitafon devices allowed improving kidney function and significantly improving the quality of life. The method is called phonation and can be used independently at home.

The method of using the devices of the Vitafon series is well developed, simple and has been successfully used at home for many years. Efficiency and well-being increase after the first procedures.

The pressure decreases sometimes after several sessions, sometimes after several weeks, and sometimes after several months, depending on the stage of hypertension and the duration of the artificial decrease in blood pressure.

The data of objective control testify to the high efficiency of kidney vibrosound.

A number of medical studies have confirmed the safety of the effects of Vitafon devices on the kidney area and revealed the following effects:

  • increase in glomerular filtration;
  • improved excretion of uric acid by the kidneys;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • slowing of the heart rate;
  • lowering blood pressure.

With each procedure, the effect accumulates and can persist after the completion of the course of treatment up to 3 months.

Purpose of phonation

A number of medical studies have shown that phonation of the kidney area significantly improves their function and accelerates the normalization of blood pressure. Phonation allows you to improve your well-being and increase efficiency, and at the same time reduce the dose of antihypertensive drugs taken, including refusing them.

The pressure also decreases sometimes after several sessions, sometimes after several months, depending on the stage of hypertension and the duration of the artificial lowering of blood pressure. After a month of procedures, there is a decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood. The effectiveness of the method is proportional to the number of procedures performed.

For the convenience of vibrophones or if there are difficulties with manual fixation of vibraphones on the affected areas, it is recommended to use special fixing cuffs: vertebral and waist, as well as additional vibraphones (in the case of using Vitafon-5 and Vitafon-2 devices) to use them only in these cuffs.

The use of Vitafon-2 and Vitafon-5 devices allows to reduce the total phonation time by 2 times!

Phonation is continued until the optimal level of arterial pressure is reached. Upon reaching the optimal blood pressure, they switch to maintenance vibrosound procedures: the number of procedures can be reduced to 1-2 times a day, but with an increase in physical activity, hypothermia, prolonged stress, one more procedure is performed (2-3 times a day). If necessary, repeated courses are carried out 2-3 times a year.

Vibrosound treatment of the kidney area significantly increases efficiency, but despite this, in order to achieve a stable result, one should not increase the load on the body in the first few months. It is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • avoid prolonged and intense physical exertion. Even in a young healthy body, the upper level of blood pressure rises to 180 mm Hg. Art. and more when performing intensive muscular work;
  • avoid frequent, intense and prolonged stress. When stressed, the muscles go into static tension, which can last for several hours and even days. Static voltage increases resource consumption by 1.5-3 times. Stress in terms of muscle energy consumption per day is comparable to intense physical work;
  • do not stay in the cold for a long time. Cooling the body leads to an increase in overall muscle tone and additional stress on the kidneys;
  • Eat right so you don't gain weight. An increase in body weight proportionally increases the average daily muscle activity for movement and coordination;
  • avoid shock loads on the spine.

The procedure is usually performed in the supine position. Vibraphones are superimposed on the painful area, fixed with an elastic bandage. Then the device is turned on, after the expiration of the exposure time, it is removed from the patient's body. After physiotherapy, you must be in a warm room for at least an hour.

Its price in different places varies from 4000 rubles. up to 6000 rub. In general, reviews about this device are good, many people tell how it helped them with various diseases. But there are those who talk about the uselessness of this device. More detailed reviews are discussed at the end of the article.

It should be noted that the above is only a general instruction for the use of this device. In general, each organ system is affected with its own characteristics.

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In case of sinusitis, it is desirable to carry out phonation procedures at night. In no case should you use the device if the maxillary sinuses are not cleansed of pus, this can only worsen the situation.

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Vibrophores need to be placed in the projection of the sinuses, they cannot be fixed in this position, so you have to hold them with your hands. The first procedure is carried out from 10 to 20 minutes, each subsequent procedure is carried out 10 minutes longer, until reaching 1 hour. The course of treatment for sinusitis is 28 days.

Vitafon for gout

Vibraphones are superimposed on the affected area, fixed with an elastic bandage, after which the device is turned on. Since gout is a chronic disease, the course of treatment can be continued indefinitely. The phonation procedure is carried out no more than 7 times a day, the average procedure time is 30 minutes.

It will help with osteochondrosis. Apply the membranes to the diseased area, fix it, turn on the device. The course of treatment lasts from 1.5 to 4 months. It can be renewed 2-3 times a year. The average phonation time is an hour. The procedure is best done before going to bed or immediately after waking up.

It is also effective in the treatment of prostatitis. One vibraphone is placed on the lower back (in the area of ​​the sacrum), the second is fixed above the pubis in front. You need to carry out the procedure daily, every morning for 15 minutes.

Vitafon showed itself well in the treatment of female diseases of inflammatory origin. In acute diseases, it cannot be used as a motor therapy, but it can be a good adjunct to treatment.

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For the treatment of inflammatory diseases, place the membranes in the projection of diseased organs; in case of uterine disease, it is more convenient to do it in front, and the ovaries in the back. As usual, fix the vibraphones and turn off the device.

With a heel spur, the device is used with ointment. Thanks to the device, the product is well absorbed, works faster and better.

Apply the ointment to the site of exposure, cover it with a napkin or oilcloth, fix the vibraphone over it. Turn on the device, the course lasts from 31 to 67 days, you can repeat them up to 5 times a year.

Vitafon has found wide application in cosmetology due to its ability to:

  • smooth wrinkles;
  • remove swelling;
  • improve complexion;
  • fight cellulite.

Important to remember! The procedure time should not exceed an hour, the number of procedures per day, regardless of the area of ​​influence, should remain within 12.

Many women appreciated the beneficial effect of Vitafon on the condition of the skin, hair, subcutaneous fat. There are practically no negative reviews about the use of this device for cosmetic purposes.

Vibraphone T is a modification of the usual Vibraphone, which has retained the same advantages, but has become more compact, more powerful, as well as the resulting off timer, which made its use much more convenient.

In general, the use of Vitafon T does not fundamentally differ from the algorithm for using a conventional Vitafon. The only feature is the need to set a shutdown timer.

Vitafon. Instructions for use for sinusitis, gout, osteochondrosis. Treatment with this device occurs due to the impact on certain points by directing electromagnetic rays.

The difference between the Vitafon IR and the classic version of the device is the addition of infrared radiation. This makes its action more effective, especially in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Vitafon 2 is the most expensive of these devices. It combines all the advantages of the T and IK models. Suitable for the treatment of diseases of internal organs, as well as inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

A feature of the Vitafon 5 device is the ability to influence several areas of the body at the same time. Vibraphones are superimposed on the areas that need to be affected, fixed, and the device is turned on. There are some models with the ability to set multiple timers for different zones.

It is worth remembering that the characteristics of the type, mode and time of work are set depending on your ailment. A detailed description of all parameters can be found in the manual. So, next you will learn how to use the device.

  • connect the Vitafon to the power supply;
  • select the operating mode;
  • set the time;
  • install the membranes on the required area;
  • press the "Background" button;
  • When the timer expires, it will automatically turn off.

Vitafon, as indicated in the instructions for use, is a medical vibroacoustic device that has a pronounced physiotherapeutic effect on the whole organism through the creation of microvibration fields.

The device is used both for the complex treatment of existing diseases, and for the preventive effect on general vegetative symptoms - fatigue, stress, decreased performance.

Description of the Vitafon device, the instructions for use of which are included in the basic package, contain detailed information on the effect of the generated microvibrations on the human body - phonation.

The creation of a powerful microvibration background brings the work of internal organs to a state of balance at the cellular level. Biological microvibrations created by muscle cells by the body itself become asynchronous with age, lose frequency and intensity.

Background effects:

  • improved metabolism;
  • acceleration of immune processes;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes;
  • filling the deficit of physiological microvibration;
  • improvement of capillary blood flow, venous and lymphatic outflow;

The resumption of microvibrations leads to an obstacle to the growth of energy imbalance, blocks the mechanisms of aging, chronic diseases. Exposure extends to both primary and secondary organ damage throughout the body, depending on the location of use.

The technical characteristics of the Vitafon device are presented in the instruction manual, they contain data on the basic configuration of the device, its main indicators.

Main characteristics:

  • required power supply voltage from 220 to 240 volts;
  • frequency indicators of the network from 50 hertz;
  • power not more than 8 VA;
  • external source voltage from 12.5 to 15.8 volts;
  • continuous operation for at least 8 hours;
  • the average warranty period is at least 5 years;
  • the weight of the device is not more than 0.75 kg.

The Vitafon basic package includes:

  • instructions for use;
  • user manual (with training pictures);
  • recommendations for use;
  • electronic unit of the device;
  • protective packaging for nozzles;
  • power unit;
  • portable bag.

The device is intended for use in outpatient or home conditions, in treatment-and-prophylactic and sanatorium-and-spa institutions. The constantly changing vibroacoustic frequency has a proven level of safety impact on the human body.

Vitafon devices of various models have undergone deep clinical trials, during which the presence of a pronounced therapeutic effect and good tolerability of the procedures were confirmed.

Precautions when using Vitafon include recommendations on how to use the device at home for individual use.

Proper use of the device requires the following rules:

  • keep the body of the device dry;
  • do not wipe the operating device with dry or wet wipes;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use the device in the bathroom;
  • the device cannot be used in a car;
  • before use, you must make sure that the plug, socket, wires are intact;
  • prevent falls, shocks of the apparatus;
  • it is forbidden to put together the cord of the device and vibrotones;
  • during the procedure, the device must be on a solid surface;
  • The device may only be stored in the original packaging.

Compliance with simple precautions allows you to extend the life of the Vitafon device, to avoid the unpleasant consequences of improper use.

The instructions for use describe in detail how long the Vitafon device can be used, the positive effect of vibrational frequencies on the body allows you to use the device throughout a person’s life.

Regular use of the device allows you to maintain the physiological microvibration processes inside the organs at the same level.

  • before the first use, make sure the body, plug, cord of the device are intact;
  • cover the membrane surfaces of the Vitafon apparatus with paper, gauze or a cotton towel;
  • press the button C ("Start" / "Stop");
  • control the display of all active elements on the monitor;
  • after 2-3 seconds, the set mode will be displayed on the electronic display;
  • when first turned on, Mode No. 1 is determined for one minute;
  • connect microvibration transducers;
  • the connection will be displayed on the Vitafon monitor;
  • select the desired mode and time of the procedure using the buttons indicated in the instructions for use;
  • connect one or more vibraphones;
  • place on the body area and start using the device;
  • after the Vitafon treatment session is over, the device will automatically finish its work. It only takes 1-2 seconds to rest. After that, you can select a new mode, the data on which and the duration of the session will be displayed on the Vitafon display.

When the Vitafon was created, it was intended to treat the effects of injuries. Research results show that more and more diseases can be treated using the device.

Vitafon is effective in such diseases:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • BPH;
  • bronchitis;
  • calluses;
  • cerebral palsy, consequences of cerebral palsy;
  • bruises, bruises, hematomas, swelling;
  • constipation;
  • cystitis;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease;
  • incontinence of feces and urine;
  • gastritis;
  • glaucoma;
  • otitis;
  • impotence;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • recovery of sciatica, osteochondrosis, spinal injuries;
  • voice development;
  • complications of scoliosis;
  • mastitis.

Vitafon in cosmetology: instructions for use, reviews, analogues

This device has many fans and opponents around the world.

What the fans are saying:

  • Vitafon helps with a huge number of diseases;
  • is a complete alternative to drugs;
  • after use, the effect of rejuvenation is noted.

Among the shortcomings, people note the following:

  • the device is very noisy, which makes it difficult to use;
  • has a small power, so the first results are possible only after a month;
  • it is quite expensive, while there is no evidence of a 100% result.

Despite the negative reviews, the percentage is dominated by the number of people who speak for the high efficiency of this device. It is also worth noting that people under the age of 30 mostly speak out against him, the older generation trusts Vitafon.

Despite the fact that Vitafon has long been on sale in the market in Russia and around the world, disputes about its effectiveness do not subside. However, most of the people who have used it are satisfied with the result, and its safety has been clinically proven.

Below are reviews about the treatment of joints with Vitafon of people who used it.

The Vitafon device is actively used for joint therapy simultaneously with the main treatment. In order not to cause harm, you must follow the instructions.

Vitafon: treatment and prevention of various diseases

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The device can be used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It has been proven that its use stops the progression of chronic diseases and accelerates the healing process from acute ailments.

It can be used in combination with external agents to accelerate penetration and enhance the effect of the latter. The list of indications for use is huge, but the device also has contraindications.

Vitafon: reviews of doctors, contraindications

The Vitafon device is not a panacea for all diseases. Rather, it is a physiotherapeutic procedure that can improve the result of the main treatment, increase immunity, improve the body, fill it with additional energy.

Several types of devices are produced, intended incl. for different purposes. From the simplest and cheapest model (released back in 1994 as a means of rehabilitation in traumatology), equipped with only 2 vibraphones, they are distinguished by the presence of additional devices,

  • "T" - equipped with a timer.
  • "IR" - one of the sound transducers has been replaced by a source of infrared radiation, which allows the device to be used to relieve inflammation, pain, spasms. Under the action of infrared radiation, heat is generated in the tissues, and physicochemical reactions are accelerated.
  • “2” is the Vitafon-IR device, additionally equipped with 2 double vibraphones and a mattress with 8 sound transducers, which, with an equal therapeutic effect, reduces the duration of the procedure.
  • "5" is a highly efficient, high-speed device, corresponding to the 3rd Vitafon-T, characterized by a large area of ​​simultaneous exposure.

There are many diseases in which the device is used, and the list is constantly expanding. Whether Vitafon will benefit a particular patient, only a doctor can decide.

  • plantar fasciitis, scoliotic disease, gouty arthritis, sciatica, injuries, hematomas, joint displacement, painful bone neoplasms, postoperative recovery;
  • viral hepatitis, inflammatory kidney disease - pyelonephritis, pyelitis; bladder - cystitis; prostate - prostatitis;
  • damage to the joints, spine, incl. inflammatory nature - osteochondrosis, different types of arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases of the skin, mucous membranes - skin ulcers and suppuration, furunculosis, acne, gangrene, burn lesions or frostbite;
  • various forms of cerebral palsy, spastic or peripheral paralysis, paresis of the limbs, sleep disturbance, involuntary urination, difficult defecation;
  • diabetes mellitus, prostatic hyperplasia, pathology of the female, male reproductive system, erectile dysfunction;
  • breast, blockage of the milk duct during breastfeeding, intestinal colic, diseases of the digestive system, intestinal dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the duodenum - duodenitis;
  • hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hypertension, sudden attacks of heart pain, cardiac arrhythmia, neurotic conditions, alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • glaucoma of the eye, visual defects, diseases of the oral cavity, inflammation of the bronchi, any of the parts of the ear, nasal mucosa or throat, colds with a normal temperature.

There are few contraindications, they need to be taken seriously. It is important to choose the location of the vibraphones correctly - it is unacceptable to sound directly the area of ​​the liver, heart.

  • tumor;
  • infectious process;
  • acute onset of illness and fever;
  • artificial pacemaker;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • severe stages of atherosclerosis;
  • complicated course of thrombophlebitis.

The therapeutic effect of the Vitafon device is:

  • improvement of lymph drainage, removal of puffiness;
  • nutrition of cells, stimulation of capillary blood flow;
  • improving immunity;
  • improvement of venous outflow;
  • cleansing of toxins and toxins of tissues;
  • restoration of regeneration processes, including bone tissue;
  • stimulate the release of stem cells into the bloodstream.

The duration of treatment sessions with Vitafon should increase gradually. In the absence of an accurate diagnosis, be sure to consult a doctor.

The device must not be used in the following cases:

  • with oncological diseases;
  • with thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis;
  • with acute infectious diseases, colds and flu;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • in zones of implanted stimulators;
  • during pregnancy.

Although this vibroacoustic device is harmless in most cases, it still has contraindications for use. Doctors do not recommend using the device if a person has cancer. Also, women in the early stages of pregnancy should refrain from such a course of treatment.

The device is not suitable for people with acute infectious diseases or with elevated body temperature. In any case, before spending money on Vitafon, consult your doctor.

It should be determined:

  • osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthrosis, joint diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, scoliosis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland, impotence, prostate adenoma (the tumor is treated only under the supervision of a doctor and constant testing);
  • mastitis;
  • injuries, fractures, wounds, postoperative sutures;
  • swelling, hematoma, bruises, dislocations, sprains;
  • burns, frostbite, calluses;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis (runny nose), tonsillitis (tonsillitis), inflammation of the middle ear
  • bronchitis;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure, pyelonephritis, gastritis;
  • cystitis, constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • periodontitis of the tooth, stomatitis, glaucoma.

The device is used for insomnia, to relieve fatigue. Instructions for use indicate that the device is relevant in cosmetology: it is used to treat acne, get rid of trophic ulcers, boils, carbuncles. Speech therapists use the device - it helps to restore and develop the voice.

Although Vitafon is effective in the treatment of many diseases, in some cases it cannot be used. According to the instructions, the following conditions are contraindications for the use of the device:

  • body temperature exceeding 37.5 ° C - microvibration stimulates hyperthermia;
  • pregnancy (during lactation, the procedure is allowed, since it stimulates the outflow of milk, preventing the development of lactostasis);
  • malignant tumors, metastases;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis - the vessels lose their flexibility, elasticity, become brittle, therefore, under the influence of microvibration, they can break;
  • thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inner walls of the veins, followed by the formation of a blood clot);
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • within the range of implanted stimulators.

The Vitafon device must not be used in the region of the heart, large vessels, since arrhythmia, heart rhythm disturbance can be provoked. You can not install the device in the liver area, since treatment methods have not been developed.

Strict contraindications are provided for the use of such an apparatus for the treatment of certain diseases. If you do not take them into account, Vitafon can cause side effects.

  • hyperthermia with elevated body temperature of 37.5 degrees and above;
  • women during pregnancy;
  • severe stage of atherosclerosis;
  • metastases in the body;
  • predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • installed pacemaker.

Also, the device cannot be used on those parts of the body where large vessels or the heart are located, as this can provoke the development of extrasystole or arrhythmia, a disturbed heart rhythm. Also, people with urolithiasis or cholelithiasis will need to limit themselves in the treatment of such a device. Otherwise, Vitafon does not cause side effects.

Since the advent of the Vitafon and to this day, the medical community cannot come to a consensus about this device. Some doctors consider it quite effective, others say that the frequency of exposure is too low to achieve any result.

However, they all agree on one thing: Vitafon is absolutely safe for health, as evidenced by many clinical trials. Although it also has some contraindications.

These include:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. malignant formations.
  4. Atherosclerosis.
  5. Acute infectious diseases.
  6. Implants, fixed prostheses, stimulants.

It is also worth refraining from the procedure if there is a high temperature, signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes, heart attack or stroke, hepatitis, immunodeficiency.

Be careful! A sharp increase in blood circulation in the liver can lead to intoxication of the body. Therefore, Vitafon should be used with caution in this area.

The benefits and harms of therapy depend on the possibility and correctness of its use. Despite the positive impact, there are contraindications to the use of Vitafon, these include:

  • Pregnancy of any term;
  • Oncological processes;
  • The presence of any acute inflammatory processes, accompanied by fever;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • The presence of metal implants.

Vitafon: indications for use, contraindications and use at home

The device is used for diseases:

The device is also used after surgical interventions as postoperative restorative therapy.

The spectrum of action extends to dental pathology, is used for stomatitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, to restore tooth enamel. The therapeutic effect of the Vitafon device on various diseases lies in the nature of the effect on the tissues and organs of the patient.

Improving blood microcirculation after exposure to vibroacoustic waves has a positive effect on:

  • intracellular respiration;
  • cell lifespan;
  • tissue trophism;
  • lymph outflow;
  • immunity;
  • synthesis of enzymes, hormones;
  • cell work;
  • function of internal organs;
  • rheological properties of blood.

Stabilization of the valves of the lymphatic vessels, arteries and veins leads to a directed flow of blood and lymph, microvibration waves create a pumping effect that cleanses tissues from:

  • slag;
  • toxins;
  • metabolic products;
  • dead cells.

Regulated outflow of fluid prevents the occurrence of edema, this ensures the outflow of venous blood, stabilization of pressure inside the organs. Such changes favorably affect the functioning of vital organs and systems, lead to the elimination of the pathological focus, the rapid onset of remission.

It is worth noting

For use at home, the Vitafon device is quite simple and convenient, does not require specific training. Compliance with the instructions in the recommendations for use leads to the achievement of excellent results in a short time.

Before using the device on your own, you should prepare the surface (table, cabinet) for placing the device, carefully read the instructions.

It should be determined:

  • place of impact;
  • procedure time;
  • frequency of procedures;
  • course duration.

If the patient cannot decide on the conditions for phonation, he needs to contact the attending physician, who will help answer all questions. When taking medications in parallel, a doctor's consultation is also necessary.

Contraindications to the use of the Vitafon device are:

  • hyperthermia, an increase in body temperature above 37.5;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of malignant tumors, metastases;
  • severe degree of atherosclerosis;
  • increased thrombosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • installed pacemaker.

It is strictly forbidden to use the device in the area of ​​the heart, large vessels, this can lead to the development of arrhythmias, extrasystoles, and heart rhythm disturbances. In case of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, the independent use of the device is limited, it is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

A consultation with a pediatrician must be carried out before using the Vitafon device to determine indications, select a regimen, and duration of treatment. The use of the device, both in childhood and in adulthood, significantly increases the effectiveness of the drugs used, accelerates the process of eliminating unpleasant symptoms of diseases.

The use of Vitafon during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated, since microvibrations can presumably have a negative effect on intrauterine growth and fetal development. Clinical studies have not been conducted among pregnant women, therefore, the official instructions for use prohibit the use of the device due to the possibility of a teratogenic effect.

During lactation, Vitafon is shown without restrictions, especially in the first three weeks after childbirth, when a large amount of milk can cause stasis, mastitis. Microvibrations cause an increase in the microcapillary blood flow of the mammary gland, accelerate the outflow of milk, and prevent the development of lactostasis.

The use of the Vitafon device in elderly people has an extremely positive effect on their well-being, the course of chronic diseases.

Indications for the procedure in the elderly are quite extensive, some of them:

  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • violations of blood flow in the limbs;
  • weakness;
  • feeling tired;
  • constant fatigue;
  • to improve the effectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • the use of local medicines (drops, ointments, gels).

The device is actively used as a way to relieve pain in the elderly during an exacerbation of diseases, chronic muscle pain in former athletes or overwork and exacerbations of rheumatism in summer residents.

A large number of modifications and a wide range of models allow you to choose the device, taking into account individual characteristics.

For which diseases the use of the Vitafon device is prescribed, it is described in detail in the instructions for use, however, before the first procedure, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, collect laboratory tests, and in some cases, instrumental methods of examination.

  • reproductive function (decreased libido, potency);
  • prostate gland (chronic, granulomatous prostatitis, benign hyperplasia);
  • female genital organs (endometritis, salpingoophoritis, chronic adnexitis);
  • urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, atony of the bladder, impaired renal function);
  • CNS (neuropathy, cerebral palsy, paralysis, sensorineural hearing loss, sensory and motor impairments, decreased sound sensitivity);
  • musculoskeletal system (traumatic lesions, compression fractures, bruises, intervertebral hernia, sprains, sciatica);
  • articular system (trauma, osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, chondrosis, chondritis);
  • vegetovascular function (insomnia, fatigue, stress);
  • respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged pneumonia);
  • organ of vision (glaucoma, cataract);
  • cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, hypotension);
  • ENT organs (otitis media, pharyngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
  • skin (furunculosis, eczema, rash, trophic ulcer);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, constipation, fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids).

This leads to a rapid restoration of the functions of the operated tissues and organs, the healing of postoperative wounds and sutures.

Vibration waves have a positive effect on patients with burns of various degrees in the healing stage, with frostbite of the extremities, after hypothermia or with severe edema.

In the treatment of gout, the drug "Colchicine" has shown its effectiveness. Tablets "Colchicine" help reduce the level of uric acid, and also stop pain and inflammation in the joints. Features and scheme of taking "Colchicine" for gout are discussed in our article.

The active ingredient of the drug is colchicine. One tablet contains 1 mg of colchicine. The composition also contains auxiliary ingredients: lactose, corn starch, sodium starch (type A), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 218), povidone (K-30), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 216), colloidal silicon dioxide, hydrogenated castor oil.

Pharmacological properties

Colchicine is able to reduce the movement of leukocytes to the localization of the inflammatory process. There is an inhibition of the ability of phagocytes to absorb particles of uric acid.

With regular use of the drug, the process of cell division stops, which prevents the development of miosis, and the rate of formation of fibrils of the amyloid structure decreases. The drug showed a good effect for the prevention and mitigation of acute attacks of gout. A positive effect is noticeable already on the first day of use up to 75% of patients.

Release form of the medicinal product

The drug is produced in tablets of 1 mg of active ingredient. The package contains 20 tablets. It is available by prescription, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before use.

Indications for use

The use of "Colchicine" allows you to regulate the exchange of uric acid in the body, so the tool belongs to the group of anti-gout drugs.

Main indications for admission:

The medicine "Colchicine" is also used in some inflammatory processes in dentistry and otolaryngology. Before use, the possible risk and benefit to the patient, as well as the possibility of using similar agents, are evaluated.

Possible contraindications

Tablets from gout "Colchicine" should not be used with possible contraindications. That is why the reception must be coordinated with the attending physician in order to exclude the presence of the listed diseases and pathologies in the anamnesis.

In what cases is the reception contraindicated:

  1. With liver or kidney failure;
  2. In chronic alcoholism (the drug "Colchicine" is incompatible with alcohol);
  3. Disorders and chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  4. Diseases of the central nervous system, impaired functioning of the brain;
  5. With purulent infectious processes;
  6. Individual intolerance to colchicine and auxiliary components of the drug;
  7. For treatment during pregnancy.

The medicine for gout "Colchicine" is not used in pediatric practice (there is no research data), in lactating women, taking the remedy implies the rejection of lactation.

Instructions for use

In the treatment of gout, a simple scheme is used (unless the attending physician has prescribed a different dosage of the drug). On the first day, one tablet is taken three times a day. On the second and third days of treatment, the dosage is reduced to two tablets per day. In the future, only one tablet per day is taken until the end of the course prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of gout with "Colchicine" usually lasts two to three months until the negative symptoms are completely eliminated. In the future, the therapeutic dosage is reduced, and the final recovery can occur only after a few years. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing with plain water. Reception is carried out at the same time, preferably in the evening.

drug interaction

"Colchicine" for gout can not be combined with certain groups of drugs. In addition, complete incompatibility with alcohol should be taken into account, therefore, during the treatment period, alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

With other medicines, the drug may have the following effect:

  • When combined with cyclosporine, the risk of developing myopathy increases;
  • When taking cytostatics, the effectiveness of the drug decreases;
  • The absorption of cyanocobalamin is impaired;
  • The effect of sympathomimetic and depriming agents is enhanced.

Cyclosporine Cyanocobalamin

The drug does not affect the rate of reactions, but at high dosages there is a high risk of side effects, so driving vehicles and operating complex mechanisms is contraindicated.

Side effects

« Colchicine may have side effects. It is very difficult to track the intensity and frequency of manifestations, because some conditions can be triggered by the underlying disease, and not by taking the remedy.

In general, side effects include local reactions, digestive disorders and skin rashes, but in some cases the remedy can lead to other pathologies.

Side effects of the drug include:

A common reaction to taking the drug is the appearance of a rash, reminiscent of rashes with measles. In addition, mood swings, attention disorders and atypical reactions are often observed. In case of an overdose, the symptoms are clearly pronounced, it requires the intake of absorbent drugs, in severe cases - gastric lavage in stationary conditions.

If you experience any negative reactions when using Colchicine for gout, you should discuss with your doctor the advisability of further use and the possibility of using similar drugs.

Analogues of "Colchicine"

The remedy is often used in the treatment and prevention of gout, but if for some reason it is impossible to take it, you should pay attention to suitable analogues. They do not always contain the original active ingredient (colchicine), but they have a similar effect, reducing the level of uric acid in the body, so they are often used in the complex treatment of gout.

Popular analogues:

It should be borne in mind that taking "Colchicine" and its substitutes can change the biochemical parameters of the blood. In addition, it is quite problematic to purchase an original drug, and analogues do not always give the desired effect.

Be sure to agree with your doctor on the need to replace the drug, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and also not to harm your body.

Gout is one type of arthritis. Gout occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid in the tissues, which, with the normal functioning of the kidneys, must be excreted from the body along with urine. The symptoms of gout are intense pain in the joints, their redness and sensitivity to touch. The disease may be accompanied by swelling of the joints.

For people with gout, a combination of medication and a special diet that excludes certain types of foods to prevent attacks of the disease should be combined. For more information about the diet, see the article "Diet for Gout".

The most effective drugs for the treatment of gout are fullflex, allopurinol and colchicine.


The drug has a wide spectrum of action, anesthetizes, gives anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic effects. It relieves pain during an attack of the disease, promotes the removal of uric acid from the body. Fullflex also lowers blood cholesterol levels and has a diuretic effect.

This effect is achieved by the components included in the preparation: extracts of fragrant martini, meadowsweet, birch, willow bark and horse chestnut, essential oils of juniper, sage and eucalyptus.

All components of the drug are plant-based, which ensures the safety of its use.

Fullflex is prescribed both internally in the form of capsules and externally in the form of a cream for rubbing into the affected joints.

The capsules are taken once a day with meals. The duration of treatment is one month.

Externally, the drug is used twice a day, rubbing in a circular motion into the diseased joint.

The drug is contraindicated in women in pregnancy and during lactation.

There were no side effects from taking the drug.


Allopurinol is used in the treatment of high uric acid and gout. The main active component of the drug - allopurinol accelerates the oxidation of xanthine, which contributes to its conversion into uric acid.

The drug is prescribed for oral administration, depending on the severity of the disease. With a mild course of the disease, the daily dose of the drug is 100-200 mg, for patients with a moderate form of gout, 400-600 mg are prescribed, with a severe course of the disease - 900 mg per day. The positive effect of the drug on the body is already noticeable a day or two after the first dose. The dynamics of the action of the drug is monitored by comparing the level of uric acid before and after taking the drug.

The possibility of treatment with allopurinol is not always available if a person has concomitant diseases. At the beginning of treatment, the doctor should carefully monitor the condition of the kidneys and liver of such a patient. If kidney function is reduced, then the dose of the drug is recommended to be halved.

During treatment with the drug, the volume of urine excreted from the body should reach two liters per day.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Possible side effects from taking allopurinol: arterial hypertension, bradycardia (low heart rate), stomatitis, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, dizziness, headaches, weakness, sleep disturbance, depression and urticaria. In rare cases, taking the drug can cause swelling and the release of blood along with urine (uremia and hematuria).

Allopurinol does not relieve pain during gouty attacks, but contributes to their disappearance in the future.

It is necessary to take the drug by prescription and under the supervision of a doctor.


The drug is of plant origin and is an effective remedy for pain relief during gout attacks. Get colchicine from autumn colchicum.

The drug is taken during an attack of gout inside, at a dose not exceeding 1 mg. Two hours later, colchicine is repeated. The positive effect of the drug occurs three hours after administration and lasts twelve hours. The appointment of the drug more than the indicated dose is possible only after a medical examination, but taking more than 10 tablets during the day is not recommended.

Colchicine is safe for the body, one part of the drug is absorbed from the intestines, the other part is processed in the liver and excreted from the body.

Contraindications for use: hepatic or renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnant women should take the drug under medical supervision.

The drug has side effects that usually occur with an overdose: nausea, vomiting and indigestion, itching, urticaria, burning of the skin, a decrease in the number of leukocytes (leukopenia) or neutrophils (neuropenia) in the blood, sperm deficiency (zu men).

"colchicine gout"

Colchicine has traditionally been used to treat gout: to relieve acute gout and to prevent flare-ups, especially during the first few months of treatment with allopurinol or uric acid-eliminating agents. As such, there is no generally accepted alternative to colchicine.

In acute gout, colchicine produces an impressive response, most likely by reducing inflammation caused by urate crystals. This is achieved by triggering several different mechanisms, including a decrease in the mobility of leukocytes. It must be understood that among these mechanisms there is nothing like analgesia, as there is neither a decrease in the concentration of uric acid in the serum, nor an increase in its excretion from the body. In addition, colchicine has an antimitotic effect.

In an acute attack of gout, treatment with colchicine should begin as soon as possible., and manifestations of its action can be detected already during the first 12 hours.

The recommended UK dose of colchicine for acute gout is initially 1 mg orally followed by 0.5 mg every 2 to 3 hours until pain relief or symptoms of gastrointestinal side effects of colchicine occur. The total dose should not exceed 6 mg. If it is necessary to repeat the course, you must wait at least 3 days without taking colchicine.

Many British rheumatologists consider this dosage excessive and suggest that in acute gout, no more than 0.5 mg of colchicine be prescribed 3 (three) times a day. Due to the surprising absence of side effects, some authors regard low-dose colchicine treatment as an alternative to previous treatments and even as the therapy of choice.

In the US, the recommended first dose is 1.2 mg followed by 0.6 mg 1 hour later. 1.8 mg is considered the maximum dose of colchicine that can be taken to relieve an acute attack of gout within one hour.

Other dosing regimens for colchicine are also being offered in the US. They range from low dose (1.2mg + 0.6mg singly) to high dose (1.2mg + 0.6mg every 6 hours) and still give approximately the same result against the underlying disease (acute gout), but the low-dose regimen is accompanied by significantly fewer side effects.

When colchicine is prescribed while taking strong inhibitors of cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP3A4, or known to have been administered in the last 2 weeks prior to initiation of colchicine treatment, it is recommended in the United States to halve the colchicine dosage indicated in the previous paragraph to 0.6 mg and 0.3 mg, respectively. When taking moderately strong inhibitors of CYP3A4, it is recommended to limit one dose of colchicine 1.2 mg, and when taking P-glycoprotein inhibitors - one dose equal to 0.6 mg. You can repeat the course only after 3 (three) days.

Previously, colchicine was given slowly intravenously at 1–2 mg over 2–5 min; supplements, if necessary, were 0.5–1.0 mg every 6 hours, but with the condition that the total dose of colchicine did not exceed 4.0 mg per 24 hours and when this maximum dose was reached, the next administration of colchicine was allowed no earlier than after 7 days.

Although intravenous administration of the drug is effective, intravenous colchicine should not be used due to the risk of serious and sometimes even fatal side effects. Nowadays intravenous administration of colchicine is not recommended in many countries.

In the UK, colchicine is also used to prevent acute gout: 0.5 mg orally 2–3 times a day.

Colchicine for acute gout and LIVER failure:

Although the clearance of colchicine can be significantly reduced in chronic liver failure, patients with cirrhosis of the liver quite well tolerate long-term oral colchicine 0.6 mg twice a day.

In the US, acute gout is not even used to reduce the dose of colchicine for people with liver failure, but careful monitoring of the patient is recommended in order to diagnose signs of side effects of colchicine. Treatment courses of the drug in severe liver failure should not be repeated more often than after 2 weeks, or other treatment options should be considered.

Colchicine for acute gout and RENAL failure:

In the UK, it is suggested to reduce the dose of colchicine or increase the interval between doses if creatinine clearance is 10-50 ml/min, and if the clearance is less than 10 ml/min, colchicine is considered contraindicated.

In the US, it is accepted that there is no need to reduce the dose with a slight or moderate decrease in creatinine clearance (30-80 ml / min). With a pronounced decrease in renal function (less than 30 ml / min), the dose of colchicine is also not adjusted, but they are treated no more than once every 2 weeks. In patients on dialysis, the total recommended dose of colchicine should be reduced to a single dose (0.6 mg) and should not be repeated more than 2 weeks apart.

As recommended above, intravenous colchicine should be halved at creatinine clearances of 10–50 ml/min, and colchicine is contraindicated at clearances below 10 ml/min. (This is just a note, as intravenous colchicine has fallen into disuse almost everywhere.)

Colchicine is NOT prescribed for either hepatic or renal failure if the patient is taking P-glycoprotein inhibitors or strong inhibitors of cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP3A4.

(created: 2012-02-15 14:17:15, updated: 2014-04-09 22:36:30)

Gout - a clinical outline: risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and strategy, treatment of acute gout and hyperuricemia, unclear questions.

Allopurinol for gout - effective treatment and quick results

Due to negative environmental factors, the human body experiences constant stress, which leads to metabolic disorders. Violation of harmony in systems and organs is perhaps one of the most widespread and dangerous diseases. It is this that causes the development of gout - the deposition of salts resulting from the breakdown of uric acid.

Most often, the skeletal system suffers from this, although salts can be deposited in any other organ. Allopurinol for gout is the main medication that a doctor prescribes.

Indications for the use of allopurinol in gout

In a healthy person, purines are broken down into uric acid, which is excreted naturally from the body. If a person is diagnosed with gout, then this process is disrupted and urgent medical attention is needed.

Allopurinol for gout is the most effective and effective remedy that restores metabolic processes and reduces the risk of complications.

Uric acid metabolism disorders are treated with two types of drugs for different purposes. The former reduce the formation of urates in the human body, others contribute to the excretion of uric acid, but at the same time increase the burden on the kidneys.

Most often, doctors tend to treat drugs from the first group, and allopurinol belongs to them.

Treatment of gout with allopurinol is also effective because the drug acts on the enzyme that synthesizes uric acid, so the metabolism in the body is as close to normal as possible. If you do not start treating gout with allopurinol, then there is a high risk of developing urolithiasis and increasing pain.

The course of treatment with allopurinol is prescribed:

  • with frequent cases of acute attacks. More often 2-3 times a year;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • kidney disease;
  • with gouty attacks;
  • the appearance of nodes characteristic of gout;
  • hyperuricemia;
  • arthritis.

How to use allopurinol

Allopurinol for gout can be used both for therapeutic complex treatment, relief of acute attacks, and for prevention at risks of occurrence. How to drink allopurinol? In the treatment of gout with allopurinol, it is necessary to start with small doses of the drug. Increase it gradually, observing the reaction of the body.

How to take allopurinol for gout? It is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of ordinary, non-carbonated water in order to reduce the negative impact on the intestines and the load on the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is available in the form of tablets of 0.1 and 0.3 grams. The dosage of allopurinol for gout is usually prescribed by a doctor.

Please note that when taking the medicine and treating gout, it is necessary to drink enough liquid to reduce the concentration of uric acid and its salts and ensure its natural excretion from the body.

This is easily verified by analysis of urine, the medium of which should be slightly alkaline. This will help reduce the risk of developing gallstones.

Efficacy of allopurinol in gout

When prescribing a drug for the treatment of gout, a reasonable question arises: how long to take allopurinol?

Already on the second or third day of treatment, there is a decrease in uric acid levels in human blood, and after a week and a half, these indicators return to normal. It is important to conduct regular blood and urine tests in order not to get an overdose.

Of course, most patients are interested in the long-term and lasting result that can be achieved by regularly taking allopurinol for gout.

After 6 months of use, the indicators stabilize, and possibly a little earlier. After that, the dosage of the drug is reduced, which is necessary only to maintain the result.

It is important, when wondering how to take allopurinol for gout, to know that the medication should be taken continuously, only then can stable positive dynamics be achieved.

Features of the use and contraindications of allopurinol in gout

Despite the high effectiveness of the treatment of gout with this drug and the low likelihood of side effects, there are a number of contraindications when taking should be abandoned.

The reason for refraining from taking allopurinol should be:

  • pregnancy. In addition, it is worth paying attention that the drug is not recommended for use if pregnancy is planned in the next six months;
  • breast-feeding;
  • childhood. The recommended limit is 16 years;
  • liver pathology;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • individual intolerance to components, allergies.

It is advisable to give preference to food of vegetable and protein origin and cook it for a couple or boil. At the same time, you should refrain from drinking alcohol in any form and quantity.

Side effects and overdose

Studies show that the combination of effectiveness and side effects is incomparable, and the latter develop quite rarely. Most often, patients satisfactorily tolerate treatment with this drug and achieve a positive history.

However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, stop taking it further and contact your doctor immediately:

  • any kind of allergic reaction. Most often it is a rash or swelling;
  • fever, fever;
  • blood anemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • violation of fertile and erectile function;
  • exacerbation of gout attacks;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • blurred vision;
  • pressure surges;
  • headaches, depression;

If the patient has taken more than 20 grams of allopurinol, an overdose of the drug may occur. In this case, vomiting, nausea, dizziness begins. This is if the patient has healthy kidneys and the overdose was a single one.

With prolonged and regular overdose of the drug or in violation of kidney function, an increase in dose can lead to serious allergic reactions, even if they have not been observed before, hepatitis, a sharp increase in body temperature, deterioration of kidney function.

Treatment of gout with colchicine

The use of the drug "Colchicine" in the treatment of gouty arthritis will quickly and effectively eliminate pain and inflammation, restore range of motion in the joint. Regular periodic courses will help to avoid relapses of gout in patients with a chronic course of the disease.

Composition, form of release and mechanism of work "Colchicine"

The therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved due to its main active element - colchicine. This substance has a plant nature and is an alkaloid extracted from the bulb of the common colchicum. The drug is sold in the form of coated tablets. Each of them contains 1 mg of the active ingredient. A total of 20 pieces per pack. Quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug reduces the intensity of the movement of white blood cells to the site of inflammation, and also stops the absorption of uric acid microcrystals by cells. It has the ability to reduce the production of uric acid and prevent its crystallization. The drug inhibits cell division and stops the formation of defective amyloid protein elements.

2 hours after taking Colchicine, a patient with gout feels a sharp improvement in his condition, which persists for 12 hours.

Ailments in which the drug helps

Tablets "Colchicine" have a quick positive effect in the relief of acute attacks of gout. Regular intake can reduce the likelihood of relapse in most patients. The list of indications for the use of the drug includes such pathologies:

  • violation of protein metabolism - amyloidosis;
  • aphthous ulcers of the mucous membranes - Behcet's syndrome;
  • inflammatory dental and ENT diseases;
  • calcium deposits on articular cartilage;
  • hardening of the connective tissue - scleroderma;
  • inflammation of the venous walls;
  • familial Mediterranean fever.

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How to take "Colchicine" in the treatment of gout?

The medication regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually and depends on the form of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition. The drug is intended for oral administration, it can be taken regardless of food, preferably in the evening. You can not drink more than 8 mg per day. The dosage for the treatment of gout and the prevention of attacks is different, more about it in the table:

In what cases is the medication prohibited?

To refrain from therapy with "Colchicine" is for people with individual intolerance, suffering from alcoholism, as well as the elderly. You can not drink medicine during pregnancy. The use of "Colchicine" in the treatment of gout with the following background pathologies is excluded:

  • acute insufficiency of liver and kidney function;
  • severe dysfunctions of digestion, heart and blood vessels, bone marrow;
  • purulent type infections;
  • agranulocytosis.

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Side effects of colchicine

Taking the drug can provoke unwanted reactions from various body systems. Unpleasant sensations in most cases disappear with a decrease in the dose of the drug. If the symptoms are intense, you need to see a doctor for a replacement. List of possible side effects:

  • dyspeptic manifestations: epigastric pain, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • deviations in the composition of the blood;
  • allergic skin rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • neuropathy;
  • depressive state;
  • muscle damage;
  • lack of vitamin B12;
  • absence of spermatozoa.

Treatment with "Colchicine" must be carried out under the control of blood counts with the help of regular tests.

The result of interaction with other drugs

Combined use with cytostatics and drugs that acidify urine reduces the effectiveness of "Colchicine", and with drugs of uricosuric action it enhances. It is not recommended to take it simultaneously with NSAIDs, this leads to the risk of a critical decrease in the level of leukocytes and blood platelets. "Colchicine" slows down the absorption of cyanocobalamin. Combination with "Cyclosporin" accelerates the development of myopathy. The drug enhances the effect of sympathomimetics.

Similar medicines

In case of intolerance to the drug, it is replaced with an identical one in composition or effect. An analogue of the drug "Colchicine" is "Colchicum-Dispert", which is also sold in tablet form and is effective in the treatment of gouty arthritis. Colchicine as an active ingredient is also presented in the less expensive Colchimin and Colchicine products. Ambene, Allopurinol, Revmador, Voltaren drugs have a similar anti-gout effect.

How to take colchicine for gout

Gout is a relapsing stage of arthritis that affects various joints as a result of an increased content of purine bases in the blood. At risk of developing gout are middle-aged men who abuse protein foods, alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Gouty arthritis is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome in the affected joints, swelling and redness of the tissues. Unpleasant symptoms can partially deprive the patient of the ability to work. Symptomatic treatment with anti-gout drugs helps to alleviate the manifestation of the disease. In this article, we will consider the cure for gout - Colchicine.

Briefly about the drug

Colchicine tablets for gout are a squeeze from a plant of the deciduous family - Colchicum Magnificent (Colchium), which has the ability to suppress the activity of purine bases, slow down the metabolism of leukocytes at the site of joint damage and transport excess urea from the body.

The drug is available in tablet form. One tablet contains 1 mg of active substance (C₂₂H₂₅NO₆). In one package, the manufacturer provides from 10 to 100 tablets.

The action of the drug is due to the inhibition of the production of uric acid and leukocytes at the site of gouty inflammation.

The antimiotic ability of the components of the drug causes a decrease in glucose utilization and the formation of amyloid fibrils, and also normalizes the functioning of neutrophil cell membranes.

Colchicine can disrupt breathing and conduction of neural signals, speed up bowel movements, increase blood pressure and lower body temperature.

C₂₂H₂₅NO₆ does not bind to blood protein, being absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, sent for synthesis to the liver, kidneys and spleen, from where it is excreted with bile.

What is prescribed for gout

Treatment of gout with Colchicine allows you to eliminate pain and swelling of tissues in the lesion in a short time for a long time. The anti-gout effect is achieved by reducing the crystallization of urea salts, suppressing lysosomal enzymes and the production of leukocytes, as well as balancing the normal acidity of the blood.

Treatment with Colchicine shows the greatest effectiveness at the initial stage of the disease.

The maximum concentration in the blood and the onset of clinical relief reaches 8-12 hours after ingestion.

Reference! 80% of patients observe the occurrence of adverse reactions from the stomach and intestines much earlier than the cherished decrease in pain occurs.

With a daily intake of 1-2 mg of the substance, the risk of recurrence of gout attacks is significantly reduced.

In addition to gout, colchicine improves the well-being of patients diagnosed with Mediterranean fever, systemic autoimmune reactions and primary AL-amyloidosis.

Indications and contraindications

The drug has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on diseases of the joints and periarticular tissues, as well as in the autoimmune reaction of the body, metabolic diseases. Namely:

  • prevention and treatment of gouty arthritis;
  • scleroderma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • familial Mediterranean fever;
  • amyloidosis;
  • Behçet's disease.
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lesions of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord;
  • intolerance to the active elements of the drug;
  • diseases of the heart, urinary tract, hepatic ducts;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • early alcohol intake.

The antigout drug Colchicine is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children.

How to use

Colchicine with an exacerbation of gout is started from the onset of the first symptoms and continues therapy for 4 days in a row, even if the clinical signs have ceased to bother the patient after the first use of the remedy.

Colchicine with an acute attack gout on the first day, drink one tablet three times a day, washed down with plain water.

On the second and third days - one tablet twice a day, on the fourth - take one tablet at night.

If the pain is pronounced, then to speed up the relief, the drug is drunk one tablet at a time of 2 hours during the day until the symptoms of gout are eliminated.

For prevention attacks of gouty arthritis 1 tablet of Colchicine should be taken daily at night for three months. The limitation is the presence of tophi.

The maximum daily dose is 8mg active substance, which is equivalent to taking 8 tablets within 24 hours.