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Zodiac Ophiuchus is the secret thirteenth sign. If the guy in love with you is Ophiuchus...

Has the world around changed so much that the 13th sign has appeared in the horoscope? Let's try to figure it out.

There are 12 traditional astrological constellations.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. form the inner zodiac circle or the so-called Lower Zodiac (NZ). By analyzing the internal zodiac circle, astrologers create an everyday (down-to-earth) portrait of a person. This includes possible life scenarios, personal characteristics, behavioral patterns, and main life tasks.

The Upper Zodiac (OT) also consists of 12 equal sectors. The sectors of the outer zodiac circle are located at the junctions between the sectors of the inner circle. Each individual sector is assigned its own sign of the Higher Zodiac (see photo below).

The OT sign affects those born in the first and last week of the NT sign.

Details in the table below.

Upper Zodiac Sign Period of stay of the Sun in a sign Which signs does NZ affect?
Clock/Cepheus March 14-27 Aries (last week); Pisces (first week).
Winged Horse / Pegasus February 12-25 Pisces (last week); Aquarius (first week).
Swan/Sphinx January 13-26 Aquarius (last week); Capricorn (first week).
Tree/Cassiopeia December 15-28 Capricorn (last week); Sagittarius (first week).
Ophiuchus November 15-28 Sagittarius (last week); Scorpio (first week).
Crow October 16-29 Scorpio (last week); Libra (first week).
Bootes/Shepherd September 16-29 Libra (last week); Virgo (first week).
Knight/Hercules August 16-29 Virgo (last week); Leo (first week).
Chariot/Ursa Major July 16-29 Leo (last week); Cancer (first week).
Helmsman/Ship June 14-28 Cancer (last week); Gemini (first week).
Hunter/Orion May 14-27 Gemini (last week); Taurus (first week).
Whale April 13-26 Taurus (last week); Aries (first week).

The Upper Zodiac determines global processes. And in this case we will be talking about individuals who are capable of changing the world and influencing the society around them.

However, it is impossible to determine your belonging to the OT sign only by date of birth. Reading the signs of the OT is the domain of experienced astrologers. Don't forget about this when reading your next horoscope.

New 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus: where did it come from?

The appearance of Ophiuchus in our lives is nothing more than an attempt to unite the Lower and Upper Zodiacs into one circle. The pioneers of astrology began the unification of the Zodiacs from two points at which the Lower and Upper Zodiacs interact as much as possible: from the Ophiuchus point and the Cetus point.

This is how a version about the existence of the 13th and 14th zodiac signs appeared in the media.

In the center of the circle: graphic symbol of Ophiuchus

Zodiac sign in the horoscope - Ophiuchus: horoscope dates

Ophiuchus: characteristics of a man

Ophiuchus are those who have conquered their karma by going through a series of karmic reincarnations. Representatives of this zodiac have well learned the lesson about cause-and-effect relationships, which allows them to take the next step: master ideology and lead.

Classic Ophiuchus - Charles de Gaulle. He flashed brightly on the horizon of history in 1940, not being afraid to take responsibility for the fate of France. After 10 years he went into the shadows. Figuratively speaking, he burned like a phoenix in order to be reborn after oblivion, again unite the nation around him and lead him.

Ophiuchus men are always on the move and always free. Their freedom and movement cannot be limited, so as not to awaken all the worst that is in this sign. Do not forget that on a global scale, the decade of Ophiuchus brings disasters, chaos, and many tragedies.

The road beckons Ophiuchus. On a subconscious level, Ophiuchus understands that stopping for him is like death and this forces the Ophiuchus man to continue his path: from city to city, from woman to woman.

Often the Ophiuchus man leaves without looking back or saying goodbye. He simply disappears from the lives of people close to him. And then he returns as if there was no pause in the relationship at all. What’s even more surprising is that representatives of this sign are jealous and cannot accept the fact that during their absence someone else may appear in the life of their other half.

He is charming and easy to talk to. But he will never waste himself on people he doesn’t like. At the same time, Ophiuchus tends to communicate their dislike loudly and without regard for the feelings of others.

Surprisingly, with a fairly strong charisma, Ophiuchus is prone to depressive moods, especially in their youth.

Fate constantly tests the Ophiuchus man. But the more tragic the story of Ophiuchus’s fall, the more effort he will put into rectifying the situation and the more enchanting his return will be.

By and large, Ophiuchus will always balance between a bright holiday and an icy void, sliding into one abyss or another and invariably being reborn. But the price of revival will depend on the spiritual purity and morality of the Ophiuchus man.

Ophiuchus: characteristics of a woman

All of the above applies to women of this sign.

Ophiuchus: compatibility with other zodiac signs

Zodiacs that can withstand Ophiuchus are noted in the table below. Ophiuchus women have more choice, since the beautiful representatives of this Zodiac are a little softer than the strong Ophiuchus men.

Video: Pavel Globa - constellation Ophiuchus and the Upper Zodiac

Recently, the constellation Ophiuchus is often mentioned when compiling horoscopes. Sometimes he is called the Serpent Holder, because translated from Latin the word Ophiuchus literally means: “a man carrying (in his hands) snakes” or “a man holding (in his hands) snakes.”

The sign, shrouded in mystery, raises many questions and curiosity. Where did it come from and why was it not mentioned before? Is everything really that mysterious or is there a simple explanation for this phenomenon?

How did this thirteenth horoscope sign come into being? The 13th constellation of the zodiac has been known to people since time immemorial. The zodiac sign Ophiuchus was mentioned in the works of scientists BC. e. On ancient maps of the starry sky it was designated by the word Serpentarius (Ophiuchus). According to legend, a man entwined with a snake, Ophiuchus, is the healing god Asclepius himself. According to legend, his mother, Princess Koronida, was chosen as her beloved by the god of the sun, Apollo.

Coronis failed to remain faithful to Apollo. The sun god was angry with his beloved and killed her with lightning. According to another version, Koronida was killed by the goddess Artemis, striking the traitor with a cloud of arrows. The child, who miraculously survived, was abandoned by his father to the mercy of fate. The newborn was found and taken home by the shepherd Arestan. The boy was named Aesculapius (Asclepius).

He was taught by the wise Chiron (centaur). Thus, the young man learned the secrets of medicinal herbs and learned to use them. The training included communication with snakes, who passed on their wisdom to the future doctor. The student has surpassed the teacher.

Asclepius learned to heal people. He found a means by which living people could gain immortality, and dead people could be resurrected. The god of death Thanatos found out about this and complained to Zeus. Thanatos could not allow people to live forever, because then he would lose income.

Zeus had his own reason in this matter. He was furious that people, having received immortality, would become like gods. Therefore, the Thunderer killed the healer with a lightning strike.

Apollo took this loss seriously. Then Zeus, wanting to make amends to the sun god, turned Asclepius and the snake into a constellation. And so it appeared, according to legend , the new 13th horoscope sign is Ophiuchus.

On the star map, Ophiuchus is adjacent to the constellations:

  • Snake;
  • Eagle;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Scorpion;
  • Scales;
  • Hercules.

The creation of the traditional zodiac circle, divided into twelve sectors, dates back to the times of ancient Babylon. Since then, a lot has changed on the star map. The period of passage of the Sun through the constellations gradually shifts from year to year. As a result of this phenomenon, some astrologers insist that there are 13 signs of the zodiac.

The symbol of Ophiuchus and its designation is an image of a man with a snake. Considering that the constellation Ophiuchus seems to personify the healer Asclepius, the symbol of medicine is his staff entwined with a snake.

Some astrologers, taking into account the constellation Ophiuchus, believe that there are thirteen horoscope signs. What characteristics does astrology give to people born under this zodiac sign, and how does it influence fate and relationships in society?

People born under the constellation Ophiuchus are endowed with contradictory character traits. Their ability to move from one state to another often confuses others. They know how to transform themselves both externally and internally. But, despite their unusualness and seeming contradiction in character, people of this sign also have positive qualities.

Ophiuchus people are smart and ironic. From the outside it may seem that it is easy for them to walk through life. In fact, bearers of the sign know how to endure difficulties, and if necessary, then adapt to circumstances. Although it would be more natural for them to go against everything.

Some people may consider bearers of the sign to be selfish and arrogant, pushing themselves out everywhere. Ophiuchus, as always, has their own view on this. They soberly assess their strengths and weaknesses. And, even if it seems to everyone around him that the bearer is behaving provocatively, he himself does not mind this at all.

Representatives of this zodiac have the following qualities:

  1. Extraordinary.
  2. Talent.
  3. Strength of will.
  4. Physical endurance.
  5. Straightforwardness.
  6. Fearlessness.
  7. Adventurism.

These are strong and resilient people with a strong character. They are used to achieving their goals, regardless of the methods of achieving them. The mental strength that Ophiuchus possesses strengthens with age. These people absolutely know the value of themselves and their capabilities.


It is not easy for women born under the constellation Ophiuchus to live in society. Men who prefer to see a weak, “white and fluffy” woman next to them are faced with a firm and unyielding character. Bearers of the sign do not bother themselves with purely feminine tricks and antics.

Life situations, no matter what it concerns, are resolved by Ophiuchus women with a purely masculine approach. It’s not easy for men to feel like superman next to such a “weaker sex.” Bearers of the sign always achieve their goals. Sober calculation and rigidity in decision-making help them in this.

Ophiuchus women are more interested in their own affairs and outlook on life than in the opinions of others. They do not need other people's advice or approval, because their own opinions rarely coincide with those of others.

Men who were born under the constellation Ophiuchus are marked by intelligence. Excellent conversationalists and joke tellers. An innate sense of humor and natural sociability allows them to establish the necessary contacts. For bearers of the sign who have their own business, this quality helps in their work.

Too active and energetic to sit still, they constantly generate new ideas and bring them to life. For them, life without movement is like a swamp with stagnant water. These people find something they like and devote themselves to their favorite activity without reserve.

Ophiuchus, which takes over part of the period from Scorpio and Sagittarius, has in its characteristics the characteristics of these signs.

Compatibility of Ophiuchus with other zodiac signs, brief horoscope

The description of the compatibility of sign carriers with other representatives of the zodiac depends on the date and year of their birth. The sign of Ophiuchus suggests dates of birth: from November 29 to December 17. Due to its peculiarity, there is no need to talk about complete compatibility with other representatives of the zodiac.

Considering the element corresponding to the sign, the following zodiac signs are suitable for compatibility with it:

  • Aries – parity is possible based on mutual efforts and collaboration. A strong and fruitful alliance for both parties;
  • Gemini - the union is overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions, both positive and negative. Despite this, there is a chance for duration;
  • Cancer - relationships will develop in terms of physiological attraction of signs, the duration of the relationship is unpredictable;
  • Leo – good mutual understanding gives a chance to develop relationships;
  • Virgo is a favorable union if you do not contradict Ophiuchus and accept him as he is;
  • Libra is an ideal combination where both signs will complement and support each other;
  • Scorpio - a healthy spirit of competition between two strong and talented people will not prevent you from being happy;
  • Aquarius – common interests contribute to the longevity of the relationship;
  • Pisces - compliance and subordination of one sign to another will allow you to be close.

The zodiac signs Taurus, Capricorn and Sagittarius are not compatible with Ophiuchus. Even if at the initial stage they are connected by friendship or romantic relationships, they will not develop.

The constellation Ophiuchus, the astrological horoscope of which excites the bearers of the sign, is calculated taking into account the date and exact time of birth. It is believed that it is influenced by nearby constellations: Scorpio, Sagittarius and Serpent, in which Ophiuchus is located.

Astrologer P.P. Globa believes that each Ophiuchus has a horoscope, the individuality of which is influenced by the stars located in the constellation. The individuality of the horoscope depends on the presence of stars included in the constellation.

All horoscopes are summarized by the presence of Ophiuchus abilities for extrasensory perception and healing the sick. Perhaps this is why the constellation sign was chosen to symbolize medicine.

The thirteenth zodiac sign is significantly different from the rest. And people born under it are also extraordinary and unique. Among the bearers of this sign there are many famous people: Eldar Ryazanov, Mikhail Lomonosov, Indira Gandhi, Maya Plisetskaya. Who knows, perhaps a mysterious and unusual constellation thus influenced their fate, and it was this that brought them worldwide fame.

Incredible facts

The latest news about the emergence of a new zodiac sign - Ophiuchus - has excited many astrology lovers, especially the sign Sagittarius , which partially coincides with the supposed new zodiac sign.

What does this mean? Does Sagittarius remain Sagittarius or becomes Ophiuchus?

It all depends on when exactly your birthday is, since the coincidence is not complete, and besides, not everyone is convinced that Ophiuchus is the 13th sign of the zodiac.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: dates of birth

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus falls on dates between November 29 and December 17, while according to the usual horoscope, Sagittarius includes those who were born between November 22 and December 21.

If you were born between November 22 and November 28, or between December 18 and December 21, then you are either a Libra/Scorpio or a Sagittarius according to your new horoscope.

Ophiuchus has made a significant reshuffle in the zodiac system. The addition of a new sign (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) means that all birth dates are shifted.

This is the main reason that upsets many, since in this case you turn out to be a different zodiac sign. So, for example, in November there are now as many as three zodiac signs: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

New horoscope: 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is the only sign in the horoscope that is based on a real person. This man was Imhotep, who lived in Ancient Egypt in the 27th century BC. Historians believed that Imhotep brought the art of healing to humanity.

It also belongs to the constellation "Ophiuchus" (Ophiuchus from Greek "serpent carrier").

Astrologer Stephen Schmidt proposed the idea of ​​a 13th zodiac sign in the 1970s, and some astrologers have supported his idea. However, other schools of astrology, such as Indian astrology, do not recognize Ophiuchus as an official sign, as it contradicts the general idea of ​​the zodiac being divided into 12 equal parts.

Disputes regarding the official recognition of the 13th zodiac sign are still ongoing. However, the zodiac sign Ophiuchus itself is quite contradictory.

New zodiac sign Ophiuchus

Element: water

Cross: mutable

Symbol: man carrying a snake

Lucky number: 12

Color: purple

Stone: apatite

Main features:

· Peaceful and wise, constantly in search of knowledge

· Lucky

· Dreamer

Purposeful, strives for novelty and the best

· Enjoys the favor and trust of those in power

· Loves family, often has many children

Good builder or architect

· Prefers bright colors and clothes

· Ability to feel music, musical talent

· Creative and innovative in many aspects of life

Ophiuchus: characteristics of the sign

Positive features

Joyful and positive

Despite many contradictions, Ophiuchus is positive most of the time and has a good sense of humor, which is very contagious, especially considering their creativity and intelligence. Since they are adaptable, they easily get along with people of different temperaments, even if the relationship is short-lived due to their temperamental nature.

Truthful and honest

In essence, Ophiuchus does not like to waste time, especially on lies, which complicate everything around them and can negatively affect their lives.

Intelligent and smart

It is quite a rare quality for a sign to be intellectual and creative at the same time. But, like other mutable signs, Ophiuchus gives priority to emotions and feelings than to intellect.

Accepts change and does not like routine

Since the water element still prevails, Ophiuchus uses it to adapt to changes. They hate stagnation and love the challenge that comes with new beginnings. They are always on the lookout for something new and exciting, especially if it brings changes to their lives.


Horoscope signs that are dominated by emotions and feelings are instinctive and intuitive. They listen to their heart, which gives them a feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day, whether the decision they made is the right one or not.


Ophiuchus possesses remarkable charisma, combining intelligence and wit, and at the same time, demonstrating character and creativity with a desire to be the best in everything they do, which does not go unnoticed by others.

Creative and imaginative

Ophiuchus, like Pisces, is a creative person and gifted with a rich imagination. The main difference between them is that they show their creative imagination as they have a competitive spirit.

Strives for success

This is another controversial trait, as the sign has a passion for winning and loves attention. At the same time, they hate routine, and they try to develop qualities that would help them succeed.

Likes to be on top

They like to be the center of attention because they are the center of attention. They try to be the best to get praise.


Many emotional people are secretive, and although they prioritize feelings and emotions, they do not like to share them with others.

Negative traits


Few zodiac signs will like this fact, especially considering that half of them are jealous and possessive. It's worth mentioning that monogamy is a modern model that helps us stick to commitments, but that doesn't do Ophiuchus justice, especially considering the following.


Despite their penchant for polygamy, they are very jealous. This may be due to the fact that they are very familiar with the feeling of being cheated on. This once again confirms how controversial the sign is.


Ophiuchus can be very critical, especially if someone hurts their feelings. They base their opinions on what they see and what they feel. The first impression leaves a long mark on Ophiuchus.


Ophiuchus has a rich creative imagination, which also means that he can be irresponsible in certain areas of life. Such people often create their own little imaginary world, without taking into account what is happening around them.


Like other intellectual zodiac signs, Ophiuchus can be very restless and cannot stay in one place for too long. The water must be in motion, or it begins to stagnate. The sign follows exactly this principle.

Tendency to procrastinate

This is another trait characteristic of creative people. They love to dream and do not like to put things into action, which is why many creative ideas are left for later and do not see the light of day.


Ophiuchus is known for fits of anger, which, however, do not last long. Since they are emotional and at the same time highly intelligent, they tend to lose their temper, especially if someone offends them. However, after the anger subsides, they return to their complacent mood again.

Keep only what they need

They leave only what is useful to them, even friends and acquaintances. This may also apply to relationships, which they value in order to get something from them.

Compatibility with the zodiac sign Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is a new sign. To say that this changes a lot is an understatement, especially considering the fact that many zodiac signs themselves have undergone changes.
Therefore, compatibility can only be judged in general terms. According to the new zodiac order, each sign has 5 harmonious/compatible and 8 disharmonious/incompatible signs.

Signs compatible with Ophiuchus (harmonious relationships)

This relationship can work because they understand each other well. They like a challenge, don't like stagnation, and love to travel, spend time in new places and find new experiences. They also have an agreement regarding their secrets that they do not want to talk about.

Z Meenius - Capricorn (previous dates: December 22 -January 19, new dates: January 20 -February 16)

Capricorns are career-oriented, unlike Ophiuchus, who is competitive and goal-oriented. They will get along because they both want the same thing. Ophiuchus does not have to worry about Capricorn's loyalty, as they are workaholics and very loyal to their partners. They also have good intellectual compatibility, as both love to have intellectual and creative conversations.

Ophiuchus - Pisces (previous dates: February 20 -March 20, new dates: March 11 -April 18)

Pisces is considered the most compatible zodiac sign with Ophiuchus, as they have a lot in common. Both are dreamers, creative personalities and easily adapt to their environment, both are mutable signs and value feelings and emotions. Their best qualities compensate for their negative ones.

Ophiuchus will find a soul mate in Cancer. Both zodiac signs will be able to keep each other busy by making sure that they satisfy each other emotionally and physically. They may have outbursts of jealousy, but they make up for the sake of love and care for each other.

Ophiuchus - Libra (previous dates: September 23 - October 22, new dates: October 30 - November 23)

The intellectual needs of Libra are fully satisfied here. Ophiuchus does not like to be tied to one place, which makes him a good partner for Libra, who loves to discover new things and seek creative inspiration in new experiences. They will find a lot in common with the field of creativity and art.

Signs incompatible with Ophiuchus (disharmonious relationships)

Ophiuchus, as a water sign, will have a difficult time with signs with the predominant elements of air and fire. Since a new sign was introduced, the horoscope has undergone changes, and earth signs, which were considered compatible with water signs, are also considered disharmonious.

Ophiuchus - Sagittarius (previous dates: November 22 - December 21, new dates: December 17 - January 20)

Fickle Sagittarius may seem like too much of a match for restless Ophiuchus, but problems arise when both zodiac signs try to outdo each other.

Ophiuchus - Aquarius (previous dates: January 20 - February 19, new dates: February 16 - March 11)

Aquarius's fickle moods can get on Ophiuchus' nerves, especially since the new sign doesn't like to waste time dealing with the emotions of others.

Ophiuchus - Aries (previous dates: March 21 - April 20, new dates: April 18 - May 13)

The main difference between the signs is that they are both impatient. Aries is aggressive in its decisions to get its way, while Ophiuchus deals with impatience with emotional outbursts.

Ophiuchus – Taurus (previous dates: April 21 - May 20, new dates: May 13 - June 21)

All Taurus needs is security and stability in relationships and finances, and while Ophiuchus can provide financial stability, they will inevitably clash when it comes to stability in relationships. Taurus are homebodies and love the comfort of home, while Ophiuchus looks for every opportunity to visit new places and explore.

Ophiuchus - Gemini (previous dates: May 21 - June 20, new dates: June 21 - July 20)

At first, the flirtatious Gemini will manipulate Ophiuchus' jealousy. While monogamy isn't a new sign's strong point, it's important to note that they can be very emotional and easily hurt, especially if their partner doesn't take the time to spend with them.

Ophiuchus - Leo (previous dates: July 23 -August 22, new dates: August 10 -September 16)

Leo and Ophiuchus want the same thing, but in different forms. Ophiuchus is competitive because he wants to be praised for his work, while Leo just wants to be praised. A clash of ego and pride is inevitable in this relationship.

Ophiuchus - Virgo (previous dates: August 23 - September 22, new dates: September 16 - October 30)

Both signs are intellectual, but Ophiuchus will never understand Virgo's need to spend more time on a task, since Virgos strive to bring everything to perfection. Such scrupulousness may be considered a waste of time by Ophiuchus, and Virgos will not like the secretive and chaotic nature of Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus - Scorpio (previous dates: October 23 - November 21, new dates: November 23 - November 29)

Although Ophiuchus is known for being jealous and emotional, nothing compares to Scorpio's possessiveness and jealousy. Scorpio will never come to terms with Ophiuchus's need for polygamy, and will have difficulty accepting the flighty nature of the new zodiac sign.

Recently, the thirteenth Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus - has become increasingly mentioned. The opinions of astrologers are divided, because some consider it a full-fledged Sign, which leads to fierce debate.

The secret of the 13th Zodiac Sign has been hidden for a long time, but now you have the opportunity to find out everything about these people. It is possible that you are also an Ophiuchus, although for a long time they thought that you were a typical Sagittarius. This may explain some of the discrepancies in horoscopes.

Horoscope of Ophiuchus: place among other Signs

Ophiuchus, in fact, practically displaces Sagittarius from the list of main Signs. The Sun passes through the constellation Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 17, which means it coincides with Sagittarius, which is relevant from November 22 to December 21. Because of this, there are disputes about what place Ophiuchus occupies in horoscopes, whether it replaces Sagittarius or exists with it absolutely in parallel.

If we consider this sign to be parallel and independent, then many people will have to stop considering themselves Sagittarius. Because of this, there is great dissonance in the astrological society. Of course, passions have already subsided a little, but the question about this Sign remains open.

Scientists-astrologers offer an ideal way out of the situation, which is to allow Sagittarius to consider themselves Sagittarius. Those born during that very controversial period in the first half of December may also consider themselves Ophiuchus if their character is more like the one described below. Until now, all astrological forecasts are made for twelve Zodiac Signs; if you consider yourself to be a thirteenth Sign, the forecast for Sagittarius will to some extent apply to you. In any case, it is better to rely on it.

Features and character of Ophiuchus

In character These people have notes of Sagittarius, and its purest essence. It's about power and jealousy of one's position. Ophiuchus is much more cruel compared to Sagittarius. These people can go against everyone and everything. Their character is simply impenetrable. It is very difficult to wound these people to the core, so they are considered dangerous enemies who always go to the end. The Thirteenth Zodiac Sign rarely gets in the way of saying what he thinks or doing what he wants.

In love and relationships these people can become tyrants. If they do not terrorize friends and loved ones with their manipulations, then they begin to influence others through jealousy and mistrust. It can be difficult to make these people calm down and stop suspecting their loved ones. At the beginning of a relationship, they seem quite pleasant because they try not to pretend to be someone, but just be themselves. They are distinguished by a strong desire to optimize their actions, minimize the expenditure of time and effort, because they are very purposeful individuals. If Ophiuchus is refused, he will not suffer for long, but if he is given a heart, he will take it completely.

In the financial sector, According to site experts, Ophiuchus clearly shows their pride. It is expressed in the unwillingness of these people to spend time on others if they have nothing to offer in return. Ophiuchus people are excellent businessmen who value dedication to business very highly. Business relationships with these people are always the most successful. It is not easy to be bosom friends or lovers with them. They show themselves best as honest partners who are ready to do anything for the sake of a common cause. The worst character trait of Ophiuchus is his rudeness. For this reason, Ophiuchus may receive few friends in life, but many enemies.

The energy of Ophiuchus is very powerful and persistent. This is a typical representative of non-passive Zodiac Signs. The energy of these people is dominated by the masculine principle. Ophiuchus belongs to the Element of Fire, but it is not simple Fire. Being around these people is sometimes simply unbearable, because they absorb some character traits inherent in the elements of Earth and Water. This doesn't happen very often, but it's felt right away. These are people who act according to a plan, and not feelings or ambitions, which distinguishes them from Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus, like other Zodiac Signs, is not without vices and weaknesses, but their strengths cannot be taken away from them. These people stand apart from everyone else. They can be distinguished by their incredible emotional self-sufficiency. Good luck to you, remember that not only Zodiac Signs determine life and the future, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2018 05:10

More recently, astronomers from NASA again recalled the 13th Sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus. AND...

Compatibility horoscope: Sagittarius Ophiuchus zodiac sign - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

general characteristics

Not everyone knows that those who are classified (by date of birth) as Ophiuchus have an unusual fate and unique character traits. They retain only some similarities with the traits of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus, during their lives, are capable of changing beyond recognition in a short period of time. Some give people love and happiness, others bring tears and grief. Life events are mysterious and inexplicable.

Some Ophiuchus can “live” several lives at once during one life. The acting environment would suit such people.

Representatives of this sign are fraught with hidden danger for others. If you quarrel with them, it is fraught with serious negative consequences. Ophiuchus is capable of radically changing his life, starting everything from scratch. He likes everything related to getting thrills: travel, difficult expeditions, gambling, various sports. The most important difference between this sign is its strongest energy.

No video.

Ophiuchus - woman

Many people believe that the Ophiuchus woman is cold and insensitive, like the “Snow Queens”; sincerity and compassion are alien to them. But, if you look deeper, you can see their bright, extraordinary nature. Their wisdom (even in their youth) is not always liked by men.

In society, Ophiuchus is often the “black sheep.” Her sense of taste and clothing style are not understood by everyone. Representatives of the stronger sex do not feel comfortable around these individuals.

Ophiuchus - man

The Ophiuchus man has the strongest energy potential, including sexual potential. His task: to win as many hearts as possible. Beautifully courting, he charms every woman with his charm. This womanizer, having achieved one goal, immediately switches to another.

It will not be possible to keep Ophiuchus with various feminine tricks (for example, pregnancy). For a while, out of a sense of duty, Ophiuchus will remain nearby. But all this time he will be planning an “escape” from the space that is cramped for him. He believes that he is not ready for a family relationship, as he values ​​freedom above all else. His life is a series of “ups and downs.” This is observed in various areas of his life.

Constellation Ophiuchus

At the equator of the sky there is a place where many bright stars have accumulated. This is the constellation Ophiuchus, which is not included in the zodiac circle. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy included it in the catalog of the starry sky in the 2nd century. The constellation is usually depicted in the form of a man with a huge snake in his hands. The neighboring constellation Serpens represents it.

The location of Ophiuchus contributes to the division of the constellation Serpens into 2 halves: the Head of the Serpent and the Tail of the Serpent. This is one constellation. In addition to the North, the constellation is visible throughout Russian territory.

Controversy still continues around Ophiuchus’s belonging to a certain element. There is a version that most of all it belongs to the element of fire. The image of Ophiuchus is visually similar to the image of a man with a weapon in his hands.

Energy, strength, belligerence - are these qualities inherent in Scorpio (a water sign)? Probably not. Ophiuchus is active, strong, confident of victory. He is ready to fight to the death to defend his goals. Consequently, Ophiuchus is a representative of the fire element (despite the proximity of the phlegmatic Scorpio).

Ophiuchus in love

Ophiuchus is a “tangle” of passions. He is ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration, giving himself up to love without a trace. As soon as he achieves his goal, the ardor of love immediately fades away, only to flare up with renewed vigor, switching to a new object.

Ophiuchus himself is straightforward, does not tolerate lies and falsehood. He expects the same from his partner. Once he loses interest in the relationship, he turns and leaves, trying to forget about the past. Very often, Ophiuchus abuses alcohol, trying to distract themselves.

Ophiuchus in friendship

Ophiuchus is too straightforward. This makes him look like a Sagittarius. But he will not tell more information than is beneficial to him, even to a friend. This character trait makes him similar to Scorpio.

If a person is among the Snake’s friends, he will always remain one, no matter what happens. People of the 13th zodiac constellation either love with all their hearts, or hate. They are ready to sacrifice their lives for their friends.

New 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus and its dates of birth

Not long ago, the media was alarmed by rumors that scientists had discovered inaccuracies in the usual zodiac horoscope. According to their data, there are actually thirteen zodiac signs in total, and the lost thirteenth sign has the mysterious name Ophiuchus. Many people wonder: does this sign really exist?

Even more confusion was brought into this situation by the information that NASA officially included this sign in the astrological horoscope, which is why all the signs shifted from their usual dates. So, what is the 13th zodiac sign - Ophiuchus and the birth dates of people of this sign in the horoscope?

Ophiuchus: when did he appear?

Ophiuchus got its name in honor of the god Asclepius, who devoted himself to the science of healing and treated mortals with the help of snake venom. Everyone is well aware of the symbol that to this day is a symbol of medicine - the staff of Asclepius. Hence such a characteristic and sonorous name - Ophiuchus. This is what poets and chroniclers called God. It is also symbolic that artists depicted this constellation in the form of a man in whose arms a huge snake rests.

By the way, astrologers who lived in Ancient Babylon, who created the zodiac horoscope, were well aware that there are actually thirteen zodiac signs.

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According to some modern scientists, the Babylonians excluded Ophiuchus from the horoscope because it violated the harmony between the number of zodiacs and the number of months (in the traditional horoscope there are exactly twelve of both). How the choice fell on Ophiuchus - history is silent. Perhaps someone simply drew the short straw.

Just recently, an official denial appeared on the Internet that NASA included Ophiuchus in the zodiac system.

According to astronomers and scientists of this organization, today this makes no sense, since more than three thousand years have passed since the creation of the first astrological horoscope and now the position of the constellations in the sky has changed dramatically, and the earth’s axis points in a different direction than in those days .

However, there is an opinion that the reason that Ophiuchus again did not make it into the astrological horoscope is simply bureaucracy and a mistake made by astrologers a long time ago. Indeed, today it is a well-known fact that at the end of November the Sun, leaving the zodiac of Scorpio, completely moves to the constellation Ophiuchus.

Perhaps the horoscope was not changed due to fear of problems that might arise due to the identification of a new sign. Whatever one may say, the reputation of the astrological world will be tarnished, and not a single scientist likes to admit his mistakes and failures.

One of these errors can be identified, for example, by the fact that since ancient times it was known that The sun spends a different number of days in each zodiac constellation. For example, in the sign of Virgo - 45 days, in Scorpio - 7 days, and in Ophiuchus - 18.

However, despite all this, the Babylonians, perhaps again for the sake of the notorious harmony, not only removed Ophiuchus from the horoscope, but also divided the time the Sun spent in each zodiac into equal intervals. It seems impossible to explain this. NASA astronomers simply brush aside these facts, saying that it is precisely because of such things that astrology is not a recognized science.

From what to what number and between what signs is it located?

The symbol of Ophiuchus, as you might guess from its name, is a snake. At the moment, this is the only constellation in the sky that consists of two parts - the “Tail of the Serpent” and the “Head of the Serpent”. The Zodiac is located inside the constellation Snake, dividing it into the eastern and western parts. Astronomers classify this constellation as an equatorial one; it can be seen with the naked eye in June in any corner of Russia.

The time that The Sun conducts into Ophiuchus many scientists call the “Scorched Path” or “Via Combusta”. The constellation itself is located in the sky between the zodiacs of Scorpio and Sagittarius, in the place to which astronomers have given the name “Black Sun” or “Heart of the Galaxy.”

Hence the opinion that people born during this period come into our world with an uncertain and unusual fate. By the way, they say about Ophiuchus that they can easily change the events destined by Rock, being full-fledged rulers of their lives.

Ophiuchus, as a zodiac sign, begins to operate on November 30 and ends on December 17. In the astrological horoscope, Ophiuchus is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Astrologers, who are guided by the full zodiac circle of thirteen signs, claim that during the period of Ophiuchus, people with a bright and interesting destiny come into the world, who often occupy a special milestone in the history of mankind.

Famous people

Some of the most famous Ophiuchus are the predictor Nostradamus, the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega, the writer Vladimir Dal, the poet and translator Afanasy Fet, and the commander Alexander Suvorov. Popular Ophiuchus these days include actress Alisa Freindlich, former Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova, American actor Ian Somerhalder, singer Garik Sukachev and many other public figures who have achieved unprecedented success.

According to astrologers, Ophiuchus is the zodiac of spiritual insight. The life path of people born under this sign has a special purpose. Often they choose their destiny, which is associated with serving the people.

It could be art, music, politics, religion and so on. They devote themselves to work without reserve, and therefore are rarely happy in their personal lives. They are not afraid of difficulties. For Ophiuchus, the more difficult the task, the more excited they take on it.

This thirteenth zodiac sign gives people a difficult character.. It is especially difficult for representatives of the fair sex born under its auspices.

Ophiuchus women have purely masculine qualities, such as callousness, prudence, rudeness and stubbornness. When they don't get what they want, they can show cruelty and cold calculation. The end result always comes first, and the interests of others and other people’s opinions are collateral damage that they rarely take into account.

For the Ophiuchus man it is important to lead an active lifestyle, with the help of which he satisfies all his ambitions and desires. He is sociable, but tries to avoid overly intrusive interlocutors. He will never humiliate himself or fawn over anyone, even if it helps him in solving existing problems. He prefers to conduct business independently. He does not believe in partnerships and compromises, as opposed to mutually beneficial agreements.

In professional activities, the Ophiuchus man often looks isolated from the team. Often representatives of this zodiac go into private business. They prefer to cherish their own brainchild rather than give all their strength for the sake of someone else’s success, no matter what money they are promised.

How has the horoscope moved?

As soon as rumors appeared on the Internet that the traditional zodiac horoscope was in fact inaccurate, everyone immediately began to look for what the new “full” zodiac cycle would look like and how much the dates for the other signs would shift.

The changes, of course, have been significant, this is especially noticeable in Cancer, which previously operated from June 22 to July 22, but according to the new style there has been a shift and it falls on the period from July 21 to August 9. Be careful, there is a high chance that your zodiac sign will change.

To check this, take advantage of the new horoscope of thirteen zodiacs taking into account Ophiuchus, which looks like this:

Now, just imagine that if the entire zodiac system and periods shift, then, consequently, the characteristics of the signs in the horoscope will turn out to be completely different. For example, a girl born in the sign of Virgo, born in the month of August, and who, as the horoscope states, has such traits as punctuality, prudence and love of order, according to the new cycle turns out to be not a Virgo at all, but a Leo.

And Leos are bright, eccentric personalities, prone to leadership and absolutely not focused on household chores. Consequently, according to the new horoscope, Leos will have character traits characteristic of Virgos. Or, for example, a Libra man, who, as befits a representative of this zodiac, has been balanced and calm all his life, suddenly turns out to be a closed Scorpio prone to mysticism.

From all of the above, we can conclude that perhaps astrologers were right when they refused to make changes to the traditional system of the zodiac cycle. Just imagine how much confusion and confusion will immediately arise in people's heads.

It would be especially difficult for those who like to decorate their bodies with various sacred tattoos, including their zodiac constellation. And here a person is faced with the question of what is better - to sit and figure out what astrologers got wrong three thousand years ago or to turn a blind eye and stick to the usual system.


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In reality, there is no secret as such. Ophiuchus is the same constellation as Aquarius or Libra. But in order to understand why the stars of the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac remained in the shadows and are not listed in the horoscope, you need to turn to history:

Help In Latin, this constellation is called Serpentarius, or Apheuhus, in translation, it really means Ophiuchus, “the one who has snakes.” This is “a man carrying snakes”, “a man with snakes in his hands” - this is a literal semantic translation.

It should be especially noted that such people can be extremely dangerous. That is why you should not harm them or cruelly betray them. After all, Ophiuchus will never forgive or forget an insult.

It should be especially noted that such people will always find a common language with a complete stranger.

Ophiuchus people have a unique gift of living several lives at the same time.

Representatives of this sign are like chameleons. At the right moment for them, they always become those whom others want to see.

Such representatives are surprisingly tenacious. They know how and love to have fun. Their position is to enjoy life. Ophiuchus will always walk in a straight line, without turning and without any stops.

His personality is dual. And if you think you know him like the back of your hand, you don’t.

After all, such a person can show himself at any moment from a completely different side.

Ophiuchus - 13th sign of the zodiac

In recent years, the 13th sign of the zodiac, namely Ophiuchus, has become known even to those who are indifferent to horoscopes and astrology. This happened thanks to numerous television projects and open disputes among astrologers on the topic of the official recognition of Ophiuchus as a new zodiac sign. However, things are not going beyond talk yet, and to understand whether this version has a chance of success, let’s look a little into history.

When did he appear

Ophiuchus has become a new constellation only for those who have not previously heard of it. In fact, it was known about it in ancient times, but in this case, why did they start talking about the 13th sign of the zodiac right now?

The fact is that at a time when the zodiac system was just being formed by ancient scientists, the concept of constellations meant asterisms, that is, easily distinguishable groups of stars that received independent names. From this we can conclude that the signs of the zodiac are tied to the constellations only conditionally.

In the first half of the last century, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) gave the concept of “constellation” a new definition. Now this word means a section of the celestial sphere between lines drawn along celestial parallels and meridians. There are 88 constellations in total, and the official diagram of their boundaries was determined in 1931. At this time, it turned out that the ecliptic line (the circle of the celestial sphere along which the Sun moves) partially intersects the area of ​​the sky on which the constellation Ophiuchus is located.

There is no direct connection between the present time and the appearance of a new zodiac sign.

What will happen next

The opinions of astrologers are divided into two main versions, and each of them sounds more than convincing:

  • Version No. 1. Ophiuchus should be officially recognized as the 13th sign of the zodiac. In addition, the boundaries of the remaining signs must be revised due to the shift in the axis of the planet. In other words, modern astrologers work in a non-existent coordinate system;
  • Version No. 2. There will still be 12 signs of the zodiac. The ecliptic is divided into 12 sectors, each of which has 30 degrees. In each of the sectors there is one constellation, which is associated with a certain image, as a result of which it received its name. In other words, the zodiac sign is determined not by the constellation, but by the relationship between the date and the location of the planet at the time of a person’s birth.

There are few people willing to agree with this, because people who are interested in astrology find in themselves character traits attributed to their sign. Anyone who has considered himself an Aries all his life sees the “proposal” to suddenly become a Pisces as absurd - after all, these zodiac signs, like most other neighboring ones, have nothing in common at all! However, whether this is true or not, everyone will decide for themselves. And we will continue the conversation on the topic of changes, and try to imagine what will happen if Ophiuchus is officially recognized.

New boundaries of zodiac signs

Here it is, a new horoscope taking into account all 13 zodiac signs:

  • Capricorn: January 19 - February 15;
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11;
  • Fish: March 12 - April 18;
  • Aries: April 19 - May 13;
  • Calf: May 14 - June 19;
  • Twins: June 20 - July 20;
  • Cancer: July 21 - August 9;
  • A lion: August 10 - September 15;
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30;
  • Scales: October 31 - November 22;
  • Scorpion: November 23 - 29;
  • Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17;
  • Sagittarius: December 18 - January 18.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus

Scorpio was previously considered the most mystical sign of the zodiac, but now it is Ophiuchus. It is believed that people born at this time are able to change several destinies in just one life. They are reborn in an amazing way, radically changing their hobbies, environment and lifestyle in general. They seem to attract mysterious and inexplicable phenomena, which they themselves do not care about at all.

Ophiuchus also has character traits borrowed from another neighboring sign - Sagittarius. These people do not feel a sense of fear, even when danger is breathing in their backs. They are attracted to dubious adventures, hitchhiking, the company of random people, and everything else that contradicts the concept of a quiet life and home comfort.

Ophiuchus expects pleasure and strong emotions from relationships with the opposite sex. He is capable of moving mountains for the sake of a loved one, and literally appearing out of nowhere at the moment when that person especially needs him. Having completed his “mission”, Ophiuchus is able to disappear just as quickly. He is where he is needed, it is important for him to feel useful, so no matter how strange it sounds, if everything is fine with you, Ophiuchus will not stay around for long. If this is a woman, her image is associated with a mysterious and kind fairy, if a man, then this is someone like a prophet, next to whom you can feel safe and learn a new meaning of being.

Ophiuchus: characteristics of the new 13th horoscope sign. Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Recently, the Internet community learned about the existence of the 13th sign of the Zodiac in the cosmic universe - Ophiuchus. The news spread around the world at lightning speed, and many men and women began to ask a lot of questions. From what date to what date is the time of “birth” of the 13 rulers of the zodiacal Universe calculated? What are the characteristics of Ophiuchus? What zodiac signs is he compatible with? About all this in our article today!

Ophiuchus: from what date to what date to look for a new zodiac sign

Ophiuchus – 13th zodiac sign – characteristics of the horoscope

Ophiuchus woman: what is her characteristic?

Ophiuchus man and characteristics of his sign

Compatibility of Ophiuchus with other signs in love and relationships

  • Ophiuchus-Aries. Establishing a harmonious relationship in a couple can be hindered by the excessive temper of one of the partners. Be polite and do not forget that the main thing in a couple is still love and attentive attitude towards each other, which both man and woman need. Only with mutual efforts will it be possible to preserve the romantic flame that flared up at first.
  • Ophiuchus-Taurus. The prudence, prudence and rationality present in Ophiuchus will initially please Taurus very much. Indeed, in terms of everyday life, this tandem can achieve complete mutual understanding. Disagreements risk arising on the basis of an intellectual or emotional component. Taurus, as a rule, wants more tenderness and less extravagance, which cannot be said about his zodiac partner.
  • Ophiuchus-Gemini. The most unpredictable union. If two halves meet, their attraction is so great that no doubts arise. But if both turn out to be too fickle and unpredictable - stay away, there will be an explosion! Remember, with this situation, everything is only in your hands!
  • Ophiuchus-Cancer. Sensual and magnetic Cancer can draw the attention of the emotional side of Ophiuchus in many ways. They will be interested in spending their free time together, but on the condition that the partners are ready to give each other the necessary amount of freedom. The combination of solo productive work and cozy evenings together is ideal for building strong relationships.
  • Ophiuchus-Leo. The entire success of the alliance depends on whether one of the parties is ready to cede the palm to the other. Both signs are very strong, and rivalry will be inevitable, especially at first. The way out of the situation and the key aspect on the path to mutual benefit will be the redistribution of spheres of control and clearly established boundaries of what is permitted.
  • Ophiuchus-Virgo. Compatibility is possible only when Virgo agrees to change some of her “home” habits and broaden her horizons. With Ophiuchus, you must always be ready to support his crazy ideas, and participate in them, and then also protect yourself from a heart attack. Are you ready – or want a quieter life?
  • Ophiuchus-Libra. Very harmonious conditions for spending time together are established immediately - and firmly, largely thanks to the diplomacy of Libra and the due prudence of his partner. Happiness will last for many years if both halves remember the proper degree of tenderness and understanding towards each other.
  • Ophiuchus-Scorpio. In such a union, you need to look first of all at the individual characteristics of both people. Unfortunately, the main stumbling block on the path to complete compatibility is the worst enemy of love - selfishness. The unifying factor, oddly enough, can be common activities, including those of a business nature. Joint plans will help strengthen existing ties.
  • Ophiuchus-Sagittarius. Agree in advance with your loved one about the boundaries of personal freedom - and never cross them. The same applies to jealousy and the right to unlimited possession - keep your head cool, your thoughts sober, and yourself in control. Sagittarius remember: Ophiuchus loves comfort, compatibility with other zodiac signs in love and relationships largely depends on this factor. If you can take these details into account, then in return you will get the most real feelings!
  • Ophiuchus-Capricorn. Fruitful relationships are possible both in the sphere of common interests and in everyday life. The only thing you have to work on is the romantic side. The Ophiuchus woman may lack a bright flash of passion, surprises, surprises, experiments. If you manage to establish a balance between requests and their satisfaction, expect happiness!
  • Ophiuchus-Aquarius. This will be a surprisingly happy zodiac couple if both can work out the details of respecting their partner's plans. Both signs rush between chaos and unshakable constancy; it is difficult to predict the behavior of the other half in this case. Try to treat what is happening with ease, do not infringe on your own or other people’s interests, and the Universe will generously reward you with the fruits of love.
  • Ophiuchus-Pisces. Pisces will happily give a person dear to their heart an unlimited amount of warmth and active care. Ophiuchus will do the very right thing, not forgetting the immensely important words of gratitude, as well as reciprocal gestures of attention. In this case, you will simply inevitably become a role model for many, many couples around.