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A snow-white toy Bichon Frize, ideal for both adults and children. Bichon Frize: character and characteristics of the Bichon breed

Update: October 2017

The Bichon Frize or French lapdog is a small decorative dog that resembles a plush toy, which is characterized by the following features:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • fluffy curly white fur;
  • friendly disposition;
  • loyal attitude towards children;
  • attachment to the owner;
  • desire to always be in the center of attention;
  • demanding care;
  • ability to adapt to different conditions.

The name Bichon Frize translates to "Curly lap dog" and is short for "barbichon" (small spaniel). The Bichon Frize dog breed actually comes from the Water Spaniel (Barbet) and the Poodle. Since there is reason to believe that its homeland is France, the pet that looks like a white cloud is also called the French lapdog. It was created to help hunters, but is used exclusively as decorative.

Characteristics of the Bichon Frize dog breed

Is it difficult to care for a Bichon?
They are not demanding when it comes to walking, but their fur and eyes require special attention.
What climate suits them?
They react calmly to cold and heat.
Where is it better for a Bichon to live: in an apartment or in a house?
They adapt to any living conditions, but this is a lap dog.
How often should you bathe?
Water treatments are organized 1–2 times a month.
Is grooming necessary?
The pet needs to be cut every 6-8 weeks.
How often should you go for a walk?
Bichons do not need to be walked daily; they can be litter box trained.
Does your pet need clothes?
No, this breed tolerates cold well.
Are there any difficulties with parenting?
They are easy to train and enjoy training.
What health problems might there be?
These are some of the healthiest dogs.
Who is the breed not suitable for?
Bichons have a good sense of a person's mood and character. They behave as they are allowed, so they suit everyone.
Can I buy for a child?
Yes, they are great with children.
Is it possible for people without experience in keeping dogs to own one?
The Bichon has an easy-going character and is easy to train. Therefore, it is suitable for inexperienced owners. But its content is very complicated.
What kind of work can they do?
These are decorative dogs, their purpose is to decorate a person’s life. But they often perform in the circus and show themselves well in agility.
Can it be kept with other animals?
Bichons are peaceful, they do not enter into conflicts with cats and other dogs. They may well coexist together.

Advantages of the breed

  • They have short legs and a strong skeleton, which makes them excellent decorative dogs.
  • They are of medium size (they are twice the size of other popular decorative dogs), you can play with them without fear of injury.
  • They have an attractive, silky, curly white coat.
  • People suffering from allergies can more easily tolerate dogs of this breed - they have dense fur that sheds little and has virtually no odor.
  • These are active dogs with a cheerful character and are excellent companions.
  • They are easy to train and love to learn different tricks.
  • Friendly and playful, suitable for families with children.
  • They are distinguished by longevity and boast good health.


  • A loud voice, and if not properly trained, excessive barking.
  • The fur coat requires constant care.
  • Regular haircuts are expensive.
  • White wool makes walking in difficult weather conditions difficult.

Photo of Bichon Frize

Dog character, behavior

The fluffy Bichon could be called an ideal lap dog, if not for its complex coat care. He is playful, loves the company of people, affectionate, and quickly gets used to his new home. The pet has an easy-going character, he loves children and even gets along well with other animals. He is not vindictive, he is not malicious and will not play dirty tricks without reason.

The inquisitive four-legged baby is ready to play all day long, and is not averse to taking a training course. For him, training is one of his favorite activities. The dog is easy to train. He quickly masters basic commands, and if desired, he can be taught interesting tricks.

Behavior at home

Bichons are extremely sociable little ones. They love to play with children, behave tenderly and carefully with them, and tolerate their pranks. As a rule, they do not show aggression. They feel great even in a tiny apartment. The breed is distinguished by its quick wit and high intelligence.

This breed is not suitable for outdoor living. Firstly, the snow-white fur will suffer greatly from this, and secondly, it is important for them to always be aware of all events in the family. Human interaction is very important for the Bichon Frize breed. Reviews from owners and breeders confirm this.

The Bichon's habits are noble, as befits people from royal palaces. A pet is never annoying. If the owners want to relax, he will not pester them with games. He will lie next to you, looking furtively - has the mood of his beloved owner changed?

Behavior on the street

Ideally, dogs of all decorative breeds should spend at least a little time outside every day. This also applies to the Bichon Frize. The description of the breed contains data on the purity of the breed. But you shouldn't abuse it. Kids love to go for walks. This is entertainment for them. On the street, pets prefer to play with the owner and with children; they react calmly to strangers.

Attitude towards strangers

What a bichon will not do is guard the house. This role does not suit him. He can bark to notify of the approach of a stranger, but the baby will not be able to perform the functions of a full-fledged watchman.

Bichon Frize care: coat, eyes, ears

Caring for representatives of the breed is complicated by the peculiarities of the coat. The fur coat needs to be washed frequently, the wool needs to be combed and trimmed periodically. Significant efforts are also needed to combat darkening of the coat. Stains may appear as a result of contamination. But sometimes this is a manifestation of a disease or a consequence of improper care.

Special bleaching products for dogs help maintain the whiteness of the coat. These are lotions, balms, rinses, sprays, powders. Sometimes stains can be removed with a cotton swab soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply it for 5 minutes, then remove with a dry cloth and dry the area with a hairdryer. After this, you need to apply whitening powder. It is important to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes, ears and mouth.

Eye hygiene

I cut off the hair near the eyes. Use a damp cloth to wipe your eyes every day. Otherwise, the secretion will get on the fur, leaving unwanted stains on the fur coat. If yellow and green discharge appears, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian. These may be manifestations of eye diseases.

Ear hygiene

The ears are cleaned every week with cotton swabs and a special product. The hair around the ear canal is trimmed. Hair growing inside the passage is plucked out with tweezers. This does not cause pain to pets, because there are few nerve endings in the auricle.

Dental care

Teeth are examined weekly. When plaque appears, it is removed with a soft brush and special tooth powder. You can give your pet special dry granules that remove plaque. You need to make sure that there is no food left between the teeth, because it is food for pathogenic bacteria.

Nail care

Bichons rarely walk on asphalt or other hard surfaces, so they do not wear down their claws enough. They have to be trimmed. They do this with a nail clipper. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the living tissue of the nail where the blood vessels are located.

Bichon haircut

The hair of this breed grows constantly, like that of a human. Therefore, according to the standard, haircuts are allowed. The groomer's task is to shape the head into a ball or bell. Ears, beard and mustache are trimmed. The body is also subject to haircut. It should look elegant and slender. To do this, hair is cut on the lower back and sides, but no closer than 3 cm to the skin. The lower part of the belly is left covered with hair. The paws are shaped into a cylinder; the tail is not trimmed.

Grooming a Bichon Frize is a common thing for breeders. They usually do it themselves. Inexperienced owners will have to learn this or constantly turn to the services of groomers. Pets need to be cut at least once every month and a half, sometimes you have to do this monthly as the fur grows back.

Washing and bathing

You need to bathe your dog as needed, usually once every 1-2 weeks. The wool is quite dense and takes a long time to dry. It needs to be dried with a hairdryer, but the puppy is accustomed to this procedure from childhood. Wet wool increases the risk of colds and fungus on the skin.

After each walk, they wash their paws, and after eating, their face. Tangles should not be allowed to appear. To do this, the dog is combed after each bath. This should be done especially carefully during periods of increased mat formation - during the puppy’s coat change (7–9 months) and during the period of growing up (1.5–2 years).

Walking and exercise

In foreign nurseries, special open areas are built for walking Bichons. Our owners of white lumps face problems. After a walk on dusty asphalt, the fur coat loses its whiteness, and in slush and rain it can suffer greatly.

The best place for walking is a low lawn. There the baby can run around to his heart's content without spoiling the fur. In bad weather, you don’t have to take your pets outside at all. They quickly get used to the tray. But you can’t do without physical activity. A walk is not only an opportunity to solve physiological needs, but also communication, socialization, and physical development of the puppy.

Tendency to diseases, vaccinations

Pets have good health, but they are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atlantoaxial subluxation;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hypotrichosis;
  • eye diseases (cataracts, corneal dystrophy);
  • congenital deafness;
  • inversion of the eyelids (entropion).

Pets may suffer from infectious diseases: enteritis of various etiologies, kennel cough (canine flu) and others. Many dangerous diseases can be avoided by wisely using vaccination.

Vaccinations, anti-worming treatments

The choice of vaccine depends on the epidemiological situation in the region and the veterinarian. Pathogenic microorganisms and viruses constantly mutate. Therefore, vaccination should be carried out with drugs that are most effective against pathogens present in a given region.

Puppies born from vaccinated bitches have maternal antibodies. This is why it is so important to check the mother’s veterinary passport when purchasing. But as the baby grows up, he loses some of these antibodies. By 2–3 months their number approaches zero. Therefore, vaccination begins at 6–8 weeks. Revaccination is carried out at intervals of 2–4 weeks.

Bichons are more often vaccinated with the French Rhone-Mérier vaccine and the Dutch Nobivak series. The vaccination regimen is chosen by the doctor. Each vaccine has instructions for use. Using multicomponent drugs, you can build a step-by-step scheme that will protect your pet from plague, hepatitis, parvovirosis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies (Nobivak labeled DHPPi+LR).

What to feed

It is convenient to feed small toy dogs with high-quality ready-made diets. Dry food of at least premium class is suitable. They provide complete nutrition. You can switch your pet to natural feeding. But in this case, you will have to carefully calculate the portions and additionally give vitamins and supplements for the coat. This requires enormous effort from the owners. Therefore, they often choose dry food or a mixed type of feeding (ready-made diets and some natural products - meat, offal, vegetables).

Puppy diet

The puppy's feeding schedule depends on its age. The smaller it is, the more often it is fed (from 3 to 5 times a day). They do this strictly at a certain time. Leftovers are always removed. Only water should always be freely available. By the age of 1–1.5 years, the puppy is transferred to 2 feedings a day.

Adult dog diet

Adult dogs are given food 2 times a day. You can’t do this before a walk and immediately after it. The food is carefully selected. Some types of ready-made diets cause increased lacrimation, which is extremely undesirable. The breed often suffers from allergies, so you need to choose a food that does not cause them.

It is necessary to monitor the weight of pets, they are prone to overeating. You can notice the problem by looking at the maklaks. These are bones in the croup area, a kind of “waist” of dogs. It should be palpable well. If maklaki are difficult to find, it means that obesity has begun.

Training and education

Smart white lumps learn quickly. They need to be taught to maintain cleanliness. To do this, pets are praised when they do their business in the right place. Remember that it is difficult for a baby trained to use a tray to get used to the outdoor toilet. It is especially not necessary to accustom male dogs to the “diaper”. They have difficulty distinguishing between different types of toilets, and may confuse latrines with corners that are not intended for this purpose.

Representatives of the breed may bite during play. They do this kindly, but it is better to wean them off such behavior. To do this, the person freezes and does not look into the eyes after the bite. The puppy must understand that his behavior causes pain to the person. You cannot pet the dog at this moment.

If you plan to take your pet for walks in the city, train him to use a leash. First, the baby must get used to the collar, then accustom him to the new accessory. They do this at home, and only then take them outside. By this time he should have mastered the basic commands: “No”, “Come to me”, “Near”, “Sit”.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

Only a specialist can distinguish a Bichon Frize puppy from many other fluffy dogs with white fur. Therefore, you can only buy purebred babies from a nursery with a good reputation. A prerequisite is the availability of documents. Don't take the word for information in advertisements. Potential buyers are lured by loud statements that the puppy’s parents are champions, the litter is registered, and the baby has great potential.

Main components of choice:

  • breeding value;
  • puppy's exterior;
  • quality cultivation.

Breeding value analysis

The information must be checked, otherwise there is a risk of buying an animal that turns out to be far from the standards of the Bichon Frize breed. Price does not always indicate breed. This often affects novice breeders who believe that their babies are the best. You need to look at the pedigree of the mother (and preferably also the father), veterinary passport, mating certificate, exhibition diplomas, then check the brand. It is better to take a specialist with you to the viewing.

Inspection of the litter (certification) is carried out every 45 days. After the examination, a puppy card is issued (the pedigree is issued later, to the new owner), and the breeder issues a veterinary passport. Puppies move to a new home at the age of 3 months; it is not recommended to take them earlier.

Puppy exterior

Only a puppy born as a result of breeding can meet the standard. Thoughtless breeding leads to the degeneration of the breed. If you are interested in your pet's future exhibition career, use the services of an experienced dog handler when choosing.

A puppy up to 3 months old looks strong, he has a harmonious, proportional physique. The gait is confident, without wobbling from side to side. The exterior will be fully formed by 1 year, and the head and chest will be formed until 2.5 years.

Puppy color

The standard color of the coat is white, but a Bichon Frize puppy may have cream spots on the ears and body. By the age of one year they usually disappear. The nose is highly pigmented - it should be completely black. The eyes are also well painted.

Bichon Frize breed standards (FCI Standard No. 215)

FCI classification

Group 9 – Companion and decorative dogs.

Section 1 – Bichons and related breeds

Usage Companion dog
Appearance A small cheerful dog with loose, white fur in curls. The curls are shaped like a corkscrew. The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers.
Temperament, behavior Muzzle. The cheeks are flat and not very muscular. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smoothed. The furrow between the eyebrows is slightly noticeable. The forehead is flat to the touch.
  • Scull: proportional to the body.
  • Muzzle: shorter than the skull, forehead flat.
  • Jaws: wide lower and upper jaws, a scissor bite is preferred, but a pincer bite is also acceptable. A complete set of teeth is desirable.
  • Nose: black and shiny, round in shape.
  • Eyes: very dark or black, round, set straight.
  • Ears: hanging, covered with long hair.
  • Back: Muscular, strong and straight.
  • Small of the back: wide, slightly arched.
  • Breast: Well developed, well dropped to the elbows
  • Neck: long, smoothly blending into the withers.
  • Tail: medium length, long hair, gracefully curled behind the back.
  • Front: straight, oblique shoulder, elbows close to the chest.
  • Rear: with good muscles, parallel to each other, wide pelvis.
  • Paws: dense, rounded, claws preferably black.
Movements Fast, free, paws move in parallel.
Wool Long, thin, silky. The outer hair has spiral curls. The undercoat is thick and soft. I trim the fur along the body and give the head a ball shape.
Color White.
Height Height at the withers is 25–29 cm. In males, the height can be 1 cm higher, in females – 2 cm lower.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

The breed appeared in the Mediterranean in the 14th century, although white dogs were found even before our era. The birthplace of the breed is considered to be France and Belgium. At first, Bichons were considered rat hunters. But a number of features determined their future fate. Their touching appearance made them mega popular. During the Renaissance, dogs that looked like a fluffy cloud lived in the courts of monarchs. They were called little princes. Proof of this is their presence in portraits of the nobility of that era.

Only several centuries later they migrated from palaces to ordinary Europeans. They performed on stage, accompanied traveling actors and worked as guides. Now he is the star of cynological shows around the world.

The dogs received their modern name Bichon a poil frise in 1978, in the same year they were recognized as a French-Belgian breed. Before that they were called Tenerife lap dogs. The French Kennel Club approved the first breed standard, replacing the name “Tenerife” (tenerife) lapdog (bichon) with “curly” (frise).

We have been breeding the breed recently. However, at world exhibitions you can already see domestically bred dogs, and they are not inferior either in the quality of the livestock or in grooming.

The Bichon Frize is a type of lapdog from France that has gained popularity around the world. This is partly due to the attractive appearance of the dogs, which resemble a soft toy. But their amazing character and ability to be excellent companions cannot be discounted. Considering the fashion for beautiful representatives of small breeds, it is not surprising that when choosing, future owners give preference to these cute creatures.

The breed did not appear yesterday; its history goes back several centuries. Experts believe that the direct ancestors of the Bichon are the Tenerife lapdogs, dogs that were common during the Renaissance. Then they were successfully used to catch rats, including in ship holds. If you look deeper, you will find that these curly-haired dogs are descended from water spaniels.

In the 15th century, Bichons became the favorites of the aristocrats of Italy and Spain, and in the 16th century they became desirable pets in the homes of the French nobility. The French dubbed these charming dogs “barbichons” - small poodles, and later the name was shortened to “bichon” - lapdog. “Frise” is translated as “curly,” which emphasizes the quality of their fur.

From those times to the present day, the breed has experienced both ups and downs and has been on the verge of extinction. However, in the 20th century it began to actively gain popularity, and today Bichons can be found in all corners of the world.

Description of the Bichon Frize breed

Dogs of this breed are cute, curly, airy creatures of a very compact size: height dogs at the withers does not exceed 30 cm, weigh Bichons from 3 to 6 kg.

The size of individuals is determined by gender - males are slightly larger, although there are also females weighing 5-6 kg. During exhibition evaluation, weight and height do not matter - small and large individuals will have equal chances of success, the main thing is that the dog fits into the standard, is harmoniously built, and has a chic fur coat.

The standard describes Bichons as follows:

  1. Usually Bichons are cut in such a way that they head It looks like a voluminous ball, but this is a visual impression; in fact, it is medium in size. The forehead is flat, with a smooth transition to a smooth bridge of the nose.
  2. The eye sockets are well defined, the cheekbones are muscular, but this is almost imperceptible. The lips fit tightly, have a black edging, the upper one overlaps the lower one.
  3. The dentition is dense, even, with a scissor bite, the grip is rather weak. A straight bite is considered a fault, and the dog will not receive particularly high marks at shows.
  4. Nose large and round with wide open nostrils. The eyes are oval, without protrusion, with a lively, cheerful look. The shade is predominantly dark, almost black. The eyelids are tight-fitting, covering the white and third eyelid.
  5. Ears hanging down on the sides, of medium length, located quite high, decorated with long hair. The cartilages are elastic; when the dog becomes alert, the ears rise slightly.
  6. Rectangular format torso, with a strong, rounded, flexible neck, widening towards the shoulders. The withers are almost invisible, the back is wide, with a slight convexity in the croup area.
  7. The chest is wide, of decent depth, with a rounded keel. The belly is moderately tucked, does not hang down and does not interfere with the animal’s movement.
  8. Limbs stable, with strong bones and developed muscles. The front and rear are parallel, the elbows are pressed to the sternum. In the hind limbs, the articulation of the joints creates a soft, proportional angle.
  9. The hands are round in shape and the presence of dewclaws is not welcome; they are removed from puppies.
  10. Tail covered with abundant, long hair. Placed at the level of the spinal column, carried by the dog on his back.

Coat and colors

Particular attention is paid to the texture of the coat - it should consist of a soft, thick undercoat and a rough, curly outer coat. Together they create a dense coat, reminiscent of velvet fabric; if you press it, it will immediately straighten out.

After water treatments and combing, it lags behind the skin and becomes inflated and voluminous. A hard or silky coat that lies tightly to the skin is considered a serious defect, as is the absence of undercoat.

There is only one color of the Bichon Frize - solid white. Puppies may have beige spots, but these disappear as they age. Sometimes babies appear in the offspring with fur of a different color - beige, cream, etc., but such dogs are excluded from breeding and do not participate in exhibitions. But this does not stop them from being wonderful pets.


Bichon Frize puppies are adorable, playful, friendly and active. Adult dogs are not devoid of enthusiasm, but still behave more seriously and docilely.

French lap dogs are very intelligent, which allows them to quickly learn and adapt to new conditions. They adore their owner, love to go for walks with him, but they don’t really like moving long distances. Thanks to its compact size, the dog can run and frolic at home, getting the necessary exercise.

These charming dogs are sociable pets, so they cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness. When sad, a Bichon may begin to whine for a long time and commit small dirty tricks, for example, scuffing the owner’s slippers, pulling the blanket off the sofa, or tearing a pillow, releasing its contents.

Families with children, elderly couples, and single people can get a puppy of this breed. Other animals will not be a hindrance - the curly dog ​​gets along with almost all pets. But Bichons are not devoid of a sense of independence: if mischievous, the baby will pretend to be innocent, even if he was caught “dragging.” It is unlikely that you will be able to make your dog feel guilty.

Education and training

Bichon Frizes are intelligent and quick-witted, making them easy to raise and train. However, lap dogs can be very willful and are often distracted by extraneous noises, so they need an obedience course. But specialized training is not for them; nevertheless, these curly-haired babies are exclusively companions, and not working dogs.

With a loud, powerful voice, these babies can express various emotions - joy, delight, anxiety, they will also bark, protecting the owner or notifying him of the approach of strangers. Therefore, it is recommended to raise the dog so that he is more restrained and does not make noise unless there are serious reasons for this.

When training, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • caution and consistency are important;
  • the dog becomes infected with the mood of its owner, and if the person shows interest during classes and sincerely rejoices at success, then this mood will certainly be passed on to the curly-haired friend;
  • First of all, the baby must learn 3 basic commands on which all other training is based: “Place!”, “Come to me!” and “You can’t!”;
  • any aggression and cruelty towards the baby can negate all the successes achieved; such treatment can seriously offend the dog and discourage it from acquiring knowledge.

Bichons understand almost from the first time what their owner expects from them, but they do not always immediately follow commands. Perhaps the dog wants to show his independence or is testing the owner to see how strong and confident he is.

Like other representatives of decorative breeds, bichons can be trained to use a home toilet - a diaper or litter box. This will allow you not to take your snow-white baby outside when the weather is not favorable or there is no free time. Representatives of this breed love to walk, but do not need intense exercise.

Care and health

If you look at a photo of a Bichon Frize, it’s easy to imagine that caring for a baby will be difficult. And, above all, its fur deserves special attention - to make it look like a delicate, airy, white marshmallow, the owner will have to try:

  • the dog should be brushed daily;
  • bathe the baby once every 4 months, if necessary, you can do this more often;
  • The procedure requires special detergents suitable for curly hair;
  • Bichons are trimmed - this can be done both for hygienic purposes - once a month, trim the hair in frequently dirty areas, and for the sake of a beautiful appearance;
  • the fur in the groin area and on the face should be cleaned regularly, as here it can turn yellow - the treatment can be done with a solution of boric acid, but strictly observe the proportion so as not to harm the dog;
  • It is not recommended for a pet who regularly participates in exhibition events to wear a collar, as it damages the fur and washes it out.

If you keep your dog's hair short, this will make caring for your four-legged friend much easier. Bichons also have their nails trimmed regularly, their teeth brushed a couple of times a week, and their eyes washed with boiled water or an antiseptic. You cannot use herbal decoctions or tea leaves for these purposes - these liquids can stain the hair around the eyes.

Among the hereditary diseases that are transmitted to offspring from parents, the following can be noted:

  • epilepsy;
  • dysplasia;
  • atlantoaxial instability (pathological condition of the spine).

Often, in pursuit of profit, breeders do not say that their puppies are sick, so it is worth purchasing a pet only from sellers who value their reputation.

In addition, there are a number of diseases that develop if the dog is not provided with quality care and a nutritious diet:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • hypotrichosis (loss of fur);
  • dermatological diseases;
  • allergy;
  • pathologies of the visual organs - cataracts, corneal dystrophy, entropion.

Bichons should not jump from heights, as there is a risk of broken limbs or dislocated kneecaps. Also, they should not be allowed to play with larger and stronger dogs that could inadvertently harm the baby.


The owner can choose suitable dry food or give preference to natural feeding of the pet. In the second case, the following features must be taken into account:

  • The dog’s diet must include raw meat; it is first scalded with boiling water;
  • vegetables are given to the dog both boiled and raw;
  • fish is included in the menu 2-3 times a week, but lap dogs are not allowed to eat river fish; boil it and remove the seeds;
  • healthy food for lap dogs is cereal steamed in boiling water - buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • if the dog eats natural products, it needs additional sources of vitamins - the veterinarian can prescribe a suitable vitamin and mineral complex, it is also recommended to add a little bone meal to the food;
  • food should be cut into small pieces before serving;
  • milk is given only to puppies; an adult dog only needs to consume yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese once every 5-7 days;
  • Do not feed your pet hot or very cold food.

Smoked, salted, pickled foods, foods containing various spices, legumes, pearl barley, confectionery and baked goods should be excluded from your pet’s diet.

When choosing dry food, you should focus on super-premium brands. It is best if the diet is intended for representatives of this particular breed.

The Bichon Frize is a decorative dog designed to live in a house or apartment. The baby will need a traditional set of accessories:

  • bowl – preferably it should be on a stand or attached to a surface;
  • a bed - it can be a mattress, a basket or a house, the main thing is that the place is cozy;
  • collar and leash are neat accessories that minimally damage the fur;
  • The snow-white cutie should be immediately equipped with an address keychain;
  • tray - it should be larger than the cat's;
  • puppies are quite inquisitive and often get injured, so it’s worth purchasing a small enclosure for your apartment where you can leave the baby while you’re away;
  • carrying;
  • toys.

French lapdogs love to walk, but it is advisable to take them away from thorny bushes and burrs, so that you don’t have to torment the dog later and spoil its fluffy fur by removing plants and debris.

Photo of Bichon Frize

Video about Bichon Frize

Purchasing a puppy

The Bichon Frize is a common breed, so purchasing a puppy will not be a problem. It is advisable to contact a breeder with an excellent reputation, especially if you need a puppy for a subsequent exhibition career.

The best nurseries are considered to be the following:

  • White Star, Moscow http://belayazvezda.com/index.php/contacts/;
  • Colored barberry, Moscow https://cvbarbaris.ru/;
  • Frizzled Life, Kyiv http://bichon.kiev.ua/.

You can buy a pet without a pedigree for 10,000-15,000 rubles; offspring with documents cost from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the class. Mixed breeds, a cross between Bichons and other small dogs, are often put up for sale. Often the puppies turn out to be very nice, and their price can reach 7000-8000 rubles.

Bichon Frize are amazingly beautiful, positive dogs, loving and loyal. Once upon a time they were engaged in catching rodents, so they still have a spirit of independence and stubbornness. You should not only love your pet, but also respect his feelings.

These funny snow-white dandelions have been accompanying European fashionistas for several centuries. But the fluffy, glamorous accessory was once a true hunting dog. The Bichon Frize is easy to train and has many talents.

Bichon Frize cannot help but make you smile: small, active and smart dogs love attention and try to attract it with games or tricks. One of the best companion dogs, they get along in any home, get along with children and other animals. They require more attention and love from the owner than efforts to care for their aristocratic persona.

Description of the breed

This is a decorative companion dog with an aristocratic proud posture, long snow-white hair and a playful character. The dog should have a well-developed chest, wide croup, and sinewy paws. The tail is curved, but does not lie on the back and is not curled. The ears are hanging, with elongated hairs. The international standard identifies the following characteristics of the breed.

  • Weight. On average 3-6 kg.
  • Height at the withers. Up to 30 cm.
  • Color. Exceptionally white. The coat is 7-10 cm long with corkscrew curls. It is noteworthy that it does not cause allergies and, due to its specific structure, almost does not interfere with shedding.
  • Lifespan. Despite their small size, representatives of the breed can be called long-livers - they live 12-15 years.
  • Character. Good-natured, playful, sociable, without any aggression disposition. Bichons are very attached to their owners and are ready to accompany them everywhere, just so as not to be alone.
  • Intelligence. Rated above average. Dogs easily get used to the rules of life in an apartment and are so trainable that many representatives of the breed have made artistic careers in the circus and cinema.
  • Security and guard potential. It’s hard to evaluate it seriously, but in fact, it’s still there in this small body. These are fearless dogs, very loyal to their owner.

One gets the impression that these dogs are suitable for any owner: compact, easy to keep (except for the cost and time of grooming), non-aggressive and sociable. But it is important to consider that Bichon Frize cannot tolerate long absences from their owner. Therefore, if your work involves extra hours and business trips, this breed is not suitable.

Origin history and interesting facts

This is an ancient breed, so its history is replete with assumptions and conjectures (humanity has only recently learned to document its own breeding successes). According to some data, similar small light dogs were known in the territory of modern Italy and Spain 1 thousand years ago. But scientists cannot yet prove or disprove their relationship with modern lapdogs and Bichon Frize.

According to one common version, the medieval ancestors of all lap dogs, including the Bichon Frize, lived in the Canary Islands. They weren’t a vacation paradise or offshore at that time, and they got their name not because of the birds, but precisely because of the dogs that lived there (in Latin “canis”).

Local fishermen used small dogs to protect food in warehouses and ships from rats, took them with them on trips and willingly sold them in new lands. From the ancestors of the Bichon Frize, they still got the attention-grabbing curly coat and the first name Barbie-chon. The population brought by sailors to different regions was divided into lines: Maltese, Havana and Tenerife. Until the 20th century, when the breed was registered by dog ​​handlers, bichons (short for Barbie-chon) were called Tenerife.

The breed received its modern appearance already by the 14th century in France. There she was so welcomed by the court that for the next five centuries the Bichon Frize forgot about their role as hunters and rat catchers. Dogs have become an everlasting fashion statement and an indispensable companion of high society. King Francis I called them infantas (a title for princes and princesses who do not inherit the throne), and his follower Henry III personally wore a basket of favorites around his neck.

France was a kingdom, became an empire, turned into a republic, revived the monarchy, and again became a republic, but the fashion for white curly hair never went away. It was precisely this requirement for their pets that French cynologists included in the first breed standard, adopted in 1933. Its official name, bichon a poil frise, non-literally means a curly lapdog that looks like a velvet pad sponge.

The final recognition of the Bichon Frize came after the 70s, when the breed was approved in the USA and Great Britain.

Before you bring a little white lump into your home, take care of preparing the apartment.

  • Personal space. Determine the location where the dog's bed will be located. It should not be in a draft, but also not near heating devices. It is recommended to arrange the dog’s place on a small elevation - 20-30 centimeters.
  • Accessories. Buy dishes and toys.
  • Safety . Remove wires and all objects that the puppy could drop or chew from the floor and places accessible to the puppy.
  • Toilet. If you plan to train your puppy to use the toilet in the house, purchase a special tray and litter.
  • Transportation. Buy a special carrier for the dog, because even if the owner is not an avid traveler, taking the Bichon Frize to the veterinarian and groomer under his own power will be problematic.

Every day you need to examine the dog’s eyes and ears and wipe the hair around the eyes with a cotton swab. After eating, the Bichon Frize must be washed, otherwise the fur on its face will be dirty gray. After a walk, wash their paws and wipe their fur as needed. Nails are trimmed with special scissors once a month.


The luxurious curly coat of the Bichon Frize is the main and unique decoration of these dogs. Unlike its cousins, which change their coat during shedding, the Bichon Frize's coat grows throughout its life, just like human hair. Because of this, grooming procedures are simply necessary for them.

  • Combing. Needs to be done daily. It is important to prevent knots and pellets from appearing in the fur. Combs with different tooth frequencies are used. For the undercoat you will need a slicker brush, and for styling - a massage brush. You can use a special spray to make combing easier and removing tangles.
  • Bathing. Bathe your pet twice a month or as the fur gets dirty. It is important to use only specialized shampoos. If itching, dandruff or similar symptoms appear after washing, change the brand of cosmetics. If symptoms persist, contact your veterinarian. For the autumn-winter period, it is worth purchasing clothes that will protect the wool from dirt and dampness. After washing, the dog must be dried thoroughly, otherwise there is a risk of fungus and various skin diseases.
  • A haircut. Perform once every 1.5-2 months. The main goal is hygienic. To participate in exhibitions, only the simplest haircut is done, emphasizing the breed standards. If your pet’s exhibition career is not exciting, there are no limits to creativity in Bichon Frize hairstyles. Fast-growing wool in this case only increases the number of possible images.


Despite their mini size, Bichon Frizes have an excellent appetite and a complete lack of sense of proportion. It is important not to overfeed your dog and monitor the balance of fats and proteins in its diet.

You can feed both ready-made food and natural food. Since the breed is prone to allergies, you will have to be very careful when choosing food, carefully monitoring your pet’s reaction to any change in diet. Among ready-made food, experts recommend buying only products from well-known brands of at least premium class. If you decide to cook on your own, keep in mind that this dog’s diet must include:

  • meat raw or after heat treatment;
  • boneless fish;
  • porridge (rice, “Hercules”)
  • vegetables and fruits (can be in the form of puree).


The breed is active by nature and needs walks in the fresh air. But due to its miniature size, many owners prefer to teach their puppy to go to the toilet in a tray, which allows them to walk with their pet without being strictly tied to its physiological needs.

Tray training a puppy begins from the first days of their life together. Watch your baby carefully. As soon as he begins to show signs of agitation, take him to the toilet. You shouldn’t scold your puppy too much for puddles and heaps, but you should praise him for every correct trip. The Bichon Frize is a smart breed, and
A pet can master hygiene skills in just a month.


The natural liveliness of character, sociability and socialization make raising a Bichon Frize accessible even to people who have not previously interacted with dogs. Experienced dog breeders emphasize two basic principles on which all training is based.

  1. Strictness. Don't be fooled by his charming appearance and sweet habits. The Bichon Frize is a dog that needs discipline and training. Permissiveness and “small dog syndrome” will ruin the pet’s character and make it uncontrollable on the street, which, given its small size, threatens trouble for itself.
  2. Attention . These dogs are naturally very dependent on humans, and you need to be prepared to pay a lot of attention to them from the first day. Often neat and obedient, deprived of communication and affection, Bichon Frize can become real vandals in the apartment and hooligans on the street.

Otherwise, raising a Bichon Frize is not much different from training other small dogs. From the first days the puppy learns to respond to its own name. Then, even before regular walks on the street, you can accustom him to the “Come to me” command, for example, by inviting him to a meal. It is very important to wean your dog from biting even during play and from barking for no reason. Another important command is “Fu”, according to which the pet must stop any action. From the first walks, teach your dog the “Near” command. “Sit”, “Stand” and “Lie down” can be practiced with a somewhat older puppy both at home and on the street.

It is important to get the dog to correctly perform each command, and reward only for it. You cannot use praise and treats to reinforce inaccurate or incorrect actions in the dog’s mind.

Diseases and treatment

Pay attention to your pet's behavior and appearance: whether he has become less active, whether his fur has become dull, whether there are scratches or rashes on the skin, whether his eyes and ears are clean. The most common diseases among representatives of this breed are:

  • allergy;
  • dermatitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diabetes;
  • hypotrichosis (hormonal failure of the thyroid gland, leading to hair loss);
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • atlantoaxial instability;
  • epilepsy.

Congenital displacement of the first cervical vertebra (atlas) can occur with age or due to injury. It is painful for a dog with this condition to move his head. It is treated surgically or conservatively using a corset.

In the daily care of your pet, special attention should be paid to its eyes, since the breed is prone to the following ophthalmological diseases:

  • cataract - clouding of the lens;
  • entropion - inversion of the eyelid;
  • corneal dystrophy- decreased transparency of the cornea.

Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog's eyes are red or running, he reacts strangely to light, his vision becomes worse, or significant discharge accumulates in the corners.


The first vaccination of a Bichon Frize is carried out in a month and a half by the breeder. He must provide the date and information about the vaccine used along with other documents for the puppy. The second vaccination is given at two months, the third at six months, and then annually according to the schedule suggested by the veterinarian. Like other dogs, the Bichon Frize is vaccinated against:

  • parvo and coronavirus enteritis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • plague;
  • hepatitis;
  • adenoviral infection;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies.

After repeated vaccinations at two months, you can go for walks with the puppy. Until this moment - only on hands.

TOP nicknames

The Bichon Frize is a bundle of fun and emotions; choosing a name for them can only be done in a good mood. Many owners take into account the French origin of the breed, some are guided by the pet’s appearance or character traits.

Examples of nicknames for a male dog:

  • Archie;
  • Amur;
  • Orleans;
  • Fluff;
  • Snowball;
  • Smile;
  • Barney;
  • Persian;
  • Umka.

Examples of nicknames for bitches:

  • Sophie;
  • Snowflake;
  • Susie;
  • Pushinka;
  • Roxy;
  • Jesse;
  • Salma;
  • Gabi;
  • Lilu;
  • Sherry.

Photo review

Photos of representatives of the breed make you admire their aristocratic posture, the grace of their snow-white coat and the perky sparkle of their eyes.

Cost and where to buy

The Bichon Frize is traditionally considered the dog of aristocrats, and the modern price of puppies justifies this title. The cost varies depending on the region of purchase, the pedigree and achievements of the parents, as well as the class of the puppy itself (show class is the most expensive, pet class is relatively cheap). But on average, a purebred puppy with a good pedigree will cost about 32 thousand rubles, and with champion ambitions it will cost much more. For example, in Moscow, breeders ask 30-50 thousand rubles for a puppy (data as of January 2018).

But it’s definitely not worth saving and buying a pet second-hand. Even experienced dog breeders admit that in infancy it is difficult to distinguish them from lap dogs and all kinds of mixed breeds. You should collect information in advance about the breeders of these dogs working in the region and contact only professionals with a reliable reputation.

If you intend to acquire a future champion, it is better to involve a specialist in the selection, communicate with participants in breed exhibitions and reserve a puppy in advance from mating parents of the appropriate level. If exhibitions are not of interest, focus on information about the health of the parents and previous litters from them.

Remember, minor inconsistencies with breed standards (for example, an imperfect bite) will in no way prevent the puppy from becoming a family favorite. But you can be guaranteed to get a healthy dog ​​with all the advantages of the breed only by purchasing an animal whose origin is confirmed in the appropriate manner.

Decide in advance whether you intend to breed in the future. If yes, then it is better to purchase a show- or breed-class bitch, for whom it will be easier to find worthy partners. The first heat in dogs of this breed occurs at 8-14 months. Then every five to nine months. It is better to carry out the first mating during the second or third heat. Pregnancy in a Bichon Frize lasts between 56-72 days. If the litter is small, birth occurs earlier, if large - later, but within this period. Too early or too late childbirth most often ends in the death of the offspring, so it is important that the pregnancy proceeds under the supervision of a veterinarian.

When you come to meet your future pet, pay attention to the living conditions of the mother and puppies. The puppy itself must be clean and moderately well-fed, play actively with its brothers and sisters, and not be afraid of its future owner.

At the same time, you should not make high external demands on the baby. Bichon Frize puppies are allowed a creamy coat - it will turn white over time. Also, don't focus on size. Although miniature is valued in the breed, at an early age even specialists cannot determine what size a dog will grow up to be. A puppy that is too small may not indicate future compactness, but a disease.

It is easier to judge a puppy’s future appearance and show chances after four months.


The Bichon Frize is not the most common breed, but it is popular enough in Russia and the former Soviet Union to find a breeding kennel in almost every major city. For example:

  • Cherche la Neige (Moscow)- http://bichon-frise.ru;
  • Imperial Gold (St. Petersburg) - http://bichon-imperialgold.com;
  • "Northern Orchid" (Irkutsk region)- http://irk-dog.ru;
  • Frizzled Life (Kyiv, Ukraine)- http://bichon.kiev.ua.

You need to choose a dog based on your preferences, lifestyle and financial capabilities. Remember that you will have expenses for grooming, organizing a healthy diet and veterinarian services.

The Bichon Frize is a small decorative dog with a cheerful temperament, expressive eyes and a healthy, balanced psyche. This is one of Europe's favorite family dogs. The legendary lapdog with a snow-white curly coat looks spectacular not only in pictures, but also in life.

The history of the breed goes back more than one century. Known during the Renaissance, Tenerife lap dogs can be considered the direct ancestors of modern Bichons. At that time, dogs from the Mediterranean were highly valued on ships for their ability to catch rats and entertain sailors on long voyages. History confirms the origin of curly lap dogs from barbites (water spaniels).

In the 15th century, the Bichon became the favorite of the Spanish and Italian aristocracy, and in the 16th century it appeared in France, where it also won the love of the nobility. The French called the small dogs “Barbichon”, later shortened to “Bichon”. Most of all, the popularity and spread of the breed was due to the love of Henry III, who did not part with snow-white dogs even for a minute. The monarch even carried out government affairs with a basket around his neck in which his beloved pet sat.

Powdered and pampered bichons ended up on the streets after the French Revolution, but even then they were not lost. The dogs found refuge among street organ grinders. Later, the ability to entertain the public and optimism helped them get used to the circus art. After two world wars, the Bichon population almost completely disappeared. The breed was restored only thanks to the work of French and Belgian enthusiasts. Despite its Mediterranean origin, today the breed is considered French-Belgian. In France, a standard was developed and approved in 1933. The current name Bichon Frize (French: Bichon a poil frise) was assigned to the breed in 1978.

The name of the breed comes from two French words Bichon - “lapdog” and frisé - “curly”. In 1956, frisées first crossed the ocean to the United States, but did not become particularly popular. In 1976 they appeared in Sweden, where the professional development of the breed began. Swiss nurseries are still leading in the world; all the best qualities have been consolidated in them and undesirable ones have been minimized. No less high-quality Bichon stock is found in England, Norway, Denmark and Finland.

Video review about the Bichon Frize breed:

Appearance and standards

The Bichon Frize is a small decorative dog with fast, energetic movements, proud posture and a lively, expressive look. Weight 3-5 kg, Height at the withers - 23-30 cm. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced.

Head and muzzle

The head is proportional to the body. The cranial part is flat to the touch; the hair trim gives it additional roundness. The stop is poorly marked. Muzzle of medium length. The nose is round black. The eyes are expressive and dark. The eyeballs should not stand out too much. The eyelids are well pigmented. The ears are drooping and carried slightly forward. The auricle reaches the middle of the muzzle. The cheekbones are flat, the bite is correct. Lips are thin, dry, well pigmented.

Body, paws, tail

The body is square format. The height at the withers is approximately equal to the length of the body. The neck is quite long (equal to about a third of the length of the body), set high and proud. The chest is well developed. The back is straight. The croup is rounded. The tail is set below the line of the back, usually carried up, but does not form a ring. Legs with thin bones and moderately developed muscles, straight.

Coat and color

The coat is very fine, wavy, and silky to the touch. It can reach 10 cm in length. The skin is partially pigmented. The color is exclusively white: snow-white or ivory.

Character and psychological portrait

Bichons are cheerful, sociable and playful dogs, very people-oriented. They cannot remain alone for a long time and need constant communication and attention. They absolutely do not tolerate rudeness and unfair treatment. With age, representatives of the breed do not become less playful, only a little more calm and balanced. Their character often contains cunning and stubbornness. Sometimes they are jealous. In most cases, Bichons are great with children. They do not experience any aggression or fear towards the child. We are always happy to take part in the game.

Thanks to their gentle disposition, Bichons are perfect for novice dog owners, single people, families with children and the elderly.

Bichons easily make contact not only with people, but also with other pets. They are not aggressive and will not initiate conflict. Their voice is ringing and loud, and if improperly trained, they are prone to excessive barking.

Education and training

Small dogs have the role of toys, and the attitude of most owners towards them is appropriate. Meanwhile, this is a full-fledged personality who needs proper education no less than his larger brothers. Bichons are easy to train, quickly remember commands, carry them out with pleasure, and learn various tricks. These agile, active dogs successfully master various sports, such as agility or freestyle.

Basics of education and training:

  • Rules of behavior in the house;
  • Determining where you can go to the toilet;
  • Socialization (meeting other animals, people, new surroundings);
  • Teaching basic commands (“Place!”, “Come to me!”, “No”, etc.), performing them at home and on the street;
  • Prohibition on barking over trifles;
  • Gradual habituation to unfamiliar, sometimes sharp or loud sounds.

This is not a complete list of what will help make future life with a dog comfortable.

The Bichon Frize is an ideal small pet with minimal shedding. Moderately active, he will feel great even in a small apartment. At home, it is advisable for the dog to arrange a personal sleeping place in a secluded corner and provide several toys to choose from. If desired, you can train your dog to use the litter box.

Minimal physical activity is required. A daily walk near your home will help you stay fit and active.

It is worth keeping in mind that at any age, Bichons have a weakness for wires and anything that doesn’t lie well. Those at risk include papers, magazines, shoes, curtains and upholstery. Often destructive behavior is associated with boredom and insufficient toys. Additionally, products with a repulsive odor will help protect things.

The truth about the hypoallergenic breed

Bichon Frizes are indeed included in the list of hypoallergenic dogs due to the special structure of their coat. Like a person, their hair grows constantly and practically does not shed, which means there is much less dandruff, which usually causes allergies. Unfortunately, no one can guarantee that a dog will not cause allergies. The only way to find out is to spend some time with the breed.

Caring for a Bichon

Dogs of this breed require regular care, which will require not only time, but also material costs.


Breeders recommend brushing your dog every day or at least 2-3 times a week, since the soft fur is prone to tangling and matting. Combs with rare and frequent teeth are used. The Bichon's coat grows constantly, which means that the dog will have to be cut every 1.5-2 months. A little more often a haircut will be required in the anus and genital area.

In life, Bichons very rarely look like the photos on the Internet - a round white cloud, because this requires considerable daily effort, special tools and professional cosmetics.

Water treatments are recommended every 2-3 weeks, but you can bathe more often, because soiled snow-white fur does not have self-cleaning properties. Shampoos are selected specialized for a given type of coat or breed. After washing and rinsing, use balms and conditioners to prevent tangling. The fur must be dried with a hairdryer. Dry shampoos can sometimes be used instead of washing.

Hygiene of eyes, ears, mouth and nail trimming

The eyes of Bichons must be regularly wiped from dirt using cotton-gauze swabs and special lotions. It is necessary to keep the tear ducts clean and dry, where the coat becomes brownish without proper care. To prevent the appearance of dark spots, you need to make sure that hairs and eyelashes do not get into your eyes. These factors, together with poor nutrition, often cause excessive tearing and further coloration of the coat. To lighten tear ducts, use veterinary lightening agents or 3% hydrogen peroxide.

The ears are regularly inspected for signs of infection or contamination. Clean as needed, about once a week. Teeth are brushed at least 2-3 times a week, especially if the dog eats natural products or soft commercial food. Regular hygiene will prevent plaque from forming and will prevent tartar. If the claws do not have time to grind down on their own, they are trimmed with pruning shears about once a month.


Bichons eat relatively modestly, are not prone to overeating and obesity, but need a high-quality, balanced diet, which is prepared in accordance with age and physical activity. Depending on the owner’s preferences, this can be natural food or ready-made industrial food. It is not recommended to mix the two types. It is also worth considering that many foods and some feeds can cause an allergic reaction.

Health, illness and life expectancy

Bichons are not frail or sickly dogs. With good care and nutrition, they live a healthy, long life (average lifespan 13-14 years). Nevertheless, as a result of selection, the breed received a number of hereditary diseases and a tendency to certain diseases.

  • Deformation of the tear ducts may result in excessive tearing or lack of tears.
  • Impaired eyelash growth can cause trauma to the cornea.
  • Subluxation of the knee occurs both at birth and in adulthood.
  • Incorrect formation of the cervical vertebrae appears in the first year of life, sometimes later; leads to sharp pain when turning the head, and in advanced cases to paralysis.
  • Eye diseases, including progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, etc.
  • A tendency to allergies is noted.
  • Various skin diseases.
  • Hypotrichosis is a rare hereditary pathology that leads to hair loss. Baldness is often symmetrical. There is no effective treatment.
  • Urolithiasis disease.

Like any other breed, the Bichon Frize requires regular veterinary preventive measures.

Choosing a puppy and price

If the decision to buy a puppy has been made, choose a new family member responsibly. First, find a breeder and nursery, find out about the parents, and then choose a baby.

It is worth considering that bichons do not have any clear defining characteristics of the breed, so cute mestizos are often sold under the guise of aristocratic dogs.

The baby's color should be white, but a peach coating on the face and ears is allowed, which completely disappears by the age of 1.5 years. In general, the baby should be clean, externally healthy and active.

Bichon Frize puppy price

Prices for puppies in Russia vary in the range of 20-60 thousand rubles. Many factors influence the cost. First of all, this is the quality and pedigree of the parents, the class of the puppy, the level of the kennel and its geography.


Photos of Bichon Frize puppies and dogs

Cheerful and mischievous. Looking at it, the owners have a question: what to name a bichon puppy ?

If the baby was purchased from a nursery, and his pedigree consists of numerous titled names, then the owners of the nursery have already assigned the bison a name, like his brothers and sisters, starting with one letter for the entire litter, which also contains the name of the nursery. This is done in accordance with the rules established in breed clubs to facilitate the registration of offspring and its further registration with the FCI. But the name turns out to be so cumbersome that it is impossible to pronounce it several dozen times every day. Of course, if the dog is planned to be involved in exhibition activities, it must know its full name. But in everyday life, a pet is assigned another, short, most easily pronounced one. Sometimes Bichon's nickname is formed as an affectionate diminutive of his full name. However, most often, owners prefer to come up with a name for their pet themselves.

If a puppy is purchased from a breeder, it is also given a name. It is indicated in the puppy documents. There is no prefix in the form of the name of the nursery, but still, the nickname looks difficult to pronounce. To participate in exhibition activities and register in a breed club, you will have to leave the official nickname, but at home the pet will still be called by its own name.

If a Bichon Frize was purchased at a market or pet store, it does not have registration documents. But there must be a name! In this case, the dog will not be involved in dog shows or participate in breeding, so choosing a name for it is complete freedom of action for the owner.

And here there is a wide field for fantasy. TO Choosing a name for a Bichon Frize It’s better to involve the whole family, especially children. Their indefatigable capacity for invention will suggest such extraordinary options that “won’t occur to adults.”

How to name beloved and only bichon frize , the heart will tell you. Listing nickname options is a thankless task. There are many of them. We can only give recommendations on what criteria should be followed in order to choose a name for your bichon frize .

When choosing a nickname you should not use:

  • Names of people, especially family members or close acquaintances. On the one hand, this may be unpleasant for a person, on the other hand, the call “Styopa, come here!” both the dog and the man will come running.
  • Names that sound like commands: “Steve!” may sound like “Stop!”
  • Polysyllabic nicknames. Small puppies perceive abrupt words, usually consisting of no more than two syllables. Even if the intricate name Magribella is written in your baby’s passport, in everyday life it will turn into Magri or Bella.
  • Words that you don't know the meaning of or that don't sound good in pronunciation. Of course, the dog does not understand that its name sounds offensive, but you will have to repeat it in public places.
  • If there are small children in the family, you should try to choose a nickname that the child can easily pronounce. As the child grows up, he will learn to pronounce all the letters correctly, and the dog will get used to the distorted sound of his nickname.
  • You should not use nicknames that are often repeated in your place of residence. Monotonous Musi and Lady not only tire people's ears, but also disorientate the pet. He can run to the call of a complete stranger.

Things to consider when choosing a nickname:

  • Pet's appearance. With his appearance, he himself will tell you which name suits him best.
  • The character of the baby. A nimble puppy will have to be called much more often than an obedient one. Therefore, the name of the mischievous person should sound abruptly, then he will react to it faster.
  • Nicknames for boys Bichon Frize you need to select sharper and stricter ones than names for girls.
  • Nicknames for girls Bichon Frize should sound more gentle and melodic. By nature, girls are more affectionate and obedient. A beautiful name will only emphasize their attractiveness.
  • When choosing a name, you can use the words that are most remembered as positive moments from the life of the owners. For example, I really enjoyed visiting a country or a gorgeous waterfall. If the name is suitable for use as a dog name, then why not?
  • Events that are associated with the appearance of a puppy in the house can also be used as a nickname. If you were given a Bichon as a gift by French friends, you can name it "Cado", which means "gift" in French.
  • To make the name original and rarely repeated, you can arm yourself with a dictionary of foreign words and choose a nickname from it. One caveat: the word must be unambiguous so that neither you nor your “foreigner” will be embarrassed in public places.

Choosing a name for a Bichon Frize dog is not only an exciting activity, but also a responsible matter. Take a closer look at your dog, and a suitable name will immediately appear.