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The actress smokes a pipe. The most famous cigar smokers. Cigars and coins

Smoking is one of the most common and harmful habits that harms a person’s health and well-being. Everyone knows about the dangers of tobacco addiction. Most modern people try to give up a deadly addiction, but such a step is not always successful. Smokers are returning to cigarettes.

Among those who are unable to quit smoking are celebrities. Many of them are actively involved in promoting a healthy lifestyle, but they themselves do not let go of a cigarette. Moreover, smoking celebrities are not at all shy about their addiction and demonstrate smoking when they see the paparazzi.

And among celebrities there are people suffering from nicotine addiction

Despite the vigorous and active propaganda of the harm of tobacco addiction and the general growing respect for a healthy lifestyle, a huge number of people smoke. Many world-famous Hollywood stars, participating in numerous campaigns and advertising dedicated to the fight against smoking, suffer from their own addiction.

Smoking Hollywood stars

The addiction to cigarettes is a deadly habit and Hollywood is very negative about the promotion of smoking. In old, historical films, we can still see actors excitedly smoking, but from modern cinema, smokers and the process of smoking have practically disappeared.

But this does not mean that in real life, stars set a healthy example for others and fans. Paparazzi with enviable regularity catch this or that Hollywood star with a smoking cigarette. And this does not depend on the age and life experience of a person. So, who among the stars smokes, check out the tobacco popularity rating:

Smoking Hollywood divas

Gwyneth Paltrow. The famous actress of "Iron Man" and "Shakespeare in Love" has a lot of haters. Most negative people claim that the star is deceitful and duplicitous. After all, Paltrow actively advertises a healthy and non-smoking lifestyle, but she herself does not let go of a cigarette.

Gwyneth Paltrow

According to Gwyneth herself, she smokes infrequently and calmly admits that she has such a habit. As the star says, she allows herself to relax with a cigarette only on Saturdays.

Kate Winslet. The Titanic film star smokes actively and completely openly. Yes, with such passion that Kate was recently honored to be presented with a prize from the British coalition of fighters for the right to “smoke everywhere and always.” But Winslet claims that she has never indulged in anything other than cigarettes in her life.

Kate Winslet

Uma Thurman. The smoking beauty posed for the poster for the film “Pulp Fiction.” But this advertisement was not a sham at all. Uma actively smokes and, according to her, smoking has become the biggest problem in her life. The actress tried to quit cigarettes a couple of times, but she failed.

Uma Thurman

Kristin Stewart. The star of the famous “Twilight” does not just indulge in cigarettes, but is clearly dependent on them. Back in 2012, Christine shared in an interview about her unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking. But, alas, all attempts were unsuccessful and now Stewart smoking can often be found in the city of Angels.

Kristin Stewart

Keira Knightley. Even before her acclaimed roles in Pirates of the Caribbean, Knightley entered the Hollywood world as the star of the hit sports film Bend It Like Beckham. But in real life, Kira is far from being so athletic. She is filmed smoking with enviable regularity. It seems that she never lets go of the cigarette.

Keira Knightley

Mila Kunis. A couple of years ago, the Hollywood beauty loudly announced that she was giving up cigarettes. However, few people believed in such a promise, because Mila had been actively smoking for many years. The actress said that smoking was part of her cunning diet, which she followed while filming Black Swan.

Mila Kunis

But even after the release of the legendary film, Mila did not give up smoking. And after a loud statement about quitting cigarettes, the actress was so often caught doing something smoking that Mila had no choice but to admit her tobacco addiction.

Catherine Zeta-Jones. Being pregnant, literally just before giving birth, Katherine promised her husband and fans that she would give up smoking. This promise became especially relevant after her husband (Michael Douglas) was diagnosed with throat cancer due to smoking.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

The Hollywood diva kept her promise, although she simply switched to electronic cigarettes. But photographs flashed in the press of Catherine walking through the streets with an ordinary cigarette in her hands.

Milla Jovovich. The beauty and main character of “Resident Evil” herself admitted in an interview that she doesn’t remember the moments of filming well, since they took place for her in carbon smoke from cigarettes and weed. Over time, Mila completely stopped using marijuana, but cigarettes continue to go hand in hand with the legendary actress at the moment. According to Mila: “A cigarette is my only sin against a healthy life.”

Milla Jovovich

Kate Beckinsale. The heroine of the acclaimed film series “Another World” does not deny her tobacco addiction. The actress admitted that she has been smoking since she was 15 years old and only quit smoking once, and then for a short period. This was after the birth of their daughter Kate. According to Beckinsale, she is categorically against drinking, but she allows herself to smoke a lot and does not see anything wrong with it.

Kate Beckinsale

Jessica Alba. For the captivating beauty, her appearance has always been her calling card. But to maintain her excellent shape, Jessica chose far from the best and healthiest option. The film star is prone to excess weight and has been struggling with obesity all her life.

Jessica Alba

According to her, cigarettes perfectly suppress appetite and prevent overeating. Jessica started smoking heavily in 2011, when she gained too much weight after the birth of her daughter.

Hollywood men with cigarettes

Johnny Depp. A mystically attractive man with millions of fans admitted that he had been smoking since he was 12 years old. Johnny had a rather difficult childhood, and many habits became firmly established in the actor’s everyday life. He openly admits to his nicotine addiction, but does nothing to overcome it. On the contrary, his hand-rolled cigarettes have already become a real calling card of the actor.

Johnny Depp

Robert Pattison. Many women dream of the handsome Hollywood heartthrob. But few of them know that Robert has little in common with his characters. The romantic from "Twilight" Pattinson smokes a lot, drinks often, prefers fast food and does not care at all about his own appearance, preferring to be friends with cigarettes.

Robert Pattison

McCauley Culkin. In 2013, this once beloved, mischievous boy from Home Alone admitted in an interview that he smokes 50-60 cigarettes a day. After his parents' divorce, the then young actor fell into depression, which worsened after the tragic death of his sister Dakota.

McCauley Culkin

According to Herman Catlove, a spokesman for the Cancer Society in the United States, McCauley's risk of developing cancer is 100 times higher than that of a non-smoker. And outwardly McCauley already looks unhealthy and exhausted.

Sean Penn. The star of the film “Gangster Hunters” admitted that he was addicted to tobacco and made several attempts to give up cigarettes. But unfortunately, it didn’t last long, and Seann again and again appears before fans with a smoking cigarette.

Gerard Butler. A native of Scotland, a magnificent actor and the dream of many women is an active consumer of cigarette products. According to Gerard, the actor tried to quit smoking about 30 times and was hypnotized 20 times. But the hectic life of Hollywood and fun parties take their toll. The handsome man and hero of “Headhunters”, “The Naked Truth” Butler continues to smoke.

Gerard Butler

Brad Pitt. The legendary and famous Hollywood actor has been smoking since childhood. Brad tried to quit smoking at the request of his wife Angelina. He didn't smoke for some time. But amid the stress caused by breaking up with Jolie, the dream of millions of women again grabbed a cigarette, and does not think of parting with it, at least in the coming years.

Daniel Radcliffe. A couple of years ago, the paparazzi caught the “little wizard” Harry Potter in an embrace with marijuana – the actor was actively smoking weed. Daniel himself denied drug addiction. According to him, his only hobby is cigarettes, which he does not intend to part with.

Daniel Radcliffe

Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Iron Arnie” took a cigarette from his father-in-law for the first time. Since that time, the governor of California has become an avid lover of strong cigars. According to him, he makes almost all political decisions while smoking. And at the moment, the cigar has become an integral part of the Terminator and its calling card.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Which Russian stars smoke?

Russian film and pop stars also keep up with their overseas colleagues. Let's find out which celebrities smoke and who should not be imitated in this regard.

Alla Pugacheva. According to the prima donna, her struggle with tobacco addiction has lasted for more than 50 years. The star even underwent a powerful smoking code, but after the procedure she began to gain weight sharply and started smoking again. The pop singer actively opposes smoking and even created the song “Quit the Cigarette.”

Alla Pugacheva

Mikhail Boyarsky. The famous musketeer and favorite of women, Boyarsky declared that “I smoke, have smoked and will continue to smoke.” The actor is the co-chairman of a movement advocating for the rights of smokers. According to the film actor, his smoking history is more than long and amounts to about 60 years.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Lera Kudryavtseva. The beautiful TV presenter has been an active smoker for many years. The first time Lera picked up a cigarette was after breaking up with her first husband. And since then he has not been able to move towards a healthy life for more than 20 years. According to the TV presenter, cigarettes make her more attractive and sexier.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Nikolay Rastorguev. Even health problems did not help the famous musician and singer give up cigarettes. Despite all the strict warnings from doctors, Rastorguev declares that he does not intend to quit smoking and adheres to his own position in life, saying that “I will live as I see fit, without changing anything or limiting myself.”

Nikolay Rastorguev

Dmitry Dibrov. The famous presenter is a smoker with many years of experience. But Dmitry tried to give up his addiction with the help of an electronic cigarette. True, he did not like this hobby, and the columnist returned to his usual cigarettes.

Dmitry Dibrov

Irina Allegrova. The singer smokes always and everywhere. She actively smokes, not embarrassed by anyone - during interviews, at press conferences. Moreover, the luxurious woman smokes predominantly the strongest, masculine cigarettes. According to her, she managed to try all the famous brands of tobacco products and does not intend to give up her hobby.

Irina Allegrova

Smoking stars that no longer exist

Stars are the same people, with their own problems and shortcomings. And diseases associated with smoking do not bypass them. Death doesn't know who is in front of it. Unfortunately, the list of stars who have died from their addiction is growing. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Ilya Oleynikov. According to doctors, the cause of death of the actor, who died at 64, was active smoking. Tobacco caused problems with the heart and lungs.
  2. Oleg Yankovsky. The legendary film actor died at the age of 65. He was a heavy smoker, preferring pipes and cigars.
  3. Andrey Mironov. He was 48 years old when he suffered a stroke during a performance. According to doctors, the main cause of the stroke was smoking; the actor smoked from a young age.
  4. Alexander Abdulov. The legendary actor passed away very early, at only 55 years old. The cause of death was lung cancer, caused by many years of smoking.
  5. Anna Samokhina. The beauty passed away at the age of 47. As doctors established, the cause of death was stomach cancer - the result of the actress’s destructive addiction to tobacco. And fans still bring cigarettes to her grave - this amazing woman’s favorite hobby.

This sad list can be continued endlessly. Smoking caused the death of Pavel Luspekayev, Evgeny Evstigneev, Rolan Bykov, Grigory Gorin, Mikael Tariverdiev, Mikhail Kononov, Muslim Magomaev, Oleg Efremov, Nikolai Rybnikov.

I just want to ask, who will be next? Stars who smoke leave the sky too early. How many wonderful roles they could still play and please their fans. How many things were planned and ruthlessly taken away by cigarettes.

Remember that warnings about the dangers of smoking are not an invention of doctors, but a serious threat. Cigarettes bring death to everyone and the only way to avoid fatal diseases caused by nicotine is to quit smoking forever. Take care of yourself!

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We all have small sins for which we are ashamed. Some people can't resist a piece of delicious cake, while others secretly bite their nails. And that's completely normal! Remember that perfect people do not exist. But if there is nothing so bad about these small habits, then smoking can already have a serious impact on your health. We will tell you which of the Russian celebrities cannot quit their addiction.

Irina Apeksimova

“I smoke a lot - from a pack to two, depending on my work schedule. Cigarettes help me cope with stress and recover. Yes, I fully understand and feel the harm they cause me. But they have already become a part of my life. In general, I never pretended to be a good girl and didn’t think that I would ever leave them.”

Yana Churikova

The actress smokes not just cigarettes, but real Cuban cigars!

Elena Yakovleva

“There used to be a pack, or even two. I always smoked strong cigarettes. After suffering an ulcer, I try to limit myself: I smoke only “female” cigarettes and in smaller quantities. I constantly reassure myself, telling myself that I began to feel much better after switching to light “sticks”. But deep down I know that I’m lying to myself. And I hope that someday I will find the strength to cope with this “infection”, but for now I cannot imagine my life without them.”

Chulpan Khamatova

“I understand what example I set for my daughters, but this habit has become firmly entrenched in my life. It seems to me that after another “smoke” break my head begins to work better. Perhaps someday I will be able to get rid of this addiction,” says the actress.

Alena Babenko

“I open the press and see - “Alena Babenko was caught with a cigarette again.” In fact, I haven’t smoked for a month now! And six months later I see a different kind of headline: “Alena Babenko quit smoking.” I look at the table, and there I have a pack of cigarettes. So it goes. But I still need to quit smoking,” says the actress.

Volochkova smokes like a woman, and Pugacheva like a temptress

Despite all the calls for a healthy lifestyle, domestic celebrities are in no hurry to part with cigarettes. For some, a bad habit has long become a physical need: the body, exhausted by stress and a nocturnal lifestyle, constantly requires its share of nicotine. For others, smoking is more of a social ritual, necessary for communication. You approach a friend, light a cigarette with him, exchange a couple of phrases - and, lo and behold, a joint project has already emerged. Psychologists say: by the way a person holds a cigarette, lights a cigarette, blows smoke and communicates while smoking, you can learn a lot of interesting things about him.

There are plenty of smokers among the stars: movie actors, singers smoke (although it would seem they should take care of their voices), and politicians... Those who smoke constantly and with pleasure are the majority, and the lion's share of star smokers periodically make a vow to themselves, which is a must will quit. But, as a rule, it does not fulfill it.
“If I had a chance to start all over again and change something in my life, I would get rid of bad habits,” admits TV presenter Valdis Pelsh. “If I could start all over again, I would never smoke.” Even try!

Those who try to quit and firmly move towards the intended goal are only a few. Behind the scenes of social events, we come across more and more stars smoking electronic cigarettes, and one of them is Alexey Chumakov. According to the singer, he still wants to smoke with these plastic pipes, but he intends to hold out until the end and quit. But Grigory Leps chose a different path. The artist cannot yet completely give up tobacco, but he has switched to thin women’s cigarettes: it seems to him that they are lighter and less harmful. Although doctors warn that the nicotine content in them is no less, manufacturers add food flavorings to the so-called “ladies’” cigarettes. These flavoring additives are legal for consumption, but this does not mean that they can be inhaled. No one has even conducted clinical trials to find out how such substances act on the body when inhaled.
Mostly celebrities prefer cigarettes, although some sybarites do not deny themselves the pleasure of smoking a cigar or two. The most passionate celebrity fan of rolled tobacco leaves is Igor Matvienko: at parties, the producer does not part with a cigar. Less aesthetic celebrities like to indulge in hookah - among them Anastasia Volochkova and Vyacheslav Manucharov.

Smoke up - the leader is in front of you

According to psychologists, the first strokes of a smoker’s psychological portrait can be drawn up by the way he releases smoke. Let’s take, for example, Volochkova with her favorite hookah: Nastya shoots the stream upward so dashingly, like a steam locomotive, that it’s simply delightful! A powerful stream of smoke directed upward with the head thrown back indicates that the smoker is a clear leader, a person accustomed to dominate always and everywhere, under any circumstances. This is a person with a strong character, not accustomed to refusal under any circumstances. Most likely, this is an inveterate egoist, accustomed to perceiving all current events through the prism of his big “I”.

Such people usually have problems with a sense of humor - they simply do not understand it, especially subtle or veiled humor. Although, in relation to Anastasia, this point can be discarded: just remember how the ballerina announced a “photoshop” competition for her famous “naked” pictures from the Maldives and even awarded the winner. But you shouldn’t forget that Nastya is used to sweeping away all obstacles in her path and defeating her rivals...
If the smoker’s smoke goes down, it means that he is now suppressed by something. When such a manner becomes common, this is a signal: most likely, this person belongs to the category of unsociable and indecisive people. He feels comfortable only in the company of one person - himself.

“Ivanushka” Grigoriev-Appolonov smokes like a tough guy, and Lisovets smokes like a subtle person

The farther a lit cigarette is from the palm, the more delicate and sensitive the person holding it is, the more he has all the signs of a creative nature, guided by feelings and emotions rather than by reason and logic. Such a person perceives everyone around him, rather, externally, focusing on the very first impression. And since such people’s intuition is very well developed, the first impression is rarely deceptive. Look at Vlad Lisovets: a cigarette in the very tips of his fingers, a thoughtful look - before us is a subtle creative personality.

Those who hold a cigarette approximately in the middle of their fingers, at the level of the second phalanx, are natures who stand firmly on their feet, adhere to the arguments of reason and know how to take advantage.
Brutal guys in films often smoke, holding a cigarette between their index and thumb, as if hiding it in their palm from the wind. But in life, many have adopted this gesture - for example, Valdis Pelsh and “Ivanushka” Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov do this. According to psychologists, such a smoker knows well what he wants from this life and knows how to protect his interests. True, this defense is not like the pressure of a leader, a person accustomed to commanding others, that sweeps away everything in its path. We are talking, rather, about stubbornness and obstinacy, when a person, with enviable tenacity, moves forward in small steps, day after day, towards his cherished goal.

A person who holds a cigarette between his middle and index fingers and brings his entire palm to his mouth with each puff is most likely an introvert. And not just an introvert, but a person who is afraid of any strong feelings and emotions. He can demonstrate coldness, detachment and even cynicism with all his behavior as much as he wants, but a characteristic gesture when smoking will give him away. Such a person prefers to keep everyone at a distance, without getting particularly close to anyone - not because he is selfish, but because he is simply afraid of getting burned. For some reason, of all the male stars, this style of smoking is most characteristic of Marat Basharov. What would that mean?

Most of the fair sex, when smoking, hold the cigarette high, pointing it upward - like Irina Khakamada, while men prefer to lower their hand below chest level. For ladies, such a gesture is an involuntary manner of demonstrating beautiful arms and an invitingly thrown back head.

A woman who slowly shakes off the ashes with her index finger and at the same time looks at her hand is likely to turn out to be a real temptress. Well, if a lady seems to be “wiping” a cigarette on an ashtray, you are faced with a strong personality - beware, she always gets what she wants! But ladies who smoke cigars (for example, TV presenter Yana Churikova never refuses them) are eccentric people who love to try new things and are not afraid to insist on their own, even if others don’t like it.

Getting rid of bad habits can be quite difficult, and even money and expensive anti-smoking products do not help some Russian show business stars in this matter. The editors tell which stars smoke cigarettes.


The Russian actor and singer is not only a heavy smoker, but also a fighter for the rights of his “brothers” in Russia. Boyarsky, the leader of the movement against the infringement of cigarette lovers, participates in all kinds of congresses and public events.


The Russian pop diva has given up the bad habit, but can still rightfully join the list of smoking stars. The singer smoked for more than 52 years and tried many times to get rid of her addiction. Journalists believe that the celebrity was pushed to take such a step by her small children, because Alla Borisovna’s health was deplorable, and doctors feared for her life.

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The TV presenter tried to overcome his addiction with the help of an electronic cigarette, but the device broke down and he switched back to tobacco. Despite the failure, Dibrov assures that this method really works, because thanks to it he gave up nicotine for a whole week.


The Russian TV presenter is also one of the smoking stars. She admits that she smokes more than a pack of cigarettes a day. The star cannot quit, and this habit greatly interferes with his work: after long concerts, his voice weakens, problems with ligaments and shortness of breath appear.

She may be able to get rid of her addiction during pregnancy. , Kudryavtseva is in, and soon for the second time.


The actress also struggled with nicotine addiction for a long time, but never defeated it. At the age of 47, the artist died of stomach cancer. Doctors believe that the disease was caused by an addiction. Relatives of celebrities claim that she drank too much coffee and smoked non-stop, including in the last days of her life.


The Russian musician, leader of the group “” was also often photographed with a cigarette or pipe. Doctors warn Rastorguev that this habit will negatively affect his health, but the musician, on principle, does not agree to give up smoking. The performer declares that he wants to feel like a full-fledged person and does not intend to limit himself in anything."

The Russian celebrity stylist also suffers from nicotine addiction. The celebrity is often caught on camera with a cigarette in his hands. However, fans note that this habit even suits him. Psychologists noticed that Lisovets holds a cigarette like a subtle creative person.

Cigars The most famous cigar smokers 01-03-2019

A cigar is a symbol of style, success, and true aristocratic gloss. A man who smokes cigars is called "dear" and respectable. Involuntarily, one can see the surroundings in the form of leather furniture, elite cognac in a glass, a desk made of precious wood... It is not surprising that the most famous cigar smokers are charismatic, bright intellectuals and often very wealthy individuals.

Famous cigar smokers among politicians

Winston Churchill

This famous, talented politician, writer and journalist became famous not only for his outstanding deeds in the military and political arena of Great Britain, for his books, but also for his passion for smoking cigars. In smoking, he could give odds to any famous smoking politician. Churchill's first encounter with tobacco occurred in Cuba. Later in the day he smoked up to 10 cigars, which means he smoked almost continuously. Most often, Churchill did not finish smoking, but “chewed” his cigars. Preference was given to large-caliber products from the Romeo y Julieta and La Aroma de Cuba brands. Subsequently, the owners of the famous company Romeo y Julieta named cigars in the 178/47 format after the British Prime Minister Churchill.

Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro is the man who literally made history in Cuba with his own hands. He, as one of the most famous cigar connoisseurs and a wise leader, did a lot for the development of the cigar craft on the island. He received his first cigar from his father and smoked it at the age of 15. Since then, smoking good tobacco has become an integral part of Fidel himself. He smoked a lot and only Cuban tobacco products. Even when I didn’t smoke, I still held a cigar of my favorite brand in my hands (you can read it in the previous article).

Enemies, aware of the Comandante's addiction, even used tobacco products in attempts to destroy Castro. Fidel the smoker has been a smoker for 44 years! But this did not prevent him from living to a ripe old age and outliving many political leaders of his time.

Ernesto Che Guevara

Che Guevara, like Fidel Castro, was a commander of the Cuban Revolution. He suffered from asthma since childhood and never parted with his inhaler. However, he also had a passion for smoking great Cuban cigars. This happened just when Ernesto joined the Cuban revolutionary movement. Moreover, of all the varieties, the Comandante preferred cheap and very strong ones. As Che Guevara himself joked, such cigars are the best remedy for annoying mosquitoes in the mountains.

John F. Kennedy

If Che Guevara and Castro are military men, leaders, great fighters, then the 35th American President of the United States is a completely different type of leader. This is a more secular leader, an intellectual from a good family, an educated diplomat. Kennedy did not like to pose with a cigar on camera, but journalists often caught him smoking his favorite H. Upman Panatella.

The presidency of J.F. Kennedy coincided with the coming to power of a new revolutionary government in Cuba. US policy was aimed at overthrowing Fidel Castro, for which both military and economic means were used. In 1962, America began a trade blockade of the island. But it so happened that the president loved Cuban tobacco, which is considered the best in the world. When Kennedy’s office already had a decree on the cessation of trade relations with Cuba on his desk, he asked his assistant to purchase for him 1,200 Cuban cigars of the best quality. And only after making sure that the request was fulfilled did he put his signature on the historical document that deprived communist Cuba of its main market.

Famous cigar smokers in the world of cinema

Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Joseph Hitchcock became famous as a brilliant screenwriter and director of psychologically intense films in the thriller genre. The famous author of paintings never parted with his favorite cigar from the famous Cuban brand Montecristo. When he smoked, dense clouds of cigar smoke formed around him, which made him look somewhat gloomy. The director used cigars in the setting of his films to add mystery to the characters.

A distinctive feature of A. Hitchcock was his amazing accuracy in everything related to smoking cigars. He was very meticulous about lighting them, holding them correctly, and completing the process. Episodes of Hitchcock's films where the hero smokes can become a kind of instruction on how to properly smoke cigars.

When World War II began, the British director was living and working in the United States. He regularly sent parcels of food and rare goods to his homeland. And every time the parcel contained magnificent Cuban cigars.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Terminator fans know that the actor was a professional athlete at the beginning of his career and even after retraining he continued to play sports. This lifestyle excluded smoking and drinking alcohol. The first try of real cigars happened in adulthood. At a meeting with his future father-in-law (also a famous cigar fan), Schwarzenegger appreciated the aromatic smoke of natural tobacco. From that day on, iron Arnie began to love good cigars, which later became part of the image of the Hollywood star, and the actor and politician’s passion grew so much that Arnold was fined for smoking in unauthorized places, including in his office.

For a long time, Schwarzenegger smoked cigars from Fidel Castro’s favorite brand, Cohiba, but, in addition to Cuban ones, he liked Dominican products. Not long ago, Daniel Marshall products appeared on the list of favorites. A well-known manufacturer invited the actor to release his own personalized collection of tobacco products. Now Schwarzenegger's signature is on every cigar from the Dominican Black Label Aged series.

Famous cigar lovers - scientists and writers

Mark Twain

“If you can’t smoke in heaven, then I won’t go there.” Mark Twain is an American writer, a brilliant master of words, from whose pen wonderful world-famous works of various genres came out. When he worked in his office, it was impossible to see him - the smoke from the cigars the writer smoked was so dense in the room. He smoked a record amount - no less than 22 cigars. Sometimes their number reached 40. At the same time, I never attached importance to what they said about the dangers of smoking. On the contrary, I believed that you can’t have too many cigars, except when you smoke two at once. With all his passion for smoking, Mark Twain was not particularly picky in his choice of tobacco products. As a rule, he bought the cheapest varieties, which cost 25 cents per case.

Sigmund Freud

The father of the most famous psychoanalyst of all time was a heavy smoker. Sigmund followed suit, started smoking at the age of 24 and did not stop until his death. The man who was looking for the causes and consequences of various psychological addictions was himself so dependent on the habit of smoking cigars that even during periods of serious threat to health and life he could not give it up.

For Sigmund Freud, the cigar was more than just a tobacco product. The scientist said that cigars helped him achieve his goals for 50 years. He believed that smoking helped him develop character, control emotions, and improve performance.

The doctor's favorite cigars are Reina Cubana and Don Pedro. However, they were not always available, so he usually smoked Trabucco. Freud could give up lunch or buy a new coat for a box of cigars. His attitude towards cigars can be assessed by the fact that he included a stock of excellent tobacco products in the list of valuables that were passed on to his younger brother in his will.