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Biology tests "digestion". Biology tests "digestion" Scientist who studied the functioning of the digestive system

1. With food a person receives:
a) inorganic substances;
b) organic substances;
c) inorganic and organic substances.
2. Gland that produces digestive enzymes and hormones (mixed gland),
- This:
a) liver;
b) sublingual salivary;
c) parotid salivary;
d) submandibular salivary;
d) pancreas.
3. A person receives energy for carrying out life processes in the body from
food in the form of:
a) thermal;
b) mechanical; G)
c) light;
energy of chemical bonds.
4 The first section of the digestive system where protein begins to be digested:
a) oral cavity;
b) esophagus;
c) stomach;
d) duodenum.
5. Digestion of carbohydrates is impossible in the absence of:
a) pepsin; d) hydrochloric acid;
b) lipases;
d) bile.
The end products of the breakdown of fats in the digestive system are:
glucose and glycerin;
glycerin and amino acids;
amino acids and carboxylic acids;
d) carboxylic acids and glycerin;
e) water and carbon dioxide.
a) A and C; b) C and B12; c) B12 and K; d) K and D.
6. In the large intestine, during the life activity of microorganisms, they synthesize
7. Enzymes involved in protein hydrolysis are secreted by glands:
a) oral cavity;
b) stomach;
c) stomach and liver;
e) small intestine and stomach, as well as the pancreas.
small intestine and stomach;
Adult dental formula:
2 * 1 * 2 * 3
2 * 1 * 2* 3 ’
3 * 1 * 2 * 2
2 * 1* 3* 2 ’
*1* 3* 3 ;
1* 1 * 3 * 3
2* 1 * 3 * 2
2*1* 3 *.2 "
8. The appendix is ​​a hollow extension of the intestine:

a) duodenum;
b) skinny;
d) straight;
d) another solution.
9. The pancreatic duct opens into:
a) esophagus;
b) stomach;
c) duodenum;
d) jejunum;
d) large intestine.
10. When a person sees a lemon, the amount of saliva in his mouth increases. Its selection from
salivary glands occurs reflexively. This reflex:
a) conditional; b) unconditional.
Answers: 1c, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5c, 6d, 7c, 8d, 9a, 10c, 11c, 12a.
1. The digestive system includes:
Option II
a) digestive tube and liver;
b) liver and spleen;
c) spleen and pancreas;
d) pancreas and larynx;
d) everything is correct.
2. A person receives energy to carry out life processes from food. Her
substances are the source:
a) inorganic;
b) organic;
c) organic and inorganic.
3. Digestion is typical for humans:
a) intracellular and intracavitary;
b) intracavitary and wall (membrane);
c) extracellular external and intracellular;
d) wall;
d) intracellular.
4 Section of the digestive system where the breakdown of carbohydrates begins:
a) oral cavity;
b) esophagus;
c) stomach;
d) duodenum;
d) jejunum.
5. Digestion of proteins in the stomach is possible if the digestive juice has
a) alkaline and contains amylase;
b) acidic and contains lipase;
c) acidic and contains amylase and lipase;
d) acidic and contains pepsin.
6. The bile duct opens into:
a) esophagus;
b) stomach;
c) duodenum.
7. Some colon microorganisms produce:

a) vitamins and amino acids;
b) amino acids and sucrose;
c) sucrose and glycerol.
8. The pancreas produces enzymes:
a) proteases (act on proteins);
b) lipases (act on fats);
c) amylases (act on sugars);
d) everything is correct.
9. Appendicitis is an intestinal disease at the level of:
a) duodenum;
b) jejunum;
c) colon;
d) rectum near the anus.
10. The flow of bile into the duodenum is a periodic process.
Strong causative agents of bile secretion are:
a) egg yolk, meat, fats;
b) milk, meat, bread;
c) meat, bread, fats;
d) bread, potatoes, milk;
e) fats, potatoes, egg yolk, bread.
11. Water-soluble vitamins are:
a) B, C; b) A, B, E; c) A, E, K; d) E, K, V.
12.Media of pancreatic juice entering the duodenum:
a) sour; b) alkaline; c) neutral
Answers: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5d, 6c, 7a, 8d, 9c, 10a, 11a, 12b

Option 1


1. Capable of directly using solar energy to produce nutrients:

A. Plants

B. Animals

V. Man

2. The human body is 60-65% composed of:

A. Belkov

B. Carbohydrates

3. The initial stage of digestion is:

A. In chemical food processing

B. In mechanical food processing

B. In energy transformations

4. Human digestive juices contain:

A. Enzymes

B. Vitamins

B. Hormones

5. In the oral cavity, under the influence of saliva, splitting begins:

A. Belkov

V. Carbohydrates

6. The number of teeth a person has is:

7. The surface of the teeth is covered with:

A. Dentin

B. Enamel

B. Cement

8. Chewing and salivation can be attributed to:

A. Towards unconditioned reflexes

B. To conditioned reflexes

B. To acquired reflexes

9. The main role in determining the quality and taste of food is played by:

10. The capacity of the human stomach is:

11. The main enzyme of gastric juice is:

B. Trypsin

B. Hydrochloric acid

12. What protects the inner lining of the stomach from self-digestion:

A. Hydrochloric acid

B. Enzymes

13. The stomach mainly breaks down:

A. Carbohydrates

14. The part of the intestine closest to the stomach is called:

A. Small intestine

B. Duodenum

B. Large intestine

15. What organic substances are broken down into glucose:

B. Carbohydrates

16. Bile is secreted by cells:

B. Intestines

B. Pancreas

17. Glycogen as a reserve source of energy is deposited:

A. In the liver

B. In the intestines

B. In the pancreas

18. Digestion on the surface of the lining of the small intestine is called:

A. Intracavity

B. Intracellular

B. Parietal

19. Which part of the intestine is an organ of the immune system:

A. Large intestine

B. Appendix

B. Duodenum

20. Leftover undigested food is exposed to bacteria:

A. In the colon

B. In the small intestine

B. In the rectum

21. The bulk of the broken down nutrients are absorbed into the blood:

A. In the stomach

B. In the colon

B. In the small intestine

22. Eating excess high-calorie foods can lead to:

A. To anemia

B. To hypertension

B. To obesity

Option 2

Exercise. Fill in the missing word.

1. The transformation of food nutrients into substances available to humans is called... and consists of... and... food processing.

2. Under the influence of... molecules of complex organic substances are broken down into more..., capable of dissolving in water and being absorbed into... and...

3. The digestive juices of the human body include: saliva,... juice,... juice, bile and secretion... glands.

4. Digestion begins in... the cavity where food is crushed, moistened..., taste is determined, disinfected and the initial breakdown...

5. A person first grows... teeth, and then... teeth, each of which consists of a root,... and a crown.

6. The main part of the tooth consists of..., inside there is..., and outside the tooth is protected by a dense...

7. Moistened with saliva and chewed food enters..., the esophagus and... due to the ability of the walls of the digestive tract to...

8. The mucous membrane of the stomach secretes gastric juice, which contains an enzyme...,... acid, disinfecting food, and..., protecting the walls of the stomach from self-digestion.

9. In the stomach, breakdown occurs... into amino acids, after which the food enters... the intestine, where the pancreatic ducts flow and...

10. In... the intestines, the digestion of proteins,... and carbohydrates ends due to... and parietal digestion.

11... is the largest gland of the human body, it secretes..., which stimulates the breakdown of fats, accumulates reserves... and neutralizes toxic substances.

12. In... the intestines, under the influence of bacteria,... is broken down, absorbed...

13. The process of transition of broken down substances from the small intestine into the blood is called... and occurs due to..., covering the intestinal wall, while amino acids,..., fatty acids and mineral salts enter the blood.

14. The calorie content of food consumed must correspond to... human expenses, otherwise it develops..., the diet must be balanced in the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and...

Option 3


1. List the main functions of the digestive system and explain what they are?

2. What are enzymes? What are their features? What functions do they perform? Give examples.

3. Describe the processes that occur with food in the oral cavity.

4. What are the functions of saliva?

5. Why do people need teeth? What gives them strength?

6. Name the specific details of the structure of the pharynx, what is their significance?

7. Describe the main components of gastric juice.

8. What processes occur in the small intestine?

9. Formulate the role of the pancreas and liver in the digestion process.

10. What happens in the final sections of the digestive tract?

11. What does the concept of “rational nutrition” mean?

Option 4


1. What modern methods for studying the digestive tract and digestive glands do you know?

2. How can you prevent the development of caries?

3. What fate awaits a portion of fried potatoes with meat in the digestive tract?

4. Why do the stomach enzymes that break down food proteins not break down the proteins of the cells in which they are produced?

6. Which scientist studied the mechanism of the digestive system?

7. What diseases of the digestive tract do you know?

8. What advice would you give to someone who is obese?


Option 1

Exercise. Choose one correct answer.

1. In the process of metabolism, a person receives from the external environment:

A. Uchevina

B. Oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide

2. The end product of metabolism is:

A. Oxygen

B. Uric acid

3. The processes leading to the accumulation of energy and the absorption of substances are the essence of:

A. Plastic exchange

B. Energy metabolism

B. Water exchange

4. In older people, the following begins to predominate:

A. Plastic exchange

B. Energy metabolism

B. Water exchange

5. For the first time, he conducted research to study the causes of vitamin deficiency:

A. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov

B. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov

B. Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin

6. The introduction of the term “vitamin” belongs to:

A. Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin

B. Casimir Funk

B. Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov

7. Most vitamins have:

A. Plant origin

B. Animal origin

B. Mineral origin

8. “Night blindness” occurs when there is a deficiency of:

A. Vitamin B

B. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin A

9. Lack of vitamin in food IN 1 leads to disease:

B. Beri-beri

10. Activation of cellular respiration and activity of the nervous system depends on the presence in food of:

A. Vitamin B2

B. Vitamin B1

B. Vitamin B6

11. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, obesity, cholelithiasis:

A. Vitamin B2

B. Vitamin B6

B. Vitamin B12

12. Stimulates the formation of blood cells:

A. Vitamin B2

B. Vitamin B6

B. Vitamin B12

13. The symptom of scurvy occurs when there is no food:

A. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin D

B. Vitamin A

14. The exchange of calcium and phosphorus, the formation of the skeleton occurs under the influence of:

A. Vitamin C

B. Vitamin D

B. Vitamin A

15. Redox processes in the body and the synthesis of adrenal hormones are stimulated by:

A. Vitamin B6

B. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin PP

16. Excess vitamins, especially when taking synthetic drugs, leads to:

A. Vitamin deficiency

B. Hypervitaminosis

B. Hypovitaminosis

Option 2

Exercise. Fill in the missing word.

1. In the process of metabolism, the body receives organic substances,..., mineral salts,... from the external environment and releases the final products of metabolism:... gas,... acid, urea, excess water and mineral salts.

2. The set of processes leading to the absorption of substances and accumulation... is called... metabolism; due to it, growth, development and... of cells occur.

3. The process during which... organic substances occur in cells with the release... is called... metabolism.

4. The first studies on vitamins were done... and...

5. Vitamin... participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, strengthens the body's resistance to... diseases, and with its deficiency develops...

6. Coarse bread, yeast, cabbage, spinach contain vitamins of the group..., with a lack of vitamin in food... a disease develops...

7. The level of cellular respiration is regulated by vitamin..., the development of atherosclerosis and obesity is prevented by vitamin..., and the formation of blood cells is stimulated by vitamin...

8. Rose hips, lemons, black currants contain a large amount of vitamin..., the lack of which leads to increased fatigue, reduces immunity and causes the development...

9. The metabolism of calcium and... in bone tissue is controlled by vitamin..., the formation of which is promoted by... rays, and its deficiency leads to disease...

10. The normal level of redox processes in the body determines the presence of vitamin..., its deficiency leads to disruption of the digestive system and skin disease...

Option 3

Exercise. Give a short answer of one or two sentences.

1. What is the essence of metabolism?

2. What substances enter the human body from the external environment and which are released during metabolism?

3. What is the difference between plastic and energy metabolism?

4. What are vitamins? By whom and when were they discovered?

5. What is “night blindness”? What are the causes of this disease?

6. What are the causes and symptoms of beriberi?

7. What other B vitamins, besides those indicated in the textbook, do you know? What is their biological significance?

9. The synthesis of which vitamin is promoted by sun rays? What is its significance? What happens when there is a deficiency?

10. What do you know about nicotinic acid?

Option 4

Exercise. Give a full detailed answer.

1. What types of energy is the energy contained in the chemical bonds of organic food substances transformed into?

2. How is metabolism regulated?

3. Make a diagram of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the human body.

4. How does water enter and exit the human body? What is its importance in metabolism?

5. What is the importance of mineral salts coming from food?

6. What do you know about vitamins E and K?

7. It is known that a person can go without food for a long time, maintaining physical and mental activity. How is this possible?

8. What is hypervitaminosis? What causes it?

Option #1.

    During human digestion, protein is broken down into:

    1. simple sugars 2. glycerol and fatty acids

    amino acids 4. carbon dioxide, water and ammonia

2. Digestion of starch in the human body begins in:

1. stomach 2. small intestine 3. oral cavity 4. large intestine

3. What digestive glands are located outside the digestive tract?

    salivary; 2. liver; 3. tubular glands; 4. pancreas

4. What are the hard tissues of the tooth called:

A. pulp B. crown C. enamel D. dentin.

5. Establish a correspondence between the process of digestion and the section of the digestive tract in which it occurs:

Digestive processes


    processing food mass with bile

    absorption of the main part of the water

    the beginning of the breakdown of proteins and some types of fats

    intensive absorption of nutrients by the villi

    fiber breakdown

    completion of the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats

A) stomach

B) small intestine

B) large intestine

    Establish a correspondence between the names of organic substances in saliva and their role in digestion.

Organic matter

Nature, functions

    Ptyalin, maltase

4. Amylase

    Enzymes that break down starch into malt sugar and then into glucose

    A mucous substance that facilitates bolus formation and swallowing

    An enzyme that disinfects saliva

    Enzymes that digest starch and glycogen to maltose

7. Establish the sequence of location of the digestive organs:

A) Large intestine; B) Small intestine; C) Oral cavity D) Esophagus

E) Throat E) Rectum G) Stomach H) Anus

8. Establish the sequence of sections of the small intestine:

A) Ileum B) Jejunum C) Duodenum

9) Establish the sequence of sections of the large intestine:

A) Rectum

B) Transverse colon

B) Sigmoid colon

D) Ascending colon

D) Caecum

E) Descending colon

Final knowledge control on the topic “Digestive system”

Option number 2.

Part 1. Task with a choice of one correct answer:

1.Bile is formed in:

1. gall bladder 2. stomach glands 3. liver cells 4. pancreas

2. Where is the liver located:

1. In the chest cavity on the right under the ribs

2. In the chest cavity on the left under the ribs

3. In the abdominal cavity on the right under the ribs

4. In the abdominal cavity on the left under the ribs

Part 2. Multiple choice task:

3. What digestive glands are located in the walls of the digestive tract and produce digestive juices?

    salivary; 2. liver; 3. oral glands; 4. pancreas

5. stomach glands 6. intestinal glands

4. What organic substances are in saliva:

A) Mucin B) Pepsin C) Trypsin D) Lysozyme E) Lipase E) Chymotrypsin

G) Amylase H) Nuclease I) Maltase J) Ptyalin L) Erepsin M) Lactase

Part 3. Tasks to establish compliance.

5. Establish a correspondence between the components of gastric juice and their functions in digestion:

Components of gastric juice


  1. Hydrochloric acid

    Mucin (mucus)

A) An enzyme that breaks down milk fats

B) An enzyme that breaks down protein molecules into peptides

C) Protects the walls of the stomach from mechanical and chemical damage

D) An environment that has a detrimental effect on bacteria and activates enzymes

6. Establish a correspondence between the cells located in the gastric mucosa and the substances that they produce.

Part 4. Sequencing tasks.

7. Establish the sequence of occurrence of gastric secretion, carried out reflexively:

A) Irritation of oral cavity receptors by food, as well as the sight and smell of food;

B) Excitation is transmitted through the fibers of the vagus nerve to the glands of the stomach;

C) Excitation is transmitted to sensory neurons as part of sensory fibers;

D) Excitation is transmitted to motor neurons

D) Impulses reach the centers of juice secretion reflexes located in the medulla oblongata and hypothalamus;

E) Separation of gastric juice is caused.

Final knowledge control on the topic “Digestive system”

Option number 3.

Part 1. Task with a choice of one correct answer:

1.In what part of the intestine do the ducts of the liver and pancreas open?

1. Into the stomach 2. Into the duodenum

3. Into the jejunum 4. Ileum

2. Name the organ to which arterial and venous blood flows:

1. heart 2. pancreas 3. kidneys 4. liver 5. brain

Part 2. Multiple choice task:

3. Intestinal motility is enhanced:

    stimulation of the vagus nerve;

    mechanical irritation of the intestinal mucosa;

    chemical irritations of the intestinal mucosa;

    sympathetic nerve stimulation

4. Hydrochloric acid of gastric juice:

A) activates gastric juice enzymes that break down proteins;

B) breaks down proteins into final products;

B) promotes the formation of enterokinase and secretin;

D) converts progastrin into gastrin;

D) regulates the functioning of the pyloric sphincter.

Part 3. Tasks to establish compliance.

5. Establish a correspondence between the sections of the digestive system and the reaction of the environment in them:

6. From the list of digestive organs, select and encrypt the correct answers to the questions:


Digestive organs

          The largest gland

2. Initial part of the colon

3. Section following the stomach

4. Horseshoe-shaped gut, home to bacteria

5. Carries food to the stomach

6. Completes the breakdown and absorption of nutrients

1. Cecum

2. Duodenum

3. Large intestine

5. Esophagus

6. Small intestine

Part 4. Sequencing tasks.

7. Establish the sequence of digestion in humans:

A) Grinding, wetting of food with saliva and breakdown of starch occurs here;

C) It is here that food is mainly digested with the participation of enzymes secreted by the pancreas;

D) Food enters the oral cavity;

D) Through the pharynx, sliding along the epiglottis, which plays the role of a door that prevents food from entering the respiratory tract, food enters the esophagus;

G) Its walls absorb water and minerals, as well as vitamin K, synthesized by bacteria;

H) Undigested food remains enter the large intestine, which contains millions of bacteria;

I) Undigested food remains are pushed into the rectum and, by contracting the walls of the rectum and relaxing the anal sphincter, are pushed out.

Final knowledge control on the topic “Digestive system”

Option number 4.

Part 1. Task with a choice of one correct answer:

1. The organ in which the digestive process in humans is completed:

2. In humans, proteins are digested by enzymes that secrete:

1. stomach, pancreas and salivary glands;

2. liver, salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine;

3. salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and small intestine;

4. liver, stomach, pancreas and small intestine;

5. stomach, small intestine and pancreas.

Part 2. Multiple choice task:

3. Functions of gastric juice:

3. Breakdown of milk fats; 4. Breakdown of carbohydrates.

4. Functions of intestinal gland enzymes:

    Disinfection of food; 2. Protein breakdown;

3. Breakdown of fats; 4. Breakdown of carbohydrates.

Part 3. Tasks to establish compliance.

5. Match proteins, fats and carbohydrates with the substances into which they break down in the digestive system:

6. Next to each of the items on the left, place one class of nutrients listed on the right:



1. Stored in adipose tissue

2. Biopolymers not stored by the body

3. Organic substances that stimulate metabolic reactions in small quantities

4. Digested by salivary enzymes

5. Absorbed by the walls of the large intestine

6. Stored in muscles and liver

3. Carbohydrates

4. Glycogen

5. Water-soluble vitamins

6. Fat-soluble vitamins

7. Mineral salts.

Part 4. Sequencing tasks.

7. Establish the sequence of absorption of fat breakdown products in the small intestine:

A) Moreover, water-soluble glycerol easily penetrates the membrane, and fatty acids form complexes with alkalis and bile acids and, after saponification, are absorbed through the villi membrane;

B) They then enter the lymphatic vessel of the villi;

C) Fat breakdown products are absorbed into the lymphatic vessel of the intestinal villi from the contents of the small intestine;

D) In ​​the cells of the villi, fats characteristic of humans are synthesized from glycerol and fatty acids;

D) Through the thoracic lymphatic duct, fats enter the general bloodstream and enter into metabolic processes.

E) Excessive amounts of fat are deposited in connective fatty tissue and between internal organs.

Final control answers

Option 1.

Digestion test

Goals of work : determine the quality of assimilation of knowledge about the importance of nutrition and digestion and the structure of the digestive system; identify the success of developing the skills to name, characterize, and compare.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Nutrients perform the following functions:

a) construction and energy

b) construction and motor

c) motor and energy

d) regulatory and motor.

2. The salivary glands take part in the breakdown of:

a) proteins

c) carbohydrates

d) proteins and carbohydrates.

3. The liver plays an important role in digestion because:

a) contains many enzymes

b) nutrients are absorbed in it

c) secretes bile, which emulsifies fats

d) breaks down fats.

4. Hydrochloric acid is included in:

a) pancreatic juice

b) gastric juice

d) contents of the large intestine.

5. Juice secretion reflexes are carried out:

a) the digestive system

b) excretory system

c) nervous system

d) muscles.

6. Absorption is a process:

a) breaking down complex substances into simple ones

b) formation of soluble nutrients

c) the passage of substances through a layer or series of layers of cells of the digestive tract into the blood or lymph

d) neutralization of toxic substances in the liver.

7. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down th:

c) starch

d) vegetable fiber.

8. Pepsin is an enzyme that is secreted:

a) salivary glands

b) gastric glands

c) intestinal glands

d) liver.

9. Absorbed in the large intestine:

a) amino acid

b) glucose

d) glycerol and fatty acids.

10. The process takes place in the large intestine:

a) digestion of proteins

b) digestion of carbohydrates

c) digestion of fats

d) digestion of plant fiber.

11. Parietal digestion in the small intestine is carried out due to:

a) intestinal juice enzymes

b) phagocytosis of villous epithelial cells

c) pancreatic juice enzymes

12. Fat breakdown products (glycerol and fatty acids) are absorbed from the small intestine:

a) into venous capillaries

b) into arterial capillaries

c) into the lymphatic capillaries

d) into the intercellular fluid.

13. Symbiotic bacteria that break down fiber live:

a) in the large intestine

b) in the small intestine

c) in the duodenum

d) in the appendix.

14. Swallowing is a reflex act, the center of which is:

a) in the spinal cord

b) in the cerebellum

c) in the medulla oblongata

d) in the muscle of the tongue.

15. The esophagus is a muscular tube:

a) through which the bolus of food enters the stomach due to the action of gravity

b) contraction of the walls of which propels the food bolus into the stomach

c) glands of the walls of which secrete digestive juice

d) which borders the pharynx with one of its walls.

16. Large molars have:

a) 1 root

b) 2 roots

c) 3 roots

d) 2 or 3 roots.

17. Mucin is released:

a) salivary glands

b) pancreas

c) liver

d) appendix.

18. Lysozyme is:

b) bactericidal substance

c) digestive enzyme

d) pathogenic microorganism.

19. Esophagus, unlike the small intestine:

a) has a mucous membrane

b) ensures the movement of food

c) located between the pharynx and stomach

d) is a section of the gastrointestinal tract.

20. Small intestine, like the esophagus:

a) has a muscular wall

b) provides chemical breakdown of complex organic substances

c) located after the stomach

d) absorbs nutrients.

Option 2.

1. What organic substances are broken down by salivary enzymes?
1) proteins 2) polysaccharides 3) nucleic acids 4) lipids
2. How many molars are there in each jaw?
1) two 2) four 3) six 4) eight 5) ten.
3. Name a component of gastric juice that is absent in other juices.
1) water 2) hydrochloric acid 3) mucin 4) lysozyme 5) digestive enzymes.
4. Name the digestive juice, the components of which emulsify fats.
1) saliva 2) gastric juice 3) bile 4) pancreatic juice
5. Name the mucous protein that is part of all digestive juices.
1) pepsin 2) trypsin 3) mucin 4) lysozyme 5) lipase

6. Name the section of the digestive system into which the duct carrying bile opens.
1) stomach 2) duodenum 3) large intestine 4) esophagus.
7. What is the name of the dense substance - the base of the tooth?
1) enamel 2) pulp 3) dentin 4) cement
8. In what part of the digestive system does fiber breakdown occur under the influence of bacteria?
1) stomach 2) duodenum 3) large intestine 4) oral cavity
9. What substances are broken down in the stomach?
1) milk fats 2) proteins 3) carbohydrates 4) nucleic acids.
10. What reaction is typical for gastric juice?
1) slightly acidic 2) slightly alkaline 3) acidic 4) neutral
11. Where does cavity and membrane digestion occur?
1) oral cavity 2) stomach 3) small intestine 4) large intestine.
12. Where does the neutralization of poisons (ammonia) take place?

1) liver 2) stomach 3) kidneys 4) colon
13. What is the name of the vein through which blood from the digestive system enters the liver?

1) inferior vena cava 2) portal 3) superior vena cava 4) pulmonary vein
14. In which part of the digestive system is the breakdown of carbohydrates difficult?
1) oral cavity 2) stomach 3) small intestine 4) large intestine
15. In which part of the digestive system does the following occur: fats break down into droplets (emulsification), the enzyme trypsin is activated, which breaks down proteins, and the breakdown of carbohydrates continues.
1) stomach 2) oral cavity 3) duodenum 4) small intestine.
16. What is not characteristic of intestinal villi?
1) single-layer epithelium 2) blood capillaries 3) nerve fibers 4) glandular cells
17. Name the enzyme that breaks down starch?
1) maltase 2) pepsin 3) chymosin 4) lipase
18. What is the wave-like movement of the muscular walls of the digestive organs called? 1) tone 2) peristalsis 3) absorption 4) stimulation.

Option 3.

Test on the topic "Digestion" 8th grade.

Choose one answer from the four proposed.

1.Ducts open into the oral cavity:

A) liver

B) pancreas

B) adrenal glands

D) salivary glands

2. Liver ducts open into:

A) duodenum

B) small intestine

B) stomach

D) esophagus

3. The pancreatic ducts open into:

A) stomach

B) esophagus

B) duodenum

D) small intestine

4. Intestinal juice is produced in:

A) liver

B) glands of the small intestine

B) pancreas

D) glands of the stomach

5. The glands of the stomach secrete:

B) pancreatic juice

D) gastric juice.

6.Bile is produced:

A) pancreas

B) liver

B) glands of the stomach

D) intestinal glands

7. The pancreas produces:

A) gastric juice

B) pancreatic juice

8. Absorption of nutrients occurs mainly in:

A) stomach

B) esophagus
B) small intestine

D) liver

9. Undigested food debris accumulates in:

A) large intestine

B) stomach

B) small intestine

D) pancreas

10. Undigested food remains are removed from the body through:

A) duodenum

B) appendix

B) large intestine

D) rectum.

11. The breakdown of nutrients occurs under the influence of:

A) vitamins

B) enzymes

D) hormones

12. Environment in the stomach:

A) slightly alkaline

B) neutral

B) alkaline

D) sour

13. Breakdown begins in the stomach:

B) proteins

B) starch

D) mineral salts

14. Bile:

A) breaks down carbohydrates

B) breaks down fats

B) facilitates the digestion of fats

D) breaks down proteins

15. I break down pancreatic enzymes:

A) only fats

B) only starch

C) proteins, fats, starch.

D) only proteins

16. The barrier role of the liver is that it:

A) glycogen is formed

B) toxic substances are neutralized

B) vitamin A is formed

D) lymph formation occurs

17. Thanks to intestinal villi:

A) its surface increases

B) organic matter is removed

C) food substances are disinfected

D) food substances can move

18. The following are absorbed into the lymph of the intestinal villi:

A) amino acids

B) glycerol and fatty acids

B) glucose

Option 1.

Answers: 1a, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5c, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9c, 10d, 11b, 12c, 13d, 14c, 15b, 16c, 17a, 18b, 19c, 20a.

Option 3.


1 year 2a. 3c. 4b. 5g.6b. 7b. 8th century 9a. 10g. 11th century 12 13b. 14b. 15th century 16a. 17a. 18b.

Rating scale:

“5” - 17-18 points

“4” - 16 points

“3” - 15 points

Option 1

Part A

Choose one correct answer

1. Digestion is:

a) grinding food products in the stomach;

b) mechanical and chemical processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract;

c) processing food with the juice of the salivary glands;

d) absorption of nutrients

2. Water absorption occurs:

a) in the large intestine; c) in the oral cavity;

b) in the small intestine; d) in the stomach

4. The liver plays an important role in digestion because:

a) contains many enzymes;

b) nutrients are absorbed in it;

c) secretes bile, which emulsifies fats;

d) breaks down nutrients

5. As a result of the breakdown of starch, the following are formed:

a) amino acids;

b ) fatty acids and glycerol;

c) nucleotides;

d) glucose.

Part B

Complete the sentences.

1. Gastric juice contains: ... .

2. An enzyme in the gastric juice that breaks down proteins into amino acids is....

3. The largest gland in our body is; it produces...

4. The longest section of the digestive canal is....

5. Food products consist of...; they perform... functions.

Part C

Which digestive organ is depicted No. 5?

Describe its role in digestion.

Test work on the topic “Digestion”

Option 2

Part A

Choose one correct answer

1. Nervous regulation of digestion consists of:

a) in the chemical interaction of organs and systems through the blood;

b) in the transmission of nerve impulses to glands that secrete enzymes;

c) in removing toxic substances from the body;

d) in the process of breaking down substances under the action of enzymes

2. Hydrochloric acid is included in:

a) pancreatic juice; c) gastric juice;

b) saliva; d) contents of the large intestine

3. Which tooth is shown in the picture and what function does it perform:

a) molar, it is used for chewing and grinding food;

b) fang, it is used for biting off food;

c) incisor, it is used for biting off food;

d) fang, it is used to chew food

4. One of the functions of the liver:

a) maintaining a constant composition of glucose in the blood;

b) breakdown of nutrients;

c) regulation of digestion;

d) promotes protein digestion

5. As a result of the breakdown of fats, the following is formed:

a) glucose;

b) nucleotides;

c) amino acids;

d) glycerol and fatty acids.

Part B

Complete the sentences.

1. Mechanical processing of food and its chemical breakdown into simple soluble substances is called....

2. Food products consist of...; they perform... functions.

3. The oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines form....

4. Three pairs of salivary glands:...

5. Absorption of nutrients occurs through the walls...

Part C

Which digestive organ is depicted No. 10? Describe its role in digestion.