Unfortunately, there is more data on negative side effects than on any other aspect of the steroid problem. Note that these consequences mainly occur with abuse, overdose and illiterate use of anabolic steroids. It is well known that such manifestations are characteristic of all types of drugs - from aspirin to antitumor drugs. In the interests of objectivity, we will indicate all foreign sources available to us. The only domestic manual is limited to an inexpressive reprint from a pharmacological reference book, which you can read for yourself.

Negative reactions to anabolic steroid abuse can be very serious. Unfortunately, as already indicated, the media have given such data excessive sensationalism. At the end of the chapter you will find the results of a survey of the athletes themselves. Unfortunately, he only touched on short-term side effects - long-term effects are mostly unclear and unstudied. Any athlete who, despite our warnings, decides to use anabolic steroids should be prepared to experience negative effects that could lead to potentially dangerous chronic conditions.

The most common and significant side effects of steroid use are outlined below.

sodium retention. It causes edema - tissue swelling due to excess water retention. For most athletes, this is expressed in a slight increase in body volume and smoothing of the relief. The “swollen” appearance is the most noticeable sign by which one can determine, even without doping control, that an athlete is on a cycle. Swelling is especially noticeable on the cheeks and under the eyes. In addition to this cosmetic inconvenience, sodium and water retention as a consequence can lead to acute attacks of high blood pressure. In this case, it is prudent to stop using steroids or reduce high blood pressure with medications. This, as you understand, is not the best solution. Sometimes this water retention is a sign of an underlying heart or kidney disease.
Various testosterone preparations can cause particularly high water retention. Often this phenomenon causes thinning, tension and discoloration of the skin.

Acne(acne). Anabolic steroids can cause acne or make existing acne worse. Severe acne on the back, chest, shoulders, neck and face is a sign that some athletes are on a cycle. Human skin is capable of destroying androgenic hormones contained in it in very small quantities. When exogenous steroids are used, the concentration of such hormones tends to exceed levels that the skin can handle, allowing bacteria to multiply. This is combined with the increased oiliness of the skin that is inevitable with steroid use, and the situation becomes even more unfavorable. In addition, a person may be genetically predisposed to acne. The degree of skin damage depends on the androgenicity of the steroids taken. You should avoid products that lead to such problems and try to keep your skin dry and clean. To cleanse the body, it is worth using skin antiseptics, as well as sunbathing or ultraviolet radiation. If all this does not help, the last resort is antibiotics. But then the effect of these drugs in other acute cases, for example, with influenza, may be weakened. In addition, antibiotics can cause digestive disorders, leading to dysbiosis.
Gynecomastia. Abnormally enlarged breasts in men are a common side effect that can be used to determine who is using or has used steroids without drug testing. Bill Phillips claims that at least nine Mr. Olympia contestants in recent years have undergone surgery to remove fatty tissue accumulated around their nipples. The main reason for this effect is the aromatization of steroids - the conversion into estrogen in excess dosages. Severe manifestations of gynecomastia also signal the onset of structural degeneration of liver tissue, which cannot cope with excess testosterone.
Keep in mind that any gynecomastia that occurs will not go away. Moreover, it will intensify with each subsequent cycle of steroids. Sometimes this is even accompanied by the secretion of colostrum! If you do decide to use steroids, you can avoid gynecomastia by taking them for short periods of time and in a gentle dosage. Another way is to take anti-estrogenic drugs or aminoglutethimide, drugs that block estrogen receptors (for example, Nolvadex) or drugs that block the aromatase enzyme, which causes the conversion of excess androgens into estrogens.

Aggressiveness. An increase in aggressiveness is quite common among steroid users. Some athletes find that this helps them to better tolerate training loads and perform better in competitions. However, more often aggressiveness acts as a negative phenomenon. Many steroid users begin to be hostile towards family, friends, employees - their behavior becomes defiant and even unbearable. They develop emotional instability. Ordinary situations can cause such athletes to have an unnecessarily aggressive reaction, which is further exacerbated by the use of alcohol. This type of behavior is mainly caused by various testosterone esters. The athlete using steroids must anticipate this development and be prepared to use willpower to suppress unwanted outbursts of rage.
Two psychiatrists from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Harrison Pope and David L. Katz, found serious mental disorders in anabolic steroid users: depressive manifestations, visual and auditory hallucinations, uncontrolled temper tantrums, manic episodes. In the West, some psychiatrists and psychologists are already widely using the term "steroid rage" due to the fact that manifestations of this side effect are recorded more and more often.

Dr. Kitzman believes that steroid users develop a certain type of psychological dependence. His point of view is supported by Jerry Brainam, who devoted a large article to this issue in the May 1990 issue of Muscle and Fitness magazine. More and more people who use steroids are behind bars for vandalism, assault and even murder. Lawyers in some US states involve experts in investigations to make sure that their clients' behavior is a consequence of taking steroids. Delusions of grandeur and paranoia are also very common signs of this side effect. But in our opinion, this aspect of the impact of anabolic steroids is clearly exaggerated by the authors of the articles, obviously fulfilling a social order.

Arterial hypertension(high blood pressure). High or at least elevated blood pressure becomes a problem for many athletes who use steroids. This tends to happen at the same time due to rapid weight gain and water retention in the body. Initial symptoms may include headaches, insomnia, and difficulty breathing. This condition is fraught with gradual degeneration of blood vessels, which leads to aneurysms, heart attacks, or progressive heart disease. There is no need to say again that chronic high blood pressure is the cause of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, which kill the most people on the planet.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system. As can be seen from the above, anabolic steroids significantly increase the risk of heart disease. But this is explained not only by the development of high blood pressure. Steroid use affects the user's cholesterol levels and profile: total cholesterol levels increase, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels decrease, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels increase. This can lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the arteries, and later to complete blockage of the vessels. Experts advise athletes who are thinking about taking steroids to be sure to take the analysis data into account. If your cholesterol levels are elevated before you start steroid therapy, the danger increases significantly. The degree of risk depends on the type of steroid, dose, duration and schedule of use, diet composition, as well as genetic sensitivity to cardiovascular disease. In addition, training intensity and types of exercise, as well as the presence or absence of other risk factors, also matter.
Increase in heart size. With long-term massive use of steroids, the development of cardiac hypertrophy is possible. This condition can be very dangerous. Bill Phillips gives a sad example: a young athlete, a high school student in Ohio, died from heart enlargement, allegedly caused by long-term steroid use. Symptoms of this effect include difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, and high blood pressure. In this case, you should stop using steroids, reduce your body weight, and work on a low-intensity aerobic exercise program.
Virilization. This is a group of side effects associated with the androgenic activity of steroids. Virilization means hypertrophied development of secondary male characteristics. Most often, the first symptom of this negative reaction is a change in the voice - it becomes low and hoarse. This is not a reversible phenomenon. In men, hair growth on the face and body increases, the skin becomes greasy. Priapism, thinning of scalp hair, alopecia (hair loss in patches) and, in some cases, prostate hypertrophy are also possible. Women may notice the onset of virilization by reducing the size of the mammary gland. Enlargement of the clitoris is another common negative reaction. The skin becomes rougher, its structure changes, sebum secretion increases, and the sweating reaction to various stresses intensifies. Hair appears on the face, and it becomes thicker on the limbs. In extreme cases, male pattern baldness can develop. As a rule, all this occurs against the background of dysmenorrhea (menstrual irregularities up to the cessation of menstruation).
Virilization is directly related to excessive duration of use and increased dosage of androgenic steroids. This, of course, should be avoided, since many virilizing effects become irreversible if their development is not prevented. Competent athletes do not practice long courses, especially when taking highly androgenic testosterone esters, which are mainly responsible for virilization. Experts advise, at a minimum, to avoid those steroids that have a high androgenic index.

Cancer. The use of anabolic steroids is very rarely associated with cancer. But such a connection may still exist. As a result of taking steroids, tumors may develop in the liver, raising suspicions of cancer. It must be said that most often these deviations were recorded in people who had been using alpha-alkylated oral medications for a long time. Peliosis hepatitis (liver hemangioma) - blood-filled cysts - is also possible. This condition is considered reversible, but nevertheless increases the risk of developing liver cancer. In January 1984, the Annals of Internal Medicine reported the death of a 26-year-old bodybuilder who had a malignant tumor in the liver.
Liver dysfunction. It has been established that long-term steroid therapy, especially at high dosages, leads to progressive cholestasis, jaundice and other negative changes. There are reports of 7 deaths due to liver failure, all of which were associated with oral steroid use.
If any of the following signs of liver dysfunction appear, you should immediately contact a specialist:

Atrophy or enlargement of liver lobes;
changes in texture (eg, increased density or nodules);
pain on palpation and balloting (pressing and releasing);
darkening of urine (not to be confused with discoloration as a result of taking certain vitamins);
visceral pain in the abdominal cavity, aggravated by the canal or movements;
palmar erythema (redness of the palms) and spider hemangioma (brown, star-shaped spot on the skin);
swelling of the tissue at the base of the fingernails;
change in mental status or neurological function.
Jaundice, or hepatitis, should be mentioned separately. This is a serious disease characterized by increased liver tenderness, in which the whites of the eyes and skin become yellow. It is usually reported in athletes who have used very high dosages of steroids for a long time. Jaundice can also be diagnosed by elevated bilirubin levels through a blood test. It should be remembered that this is the most reliable indicator, since external symptoms and signs appear only when the disease is neglected or severe. An athlete with hepatitis should stop taking steroids to avoid serious complications.

Bleeding. When using steroids, blood clotting time increases by 2-4 times. Another negative consequence is an increase in nosebleeds, which for many is accompanied by increased blood pressure.
Headache. Many steroid users suffer from severe headaches. This may be a symptom of hypertension. Sometimes athletes suffer from headaches due to excessive contracture of the neck muscles. And migraine-type pain is believed to be based on a hormonal imbalance that develops when taking steroids.
Stomach pain. Oral anabolic steroids can cause stomach discomfort. The best way to avoid this is to avoid taking the medicine that causes these sensations and to take the steroids with food. Loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn are also possible. It is believed that steroids can upset the normal balance of intestinal flora, which causes their users to suffer from various gastrointestinal infections.
Damage to muscles and bones. Athletes who use steroids experience tears, tears and other damage to muscle tissue more often than others. It is believed that this is the result of an imbalance between the increasing contractility of the muscles and the insufficient strength of the ligaments and tendons. At best, this leads to tendonitis and inflammation, at worst - to traumatic injuries. Some authors point to the possibility of muscle cramps and spasms, as well as a decrease in the elasticity of muscle tissue under the influence of steroids. Another observation is the appearance of scars from stretching the epidermis on the deltoids, biceps and pectoral muscles, which may be associated with a decrease in collagen levels in the skin. It is also not uncommon for steroid users to have fractures and cracked bones.
Prostate enlargement and other problems with it. Anabolic steroids are directly related to prostate enlargement, which can develop into a malignant phenomenon. Doctors directly link prostate cancer to exposure to androgens, especially testosterone. Athletes are recommended to undergo appropriate examination at least once a year. Common symptoms of prostate enlargement are urinary disorders (frequent urges or, conversely, complete blockage), difficulties with bowel movements, pain in the spine and pelvic area.
Impotence. Many athletes suffer from changes in libido. At the beginning of the steroid cycle, there is a slight increase in sexual desire, accompanied by an increase in the frequency and duration of erections. But during the use of synthetic hormones, the secretion of endogenous testosterone is reduced, and impotence may occur. It is also possible after the cessation of a steroid cycle, when testosterone is not supplied from the outside, and the body’s own reproductive system has not yet restored the required level of androgens in the system. Steroid users may also develop testicular atrophy, accompanied by low sperm count in semen. Various forms of synthetic testosterone have particularly strong effects. The time required to return to normal reproductive system functions varies from person to person. Researchers indicate that this period can last up to 14-26 weeks.
Premature hair loss. Many athletes who use steroids complain of noticeable thinning of the hair on their scalp. This is especially likely with unfavorable heredity, and can occur in both men and women.
Growth arrest. Young people using steroids risk not realizing their growth potential. The fact is that steroids can “close” the epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones.
Suppression of immune system activity. After a cycle of steroids, many note an increased susceptibility to viral diseases, colds and even pneumonia. A clear decrease in the effectiveness of immunocompetent cells is observed already during steroid therapy. There is no doubt that steroids weaken the immune system, at least temporarily. This negative effect occurs in those who have taken steroids for more than 10-12 weeks.
Insomnia and other central nervous system disorders. Athletes often complain of difficulty falling asleep during their cycle. This is explained by the fact that steroids have a mild stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The problem is resolved by stopping the use of these drugs.
Metabolic disease. Steroids have a strong impact on the body's metabolic needs, so even if you take enough nutrients, nutritional deficiencies can occur. For example, studies have shown that a steroid course leads to severe deficiency of vitamins B1, B6, B5, A, B12, choline, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, chromium and manganese.
Some athletes report severe fluctuations in blood glucose. Glucose levels begin to decrease, which is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and fatigue.

A general slowdown in the rate of metabolic processes was noted, especially with the systematic use of steroids. There is evidence that these drugs have a negative effect on the thyroid gland, reducing the efficiency of its functioning/This creates great difficulties in achieving relief before competitions.

It has been found that steroids cause the body to retain significant amounts of calcium. After stopping the course, this calcium is intensely released, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Separately, we will say that self-administration of steroids in unsanitary conditions puts the athlete at risk of contracting AIDS. In 1986, a report appeared on the first cases of AIDS in bodybuilders who were not homosexuals and were not part of other risk groups. One of them injected steroids every week for four years.

Of course, this list is far from complete. New research will be conducted, the results of studying the delayed effects of anabolic steroids on the body will appear, and the list will be expanded with far from pleasant additions. You can say: “When will all this happen! But now it’s important for me to enter the competition in the best possible way.” Unfortunately, this is the logic of so many people who resort to steroids.

Author unknown.. source - Internet

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