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Basenji wool. A dog that doesn't bark - description of the Basenji breed, reviews from owners, character and photos. Bedouins bred Basenjis to hunt lions.

For many centuries, the Basenji dog accompanies hunters, sorcerers, healers and is an equal member of the African community. A dog capable of making many sounds, but unable to bark at all, is the pride of the local population. “Creature from the bush”, this is the name the Basenji has in its homeland in Africa.

The mystery of the “non-barking dog” has not yet been solved. It is only known that the age of the breed is more than 5 thousand years.

Central Africa is considered the dog’s homeland, but figurines of dogs resembling a Basenji in appearance are found during excavations of the tombs of priests and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. African tribes brought dogs as gifts to Egyptian rulers as amulets. The found dog mummies confirm the value of the animal, which was given the honor of being buried with its owner.

The famous traveler Georg Schweinfurt, traveling through the Congo and South Sudan in 1863-66, became interested in silent dogs and their wooden figurines, which hung in abundance above the entrance to the hut. He compiled a detailed description of the animal, calling it “Congolese terrier.”

In 1882, Harry Janston Hamilton, exploring Africa, discovered non-barking dogs in local settlements. Being an excellent artist and photographer, he not only described the appearance of the dogs in detail, but also made pencil sketches and photographs, which were exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London.

In 1885, the non-barking Basenji dog was brought to England by James Garrow. The animals did not cope well with the climate change and soon, having no immunity, died from distemper. In 1905, the African curiosity was delivered to German and French menageries, where the dogs adapted surprisingly quickly.

At the beginning of the 20th century, English dog breeders managed to overcome the susceptibility of dogs to infectious diseases and started breeding them.

In 1937, Olivia Barn presented her favorites at a dog show; the “silent ones” aroused genuine interest among the public. In the same year, the breed was entered into the British Stud Book. Soon, American breeders began breeding Basenjis, and in 1942 the breed was recognized by the AKC.

The FCI accepted the dog into its ranks in 1964, classifying it as a member of the group of “primitive and Spitz-type dogs.”

This is interesting! In the homeland of the Basenji, there is a legend: the leader of the pack overheard a human secret. In order not to give her away, he and his relatives swore an oath that they would not reveal the tribe’s plans. Since then the dogs have been silent.

Basenji appearance

An elegant animal, proportionate and harmoniously built. With a height of 40-43 cm, weight up to 11 kg.

  • Head. Lightweight, elegant. Refined wedge-shaped profile. Cheekbones are level. A distinctive feature of the dog is the folds on the forehead when alert or interested. The nose is dark, the bridge of the nose is narrowed, straight. Lips are dry, tightly compressed. The Basenji's teeth are closed in a lock, the bite is scissor-shaped.
  • Ears. Large, sticking out. The pointed tips are directed towards the nose.
  • Neck. Gracefully – long, strong, without dewlap. With a smooth bend towards the withers.
  • Torso. Graceful, without excessive lightness, muscular. Body length is slightly higher than height. The back is strong, slightly elevated towards the croup. The chest is wide and well developed. The belly is lean, which gives additional slimness to the body.
  • The Basenji's tail is steeply curled in a single ring and lies on its back. Placed high.
  • Limbs. Smooth, straight set, tall and strong. The fingers are tightly clenched. The claws are light and medium-sized.
  • Wool. Shiny, short. Sheds moderately and does not have a specific dog smell. The hair is thin and silky.

Color. All shades of red and white, black and white, tan, brindle. Regardless of the color scheme - white socks, chest, light stripes on the face.

Exotic Basenji dog, photo will convey an unforgettable appearance and become a graceful animal.

Basenji character

The Basenji is a dog with an easy sociable character. Attached to the owner and members of his family. Wary attitude towards outsiders. The dog will not allow a stranger to pet him, but he will not snap or growl either, he will simply move away, making it clear that contact is undesirable.

The brave, curious dog is very active and passionate. When chasing a crow or a squirrel in a park, you may not hear the owner.

The dog does not bark, but is capable of “singing loudly,” snorting, and in moments of dissatisfaction, howling deafeningly.

The Basenji breed is a primitive type of dog. At home, they independently walk, hunt and still live in the forests of the Congo. Therefore, the tendency to wander was absorbed with mother's milk.

In the company of fellow humans he will show leadership qualities and will only get along with members of the opposite sex or a less dominant breed. With children he is gentle and patient. But he will not allow himself to be turned into a toy. Therefore, communication between a dog and a baby should occur under the supervision of adults. For an older child, the dog will be a cheerful companion in energetic games.

The dog is clean, has cat-like habits and often washes its face with its paw.

Basenji training

The African dog is a restless student. The main thing in training is the patience of the owner. The material covered will have to be repeated again and again, only then will the results be noticeable.

At first, it is better not to let your pet off the leash, to make joint walks interesting through games, treats, and exploration of new territories.

Important! You cannot punish a runaway dog, otherwise it will think that it received a scolding for approaching its owner.

Having defined the boundaries of what is permitted, you must strictly follow the rules. Undesirable behavior should be prevented and desired behavior should be encouraged.

The owner is the leader, demonstrating superiority, he indicates to the dog its level in the hierarchy of the pack.

  • Having given a command, it is important to reward your pet for compliance.
  • Conduct training with Basenjis in different environments.
  • In case of disobedience, force the dog to do what is required without resorting to physical punishment.
  • The owner starts and ends the game.
  • From an early age it is worth teaching the dog to give up the bowl; a growling puppy is funny, an adult dog is dangerous.
  • The dog gives way to the owner. It is unacceptable to step over or walk around the pet; the dog must get up and leave.
  • Before training, a long, active walk is required.

With all its spontaneity, the Basenji dog has a sharp mind and an attentive gaze; photos will help you appreciate its originality.

Basenji training. First skills

How to choose a puppy

When buying a dog, you should decide for what purpose it is being purchased:

  • Hunting.
  • Sport.
  • Exhibitions, breeding.
  • Security.

Distribute responsibilities for caring for the puppy, who will walk, exercise, and feed. Having received a complete description of the breed, it is worth visiting special breed exhibitions and seeing its representatives with your own eyes, communicating with breeders, and finding out possible problems and nuances of keeping them.

Important! Pedigree, healthy Basenji puppies are not sold on the market. They can only be purchased from a trusted kennel that professionally breeds dogs of this breed.

It is possible to pick up the baby after 8 weeks. After getting to know the parents and making sure that they have a balanced psyche, you can begin choosing a puppy.

  • Basenji puppies are active and restless. The baby sitting quietly on the sidelines is alarming. You should not hope for a calm character; most likely, the baby is sick.
  • The nose is moist, cool, without discharge or crusts.
  • The eyes are clear, shiny, mischievous.
  • The teeth are straight, the top row overlaps the bottom. Fangs in the castle.
  • Ears are clean and odorless.
  • The fur is shiny and shiny. There are no remains of feces under the tail.
  • The puppy looks dense and well-fed. The stomach is not bloated.
  • Mucous membranes are pale pink.

The fenced space for children should be spacious and clean. A sufficient number of toys and disposable diapers indicates the breeder’s responsible approach to raising puppies.

Pedigree provides only a guarantee of purebred origin, but does not guarantee a championship title in the future. In the litter there can be babies of different quality - courageous for exhibitions, standard - ideal for breeding, and pets.

If you take a pet as a companion, there is no point in overpaying for certain qualities. Basenji pet class puppies cost from 20,000 rubles. show, breeding class from 45,000 rub.

Funny Basenji puppies

The Basenji dog breed is low maintenance. Required accessories:

  • Mitten for cleaning fur (rubber brush).
  • Hypoallergenic dog shampoo.
  • Terry towel.
  • Cotton pads, ear buds.
  • Guillotine - claw cutter.
  • Silicone toothbrush for babies.

A dog's short coat should be brushed twice a month. It is recommended to bathe the animal no more than once every 3-4 months with a special product. The non-barking Basenji dog has thin, sensitive skin, so blow-drying is prohibited. It is enough to wipe the dog with a terry towel.

The Basenji's eyes are cleaned with tear fluid; dirt and dust come out through tear tracks, which must be wiped daily. If not, they should see a veterinarian. Copious discharge is wiped with chamomile decoction.

Ears are examined weekly and cleaned as needed.

The dog's nails are trimmed monthly, then trimmed with a file to the desired length.

Basenjis are known beggars; it is important not to indulge them in this and not to overfeed your pet. It is preferable to feed with dry food of the “holistic” class. A balanced diet, one type of protein, vitamin supplements and microelements will help restore energy and a healthy shine to the coat.

Natural feeding implies 50% meat, 20% cereal, 30% vegetables.

Allowed products:

  • Beef, poultry, lamb, sea fish, liver.
  • Buckwheat, fig.
  • Cabbage, carrots, zucchini.

It is unacceptable to use:

  • Pork.
  • Millet, pearl barley.
  • Potatoes, legumes.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, sweets.

Food from the master's table is unacceptable for a dog's stomach.

Health and illness

A non-barking Basenji dog is susceptible to several diseases.

  • Fanconi syndrome. Kidney disease. Characterized by increased thirst and frequent urination. Diagnosed by passing a urine test. There is an increased level of glucose in the urine with normal blood sugar levels.
  • Malasorbtion. Bowel disease. Characterized by constant food allergies, the gastrointestinal tract is cleared faster and nutrients do not have time to be absorbed into the blood. Exhaustion and constant diarrhea are telling symptoms of the disease. Constant drug therapy will help your pet live a full life.
  • Hemolytic anemia. A gene defect that shortens the life of red blood cells. A dog with this diagnosis lives for a maximum of 3 years. Diagnosed by taking blood for analysis.
  • Low thyroid hormonal levels in the blood. Characterized by obesity, poor skin and coat condition. Diagnosed in laboratory conditions.

The Basenji dog breed is also susceptible to eye diseases, such as:

  • Retinal atrophy.
  • Chronic pupillary membrane.
  • Defects in the structure of the eye.

A non-barking Basenji dog rarely gets sick, but breeders are recommended to conduct examinations of animals being bred. Life expectancy is on average 12-14 years.

Basenji photo

Basenji dog, photos of representatives of the breed can be viewed in the gallery.

The African non-barking dog is a difficult breed that requires time, restraint and some experience. Before you go to a shelter to adopt a Basenji puppy, you should weigh the pros and cons. Will such a pet be capable of this, or should you pay attention to another breed?

Choosing a puppy is not an easy task, because nurseries offer a lot. And everyone’s selection criteria are different: some need an active watchman, others like decorative mini-dogs, others... And so on ad infinitum. But there are also truly unique breeds, whose representatives can become true family friends. Let's learn more about the Basenji - this one is also known as the African silent one.

Getting to know the breed

Let's start with general data.

  • Origin: Central Africa.
  • Group: official.
  • : 10–12 years.
  • Litter: up to 5 puppies (usually 3–4).
  • Coat color: The main colors are red and black and piebald. Purely black or white variants are less common (these colors are considered background, found mainly on the paws or sternum or as “speckles” on the cheekbones). The rarest is called the brindle color with a clear alternation of black and red stripes.
  • Wool length: short.
  • Shedding: moderate.
  • Dimensions: at the withers, males grow to 40–43 cm. Knots are slightly smaller - 38–41 cm.
  • Weight: for males the norm is 10–12 kg, for females this figure ranges from 8.5–11 kg.
  • Character the Basenji has a balanced, but at the same time with bright notes. Their natural curiosity is combined with emphasized vigilance and even some wariness. The active dog is devoted to its owners and gets along well with children. A stranger will not pet her - the dog will simply step aside, avoiding contact with the stranger.

Owners of “Africans” note that these born hunters often demonstrate purely traits - willfulness and even independence. Sometimes it looks funny.

Important! If you see pits and swelling under your puppy’s eyes, do not “discard” him: this is also one of the signs of the breed.

Characteristics of the breed would be incomplete without mentioning the Basenji line standard.
The main signs are considered to be:

  1. Light build, emphasized by thin bones.
  2. White “splashes” are allowed on the paws, chest and tip of the tail (while the legs, head and withers themselves in this color will not allow you to take a prize at the exhibition).
  3. Long thin legs with clearly visible muscles on the back pair.
  4. Wrinkled head (the length of the muzzle in relation to the skull gives a proportion of 2/3).
  5. Almond-shaped, obliquely set eyes of a dark color.
  6. Black shiny nose.
  7. Strong jaws with a powerful scissor bite.
  8. Erect ears with sharp edges.
  9. Thin, smooth coat without undercoat.
  10. The tail is tightly curled into a donut.
  11. Easy running, in which the croup does not lift up (even when switching to a faster trot).

Did you know? Biologists note that semi-wild Australian dingoes can be called relatives of this breed. They have surprisingly similar habits and lifestyles.

Let’s not forget about the features that make the Basenji dog stand out from others. Her “silence” immediately comes to mind - such a dog really doesn’t bark, only occasionally making soft rumbling sounds, snorting or a funny whistle. The enviable health is also noteworthy: in science, this line is considered semi-wild, so visits to veterinarians are quite rare. Add to this the absence of a “dog” smell along with an almost imperceptible shedding - and it becomes clear why these cuties do not lose popularity.

Important! You will also have to buy several toys at the pet store, which during training will “tie” the dog to the owner. During breaks between walks, it is wiser to hide them - then their appearance will arouse genuine interest, distracting the dog from current affairs.

History of the breed

The appearance of the first Basenji is shrouded in mystery. It is only known that they were kept at court Egyptian pharaohs.

This is confirmed by the numerous embalmed bodies of dogs found during excavations of the tombs of ancient rulers. It is noteworthy that almost all of them were wrapped in expensive fabrics, washed with incense.

The decline of ancient Egyptian civilization led to long-term oblivion. But the nimble dogs were not completely forgotten - the aborigines who settled Central Africa actively used them for hunting or escorting in the jungle. Silence was especially valued - the game did not know about the approaching danger until the very end.

Why these dogs lost their “right to vote” is still unknown. The same question occupied the minds of the British, who were the first to bring a couple of animals to their homeland. It was 1895, but the attempt failed - the dogs got sick and died.
Until the mid-1930s, only biologists remembered small hunters in Europe. A breakthrough occurred in 1937: at one of the European exhibitions, the general public saw active, but at the same time quiet animals with funny tails. The signs explained that these were “jungle dogs”, or “Congo terriers”.

Almost at the same time, they met the strange dog in the States (but the first couples were brought there only in 1941). The real boom began after the war - Basenjis became truly popular: they were owned by august persons and representatives of the then bohemia. Having appeared in several films, the nimble “saffron milk caps” finally conquered the whole world.

Did you know?Basenjis are included in the list of 14 oldest breeds in the world - in all these lines the genotype is as close as possible to “wolf”.

Wise choice and price of a puppy

Having been inspired by the idea of ​​purchasing such a miracle, many immediately begin to find out exactly how much a standard Basenji puppy costs. The order of prices somewhat cools the ardor, leading to the thought of whether it’s possible to find something cheaper. It is best to turn to breeders who know a lot about dogs.
When you call the seller, keep in mind that choosing a dog requires knowledge of many nuances. Here are the main ones:

  • The best choice would be a baby aged 2 months. The minimum age for sale is 1.5 months. An experienced breeder will never give away a younger puppy;
  • inspect all the litter. If there are only 3 copies, this is generally excellent - the babies in such offspring are stronger;
  • It's good to look at the parents too. Active and healthy dogs will have the same offspring – well-fed toddlers;
  • Before you pick up the puppy you like, take a closer look at its behavior. If you have never had to deal with this breed before, then the optimal choice would be a moderately active “average dog”. The fact is that it will be difficult for a beginner to cope with raising an overly nimble puppy (and not everyone can handle an overly modest baby);
  • An important point is the reaction to outsiders. She will be wary, especially at such a tender age. A dog can look closely at its future owner for a long time before reacting to him in any way;
  • Having noticed the dog, stroke it - the fur should be smooth, without tangles and, especially, wounds;
  • the eyes of well-groomed dogs are always clean, and the mucous membrane is pink;
  • do not hesitate to evaluate the condition of the nose and anus. Dried traces of copious liquid discharge indicate nutritional problems. A healthy dog ​​will have clean areas mentioned above;
  • carefully inspect all fur, paws, ears and tail. If they are formed correctly and there is no damage to them, consider that the purchase has been completed.

Don't forget about documents. The seller is obliged to issue a correctly executed veterinary passport and a puppy card that mentions the pedigree.

Important! If there are children living in the house, they will have to explain that it is not at all necessary to straighten a dog’s tightly curled tail - it is very traumatic, and such “donuts” do not hide any secret.

It remains to be seen how much a Basenji costs, taking into account the “class” of a particular dog. Having studied the price lists of nurseries and regular advertisements, you can find out that the pricing policy is approximately as follows:

  1. Puppies are traditionally considered the most expensive show categories. These are future prize-winners of exhibitions with a reference pedigree that fully comply with the standard. Average price – from $1200 .
  2. Prices for dogs remain more humane BRID-class: order $800–1100. Such specimens are externally close to the standard, but they lack the exhibition temperament.
  3. Representative PET categories can be taken for $500–750 . Such puppies are not allowed to show due to a slight deviation from the standard. This could be a fontanel, a color defect, or other “deviations” that do not affect health - otherwise, these are absolutely normal animals.
  4. The cheapest option is "from hand". Here you can fit in $250–400. True, such a profitable purchase is fraught with many risks - there are usually no documents for such pets, and sellers can cheat by concealing information about the silent one’s past illnesses or living conditions.

Housing for a dog

The smooth-haired animal in our latitudes sometimes has a hard time (especially in winter). Therefore, no open ones or for overnight stays - only closed premises.

Ideally, the Basenji will live in private house with a large yard. For an active, inquisitive dog, this will be the best option. But it is better to keep the gate closed - if the dog gets carried away with the game, it can jump out into the street or get hit by a car.

Did you know? Africans attribute to these dogs the ability to drive away evil spirits from the house.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to keep your pet in your field of vision all the time - with irrepressible energy and lightning-fast reactions, he moves in the blink of an eye. Due to inexperience, some people think that the Basenji lies in the shade or sits modestly under a tree. This is a mistake, and it is much more likely that at this time he is rushing around the beds or, worse, fighting with.

By the way, about pets. Their absence or isolation will only be a plus: they can provoke the dog to attack (hunting genes have an effect).
Many contain active animals in. Not bad either, especially since there is no smell.

But there are some subtleties here too. The first thing is not to forget about daily walks and not to leave the puppy alone for a long time. Its safety is no less important. The rather fragile legs of a young dog are easily injured, especially when it collides with sharp or heavy objects along the way.

For the same reason, you will have to put vases, heavy books or irons higher, which may fall or become easy prey for a nimble baby.

Important! It is not worth keeping two same-sex Basenjis in the same yard (let alone apartment) at once - they will immediately begin to figure out which of them is more important. Both the dogs themselves and the environment in the house may suffer.

Particular attention is paid to windows. Jumping onto a chair and then onto a windowsill is not such a problem (as is chewing through the mesh in the opening). Keep an eye on this, otherwise there is a risk that the dog will simply fall from a high floor.

How to care

In terms of plan, such “nimble guys” are quite unpretentious. Everything you need is simple and anyone can do it. But there are a number of features that you should know about before purchasing.


Everything is simple here: 1-2 weekly passes with a special cleaning glove will be enough for thin coats. A generously moistened terry towel is not always suitable for such purposes - water is clearly not the element of “fables”, and only the calmest of them can calmly endure such a procedure.

The frequency of soft combing is no more than two per month. Dogs have delicate skin, and it is not advisable to irritate it further.

Daily inspections usually do not reveal serious contamination: the relative cleanliness is explained by the dog’s persistent habit of licking its fur for a long time.

Things didn’t work out for the silent “saffron milk caps” with water - they avoid her at all costs, which complicates water procedures.

But they are still necessary: ​​once every 3-4 months you have to thoroughly wash the dog. You need to be accustomed to such procedures from childhood - an adult dog that is being bathed for the first time may reflexively bite the hand.

Did you know? In order not to lose their silent helpers, African hunters living in remote regions tie dried pumpkin bells around their necks.

If you still decide to take this step, you will have to buy a special shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin. Such compositions have a more gentle acidity that does not leave irritation after bathing.

Many owners are replacing baths with safer wipes with a damp towel. They are also rarely resorted to - no more than 2 times a month or if necessary.

Eyes, ears, teeth, claws

Daily inspection required eye. The tear ducts become clogged very quickly, and rinsing is done at the same frequency.

To do this, take paper napkins or moistened cotton swabs (dry cotton leaves behind lint).

Pay attention to the nature of the discharge. The usual few tears a day will be normal, while overhydration requires treatment. Rinsing twice daily with steeply brewed green tea helps to cope with the problem. If it doesn’t help, visit the veterinarian (as in the case when there is no discharge at all).

With wide ears The situation is approximately the same - they are cleaned once a week with ear sticks or swabs, removing dust and wax from the shells or corners. Take your time when running the stick over your ear: a careless movement can damage the sensitive tissue.

Important! In purebred representatives of the line, the ears, when viewed from the side, look like slightly tilted hoods. In addition, they should not be “stretched” to the very top of the head.

But it is impossible to completely remove sulfur deposits - having lost such “armor”, the ear becomes vulnerable to infections. Self-medication rarely helps here - drugs like Furacilin are not suitable for a dog. It would be safer to buy special drops for deep treatment at a pet store.
You will also have to go there to get pasta for teeth that require regular cleaning. A paste of suitable composition for animals is applied to special soft brushes (if you don’t have one, you can take a child’s brush). Next - as usual: circular movements and subsequent washing.

Everything is simple, but the product itself should not get into the stomach - although zoopastes are not too acidic, they are also harmful in large quantities.

As for the regularity of such cleaning, here the simple principle “more often means better” comes into play. Naturally, the first sessions begin in the first months of life.

Claws require haircut (once a month). The task is made easier by the fact that the active dog wears them down a little while playing or running. But he will have to get help at home.

The only “props” you need are a medium claw clipper. Ordinary nail clippers may not be able to cope with hard shoots. Using a nail clipper, remove 1–2 mm at a time, making confident movements. If you take it deeper, you can damage the veins coming from the pads.

Walking and exercise

An active dog needs long (at least 2 hours) daily walks.

To go to a nearby park or just outside, get a long leash with a soft harness. This is a mandatory condition - having seen something interesting, the puppy will simply run away after the object, which for a fearless animal is fraught with injury.

Did you know? The age of this breed is believed to be over 6000 years.

The route should be laid out so that other animals are encountered as rarely as possible. Busy streets, industrial zones or areas close to a landfill will also not be the best place.

As it grows, when an attachment to the owner has already arisen, the dog can be released, without forgetting to call (otherwise it will run away without looking back). To keep it close to you and at the same time provide an outlet for energy, sticks or tennis balls are thrown, which the dog will gladly return.

An adult dog can be taken outdoors without fear or as a partner for cycling - leisurely accompaniment will only be a joy.

What to feed the Basenji

Experienced dog handlers and breeders know that the answer to the question of exactly how long domestic Basenjis live depends directly on their diet.

The diet is compiled already in the first days of life. This can be either natural or natural products. It’s best if they are combined, alternating every other day or two (remember that you cannot adjust the menu twice a day).

Please note that only premium food is suitable for a purebred puppy. The desire to save money can be harmful - you cannot take more affordable mixtures.

Important! Dairy products must have a shelf life of no more than 7 days. Other yoghurts or kefir are considered harmful for any dogs.

Natural products will also have to be given in strict proportions.
Among the components of a balanced diet, it is worth highlighting the following “goodies”:

  • raw but lean beef or veal, which accounts for at least 1/3 of the daily volume of products. Occasionally they can be replaced with raw offal (with the exception of lungs and liver);
  • boiled cereals;
  • vegetables and greens. Carrots and beets, zucchini and pumpkin are ideal. White cabbage varieties and cucumbers with bell peppers are also suitable. Lettuce leaves, parsley, dill - all this can be fed to season the main dish. Only potatoes in any form and exotic foods are prohibited;
  • pieces of non-acidic fruit. Citrus fruits in this case are taboo;
  • various fermented milk products - they are especially useful in the morning. True, kefir or cottage cheese is given separately, without mixing on the same day. Instead, kefir can be combined with yogurt or curdled milk.
  • eggs as an element of the dairy menu (no more than 2 times a week).

For more convenient eating, use two bowls of 1.5–2 liters, one of which should always contain water.

Puppies under 5 months of age are fed frequently, dividing the daily dose into 5-6 approaches. After this period, the number of meals is reduced to 2, gradually increasing portions to the adult norm.

Training and education

Interested in how to train a restless basenji, many quickly realize that this process begins simultaneously with the appearance of the “tail” in the house. It all starts simple:

  • the dog is immediately placed in its corner (1 “square” of space in a secluded place is enough);
  • then acquaintance with the toilet and the whole house begins;
  • from the first minutes, the puppy must understand that dominance in the house belongs to the owner (these dogs perceive families as a kind of “pack” where there should be a leader);
  • It happens that going to the toilet or walking around the apartment is not easy for a wayward puppy. Be patient - don’t scold the baby (and even more so, don’t raise your voice), but once again guide him along the right route;
  • “catch” the right balance between prohibitions and freedom - too free behavior will affect it in later life, when the grown-up dog will ignore commands. But you can’t “pin” a dog either: it can become stressed, which, combined with hunting inclinations, poses a danger to others.

Did you know? In Congolese folklore, the Basenji is considered a "creature from the bush" who accidentally overheard the secret of one of the tribes and swore to remain silent.

Little Basenjis start from the first walks. To begin, let your dog run around on a long leash. After this, the inquisitive baby will be much better at learning simple commands like “come”, “fu” or “sit”.
An ordinary tennis ball will help with this, which invariably attracts the attention of an active dog.

As you can see, the dog will have to devote a lot of time, so such a pet is unlikely to suit too busy people. Contacting the canine section in the case of “fables” does not always bear fruit - the installation of “one owner” significantly complicates the process. And the presence of other dogs on the playground often disrupts classes - dominant genes coupled with courage can lead to a fight.

Important! Bran purchased at a pharmacy can be added to both meat and dairy dishes.

So, even before your visit to the nursery, soberly assess your reserves of free time, which you will need for walks and raising your red pet.

We take care of our health

Like any living creature, the “silent hunter” can get sick. This may be a consequence of improper content or a predisposition to certain ailments (yes, there are such).

Possible diseases

Among the “generic” ailments of this breed, the following most often appear: health problems:

  1. Acute retinal atrophy (unfortunately, this is typical for most dogs, regardless of species and age).
  2. Cataracts as a result of insufficient eye care.
  3. Urolithiasis (in rare cases accompanied by intestinal dryness).
  4. Renal failure, the first symptoms of which are identical to those of Fanconi syndrome.
  5. Entropy with background protein loss in the gastrointestinal tract.

These diseases are unpleasant both for the dogs themselves and for the owners who find it difficult to watch their pet lose its vigor. To prevent temporary “failures” in the body from turning into irreversible processes, at the slightest suspicion, take your dog to the veterinarian.

Required vaccinations

Vaccination is necessary for any puppy. Some owners, fearing for the health of their charges, conduct it too often - this should not be done. Practice has proven the effectiveness of this vaccination scheme:

  1. The first injection is given at 8 weeks of age. If the puppy's mother has not been vaccinated, the vaccine can be administered at 6 weeks (but not earlier). The immunity takes at least 10 days to develop, and during this time they try not to take the puppy out into the yard or wash it.
  2. After 3 weeks, a “fixing” injection is given with enhanced care in the next 12 days.
  3. The next stage is after the change of teeth, which is observed in puppies 4-5 months old. That is, every six months a rabies vaccination is given and a complex vaccine is administered.
  4. Preventive complexes are given to one-year-old dogs (and then at intervals of 1 year). There is an exception for bitches - they are vaccinated about a month before mating.

Did you know? It is quite possible that the “hydrophobia” of the cute silent ones is associated with a genetic memory of crocodiles, which are found in abundance in African rivers.

All these manipulations protect against various diseases, but they are united by the fact that they are carried out only if the dog is healthy. The injections are given by a veterinarian, which is recorded in the documents (the date, the name of the drug and its dosage, as well as the method of injection are indicated).

There is one more detail that many owners forget about. The vaccination will have an effect only after preliminary (14–15 days before) “worming” - similar preparations are sold in all pet stores.

Now you know everything that a future Basenji dog owner needs to keep in mind, and this data should be enough to think about whether the family can provide this breed with maximum attention. We hope that our readers will approach the choice of a puppy with the utmost seriousness, and will receive loyalty on his part in return. And let pets bring only joy to your home!

  • Height at withers: male: 41 - 44 cm; Female: 38 – 1.5 cm
  • Weight: male - 10 - 12 kg; female - 9 - 12 kg
  • Color: two-color – red and white, black and white;
  • Lifespan: 10 - 13 years
  • Other names: Congo forest dog, Congo terrier, bush dog, African non-barking dog

Advantages and disadvantages

  • No barking, dogs of this breed practically do not bark
  • No specific smell of wool
  • Suitable for families with small children
  • Easily trainable and trainable
  • Does not require special care
  • Clean
  • They shed little
  • Willful, independent character
  • Difficulties may arise in parenting
  • Fear of water

Description of the breed

The Basenji is one of the most ancient dog breeds, with a history dating back more than 5,000 years. This breed was first bred and described in Africa, more precisely, in the Central region of the African continent. A unique feature of the Basenji is that representatives of this breed practically cannot bark, and instead of the usual barking, they make specific sounds reminiscent of rumbling, snorting, and grumbling. And then, they publish them only when the dog is excited and alarmed. Another characteristic feature is a short, snail-curled tail, wrinkles on the forehead when the dog folds its ears, and two fused pads of the toes on its paws. Representatives of this breed practically do not shed, have no specific odor, are very clean, and what is most interesting is that they wash themselves with their paws, like cats.

Dogs of this breed have good health, are hardy, energetic, brave, mischievous, self-confident, have self-esteem, pride, are very inquisitive and smart. Basenjis have an affectionate, good-natured disposition, are playful, non-conflicting, get along well with other pets, and love children. Therefore, this breed can be safely adopted in families with small children. Basenjis are very wary of strangers, but this does not mean that the dogs are cowardly or will show aggression. In addition, this breed has an excellent sense of smell, good sense of smell, and sharp eyesight, so your pet will be an excellent hunting assistant.

Character and temperament

The Basenji is a fairly smart dog breed that, with the right approach, is excellent at learning commands and even a wide variety of tricks. But still, this particular breed is recommended for people who have experience with dogs. Basenjis can sometimes be stubborn, independent, capricious and touchy. From the first days of the appearance of a silent dog in your home, you need to win over the pet, try to find the right approach, and be very careful in raising and training, showing tact and tolerance. Basenjis are touchy and suffer greatly from an aggressive attitude towards their person, and even more so from physical violence. In addition, sometimes they are quite naughty. The Basenji subtly senses the mood and emotional state of its owner.

Representatives of this breed are afraid of contact with water, and despite a well-developed hunting instinct, they are not suitable for hunting swamp game. For the same reason, you should not walk your dogs for too long in rainy weather. Basenjis are indifferent to strangers, and one might even say a little cowardly, but they are infinitely loyal to all members of their family and attract attention in every possible way. Representatives of the breed have a mischievous disposition and temperament, so they will be ideal companions for people leading an active lifestyle. The Basenji is a faithful companion dog that will give you unforgettable, but only positive emotions, moments of happiness.

Basenji breed standard

Basenjis are light, compact dogs with well-balanced proportions. Representatives of this breed have an aristocratic appearance and are classified as short-haired dog breeds. The body is compact, with a wide, short back. The head is set high, skin folds between the ears are clearly visible when the animal moves its ears. Wrinkles move to the cheeks. As a rule, skin wrinkles are more pronounced in puppies, in animals of brindle and black colors. The neck is long, strong, set high, widening at the base, smoothly meeting the withers. The head is set high, beautifully chiselled, with a flat skull that is slightly longer than the muzzle. Cheekbones are flat. the nose is narrow, the nose is black.

The Basenji's eyes are dark in color, slanted, and almond-shaped. The look is very smart and expressive. The ears are small, erect, with sharp tips, which, compared to the base of the ears, are located closer to the center of the muzzle. Scissor bite, strong jaws. The tail is located above the back, set high, curled into a single or double ring.

The paws are compact, with well-developed muscles. The forelimbs are muscular with refined strong bones, the shoulder blades are oblique, the elbows are turned back. The hind limbs are well developed, strong and muscular. The hocks are pubescent. The movements are straight. Dogs move at a fast pace.

The coat is shiny, the guard hairs fit tightly to the body. Representatives of the Basenji breed can be black and white, red and white, red and white, brindle, brown and white. White should be on the paws, the tip of the tail, and on the chest. It is not necessary according to the standard to have white limbs, a white mark on the head, or a collar.

Height: males 40-43 cm, females – 38-40 cm. Weight: males – 10.5-11 kg, females – from 8 to 11 kg.

Character and characteristics of the Basenji

The main feature of the breed is that Basenjis do not bark at all. Instead of barking, dogs make various sounds that are similar to purring, snorting, and grumbling. The dogs have a very cheerful character and are very active. energetic, in some way they have a sense of humor, so they will become an ideal friend and companion for active people. They require increased attention, do not like to be left alone for a long time, so they attract attention to themselves in every possible way. Dogs of this breed have a good disposition, are peaceful, and do not show aggression towards other animals. Get along well with other pets. But they are very distrustful of strangers.

There are two varieties of the breed - forest type and plain type. Forest type dogs are more graceful and smaller in size. The height at the withers does not exceed 40 cm. Compared to dogs of the plain type, they have darker, more expressive eyes and a rich color.

Like dogs of any other breed, Basenjis need proper and systematic care. Let us note that caring for representatives of the breed is quite simple, but the main thing is to find the right approach to the dog, gain its trust and location, and become an authority for it. Basenjis are a low-shedding breed. therefore, caring for the coat does not require much effort. It is enough to regularly brush your pet twice a week and bathe it no more than twice a year. If your pet gets dirty during a walk, you can clean the dog with a soft, damp cloth. For bathing, you need to purchase special shampoos and other coat care products for animals. It must be remembered that by nature animals are afraid of water, so bathing can be stressful.

For walks in cold, frosty weather, you need to purchase warm clothes for dogs. For active games and walks, open, spacious areas are best suited, where the dog can run around and frolic to his heart's content. . Basenjis love to travel and are not at all afraid of transport. But you need to remember that the natural instinct of pursuit can cause dogs to show increased attention to cyclists and other vehicles. Therefore, you should not let a dog of this breed out on the streets without a leash. For walks, choose quiet places away from the highways.

Before a charming Basenji puppy appears in your home, you need to arrange a place for the puppy, buy equipment - a leash, muzzle, collar, bowls, many different toys, and care and hygiene products.

Feeding the Basenji

Representatives of this dog breed are quite demanding and picky about food. It is best to keep dogs on a natural diet. the basis of which should be lean meat (poultry, veal, lean lamb). You can give boiled by-products for six months. Bones are allowed to be given to dogs no more than once every one and a half to two weeks, with the exception of tubular ones. As a side dish, it is best to feed Basenji buckwheat, rice, wheat, and oatmeal, well boiled in water, meat or vegetable broth. You should not give Basenji barley, millet, or pearl barley. The diet must include fresh, stewed, boiled vegetables, herbs, dairy/fermented milk products. From four months, boiled sea fish of low-fat varieties should be gradually introduced into the diet. Under locking food from the table, fatty, smoked, sweet, spicy “delicacies”. The dog should always have a sufficient amount of clean drinking water in a bowl. Do not overfeed your dog, feed it in between main meals. To prevent your pet from being overweight or having problems with metabolic processes, the dog’s diet should be well balanced and the portions should be moderate.

Basenji training

Raising and training a Basenji is a very responsible process. By nature, Basenjis are capricious, stubborn and disobedient. Therefore, it is very important to develop the correct education system from the first days, gradually, patiently accustoming your pet to the necessary, correct manners. For this reason, this breed of dog is recommended for experienced dog breeders. The upbringing and training of the Basenji should be carried out by a person who is the authority of the dog. Initially, with patience, you need to teach the dog basic commands and correct behavior. No physical violence, hysterical screaming, rude attitude. Only patience and systematic training, best under the supervision of experienced dog handlers.

History of the breed

Basenjis are one of the oldest dog breeds. Descriptions of the first representatives of the breed are found in ancient Egyptian chronicles. Images of the distant ancestors of dogs were found on the walls of caves, temples, and tombs. The estimated age of the rock is more than 6,000 years. During excavations of the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, as well as in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Basenjis were found embalmed, wrapped in cloth, soaked in incense. The collars of the pharaoh's favorites were encrusted with precious stones. Records were found in ancient manuscripts from which it can be understood that for the pharaohs Basenjis were not just hunting assistants, but also real living amulets that brought happiness. Mystical properties were attributed to representatives of these breeds.

Without human intervention, the breed developed independently in Central Africa. Basenjis were first brought to Europe in 1895. The official debut of the breed occurred in 1937 at the Kraft exhibition, where the dogs were presented under the name Congo Dog. From that moment on, the breed began its triumphal march through other countries and cities of our Planet.


The main diseases to which this breed is susceptible include:

    Fanconi syndrome (impaired kidney function);

    malabsorption (impaired absorption of nutrients);

    hemolytic anemia;


    progressive retinal atrophy;

    umbilical hernia;

    hip dysplasia.

Prices for Basenji puppies

To purchase a purebred representative of this unique breed, it is best to purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery or from trusted breeders. It is best to purchase puppies of this breed at the age of two to two and a half months. Kids should be active, inquisitive, cheerful, in good physical shape, have clean ears, eyes, nose, dark, expressive eyes, and a pink mouth. The coat should be well-groomed, shiny, and elastic. Puppies should be moderately well-fed and confidently stand on their paws. For those who have decided to get a Basenji for the first time, it is best to pay attention to the calmest puppy in the litter.

You can also buy a Basenji puppy on Avito, Aucro or any other Internet portals. The price of a puppy depends on the class - breed, pet, show class. The price of purebred Basenji puppies is from 15,000 rubles to 30-35 thousand. The most expensive show-class puppies. Pet class puppies have the lowest cost, but may have deviations from the standard. But if you are not interested in the show career of your pets, such puppies will become devoted friends and faithful companions.

(African non-barking dog, Congo terrier, Congolese bush dog, Congo forest dog, Nyam Nyam terrier, Zande dog)


Height at withers



Price of puppies

from 15 thousand rubles

The Basenji dog breed has existed for several millennia. It was brought to Russia in the late 90s. It is also called the African non-barking dog, because an interesting feature of this breed is that instead of barking, in moments of anxiety or irritation, Basenjis produce rumbling sounds.

People thinking of getting a dog should pay attention to these animals. The breed formed independently, without human intervention or science, and it is all the more interesting to have a Basenji as a companion.

Breed standard

This hunting breed, whose homeland is South Africa. Its development in natural conditions gave the Basenji long, smooth muscles that allow it to move freely and coordinate movements well.

The coat is short, shiny, dense and lies close to the body. There are 6 recognized colors in the world:

  • Black and white,
  • Red and white,
  • Black and white with tan marks (cream tan marks),
  • Black,
  • Brown and white,
  • Brindle (red background, black stripes).

White is present on the paws, chest and tip of the tail.


Breed varieties

There are two of them: flat And forest.

The first one is larger, size at the withers is about 40 cm, high legs, color light brown and white. The Plains Basenji has a white “collar” that extends over part of the chest, looking like “pants.”

The Forest Basenji measures less than 40 cm at the withers; it is not for nothing that this species is called the pygmy dog. Their eye color is darker than that of the plains, as is the color.

Description of the breed, its character

Basenjis have high legs, a head with erect ears slightly tilted forward, a high neck, a narrow chest, a tucked belly, and a tightly curled tail. The nose of dogs of this breed is narrow, its tip is black. The eyes are dark, almond-shaped, the gaze is intelligent and expressive. The front paws point slightly inward.

Basenjis move with wide strides, quickly, keeping their back straight. The general appearance of the dogs is elegant and aristocratic. A characteristic feature of the appearance of these dogs is the folds on the forehead, especially pronounced in puppies. Dogs of this breed live 10-12 years.

Varieties of color

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Basenjis have become popular in North America and Europe. Dogs of this breed live in many European royal houses. They aroused interest in themselves thanks to sharp mind and easy disposition.

Basenjis are energetic and active. They have a well-developed hunting instinct, so much so that when chasing prey, the dog may not hear the owner’s commands. Nature intended that they need to move a lot to maintain health.

These dogs affectionate and affectionate, easily get along in human and canine society; you can keep more than one animal of this breed in the house. The dog will adore not only the one who feeds it, but also other family members.

Loyal, fearless, intelligent, with excellent guarding qualities - these are just some of the characteristics of this breed. Find out more in our article.

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Basenjis easily get along with children, thanks to their playfulness, good nature and emotionality. But the pet will not allow the child to turn itself into a toy, so you should not leave them together unattended.

Intelligent and well-trained, Basenjis are very curious and nimble, so they need a firm hand, otherwise they can get into trouble. They independent and not too obedient, they must be constantly occupied. Dogs left to their own devices can become mischievous.

You should not leave a Basenji alone in an unfamiliar area without a leash. An animal carried away by the chase may get lost.

The Basenji is a hunting dog, not a guard dog, but if it senses a stranger, it will let you know about it with its characteristic “purr” and tense posture.

Independent and not very obedient

Features of training

Dogs of this breed understand and follow commands well, really need the owner's approval. For walks with an easy-going and restless Basenji, it is better to choose a quiet area without cars that the dog will want to run after.

It is important to teach the animal to respond to its name and approach its owner. The dog should also know not to eat anything from the ground. Otherwise, she may pay with her health, or even her life.

When training, you should never shout at your four-legged friend, much less hit him. It is necessary to praise him for following the command and distract him from pranks.

Basenjis are extremely active and will strive to climb higher both in the house and on the street. Therefore, having adopted a puppy, you should immediately prohibit him from doing this. Otherwise, the owner risks sleeping with the dog in the same bed.

Elegant, aristocratic look

Features of care and feeding

The short and dense coat of the Basenji needs regular brushing. You should not wash your dog; he is afraid of water. For walks in severe frosts, you can buy clothes.

Discharge from the eyes is carefully removed with a cotton pad, ears are cleaned with a cotton swab, and claws are periodically filed. You should regularly treat your dog for fleas and ticks and buy a special collar for it.

For all their agility and playfulness, Basenjis can suffer kidney and digestive diseases, as well as hernias.

In city conditions, dogs of this breed feel great, but due to their activity, they require constant attention and care.

Red color

How to feed a Basenji

Pets of this breed are picky about food.. The basis of their diet should be lean raw meat. Bones can be given once a week. Cottage cheese and dairy products should be included in the puppy's diet. In addition to meat, offal and a little fish, unsalted buckwheat and rice porridge with water are acceptable.

Gradually the dog can be transferred to professional feed Hills, Royal Canin and others sold in pet stores. You cannot give food from your table, especially fatty, spicy, smoked, and sweet.

Despite their physical activity, Basenjis gain weight when they overeat, so portions should be moderate.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Choosing a puppy

Those who are determined to become the owner of a Basenji should take a puppy from a nursery. You should take a closer look at 8 week old puppies, choosing among all available litters. A real breeder will give away a puppy no earlier than it is 1.5 months old.

When choosing, the future owner should see:

  • Correct puppy bite
  • Clean ears, eyes and nose of the baby,
  • Pink mouth.

The puppy should be quite active and moderately well-fed, but without clumsiness, with a black tip of the nose and dark shiny eyes.

Sometimes you can see an advertisement for the sale of an adult dog. Such an animal should only be adopted by experienced dog breeders who can accustom it to themselves and subdue it. For those who will be dealing with a Basenji for the first time, it is better to choose from puppies the calmest.

These dogs have thick, ribbon-braided hair. you won't be confused with anyone.

They are always looking for adventure, love and attention. - their character is simply amazing with its courage and stubbornness.

Price for puppies

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors. Prices vary depending on the class of the puppy:

  • Show-class - from 30 thousand rubles. These future dog show winners have a pedigree and are allowed to breed;
  • Breed-class - from 25 thousand rubles. They do not participate in exhibitions due to minor deviations from the standard, imperceptible to the amateur dog breeder, but are suitable for breeding;
  • Pet-class - from 15 thousand rubles. They have significant deviations from the standard, therefore they do not take part in exhibitions and are not allowed to reproduce. But they are healthy, just like puppies of a higher class, have documents and can become good companions and spoiled dogs for a dog-loving family.

You can buy a puppy cheaper than in a nursery, through friends or on the market, but there is a risk of being deceived or buying a sick animal. The cost of a Basenji puppy may vary depending on the region; naturally, in the capital it will be higher.

Preparing for the arrival of a puppy in the house

It should be determined in advance where will the puppy live, go for walks, who will look after and raise him?. If there are children in the family, it makes sense to come with them to the puppy's first date.

Before a Basenji baby arrives in your home, you should have:

  • Bowls for food and water. It’s better to make metal or ceramic ones; he will chew plastic ones;
  • A rug or basket where the puppy will sleep. In this case, you should count on an adult animal, they grow quickly;
  • Toys made of natural fur and sinew. They should be free of small parts that the puppy could eat.

In addition, you should hide all the wires that the puppy can reach. And you will have to get used to removing clothes and shoes and food from the table.

Basenji puppies are curious and love to climb, so you'll have to protect window sills and furniture from them, including to avoid injury from falling.

Basenji puppy

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like any other Basenji breed, they have their advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • Attachment to owners;
  • Ability to learn;
  • Cleanliness, no odor;
  • Ability to get along with children;
  • Lively and cheerful disposition.

The disadvantages are relative; some adore this breed precisely because of them:

  • Require constant attention;
  • They can run away;
  • They do not tolerate loneliness;
  • Quite willful, sometimes refuse to follow commands;
  • They are cunning and excellent at manipulating loving owners.

If your life style is peace and contemplation, and you don’t want to change anything, then you should choose a different breed of dog. But those who want to acquire a cheerful and restless friend, a companion for long walks, should pay attention to the Basenji.

Basenji, also known as the African Non-Barking Dog, the Congolese Bush Dog, the Congo Terrier, the Congo Forest Dog, the Nyam Nyam Terrier, the Creature of the Bush, or Zande dog is one of the oldest breeds on earth.

History of the origin of the breed

In Ancient Egypt, such dogs were presented as gifts to the pharaohs, for whom Basenjis were greatly revered and were considered living amulets. This attitude towards the breed is evidenced by numerous wall paintings depicting Zande dogs in the tomb of the pharaoh.

This is interesting! In addition, the mummified remains of “African non-barking dogs” were discovered, which were buried with special honors and along with their owner. Dogs similar to the Basenji were also common in ancient Nubia, and in the Congo they are still highly valued for their excellent hunting qualities.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Basenjis were first taken by sailors from the African continent and came to England. Unfortunately, these dogs did not survive, so at the beginning of the twentieth century, Basenjis were brought to the Berlin Zoo, where they were kept as exotic animals.

In the thirties of the last century, a second attempt was made to import forest dogs from the Congo to England. It was in this country that the breed standards that are still used today were subsequently approved. However, initially at a show in America, the Basenji was presented under the name "Congo Terrier".

The spread of the breed throughout the world began in 1941, when a purebred pair of Basenjis was brought to America. It should be noted that genetic studies carried out at the beginning of the new century confirmed that the East Siberian husky and the Congo terrier belong to the Y-chromosomal haplogroup HG-9. According to some scientists, such findings may indicate that modern Basenjis have genetic admixtures that are characteristic of the Middle Eastern and North African wolf.

Description of the Basenji

The unique characteristics of the breed include the fact that representatives of the Basenji are not able to bark, and when very excited they make special sounds that resemble a relatively loud rumbling. Also, breed characteristics include the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead when the dog folds its ears, and a tightly curled tail. Basenji dogs do not smell and can “wash themselves” with their paws.

Breed standards, appearance

Used as a hunting or companion dog, the Basenji breed, according to the FCI classification, belongs to the fifth group, including Spitz and primitive species, and also has the following established appearance standards:

  • head with a flat skull, medium width, beautifully chiselled, with flat cheekbones, narrowing towards the nose and a moderately pronounced stop;
  • jaws are strong, with powerful incisors arranged in a line and a perfect, scissor bite;
  • eyes are dark-colored, almond-shaped, obliquely set, with a prudent and expressive look;
  • ears are small in size, erect, pointed, slightly tilted forward, graceful and set high;
  • a strong and not too thick neck of sufficient length, with a convex nape, noticeably widening at the base, with a proud carriage of the head;
  • the body is balanced, with a short and straight back area, and the oval-shaped chest area is spacious, with fairly convex ribs and a transition to a tucked stomach;
  • the tail part is set high and twisted into a ring;
  • gluteal region – strongly protruding beyond the caudal root zone;
  • the forelimbs are muscular, without narrowing, with oblique shoulder blades and elbows facing strictly back;
  • the hind legs are muscular and quite strong, with slightly dropped hocks, long shins and moderately pronounced stifle angles;
  • compact paws of small size, oval shape, with arched toes, thick pads and short claws;
  • the movements are rhythmic and straightforward, with a fast and tireless pace.

Important! According to established standards, the ideal height for males at the withers is 43 cm and for females - 40 cm, with a weight of 11 kg and 9.5 kg, respectively.

The short coat is shiny and lies close to the body. The hair is very thin and soft. The color can be pure black and white, red and white, black and white and tan, black, brown and white, brindle. The paws, chest and tip of the tail are covered with white fur. White color on the limbs and in the collar area is optional.

Basenji character

A strong and fearless, self-confident dog, it has practically not changed its appearance over the many years of its existence. Basenjis are dogs with an easy-going and sociable character. Very quickly they become attached to the owner and all family members. A dog of this breed is wary of strangers. Thanks to their natural curiosity, Basenjis are very active and incredibly passionate, playful and need physical exercise.

In their homeland, dogs of this breed independently walk and hunt, and to this day live in the forest areas of the Congo, so even domestic Basenjis are characterized by a tendency to wander. According to the owners' observations, dogs of this breed exhibit leadership qualities among their fellow dogs, and therefore get along only with the opposite sex or the least dominant breeds. Basenjis are quite patient with children, but never allow themselves to be cuddled. Despite its independent and stubborn nature, the breed is quite trainable.

This is interesting! Natural silence is explained by a myth according to which in ancient times such animals knew how to speak well, but the leader of the pack learned an important secret of people, and in order not to let it slip, the entire dog pack promised to remain silent forever.


Most Basenji representatives can boast of simply excellent health, which is the reason for their fairly long average life, which varies between 12-15 years.

Basenjis are classified as a breed and require regular walks and adequate exercise. Among other things, it is necessary to provide such a pet with a nutritious diet, prevention and proper hygiene procedures.

It is important to remember that the African dog does not tolerate sharply negative temperatures, so it will need to be used during walks in winter. The breed is absolutely not suitable for year-round outdoor keeping.

Care and hygiene

Basenjis have very short hair, so it is recommended to comb a pet of this breed only a couple of times a month, and replace traditional combing with water treatments three to four times a year. This breed is not advisable due to its too delicate skin. Preference should be given to shampoos for dogs with sensitive skin. Also, experts do not recommend using a hair dryer to dry wool.

The native dog needs regular examination of the ears and eyes, and any discharge is carefully removed with a damp gauze cloth soaked in steep green tea. Ear cleaning is carried out with special pharmaceutical lotions or drops to perform deep cleaning.

To minimize the risk of developing dental problems, brush them regularly. Under natural conditions, Basenjis do not have problems with wearing down their claws, but when kept at home, quickly growing claws make it difficult to form paws and distort the animal’s gait. Therefore, the claws will need to be trimmed once every four weeks by 1-2 mm with special nail clippers.

What to feed the Basenji

Basenjis, according to owners and experts, are active “beggars” for food, which is especially pronounced in early puppyhood. It is strictly forbidden to allow even infrequent concessions in this regard. It is very important to methodically train your pet to eat food only in a certain feeding area. An adult should receive food a couple of times a day. Strict adherence to portion sizes is mandatory, which will prevent overfeeding and obesity.

As a rule, dry industrial rations are used as the main feed.. The brand of food should be selected gradually, taking into account the taste preferences of each specific pet, as well as the age characteristics and body weight of the African dog. From the age of 45 weeks, it is recommended to supplement the diet with natural products, including crumbly porridge cooked in water, lean meats, vegetables, egg yolks and fermented milk products.

Diseases and breed defects

The most complex and common breed diseases of the African Basenji dog include:

  • Fanconi syndrome, accompanied by impaired renal function. Most often it appears at the age of five, and the main symptoms are severe thirst, frequent urination and increased glucose levels in urine analysis;
  • malabsorption, accompanied by a decrease in the absorption of nutritional components and is a constant allergic reaction to foods passing through the intestinal tract. Symptoms include constant loose stools and noticeable exhaustion;
  • pyruvate kinase deficiency or hemolytic anemia caused by the presence of a recessive genetic defect in the pet. A sick dog has chronic anemia, which causes a short life span;
  • hypothyroidism, accompanied by low levels of thyroid hormones. Symptoms include excess weight, poor condition of the skin and coat, weakness, swelling of the limbs and myxedema, decreased reproductive functions and anemia, as well as a decrease in body temperature;
  • ocular pathologies: persistent pupillary membrane and coloboma, as well as progressive retinal atrophy;
  • congenital or acquired umbilical hernia, often requiring surgical treatment;
  • hip dysplasia, accompanied by a discrepancy between the shape of the femoral head and the acetabulum.

It must also be remembered that any slight deviation from standard characteristics is a deficiency and must be assessed in strict accordance with the level of manifestation and materiality indicators. Males must have a pair of normally developed testes, descended completely into the scrotum.

Education and training

African dogs are restless and quite capricious students, so the main condition for successful training is the patience of the owner. It is important to remember that all the material covered must be repeated many times, which will allow you to get noticeable results. At first, it is recommended not to let such a pet off the leash, and walking together can become interesting for the pet through games, treats or praise. Once the boundaries of what is permitted are determined, it will be necessary to strictly follow all established rules of behavior.

It is very important not only to prevent any unwanted behavior of your pet, but also to reward all the right actions of the dog. The owner must be a leader, demonstrating his superiority and pointing out to the dog the hierarchical steps observed in the pack.

When giving commands, it is important to reward your pet for performing them correctly. Basenji training should be carried out in a variety of settings. However, a pet's disobedience should not be accompanied by physical punishment.