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Causes of rash on the face of a newborn. Types and causes of rashes in infants. II. Improper care

The most common problem faced by parents of infants is skin rashes.

The collected answers to many exciting questions in this area will help you cope with it more easily.

Types of rashes in newborns

The first 4 weeks after birth are considered the newborn period.

The skin of a newborn baby has not yet fully developed, so it is too tender and susceptible. In addition, this is the largest surface that is in contact with the outside world.

Any influences from the external environment and various processes occurring in a small organism will cause different reactions on the skin.

These can be various types of rashes on the skin of a newborn:

  • – pink, red, white;
  • papules - in the form of nodules or tubercles;
  • plaques - thickenings, compactions that rise above the skin level;
  • – with swelling of the dermal papillae, dense formations;
  • bubbles – exudative elements;
  • pustules - blisters with purulent contents.

Newborn babies experience the following skin diseases:

  • toxic erythema;
  • acne of newborns;
  • prickly heat.

With toxic erythema, a rash of reddish, dense spots appears on the baby’s skin, dotted with small blisters filled with exudate (see photo).

They usually cover the folds of the arms or legs, neck, buttocks, and chest.

With severe rashes, the lymph nodes become enlarged. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

It has been noticed that if a nursing mother changes her diet, everything returns to normal for the child.

The nurse should exclude from her diet:

  • honey, eggs;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • some fruits.

Newborn acne or infant acne looks like single nodules or blisters filled with a yellowish-light liquid (see photo).

More often they appear:

  • on the forehead;
  • cheeks;
  • back of the head;
  • cervix

These rashes are associated with problems with the skin follicles or sebaceous glands.

Pimples do not merge, do not cause itching, and are easy to distinguish from other diseases.

Increased hygiene care is required to avoid secondary infection.

With heat rash in newborns, a reddish or pink small rash appears in areas that are most susceptible to sweating (see photo).

These are all folds, areas of the buttocks, legs, arms, neck.

Small bubbles with liquid usually appear if the baby is wrapped tightly or the rules of hygiene and care are not followed.

Any, even the most minor, isolated rashes on the skin of newborns cannot be ignored.

Video about childhood rash from Dr. Komarovsky:

Causes of rashes in an infant (photo and description)

During infancy, from 1 month to 1 year, the skin of infants is susceptible to many pathologies.

This is caused by the following reasons:

  • allergies;
  • violation of hygiene rules;
  • influence of maternal hormones;
  • infections.

Hormonal rash – neonatal pustulosis

A small, red rash may appear in newborns in the first days and weeks after birth. This is the so-called hormonal rash.

The child’s hormonal system is rebuilt, begins to function independently and rejects the mother’s hormones.

Remnants of maternal hormones are released through the skin in the form of neonatal pustules. They look like papules with a white tip.

Usually located on the upper half of the body:

  • head;
  • cheeks;
  • back.

If proper skin care is not taken care of, a child may develop a fungal infection.

Separately, a rash is distinguished on the face and on the head (cephalic) in infants. They will be caused by the still imperfect functioning of the sebaceous glands or follicles and the simultaneous rapid proliferation of lipophilic yeast-like fungi such as Malassezia on the child’s face. Sometimes they are detected by light palpation.

The concern is that you may miss the signs and rashes caused by meningitis.

Signs of allergies

Until the allergen is identified, the nurse herself must adjust her diet.

Avoid obviously allergenic foods:

  • canned food;
  • smoked meats

If the red rash and peeling on the face and body of the baby do not go away, you need to change the mixtures and carefully study their composition.

Additions to feedings should be done carefully, step by step. Start juices with drops, gradually increasing each day.

It is necessary to review the composition of creams, ointments, sprays, and powders that are used to treat the skin of babies.

Understand the toys, find out what material they are made of, who the manufacturer is.

Buy from natural fabrics:

  • bed sheets;
  • towels;
  • blanket;
  • diapers;
  • baby vests;
  • sliders;
  • booties.

We need to find out if there are any smokers nearby. Maintain a constant indoor temperature.

Once again you need to check:

  1. What herbs are used for bathing.
  2. What creams and powders are used to cleanse a child’s skin?
  3. Study the composition of creams and powders.
  4. Find out the composition of the fabric of bed linen, towels, and diapers.

To ensure that your baby does not have prickly heat or diaper rash, you need to monitor and regularly care for your baby’s skin.

Before choosing powder, creams, or oils for skin care, you should get advice from your pediatrician.

It is advisable to select powders that contain dry herbal extracts: celandine, chamomile, string. Those prepared with zinc oxide and panthenol are considered medicinal.

The best powders:

  • Baby Powder;
  • Johnson's baby;
  • Roma + Masha;
  • Our mother;
  • The world of childhood.

Effective baby ointments:

  • Bepanten;
  • Desitin;
  • Pantestin;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Calamine;
  • La Cree.

All medicinal creams and ointments are used to eliminate pathological conditions caused by skin rashes in infants.

Their main actions are aimed at:

  • relieve pain;
  • remove inflammation;
  • reduce hyperemia;
  • reduce itching, burning;
  • promote healing.

Preference is given to medicines made on a plant basis.

La Cree cream contains herbal ingredients: avocado oil, olive oil, licorice extract, walnuts, and string.

It can be used in care from the first days of life, not only for medicinal purposes.

The most effective emulsion is La-Cree. It nourishes the baby’s dermis, restores the water-fat balance, and strengthens the protective functions of the skin.

You need to remember: any changes on the skin of an infant should not be ignored, and “sound the alarm” even if a single pimple appears.

Don't think that your baby's skin will be as smooth and velvety as in the postcard photo. Skin rashes and other irregularities are common in infants, but it is important to recognize when a rash is a sign of illness. If in doubt, be sure to show your child to the doctor.

A rash is a pathological element on the skin (or mucous membranes) that differs from normal skin in color, texture, and appearance. The rash may consist of blisters, spots, papules, blisters that appear on healthy skin, against a background of redness, or in place of old elements. All this is important for making the correct diagnosis.

Most newborns have white dots on their faces, which are called “miles.” This is completely normal and goes away within a few days.

Causes of the rash

A baby's skin is an extremely sensitive and delicate organ that reacts to literally everything. The causes of skin rashes in infants can be:
food allergies, including to what mom eats
drug rash
contact dermatitis
diaper dermatitis
atopic dermatitis
prickly heat
neonatal acne
infectious rash

Let's look at each type of rash.

Food allergies

Food allergies are a pink or red rash that resembles a nettle sting. Most often it appears on the cheeks and chin in the form of flaky spots, but it can also appear on the legs, stomach, back, and forearms. In case of particularly severe allergic poisoning or regular intake of the allergen, the rash takes the form of a scab and begins to weep.

If the baby is breastfed, the cause of the rash may be the mother's diet. Try to consistently exclude the following allergenic foods: red fish, whole milk, veal, citrus fruits, nuts, tomatoes.

Proteins included in formulas for artificial feeding can also cause a skin reaction. Complementary feeding that is started too early or incorrectly also has a dangerous allergic potential, so it is recommended to consult a pediatrician before.

Drug rash

It occurs as a side effect (not) after taking medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, etc.). Vitamin complexes, tablet shells, fluoride, iron, and many herbal preparations also provoke a rash. If you associate the appearance of a rash with some medicine, then the first thing you should do is stop taking it. If after this the rash does not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

Contact dermatitis

It looks like a small rash or chafing of the skin. Most often it occurs in response to washing powders enriched with fragrances and, especially, rinse aids. In addition, the materials used in children's clothing (especially wool and synthetic fibers) can also cause rashes.

Diaper dermatitis

With diaper dermatitis, symptoms (redness, blisters, peeling) appear on the skin exclusively in the diaper area. Its causes are prolonged contact of the skin with wet fabric or folds in diapers. This is not an allergy, so there is no need to use antiallergic drugs. The main principle of treating diaper dermatitis is proper care and timely diaper change. The ointments “Bepanten”, “Drapolen”, “D-panthenol”, “Boro-plus” have an excellent healing effect.

If diaper dermatitis is not treated, it may become associated with a bacterial infection. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Antibacterial ointments (for example, Baneocin), as well as antifungal agents as prescribed by a doctor, can be used for treatment.

Prickly heat

It can occur in a child of the first year of life at almost any time of the year; it looks like a small pink rash, slightly raised to the touch. Most often found in the neck and chest area. The reason is prolonged sweating of the skin, especially in warm weather. Quite often, prickly heat accompanies overheating and insufficient care. Miliaria is not contagious and in itself usually does not cause negative feelings in a child. When the temperature and care are normalized, prickly heat goes away. To speed up the process, regular baby powder works well.


It looks like a nettle burn and has many causes. In some children, it can occur under the influence of cold, heat, sun, or from strong excitement. Also, a hives-like rash can appear from a too-tight elastic band on clothing or when straps (car seats, backpacks, etc.) rub against each other.

If hives persist for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The basis for the treatment of urticaria is the use of antihistamines: Suprastin, Zyrtek, Fenistil, etc.). For severe itching, ointments with menthol and anesthesin can help. In severe cases, hormonal ointments are prescribed.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic disease. The reasons for it can be different: this is an incorrect menu for a nursing mother, and complementary foods introduced at the wrong time, and dysbacteriosis, and hereditary predisposition, and improper hygiene procedures, and the use of irritating cosmetics. Atopic dermatitis in an infant may begin with the appearance of a slight swelling on the forehead and cheeks. The skin on the arms and buttocks, then on the legs, also turns red and severely peels. After a while, small bubbles appear, and the baby is bothered by itching. In addition, the tonsils and adenoids may become enlarged.

The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. The main thing in the treatment of atopic dermatitis is to recognize and eliminate the allergen. Antihistamines are used to relieve symptoms. Ointments, herbal decoctions, as well as biological products and medicinal fermented milk products will help cope with dermatitis. Artificial babies are prescribed hypoallergenic soy-based nutrition. When breastfeeding, it is necessary to exclude allergens (honey, condensed milk, nuts, carrots, citrus fruits) from the mother's diet.

Neonatal acne

This type of rash is also known as neonatal acne. This rash affects about 20-30% of children in the first weeks and months of life; it looks like small, invisible pimples on the face, neck and scalp. Neonatal acne is not a contagious disease, it is harmless and does not require medication or other specific treatment. Pimples have no comedones - a clogged pore. They rarely fester and form pronounced foci of inflammation. Most often they look like changes in skin texture (in some cases they can only be detected by touch). Doctors associate their occurrence with the adjustment of the hormonal background of a newborn child, as well as with the colonization of the skin by certain types of yeast fungi, which are normally part of the microflora. In most cases, the disease goes away on its own within 1 to 3 months.

Infectious rash

It occurs as a symptom of infectious diseases and varies in appearance depending on the disease. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, and it is mainly aimed not at the rash, but at fighting the infection.

– roseola infantum (three-day fever). This infectious disease is also called “sudden exanthema.” It affects only children under 2 years of age; the causative agents are herpes viruses types 6 and 7. At the beginning of the disease, the child’s temperature rises strongly and inexplicably, which drops exactly on the third day. As the temperature drops, the baby suddenly becomes covered with a pink-red patchy rash. It goes away without a trace in 4-7 days. When the temperature rises, you can use paracetamol and ibuprofen.

- scarlet fever. A small, pinpoint rash of scarlet color appears on the neck, back and chest, gradually spreading to the entire body. As a rule, a rash is one of the first symptoms of scarlet fever, but in some cases it appears on the second day after infection. When infectious rashes spread, the face takes on a characteristic appearance - the nasolabial triangle remains white and stands out in contrast. The rash disappears quickly with antibiotics.

- chicken pox. Rash on the 1st-2nd day along with a high fever. First, a spot appears that turns into a blister, the blister bursts and an abscess forms, which heals and a crust forms. The rash affects the entire body at once (250-500 elements). A characteristic sign is the presence of a rash on the scalp. Chickenpox lasts 3-5 days, followed by normalization of temperature, the crusts disappear later.

- measles. With measles, the rash does not appear immediately, but on days 3-5 of high body temperature. The rash is very large, bright, papular, profuse. This disease is characterized by a certain sequence: first, protruding, flaming papules appear on the face and behind the ears, then on the body and arms, and lastly on the lower torso and legs. As a rule, a measles rash is not the first sign of the disease, and its appearance indicates that improvement has begun - as the rash stops spreading, the temperature drops and the patient is on the mend. In addition, the healing of the rash indicates that there is no danger of infection from contact with an ill child.

- rubella. The rash appears on the 3-4th day of fever, characterized by enlargement of the occipital lymph nodes. The rash is often small, localized on the face, torso, and limbs, but less clear than with measles. Keeps for 3-4 days.

– enteroviral infection “mouth-foot-palm”. The rash appears against the background of a mild illness affecting the oral mucosa. This intestinal infection is characterized by damage to the hands and feet.

The newborn’s body is very weak and undergoes a number of changes during the period of adaptation to new conditions. The appearance of a rash on the face of an infant is one of the signs of a restructuring of internal systems. But along with harmless, barely noticeable pimples, an infectious rash may appear that requires proper treatment.

Neonatal rash

In the first month of life, 20% of newborns develop a so-called neonatal rash, which manifests itself in the form of small pimples. If they are pink or reddish in color and are localized on the cheeks, then their cause lies in hormonal processes. As the hormonal balance normalizes, the rash in the newborn decreases and completely disappears by 2–3 months.

Neonatal rashes do not require treatment, as they characterize the process of adaptation of the body to new conditions and pass quickly.

30% of infants develop white pimples, more like wen or pustules. Their appearance is due to changes in the microflora of the skin and the introduction of yeast-like fungi and bacteria into the upper layers of the epithelium. Very soon the body will accept beneficial microorganisms, and will develop immunity to pathogenic ones, and the “pearl beads” on the baby’s face will disappear.

In some children, physiological pustules are invisible and appear only in the form of tubercles, which can be identified by touch.

Mild rash

Mild rashes are defined as pimples caused by improper care of the baby. They also do not require drug treatment and can be easily eliminated without medical assistance. The main reason is allergies to various types of irritants:

View Allergen Peculiarities
Food citruses, milk, fruits, chocolate, honey, etc. During the period of normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and the child’s body becoming accustomed to adult food during complementary feeding, an allergic reaction to food is quite natural. As a rule, it goes away by the age of one and a half years, if the newborn does not have a genetic tendency to allergies
Contact household chemicals, clothes Small pimples on the face occur when coming into contact with clothes, towels and toys that have been washed with the wrong powder or soap. The rash may also spread to the child's neck.
Inhalation pollen, dust, wool A rash on the face may appear as a result of inhaling an allergen. It often occurs in newborns whose parents suffer from allergies. But it is very difficult to identify an irritant before 3 years of age, since samples taken at an early age are uninformative
Prickly heat warm This is an allergic reaction to overheating, caused by the deficiency of the baby's sebaceous glands, so you should not walk for a long time in the heat. The pimples are small and practically do not bother the child. A similar reaction in the form of a small red rash on a baby’s face can also appear during long walks in the cold.

Allergic rashes are often confused with diathesis, which, in turn, can be caused not only by the mother eating the “wrong” foods or inappropriate milk formula, but also by disruptions of the nervous system and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. If the treatment of allergies involves eliminating the allergen, then with diathesis, not everything is simple. When pimples on the face are accompanied by colic and problems with stool, the baby suffers from diathesis due to dysbiosis. If not properly cared for, red spots can develop into weeping ulcers that require medical intervention.

Infectious rash

Against the background of weak immunity, a rash in an infant can only be a symptom of a developing infectious disease. But the inflammatory process in a baby can be determined very quickly by pronounced catarrhal signs: fever, anxiety, general deterioration in health, lack of appetite and indigestion. Pimples appear only on the second or third day of the disease, and therefore are not the primary symptom. Most often, infectious pimples on the face and rashes on the neck of a child occur due to rubella, smallpox, roseola, measles and scarlet fever.

Treatment and prevention

So, if rashes appear, but the child behaves calmly, then there is no need to run to the clinic. Moreover, there is no need to wipe the child’s face with all kinds of alcohol-containing solutions and creams. On the contrary, you need to stop using household chemicals, and wash your newborn’s bed linen and towel with laundry soap. The best way to get rid of a rash is not to touch it, but also not to forget about hygiene. Every day you need to bathe the baby, and wash your face with a decoction of string or chamomile.

It is necessary to trim your child’s nails in a timely manner, as he can easily scratch pimples and cause infection.

Maintaining hygiene and taking air baths will help prevent rashes. You also need to ensure that the baby’s room has comfortable conditions: cleanliness, temperature +20-23°C and humidity no more than 70%. If you suspect that an allergy is to blame, then you need to try to identify the allergen. To do this, you need to wipe the dust every day, refuse to walk if there is a cold wind or heat outside, and also exclude one product from your diet every 3 days. During this time, it becomes noticeable whether the rash in the infant has decreased or not, and it will be clear what caused the allergy.

Rashes can be caused by a number of different reasons, ranging from common allergies to infectious diseases. Therefore, each case requires an individual approach and a specific treatment regimen. It is necessary to start therapy only after a preliminary examination and consultation with a pediatrician or dermatologist. Otherwise, the situation can only get worse and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Consider what can cause rashes on the face and body in children.

Neonatal infantile pustulosis

Acne, hormonal rash, milia or bloom - the appearance on the facial skin of pustules (small formations up to 5 mm in size, inside which there is a viscous yellowish or white liquid) in a newborn at the age of one month. Subsequently, such pimples can merge and even move to other parts of the body (head, neck, shoulders).

Such a rash occurs as a result of the restructuring of the child’s body (the process of release from maternal hormones received during intrauterine development), and therefore is completely natural.

Pustulosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • reddish pimples with purulent contents or a small red rash appear on the skin of the face;
  • they do not bother the baby because they do not cause pain or itching.

Treatment of pustulosis in a newborn is not required, since in most cases, pimples go away on their own within 1-2 months (as soon as maternal hormones leave the child’s body).

Under no circumstances should you treat them with cream, ointment, or alcohol-containing solution, as they will not help get rid of them and will only harm the baby’s sensitive skin. Also, a mother’s strict diet will not help if the baby is breastfed.


This pathology occurs as a result of a malfunction of the sweat glands. At the same time, secondary infections can join irritated areas of the skin, causing the appearance of blisters and pustules.

The causes of prickly heat are the following factors:

  • heat indoors or outdoors (high temperatures contribute to excessive sweat production, which in turn has an irritating effect on the baby’s skin);
  • clothing that does not correspond to the air temperature (some parents, fearing that the baby will catch a cold, begin to wrap him in several diapers and put on a lot of clothes);
  • blockage of the excretory ducts of the sweat glands;
  • applying various oils to the skin, excessive use of children's cosmetics;
  • insufficient care (rare bathing);
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.

Pathology often occurs in premature babies.

  • the appearance of a small rash (up to 4 mm) on the face, scalp, neck, behind the ears, and then throughout the body;
  • enlargement of the parotid and occipital lymph nodes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • redness of the oral mucosa.

Thanks to vaccination, rubella is rare. If infection occurs, then no special treatment is required, as the symptoms go away on their own within 5 days. Only the use of antipyretic and antihistamine drugs is permissible.

After recovery, the body develops strong immunity.


This is a highly contagious viral disease, characterized by the appearance of a maculopapular rash on the skin, conjunctivitis, an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, and inflammation of the oral mucosa. The causative agent of the disease is an RNA virus that is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one during sneezing or coughing. Measles affects children aged 2-5 years. Newborns up to 3 months are protected by immunity, passed on to them from their mother, who had previously had it.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • rise in body temperature to 40 degrees;
  • runny nose, sneezing, dry cough, hoarseness;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • red spots on the sky;
  • the appearance on the 2nd day in the area of ​​the painters on the mucous membrane of the cheeks of small white spots surrounded by a reddish border;
  • on the 4th day, a small rash appears on the face, behind the ears, neck, then on the torso, fingers, bends of the legs, arms, prone to merging.

There are no drugs to treat the infection. The child may be prescribed antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant drugs, and antispasmodics.

A common and highly contagious viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Infection of a child can also occur in utero from a mother who did not have the infection and became infected during pregnancy. The causative agent of chickenpox is Varicella zoster.

Chicken pox progresses differently in children. In most cases, the child tolerates the disease easily, his general condition does not worsen and isolated elements of the rash are observed. But due to the immaturity of the immune system, some children have a hard time with chickenpox with an increase in body temperature, numerous rashes, severe itching, and deterioration in health. The disease is also severe in newborns who become infected with the virus in utero.

Characteristic symptom of chickenpox- blistering rash. First, red spots appear, which after a few hours are filled with clear liquid. After a day, the bubbles darken and wrinkle, then become crusty. After a week, the crusts fall off, leaving no traces.

Along with the appearance of the rash, the child’s general condition worsens, he becomes capricious, refuses to eat, and there is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees.

Treatment of chickenpox mild is not required. The child is prescribed antipyretic and antihistamine drugs. In severe cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital, where drugs that have a detrimental effect on the virus are used.

It is important to prevent your child from scratching the rash, otherwise this can lead to infection or scarring. In this case, it is recommended that children wear special gloves, and older children should cut their nails short.

It is necessary to change bed linen daily and avoid overheating the child (this increases the itching). It is recommended to treat each new pimple with brilliant green. This is not done for treatment, but to detect the appearance of a new bubble. The child becomes non-contagious 5 days after the last pimple appears.

After an illness, a strong immunity is formed in the body.

A rash on a child’s face is a serious reason to see a doctor. Each pathology or infection has different causes and symptoms, and therefore requires special treatment.

Views: 2669 .


The skin of a newly born baby is exposed to a variety of factors in a new environment, significantly different from the comfortable womb of the mother, where he stayed and developed for 9 long months.

Most changes in the skin of a newborn baby in the first month of life are temporary. Small pimples on baby's face occur quite often in the first few weeks and then disappear without a trace. Such a physiological rash is normal and does not require specific treatment. But still, showing a child with a rash to a pediatrician will not be superfluous, especially if the pimples cause anxiety and discomfort to the baby.

Pimples on the face of a newborn baby can be caused by hereditary factors, infectious diseases (for example, molluscum contagiosum), or an allergic reaction. , hormonal disorders. An examination by a specialist, as well as the necessary tests, will help you start treatment on time and quickly stop the development of the disease.


Let's consider the reasons that cause the appearance of a rash on a baby's face and get acquainted with the treatment options for the disease in each specific case:

Milia (closed comedones). Photo

Dotted yellowish or white papules that appear on the baby's face individually or in small groups. Such pimples are typical for many infants. Since the openings of the sebaceous ducts in immature glands form gradually, small blockages form;

There is no treatment for such acne on the skin, and as the glands mature, they disappear.

Small rashes on the face of a newborn due to an allergic reaction.

The most common reasons: the entry of allergens into the body through breast milk, as well as external irritants (particles of laundry detergents, shampoos, creams, wool, bedding).

Characteristic signs - red pimples on the face , redness on the skin, itching.

Symptoms disappear within a few days after the cause of the baby's allergy is eliminated;

Hormonal rashes. Photo

They usually appear on the baby’s face during the first 2 weeks after the baby’s birth. If during pregnancy there was an increased level of the hormone estrol in the mother’s body, then small red pimples may appear on the cheeks of the newborn baby, sometimes spreading to the back and neck. Often a small abscess forms in the center of the pimple.

No special treatment is required, since the rash will disappear once the hormonal balance is equalized. But you can lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with a special baby cream if the child is bothered by itching;

Prickly heat. Photo

Small red pimples first appear in the cervical folds the baby's skin and can then spread to the baby's face.

Elimination of the disease: normalize the humidity in the room, pay more attention to hygiene procedures (regularly wipe the folds of the child’s skin with sanitary tampons or napkins);

Dysbacteriosis (diathesis).

In the first months of a child's life, the intestinal microflora gradually forms. If the number of pathogenic microorganisms exceeds the norm, dysbacteriosis develops and along with other symptoms of the disease (bloating, intestinal colic, problems with stool), rashes and redness may appear on the baby’s face;

Skin rashes caused by changing climatic conditions.

Sudden changes in atmospheric temperature or pressure, moving to another country can provoke the appearance of pimples on the face, head, and other parts of the body of a newborn baby;

Cold allergy. Photo

Some babies may be allergic to cold . The main symptom is rashes on the cheeks after a walk in the cold season. To prevent pimples from appearing, apply a special protective cream to your child's skin.


How to prevent the appearance of rashes on the baby’s skin and eliminate the causes if pimples do pop up on the face?

To prevent allergic rashes, eliminate foods from your diet that can cause allergens to appear in breast milk. If allergic pimples continue to appear, be sure to visit a pediatric allergist to eliminate the provoking factor. If necessary, the pediatrician will prescribe antihistamines suitable for the baby;

Wash off the detergents that you use while bathing your baby from the skin very carefully, as residues can cause irritation to the skin. The bathing products themselves must be suitable for the child’s delicate and sensitive skin and be hypoallergenic;

pimples can be treated with a swab containing manganese solution so that they dry out faster and disappear without a trace;

Remove food debris from your baby's cheeks very carefully. If there is a rash on the baby’s face, then strong friction in the area of ​​inflammation can lead to the penetration of microbes through the affected pimples;

Treating an infectious rash at home without consulting a specialist poses a danger to the baby’s health! Antiviral or antibacterial drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor!
