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Discharge in the form of clear mucus during pregnancy. Mucous discharge during pregnancy: norm and pathology

The moment the sperm meets the egg is the beginning of the birth of a new life. In order for one single sperm to achieve its goal, it needs to overcome a lot of obstacles on its way. The process of fertilization involves the entire female body, which is configured so that the meeting of sperm and egg takes place.

The female uterus contracts and thereby propels the male reproductive cell towards the target. But for the movement of the sperm, contractions alone are not enough; in this process, the transparent mucus secreted by the vagina takes on an auxiliary function. Any healthy woman notices such discharge in the form of clear mucus. This is the norm and an indicator of the proper functioning of the body.

The mucus itself is produced by glands located in the uterus. It stands out both in young girls, women, and in pregnant women. The cervix and the uterus itself are covered with mucus, which protects the woman’s internal genital organs from infection and serves as a lubricant during sexual intercourse and childbirth. The norm is if the mucus is clear or whitish, has no odor and is secreted in small quantities.

Intensity of mucus secretion

During different periods of the menstrual cycle, the intensity is different. For example, the beginning of the menstrual cycle is characterized by more abundant discharge, and so on until the middle of the cycle. During this period, the mucus has a more viscous consistency, this is all for a reason. The female body at this time is disposed to accept sperm and therefore such mucus can effectively ensure the passage of sperm. From the middle of the cycle, the mucus becomes more viscous, may change color and the amount of discharge will decrease. Hormones are responsible for all processes of mucus secretion, changes in the production of its quantity and consistency.

In the first half of the cycle, when there is an increased secretion of clear mucus and the female body is optimally tuned to fertilization, a hormone such as estrogen is behind everything. During the second phase of the menstrual cycle, progesterone. It inhibits the production of mucus and thereby inhibits the progress of sperm. Moreover, both hormones are important for the normal functioning of the entire female body as a whole.

The real peak surge in hormones is observed in women during pregnancy and childbearing. Hormones affect everything in the body, including mucus production. In the first trimester, as in the first half of the menstrual cycle, progesterone takes responsibility. Its amount in a pregnant woman’s body increases sharply, thereby provoking abundant production of transparent mucus. At this time, the so-called mucus plug is formed. It is designed to protect the fetus from various infections that can enter a woman’s vagina. At an early stage, the hormone is responsible for the rapid development of the fetus and organs. From the middle of the second trimester, there is less mucus and it may become opaque.

The body of a pregnant woman is unpredictable. A complete restructuring of the body occurs under the influence of a number of hormones. Taking this into account, the secretion of mucus will not always be according to the scheme given above. For example, with high hormone activity, the amount of discharge can increase sharply. In this case, you need to pay attention to the smell; it should be neutral or absent altogether. If there is a lot of mucus, use pads. Tampons are excluded, as they can cause the mucous plug to come out. When the plug comes out, the likelihood of infection entering the birth canal increases sharply.

When to be concerned and see a doctor

You can summarize and draw conclusions. Mucus during pregnancy should not have a strong odor, inclusions of any color, and should not cause itching or burning. If all these troubles are absent, then clear mucus has a protective function for you and your baby.

Video: What discharge should women be wary of?

As soon as a woman learns about her delicate situation, everything around her changes almost immediately. The expectant mother begins to feel differently, tries to devote more time to issues of health, proper nutrition and lifestyle, and listens to the changes occurring in her body.

Among other things, a pregnant woman pays attention to the appearance of copious vaginal discharge. As a rule, mucous discharge during pregnancy is considered normal and natural. However, in some cases, the expectant mother should inform her doctor about an uncharacteristic excretory process.

Mucus discharge during early pregnancy

In the first weeks after conception, the appearance of clear, almost colorless and odorless discharge is considered normal. The consistency of vaginal discharge in early pregnancy should resemble raw chicken protein - a thick, jelly-like liquid, sometimes in the form of clots.

The appearance of transparent mucous discharge during pregnancy occurs under the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone. In the first twelve weeks, it is he who controls all processes in a woman’s body. Progesterone is responsible for the formation of organs and systems of the fetus, as well as for its normal development. In addition, the hormone is involved in the formation of a mucus plug. Viscous, thick and viscous mucus completely closes the cervical canal, thereby preventing the penetration of microorganisms from the vagina into the amniotic sac. Therefore, the appearance of heavy discharge of this nature at the beginning of pregnancy is considered normal.

If the excretory process causes discomfort to a woman, she can use sanitary pads. The main thing is that the pregnant woman does not experience burning or itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. If mucous discharge during pregnancy looks like cottage cheese, has a sour smell, causes irritation and other unpleasant sensations, you need to contact your doctor. The specialist will order tests to diagnose a possible infection.

After the thirteenth week, the consistency of the discharge changes: thick and viscous, they become more liquid due to the active production of the hormone estrogen. During this period, the amount of mucous discharge during pregnancy increases significantly, which also causes the expectant mother some inconvenience.

It is clear that in the early stages of pregnancy and in subsequent weeks it is necessary to pay close attention to the nature of the discharge, its quantity, color, smell and consistency. The fact is that the presence of cheesy discharge with a greenish or brownish color, having an unpleasant and pungent odor, indicates the presence of infection and an inflammatory process.

Transparent mucous discharge during late pregnancy

In the third trimester, the excretory process of the female genital organs may remain the same or change slightly. Both the first and second, in the absence of blood and other qualitative changes in the discharge, are considered normal. Thus, mucous discharge during late pregnancy can be either thick and viscous, or watery.

If the discharge contains blood, this may indicate premature placental abruption. In this case, spotting is also accompanied by aching pain in the abdomen. If even small blood clots appear in the vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is possible that the woman will require hospitalization.

But even if the pregnancy went without complications, a few days before giving birth, the expectant mother may still experience changes in the discharge. During the entire period of gestation, the cervix is ​​closed by a protective plug of mucus. At the 39th week of pregnancy, mucous discharge that has a reddish tint will indicate that it is beginning to drain and the body is preparing for childbirth. A pregnant woman must understand: if the plug comes out, this is a signal that labor contractions will begin any day now.

In some cases, heavy fluid discharge may actually be amniotic fluid. To confirm or refute leakage of water (a very dangerous diagnosis for mother and baby), a pregnant woman needs to undergo a special analysis of the discharge. In most cases, when the membranes are damaged, the amniotic fluid becomes infected. If the period is short, then the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy. If more than 20 weeks have passed, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents, as well as special drugs that promote rapid maturation of the child’s lungs, after which a cesarean section is performed.

In most cases, mucous discharge during pregnancy, not accompanied by pain or discomfort, is considered normal. Their appearance is due to hormonal changes in the body. Depending on the consistency, color and smell of vaginal discharge, it is possible to diagnose the normal condition of the expectant mother and her child, as well as timely identify the development of possible pregnancy pathologies.

For this reason, mucous discharge at any stage of pregnancy should be monitored by the woman herself and her doctor. Even a slight change in their character is a signal of possible pathology.

Viscous, abundant mucous secretions completely block access to the cervical canal, protecting the fetus from pathogenic microflora from the genital tract. This is why mucous discharge, which usually appears in the early stages of pregnancy, is considered normal.

If this process brings significant discomfort to the pregnant woman, daily sanitary pads will come to the rescue. A sign of well-being during this period is the absence of accompanying discomfort in the form of itching and burning, as well as the appearance of bloody and other colored discharge.

In the second trimester, mucous secretions during a normal pregnancy change, becoming more liquid due to intense estrogen synthesis. From this moment on, the discharge becomes more numerous, which also affects the discomfort of the expectant mother.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is important to monitor the nature of mucous secretions, pay attention to changes in their structure, smell and color.

Mucous discharge in later stages

In the last trimester, the nature and consistency of mucus during pregnancy remains almost the same as at the beginning of the second trimester, or may change slightly. If there is no blood or other negative changes in this discharge, there is nothing to worry about.

Mucus discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester can be thick and viscous or, on the contrary, more watery, and both of these options are considered normal.

If the mucus discharge during pregnancy contains blood, this often indicates premature pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen with further development of bleeding. The situation requires urgent assistance.

But even with a normal pregnancy, some time before the upcoming birth, a woman may notice changes in the mucus from the vagina. If throughout the entire period of gestation the entrance to the cervix was reliably protected by a mucous plug, then at 38-39 weeks changes begin, signaling the imminent onset of labor.

Discharge from the genital tract will be the same as mucus during pregnancy, but with a reddish or pink tint. This is not a cause for alarm: a woman should know that her plug is coming out, and labor will begin any day now.

Sometimes heavy mucous discharge during pregnancy, occurring in the third trimester, is actually a fact.

This is a dangerous condition, so it needs to be accurately diagnosed to avoid problems for mother and child. The expectant mother undergoes an analysis to determine the nature of the discharge, and if necessary, the doctor chooses further treatment tactics.

If the pregnancy is less than 22 weeks, unfortunately, it cannot be saved, and the woman is offered to have it done. If the period is more than 23 weeks, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital. Treatment consists of prescribing antibiotics and drugs that help the child’s respiratory organs mature faster, after which they carry out.

When should you see a doctor?

If mucus discharge during pregnancy changes in character, that is, it acquires an unhealthy color or smell, most likely it is an infection.

Not in all cases, pathogenic microflora causes an infectious-inflammatory process in the genital tract; sometimes, against the background of its proliferation, the mucous membranes are simply irritated. This condition is called. But if left untreated, it will result in more serious complications.

During the development of the inflammatory process, mucous discharge during pregnancy becomes purulent-mucous, green in color, and is accompanied by a bad odor, itching and burning in the genitals. In this case, the cause may be infections such as ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others.

Thus, if normally during pregnancy, discharge in the form of mucus is transparent and colorless, then as a result of infection they turn green and change their character to mucopurulent. If there is itching, burning, or a foul odor from the underwear, there should be no doubt about infection of the genital tract. You should consult a doctor immediately to avoid unnecessary risk to mother and baby.

Treatment of infections that cause mucus discharge during pregnancy

Any infectious factors that were discovered in a pregnant woman during the process of bearing a child cannot be ignored. If in the past the treatment of infections was postponed until later, prescribing therapy after the birth of the baby, since there were no drugs safe for its intrauterine development, now such an approach is not practiced.

If the infection is not treated during pregnancy, complications such as sepsis, pneumonia, and liver, kidney and brain damage in the unborn child may occur.

Any abnormal mucous discharge from the vagina during pregnancy, caused by infection, requires medical intervention. Currently, there are special methods for treating expectant mothers, with the help of which therapy can be carried out with approved medications, focusing on the timing of gestation.

Women should not be afraid of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Modern medications have passed all the necessary clinical studies and are safe for pregnant patients.

It turns out that heavy mucous discharge that occurs during pregnancy is completely normal. Thanks to them, an optimal balance of microflora in the vagina is maintained.

If burning, itching or other unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo the treatment prescribed by him.