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In a dream, stand on a snowy mountain. Why do women dream about mountains?

People who had to climb a mountain in a dream should not ignore such a vision. It is worth turning to reliable interpreters to find out what to expect from such a meaningful vision. There are countless interpretations, but now I would like to pay attention to the most popular ones.

Interpreter of Aesop

Have you ever climbed up a mountain in a dream? This suggests that in reality a person has a desire to realize some idea. And if he managed to reach the top, then he will be able to achieve what he wants.

However, unsuccessful attempts indicate that some external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of plans. The dream book recommends waiting a little and resuming the path to the goal after a certain time.

A good sign is an attempt to conquer a mountain with two peaks. It is generally accepted that this vision predicts success for the dreamer in a matter that is very important to him. And it will be possible to achieve it thanks to the support of an influential person.

If the dreamer noticed a river flowing along the slopes of the mountain, then many different events await him ahead, which, however, will be insignificant and small.

The main thing is that the mountain range does not block a person’s path. Because this promises insurmountable obstacles in real life. But if a chain of mountains stretches along his path, it means that he will achieve his goal, despite any obstacles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

This book can also tell you why you dream about mountains. It is generally accepted that their appearance is a reflection of the works, achievements and plans of a person. If he saw them in the distance, it means that soon he will have difficult and great work, which will certainly be duly rewarded.

Have you ever climbed up a mountain in a dream and not felt any fatigue? This is a sign symbolizing great work that a person will do with enthusiasm, thus leading himself to success.

But palpable fatigue, accompanied by a rise upward, hints to the dreamer that he has taken on too many things. If possible, some of them should be postponed.

If in a vision a person reached the top, but saw a cliff behind it, it means that in a difficult matter he has reached the climax and he does not need to try to improve the result.

Important Details

It is possible to understand why mountains are dreamed of only if we take into account the circumstances that reigned in the vision. Overcoming wooded slopes, for example, indicates that a person has taken on too many side activities that distract him from the main thing.

Ancient ruins noticed by the dreamer while conquering peaks are considered harbingers of unexpected luck. And a beautiful castle or palace at the very top is the personification of glory and material gain that will result from a person’s efforts. The main thing is that the architecture does not look gloomy or intimidating. The image of such a castle, on the contrary, warns the dreamer against overly ambitious plans.

It is also important to remember whether the peak was covered with snow. If yes, then a person needs to gather strength and achieve his goal. No? Then it is recommended to simply give up trying to achieve success. Most likely they are infertile.

Universal interpreter

His predictions are also worth reading if you are interested in what the dream means. Climbing a high mountain means doing hard work. If it was also snow-covered, it means that you will have to face difficult obstacles to overcome. But the fear experienced at the same time is a good sign in accordance with this dream book. It is believed that such a vision promises career advancement and perhaps even a promotion.

Did the man see himself running down the mountain in a hurry? This is to get rid of danger and troubles. Falling from a mountain, surprisingly, promises good luck in all matters.

If a person saw himself in a vision living high in the mountains, it means that a happy event will soon await him. A walk among the local landscapes promises material profit and well-being.

Interpreter of the 21st century

He is also able to tell why he dreams of walking up a mountain. But in order to find the correct interpretation, a person must remember how he perceived the picture he saw.

Did the mountain seem like a difficult obstacle to him? This means that in reality he likes to complicate his life. The dream is a hint that it’s time to stop seeing the downsides in everything.

In the vision, did the person perceive the mountain as something completely ordinary? This suggests that he will soon find himself in a difficult situation and, in trying to find a way out, will come to a dead end.

Attempts to conquer the peak were so difficult that the person never reached the end? This means there is too much monotony in his life. It wouldn't hurt to take a break and have a good rest.

However, if it was possible to conquer the peak, it means that in reality the person is destined to make an unexpected decision, which will turn out to be correct and appropriate in a certain situation.

But a dream in which a picturesque view opened from the mountain is considered especially good. Such a vision suggests that a person’s future will bring him a lot of pleasant excitement associated with well-being.

Psychological book of interpretations

It will not be superfluous to look through this dream book. Climbing up a mountain is good. Such a dream suggests that the goal to which a person has been walking for so long is already close, and his efforts will be rewarded.

Did you manage to climb to the top? This means that some event will happen soon that will radically change the dreamer’s life. It’s just not known in which direction.

If in the process of climbing a person gets injured and sees his own blood, then in reality, when performing an important task or serious work, he will reach a dead end. But you can rejoice at the sight of a mountain river. Her image suggests that the dreamer will soon have a new look at an old problem, which will give impetus to its solution.

But a good vision is a dream in which a person, having climbed to the top, found a precious stone. They say this means receiving a profitable business offer. The main thing is not to see yourself falling off during the ascent. Because such a vision only promises failure in business.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

In this book it is also worth looking for the answer to the question of what to expect if in a dream you happened to go up and down a mountain.

Climbing to the top speaks of the success that a person will achieve through hard work. Descent from it, in turn, promises a minor but unpleasant failure.

An ordinary mountain landscape, which the dreamer simply admired, is dreamed of for benefit or benefit. You can get it without even spending effort. But the mountainous landscape suggests that a person will have to show resourcefulness, ingenuity and all his best qualities in order to achieve his goal. A good vision is a dream in which you happened to extract minerals. This plot suggests that a person, after many unsuccessful attempts, will finally achieve the desired result in an important matter.

A dream in which you had to ride a horse along a narrow path to the top is considered a good sign. It usually portends a strong position in life. The main thing is that the slope is not devoid of vegetation, since this promises only suffering, failure and hunger, as well as a pile of stones through which the dreamer could not get through in his dream.

Esoteric interpreter

It is recommended that every person interested in what to expect if they happen to climb a mountain in a dream should pay attention to it. This interpreter says that such a vision personifies an unsatisfied need for self-realization. If there is a business or activity that a person has always wanted to take on, now is the time to start.

It is also important to remember exactly how the dreamer conquered the peak. Did he have any mountaineering equipment with him? If yes, then in real life a person will face a serious test, which he will be able to overcome, albeit with difficulty. Perhaps there will even be a desire to give up, but it is better not to do this - at the end of the path true happiness awaits him.

Did the dreamer notice himself falling from the mountain? This symbolizes his subconscious fear of losing his position in society and his luck. The dream hints that it is time to look for the reasons for your fear in the past and finally get rid of it.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

What if a person noticed someone on the top of a mountain who seemed familiar to him? They say this image represents his desire to establish a relationship with someone. With someone who doesn’t really want to get close. Unfortunately, the interpreter recommends abandoning this idea because it is fruitless. But if this person came down from the mountain to the dreamer, then all is not lost, and the relationship can really improve.

Have you ever seen the figure of a mysterious stranger at the top, walking back and forth? This image suggests that the person will soon have to make a difficult decision regarding his personal life.

By the way, if a person happens to climb a steep climb, then he should expect about the same thing that the vision with the mountains promises. Successfully overcoming it also foreshadows a lot of hard work, the result of which will be an achieved goal and dizzying success.

Why do you dream of Mountains - Naked - anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climbing - success if you find yourself at the top; seeing mountains - difficulties; going down is bad luck.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream of Mountains:

Mountains – A mountain means an obstacle. A task that you may have planned for a long time and carefully will remain an unattainable peak for you. It is better to abandon the obviously pointless attempts to conquer it and do something else. If the peak that you dream of is covered with a snow cap, then you need to gather your strength and achieve your goal at all costs. If there is no snow at the top, then it is better not to suffer and give up fruitless attempts. If you climb a mountain in a dream, this means that the goal is close and your efforts will soon be rewarded a hundredfold. If you see yourself on the top of a mountain, it means that fate will soon take a sharp turn (it is unknown whether for the better or for the worse) and your life will change radically.

What do mountains mean in dreams - Conquer mountain peaks - achieve success. Getting hurt in the mountains and seeing your blood means reaching a dead end when solving production problems. Finding a gem in the mountains means receiving an unexpected business offer. To fail during the ascent means to fail in business. Going to a mountain river means taking a fresh look at the task at hand.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What do mountains mean?

Why do you dream of Mountains - Naked - anxiety; wooded - infidelity; climb - success if you get in; see - difficulties; going down is failure; climbing a mountain for a sick person means recovery (climbing for a long time means a very serious illness), this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Mountains?

The meaning of sleep in the dream book: Mountains – Dreaming about mountains means grief, bad things, difficulties. Bare mountains - anxiety, covered with forest - treason. Just as you dream that you are climbing a mountain, this heralds sadness; when you climb out onto the mountain and start walking, that’s good: the man got out of his grief a little; and if you climb a mountain and don’t get out, you will be in poverty: climbing a mountain is the difficulty in what you have to do, but once you get out, then it’s already good; if you climb a mountain, it must be some kind of mountain, but like climbing a tree, you are growing; going down from the mountain is bad luck. A stone on the road (path) uphill is an obstacle. Heading up a mountain with an abyss means an unhappy marriage.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream of Mountains according to the dream book:

Mountains – Mountains can symbolize greatness, danger, or sacred ground. You may simply enjoy being in the mountains, and for this reason you may see them in your dreams. Mountains can instill in you a sense of love for nature, life and a sense of rebirth. Sometimes you need to cross a mountain yourself, either by choice or because you ended up there due to a chain of circumstances that is not always clear. You should remember who you said goodbye to before starting the HIKE, why you decided to leave and what you expect to meet in the mountains of your dreams. For a long time, the top of a mountain has been taken as an idiomatic representation of the best that life has to offer. Are you in search of something, or feel it impossible to achieve success in some area of ​​​​real life, or have you already reached the top in something?

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Mountains in a Dream

Why do you dream of Mountains - To see - to receive protection; walking along them and climbing up means difficulties and obstacles; afforested - infidelity; with ruins - winning; fire-breathing - great danger; climb mountains - avoid ambush; with snowy peaks - lofty intentions; naked - anxiety; to be surrounded by mountains - to use your abilities; to ascend and not have the strength to go further - your enterprise falls.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Mountains in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of Mountains - Seeing - receiving protection - walking on them and climbing up - difficulties and obstacles - treeless - infidelity - with ruins - winning - fire-breathing - great danger - climbing mountains - avoiding an ambush - with snowy peaks - lofty intentions - naked - anxiety - to be surrounded by mountains - to use your abilities - to ascend and not have the strength to go further - Your enterprise - high - hard work, sadness - to reach the top - to be happy

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Mountains, what is it for?

Interpretation of the dream book: Mountains (hills) - Difficulties and obstacles perceived as a social challenge. Body parts. The top of a mountain or hill. The peak of individual claims in the pursuit of power and success. The pinnacle of experience and knowledge. Target. Climb the mountain. The first half of life, when difficulties must be overcome by reaching the top. The stage of individuation or the experience of initiation. Go down the mountain. Second half of life. Mountain ledge and hill. Breast. A valley between two mountains or hills. Protection, safety, comfort. Breast. Sacred mountain. Integration of personality, Superego, according to the dream book, this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of high mountains - Hard work, depression

I dreamed about Mountains, what are they for, what do Mountains mean in a dream?

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of Mountains?

What does it mean to see in a dream? You dreamed of Mountains, what are they - overgrown - lack of faith in your own strength. It’s easy to climb a mountain - always to the rise in life, success, high aspirations, to slide down or down the mountain - to miss your opportunities due to laziness. Climbing a mountain is difficult - in real life, all achievements come with effort. Climbing a mountain using equipment means avoiding an ambush. Falling from a mountain is a feeling of guilt. Standing on the top of a high mountain is an unprecedented success, pride in one’s position. Destroyed mountains mean the end of the usual way of life. Seeing mountains in a picture or drawing it yourself means taking a loved one under the protection. Mountains covered with forest - to infidelity, collapsed mountains - disappointment due to loss. Snow-capped mountains represent lofty intentions. Standing surrounded by high mountains means it is difficult to use your capabilities.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Mountains mean in a dream:

What do Mountains mean in a dream - You will be able to conquer all the peaks. Don't be afraid - take risks, act, create. Everything will work out. It's your day. Imagine yourself standing on top of a mountain with a stunning view.

Phoebe's Big Dream Book Interpretation of the dream Mountains:

You dreamed of Mountains, what is this for - any peaks will be subject to you, you will achieve your goal. Imagine high beautiful mountains. You feel the purity of the mountain air and enjoy the magnificent scenery. A moment - and you are already at the highest peak. Above you there is only the sky, and below you a beautiful world stretches from horizon to horizon. You are overwhelmed with the feelings of a winner. You have reached the highest peak, which means that any goal is within your reach.

Russian dream book What does Mountains mean in a dream:

What do Mountains mean in a dream - grief; exorbitant pride that puts obstacles on the path of life; to reach the top - to overcome obstacles and reach a new level’, can mean a promotion.

Dream Interpretation Snowy Mountain

Why do you dream about a snowy mountain in a dream according to the dream book?

What does a dream about snowy mountains mean? Great success awaits you in life. You can take on new things, as the result will be dizzying.

The dream indicates that the people around you will appreciate your achievements, and the reward will be adequate to your efforts.

Dream interpretation of climbing a mountain

Why do you dream of climbing a mountain in a dream?

Mountains in a dream symbolize our goals and their achievement. If you climb a mountain, it means you are moving towards your goal. In a dream where you climb a mountain and, having reached its top, stand on it and look at the view below, there is a positive meaning. You can achieve success, although the path to it will not be easy. If in a dream you are climbing a steep cliff, then in reality you are most likely constrained, experiencing internal tension or fear. It also speaks of a desire to forget about something unpleasant, because of which your conscience is tormenting you. This dream can also speak of the need for self-realization - the right period has come for this. Success in your endeavors and career growth awaits you. For a sick person, a dream promises recovery. If, while climbing a mountain in a dream, you feel that it is very difficult and are afraid to fail, the dream is interpreted as hard work and upcoming failures. You will be able to overcome them only if you are able to show patience and perseverance.

Stand on the top of a mountain

Dream Interpretation Standing on top of a mountain dreamed of why you dream about Standing on the top of a mountain? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Standing on top of a mountain in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Top of the Mountain

If the peak is snow-covered, then in the near future you will have a number of problems, thanks to which you will gain a unique and valuable life experience. To make this happen, drink two glasses of melt water during the day. If there is a tree at the top, then get ready for problems that will negatively affect your reputation and greatly undermine your health. To prevent this from happening, place a bouquet of white flowers near your bed and change its water for a week, and after a week, dry what remains of the flowers and put it under your bed; in the mornings during the week, take a bath in which coffee flowers float grains

Dream Interpretation - Top of a mountain or hill

The peak of individual claims in the pursuit of power and success. The pinnacle of experience and knowledge. The goal.

Dream Interpretation - Peak (mountain top)

Seeing yourself on top of a mountain means great success awaits you. Did you get in? Well done! You were still climbing in a dream about grief, but now you have won. This means the success is well-deserved.

Dream Interpretation - Summit

Top - To be at the top. mountains - to be at a worthy spiritual height. Buildings - a high position in an organization, party, at the head of a social movement, teaching. Descending from the top - if alone, then you will voluntarily descend from the top of the situation, if in a group, then you will give way to someone else. Having fun means tears and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Mountains, reach the top

Overcome obstacles and be happy.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Dream Interpretation - Mountains

Dream Interpretation - Mountain, rocks

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Snowy mountains

Dream Interpretation Snowy Mountains dreamed of why you dream about Snowy Mountains? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Snowy Mountains in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Snow Woman

Dream Interpretation - Snow Woman

Snow woman - Toward warming. Comes to life - a trip to the south, to warmer climes.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners. Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them. For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places that were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits. Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way. There is a well-known expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and another one: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain,” which means: do not wait in vain for the impossible, do as you can. If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal. Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success for you in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person. If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, this means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty affairs will soon end. Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, this means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way. If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers. If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting. To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help. To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will develop favorably and you will receive what has long been due to you according to your deserts. To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking to ask for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those who you help and for whom you sacrifice yourself. To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area - you foresee the uselessness of what you are doing now and what your best forces are going to. To see a nag in a dream that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; You will have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.

Dream Interpretation - Mountains

Mountains - dreaming about mountains means grief, bad things, difficulties. Bare mountains - anxiety, covered with forest - treason. Just as you dream that you are climbing a mountain, this heralds sadness; when you climb out onto the mountain and start walking, that’s good: the man got out of his grief a little; and if you climb a mountain and don’t get out, you will be in poverty: climbing a mountain is the difficulty in what you have to do, but once you get out, then it’s already good; if you climb a mountain, it must be some kind of mountain, but like climbing a tree, you are growing; going down from the mountain is bad luck. A stone on the road (path) uphill is an obstacle. Heading up a mountain with an abyss means an unhappy marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain, rocks

Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in business. Mountains covered with forest are a sign of infidelity. Seeing ruins in the mountains means winning. See interpretation: ruins. A castle standing in the mountains means that good changes and profits await you. See interpretation: castle, rocks, up. Snow-capped mountain peaks in a dream symbolize your ambitions; getting to such a peak is a harbinger of the fulfillment of your ambitions. See interpretation: snow, ice. Rocks in a dream are a sign of obstacles and worries. Seeing fire or smoke coming from the mountains in a dream is a sign of great danger in a risky business. See interpretation: volcano. Climbing them represents your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbing to the top is a sign of achieving success and receiving high income. The same thing also means a dream in which you managed to easily go down the mountain. However, rolling down a mountain in a dream unexpectedly is a bad omen that foretells an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs. Climbing a mountain without slipping is an omen that your persistence will help you succeed if only you reach the top of the mountain safely. Standing on the mountain is a sign of honor and a strong position in society. Traveling through the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in business, which you will achieve through hard work. However, if you have a guide on your journey, then in reality someone will contribute to your success.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Great difficulty, hard work, grief, troubles, troubles, obstacles; bald - anxiety; wooded - betrayal; falling from a mountain - great grief, loss, failure, you will get out of grief; and if you fell and didn’t fall, it’s okay, everything will work out; to go up the mountain - to good things, recovery // great grief, empty work, bad path; going down - good luck // for worse, failure; walking in the mountains means experiencing great need; standing on the mountain - great honor, glory; climbing slides is a chore that will turn out to be beneficial; climbing a mountain is a difficult but good thing, sadness; if you climb but don’t climb, you will be in trouble; climbing to the top of the mountain means good things; your plans will come true; there will be failures along the way - unhappy marriage (for women); stone road uphill - obstacles.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Seeing a mountain in a dream means receiving benefits or benefits without expending effort. Seeing a mountain landscape - in order to achieve your goal, you will have to be smart, resourceful and act at your own peril and risk. Climbing a mountain - through painstaking work you will gain well-deserved success. If you dream that you are riding a horse along a narrow path along the very edge of a mountain gorge, it means that in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. Seeing a bare mountainside devoid of vegetation portends hunger and suffering. Going down the mountain means minor luck. If you work in the mountains, extracting some minerals, it means that after many unsuccessful attempts you will finally achieve the desired result in your business. A pile of stones that you cannot get through in the mountains is a sign that your life’s road will be uneven and difficult. High rocky mountains in a dream are a harbinger of failures, quarrels, and the onset of a streak of bad luck. Do mountaineering - you will overcome a serious life obstacle on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are starting to climb the mountains and making your way along a beaten path among the green alpine meadows at the foot of large peaks, it means that in life you will easily be able to achieve wealth and fame in a respectable society. Standing on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking down in horror , and at this moment to wake up - in reality the state of your seemingly deplorable affairs will unexpectedly change for the better. Walking in the mountains together with your siblings - such a dream clearly foreshadows changes towards stability and prosperity and at the same time warns about danger from imaginary friends. If you dream that while climbing in the mountains you are exhausted and are unable to move on, it means that in life you will be content with only a small fraction of what you expected. If you dream that you continue to climb the mountain through force, but cannot reach the top, the dream foreshadows the most incredible twists and turns of your destiny. If you fail to reach the top in a dream, this will mean the collapse of all hopes in real life. In order to survive in it, you should give your all to the last. Doing alpine skiing in a dream, seeing yourself rapidly rushing along the mountain slopes means that delay in the matter with which you are currently preoccupied is simply impossible, and it is also impossible to postpone it - Only speed and pressure will determine the success of the entire enterprise.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Depending on the dreamer’s position near the mountain, it symbolizes a big obstacle in life or the pinnacle of achievement in life. Seeing a mountain in front of you means great difficulties lie ahead. Climbing to the top means achieving a goal, success. Falling from a mountain is a nuisance. Why do people who live in even on flat terrain? We either climb a mountain, then stand on its top, then fall down into the abyss. Such a frequent appearance of mountains in our dreams is not accidental. In ancient times, a mountain was considered as the highest, central point of the earth, as a meeting place between earth and sky. The transition from the earthly to the divine. Therefore, temples and churches were often placed on the mountain. Often the entire mountain, like the dome of a church, meant the firmament. At a time when it was believed that the sun walked around the earth, its “ascent” to the mountain and its descent were especially noticeable. Ancient step pyramids in the central America are a symbol of such a solar ladder. In the dreams of modern people, the pyramid came from those ancient times. It symbolizes the dreamer’s level of consciousness. Seeing a pyramid in a dream means becoming wiser, rising to another level of spirituality. Sometimes a mountain can represent a person, usually a man. Its foundation, the rock, is the human skeleton. The water streams are his blood, vital energy, and the vegetation on its slopes is the man’s hair, his strength. The rock sometimes reflects the purely male erotic aspect According to Freud.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

A bull climbs the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity, good luck. Leading a cow on a rope up the mountain - portends wealth and nobility. Seeing a mountain of earth - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables. A cow, a bull climb the mountainside - great happiness and prosperity , luck. A huge mountain of precious stones is piled up - great wealth, nobility. Climbing up the mountain, you experience fear - there will be advancement in your career. An arriving dragon climbs up the mountain - what you wish will come true. Penetrate inside the mountain - there will be good luck in all matters. Destruction and losses when climbing the mountains - portends evil and misfortune. If you fall from the ground onto the mountain - you will lose your place of work. The sun and moon are hiding behind the mountain - the servant is deceiving the master.

Dream Interpretation - Mountains

High mountains gradually turn into plains - illness. Mountain monkey - portends the resolution of a lawsuit, conflict. Going on an excursion to high mountains - in spring and summer portends happiness. Living in high mountains - portends a happy event. Engaged in agriculture among the mountains - abundance in food and basic necessities. Walking along a slope covered with earth - thoughts of illness will go away. A fire burns in the wild mountains - you will make a career, become famous. Falling on a mountain - losing your place of work. Climbing the mountains, holding an object in your hands - your wife will give birth to a noble son. Climbing up the mountain, experiencing fear - advancement in a career. A walk in the mountains - material profit, well-being, good luck in the service. Getting inside the mountain - good luck in all matters. Destruction and losses when climbing the mountains - evil and misfortune. Climbing the mountains with banners - misfortune.

Snowy mountains or one mountain in the snow are dreamed of as a symbol of unrealistic hopes. The more such mountains you see in a dream, the more disappointments you will suffer in reality.

If you are not just looking at this mountainous landscape in a dream, but are already making an attempt to climb a snowy mountain, it means that in real life you have already taken that step from which you cannot retreat; all that remains is to concentrate and complete what you started, although it will be incredibly difficult.

If you see yourself at the top, at the peak of the mountain from the outside, dramatic changes will occur, life will take a sharp turn. How positive this change will be is still hidden.

Climbing a mountain in a dream and finding beautiful minerals or precious stones along the way means an offer of profitable cooperation.

Falling off, rolling down a mountain, falling from it - such dreams predict complete collapse in some endeavor, career, love.

To roll head over heels down a mountain and at the same time get seriously hurt and get bumps - the loss you have experienced will not pass without a trace for you, you will be very worried, perhaps even get sick.

If you dreamed that mountains surround you on all sides, the path to success will require you to study many disciplines.

Running uphill in a dream means a fast career, but there is a danger that at the highest point of its rise you will fail and lose your position.

Climbing a mountain in a dream is difficult, with difficulty, or you feel that after climbing the mountain you are so tired that you don’t even have the strength to go down - this means a deterioration in your social situation.

Why do you dream about a mountain - esoteric dream book

If you dream of a high mountain, your newly conceived project will be successful.

Walking up a mountain, climbing it, any heavy climb up a mountain means great difficulties, difficult matters to solve.

Driving uphill in a dream on some kind of transport is a promising sign; they will help you advance in your career and provide important protection.

If the road up the mountain was good and paved, literally all your problems will be solved for you.

Rolling down a mountain, climbing it again and sliding down again - to fruitless attempts to advance in your career.

Rolling down a snowy mountain once - the dream suggests that you are not characterized by great perseverance. Having failed at something once, you calm down and go to seek happiness elsewhere. However, sometimes it is the second attempt that is successful, and the dream tells you that you should try to do it.

Mountain, Meneghetti's dream book

A dream about mountains symbolizes the desire to expand the horizons of knowledge, one’s own ontic vision of reality in all its integrity. If you stand on a mountain, you can see a lot of new things and more fully embrace life’s prospects.

A dream about mountains also expresses the dreamer’s need to realize himself, and in this regard, any movement to the top, climbing a mountain should be perceived as the gradual elimination of attempts to repress, the release of the will from suppressed functions and, most importantly, the excellent interaction of Inse and “I” ". With such a degree of integration, there is an expansion of the boundaries of penetration into the essence of things, their nature, right up to visual, optical perception.

Why do you dream of mountains, Longo’s dream book

Climbing a mountain in a dream means difficulties.

If you had to literally climb a mountain, walk with difficulty, the difficulties will be serious.

If you dreamed that you had to stop climbing the mountain because of fatigue, you stumbled or were out of breath - this means that in reality it will take some time for everything to be resolved. The number of shutdowns may indicate a number of days, months, or years, depending on the nature of the problem.

Climbing the mountain is easy, without difficulty - cope with troubles quickly and without difficulty.

If in a dream someone helped you while climbing, someone will help you in life.

A dream about a house in the mountains reflects your own life, filled with worries and worries. The more unstable and vulnerable this structure seemed, the more alarming your fate will be.

Dreaming of snow in the mountains is an indication of the need to quickly make an important decision in reality. It will concern your personal life.

Bare mountains without signs of vegetation in a dream are a hint of a slight misconception of the sleeper regarding the fact that his personal point of view seems to everyone around him to be as important as it is to himself.

Falling from a mountain is a dream about committing a dishonest act on your part towards a person who is not particularly close, but who has friendly feelings towards you.

Mountain, English dream book

If in a dream you had to climb a mountain with steep rocky slopes, your life will give little reason for joy, but will be full of work and worries.

Rolling down the mountain - you will lose what you have gained with difficulty.

Going down a mountain in a dream is an indication that you will give up before you exhaust all your reserves. But in vain, you may still have chances for a better life.

Jumping from a mountain means a conscious renunciation of some benefits.

If in a dream someone fell from a mountain before your eyes, this is a warning that you have planned or have already started a futile business and will fail. It's better to stop at this stage.

Why do you dream about mountains - a modern dream book

If in a dream you saw a mountainous landscape, in reality you were promised some benefit from a business that seemed unpromising at first glance. It is possible to win, receive financial support or other benefits obtained without much effort.

However, all this is good if the mountains were covered with snow caps or had sparse vegetation. If there were forested mountains in the landscape, you may be betrayed or betrayed.

If you saw only the outlines of the mountains and could not discern their nature, in reality you will be drawn to good deeds, noble deeds.

One of the main archetypal symbols, along with the tree, the circle and the sea, is, of course, the mountain. Its deep symbolism goes back to prehistoric times, appears in various myths, appears in the Bible and in modern psychology. In the latter case, the mountain is especially interesting as a dream image. In this article we will look at how this symbol was understood and interpreted at different times, for which we will turn to various dream books.

Basic values

It must be said right away that there are basic meanings that appear in one way or another in the vast majority of collections on dream interpretation. Firstly, if you dream of a mountain, the dream book almost always interprets the plot in relation to the position of the dreamer himself on it. So, if it is at the foot, then the elevation is understood as an obstacle. And if he sees himself having conquered the peak, then, accordingly, the dream foreshadows victory in some matter, achievements, or new horizons that suddenly open up. If a person descends from the mountain, then this, as a rule, foreshadows troubles and losses.

American dream book

A simple mountain in a dream, according to this dream book, means perspective, the opportunity to achieve something. In addition, it indicates inspiration and encouragement. Spiritual development and internal growth are also what this dream book promises. Climbing a mountain, according to him, means confirmation of the correctness of the choice made in any life circumstances, that is, the right direction. But the descent, just the opposite, indicates that you are doing something wrong, and your goal is moving away from you.

English dream book

The English dream book, oddly enough, fundamentally contradicts the American one. Hard work, constant problems and incredible difficulties associated with grief - this is how this dream book interprets mountains. To climb a mountain, according to him, means to take a road leading to disappointments and failures, and possibly even failure in your endeavors.

Eastern dream book

As for this tradition, it interprets crossing a mountain peak as overcoming problematic circumstances. On the other hand, a difficult climb to the top can also be regarded as a harbinger of future suffering. If you dream that you are not climbing, but descending from the top, then this dream book also explains this. Descending from a mountain in a dream means coming to the end of a difficult stage in life, the end of a dark streak and a problematic period.

Children's dream book

In relation to children's dreams, mountains are also interpreted as a certain sign. Its meaning is to remind the child of the need to think about other people and take care not only of himself. In addition, if you dreamed of a big mountain, the dream book interprets this as the need to take stock of your previous life and begin a new period, having previously made plans and set goals.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

This dream interpreter takes into account an interesting nuance. Namely: he considers such a circumstance as personal ownership of the mountain. So if you had a dream in which you became the owner of such a natural object, this dream book predicts support in your business from an influential person. If suddenly, according to the plot of the dream, you decide to raze your property to the ground, this means that within yourself you have decided, or at least are going to sever the connection with your patron. Well, or at least you have certain complaints about him. This dream book also interprets beautiful mountains in a dream, on which you decide to settle or already live, even if they do not belong to you, as the presence of protection from a high-ranking person. This is a very good omen, promising a rapid ascent up the career ladder. But falling from a mountain symbolizes your loss of your privileged position - this is how the Persian dream book understands it. Climbing a mountain is a plot that can mean both failure and, on the contrary, success. It all depends on whether the climb was hard and exhausting or easy and joyful. This collection of interpretations did not ignore such an option as simply staying on the top of the rock. If you happen to stand on a mountain in a dream, then this is generally a good sign. The exception is the plot in which the mountain is painted black. In this case, the dream plays the role of a warning, signaling a danger to life. If the mountain itself and you are bathed in a bright radiance and literally bathed in rays of light, then this portends good luck and luck in business. Loss of freedom, imprisonment, or even death could mean a dream in which you see yourself standing in a gorge surrounded by high peaks.

Idiomatic dream book

The mountain also occupies an important place in this collection. This dream book, among other things, does not neglect the figurative meaning of the word, when a large pile of something is internally associated with a mountain. In this sense, the dream is interpreted as a quick end to problems. In its literal meaning, the mountain acts as a harbinger of quick advancement up the career ladder or simply success. If you dream of not just a mountain formation, but an active volcano, then this indicates your excitement, stress and unnecessary worries.

Imperial dream book

A high mountain, according to this dream book, is an indicator of the ambivalence of the human personality. On the one hand, it indicates gravity, inertia and frailty, and on the other, ambition, the desire to break through and rise to the skies. If you didn’t dream of the entire mountain, but only the very top of the mountain, the peak, then this means that you have reached the highest possible point of your development, capabilities and application of strength in some matter or situation that is significant to you. If the dream featured a person on a mountain, then this is explained as withdrawal into oneself, internal and perhaps external seclusion, a period of introspection and reassessment.

The snowy mountains that you are not going to overcome are a representation of your own fears, complexes and psychological blocks. This means that your state is destabilized, you are torn by contradictions. If you dream that you begin your ascent through a hilly area, and then turn around and descend, this suggests that internally you have given up and retreated under the force of counteraction from circumstances or people. Accordingly, such a dream also means all the consequences of such a step: a break in relationships, loss of contact, etc. A high mountain, simply contemplated by you with rapture and reverence, is a sign that you have set interesting and promising goals for yourself and are beginning the path to achieving them.

A difficult climb up a steep climb is a situation that weighs on you and in which you do not want to be. Such a dream shows the desire of the sleeper to overcome it and find solutions from the other, new side, as if to look at the state of things from above, overview, holistically - this is how this dream book understands it. It interprets driving uphill as a process of development and overcoming destructive influence. If at night you see yourself looking for a hill with the intention of climbing it, then this can be interpreted in two ways: firstly, as a desire to overestimate your own values, and secondly, as an attempt to neutralize external circumstances or someone else’s targeted influence that is not in your favor. Climbing a mountain and enjoying conquering it symbolizes great luck. This is exactly how this dream book explains it. Seeing mountains and at the same time perceiving them as a source of danger or even accepting death among them is an alarming sign advising you to change your life and, perhaps, consult a doctor.

Icelandic dream book

This interpreter characterizes the climb up the slope as a symbol foreshadowing hard work. On the other hand, going down the same slope is a very good sign, indicating liberation from some burden.

Italian dream book

On the pages of the Italian dream book, quite little attention is paid to such an image as mountains. The interpretation of dreams in it depends more on the actions performed by the dreamer or the one who is dreaming. For example, another person being on a mountain is a sign of the inaccessibility of this person at a given moment in time. This can have a literal meaning, such as the impossibility of meeting, or figurative - for example, unsuccessful attempts to establish dialogue and internal communication, to tune in to the same wavelength. If someone descends (no matter how) from the mountain, then the dream has exactly the opposite meaning: success in establishing contact and the person’s reach. If the dreamer sees himself going down the hill, then this is a bad sign, warning of the loss of something - luck, health, fortune, and so on. The top of a mountain, which the sleeper needs to overcome at any cost, speaks of persistent attempts to realize oneself and, perhaps, of some complex associated with this circumstance. Climbing a mountain, according to the Italian dream book, is a symbol of complacency, as well as some kind of internal development and progress.

Lunar dream book

Everything here is concise. Going uphill is luck. Accordingly, going down from it means bad luck.

Maly Velesov dream book

Unlike the previous one, this collection takes a somewhat more thorough approach to the interpretation of such a symbol as a mountain. This dream book claims that hilly terrain speaks of difficulties, troubles, troubles and worries. If there were no figures on the mountain in the dream, then it is worth paying attention to the very nature of its surface. Thus, a bald mountain speaks of anxiety, and a surface covered with forest and bushes predicts betrayal. Falling down from the top is a sign of imminent misfortune. The same applies to a simple descent. But the rise can be understood both as a good symbol and as an unfavorable one. So it can mean either achieving a goal, recovery, and so on, or vanity, meaningless and difficult work.

Muslim dream book

According to traditional Islamic ideas, a dream in which a mountain was the semantic center symbolizes a powerful and influential person, possessing composure and exhibiting traits of heartlessness. High, maybe even snowy mountains, along the tops of which the dreamer walks, are seen as a harbinger of imminent career growth.

Newest dream book

This dream book explains that mountains are a symbol of incredible efforts and difficulties that will need to be overcome in order to achieve the desired result.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The mountains themselves, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, are an allegorical representation of hostile circumstances and unfavorable conditions that play the role of a social challenge. Can also be interpreted as body parts. A mountain peak in this cut is a set goal, a symbol of ambition and desire for success. Climbing to the peak symbolizes the first part of life, the tasks of which are to overcome difficulties and achieve the maximum in one’s development. The peak in this case is a symbol of individuation. Going down the mountain is the second part of life's journey.

Russian folk dream book

This dream book interprets a mountain in a dream as a lofty goal, a cherished dream, or as an obstacle to its realization.

Russian dream book

If you are climbing a steep slope, then the Russian dream book suggests that you understand this as upcoming difficulties, and possibly failures. Accordingly, going down the mountain will mean success, ease of achieving the goal, excellent health and good profit.

Dream Interpreter

The mountain itself, according to this interpreter, is a spoke in the wheels of your affairs. Climbing up a slope in a dream is seen as empty labor that does not bring results. It can also mean unwanted or unexpected travel.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the interpretation offered by this collection, a hill seen in a dream is a sign of the hard work that lies ahead of you. But he interprets snowy mountains as obstacles that can nullify all your efforts and jeopardize your endeavor. If in a dream you are climbing a mountain and at the same time experiencing fear, then such a plot promises you good career changes in the near future. If you see yourself falling down a cliff, then you are predicted to have good luck in all matters. Well, if you are simply running down a mountain path, this should be understood as getting rid of threats and dangers. It is considered a sign of a successful combination of circumstances if you see yourself living on a high peak. And an ordinary walk in such places indicates a high probability of quick profit. Reaching a peak is considered by this dream book as a signal from the body to pay attention to its health. If you dreamed of a bald mountain, devoid of any vegetation, keep in mind that they may be trying to deceive you. This is especially true for women - they are advised to be more careful about the people around them, especially when it comes to boyfriends.

Dream book of the future

In addition to the already familiar interpretation (the difficult work ahead), this dream book interprets mountains in a dream as an image of complex and confusing situations.

Dream book for the whole family

A high hill in your dreams is, alas, a problem that may be insurmountable in nature, and therefore risks ruining all your efforts. True, if its top is covered with snow, this means that all obstacles are surmountable, and you just need to gather your strength and conquer this height. If at night you dreamed that you were climbing a mountain, then in reality you can expect a reward for the work done and the quick realization of your goal. If you saw yourself already standing at the top, then this is a sign that promises you a quick change in your usual way of life. For good or bad, expect drastic changes. If you suddenly see yourself wounded and bleeding, this is a warning to be more careful and attentive in your affairs. It is possible that you are heading in a dead end direction. A dream in which you find a gem or some kind of treasure in the mountains can be a tempting offer. And if, while traveling in your dreams along mountain peaks, you find a river or waterfall, then this indicates that in reality you need to look at yourself or at the things that worry you from the other side.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 20th day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 14th lunar day. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week and is ruled by the mediating planet Mercury. Airy Mercury often brings light, varied, unmemorable dreams. But if you remember the dream, then by deciphering it, you will receive information about friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters and everyone with whom you often communicate. Wednesday dreams announce upcoming minor changes in life. About sources of information that are important to you now, about studies, about upcoming nearby trips and conversations.

If Wednesday's dream is intense, moving, with frequently changing scenes, it means you are a sociable person. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with you and soon you will have many new acquaintances with whom it will be easy and fun, who will teach you a lot in an unobtrusive manner. If the dream is stingy, calm or simply uninteresting, with primitive, everyday situations, then in the near future you will experience a lack of information, there will be no one to help you. It’s good when there is movement in a “Mercurian” dream, moving from city to city, for example. Movement means variety, richness of life, changes for the better, recovery, and establishing relationships with interesting people. If Wednesday night was spent flying, it means that a lot of information will soon be available. You will become more independent of circumstances.

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MOUNTAIN – Miller's Dream Book

If a young woman dreamed that she was passing a mountain in the company of a cousin and a smiling sibling, this means that changes in life for the better await her, but at the same time it is a warning: do not be deceived by friends, because they can lead you into trouble. delusion. If she is tired and refuses to go further, then she will be disappointed in the high calm position for which she so hoped.

If in a dream you climb a mountain along a beautiful green path, in reality you will easily rise to wealth and a prominent position in society.

If the mountain is uneven and you, in all likelihood, will not be able to reach the top, then vicissitudes in fate await you. You will have to make efforts to overcome the weaknesses of your nature.

Waking up at a time when in a dream you have approached the most dangerous point of ascent means that you will find a smooth turn in affairs that are taking an undesirable direction.

MOUNTAIN – Modern Dream Interpretation

Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in business.

Mountains covered with forest are a sign of infidelity. Seeing ruins in the mountains means winning.

A castle standing in the mountains means that good changes and profits await you.

Snow-capped mountain peaks in a dream symbolize your ambitions; getting to such a peak is a harbinger of the fulfillment of your ambitions.

Rocks in a dream are a sign of obstacles and worries.

Seeing fire or smoke coming from the mountains in a dream is a sign of great danger in a risky business.

Climbing mountains means your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbing to the top is a sign of achieving success and receiving high income. The same thing means a dream in which you managed to easily go down the mountain.

However, unexpectedly rolling down a mountain in a dream is a bad omen that foretells an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs.

Climbing a mountain without slipping is an omen that your persistence will help you succeed if only you reach the top of the mountain safely.

Standing on the mountain is a sign of honor and a strong position in society.

Traveling through the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in business, which you will achieve through hard work. However, if you have a guide on your journey, then in reality someone will contribute to your success.

MOUNTAIN – Dream Book of Zhou-Gong

You have climbed to the top of the mountain and look around - a good dream. Your spirit is high and your thoughts are pure. Career will go up. You will take part in government affairs.

Going uphill, but not reaching the top - you have a desire to achieve a high position, but fate constantly presents you with obstacles that you have to overcome, wasting time and energy. Expect obstacles this time too.

MOUNTAIN – Indian Dream Book

Climbing a mountain is an annoying inconvenience on the upcoming trip.

Go down - pleasant, albeit insignificant, news awaits you.

Observing the view of the area from the mountain - to streamline your affairs.

MOUNTAIN – Persian Dream Book

Looking into the distance from the mountain means an upswing in business.

Climbing the mountain means hard work lies ahead.

A bare mountain, devoid of any vegetation, with steep slopes, portends sadness and suffering.

A mountain overgrown with green trees or grass is a favorable sign of the transition to the next stage of development.

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