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Crazy test. Insanity test. When will the tongue lead to a psychiatric examination?


“All policies, all our work in the economy and social sphere should be aimed at saving the nation. This means that our guide should be the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens. We must continue to open up broad opportunities for success and self-realization for every person,” President Vladimir Putin noted last December at the 17th Congress of the United Russia party. Basically, he didn’t say anything new. The topic of feedback from the people to the authorities, dialogue on equal terms between the state and the individual is raised by him more than once. It rises and then noisily falls back to the bottom of the administrative slurry. After all, the difference between the word “wish” and the word “do” is only one letter, which nevertheless includes the inaction of local authorities, dry replies from officials, and... the punishment of those who, despite obstacles, still try put an equal sign between these words.

Here in front of me lies a letter from Natalya Chikhladze, a resident of the Krasnogvardeisky district, addressed to the chairman of the United Russia party, Dmitry Medvedev. In it, she talks about the difficult situation in the healthcare sector in their area. I’ll be objective, it’s famously written. And in some places it’s even vulgar and vulgar. The culture of written etiquette in it is clearly lame on both legs. A more or less competent lawyer, approaching the appeal formally, will take it apart brick by brick and leave no stone unturned.

This is about form. But, looking at the lines, it is important to see not only the letters that form merciless words, but to dig a little deeper, to the essence of the problem. Moreover, our people are characterized by amazing patience and even mental apathy towards what is happening. And then there are as many as 60 signatures on the document. And what had to happen in the Krasnogvardeyskaya Central District Hospital for the dirty linen to be swept out of the hut?

A new broom with an innovative twist

This story began in November 2014, when, by order of the Ministry of Health of the UK, a new chief physician, Sergei Usov, appeared at the Krasnogvardeysk Central Regional Hospital. However, I’m afraid that the dry verb “appeared” to characterize the scale of a given person will be somewhat cramped in its lexical framework. Because to appear is simply to enter an institution, simply open your office with a key, simply sit in a chair and continue the economic and administrative work that was done by your predecessor. The newly-minted leader, in order to solve existing problems, developed vigorous activity in the territory entrusted to him, and with the most innovative approach.

Thus, the department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection in the UK recorded a number of violations in the hospital: walls in the surgical building affected by fungus, lack of a warm transition between surgery and the emergency room, etc. In short, bringing the premises into working condition required funding, and not a small one. And probably, if another business executive had been in Sergei Borisovich’s place, he would have followed the well-trodden path of the well-known administrative algorithm: he began to look for sponsors, storm federal programs and national projects, and knock on the thresholds of the regional Ministry of Health with an outstretched hand. In general, no imagination! Continuous practice without lyrics! While nearby there is a half-empty canvas and a half-filled palette for inspiration - a three-story building of a maternity hospital, which Usov densified by transferring two additional departments to women in labor - intensive care and surgery. The vacated resuscitation building was converted into a paid self-supporting department. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Especially from the villagers, who were unpleasantly surprised by the cost of paid services and one bed for the entire day hospital.

However, such a castling was only a test swing of the new broom. This was followed by general cleaning, the sad leitmotif of which was the mass outflow of leading specialists from the Red Guard hospital. According to the data available to the editorial office, for 2015
Seven doctors quit. In 2016 - five. The residents of the village of Krasnogvardeisky themselves claim that during the reign of Usov and Co., more than two hundred district medical workers were missing.

“There are no irreplaceables, only irreplaceables.” This phrase quietly crawled through hospital rooms and corridors, dividing the once harmonious and friendly team into two opposing camps - who is with us and who is against us.

Every day the work became more and more difficult. We, the unwanted ones, were simply squeezed out of there. And for those who did not want to write a statement voluntarily, they found an excuse to fire them under the article,” says Natalya Gorelova, a therapist and excellent student in Russian healthcare. By decision of the district court in April 2015, the order to dismiss her was canceled, and the doctor was reinstated at work. But as an office, the hospital management suggested that she set up a place for herself in the room where the toilet had previously been located. She chose to leave. At your own request.

The villagers were surprised when in the office of narcologist-psychiatrist Galina Yarovaya, instead of an experienced specialist with extensive work experience, they saw a young intern M. Stepkina. And although the latter by that time did not yet have a certificate in the specialty “psychiatry,” this did not stop Usov from entrusting her with the paid reception of patients with the issuance of medical reports for obtaining a driver’s license and purchasing weapons.

Does hopelessness force you to take risks? But why then fire an experienced doctor? Why, just like in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession,” play out a scene:

I'm sorry, what? Kem parish? Let them take it for their health! I thought, Lord! The state will not become poor! Take it! Take it!

The state may not become poorer - the chief doctors from other hospitals in the blink of an eye sorted out the freed professionals, but I’ll argue about the Red Guards themselves. It is clear that the Zemsky Doctor program helped quickly fill the gap in personnel. But whether the young people will settle down in the village forever or sharpen their skis once they have worked off the million donated by the state is a question for the near future. It is also not clear where beginners, just beginning their development as specialists, can get knowledge from, who to follow as an example, and who to ask for advice from? Directly from Usov? He, being a quarter-time surgeon at the same Krasnogvardeyskaya Central District Hospital, arranged supervision over the intern psychiatrist Stepkina. What if his knowledge in all areas of medicine is so extensive that it will allow him to nurture ophthalmologists, pediatricians, otolaryngologists, etc. for the country?

Although... This is only in fairy tales - it’s not without reason that I’m known as a strongman, killing seven with one blow. In life it is often different. In January 2016, minor N. was admitted to the surgery department of the Krasnogvardeyskaya Central District Hospital. The head of the department, S. Kanarev, without personally examining the child, transferred the patient to an inexperienced urologist A. N. Malakhov; he did not check the patient’s medical record or the diagnosis and prescribed treatment. As a result, due to the medical error of one and the banal indifference of the second, the boy suffered serious harm to his health and reproductive function - his left testicle was removed.

How did the chief physician react to a regional-scale emergency? The same as during the disappearance of the documents of the sick Yu. Nepomnyashchy. A resident of the village of Sturm died while being treated in hospital. When the grief-stricken relatives wrote a statement to the investigative department and the medical institution received an inspection, it turned out that the patient’s medical records, as well as the results of the pathological autopsy, had disappeared somewhere. Another leader would have already swallowed valerian, but Sergei Borisovich maintained an amazing calmness, similar to indifference. Either he knew in advance what would calm his heart, or he was simply already accustomed to the destructive power of his management. Moreover, a trail of scandalous stories has been following him since 2011.

About the Elephant dozing to the sound of Moska's barking

Remember the sensational story of the rape of a nine-year-old girl in the Budyonnovskaya Central District Hospital? Now guess who was acting as chief physician at that time? But then Usov escaped with a slight fright and even received a position as head of the Ust-Labinsk regional hospital in the Krasnodar Territory. However, it didn’t take root there either: the hospital staff wrote an appeal addressed to the President demanding the dismissal of this manager, since with his arrival - I quote - “outpatient clinics and paramedic stations are closing, salaries have been significantly reduced, experienced specialists are leaving, employee complaints about violations of labor laws are accompanied by pressure from administration and threats of dismissal.” And here he is again in his native land. True, the smoke of the Fatherland, instead of sweet oil, slips in yet another irritant for the nerve receptors.

Including in the person of a local activist from the village of Krasnogvardeisky, Natalya Chikhladze. Tired of putting up with a healthcare system that was falling apart before our eyes, in July 2016, she, together with an initiative group of 60 people, wrote a letter to the chairman of the United Russia party, D. Medvedev, in which she asked to understand the current situation and restore order in the hospital.

Why was this done? Today our President talks a lot about how he wants to restore order in the country, and for this he needs a direct connection with the people, who will not embellish reality with digital calculations, but will tell it as it is. So we decided to show our civic position. I repeat, this was a necessary measure when neither repeated appeals to the head physician himself, nor statements about offenses occurring on the hospital’s territory to the investigation department, nor appeals to the regional Ministry of Health helped. And with such initial data, what kind of quality medicine, what kind of preservation of human health can we talk about? - Natalya Eduardovna argues.

On July 30, 2016, the letter was registered and... sent down to the regional authorities so that they could deal with the stated facts. What about regional officials? They reacted. We went to the Krasnogvardeyskaya Central District Hospital for an inspection, after which they reported that everything was fine, the information was not true.

Yes, three departments are now huddled in the maternity hospital, but this was all done solely for the comfort of the patients. Prices for services? They also do not diverge from the tariffs adopted in the region. As for the mass departure of doctors, “Zemsky Doctor” corrected everything.

Regional officials did not see anything illegal in the fact that medical certificates for drivers and hunters were issued, in fact, by a student without the appropriate qualifications, but with a decent salary, incomparable with her level of knowledge. What a surprise! No one was harmed by her actions. There are also no complaints from patients or management. Stepkina voluntarily returned the paid money to the budget. And in accordance with Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the period for applying disciplinary action to Usov has long expired. So it’s time to hang the “Excellence in Health Care” medal on Sergei Borisovich’s chest when the desperate Red Guards prefer other offensive labels.

In September 2016, Sergei Usov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. How did activists react to this news? Like the calm before the storm. We didn't have to wait long for thunder and thunder.

When will the tongue lead to a psychiatric examination?

In March 2017, Usov filed a claim with the Krasnogvardeisky District Court against Natalya Chikhladze for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The reason is the same letter to United Russia. But there are 60 signatures in the letter, why was Natalya assigned the role of scapegoat?

And she is our most active. Loves to defend the truth to the last. He stands his ground that you need to continue to fight, you can’t give up what you started. And you know how many people she helped with her intolerance of lies, how much blood she drank from investigators when they closed a criminal case, and with her complaints to higher authorities she ensured that it was reopened! Right now, for example, there is a criminal case in court regarding the death of a newborn child.

She helped the family of the injured boy collect all the necessary documentation.

Now the case is also being considered in court,” the Red Guards proudly talk about the local Don Quixote in a skirt.

Well... Considering the above and the restless temper of Chikhladze, it is easy to guess that even after Usov vacated his position, Natalya continued to thirst for the truth further. Moreover, although the complaints of the Red Guards were rejected by regional officials, the prosecutor's office of the Krasnogvardeisky district became interested in them, and began an investigation into these facts. Investigative actions unfolded in parallel with the judicial ones.

At that time I lived in three houses. I went to court in the morning, to the prosecutor’s office at lunchtime, and home in the evening,” Natalya recalls with a grin.

But the outcome of this walk turned out to be different. While the prosecutor's office, one after another, wrote out requests to eliminate violations in labor and budget legislation addressed to the new chief physician O. Maltseva, Judge V. Nepomnyashchiy fully satisfied Usov's claims, obliging Chikhladze to write a new letter of repentance to the United Russia reception office, in which he refuted his words. The appeal was also lost.

Further more - in September 2017, investigator of the Novoaleksandrovsky Interdistrict Investigation Department V. Alferov opened a criminal case against Chikhladze on the grounds of a crime provided for in Part 3 of Article 298.1. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - slander of a judge.

“I paid for the truth again,” Natalya Chikhladze insists. - Fellow villagers turned to me to help solve the problem with illegally inflated insurance. When she found out who the judge was, during the preliminary hearings she asked for a recusal because of her disinterested attitude towards the parties. But I will immediately note that this behavior was the subject of consideration by the Council of Judges of the Investigative Committee, and the stated facts were confirmed, she was reprimanded and her powers as a member of the qualification board of judges were prematurely terminated. So what am I doing wrong?

Actually, this is what investigators were trying to find. The investigation took on a protracted nature and dragged on neither shaky nor slow, until suddenly an entry appears in N. Chikhladze’s outpatient card... about the presence of a mental illness.

But I have never been registered on any account! - Natalya Eduardovna assures. “It was our statements to the police and the prosecutor’s office that backfired on me. After all, Usov’s place was taken by his right hand. They have more than enough opportunities to “correct” my outpatient card! Therefore, I was not even surprised at this turn of events.

Natalya became wary a little later, when in the early morning of January 25, 2018, officers from the Krasnogvardeisky police department burst into her house and presented a warrant to search and search her home.

I don’t know what they were looking for. They also said that I was hiding from the investigation. But how can I hide? If my house is 500 meters from their office? And on January 21, I spent half the day in the investigative department, giving testimony based on materials from other inspections, where I act as a proxy for the injured party,” Natalya recalls that day with horror.

I wanted to refuse the examination at SKKB No. 1, because this strange entry in my card, the morning search - it all looked more than suspicious. On the other hand, it was necessary to somehow get out of this ridiculous situation. That’s why I passed the test, but I seriously doubt the objectivity of the examination. After all, they were more interested not in my state of health, but in our conflict with Usov. I said there and I will say here, my only deviation from the norm is that I am not ready to adapt to the surrounding reality, but I want me and my fellow villagers to live with dignity and receive quality services. Is the truth really worth putting me away in a psychiatric hospital, depriving me of trust and authority in the eyes of my fellow villagers? - Natalya is lost in conjecture.

What am I... I don’t know what to answer or advise her, so I mumble uncertainly that let’s wait for the results, we’ll solve the problem as it comes. And when she hangs up, I involuntarily catch myself thinking that never, never, what Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin conceived will find real fulfillment. Because for this you need to have the courage to face the truth, to have the courage to admit mistakes and to have the desire to solve local problems for global change. Well, look at the root, bypassing the form.



The pace of modern life forces us to wonder: am I going crazy? Workload, stress, lack of sleep and other “gifts” of everyday life certainly have a negative impact on the psyche, and it, in turn, does not force you to wait with a response in the form of breakdowns, forgetfulness, depression and detachment. At what point should you really start to be afraid, run to see a specialist and take action?

We're all a little weird

Agree that people who are ready to do crazy things, eccentric and extraordinary, attract attention. There is something unusual, free and devoid of boundaries in them, but everywhere there must be a line, overplaying and, crossing which, you can actually lose your mind. A romantic melancholic and lover of loneliness, reading poems all night long, can easily turn out to be both crazy and a “hostage to the role” he has chosen. In other words, you need to understand the differences between mental disorders and farce, symptoms and character traits. Each of us has our own quirks that we need to be able to control. Let's look at potentially dangerous situations together:

I am sick?

Daily stress shakes our psyche, we begin to fear catastrophes of universal proportions, a forgotten iron, accidents, trips to the dentist, etc. Being upset over little things, fearing unreasonable threats, we bring our body to a state of chronic panic. The apotheosis is the fear of going crazy. All this ends in neurosis, which can appear as a result of prolonged exposure to stress. This disorder feeds on our fears, after which psychosomatics comes into play, and then it becomes really scary - the search for “phantom” diseases begins, eternal trips to doctors. And you can really lose your mind this way! There is no need to let the situation get worse, because the psyche is a very delicate matter that can easily be damaged. Rest more often, do not dwell on failures and fears, because there is only one life, and what a shame it would be to live it in the darkness of fears. We recommend reading the book by the famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie, “How to Outgrow Worrying and Start Living,” which will help you get rid of the fears that interfere with your life forever.

Crazy Love

Fiction of writers and poets, or reality? Is love really a blind feeling, and in this world, holding her hand, she is led by madness? Uncontrollable jealousy, hysterics, attacks of unearthly happiness just from the gaze of an adored object - a true manifestation of feelings or unhealthy insanity? The infamous “Othello” and “Romeo and Juliet” ended tragically, due to crazy love. Painful relationships are simply doomed to a bad ending, and their participants are doomed to a long rehabilitation. The book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” by J. Gray will help you understand the intricacies of relationships, learn to see your lover from the other side, perceive him as a person. Remember that love is a bright feeling that brings joy and harmony to our lives, everything else can bring fatal consequences.

Unrecognized talent

All brilliant people are slightly crazy, but not every crazy person is a genius. It happens that a creative person, for no apparent reason, puts on the crown of genius, without having any reason for it. The first book or painting is not yet an indicator of talent, but sometimes this is what people who are deeply confident in their genius think. General disapproval or lack of proper attention to a “work of art” can cause a storm of emotions, even depression or madness. It is important to adequately assess your abilities and, in case of failure, move forward, look for yourself in other directions, without elevating your non-existent genius to a cult.

I'm a real loser!

Self-examination and searching for a problem within yourself is a necessary thing, but sometimes it goes too far and takes on a manic coloration. The reasons are found by themselves, and often they have “magical” roots: curses, damage and evil eyes. A person convinces himself that all his problems are connected with otherworldly forces, he runs to charlatan fortune-tellers, getting hooked and leaving a lot of money there. As a result, by stressing oneself out and driving oneself to despondency, a person can easily develop psychosis, which will have to be dealt with with the help of specialists. Are you in control of your life or are failures pouring in from all sides for unknown reasons?

I'm not a workaholic, I just love my job!

Well-known alcoholism and drug addiction affect people with certain mental disorders and a huge number of internal problems. “I don’t drink alcohol excessively, and I’ve never tried drugs at all, I’m free from addictions!” - you say, and go to work on your day off, because the report is not perfect, you need to sort out a couple more stacks of important papers and so on. “What’s wrong with the fact that I’m a responsible person and just love my profession?” - all this is, of course, lyrics, but the truth is that psychologists equate workaholism with the mental illnesses that have gripped the modern world. By immersing yourself in work, you simply run away from problems and find solace in it, like an alcoholic in alcohol. Remember that a frantic pace will sooner or later lead to sleep disturbances, emotional burnout and health problems! Moderation is needed in everything, take up your free time with interesting activities, spend it with loved ones and get a good night's sleep. The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome test will help determine how passionate you are about your work.

Leave, leave, run

What does an offended child do? That's right, he runs away. Be it a quarrel with friends in the yard, a misunderstanding with parents, etc. Leave, slamming the door, rather than listen to moral teachings and solve the problem. With age, this passes, a person begins to realize the burden of responsibility for his actions and actions, and admit that he is wrong. But, as it turns out, not everyone outgrows this way of expressing protest. Frequently changing jobs, partners, cities and countries is a “childish” method of escaping reality at the slightest disappointment in what was expected. You need to understand in time that this is the wrong path and stop running, starting to have an adult attitude towards life and others.


Slight forgetfulness is common to everyone; there is nothing unusual about it. But when this attack begins to become systematic, it’s time to sound the alarm! Poor memory is a sign of problems with the brain; these are the signals it sends; it is important to hear them and take action. On our website you can take a memory test, after which it will become clear whether you should worry or whether it’s enough to just train it.

A light note of “healthy” madness brings new emotions and happiness into life, it is only important to hold it in your hands and not let it get out of control! To do this, you can periodically take a mental test, which consists of only 20 simple questions.


  • Healthy sleep is the key to health, as is moderate work activity.
  • Train your memory.
  • Don’t get hung up on little things, don’t make a mountain out of a mountain.
  • Don't run away from problems.
  • Treat your talents adequately.
  • Don't ignore depression.
  • If you are unable to solve your psychological problems, do not delay visiting a specialist!

A fun test for everyone - we determine the degree of our prudence... or madness?

Are you a balanced person? Do you know how to control yourself and your emotions? Or maybe too balanced?

Take the test and find out!

  • You tell your friends your dream, their reaction:

    • listen to you with their mouths open
    • laughing merrily
    • everything is clear, they exclaim: you are clearly not indifferent to... so and so
  • How do you choose your clothes in the morning?

    • I’ll put on something comfortable without thinking too much
    • Any outfit that comes to mind will do
    • your personal advisor (cat, talisman, or something similar) will always evaluate correctly
  • On the street you come across a man singing loudly:

    • go to the other side of the street
    • wow, what a melody! You move on and hum too
    • continue on your way and smile broadly
  • You lost a fun game and got a phantom - to walk down the street in pajamas with a blanket:

    • Or maybe you could also wear a mask... or at least a hat (with a wider brim?)
    • begging your friends to change the task
    • Feel free to wrap yourself in a blanket - and go ahead!
  • Choose the phrase you like best:

    • madness is natural to man
    • What is life if not a chain of inspired follies?
    • the shortest madness is always the most wonderful
  • When you remember the strangest and most ridiculous thing that happened to you in your life, you think:

    • no more!
    • at these moments your heart beat like never before!
    • It's moments like these that make life worth living!
  • Your loved one invites you to get married (celebrate your wedding anniversary, etc.) in Las Vegas in the most incredible hotel and describes the possible situation with inspiration:

    • Or you can start from the moment when you have already put on a white dress (prepared to sit down at the festive table...)
    • oh, he’s funny (she’s funny!)
    • immediately book a couple of tickets for the next plane...
  • Which role in the film do you prefer, who would you agree to play?

    • dangerous criminal
    • a bystander taken hostage
    • a policeman who seeks profit for himself by solving a crime
  • Who is your best friend - how long have you known each other?

    • you have been friends since early childhood
    • you met recently, but you are destined to become best friends
    • you met at school and have been best friends ever since
  • Why did you decide to take this test?

    • because you love all the tests
    • because you listen to advice from above, and this test was highly recommended to you
    • because if you fail this test, an important sequence will be broken, and you will be in trouble later

Insane. Well what can I say? You are just a crazy person! Friends say that you are weird, passers-by sometimes turn around... And you’re great! From your Mars it is clear that all this is complete nonsense! You are completely satisfied with your extravagant life. All you need in life is understanding people nearby... More precisely, you personally most likely don’t even need this, but it will be better for you if you still have people who understand, and they are next to you. After all, sometimes even crazy people want to have a heart-to-heart talk with someone...

Controlling. You have bouts of madness, but you know how to quickly pull yourself together. You know how to control your strange aspirations (when you need it), but as soon as the opportunity arises, you will be happy to express yourself and your emotions in a very extravagant way! A little bit of madness gives life a special charm, and that's it! Usually everything is normal and understandable, but if you think and relax, look inside yourself... There are so many interesting things there! As they say, “in the still waters”...

Reasonable. If someone ever in your life tells you that you are a crazy person, you can safely say in response that he himself is a crazy person! There is no more balanced and reasonable person in the world than you! Quirks and inexplicable actions are not about you, you are completely normal. Balance is very good; The main thing is to be able to relax and sometimes be a little crazy on purpose, just for fun!

How do doctors understand that they are dealing with a patient with schizophrenia? It is not always possible to determine “schizo” by external signs, so experts use a number of tests. The most popular of them are presented below.

Instructions (important!): When answering a question, be guided by your feelings, not logic.

So the question is:

“Is the mask convex on one side or both?”

Correct answer:

The mask shown in the image is convex on one side only

“Does the mask rotate one way or both?”

Correct answer:

The mask rotates only to the right.

Analysis of results

If you answered both questions wrong- hurray, you are absolutely healthy! Artificial forms and shadows in the picture mislead the brain, and it shows a healthy reaction - it “completes” reality and, therefore, makes mistakes. In our favor:).

If the correct answers were given to both questions... The brain of a schizophrenic cannot analyze the whole picture and complete reality. As a result, a person sees the mask only as it really is. Such a person is, of course, unhealthy.

But don't rush to conclusions! Let's figure it out. Did you really see NOTHING other than a convex mask rotating in one direction? It is quite possible that you simply answered at random or saw an illusion, but still decided to get to the bottom of the correct answer, looked for a long time and came to a conclusion. Also, optical illusion will not work if you have been drinking or under the influence of drugs.

There is a third conclusion - you... genius! A brilliant person has the thinking of both a healthy person and someone with schizophrenia, and is able to instantly switch between them. In our case, the genius will see the illusion (healthy reaction), but will be able to figure out what’s going on and where the mask is rotating (schizophrenic reaction). Moreover, if he wants, he will simply stop accepting deception once and for all!

Important Note: the results of all tests on this page do not diagnose you with 100% accuracy; this can only be done by a qualified specialist or a medical consultation. Please treat the results as food for thought and not as a diagnosis!

... Not so long ago, a new test for schizophrenia was developed in the UK - the “Chaplin Mask”. Look at the image below and tell me - is the back of the mask convex or concave?

Correct answer:

A healthy person will see that the back of the mask is pink and convex. As in the previous example, there is an optical illusion here (the brain is misled by rounded shapes and shadows).

2. Luscher test

The method was developed in the 1940s. Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher. The scientist noticed that depending on the psycho-emotional state, a person perceives colors differently.

The Luscher test exists in two versions: short and full.

Short version: the patient comes to the doctor during the day (since natural light is required). The doctor ensures uniformity of lighting and absence of sun glare. The patient is offered numbered cards in eight colors - black, brown, red, yellow, green, gray, blue and purple. His task is to distribute cards in accordance with personal preferences at the current moment, and nothing else.

The full version includes 73 colors (various shades of gray, the eight colors mentioned above, and a mix of the four primary colors - red, green, blue and yellow). They are grouped into tables, which are transmitted to the patient one after another. His task is to choose from each table one color that he likes best. After a few minutes, the test is repeated again. This way the doctor will understand what condition the patient is really in, because... for the first time a person chose colors for the state in which he would like to be.

Luscher test video:

What colors do schizophrenics choose?

Most often they prefer yellow flowers. Patients with schizophrenia in a sluggish form are indifferent to colors and confuse shades; in a progressive form, they negatively perceive black and red.

In addition, a good doctor will also look at the colors of the patient’s clothing during testing. You should be wary when observing extremes: inexpressive and boring or bright and incompatible shades.

3. Rorschach test

Another very good test from a Swiss psychologist (they know a lot about “chiz” in Switzerland!). The patient is shown 10 cards with pictures in the form of black and white and color blots; they are presented in strict order. The doctor sets a task - carefully, slowly look at the card and answer the question “What does it look like?” The technique is highly valued by specialists - using it, they not only see the whole picture of a particular person’s psychopathologies, but also receive answers to many personal questions.

Here is a test using one picture as an example:

And here is the full version with comments:

4. Test drawing

A very revealing test. Schizophrenics, as noted above, confuse colors and shades: their sun may be black (a sign of fear and depression), trees may be purple, and grass may be red.

First stage of schizophrenia. Mastery

From the familiar, predictable real world, the patient moves into a distorted, phantasmagoric world of visions, hallucinations, unusual colors and unusual proportions. Not only his world is changing - he himself is changing. With the rapid course of schizophrenia, in his own eyes the patient becomes a hero or an outcast, the savior of the universe or the victim of the universe.

If changes occur gradually, the first stage of schizophrenia may be dominated by anxiety, confusion and fear: something wrong is clearly happening with the world around us, people’s motives are unclear, but they don’t bode well, in general, you need to prepare for either defense or flight .

The first stage of schizophrenia can be called a period of discoveries and insights. The patient seems to see the essence of things and the true meaning of events. There is no place for routine and calm in this phase. The discovery of a new world can be wonderful (for example, with a feeling of omnipotence) or terrible (with the realization of the insidious plans of enemies who allegedly poison the patient, kill him with rays or read his thoughts), but it is simply impossible to calmly survive such changes.

It happens that after experiencing a bright, stormy phase of mastery, the patient completely returns to normal life. And with an unfavorable course of schizophrenia, short, almost imperceptible periods of mastery and adaptation are quickly replaced by a long phase of degradation.
Second stage of schizophrenia. Adaptation

No matter how turbulent the course of schizophrenia is, sooner or later the patient gets used to the changes taking place. The sense of novelty is lost. At the second stage of schizophrenia, delusions, hallucinations and other manifestations of the disease become commonplace. The illusory world no longer obscures reality. The two realities coexist more or more peacefully in the mind of the patient.

This stage of schizophrenia is characterized by the so-called “dual orientation”: the patient can see an evil alien in a neighbor, and, at the same time, an old acquaintance, Uncle Misha.

Regardless of the course of schizophrenia, the result of therapy largely depends on what the patient chooses: the real world or the world of illusions. If nothing keeps the patient in the real world, he simply has no need to return to reality.

In addition, this stage of schizophrenia is accompanied by preseveration (repetition of the same words, gestures and facial expressions that are not related to the current situation) and stereotypical behavior. The more severe the course of schizophrenia, the more stereotypical the patient’s behavior becomes.
Third stage of schizophrenia. Degradation

In this phase, emotional dullness comes to the fore. The time of onset of the third stage depends on both the form and the course of schizophrenia. Signs of emotional and then intellectual degradation quickly develop in hebephrenic and simple forms of the disease. Patients with catatonic and paranoid forms, especially with a favorable course of schizophrenia, can remain emotionally and intellectually intact for a long time.

At the third stage, the patient seems to burn out from the inside: hallucinations fade, the expression of emotions becomes even more stereotypical. Space and time lose their significance.
For any type of schizophrenia, the third phase is unfavorable in prognostic terms. However, thoughtful rehabilitation gives patients the opportunity to exist in society. In some cases (usually after severe emotional upheaval), a short-term or sustained return to normal life is possible.
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