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Conspiracies to help get rid of annoying neighbors. Conspiracy from noisy neighbors

Conflicts with neighbors in an apartment building cannot always be resolved through negotiations. In the fight against constant noise and neighborly intrigues, a conspiracy against neighbors can help.

Conspiracies against neighbors

White magic can help get rid of restless and unlucky neighbors and attacks from them. With the help of conspiracies, you can get rid of negative thoughts, calm noisy neighbors, or make them sell their apartment and move to a new place of residence.

A spell on bad neighbors can be used in relation to annoying tenants so that they never return to live in this place.

To perform a fast-acting witchcraft ritual, you need to prepare:

  • Table salt - 5 pinches;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 20 cloves;
  • Dill seeds - 3 pcs.;
  • Black pepper (peas) - 3 pcs.;
  • Glass bottle (it must be used, but before the ritual it must be thoroughly washed).

The ceremony is carried out after sunset. You need to take a bottle and pour all the ingredients into it in the order: salt, bay leaf, garlic, dill, pepper. After each component you need to read the verse:

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (your name), my house and my relatives from an annoying, boring and noisy neighbor. Whatever you want, it will come true.”

When all the components are in the bottle, you need to shake it three times and say:

“In the name of all protective forces, help me calm down noisy and cunning neighbors so that they do not harm or wish harm upon me and the people close to me living with me. Protect those who think badly of me from the envious thoughts. Calm the hatred, envy and malice of the one who dares to think that way about me. Help me find peace and quiet in my home. My words are as strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

After the conspiracy from the neighbors has been completely pronounced, the glass vessel must be properly hidden. It is advisable that no one can find him.

Conspiracy from bad neighbors

The simplest conspiracy against bad neighbors is done when entering a new home. You will need a saucer with treats, which on the first night should be placed in a secluded corner of the house, reciting the verse:

“Here’s a treat for you, a reward for your concern. Keep our home safe,

So as not to know any troubles or sadness.

And whoever wishes evil, let him get into trouble himself!”

This is the first step to protecting your home and fighting ill-wishers. As soon as envious people cross the threshold of the house, they will start having problems, and soon they will simply be afraid of harming a person.

Conspiracy from noisy neighbors

If no methods of reconciliation work and the neighbors are still harassing you, you can cast one effective protective spell:

“Just as a person cannot live without food, so his neighbors cannot live without silence. Let silence reign and the noise hide in the corner. Let it be so!"

The text must be spoken three times at the neighbors' doors.

Conspiracy against a tenant

Another conspiracy against bad neighbors can be used against annoying tenants. It will help you find the desired peace.

Mentally, on the door of the room where the tenant lives, you need to draw the “Exorcising Cross” rune. And when meeting a person, whisper quietly:

“Go away, go away. Find happiness elsewhere."

Conspiracy against evil neighbors

There is another effective method that helps to pacify bad neighbors from above, force them to give up bad habits (smoking, alcoholism) or encourage them to move out of their own home. It should be read at sunset.

To implement this ritual you will need:

  • 1 tsp. table salt;
  • 1 yellow church candle;
  • 1 chicken feather;
  • 100 ml olive oil;
  • Clean large spoon;
  • Small capacity.

It is better to conduct the ceremony in a room where no one will enter. If there is none, a secluded place behind the house, in a square or park will do. A suburban area is also suitable. In order for neighbors to shut their mouths forever, the ritual must be performed completely alone. Then during the session the strongest possible connection will be established, helping to achieve what you want in a short time.

The ceremony is simple: the candle needs to be placed in the ground and set on fire. Pour the salt into a container, add olive oil, mix everything a little with a spoon and place it near the candle. Then you need to pick up a chicken feather and read the plot from noisy neighbors:

“Help me, Lord, protect me from hatred. I ask for protective forces, calm down the neighbors. Help me put an end to the evil acts of my neighbors, of which everyone is tired, so that they leave behind, don’t come here anymore, so that they don’t bother people to live normally. Help us drive them away from our home, punish them fairly, let them feel uncomfortable here. Let life here be harmful for them and let everything be against their living here. I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen".

At the end, you need to dip the feather into the salt-oil solution. It is important to draw a line between your neighbors’ apartment and your own home.

Conspiracy from Stepanova

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova offers many prayers and powerful spells that help:

  • freeze communication with unwanted people;
  • break the addiction of a smoker;
  • get rid of noisy neighbors forever;
  • destroy enemies' attempts to harm.

Rune "Banishing Cross"

Prayer is an appeal to God, amulets that help to pacify bad neighbors or protect oneself forever from those who, with the help of magical rituals, are trying to cause damage, exert pressure and drive a person out of his home. Here is one such prayer:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I turn to you, Lord. Help me, God, in difficult times. Protect me from all adversity. Help the Lord too, Saints Paul and Peter, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and other archangels of God. Come all of you to me. Take by the hands those people whom I avoid, with whom I do not want to live next to, and take them away from me. So that there is no smell of them here. Jesus Christ himself guards my home, protecting me from theft by the unclean. So that the mouths of the evil ones are closed, so that they respect me and talk to me without pretensions. So that their hands will no longer be raised against others. Let my enemies not open their mouths against me, let them not puff out their cheeks in anger. I am changing my destiny for the better. Let it be the way I want it! My words are as strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

Words spoken behind closed doors will become a shield against strong negative emotions coming from evil people who want revenge.

Spell for good relationships

Starve a person out, wait for him to be evicted, and anyone can contribute to this. But not everyone can put an end to the war, calm down and resolve the dispute peacefully. Professional magicians recommend that before making a conspiracy to make the neighbors move out, try to establish relationships. A good option: treat your neighbors to baked goods. The ritual begins on Sunday morning. The housewife should light a candle and begin preparing the dough. The door to the kitchen needs to be opened slightly so that the energy is concentrated in one place.

“Evil old woman, shut up, like all the other evil tongues. I made delicious pies, may our friendly speeches be just as sweet and tasty, may all hatred come from us. I only need peace, joyful and peaceful relationships. My words are strong like a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen". As soon as the baked goods are ready, you need to immediately go treat your neighbors with baked goods. It’s worth treating your pet with something, too, if you have one. The protection will begin to operate after the baked goods fall into the hands of a neighbor, and the hostess mentally says:

“I only need peace and friendship from you. For your health, and for my peace of mind.”

Amulets from evil neighbors

Protection is effective if prepared in advance. Magicians recommend using amulets to protect your apartment. They can be placed near the door or in a special place.

Popular amulets options:

  • Juniper branch. The amulet is capable of absorbing the negative energy of ill-wishers.
  • Broom. Sold in specialized souvenir shops. For a protective function, you need to weave a sedge stem and a willow twig into it. A fully prepared protective amulet is best placed or hung near the door.

The actions of the amulet are immediately noticeable - no one entering the house will say anything bad. And even during repairs, neighbors will be understanding.


Conspiracies can ensure complete obedience of neighbors within 30-40 days. But any magical actions are useless if a person himself does not show courtesy to others. It is better that conspiracies to pacify noisy neighbors become a necessary measure, and not the usual way of solving problems.

Good neighbors are great luck! But sometimes this luck turns its back on us, and not very pleasant things happen: noise, scandals, drinking, gossip, witchcraft.
If you want to get rid of this problem, you need a conspiracy from evil neighbors.
In one case, it will be enough to simply calm them down, and in another, try to get them to move out “voluntarily.” Pies for your neighbor If your neighbor is gossiping or making up tall tales about you, try treating her to some charmed pies. Making peace is the best thing in this situation.

On Sunday morning, light three church candles and prepare the dough. For the filling you will need to say the following words: “Silence evil tongues, do not gossip and do not shout! It will be the way I want it! Amen"
Bake a treat and offer it to your neighbor under any pretext. When she takes the pies, say the following to yourself: “For your health, and for my peace of mind.”
If a neighbor casts a spell It also happens that under the threshold of the apartment various objects appear: rubbish, seeds, a puddle of water, or even earth. If you and your neighbors are in a quarrel, then the appearance of such garbage is easy to explain. But you must be more cunning and interrupt their witchcraft in the old tried and tested way. Pretend that you have made peace, and go to the store to buy something. It is best to choose days of the full moon. You should buy some silver item. The important metal here is silver. The thing must be made of silver! When you pay for your purchase, say out loud: “I’m taking a settlement for (Maria Ivanovna, for example).”
You need to say it casually, but so that the cashier hears your words. What she thinks doesn't matter. After these words you need to remain silent and not answer, even if you are asked again. Leave immediately. Give the little thing to your neighbor. If she fails to give it, she should touch it at least once.

Tie the problem into a knot

You can get rid of bad noisy neighbors and their machinations using knot magic.
Take a black thread from a new spool, begin to revive in your memory all the tricks of these people, all the pain and resentment, anger and indignation about this. Emotions must run high. You can cry, swear, even shout: “So that you move out!” When emotions reach their peak, tie a knot, but not tightly. All! You have tied the problem into a knot, immobilized it, closed it, trapped it. Now leave the room and go about your normal activities. It will be very useful to take a shower, eat, watch a movie or read a book. You should forget about noisy neighbors, put them out of your mind and completely calm down. When your emotional state returns to normal, return to the room and untie the knot! Imagine how your problem disappears, melts, dissolves into thin air. She's gone. No one is harming you, the neighbors’ intrigues or their noise have disappeared, they have moved out!

Dry nettle punishment powder; hot pepper; salt.
All ingredients must be purchased on the waning moon; you cannot take homemade salt and pepper. We buy with the thought of punishing bad people! Nettle can be purchased at a pharmacy if it has not been specially dried. From all the packs you need to take one pinch and grind it into powder in a mortar. Throw the packs in the trash. When you pound the ingredients in a mortar, imagine the type of punishment you are planning for the enemy: flying down the stairs, breaking something for yourself, and so on. This is already your fantasy. You can read any revenge spell or conspiracy from your neighbors, or you can come up with the words yourself. The main thing is to put your anger and indignation into powder. The best time for this is midnight, or from 12 to three in the morning. For the spell to work, you need to pour the powder after the enemy.

Ritual with a candle

If you want to burn off the anger of noisy inhabitants, you can use a candle. Take a church candle and squeeze out the first letter of your neighbor's name with your fingernail. Stick the candle to the tin lid and light it. An important point is that the candle must burn in the dark. The ritual can be performed at night, or you can put a candle in the bathroom. Take the cinder and the lid to your neighbor’s door, saying to yourself: “That’s it!” The ritual can be performed three times.

Pin from the cemetery If no measures against noisy neighbors help, you can make them move to the cemetery. To do this, you need to cast a spell on your neighbors using a pin. Only she must lie in the cemetery for 10 days. The ritual is performed on the full moon. If you need to remove one person, then leave a pin on the grave with their name. If you need to get rid of the whole family, you can leave a few pins in the cemetery. The conspiracy is not read during this ritual. You create a portal between the enemies' apartment and the cemetery, the pin will be the guide. Try to hide the pin as carefully as possible: no one should find it! Attention! This is a strong damage. It is advisable not to touch the pin with your own hands. Place it in a plastic bag and take it to the cemetery. Wear gloves when inserting into the door frame. In the place where the pin lay, put a ransom (good wine, quality vodka and money). Remember that you cannot take or take away anything from the territory of the cemetery without paying off to the Powers, especially if you are performing a magical ritual.
Source: http://infoprivorot.ru/o-zagovorax/zagovor-kak-izbavitsya-ot-sosedej.html Portal about magic © InfoPrivorot.ru


This is a simple but very effective magical ritual that can work in different ways. In some cases, under the influence of this magic, the neighbors soon move out for some reason, in others they become more docile and quiet, but, be that as it may, it will provide you with complete peace in the house.

To perform this magical ritual, you will need a tablespoon of salt, an empty glass bottle, three bay leaves, three heads of garlic, three dill seeds and three black peppercorns.
When all the ingredients have been collected, wait until the sun goes down and throw everything into the bottle in the order in which the items were listed. At this time, you need to constantly say the words out loud:

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (name), to protect my house, to protect my family, and everything that is in my house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When all the ingredients are in the bottle, shake the bottle three times and say the words:

“In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not disturb me, the servant of God (name), and pray to my family. So that the peace and silence are not disturbed by rain or thunder. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you will have to hide the bottle in a secluded place where no one will ever see it. This vessel will be a talisman for your home and will act against bad neighbors.


If you want your annoying neighbors to move out of your house forever and never bother you or interfere with your life again, then this simple magical ritual is suitable for you, which should be performed at sunset before the new moon.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

Yellow church candle;
half a cup of olive oil;
tea spoon;
chicken feather.
With these ingredients you need to go to a remote, deserted place where you are sure no one will bother you. Place the candle on the ground, pour salt into a cup of olive oil and place the cup next to the candle.
Now pick up a chicken feather and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their habitual place, and like chickens disappear into a new nest. Let it be in my house. There will always be peace and quiet for God's servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing the last words, you need to dip the pen in oil. With this pen you need to draw a line between your apartment and your neighbors' apartment.


This effective magic spell against bad neighbors needs to be carried out at a time when people behind the wall are making noise or doing all sorts of nasty things to you. If you know the time when the noise usually starts, then the ritual can be performed half an hour before this time. Read the words of the conspiracy forty times:

“You, neighbor ataman, don’t make noise, don’t be stupid. Go into the forests, make noise there, over the waters and black mud, and over the hazelnuts and swamps. Just as willow and aspen do not grow without roots, so in my house, the servant of God (name), there will be neither flashes nor shadows. No fear, no noise of any kind. There will be peace and quiet in my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and with the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These same conspiracy words can be used in other ways. You need to write them with your own hand on a blank sheet of paper and fold it four times. This paper will need to be securely hidden near the house of the evil neighbors, in which case they will become calmer, more accommodating and will behave adequately.

But first, let's put up magical protection from neighbors. To do this, cut out a cross from red paper. In the middle of it, draw another cross. Sprinkle it with holy water, saying the following words of the conspiracy once:

“Holy cross, red cross, protect me and my soul, and my body, and my mind, and my faith from people who wish harm to me and my loved ones. Let it be so!" Burn the cross in the flame of a church candle, and pour the ashes on your neighbors’ doorsteps, of course, in secret from them. And so that your neighbor leaves somewhere, try doing this. On any Tuesday, buy two chicken feet. Returning home, say the spell on your paws 3 times: “You, chicken paws, used to walk, used to wander, on the grass, along the path, on the stones, on the dust. Let (neighbor’s name) leave, move away from me, never come back, forget the path. Let it be so!” After you perform the ritual and cast the spell, bury the chicken legs on the south and north sides of your house. Problems with your neighbors will begin to resolve themselves and you will eventually get rid of them.
Source of the article: http://veruyugospodi.ru/index.php/sovety/kak-izbavitsya-ot-sosedey-zagovor.html
© Conspiracies and prayers - I Believe God.Ru

For harmful neighbors
If you cannot find a common language with your new neighbors, constantly quarrel with them and dream of them leaving, then read the plot. This plot should be read over the neighbors’ door at midnight, holding a lit candle in your right hand and moving it over the door in a circular motion.
“My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise.
Just as a river is quiet at night, so, neighbor, don’t growl.
As bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor.
We have nothing to share, we must be kinder.
Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth.
Let there be no quarrels or evil between us.”
After this, drip wax from the candle onto the floor, rug or neighbor's door, but so that it is not noticeable.

Conspiracy of silence

I “constructed” this option for a friend who had a very evil boss. All he could do was shout and squeal at his subordinates. The point is to whisper this conspiracy in front of the boss’s door when he decides to “call him on the carpet.” As practice has shown, you can whisper even in the absence of your superiors:
"I'm on this side,
You're on the one
You shouldn't shout
In front of me, be silent.
Your lips are closed
Your thoughts are surrounded by silence,
Stand there dumb
You are silent in front of me
Don't shout in front of me.
Let it be so".


Sometimes there are situations when you need to stop a person. The fastest way is to deprive him of his powers. You need to recite the spell in a sing-song manner in the manner of a conspiracy.
It lifted and carried away,
It spun and started.
Through the steppes and forests,
Through mountains and seas.
With screams and roars
Squeals, sobs,
With birdsong,
Cat purring.
My heart stung and my head tightened.
Sparks in the eyes, heaviness in the legs.
And it's dark in the eyes
And fog in the eyes.
Thoughts are confused
They don't add up together.
Don't dance, don't hustle,
Don't go anywhere.
Stop, fall
Don't go anywhere!

Out of anger

According to tradition, magical bottles with rusty nails, sour red wine (or even urine) and rosemary branches were buried under the porch of the house to protect themselves from evil people.
Take a dark bottle with a stopper and pour into it sour milk, old red wine and some dried rosemary, saying:
Vice and malice, envy and enmity, evil tongues, Feelings that turn into acid, go away.
Cork the bottle and shake it over the sink while saying:
Curl up and wriggle, evil snake, hiss without finding me, and spit where you won’t harm anyone.
Open the bottle and run it under cold running water until the mixture flows into the sink and the bottle and drain are clear.
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the bottle and pour it down the sink drain, then rinse the bottle again. Tell:

The anger is gone, go in peace.
Note that you did not attack anyone, or even return the grudge. You may find that some people will become more friendly towards you. If you suffer from emotional vampirism that literally devastates you, add powdered garlic to the mixture. This will definitely help.

Home protection

First, the house was cleansed, for this purpose a walk around the house was made with ritual sweeping, Then:
A mixture of dill, nettle and millet was made. Everything was finely chopped and mixed, a handful of salt was added. After this the “parting words” were read:
Herbal powers, visible and hidden
I take trouble away from home,
I close the house from adversity.
Then they collected the resulting mixture in a basket and walked around the house clockwise, scattering grass with each step with their left hand and with their right hand. After this, the do was considered protected from any sorcery. This was done at midnight or noon, preferably on the waxing moon.

Protection from a rival or enemy

This is a very interesting ritual, it will not bring harm, but it will take an unkind person or rival away from you.
Take a small plastic or glass bottle, prepare vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and peas, mustard and maybe something else “spicy”. You need to have a photocopy of your rival or enemy, on the back write his (her) name 9 times and very briefly your “wish”. For example: “Get away from my husband!” or something like that. You yourself know what needs to be written. The main thing is that the tone should be commanding.
Roll up the photocopy and push it into the neck of the bottle, then pour vinegar and all your “condiments” into it. Close the bottle and shake vigorously 9 times. And then go to a river or pond, tie a weight, throw it into the water and say: “Let it come true!”

Protective plot

Send back a “kind and fluffy” wish
Such a small conspiracy, designed to return unnecessary wishes from sympathetic, ever-desiring individuals.
“Your speech, but not your Word,
What I wished for will come back to you again
It came back and stuck in your throat forever
What I wished will happen to you (Name).
Your words, but not your power,
My life for me.
You have what I asked for for someone else.”

Disguise plot

This conspiracy must be carried out before going out in order to avoid unnecessary meetings, quarrels, squabbles, etc. nonsense. To use it you will need a mirror. Take the mirror in your right hand, holding it with your thumb and forefinger, and bring it at arm's length to your face so that you can see your reflection. After this, read the plot:
“I’m walking, I can’t be seen.
I'm walking, you can't hear me.
Just as in the glass I am not me, so all the anger is not mine.
People will argue with me, I will not find evil in anyone.
Around me are only those who are dear to me, there is no place for others here.
I will live without troubles and walk without troubles,
Life will be clear, like a mirror light.”
Stick your tongue out at your reflection and walk backwards to the front door.


If you try hard, you can become invisible to others.
The fog has arrived
Take someone else's eyes away
Became one with itself
With the environment.
Where the ray of light will fall
No one will find me there!


I’ll go out before dark and turn towards the swamp and an overgrown unplowed field, climb into the dense forest surrounding that field and hide in this forest in the place of the old field. I’ll hit the ground with my pole three times and thickets and marsh reeds, lingonberries and weeds will grow all around, nettles and wormwood grass will cover this place, and it will be covered with fog. I will throw scarlet beads on the ground, I will curse this untrodden place dense with juniper, bird cherry and rose hips. And I will go through a winding clearing, a roundabout way, deceptive and secret. And as I want, the deception-spell will dissipate. Wolverine has a tail that sweeps with a broom. Just as locks are strong, so are my words.

Fire protection spell

In a clear area at least 20 feet in diameter, have sufficient firewood, matches, and water ready. Using a stick, draw a circle about 11 feet in diameter. Mark the cardinal directions (using a compass or the Sun, Moon and stars) and build a small fire on each of the cardinal directions inside the circle: North, East, South and West.
Prepare fires, but do not light them. Make sure that there is enough wood in each for at least half an hour of burning.
First, stand in the south and light a fire, saying:
Nothing from the South will harm me!

Go to the western border of the circle and light a fire with the words:
Nothing from the West will harm me!

Then do the same at the northern border of the circle:
Nothing from the North will harm me!

Finally, light a fire at the eastern border of the circle and say:
Nothing from the East will harm me!

Pull the burning brand from the southern fire and raise it to the sky (beware of hot coals and sparks) with the words:
Nothing from above will harm me!
Then throw the brand on the ground and say:
Nothing from below will harm me!

Return her to the southern fire and sit in the center of the circle, looking at the fire. If necessary, add firewood.
Imagine the flames literally burning up everything that comes to harm you, on any level.
Remember the sight of fires burning around you, the feeling of heat (which can become quite intense), their light and their protection.
When the fires begin to burn out and you feel that their strength is fading, cover the coals with earth or sand, fill them with water and erase the circle drawn on the ground.
When leaving the ritual site, imprint the fiery circle of protection in your memory so that you can remember it at any time when you need protection: physical, spiritual or mental.
If you are unable to perform this ritual outdoors, replace the bonfires with four large red candles.

From resentment and bad thoughts

If you are tormented by resentment and are preventing you from living, and you would like to get rid of it, forget it, but you can’t, take: marigolds (calendula), geranium and chamomile, throw them into a running pond at sunset and imagine that all bad thoughts are leaving you .

“The resentment goes away, the flowers float away.
Just as a clear flower withers, so there will be no resentment.
Let the resentment flow into the water, and let joy and happiness flow to me.”

And at dawn, take quinoa, cornflower, almond flowers and lily, and throw them into the river. Read another plot:

"The purity of the color white,
The beauty of heaven,
Bring me peace.
There is no burning resentment, the world is kind and cheerful.
The resentment has floated away, the joy has floated.”

Pillow of good dreams

Hop cones, mint leaves, strawberry flowers and leaves, silver wormwood leaves, tarragon sprigs, some apple flowers and hazel leaves were sewn into white, blue or purple fabric. The learned bag was placed in a small pillow. You can decorate the pillow with beads and colored beads. Multi-colored thread tassels were sewn onto the four corners of the pillow. The same threads were used to make the edging of the pillow. Sometimes many buttons of different sizes are sewn onto the pillow. It was believed that the button symbolizes a lock that protects from all troubles, illnesses and evil thoughts.
To prevent things from being stolen
Let the curse fall
On the head of the one
Who will touch my thing?
And he won't return her.
The fire will burn him,
Let the thirst dry up
The water will flood it,
Sadness will fall on your heart.
When the item is returned:
The curse is to cut it.
And as I said now,
So be it!

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I, God's servant (name), stand,
I look at the holy icon of God,
I beg her, I beg her,
I close the way for my enemies.
Close, Lord, my threshold,
Bless, Lord, my amulet.
May God's servant (name) not come to me
And it bypasses my threshold by a hundred miles.
My word is molded, my work is strong.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."
In the original version, you scatter salt at the enemy’s threshold so that he will definitely step over it, but you can also scatter it at the threshold of the room where this person goes. The words “does not come to me” can be replaced with “does not come here.” It’s better to take an icon of Michael the Archangel, John the Warrior or St. George the Victorious. Before the conspiracy, read the corresponding akathist. Order a prayer service to John the Warrior “for the health” of this person in the church.

As far as I know, this ritual works for many... If the person is very strong, then repeat it from time to time until you achieve your goal...

Conspiracies are amulets against enemies. (workers)
If you are pestered, bothered, not given permission by acquaintances and strangers, your life has turned into a complete nightmare, and you feel that as a result you are losing energy, then you can get rid of it in the following way. It is necessary for 30 days in a row at any time of the day, but better in the evening, to write a note with the following content on a piece of white (unlined) paper:
“All my enemies, witches, sorcerers, sorceresses, all your miracles, damage, the evil eye, slander, illness, envy, anger - into your own bodies.”
Then light a church or white candle and, looking at it, pray in any form and ask God for help. Take a white saucer, light a note from a candle, put it on the saucer and let it burn out on its own (preferably without touching it with your hands). Carefully take the ashes remaining on the saucer and flush them down the toilet, making sure that the ashes do not fly off the saucer under any circumstances (If this happens, the witchcraft of your ill-wishers will achieve its goal and will not be returned to them). After this procedure, all your ill-wishers, enemies and witches will avoid you and try not to catch your eye. The long-awaited peace and tranquility will come in your life, you will be able to do your favorite job and no one will bother you anymore. This method boomerangs the evil sent to you back to the one who sent it. In some severe karmic cases, you should continue to write and burn a note for 3 months in a row every day, but in no case more.

Simple amulets.

Amulet pin

Pin the piece of paper with the spell on a safety pin and hide it under the threshold of the house.
I burn, I stab, I drive away enemies. Amen! Amen! Amen!


I mark myself with a cross, I cross myself with a cross, I gird myself with a cross, I put a cross in front, I throw a cross behind me, I protect my sides with crosses. Be gone, demon, the Life-Giving Cross is upon me! Amen.
Attach the piece of paper with the amulet to your belt and wear it on yourself.
Magic ritual of getting rid of enemies

The best defense is a retaliatory strike, which is why I recommend purchasing as many church candles during the waning moon as there are rooms in your house (apartment). Pay with one bill, but in such a way that they give you change in small change. When leaving church, do not give anything to those in need.
When you get home, put the coins you have in a small canvas bag (about 5x10 centimeters in size). Tie its neck tightly with a piece of satin ribbon or thick woolen thread. Make a large loop at the end and hang the bag on the front door handle (from the inside).
Remove all jewelry (except for the pectoral cross), shoes, watches, hairpins, and take a cool, refreshing shower. Light a wax candle, place it in front of you in one of the rooms, concentrate your gaze on the flame and say three times (or a multiple of this number of times):
“As great powers rule in heaven and on earth, they participate in worldly affairs, so they would help me, take away the evil enemy, the thief, the slanderer for all eternity, so that no evil spirits would interfere with me, a certain fate, prepared by the Lord God, day after day after year, year after year, I helped. My word is true, spoken, and therefore righteous. So be it!"
Wait until the candle burns out more than halfway. Then turn it off (without blowing it out) and do the same manipulations in all other rooms.
Collect the candle stubs, tie them with a thick woolen thread, put them in a bag of coins and hang them again on the handle of the front door, then say an odd number of times in a commanding tone:
“Go away, sail away, fly away beyond the high mountains, deep seas, distant lands, I pay you for this. Truly!”
The next day, before sunrise, take the bag to the nearest intersection and leave it there. Turn over your left shoulder and return home the other way.
The problem will go away if you don’t give anything from home to anyone for the next three days.




KICK OUT YOUR EVIL NEIGHBOR FROM YOUR THRESHOLD (probably not only your neighbor can be influenced)

When your neighbor comes... then do this...
throw a pinch of ash on the threshold of your house with the words:
AND YOUR SOUL, (neighbor's name) IS ON THE ROAD!!!

When tying your shoelaces, fastening buttons, putting on a ring, say: “I lock myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you have neither access nor semi-access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor at work, nor at rest, neither at night nor during the day. These words are my key and lock, from now and forever.”

As our ancestors said: “Don’t choose your house - choose your neighbors!” There is truth in these words. When buying a house, we first choose a living space; we only get to know the people living nearby after we move. But, knowing in advance about noisy, angry or envious neighbors, we would think more carefully about our decision to purchase this or that home.

If, in spite of everything, you have acquired a long-awaited living space and your neighbors turn out to be evil, unfriendly people - use a conspiracy and everything will work out.

A conspiracy against evil neighbors is a great way that will help you establish contact with your neighbors, reconcile you, or get rid of noisy and conflict-ridden people, forcing you to change your place of residence.

Plot on the neighbor's door

To make the neighbors move out at midnight, stand in front of the annoying neighbors' door and take a candle with a lit flame in your right hand. A lit candle is passed clockwise in front of the door and the following plot is read:

“My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. Just as a river is quiet at night, so, neighbor, don’t growl. As bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels or evil between us.”

After completing the ritual, you need to discreetly drip wax from the candle in front of your neighbor’s door.

Prayer to St. George the Victorious

To tame neighborly enmity, you can use the prayer to St. George the Victorious.

“Holy passion-bearer to St. George the Victorious! Just as you have overthrown your evil enemies, so let my enemies be overthrown. Take care of me, the servant of the Lord (name), from the machinations of my enemies, from evil deeds, from unkind words, from envious thoughts. Let them abandon their unclean plans, may God’s forgiveness be upon them for their sins. May my word be strong and may the Lord be merciful to my requests. Amen!"

So that the neighbors don't bother you

A very simple ritual to get rid of evil people. Read these words:

“It’s not you who spit at me, but I who spit in your eyes (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Similar ritual:

“I spit away from all enemies. Go, my drool, close their eyes on me forever. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Collective amulet

When not only you, but also other people suffer from a hated neighbor, you can use such a conspiracy. You need to write the name of the impudent woman on a piece of paper, write below "kind soul". Roll the sheet tightly and place it in a plastic bag, secure with tape.

Then you need to find a house where no one lives, or an apartment, put the wrapped piece of paper in the mailbox. As long as the amulet is in the mailbox, the annoying neighbor will not bother you.

Strong spell on a photograph

This ritual is performed only as a last resort, when all measures to calm the bad person no longer work.

Take a photo of your neighbor who is bothering you. The ritual is performed during the waning moon. The photo is wrapped in a piece of black fabric. When the sun sets, you need to light three candles (necessarily identical), arrange them in the shape of a triangle. A piece of fabric is spread out in front of you, the photo is placed in the middle. Read the following words twelve times:

“As candles burn and their wax melts, so let the anger of God’s servant (name) melt away. The servant of God (name) will not touch me either in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks or spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

When the candles burn out, they need to be put into a bag. A photograph wrapped in a piece of fabric is placed in the same bag. The package needs to be put away in a secluded place on the western side. For three days nothing can be taken out or given from the apartment. As long as the photo is hidden from prying eyes, the neighbor will not bother you.

So that the neighbors move out of the house

This simple ritual will help you get rid of the bad person living next to you, and will help him move to another home as quickly as possible. For the ceremony you need to prepare the following ingredients: buy a yellow church candle, pour half a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt and a chicken feather. You need to go to a deserted place. Place the candle in the ground, pour the salt into a cup with olive oil. The cup is placed near a burning candle. Then they take a chicken feather in their hand and pronounce the following spell:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their habitual place, and like chickens disappear into a new nest. Let it be in my house. There will always be peace and quiet for God's servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Once the words have been spoken, the pen is dipped in olive oil. With this pen they draw a line between your neighbor’s apartment and your apartment.

Amulets for home

Having moved to a new home, you can also get rid of bad neighbors with the help of amulets:

  • Buy a decorative broom at the souvenir shop. To make a talisman out of a panicle, weave a willow branch with a stem of sedge grass. Hang a broom above the entrance to your house.
  • Take a juniper branch and place it in a vase. Such a talisman will help neutralize the bad energy emanating from hated neighbors.

Juniper twig

A conspiracy from your neighbors will be useless if you yourself behave discourteously towards others. No matter how the relationship develops between you and your neighbors, it is better not to quarrel, but to try to find a compromise. Radiate more goodness and everything will be fine.

We do not choose our parents, relatives and neighbors, but if we can still resolve any problems amicably with our relatives, this is not always possible with our neighbors.

Many respectable people are faced with constant noise from behind the wall, with frequent parties that last until late at night, and how to deal with this?

There are many ways to moderate the ardor of excessively loud residents of your own home, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy or ritual against noisy neighbors.

In magic there are many rituals that affect unwanted people, they differ in the principle of action, but they have the same goal - to ensure you a peaceful stay at home.


This is a simple but very effective magical ritual that can work in different ways. In some cases, under the influence of this magic, the neighbors soon move out for some reason, in others they become more docile and quiet, but, be that as it may, it will provide you with complete peace in the house.

To perform this magical ritual, you will need a tablespoon of salt, an empty glass bottle, three bay leaves, three heads of garlic, three dill seeds and three black peppercorns.

When all the ingredients have been collected, wait until the sun goes down and throw everything into the bottle in the order in which the items were listed. At this time, you need to constantly say the words out loud:

“Unite as one to protect me, the servant of God (name), to protect my house, to protect my family, and everything that is in my house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When all the ingredients are in the bottle, shake the bottle three times and say the words:

“In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not disturb me, the servant of God (name), and pray to my family. So that the peace and silence are not disturbed by rain or thunder. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you will have to hide the bottle in a secluded place where no one will ever see it. This vessel will be a talisman for your home and will act against bad neighbors.

(Close the bottle with a cork. There is no need to bury it, just hide it. The ritual is performed once.)


If you want your annoying neighbors to move out of your house forever and never bother you or interfere with your life again, then this simple magical ritual is suitable for you, which should be performed at sunset before the new moon.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

*yellow church candle;

*half a cup of olive oil;

*tea spoon ( Measure salt and butter with a teaspoon so that there is a little of everything.)

*chicken feather.

With these ingredients you need to go to a remote, deserted place where you are sure no one will bother you. Place and light a candle on the ground, pour salt into a cup of olive oil and place the cup next to the candle.

Now pick up a chicken feather and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their habitual place, and like chickens disappear into a new nest. Let it be in my house. There will always be peace and quiet for God's servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After pronouncing the last words, you need to dip the pen in oil. With this pen you need to drawline near your apartment. After the ritual, take the candle.


This effective magic spell against bad neighbors needs to be carried out at a time when people behind the wall are making noise or doing all sorts of nasty things to you. If you know the time when the noise usually starts, then the ritual can be performed half an hour before this time. Read the words of the conspiracy forty times:

“You, neighbor ataman, don’t make noise, don’t be stupid. Go into the forests, make noise there, over the waters and black mud, and over the hazelnuts and swamps. Just as willow and aspen do not grow without roots, so in my house, the servant of God (name), there will be neither flashes nor shadows. No fear, no noise of any kind. There will be peace and quiet in my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and with the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These same conspiracy words can be used in other ways. You need to write them with your own hand on a blank sheet of paper and fold it four times. This paper will need to be securely hidden near the house of the evil neighbors, in which case they will become calmer, more accommodating and will behave adequately.

Sometimes the people who live next door are not entirely friendly and adequate. And peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict do not always help. To stop intrigue, slander and aggression on the part of these people, you can use a conspiracy against your neighbors. After it is carried out, a conspiracy against evil neighbors will help to pacify, establish contact, stop the flow of aggressiveness, calm the noise, stop slander and attacks in your direction. You can also use magic to make them sell their property and move away from you.

Calm your neighbors' anger

A conspiracy from neighbors is necessary in the following situations:

Make your neighbors turn down their music volume

  1. If people who live next door are loud, swear and do not respond to requests to be quieter. In this case, a conspiracy will help get rid of noisy neighbors.
  2. With constant partying and drinking, the use of drugs by a neighbor above or below. By getting rid of the bad habits of your neighbors with the help of magic, you can expect that these people will simply change their place of residence.
  3. If these people deliberately do nasty things, tampers or damage.
  4. If they systematically flood you.
  5. With constant fights and rowdy behavior, loud swearing, aggressiveness.

In such situations, a conspiracy from bad neighbors will help to achieve reconciliation and make peace with neighbors. You can also survive your neighbors, carry out such rituals so that the neighbors move out. It is advisable to use a plot against bad neighbors if conversations and peaceful resolution of the conflict fail.

In addition to using magical rituals, you can also use prayers to various saints. During the ritual, you cannot: stop abruptly halfway, interrupt the ritual, you must under no circumstances wish harm to other people, it is important to have a goal, after the ritual, do not tell anyone anything and believe in the power of magic.

The main thing is to believe and not stop midway.

Effective rituals

White magic offers various options for rituals, the purpose of which is pacification, reconciliation, and reaching a compromise. Or, in the opposite situation, you can kick out negligent neighbors, have them evicted from their house or apartment (primarily this applies to unscrupulous tenants, those who live in a communal apartment).

From noisy neighbors

There is an effective plot against noise caused by people living next door. It's simple but effective. You need to turn towards their house and say the following:

“I’m walking along a wide road. I drag behind me, dragging a black ox and driving a viper. I will fill the eyes of my enemies and adversaries with poppy seeds, consecrated in the bright temple. Become mute to my walls, so you will speak like a fire burning in a stove. So that the neighbors do not make noise, do not shout, do not interfere. Let it come true as it is said.”

Sign yourself with the cross three times and read the Lord's Prayer.

You can also read the protective words at their doors:

Read the words at your neighbors' doors

“Just as people cannot live without food, so my neighbors cannot live in noise and screams. Let silence reign in your home, and let the noise hide. They will no longer be heard or revered by you. Let it be as it is said.”

Repeat the spell three times.

How to punish for slander? If people are constantly being too noisy or behaving inappropriately, an effective ritual is carried out. Collect morning dew and pour into different containers. Take three drops from each vessel, drop on your left hand, wash and say:

“I wash myself with the bright dew, I take the stars from the sky, they will become my helpers. Let the evil person not touch me, let the neighbor not be harmful. I pacify you with a bright word and God’s deed.”

From evil neighbors

How to get rid of your neighbors if they constantly pester you with their nagging, swearing and rudeness? You can read the following words from evil neighbors by turning towards where they live:

Get rid of neighbors who pester you with their nagging

“Calm down, evil neighbor, calm down, evil neighbor. I drive you with a magic word, a magic word. I’m talking about noisy neighbors, an angry neighbor, don’t look in my direction and hiss. Let what is said come true.”

When moving into a new home, you can perform a ritual that will protect you from bad neighbors. You need to put treats on a plate and place them on the first night after moving in a secluded corner of the house, saying:

“The keeper of my house, the brownie father. I will leave you some treats, a reward for your concern towards me. Become our protector and guardian. We will not know sorrows and sorrows, insults and slander, slander and anger from others. And whoever wishes me harm, let it return to him.”

You can also pacify them using another option. Take a new broom and sweep the house with it, saying:

Buy a new broom for your home

“May all misfortunes and hardships go away with this magical broom, and may happiness and love increase.”

Throw the broom near the house of other residents. Whoever picks it up and takes it for himself will have all your failures and bad luck.

So that the neighbors move out

How to get rid of bad neighbors, a plot will help with this, so that the neighbors move, move away from you forever. If you are constantly flooded, interfere with a quiet life, or become rowdy, you can carry out a strong conspiracy. You will need the following attributes: three wax candles, black fabric, photographs of haunting people. Cut out silhouettes of people from fabric, light candles. Place cut out silhouettes and photographs on the fabric. Say these words:

“As a dead man rides across the crossroads for the last time, so you (names), cross the threshold of your house for the last time. Go as far away from me as possible, don't come back. This house will become torment and hard labor for you until you leave it. Let it be so".

For a good relationship

To make peace with neighbors, to reconcile with a harmful or evil lady, you can use the following version of the ritual. Bake a pie or cupcake on your day off. While kneading the dough, read the spell forty times:

“Evil old woman shut up, evil old man be silent, like all the other evil tongues. I baked you delicious pies and cupcakes. Just as my food is delicious, your speeches will be tasty and sweet. May hatred go far and forever. There will be peace between us, let's make peace, let's respect each other. There will be no envy or words of anger. But only peace and joy. My words are strong like a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

When the baking is ready, treat your neighbors to the enchanted pie. You should also give a piece to your neighbor's pet. When they try the treat, protection from evil neighbors will take effect immediately.

Other ritual options

Place an obstacle in front of your home for your neighbors to enter.

Neighbors can be not only noisy, but also annoying people. The following prayer will help put an obstacle to entry into your home:

“All-merciful Lord, help us, become for us a pacifier of the neighbor’s spirit. May there be protection from them, enemies, envious people, slanderers and ill-wishers. Let it be so from now on and forever.”

Sometimes you may need protection from neighbors if they are jealous or behave too intrusively.

Getting rid of ill-wishers who live nearby is carried out in this way. Collect holy water in the temple, wash your face for three days in a row, and on the fourth day say:

“I will wash myself with water, I will wash away all adversity and bitterness. I can get rid of enemies on the other side of the wall by reading these conspiracies. Let the neighbor's negativity not rub off on me. Whatever I get from them, I will give to them. We remove all curses from ourselves, we survive, we get rid of the bad and the bad. Let it be so".

Wash your face with holy water for three days in a row

Amulet from neighbors' curses

If simple rituals and amulets are not effective, various amulets are used to get rid of envious people and to protect themselves. They will also help if it is a communal apartment. The amulet must be made with your own hands; materials such as wax, wood or wool are used for this. After the amulet is made, strangers will not envy you.

To protect yourself from noisy and unpleasant people who live nearby, they make an amulet. You will need the following attributes:

  • head of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • several bay leaves;
  • allspice;
  • Dill seeds.

Mix all ingredients while concentrating.