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Territorial zones and functional zones. Types and composition of territorial zones

Territorial zones of the Russian Federation are areas that are united by the possibility of developing certain objects. Within their limits, the permitted use regimes established by laws and other regulations apply. Territorial zones of settlements in which a large number of people live are called multifunctional. They house warehouse and industrial facilities, public and business buildings and engineering infrastructure.


It is carried out depending on the purpose. Thus, territorial zones are distinguished:

  1. Residential development.
  2. Production.
  3. Public and business purposes.
  4. Transport and engineering infrastructure.
  5. Recreation.
  6. Agricultural use.
  7. Special purpose.
  8. For the placement of military facilities.

Each category has its own designation on general plans and diagrams. In addition to the above list, other types of territorial zones may be established depending on local conditions. The designation of similar areas within each of them may vary. Territorial zones may include streets, roads, embankments, driveways, boulevards, squares, ponds and other objects. Within their boundaries there may also be areas where special urban planning regulations and use restrictions apply.

Residential development

Such territorial zones are used to locate structures of various heights. There may be apartment or individual houses here. Territorial zones of land for residential development may include separate objects of cultural, everyday and social services for citizens, religious buildings, parking lots for vehicles, utility, warehouse, and industrial buildings, the operation of which does not have a negative impact on the environment.


The territorial zone of a land plot intended for residential construction can be identified on general plans and diagrams as follows:

  1. Collective gardening – G1.
  2. Low-rise cottage-type buildings, blocked or detached individual houses - Zh2.
  3. Mixed low-rise buildings – Zh3.
  4. Mid-rise buildings – Zh4.
  5. Buildings of 9 or more floors - Zh5.


Public and business territorial zones are used to locate objects:

Residential buildings, hotels, multi-storey or underground garages can be located within the ODZ. In the general plans, the territorial zone of a land plot for the placement of public and business facilities has the following designations:

  1. D – all of the above types of development including residential buildings, engineering infrastructure associated with their maintenance.
  2. D1 – multifunctional complexes.
  3. D2 – healthcare facilities, secondary and higher vocational education, culture, administrative and research centers, religious buildings.
  4. D3 – multifunctional public and business development in newly formed territories.
  5. DI - all types of objects specified in the list, including structures for water transport, residential buildings and the infrastructure serving them.
  6. Railway – public and business development with the placement of residential areas.

Production location

Industrial territorial zones are used to locate warehouses, utilities, transport and infrastructure facilities that ensure the functioning of enterprises. Owners of production facilities carry out landscaping at their own expense. Sanitary protection zones are established in industrial areas. They are not allowed to house preschool and general education institutions, residential buildings, healthcare facilities, physical education and health centers, sports complexes, vegetable gardens, country houses, horticultural cooperatives and enterprises producing agricultural products. On the general plans, industrial territorial zones are designated:

Additional categories

Production zones include subzones:

  1. P1. Industrial enterprises of hazard class I are located here. In these territories, the development of related and auxiliary industries and organizations of a lower level of danger is allowed.
  2. P2. Within this subzone, enterprises of hazard class II are located.
  3. P3. Organizations belonging to hazard class III are located here.
  4. P4. IV class enterprises are located within the boundaries of this subzone. harmfulness.
  5. P5. In this territory there are organizations of hazard class V, including those that do not have sanitary protection zones.
  6. P6. Utility and storage facilities are located on this territory. These include freight stations, trading/vegetable depots and other facilities.

Within zones P3-P6, it is allowed to locate organizations whose work relates to the production activity being created or carried out. Business institutions usually form the SPZ sector between the sources of industrial emissions and the beginning of the residential area. The areas of sanitary protection zones for enterprises of classes I-II may be changed in accordance with the decision of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of Russia or his deputy, for production facilities of classes III-V. - by decision of the head physician of the subject or a person authorized by him.

Transport and engineering infrastructure

These territorial zones are used for the placement and operation of structures and communications for road, rail, sea, river, pipeline, air transport and communications, as well as service equipment. A prerequisite for the location of objects is the observance of certain distances between them and residential areas, recreational and public-business complexes, as well as other requirements aimed at preventing negative impacts on the environment. If objects act as sources of danger or harmful effects on the health of citizens, they are transferred beyond the boundaries of the territorial zones of residential development. Improvement of areas intended for the placement of transport and engineering infrastructure facilities is carried out by their owners. The responsibilities of the subjects also include the creation of sanitary protection zones.

Recreational facilities

They are located in the appropriate territories. Within their boundaries there are gardens, parks, an urban forest, beaches and other facilities used for recreation of citizens. Recreational zones may also include valuable and specially protected natural complexes. Within their boundaries, the construction and expansion of functioning warehouse, utility and production facilities is prohibited. Exceptions are structures used to ensure the operation of health and recreational complexes. On general plans, such zones may be indicated:

Agricultural areas

Within the boundaries of the city and rural areas, there are arable lands, vineyards, orchards, pastures, vegetable gardens, as well as territories occupied by agricultural structures, structures, and buildings. Agricultural activities can be carried out on these areas until the category of their use is changed in accordance with the development rules and the general plan. Zones may have the following designations:

  1. C – agricultural land, greenhouses, nurseries, agricultural production facilities. Engineering and social infrastructure may also be located here.
  2. C1 – greenhouses, nurseries, agricultural land.
  3. C2 – agricultural production facilities, including utilities, social infrastructure.
  4. C3 – summer cottage farming and gardening.

Water areas

International legal acts define the concept of a zone of territorial waters. The key provisions regulating the water area are established in the 1958 UN Convention. In accordance with the document, a distance of 12 miles (22.2 km) is allocated, measured from the line of maximum low tide - the territorial sea - the adjacent zone to the continental part of the state. In Russia its width is set at 12 miles. About 30 countries adhere to the previous 3 mile limit. The entire area of ​​the territorial sea, its subsoil and bottom, and the airspace above it belong to the coastal state. At the same time, according to the Convention, the right to peaceful passage of foreign ships in this water area is recognized. This provision is a compromise solution to the issue of state sovereignty and the interests of international navigation. The passage will be considered peaceful if the security and good order of the coastal country are not disturbed. The movement of ships of foreign countries must be carried out continuously and quickly. When passing, ships are required to comply with the rules of the coastal country established in accordance with international regulations.


The Russian Federation provides for territorial development zones, the formation of which is regulated by federal legislation. The definition of ZTR is established in paragraph 1 of Art. 2 Federal Law No. 392. It is a part of the territory of a region of the country in which residents are provided with government support measures. ZTR are formed to accelerate the development of the corresponding region in social and economic terms. Creating favorable conditions is aimed at attracting investment. Territorial economic zones are formed within one municipality. It is allowed to create ZTR in several municipalities if they act as urban districts or administrative districts. At the same time, municipalities can border each other, but must be located in the same region. ZTR lines are determined by the boundaries of the municipalities in which they are located.

Functional zoning

It is carried out to ensure the rational formation of the spatial and planning structure of the area. The establishment of functional zones greatly helps to prevent the negative impact of production factors existing in the territory on the health of the population. The following terrain categories are distinguished:

  1. Residential. It is intended to accommodate residential areas, green spaces, and community centers.
  2. Industrial. Manufacturing enterprises are located within its boundaries.
  3. Communal and warehouse. It is intended for depots, garages, cargo storage areas and other similar facilities.
  4. Recreational. There are parks, beaches and other places for short-term recreation for citizens.

Also within the settlement, an external transport zone is provided for freight and passenger stations, piers, and so on. In addition, areas located outside the development boundaries are provided within the city limits. There are tree nurseries, farmsteads, cemeteries, as well as reserve areas that are temporarily used for various purposes. All areas that belong to the city are limited to the boundaries of the settlement.


In large populated areas, a special zone is formed in the territories adjacent to them. The suburb is necessary to ensure the further development of the city. Mainly commercial service facilities are located here. A suburb can influence the microclimate of a locality. On its territory there can be fruit and vegetable depots, farms and other agricultural facilities that provide citizens with food. The suburb is also a holiday destination. Children's camps, summer cottages, sanatoriums, and boarding houses are often located here. In addition, utility facilities and processing plants are located in the suburbs. There is a forest park belt in all suburban areas. In accordance with the profile of the city, other areas may be allocated in the structure. For example, in populated areas with a scientific focus, a zone of research institutes, universities, and design bureaus is provided. In large urban settlements, residential and industrial areas are allocated. The latter essentially combines municipal-warehouse and industrial zones. Proper site planning is of particular importance. All zones should be located taking into account territorial development, the need and possibility of creating sanitary protection zones and gaps between residential areas and industrial facilities.

Zoning of territories of urban and rural settlements. Types of territorial zones. Urban planning documentation

Zoning of territories of settlements. Types of territorial zones.

According to Art. 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, lands of settlements are included in the composition of lands in the Russian Federation.

Lands of settlements lands used and intended for construction and development of human settlements are recognized.

According to Art. 85 Land Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 35 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the composition of the lands of settlements may include land plots, classified in accordance with urban planning regulations to the following territorial zones:

    1. residential;
    2. social and business;
    3. production;
    4. engineering and transport infrastructures;
    5. recreational;
    6. agricultural use;
    7. special purpose;
    8. military facilities;
    9. other territorial zones.

Land plots within residential zones are intended for development with residential buildings, as well as cultural, community and other facilities. Residential zones can be intended for individual residential development, low-rise mixed residential development, mid-rise mixed residential development and multi-storey residential development, as well as other types of development in accordance with urban planning regulations.

Composition of residential areas

Residential areas may include:

    1. development zones with individual residential buildings;
    2. development zones with low-rise residential buildings;
    3. development zones with mid-rise residential buildings;
    4. development zones with multi-storey residential buildings;
    5. residential areas of other types.

In residential areas, it is allowed to place free-standing, built-in or attached facilities for social and public utility purposes, healthcare facilities, preschool, primary and secondary general education facilities, religious buildings, parking lots, garages, facilities related to the residence of citizens and not providing services. negative impact on the environment. Residential zones may also include areas intended for gardening and summer cottage farming.

Land plots as part of public and business zones are intended for the development of administrative buildings, educational, cultural, social, and other facilities intended for public use in accordance with urban planning regulations.

Composition of public and business zones

Public and business zones may include:

    1. zones for business, public and commercial purposes;
    2. zones for the placement of social and public utility facilities;
    3. service areas for facilities necessary for production and business activities;
    4. public and business zones of other types.

Public and business zones are intended to accommodate healthcare, cultural, trade, public catering, social and public utility facilities, business activities, secondary vocational and higher education facilities, administrative, research institutions, religious buildings, parking lots, business facilities , financial purposes, and other objects related to ensuring the livelihoods of citizens.

The list of capital construction projects permitted for placement in public and business zones may include residential buildings, hotels, underground or multi-story garages.

Land plots within production zones are intended for development with industrial, utility, warehouse, and other production facilities intended for these purposes in accordance with urban planning regulations.

Composition of production zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones

Production zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones may include:

    1. communal zones - zones for the placement of communal and warehouse facilities, housing and communal services facilities, transport facilities, wholesale trade facilities;
    2. production zones - zones where production facilities are located with different environmental impact standards;
    3. other types of production, engineering and transport infrastructure.

Production zones, zones of engineering and transport infrastructures are intended for the placement of industrial, municipal and warehouse facilities, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, including structures and communications of railway, road, river, sea, air and pipeline transport, communications, as well as for the establishment of sanitary -protection zones of such objects in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations.

Land plots as part of engineering and transport infrastructure zones are intended for construction of railway, road, river, sea, air and pipeline transport, communications, engineering infrastructure, as well as other facilities in accordance with urban planning regulations.

Land plots within recreational zones, including land plots occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, are used for recreation and tourism.

Within the boundaries of populated areas, zones of specially protected territories may be allocated, which include land plots that have special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other particularly valuable significance.

Composition of recreational zones

Recreational zones may include zones within the boundaries of territories occupied by urban forests, squares, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, beaches, coastal stripes of public water bodies, as well as within the boundaries of other territories used and intended for recreation , tourism, physical education and sports.

Land plots within agricultural use zones in populated areas - land plots occupied by arable land, perennial plantings, as well as buildings, structures, structures for agricultural purposes - are used for the purpose of conducting agricultural production until the type of their use changes in accordance with the general plans of populated areas and the rules of land use and development.

Composition of agricultural use zones

Agricultural use zones may include:

    1. zones of agricultural land - arable lands, hayfields, pastures, fallow lands, lands occupied by perennial plantings (orchards, vineyards and others);
    2. zones occupied by agricultural objects and intended for farming, dacha farming, gardening, personal subsidiary plots, and development of agricultural objects.

Territorial zones established within the boundaries of populated areas may include zones of agricultural use (including zones of agricultural land), as well as zones occupied by agricultural facilities and intended for agriculture, dacha farming, gardening, and development of agricultural facilities.

Public land plots occupied by squares, streets, driveways, highways, embankments, squares, boulevards, water bodies, beaches and other objects, may be included in various territorial zones and are not subject to privatization.

The boundaries of territorial zones must meet the requirements that each land plot belongs to only one zone.

Territorial zones may include zones of specially protected territories containing land plots of special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other particularly valuable significance.

Included in special purpose zones may include zones occupied by cemeteries, crematoria, cattle burial grounds, consumer waste disposal facilities and other objects, the placement of which can only be ensured by allocating these zones and is unacceptable in other territorial zones.

Territorial zones may include areas for military installations and other special purpose zones.

Urban planning documentation

See Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2002 N 150 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, examination and approval of urban planning documentation”

The main urban planning documentation includes:

    1. land use and development rules;
    2. town planning regulations.

Land use and development rules (Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - a document of urban planning zoning, which is approved by regulatory legal acts of local governments, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and which establishes territorial zones, urban planning regulations, procedures application of such a document and the procedure for making changes to it.

The land use and development rules establish urban planning regulations for each territorial zone individually, taking into account the characteristics of its location and development, as well as the possibility of territorial combination of various types of land use (residential, public business, industrial, recreational and other types of land use).

Town planning regulations (Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - established within the boundaries of the corresponding territorial zone

Territorial zones

Territorial zones are created on the basis of the functional zones of the master plan; territorial zones specify functional zones, detail and clarify them. Consequently, it is allowed that their boundaries do not correspond to each other.

Each territorial zone has its own urban planning regulations; both the zone and the regulations are marked with the appropriate alphanumeric code.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation established several territorial zones:

Social and business;

Production areas;

Engineering and transport infrastructure zones;

Agricultural use zones;

Recreational areas;

Zones of specially protected areas;

Special purpose zones;

Zones for the deployment of military facilities (Part 1 of Article 35 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

When preparing land use and development rules, it is allowed to create other territorial zones, allocated taking into account the functional zones and features of the use of land plots and capital construction projects (Part 1, 15 of Article 35 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

Briefly, Article 35 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Article 85 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation define objects that can be located in a particular zone. In particular, in residential areas it is allowed to place free-standing, built-in or attached facilities for social and public utility purposes, healthcare facilities, preschool, primary general and secondary (complete) general education facilities, religious buildings, parking lots for vehicles, garages, and related facilities. housing citizens and not having a negative impact on the environment. Residential zones may also include territories intended for gardening and summer cottage farming (Part 3 of Article 35 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

Each zone can be divided into varieties depending on the specifics of the territory. Varieties, for example, of a residential area can be as follows:

Zh-1. Zone of low-rise buildings with individual houses.

Zh-2. Zone of low-rise mixed residential development.

Zh-3. Mid-rise residential area with 3-6 floors.

Zh-4. Area of ​​multi-storey residential development 5-16 floors.

Zh-5. Area of ​​planned housing.

The town planning regulations written for the Zh-4 zone will be the same for all such zones, no matter where they are located on the territory of the municipality. If there is a need in a specific place to change the regulations, add (or remove) one point of permitted use, then another zone is created - Zh-6. It is also possible to establish subzones, but this is in cases where the types of permitted use remain unchanged and only the maximum sizes of land plots and the maximum parameters of permitted construction change (Part 3 of Article 38 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

Zones with special conditions for the use of the territory - security, sanitary protection zones, zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, water protection zones, zones for the protection of drinking water supply sources, zones of protected objects, other zones established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation . Their display is mandatory in the development rules.

However, they can be displayed on special maps, that is, not on the urban zoning map. This was done for better visual perception of information in cases where there are a lot of zones with special conditions for the use of the territory and their boundaries overlap each other and create confusion in the image. For example, on one map you can display only sanitary protection zones, if there are a lot of enterprises, or only zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (in historical settlements).

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that zones with special conditions for the use of the territory are displayed on maps of land use and development rules. In other words, already existing zones approved in the prescribed manner are recorded. The development rules themselves do not establish such zones. And if, for example, a historical and cultural monument does not have a protection zone approved by the authorities, but has a developed project, then this zone is not subject to display and the monument remains without proper protection; urban planning regulations can be established without taking into account the value of the monument.

Another case. The sanitary protection zone of an enterprise can be specially designed (calculated) for it, taking into account the volume of production, the technologies used, etc. If this is not the case, then the universal zone defined by SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1200-03 “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects” is applied. In the development rules (as well as in the master plan of the municipality) It is impossible to calculate the sanitary protection zones of enterprises; for this it is necessary to prepare a special project.

Thus, the land use and development rules do not independently establish, design or create anything (in relation to zones with special conditions for the use of the territory), except for urban planning regulations written taking into account such zones.

Town planning regulations, as stated in Part 1 of Art. 36 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, determines the legal regime of land plots, as well as everything that is located above and below the surface of land plots and is used in the process of their development and subsequent operation of capital construction projects.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation defines the conditions for establishing town planning regulations, exceptions in their distribution (action), the content of the regulations and other similar issues.

It is important to understand the mechanism of action of urban planning regulations, because the establishment (and entry into force) of regulations directly affects the rights of property owners, the value of this property, as well as investment and construction processes already carried out and planned.

For each land plot and other property, the permitted use is one that complies with the town planning regulations.

Land plots or capital construction projects, types of permitted use, the maximum dimensions and limit parameters of which do not comply with the urban planning regulations, can be used without setting a deadline for bringing them into compliance with the urban planning regulations, except in cases where the use of such land plots and capital construction projects is dangerous for human life or health, for the environment, cultural heritage sites.

1. As a result of urban planning zoning, residential, public, business, industrial zones, zones of engineering and transport infrastructure, zones of agricultural use, recreational zones, zones of specially protected territories, special purpose zones, zones of military installations and other types of territorial zones can be determined.

2. Residential zones may include:

1) zones of development of individual residential buildings;

2) zones of development of individual residential buildings and low-rise residential buildings of blocked development;

3) zones of construction with mid-rise residential buildings of blocked development and apartment buildings;

(as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

4) development zones with multi-storey apartment buildings;

(as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

5) residential areas of other types.

3. In residential areas it is allowed to place free-standing, built-in or attached facilities for social and public utility purposes, healthcare facilities, preschool, primary and secondary general education facilities, religious buildings, parking lots, garages, facilities related to the residence of citizens and not having a negative impact on the environment. Residential zones may also include areas intended for gardening.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ, dated July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ)

4. The composition of public and business zones may include:

1) zones for business, public and commercial purposes;

2) zones for the placement of social and public utility facilities;

3) service areas for facilities necessary for production and business activities;

4) public and business zones of other types.

5. Public and business zones are intended for the placement of healthcare facilities, culture, trade, public catering, social and municipal purposes, business activities, secondary vocational and higher education facilities, administrative, research institutions, religious buildings, parking lots, objects for business, financial purposes, and other objects related to ensuring the livelihoods of citizens.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

6. The list of capital construction projects permitted for placement in public and business zones may include residential buildings, residential buildings of blocked development, apartment buildings, hotels, underground or multi-story garages.

(as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

7. Production zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones may include:

1) communal zones - zones for the placement of communal and warehouse facilities, housing and communal services facilities, transport facilities, wholesale trade facilities;

2) production zones - zones where production facilities are located with different environmental impact standards;

3) other types of production, engineering and transport infrastructure.

8. Production zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones are intended for the placement of industrial, municipal and warehouse facilities, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities, including structures and communications of railway, road, river, sea, air and pipeline transport, communications, as well as for establishing sanitary protection zones for such facilities in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations.

9. Agricultural use zones may include:

1) zones of agricultural land - arable lands, hayfields, pastures, fallow lands, lands occupied by perennial plantings (orchards, vineyards and others);

2) zones occupied by agricultural objects and intended for agriculture, horticulture and gardening, personal subsidiary plots, and the development of agricultural objects.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ)

10. The composition of territorial zones established within the boundaries of populated areas may include zones of agricultural use (including zones of agricultural land), as well as zones occupied by agricultural facilities and intended for agriculture, horticulture and truck farming, development of agricultural facilities .

(as amended by Federal Laws dated December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ, dated July 29, 2017 N 217-FZ)

11. Recreational zones may include zones within the boundaries of territories occupied by urban forests, public gardens, parks, city gardens, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, beaches, coastal stripes of public water bodies, as well as within the boundaries of other territories used and intended for recreation, tourism, physical education and sports.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 19, 2011 N 246-FZ)

12. Territorial zones may include zones of specially protected areas. Zones of specially protected areas may include land plots that have special environmental, scientific, historical, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health and other particularly valuable significance.

13. Special-purpose zones may include zones occupied by cemeteries, crematoria, cattle burial grounds, facilities used for the disposal of solid municipal waste, and other objects, the placement of which can only be ensured by allocating these zones and is unacceptable in other territorial zones.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 N 458-FZ)

14. Territorial zones may include areas for military installations and other special-purpose zones.

15. In addition to those provided for in this article, the local government body may establish other types of territorial zones, allocated taking into account functional zones and the characteristics of the use of land plots and capital construction projects.

Town Planning Code (GrK) of the Russian Federation specializes in regulating urban planning activities aimed at developing urban areas, various settlements and individual (related to these works, services) relations. Helps ensure sustainable development of territories based on territorial planning and urban zoning. Controls the balance of taking into account economic, environmental, social, etc. factors when carrying out urban planning work. Proclaims the provision of persons with disabilities with appropriate conditions for their unhindered access to objects for various purposes. Raises issues such as the participation of people and their associations in the implementation of urban planning, ensuring the freedom of such participation, the responsibility of government bodies of our country, government agencies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments for ensuring decent living conditions for people, etc.

Urban planning zoning of settlement territories;

Article 35 (town planning code) of the Russian Federation Master plans for urban and rural settlements

1. General plan - urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories of urban and rural settlements. The master plan is developed in accordance with duly approved urban planning documentation at the federal level and the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The master plan is the main urban planning document that determines, in the interests of the population and the state, the conditions for the formation of the living environment, the directions and boundaries of the development of territories of urban and rural settlements, zoning of territories, the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure, urban planning requirements for the preservation of historical and cultural heritage sites and especially protected natural areas, environmental and sanitary well-being.

2. The master plan of an urban or rural settlement determines:

the main directions of development of the territory of the settlement, taking into account the characteristics of socio-economic development, natural and climatic conditions, the population of an urban or rural settlement;

zones of various functional purposes and restrictions on the use of the territories of these zones;

measures to protect the territory of an urban or rural settlement from the impact of natural and man-made emergencies, the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures;

Master plans for urban and rural settlements contain proposals for establishing the boundaries of settlements, as well as for providing resources for the comprehensive development of settlement territories.

3. The general plan of the city and its suburban area can be developed as a single document based on the conclusion of an agreement between local governments of adjacent territories.

4. The general plan of a city with a population of up to fifty thousand people and the general plan of a rural settlement can be developed together with a project for planning the territories of these settlements as a single document.

5. When developing a master plan for a historical settlement, the historical and architectural supporting plan of such a settlement and projects for protection zones for historical and cultural monuments are taken into account.

6. Master plans for urban and rural settlements are developed and approved by local government bodies of the relevant settlements in the manner established by this Code.

The master plan of the city and its suburban area is approved by the government authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the manner established by this Code.

7. The master plan of an urban or rural settlement, before its approval, is subject to publication and agreement with interested federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental assessment, as well as with interested organizations and the population ( Articles 18 and 28 of this Code).

In the assignment for the development of a master plan for an urban or rural settlement, in order to take into account state interests, a list of federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is determined, in agreement with which this master plan is developed and approved.

Urban planning zoning as “...zoning of territories of municipalities for the purpose of determining territorial zones and establishing urban planning regulations.”

Urban planning regulations are those established within the boundaries of the corresponding territorial zones: 1) types of permitted use of land plots and other real estate; 2) maximum sizes of land plots; 3) limit parameters of permitted construction and reconstruction; 4) restrictions on the use of land plots and capital construction projects.

Territorial zoning. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 1 defines zoning as the division of territory into zones in urban planning for the development of territories and settlements with the definition of types of urban planning use of established zones and restrictions on their use. Zoning is carried out through legal zoning - activities of local governments in the field of development and implementation of rules for the development of territories of urban and rural settlements and other municipalities.
According to paragraph 2 of Art. 35 of the Town Planning Code, the master plan of an urban or rural settlement defines zones of various functional purposes and restrictions on the use of the territories of these zones. Information on zoning of territories and town planning regulations of territorial zones is included in the state town planning cadastre (clause 5 of article 54 of the Town Planning Code).
Zoning of territories of settlements determines permitted use of land plots and other real estate objects in urban planning, i.e. use of real estate in accordance with urban planning regulations and restrictions on the use of these objects, as well as easements.
Zoning of territories of settlements has two main distinctive features. Firstly, it is associated with urban planning activities. And secondly, the zoning process regulates the construction and use of real estate as an interconnected complex of buildings, structures, structures and the land on which they are located. Thus, territorial zoning -activity relevant authorities in the field of planning urban development activities for the integrated regulation of the creation and use of real estate and the use of land by dividing the territories of settlements into appropriate zones.

In Art. 40-48 of the Town Planning Code are defined types of territorial zones and the main provisions of their legal regime.
Thus, in the territories of urban and rural settlements the following types of territorial zones can be established: residential; public and business; production; engineering and transport infrastructure; recreational; agricultural use; special purpose; military facilities, other zones of restricted areas. In addition, local governments of urban and rural settlements, in accordance with local conditions, can establish other territorial zones, as well as include land plots and other real estate in them.
In territorial zones there may be subzones, the features of the use of territories are determined by urban planning regulations, taking into account the restrictions established by the land legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the natural environment, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of historical and cultural monuments, and other legislation of the Russian Federation. Territorial zones may include public areas occupied by squares, streets, driveways, roads, embankments, squares, boulevards, ponds and other objects. Public areas in urban and rural settlements are intended to satisfy the public interests of the population. The procedure for using such territories is determined by local governments.
According to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art. 39 of the Town Planning Code, the boundaries of territorial zones are determined taking into account red lines, natural boundaries of natural objects, boundaries of land plots and other boundaries. The legal regime established for each territorial zone by the town planning regulations applies equally to all land plots and other real estate located in it. In territorial zones, within the boundaries of which urban planning activities are subject to special regulation, additional requirements may be established for individual real estate objects.
Setting limits. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 37 Town Planning Code restrictions restrictions on the use of territories for urban development activities are also established in the following zones:
zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, historical and cultural complexes and objects, protected areas;
zones of specially protected natural areas, including sanitary (mountain sanitary) protection districts;
sanitary, protective and sanitary protection zones;
water protection zones and coastal protective strips;
sanitary protection zones for water supply sources;
mineral deposit zones;
territories exposed to natural and man-made emergencies;
zones of environmental emergencies and environmental disasters;
zones with extreme natural and climatic conditions;
other zones established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The purpose of identifying such zones is to determine the type of use of the territories and thereby establish restrictions on their use for urban planning activities. In these cases, restrictions relate primarily to urban planning activities, which, naturally, is reflected in the mode of use of land plots. The establishment of such zones is not zoning provided for by urban planning legislation. The task of the regime in such zones is to limit the rights of persons using land plots for the purposes provided for by law.

Article 35. Types and composition of territorial zones

1. As a result of urban planning zoning, residential, public, business, industrial zones, zones of engineering and transport infrastructure, zones of agricultural use, recreational zones, zones of specially protected territories, special purpose zones, zones of military installations and other types of territorial zones can be determined.

2. Residential zones may include:

1) zones of development of individual residential buildings;

2) development zones with low-rise residential buildings;

3) development zones with mid-rise residential buildings;

4) development zones with multi-storey residential buildings;

5) residential areas of other types.

3. In residential areas it is allowed to place free-standing, built-in or attached facilities for social and communal purposes, healthcare facilities, preschool, primary general and secondary (complete) general education facilities, religious buildings, parking lots, garages, facilities related to residence of citizens and not having a negative impact on the environment. Residential zones may also include areas intended for gardening and summer cottage farming.

4. Included in public and business zones may include:

1) zones for business, public and commercial purposes;

2) zones for the placement of social and public utility facilities;

3) service areas for facilities necessary for production and business activities;

4) public and business zones of other types.

5. Public and business zones are intended for the placement of healthcare facilities, culture, trade, public catering, social and public utility purposes, business activities, secondary vocational and higher vocational education facilities, administrative, research institutions, religious buildings, and parking lots for vehicles. , business and financial facilities, and other facilities related to ensuring the livelihoods of citizens.

7. Includes production zones, engineering and transport infrastructure zones may include:

1) communal zones - zones for the placement of communal and warehouse facilities, housing and communal services facilities, transport facilities, wholesale trade facilities;

2) production zones - zones where production facilities are located with different environmental impact standards;

3) other types of production, engineering and transport infrastructure.