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The cat is dripping from his mouth. What to do if your cat is salivating heavily. Main diseases and conditions causing pathological hypersalivation

Saliva plays a huge role in the digestion process - with its help, food softens and becomes easier to swallow. In addition, with the help of saliva, food is saturated with substances that promote its breakdown and digestion.

The secretion of saliva is called salivation, and increased salivation is called hypersalivation. This condition is also called "ptyalism". But pet owners are more concerned not with the medical term, but with why the cat is drooling, whether he is healthy, and if it is a disease, then how it can be quickly cured.

There are many reasons why a cat drools, and not all of them are related to illness. It is important for cat owners to know when an animal drools without suffering from illness, and in what cases increased salivation is a sign of a serious disorder.

Causes of drooling in domestic cats

Causes of drooling in cats may include the following:

  1. Physiological, triggered by natural events.
  2. Psychological, caused by feelings and experiences.
  3. Pathological, associated with diseases.

Physiological salivation in healthy cats appears as a reaction to food. This is a completely natural phenomenon common to all mammals; it is common for a very hungry animal to drool profusely. The same reaction is observed when a new food appears that is especially attractive in the eyes of a cat.

Often, a cat drools as a reaction to unpleasant tastes, for example, various medications with a bitter or acrid aftertaste.

The most common reason why a cat drools from its mouth is due to the owner's affection. Stroking relaxes the animal, and saliva literally drips from its mouth. At the same time, it is transparent, flows down in separate drops, like water, does not stink, and the cat is clearly happy, purrs and does not show signs of discomfort or illness.

There is only one psychological reason for active drooling - stress. It can be triggered by a strong sudden fear, transportation of an animal in a vehicle, contact with other animals, excessive activity and persistence of children when playing with a cat, a visit to a veterinary clinic, especially if the cat has already been here once and its life experience is associated with pain and fear. This explains why a cat drools when nervous.

Why does my cat drool when petted?

This question, as they say, came up quite by accident during our correspondence with a well-known cat expert, AmiShojai, whose opinion we often refer to. Indeed, even Ami (and she knows literally everything about cats) called such cases isolated. We, in turn, conducted a small survey among friends and acquaintances who are cat lovers - and yes! The author's neighbor, in particular, confirmed that his rather elderly cat literally drools as soon as you pet him. He suggested that with age the cat had lost the ability to purr and now, instead of the usual purring, it now produces, excuse me, only drool. Now they only approach the cat with a towel... In response, Ami gave a link to her own article! We have translated it and bring it to your attention.

First of all, I would advise you to show the animal to a veterinarian, since the cat does not demonstrate quite typical behavior. So, it is necessary to examine the oral cavity for the presence of purulent formations and other dental problems, such as tooth damage or periodontal disease. All of these diseases involve increased salivation. But what bothers me personally? This usually occurs during meals. But I can’t remember during games and affection.

So, first we rule out medical problems. We note for ourselves that a mouth full of drool is not a typical phenomenon for cats. If we are talking about a healthy cat, then you can only notice saliva in a hungry animal at the sight of some tasty morsel.

My colleague Franny Sufay, whose opinion I also asked, recalled a case from practice. The family adopted a very tiny kitten, which was taken from its mother very, very early. He couldn't do anything at all and only squeaked pitifully. An adult “experienced” cat took on the task of raising the baby. So this kitten, when they tried to feed him, always started licking his mouth. And when the “mentor” tried to caress him in her own way, the kitten always drooled. But does this have anything to do with our case?

The cat may be very anxious and under a lot of stress. Cats in stressful situations usually begin to calm themselves down by methodically licking different parts of their body. But salivation is normal, without any peculiarities.

It is possible that we are dealing with some individual characteristic of a particular animal. Perhaps our cat somehow acquired this habit. Perhaps this habit comes from his childhood. And here we remember the incident that colleague Franny shared. Her kitten drooled when he was hungry or wanted to be fed. It is possible that our cat indulged in some old memories - he could well demonstrate such behavior in early childhood, then he “overcame” this feature with age and now, at the end of his life, he has returned to it again.

Personally, I would still associate the cat’s increased salivation not with affection, but with a feeling of hunger - I consider this version the most convincing.

A small postscript. Franny read the article and generally agreed with my conclusions. I asked you to convey to the readers that it is most likely the pleasant sensations that the cat experiences, be it the caresses of the owner or the upcoming dinner. And this is how he reacts violently to all this. Well, if the owner comes up to him with a towel, it doesn’t matter. Why not take this cute detail easy?!

Did we forget to mention something? Do you have anything to add or complement? Write to us!

There is always saliva in the cat's mouth, but it begins to flow out if it no longer fits in the cavity. This happens for two main reasons - when more saliva is produced than usual, and when it is not swallowed. In this case, saliva can flow down in drops, strands, or roll up in the form of foam.

When you definitely shouldn't worry

A cat may drool if it smells very tasty food. This is a completely normal reaction. After all, this is how the body prepares to digest food.

Drooling also occurs when something very tasteless comes into contact with a cat's tongue. Many owners have encountered this phenomenon when they gave their cat deworming tablets. In this case, the animal can fill all surrounding objects with foam from saliva.

Also, salivation occurs before regurgitation of a hairball, which is perceived by the stomach as a foreign object. To avoid this, you need to give your cat malt paste.

Nausea with drooling also occurs in cats that are seasick. Such animals need special preparation for the trip. There are also cats that drool from pleasure. The owner can determine this when he sees regular drooling in the absence of any bad manifestations.

Excessive saliva production during painful conditions

Then there are more terrible reasons. Increased salivation occurs in cats gagging. The reason for this can be both poisoning and manifestations of internal diseases. Nausea and vomiting accompany gastritis and gastroenteritis, as well as kidney and liver pathologies. In these cases, other symptoms are also visible - refusal of food and water, lethargy. Sometimes the temperature is elevated.

Painful sensations in cats are visible not only by dilated pupils, but also, often, by drool flowing from the corners of the mouth. Typical signs of feline pancreatitis include refusal to eat, nausea, drooling, and the desire to lie down on a cold floor.

Oral diseases(for example, stomatitis or tartar) are often accompanied by increased salivation. In order to detect this reason, it is enough to open the cat’s mouth (with gloves so as not to exchange bacteria).

A fish bone stuck in the teeth also causes a profuse flow of saliva, which stops once the cause is eliminated.

Various pathologies of the salivary glands, for example, a cyst or injury, lead to the continuous flow of saliva. In this case, the liquid may have a reddish or yellowish tint, an unpleasant odor, or may be no different from ordinary saliva.

There is also a group of cancer diseases manifested by excessive salivation. In this case, masses of tissue may be found in the oral cavity, but they may not be visible. Most of these cases in cats are associated with decreased appetite or unusual thinness.

Contagious diseases of cats that make them slobber

A host of cat infections can cause increased salivation. These are infections of the stomach and intestines, upper respiratory tract, and oral cavity. In this case, the owner may also notice coughing or vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and the cat’s desire to hide in a corner.

Eg, calicivirus In cats, it causes ulcers on the tongue and gums. At the same time, saliva flows from the mouth almost continuously.

Rabies is one of the most terrible diseases common to humans and animals. Unfortunately, rabies in cats is not always accompanied by standard signs. It happens that the animal only notices drooling. Rabies infection should be suspected in any cat bitten by an unknown person that has not previously been vaccinated. It is clear that the home-vaccinated Tuzik does not transmit this terrible virus with his saliva. Country cats are especially often infected with rabies.

It should be remembered that cats are vaccinated against infectious rhinotracheitis and calicivirus, as well as against panleukopenia and rabies at any veterinary hospital. The remaining infectious diseases remain at the mercy of the animal’s immunity.

For what reasons may a cat not swallow saliva?

If a cat cannot swallow saliva, which is produced by the salivary glands in normal quantities, then the saliva hangs in strands at the corners of the mouth or merges into “ waterfalls" The voice may become hoarse, and breathing may become heavy and whistling.

All conditions leading to impaired swallowing of saliva are urgent, that is, they require the immediate intervention of a competent veterinarian or paramedic. These conditions include: laryngeal edema, esophageal edema, heat stroke, foreign object in the pharynx or larynx, tetanus.

There is neither time nor opportunity to determine what specific type of lesion a cat has. However, we need to remember what preceded this state. This information will be very useful to a veterinarian.

Spasm and swelling of the larynx often occur when a cat is bitten by poisonous insects. This can happen if, for example, a cat played with a bee and swallowed it while still alive. The captive can finally sting the cat directly in the throat.

Mechanical trauma to the larynx (impact, puncture) can cause such severe swelling that the cat’s voice simply disappears.

Heatstroke occurs in cats that do not have shelter or access to water on a very hot day. In urban conditions, heatstroke occurs in cats forgotten in the car.

Any object that the cat chooses to play with can become a foreign body in the pharynx. In the excitement, the animal may not even notice how some piece of wood ends up across its throat.

Tetanus It is rare in cats. This is due to the fact that more and more owners are turning to hospitals due to injuries. After all, as you know, tetanus develops in cases where the body has stale wounds infected with tetanus bacilli. Cleaning fresh wounds is sufficient to prevent tetanus in cats. If an infection is suspected, the doctor may also suggest administering tetanus toxoid to the animal. This is a small subcutaneous injection.

So what should you do if your cat is drooling?

First of all, you need to calm down and mobilize. After all, drooling does not start out of the blue. You need to remember whether the cat is vaccinated and whether anyone has bitten it. If there are any signs of poor general condition, and drooling has been going on for more than a quarter of an hour, then the animal should be immediately shown to a doctor.

Many owners of four-legged friends are concerned about the question of why the cat is drooling and what to do about it. For most living things, saliva plays a big role. Without it, neither the human nor the cat's body can function normally. Fluid is necessary to support a number of essential physiological processes.

First of all, saliva protects the gums and oral mucosa. The health of teeth also depends on it, since the liquid partially softens the mechanical effect on the enamel. Moreover, saliva softens food, making it easier for living creatures to chew and digest. Without this important fluid, neither humans nor cats would be able to swallow solid food properly.

When salivation stops being normal

The secretion of saliva by the body is a natural and even very necessary physiological process. But everything should be normal. This also applies to salivation. Therefore, if the cat owner begins to notice that the animal is leaking too much fluid from its mouth, it is necessary to more closely monitor the health of the pet. If this symptom is accompanied by other signs of illness, you should definitely show the cat to a veterinarian.

The owner must remember that excessive salivation in a kitten or adult animal is a sign of many pathologies. Some of them are fatal and can be transmitted from cat to person. Therefore, if your pet is drooling from its mouth, this symptom cannot be ignored. A visit to the doctor in such a situation should be mandatory.

Most often, diseases that cause excessive drooling in a cat can be eliminated fairly quickly. But to do this, you need to promptly diagnose the cat correctly and prescribe the right treatment. This is the only way to get rid of diseases quickly and without complications. You should not delay going to the doctor, as this could cost your cat’s life.

How to determine that an animal has increased salivation?

Not every person will be able to immediately see a problem in their pet. Therefore, you should always carefully monitor your cat’s health and pay attention to suspicious symptoms and unusual behavior.

You can determine that the saliva coming out of the animal’s mouth is too abundant by such a sign as a wet chin. This phenomenon will be observed even when the cat does not approach water for a long time. Sometimes the liquid not only gets on the fur of the chin, but also drips onto the throat and chest.

It will be clear from the cat’s behavior that not everything is okay with him. The animal will constantly swallow saliva, which causes him great discomfort. In order to somewhat reduce the discomfort, the pet will try to persistently wipe its face on everything that comes in its way. In addition, the cat will wash itself very often.

Looking at the animal, you can see that the cat is drooling quite heavily.

The problem is especially noticeable in long-haired breeds. If you examine the animal's bedding, you can see wet tracks.

Determining what exactly caused excessive salivation in a pet is very difficult. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, you should consult a specialist and conduct a thorough diagnosis. Most often, veterinarians conduct laboratory tests, and only then determine the type of pathology.

Why is a cat drooling?

If your cat begins to drool profusely, you must pay attention to additional symptoms. This is important, as they can suggest what exactly caused this phenomenon.

Increased salivation in cats is often caused by viral infections. The disease leads to sneezing, fever, runny nose and excessive salivation. At the same time, viral diseases are often accompanied by the fact that the animal begins to drink very large amounts of water. Therefore, increased salivation can be considered a completely understandable symptom. In addition, viral infections often cause a feeling of nausea, which leads to increased secretion of fluid from the salivary glands.

Another reason why a cat drools from its mouth is poisoning. Such a nuisance always causes increased production of saliva, which the cat does not swallow, so the liquid begins to flow out and drip onto the chest. There can be many substances that can cause poisoning. Cats are quite picky eaters, but they often get poisoned due to stale food.

But it’s not just indigestion that leads to increased salivation - your pet can suffer from chemical poisoning. This can be ordinary household chemicals or means for killing fleas and ticks. Particularly dangerous situations are those when an animal is poisoned by insecticides. If the product was chosen incorrectly or the dosage was violated when using it, a negative reaction from the body cannot be avoided.

Experts note that teeth and gums often lead to the appearance of a phenomenon such as increased salivation.

In this case, the symptom can be observed in both a kitten and an elderly animal. In the first case, drooling occurs due to changing teeth, and in the second, due to their severe wear and possible problems with the gums, which are very common in pets who have reached a certain age. If the pet is no longer young, it should be periodically shown to the veterinarian in order to be able to prevent the development of such troubles as:

  1. gingivitis
  2. caries.

For preventive purposes, you can use special vitamins, treats and toys that will clean your teeth and gums, preventing the development of oral diseases.

It is worth noting that if drooling is due to pathologies of the teeth and gums, this can be determined by how the pet begins to eat. Cats and cats endure even severe pain. They will not cry or complain, but by their special behavior the owner will be able to understand that there is still a problem. The animal not only eats slowly, but also does not allow its head to be touched, as this will cause it severe pain.

Increased salivation (ptyalism) can also be caused by a foreign object stuck in the mouth. This most often happens to kittens, who may grab something extra during play and then not be able to get rid of it on their own. The following items may get stuck:

  • in the throat;
  • in the teeth;
  • behind the cheeks.

Either way, it will cause a lot of drooling.

This is how a problem like a bone stuck in the throat manifests itself. Therefore, if a cat has hypersalivation, you need to carefully check its mouth and throat, and, if necessary, remove a bone or any foreign object. Often in such situations you have to turn to professionals, since it can be very difficult to get rid of a foreign element without harming your pet.

The reason why a cat drools heavily from its mouth may be not only a foreign object in the throat, but also in the esophagus. This could be, for example, a hairball. Until the pet gets rid of it, drool will flow out very profusely.

A rather rare cause of increased salivation in cats is an anatomical feature of the animal’s body. The body structure of some cats causes a lot of fluid in the mouth. This is not considered a sign of illness, and your pet can live peacefully for many years without feeling any discomfort.

In situations unusual for a cat, its body can react quite unusually. This causes various symptoms, including increased salivation. For example, this could be a reaction to stress, a change in diet, or traveling in a vehicle. Cats and cats often do not tolerate long-term movements and new surroundings very well. This causes various negative reactions in the body, which may include increased salivation.

Food that is highly attractive to your pet can lead to active saliva production. Sometimes there is so much of it that the cat simply does not have time to swallow everything and drool begins to drip onto the floor.

As for travel in transport, for most individuals they become a great stress. Many animals get motion sickness on the road, which manifests itself in the form of strong salivation. But this is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the animal stops shaking and there is solid ground under its feet, excess fluid will no longer be produced in the mouth.

Cats react not only to pleasant smells and tastes.

For example, salivation may increase when taking medications, as well as if the animal is treated with injections of certain drugs. If this is not the first time that a cat has been given deworming tablets that have an unpleasant taste, his salivary glands will begin to react in advance.

Salivation during rabies

The most dangerous reason why a cat drools is the rabies virus. If the animal has not been vaccinated and spends a certain amount of time outside, it is possible that it may become infected with such a serious disease. This is a fatal disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. For everyone, the rabies virus is incurable.

If a cat has been diagnosed with a similar disease, it will no longer be possible to save the pet. For the first time, the animal is placed in quarantine to exclude any contact with other living beings. The disease is very contagious, so you should never touch a sick cat.

You can determine that an animal has rabies based on several symptoms. Initially, the cat becomes inadequate. Her excessive affection can suddenly change to unmotivated aggression. The pet's appetite becomes somewhat unusual. The cat will refuse its usual food, but at the same time it will begin to eat something that it would never have eaten before.

A clear symptom of rabies is hydrophobia.

If you bring a sick animal to water, it will become hysterical. Even though the cat will not drink, it will begin to drool profusely. Over time they will turn into foam. One of the last signs of rabies, which indicates the progression of the disease and impending death, is considered to be seizures.

Rabies is a very dangerous disease that has no cure. The animal has no chance of surviving after infection, but it is within human power to do so to prevent such a scenario from developing. The easiest way to protect your cat from rabies is timely vaccination. This is a simple and affordable vaccination that will be a reliable way to prevent a dangerous disease. Pet owners who skimp on vaccinations should remember that this disease is transmitted to humans. Once infected, there is very little time to prevent the disease from progressing.

One of the telltale signs of rabies is that your cat is drooling. It is this that is most dangerous in cats. If it gets on the mucous membrane of a person or penetrates an open wound, the virus will be transmitted to the owner of the sick animal.

Preventive measures

Increased salivation can be a consequence of simple stress and increased appetite, but sometimes this is the first sign of the most dangerous illnesses. Therefore, if such an unusual symptom is detected, you must pay attention to the presence of additional symptoms. If increased fluid secretion is accompanied by hydrophobia and inappropriate behavior, you need to be especially careful, as this indicates the development of rabies. In such a situation, the cat needs to be taken to the veterinarian as quickly as possible and quarantined. This is the only preventive measure to prevent infection of other living beings.

There are many diseases that can cause excessive salivation. But in order to prevent their development, you need to take care of timely vaccination. This is the only effective method of prevention.