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West Highland White Terrier breed description. West Highland White Terrier (photo) - a fearless hunter and a cheerful companion: description, character, care. Some interesting facts









Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Dear, dear fool to lead. Hands reach out to him to shake his shaggy head. The small white terrier evokes only positive emotions. Where did this miracle come from?

History of the breed

The West Highland White Terrier is one of the Scottish terriers, and it is not recommended to call the breed English in the presence of Highlanders. The White Highland Terrier, the Scotch Terrier and the Cairn Terrier are the national pride of Scotland.

Westies, Cairns and Scotties are closely related and share the same history until the early 19th century. Terriers were kept for hunting small animals in holes and crevices. Fox, badger, and also otter on the banks of rivers and lakes were of hunting interest to poor people. For such work, dogs of a lively disposition, independent and even reckless were selected.

In Scotland, Burrow Terriers had an additional requirement: rough coat and short legs. The harsh climate, cold water of mountain rivers and rocky terrain had an effect.

The selection was based on working characteristics, but light-colored puppies were not favored, and if such appeared in the litter, they tried to destroy them. Fortunately, this prejudice was not shared by Sir Edward Donald Malcolm.

The colonel liked light-colored dogs, and he also considered the white color safer for hunting. When a red terrier, soiled with earth, crawls out of a hole, he can be confused with a fox and shot.

On his estate in Poltalloch, Malcolm began targeted breeding and managed to produce sufficient stock of one type and color. In parallel, but in an atmosphere of rivalry, two more enthusiasts acted: the Duke of Argyll of Roseneath and Dr. Flaxman. All three showed the resulting terriers at exhibitions at the end of the 19th century.

Initially, half-tallochs, as show visitors called them, came in two colors - white and light cream, often with spots, and rosenites were white. Dr. Flaxman succeeded in producing pure white Scotch Terriers. All dogs differed in head shape and coat structure.

There were still more common features: small erect ears, raised tail, compact body on short strong legs. And the character is passionate, fearless. Ultimately, these breed groups merged into one, adopting Malcolm's desired type of dog, but with a white coat.

Development of the breed

The first breed club was formed in 1904 in Scotland, and three years later in England. Until the First World War, the breed experienced a real boom; at that time, dogs were valued very highly - hundreds of pounds.

For a long time, Westies were bred in parallel with Cairn Terriers; this practice was banned only in 1924.

The West Highland White Terrier club developed in spurts, wars greatly slowed down the dynamics and set the breed back.

The number of livestock in England and Scotland was stabilized only in the 50s, after which the small white terrier quickly became an international favorite. True, along with its popularity, the Westie lost its hunting practice and became a completely decorative breed.

This was a logical consequence of improving the exterior. As a relatively young breed, the first thing that the breed needed was to establish a pure white color. This was achieved by compromising the quality of wool.

Further improvement of the breed went in the direction of grooming, and the Westie acquired an original hairstyle. In addition, the terrier has grown a little at the withers, lengthened his neck and straightened his top line. He became so interesting and stylish that in 1976, for the first time in the history of the breed, he won the main exhibition of the United Kingdom - Crufts.

The West Highland White Terrier is common, in addition to Europe, in North America and Japan, mainly in countries with a not very hot climate. Dogs from Great Britain are still the most prized.

Breed standard

The West Highland White Terrier is the most elegant and energetic of the group of short-legged terriers in Great Britain. This is a small but extremely confident and courageous dog. His build allows him to be durable, agile and omnipresent.


Height 26-28 cm.
Weight 7-10 kg.

The Westie stands firmly on the ground, because he has a fairly wide chest and developed pelvic bones. The fore and hind limbs are short, but bony and very well muscled. The paws are gathered into a ball. Westies can climb rocks and climb sloping trees.

The dog gives the impression of a dense bundle of energy; there should be no effeminacy or lethargy in the terrier. A good indicator of a lead's temperament is a “cheerful” tail, that is, a tail set high. Tails are not docked; a “correct” tail is no longer than 15 cm.

The Westie's back is short, straight and strong. In the modern type, the top line is a saddle - the long, wide neck smoothly turns into a pronounced withers and continues to a shortened loin. When viewed from above, the back and loins are wide.

Main signs of news:

  • Compact.
  • Strong.
  • Wider at the back than at the front.

The head of a modern Westie is hidden by his hairstyle, but an experienced expert will be able to evaluate its lines. This should be the head of a working dog, wide, with pronounced brow ridges and a well-filled, slightly shortened muzzle. A flattened skull and narrowed muzzle are not suitable.

The Terrier has large teeth, which require a fairly wide jaw arch to properly position them.

Strictly evaluated:

  • The ears are small and erect.
  • The nose is quite large and black.
  • The eyes are as dark as possible, widely set, oval. The characteristic expression of the eyes is especially checked.

Coat requirements are not limited to white color. Westies are classified as wire-haired terriers, which means that coats that are too soft, wavy, and curled will be rejected. A properly trained terrier exhibits a two-layer coat - a soft, short undercoat covered with a hard guard.

The “chrysanthemum” hairstyle, which has become the hallmark of the news, is not regulated by the standard. It is worth noting that with soft wool of irregular structure, the hairstyle may not look decent. An accentuated haircut with sharp transitions is undesirable.

In any case, the winner is a dog that is proportionally built, with a “trademark” look and light energetic movements.

How to care for the coat of a West Highland White Terrier:

Trimming (plucking)

The first trimming must be done at 3–4 months, when the puppy's fluff changes. In the future, the dog is trimmed on average every 2 months. If you act in this mode, you will be able to maintain a decent appearance of the terrier without completely exposing the skin. Get a comfortable two-layer hairstyle.

If you skip trimming for 4-6 months, the dead fur will have to be plucked completely.

The frequency and complexity of the procedure greatly depends on the quality of the wool. Westies have a very wide range - from a high-quality, hard guard with a moderate undercoat to an undesirable cottony, uniform coat.

Anyone can master the technique of hygienic trimming. A tool called a furminator is very helpful in removing excess hair, especially undercoat. It is recommended to pluck the guard coat by hand.

Westies cannot be cut with scissors or clippers. This leads to a rapid change in the hair structure towards thinning. After two haircuts, the coat becomes thin and soft.

In most cases, this unusual procedure is entrusted to a groomer - a dog hairdresser. At least at first it will be better for a novice dog breeder.

If your dog is quite “tough” by nature, run away from a groomer who does not pluck the hair, but only uses a clipper. The best trimming is the one done with your fingers. Thinning scissors and a machine are allowed only at the last stage of trimming, to fine-tune and smooth out transitions.

Washing and combing

You can brush your terrier every day or every other day. Let's allow up to four days to pass, but then there may be problems with unraveling the fur and accumulation of dead hairs.

Contrary to the belief that white dogs have to be bathed frequently, Westies are bathed only as needed, once every 2-3 months. The coarser the dog's coat, the less often the procedure will be required. Shampoo is selected without a softening effect; dry cleansing powders and foams are convenient.

Unfortunately, the wool of excellent stiffness in Westies, as a rule, does not have an ideal white color - fawn, light sand. This is not the best option for a show, but in everyday life such dogs are much easier to keep. After trimming, the house will be clean.

Bleaching the coat with special means, as well as frequently bathing dogs, is not the best way, knowing that Westies are prone to skin manifestations.

We have to disappoint those who dream of a message with the famous “chrysanthemum”. This hairstyle can be done only for 1-2 days and only with the help of hair retainers. This “flower garden” is intended exclusively for exhibition display.

Like all terriers with a hunting history, Westies have large teeth. Plaque and tartar are common occurrences that require regular treatment.

Small erect ears pose a risk during bathing, so they are usually covered with cotton swabs. The fur inside the ear should be removed regularly by plucking and trimming.

In addition to hygiene and hairdressing procedures, the owner’s main concern is organizing the Westie’s leisure time. Fun games, walks, and communication give the dog tone and interest in life.

Health and disease of the West Highland Terrier

The West Highland White Terrier is genetically an extremely healthy dog. Mobility and a calm attitude towards food add several full years of life to him - up to 14-16. Of course, provided that the owners often walk their dogs and do not overfeed them.

Still, there are problem points:

Heredity plays a role, but it is rarely possible to reliably find out the “history” of the puppy’s parents. Therefore, all new terriers are given universal advice for preventing allergies:

Immediately give preference to hypoallergenic super-premium and holistic dry food.
Avoid protein overfeeding.
Strictly adhere to the diet and do not create a disorderly mixture of products.

Proper care can help prevent some skin diseases.

Character and training

The Westie is a typical terrier, which means that it will be easy and difficult at the same time. Easy - because he is smart, quick-witted and remembers everything well. It can be difficult at first due to the dog’s independence and excessive mobility.

Westies, deprived of hunting leisure, are forced to constantly somehow realize their potential of motor activity, ingenuity and combativeness. The best way to channel energy into a “peaceful direction” is, of course, play.

The education of a puppy and a junior is built on the gaming platform. Given the restlessness of young terriers, lessons should be preceded by good walks. The best results will be achieved if you find the right balance of game elements, rigor and rewards.

Terriers can and should be punished, otherwise they will quickly imagine themselves to be the boss in the house. As for rewards, mutual (!) joy and pleasure works best. Show the Westie that you are happy when he successfully completed a task, and he will try to do it again and again.

Terriers do not suffer from gluttony, and food is not the main thing for them. Gustatory reward is recommended only at the very beginning of the training process to practice basic commands. It is also worth using treats to train him to be trimmed on the table.

Westies enjoy any activity provided they are in good company - people, other dogs and even cats. If the terrier is lucky and has a successful owner, you can practice agility, pitch and go, participate in competitions with a puller, and frisbee. Sports training does not harm a show career at all.

It is too cruel to limit the Westie within the framework of exhibition handling alone. However, it is recommended to accustom him to examinations on the table and movement in the ring already in puppyhood.

In general, terriers can be loaded with a variety of training without fear of a nervous breakdown. Westies think quickly and easily switch to any program of action. This is the case when decorativeness did not turn the dog into a weak-willed toy.

Pros and cons of the breed

The number of points is approximately equal. What seems like a disadvantage to someone does not frighten people with other life attitudes and circumstances at all.


  • Small size.
  • Charming and attractive.
  • Cheerful character.
  • Successfully trained.
  • Has no smell.
  • Does not shed hair (subject to trimming).


  • Very mobile and restless.
  • It may break apart.
  • Regular trimming is required.
  • The “skirt” gets dirty all the time.
  • You need to buy clothes.

In general, starting from the purchase of a puppy, Westies are not cheap and take quite a lot of time. However, the popularity of the breed is growing, which means that the game is worth the candle.

Brief characteristics of the dog

Other possible dog names: white Scottish terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Poltalloch T., Roseneath T., White Roseneath T., Westie, Westy, white terrier, westie.
Height: adult male/female – about 28 cm.
Weight: 27-30 kg.
Color: snow white.
Wool: two-layer, hard, straight, no longer than 5.0 cm. The undercoat is dense, soft, like fur, and fits tightly.
Lifespan: 12-16 years old.
Advantages of the breed: dogs have a lively disposition, a high degree of activity and an overwhelming sense of self-confidence. They are always cheerful, courageous, and friendly, so the owner will have to postpone a calm lifestyle “for later.”
Difficulties of the breed: food allergies. The tenacity of Westies' character is closer to stubbornness, and they are also quite grumpy. The dog is a digger, so it is advisable not to let them into flower beds. Westies also need to be trimmed regularly.
Price: varies from $500 to $1500.

About the West Highland White Terrier breed - a little history

Many breeds have documented evidence of their date of origin. Scottish West Highland White Terriers date back so far that It is impossible to specify the time of origin of the breed. History is full of guesses and rumors.

According to one legend, white terriers appeared as a result of an unsuccessful hunt by one of the crowned heads, who accidentally shot his red dog, mistaking it for a fox. Comparing all the facts, it becomes clear that this is the oldest breed in Scotland was originally intended for hunting on a burrowing animal and is considered to be direct descendants of Cairn Terriers bred in one of the districts of England - Agrilla.

For the first time as a breed, West Highland White Terrier dogs have been mentioned since the 13th century in the messages of King Ivan the Landless, who sent as a gift to the monarch of France six small-sized digging dogs of the purest white color with coarse hair. But they are not recognized as the ancestors of the West.

Officially and purposefully The breed began to be bred only in the mid-19th century, as a result of litters of terrier varieties producing snow-white puppies in varying proportions. By 1900, several families in Scotland were already known to be breeding white terriers, calling some white Scotch terriers.

The mid-century, marked by World War II, claimed the lives of many dog ​​breeds, but the West Highland White Terrier was saved thanks to the efforts of legendary figures such as Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Through their efforts, the breed type that we have the honor to observe today was formed.


The West Highland White Terrier, or highland white terrier, was originally intended for hunting burrowing animals: badger, fox, raccoon, rabbit and other rodents.

A modern and very popular dog, the West Highland White Terrier, the price of which varies greatly, considered a companion dog but for the most part it is positioned as an ornamental breed, participating in exhibition shows and taking part in competitions for working qualities, in particular in England and Scotland.

Fame literally fell on the white terrier after an advertising campaign representing Scotch whiskey. But even before the campaign, the dog, with its mischievous disposition, was considered everyone’s favorite. An optimistic, restless dog who feels confident in society and loves noisy games with children, makes the breed very popular both among city dwellers and outside of big cities.

West Highland White Terrier breed characteristics

Westies feel great in city apartments. Compact and friendly, a dog that does not express obvious aggression, is considered a good companion for people leading an active lifestyle. White Terriers very sociable and quite hardy, to make long journeys. In addition, the fearlessness of dogs is regarded as excellent security qualities.

With a significant predisposition to, like most representatives of white breeds, Westies can be classified as practically healthy dogs. And if they are fed correctly, then the white Scottish terrier will will not cause owners any trouble about their health.

Another aspect that deserves attention is how much a West Highland White Terrier costs. Puppies are evaluated by breeders based on their intended purpose. The most expensive is the exhibition category show class dogs.

Breed-class puppies intended for breeding are not much cheaper. The price of pet-class puppies, or dogs “for the sofa”, closes the pricing. But this does not negate the purity of the lines in the complete absence of defects and health flaws.

Video review of the breed

A short video from the program “101 Dogs and Others” tells about representatives of the snow-white Scottish terrier breed, their working qualities and character traits. Those wishing to get to know the West Highland White Terrier breed are recommended to watch the video to the end.

The nuances of choosing a puppy

The West Highland White Terrier today belongs to the elite and expensive dogs. The little news can be purchased no earlier. But as a West Highland White Terrier puppy grows up, its price rises significantly.

This tendency is determined by the manifestation of the qualitative characteristics of the grown-up puppy, and, what is very important, by the formed dental system and the manifestation of breed defects, which happens in extremely rare cases.

Before entering into an agreement to purchase a white terrier, you should honestly answer a number of questions related to raising a companion dog puppy.

If the future owner has a busy work schedule and does not have time for long walks and constant activities with the puppy, if there is not sufficient financial support for regular trimming, veterinary prevention and specific feeding, then this is not your dog.

When choosing it is very important to pay attention to parents– this is the only way to understand what mature West Highland White Terrier puppies will look like. It is very important to check the teeth and bite, pigmentation of the eyes and paw pads. There should be no light or pink spots on the pads. The tail must be set correctly.

The puppy must appear proportional according to the Breed Standard. The abdomen is not bloated, which indicates the absence of... The coat is of high quality, without bald spots, the ears and eyes are clean, the character is active, friendly and inquisitive.

Names and nicknames

Even if a puppy is purchased “for the sofa,” it must be must have documents: a veterinary passport with marks and a dog’s birth certificate with the names of mother and father written in, as well as its own name.

As a rule, when taking a puppy, new owners ignore the nickname received in the kennel, giving the dog a home name. Nicknames for West Highland White Terriers for boys and girls are presented in the Internet database with simple and original names with or without reference to foreign prefixes.

After devoting a few hours to visiting specialized sites, you can choose a name that both you and your dog will like.

West Highland White Terrier maintenance and care

Even at the moment of purchasing a puppy, breeders honestly warn that caring for a dog is quite labor-intensive. Trimming of the West Highland White Terrier is carried out regularly, at least three times a year, and up to five times for show dogs. There is also an urgent need for daily combing and.

The main areas of the body where, from a hygiene point of view, hair should be plucked rather than cut:

  • around the eyes and ears;
  • genitals;
  • anus.

Bathe your dog at least once a month. In bad weather - more often, even if the dog does not take part in exhibition activities.

Westies are favorites and regular clients of groomers (dog hairdressers), whom they visit three or even five times a year for trimming. Grooming a West Highland White Terrier with scissors, much simpler and easier to tolerate by dogs, has a detrimental effect on the coat.

With constant clipping, especially with a clipper, the outer coat loses its rigidity, becoming plump, like the undercoat, which is absolutely not typical for the breed.

Health and heredity

Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed have enviable health and strong immunity, despite their ancient roots. However, up to 18 West Highland White Terrier diseases recognized as breed ailments can be inherited. They appear as:

  • yeast dermatitis;
  • skin histiocyte;
  • food allergies;
  • pulmonary fibrosis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cataracts;
  • atopy;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • dysplasia;
  • aseptic necrosis of the femoral head;
  • craniomandibular osteopathy;
  • meningoencephalitis of white dogs;
  • congenital deafness.

Westies have a predisposition to heart disease, manifested in right ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis. Therefore, dogs, with all their cheerfulness and obvious manifestations of problems, should be seen regularly by a veterinarian for preventive purposes.

What to feed a West Highland White Terrier

The success of raising a healthy dog ​​depends on the feeding process. No matter how much knowledge there is before the message comes to the house, it must be ignored, since the white terrier needs a specific diet.

Firstly, you should only give the one that was recommended by the breeder of the nursery from which it was taken.

Switching to a different type of food for a West Highland White Terrier entails big problems both in the gastrointestinal tract and in the manifestation of food allergies in an adult dog.

Therefore, cottage cheese, sour cream, vegetables, fruits and other “delicacies” should be completely excluded from the diet. Food, and only food, according to the puppy’s feeding standards.

Secondly, you should not give in to prejudices that dry food has a detrimental effect on your dog’s health. The content of the dry diet, developed for white terriers, contains a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids with the appropriate amount of fat and protein, which a person simply cannot provide for the daily feeding of a Westie.

The worst thing to have is a food allergy, coming unnoticed, rapidly growing, inexorably turning the dog into a disabled person. How long West Highland White Terriers live depends directly on the dog’s proper nutrition.


All the White Scottish Terrier needs is long walks, enriched with active games, exercises, etc. It is based on the principle of mutual understanding between a dog and a person, which can only be achieved through daily communication, including while walking.

West Highland White Terrier training begins no earlier than six months of age, when the puppy is almost completely strengthened physically and psychologically, and the contact between the dog and the owner has reached the appropriate level.

The training is based on the principle of the dog being interested in itself, the desire to carry out commands and pride in. The owner must not miss the moment so that the dog understands who is the leader of the pack.

West Highland White Terrier description of advantages and disadvantages

The character of the White Scottish Terrier is expansive and loyal, with a clear sense of self-esteem. It is not typical for a leader to be sycophantic. His disposition is sparkling and playful. Brave and courageous dog feels great surrounded by his loving family. The West Highland White Terrier, whose size is very average, is a true companion, carefully protecting the peace of those close to him.

His sparkling mind gushes with ideas. Loves noisy games and fun walks with elements of hunting for beetles, butterflies and other small things.

Prefers to communicate with adults. Young children are either ignored or harshly raised, since the dog shows intolerance to unconsciously rude treatment of its person.

Vesti is jealous, especially in relation to other pets that are under the same roof with him. More dogs are very talkative. They can bark for a long time, loudly and annoyingly, showing with all their appearance how necessary the presence of a person nearby is. This is connected with the memory of ancestors. This is how white hunters called the owner to the hole so that he could take the caught prey.

His zeal for digging holes is also associated with his ancestors. A white terrier that does not dig up the ground is a rarity, so owners of personal plots should carefully fence off flower beds and lawns from the encroachments of the “gardener.”

West Highland White Terrier owner reviews

Olga Sergeevna, dog 1 year 8 months:

Our darling took a long time to get there, on two transfer flights. Since then, she has been madly in love with traveling, accompanying my daughter and me on all events, even to the market. Very sociable. It feels like we've had it all our lives.

Yuri, dog 8 years old:

Max appeared in the house when I had not yet finished school. Mom bought it for herself, but he recognized me as the leader. Since then we have been inseparable.

He was even present at the wedding and guarded me. Jealous, touchy, cunning, but the most wonderful and devoted, a real Big Little Friend.


We invite everyone who is interested in dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed to participate in a dialogue. We are waiting for interesting stories about the cheerful, cheerful and brave white terrier - hunter and companion. You can place your comments and criticisms at the bottom of the article. We will be happy to discuss the most pressing and pressing topics.

Dogs of the West Highland White Terrier breed originally from Scotland, they were bred specifically for hunting small animals. They easily penetrate holes and take out foxes, ferrets and other living creatures.

By the way, you can get dogs out of holes using their tail, which over time has acquired all the necessary characteristics for this. The white color is clearly visible in the forest and it is difficult to confuse your pet with any other living creature.

The West Highland was originally bred not only as a hunter, but also as a close and reliable friend of a person who is always nearby. Despite their “toy” and cute appearance, dogs of this breed have a very firm and even slightly stubborn character, they have their own opinions and the ability to make decisions.

West Highland White Terrier- A great friend for the whole family. He is cheerful, brave and very kind, as a terrier should be. Its size is ideal for living in a city apartment, although frolicking on the street is a real pleasure for such dogs.

Dogs of this breed get along well with children, not only living in the family of its owners, but also with everyone around them. Such a dog can safely be called the “star of the yard”, because he will definitely not be left without the attention of his neighbors. But make sure that they do not feed your pet.

He won’t be able to refuse, but he won’t be able to gain weight! And, as you know, obesity is harmful to any dog, especially one so nimble and active. For Westies, obesity threatens future diseases of the paw bones, but every owner does not want this to happen to his beloved creature.

Choosing a puppy

West Highland White Terrier puppies Most of them are born in the corresponding nurseries and only a few breed such dogs at home.

Most of these nurseries are located in the capital and nearby regions, but in the Siberian, Far Eastern and other remote districts of our country such nurseries can be counted on one hand.

In such regions, choosing a puppy must be approached with special care. It’s easier for those who already have owners of this breed among their friends; they will recommend the kennel and tell you the conditions for keeping the dog in the house.

But if you don’t have such acquaintances, various forums on the Internet will come to the rescue, where experienced dog breeders will be happy to share contacts. When choosing a puppy yourself, you need to remember a few points:

- if a puppy is declared as a purebred, it must have a pedigree with a number and recording of its breeding name and the names of its parents;

— before purchase, the kennel registers the puppy with the RKF and puts a mark on its body. If there is none, the nursery is not officially registered, and this is already a reason to think about it. True, if you are buying a puppy for your home, and not for exhibitions, then you will never need any branding.

— the breeder must provide all vaccinations required by age. Usually, puppies are given to new owners at the age of 2 months and by that time they have already received their first vaccinations, entering information about them in the animal’s veterinary book, which is transferred to the new owner.

- receipt. A slightly unpleasant topic that more than one Vestik owner has had to deal with. The fact is that from birth in males of this breed the testes are located inside the body and over time they must descend and form into the scrotum.

Unfortunately, this does not happen in all male representatives of the breed, and without them there can be no question of procreation. The testes must descend within 6-9 months, without them the dog will not be registered with any community, and without this it is impossible to participate in exhibitions and breed the breed.

By the way, the dog must be registered with the society before it turns 1 year old. Cryptorchidism (unilateral or bilateral) is a frequent companion of Vestik, which means you need to be on the safe side in advance.

If the breeder claims that the testes will drop, the puppy is purebred and there have been no such cases in the litters of his “father” before, he will easily write a receipt promising to return part of the money if the situation develops negatively. After all, Westie puppies, unsuitable for offspring, cost much less than their fertile counterparts.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its appearance, activity, contact with other dogs and people. Find out which veterinarian should be examined and what food the dog should eat. Also, rely on your intuition, because first of all you choose a friend.

Dog food

There are as many opinions as there are owners, but basically everyone adheres to one of two things:

- “human” food, namely porridge, chicken, vegetables, some fruits, etc. Please note that food must be fresh, unsalted and cooked specifically for your needs.

- dry and/or canned food from different manufacturers. Each Westie, like a person, will suit a certain brand of food. You can understand this only by your own example.

Yes, many owners of this breed agree on one company, but no less prefer another. Not only your pet’s well-being, activity and mobility, but also the color and pigmentation of its coat depends on food.

The first days of life with a dog

Be prepared for the fact that you have not a puppy, but practically a child. In a Westie's new home, everything will be interesting, new and scary at the same time. Don't be surprised if he whines during the first nights when he can't find his mom.

The right decision would be to acquire an enclosure measuring at least 1.5 * 1.5 meters, which will be an excellent area for the puppy’s new home. There you can put a bed, feeding bowls, place toys, and most importantly, cover the entire area with oilcloths and diapers, because your new friend does not yet know that you need to go to the toilet outside.

When preparing to move your puppy, you need to think through every little detail:

— the bed should be large enough and comfortable so that not only a puppy, but also a growing dog can stretch out there to its full height. Remember, a dog bed is not purchased for one day, and the dog completely grows in about the first year of life.

— There should be two feeding bowls, separately for food and water. Breeders recommend buying bowls on a special stand so that you can raise them as the puppy grows (you probably know that dogs should eat without bending their necks).

Water should always be clean and in sufficient quantity, and food should be served only after a walk, because running with a full belly is extremely difficult for an animal. In the first days, try to feed little by little and be sure to observe the puppy’s reaction.

— walks should begin only after all the necessary vaccinations. Initially, it is worth taking the puppy outside 5-6 times a day, gradually reducing the number of exits and increasing their duration until the dog gets used to going to the toilet only outside.

Buy a short leash for the first time and a long tape measure for the future. It is better not to let the puppy off the leash until you understand that he hears and obeys you very well.

- a medallion or capsule with the name and phone number of the owner is a necessary thing in our time. How often does it happen that a dog breaks off its leash or runs away after a street cat... A good-natured, decent person, seeing a neat dog, will decide that he needs to return it to its owner and then the medallion will come to the rescue. It's best to hope that this doesn't happen to your dog, but it still doesn't cost anything to take care of such an acquisition.

— transportation is necessary to deliver the pet to a new place of residence. Today there is a wide variety of large and small, hard and soft, frame and light transportation.

Remember that it is better not to feed the dog before the road, because later he may vomit. But don’t be alarmed, vomiting usually occurs from motion sickness and can occur not only on the first trip, but also on subsequent trips.

Over time, this syndrome goes away. In the end, try carrying the puppy in your arms, let him look out the window behind which objects change, and not at one point in the carriage.

Don’t be alarmed if during the first days and nights in a new place the Westie looks for his mother and other puppies; grab something from the breeder with a smell familiar to the baby and gradually accustom him to yours. Sometimes even a hand placed in the enclosure next to the bed helps the dog calm down and fall asleep.

Raising, training and playing with a dog

As in the previous paragraph, each owner himself chooses a strategy of behavior, the moments that he allows his dog, and which he categorically prohibits. It is worth repeating that the West is a very smart and quick-witted breed; he will easily accept your conditions, but it will be much more difficult to re-educate him.

It is better to start training your dog from an early age. 5-6 months is a great time to start teaching your pet basic commands; they will be useful to you both in life and at shows. You can train yourself, using tips from special books and articles on the Internet, or by placing the cheek in the hands of an experienced professional.

Raising a dog must be done every day, regardless of the presence or absence of training practice. The dog must know what it can do in this house and what it absolutely cannot.

After all, if today you allow him to sleep next to you, and tomorrow you kick him off the couch, the dog will be very surprised and will not be able to understand what behavior he should adhere to. He must know whether it is possible to “beg” from the table, where to go to the toilet and what will happen to him for a chewed slipper.

Westies love to steal things that are not in good condition, chew wires and children's toys. That is why they must know exactly the consequences of their actions. And that is why he should have enough of his own entertainment.

These can be different toys, balls, rings, but his and only his. The dog must understand what belongs to it and what belongs to its owner. By the way, Westies love a variety of toys. They enjoy running after a ball, pulling a rope from their hands, or gnawing on something squeaky.

It is better to choose toys made of dense material, because otherwise, while you are not at home, he may tear the shell and eat the contents, and this will not have the best effect on his well-being.

Dog care

Westies require, albeit minor, careful care. At home, you need to regularly brush your teeth and ears, comb out your hair, and trim your nails. However, if you are not ready to pick up scissors, a pet salon will come to your aid.

There you can also get a hygienic haircut (paws, area under the tail) and a full haircut with a clipper or trimming. Trimming - hair plucking is suitable for those representatives of the breed who will subsequently participate in exhibitions.

Grooming with a clipper is a less painful procedure for the animal and less expensive for the owner, but remember that after it the hair becomes softer and begins to curl.

To summarize, we can once again note that West Highland White Terrier breed- one of the friendliest, active, inquisitive breeds. They get along well with children and other dogs, and are unpretentious in food and life.

Westies resemble a soft toy that can be squeezed all day long, but they consider themselves adult and formidable dogs who have the right to make their own decisions. Vestik is a great friend who will faithfully wait for you when you return from work. And how nice it is to come home and see these eyes filled with love!

Despite the fact that these Scottish dogs were originally bred for hunting purposes, today representatives of this breed are exclusively pets, and for their owners, most often female, they are household toys or faithful companions. You can play with them, walk, share thoughts, take photos, shoot videos, etc. However, they have not completely lost their hunting spirit and at the first opportunity, at the sight of a “prey”, their getter instinct is triggered, and they rush headlong to catch it.

Everyone should watch a video where they film how “vesti” (as dogs of this breed are affectionately called in a number of countries) hunts for rodents. It's very entertaining and funny at the same time. A small fluffy dog, looking like a toy, quickly runs after the ferrets and boldly dives headfirst into their holes, first digging the ground and widening the hole. This is how they are - smart and funny, dexterous and pugnacious dogs of this breed. At the same time, they are friendly, benevolent and loyal.

West Highland White Terrier - general introduction

The West Highland White Terrier breed was developed in Scotland in the Middle Ages. In the literature you can find their other name - “White Highland Terrier”. These dogs were originally considered hunting dogs and were used to catch small animals living in burrows: ferrets, badgers, foxes, etc. Of course, looking at them, so small, defenseless and snow-white fluffy, it is difficult to believe that they are distinguished by great endurance, efficiency, and even courage.

There is a version that this dog is a descendant of Cairn Terriers that were bred in neighboring England. Their price, of course, is not as fabulous as that of other types of terriers, but it is also decent and not everyone can afford to have such a home toy.


Once upon a time, the English king James the First (1566-1625), having once become acquainted with the West Highland White Terrier breed, was so delighted with them that he immediately bought several from their owner, and sent several more copies as a gift to the French monarch. In those distant times, the price for them was quite high. And after the king himself fell in love with them, representatives of this breed became fashionable, which was beneficial to the dog handlers involved in their breeding. After this, their price increased significantly, and they began to be considered one of the most expensive, both in France, England and Scotland. Naturally, only nobles could keep them and therefore they mainly lived in palaces, at royal courts, and, as a rule, they were taken hunting.

The name of the breed of these snow-white dogs - West Highland White Terrier - was given by Colonel Edward Malcolm. In addition, he was the first to send terriers to an exhibition in London, where he instantly won the sympathy of all dog lovers. Today they are briefly called “vesti” and are very loved in all corners of the planet. Video recordings of these beautiful and very intelligent dogs clearly show how they behave at home and during walks. There are also many paintings, illustrations and even photo wallpapers with their images on sale. Of course, before they are removed, they undergo special training: trimming, haircuts, etc.

External characteristics

I would like to begin the description of these dogs by citing their main characteristics. The West Highland White Terrier has the following parameters:

  • Height ranges between 25-28 centimeters.
  • As for weight, this characteristic is slightly inconsistent with height and ranges from 6-10 kilograms.
  • The color of these dogs is white, and can have the following shades: snow-white, milky, light wheaten. The fur coat has a medium length of pile.
  • The body of this type of terrier is disproportionate to the head, which is much larger. This impression is created due to the furry muzzle with small and pointed ears, which gives this snow-white baby a funny, slightly toy-like appearance. A wide jet black nose completes the look. Just look at his funny photos.
  • The bite is regular and scissor-shaped. Their eyes are mostly very black, of course, sometimes they can be lighter, which is extremely rare and not desirable.
  • The front and hind limbs of the Westie are quite consistent with the size of the body. Their waist is quite wide, and their chest is slightly sunken.
  • As for the main advantage of dogs - their tail, it is straight, of medium length (about 15 cm) and quite thick at the base and tapered towards the end.

We think that this description helped you mentally imagine what these dogs look like. In addition, if you have not yet fully imagined them, you can carefully look at their photos on the Internet. This dog is by no means a long-liver: the average lifespan is 12-15 years, and only with good care. After all, despite their endurance, these are gentle and vulnerable dogs, perhaps this is due to weak immunity. Reviews from the owners indicate that these representatives of this breed need constant monitoring of their health and special care (timely receipt of necessary vitamins, proper nutrition, regular vaccinations, haircuts, bathing, trimming, etc.)


Since the size of the West Highland White Terrier is a small dog, it is convenient to keep it even in a city apartment. However, we must not forget that this is, first of all, a hunting dog and it needs a hunting load. Don’t be lazy to devote a lot of time to your little friend, walk him at least twice a day. Let him run after cats and pigeons to his heart's content. He will be happy and you will read it on his satisfied face. If you noticed, in all the photos where he looks happy and cheerful, “Vesti” is outside the house.

To be honest, he is pleased that he is loved, cared for and given special care. But even more he likes to be in nature and play sports, play, etc. Of course, it is much more convenient to keep him in a country house or dacha, since, living in an apartment, he creates a lot of noise: these terriers have a loud bark, and he can bark at it for hours on end without a break, which, naturally, the neighbors do not like. Some people think that in order to avoid prolonged barking, he needs to be fed more often, however, in this way he simply wants to express himself, and does not call on his owners to fill his bowl. And these kids love to dig, and in a matter of minutes there may be nothing left from your flowerbed.


One of the famous English dog handlers once said that the West Highland White Terrier is “the embodiment of terrierness.” A dog of this breed, despite its small size and harmless appearance, has such qualities as boundless Scottish assertiveness, determination, courage, and, well, devotion to its owners.

I would like to supplement the description of the character with other, completely different characteristics: tenderness, gentleness, loyalty. At the same time, he absolutely does not like to fawn, because the “Westie” is a small and very proud dog with a high sense of self-esteem. This is evidenced by reviews from owners. It is thanks to all these qualities that they become not just pets, but friends for their owners and real family members.

Often their photos adorn the most important walls of the house in which he lives. As we have already noted, it is not long-lived, so the owners, aware of this fact, like to videotape them as souvenirs. Children especially adore terriers. After all, the “Westie” is very similar to a toy - just as funny and hooligan-smart. She can participate in common pranks with children. The reviews from the owners of these dogs about them are very touching, as if we were talking not about a dog, but a child.

They are also particularly jealous of other pets and intolerant of those children who actually take them for a toy and can roughly squeeze and bother them. In this case, bites cannot be avoided. After all, she values ​​her dignity very highly and believes that all members of the household should respect her.

West Highland White Terrier - education and training

The West Highland White Terrier is by nature an intelligent dog, it has good manners and a friendly character, however, it needs training just like other pets. This process is easy for them. However, reviews from owners say that almost always flexible “newsies” can suddenly become stubborn and show character, disagreeing with the orders of their owner. And in families where children are raised, it is necessary to instill in representatives of this breed tolerance and the ability to keep their feelings under lock and key.


Like many other pets, this small dog needs proper care. From time to time she gets sick with one or another specific canine disease. These include atopy, dermatitis, allergies to certain foods, pulmonary fibrosis, deafness, diabetes mellitus, etc. Heart disease is also very rare. Care in such cases should first of all include a trip to the doctor. You should not self-medicate in any way. Only a highly qualified veterinarian will be able to correctly determine the severity of the disease and help obtain proper treatment. At the same time, you should not confuse two concepts such as care and maintenance.

The second includes the diet (what and how many times to feed), and the first is taking care of physical health (prevention of diseases, vaccinations, diet), haircuts, walks, trimming, etc. By the way, such a procedure as a haircut is allowed by veterinarians only in the anus, on the head, chest, and paws. But the rest of the body needs trimming.

What is trimming?

Let's find out in more detail what trimming is? This is plucking overgrown hair using special devices or simply with your hands. After it, the new layer of wool turns out to be tougher and of higher quality. For the first time, this procedure can be performed on 3-4 month old dogs. It is during this period that their coat becomes more mature and durable. If you look at the photo of the terrier before and after plucking, it immediately becomes clear why this is even necessary. After all, without this procedure, your pet will look like a slob and a hooligan.

This procedure is also necessary if the dog must take part in any competition. However, you don’t need to try to do it yourself, even if you carefully watched the video about it. Trimming should only be performed by an experienced professional. This procedure, by the way, costs much more than a haircut and amounts to approximately 2000 rubles. As you can see, caring for a Westie requires not only a lot of energy, but also money. Probably, after all this, the following question pops up in your mind: “How many times should you trim?” It turns out that the procedure can be done only 2-3 times a year. “Oh wow, a little expensive.” This is why the price of dogs of this breed is not cheap.

Among the most famous and unusual dog breeds bred in the picturesque expanses of northern England is a group of miniature white dogs called the West Highland White Terrier. People call them “news” for short. These are very efficient dogs, distinguished by their fearlessness and hard work.

The Westie is a very old breed, previously bred for its extraordinary qualities. In the Scottish mountains, leads helped hunters catch foxes and badgers. In pursuit of game, these dogs could demonstrate amazing agility. Under such conditions, you need to have an active and very devoted dog, endowed with courage and bravery, who could easily climb rocks and jump long distances, penetrate between rocks, stubborn and nimble in a fight with game.

Due to their size, these dogs are ideal for apartments, and their perky character and friendliness will win any heart. Westies love human company and are always ready to help their owner. These dogs have a bold character. Despite its size, the West has a loud voice and therefore will immediately let you know that someone is coming.

West Highland White Terriers can live up to fifteen years and during this time they can learn various commands. They are highly trainable. Westies began to be bred specifically for hunting on the ground and underground. The surprising thing is that underground, they do not hear and, of course, do not see the owner, and because of this, they have to rely on their own ingenuity, intelligence and logic. For this simple reason, in ancient times, people brought out these independent-spirited fighters, who simply emanate inquisitiveness and determination.

The character of the West is loyal, soft, pliable and gentle. Those people who dream of having a dog with the “sleep on your lap” type may not even expect to get a Westie. If this dog wants affection and attention, then he can distract and interfere with you in every possible way. The West has a huge sense of self-esteem. This is exactly what inspires special respect and love for your pet. His playful nature, small size and strong build make him an excellent companion not only for children, but also for their parents.

Experts say that Westie dogs have not adopted negative qualities from ordinary terriers. Westies are not cocky, but can easily defend themselves against a larger, more aggressive opponent. Cheerful, confident and brave, almost the perfect dog!

History of the origin of the West

West Highland White Terriers, or more simply “Westies”, first appeared in Scotland. Dogs of this breed were bred to hunt small and medium game. Their main advantages in hunting were: activity and small size. The name “terrier” itself comes from the Latin word “terra” - “earth”. And it is precisely because of this that terriers are often called “earth dogs.”

In Great Britain, terriers were first described in the tenth century AD. John Leslie in 1830, in the book "History of Scotland from 1436 to 1561", spoke about very small dogs that, clinging to the ground, squeezed into animal holes, forcing foxes and badgers to run away. In 1576, the doctor at the court of Queen Elizabeth of England, John Caius, did not forget to mention in his work “On English Dogs” small dogs “terrars”, which were used to catch rodents in burrow hunting.

At that time, terriers varied extremely greatly in color, as well as in the shape of their ears. White Westies are the result of crossbreeding, like most other breeds.

The formation of the first representatives of this unique breed is attributed to a certain family with the surname Malcolm from the English town of Paltalloc. Colonel Malcolm founded this amazing breed and came up with a name for it. The colonel had a capacious kennel of West Highland white terriers, which were used exclusively for hunting. There are speculations that the Westies with a white color were deliberately bred. After all, such “bright” dogs could be seen at a great distance among the thickets.

At the end of the Second World War, enthusiastic cynologists who were involved in breeding Westies decided to combine all their efforts in order to restore the almost extinct breed. Among them were such famous personalities as Miss Turnbull, Mrs. Pasay, Mr. Beales, Miss Wright, Dr. Russell, and also Miss Wade.

These caring people made an invaluable contribution to the restoration of the breed. And only thanks to them, this wonderful breed was preserved in that difficult time.

Breed standard for the West Highland White Terrier

Speaking about breed standards, it is necessary to touch upon the new international standard created by the International Canine Federation. The standard was published relatively recently, in 1984.

Origin of the breed:

Great Britain. F.C.I. Classification: Section 2 Small Terriers, Group 3 Terriers.

General appearance of the breed:

Westies are distinguished by the fact that they have a wide chest, a strong build, powerful muscular legs with a rear part and a very straight back line.

Temperament of a dog:

alive. Dogs are particularly courageous and active. A brave hunter who is constantly alert. Plus, he's a little overconfident. Increased friendliness.


The head is covered with thick, rather dense hair.

Dog cranial region:

The skull has a convex shape, tapering along a line from the eyes to the ears. The transition from the muzzle to the skull is pronounced.


quite large, black in color. It hardly protrudes forward and is quite unnoticeable. The muzzle gradually tapers away from the eyes, forming a well-proportioned outline. Jaws and teeth: The Westie's jaws are beautiful, smooth and powerful. The teeth are relatively large and have a scissor bite. But the dog’s eyes are dark and not round in shape. Westies have an intelligent and insightful look. Ears: Quite small and erect. The dog holds them confidently. Westies have a soft (velvety), short coat.


quite long. Also, the neck has a smooth transition into sloping shoulders. The Westie has an excellent compact body and a straight back.


has a length of twelve to fifteen centimeters, covered with rather stiff hair, has no fringe, and is straight. Tail docking is completely unacceptable.

Front legs:

muscular and straight, rather short. They have thick, small fur that does not interfere with running.


slightly tilted back. A characteristic feature is that the shoulder joint of the lead is slightly shifted forward.


muscular, but not wide apart. Feet: The hind feet have thick pads and are smaller than the front feet. The entire surface of the claws and pads, in the best case, should be black.

Hind limbs:

quite strong, with well-developed muscles. Wide at the top. The legs are sinewy and short.


The Westie has a free and straight gait. The front and rear legs move very freely. When moving, you can feel all the muscularity of the dog’s body. Plus, the hocks are well developed and flex well, providing a strong forward thrust.


has a two-layer structure. The undercoat is dense and short, very fur-like and has a dense structure. Loose fur is highly undesirable.

Height at the withers of the dog:

approximately twenty-eight centimeters.

Disadvantages and vices:

Deviation from any of the above points is considered as a shortcoming or defect.

A dog that periodically exhibits physical or behavioral abnormalities must be immediately disqualified. This also applies to physical inconsistency.

Care and proper nutrition of Westies

West Highland White Terriers require special care. It's quite difficult! The Westie should be brushed at least several times a week. In addition to these procedures, the dog, depending on its lifestyle, should be cut or trimmed several times a year.

The fur that grows around the animal's eyes and ears must be plucked regularly.

It must be remembered that it is advisable to trim the hair growing on the belly periodically for hygienic reasons. Veterinarians advise bathing your West Highland White Terrier once a month, using the appropriate soap products for this breed.

Most owners of this beautiful breed generally prefer to cut their pets' hair because it is simple and does not take much time. This is a great option for non-show dogs.

Any dog, absolutely any breed, needs daily exercise and training. News is no exception. It is advised to spend as much time with them outside as possible and play active games. They love an active way of life.

Don't forget to take care of your ears. Veterinarians advise doing this at least once every seven days. It is recommended to do this only after washing them. This will make cleaning much easier for you. Another good tip is to pluck any overgrown hairs from your dog's ear canal. It is advisable to do this with your fingers treated with special ear powder.

You should clean your pet’s teeth once a week, because tartar is the main cause of inflammation in a dog’s mouth. Most often, it occurs due to the lack of solid feed in the diet. Let your pet eat tough fruits and vegetables. Preventing tartar is difficult, but there is a way to cure and prevent it - regular teeth cleaning. The famous dog handler A. Wolf-Talbot advises periodically giving the dog tomatoes or tomato juice without salt. The professor believes that this will most likely prevent the formation of plaque, or it will thin it and the tartar will become so fragile that removing it mechanically will not be difficult.

Claws must be regularly treated - remove them right down to the “living part” where blood begins to flow. Be very careful not to injure this very living part. It is advisable to polish the sharp ends of the claws with a nail file. Veterinarians advise treating claws once a week.

The puppies are very fond of being capricious, and “sit on their owner’s neck.” Therefore, from the very beginning, you should teach your dog good manners and not spoil him.

Feed puppies up to three months of age, preferably three times a day. But for an older dog, two times is enough. Do not overfeed the animal.

Remember that food should not contain more than fifteen percent fat. Excessive energy consumption from food is a dangerous activity, especially for dogs living in urban environments. Due to an unbalanced diet, dogs of this breed can develop skin diseases. However, if you feed your pet high-quality proteins and fatty acids, then such problems should not arise.

For dogs living in urban areas, a special food is recommended that reduces fecal excretion and prevents various intestinal diseases.

It may be noted that Westies often live longer than dogs of larger breeds.