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Exercises to develop telepathy. How to develop psychic abilities. Telepathy

We can imagine moving through space because we do it. We can imagine movement in time. because our entire existence passes in such a movement. It is much more difficult to imagine the movement not of the physical body, but of consciousness. Moreover, in an area that also does not have physical coordinates, in a certain field of absolute knowledge, which parapsychologists often designate with the words “reality of the highest plane.”

This reality permeates our world and at the same time lies outside its space. The flow of time in motionless waves is present in her, and at the same time, she herself remains outside of time.

Some seers and clairvoyants mention their approach, their entry into this “reality” in moments of insight. During the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a man who knew him came to Wolf Messing. Here's what he says:

I came to Messing: “Wolf Grigorievich, have you heard about the blockade of Cuba? If a nuclear war is the end...” He ordered that when he entered a state of self-catalepsy, give him a pencil and paper. And now the pulse is almost not palpable, the pupils do not react to light. A pencil and paper are placed in his clenched hand. “There will be peace,” we read these words. “My subconscious contacted “something” or “someone,” Messing explained the origin of the information.

Perhaps the human unconscious is in constant contact with the reality of a higher plane. The information that our everyday consciousness contains is a narrow stream compared to those oceans that wash other levels and planes of existence.

That is why a soothsayer or mystic, having come into contact with some signs of this higher reality, is so often powerless to find an adequate verbal meaning for them. Obviously, precisely because of the inexpressibility of this other reality in terms of everyday life, the soothsayer, in order to draw the picture that has been revealed to him, often does this not with a detailed verbal description, but as if through some key image, detail.

It was precisely the inadequacy and powerlessness of words that awakened the holy fool seers to try to express a future event through some key detail, a sign. Let us give examples of attempts to indicate the future through such details.

When Prince Savva Obolensky married Princess Daria Lopukhova, during the feast the well-known Rostov holy fool Isidore appeared in the house. He brought a homemade hat, woven from wild flowers and herbs, and handed it to the groom with the words: “Here is the bishop’s hat for you!”

Everyone at the feast was greatly amused by this. However, not even a year had passed since the young princess died. The prince, in sorrow, retired to the Ferapontov Monastery and took monastic vows there, so that later, in 1481-1489, he would actually become the Archbishop of Rostov.

It was this chain of subsequent events, which were then still in the bosom of the future, that the holy fool tried to express with a symbolic bishop’s hat made of wild flowers.

In the same way, through a side detail, the Pythia told Nero the future that awaited him: “Beware of the number 73.” Believing that this was a reference to his age, Nero, who was then 31 years old, was very pleased with this prophecy. Little could he have guessed that this number actually indicated age, but not his! And that in less than a year he will be killed by the conspirators, and 73-year-old Galba will be placed on his throne?

So, what is it: fate or freedom of choice? There is evidence, and quite a lot of it, that an event can become known long before it occurs. This can only mean one thing: a phenomenon or event, long before its incarnation, already represents a certain reality.

The futility of attempts to avoid what was predicted also suggests the inevitability of the destined. There are quite a lot of facts and observations indicating the inevitability of events that lie in the future, the futility of any efforts to prevent or avoid them.

In Ancient Sumer, where the idea of ​​“tablets of fate” and the immutability of fate arose, there was an idea of ​​favorable and unfavorable dates, of days filled with good fortune or misfortune. Does this mean that, by avoiding an accomplishment on an unlucky day and thereby avoiding misfortune, it is possible to violate what was destined in the “tablets of fate?”

This is a completely different, alternative vision of the future. The future is not fatal; it contains, as it were, a certain set of possible events. It depends on the choice, on the decision of the person himself, which of them will become a reality.

The picture of a multivariate, alternative future is the opposite of the model that we talked about before - a model where everything is fatal, destined, fixed once and for all. Is it possible to reconcile these two views, two positions, opposite and equally convincing?

Modern knowledge knows objects that can only be described in this way - by a list of features that exclude each other. Thus, light is both a wave and a particle. Same thing electron. He is a particle. And at the same time - a wave. Although in both cases one excludes the other.

A phenomenon that can be described by signs that exclude each other is called antinomy. Apparently, the future can also only be described as an antinomy. Some facts and observations indicate that it is rigidly fixed and unchangeable to the point of fatality. Others show that the future is as plastic as possible, changeable and depends entirely on the decisions and actions taken by man.

The fact that the future is antinomic is indeed difficult to accommodate into our consciousness, accustomed to a different experience, but it is not without meaning. We mean the impact of an event in the future on our intentions and actions long before it. Are some of our intentions an unconscious form of foreknowledge, a premonition of an event that is in the future?

Our insight into the future takes the form of intention, design or desire. It seems to us that we are striving for a goal. In reality, this image from the future reached and touched some structures of consciousness. It is known that some people's intentions and plans come true more often than others. Isn’t it the ability to unconsciously read the future that explains the appearance of these very intentions and plans that are coming true?


Some elements from the exercises in previous lessons were an introduction to telepathy classes. For example, continuing the aka finger and examining the contents of the box. We used telepathy at least when contacting the subconscious. You probably felt feelings, visions, and premonitions coming from him to your consciousness.

This was telepathy. Remember, during the reading of Guna prayers, you transmitted your requests to the superconscious precisely with the help of telepathy. Images and visualizations were transmitted in the form of energies along the aka cord connecting the Lower Personality with the Higher.

Parapsychology. Exercise 19

Maybe you remember other examples of exercises that can be used to teach telepathy?

If you remember, write them down:

Parapsychology. Exercise 20

Relax your body and mind. (...) Remember all life situations when you read other people’s thoughts, and the correctness of your interpretation of them was subsequently confirmed. Perhaps you have heard about such cases from your relatives or friends? Write them down:

Telepathy is a fairly common phenomenon. We are not always aware that the thoughts and images that appear in our minds may come from other people or beings. Maybe it's worth developing this skill and using it consciously?

Let's start with simple exercises. They will be a workout or, if you want, entertainment with friends. Every science, even the most difficult and important, should be easy to learn, enjoyable and should bring satisfaction.

Despite modern telecommunications, we sometimes cannot contact the person we need. In such cases, we can telepathically transmit a request for telephone contact.

Parapsychology. Exercise 21

Sit comfortably. Relax your body and mind. (...) Call up the face of the right person on your internal screen. (...) Ask him mentally to call you. Concentrate on this desire. (...) Imagine picking up the phone and how happy you are that the right person called you.

Visualize this situation as strongly as possible. (...) Sit near the phone, and really wait and believe that the person will call you. (...) After a while, send a thought form enhanced by mana. (...) Concentrate on the desire even more. (...) Tell the person who calls you that you are very glad to hear from him.

This is a very simple exercise. Many people use this technique unconsciously. For it to work, you need to be able to concentrate and wait. Sometimes a few minutes are enough, sometimes you have to wait longer.

Faith in the fulfillment of desire is also necessary. If you don’t believe in success deep down in your heart, then there is little chance of realizing your desires. You really have to wait and be willing to hear the voice of the right person on the phone. Of course, this person should call you often and have this opportunity. It is better to start this kind of exercise with people close to you.

Parapsychology. Exercise 22

Sit comfortably. (...) Relax your body and mind. (...) Call up on your internal screen the face of the person with whom you are in the same room. (...) Ask him to mentally do a simple action. For example, open a window, turn off the lights, turn up the radio volume, make coffee or tea.

Concentrate as hard as you can on this desire. (...) Try to see on the inner screen a person performing an action according to your telepathically transmitted request. Express joy as if the person did it. (...) Concentrate even more on your desire. (...) Create a thought form and send it to the person. (...) Do not show by your behavior that you are waiting for something or doing some kind of exercise. (...)

When your request comes true, tell about it to the person who fulfilled it unknowingly. Say that you are very pleased.

Parapsychology. Exercise 23

You can perform another version of the last exercise while on public transport. Try to mentally convey to a stranger a request to turn around and look at you. In this case, strong concentration and patience are required. Usually, when you travel, thoughts about many things swarm in your head. You must “push” them deeper. Try not to energetically harm anyone or provoke anyone in any way.

We hope you don’t need to be reminded that exercises are only a method of stimulating abilities and a game.

Never use this type of exercise to harm or manipulate another person or creature. Do everything only to bring good to yourself and others. Remember that when you donate something to the world, you will get back many times more.

Do not manipulate or harm others, if only because by doing this you will attract people who do the same. And in this case, it may turn out that you will be weaker and cannot withstand the confrontation.

Parapsychology. Exercise 24

Now invite your assistant to work together. His task is to think about any arbitrary things and visualize them. At first it could be some simple sign or symbol, preferably black and white. (You can start with the Zener card signs described below.) You must enter the alpha state. This will make the task much easier for you.

Then ask the Junior Personality to extend a finger to the subconscious of your assistant and come into contact with him. She should then ask for her thought to be conveyed to the Assistant's Senior Personality. You can additionally visualize thought forms floating between you.

You must open yourself mentally to the images. Don't try to call them out or figure them out. Let them emerge on their own. Don't interfere! Do not evaluate or interpret them! Remember that after leaving the alpha state, all this must be described in all the smallest details.

Make your notes as follows:

Describe in detail what you saw. and then tell the assistant to write down the object he saw in his mind. Now compare your notes. You can switch roles - now you will transmit, and the assistant will receive the mentally transmitted symbol. Work through this task in detail and complete it.

The connection between you and your assistant is very important in this exercise. If it is positive, then you should not have problems performing the exercise. Very good results are obtained by close people - children, parents, relatives, friends or people who love and sympathize with each other. People of the opposite sex may get better results. It is possible for both of you not to enter the alpha state when completing the task.

If you do it carefully, but together, it will become a form of play for both of you. It should not be considered an exam or test of skills. Physical tension or excessive “desire” for results can block communication.

During telepathic transmission, inaccuracies and alterations in the received image can often occur. But this is the image that you conveyed to your subconscious. It may deviate from the original source during transmission and interpret it in its own way. It’s as if the transfer is obtained second-hand.

If one person imagined a square, then the second can perceive this image as a lattice, a window, a sheet of checkered paper, square objects, in a word, everything that can somehow resemble this shape. Through your own experiments you can learn your internal associative language. The goal, however, is to achieve such skill that the image will be perceived almost unchanged, and best of all, true in every detail.

Therefore, keeping detailed records is very important. After each series of exercises of this type, it is necessary to analyze the results and search for all remembered elements and corresponding associations.

To train and improve telepathic abilities they usually use Zener-Rin maps, representing five symbols: a star, three waves, a circle, a cross and a square. Maps are very helpful in static research. They were refined by Polish psychic researcher Stefan Manczarski, who simplified them to four symbols: triangle, circle, horizontal line and vertical line. Opposite colors were also used, unlike the original source; in Mancharsky, white symbols are depicted on a black background. This color scheme makes it easier to observe.

Parapsychology. Exercise 25

Do and work through the telepathic transmission exercise similar to the previous one. But this time the assistant will transmit the characters. He can choose them arbitrarily. Your task is to mentally accept them. In the course of work, the most important thing is to “grasp” the first impression, the first thought. Usually it is correct. When you start thinking and analyzing, you can make a lot of mistakes. During the exercise, you should take very detailed notes on the transmission and reception so that you can compare and evaluate them later.

Next number

Transferable figure

Next number

Accepted figure

Typically, the study consists of guessing 25 cards. For statistical purposes the choice is arbitrary. During these experiments, rules that were very interesting and important for experimenters were confirmed. In addition to normal, correct experiments, other, erroneous ones appeared. However, a certain pattern was established. The results were correct, but shifted by one number (experiment) - either backwards or forwards (shift with delay and advance). It is possible to find out that the experiments went well only after conducting the entire series of experiments. Sometimes, although much less frequently, there may be two numbers.

Delayed shift occurs more often when the distance between the transmitter and receiver increases.

An advanced shift may indicate strong transmitting abilities of the person receiving the telepathic transmission.

When the subject of the transmission was a series of cards, the phenomenon of mirror reflection was noticed. It is typical of telepathic techniques and often appears in hypnosis and clairvoyance.

Remember that after some time these exercises may cause fatigue, and then the number of correct answers may decrease significantly. We should not forget about breaks between series of experiments and relaxation.

Often, after unsatisfactory initial results, as the technique is mastered, there is a rapid increase in efficiency when performing the exercise.

Stefan Mancharsky and other researchers noted that the quality and quantity of correct telepathic transmissions increases if the symbol is excited by a special device, the so-called pulsator.

Parapsychology. Exercise 26

When you achieve certain success in the main version of the exercise, expand it with further elements. Gradually increase the variety of images transmitted telepathically. For example, these could be:

  • simple colored symbols;
  • cards taken from the deck;
  • images of everyday objects;
  • photographs of familiar faces;
  • images of animals and plants;
  • simple scenes from everyday life;
  • landscapes;
  • visualization of simple situations;
  • visualization of invented stories, stories, fables.

Try to convey feelings and emotions as well. Try to transmit them only in the form of energies and thought forms. It is better that in this case you do not see the person with whom you are conducting the experiment. Involuntary facial expressions or body language can suggest the essence of the transmission.

When you have sufficient experience, then you will be able to connect emotions and images, and therefore, you will be able to communicate telepathically. Be patient, it takes a long time to master these skills. But it will be paid. Surely, you yourself will find practical application for your new skills.

Parapsychology. Exercise 27

Work through and perform the corresponding telepathic exercise several times with each of the above elements. Remember to write organized, detailed descriptions of your experiments.

Although it may seem strange, the results of telepathy do not depend on the distance between the experimenters. At first, however, this distance should not be very large. They can even touch each other, for example, with their shoulders. This facilitates energetic contact and makes it easier to convince of your abilities.

Gradually increase the distance between you and the assistant to the optimal distance (4 m). Over time, obstacles in the form of walls will not be a hindrance to you. However, reception may be distorted if there are devices that emit electromagnetic waves or if large metal objects are nearby. Also, the presence of other people can negatively affect the results of the experiment.

Parapsychology. Exercise 28

Repeat the previous exercise with telepathic transmission of images over a greater distance. You can arrange with your assistant for the transfer when he is at home or even somewhere else. Keep a corresponding diary according to the proposed scheme for subsequent comparison and analysis of the results.

Available to everyone and now you will see it!

A year ago I learned something completely surprising to me: it turns out that not all people can read minds. And all these years I didn’t even suspect that what I hear, others cannot hear.

Telepathy was so natural and banal for me that the thought did not even arise that it was not given to everyone.

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I’m not talking about the kind of mind reading that is shown in the series “The Theory of Lies” and the technique of Dr. Lightman (in reality - Paul Ekman) or described in “Body Language” by Allan Pease. All people can read thoughts from facial expressions, gestures, and posture to one degree or another. And I’m not talking now about the period of falling in love, when in a state of euphoria people discover superpowers to feel a loved one. And not about married couples who, after many years of emotional intimacy, begin to think alike.

Telepathic abilities may also be different. For example, I can hear a person’s inner voice, heard in his head, without seeing the person, without looking at him, but simply being in the same space with him. I don’t hear all thoughts, but only those that are emotionally significant for a person, because he pronounces them very loudly inside himself.

Since I don’t hear everything and not always, I wanted to improve my skill. And according to the laws of psychological modeling, everything that one person can do, another can do too. To do this, you just need to identify the strategy, key conditions and principles for the success of people talented in a particular business.

In addition, by bringing my telepathic abilities from unconscious knowledge to awareness, I can teach this gift to other people.

I began research and comparative analysis of people with and without telepathy. There are quite a lot of people with telepathic abilities. Such people began to meet more and more often by chance (?!) in my life.

As I got to know and develop relationships with telepaths, my communication with them gradually became wordless: we could conduct dialogues with each other without saying a word and at the same time be sure that this person understands you like no one else.

Telepathy, of course, also has feedback. This is both the reception of other people's thoughts and the transfer of one's thoughts to another. If a person is not a telepath, then it is quite easy to instill and impose your thought on him; he simply will not understand that this is a hidden influence and will take the thought as his own.

For example, recently one of my friends shared his problem with me, and after I managed to calm him down, suddenly a loud emotional panic phrase arose in his head: “What if she tells someone about this!” Naturally, he didn’t say it to me. This is where the gift of transmitting thoughts came in handy; I began to mentally repeat the phrase repeatedly: “I won’t tell anyone about this.” She said this five times, intensely concentrating on this person, until inner peace came to him.

So, I was able to identify three main factors influencing development of telepathy.

2. People with telepathy have developed the so-called. The first position is the “I” position. The second position is “The Other Person”. That is, telepaths are people who can easily put themselves in the place of another person, subtly feel and understand other people.

To prove these words, let’s look at the professions of people with whom I personally had conversations in the language of extrasensory perception. These are personal growth coaches, healers, highly qualified PR people, political strategists, and a school director. Those. those who, by the nature of their work, are simply obliged to understand other people well and be able to put themselves in the place of others in order to achieve high results in their business.

3. Telepaths are people who are open to everything new; they do not militantly defend their position, because they know that their model of the world is not the world, and they strive to expand their capabilities and knowledge about the world.

All three factors influencing telepathic abilities are easily developed. There is not just one, but dozens of techniques for developing these skills. This means that every person can become a telepath.

The only question is: do you need it?! Because from my own experience I can say that telepathic abilities have equally greatly helped and greatly hindered me in my life. Very often people are visited by emotionally significant bad thoughts.

And there is a huge difference between “being” and “seeming”. A person voices one thing, but thinks completely differently. Wants to appear good, not who he is. It's unpleasant to be disappointed.

Telepathy is the ability to transmit words, emotions or images through the power of thought. Although there is no reliable evidence for the existence of telepathy, there is nothing stopping you from trying. Relax your body and mind, mentally imagine the recipient is right in front of you, and focus on mentally sending a simple word or image to the recipient. Try to take turns receiving and sending signals with a close friend or relative and journaling your progress. In practice, you may find out that there is a strong mental connection between you and your friend!


Part 1


    Turn off your physical sensations. Try turning on white noise with headphones and wearing dark-tinted glasses. Shift your focus away from physical sensations to focus as much as possible on sending the telepathic message.

    • You and the recipient need to turn off your feelings. Sensory deprivation will help you focus on the message.
  1. Focus on a simple image or word. At the very beginning, try something simple like the object closest to you. Visualize it in detail and focus only on it. Think about the object's appearance, texture, and how it feels when you touch it.

    • For example, imagine an apple. Mentally consider every detail of such an apple, imagine its taste and density. Just think about the apple.
  2. Send a message. Create a clear mental image and imagine it being sent from your head into the mind of the recipient. Imagine that you are sitting opposite each other. To complete the transfer, imagine telling him “Apple” or naming another selected item. Mentally imagine the expression of awareness on the recipient's face that confirms that he has understood you.

    • It is important to understand the difference between focus and tension. Focus on your image, but remain relaxed.
    • Once you've sent a thought, get it out of your head and don't think about it again. Just imagine that you gave it to the recipient.
  3. Ask the recipient to write down a thought that comes to mind. After sending a message, the recipient should remain relaxed and ready to receive the message and then write down his thought on paper.

    • Before checking, also write down the thought you tried to send. This will help you get objective results by comparing records.
  4. Compare the results. When you're both ready, show each other your notes. Don't be so quick to get upset if things don't work out the first time. Try to clear your mind again and try to send another image.

    • Don't beat yourself up if you fail to send a clear telepathic message. The fun is in the trying, not the end result!

Part 3

Train with a partner
  1. Alternately try to send and receive messages. Switch roles as you try and notice which role you are better at. You may be better at receiving messages and your friend is sending mental images.

The ability to telepathy periodically manifests itself in every person. But how to bring it to perfection and use it to your advantage? Read now!

1. What is hidden under the word “telepathy”?
2. Why don’t science and esotericism agree on telepathy?
3. How to develop the ability to telepathy?
4. What will be required for the telepathy experiment?
5. How to transmit a telepathic message?
6. How to evaluate the results of a telepathy session?
7. Additional factors to consider when developing telepathy!
8. Tips for activating the ability to telepathy

What is hidden under the word “telepathy”?

Did you know that the term “telepathy¹” translated means “path of feeling”. In fact, telepathy means the transfer of feelings over a distance by establishing a connection between two people.

Surely you have noticed such coincidences?

  • Did you think about someone and then met this person, or did he call?
  • Did you know in advance what your interlocutor would say in the next second?
  • Were you talking about something with another person at the same time?
  • Did someone say your thoughts out loud?
  • Was the other person doing what you were thinking about?

Such spontaneous telepathy often occurs between people.

As a rule, the stronger the emotional connection between people, the more often the ability to telepathy manifests itself.

Why don't science and esotericism agree on telepathy?

What do scientists say about telepathy?

In 1882, Frederick W. H. Myers (one of the founders of the British Society for Psychical Research) conducted a number of experiments with other researchers regarding the possibility of transmitting telepathic suggestions. Despite a number of positive experiments under more stringent conditions, it was not possible to confirm the existence of telepathy.

Therefore, most scientists refute the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance.

How does the opinion of Eastern esoteric traditions differ?

Almost all Eastern teachings (which, unlike modern science, have a long history) say that the ability to telepathy can be developed, and telepathy itself is a normal ability of the brain; another question is that most people have practically no developed this superpower.

Most esotericists and psychics claim that everyone has the ability to telepathy, that it is inherent in our consciousness by nature itself.

Because all processes occurring inside and outside are, in fact, energy exchange. And any energy has a certain frequency in which information is encoded.

Have you observed something like this?..

When a person was in a good mood next to you, when he radiated love and joy, did you feel it and did you feel comfortable being around?

And vice versa... an irritated and angry person, even if he did not say anything or express his emotions in any way, gave you the completely opposite feeling?

Each person emits a certain energy into the surrounding space every second (the quality of which depends on the state of the person) and feels external energy flows every second.

The closer the source of external energy, the more clearly the energy is felt!

An example with a person was given above, but we feel not only the energy of other people, but also objects, places, houses, cities and even countries.

Everything in this world comes down to the exchange of energy and information. The more powerful the energy flow, the clearer the information it transmits.

Particularly sensitive people often, sensing the negative energy of a place, talk about what bad things happened in that place. Less sensitive people simply describe their unpleasant sensations. But what is discomfort? This is negative information that a person accepted from a source, but due to not very developed sensitivity, cannot specify the perceived negative.

But let's return to telepathy...

Telepathy is also a type of energy-information exchange, but requires additional energy expenditure.

Perhaps this is why scientific research into the phenomenon of telepathy under strict experimental conditions did not lead to a positive result?

Judge for yourself!

In order for the person receiving the information to accept it, the source of information (energy of a certain vibration frequency) must send a smooth and powerful signal (like a direct current source). To do this, the transmitter must be completely concentrated on the thought being transmitted.

But most ordinary people cannot focus on the same thought for a long time (other thoughts constantly appear in their heads)!!

Moreover, simply repeating a mental suggestion is not powerful enough for the recipient to grasp the energy. After all, we do not feel the subtle shades of another person’s state (due to undeveloped sensitivity), but we feel his general state.

And the state is a much more powerful vibration, because it vibrates not only the brain (thoughts), but also the entire human body.

How to develop the ability to telepathy?

From the above, one can understand what the ideal conditions should be so that thoughts, images or feelings can not only be transmitted, but also received.

  • the transmitter must be completely concentrated on the thought being transmitted;
  • his whole consciousness and all sensations must vibrate to the transmitted thought;
  • for the duration of the transfer, it must, as it were, become this thought, merge with it;
  • the conveyed thought must be very clear, strong and constant;
  • During a telepathy session, the receiver must be tuned in to the transmitter, his brain must be free from extraneous thoughts (to be, as it were, empty and ready to receive information).

Of course, it will take time, patience and perseverance to develop this superpower, but, according to Eastern teachings, it is quite possible.

What is required for a telepathy experiment?

When developing the ability to telepathy, it is better to conduct the experiment on a voluntary basis, that is, the person to whom the information will be transmitted must be aware of what is happening and actively participate in the process.

So, for the experiment you will need:

  • object of telepathy (receiver)
  • one who will transmit information

Since telepathy involves the exchange of energy between two people, then, accordingly, a sender and a receiver are necessary. That is, the practitioner must choose a person who will become the object of telepathy. It is desirable that this person be a calm, balanced person who has an adequate attitude towards such experiments.

Throughout the experiment, the subject of telepathy must keep his mind empty and open, but without strong tension, otherwise he will block the flow of information from the outside.

There should be paper and a pen next to him so that at any moment he can write down the thoughts that come to his mind. He must write down absolutely all thoughts, even if it seems to him that they are his own thoughts.

How to send a telepathic message?

1. The receiver and transmitter imagine that invisible threads stretch from their brain to the other’s brain through which information is transmitted (this contributes to the best attunement to each other).

2. The sender then focuses entirely on the message being conveyed (for example, the lemon). He feels the taste of lemon, its color, smell, and mentally repeats to himself: “Lemon.” The transmitter must completely enter into the state that there is a lemon in front of him, and, as it were, temporarily become this lemon.

3. When there is a feeling that the message has been transmitted, the betrayer stops concentrating on the transmitted image (in our case, the lemon) and evaluates the results of the experiment.

Usually the message is transmitted within 10-15 minutes (no more, so as not to provoke an overload).

How to evaluate the results of a telepathy session?

At the end of the session, you need to check whether among the recorded thoughts of the recipient there is the one that was broadcast by the sender. Any coincidence (in our case, even such sensations of the object as: sour, yellow, round) will be counted, since they are related to the lemon. Such individual qualities will indicate that the transmitter focused more on them than on the whole image of the lemon.

If the experiment fails, don’t get upset and give up - everything comes with practice.

It is advisable to repeat the session no earlier than the next day, since excessive stress when transmitting a telepathic message can lead to poor health.

Additional factors to consider when developing telepathy!

When developing the ability to telepathy, it is important to remember such components as:

  • belief in telepathy
  • physical relaxation,
  • mental relaxation.

Let's take a closer look...

Belief in telepathy

The ability to telepathy cannot be developed without faith. If both participants in the experiment do not believe in the possibility of telepathic transmission of thoughts, then skepticism will block consciousness, and the experiment is unlikely to succeed.

Physical relaxation before a telepathy session

The process of transmitting thoughts and feelings over a distance is more effective when the sender and recipient are in a relaxed state. If you feel irritated or have health problems, it is better to postpone the practice until next time.

You can use any relaxation method to relax. This could be breathing practices, meditation or other techniques.

Mental relaxation to activate superpowers

To activate the ability of telepathy, the mind must be relaxed and free from extraneous thoughts. To stop the internal dialogue, simply concentrate on your breathing. If any thoughts arise, you don’t need to focus your attention on them.

Only when both participants in the experiment are completely relaxed can the experiment begin.

Distractions, noise and hustle and bustle can ruin all your efforts, while a calm environment will help you get maximum results.

  1. Telepathy sessions should not last longer than 15 minutes.
  2. The ability to telepathy is impossible without concentration, so it is necessary
  3. Patience is one of the components of success.
  4. Activating any superpower takes time and practice.
  5. While the ability to telepathy has not yet been activated, it is better to stay away from skeptics.

According to experienced psychics, the ability to telepathy is quite easy to develop. With persistence and regular practice, you can send and receive telepathic messages with incredible clarity and accuracy.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy is the hypothetical ability of the brain, which does not have reliable experimental evidence, to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and unconscious states to another brain or organism at a distance, or receive them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation (

The development of telepathic abilities has attracted people since the very days when the first clairvoyants and prophets began to appear in the world, and this, in turn, happened long before science could get even closer to unraveling the workings of the brain. The mystery of the mystical abilities of people who penetrated into the consciousness of others fascinated society, frightened and surprised those who tried to understand what telepathy really is - a blessing from above or a devilish temptation.

Basics of telepathy

Telepathic abilities are based on mutual energy exchange with the outside world. Not only with living creatures, but also with inanimate objects - trees, rocks, wind. The ability to use the energy of nature in one’s own development, the natural cycle, allows one to actively turn on sensitive, deep receptors and quickly respond to responses from objects participating in a telepathic session.

Often, for a productive telepathic response, it is necessary that the opponent is also well developed energetically, that is, has participated in possible training. However, since in most cases this is impossible, the telepath himself has to polish his skills day by day. In the case of contact with an inanimate object, a kind of familiarity with the object is necessary before anything can be said about it.

Probability and timing of the development of telepathy

How likely it is to develop telepathy, no one can say for sure, therefore, if a person, and especially a supposed teacher, tells you that you will one hundred percent master telepathy, think about whether this person’s intentions are selfish. The question of whether you can master telepathy skills can be answered by taking into account several main factors:
your volitional qualities - how persistent and regular you will be in your training and desire to become a telepath;
genetic predisposition - were there people in the family who had special abilities, were considered telepaths, healers, clairvoyants, etc.;
mental abilities - how much the brain, in principle, is able to master the skills of sensitivity to energy currents and how much new information it can accept and assimilate;
physical condition of a person - to train telepathy skills and, moreover, they should be used only in full physical health;
psychological state of a person - telepathy requires concentration, the ability to control emotions and inner peace.

The time it takes to master telepathy skills is also quite arbitrary. Some will be able to master basic knowledge in the first few weeks and move on to practice within a few months, while others will have to work on this for more than one year.

A few first steps to mastering telepathy

1. Control of internal energy metabolism. Everything is energy. The movement of energy is life. The ability to control energy currents determines a person’s ability to control his life and his capabilities. That is why it is important to learn this control, which can be helped by meditation and breathing practices, in particular from yoga and some types of martial arts.

2. Practice with an opponent. Practicing telepathic skills requires constant contact with another person or object from which information must be read. Daily training will allow you to develop attentiveness, sensitivity and adapt your consciousness to reading energy from the intended goal.

3. Theoretical preparation. When mastering telepathy, do not forget to reinforce your knowledge with information from books. Workshops on hypnosis, deep meditation, tutorials on telepathy, Indian practices of control and accumulation of prana are suitable for this. Many of the selected books may contain relative information, but at the same time, it is precisely this convention that can prompt one’s own thoughts and discoveries.

4. Control over your own health. Physical and mental health is important for mastering telepathic skills, since this condition determines the comfort of telepathic contact, its speed and effectiveness.

Reasonable precaution

When practicing telepathy, you should take some precautions. First of all, during telepathic contact, it is important to maintain emotional stability and not express negative feelings, otherwise this can affect the psyche of the telepath and deplete his physical health.

It is worth starting the exercises with 5-10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to the most comfortable and effective in each specific case.