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Acyclovir how to smear lips. Acyclovir ointment: what does it help with, what is it used for on the lips for herpes? Tablets are used for active treatment

Hello dear readers. According to medical statistics, it is clear that the herpes virus is distributed throughout the world; it is found in different quantities in the body of each person. Its activation is influenced by the immune system; when it is strong, the herpes “sleeps.” Otherwise, for example during a cold, the virus becomes active. With a single entry into the body, herpes remains there throughout a person’s life. Unfortunately, doctors have not yet developed a drug that can completely destroy it. But there are effective products available in ointment form. They need to be applied as soon as the first symptoms of herpes begin to be felt.

Rules for using ointment and principles of treatment

If you start feeling itchy on your lips, and soon small red spots or blisters appear, it means herpes.

Such a disease must be treated immediately before the first signs develop into a more serious form (watery blisters, pain and fever).

You can avoid the progression of herpes by properly treating your lips and applying a special ointment; this should be done according to this principle.


1. The very first and most important thing- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

2. Apply the ointment with a cotton swab, or a plastic stick (use all aids only once).

3. Ointment applied to the lip area should not be washed off until completely absorbed.

4. If you don't want the product to be noticeable, you should apply it about an hour before leaving the house.

Although herpes cannot be cured, its visual manifestations can be completely eliminated by using an ointment that will remove all symptoms (itching, burning).

The greatest effectiveness of the product is achieved when it is used in the initial stages of the manifestation of the virus (tingling lips).

The ointment will need to be applied frequently, the minimum amount should be five times a day. The duration of application of the product to the lip area should be four to five days.

Inexpensive ointment for cold lips

In pharmacies you can also buy inexpensive ointments that can cope with colds on the lips. Price is not always an indicator of the quality and speed of action of the drug. Such means include:

At the initial stage of the manifestation of a cold on the lips, oxolinic ointment effectively fights the virus.

Its disadvantage is that it cannot help if the herpes has already progressed and watery pimples have appeared.

Furacilin will help supplement the effect of the ointment; they should treat the area where the cold first appears, and then apply the ointment.


It will quickly help get rid of a cold pimple on your lips. The ointment acts directly on the source of inflammation; even the presence of an abscess will not interfere with it.

When using levomekol, you should stop taking antibiotics to exclude candidal stomatitis.

The product has a good effect in the fight against any stage of herpes virus infection of the skin.

Its components do not harm the body; it can be used during pregnancy or smeared on the lips of children.

It has a healing effect in the presence of burst herpes blisters. Heals wet wounds, has a detrimental effect on bacteria.

The most effective ointment for colds on the lip

People try to quickly purchase ointment at the pharmacy and start using it at the very beginning of the onset of a cold on the lips.

This correct decision will not allow the virus to spread; it will be limited only to localization in the lip area.

The most effective remedies in the form of ointments are:

1. Vivorax

Antiviral ointment based on valacyclovir and penciclovir.

The advantage of the drug is that the components are active against a strain of the virus that the usual acyclovir cannot cope with.

Many, faced with the manifestation of a cold on the lips, believe that this is the best ointment.

This opinion was formed due to the components that are safe for the body and have minimal side effects.

Can be used if you have an allergic reaction to acyclovir.

2. Zovirax

What distinguishes the product from others is propylene glycol, which is included in the composition. Thanks to it, the main active ingredient (acyclovir) penetrates the skin cells, striking the virus at its epicenter.

Another advantage of the product is that it has a high absorption rate into the skin of the lips, without leaving sticky marks or shine.

Despite all its advantages, you should not use the ointment during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

3. Fenistil

The main active component of the ointment is penciclovir, which is particularly powerful in the fight against the herpes virus.

Provided that the ointment is used at the first symptoms, it will be possible to get rid of colds on the lips twice as quickly as usual.

Additional components (white paraffin, petroleum jelly) have a softening effect on the skin of the lips, preventing the formation of scars from herpes.

The use of ointment should be avoided throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, and the drug should not be applied to the skin of the lips of children under 12 years of age.

4. Panavir

A product based on a plant polysaccharide that blocks the development of the herpes virus.

The natural component is suitable for those who suffer from intolerance to synthetic products. The ointment has a restorative effect on affected cells.

You can use ointment for colds on the lips during pregnancy only after the approval of your doctor, due to the possibility of the polysaccharide penetrating the placenta and breast milk.

5. Herperax

An ointment used not only to get rid of colds on the lips, but also used as its prevention.

After application directly to the area affected by herpes, it produces an immediate analgesic effect, eliminates itching and burning sensation.

The components of the product prevent the formation of a crust on the edge of the lips and eliminate wet ulcers.

The use of ointment during pregnancy should be agreed in advance with the attending physician, and the process of treating colds on the lips should be carried out under his supervision.

6. Alpizarin

A natural ointment for colds on the lips, consisting of extracts obtained from legumes, sumac plants and Altai kopeck.

Due to their properties, such plant components block the process of reproduction of the herpes virus.

Applying the drug to the lip area relieves inflammation, burning sensation and itching.

The ointment eliminates swelling when affected by herpes, accelerates the healing process of the skin of the lips, and helps cells recover faster.

7. Viferon

The basis of the ointment for colds on the lips is interferon, which stimulates the immune system. Due to this, the body begins to independently fight the herpes virus.

A distinctive feature of the ointment is the minimum number of contraindications. Without entering the bloodstream, it can be used to treat cold sores during pregnancy.

Therapy with Viferon takes 7 days; you will need to apply the ointment to the skin of the lips up to four times a day.

8. Virosept

An ointment based on salicylic acid and zinc, when applied to lips affected by herpes, helps to quickly get rid of itching, burning sensation and blisters.

The components of the product have a restorative effect on skin cells and eliminate flaking.

The ointment can be used to treat herpes during pregnancy and applied to the skin of children over two years of age.

9. Acyclovir

A well-known ointment for colds on the lips, on the basis of which many remedies for herpes have been developed. The composition includes petroleum jelly, which, when applied to the affected area, creates a kind of protective film.

It blocks microbes from reaching herpes-injured skin. The drug should not be used to combat colds on the lips during pregnancy or nursing mothers.

Does acyclovir help with cold sores?

The body can cope with the manifestation of herpes on the lips in the form of painful rashes on its own, but this will take a long time. During this period, the virus can turn into an advanced form of the disease.

Its consequences will negatively affect the immune system; complications often spread to the eyes, oral cavity, including the larynx.

A product called Acyclovir helps to minimize, and in some cases completely eliminate, the risks in the process of treating colds on the lips.

Over many years of use by a large number of people, the ointment has been able to establish itself as an effective remedy in the fight against herpes.

The most common form, which many people use, is ointment, although Acyclovir is also available in tablet form.

But taking it orally, the effect occurs more slowly; tablets are good to use for preventive purposes.

Applying an ointment with a 5% concentration directly to the area of ​​the lips where the cold appears quickly affects the source of the virus. This occurs due to the components of the drug and due to its consistency.

The use of Acyclovir in the form of an ointment allows you to easily apply the medicine only to the affected area of ​​the lips. The product is aimed not only at combating herpes, but also effectively eliminates such unpleasant sensations as:

  • tingling;
  • inflammation;
  • peeling of lips.

After application, the ointment covers the herpes vesicle with a thin film, which blocks its ability to infect healthy skin cells.

At the same time, protecting the affected surface from possible infection from the environment.

My reviews of acyclovir ointment for colds on the lip

I use this ointment myself. I’ll be honest that acyclovir helps me as soon as I felt a burning and tingling sensation in the lip area.

If the disease has begun to progress, and 1-2 days have already passed, then this ointment is not effective, the process, as they say, has “gone”.

Therefore, for the ointment to be active, use it more often; I have been using it every hour since the very beginning of the disease. If you choose which ointment for a cold on the lip is inexpensive but effective, then you can give preference to acyclovir.

It’s better not just to treat a cold on the lips after it appears, but to take measures to prevent it.

It is necessary to know the basics that will help prevent, and in some cases completely protect against, infection with the herpes virus. These points include:


It is necessary to wash your hands only with soap after tactile contact with the affected area of ​​the skin.

Own personal hygiene items

You cannot use other people's personal hygiene items. It is advisable to store your own separately.

Boosting immunity

The herpes virus is directly related to immunity, therefore, for preventive purposes, it is necessary to practice hardening,

taking herbal decoctions

  1. rose hip
  2. currant leaves
  3. echinacea

introduce citrus fruits and vitamin complexes into your daily diet.

To maintain the immune system, it is necessary to use immunostimulants.

For children, interferon-based drugs are suitable as a preventive measure.

Tablets against herpes

Tablets help block the spread of the herpes virus throughout the body.

Their use can be combined with antiviral drugs. Acyclovir has received good reviews from those who use the herpes prevention method.

As scary as it may sound, about 90% of the world's population is infected with herpes. Once this virus enters the body, it remains there forever. For some it does not manifest itself, while for others it bothers them constantly.

In fact, there are many ways to contract herpes: sexual, airborne, birth and even contact. Often this weakness manifests itself while the carrier’s immunity weakens. It can also very often be caused by hypothermia, overheating, pregnancy, large doses of alcohol, stress, as well as infectious diseases.

Fortunately, today we are provided with a wide range of various medications with which we can quickly and easily overcome this unpleasant virus. One of these drugs is the modern ointment Acyclovir.

General characteristics of Acyclovir ointment

A very effective antiviral drug that acts selectively on the herpes virus, stopping its development. This is an effective creamy ointment.

It should be used exclusively externally. This ointment is divided into two types:

  • 5% – designed for more resistant skin and mucous membranes;
  • 3% – designed for mucous membranes of the eyes.

Composition of the ointment

The ointment contains components that are completely safe and harmless to humans. The composition of Acyclovir ointment includes the following components: acyclovir, refined chicken fat, water, emulsifier, polyoxyethylene, propylene glycol, nipazole. Each of these components is effective in its own way.

Mechanism of action of Acyclovir

This effective ointment is used against the herpes simplex virus and lichen virus, as well as the Epstein-Barr virus. It has an active effect on the virus and instantly kills it.

This medicine prevents the formation of new rash elements, reduces the likelihood of skin discrimination and visceral complications, accelerates the formation of crusts. This ointment significantly reduces pain when herpes is in the acute phase.

Release forms, storage

This medicine is made in the form of an ointment. These are small aluminum tubes with cream content. It is customary to store this medicine at a temperature of 8 to 15 °C.

Instructions for use

Naturally, before using this drug you should consult your doctor. Also, before using the ointment, you should carefully read the instructions for use of this medicine.

In fact, the method of using Acyclovir ointment quite simple. Before applying the ointment, you need to protect your hands with disposable medical gloves in order to avoid getting the medicine on healthy areas of the body.

The ointment should be applied every 4 hours. But you should remember that the medicine should be used no more than 5-6 times a day. For older people no more than 2-3 times. This procedure must be performed for 10 days, until the rash dries

Indications for use of Acyclovir ointment

It is necessary to take Acyclovir for the following diseases:

  • herpes simplex of the skin;
  • genital herpes (primary and recurrent);
  • localized herpes zoster (auxiliary treatment);
  • chicken pox.

Side effects

This effective antiviral drug is safe for the human body. It is non-toxic and cannot cause any side effects.

The following manifestations are rarely possible:

  • headache;
  • various manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • irritation of mucous membranes.

But all this happens only in case of individual intolerance to one of the components that make up this medicine


In fact, this is a completely harmless ointment that has no side effects or contraindications. It is not recommended to use this drug for those who are allergic to at least one component that is part of the ointment. After all, this can only aggravate the situation and not cure the infection.


The following drugs are closest in action to this medicine:

  1. Gerpevir. It is also a very popular and effective modern drug, which is often used for infections of the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. Zovirax. An excellent product intended for external use, which treats herpes both on the lips and on other areas of the skin, and also treats lichen.
  3. Virolex. A new drug that actively fights herpes.
  4. Cyclovir. An antiviral medicine that skillfully fights a variety of infectious diseases. it suppresses the proliferation of new viruses in the human body.

special instructions

This drug is taken only as prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid a variety of unpleasant complications in both adults and children over 3 years of age.

People who have weak immunity are often prescribed systemic administration of the drug. Systemic administration is also prescribed for recurrent herpetic infections.

Acyclovir for herpes and colds on the lips

Treatment of herpes and colds on the lips should begin as early as possible. It is especially effective in the early stages of infection.

This is a fairly popular and effective antiviral remedy for herpes today.

The ointment instantly penetrates infected cells and kills the infection. With systematic use of this medicine (5-10 days), the virus will disappear from your body completely.

Colds on the lips are a fairly common occurrence, as are cracks that appear due to chapping. You can cope with such problems with the help of medications and folk remedies.

Let's talk about how to quickly heal your lips.

Treatment for colds on the lips

Colds on the lips are accompanied by small blisters and ulcers containing a clear liquid. They cause itching and pain. To cure a cold quickly, the first step is to use one of these medicines:

  • Penciclovir;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Famciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Vivorax;
  • Cyclovir.

Use them only as directed. Please read the contraindications and side effects first. In addition to them, it is recommended to use folk remedies. Then it will be possible to speed up the healing process as much as possible. Here is a list of the most effective of them:

  • Take fir oil, heat it a little, and then lubricate the cold on your lips every two hours. Please note that this product will increase the burning sensation, but it will soon pass;
  • Burn a white sheet of paper - you will get ash. Take it in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons, add to it 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 cloves of garlic, which must first be peeled and ground into a paste. All these components must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Use the finished product as an ointment. Apply it to your lips every 3 hours;
  • You can also cauterize the sores. For this purpose, propolis tincture is used. After this procedure, you must apply calendula ointment to your lip;
  • Pour 20 g of chamomile into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the herb to infuse under the lid for 30 minutes, and then strain, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of propolis tincture and make a lotion based on the product every hour;
  • Bring 150 ml of milk to a boil, add 1 tbsp. spoon of birch buds and leave the product to infuse for 20 minutes. Then apply lotions to it every 2 hours.

To avoid the recurrence of colds in the future, take courses of vitamin complexes and immunostimulants, avoid hypothermia and stress.

Treatment for chapped lips

Pharmacy ointments will help quickly cure chapped lips; among the most effective are the following:

  • Syntomycin;
  • Levomekol;
  • Calendula;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Rescuer.

These ointments should be used according to the instructions. Experts recommend using them for chapped lips every 2-3 hours. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 days.

  • Folk remedies can help cure quickly chapped lips. The first step is to exfoliate. To do this, take candied honey and massage it onto your lips. Leave the product on for 1-2 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Next, it is recommended to make a mask;
  • Take an avocado, wash it under running water, peel off the skin and remove the pit. Grind the pulp in a blender until pureed. Apply the resulting mass in a thick layer to the surface of your lips and leave for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove the product with a napkin;
  • Take a washed cucumber, remove the peel, and grind the pulp in a blender. Apply the resulting mass to your lips and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water, and be sure to lubricate your lips with vegetable oil;
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese and sour cream. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply the resulting mass to the surface of your lips and leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

After masks, you should try to moisturize the delicate skin of your lips as often as possible. Nourishing cream or Vaseline is perfect for this. Avocado and jojoba oil quickly heal cracks. But they need to be slightly warmed before use.

Full collection and description: does acyclovir help with herpes and colds on the lips: features of use and effectiveness for readers of our site.

Acyclovir ointment for herpes has established itself as one of the most effective drugs for treating this unpleasant disease. Herpes are small, watery pimples that appear on the lips in both men and women. Such pimples are a viral disease and require a special approach. Without treatment, the virus grows quite quickly, which can subsequently cause the formation of ulcers on the skin.

Today, there are a large number of drugs aimed at quickly treating the disease. These drugs can be taken externally or internally. But the most popular remedy for effective treatment is Acyclovir, an ointment for herpes on the lips. What is the advantage of this ointment?

The herpes virus is present in every person to one degree or another. Many owners of such a virus may not even be aware of its existence. You can become infected with a cold on the lips simply by touching a carrier of the virus or by using the same utensils. The main symptoms of the disease are itching in the lips, which subsequently forms a blistering rash that affects the nerve endings, during which unpleasant symptoms appear.

The cause of herpes can be severe stress, hypothermia, colds and simply seasonal weakening of the immune system. Herpes occurs especially often in winter. It is important to remember that after the initial appearance of a cold on the lips, the disease will reappear. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly maintain immunity.

The main causes of herpes:

  • hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy and adolescence);
  • long-term use of drugs that reduce immunity;
  • young or old age;
  • rehabilitation period after major operations;
  • HIV infections;
  • stress;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • poor nutrition.

If colds appear on your lips more than 6 times a year, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, the disease can cause complications in other organs, including the brain and vision.

The incubation period of the disease usually lasts no more than a day. Subsequently, the bubbles with liquid burst and form small painful ulcers. If completely untreated, herpes can grow and subsequently spread to the eyes, nose and neck. The acute form of the disease may be accompanied by symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, fever, pain in the throat and joints.

Forms of release of the drug Acyclovir

The drug is produced in several dosage forms containing different concentrations of the main active ingredient: ointment 5%, 3% and cream with a 5% concentration. To treat diseases on the lips, an ointment with a 5% concentration is often used. It is the ointment that provides more reliable coverage of herpes due to its consistency. It is this form of the drug that is considered the most effective.

Also, many cosmetic companies produce lipsticks with Acyclovir, but these products are not medicinal. In addition, the drug is available in the form of powder for injection (250 mg) and tablets for oral administration (200 mg and 400 mg). In such forms, the drug also has an antiviral effect and treats herpes.

What is better - tablets or ointment?

When treating herpes, both forms of the drug give the desired result, but many prefer the ointment. Ointment is a more common remedy for cold sores than tablets. This is due to several main reasons:

Acyclovir ointment for herpes - indications for use

Acyclovir is used for skin lesions of herpes. Thanks to the active components of the ointment, the rash does not spread to adjacent skin or internal organs. In addition, the effect of the drug is to speed up the healing of the skin. Acyclovir promotes the appearance of crusts on the skin and relieves severe pain in the acute course of the disease.

In addition to herpes on the lips, the drug is also used in complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Herpes simplex of the skin (groups 1 and 2).
  • Recurrent herpes (recurrent).
  • In case of damage to the genitals in both sexes.
  • Shingles.
  • Smallpox.

For herpes caused by severely weakened immunity, the drug is taken intravenously. This is necessary to stimulate the immune system. Most often, such therapy is resorted to in the presence of herpes zoster.

It is important to remember that during the period of exacerbation of the disease it is best to abstain from sexual intercourse. The use of the drug does not guarantee protection against genital herpes acquired through such contact.

Can pregnant women use it?

When using the product in tablet form during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. Acyclovir can cross the placenta and into breast milk. Therefore, the use of the drug is possible only if treatment is urgently needed. As for the use of the ointment during this period, there are no special contraindications, since in this form the drug does not affect the fetus.

Effect of the drug

Herpes ointment Acyclovir is an antiviral drug aimed at suppressing viruses that infect the skin. The effectiveness of the drug lies in its similarity to the nuclizoid deoxyguanide. In fact, the drug is an analogue of the DNA component, which is what allows the drug to interrupt the reproduction of a viral infection by blocking the replication of DNA containing the virus. It is important to note that the drug has virtually no effect on healthy cells of a herpes carrier.

The interaction of the drug with the virus occurs in two stages. Initially, when it enters a virus-infected cell, the drug takes the form of acyclovir monophosphate. It is in this form that the drug binds to the affected cell under the influence of thymidine kizane. Subsequently, the drug is converted into a more active form - acyclovir triphosphate. It is in this form that the spread of the viral cell DNA is blocked.

When applied to the skin, absorption of the drug into the blood is minimized. It cannot be detected by blood or urine tests. Subsequently, Acyclovir is excreted by the kidneys within 22-26 hours.

Instructions for use

Treatment of herpes with Acyclovir ointment usually lasts no more than 10 days. To completely prevent the appearance of new rashes, use the ointment for at least 5 days in a row. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to adjust the periods of application of the ointment; the time between uses should be the same. It is best to apply the product to the skin every 4 hours.

To treat herpes on the lips, the ointment is applied pointwise. It is better to apply a thin layer of ointment to the desired area of ​​mucous membranes or skin. Do not rub or wipe the ointment onto adjacent areas of the skin. It is best to apply the product using a cotton swab or special fingertips. Before use, wash your hands and area of ​​application thoroughly. It is necessary to wipe the affected area of ​​skin very carefully to prevent bubbles from bursting.

Treatment of herpes with Acyclovir is best started when the first signs of the disease appear. If possible, apply the cream when itching and redness appear on the lips. It is recommended to apply the product before the first rash appears on the skin. It is necessary to continue treatment with ointment until the crusts dry completely.

It is important to remember that you cannot burst viral bubbles yourself. When the liquid contained in the bubbles comes into contact with the skin, it causes new formations. It is best to apply the product over the rashes.

In case of simultaneous use of Acyclovir in different forms, the risk of side effects significantly increases.

Special instructions for use of the drug
  1. It is important to remember that when using Acyclovir in ointment form, you should avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes. If the ointment gets into your eyes or mouth, rinse the area under running water.
  1. In the case of joint use of immunostimulating drugs in combination with ointment, the recovery period will be minimal. The effect of the components of Acyclovir is significantly enhanced. The main active ingredient of the ointment does not affect the performance of the central nervous system.
  1. Do not wash off the ointment immediately after application. Therefore, in the first minutes after application, you should avoid water procedures.

In what cases is treatment with Acyclovir prohibited?

The main contraindication to the use of the drug may be individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In this case, the product may not give the desired effect and cause irritation and itching on the skin. In some cases, the patient may experience dermatitis. Individual intolerance to the drug occurs quite rarely. It is better to avoid use during lactation.

As a rule, when using the drug in the form of a cream, allergic reactions occur extremely rarely. This is explained by the lowest absorption of its components into the blood. Side effects from using the ointment in case of individual intolerance disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug. In this case, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help you choose an equally effective drug that is an analogue of Acyclovir.

The ointment is not used to treat herpes in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and vagina. In this case, it is better to use Acyclovir in other dosage forms.

Drug analogues and prices

In the presented products, Acyclovir is also an active drug, but the auxiliary agents have been changed:

  • Vivorax;
  • Cyclovir;
  • Gervirax;
  • Virolex;
  • Gerpevir.

The cost of drug analogues can vary between 100-900 Russian rubles. The price of Acyclovir ointment for herpes in pharmacies does not exceed 100 rubles. You can purchase the drug without a prescription.


The drug in ointment form is stored in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of the drug does not exceed 2 years. After the expiration date, the use of the ointment is prohibited. Opened packaging must be stored in the refrigerator.

For complete treatment of the disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

This is interesting!

Oddly enough, the active substance, namely Acyclovir, is of natural origin. Or rather, the origin of the drug directly leads to nucleosides. The substance is extracted from the sponge Cryptothya crypta. This sponge is native to the Caribbean.

In addition to Acyclovir, substances used as the basis for drugs aimed at treating cancer have been derived from the same type of sponge. A drug called Acyclovir was published by a scientist from America named Schaffer. The antiviral drug first became known back in 1979.

Reviews about the treatment of herpes with Acyclovir ointment

Review #1

Herpes at any age is quite an unpleasant phenomenon. It is especially upsetting that the disease always appears on the eve of an important event. In my story, herpes appeared on the eve of the wedding. Oh, it was terrible! A red, unsightly pimple on the lip four days before the wedding.

A wonderful remedy called Acyclovir saved me. I bought it at a pharmacy near my house for little money. After only 3 days, a small crust remained from the pimple, which was easily removed with makeup. Thanks to this ointment for herpes, a very important event in my life was not overshadowed!

Svetlana, 32 years old - Ekaterinburg

Review #2

We have been familiar with Acyclovir ointment for a long time. At the age of 14, I first developed herpes on my lips. The disease greatly interfered with communication with peers. The blisters spread not only to the lips, but also over time to the skin. Then the small wounds turned into large bleeding ulcers. Then I tried Acyclovir ointment for herpes for the first time.

The first sensations with a large area of ​​​​damage are indescribable, the ointment burned and baked. But the second time everything was fine, there was no severe pain, just a little itchy skin. I was treated with ointment for 14 days, it was during this time that the last scabs healed. The crusts came off gently, as if after a small wound. What pleases me is that there are no traces left, I think this is due to the fat content of the cream. Now Acyclovir is always in your home medicine cabinet.

Gennady, 19 years old - Moscow

Review #3

Acyclovir is just a lifesaver. About 5 times a year this disgusting disease appeared on my lips. I had to cover it up with cosmetics and use very expensive creams that did not give much results. As a result, the herpes became more and more.

Another visit to the pharmacy saved me from constant torment, where the pharmacist advised me to buy Acyclovir. Not only is there not a trace left of the herpes, but now, at the first tingling sensation on my lips, I immediately apply the cream. Treatment from 10 days is reduced to 5.

Lyudmila, 41 years old - St. Petersburg

Acyclovir instructions

Acyclovir tablets: One tablet contains 200 or 400 mg of acyclovir. One package contains 20 or 30 tablets.

Acyclovir ointment: 1 gram of ointment contains 50 mg of acyclovir. The drug is produced in tubes of 3, 5, 10 and 30 grams.

Acyclovir cream: One gram of cream contains 50 mg of acyclovir. The cream is produced in tubes of 2, 5 and 20 grams.

Best before date: The shelf life for tablets is up to three years, for ointments and creams up to two years.

Storage conditions for tablets: Acyclovir tablets should be stored in a dark, dry place away from children. And be sure to keep the temperature no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Storage conditions for the ointment: Acyclovir ointment is stored in a dark, dry place with an air temperature of up to 15 degrees.


Acyclovir is an antiviral drug, a synthetic analogue of an acyclic purine nucleoside. The drug has a highly selective effect on herpes viruses. Inside cells infected with a virus, under the influence of viral thymidine kinase, sequential reactions of transformation of acyclovir into mono-, di- and triphosphate of acyclovir occur. In this case, acyclovir triphosphate is integrated into the viral DNA chain and blocks its synthesis by competitive inhibition of the viral DNA polymerase.

Acyclovir indications

The drug Acyclovir is prescribed to patients for:

  • treatment of infections of the mucous membranes and skin caused by a virus, including the treatment of genital herpes;
  • prevention of exacerbations of recurrent infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus in patients with normal immune status;
  • prevention of both primary and recurrent infections that are caused by the same virus in patients suffering from immunodeficiency;
  • treatment of infections caused by the Varicella zoster virus;
  • the drug is also prescribed in combination with therapy for patients suffering from immunodeficiency: with HIV infection, in patients who have undergone bone marrow transplantation.

Acyclovir contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in patients who have hypersensitivity to the drug or to the components of the drug. Also, Acyclovir should not be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Acyclovir should be taken very carefully in case of dehydration, neurological disorders, or renal failure.

Instructions for use Acyclovir

The dosage regimen of the drug is set individually, depending on the severity of the disease.

If the patient suffers from infectious diseases of the mucous membranes and skin, which are caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, for adults and children over two years of age, 200 mg is prescribed five times a day - taken for five days. Be sure to observe intervals between doses: 4 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. If the case is more severe, the course of treatment is increased.

If Acyclovir is an addition to a complex of therapy for immunodeficiency, as well as for HIV infection, and after bone marrow transplantation, 400 mg of the drug is prescribed five times a day.

In the case of preventing relapses of infections caused by Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, patients with normal immune status are prescribed 200 mg four times a day (every six hours).

For the prevention of diseases caused by the Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, infections for adults and children over two years of age with immunodeficiency, the dosage is prescribed 200 mg of the drug four times a day every six hours. In this case, the maximum permissible dose is 400 mg of acyclovir five times a day.

If it is necessary to treat an infection caused by the Varicella zoster virus, adults are prescribed 800 mg of the drug five times a day, at intervals of 4 hours during the day and 8 hours at night. The course of treatment lasts up to ten days. For children over two years of age, 20 mg/kg body weight is prescribed four times a day for five days. Children weighing more than 40 kg should take the drug in the same dosage as adult patients.

When treating herpes zoster, adults are prescribed 800 mg of the drug four times a day for five days. For children over 6 years of age, the dosage is 800 mg four times a day. Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed 400 mg of the drug four times a day. Children under two years of age should take no more than 200 mg four times a day.

For patients who suffer from severe renal dysfunction during the treatment of infections caused by the Herpes simplex virus, acyclovir is prescribed 200 mg twice a day with an interval of 12 hours.

Apply Acyclovir ointment and cream to the affected surface five times a day, every four hours. The course of treatment lasts from five to ten days.

Acyclovir during pregnancy

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the fetus.

The drug Acyclovir can cross the placental barrier and accumulate in breast milk. If there is a need to take Acyclovir during breastfeeding, it is necessary to interrupt feeding.

Side effects of Acyclovir

Possible side effects from the digestive system: rarely nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperbilirubinemia, transient increase in liver enzyme activity.

From the hematopoietic system Possible erythropenia, leukopenia.

For the central nervous system Possible side effects in the form of headaches, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, and increased fatigue.

Allergic reactions are also common: dermatitis, skin rash.

Side effects when using the drug topically: itching, redness, burning, peeling.

Caution when using

Acyclovir should be taken with particular caution by people suffering from impaired renal function, as well as older people due to the extended elimination period of the drug.

When using the drug, you need to ensure a sufficient amount of fluid.

Ointment and cream should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, genitals, or eyes, as inflammation may develop.

The earlier treatment with ointment is started, the more effective the treatment will be.

In people who suffer from immunodeficiency after repeated multiple courses of treatment, viral resistance to acyclovir rarely develops.

While taking the drug, do not forget about monitoring kidney function.

Acyclovir interactions with other drugs

If probenecid is used together with Acyclovir, the mean half-life may increase and the clearance of the drug may decrease.

When taking Acyclovir with nephrotoxic drugs, the risk of developing renal dysfunction increases.

When using Acyclovir externally, no interaction with other drugs has been identified.

Acyclovir analogues

Acyclovir price

Acyclovir cream can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of 20 rubles, depending on the volume of the tube.

Acyclovir reviews

Genadich The advantages of the drug are that it is effective, available in every pharmacy, and inexpensive. Disadvantages - if treatment is not started on time, the drug is less effective.

Nailya Many people suffer from a cold like herpes. In such cases, an inexpensive ointment called Acyclovir will help. The cost of such an ointment is about 20 rubles. Although the tube is small, only 5 grams, it nevertheless lasts for a long time. The consistency of the ointment is dense, odorless and non-greasy - this is another plus. The color of the ointment is white, the taste is bitter, you cannot eat it, but if you accidentally get it into your mouth, you will feel a bitter taste. When applied as an ointment on the lips, it does not spread. I haven't had herpes for three years. I had already managed to forget about him, but he decided to remind me of himself this year in March.

The cold started with scratching my lower lip. At first I didn’t even think that it could be herpes. For this reason, I missed the initial stage of the disease, when it was possible to anoint the area with acyclovir, and the herpes would not have developed further. By evening, of course, I was already 100% sure that it was a cold, namely herpes. Having found Acyclovir in the medicine cabinet, she generously applied the ointment to her lip. Over the next day, I often applied acyclovir to my lip and defeated herpes on the seventh day. In addition to the ointment, I used lemon, which I used to disinfect and burn my lip. I used zinc paste at night.

I would like to note that you should fight not only the cold, but also boost your immunity so that such an infection does not return. In general, the drug is very good, and if used at an early stage, it copes with colds quickly within two days.

Konstantin Among the advantages of acyclovir is that it helps with colds. I didn't find any shortcomings.

Antonina Petrovna I'm sure everyone has experienced herpes on the lip at least once. This is not a very pleasant feeling. But if before I didn’t know how to treat a cold and walked around suffering, now herpes can be treated in a couple of days. The pharmacy recommended the inexpensive drug Acyclovir. At first I thought that if it was cheap, it would not be effective, but I decided to try it. As the pharmacist explained, the ointment should be used at the initial signs of a cold, that is, immediately with redness, tingling, burning. Otherwise, the drug does not help.

It is better to apply the ointment 5 times a day, in a thin layer to the affected areas. In addition, the ointment is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. Everyone should have such a miracle remedy in their home medicine cabinet.

Maria I always have Acyclovir ointment in the refrigerator. This is a very excellent antiviral agent for external use. When herpes appears on the lips, this ointment is an excellent helper; the main thing is to apply it up to five times a day.

When bubbles appear, if you use Acyclovir ointment, they disappear within two days. The ointment has an excellent drying effect. The contraindications are not significant at all. In addition, Acyclovir can be used for chickenpox.

Important! The sooner treatment is started, the faster herpes will be defeated. It is better to take a small tube - 5 grams, it lasts a long time. This ointment is available at the pharmacy without a prescription, and is also inexpensive.

Zhenechka In winter, the child’s face became covered with suspicious pimples. They thought it was chickenpox, but the doctor said it was a herpes infection. There were about 10 pimples on my face, which were at first red, then watery and increasing in size. Then they soon began to burst. The doctor identified it as viral herpes. We were prescribed Acyclovir tablets and ointment.

As it turned out, the ointment is very inexpensive, and most importantly effective. And if combined with pills, it’s actually a miracle remedy.

My son is allergic, but there was no reaction to the ointment. We noticed the effect the very next day. We used the ointment for 10 days, as the doctor prescribed. Be careful, the ointment should not get on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes or mouth.

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The herpes virus can affect the population regardless of gender and age. The disease manifests itself as a blistering rash on the lips and genitals, which leaves behind small ulcers. Various creams, ointments and tablets have been developed to combat the disease. The most effective remedy is Acyclovir and its derivatives. Moreover, the majority of the population prefers to use drugs in the form of ointments. This choice has its advantages:

    Acyclovir can be from any brand

    Convenient to treat the affected surface; it can be applied directly to the site where the virus is localized.

  • Protecting the outer cover from the spread of infection and healing the affected surface by drying the wound.
  • The ointment has an effect directly at the site of application. And when taking the tablet form of the drug, the body is exposed to the influence of the drug, primarily the stomach and intestines are affected.
  • Speed ​​in getting results. When taking tablets for herpesvirus, they act more slowly and weaker than ointment.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of Acyclovir tablets may have an effect on the fetus, passing through the placenta and breast milk. Therefore, ointment therapy is indicated during this period. Since this form of release of the drug does not harm the baby.

Indications for use

  • Common skin herpes
  • Genital
  • Recurrent
  • Shingles.

Acyclovir is available in various dosage forms:

  • Tablets of 200 mg or 400 mg for internal use
  • Cream 5% and ointment 3% or 5% concentration
  • Powder for injection 250 mg.

For ordinary herpes, using a cream or ointment with a 5% consistency is sufficient. If the disease has a moderate course, for example, genital herpes or smallpox, then a tablet form is added to therapy. Severe forms of the disease, including herpes zoster and systemic herpes, in most cases require injection measures. Ointment of 3% concentration is used in the treatment of keratitis caused by this virus.

Difference between Acyclovir cream and ointment

The main difference between these two forms of release is their basis. The ointment is usually made using petroleum jelly or lanolin. The cream contains significantly less fatty components.

When choosing between ointment and cream, you should focus on the location of the rash. The ointment is used on open areas of the skin, since having a fatty base, it is slowly absorbed and leaves marks on clothes. While the cream has the opposite effect.

For herpes on the lips, it is advisable to take ointment, since remaining on the skin for a long time, it prevents harmful organisms from entering the wound, blocks further spread of the virus and prevents damage to the dried area.

How the drug works

Acyclovir is an antiviral agent that actively suppresses the functioning of the viral environment. The drug is similar to components of human DNA, due to which it can stop the spread of infection by blocking the cycle of repetition of harmful DNA. Moreover, without affecting healthy tissue.

Upon initial contact with viral tissue, the drug becomes acyclovir monophosphate. Further, under the influence of thymidine kizan, it merges with the damaged cell, converting into acyclovir triphosphate. Having this form, the drug actively attacks the viral environment.

When taking tests, it is impossible to detect the presence of the drug, since it is practically not absorbed into the blood. And the period of complete elimination of Acyclovir by the kidneys is 24-26 hours.

Features of application

Despite the fact that Acyclovir in the form of cream and ointment has virtually no side effects, their use must follow certain rules:

  • The drug should be applied at regular intervals, at least 4-5 times a day.
  • The substance should be applied in a thin layer.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eye area.
  • With the simultaneous use of Acyclovir in different forms, the risk of side effects increases.
  • Taking immunostimulants together with Acyclovir ointment or cream significantly shortens the treatment period.
  • It is better to start applying the drug at the first symptoms of the disease.
  • The product should only cover the affected area.

Traumatization of the blisters should be avoided, as new rashes may form at the site where the fluid spreads.

Side effects

Typically, Acyclovir ointment is very well tolerated, but sometimes local allergic reactions may occur, which are accompanied by itching, redness or discomfort at the site of application. Allergic dermatitis is extremely rare. When taken for more than 10 days, some patients experienced peeling of the skin.


Other drugs based on acyclovir are no less effective:

  1. Gerpevir
  2. Gervirax
  3. Cyclovir
  4. Vivorax
  5. Virolex
  6. Zovirax

Zovirax is an ointment for colds on the lips. Unlike Acyclovir, the drug contains propylene glycol. But the cost of the medicine is several times higher than its relative.

Vivorax is used for individual hypersensitivity to Valocyclovir and Acyclovir. Although the active substance remains the same, an allergic reaction does not occur. The secret is to present the component in a coherent form. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it may harm the baby.

All these drugs help well in treating the disease. The only difference is the price barrier of drugs. Resistance to Acyclovir occurs quite rarely; in this case, analogues based on herbal components are indicated.

Herpes is an unpleasant disease that is accompanied by pain, itching and discomfort due to the presence of sores on the skin. Acyclovir cream and ointment for herpes help to completely eliminate the disease within a few days, a maximum of a week. The main rule is the timely initiation of therapy.

According to medical statistics, about 95% of the adult population of the entire planet is affected by the herpes virus. Herpes simplex is the most common type of disease, which manifests itself as blisters on the lips. Exacerbations of the herpes virus occur during the cold season, so blisters are often called colds on the lips.

But no matter what the next outbreak of infection is associated with, it must be treated not only by external treatment, but also from the inside, seeking to suppress the activity of the strain and speed up the healing of unattractive elements on the face.

To do this, doctors prescribe pills against herpes (taking into account contraindications) and explain how to take them correctly so that the synthesis of viral DNA is blocked and recovery occurs faster.

The principle of action of antiherpetic tablets

The patient takes antiviral tablets with water.

Under the influence of gastric juice, the drug shell dissolves and the active substance begins to work. It enters the general bloodstream and is distributed to tissues and organs. Having reached the point where the pathogen is actively multiplying, the medicinal component blocks its vital processes, and the number of viral bodies stops increasing. Already existing pathogenic particles are destroyed by immune cells and do not infect neighboring structures.

In order for the treatment to be quick and effective, it is important to take pills for herpes on the lips before the rash appears. Sensations such as itching, burning and tingling at the site of future rashes help to recognize the early stage of infection. Timely use of the drug in the correct dosage helps prevent the stages of development of blisters before the appearance of ulcers and shorten the period of exacerbation of the virus.

An equally important point in the treatment of cold herpes is the thoroughness of taking medications. Since all antiviral drugs have many side effects, they are not recommended to be used contrary to the instructions and medical prescriptions.

For herpes, to suppress the activity of the pathogen, patients are prescribed both antiviral drugs in tablets and immunomodulators:

  • Galavit - at the first symptoms of herpes, quickly relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Anaferon is a mandatory means of complex antiviral therapy and prevention.
  • Isoprinosine - based on inosine pranobex, the drug eliminates signs of the disease at any stage and makes it possible to get rid of herpetic elements without the use of tablets.

Tablets of cycloferon, echinacea and thymalin are prescribed in long courses according to indications, but drinking them without medical supervision is prohibited. If there are frequent relapses of herpes, it is necessary to contact an immunologist and analyze the state of the body's defenses, i.e. do an immunogram.

The combined effect of medications from different groups provides rapid suppression of HSV-1 and accelerates the healing of fluid blisters on the face. An effective treatment regimen is the use of echinacea tablets (1 piece, 2 times a day) and Acyclovir (200 mg, 5 times a day).

Review of tablets for herpes on the lips

Herpes simplex appears on the lips not only due to hypothermia and colds, but also after stress, injury, hormonal imbalances, incl. during pregnancy and menstruation. If no measures are taken, the herpetic elements will resolve on their own in 10 to 15 days, but the patient will experience significant discomfort during this period. After the sores heal, scars may remain on the lips.

Medicines for herpes in tablets are designed to prevent tissue scarring. Let's look at the most effective drugs that doctors include in complex therapy for HSV-1.


Tablets containing acyclovir are directly Acyclovir and its analogues:

  1. Zovirax.
  2. Vivorax.
  3. Cyclovir.
  4. Acyclovir Acri.

The average price of Acyclovir herpes tablets depends on the dosage. 200 mg of the drug costs 35–60 rubles. A twice as large dose of 400 mg costs from 150 to 200 rubles.

Aciclovir medications are taken for 5–10 days at the rate of 800 or 1000 mg per day. Swallow the tablets with plenty of water half an hour after a meal.

Acyclovir is good because it is harmless to the body of pregnant women and children. Compared to other antiherpetic drugs, these tablets are the cheapest and most accessible to the consumer.


Another name for this tablet product is Famvir. It is produced in 3 dosages - 150, 250 and 500 mg. Each package of medicine contains from 7 to 40 tablets.

Experts consider the advantages of Famciclovir to be the ability to suppress strains of herpes that are not affected by acyclovir, and the selective activity of the main component. In other words, the medication does not affect healthy cells.

For simple forms of herpes (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Famvir is prescribed for 5 days at a dosage of 250 mg, taken three times a day. In case of relapses, the volume is increased to 125 mg.

The disadvantage of Famvir tablets is their price. Thus, one package of medicine, depending on the amount of contents and the brand of the manufacturer, varies between 1200 - 4500 rubles.


The tablets are based on valacyclovir, a type of acyclovir that is better absorbed by the body. Each pack contains either 10 or 42 pcs. There are no ointments, injections or other forms of Valtrex; it is only available in tablets.

In terms of properties, Valaciclovir is not much different from Acyclovir, but it still has some advantages in terms of effectiveness and speed of action:

  • Convenience of reception. Valtrex tablets are taken 2 times a day. per day without reference to food (single dosage 500 mg). Acyclovir should be taken 4 to 5 times during one day.
  • The rapid result of treatment ensures excellent absorption by the body. If you have to take Acyclovir for up to 10 days, then you are treated with Valacyclovir for only 5 days.
  • One Valtrex tablet taken daily serves as a simple prevention of genital herpes.

Among the disadvantages of Valtrex herpes tablets, we note their considerable price. For example, a package of 10 tablets sells for 900 – 1300 rubles. The cost of large packs reaches 3,500 rubles. The drug is not prescribed to children and pregnant women due to the lack of indications in clinical studies.

Traditional methods can help you get rid of pills if you have herpes blisters on your lips. For example, sprinkle a pinch of salt on the lip or apply a hot teaspoon to the blister. Heat it in boiling water or tea. The procedure is performed up to 6 p.m. in a day.

At the beginning of autumn, Acyclovir ointment helped remove herpes on the lip IN 24 hours. This is exactly what the main idea of ​​this review would be if I wrote it immediately after using the ointment. But.. while I was collecting my thoughts and photographing the bottle, my herpes popped up again. Rrrrr. This time the ointment worked differently. In addition, during use I discovered some unpleasant shortcomings. Which? Find out in the review.

I warn you, the review contains visual, but not the most aesthetic, photos.

Everyone knows how insidious herpes is. It pops up unexpectedly, develops quickly, looks unpleasant and is very disturbing with its presence on the lips. If the immune system is functioning normally, herpes may not bother you for years, appearing once every 5-10 years. But this autumn, against the backdrop of a cold, turned out to be “saturated”. 2 herpes in a couple of months

To quickly cope with herpes, I used Acyclovir ointment.

Acyclovir can be bought at a pharmacy. Price about 50 rubles for a 5 gram tube.

Yes, the tube is quite tiny. But the consumption is economical. I used Acyclovir for a total of 10 days, 5-6 times a day. As you can see in the photo, I used about a quarter of the tube.

Composition and storage conditions:

The ointment is white in color, dense in consistency, without a pronounced odor. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, it is bitter, but with a sweet aftertaste.

You can apply with your finger or a cotton swab. The main thing is to wash your hands afterwards and not reuse the wand so as not to spread the virus.

Instructions for use of Acyclovir:

Now about the application.

The secret is simple, you need to use Acyclovir on time. As soon as herpes began to appear.

For the first time I managed to notice the initial stage of herpes. The lip itched, the area of ​​skin in this place was a little hotter, and a tingling sensation was felt. Literally 10 minutes after I drew attention to this, herpes appeared visually in the form of a “ball” under the skin. The herpes chose an unusual place, closer to the mucous membrane. The upper lip on one side seemed fuller. Although this is not particularly noticeable in the photo.
Since I noticed herpes in the evening, I used Acyclovir 2-3 times and went to bed. With the thought that in the morning I will see full-blown herpes. But imagine my surprise when by morning the “ball” disappeared, leaving only a red speck. Just in case, I applied the ointment to the stain; the next day there was no trace on my lip.

Conclusion. If you start antiviral therapy in time, you can prevent the development of herpes within a day.

What if you skip the initial stage?


This time I skipped the initial stage and bubbles formed literally within a day. I started using Acyclovir. Of course, smearing thick ointment on the bubbles is still a pleasure. But it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary.
How happy I was when the very next day the bubbles began to open. By the way, you can’t pierce them ahead of time! So, the bubbles opened and began to leak some liquid. I didn’t touch anything, I continued to lubricate it with ointment. By evening, a crust appeared on the bubbles (with frozen yellow liquid, blah), which I didn’t bother either. On the 3rd day it disappeared on its own. All! From now on, we can assume that herpes is not contagious. Healing stage.
I used acyclovir for 7 days. According to the instructions. You can look at the photo to see how the process went.

Conclusion. A week for complete healing of herpes is very fast. Without Acyclovir, herpes can go away for several weeks. First, bubbles appear, which burst for a week, become wet, inflate again, burst again, all this is accompanied by itching, unpleasant sensations, and sometimes it is even impossible to eat normally. Brrr. And here is the effect in a matter of days. I conclude that the ointment is effective.

But there were some downsides.

  • The ointment separates from the heat and flows from the herpes onto the skin of the lips

This is the original consistency of Acyclovir, a dense white mass.

A couple of minutes after application the ointment separates.

After which only a little clear liquid remains on the herpes, and all the cloudy white water flows onto the skin of the lips and gets onto the mucous membrane. This is unpleasant and can likely spread the virus. It also dries out the skin of your lips terribly. Hence 2 minus.

  • Dries out the lips

Look at the condition of your lips after a week of using Acyclovir. The places where the ointment constantly flowed dried out like raisins. The delicate skin of the mucous membrane rolled up in pieces and fell off. The lips were not even as plump as usual, and very pale.

After stopping Acyclovir, the skin on my lips returned to normal within a couple of days, without any balms. Therefore, I see a direct connection between ointment and dryness.

Despite these disadvantages, Acyclovir is effective. Visual photographs confirm this. Low cost, economical consumption, ease of use. I bought it and don’t need to think about what to put on my lips, Valocardine or toothpaste, so that the herpes goes away. In general, a good antiviral agent.

Thank you for attention.