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Seeing beautiful colored butterflies in a dream. The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation black Butterfly

Thanks to modern dream books, absolutely any human dreams can be interpreted: funny and nightmare, cute and annoying. Butterflies in dreams are one of the favorite images of people, since these creatures are very beautiful, and, moreover, they are important in terms of predicting future events. What interpretation of the image of butterflies does the dream book give?

Butterflies in dreams are one of people's favorite images.

To find out what butterflies mean in dreams, you should seek interpretation from several dream books at once, since each of them gives its own interpretation of this image. However, if you sum them up, you can get the following values:

  1. A person dreams about a butterfly when he is in anticipation of joy. Surely, a very happy event will happen in his life soon. Perhaps the dreamer has a wedding planned in the coming days.
  2. A moth that lands on the ear of some animal, for example, a cat, portends a meeting with an old friend of the dreamer. He hasn’t kept in touch with this person for a long time, so it’s time to renew friendly relations.
  3. If in a dream a person saw how this beautiful insect landed on a flower, good luck in love awaits him. A single dreamer can safely take the first step towards his chosen one.
  4. If a person dreamed of a butterfly that landed on green grass, then one can expect good news from distant relatives.
  5. A large and beautiful butterfly in a woman’s dream is a symbol of a long relationship with her chosen one. If she already has a beloved guy, then the likelihood that he will want to tie the knot with her is high.
  6. To see many beautiful butterflies flying into the dreamer’s room in night dreams is good news. And if there was a white individual among them, then the person’s most cherished wish will come true in the coming days.
  7. If a person killed this insect in a dream, it means that he will soon be in trouble. The meaning of such dreams always carries anxiety and confusion.
  8. If this beautiful creature was white, without a single spot, this means that the dreamer is experiencing a lack of love and thrills.
  9. A dream in which a beautiful butterfly sat on a stone foreshadows the creation of a long and happy relationship. And if such a dream was seen by a person who has already met his soulmate, this means that their relationship will last a very long time.

The dreamer in whose dreams a large number of colored butterflies flew above his head will have many happy and joyful moments in life. Multi-colored insects in night visions are always harbingers of celebration and rejoicing.

Why do you dream about a butterfly (video)

Butterflies in Miller's dream book

Psychologist Miller's dream book offers the following meanings for the image of a butterfly in dreams:

  • An insect sits in beautiful green grass - soon a person will become the owner of a valuable thing. Perhaps he will buy something for which he has been saving money for a long time. However, if the grass is dirty or limp, then the new acquisition will not bring long-awaited joy.
  • The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered above him in his night visions.
  • If a young girl has a dream, she will have a happy marriage.
  • But if the insect was white, this is a bad sign. This image foreshadows an illness for which a person will begin to blame others.

The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions

The dreamer can count on the fulfillment of his most cherished desire if in his dreams a large white butterfly flew into the window of his room. However, if she sits down somewhere, this is an alarming sign foreshadowing illness.

Why do you dream of colored, black, white butterflies?

  1. Multi-colored butterflies in a dream indicate that the dreamer will soon have a wonderful time. He will be surrounded on all sides by cheerful friends and acquaintances. Most likely, the person will receive an invitation to someone's birthday. At the holiday, he will have a great time and stock up on positive energy for a long period.
  2. Seeing a black butterfly in a dream means experiencing mental anguish. Surely, a stressful situation recently occurred in the dreamer’s life and now he needs rest. Black insects in dreams always symbolize a person’s tension and his need for peace.

The white individual seen in night dreams symbolizes the dreamer’s secret desire. If there were no stains on it, it means that what a person has wanted for so long will soon belong to him.

If you dream of a big beautiful butterfly: what is it for?

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility. The burden of obligations that he independently placed on his shoulders prevents him from experiencing the taste of life. The dreamer probably feels guilty before someone and tries to make amends by helping this person in every possible way.

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility

But if the huge insect was gray in color, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing that trouble may happen in a person’s life.

Seeing butterflies in the house: meaning in the dream book

Home is the place in which the dreamer feels most protected. When he dreams of this fortress, fencing him off from the dangers of the outside world, it is worth thinking about what this would be for?

A moth that flies to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles

A moth that flies to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles. It is important to remember the color of the insect here. If the individual was white, this is a good sign. A person can prepare for the fact that he will be considered the master of life. But a black moth that flies into the dreamer’s house portends minor troubles.

Catching a butterfly in a dream: meaning

Such a dream can have several interpretations.

  1. If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will get married successfully. If the dreamer already has a chosen one, then he will become her husband.
  2. A person will be able to restore his former relationship with his soulmate if in his dream he was able to catch an insect with the help of a sap. However, if the butterfly was able to free itself, the dreamer will not be able to achieve reciprocity again.
  3. If a person catches a beautiful butterfly and puts it in an aquarium or glass jar, he will have a relaxed, friendly conversation in a secluded place.

If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully

Why do you dream of moths of different colors?

The color of an insect can greatly influence the interpretation of a dream.

  • Seeing a bright blue or blue moth in a dream means a trip to the sea. In this case, the color of the insect is symbolic: the blue color is associated with the sea, ocean, lake, in a word, with expanses of water.
  • The red color of the butterfly symbolizes the dreamer's passion. As they say, passions will soon seethe in a person, he will be overwhelmed with new feelings and emotions. It is possible that all this will be connected with a new love adventure.
  • If the moth was orange, then in the coming days the dreamer will have fun with his family. Perhaps he will go on a sortie with them.
  • A green butterfly in dreams is a symbol of calm and tranquility. A person clearly does not live in a frantic pace of life. He plans his activities based on previous experience. A person never acts impulsively; all his decisions are balanced and well thought out.

If the moth was purple, this is a very good sign. What does he portend? Firstly, purple is the color of harmony. There will be no stress or sudden events in the dreamer's life. Secondly, a purple butterfly seen in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of all started work. And a dream in which there were many moths of a given color foretells the dreamer positive results of all his endeavors.

Butterfly in a dream book (video)

The dream book contains a huge variety of meanings for night dreams about butterflies. The interpretation of this image depends on many factors. When interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account the dreamer’s emotions in the dream, the circumstances under which he saw the butterfly, its color and behavior, etc.

Attention, TODAY only!

Others give joy and remind us of the beauty in life, while others, it seems to us, warn about something. We don’t know what kind of “movie” we will see the next night, but we always want it to be bright, pleasant and memorable. Today we will talk about why a butterfly dreams. This cute fluttering creature brings a smile and pleasant emotions to life. Do you know why a butterfly dreams? What do such dreams promise people? Let's consider the interpretations of the most popular dream books on this topic.

Miller's Dream Book

This source says that a fluttering insect in a dream is a sign of prosperity in life. In the near future, there may be a profitable acquisition, concluding a good contract, receiving an inheritance, etc. However, these happy moments will be in your life provided that in a dream you saw a butterfly sitting on bright green grass or beautiful fragrant flowers. It should be noted that the life of this insect is short, so the period of prosperity will not be very long. Try to manage your finances as wisely as possible.

Why do you dream of a butterfly fluttering above you? Wait for news from those friends who are not with you right now. If a young girl had such a vision, it means that pretty soon she will meet the only person with whom she wants to live her whole life. Why do you dream of white butterflies according to Miller’s dream book? Such a vision may not promise very pleasant events. Perhaps you will soon be diagnosed, and you will not blame yourself for its occurrence, but a completely stranger. Pay attention to how you feel.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about big butterflies? This means that fate provides you with a unique chance to improve, to change everything in life for the better. The larger the insect, the better for you. Don't miss the opportunity.

If in a dream you try to catch a butterfly, but it doesn’t work out, it means that you will be very disappointed in the person with whom you wanted to connect your life or with whom you have been together for many years. If, nevertheless, you managed to catch an insect in a dream, know that your distinguishing features in life are inconstancy and frivolity.

A dead butterfly or one that has burned out over a candle is a very bad sign. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

If a beautiful bright insect lands on you in a dream, expect good news or a surprise.

Dream Interpretation of the 20th Century

Why do you dream about colored butterflies? If an insect in a dream pleasantly pleases your eye with its color, expect pleasant fun, a party. If the butterfly is so bright that it is painful to look at, this indicates the onset of the disease. Also, illnesses are often foreshadowed by butterflies of gray, lemon and white colors. Why do you dream of colored butterflies if they land on the shoulders of another person in a dream? This suggests that you are unconsciously, but not unreasonably, worried about the health, well-being and life of this person. Unpleasant troubles and fuss are foreshadowed by an ugly dark-colored butterfly.

Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

This source claims that such a dream promises an acquaintance with an ill-mannered and uneducated, perhaps even physically flawed, man who may die very soon. Why does a man dream about a butterfly? This is a sign that he will soon marry a virgin and they will have a son. Killing an insect in a dream is a very bad sign that will not bring anything good to your child.

Dream book of the 21st century

If this cute creation of nature flutters above you in a dream, expect minor troubles to appear at home. This vision also warns that you have a very flighty lover or an unreliable friend. Did you catch an insect in a dream? Expect good luck in love. Crushed or injured? It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid troubles or betrayal of a loved one. Did you catch a beautiful moth in your dream? Most likely, you will have to reveal the secret entrusted to you.

Modern dream book

A bright butterfly sitting on equally variegated flowers promises wealth and prosperity. Killing an insect in a dream means bringing trouble into life through your own efforts. Have you decided to chase a butterfly with a net in your dream? There are household chores ahead that cannot be avoided. An insect flying from one flower to another warns you about the imminent visit of guests, and completely unexpected for you. There is also a chance of meeting an old acquaintance (also completely by chance). Is there a beautiful moth fluttering above you in your sleep? Expect a romance, but a short one: just relaxation, no obligations. Get ready to enjoy, but under no circumstances make plans. A black butterfly promises betrayal and deceit. After such a dream, be attentive to those individuals who do not inspire you with much confidence.

Varieties of moths

The opinions of many dream book compilers agree in this regard, so we provide you with information about why this or that type of butterfly dreams.

So, cabbage weed or any other white moth promises you trouble, and most likely illness. Have you seen a swallowtail? This means that a real comrade-in-arms, like-minded person will appear in your life, with whom it is a pleasure to be with.

Urticaria in a dream predicts a romantic trip for you, and lemongrass - unfortunately, separation. Did you see a colorful butterfly in a dream? Please note that you have become overly jealous, this may lead you to do stupid things. The blue moth represents a dream that will come true very soon. Why do you dream about a black butterfly? She warns the sleeper about the impending danger emanating from a loved one. A dream in which you saw a red moth also does not promise anything pleasant.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

See a butterfly in a dream

  • Rebirth; inner beauty; transformation.
  • Joy and love adventures.
  • Success.

See a butterfly in a dream

  • Love adventures. Public success.
  • New beginnings on a new level.
  • Pleasures, pleasures.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • This is a wonderful sign of a new beginning on a higher plane. Just as a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, you can emerge into a new reality. It is a symbol of transformation and rebirth. The ancients believed that the butterfly symbolized the soul and even life itself. Has the time come for your rebirth?
  • A butterfly can also symbolize an optional person who is accustomed to fluttering through life and not tying himself into strong relationships. Does this characteristic apply to you, at least to some extent?
  • A butterfly can also symbolize joy and bliss.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a Butterfly?

  • A flying butterfly - you are on the verge of danger - a flying butterfly is always its predecessor, catching it means a love date, seeing it sitting - minor troubles await you

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

See a butterfly in a dream

  • Butterflies are news.
  • The day butterfly is the soul of a living person.
  • Night - deceased.
  • A butterfly flies around you - anxiety.
  • There are fluttering among the meadows - you will have a pleasant time with young people or teenagers / contemplation of the spiritual development of the young soul.
  • Against the background of the sky, seeing a swarm of butterflies or a lonely butterfly is something associated with belief in an afterlife.
  • A butterfly caught in a web or caught by someone before your eyes - you will have to become an eyewitness to someone’s death / spiritual death, the death of the soul.
  • Catching a butterfly means loss. To crush is a nuisance.
  • To mutilate is betrayal / bitter resentment towards you.
  • Seeing sick, dying, burnt butterflies - someone is in dire need of your spiritual support.
  • A daytime butterfly hovering around a fire is a danger arising from too unpleasant spiritual work.
  • To see swallowtails moving their wings - someone’s loving souls / to become the object of someone’s kind and close attention.
  • Gloomy butterflies, frightening in their appearance, are a delusion of the soul, a danger of bad influence on it.
  • The blood-red butterfly is a ghoul.
  • Frighteningly huge butterflies - awareness of their insignificance.
  • Trying to catch night butterflies means yearning for the dead.
  • At dusk, follow the flight of a night butterfly, follow it into the forest - be on the threshold of the secrets of the world of shadows; You are about to witness some strange phenomena.
  • Moths beat against the glass outside - some kind of connection with the soul of a deceased person. A warning about significant events for which you need to prepare.
  • A moth trying to fly out of a bright room - a feeling of guilt before a deceased person; pangs of conscience in general. A moth suddenly flies into the window - a warning against actions that disturb the peace of the dead.
  • Seeing as if a huge butterfly (from a kitten) or butterflies are looking into the room, crawling on the glass, looking at you from the outside - a feeling of naked space, persistent thoughts and thoughts about the meaning of life, the mystery of death, etc. They have brought you to a dangerous brink / will some amazing test.
  • A moth rapidly hovering around a fire means being on the verge of life and death / participating in the affairs of some sect, or your loved ones will be associated with it.
  • Seeing a large gray butterfly in the sun is a sign of trouble.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See a butterfly in a dream

  • Butterfly - for a favorable date; flutters in the sun - a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • If you see a butterfly sitting on a flower, you have prosperity and useful acquisitions ahead.
  • But a fluttering butterfly portends receiving news from friends whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • For a young woman, a butterfly is a sign of happy love, which will lead to a strong union for life.
  • A white butterfly portends an illness for which you will blame someone else.
  • If a woman dreams that a white butterfly flew into her room, her wishes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • Your beloved (beloved) is a famous flirt, just a ladies' man and nothing more. He (or she), although they flirt, is always faithful to you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

See a butterfly in a dream

  • The butterfly is a magical symbol, very interesting and significant. If you dream of a butterfly, it is possible that some unusual knowledge is persistently knocking on your door and you do not need to turn away from it. A butterfly is a sign that in order to solve your problems or life tasks, you may need to apply some magical or other knowledge that is unusual for you. This knowledge is ready to be revealed to you! Use all your intuition to find the sources of this knowledge in reality. Don't turn away from books, or "random" interlocutors who have the information you need, who you may very soon begin to meet. A butterfly is a sign that a new stage in your life is beginning - a stage of true knowledge about the world and about yourself. And if you take this turn of your fate for granted, then in the near future you will be able to understand the problems of your past, solve them and be able to move on through life easily and freely. There are situations when a butterfly behaves aggressively in a dream. This is a sign that you are violating certain laws of the world and the laws of magic, which you should have known a long time ago, but for some reason you still ignore this side of life. If the butterfly is aggressive towards you, it means that you have already received signals more than once in your dreams or in reality that you need to reconsider your lifestyle and begin to comprehend higher laws, but you do not do this, for which you may be punished - after all, you are deviating from what was intended for you ways.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • A good sign. A butterfly fluttering among flowers and bright green grass promises wealth and prosperity. Lots of butterflies mean receiving news from absent friends. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows love, which will end in a happy marriage.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Why do you dream about a Butterfly?

  • Such a dream is considered a harbinger of meeting an uneducated and possibly physically handicapped man who may die in a short time. If you see in a dream that you have caught a butterfly, then for a man such a dream heralds his marriage to a virgin, who is destined to bear him a son. Killing a butterfly is an unkind sign, announcing that your child is doomed to death.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • Seeing a butterfly in flowers and green grass means prosperity and honest, legal acquisitions.
  • Seeing butterflies fluttering foretells receiving news from absent friends. For a young woman, this is a sign of happy love, which will end in a strong union for life.
  • Seeing a white butterfly in a dream is a harbinger of your illness, the cause of which you will blame someone else for.
  • If a woman dreams that a white butterfly flew into her room, this means that her wishes will not come true.
  • If a butterfly flies into the room and lands on something, this is a sign that someone close to you will soon become ill.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a Butterfly?

  • for a date;
  • flutters in the sun - a sign of joy.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Butterfly

  • Seeing butterflies in a dream is a good sign. A butterfly fluttering among flowers and green grass in a dream promises wealth and prosperity. Seeing many butterflies in a dream means receiving news from absent friends. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows love, which will end in a happy marriage.
  • butterfly - joyful life
  • flying butterfly - anxiety or domestic trouble
  • catching butterflies with a net is red tape or coquetry with a harmful purpose
  • crushing a butterfly is a nuisance
  • hurting a butterfly is treason
  • Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

    Why do you dream about a Butterfly?

    • Seeing a butterfly fluttering among flowers and green herbs in a dream is a very good sign, promising well-being in love. This dream foretells that news will soon come from the one with whom you are separated. For young girls and boys, such a dream is a sign of happy love and a strong marriage for life.

    The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: the ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, the dream book of Shereminskaya, the dream book of Freud, the eastern women's dream book, the dream book of Nostradamus, the newest dream book of G. Ivanov, the Vedic dream book of Sivananda, Loff's dream book, Azar's dream book, the Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti, Solomon's dream book, Martyn Zadeki's dream book, Assyrian dream book, dream book (1829), new family dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), psychotherapeutic dream book, dream book of the Yellow Emperor, Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), Danilova's erotic dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef), esoteric dream book, noble dream book by N. Grishina, dream book by Hasse, and others.

    According to Hasse’s dream book, butterflies are a harbinger of happiness, and a butterfly caught in a dream will definitely bring a new feeling into your life, because it is a symbol of good luck in love.

    Dreams with these beautiful creatures come to us as beautiful and inspiring, sometimes disturbing or alarming. No matter what kind of dream we have, butterflies in a dream always remind us of feelings, inner experiences and relationships with people.

    Imagine that you are having a beautiful dream, butterflies are fluttering in a flowering meadow, flying from one to another. This is a very good symbol that means success in life and love. As the Modern Dream Book clarifies, a butterfly in a flower meadow dreams of prosperity and significant acquisitions.

    Multi-colored fluttering creatures in a dream can simply mean an easy life, a carefree existence. Colored insects in their endless dance in the meadow can portend pleasant communication with young individuals, perhaps teenagers. This image is a symbol of the development of a young soul.

    If she fluttered and sat down on some object in a dream, for example, on furniture, pay attention to the health of your loved ones, pay special attention to the health of your loved one. A moth fluttering near the flame warns of possible danger on the way.

    • The moth is the dark side of nature.
    • Silkworm - profit and increased position in society.
    • Moth - anxiety, household chores.
    • The cocoon promises a woman new impressions from love relationships.

    Many flying creatures promise good news from relatives or friends who are far from you. A young man or girl who dreams of a lot of fluttering butterflies will be lucky in love and marriage in the future. The life together will be long and happy.

    Many butterflies or a single one, dreamed against a heavenly background, symbolizes faith in the afterlife. Collecting or seeing a collection of these insects in a dream warns that a person may witness an accident that will touch the soul and remain in the memory for a long time.

    Appearance of fluttering creatures

    A large butterfly promises overcoming difficulties in life and interesting adventures. A large insect fluttering near your window and looking inside represents your vain, incessant thoughts about the meaning of life and human destiny. The time has come to leave these thoughts and move forward, because life does not stand still. Did you dream about little moths? The dream speaks of a shy character.

    According to the dream book, a white butterfly warns of a possible deterioration in health. According to the dreamer, close people who do not show him proper care will be to blame for this. The white beauty that flew into the room symbolizes unfulfilled dreams.

    Why do you dream of a butterfly with black wings? A black butterfly in a dream symbolizes infidelity or feelings of jealousy. In another interpretation, black insects predict the disclosure of other people's secrets. A black beauty seen in a dream by an elderly man promises a change in the weather. According to some dream books, it’s not in vain that you have such a dream: black butterflies reflect a connection with people. It's time to remember them.

    A lot of new events await a person who dreams of colorful butterflies. The bright pattern present in the appearance of these creatures promises an equally varied and interesting life, full of vivid impressions.

    Multi-colored butterflies can sometimes be assigned to a specific, most pronounced color. In this case, blue will mean a trip to the sea, red - passionate feelings, green - a calm life.

    Meneghetti's dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams in which these were present. As if it is a bright shade, its appearance resembles a flower with wings, it attracts with its beauty. The image of a butterfly has a negative component - penetration under the guise of charm, similar to damage to a fruit by worms.

    Catch a surprise

    As the dream book says, a caught butterfly means success in matters of love. A dream in which a sleeping man managed to catch her promises him a future wedding with a girl and the subsequent birth of a son. The neutral meaning of sleep is a violation of secrecy.

    There are sources who are less optimistic. Catching butterflies in a dream means losses in real life. Fishing with a net can be a hassle. A dream with a net in another interpretation means that the dreamer will trail after someone or flirt with harmful intent.

    According to the dream book of Simon Canaanite, it is important when you had a dream about catching butterflies:

    • In spring, the fulfillment of your innermost desire is ahead.
    • In the summer - expect a surprise.
    • In the fall, minor troubles await.
    • In winter, doubts will arise.

    It is considered an evil sign to kill this insect in night vision. Crushing or killing a butterfly most often means trouble. Killing, crushing it or mercilessly tearing off its wings, according to one version, means betrayal of feelings. According to another interpretation, killing this creature means the child’s ill health.

    According to the dream book, a butterfly is a symbol that calls for using your inner spiritual powers and magical knowledge to solve problems. Knowledge has been revealed to you! Use your intuition to find this knowledge in the real world. Do not neglect books and any other useful information that will appear in your life in the near future.

    according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing a butterfly in flowers and green grass means prosperity and honest, legal acquisitions. Seeing butterflies fluttering foretells receiving news from absent friends. For a young woman, this is a sign of happy love, which will end in a strong union for life. Seeing a white butterfly in a dream is a harbinger of your illness, the cause of which you will blame someone else for. If a woman dreams that a white butterfly flew into her room, this means that her wishes will not come true. If a butterfly flies into the room and lands on something, this is a sign that someone close to you will soon become ill.

    Why do you dream about a butterfly?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    for a date; flutters in the sun - a sign of joy, true love; bright colors - you are loved; black butterfly - infidelity, jealousy; to kill or tear off wings - betrayal in love, break a feeling, a connection.

    The meaning of a dream about a caterpillar

    according to Freud's dream book

    Seeing a caterpillar in a dream means that in real life you had a meeting with a person of the opposite sex whom you did not appreciate. For this reason, you reacted very coolly to him, which you will bitterly regret, since the first impression was deceptive and completely wrong. It will be impossible to get back time, and you will only have to reproach yourself

    Why do you dream about a caterpillar?

    according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    envy; kill - you will harm yourself; a bunch of caterpillars - protection.

    I dreamed about a caterpillar

    according to Miller's dream book

    A caterpillar in a dream foreshadows a meeting with low, hypocritical creatures. You will do well if you can avoid contact with these people.

    Expert answers


    Good afternoon. I dreamed of a butterfly, as you see at exotic butterfly exhibitions, large, dark green, it fluttered calmly in my apartment, and then sat on my hand. What does this mean? (Elya)

    The dream means an unexpected chance in reality to change something in life for the better (often in your personal life).


    In a dream, a large butterfly with golden-dark blue wings was at home and sat on my face, the third eye area, covering my eyes with its wings. With great difficulty I was able to tear it away from my face, because it seemed to me to evoke unpleasant sensations and intentions. I called my mother several times to help me take it off, but the answer was silence, although my mother was next to me in the room. What does my dream mean?( [email protected])

    A butterfly in a dream sitting on your forehead means that you do not take the problems in your life seriously and you need to reconsider your attitude towards them. Judging by the description of the dream, you want your mother to decide your affairs in reality.