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How much does a newborn French Bulldog weigh? Accepted standards for the French Bulldog breed. Care of the coat, paws and face

Proper feeding is the key to the dog’s health and the development of the correct exterior. From the first days, great importance is attached to raising a puppy, i.e. such an influence that develops and consolidates useful skills and inhibits harmful ones.
The French Bulldog is a muscular dog with strong bones, the harmonious build of which depends on proper feeding, walking, and education.
Developmental indicators are growth rate and weight gain.

Age, months Weight, kg
1 1,4
1,5 1,8
2 2.5
3 4
4.5 8

At 6 months, females weigh on average 8-9 kg, and males 9-10 kg. The growth rate from 1 to 2 months increases by 2-2.5 times, and from the 2nd to 6th by 3 times.
The maximum height at the withers for adult males is 37 cm. By 2 months, puppies' ears are fully erect, from 3-5 months the change of primary incisors begins, from 4 - canines, by 5 - the prepainters change. By 7-8 months of development, the change of teeth is completely completed. Bite - snack. By 6 months, the growth of tubular bones ends.
From the 7th to the 9th month, the puppies' exploration process predominates, so they should be walked on a leash.
For the correct development of the forelimbs up to 1.5 years, avoid puppies going down stairs and jumping from heights. Playing with a rag is not allowed, especially power games, because this contributes to the extension of the lower jaw and malocclusion.
From the age of 8 months, active games are included in exercise; the dog should run a lot, jump on straight ground, run uphill - which it does without coercion.


1. Pre-embryonic - development of the egg before fertilization.
2. Embryonic - 20-25 days - from the moment of fertilization to the formation of the fetus.
3. Fetal - before the puppy is born.

1. Newborn- up to 15 days.
The puppy is deaf and blind. There are feeding and sucking reflexes (up to 10-14 days). Nail trimming is carried out on days 4-6.
2. Sucking (milk)- up to 1.5-2 months.
Tactile, visual, and auditory reflexes appear (from 10 to 14 days). By 3 weeks, baby teeth appear. Excitation processes and indicative reflexes predominate. This period (from 3 weeks to 45 days) is characterized by the appearance of primary analyzers.
3. Pre-pubescent (puppies)- up to 2-6 months:
a) up to 3.5 months, primary socialization occurs, i.e. getting to know the world. During this period, the coloring of the iris of the eyes occurs, and behavioral and exterior traits are formed.
b) from 3.5 months, psychological characteristics begin to form. From 3.5 months, the “caution” reflex appears, and orientation reflexes become stronger. An active defensive reaction appears.
By 6 months, the testes descend into the scrotum. You can begin educational training, remembering that inhibitory reflexes are poorly developed.
4. Young animals- from 6 to 12 months. This is the period of puberty. Features of individual development are revealed. From the 7th to the 9th months, “research” processes predominate. It is necessary to pay more attention to the puppy, devote more time to him, and walk him on a leash.
5. Young dogs- from 1 year to 2-2.5 years. The development of the dog ends. This is the period of greatest receptivity to training.

Consider the stages of growth and development of French Bulldog puppies
You can use the example of two wonderful babies

On September 20, 1999, in Seattle, USA, the fawn-spotted female Wanda gave birth to two wonderful girls. Chipa, a fawn-spotted dog, soon moved to another house, where her new owners gave her the name Sassy. And the red-fawn one, with a black Twiga mask, stayed to live with her parents.

1 Week:

We have just been born, and are still blind, deaf and completely helpless.

We've been here for three days now and for some reason I always want to sleep.

Mother! Well, I really want to eat!

2 weeks:

And we already see everything.

3 weeks:

Well, will someone tell us when they will feed us?

4 weeks:

After lunch there is time to think about probability theory.
For example, what is the probability that they will forget and feed you again?

  • Other possible breed names: Bouledogue Francais, Small French Mastiff.
  • Adult dog height: 30-32 centimeters at the withers.
  • Weight French bulldog: from 6 to 14 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color French bulldogs: brindle, white, spotted and fawn.
  • Wool length: short and smooth.
  • How long do they live? French bulldogs: 11-13 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: sociable, likes to be in the company of people.
  • Difficulties of the breed: stubbornness.
  • average price for a French bulldog: 300-400 dollars.

The French Bulldog belongs to the group of Great Dane dogs. His distinctive features are a cheerful disposition, an easy-going character and a sense of humor. French Bulldogs are known for their kindness, attentiveness and patience.

Ancestors of the French Bulldog- English bulldogs. They especially inherited their structure from English bulldogs.

The most popular theory of the origin of the breed- migration of workers to France during the industrial revolution, along with whom English bulldogs got there.

French bulldogs began to claim the title of an independent breed at the end of the 19th century. At first, its owners were mainly workers and prostitutes, which is why the breed did not have the best reputation. However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, French bulldogs became popular among aristocrats, artists and artists. In 1903 there was The first French bulldog show was held, in which 51 representatives of this breed took part.

Since then and to this day, French bulldogs have been popular breed, which is appreciated by dog ​​lovers.

What is the purpose and character of the French Bulldog?

The main purpose of this breed is companion dog, for protection and for the soul.

French bulldogs love children very much, they have no anger or aggression at all, but, at the same time, they are fearless. They are distinguished by devotion and affection both to the owner and to his family.

Such a dog can be kept perfectly in not the largest city apartment, as French bulldogs love to be at home, bark a little and do not interfere.

As mentioned above, French Bulldogs are known for their kindness, loyalty, and lack of aggression. They love their owner very much, will never bother you and can calmly wait until you pay attention to them. Known for their displays of laziness. There is no need to be afraid of French bulldogs, they are very kind.

Video review of the breed

To see more clearly what this breed is, you can watch this video. It will show breed and character characteristics French bulldog. What does he look like, what is unusual and unique about his appearance and behavior.

How to choose a French bulldog puppy

You cannot take a puppy into your home until he is 45 days old. Before this, he must already be examined by a veterinarian and branded.

The best thing buy a puppy from a kennel, and it is advisable to explore several options at once.

During the first conversation you need to ask the breeder, who the puppy’s parents were, how and what they fed him, kept him, and looked after him. It is also worth asking about the behavior and character of a particular individual.

You cannot pet or pick up the puppies yourself; to do this you need to obtain permission from the breeder.

Concerning appearance, then a healthy puppy will have shiny fur, a non-bloated belly, clean skin and a small layer of fat.

  • The puppy's eyes should be the same color, without odor or discharge. The nose should be black (up to 3-5 months in spotted-colored dogs, an uncolored nose is acceptable).
  • The mucous membrane of the oral cavity should be pink.
  • The teeth should be straight and the bite should be strong.
  • The paws should be straight, and the movements should be coordinated and not stiff.

As for behavior, healthy puppies should be active, cheerful and very sociable.

If you want to adopt not a puppy, but already adult dog, then this can be done, although there will be more problems than with a baby. An adult dog will already have the habits and lifestyle of its previous owner, so you must have the patience to retrain it. In the very first minutes after the meeting, it will be clear whether you can get along together based on the dog’s behavior and its attitude towards you.

Choosing a nickname for any dog ​​is a very exciting process. The French bulldog is no exception. The best choice- this is a nickname that has at least an indirect connection with his homeland - France.

It is best if the nickname is sonorous and consists of only a few syllables. You shouldn't give any absurd names. When choosing a foreign name, you need to be sure that you know its meaning.

For boys it is best to choose nicknames that overlap with male French names or titles: Voltaire, Napoleon, Dumas, Francois, Chuck, etc.

For girls the situation is similar. Common names: Petra, Bonnie, Aurora, Eliza, etc.

This breed is known for its quite easy to care for. Bulldogs' coats require weekly brushing. Bathing is enough once a month. Bathing more often can actually cause damage, causing itching, dry skin and dandruff. Paw care includes trimming nails and checking for cracked pads.

What you need to take care of regularly is fold on the muzzle. The fact is that dirt and moisture constantly accumulate between the skin, which can serve as a source of infection. It is necessary to regularly wipe the fold with a cotton pad.

The ears also need to be looked after and cleaned regularly. If you suddenly notice swelling, redness or discharge in the ear cavity, contact your veterinarian immediately. Eyes should also be wiped down regularly.

The peculiarity of French bulldogs is that they can live perfectly in an apartment, and they no frequent walks required.

Nutrition for French Bulldogs

The puppy's food bowl should be located approximately near the middle of the chest. You should provide your puppy with two bowls: one for water and one for food. The best way to feed your French Bulldog is 4-6 times a day, and an adult dog about 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to train your dog to eat at a certain time.

What to feed your French Bulldog? You can feed them dry food, meat, offal, bones and fish. In addition, you can occasionally give cereals, eggs, dairy products, bread and vegetables as food.

As for, the complexity of upbringing can be assessed as below average. Thanks to the kindness of character, French bulldogs You can even trust children aged 6 to 8 years.

When educating you should take into account stubbornness of this breed, so you need to be prepared that you won’t be able to get your French bulldog to obey you right away and quickly. If your pet starts to be stubborn, then you don’t need to interrupt the training, you just need to better let him understand what exactly you want from him.

The best way to train French bulldog training is a contrasting method, that is, reward and punishment.

Start training follows from the simplest commands, such as: lie down, sit, next to you, etc. The main rule is constant repetition. For obedience, do not forget to reward your pet with treats, games, walking, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed


  • can be kept even in a small apartment;
  • rarely barks;
  • short hair;
  • no need to dock ears and tail;
  • not aggressive, but fearless;
  • loves children very much;
  • playful and active;
  • not conflicting;
  • does not smell like “dog meat”;
  • smart.

A controversial dog is the French bulldog: on the one hand, his ancestors are a fierce fighter, an implacable opponent who fought not only with his relatives, but also with much larger enemies. On the other hand, he turned out to be an affectionate, devoted friend, capable of devoting himself completely to his adored owner. Big ears, smart big eyes, a variety of colors - all this allowed the French bulldog to become everyone's favorite.

It is still not entirely clear which country is the birthplace of the breed: England or France. Breeders from Foggy Albion claim that the “fraznets” was the result of a change in toy bulldogs, which are mini-copies of English bulldogs. “Frogs” claim that during breeding they used a rare, now extinct, breed - Spanish bulldogs. Experts from France say that only they are concerned with obtaining offspring from English and Spanish bulldogs.

At the initial stages of the development of the breed, these dogs could only be found in the French suburbs among the owners of small shops. Girls with free morals really loved “frazzatsyat”. It was the acquaintance with the ladies of the demi-monde that made it possible for the breed to reach a new level - to move into the living rooms of bohemians. The writing fraternity has always been associated with the aristocracy, so soon the dogs managed to move even higher up the “career” ladder - to get into the homes of politicians and nobles.

Interesting fact! For quite a long period of time, the French bulldog was a favorite of aristocrats, a kind of canine elite. This was especially true for England and America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a puppy could be purchased for $750 (at that time, this money could buy a small apartment in a bad area or a good car). However, there were copies whose cost reached up to $5,000! The mafia's friends loved dogs of this breed very much.

The breed was brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In Moscow and St. Petersburg they were especially valued as the most fashionable breed. At all exhibitions, French bulldogs were greeted like show business stars. As before in France, in our country creative people are very fond of bulldogs. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin had two dogs of this breed, and Mayakovsky also had a dog, which added to his popularity with women.

French bulldogs appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were considered the most fashionable breed.

It was not for nothing that breeders ate their bread at that time: their hard work significantly increased the number of French bulldogs around the world. From animals for the nobility, they became favorites for everyone. Nowadays, any family can buy such a puppy.

Purpose of the breed, appearance, photographs

The French Bulldog is a companion dog. She doesn't just love her owner - she lives for him. She needs to see the owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She wants to “talk” with him, eat, sleep, walk.

French bulldogs adore children, they have no aggression, but also no fear, so they will be ideal companions for a child in mischief and games. Considering that this breed is insensitive to pain, it will not be afraid of a child’s “hugs.”

Characteristics and breed standard

The modern French bulldog, whose description allows us to imagine the cutest creature, is not a giant at all: his height is about 30-35 cm at the withers. The muzzle is short, the animal is muscular and strong. A distinctive feature of the breed is high, large ears, a forked upper lip, a flat nose and protruding incisors.

Photo. French Bulldog

French bulldog in the photo

The coat color can be absolutely any, except black: white, white-fawn, brindle, cream, fawn. How much a French bulldog weighs depends on its appetite. Average, The weight of males is about 10-15 kg, females - 8-12.

The latest edition of the standard is valid from November 3, 2014.

Here are the characteristics of the articles of French bulldogs:

French bulldogs are very peaceful. They are moderately gentle and loyal. A dog with such a bright temperament will not allow the owner and his guests to get bored, since he feels great in a crowd of admirers. They care about attention and the opportunity to demonstrate charisma.

The pet is calm, although somewhat shocking. The psyche is stable - these animals do not know fear or panic. The dog is touchy, but if the owner takes a step forward, he is ready to forget about all disagreements.

French bulldogs get along well with everyone in the household and with pets.

The French Bulldog, whose character allows him to get along well in a family with children, is still more suitable for adults. The fact is that kids are rarely ready to constantly endure such an abundance of energy and emotions. In addition, the dog itself is not always polite with children, because it lacks patience.

“Frenchies” prefer to be the only pets, but if there are other animals in the house, they will get along with everyone. Despite their small size, bulldogs consider themselves responsible for the territory, which they jealously guard. They will definitely warn you if someone comes to the door.

Establishing contact and trusting relationships with a dog is very simple. Bulldogs love to spend as much time as possible next to their owner, fully justifying their purpose.

“Frenchies” are affectionate pets, loyal friends and cheerful companions.

Education and training

Even a first grader can do training. We are, of course, talking only about the basic commands: , “Fu,” etc. – any animal needs to know these commands, and teaching them to a French bulldog is not at all difficult.

French bulldogs, although a little stubborn, are very smart and quickly remember commands.

Training should begin from the day the puppy arrives at home. If you get an adult, untrained dog, don’t be upset - bulldogs are smart, so with some persistence, such an animal will learn everything it needs.

Raising a dog correctly is also not difficult. Of course It is advisable to begin theoretical preparation even before purchasing a puppy, but even without this, anyone can get a well-mannered pet. The most important thing is to promptly correct behavioral deficiencies that appear in any animal.

With sufficient persistence of the owner, the bulldog will learn not to beg at the table, not to take food from strangers, not to bite the owner, and so on. Even a child of primary school age can raise a dog, but parents should monitor his efforts and be ready to help.

Rules of maintenance and care

The French Bulldog is an ideal pet for keeping in an apartment. He does not need space for living and walking; he is quite satisfied with a small bed near the owner.

It is important to remember that the bed cannot be placed near heating systems or in a draft. The surface should be fairly hard, spacious and clean. With all the love for a pet, it is unwise to place it in your or your child’s bedroom - due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the animal snores heavily during sleep.

Walking with a bulldog can be of a calm nature - on the street the dog is not particularly active. You should not walk for a long time in hot or cold weather, since short fur does not protect the dog much. It is better for her to buy clothes for the winter, and shoes for extreme cold.

French bulldogs have short hair, so they need warm clothing in cold weather.

It is advisable to walk the dog on uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, forest soil. Walking up stairs can damage a dog's spine, so it is better to climb the stairs with the dog in your arms. This is especially important for dogs under one year old, since their skeleton is not yet rigid enough.

Interesting! There is an opinion that there was a dog of this breed on board the Titanic. Witnesses claimed that after the sinking of the ship they saw a dog swimming towards the shore. This story is not so easy to believe, since this dog's legs are quite short and its head is too heavy. Most representatives of the breed cannot swim at all.

Care of the coat, paws and face

Caring for the “Frenchie” is quite simple. They need to be brushed once a week to remove dead hair. It is recommended to bathe your dog only if it is significantly dirty. It is not advisable to do this more than 2 times a year.

It is necessary to regularly trim the nails and ensure the cleanliness and integrity of the paw pads.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of your eyes and regularly wipe them with a damp cloth. It is important to wipe the folds on the face, where dirt and moisture accumulate, which can lead to infection. Wrinkles are wiped with cotton pads.

How to care for your ears

The ears of French bulldog puppies stand up on their own by 3-6 months.

It is enough to clean your ears twice a month. If discharge, unpleasant odor, redness, swelling and swelling appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate.

A French Bulldog's ears should be erect, but you shouldn't worry about this until the dog is 3 months old. In some individuals with heavy, fleshy ears, this can happen by six months. However, even if the cartilages do not want to straighten, you can help them. For this you need: a bandage, a paper or medical plaster, cotton wool.

You should glue the ears like this:

  • prepare two rolls of cotton wool, the width of which is about 5 cm, the length exceeds the length of the ears by 2 cm;
  • wrap the rollers with a bandage so that they do not lose their shape;
  • place the resulting “doll” vertically in the ear, and “wrap” it around the ear. Secure the resulting shape with adhesive tape.

When setting the ears, not only verticality is important, but also symmetry. If the ears are in different directions, the judge will consider this a defect.

Therefore, additional efforts are required:

  • take two pieces of plaster equal to the length between the ears + the width of the ears;
  • wrap ribbons around the ears front and back, gluing them together in the middle.

This design must be left for 7-10 days. If after this the ears do not stand up, it is necessary to repeat the gluing. Most often, two times are enough. To avoid damaging your dog's ear cartilage, you should not stroke his head while touching his ears.

Many new owners are interested in... Experts do not have a consensus on this matter, but still most of the animals themselves vote for natural food. Of course, we are not talking about borscht and sausage: you need to feed your dog only food prepared for it.

Many owners feed bulldogs natural food, which necessarily predominates with meat (beef, lamb).

When feeding “natural”, most of the diet should be given to meat. It could be lean lamb or beef. You can give boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces. The poultry is given only boiled and only pitted. It is preferable to give a puppy scraper rather than minced meat. If you treat your pet with offal, it is better to boil or scald it. Only sea fish is allowed.

The diet should include buckwheat and rice porridge, and the yolk of a boiled egg is given weekly. Carrots, cabbage, and pumpkin are good for dogs. Fruits should be given raw, avoiding citrus fruits and grapes.

Health, life expectancy and breed diseases

“Frenchies” are not the longest-living dogs: the average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

In general, these are fairly healthy and strong animals, but there are some medical problems specific to this breed:

The first vaccination is given at two months (Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto). The second one is done a month later, the composition is the same. The third vaccination (against rabies) is given after all teeth have been replaced.

Every year your dog should be vaccinated against rabies, distemper and leptospirosis.

Buying a puppy: how to make the right choice

If you take a puppy from your hands, its price will be low, but there is a high probability of acquiring a defective breed or an animal that is not a purebred at all. Sometimes you can find a really good puppy for as little as $100. The average price in a nursery is $200-500. Show-class offspring from titled parents will cost from $1,000.

It is best to purchase a puppy from nurseries.

Moscow region:

  • “Mini-crumbs” http://vs-marina.narod.ru/index.html;
  • “From fawn bulldogs” http://frbull.com/frbull/home_rus.htm;
  • “From Kuntsevo” http://iz-kuntsevo.narod.ru/news.htm.

Saint Petersburg:

  • "Dashin's House" http://dashindom.ru/;
  • "Amber Light" http://www.jantars.ru/news.


For many, the French bulldog is one of the most beloved dogs. What is interesting and mysterious about it? At first glance, this is an ordinary dog. Some consider her evil and unsociable, but this opinion is wrong. The French Bulldog is a dog breed that is suitable for people who love life. The pet's character is playful and allows him to get along well with other pets and children.

What is the French Bulldog breed? Characteristics, pros and cons of maintenance, color standards - we will learn about all this in the article.

Origin story

Many believe that the birthplace of this breed is France. But that's not true. Small pets were bred in England. They were obtained by crossing a pug, a terrier and a terrier. Initially, the breed was demonstrated at an exhibition in 1896 and immediately fell in love with dog breeders.

At the beginning of the 19th century in England it was fashionable to engage in crafts (spinning, knitting, making lace). Many needlewomen wanted a small, faithful friend next to them. This is what this pet became - a French bulldog.

But with the development of industrial technologies, these crafts faded into the background. Machine tools began to be used as the main labor force. Therefore, many who earned money from such types of work were forced to leave for France in search of decent wages, not forgetting to take their favorite animals with them. This is how the breed ended up in this country.

In the 20s, this breed was brought to Russia. But only rich, wealthy people could purchase it. The average cost of a puppy was about $700. For this money you could buy a Ford car.

This breed is officially recognized by America. Such pets are very popular there, because due to their size they fit perfectly into apartments and small houses.

So what makes the French Bulldog so versatile? The characteristics, pros and cons of the breed will be discussed below. The main advantage of a pet is its perky character, devotion to its owners and good nature.

What should a dog look like?

The French bulldog, whose price is about 40 thousand rubles, has certain standards in color and appearance. Pets are small. Average height is about 30 cm, weight is 12-14 kg. Despite these parameters, the dog looks powerful. The muzzle is massive, square in shape, with a flat forehead. There are folds that require special care.

The main highlight of this breed is its large, bulging, dark-colored eyes. The look is understanding, attentive. The ears are quite large, rounded at the ends, erect. No docking required.

The neck is very short and muscular. The back and chest are wide. The front legs differ in length from the hind legs. They look in different directions. The tail is small. From birth with fractures, never rises above the spinal region. Dogs of this breed are smooth-haired and easy to care for. It is enough to perform bath procedures once a month.

Does color matter?

Standard colors are white (spots allowed), red, brown, brindle, motley. Many people are interested in: is there a blue French bulldog? This color is unacceptable. In another way, this color is called mouse. Dog handlers believe that this color scheme is a mistake and the dogs are not purebreds.

Studying the animal

The dog's character is so playful and perky that it is suitable for those who love all the colors of life. At the same time, the dog is quite athletically built, has massive muscles, which helps him stand up for his owner in case of danger. These need to be taken into account when walking your dog outside. She is ready to fight to the end, even if her opponent is superior to her in everything.

Puppies of this breed are easy to train. They are smart and persistent. Dog handlers note the fact that the animal perfectly feels and understands its owner. If you feel negative towards a visiting guest, these same feelings will be transmitted to your pet.

French Bulldog: characteristics, pros and cons of the breed

Among the positive aspects of the breed are the following:

    Suitable for keeping in an apartment.

    Easily finds contact with children.

    Unpretentious in food.

    Does not require special care.

    Friendly towards foreign guests.

    Practically does not bark.

    The disadvantages include:

      Snores loudly during sleep.

      In winter, walking outside will require special warm clothing, which is not cheap.

      Allergic reactions to the wrong foods are quite common. This is expressed in the form of dermatitis, scratching of the skin, and small wounds.

      Perhaps every second individual has a problem with the third eyelid. This disease is specific to this breed and requires minor surgical intervention.

    This is the French Bulldog breed of dog. The characteristics, pros and cons of the animal will help you make your choice.

    When purchasing a dog, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need to devote time to it. Caring for a French Bulldog is quite simple. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the muzzle. It has folds that trap dirt and dust. To prevent wounds and diaper rash, they should be wiped daily with a damp cotton swab.

    Dogs of this breed have short, soft hair. They practically do not shed. It will be enough to comb them several times a week. Paws should be washed after every walk and bathed once a month. It is important to use special shampoos so as not to cause dandruff and allergic reactions.

    Ears require virtually no maintenance. They have a standing position and are constantly ventilated. It will be enough to wipe them once a week with a damp cotton pad. If you notice wax coming out of the ears, you should take your pet to a doctor.

    Teeth are the weak point of this dog breed. They need to be cleaned once a week. For these purposes, a medium-hard brush and a special powder, which can be purchased at any pet store, are suitable. It’s also worth buying special ones there that help clean your teeth from plaque.

    Another sore spot is the eyes. They often turn sour in pets. In addition, there is a disease (third eyelid) that this breed is susceptible to. Don't forget to rub your eyes daily. Once a week, do this with tea infusion.

    Separately, I would like to touch upon the topic of offspring. French Bulldogs should be bred at the age of 2 years. If you are thinking about breeding a breed, you should not miss the moment.

    As you can see, the French bulldog does not require special care, but you will still have to devote time.

    Who is this dog breed suitable for?

    The French bulldog, whose price is quite high, is very popular among families with children. These affectionate, playful animals can become true friends for your baby. They are active and love to play. Most importantly, they do not show aggression.

    But like any dog, they need walks in the fresh air. This should be done at least 3 times a day. Duration - from 1 to 4 hours. In the cold season, 15 minutes will be enough.

    The dog is short-haired, so you should take care of clothing. It should be a jacket or raincoat that is not blown by the wind. A hat and shoes are required. Many people think that this is a tribute to fashion. But this is absolutely not true. The animal can catch a cold easily. This breed does not have very good heat transfer. And the fat layer is practically absent.

    Watching your diet

    Since allergic reactions often occur in dogs of this breed, food for French bulldogs should only be premium. It is completely balanced, rich in minerals and a complex of vitamins.

    If you decide to feed your dog natural food, you should exclude from the diet:

    Soft bones.

    Fatty meats.



    Bakery products and pasta.

    River fish. It often causes allergies.

The average weight of a French bulldog is 14 kg. You should not overfeed your pet to avoid health problems.

- a decorative small breed with a sharp mind and a cheerful disposition. It is famous for its good health, is rarely exposed to various diseases, will not bring you much trouble to care for, does not require much space, but will be a good watchman and pet for you. France is considered the homeland of these babies, but it is not surprising that they were bred in England.

The French Bulldog breed was first presented at an exhibition in England in 1896, where it made a good impression and captivated many dog ​​breeders. During the Industrial Revolution, many English lacemakers and artisans wanted to have a little friend who would bring a spark of joy to their boring lives. Breeders turned to a dwarf version of the English bulldog, crossed it with a pug and a terrier and got the desired result. They were crossed to create the perfect companion.

In the middle of the 19th century, factories increasingly began to use machines instead of workers; in search of a better life and work, artisans migrated to France, taking their pets with them. The French immediately fell in love with this amazing breed. He deftly caught and exterminated rats and small rodents. The Americans, in turn, brought them to their homeland. The United States is the only country that has identified the beloved French bulldog as a separate breed. In New York City, it is one of the three most popular breeds, making it the perfect city dog.

In the twenties of the last century, this breed appeared in Russia, but only noble and rich people could afford it, since this outlandish dog was very expensive. One of the first fans of the French bulldog was the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin. Today, many celebrities - actors, singers and politicians - are crazy about these cute, grunting ears.

French Bulldog description and FCI standard

  1. Origin: France.
  2. FCI classification: Group 9. Companions and decorative dogs. Section 11. Small Molossians. No operational tests.
  3. Purpose: companion dog.
  4. General appearance: a powerful, stocky dog ​​of small size, with strong bones and well-developed muscles, compact build with short smooth hair, snub nose, erect ears and a short tail.
  5. French Bulldog important proportions:
  • The length of the body from the shoulder joint to the ischial tuberosity is slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers.
  • The length of the muzzle is approximately 1/6 of the total length of the head.

Behavior/Temperament: a cheerful, playful, energetic and smart dog.

  • Format: square.

  • French bulldog photo puppy sitting near the fence

    Head: massive, wide, should fit into a square, characterized by shortened maxillary and nasal bones. The skin on the head forms symmetrical, moderately pronounced folds and wrinkles.

  • Skull: wide, flat between the ears, domed forehead. The brow ridges protrude and are separated by a well-defined furrow between the eyes, which should not extend into the forehead area. The occipital protuberance is poorly defined.
  • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): expressed.
  • Nose: the nose is black, wide, slightly upturned (snub). The nostrils are wide, open, directed obliquely back (the tilt of the nostrils or the upturning of the nose should not impede normal nasal breathing).
  • Muzzle: very short, wide with symmetrical folds.
  • Lips: thick, slightly hanging, pigmented black. The upper and lower lips meet in the middle and completely cover the teeth. The profile of a well-developed upper lip is slightly rounded. When the dog is calm, the tongue should not be visible.
  • French Bulldog Jaws/Teeth: the jaws are powerful and wide. The lower jaw protrudes forward relative to the upper and bends upward. The incisors of the lower jaw are located in front of the upper ones. The arch of the lower incisors is rounded. The size of the gap between the incisors of the upper and lower jaws has no strict limitation; the main condition is that the teeth must be completely closed when the lips are closed. Lateral displacement of the jaw or misalignment is not acceptable.
  • Cheeks: Well developed.
  • Eyes: large, dark, wide open, set low and far from the nose and ears. The whites of the eyes should not be visible when the dog looks forward. The rim of the eyelids is black. The expression of the eyes is attentive and lively.
  • Ears: erect, medium in size with a wide base and rounded tips. Set high on the head, not too close to each other. The ears are turned forward and wide open.

  • French bulldog photo of an adult dog

  • Neck: Short, strong, slightly arched, widening towards the shoulders. No suspension.
  • Topline: With a smooth but not excessive rise from the withers to the loin.
  • Back: Broad, muscular, strong and without sagging.
  • Loin: short, wide, convex.
  • Croup: sloping.
  • Chest: wide, deep (lowered slightly below the elbows), cylindrical, barrel-shaped. The ribs are well sprung. When viewed from the front, the front of the chest should fit into a square.
  • Hemline and belly: tucked up, but not as sharply as those of greyhounds.
  • French Bulldog Tail: short from birth, but long enough to cover the anus. straight, thick at the base and tapering towards the end, set low. Curves, knotty seals and kinks or a relatively long tail that does not reach the hocks are acceptable.
  • Forelegs: When viewed from the side and front, they are straight.
    • Shoulders: inclined.
    • Shoulder bones: massive, muscular, slightly curved.
    • Elbows: located close to the body.
    • Forearms: short, straight, muscular.
    • Carpal joints: short, not protruding.
    • Pasterns: Short, slightly sloping when viewed in profile.
    • Forelegs: Small, round, compact, slightly turned outward. Fingers tightly closed. The claws are short, strong, black. The paw pads are dense and elastic.
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscular, slightly longer than the front ones, which causes the sacrum to rise relative to the withers. When viewed from the side and rear, they are vertically set.
    • Hips: well-developed muscles, strong.
    • Hocks: Set rather low, the angle of the hock joint is slightly pronounced.
    • Tarsus: strong.
    • Hocks: short.
    • Hind feet: Round, compact, turned neither in nor out. Fingers closed. There should be no dewclaws. Paw pads are dense. The claws are strong and black.
  • Movement: free, powerful, smooth.
  • Skin: thick.
  • Coat: short, smooth, close-lying, shiny, soft, without undercoat.
  • French Bulldog Height/Weight:
    • Height at withers: males 27-35 cm, females 24-32 cm; Deviations of 1 cm are allowed.
    • Weight: males 9 kg - 14 kg; females 8 kg - 13 kg.

    The photo shows a French bulldog in a unique color

  • Faults: Any deviation from the above is considered a fault and must be assessed according to its severity and impact on the health and continued welfare of the dog.
    • Intense speckling on the fur of a brindle coat with white spots
    • Intense speckling on the coat with a color ranging from light fawn to red with white spots
    • A wide black stripe along the spine in individuals from light fawn to red color
    • White markings on paws (any solid color)
    • Light claws
  • Serious deficiencies/defects:
    • Exaggerated type, exaggerated breed characteristics
    • Muzzle is too long or too short
    • Tongue visible with closed mouth
    • Light eyes (light eyes of a bird of prey)
    • Smooth topline from withers to loin
    • More intense weakening of the pigment of the lips, nose, and rims of the eyelids, which should never be completely depigmented
    • Straight bite
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice
    • Any dog ​​with obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified
    • Weakly expressed sexual type
    • Fully closed nostrils
    • Jaw misalignment or sideways displacement of the jaw, which makes the tongue constantly visible
    • Scissor bite (the lower incisors are located behind the upper incisors)
    • Individuals whose fangs are constantly visible when their jaws are closed
    • Cleft lip
    • Different eyes
    • Nose any color except black
    • Erect ears
    • A long tail
    • Complete absence of tail or ingrown tail
    • Dewclaws on the hind legs
    • Unlockable hock joints
    • Long, harsh, wiry or puffy coat
    • Inappropriate color: black, black with tan markings (black and tan), and any dilution of black with or without white spots
    • Height and weight that do not meet the standard
    • Dogs with difficulty breathing
    • Deafness

    N.B.: Males must have two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs with breed-specific characteristics can be used for breeding.

    french bulldog color

    • Fawn - from bright red to "café au lait", white spots are allowed on the belly, chest and neck, and a white blaze on the forehead towards the nose. White spots in other places are considered a defect
    • Spotted
    • Brindle (interspersed with red hairs on a black background, or black on red. A mask on the face, a narrow white blaze, markings on the throat and chest are acceptable)
    • White (white with spots, white brindle)
    • Cream
    • White - brindle
    • Black - brindle
    • Beige

    French bulldog character

    By nature, the French Bulldog is an affectionate, courageous, active and temperamental breed. He adores all the members of the family in which he lives, loves children very much, playing with them brings the bulldog great pleasure. He is cunning, smart, cheerful and good-natured.

    The Frenchie combines the best qualities of a companion dog. Its compact size allows it to be kept in a small apartment; its cheerful disposition and devotion to its owner make it a good and devoted friend.

    He will not let you get bored and sad, he perfectly senses a person’s mood, if you feel bad, he will just sit quietly next to you.

    Funny photo with French bulldogs

    The main role of the French bulldog is to play, entertain the owner and his guests, he is a real clown and a merry fellow. It has good watchdog abilities and is always ready to defend its owner in case of danger.

    Doesn't like to be left alone for a long time, can be sad and play pranks, needs to communicate with people. He gets along well with other pets, especially if he has lived with them since childhood, but on the street he has conflicts with cats and other dogs. It lends itself well to training; it should start from puppyhood at 3 - 4 months. Among the French, however, there are individuals with a stubborn character. For such dogs, it is better to turn education and training into a game, and the result will not be long in coming.

    French Bulldog - care and maintenance

    Photo of French bulldog puppy brindle color

    Caring for a French Bulldog is not difficult, since the breed is short-haired and does not require haircuts or trimming. The coat is short and sheds. Shedding seasonal spring - autumn.

    The coat is short and does not require special care. Brush the back and sides with a brush or a massage mitt, which will improve blood circulation, give your pet a pleasant massage, and remove dust and dead fur.

    Bathe once a month, then dry your pet well with a towel, or use a hairdryer. Make sure that the dog does not sit in a draft after bathing.

    Inspect the paws, rinse or wipe with a damp cloth after a walk.

    Trim the claws once a month with a nail clipper - guillotine, smooth the sharp ends with a nail file.

    A healthy dog's eyes are shiny and do not water. As a preventive measure against acidification, wash your eyes once a week with a soft cloth soaked in tea leaves.

    But the French bulldog has a disease - “third eyelid”. This happens because this breed has large and open eyes. When an adult bulldog or puppy has a third eyelid, you need to wipe the eyes with a swab dipped in strong tea leaves. But if after 2 days the “disease” does not go away, you need to contact a veterinarian. There is no need to be afraid, this is a simple operation, it is done in just a few minutes.

    The muzzle also needs care. Caring for folds on it is simple. The folds are simply wiped with a flannel rag to remove “tears”. Be sure to make sure there are no diaper rashes.

    The French Bulldog's ears are open, and a little wax accumulates in them. You can clean it with a damp cotton swab once a week. A healthy ear is pink in color, without excess wax, there is no unpleasant odor, and nothing leaks out. If you notice inflammation, your dog frequently shakes its head, or any signs of otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), be sure to contact your veterinarian.

    Teeth: Once a week, brush your pet’s teeth with a special toothpaste, using a baby brush or a finger brush. To prevent the appearance of tartar, let your dog eat fresh tomatoes. To prevent the appearance of tartar, let's chew solid foods. It is better to entrust the removal of plaque from teeth to a veterinarian.

    If you want to buy a French bulldog, know that even in difficult times he will be able to cheer you up with his funny face and cheerful character.

    French bulldog food

    The French Bulldog diet comes in two types:

    • Ready-made dry food
    • Natural food

    Ready-made dry food includes a balanced amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. It's hard, which is good for your dog's teeth, easy to store or take on the go, and doesn't require cooking. When feeding dry food, the dog must drink plenty of water and have constant access to it. When choosing to feed natural food, you should remember a number of healthy foods that you can and should feed your dog.

    Photos of white French bulldog puppies

    Healthy foods:

    • Lean meat (veal, beef, turkey, rabbit)
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits (preferably green)
    • Cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal)
    • Sea fish without bones (boiled)
    • Lactic acid products

    Prohibited foods for bulldogs:

    • Fat meat
    • Tubular bones
    • Smoked meats
    • Sweets
    • Chocolate
    • Beans, beans
    • Cabbage
    • Bakery products
    • Pasta
    • River fish (can cause severe allergies)
    1. A French bulldog puppy at 1.5 - 2 months old is fed 6 times a day, at regular intervals.
    2. At 3 months, the puppy is fed 5 times a day, with equal intervals between feedings. By that time, dairy foods are gradually eliminated from the diet.
    3. At 4 - 7 months, a bulldog puppy receives four meals a day.
    4. At 8 months they feed 3 times a day.
    5. After a year, the pet is transferred to food 2 times a day.

    When choosing to feed natural foods, be sure to include vitamins and minerals in the diet. Your veterinarian can advise which ones to give.

    French bulldog disease

    Skin fold dermatitis on the muzzle

    • Atopy
    • Turn of the century
    • Hypotrichosis (congenital disease, manifested by symmetrical hair loss)
    • Urolithiasis disease.
    • Difficult birth
    • Interdigital dermatitis (Inflammation of the paw pads)
    • Food allergies

    Photo of a French bulldog

    French bulldog video