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Severe itching all over the child's body. Dr. Komarovsky: hiccups and itching in a child, what should I do? Rectal diseases

Itching in a child can be a sign of various diseases. The very fact of its presence is not considered dangerous; it only warns of a possible problem. Localization, strength, duration and accompanying signs in the form of rash and temperature will help determine the disease. This can be either a simple allergic reaction or more serious illnesses.

As soon as a child complains that a certain area of ​​his body is itching, it is necessary to evaluate this symptom according to several criteria:

  • Where exactly is the itching located? It may be a specific area or limb, or the whole body may itch.
  • It is necessary to check for a rash in this area. Itching with or without rashes indicates different types of diseases.
  • Did the child develop a fever along with the itching? A high temperature indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the body.

What can cause itching

If the child's body itches without a rash, then one of the following can be assumed.

Child hygiene is the key to his health

the following reasons:

  • The most common cause in childhood is poor hygiene. This may be a rare and careless washing of the body, hands, head, etc.
  • Allergic reaction to external stimuli. These can be not only food allergens, but also fabric, detergent, pet, etc. Itching can be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, sometimes even a skin rash.
  • The most serious cause of itching in a child is disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. To identify such diseases, it is necessary to pay attention to the signs accompanying them.

Psychological causes of itching

Itching on the skin is not always associated with any disease or external influence. Sometimes a child's body itches without a rash due to a psychological disorder. Due to stressful, new, frightening situations or moments, neurodermatitis may appear. This is a psychosomatic disease that manifests itself without rash, fever or other external signs. When under stress, a child may begin to scratch a certain area of ​​his body due to severe itching. Sometimes it itches so badly that it can leave abrasions or blood.

In such situations, it is necessary to provide psychological assistance to the child: to create the most comfortable and calm atmosphere around him.

Infectious diseases

Very often, a child’s entire body itches due to infectious diseases. For example, it could be measles, chicken pox or shingles, rubella, etc. After the itching, a rash and red spots appear all over the body, which do not go away until the end of the disease. Usually the rash on the child’s body is itchy without fever, but sometimes it can rise. It is important not to let your child scratch the rash to avoid later scars on the skin.

Skin diseases accompanied by itching

Sometimes you may encounter the problem that a child’s rash itches without fever.

At the same time, its localization is very clear, and its appearance is non-standard.

If a child’s body itches, it is necessary to immediately determine the possible causes of the itching. Additional symptoms will help with this, as well as an analysis of previous situations in the child’s life.

In contact with

Allergic itching - reaction of the child's immune system to exposure to an allergen. Itching can occur in small areas of the skin, larger areas, or over the entire surface of the body, which causes the greatest suffering in the baby.

Allergic itching may occur upon contact with various allergens: food, chemicals, medications, insects, animal hair and many others. others. It is only possible to accurately determine the factor that provoked an allergic reaction using a special test.

There are a number of diseases that cause itchy skin in children:

  • Eczema is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process affecting a specific area of ​​the skin (mainly the head, neck or joints).
  • – when the itching initially resembles tingling and tickling, after which it becomes pronounced, which leads to the baby scratching the skin.
  • – the appearance of papules in a specific place (in the mouth, nose, face, or neck).
  • – the appearance of tiny papules on pearl-colored skin. Often, itching appears in the most delicate places of the baby’s skin (between the fingers, in the groin area and under the armpits).
  • Itching of the scalp under the scalp. The cause of its occurrence is scaly lichen, fungal infections or lice.
  • Seborrheic eczema is mild itching in children under 3 months. The rash is observed on the head, groin, cheeks or behind the ears.

Allergic skin itching in children is caused by three main diseases:

  • – is the easiest type of allergy. Hives are characterized by itching and redness in the area of ​​skin that is in direct contact with the allergen. The itching disappears immediately after contact with the irritant ends.
  • Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction characterized by severe, prolonged itching at the site of exposure to the allergen.
  • – severe allergic itching throughout the body (most often on the cheeks), which is accompanied by redness and the appearance of bursting blisters.


Allergic itching can be localized in various places depending on the origin of the allergen and the area of ​​skin that came into contact with it. For example, an allergy to a certain substance or an insect bite will manifest itself exactly in the place where the contact with the irritant occurred. If the allergen is shampoo or other personal hygiene product, itching will occur on the scalp and other areas. Dermatitis on the hands provokes itching, starting from the hand to the elbow.

Food allergies cause quickly spreading and intensifying itching throughout the child’s entire body, and the oral cavity is also affected. Allergies to medications can cause itching in your child's anus or genitals.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight allergic itching in the eyes, resulting from a reaction of the mucous membranes of the eyes to dust, animal hair, chemicals or cosmetics. Children who wear contact lenses may experience constant redness and watery eyes. Irritation disappears when they are removed and the eyes are washed with clean water.


Hyperemia, swelling, itching and blisters, which, when bursting, become a convenient place for the development of harmful microorganisms - signs of prickly heat and diaper rash.

Diaper rash does not only occur in infancy. In a child of any age, under the influence of sweat and friction, irritation appears at the points of contact of skin surfaces or in the folds of the skin. They are often confused with prickly heat, which is not associated with mechanical damage to the skin, but is caused by staphylococci, streptococci or yeast fungi. They actively multiply on the child’s overly moist and warm skin, and the weak resistance of the child’s skin to bacteria allows prickly heat to spread throughout the body.

The thin skin of a child, densely permeated with capillaries, attracts mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking insects in the warm season. Their bites are difficult to confuse with anything else. And this cause of itching is one of the few when a visit to a specialist is not required.

You need to help calm the anxiety before the child scratches them, causing suppuration. This can be done using a cool lotion with a weak solution of soda or vinegar (1 teaspoon of one or the other per glass of boiled water). Despite the abundance of children's creams and gels that relieve swelling and irritation, it is better to use them after consulting a doctor, this also applies to antihistamines.

Burns left by plants often go away on their own, as, for example, marks from nettles; it is enough to soothe the itching with lotions or rubbing with cologne. But contact with more poisonous greens can be dangerous, causing, in addition to skin damage, poisoning of the child’s weak body.

Healing abrasions or scratches often itch, and children love to tear off the scabs from them. This should not be allowed so as not to cause infection of the wounds. The skin around the injury can be lubricated with moisturizing creams or lotions, the injuries themselves are treated with medications and protected with bandages.

Allergic reactions

In childhood, allergies are provoked by factors that would not cause harm to an already mature organism. The cause of rashes in the form of urticaria or allergic dermatitis can be:

  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • medications;
  • plant pollen, dust, pet hair;
  • washing powder or clothes made of synthetic materials.

In addition to redness and flaky skin, they are usually accompanied by severe itching. Depending on the severity of the reaction, nodules, vesicles, brightly colored vascular spots appear, an increase in temperature and swelling of the mucous membranes is possible.

Foods, medications, cold or heat can cause itchy, bright red or pink blistering rashes. This type of body reaction is called urticaria, and it usually goes away on its own after the allergen is removed.

Severe itching that precedes the appearance of a rash, peeling and dry skin is a sign of atopic dermatitis. This disease of an allergic nature is often hereditary and manifests itself when there are disorders in the body’s immune system. It can be caused by intolerance to any food, improper daily routine, even the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy, hereditary predisposition and many other factors.

Itching accompanies a number of skin diseases: eczema, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, bacterial infection, skin impetigo. This symptom is less pronounced in psoriasis and fungal infections (ringworm). A dermatologist treats skin diseases.

Itching in a child with herpes and chickenpox

Infections caused by the herpes virus (varicella, herpes simplex and herpes zoster) are accompanied by severe itching. They are typical. Itching during infections is relieved with antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, etc.) and goes away after recovery from the disease and cleansing of the skin.

Itching in a child with diseases of the endocrine system, diseases of the liver, digestion, and metabolism.

Itchy skin accompanies diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function). If these diseases are suspected, it is necessary to check the child’s blood for sugar and hormones, and also visit an endocrinologist.

Liver diseases with jaundice are also often accompanied itching. The irritating factor is bilirubin, a bile pigment that enters the blood when bile stagnates in the hepatic ducts (cholestasis). Often cause of itching There are intestinal disorders, in particular constipation. At the same time, the absorption of harmful toxic products through the intestinal wall, formed during the digestion of food, increases. When there is stagnation in the intestines and the inability to remove them naturally with feces, the body releases toxins through the skin, which causes itching. In gout, the irritant that causes itching is uric acid, which accumulates in the tissues (usually in the joints). This disease is rare in children.

Treatment of itching in case of organ pathology, it consists of fighting the disease that caused it.

Helminthic infestation and giardiasis

Nervous disorder (“psychological” itch)

Sometimes a child begins to itch during moments of increased emotional stress, for example before a test or exam. This is not due to any disease, but only to the increased excitability of his nervous system. The child is prescribed sedatives, treatment by a pediatric neurologist or neuropsychiatrist, and psychotherapy. It is necessary to establish a calm emotional atmosphere, remove excessive loads from his work schedule, and normalize sleep and rest patterns.

Principles of treating itchy skin

Ointments, lotions, and fins that have an antipruritic effect are used externally. They contain menthol, anestezin, novocaine, salicylic and camphor alcohol, diphenhydramine, tar, copper and zinc sulfates. The appointment of an ointment for skin diseases is a very responsible event, since the chosen remedy should not only relieve itching, but also to speed up the resolution of the pathological process. The prescription of such a medicine must be entrusted to a dermatologist. The following remedies also have an antipruritic effect: table and apple cider vinegar (1-2 tablespoons of 3% vinegar per glass of water), lemon juice, chamomile and string infusions (brew 2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water). Creams and ointments with hormones can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used: ultraviolet irradiation, electrosleep, electrophoresis with bromine, magnesium and calcium, UHF therapy, magnetic therapy and others. Shown are baths with chamomile and string, starch, as well as sulfide, iodine-bromine and radon baths.

Internally, a child with severe itching is prescribed sedatives (valerian, motherwort, Persen, etc.), antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin, Zyrtec, Erius, Fenistil, etc.). If itching caused by any disease of the internal organs, worms, insects (lice, scabies), etc., treat the corresponding pathology.

Children's skin is very sensitive and easily susceptible to a variety of external and internal influences. Most mothers and fathers know firsthand that a child itches. It is unlikely that the skin begins to itch due to the lack of water procedures - the discomfort is due to other reasons. To help your baby, you need to understand the factors that cause unpleasant sensations.

Itching can be local in nature, when a separate area of ​​the body itches, or general - unpleasant sensations affect the entire surface of the skin. In this case, any changes may appear on the skin or it will remain completely clean. The causes of itching may be completely invisible and the baby’s condition confuses parents. So, what could be the irritating factor that makes a child scratch furiously?

Psychoneurological reasons

A neurosis-like excited state is one of the main answers to the question of why a child itches day and night. A turbulent atmosphere in the family, conflicts in a child care institution lead to increased excitability of the little person. The fragile psyche reacts to stress by releasing hormones that provoke itching. The child itches any part of the body or the entire surface of the skin. For example, one knee may itch or the surface of the back may itch.

In this situation there are no manifestations on the skin. The child is itching, but the skin is completely clean. There is no swelling, the surface remains of normal color, but it itches a lot and the child can scratch certain areas until it bleeds. Here you will need to visit a psychoneurologist who will develop a method for restoring the normal state of a small patient. Sedatives are prescribed, soothing physiotherapy procedures.

Chickenpox causes severe itching

Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease in which small blisters appear on the child's body. The main thing during the course of the disease is not to let the sick baby comb them. Otherwise, small scars will remain at the site of scratching. The child's areas where there are watery rashes itch. To alleviate the condition, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, and in order for the body not to waste vitality, vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Dyspeptic digestive disorders

If the child constantly itches in the area of ​​​​the anus and in the perineum, then perhaps the irritating factor was indigestion. In this situation, a large amount of digestive enzymes are released with feces, which irritate the skin. Enzymes, as it were, begin to digest areas of the skin, which leads to severe irritation. Children with poor digestion do not sleep well at night, they are afraid to go to the toilet, due to discomfort. You can relieve itching with soothing creams and ointments.

Allergic dermatoses

The effect of allergens on the baby's body can be expressed by rashes on the skin, which are accompanied by severe itching. The most common allergens are diapers and laundry detergent. With external allergies, it is possible that a single itchy pimple will appear, or the whole area will be irritated. The child is itching a lot and is in a restless state.
Food allergies can affect both individual parts of the body and the entire surface of the skin. Itching can be general or local. The child's arms, legs, head, and torso itch. The reasons are as follows - the allergen affects the internal receptors located in various parts of the body. The most common is the area under the knees, on the elbows and abdomen.

How to care for baby skin

If the child itches, then special measures are needed to protect his skin and prevent the occurrence of itching again. To eliminate the painful causes of itching and receive recommendations, you should consult a pediatrician or specialist doctor. He will advise on caring for the entire surface of the skin. In cases where a child constantly itches a certain area of ​​the body, then the main attention should be paid to it. So, if a child scratches his ears, he should inspect them daily and thoroughly clean them of wax. To do this, use ordinary cotton swabs, which are convenient to clean first one ear and then the other ear.

When your baby is prone to itching, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Every day you need to apply a non-greasy cream to your entire body;
  • Detergents should be ph-neutral and not dry out the skin;
  • After water procedures, you should not rub your body with a towel - just blot your skin;
  • You should not bathe your child for a long time. A shower with water at a comfortable temperature is perfect for daily water procedures;
  • The room where the child sleeps should have a temperature of about 20 degrees.

Many parents will probably notice - why does the child have problems with itching, although we adhere to these recommendations? The question may also arise that the child’s skin is clean, but he is still itching.

In such cases, when it is impossible to determine the cause on your own, it is better to immediately go with the child to the clinic.

It is also necessary to monitor the little person’s diet and how and with what he goes to the toilet. If necessary, you need to adjust your diet, eliminate fatty and salty foods, and limit your sugar intake.

The choice of baby’s clothing also plays an important role. It is selected in such a way that the child would feel maximum comfort in it. The saying “Heat does not break bones” is absolutely inappropriate here. There is no need to remind you that a large amount of synthetics in clothing items is simply unacceptable.

If, despite all efforts, the child periodically begins to itch, then you should immediately go to the doctor. Research into the condition of the intestines and the presence of dysbacteriosis can only be done by a specialist. At home, you can talk with your child about his fears and the causes of the disorder. Remember that a comfortable and cozy home atmosphere is the best way to cure any illness in a child.

Children tend to actively contact the world around them. Children often play with pets, taste everything. At the same time, the immune system reacts to various allergens in its own way, causing itching. This phenomenon is usually called allergic itching. It is observed on various parts of the child’s skin, throughout the body. It is almost impossible to find out exactly where the baby got the itch from. To do this, you need to get tested and seek medical help.

Skin diseases often cause allergic itching in a child. These include the following pathologies:

  • If a baby suffers from chickenpox, then, as a rule, he diligently scratches certain areas on the body.
  • In case of fungal diseases, the child combs the area under the hair on the head. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates lice.
  • The scabies mite often bothers young children and causes scabies. When the disease occurs, a rash appears all over the skin. A very common and also contagious disease.
  • Herpes (as many people know suffer from it in childhood)
  • Inflammation of a specific area of ​​skin called eczema

The main diseases that cause allergic itching in children include urticaria and dermatitis. In general, itching appears in the place where the allergic reaction occurs. Allergies are very often observed due to the consumption of various foods (in infants, some milk formulas provoke an anomaly). At the same time, itching bothers the baby even in the oral cavity. Some medications cause itching in a baby's anus or genital area.

We must remember that the skin is a particularly sensitive organ of the human body. In children, especially, the skin is hypersensitive to allergic processes. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that itching in a child does not always appear due to allergies. It is necessary to monitor the health of your child more often, observe changes in the condition of the skin, and if they appear, contact an experienced pediatrician.

It is important to carefully analyze the symptoms of diseases that provoke baby itch. The simplest type of disease that causes childhood allergies is considered to be urticaria. Light pinkish blisters appear on the baby's body. They progress quite quickly on the skin of the offspring. Similar to the rash that appears from a nettle burn.

Urticaria is a very common disease in children. May indicate the presence of another pathology. In addition, it may cause the body's response to external allergens. Children up to two years old suffer from urticaria when various food irritants enter their bodies.

Often, urticaria is caused by eating a number of certain foods. There are quite a few of them; products that are not recommended include:

  • Chicken eggs
  • All citrus fruits
  • Fish and seafood
  • Various food additives, spices
  • Nuts, honey
  • Cheese and whole milk

The disease becomes chronic if the child has abnormalities associated with liver function. Urticaria is also associated with diseases of the stomach or intestines. If your baby develops a fever, the heart begins to beat faster than usual, or it is difficult for him to eat, then you should call an ambulance.

It is important to remember that urticaria is not a dangerous disease. It gives an idea of ​​the child's health status. In any case, if you identify signs of this disease, you should consult a doctor. The disease can sometimes be the beginning of a more complex pathology. The appearance of rashes and blisters on the baby’s body should be a reason to visit a doctor.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of children. Avoid contact of the child with various irritants - be it food or chemical allergens. Pediatricians recommend following a special diet for children. Food should not contain allergens. It is advisable to use antihistamines. Often, when treating urticaria, medications are used to remove the child’s urine. In addition, there are plenty of folk remedies that help overcome this unpleasant illness.

With timely treatment, the rash on the offspring’s body will disappear and the disease will recede. Hives are accompanied by a pink rash that appears on absolutely any part of the body.

If you notice that redness appears on the baby’s cheek, which gradually becomes covered with a thin crust, then this is a sure sign of atopic dermatitis. This disease also often provokes itching in children. In addition, a rash appears on the baby’s body. In general, atopic dermatitis is a hereditary pathology. The disease often manifests itself from the very first years of a young person’s life. But it is mainly observed in children aged from two to three months.

The appearance of atopic dermatitis is associated with the baby’s fragile immunity (weak functioning of the gastrointestinal system). The main symptoms of the disease are severe itching and the formation of red spots on the cheeks. The disease has both an allergic and non-allergenic origin. Allergic itching in a baby can be relieved by spending more time with the child in the fresh air. Pediatricians often prescribe the necessary medications. You also need to follow a proper diet and make sure your child gets enough sleep.

To diagnose atopic dermatitis, it is important to consult a variety of specialists. In addition to a dermatologist, they may be the following doctors:

  • A neurologist will help relieve the child of emotional stress. Itching in atopic dermatitis causes stressful situations, they can be relieved if you follow the doctor’s recommendations
  • ENT, to recognize diseases in the nasopharynx area
  • The gastroenterologist must identify the cause of the anomaly and may prescribe treatment
  • A nutritionist will select the right menu and adjust the baby’s nutrition

The use of medications is advisable only when the disease has become acute. Prescribed hormones and medications, unfortunately, have unpleasant side effects. Baby creams, as well as some ointments that relieve allergic itching, are very effective. True, their use without consultation with a specialist should not take place. Only the attending physician will be able to indicate the exact dosage for lubricating the affected areas of the skin. Creams and ointments do not always effectively treat the disease. But they are much safer for the health of your child.

It is important to note the fact that a balanced diet often cures atopic dermatitis. Breastfeeding plays a key role. Mother's milk is rich in all necessary microelements, as well as vitamins. Most importantly, it has the ability to be easily absorbed in the body of the baby. But the mother of the baby should eat varied, non-harmful foods. A breastfeeding mother should refrain from eating foods that do not contain allergens. There are no general recommendations on this item. For each woman who practices breastfeeding, a personal diet is selected.

Allergies are often triggered by the inclusion of cow's milk in a child's diet. This product is not recommended to be included in the children's menu.

To treat atopic dermatitis, you need to give your baby various vitamin preparations. Vitamins are excellent at resisting disease and strengthening the young body. Exposure to ultraviolet rays stabilizes the condition of the child's skin. It is very important to prevent children from becoming hypothermic. The winter season carries the risk of exacerbation of the disease. For prevention, carefully monitor your child’s health. Do not feed him foods that may cause allergic reactions.

Almost fifty percent of children at an early age develop a rather alarming disease called in medicine - atonic diathesis. Often this disease causes itching and is accompanied by allergic reactions. Diathesis is sometimes transmitted through hereditary factors. Moreover, this circumstance becomes the main cause of pathology. Even if the baby eats properly, the risk of developing atonic diathesis is high.

Other possible causes of the disease may be various infectious diseases, long exposure to the cold. It is better not to let children eat vegetables and fruits, especially those of red, yellow or orange color. Compliance with banal hygiene rules will help avoid atonic diathesis. Change your child's bedding and clothes more often (it is better not to try on things made of wool or materials that cause allergies on your baby, especially with diathesis)

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently depending on the age of the children. In newborns, a sharp increase in body weight is observed, the skin becomes pale, the shape of the tongue changes, and a red blush is found on the cheeks. Signs of diathesis in infants will be:

  • Sleep disturbances, the baby does not get enough sleep, sleeps poorly.
  • Infants with atonic diathesis are often capricious and cry a lot
  • Changes include loose stools, mucus appears in the stool

After reaching three years of age, signs of diathesis in children may disappear completely or partially. But complications may arise associated with the risk of developing asthma. Having discovered a disease, it is necessary to urgently treat it in order to avoid complications associated with deteriorating health.

How to relieve itching in a child when allergies appear?

The most common types of diseases that contribute to the appearance of allergic itching in children were discussed in detail. To relieve itching, you need to determine how to get rid of allergies in a child. By getting rid we should understand the correct approach to treating the anomaly that has arisen. We advise you to seek medical help if necessary so as not to aggravate the disease. Consultation with an allergist is important. He will help determine the cause that caused the allergic reaction, and will further indicate how to relieve itching due to allergies.

The most common means of relieving itching are antiallergic ointments and creams. They usually do not contain harmful components. Doctors will recommend the use of the following lubricants:

  • Ointment "Gistan" stands apart. This ointment has proven itself well, and is also made on the basis of natural ingredients.
  • With atopic dermatitis, Elidel ointment helps a lot. Perfect in the fight against inflammatory processes. The baby must be over 3 months old.
  • Next on the list will be - "Wunheadil". Even the smallest children will not be harmed by its use.
  • You can safely get rid of the rash by applying Desitin ointment.

What else can relieve itching in a child with allergies?

If the above lubricants do not help, it is advisable to use hormonal therapy. Preparations containing hormones have side effects. It is recommended to use them with great care. Such medications that help relieve allergic itching in children are called corticosteroid drugs. Consultation with a specialist is essential before using these types of medications. Among the effective hormonal ointments, we can highlight: Advantan and Elokom. They are most often prescribed for the treatment of childhood allergic diseases.

Sometimes allergic itching in a child appears in the eyes. In such situations, doctors prescribe eye drops for the baby. In general, itchy eyes often appear due to a serious illness. Eye drops can be addictive and have some side effects. Be sure to follow your healthcare professional's instructions.

It is better not to use anti-allergy pills if it is possible to recover without using them. The reason lies in the fact that many antiallergic medications negatively affect the functioning of the baby’s nervous system. If an acute form of the disease is detected, the use of tablets is necessary. The most commonly prescribed drug is Tagevil. There won't be much harm from using it. But it is forbidden to give it to the smallest children (newborns).

Will folk remedies help successfully relieve allergic itching in a child?

Folk remedies in the fight against childhood allergies have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side. Let us highlight several interesting and effective traditional treatment methods:

  • Swimming with a string. Its essence lies in the fact that the baby is lowered into a bath filled with warm water. The tincture from the series is poured into the bath.
  • Bathing with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better not to abuse this method of treatment. The child should be bathed once every ten days using the specified solution.
  • Decoctions of various herbs (chamomile, oregano, calendula) must be rubbed over the body of the little creature.
  • For hives, you can use castor oil, which must be mixed with calendula flowers. Mix two tablespoons of oil with a teaspoon of decoction of calendula flowers. The resulting ointment is wiped over the affected areas of the body.

The peculiarity of traditional therapy is that its necessity is recognized by many doctors. Perfectly relieves allergic itching. But using traditional methods of treatment alone will not get rid of the itching. The help of doctors and traditional medicine, together, will give the expected, positive result.

In conclusion, a little about prevention...

If a child has an allergic disease, treatment will take a long time. It is better to try to avoid factors that cause childhood allergies. Air fresheners should not be used indoors. Try in every possible way to strengthen the child’s immunity, treat any diseases of the stomach, intestines, and liver.

Carefully monitor the condition of your baby's skin. If there are any slight changes, you should seek medical advice. Remember that proper nutrition plays a key role in prevention.

The skin protects the child's body from the negative effects of the environment. Itching is one of the signs of some childhood diseases. Sometimes parents notice that the child itches and cannot play or sleep.

Itching in a baby is not always accompanied by the appearance of skin rashes. There are times when a child’s body itches, but not a single pimple or spot appears on the skin. Let's look at the possible reasons why a child itches and find out how to properly care for your baby's skin when itching.

Why is your baby itching: possible reasons

To eliminate the problem of itching and understand why your child is itching, you need to carefully observe his behavior. The reasons why a child’s body itches may lie on the surface. Most often, one of the following diseases manifests itself:

  • Diathesis is a disease associated with metabolic disorders as a result of intolerance to certain foods. With diathesis, redness appears on the skin, which becomes scaly and itchy.
  • Hives - pink and reddish blisters appear on the body, which are very itchy.
  • Dermatitis is redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash in the form of ulcers, blisters or red cracks.
  • Scabies is severe itching at night (the mite is active at this time). In the thickness of the skin you can notice scabies burrows - grayish or white winding, straight lines ranging in length from one millimeter to several centimeters.

If the child itches, but the mother does not see any changes in his skin, then perhaps the causes of the itching may be allergies, excessive sweating due to dry indoor air or wearing synthetic clothing, or stress.

Why does a child's butt itch?

If your baby's bottom itches, the reasons can be quite trivial. If your toddler wears diapers, they may rub the skin, causing itching.

Also, discomfort may be associated with dry skin on the butt. If a child's bottom itches, it is enough to lubricate the skin with baby cream. If your baby itches the anus, this may be due to the foods he ate the day before.

If your baby itches the area around the anus, it is advisable to have blood from a vein tested.

Why does a child scratch his head?

Itching in the scalp can occur in a child for various reasons. One of the most common reasons is contamination of the scalp. The pores become clogged with sweat residues, dust and secretions from the sebaceous glands. After washing your hair, the itching will disappear.

Allergy is another possible reason why a child scratches his head. Perhaps the parents introduced a new product to the baby’s diet, and the child’s body responds with an allergic reaction.

Pediculosis is the third reason that cannot be ignored. If the mother notices that the child is scratching his head, he needs to carefully examine the scalp and neck. If scratches and pustules are visible on the skin of the neck and head, it is advisable to call a pediatrician at home.

How to properly care for your baby's skin?

Children's skin is very delicate and sensitive. If your child itches, you need to protect the skin from scratches and scars, and also reduce the possibility of repeated itching. To prevent itching in your baby, you need to follow some rules for caring for his skin:

  • Apply baby cream to the baby's skin daily;
  • Use only PH-neutral and children's products. They will soften the skin and even prevent further itching.
  • Do not rub your skin dry after bathing, but simply pat it dry with a towel. Rubbing harshly will only irritate the skin, especially if your child is itching.
  • Don't bathe your baby every day, or at least don't leave him in the water for long periods of time. A shower is enough for children's skin.
  • The child should sleep at an air temperature of no more than 20 degrees Celsius.

Plus, if the child itches and has bouts of itching periodically, you need to make some changes, namely: 3.8 out of 5 (18 votes)