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Release of the school newspaper "Our School Country". Interesting school newspaper: original solutions

MBU DO of the city of Rostov-on-Don “Palace of creativity of children and youth”

Don Academy of Sciences of Young Researchers named after. Yu.A. Zhdanova

Section name: journalism


Topic: “Intra-school youth newspaper of gymnasium No. 1”

Blinkova Valeria Valerievna

8th grade student

d\o "Young Journalist"

MBU DO GSVR "Leisure"

contact phone: 8-960-444-17-45


Subbotina Olesya Georgievna

Ph.D., teacher of additional education

MBU DO GSVR "Leisure"

Address: 346350 Rostov region.

Krasny Sulin, st. Pobeda, 5

contact phone: 8-928-606-98-71





    1. Goals and history of creation.

    1. Interesting experience and sections of other school newspapers.


    List of electronic resources


    1. Questionnaires

      Issues of the newspaper "Bisector"


A newspaper or the printed word is a unique way to convey necessary and important information to the reader. Therefore, the role of the school newspaper for students cannot be overestimated.

What is a school newspaper?

A platform for expressing your point of view?

An effective information tool?

Space for bringing generations together?

Let's try to answer these and other questions.

Today, students are required not only to have knowledge, but also to be active, proactive, and able to make decisions in difficult situations. And most importantly, learn to apply the acquired knowledge. All this is possible in the work of a school newspaper. Here, students themselves can talk about current events, speak out about their sociocultural environment, needs and problems.

We think that it is the school newspaper that solves many problems and issues of school life. And the creation of a school newspaper allows you to establish closer micro-social connections within the school. Students’ participation in the school press center supports their individual development, as it helps to organize themselves, express their thoughts, disseminate them among other people, help them to know themselves better, and open the world. In the process of joint activities to create a newspaper, relationships of mutual understanding are established between representatives of different generations.

We have set ourselves the followinggoals and objectives of the study:

    Study the history of the development of the school newspaper.

    Identify students’ needs for information and ways of presenting it.

    Determine trends in reading preferences and tastes of schoolchildren, as well as teachers.

    Make a list of popular and most read sections that are most in demand by students of different ages.

    Present the results of the study for the further successful development of the school newspaper in the future.

In the course of the work, the following was carried out: an analysis of the materials of the school newspaper, interviews with the creators of the newspaper, sociological surveys among students, graduates and teachers of the gymnasium, materials and experience of creating school newspapers in different cities of our country, published on the Internet, were studied.

The work consists of two parts. The work highlights the main stages of the creation and development of a gymnasium newspaper, determines the prospects for its development according to the ideas of students and teachers, as well as the preferences of readers in order to make the newspaper even more popular.

We express our gratitude to all high school students, graduates and teachers of the school who took part in the sociological research and writing of this work.

    In-school youth newspaper of Gymnasium No. 1: from creation to the present day.

"Bisector" Now it is the school newspaper of Gymnasium No. 1, published once a month.

Official information about the publisher:

Founder: MBOU Gymnasium No. 1

Editor-in-Chief: Rodionova Anastasia

Production editor: Polina Glyadentseva

Design and layout: Dmitry Shilkin, Yuno Zinkovskaya and Dmitry Kalinin

Publisher's address: 346350, Rostov region, Krasny Sulin, st. Lenina 8

Email: , tel. 5-21-39

    1. Goals and history of creation

Objectives of the newspaper:

    Coverage of topics relevant to the gymnasium both inside and outside the school.

    Reflection on the events taking place in the gymnasium.

    Arena for self-expression of creative individuals.

    Mobile communication between the school administration and students.

    Identifying student opinions on current issues through social surveys and interviews.

History of creation:

The idea of ​​creation belongs to Anastasia Rodionova, later the editor of the newspaper (beginning of 2007)

The impetus for the idea of ​​​​creating a periodical was the trial release of a leaflet for September 1, “Gymnasium Bulletin”, September 2007, containing tabular information about the performance of gymnasium students.

As is known,bisector is a ray, a ray of light that illuminates in detail all corners of our school life.

But the newspaper editors prefer a different interpretation of the name. According to the definition known to every schoolchild, a bisector is a rat that runs around the corners. It is our rat that runs around all corners of the school and beyond, collecting all kinds of news and bringing them to the attention of readers.

The creator of the logo is Yana Lysenko.

The idea for the rat came immediately; it was much more difficult to draw it. To do this, we turned to various gymnasium students who could draw. After a lot of trial and error, we finally saw an option we all liked.

Differences between Bisector and other school newspapers:

    Essential information.

    No plagiarism.

    There is no information not related to school life (advertising, crosswords, horoscopes, theater repertoire, culinary recipes, etc.)

    The topics covered are relevant and interesting.

    The newspapers are published with the support of the parent community and themselves.

    We strive for self-sufficiency due to demand among the readership.

Attempts to create a school newspaper have been made before. For example, the newspaper “Scholyar” was published in 2004. with the participation of Glyadentseva V.E., Shumailova T.A., and the leadership of director Galchenko S.E. Why did the newspaper “Scholyar” fail?

Having interviewed its initiators, we came to the conclusion that:

The initiators were teachers. There was no time to get together and discuss what articles to write for the newspaper. Few topics of interest to students were raised.

We decided to stop and think about our mistakes and shortcomings.

Several years have passed andthe students themselves wanted to restore the newspaper. A great initiative group has gathered. We decided to add new sections, interesting competitions, share our successes, trips taken during the holidays, funny stories, etc. with the school children. The teachers were only FOR it! Especially when the students said that they would do everything without their help. Starting from the name of the newspaper and ending with what sections will be published. Our newspaper was “reborn” (2007), became truly interesting, and there was a demand for it from students of all ages.

    1. Memoirs of participants in the “movement”.

How did Bisector develop (memoirs of the creators)

Glyadentseva V.E. remembers : “We thought about the first issue for a very long time. Various ideas and ideas came, but everything seemed boring and uninteresting. At some point we even thought about giving up this idea, but then we decided that we should not give up, but take the opportunity to gather several people from each class of our school and get down to business. As soon as we did this everything went like clockwork. We thought about the name for a long time, there were many options, but we decided to settle on “Bisector”, especially since everyone liked it. We drew the picture itself and... finally, the long-awaited release, which everyone had been waiting for a very long time, came out. We liked it and the teachers also supported us. From that moment on, we decided to publish a newspaper every month. There were a lot of ideas, too, and plenty of time. The newspaper began to be published, people began to buy it, new sections were invented, interesting ideas appeared, and business progressed. That year (2007) the whole school was like one whole, we gathered the editorial board every Monday, discussed something, laughed at something. We all became one big happy family and supported each other. There was a lot. This is how the newspaper influenced us. We found a lot of new friends that we hadn't even noticed before while walking around the school. Everyone liked the first issue, and after it our newspaper began to be published constantly!”

Glyadentseva Polina (virtual interview)

8 years have passed and Polina writes in her virtual interview: “It was not an impulse, but a dream. Nastya and I have been thinking about creating a newspaper for a long time. But then we wondered if we could cope... And in vain, it turns out we were worried. We succeeded. Although it was difficult, I won’t lie. The teachers and children supported us, especially the director I.M. Perunova. and my mother, Glyadentseva V.E.

Anastasia Rodionova (notes from the school archive)

After the first five issues of the newspaper, Anastasia Rodionova wrote: “We began to think: “Does anyone even like the newspaper?” And we decided to stop for a while and not publish. So to speak, to check whether there will be questions about why the newspaper has not been there for 2 months. And indeed, many asked why she had been gone for so long and asked to resume work with the newspaper. We started printing it again. After “Bisector” it began to be released more often. Later we came up with “KRY-letters”, which were given to the winners of competitions. The newspaper developed, new columns and competitions appeared.

So,« Where to begin?How to make the newspaper relevant, interesting and readable? “- such questions are asked by everyone who starts a new business.

The first thing the newspaper’s creators did was to look for interested guys to create a team of like-minded people. It is known that the name is important for a newspaper. There were a lot of ideas. And, as has already been said, the “rat” won.

The goal was set for the junior cadets:
Make the newspaper interesting and educational for schoolchildren . Students, teachers and parents were also invited to cooperate in covering school life in the newspaper. Through the newspaper, the creative personalities of students began to be discovered.

Planning the issue, collecting material, processing photographs, working on the layout and design of the newspaper, printing issues in the printing house - there was enough work for everyone in the school senior class. Correspondents from the 8th grade, the most active at that time, provided great assistance; they mainly helped in printing the school newspaper. They selected the best articles, photographs, stories, and thought about the name of a new section, article, competition.

The newspaper also has several “tenacious” columns:

According to reader polls, 1st place in popularity and longevity was taken by the “Stereoview” rubric (The author of the rubric is Dmitry Shilkin), in second place is the “Find 10 Differences” rubric, which appeared later, in 2010, and has overtaken its main rival in popularity. Third place is firmly occupied by “Guess Where This Place is.” The recently launched “School Horoscope” column (hosted by Irina Kosminskaya) has also gained great popularity.

The topics of articles in the newspaper reflect our school life: studies, important events at school, holidays, competitions, sports competitions, excursions, trips, meetings with interesting people.
What benefits does a school newspaper bring? Together with its creators, we proudly answer:
“Thanks to the newspaper, we learn to find unusual and unforgettable moments in everyday life. The newspaper brings together and unites schoolchildren and adults into one whole. The children discover the talents of their classmates and rejoice at the successes of the students and teachers of our school.”

To date, 30 issues have already been released!

    The role of the newspaper in the life of the school and prospects for its development

Our “Bisector” fulfills all the tasks of a school newspaper:

Coverage of school life;

Assistance in developing information culture;

Increasing interest in studies and various academic subjects, as well as the social life of the school and city;

Development of intelligence, creativity, communication skills, tolerance;

Introducing to universal human values, patriotic, environmental education.

But, as in any business, we also have problems.

Problems the newspaper is currently facing:

The need to create a cohesive team of gymnasium students, united by a common goal, interested in the success of their business;

Little participation of schoolchildren in the creation of each issue of the newspaper;

The problem of providing feedback to readers online.

The problem of implementing thebrotherly connection with readers, which is very important!

So, in order to create the opportunity to communicate with our readers, receive feedback and suggestions, responses to competitions, as well as criticism, a correspondence box was installed in our school, which brings some results: now readers, in addition to the above, can ask questions to the school administration, which through us will definitely reach the addressees and will be reviewed on the pages of newspapers. However, this form does not work effectively enough.

Feedback from readers is also provided through the school website, but this information channel has now lost its popularity. The main events and steps in creating and developing a newspaper take place directly at school.

I concluded that we need to conduct more social media. surveys among students and resume the work of online mail, the use of different types of correspondence on social networks. This is what was done during this study.

Here are the first results of active social research among students.

For example, schoolchildren ask that the newspaper have more illustrations for articles in order to increase the visibility of the information and, accordingly, the interest of readers. And many kids simply want to see their photographs on the pages of the school newspaper.

Children of the 21st century, accustomed to receiving information through television and computers, also want more sections with visual information, asking them to guess video riddles or find information hidden in a picture or photograph.

    1. Results of sociological surveys of school students, graduates and teachers.

Social results surveys (students, a total of 110 people participated)

"Stereo-Eye" - 50

“Guess where this place is?” - 45

“School horoscope” - 5

“Find 10 differences” - 10

    What new things could be added?

Interesting sections – 53

Call schedule - 17

Interview with a teacher or student – ​​15

Creative competitions - 15

Articles by students - 10

    Are you looking forward to the new issue of the newspaper?

Yes - 68

No - 20

Anyway - 22

Conclusions: The majority of high school students actively read the newspaper. Most readers look forward to each new issue. More than half of the readers want to expand the number of interesting columns and student correspondents for the newspaper.

Social survey of teachers (newly arrived at school)

    How does a newspaper help in your work?

Adapt better at school (get to know the students better) - 4

    What can you add to the newspaper?

    I would add a calendar of holidays and events, for example, when this or that Olympiad will take place, in which, when, where and what time will KVN begin.Zakharova E.

    Schedule of lessons and calls.Ermolaev A.

    A page of poets or creative children, so that interesting poems or essays “do not pass by the students of the whole school”Spiridonova I.

    I would like to see articles in the newspaper about victories in olympiads or competitions of our studentsPerunova I.

    I would like interesting competitions from our newspaper, in Russian, geometry, etc.Shumailova T.

    1. Prospects for the development of the school newspaper in reviews and suggestions from readers.

The winners of the competitions “Stereoview”, “Guess where this place is”, and the Best School Essay Competition take an active part in the editorial work.

(Total 23 winners, of which 8 people are the most active)

    Vikulova Anastasia

    Plugov Oleg

    Mustafaeva Rita

    Andronatiev Alexander

    Kozyreva Diana

    Kirsanov Andrey

    Dubko Yulia

    Borovkova Alina

Feedback and suggestions received via mail.

(total 17 reviews, of which 6 suggestions)

    “In addition to teachers writing to the newspaper, students should also be given the opportunity to write.”Chernysheva Yulia.

    “I would like more pictures of photographs, and not just the usual continuous texts”Fomina Elena.

    “Often during the holidays, classes travel or just go to the cinema or on a picnic. Interesting and funny situations happen there that would be interesting for the kids to read.”Asya Rodionova.

    “I would like more interviews with new teachers and students. It helps you get closer and can even make new friends.”Plugov Oleg.

One of the areas of using ICT in extracurricular activities in our gymnasium is publishing - the publication of the school newspaper “FRESH generation”.

What is a school publication?

  • A platform for expressing your point of view?
  • An effective information tool?
  • Space for bringing generations together?

The school newspaper for students is a great opportunity to realize their creative abilities, it is a place for self-expression for those who have something to say to the whole world: school poets, writers, artists, project authors...

The purpose of creating a newspaper is not just to reveal the creative abilities of students, cover school events, create a living, active information environment, but also to demonstrate the technical capabilities of new information technologies in education. Children successfully master the Corel Draw program, with the help of which each issue of the newspaper is laid out and the design of the newspaper is drawn up. They successfully master the capabilities of not only vector graphics, but also raster graphics - they prepare images for publication in a newspaper. For this purpose, consultations and lessons on vector and raster graphics, training in Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop programs are provided. The above programs are not covered in the course of computer science and information technology, so students often have to acquire knowledge and acquire skills themselves.

Thus, students not only consolidate the knowledge acquired in computer science and information technology lessons, but also actively improve their professional level in the field of new information technologies.

School newspaper for parents:

This is an opportunity to feel involved in the child’s school life;

This is the realization that your child understands the relevance of his role and learns to make decisions.

Until December 2005, at the municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 65, there was traditionally one type of printing - a wall newspaper.

In December 2005, having gathered a group of active children around, together with the association of aspiring journalists in the gymnasium, the first issue of the newspaper “FRESH generation” was put together. The name of the newspaper literally translates as “fresh generation”, “new generation”.

Each school is a small state with its own laws, traditions and way of life. Each such state is unique in its own way. Our gymnasium is no exception, so the editorial team’s task is to be able to talk about this life in such a way that the newspaper interests both students, teachers and parents. There are 728 students in the gymnasium, one can imagine how many hidden talents can be found among them.

Our newspaper is already 3 years old. During this time, she united around her very different children: different in age, temperament, preferences, but, undoubtedly, gifted and talented, and most importantly, caring and wanting to make life at school interesting and eventful.

If you carefully leaf through the newspaper, it is not difficult to notice that the articles reflect a wide range of problems, from intra-class and intra-school problems to universal and acutely social ones. Of course, not all works were and were not always literary masterpieces of Russian scale, although, undoubtedly, there were some very interesting ones.

Even if not all the work is perfect, some things still don’t work out, but the guys learn journalistic skills, receive serious professional training - and this is the most important thing. The school newspaper really plays a big role in the lives of the teenagers who publish it. It contributes to the growth of children, their upbringing, and also helps the emergence within the walls of the gymnasium of a stable mini-society, a working model of the modern world. Each of them has the opportunity to reveal their potential, learn to boldly express their creative ideas, which means they gain freedom of feelings and thoughts - that freedom that our not very remarkable everyday life limits to the framework of “allowed” and “unacceptable”...

Another important quality that our newspaper “cultivates” is responsibility. After all, working in a team is a serious and difficult matter... Everyone takes on the work that is “in their power.” The cooperation skills we have acquired, the ability to maintain a single working mechanism, to be its indivisible links are important, irreplaceable qualities necessary for adult life.

The main principles of our publication are continuity and constant improvement. We are optimistic about the future because we believe that everything is decided by ideas and the people who implement them. We see constant development as one of the main criteria for the implementation of these ideas - to be open to new experience, knowledge, technologies, to strive for improvement and renewal. And another very important, distinctive feature of a school publication is sincerity. After all, a school newspaper cannot be untruthful - this is that pocket mirror that helps us look at ourselves, draw the attention of adults to the lives of schoolchildren...

The newspaper is published twice a month, and always finds its reader among both children and adults.

Problems? Who doesn't have them... The main one is time. The publishing project is created, led and supported by a teacher who actually works full-time and schoolchildren, whose daily teaching load is also enormous. So the selection of material, and writing of articles, and editing, and layout are carried out exclusively out of love for their work and in their free time.

The second problem is project support. The project is absolutely non-commercial, but at the same time it requires costs, money and time. So far, such a big project is supported only by the school administration, which is doing everything it can for us.

Understanding that the school publication is unprofessional, sometimes speaking in an adult way, sometimes naively, childishly, we, however, believe that it is extremely necessary for a modern school. As an attempt to participate in a real, serious matter; as an attempt to overcome the notorious issue of “fathers and sons” and find mutual understanding between adults and young people; as an attempt to explore society; as an attempt to cooperate between juniors and seniors, children and adults, students and teachers; as an attempt to do something interesting, exciting, and productive. And for this we already have everything! But, of course, there are a number of things that could significantly expand our capabilities, raise the level of the publication, make it more complete, more interesting, and more responsive to the needs of such a rapidly changing world.

What does the editorial office of the FRESH generation dream about? About the school mini-printing house.

Each school probably made at least one attempt to publish its own newspaper. It all starts as usual: some enthusiast appears, ready to take on the organization of everything in the world and right now. For example, a lively teacher who recently came to work here. And a flurry of activity begins. The newspaper is given a name, and an editorial board of senior students is assembled (sometimes by force, sometimes with the promise of straight A's in a subject). Everyone is required to write a note, an article, a poem for a “poetry page”, something else... And then suddenly the enthusiasm disappears after the first failures - and they try not to remember about the newspaper. Finish.

Of course, it’s a pity for the wasted energy. But there is no bad experience. Something positive can be taken from any undertaking. If not for the school as a whole, then for a few students for sure. Let's figure out what exactly.

In general, the school newspaper is not a bad thing. The school is a small state living its own rather hectic life. Cover past and planned events, write about interesting and important things for schoolchildren - why not? Moreover, if the guys themselves actively participate in the process, come up with sections and topics for specific publications, collect material, learn to structure and present it. Whatever they become in the future, this experience will be useful to them.

Useful skills

First of all, children learn to be adults and independent. They have to work in a team, distribute responsibilities, report to some peers and manage others. The guys are learning how to interview. By the way, a newspaper is work not only with text. Here you need both photographs (taken, selected, processed), and. And at the very beginning, you still need to develop a logo design. Some high school students can handle this too.

It’s very good when a child takes responsibility and goes to work diligently, prepares material, and designs it. At the same time, he knows that he must hand over what he has done within a certain time frame. The more people involved in the process, the better - everyone has a chance to try something new. Children open up very unexpectedly during such activities. Someone realizes their complete inability to do paperwork, while others, on the contrary, show talent as a journalist, editor, or... It’s time for the children to decide on their choice of profession - and the school newspaper may well help some of them with this.

Maximum program

Ideally, a newspaper should be interesting. Well-coordinated and teamwork is very good, but if it also produces tangible results, we can consider that the goal has been achieved. If each issue of the newspaper causes a stir, if it contains not only articles about school events and biographies of teachers, but also materials that talk about general current problems, everything will be great. It’s good if reading is interesting not only for children, but also for teachers and parents. And if all this is also , this is already aerobatics.

The school newspaper greatly increases the authority of the educational institution in the eyes of students. There is a feeling of pride in your own school, a desire to make it even better. This is how previously passive children are drawn into common activities. And that's great: It's good that when a child works on the newspaper or participates in school activities (from sports competitions to theme nights and concerts), then he is less likely to fall into bad company. In the process of this activity, the children get to know each other better, friendships are formed, which can then last a lifetime.

Possible difficulties

How the matter will be handled depends on the leader. And he must understand this. His first task is to ignite desire in children and awaken enthusiasm. If he doesn't do this, all the work will be in vain. Unfortunately, it often happens that schoolchildren participate in the creation of a newspaper only if they have been promised an “A” in the subject. The argument is, of course, weighty, but...

The result and the process are equally important. An interesting newspaper, created with a scandal within the team, and a dull publication, in whose editorial board peace and tranquility reign, are equally untenable. Remember that teamwork is very hard. She needs to study for a long time, invest a lot in her. All participants must be tolerant of each other. And they are responsible in their work. Then there will be no offense because the editor cut or altered the article, the proofreader made several gross mistakes, the photographer sent “terrible” shots to the newspaper, etc. A newspaper can not only unite students, but also quarrel them forever. To prevent this from happening, all participants must be extremely careful. And they are positive.

Commit yourself to it. Publishing a newspaper can be fun, but it also comes with a huge responsibility. Don't even start unless you plan to do it all year. If you initiate the publication of a newspaper, then you take on the role of editor. The editor's job is as follows:

  • Monitor that all articles are ready on time (preferably in electronic form).
  • Develop a template for articles.
  • Edit and layout articles for printing.
  • Write one article. The editor usually writes the article for the first page.

Get approval from the school. Arrange a meeting with the principal and discuss the idea of ​​creating a school newspaper. Remember, if you are rejected, you need to compromise.

Gather a team led by a teacher. This is vital to the success of the newspaper. The teacher will be able to give the necessary status to the newspaper, since he is a representative of the authorities. The teacher will first of all help ensure that all papers are written on time. If the process is controlled by the teacher, other team members will feel responsible. This will make your work much easier. Schoolchildren tend to procrastinate if there is no authority over them. Not only will the teacher ensure that papers are completed on time, but if you have a teacher participating with you, the team will be 80% less likely to refuse to participate. The teacher is also responsible for publication. Having received all the articles, he must edit them to fit a newspaper format and print them. This is a lot of responsibility for one teacher, so it is recommended to involve two teachers in the project. If you can't find a teacher for your newspaper, look for other options. Two schoolchildren can prepare good editions of a newspaper. You may need to prepare a parallel online version for the school website. Your school librarian may be happy to help. The main problem may be teachers who may be against team meetings in their classroom.

Layout of text. Organize a meeting for the whole team during recess or after class. Exchange email addresses so that articles can simply be copied from an email rather than reprinted. Also take your teacher's email address so you can send them the final printable copy.

Collect ideas for articles. Since you need 12 articles, brainstorm 12 topics. Some ideas are: games, drawing competition, short stories, horoscope, advice, random facts, sports, poetry or fashion. Once you've decided on your topics, open Word and sketch out bright, eye-catching headings. You can copy something from the Internet, but if the material has copyright, do not forget to provide a link to the original. Save the material on your computer if necessary. Do not forget that the newspaper must be of a standard format.

Make a schedule for publishing the newspaper for the whole year. Recommend your authors, when starting work on the first article for the first issue, to think through the second article in parallel, since anything happens in life: illness, vacation, household chores, etc. Also agree that if the article is not ready, the authors must notify you in advance so that you can find a replacement. Print out the schedule and distribute it to the whole team.

Funds collected. Consider options for investing the collected funds. Perhaps it's some school project, a local charity, or even a team party at the end of the year. Any event that will inspire and motivate project participants.

Think about what will be most acceptable. Use your common sense to evaluate what materials are appropriate for your school newspaper. Don't print Nothing, even remotely alluding to guns, violence, drugs, and generally illegal or inappropriate topics for school.

Seal. The teacher has to print the newspaper according to the schedule, and you have to fold it. Order 50 copies, and if the newspaper becomes popular and you can sell it quickly, print the next issue in 75 or 100 copies. Folding newspapers will take about 20 minutes, no more. If you have a large school, print more copies initially or make an online edition.

Currently, the media have a serious impact on the lives of the younger generation. How can you help your child not get lost in such a flow? A school newspaper will be an excellent option for a child to master information skills.


Creating a school newspaper is a responsible undertaking, involvement in which allows you to develop communication skills and teamwork. In addition, such an activity is an excellent means of education, a good incentive to increase interest in the educational process. How is a school newspaper created? Schools try to use it to inform children and their parents about the most interesting events taking place in the life of an educational institution.

Work on regular news releases involves the direct participation of schoolchildren in various social events, consideration of serious social problems, and expression of their own point of view about events taking place at school.

Periodical printed publication

The school newspaper is a periodical publication that publishes materials about all current events. The production volume ranges from 2 to 50 strips. Unlike other periodicals, a school newspaper can be published once a week, a month or a quarter. Different styles and genres in its design are acceptable. Most of the space should be allocated to journalistic works and operational information. For example, interviews and essays that talk about teachers and the best students of an educational institution are popular.

A school newspaper is a great start for future poets, writers, and correspondents. Such materials may be dedicated to a national holiday or an interesting event organized in a specific educational institution.

Classification of newspapers

They are usually divided according to the frequency of release into daily, weekly, and monthly options. For schools, the monthly option is considered optimal.

Depending on the size of readers and area of ​​distribution, newspapers are divided into regional, district, local, large-circulation, and national. Within the framework of the educational institution, it is planned to release a local version

By the nature of the release, such a publication is a mixture of entertainment, commercial, and advertising. The founder of the school newspaper is an educational institution, so the target audience will be schoolchildren, teachers, and parents of students.

The calling card of any publication is its name. It should be bright, memorable, unusual. For example, a school publication can be called:

  • "For you and for your friends."
  • "School BOOM."
  • "Our friendly family."
  • "Planet of our friendship."

In order to come up with a name for the newspaper, you can announce a competition at school.


The prototype of the modern newspaper was ancient handwritten books. Julius Caesar published the Acts of the Senate, and in 911 the Jin Bao appeared in China. Much time has passed since those distant times, but the newspaper has not lost its relevance and relevance among readers.

In school life, filled with bright and interesting events, a printed publication is an excellent way to systematize all events. Currently, young publicists, poets, and photographers are successfully publishing their printed publications in almost all Russian schools.

Quite often, children are involved in issues of the school newspaper as part of their additional education. For example, in an educational institution a school of young journalists is created, whose responsibilities include thinking through the layout, content, as well as the actual publication of the school printed publication.