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Chest pain and lower abdominal pain: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases and first signs of pregnancy. Tightening in the lower abdomen and chest pain

Every woman has at least once experienced pain in the chest and lower abdomen. From this article you will learn useful information about why women have pain in the lower abdomen and chest pain. Many diseases cannot be diagnosed and determined independently without the intervention of specialists. This disease puts women in a difficult situation.

Why does my chest hurt and my lower abdomen feel tight?

It's no secret that every month a woman has a menstrual cycle; it can persist until a certain age. If a woman has a normal menstrual cycle, this helps her get pregnant if she wants. Some women experience painful periods. This is due to the fact that she consumes a large amount of food from the refrigerator, dresses easily, or has caught a cold on her ovaries after being in cold water for a long time, and so on.

Many girls have repeatedly encountered this phenomenon when their chest and lower abdomen hurt. Without knowing the real reason, it is impossible to determine what this may be connected with. There are some reasons that can provoke these problems. A few days before the expected date of menstruation, this condition occurs.

It is normal for a woman's breasts to increase in size and become painful. At the same time, a nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen, which indicates that the uterus is tense and preparing for menstruation. During ovulation, the lower abdomen may hurt and pull when the egg matures, the follicle bursts and the egg is released.

In some people, ovulation occurs unnoticed, but many feel it, because these days they have a stomach ache and a small amount of colorless discharge. This phenomenon is considered natural. In the first days of menstruation, the stomach and breasts often hurt. Not all women experience this phenomenon, but most know about it. The pain itself will go away towards the end of the cycle, but most women do not want to endure the pain and take painkillers.

Regular pain is a symptom of the disease

There is nothing wrong with being bothered by pain during menstruation, but it would not hurt to insure yourself against possible problems. What should a woman do if her chest and lower abdomen constantly hurt? Then you should be wary, this is a symptom of serious diseases. One of the reasons may be endometriosis of the ligaments, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. With this disease, a woman is constantly bothered by aching pains in the lower abdomen and they are in no way related to menstruation.

But the monthly cycle may be disrupted or absent for two months. In this case, you should consult a doctor, take the appropriate tests and undergo a full examination, since if endometriosis occurs, it will lead to infertility. Treatment of this disease takes some time and depends on the results of the examination. A visit to the doctor is also necessary if the lower abdomen hurts and pulls. Perhaps the problem is diseases of the genitourinary system.

There are various infections or inflammatory processes that, when entering the bladder, cause similar symptoms. If pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by discomfort in the lower back, then most likely we are talking about kidney disease. Do not make diagnoses yourself; the same symptoms indicate different diseases.

Only a consultation with a doctor and a full examination will allow you to correctly and accurately identify the cause of the ailment. In addition to the above reasons why the chest and lower abdomen hurt, this condition can occur if a woman becomes pregnant.

She may not yet know about this, because the first days of pregnancy proceed in the same way, when the breasts tense and swell, the lower abdomen hurts unpleasantly. This continues for several weeks until the embryo attaches to the uterus. Pain in the lower abdomen can be due to intestinal diseases, ranging from harmless diseases to serious diseases.

Simple dysbacteriosis can cause discomfort for a long time and may be accompanied by a pulling sensation. All these main reasons cause pain in the chest and lower abdomen.

The reasons are varied and cannot be diagnosed independently. There is no need to turn a blind eye to similar phenomena and delay visiting the doctor every time, because the disease will take an advanced form and aggravate the condition of the sick woman.

If your fears are refuted by the results of the examination, then this condition is due to physiological changes that occur in the human body and do not pose a great threat to his life. There can be many reasons, some of which are not serious and some that are serious.

Of course, signs of pregnancy are for those who are really looking forward to pregnancy. After all, if the pregnancy is unexpected, then you will most likely find out about what happened when you can use the test and check your guesses with an ultrasound.

Those who have been planning “parenthood” for a long time (or not so long) listen to themselves very carefully, waiting for the first joyful bells.

And although there are women who do not feel the birth of a new life at all, many can, one and a half to two weeks after a fateful sexual intercourse, catch themselves thinking that “something is wrong here”...

So, how does the body let us know what is happening to it?

Main signs of pregnancy


It swells and becomes sensitive even to touch (sometimes the nipples become hypersensitive).
However, if no signs are observed on the bust side, this is also normal.


According to subjective assessments, you can find yourself with a small tummy - many mothers note that a small tummy begins to be noticeable immediately - even before the delay. There may also be a feeling of “fullness” inside the uterus. It may also be that the stomach tightens (as during ovulation) - this happens during the days of implantation of the child into the wall of the uterus.

Going to the toilet on all occasions is becoming more frequent (not much more so yet) - the uterus pumps its rights and frees up space for itself in the pelvis.

The veins along the lower abdomen become more visible (during pregnancy they will become bluer throughout the body, especially on the stomach and chest). This is due to increased blood volume and increased circulation in strategic locations.

Again, if absolutely nothing is felt or noticeable, this is normal. It will be later for sure.

Taste desires

Suddenly you want something, maybe the most ordinary thing, but you want it unusually strongly. This is more often noticeable in repeated pregnancies, when the mother already knows the product(s) that she is drawn to at the beginning of a new life. This selectivity is associated with the needs of the baby and the adapting mother’s body, and special hormones increase the mother’s sensitivity to those products that contain the necessary substances.


Sensitivity to everything else also increases. Smells, sounds, colors, images, etc. are perceived differently. It is not at all necessary that such changes be sharp and obvious; more often they are, on the contrary, soft, smooth, slightly perceptible, but quite specific: “ugh, it stinks more than usually”, “oh, how I started to like this color”, “let’s buy another soft bear, they are so cute”, “I don’t really want to listen to BG and Tsoi, but I love them so much”, etc.


By the way, toxicosis with its nausea, as a rule, appears much later - a week or two after the delay. Therefore, there is no point in relying on this symptom to determine pregnancy. Although there are exceptions here: in some cases, nausea occurs from the moment of implantation, and sometimes there is no toxicosis at all.


Feeling tired or apathetic is a sign of pregnancy that can appear as early as the first week after conception.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain may also indicate early pregnancy; however, mild pain occurs periodically throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Headache and migraines

A sudden increase in hormone levels in the body can cause headaches in early pregnancy.

Suspecting that she is no longer alone, mom will probably do a test - a regular pharmacy strip that determines the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. On such tests they usually write “from the first day of delay,” but I want to find out earlier! If you can't wait, do it. Quite often, the test already gives a positive result 2-3 days after implantation, i.e. about a week before your expected period.

A very thin or very pale second line already means a positive result.

Gender of baby on pregnancy test?

It is believed that a girl’s embryo has a higher level of hCG than a boy’s, so if the test noticeably “stripes” long before the delay, then it can be assumed to be a girl, and if even after the delay the second stripe is not very bright, then it is more likely a boy.

If the test shows nothing, but you still have symptoms, just wait a few days and do the test again.

There may also be a situation where all the symptoms are present, and the delay is already obvious, but the test is still negative. Don't worry and don't rush to conclusions. At this time, even on an ultrasound, new life is not always visible. Just wait a little longer. Of course, if something bothers you - pain, discharge or just fear - you need to go to the doctor.

And one more completely subjective “symptom”, but often so true - the kind of “I just know that I’m pregnant” :) This kind of calm confidence, internal knowledge that does not require proof. And it's so pleasant and peaceful. True, like other symptoms, this feeling may or may not be present. That's also quite normal.

In any case, meet the new person with joy and confidence. At the slightest suspicion, it is better to transform your behavior to suit the suspected pregnancy. If you made a mistake, it’s not scary, because a correct lifestyle will not harm a non-pregnant woman :) It’s much more unpleasant to brush off the symptoms, and then regret something not very useful, but already done. Therefore, be sensitive to your body and intuition.

Every month, a healthy woman’s body prepares to fertilize an egg and bear a fetus. Throughout the menstrual cycle, significant hormonal changes occur, accompanied by various symptoms.

If conception does not occur, progesterone levels decrease and menstruation begins, during which the epithelium is removed from the uterus. This process may be accompanied by periodic aching pain in the pubic area, which is associated with increased tone of the uterus and its intense contraction.

The next hormonal surge occurs during ovulation, when the egg is released through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. Some women at this time feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen (usually on one side) and notice breast swelling. In most women, this process is asymptomatic.

90% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which appears a few days before their period. Its main symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, enlarged and painful mammary glands, and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

During this period, a woman may experience a slight increase in body temperature and a headache. Nausea, dizziness, colorless or white vaginal discharge that has no odor appears.

One of the most common reasons why pain appears in the chest, nipples, and also pulls in the lower abdomen.

Cyclic mastodynia appears in many representatives of the fair sex before the onset of menstruation.

At this time, the blood contains a lot of progesterone, a similar hormone is responsible for the preparatory processes for pregnancy and bearing a child.

If your stomach feels tight and pain appears during sex, then the problem is hidden in digestive disorders. During sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to be compressed, and then the gastrointestinal tract.

Behind all the changes that occur in a woman is the hormone hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. Literally from the first days of conception, it begins to be produced by the embryo in huge portions.

Its concentration determines the presence and duration of pregnancy. Tests work on the same principle: as soon as the hCG level exceeds 25 mIU/ml, they show two stripes.

Subsequently, the growth of hCG continues until the 7th week of pregnancy and reaches a maximum of 230-290 thousand units. An increase in the concentration of the pregnancy hormone causes toxicosis.

After it decreases, the nausea goes away.

During menstruation, female representatives often experience chest pain and a tightening in the lower abdomen. The features of the natural menstrual cycle are determined by the physiology of the body, which is quite normal, if we do not talk about pathologies that provoke the appearance of pain.

About 70% of women during menstruation, especially in the first few days, experience pain of varying intensity: it can be moderate and weak, or it can be strong and unbearable.

50% of this number can endure discomfort on their feet, while others suffer from pain, which makes it impossible to live normally on such days.

This type of pain is usually called algomenorrhea, represented by cramping and aching pain in the lower abdomen and chest. Quite often, this condition is accompanied by general malaise, nausea, gastrointestinal disorders, and a possible increase in body temperature.

It should be noted that women of the civilized world suffer more from pain in the chest and lower abdomen, while representatives of the fair sex of primitive tribes from Africa or India are less susceptible to this condition.

Nipples during pregnancy

Increased breast sensitivity is one of the characteristic signs of ovulation. After the egg is released from the follicle, the symptom may persist. Pain sensations appear not only in the area of ​​the mammary glands, but also in the nipples. They may change color to a darker one and swell slightly. The intensity of this symptom depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Nagging pain and tingling in the uterine area can not only be characteristic signs of egg maturation, but also indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

If the uterus hurts, colitises or tugs so much that it causes discomfort and it is difficult to endure this pain without painkillers, then it is better to consult a specialist or undergo an examination. Sometimes the symptoms of the postovulatory period intensify in the presence of recent abortions, childbirth, or hormonal imbalance.

Nature of pain

Any pain after ovulation should be short-lived. Discomfort in the lumbar region during this period has its own characteristics:

  • Firstly, it indicates the influence of external factors (excessive physical activity or, conversely, insufficient physical activity, abuse of bad habits, etc.);
  • Secondly, it indicates increased sensitivity of the body.

Nature of pain

If your lower abdomen hurts and your period is late, this could be a sign of pregnancy. But such pain is also observed during inflammatory processes in the genital organs. Consult a doctor: he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Lower back pain during a period of delayed menstruation may indicate a normal pregnancy. To confirm this fact, it is better to contact a gynecologist for examination and consultation.

From the moment the egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the woman’s body, which will contribute to the preservation of pregnancy and its successful development.

Previously released hormones change their concentration (progesterone and estrogen are produced more actively), which is expressed in different manifestations. The breasts are one of the first to react to hormonal changes.

Very often, it is changes in the breasts and nipples that prompt a woman to think about the possibility of conception.

The breast begins to react to pregnancy from 10-14 days after conception, that is, virtually immediately after implantation of the egg. Moreover, both the breasts in general and the nipples in particular change. And this process lasts throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

Increased nipple sensitivity during pregnancy

One of the very first signs of pregnancy is increased nipple sensitivity. This feeling begins to simply irritate the woman: any touch to the nipple causes not only discomfort, but also infuriates her.

Meanwhile, many women’s nipples become hypersensitive before each period, so often at this stage they still have no idea about anything, regarding this symptom as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

But when you are already aware that you are pregnant, and your nipples hurt when pressed or touched, then it is better to immediately change your bra to the simplest and most comfortable one. The cup should be perfectly even and smooth - without seams or decorative elements that irritate the nipples.

Air baths will also have a beneficial effect on the chest and reduce soreness. Yes, and my husband will be pleased, to say the least. By the way, it’s not for nothing that nipples become hypersensitive: this is how they protect the breasts from now unnecessary stimulation, which can lead to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

Swollen nipples during pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, the breasts noticeably increase in size and become 2-3 times heavier. Naturally, the nipples swell along with it. All this happens due to the activity of hormones. The nipple enlarges, becomes more elongated and prominent. Many women are upset by such changes, but men really like it.

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy

That's when you can really suspect that you are pregnant, this is when pigmentation begins to intensify. The first signs of pregnancy include darkening of the nipples and areolas. This does not happen to all women, but often the nipples become noticeably darker and even change color completely.

By the way, similar changes can affect a woman’s labia. But nipples are, of course, easier to notice.

During pregnancy, nipples are one of the most sensitive areas that respond to all hormonal changes that occur in a pregnant woman’s body. We can say that one of the first symptoms (even sometimes before a delay) is precisely the change in the breasts. If your nipples hurt, this is a sign of pregnancy with a seventy percent chance.

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy, and in the entire mammary gland, as well as the feeling of engorgement, are considered a dubious sign of pregnancy. It is called doubtful because not in all cases when this symptom is observed, we can talk about the fact of pregnancy.

Sore nipples during pregnancy can also be observed with various types of menstrual irregularities, as well as with mastopathy.

Why do nipples hurt during pregnancy?

Nipple sensitivity during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes. First of all, pronounced restructuring in the mammary glands is stimulated by prolactin and progesterone. Prolactin promotes the growth of mammary gland lobules and cell proliferation, and progesterone improves microcirculation (increases blood flow), and also promotes fluid retention in the glandular tissue.

Thus, the increasing volume of the mammary gland contributes to compression of the sensitive nerve roots that are located in this area, which causes pain. In addition, an additional factor that leads to the development of pain is the cascade synthesis of prostaglandins.

Various biological processes in the body are associated with these substances, including when the nipples are very sore during pregnancy, the temperature rises, blood clotting increases, etc. Usually it is at the beginning of pregnancy that the nipples hurt.

The reduction in pain occurs gradually after 12 weeks, which is absolutely normal and should not be considered a pathology.

We would like to remind you that sore nipples are not always a sign of pregnancy. But the possibility of an interesting situation still exists.

Pregnancy and conception are separated by 3-10 days, during which the fertilized egg (zygote) must enter the uterus and choose the most convenient place for itself. Only after successful implantation is pregnancy considered to have occurred.

In this short period, tremendous changes are taking place. The zygote divides.

As a result, there are 200-250 cells under its shell. The more they become, the smaller they are, because the zygote does not have the right to increase in size.

She will have to move along the fallopian tube to the uterus, and nothing should interfere with this, including her own dimensions. Meanwhile, the uterus, which has received a signal of conception, under the influence of the growth of the hormone progesterone, increases the endometrial layer.

Its production is controlled by the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine gland. All processes take place at the cellular level.

It is physically impossible to feel them, so doctors do not take women’s stories that they felt the moment of conception seriously. But its consequences are very real, especially painful ones.

Doctors treat them carefully, because not all are harmless.

Implantation of the zygote ends successfully only in 60% of cases. By the time she arrives, the endometrium in the uterus should be at least 13 mm thick, and the walls should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. Before implantation, the embryo feeds on its own reserves, and then a placenta with an umbilical cord running from it to the embryo is formed at the place of attachment.

In some situations, pain can be triggered by anatomical features, if a person has an incorrectly positioned pelvic organs, while the chest hurts and the stomach is pulled.

Health problems are often triggered by factors such as the birth of a baby, heavy industrial work, and exhausting physical labor.

Please note that if you feel any discomfort in your body, this indicates that there is a problem with the body, you cannot tolerate this, you need to take urgent action. To do this, undergo an additional examination and take tests, with the help of which you can find out what threatens your health.

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner, the necessary assistance will be provided in a timely manner. Pain in the lower abdomen and chest is especially dangerous for teenage girls; some diseases lead to infertility and serious problems with the girl’s reproductive system.

Short description

Prolapse of the uterus occurs due to inferiority of the muscles of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles are necessary for the pelvic organs to remain in place. If it weren't for these muscles, pressure inside the abdominal cavity would push the organs down. Uterine prolapse is a common gynecological pathology that has difficulties in differential diagnosis.

The extreme degree of uterine prolapse is when it falls out of the vagina, in which case the situation can only be corrected through surgery.

Nature of pain

Dear girls, hello! For several days now my nipples have been hurting (namely my nipples, not my breasts), my lower abdomen is tight, my base temperature is elevated - 37.1, 37.3. I still have a long time until my period, 2 weeks. Looks like B, BUT! I take hormonal contraceptives Novinet. The truth may have violated the rules of admission or something else. I don't understand. maybe you had something similar?

hormonal imbalances due to hormonal contraceptives. This is a severe blow to the female body.

2 weeks before your period is early before the first signs of pregnancy... wait for the delay... most likely you have your own hormonal hormones... A BBT above 37 speaks only of pregnancy when its readings are made during the days of the delay.

This is what I was afraid of. (((I think it’s not worth quitting now, ok? Is it better to finish drinking and then quit?

2 weeks before menstruation is the time of ovulation (without OK), i.e. It’s simply pointless to talk about pregnancy now.

“maybe she violated the admission rules or something else” - I didn’t understand this phrase at all. Did you take Ok as expected or “somehow else”?

Most likely a banal hormonal imbalance. Finish the pack anyway. If you are planning to quit (by the way, why are you drinking and why are you planning to quit?) then from the next cycle

I have been taking the pills for half a year, the standard purpose is to exclude unwanted pregnancy. I’m leaving them because I decided to have a child; I’ll see my doctor about planning only in at least 1.5 weeks. and now I am worried about the above symptoms. This has never happened before!

As for taking the pills, everything was on schedule, only at the beginning of the intake I took one pill 8 hours later than prescribed.

The truth may have violated the rules of admission or something else. I don't understand. maybe you had something similar?

Do you even realize how serious the drug you are taking?

Quite. I am not asking you to lecture me, I am taking the drug as prescribed by the doctor, strictly according to the instructions. The essence of this phrase is that I don’t know what exactly the symptoms are related to - the fact that I violated the dosage rule, namely, took the pill 8 hours later, or is the reason for something else? And this “cleverness” and businesslike behavior of yours doesn’t interest me. Good luck.

It’s also good that abrasions from straps and shoes, proctitis and acne on the buttocks are not classified as symptoms of pregnancy, nor as natural effects of OK. Tables E G, G, E, AAG(?)

You finish the pack and quit (once you have decided to have a child). Your symptoms are most likely a malfunction, not pregnancy.

For a week now, my back, namely my lower back, has been hurting. It pulls straight, it aches, I can’t sit for a long time, I can’t fall asleep at night for a long time, because I don’t know how to lie down so that my lower back doesn’t feel tight.

Previously, there were approximately the same pains on the first day of the cycle, on the second everything went away. And now the pain has been like this for a week. Today there are 34 DC, no M., when they should be - I don’t know at all, since the cycle is increasing all the time (it was 38 days at first, and the last one was already 53 days!)

And for about 3 days my nipples have been hurting (not my breasts, but my nipples). This is actually the first time in my life!

She told my mother and advised her to go and take a urine test, maybe she had a cold in her kidneys, since she had the same thing (pulling her lower back).

In general, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

As always, I hope it's B.!

Another fact - a friend came over on the weekend and drank tea with pancakes and condensed milk. My husband ate mashed potatoes with herring. Without even noticing, I stole a herring from my husband and ate it with condensed milk! My friend told me that I ate it like nothing had happened!

I went to the gynecologist on Thursday, she didn’t see anything, and didn’t tell her about the nipples, since they weren’t sick that day. She looked at me and said everything was fine.

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I want to hear your similar stories. Please don’t be sarcastic and write all sorts of nonsense 🙁

My periods usually last 5-6 days, they are very heavy. Before PMS, like most people, my stomach pulls and all that.

This month (03-05.07) my bloody days lasted for 3 days and not in abundance. 1-2 days after my period my nipples started to hurt and my lower abdomen started to feel tight. To this day (July 22) the situation has not changed much. It doesn't pull as strongly, but it does. It feels like my breasts have gotten a little bigger. There is very slight nausea in the morning.

My period is scheduled to come in 2 weeks somewhere, I hope.

The test shows a negative result (Vera and Evitest). I’m not going to HCG yet, I’ll wait for a delay.

Who had this happen?

Thanks for answers!

Almost everyone had this. And in the middle of the cycle, my breasts sometimes swell a little, but sometimes they don’t, but sometimes (judging by the topics here), just as my tits started to hurt after M, they continue to hurt until future M. Anything can happen. If you think that B could occur, then LOOK FOR SYMPTOMS EARLY.

breast pain is caused by hormonal changes during the monthly cycle. And in general, now she can’t get sick, because her head sometimes hurts, her arms or legs hurt (due to the weather, for example), and intestinal colic happens. The breasts also have the right to ache a little, the main thing is that there is no mastitis or something similar. Alternatively, back pain also radiates to the chest.

Back pain does not radiate to the nipples. I don’t even understand how with such problems they don’t go to the doctor, but here they discuss it among smart women.

If your period is still 2 weeks away, then the test will not show correctly. From the first day of delay he reacts!! All symptoms indicate pregnancy. When you get pregnant, your nipples hurt, and you also have nausea and stomach pain.

No. 8 Well, firstly, there have been such cases (Google examples yourself), and secondly, the doctor looks at everything with his eyes and touches with his hands, and here telepaths will now diagnose you remotely. It's funny like that.

I realized before my period that I was pregnant only because my nipples started to hurt

Tests react not from the first day of delay, but from the moment they are fixed in the uterus. It happened to me when I was expecting pregnancy, I did tests very often, but let’s say after ovulation it didn’t show yet, but after 7-10 days (that is, when I was already in the uterus) 2 lines appeared on the test, but the second one was actually paler, but clearly visible

Nipples hurt. When I pressed, liquid came out. 10 days until period. I hope I'm pregnant. Previously, my nipples hurt before my period, but then I took contraceptives.

Ovulation is a necessary process in the reproductive system of every woman. It happens with a certain frequency. Unpleasant sensations during this period are most often minor, which is why many women simply do not pay attention to their appearance. But there are cases when painful outbreaks have a pronounced character.

During this period, the amount, color and consistency of vaginal discharge changes. Women's sex drive increases. Pain in the lower abdomen can have varying durations. For some women it lasts only a few minutes, while for others it does not go away for several days. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Still, some symptoms may be alarming. Let's consider situations in which immediate contact with a specialist is indicated: pain in the lower abdomen is so strong that the woman cannot move, loss of consciousness from pain, high fever, and unpleasant sensations are repeated from month to month.

The following recommendations will help relieve cyclical pain during ovulation:

  • sufficient consumption of natural water. Dehydration will only make the condition worse;
  • thermal procedures. For example, this could be a warm bath with essential oils. At the same time, do not forget that such procedures can be carried out only if you are absolutely sure that ovulation was the cause of the pain. If the pain outbreak was provoked by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, then such procedures will harm you even more;
  • avoid stressful situations, do not take negative moments in life to heart;
  • For severe pain, take an analgesic.

Why does my stomach bother me during lactation?

Often in the early stages of pregnancy, the lower abdomen aches and the chest hurts. The process of embryo implantation into the endometrium in some women is accompanied by mild nagging pain, reminiscent of discomfort during menstruation.

In later stages of pregnancy, pain in the groin area appears due to the enlargement of the uterus and the growth of the fetus. Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

The main task of all body systems during pregnancy is the full formation of the fetus and providing it with everything necessary during gestation and after childbirth. The breasts, in preparation for milk production and feeding, increase in size and become more sensitive.

Pain in the uterus may appear during lactation. Stimulation of the nipples during breastfeeding in the early postpartum period promotes contraction of the uterus, which is necessary to cleanse it of placental remnants. This is how the body prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

If milk is not fully expressed, lactostasis may develop. This condition provokes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and leads to inflammation of the mammary glands. Mastitis is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, acute pain in the chest, and the formation of nodes that can be felt on palpation.

Reason No. 3: diseases of the reproductive organs

Regular pain in the lower abdomen and chest, not associated with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, can be symptoms of serious diseases: endometriosis, cystic formations, adhesions in the reproductive organs.

The lower abdomen may ache due to the incorrect anatomical structure and position of the internal organs (bicornuate uterus, its prolapse and displacement relative to the center). The pain may intensify during sexual intercourse in certain positions. To get rid of them, just change your position.

Pathological processes in the genital organs and anomalies in their development are accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle, heavy periods, during which pain intensifies and large blood clots are released.

Not in all cases, discomfort in the mammary glands and abdomen is associated with ovulation or menstrual periods. Sometimes serious pathological processes can be to blame. Which?

Rare causes of pain in the chest and lower abdomen

Often such symptoms have a joyful reason - pregnancy. The first days always proceed in the form of pain, tension in the chest, and unpleasant pulling sensations appear in the lower abdomen. This condition is observed for several weeks until the fetus is securely attached.

Painful sensations can be caused by a serious intestinal disease. Most often, a woman suffers from dysbiosis; the pain can radiate to the chest area.

Please note that there are many reasons for the development of diseases; the main thing is to diagnose in time what is causing the pain. You can’t tolerate it, turn a blind eye to the symptoms, or take painkillers, because the form can become advanced and it can all end in an acute inflammatory process.

In some situations, pain can be triggered by sexual intercourse, the main cause being a digestive disorder. Due to the fact that the genitals and abdominal area are close, unpleasant sensations may appear. During sex, the uterus is compressed, then the intestinal and gastric areas.

So, a healthy woman of reproductive age has hormonal imbalances in her body, they are natural. If the pain becomes unbearable and constant, it cannot be tolerated.

All women, after experiencing the ovulation phase, complain of discomfort in the lower back, pain in the lower abdomen, this condition is considered normal. In cases where the unpleasant sensations intensify, the pain is prolonged, severe, constantly repeated, and the body temperature rises, urgent measures must be taken, such symptoms indicate a pathological process or pregnancy.

Severe pain can be relieved with the help of antispasmodics; it is also advised not to overexert yourself at this time, lie down and rest; perhaps everything will go away without medications. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to exercise.

Causes of discomfort

Painful sensations associated with the approach or onset of menstruation are considered normal. To get rid of them, you should take an antispasmodic drug. During pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, painkillers should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

If PMS symptoms do not allow you to lead your usual rhythm of life, then you need to visit a specialist. You can get rid of pronounced signs by undergoing a course of hormonal treatment.

Severe periodic pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy may indicate a threat of termination or the presence of the embryo outside the uterine cavity. If this symptom appears, you should contact a specialist immediately.

Regular pain in the chest and lower abdomen requires mandatory diagnosis, as it may indicate the growth of cancer cells. Timely detection of pathology will avoid serious complications.

It is inherent in nature that the role of the female body is to bear the fetus, which means that the woman’s body will prepare in advance for fertilization and subsequent gestation of the fetus. If the fusion of the sperm with the egg does not occur, it is simply removed from the body with blood by the upper layer of the uterine mucosa, which is how menstruation appears.


As mentioned above, these types of symptoms mainly appear before menstruation. So, first aching pain syndrome appears, uterine tone increases, which means preparation for menstruation. Only then does chest discomfort begin.

The lower abdomen hurts due to ovulation, and the pain syndrome is of a pulling nature. This is caused by the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. It is worth noting that this condition is also observed with a delay in menstruation.

Pain during ectopic and frozen pregnancy

Short description

Is a corpus luteum cyst dangerous?

When ovulation occurs, followed by fertilization of the egg, the gland formed in its place - the corpus luteum - actively enters into the process of preparing the body for pregnancy. Progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum in large volumes, is necessary from the first to the last minutes of pregnancy.

It’s not called the pregnancy hormone for nothing. If it develops incorrectly, fluid accumulates in the corpus luteum and it acquires an incorrect configuration.

The resulting cyst can be seen on ultrasound. It manifests itself as pain in the lower abdomen.

The diagnosis is not particularly dangerous.

It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations until the corpus luteum independently assumes normal size. As a rule, this happens by 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. Surgical treatment is not provided, but if a cyst ruptures, surgical intervention is not necessary, since bleeding occurs.

Video: Should you see a doctor if you have pain in the lower abdomen?.wmv

The main alarming signal and reason to consult a doctor is prolonged and intense pain in different parts of the body during the postovulatory period.

The woman’s anxiety is caused by the unknown of such symptoms, because, in theory, this should not happen. But the fact remains that her nipples and stomach hurt. This issue and the characteristics of the female body should be understood.

Pain in the lower abdomen and nipples can occur mainly only in two cases - during pregnancy and during the premenstrual cycle.

If your nipples and lower abdomen hurt, is this normal during pregnancy?

When a woman has pain, this is normal. A woman is literally preparing to become a mother, and her body is completely rebuilt and prepared to carry a baby and feed him after childbirth. During early pregnancy, abdominal pain can be unpleasant, lasting, and sometimes sharp, and the breasts fill up, increase in size and, sometimes, before childbirth, milk begins to be released.

And yet, for complete reassurance, you can consult a doctor. For reassurance, in case it is not an ectopic pregnancy. When visiting a doctor, he will not be very surprised and can reassure the woman that these are just physical changes occurring in the woman’s body.

The main causes of pain in the abdomen and nipples in pregnant women

The characteristics of the female body are such that the stomach hurts at the beginning of pregnancy during the growth of the fetus. The abdominal muscles relax and give an unusual pain, but this is not so scary and can be avoided by using a bandage or a special belt for pregnant women or simply lying down more often.

During the menstrual cycle, nipples and stomach hurt, mainly in those women who have already given birth. This may be experienced by women whose menstrual cycle was not painless. Usually, after some time, these pains go away on their own.

Softening of ligaments and discs can also lead to lower back pain. In addition, such pain can also indicate hypertonicity of the uterus, regardless of the fact that pain in the lower abdomen and nipple pain are normal during pregnancy. In this case, after a series of studies, the woman will be placed in storage.

Pregnant women experience pain because the time to give birth will soon come, and the woman’s body is preparing for the birth of the baby (stomach pain) and for feeding the baby after childbirth (pain in the nipples). At the end of pregnancy, the stomach may hurt when the cervix dilates slightly and the baby is preparing to be born the other day. So that this does not frighten pregnant women too much, special courses are held even during the first trimester to help get rid of such pain and which, during childbirth, will help to successfully give birth to a baby.

An ectopic pregnancy may not be a pleasant moment, which is quite possible, and it is possible that abdominal pain may be accompanied by the location of the fetus in the fallopian tube.

Such pain can also manifest itself as a threat of miscarriage. In any case, if pain occurs, you should consult your doctor and conduct a series of tests and ultrasound.

Why can nipples and stomach hurt after pregnancy?

Your nipples may become sore from engorged breasts. Usually, this is not an entirely correct reaction of the body, but this pathology occurs more often in women who have had a Caesarean section. Although this method of childbirth is called “royal” (a pregnant woman falls asleep, wakes up with a baby in her arms), this does not have a positive effect on the baby or his mother.

The baby often experiences bloating and dysbacteriosis, and a woman often experiences breast engorgement and nipple pain. Breasts become full and nipples hurt – this is a sign of mastopathy in women. Mastopathy can manifest itself both after childbirth and after any gynecological operation. Mastopathy is formed due to the enlargement of nodes, and if you feel a nodule under your arms when palpating the breast, you should immediately visit a doctor, because if you do not see a doctor in time, this can lead from mastopathy to cancer. There is no way to self-medicate here.

Why does the lower abdomen and chest hurt in women? The reasons for these sensations are varied, and most often they are associated with hormonal changes that occur during the month, pregnancy, lactation, and inflammatory processes localized in the reproductive organs. In some cases, pain is the norm, in others it is a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

Reason #1: Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle

Every month, a healthy woman’s body prepares to fertilize an egg and bear a fetus. Throughout this period, serious hormonal changes occur, accompanied by various symptoms.

If conception does not occur, progesterone levels decrease and menstruation begins, during which the epithelium is removed from the uterus. This process may be accompanied by periodic aching pain in the pubic area, which is associated with increased tone of the uterus and its intense contraction.

The next hormonal surge occurs during ovulation, when the egg is released through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. Some women at this time feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen (usually on one side) and notice breast swelling. In most women, this process is asymptomatic.

90% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which appears a few days before their period. Its main symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen, enlarged and painful mammary glands, and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

During this period, a woman may experience a slight increase in body temperature and a headache. Nausea, dizziness, colorless or white vaginal discharge that has no odor appears.

If the above symptoms appear every month and disappear within 2-3 days, then there is no cause for concern.

Reason #2: pregnancy and lactation

Often in the early stages of pregnancy, the lower abdomen aches and the chest hurts. The process of embryo implantation into the endometrium in some women is accompanied by mild nagging pain, reminiscent of discomfort during menstruation.

In later stages of pregnancy, pain in the groin area appears due to the enlargement of the uterus and the growth of the fetus. Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

The main task of all body systems during pregnancy is the full formation of the fetus and providing it with everything necessary during gestation and after childbirth. The breasts, in preparation for milk production and feeding, increase in size and become more sensitive.

Pain in the uterus may appear during lactation. Stimulation of the nipples during breastfeeding in the early postpartum period promotes contraction of the uterus, which is necessary to cleanse it of placental remnants. This is how the body prevents the development of the inflammatory process.

If milk is not fully expressed, lactostasis may develop. This condition provokes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and leads to inflammation of the mammary glands. Mastitis is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, acute pain in the chest, and the formation of nodes that can be felt on palpation.

Severe cramping pain in the uterine area and increased body temperature can signal an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, prompt surgical intervention is required to prevent fallopian tube rupture and hemorrhage.

Reason No. 3: diseases of the reproductive organs

Regular pain in the lower abdomen and chest, not associated with the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, can be symptoms of serious diseases: endometriosis, cystic formations, adhesions in the reproductive organs.

The lower abdomen may ache due to the incorrect anatomical structure and position of the internal organs (bicornuate uterus, its prolapse and displacement relative to the center). The pain may intensify during sexual intercourse in certain positions. To get rid of them, just change your position.

Pathological processes in the genital organs and anomalies in their development are accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle, heavy periods, during which pain intensifies and large blood clots are released.

If you experience such sensations, you need to visit a gynecologist in order to diagnose developmental pathologies or diseases of the reproductive organs that lead to infertility.

Other causes of pain in the chest and lower abdomen

Why does the lower abdomen and chest still hurt:

  1. Diseases of the urinary system. Infection entering the bladder and the development of the inflammatory process causes pain in the abdominal area, which intensifies during urination. If a dull pain radiates to the lower back, this may indicate kidney disease.
  2. Intestinal diseases are often accompanied by cutting pain in the abdomen (appendicitis, etc.)
  3. Inflammatory processes that provoke enlargement of lymph nodes (bacterial, fungal, sexually transmitted infections, rubella, measles, etc.).
  4. Oncological processes.

What to do if pain occurs?

Painful sensations associated with the approach or onset of menstruation are considered normal. To get rid of them, you should take an antispasmodic drug. During pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, painkillers should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

If PMS symptoms do not allow you to lead your usual rhythm of life, then you need to visit a specialist. You can get rid of pronounced signs by undergoing a course of hormonal treatment.

Severe periodic pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy may indicate a threat of termination or the presence of the embryo outside the uterine cavity. If this symptom appears, you should contact a specialist immediately.

Regular pain in the chest and lower abdomen requires mandatory diagnosis, as it may indicate the growth of cancer cells. Timely detection of pathology will avoid serious complications.

You should consult a specialist in cases where the discomfort cannot be eliminated with antispasmodics within three days. You need to see a doctor if the pain intensifies in a pregnant woman, and the body temperature rises significantly. Regular pain requires mandatory diagnosis. Timely detection of pathologies will avoid serious complications.