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Countries of the Adriatic coast. Adriatic Sea

Many travel agencies offer holidays on the Adriatic coast, describing the advantages of a comfortable holiday at low prices. But a logical question arises in response: where is the Adriatic Sea? It turns out that this is a semi-enclosed part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas, which washes the shores of several countries: Italy (more than 1000 km), Slovenia (47 km), Croatia (1777 km), Bosnia and Herzegovina (20 km), Montenegro (200 km) , Albania (472 km).

The Adriatic Sea communicates with the Mediterranean Sea through the Ionian Sea. Where the Adriatic Sea joins the Ionian Sea, the peninsulas come together and form the Strait of Otranto, which is called the gateway to the Adriatic. Its width at its narrowest point is 75 km. The Italian city of Otranto is located on the shore of the strait, and at the southernmost point of the Italian “heel”, where Cape Santa Maria di Leuca is located, the strait enters the Ionian Sea.

Interestingly, the name of the Adriatic Sea comes from the ancient port of Adria, which was located on the coast in the delta of the Po and Adige rivers. However, over several thousand years, these rivers, with their sediments, moved the deltas deep into the shallow sea in this place so much that Adria is now 25 km from the sea.

The area of ​​the Adriatic Sea is 144 thousand km², the depth is from 20 m in the northern part of the sea to 1230 m in the southeastern part. It juts out into the land for 796 kilometers, the width of the sea is from 93 to 222 kilometers.

The water temperature of the Adriatic Sea in the northern parts in summer is up to +24 degrees, in winter - +7 degrees; in the southern parts in summer - +26 degrees, in winter - +13. In summer it is sunny and warm, but in winter it often rains and is often cloudy.

A distinctive feature of the Adriatic Sea is the transparency of the waters, which is one of the highest in the world and is 56 meters! The salinity of the waters is also higher than the world average and amounts to 38 ppm.

The coastal zone is represented by many species of mollusks and crustaceans. Oysters, mussels, sea urchins, and crabs live in shallow waters. Seahorses swim in the algae thickets. At greater depths live lobsters, large crabs, octopuses, cuttlefish, starfish, eels and moray eels.

Note for tourists: the following types of sharks live here: dwarf shark, blue shark, and a rare great white shark.

Dolphins and endangered monk seals can be seen in the Adriatic Sea.

Within the sea are the Dalmatian Islands; There are many bays convenient for ships, the largest of which are called Manfredonia, Venice and Trieste. It is also convenient for navigation here because the bottom off the coast is located at a sufficient depth. The seashores are sandy or pebbly, so resort areas are well developed here.

The Adriatic Sea is an ideal place for family and romantic holidays, which surprises with its beauty and diversity.

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Its name " Adriatic Sea"received from the ancient port of Adria, which was once located on the picturesque coast in the delta of the Adige and Po rivers. Initially, the ancient Greeks called only the northern part of the sea this way, however, later this name began to refer to the entire sea.
Adriatic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea - this is the part located between the Apennine and.

Adriatic Sea washes the shores of the following countries: the length of its coastline is the greatest and reaches 1777 km;
, the length of the Adriatic coast is more than 1000 km;
Albania (472 km); (200 km);
Slovenia (47 km);
Bosnia and Herzegovina, the length of the coastline is only 20 km.

On the coast Adriatic Sea the following main ports are located: Trieste, Bari, Brindisi, Ancona, owned by the state of Italy;
Rijeka, belonging to the country of Croatia;
Koper, belonging to the country of Slovenia;
, belonging to ;
Durres, Vlora - Albania.

Western Banks Adriatic Sea predominantly lowland, and the eastern shores, on the contrary, are mountainous.
Near the east coast Adriatic Sea are the Dalmatian Islands.
The coast is replete with small islands.
The Dalmatian Islands are the peaks of the picturesque ancient coastal ridges of the Dinaric Highlands, the intermountain valleys of which were flooded when the western part of the Balkan Peninsula subsided.

Currently, the Adriatic coast is quite indented with numerous bays and richly cozy, convenient harbors.
Adriatic Sea It is deep along its shores, which favorably contributes to the development of shipping.

The largest bays of the Adriatic Sea are Venetian, Trieste and Manfredonia.
The largest offshore islands located in Adriatic Sea, are:
the island of Krk, whose area is 405 km²;
Cres island (405 km²),
island (395 km²),
(approximately 300 km²),
island of Pag (approx. 285 km²)
and (276 km²).

Square Adriatic Sea is approximately 144,000 km²,
The sea depth varies from 20 meters in the northern part of the sea to 1230 m in the southeastern part.
Bottom Adriatic Sea is a huge hollow, which in the direction from northwest to southeast has a fairly smooth slope. At the bottom of the sea there are silt deposits, as well as foraminiferal sands, and near the coast the bottom is covered with gravel, pebbles and sand.

Adriatic Sea in the southern part it is connected to the Ionian Sea by the Strait of Otranto. Here the sea extends far into the land at a distance of approximately 797 km. Width Adriatic Sea reaches limits from 93 to 222 kilometers.

Adriatic Sea is an important region for the development of fisheries. From Adriatic Sea The following valuable species of fish are caught: sardines, mackerel, as well as delicious seafood: oysters and mussels.

On the shelf in Adriatic Sea Mineral resources are being extracted: oil and gas.

The Adriatic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea, part of the Mediterranean Sea, which separates the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas.

The Adriatic Sea washes the coasts of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Italy and Croatia.

History of the Adriatic Sea

The Adriatic Sea was named after the ancient port in Italy, which was built by the Etruscans in the 6th century BC. This port was called Adria.

In ancient times, this port was an important trading point on the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean in general.

The Adriatic Sea played a major role in the formation of the Roman Republic and later the Empire, providing it with access to the Mediterranean Sea and allowing it to conduct active maritime trade.

Adriatic Sea on the map

What rivers flow into the Adriatic Sea

Among the large waterways that flow into the Adriatic Sea are the following rivers:

  • Po, whose length reaches 650 kilometers;
  • Adige, whose length is 410 kilometers.

Where does the sea flow

The Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea, which in turn flows into the Atlantic Ocean.


The seabed is predominantly a large trough with a small number of depressions. The seabed is predominantly covered with silt and sand.


There are many large port cities on the Adriatic coast. In Italy, for example, such a city is Trieste, which, moreover, is an independent city within Italy.

One of the most beautiful cities in Italy is Venice, which is also located on the seashore. The population of Venice hardly exceeds 260 thousand people, but its popularity is so high that it is one of the most delicious places for tourists in the whole world, and all thanks to the unique architecture and canals, along with traditional streets.

Large Italian coastal cities also include Bari, Ancona and Brindisi. Of the Croatian cities on the coast, it is worth noting Rijeka, the incredibly beautiful city of Split and the popular port town of Dubrovnik. The Albanian city of Durres is also a very beautiful and large city on the coast. The city boasts unique architecture from the Roman and Byzantine periods. Vlore is also an equally beautiful city.

Flora and fauna

As in the Mediterranean Sea, the fauna of the Adriatic is extremely rich. There are a lot of mollusks, sea urchins and crustaceans, the variety of which is simply amazing. Inhabited by mussels, oysters, sea urchins and limpets, crabs and sea cucumbers. There are jellyfish.

There is a huge variety of seaweed (about 750 species) in which seahorses hide. As the depth increases, large crustaceans such as lobsters, cuttlefish, octopuses, large crabs, moray eels, starfish and eels begin to appear.

The amount of plankton in the water is also quite large. Among the most common fish, mention should be made of the huge variety of sardines, tuna, and mackerel. Sharks are also found in the Adriatic Sea, among which the following species are found: night shark, blue shark, spiny shark and sea fox.

Adriatic Sea. starfish photo

Also in the waters of the Adriatic you can find a giant shark, which is the second largest in the world after the whale shark. Representatives of mammals are also present in the Adriatic, such as dolphins and monk seals (they are also called white-bellied seals), which are now endangered.


The area of ​​the Adriatic Sea reaches 144 thousand square kilometers. The maximum depth reaches up to 1230 meters, the average depth is 240m. In general, the Adriatic Sea is quite shallow, so in its northern part the depth for the most part reaches 20 meters and a little more.

The eastern shores of the sea are mostly mountainous, but the western shores are mostly low-lying. There are many islands in the Adriatic Sea. Among them, the Dalmatian Islands, which are a popular tourist destination, deserve special attention. Among the larger islands we can also mention Krk, Brac, Cres, Pag, Hvar and Korcula.

The climate in the Adriatic Sea is Mediterranean - throughout almost the entire year the temperature stays within +20 degrees. As for precipitation, its amount is insignificant, which generally corresponds to the climate of the Mediterranean region. The water temperature in summer exceeds 20 degrees, and in winter it does not fall below +8 degrees. The salinity of the water is from 35 to 38 ppm.

  • The shores of the Adriatic Sea, as well as its islands, are resorts where millions of tourists from all over the world come every year;
  • Gas and oil production is actively underway on the Adriatic Sea shelf.

What a magical word - Adriatic... It blows with a gentle sea breeze, smells of summer and freedom. The Adriatic is the magic of doing nothing, excursions to the most picturesque countries, ethnic songs of Italians, Albanians, Montenegrins...

If someone wanted to determine which sea is the most “international”, then it would not be the last place on the list. It washes Italy, Croatia, Albania, and Montenegro. Even in Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, tourists can relax on the Adriatic coast, although its length in these countries is minimal: 47 and 20 km. The resorts of the Adriatic Sea are as diverse as the countries whose shores it washes. In Italy, vacations are more expensive, and the service is as close as possible to the European level. In Montenegro, modest conditions are consistent with relatively low prices. Even in Albania, extreme sports enthusiasts can have a good time.

Adriatic Sea. Resorts of Italy

The most famous on the coast of the inland sea, closed on three sides, is called the Adriatic Riviera. This is perhaps the most democratic holiday destination in Europe. Many hotels of various classes attract tourists not with their fashionability, but with their affordability.
What attracts tourists here? Resorts, in addition to accessibility, are distinguished by luxurious sandy beaches, an abundance of discos and nightclubs, and sports facilities of various types. Young people can have fun here all day long, while older people will enjoy the wonderful nature and excellent service. Parents with small children will also find something to do: Mirabilandia, Fiabilandia, Aquafan and many water parks will keep neither kids nor adults bored. What else is different about the “Italian” Adriatic Sea? The resorts here do not have clear boundaries, but smoothly merge into one another. Rimini, Riccione, Cattolica, Milano Marittima, Gabicce Mare, Pesaro... The atmosphere of each of these cities is unique, and the holidays are great everywhere.

Adriatic Sea. Resorts of Croatia

They are also great for relaxing children and parents. There are many hotels here, the service is quite consistent with the price level. But the beaches here are not sandy, but pebbly. In some places there are not even pebbles: they are replaced by an artificial concrete surface. Only in the Dubrovnik area can you find sand or sand with pebbles. However, despite this, they occupy one of the first places in terms of quality. Thalassotherapy is developed here.

Adriatic Sea. Resorts of Slovenia

Slovenia pampers tourists from June to October. At this time, the sea here is warm (24-25 °C), and the air warms up to 30 °C. Portorož is the most expensive and prestigious resort in Slovenia, but there are many others that are more affordable, but no less comfortable and attractive. Izola is more suitable for children's holidays, Piran attracts history buffs, Strunjan delights vacationers with pine and olive groves. However, all the resorts of the Adriatic Sea located in Slovenia have their own zest. The resorts of Montenegro are also good.

Adriatic Sea. Resorts of Bosnia and Herzegovina

These countries share only 20 km of coastline of the Adriatic Sea. The only resort located here is Neum. The following speaks about how good it is to spend time there: it is Neum that brings the largest income to the country’s budget. Therefore, almost ideal conditions have been created for tourists here.

The Adriatic Sea is also beautiful in Albania: shallow, warm, and distinguished by gently sloping sandy beaches. However, due to the instability of Albania, tourism there is not very developed. Therefore, it is better to choose other countries where there is the Adriatic Sea. Resorts, the prices of which vary depending on the conditions, offer a lot of options for a wide variety of recreation.

The Adriatic Sea stretches between the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas. It is semi-closed and belongs to the Mediterranean basin. This sea washes the shores of Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Adriatic is connected to the Ionian Sea by the Strait of Otranto. This section is located between Italy and Albania. A map of the Adriatic Sea allows you to see the largest bays: Manfredonia, Venetian and Trieste.
This sea got its name from the city of Adria. It was founded on Italian lands in the 6th century BC. e. It was a large port city that could not withstand the elements. He “moved”, making room for sea water. Currently, Adria is 22 km away from the sea.


The Adriatic Sea extends 800 km in length and a maximum of 225 km in width. Its total area is 144 thousand square meters. km. In the northern part of the Adriatic, the maximum depth is 20 m, and in the southeast this figure is 1230 m (between Montenegro and Bari). An area of ​​great depth begins close to the shore. The bottom of the sea is a hollow with a slight slope. The eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea is mountainous. The Dalmatian Islands are located in this area of ​​the sea.

Climatic conditions

Air temperature is greatly influenced by winds. However, there are no powerful storms here, so the sea is considered one of the calmest in the world. The average water temperature in summer is +25 degrees, and in winter it is +10 degrees. During the summer season the weather is mostly clear. During the winter months it is cloudy and rainy over the Adriatic. The salinity of the water is about 37 ppm. The Adriatic Sea has semidiurnal tides with a maximum height of 1.2 m.

Flora and fauna

The Adriatic Sea is considered the most transparent sea on the planet. The cleanliness of its beaches is confirmed by the UNESCO blue flag. The flora and fauna are rich. Coastal areas are home to echinoderms, crustaceans, mollusks and other marine life. More than 750 species of algae have been discovered in this sea. Crystal clear water, diverse fauna and flora, and the presence of safe coves are the factors that make the Adriatic attractive to divers. The conditions here are suitable for those learning navigation. Varied currents, local winds, and branched banks make sailing on a yacht very interesting.