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Dream interpretation of reindeer team. Why do you dream of a deer with big antlers?

A dream in which you are riding a reindeer sled across the endless tundra means conscientious performance of official duties and loyalty in friendship. Managing deer means helping friends in a difficult situation.

A forest deer with huge branchy antlers portends a successful marriage and a well-functioning family life without any excesses. Deer running briskly through the thicket speak of a quick and successful completion of affairs. A deer standing and listening sensitively is a sign of vain efforts and wasted labor.

Grazing deer portends deception or betrayal. Hunt deer - you will gain reliable protection. Kill a deer - creditors will pursue you. Chasing a deer is a sign of illusory happiness.

Seeing a deer fallen into a swamp, which is about to drown it headlong, denotes a successful outcome to a long and grueling lawsuit. A dream in which you see an orphaned fawn means that small and insignificant people will slander you. Seeing a crying deer - you will achieve what you want through humiliation and suffering of loved ones.

Dreaming of deer in a zoo enclosure foreshadows misfortune in the family. Eating deer meat - commit stupidity bordering on recklessness; Deer liver means that you will soon receive guests.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Horns

Jung argued that the horn: is a symbol with two meanings.

Although horns and horned animals are usually associated with strength and masculinity, the horn is at the same time: used by people as a container and therefore can also symbolize the feminine nature.

In ancient times, bowls were carved from horn, and therefore in China the horn became an emblem of abundance.

The Gnostics of antiquity said that the horn: “is the principle that bestows maturity and beauty on all things.”

In some cultures, horned animals personified evil - the “horned devil.”

Horns: Can symbolize the forces of destruction contained in the human psyche. In some cultures, horns were used as a sign of warning.

They were also used to gather forces for holy war.

This sign may warn you of danger.

Most often in dream books, a deer foreshadows good luck, happiness and mutual understanding. If in a dream a person took part in a deer hunt, such dreams have an unfavorable interpretation.

Women's dream book

If young people see a deer in a dream, this speaks of their deep and pure feelings of friendship. For married people, such a dream foreshadows a serene and calm life. Killing an animal in a dream is a bad sign. This warns you that your business will fail, or you will have serious conflicts with your enemies. Seeing a small deer in a dream is a good omen. Such a dream promises you friendship with reliable and honest people. If a girl or guy saw such a dream, they will find true love, which will be mutual.

Dream book for the whole family

To dream of a deer running straight towards you represents difficulties coming your way. If in a dream a deer ran away from you, expect extraordinary events in your place of residence.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why does a young girl dream of a deer - for a new boyfriend who could become a groom. In other cases, this animal portends happiness and good luck.

French dream book

Seeing a herd of deer in a dream is a good sign. This indicates that your family will be replenished with new members. Killing an animal means success in business. If the animal in the dream was aggressive and rushed at you, expect misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century

Reindeer in a dream - you have true friends. If you drive a team of reindeer, your friends are honest and loyal people. They will never abandon you in a moment of misfortune. If the animal ran away, prosperity awaits you. If the deer stands still, you have a thankless task to do. If the animal is sleeping peacefully, someone will guide you.

Esoteric dream book

If a girl saw a deer with magnificent antlers in a dream, she will have a groom. For a woman, such a dream promises the appearance of a lover. There is a high probability that after such a dream, a man will quarrel with his wife.

Gypsy dream book

If a pregnant woman sees a beautiful baby deer in her dream, she will give birth to a wonderful boy. Killing a deer in a dream means receiving an inheritance share. If you are chasing a deer but cannot catch it, you are seeking happiness in vain.

Summer dream book

Dreaming of a newborn fawn foretells that you will work hard to raise your children to be worthy people. If a girl dreams of a deer with big antlers, she will have a boyfriend whom she will quickly send away.

Did you see a baby deer in a dream? It is possible that in reality you demonstrate your character to others by showing dissatisfaction and stubbornness. However, there is another interpretation - the sleeping person is excited because he is in a state of love.

But this is far from all the possible predictions regarding what a fawn may dream of. The dreamed details will help you decipher the vision more accurately: the appearance of the animal, its behavior.

Important little things

But what should you do if, upon awakening, only scattered fragments of your night vision remain in your memory? It’s not scary if you can’t remember how events unfolded in your midnight slumber; sometimes it’s enough just to remember what is particularly clearly “embedded” in your memory.

  • So, for example, if you happen to see a little fawn peacefully nibbling grass while you were sleeping, it means that in reality you will be able to find a true, devoted friend. Playing with a baby in a dream predicts the emergence of new sympathies and relationships.
  • In your nightly fantasy, did you watch a tiny deer as a teenager? Paradoxically, it is the demonstrated inflexibility and stubbornness that will actually play into your hands.
  • Did you dream that you were feeding a deer by hand? The dream book assures that it will be possible to establish close, trusting relationships with a person who previously feared, avoided, or disliked you.
  • Take the fantastic vision that the sleeper is turning into a tiny deer as a warning - pride, demonstrative uncompromisingness can become the cause of a serious mistake.

Miller's forecasts

Gustav Miller gives interpretations depending on who dreamed about the story about the fawn. If this was the vision of a bachelor, then he will find a faithful, selfless comrade in reality. But for the dreamer who already has a family, this plot promises peace, tranquility, and prosperity.
If the dreamed horned baby was walking peacefully in the pasture, then the sleeper can be confident in his companion, business partner, who will not betray or deceive.

How often do we dream of things that we have never seen in reality! Dreams are an amazing thing. Beautiful creatures sometimes appear in our dreams, and not only to surprise, but also to hint at something, to point to the future.

This is how you can dream of a beautiful creature - a proud and beautiful deer. Some have seen this creature in a zoo or in the wild, others only in movies, but there is no doubt that it evokes admiration. What does it mean, why do you dream of a deer, the dream book can tell us.

If you dreamed of a deer, you should know that this is a good sign. But in order to decipher it accurately and in detail, details are needed. What did this horned character do, how did he behave in the dream, and what did you do with him? The dream book describes a number of scenarios:

  • The deer runs and jumps.
  • Two animals fight with horns.
  • I dream of a whole herd or a fawn.
  • Dead deer in a dream.
  • Catch him, kill him or catch him.
  • To escape from him.

Choose your option, and the dream book will tell you what your dream is about.

Great vision...

Let's consider why you dream of a deer that you saw from afar, from the outside, but you yourself did not perform any actions and did not have any contact with the animal. Each dream book describes that the deer itself is a symbol of sexual energy, strength and power.

An animal with large horns represents your potential, accumulated energy that needs to be realized. A fawn is a wonderful symbol of strong, true friendship and fidelity. Your friends are the real ones, you can rely on them, know this!

But with horns the matter is more complicated. Because they can be a symbol of the tree of life, and mean your family, family ties, connections with your family. You should think for yourself what this is for. Maybe to join the family, or maybe an indication that you should not forget your roots and pay more attention to your family?

A running horned beast - to success and great happiness, which is literally approaching you. Bright, happy changes are coming! The herd is dreamed of as an addition to the family. If your family or your loved ones are not planning to have a child, then maybe a new family friend will appear.

Why does a young girl dream about a deer? The dream book says that to the groom! Wait for love and wedding, you will be happy! For a man, such a dream is a deer and everything connected with it may indicate excessive jealousy. You should trust your chosen one and do everything to ensure that she remains faithful, and not torment her with suspicion!

If animals fought in your dream, then you will receive power soon. This could be, for example, a promotion or a completely different job.

Your actions

If you not only saw a horned animal, but also did something yourself, then these actions need to be interpreted. What were you doing? If you eat venison, be careful - you risk taking the wrong step. Perhaps there is something in your plans that could harm someone, or yourself. Think it over again so you don't make a mistake.

If he ran away from you, and you could not catch him, then in reality expect changes and good news. You will be extremely surprised and life will take a sharp turn. Of course, for the better! So get ready, fate will soon give you a new chance to become happier.

On the contrary, if he ran at you, then the meaning of the dream is different. Expect to meet a very extraordinary and strong person! You will not be able to avoid it, and this acquaintance will bring many new, bright colors into your life. Killing a deer means wealth. You are approaching your own prosperity, and will soon receive the generous fruits of your work!

If you caught a deer in your dreams, then in reality you will experience dizzying success and a brilliant victory. Don't relax! Fortune does not come to the lazy. Act, work hard - and you will get amazing results and reach the top.

When a dream book foretells something good, it’s so nice! Believe him, listen and notice the signs of the Universe, and your life will be happy, like a fairy tale. You just need to believe!

Dream interpretation deer

Deer is an animal that represents beauty, grace, health and strength. But why do you dream of a deer in a dream? Basically, this artiodactyl is seen in dreams as a sign of favorable events in real life. But for a more accurate interpretation, it is worth looking into the dream book, and also recalling the dreamed plot in detail.

Dreaming of a deer

What horns did you see with?

Remember what horns the artiodactyl had. The interpretation of the dream directly depends on this.


An animal in a dream had big horns - to a happy family life. Also, this plot may have another not entirely favorable interpretation: a long and complex struggle will begin in the life of the sleeper. The dream book advises the dreamer to have patience and determination, this is the only way he can worthily emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

Little ones

Have you seen small horns on an artiodactyl? A night dream indicates harmony and mutual understanding in the sleeping family.

Animal actions

Did an animal run past you in a night dream? Or did it attack you? This means that the dream you saw should be taken as a warning of impending troubles. The interpretation indicates that the dreamer will have to cope with the current difficult situation himself.

Did he stand in one place and not move? It means that the plan will not come true. For those who are in love, a dream is also a bad sign, which foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one.

What were the deer doing?

The animal in the dream reared up - a conflict with a loved one.

If you happened to see two males butting each other, then the night vision foreshadows a quarrel with the opposite sex.

Peacefully grazing - portends deception.

Sleeping artiodactyl - you can rest well and comfortably.

Which one did you see?

What kind of deer did you see in your dream?

White deer

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a white deer dreams of prosperity. White horned beauties are also dreamed of as a harbinger of pleasant events, as well as professional success. In other words, we can say: a white streak is coming in the dreamer’s life.

Trying to catch an animal in a night scene means the dreamer is trying to carry out a profitable business or make a deal. The attempt was crowned with success - the plan will come true.

If the animal left you, in reality you will miss a happy chance and the onset of a difficult life period.


Why do you dream about reindeer? The dream has a favorable interpretation: after completing your professional duties, you will get a good result. Another dream indicates true friendship.

If in the plot you were driving a team, it means that in reality you can count on true friends.


Did you dream about a black deer? The dream is a bad sign. Seeing a black animal grazing peacefully is a sign of deception and treason.

If it was a stag beetle

Stag beetle

A stag beetle seen in a dream foretells a woman’s betrayal of her husband. Another plot in which a beetle is dreamed can foreshadow various adventures during a hunt.

It is worth noting that it is this kind of beetle that indicates the sexual desire of the sleeper.

Dead animal

A dead person whom the dreamer himself killed - creditors will begin to “hunt” you.

The animal died before the dreamer's eyes - to trouble.

The sleeper took the skin of a dead artiodactyl for himself - to receive a large inheritance. According to some interpretations, the dream warns the dreamer: a new dangerous enemy will appear in real life.

Herd of deer

What does a dream portend in which the dreamer saw a herd of deer grazing peacefully? In reality, you will meet a person for whom it is unusual to hear about family values. A running herd means a favorable completion of the work begun.

Who saw the plot

It is important to note who exactly had the dream.

To a woman

An unmarried girl dreams of an animal with beautiful branchy horns - to meet a man who will feel sincere love for her. The dreamer may also have a new admirer with whom she will begin a passionate affair.

Big horns - stupid husband

If in the plot the males fought, then in reality a clash between suitors may occur.

A deer with large antlers portends a stupid husband.

To a man

For a young man, a fawn indicates that his soul is learning new, tender and sincere feelings.

If in the plot an unmarried guy dreams of a stag beetle, then the dream foreshadows a love affair.

An adult man dreams of a deer with large antlers - a sign of family troubles.

The plot with a deer in other dream books

Always try to compare interpretations in different dream books. This way you can substitute the result obtained for your life situations and find out what exactly will happen soon in your real life.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream of a deer according to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book? To faithful friendship and to calm family happiness.

Kill him - the dreamer should beware of the evil attacks of the enemy.

A dead deer means a huge scandal.

Family dream book

The deer is dreamed of as a sign that the dreamer has faithful friends, and he can always rely on them.

To kill an artiodactyl - for those who are involved in business, the dream foreshadows failure in their endeavors.

I happened to see a fawn - to a new acquaintance. A new devoted and fair friend will appear in the dreamer’s life.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • A running artiodactyl - a quick and hasty completion of the work started.
  • Deer hunting - you can get unexpected protection.
  • The animal died - to well-being in real life.

Dream book of the 21st century

A running horned animal dreams of prosperity.

Drive a team - you can count on your friends.

To catch - the dreamer strives to get a successful business.

As you can see, the interpretation of this dream really does not have an unambiguous interpretation. It all depends on what exactly the dreamer dreamed about.

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