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Golden Retriever breed features. Description of the dog breed and character of the golden or golden retriever. The most common breed defects


Origin: Great Britain

Class: according to FCI – 8 group Retrievers, Water dogs, Spaniels, 1 section Retrievers with working tests

Usage: gun dog

Color: golden or cream color of any shade except mahogany and mahogany. White hairs on the chest are acceptable

Dimensions: male 56-61 cm, female 51-56 cm

Weight: males: 26-41.5 kg. Females: 25-37 kg

Lifespan: 10-12 years

For many years, a very romantic story was used as a theory about the origin of the Golden Retriever, which told about the origin of the breed from circus dogs imported from the Caucasus.

The Golden Retriever is a gorgeous breed that amazes with its intelligence.

History of the breed

It was believed that dog breeding was carried out on the territory of the Guisachan Estate, the British county of Ivernessshire, acquired in the middle of the last century by Lord Tweedmouth, who was engaged in purebred breeding of golden retrievers.

Thus, how the Russian Circus Dog appeared. The breed even took part in the 1913, 14 and 15 Crufts shows. After the death of the owner, these dogs were forgotten.

The history of the breed, which had romantic roots, was completely refuted by researchers

Later, in 1914, an article entitled "The Russian or Yellow Retriever", describing the origin and breeding of circus dogs, was published in Country Life by Arthur Croxton-Smith.

Over time, this article was crushed by the president of the Club of England, Elma Stoneks, and in 1952, the 6th Earl of Ilchester published an article describing the breeding work carried out by his uncle.

It described many breeds that were used to create the Golden Retriever. The history of the nursery dates back to 1835; the following were used in breeding work:

  • Water Retriever
  • Flat-Coated Retriever

Official recognition of the breed occurred in 1913.


Golden Retrievers are calm and playful, so they get along well with everyone at home.

They are intelligent and do not tend to bark much. There are no notes of dominance, like those, which allows you to peacefully coexist with pets.

Very receptive and delicate dogs. Good nature and devotion, patience and adoration for people, combined with indomitable energy and love for fetching, make him an excellent playmate.

An excellent character will allow the Golden to become a true friend for all family members

Thanks to its developed intelligence, the dog is highly trainable and capable of achieving excellent results. The use of this breed is associated with these qualities.


In the modern world, golden retrievers are rarely used for their main purpose - hunting. Despite this, they remain excellent assistants for serving game and working on a blood trail.

The hunter's instinct, as can be seen in the photo, is still present in the breed

Now the main “working specialties” of golden retrievers are:

  • Search for drugs and explosives at customs
  • Guide
  • Assistant for people with disabilities
  • Rescue operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • Therapist
  • Film and commercial actors

Specially trained Golden Retrievers are used as companions for children with mental disorders in boarding schools and shelters. Ideal friends for the elderly and children.

However, despite all the excellent qualities, the dog is practically unsuitable as a guard, since it will not attack strangers, but, on the contrary, will try to make friends with them.

How to choose a dog

First of all, when choosing a puppy, you should take into account its origin, since the baby receives all the main traits of both character and appearance from his parents and closest relatives.

Buying from reputable breeders who can show you your potential pet's mom, dad, and grandparents greatly increases your chances of getting a great friend.

A competent approach to choosing a puppy is very important

First of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • parental behavior - they should not be aggressive;
  • healthy appearance of the puppy;
  • no external defects.

The puppy needs to be fully examined. Bright and lively eyes looking at you clearly, clean skin without wounds and dandruff, clean and healthy ears, pink gums and white teeth - these are what you should pay attention to. These are signs that your puppy is in good health.

In terms of exterior, when choosing a Golden, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Good skull width
  • Well-defined, deep muzzle
  • Correct bite
  • Ears of moderate length with correct fit
  • Compact body with good chest
  • Wide pelvis
  • Dark eyes
  • Nose and paw pads black

As for character, the puppy should be inquisitive, not show cowardice, and be active

If you are hoping to purchase a future champion, you should pay special attention to the pedigree and show diplomas of the parents.

If you have no experience at all in such matters, it is better to take a specialist with you - a dog handler.

Features of care

Caring for a Golden Retriever requires a comprehensive approach, including proper diet, care of the coat, skin and claws.

You need to bathe, but it is not advisable to do it more than once or twice a month. The dog's nails should also be inspected regularly and trimmed if necessary.

When living in an apartment, it is necessary to provide at least three-hour walks accompanied by active sports games

Important! The main feature of caring for this breed is providing a lot of attention to your friend - without this, the dog becomes very sad and can even get sick.


The owner of a thick and luxurious coat, the Golden Retriever, is very important to provide proper coat care. The chic appearance of your pet will directly depend on this.

You need to get used to brushing at an early age. The main thing is to teach the puppy to stand calmly during the procedure. At the same time, try not to hurt him, ensure that the procedure becomes pleasant for the dog.

The appearance of the Golden will depend on quality care

A metal comb is ideal for golden hair, which can be purchased without any problems at your nearest pet store. On one side of such a comb, the teeth are sparse, and on the other, on the contrary, they are frequent.

First, you need to comb the dog with sparse teeth, and then repeat the procedure using frequent ones. A sparse comb is an indispensable tool for combing tangled fur.

If you turn combing your Golden into a daily ritual, and also use a glove, the procedure will take very little time.

It is worth using during shedding - it will allow you to quickly get rid of dead fur.


This dog breed really likes combining a walk with a game.

Golden cubs are very similar in appearance and habits to. The puppy's first "walks" begin as soon as you bring him home. Until all the necessary vaccinations have been completed, you cannot walk on the street.

In order to avoid piles and puddles throughout the apartment, teach the puppy to do his “business” in one place.

To do this, lay an oilcloth (in no case a film) in a secluded place, and lay several layers of newspapers on top. At the same time, when removing the newspapers, leave the bottom layer so that the smell remaining there, although faint, will remind the baby where his “toilet” is.

Later, start taking your golden outside. Always show him how glad you are that he recovered there. Over time, he will understand this and stop “messing around” in the apartment.

Important! Under no circumstances punish your puppy for an offense; if time has passed, he will not understand what exactly you are scolding him for. You can reprimand a guilty child only by “catching him in the act.”

Remember that your little golden needs to recover from eating and sleeping, so take this into account when planning your walks.

Given its hunting background, the Golden is a very active dog. This must be taken into account during the festivities.

From time to time you can add offal to the feeding - heart, lung, liver, beef tripe.

Important! Considering that the Golden's liver is quite weak, you should not abuse fatty foods.

Up to five months, the puppy should eat from 4 to 6 times a day in small portions. The daily dose is 300 g. meat, 150 gr. cottage cheese, 100 gr. vegetables, 500 grams of milk porridge.

At eight months, you can switch the puppy to two meals a day.

Important! Until 6-8 months, golden dogs must receive cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt. Up to 6 months, milk is required, which can be added to porridge or poured instead of water.

To facilitate the timely and correct change of teeth, puppies are purchased with cartilage, sinews and knee joints.

If you prefer to feed your pet, then choose “premium” and “super premium”, designed for large breed animals. They contain minerals that strengthen the joints of overweight dogs.

A large dog with an active lifestyle needs adequate nutrition


The Golden Retriever is a dog with excellent health and strong immunity. However, in order for a dog to live a long time, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary nutrition from childhood and monitor the overall development of the puppy.

A puppy may have some diseases that are hereditary, while others may be acquired during development.

For example, due to the large weight of the dog, joint problems are common. However, if noticed in time, they can be easily treated using homeopathic remedies.

Characteristic diseases

Like all dog breeds, goldens have their own characteristic diseases. These include:

  • Dysplasia in the hip joint
  • Retinal degeneration
  • von Willebrand disease
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Atopic dermatitis

Important! Hip dysplasia is often a hereditary condition. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your puppy’s joints.

Prevention can prevent many diseases


While the puppies are near their mother and she feeds them, their innate immunity operates. They also pass on the mother’s immunity, contained in her milk and even saliva. After weaning puppies from the bitch, they need to be vaccinated.

The first vaccination for goldens is carried out at the age of 8 - 10 weeks, after 3-4 weeks the vaccination is repeated. Before doing this, you should deworm the puppy and vaccinate it 3-4 days after it.

Important! Vaccinations are given only to healthy dogs.

Depending on when they plan to wean the puppies from the bitch, choose one of the following vaccination schedules:

  • From 1 month - 3 times
  • From 1.5 months - 2 times

The period between vaccinations depends on the drugs used and most often ranges from 14 to 21 days. A sample vaccination schedule looks like this:

  • 1st - 4 – 6 weeks
  • 2nd – 6 – 9 weeks
  • 3rd – 12 weeks

Revaccination of a dog is carried out at the age of one year.

Important! Separately, vaccination against rabies should be carried out. It is carried out no earlier than 9 months of age. The exception is situations related, for example, to moving to an area where this disease is common.


The quality of puppies directly depends on the correct selection of a pair

There are certain restrictions on the admission of goldens to the first mating. For females this is twelve months of age. A male dog should not be bred earlier than eighteen months.

If mating is carried out earlier, it may slow down the further development of the dog.

It is ideal to mate a bitch on the third or fourth.

Important! Before mating, it is necessary to carry out deworming to avoid intrauterine infection of the puppies.

The bitch is bred on the 10-15th day of estrus; it is advisable to have a specialist knowledgeable in the physiological characteristics of the breed present at the mating.

Golden Retriever: One of the Smartest Dog Breeds

The Golden Retriever is a dog that amazes many fans with its extraordinary intellectual capabilities.

Purebred golden-haired pets are a symbol of well-being. They are usually depicted at the porch of a well-kept house, surrounded by a happy family. Indeed, the “golden” (that is, golden) retriever is truly a family dog. This is an animal that exudes universal kindness and extraordinary calm. Additionally, the Golden Retriever has a rich history and a wealth of individual abilities.

The name of the breed is deciphered as follows: “retriever” - “bring, save”, and golden - denotes the color of the luxurious coat. The breed was bred as a hunting dog, but today the dog is more of a companion and is practically not used for hunting.

The breed developed in Great Britain, but the origins of the dogs belong to Scotland. In the 19th century there was no talk of an independent breed. At that time there was only a group of dogs that took part in the hunt.

At that time, there was a need for dogs capable of finding shot game and even getting it out of reservoirs. The goal of breeding a suitable breed was set by the Scottish Lord Tweedmos I. He selected only the best representatives of hunting dog breeds and was engaged in breeding work in his own kennel for more than half a century. Thanks to the fact that the lord documented his activities, it was possible to find out that to breed the Golden, the breeder took water spaniels and retrievers.

The result was the early golden retrievers, which immediately competed with the flat-coated retrievers. However, at that time the breed was far from being finalized. Then there were more popular breeds, and many breeders became excited about breeding their own breeds. But all the ineptly bred breeds failed during gundog competitions in England, but the Goldens proved their superiority. From that moment on, breeding of golden retrievers began with particular enthusiasm.

The work was carried out under the constant supervision of experienced breeders; mandatory tests were carried out to identify working qualities. All representatives of the breed that did not meet any criteria were eliminated. Real champions of their breed began to appear, who were able to achieve great success in various exhibitions. Many fans of these golden beauties appeared, and the breed gained popularity.

Since 1911, representatives of the breed began to be registered under a separate name - “golden retriever”, which distinguished the breed from their ancestors - “goldens”. In 1930, the breed gained recognition in the United States. In Russia, breeding of the Golden Retriever began in 1989.

Description of the Golden Retriever breed

Representatives of the breed are real handsome men with a noble appearance, but many breeders are sure that the “golden” in the name of the breed is not a shade of fur, but a description of the character.

Even the first goldens were subject to certain requirements, which are also met by representatives of the modern breed:

  • Medium-sized dogs must have a strong physique.
  • Strong limbs with thick skin on the paw pads (the latter protected from sharp reed leaves).
  • A hardy, hard-working animal.
  • The dog is able to swim and is equipped with a waterproof undercoat.
  • The dog is distinguished by perfect obedience.

Body mass representatives of the breed vary between 25-41.5 kg. Height males at the withers are, as a rule, 56-61 cm, females - approximately 51-56 cm. The appearance of the pet has its own specific features and characteristics:

  • Head in golden retrievers it is moderately wide, wedge-shaped, with clear lines of the skull. The nose is smooth, ending in a black lobe of a classic shape. The mouth is deep, with developed teeth and a scissor bite.
  • Eyes They are medium in size with dark brown irises and densely pigmented eyelids, widely spaced. Goldens have a friendly, often interested look. The ears are small, hanging, with rounded ends.
  • Torso harmonious, rectangular in shape, with well-fitting skin without sagging. Dogs have developed muscles and strong bones. The neck is medium, oval, with moderately pronounced withers. The back is straight, with a wide loin.
  • Rib cage wide, ribs rounded.
  • The limbs are proportional, the joints are strong with developed muscles. The hands are round in shape, the paw pads have thick, black pigmented skin.
  • Tail smooth, lowered down, during work rises to the level of the back.

The coat pigmentation of Golden Retrievers is their identifying mark; it is light golden with a slight pinkish tint. The standard allows cream shades, as well as a small amount of white hairs in the chest area. The guard hair is soft, elastic, and fits tightly to the undercoat. The coat can be smooth, wavy, but not curly. Dogs have a dense undercoat that can protect the animal from water and frost.

In addition to fur, you should take care of your eyes, as dogs have a tendency to uveitis - inflammation of the choroid of the eyeball. They should be inspected regularly, and also washed or wiped with chamomile decoction or a special product.

It is also recommended to inspect and clean the ears with a cotton swab with boiled vegetable or baby oil. as it grows. The oral cavity is examined and if dental calculus is detected, you should contact a specialist.

Golden retriever puppy photo

Video about golden retriever

How much does a golden retriever puppy cost?

You can buy a pet-class puppy from a nursery for an average of 25,000 rubles; a baby of a higher show class costs around 58,000-65,000 rubles. You can buy a purebred puppy from private breeders for 25,000-35,000 rubles, but a lower price tag should alert you.

A pet that does not have a pedigree can be bought for 12,000-14,000; naturally, in this case there are no guarantees of the absence of defects and confirmation of the purity of the breed.

When purchasing a golden retriever, it is worth considering that the dog needs attention and special care. Only if the requirements are met, will the Golden Retriever dog delight its owners and evoke admiring glances from passers-by.

Golden Retriever Kennels

  • Moscow http://www.foresttown.ru
  • St. Petersburg http://mygoldens.ru
  • Kyiv http://moriani.com.ua/ru/home-2
  • Minsk www.cataleyagold.com

The Golden Retriever is a legendary hunting breed that was bred by the British in the 19th century and was originally intended to retrieve shot game.

Origin story

The history of this breed was unknown for a very long time. The first litter was produced in 1868. The homeland of golden retrievers is Great Britain. One of the legends about their origin says that retrievers were bred by the English lord Dudley Majoribanks Tweedmouth, who acquired several Russian shepherd dogs from Russian circus performers, with which the birth of the breed began.

But in 1952, it was possible to establish the real roots of golden retrievers, which arose as a result of crossing a yellow retriever and a tweed water spaniel. There is also reliable information about mating with bloodhounds and Irish dogs, which also took part in the formation of this breed. Tweedmouth considered black puppies to be culls. According to European kennel clubs, the Golden Retriever is considered the most popular dog breed throughout Europe.

Description of the Golden Retriever breed

Height in males can reach 56-61 cm, in females it is usually 5-6 cm less. The weight of an adult dog for males is 26-45 kg, for females it is 25-36 kg. The average life expectancy of dogs of this breed reaches 15-17 years, but how long pets live is also influenced by good care, with which a dog can live about 18-19 years.

The appearance of the Golden Retriever is distinguished by its proportionality; it is an active and well-built dog with a friendly look and confident movements.

  1. The Golden Retriever breed standards stipulate that the head should look harmonious in relation to the body. The muzzle should not be rough or sharp, but is usually broad and deep, but not massive. There is a clearly defined transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  2. The standard of this breed pays special attention to the eyes, which should be dark brown and have the same dark rim.
  3. These dogs have very strong jaws with a scissor bite. The teeth are large and sharp, standing vertically in a strong jaw. Teeth change occurs during puppyhood.
  4. The ears of such dogs are most often medium in size, set at eye level and hanging down.
  5. Retweavers have a powerful chest, with deep and arched ribs. The back is level, and the croup and tail continue its line. American standards may allow for a slight sloping croup.
  6. The front legs should be straight and muscular. The shoulder blades are equal in length to the shoulders and laid back. Elbows tightly fitting to the body.
  7. The hind legs should also be muscular and have strong bones. Representatives of this breed also have a pronounced knee joint, which determines the stretching of their paws back during jogging and the force of repulsion.
  8. The coat should be straight or slightly wavy. The undercoat of these dogs is dense and waterproof.
  9. Seasonal shedding in Golden Retrievers occurs twice a year, usually in spring and winter. An allergy to fur during shedding is unlikely even for the most severe allergy sufferers.


The genetics of the colors of such a dog can vary from classic golden shades to cream and almost white. The coat color of dogs of this breed can take on different shades of the above colors, with the exception of ginger and red.

The color of such dogs is usually uniform throughout the body, but many representatives of the breed may have small spots on the chest. Genetics and the correct content of vitamins and fats in the diet are responsible for the color characteristics of dogs. The intensity of the color is influenced by rufus polygenes, and if the dog has an overly light shade, this indicates that the color was influenced by another gene - cch.

The Golden Retriever is often confused with the Golden Setter due to their similar colors, but they are two completely different dog breeds.

The black retriever and mixed breed of this breed are not recognized by the international standard; professional breeders and elite nurseries sell such puppies several times cheaper.

IMPORTANT! Mating of classic golden retrievers with black and white representatives of the breed is contraindicated in order to avoid the birth of culls that will not be able to become show and breeding dogs.


The Golden Retriever is a very energetic and hardy dog ​​that has a good memory and natural instinct, allowing it to work well both on land and on water, where it is able to find downed game. In addition, golden retrievers successfully work at customs, search for drugs and explosives, and help in rescue operations.

By nature, dogs of this breed are very kind, intelligent, affectionate, playful and calm; they rarely bark and are not suitable as guard dogs. These pets are not prone to dominance and can get along well with small children. These dogs are also suitable as companions for the elderly and people with disabilities. Representatives of this breed also treat other animals well, if there are any in the house.


Training dogs of this breed is a matter that requires a lot of attention at home. The puppy needs the company of its owner, then it will happily participate in all types of activities. The attitude of a golden retriever towards the family is a direct reflection of the affectionate attitude of the owners towards him. If you need to get a guaranteed result, then it is better to start training your dog from puppyhood and practice every day from the first months of your pet’s life in the house.

A Golden Retriever who lives in a city rather than a rural or suburban area should know at least three basic commands:

  • to me;
  • near.

The Golden Retriever is quite large in size and has muscular muscles that require constant exercise and jogging. For them, movement is life and a private garden will not be enough for such dogs; if you let them out into the yard themselves, they will lie down and continue to lie down. This can easily be avoided if another dog appears in the same garden. It is worth remembering that training for a golden retriever is not violence, but a basic need of life. If owners have doubts about how to raise particularly stubborn puppies, then it is better to send them to professional dog handlers for training.

It is worth remembering that a dog that lives outside the city and spends a lot of time doing physical exercise will need an order of magnitude more food than a dog that lives in an apartment and moves less.


Photos of golden retrievers

How much does a puppy cost?

The pricing policy for golden retriever puppies may depend on the availability of documents that confirm their pedigree, and on the prospects of the puppy itself becoming a dog for exhibitions. The average cost for a dog of this breed is 25 thousand rubles. You can buy a puppy inexpensively without a passport, but the minimum price is rarely below 15 thousand rubles.


It is best to purchase dogs of this breed from breeders who have positive reviews or from kennels.

The retriever is a type of hunting dog. Today this type unites 6 breeds, among which the Golden Retriever is especially popular. The name of the breed is of English origin and reflects its purpose - to find and deliver shot game to the hunter.

The retriever is a type of hunting dog

The Golden Retriever dog breed is good not only for hunting, but also in the everyday life of its owner. This breed is distinguished by high intelligence, good learning ability and a gentle character. The only thing it is not suitable for is guard functions. Let's get to know this dog breed better.

The origin of this type of dog is not a gift of nature, but the result of careful and planned selection. It was bred in the 19th century by the English aristocrat Sir Dudley Margerybanks, first Lord Tweedmouth, who was an avid hunter.

According to the personal records of Lord Tweedmouth, who carefully kept the stud book for over 50 years, the breed was started by mating a yellow retriever (the only light-colored puppy in a litter of black wavy retrievers) and a water spaniel (a now lost breed of hunting dog).

During the selection process, to improve quality characteristics, crossbreeding with other breeds of hunting dogs took place. It is reliably known that the Bloodhound and the Irish Setter participated in the development of this breed. Over the course of half a century, the breed was improved by selecting puppies for color, type and hunting ability.

The appearance is distinguished by a harmonious build, with correct proportions. The Golden Retriever breed has the following standards:

  • the body is balanced and strong;
  • the head is massive, but at the same time proportional to the body, with a convex skull and an elongated muzzle with flat cheeks, with a prominent transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
  • the neck is muscular, of medium length;
  • the eyes are widely spaced, brown in color with dark edges of the eyelids, which makes them expressive;
  • the nose is black, quite large with wide nostrils;
  • the jaws are strong enough to hold game without deforming it, the teeth are located vertically, the upper incisors tightly overlap the lower ones;
  • Ear shape: hanging, medium length with rounded tips;
  • The chest is wide and deep, the ribs are arched;
  • the back is flat, turning into a muscular short loin;
  • the tail is wide, located at the level of the back, without bends at the tip;
  • the fore and hind limbs are muscular and strong;
  • the shoulders are laid back, the shoulder blades are long, the elbows fit tightly to the body;
  • hock joints are low, when viewed from behind, straight metatarsals can be observed;
  • paws are rounded with thick, well-developed pads;
  • the coat is thick, long, straight or slightly wavy, cream or golden in color, the undercoat is dense, waterproof;
  • Males must have two well-developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

Personality of a Golden Retriever

The breed has not only a golden color, but also a simply golden character. These are very smart, balanced, affectionate and playful animals, distinguished by their delicacy and intelligence. They have endurance and good instincts, are quite energetic, with excellent memory and intelligence, which simplifies the process of learning and training.

This species is absolutely not aggressive and does not require raising its voice, as it always strives to please its beloved owner. Friendliness and lack of tendency to dominate allows this breed to get along with both unfamiliar people and other animals. They love to communicate with small children, who will never be harmed.

In terms of intelligence, it is one of the smartest dogs; according to this indicator, it is among the top five out of 133 representatives of other breeds. This quality makes the training process easier. Intelligence, obedience and high susceptibility to training allow this breed to be used not only for hunting purposes, but also in the professional activities of such services as customs or police (to search for prohibited substances and objects), in rescue services (to search for people under rubble). The dog copes well with the role of an assistant for people with disabilities.

The disadvantages of this type are:

  • dog hair is a strong allergen;
  • gullibility: this breed will not make a house guard;
  • high price.

Golden retriever on a walk (video)

Varieties of the Golden Retriever breed

At the moment there are three types of this breed:

  1. American Golden Retriever higher at the withers and not as stocky as its European counterpart. According to American standards, the coat color should be strictly bright gold and rich, very light or dark shades are undesirable. Recently, some US breeders have been crossing American and European breeds, since the American type is more prone to cancer compared to its European counterparts. But it should be noted that in this case the animal’s exterior suffers and, accordingly, the cost of such dogs decreases.
  2. European standard allows coat color in all shades of gold or cream, with the exception of red and its tones. In Europe there are not just many light-colored representatives of this breed, but white color is quite common. In terms of body structure, European representatives are heavier, their chests are deeper, and their legs are shorter. The muzzle is also shorter and wider than that of their representatives from Canada and the USA.
  3. Canadian Golden Retriever- This is a new generation with a medium coat color between the American and European breeds. The dog differs from the European type in darker shades and less dense coat. Like the American type, this dog is taller and slimmer than its European counterparts.

These varieties are the same in their temperament, life expectancy (10-12 years) and intellectual abilities, but differ in their appearance, as a result of which they are separated into separate species.

Gallery: Golden Retriever dog (25 photos)

Caring for a Golden Retriever Puppy

When purchasing a Golden Retriever puppy, you must definitely get advice from the manufacturer about diseases of the dog’s parents, their characteristic features, find out the list and diet for the first time. In order for the puppy to quickly adapt to a new environment, you need to ask the breeder for something from his mother or a small piece of fabric on which the puppy usually slept.

Before a small Golden Retriever appears in the house, it is necessary to remove potentially dangerous objects and plants away.

For a small pet, it is necessary to choose a place to rest and sleep away from heating devices, protected from drafts, with a constant temperature regime.

It is necessary to carefully ensure that until the age of 5 months the puppy does not climb on furniture or jump from it, since its skeleton is not yet strong.

The feeding regimen depends on age: up to 4 months the puppy is fed 4-5 times a day, from 4 to 6 months - 4 times, from 6 to 8 months - 3 times, and closer to one year of age they switch to two meals a day. After each feeding, the food bowl must be removed, even if the puppy has not eaten everything.

If the puppy has been vaccinated, then walking is possible only 10 days after vaccination. During walks, it is advisable not to physically overload the puppy, so as not to cause harm to the joints and skeletal system that have not yet become stronger. To socialize a small pet, it is necessary to encourage contact with other dogs and people.

Advantages and disadvantages of Golden Retriever dogs (video)

Caring for an adult dog

Caring for an adult dog of this breed is not difficult, but it must be constant and comprehensive:

To maintain the beauty of the exterior and health, the Golden Retriever's diet should be varied: in addition to meat and ready-made food (only good quality), it is necessary to include plant foods (vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, a variety of cereals), dairy products and mineral mixtures.

For meat, preference is given to offal (heart, kidneys, tendons, liver, etc.). Meat should be given in the evening feeding, and milk mixtures and vegetables in the morning. Fish (mostly sea) is also included in the diet, but only after heat treatment (like meat) and removal of large bones and sharp fins.

Bones (except tubular ones) with remnants of cartilage and meat are an important element of a hunting dog’s nutrition, as they contain calcium, proteins and gluten, which are necessary for the growth and development of the dog, strengthening the teeth and gums.

During the period of growth of the dog’s body, for the normal formation of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments, it is recommended to give fish oil capsules along with food.

There should always be a drinking bowl next to the food bowl. The water should be boiled and cool, it should be changed 2 times a day. If milk is given to a dog as a drink, then it is diluted with water in the following proportion: 2 measures of milk to 3 measures of water.

Bowls for food and drinking water must be stable and massive, without external defects (chips, nicks, cracks) so that the dog does not injure his tongue.

The Golden Golden Retriever is a dog that brings comfort, joy and a feeling of happiness to the home. This animal will be an ideal leisure companion, an attentive and affectionate nanny for small children and the best friend of the whole family.

Attention, TODAY only!

When making a conscious decision to get one, many people choose the breed of golden retrievers (they are also called “golden retrievers”, or simply "goldens").

A good-natured breed with aristocratic habits and a reserved disposition. From the description of the breed it follows that this is a friendly dog ​​with a gentle character, not prone to aggression or hyperactivity, which is why it is considered an excellent addition to a family with small children.

Breed description and photo

The standards for breed parameters adopted by the International Canine Federation are particularly harmonious and proportional.

Origin: England (UK).

  • Height (at withers): up to 56 cm (females), up to 61 cm (males).
  • Weight: up to 37 kg (females), up to 41.5 (males).
  • Body type: harmonious, strong, powerful.
  • Bones: strong.
  • Head: large, proportional to the physique, the parietal part is wide with a pronounced transition to the forehead.
  • Ears: wide, set high, hanging, medium length.
  • Eyes: wide-set, brown, oval, dark-colored edges of the eyelids.
  • Nose: long, black lobe.
  • Jaws: strong with large teeth.
  • Neck: muscular, long.
  • Rib cage: wide, deep.
  • Paws: round, massive, muscular, with retracted shoulder blades and pronounced knee joints.
  • Tail: long, not curling, level with the croup.
  • Wool: straight with light waves, long with thick undercoat. In the area of ​​the neck and ears it is thicker, creating the appearance of a “collar” and giving a special good nature.
  • Color: cream, golden, possibly a white medallion on the chest.
  • Character: soft and calm, balanced, non-aggressive.
  • Behavior: discreet.
  • Movements: smooth, graceful.
  • Lifespan: 10-13 years old.

Retrievers with a white coat are considered a breeding match.

The Golden Retriever is often equated to the Retriever breed. But this is a grave mistake. Having similar features, these are completely different breeds with opposite characters.

The breed reaches its maximum height by the first year of life, weight by the second year of life, and maturity by 4 years.

Did you know? The Golden Retriever breed ranks second in popularity among kennel clubs in Europe.

It is worth noting the fact that the real cost of a “golden” puppy, which has all the qualities provided for by the standard and has a pedigree, cannot be less than $500.

History of the breed

Without touching on legends and rumors, the history of the breed begins in the 19th century, when the mating of two breeds took place:

  • a male fawn-colored straight-haired retriever resulting from the mating of a Newfoundland and a setter;
  • Tweed Water Spaniel females of local breed.

As a result, four puppies were born in 1868, who later became the founders of the breed.
Subsequently, breeders bred with other breeds. So, some of the offspring were bred to a fawn bloodhound, some to a wavy retriever, and the rest to a setter. The litters from matings, over time, became mated with each other.

Such intensive selection has awarded retrievers with a lot of advantages. What stands out is his sensitive sense of smell, flexible mind and easy learning ability.

The first participation in the exhibition took place in 1908, and the breed was officially recognized by the international canine community in 1913. The first Golden Retriever club was created and headed by Mrs. Stoneks in Great Britain in 1959.

Did you know? The retriever breed was bred as a hunting breed; translated from English “to retrieve” means - to find, take back, return.

Today, golden retrievers are actively used as guide dogs, rescue dogs, or in animal psychology programs as canistherapy (treatment using specially trained dogs) for children with cerebral palsy (CP) and autism. Retrievers are excellent for this due to their good nature and friendliness.

Features of care

Wool, shedding

The golden coat is a major asset and requires careful and regular grooming. Basic care consists of daily combing. To prevent this procedure from causing discomfort, you need to get used to it as early as possible. Combing is done using special iron or a special glove for animals. Shedding occurs 2 times a year (spring and autumn), during which the coat is completely renewed. Shedding is profuse, so you need to brush your pet often and regularly.

Ears, eyes, teeth, paws and claws

Ears must be inspected and cleaned. It is better if these are routine examinations at the veterinarian, but you can examine and clean them yourself once a week. Special drops created specifically for this purpose will help clean your ears. To do this, place the required number of drops (indicated in the instructions) into the ear canal and massage the base of the ear for several minutes so that the dirt has time to dissolve. Next, wipe and thoroughly clean the ear with a cotton swab. You can use 10% hydrogen peroxide.

Eyes should be examined on an ongoing basis for damage, irritation or disease. The dog should not have any discharge from the eyes or any other manifestations of ill health (tearing or any other behavioral manifestations).
As a preventative measure, you can rinse your eyes with purified distilled water using a cotton pad, using gentle movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.

Did you know?The visual organs of golden retrievers allow them to perceive the world around them only in black and white and are not able to focus on stationary objects.

It is important not to forget about oral hygiene. Once a week it is necessary to clean your teeth from the plaque that has formed. Timely hygiene will prevent the formation of tartar and protect the dog from possible gum inflammation. Cleaning can be done with a soft toothbrush intended for people (or children), or you can buy a brush for animals at a special pet store. These stores will also help you choose toothpaste. But if there is no opportunity for such purchases, you can also clean with tooth powder or soda.

Such timely care will help preserve the dog’s already strong teeth until his old age. And the formation of deposits on teeth can be prevented by regular consumption of solid foods during natural feeding, or specially purchased biscuits and pressed sinews in pet stores.
Inspection of paws should be regular. The inspection is carried out to timely identify and eliminate damage or foreign objects (dirt, chewing gum, etc.). In addition to the usual examination, paws should be washed after each walk. In winter, you need to wash your paws especially carefully to completely remove salt and other chemicals used on roads.

To avoid the formation of dryness and cracks on the pads, the paws can be periodically lubricated with a rich cream. It is necessary to rub until it is completely absorbed.

Dogs' nails grow very quickly and can cause discomfort to the pet. Active walks contribute to the constant and gradual grinding of claws. But if this is not enough and they grow too long, they need to be trimmed. It is best to use special scissors - a guillotine - when trimming claws. Only the non-living part of the nail is cut. Finally, you can round off the rough and sharp edges of the claws using a manicure file.

Important! When examining paws and claws, special attention should be paid to the fifth dewclaws. Due to the fact that these toes do not touch the ground, the claws on them can become deformed as they grow and grow into their paws.

Bathing should be done when soiled, but at least four times a year. It is better to get used to bathing as early as possible. This way the dog will quickly get used to hygiene procedures, and as a result will not feel discomfort during bathing.

The water temperature for swimming should not be higher than 39°C. You need to bathe your dog using shampoos. It is best if these are special shampoos purchased in special stores or veterinary pharmacies. Special cosmetics for animals will not cause harm and will have an optimal effect on the skin.
A regular hairdryer will help dry and style the animal’s unruly thick fur.

If the dog still does not like bathing, then special dry shampoos will serve as a good replacement for this process.


Dogs taking part in exhibitions need professional trimming done by a specialist. If you are planning to do trimming yourself, you need to understand the main thing - with the help of trimming, the dog (its fur) is given a certain shape, nothing more.

Haircut can be done using regular scissors or using special thinning scissors, which will help avoid clear cut lines and hide some imperfections.

Did you know?Golden Retrievers are the only dog ​​breed with the characteristic ability to “smile” on their faces.

You need to start cutting from the upper part of the body, keeping the direction of the scissors opposite to the growth of the fur. Frequent combing during this process will reveal all the imperfections in the hairline. Process sequence:

  1. At the first stage, the muzzle is trimmed short. Here you need to take special care so as not to injure your pet with an awkward movement. After cutting the protruding part of the muzzle, the outer edge of the ears and their inner part are cut short;
  2. at the second stage it is produced cutting the neck towards the shoulders. Here the length depends on the preferences of the owner;
  3. then the excess length on the sides is cut off(the so-called suspension);
  4. After giving shape to the suspension, the legs are also given shape. As a rule, in these places, only the longest part of the wool is cut with thinning scissors. Cut especially short fur between paw pads. This will make it easier for the dog to walk and prevent dirt from sticking between the toes;
  5. special attention should be paid to giving tail shapes. The shape should resemble half a bird's feather. It will be easier to cut by holding the tip of the tail. As a result, the hair at the tip of the tail should not be less than 3 cm, and at the base not less than 15 cm.

Non-show dogs do not need to be groomed, but the process generally improves the dog's appearance.

Goldens prefer long walks and active games. The optimal duration of a walk is at least 2 hours a day (twice 1 hour). While walking, you need to satisfy the dog's hunting instinct and persuade it to offer various objects. This could be an ordinary stick or a favorite toy.

Important! During regular walks, you can develop correct posture in your dog. To strengthen the back muscles, the dog must be persuaded to follow the “pull” command.

Dietary and nutritious nutrition is considered the key to a dog’s aesthetic appearance. Thoughtful and competently composed, it becomes the main factor in the health and long life of the pet.

The dog is unpretentious in food and is equally disposed to natural food or to. When purchasing special food, you must adhere to the daily norms indicated on the package.
When feeding naturally, it is important to correctly formulate the diet for the optimal presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other components in it. Additional vitamin supplements are purchased from a veterinary pharmacy and given to the dog as an additional treat.

The daily diet should be composed in the following proportions:

  • meat - 50%:
  • cereals - 25%;
  • vegetables - 25%.

An adult dog is fed twice a day, a puppy - 3-4 times. The volume of food should not exceed 3% of the total weight of the pet per day.

In order not to “unbalance” your pet’s digestive system, you should not combine natural nutrition with special dry food.

Important! Goldens are prone to obesity, so with a natural diet, any changes in the animal's weight should be carefully monitored.


Thanks to their calm disposition and obedience, there may be a false belief that dogs of this breed do not need training. But this is far from true. Team training is mandatory, especially if you plan to participate in exhibitions in the future. The dog must understand what is required of it.
Moreover, a well-mannered (trained) dog is calmer and more confident, and its behavior is predictable.

When doing it on your own, it is important to adhere to the basic rules:

  • reward the dog for each correctly executed command;
  • maintain consistency and consistency in actions. If something is forbidden to a dog, then not only here and now, but also in the future;
  • short classes (no more than 15 minutes);
  • classes should be devoted to one skill, and not to all teams at once;
  • do not end training with an unfulfilled command;
  • training to carry out commands should be ongoing.

You need to start training lessons as early as possible (from 2-5 months). A dog of this breed is quick-witted, so this process will not take too long. The training process can be done independently (this way the dog will be more trusting of the owner), or it can be done with the help of a competent dog handler.

Important! This breed is distinguished by excellent memory - dogs are able to remember particularly long-ago events.


Young retrievers are in good health, but as they grow and age, they may develop diseases that are characteristic of them:

  • cancer at the gene level;
  • hereditary eye diseases (for example, retinal degeneration);
  • hereditary diseases of the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems (for example, von Willebrand disease);
  • infectious and non-infectious diseases of the ears, due to their breadth and openness;
  • hormonal disorders (for example, hypothyroidism);
  • skin diseases and allergies (for example, atopic dermatitis).

Retinal degeneration leads to dystrophic changes in the retina and in the initial stages is accompanied by loss of vision at night. It is important not to miss it and to notice the disease in time.

Von Willebrand disease is asymptomatic and can be noticed as a result of injury or surgery. Characterized by internal or external bleeding (gastrointestinal, gums, nose or genitals).

Hypothyroidism develops as a result of dysfunction of the thyroid gland and leads to depression of neuropsychic activity. Symptoms of the disease include lethargy, behavioral changes, and weight gain.

Atopic dermatitis occurs as a result of constant contact with allergens and is manifested by rashes, itching and inflammation on the pet’s skin.

Important! Pets with identified genetic diseases should not be allowed to breed.

Despite its considerable weight, the Golden Retriever is a breed of dog with an easy-going character. She is unpretentious in care, but requires attention. Moreover, these dogs are prone to a strong emotional connection with their owner and have a hard time forgiving betrayals. Therefore, before bringing a Golden Retriever puppy into your home, it is important to evaluate your own strengths. As you know, we are responsible for those we have tamed.