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A quick way to turn on the right hemisphere. Basic functions of the right hemisphere of the brain and exercises for its development


Having figured out the purpose of the left hemisphere, scientists were at a loss for quite a long time: what did the right hemisphere get, and why? The answer was not found immediately. Experiments have shown that the right hemisphere manages the holistic perception of reality, visual-figurative thinking, perception of music, artistic images, etc. This, one might say, is the intuitive block of our brain “computer”.

Develop abilities for which the right is responsible hemisphere brain, it is possible and necessary. This helps to develop a holistic view of reality, strengthens intuitive comprehension of the world, and develops creative imagination.

Speaking in the most general terms, strengthening the work of the right hemisphere departments brain occurs when we listen to music, indulge in daydreaming, meditate in solitude, engage in drawing, or any other type of creative activity associated with operating with holistic images.

Natural path of development of the right side brain includes active participation in those types of social activities that involve the functions inherent in this mental block. Writing poetry, literary creativity, even in such simple forms as maintaining a personal blog; singing, dance group, drawing - all types of such right-hemisphere activities cannot be listed.

There are also special techniques for stimulating the work of the intuitive block. brain. They are based on the idea of ​​a person’s ability to have controlled imagination. For this purpose, calm music is used for relaxation, without distracting noise interference.

As you enter a relaxed state, you can mentally draw pictures of your positive intentions or the state you hope to achieve. This type of session can last from a few minutes to an hour. The result is the activation of the right hemisphere brain, even to the point of receiving intuitive answers to some questions regarding life situations that seemed insoluble.

Helpful advice

Additional sources:
“How to Get Everything You Want Without Doing Almost Anything or Heavenly 911”, Robert Stone, 2008.
"Right Brain Development", Marilee Zdenek, 2004.


  • Logic or intuition? Why develop the right hemisphere
  • right side of the brain

It is well known that the human brain consists of two hemispheres. The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, analysis, and accurate calculations. Right - promotes the development of imagination, creativity, intuition, and is a generator of new ideas. How to properly develop the hemispheres of the brain in order to become a harmonious person?

You can properly develop the hemispheres of the brain by training your hands. To do this, it is necessary to begin performing the usual manipulations that are automatically performed by the right hand (if a person is left-handed, then the left) with the other hand.

You should start with simple actions. For example, pressing buttons on the remote control, scrolling through records, taking a mobile phone out of its case, brushing your teeth, etc. left hand. Gradually the task becomes more complicated: you can try typing and drawing with your left hand. If exercise becomes a habit, a positive result will not be long in coming.

Both hands work – both hemispheres develop

Psychophysiologists have developed a special set of exercises for the development of the hemispheres. But practice shows that training through actions that have become a habit over many years is closer. One of the most effective techniques is considered to be “mirror drawing”. You don't need anything special for this. It is enough to put a notepad or a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take one in both hands

Would creativity be possible without the enormous preparatory work that the left hemisphere carries out logically and consistently?

Acquiring skills in studying a subject, analysis, systematization of knowledge - all this is painstaking work of our left side of the brain. We can pose the same question regarding the right one.

Is it possible to come up with a “fresh solution” without his ability to instantly penetrate into the essence of things, think completely, not be afraid of illogic, feel, intuitively recognize the proximity of a single possible answer, surprise, break the canons? Of course not.

Left and right cannot live without each other, just as in other human activities.

How in balance are you in allowing the act of creativity to occur? How irrational are you as a percentage? How often do you do something that doesn’t seem to make much sense? How's your sense of humor? How often do you give in to your feelings? Do you like to play with children? Can you truly empathize with other people? How is your altruism? Do you write poetry? You are dreaming? You are drawing? Is faith present in your life? What does your intuition tell you?

One of the functions of the right hemisphere is spatial thinking

In this case, you simply cannot find a better training than painting. It is in such lessons that the skills of seeing an object as a whole develop. The right hemisphere, unlike the left, strives not for analysis, but for synthesis, for generalizing information.

Therefore, in order to develop conceptual thinking, experiment with the role of a home designer in your apartment or cottage. Determine the style of the room, play with texture and color - pleasure will be the reward for this work.

Empathy is the ability not just to sympathize, but to intuitively understand the thoughts and feelings of another person.

It's like seeing the world through the eyes of another person. This ability again lies in the sphere of the right hemisphere. It is not associated with a detached analysis of another person, but, on the contrary, is based on deep involvement in him. By the way, on the other side of developed empathy there is precisely a developed superego, which leads to a narrow sense of life, considering only oneself.

Listen to music that makes you not distance yourself, but feel it, that touches, as they say, “to the quick”

As an example, go see La Traviata. This story may not be close to you, but accompanied by Verdi’s magnificent music, it touches on our ability to empathize.

Working with mandala

Mandala is a sacred pattern. Contemplating the mandala is the beginning of a conversation with the right one. Find a beautiful mandala on the Internet. After relaxing, look at the center of the pattern for about 2-3 minutes. You will see that after a while the drawing will begin to “play”, changing, as if in a children’s kaleidoscope.

By the way, drawing mandalas is one of the practices in Buddhist monasteries. The monks collect a wondrously beautiful pattern of multi-colored grains for more than one day and even a week. Once they finish the drawing, they erase it without thinking with a wave of their hand. In truth, there is no real attachment to the result of creativity.

It has been established that the brain is divided into 2 parts, each part is responsible for certain actions. Only one side of the brain cannot work, 2 hemispheres are always involved, but one of them, in most people, functions more actively than the second, which can be seen by the type of activity, behavior, etc.

What is the left side of the brain responsible for?

The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, verbal and non-verbal communication, mathematics, writing and reading. With the participation of the left lobe of the brain, we perceive all words literally; it controls the functioning of the right side of the body. People who have a more developed left side of the brain are organized individuals, they try to maintain order in everything, they live by listening to their reason, without giving free rein to their emotions.

As time passed, academics came to the conclusion that the development of the hemispheres of the brain should be uniform, because most scientists and inventors used both sides of their brain synchronously, which allowed them to make non-standard decisions, thanks to which they achieved success in different areas of life.

What functions is the right cerebral lobe associated with?

The right hemisphere processes non-verbal information, which is represented in the form of pictures, symbols, signs and schematic pictures. The party is responsible for recognizing faces and emotions on them. People with a more active right hemisphere:

  • have musical talents;
  • are well oriented in space;
  • solve puzzles;
  • are distinguished by good imagination and daydreaming;
  • often have a talent for drawing;
  • capable of simultaneous processing of information from different sources.

Such people stand out for their eccentricity; they are often interesting and creative personalities.

How do you know which hemisphere is more active in you?

Before developing the right hemisphere of the brain, people need to know which side is more active. Prepared test tests will help you determine this.

Test No. 1

You need to look carefully at the drawing and determine what is on it.

If you saw the image of a girl in the picture, then the right lobe of your brain is more developed; if you managed to see an old woman, then the opposite side is more active.

Test No. 2

The next test is to find a man's head among the coffee beans. The search time should not exceed 3 minutes.

Now look at the results, if you found what you were looking for:

  • in less than 3 seconds, then the right hemisphere is well developed;
  • in 60 seconds, development is normal;
  • from 1 to 3 minutes, not well developed, it is recommended to eat more meat.

If the search took more than 3 minutes, the functioning of the right side of the brain is poor, it is advisable to read the information on how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain in adults.

It has been established that most people work more with one lobe of the brain, but there are also those who use both equally. Basically, these people are geniuses, they have a good memory, are able to quickly analyze what is happening and are very attentive. It is possible for an ordinary person to become ambidextrous; for this it is necessary to develop the right hemisphere of the brain.

To determine the active side of the brain, in addition to test tasks, you can focus on some behavioral traits characteristic of left-handers, right-handers and ambidextrous people.

Character of right-handed people

Such people listen to other people's opinions and try to live by generally accepted rules. Right-handers can be characterized as follows:

  • predictable;
  • sequential;
  • reliable;
  • principled.

They try not to enter into conflict, show little emotion, have an analytical mind and can achieve heights in the exact sciences.

Left-handed character

Lefties are emotional and impulsive individuals; by nature they are rarely conservative; they always want change. Lefties are individualists, they are not satisfied with the usual foundations, they live by their own rules, and can be stubborn and withdrawn. It is easier for left-handed people to achieve success in creative activities.

The character of ambidextrous people

People with both sides of the brain working simultaneously are flexible and versatile. They are characterized by responsiveness and emotionality, and have well-developed intuition. Ambidextrous people have the ability to see a little more than ordinary people, they often become pioneers of something and can achieve success in almost any field.

Exercises to develop the right hemisphere of the brain

It is worth noting that at birth all people have right-sided thinking; later, some of us change the side of the intellect. To activate the right hemisphere, right-handed people should start doing everyday tasks with their left hand. At first, difficulties may arise, but later the process will become natural and familiar. The result will be that a person will begin to think creatively and discover new talents. To train the hemisphere faster, it is recommended to perform some other exercises.

Sound training

The first lesson consists of the following steps: you need to find a quiet place, relax, close your eyes and imagine that someone is calling you. Now you need to determine which of your acquaintances the voice was, listen and understand what else he says.

The technique of the second exercise is similar, only now you need to remember the words of your favorite song and allow it to “play in your head”, with the speech clearly presented.


The visualization technique involves imagining a white sheet of paper on which a name is written. Now you need to imagine how the letters begin to change color, if possible, then it is advisable to change the background of the paper, this will help to quickly improve the functioning of the right hemisphere.

Tactile sensations

The next exercise to develop the right hemisphere of the brain is the use of tactile senses. For example, we visually imagine that we are eating a dish. Using the same method, you can imagine a smell or draw an image.


The mirror drawing technique promotes the development of both hemispheres of the brain. You need to prepare a piece of paper and 2 pens with which you need to draw identical objects at the same time. By performing such exercises to develop both hemispheres of the brain, a person will begin to think creatively.


Activation of the right lobe of the brain occurs due to creative activity. A child and preschooler receives mental exercises during classes at school or a club. For development, an adult or teenager needs to visit museums, theaters, listen to good music and read books.

Finger training

In this exercise, work occurs through the movement of the fingers. We clench our fists and begin to straighten one by one, first the thumb of the right hand, then the index finger of the left. Then the index finger on the right and the thumb on the left. After you manage to perform the exercise correctly, the pace must be accelerated.

Drawing the number 8

The right side is trained in the following way: the left arm is placed forward, and the head is placed on the same shoulder. Now we focus our gaze on the index finger, with which we draw the number 8 in the air. Having repeated the movement 10 times, you need to change your hand and the position of your head.

Working with touch

To perform this exercise, a person needs to imagine something by touch. You can try to feel the softness of cat fur, the roughness of paper, cold or hot water with your hands.

Parallelism of movement

This exercise involves drawing 2 parallel lines. The resulting drawing should be placed at eye level. Now you need to walk, touching your left knee with your left palm, and your right knee with your right hand.

Yoga to activate the right lobe of the brain

It is better to start yoga classes in the morning, this will force the brain to actively use its functions throughout the day. Before starting classes, experts recommend meditating for several minutes. It is worth noting that such classes are very useful for children and patients. Now let's get down to physical training:

  1. We stand comfortably, with our feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. We press our tongue to the roof of our mouth, as if preparing to pronounce the letter “l.”
  3. With our left fingers we pinch the lobe of our right ear so that the thumb lies in front and the index finger lies behind. With your right hand, perform similar actions with the opposite ear. The cross formed on the chest should be arranged so that the right hand is on top.
  4. In the same position, you need to sit down, while taking a deep breath, hold your breath for a second and rise up with a slow exhalation.

This gymnastics is performed for 3 minutes; the developed breathing tactics cannot be changed. The technique allows you to develop both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Systems are launched in the body that were not available before. According to the words of American schoolchildren and observations of them, they managed to turn on some brain systems that were inactive, and they began to study well.

For normal functioning, the brain, like the entire body as a whole, needs to be trained. Especially with age. As you know, the human brain uses its working potential to a maximum of 10%. People often notice that it becomes more difficult to assimilate the information they receive over time.

But there are a lot of situations when this is necessary. For example, responsibilities at work or a completely new position, specialty, moving to another country, which requires mandatory knowledge of the local language, and so on. All these changes sometimes require turning on the brain to the fullest. However, a person often notices that other than stupor and fatigue, his attempts lead to nothing. What to do in such a situation? How to develop the brain, or rather, increase its potential?


As you know, every person has two hemispheres - left and right. There are general methods for development, as well as special exercises aimed at training a certain part of it. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? The easiest and most accessible way is reading. Thanks to the book, visual memory develops, vocabulary is replenished, the nervous system calms down, and the ability to concentrate increases. In addition, horizons broaden and literacy improves qualitatively. Since the left hemisphere is responsible for the ability to read, this can be considered an excellent exercise for training it.

Language learning

How to develop your brain? You can start learning a foreign language. This knowledge not only activates the “main computer” of the body, but also contributes to the expansion of personal abilities.

For example, knowing at least a little language, you can visit the corresponding country, get acquainted with its culture, and make interesting acquaintances. By the way, people who are able to speak even different dialects are less likely to develop diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and others.

Unusual ways of doing ordinary activities

How to develop your brain? Doing ordinary things in an unusual way is beneficial for the body as a whole. For example, reading text upside down. At first it will puzzle your brain, but after a while it will seem not such a difficult task. It is also useful to introduce variety into absolutely everything that surrounds a person. You should change your route from home to work more often and rearrange your home. Explore new places.

How to develop your brain in the usual ways? Now we'll tell you. As it turned out, this is not particularly difficult. The next level of training contains special exercises that have a specific effect on the hemispheres of the brain. But first you need to figure out who is responsible for what, as they say. The hemisphere on the right side perceives data in the form of images and symbols, and is responsible for fantasy, musical abilities, creativity, as well as sexual activity.

To train it, there are simple and fun exercises that even children can do. The first is to alternately grab the lobe of the opposite ear with your left hand, and your nose with your right hand, then vice versa. Here's how to develop your right brain. If this method turns out to be too easy, you can complicate the task. To do this, you need to add clap to your hands between changing sides.

Draw with both hands

Now let's look at how to develop the brain, both hemispheres at once.

We will describe the second exercise. For it you will need a sheet of paper and a pencil. If a person is right-handed, then you should start drawing with your leading hand. You can write letters, draw patterns and whatever you want. The second hand should almost simultaneously repeat the pattern in symmetrical reflection. It is better to start with simpler options and gradually complicate the task.


How to develop the hemispheres of the brain with games aimed at coordination? A simple exercise is familiar to many from childhood and is called the “ring”. To do this, you need to connect the thumb of one hand with the index finger of the other. And vice versa. While moving your fingers in this way, the speed should be gradually increased. This is a simpler version of the exercise.

If it seems easy, you can try to complicate it. To do this, you need to alternately attach the index, middle, ring and little fingers to the thumb of one hand, forming a ring. Games that develop the brain not only help to activate the thinking process, but also provide variety during leisure time. After all, there is nothing difficult in performing such exercises.

Fun activity

How to develop the brain? Also a fun activity, and at the same time an effective movement, is the simultaneous stroking of the belly with one hand and tapping on the head with the other, familiar to many from childhood.

This is another way of developing the brain, designed for children too. You can perform this movement at speed by organizing fun competitions. By the way, laughter and humor are an excellent and effective way to improve brain activity, as well as the general condition of the body. It turns out that useful things are simple and pleasant.

Developing the left hemisphere

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? This topic should be considered in more detail. First, a short excursion into what this area is responsible for. The left hemisphere is actively involved in processing information received in the form of numbers and signs. This information is then subject to step-by-step analysis. Most people on the planet write with their right hand. So, the left lobe of the brain is responsible for this order of things.

To develop it, you should solve mathematical or logical problems every day. Alternatively, stop using a calculator and do the math in your head. By the way, representatives of past generations were deprived of all kinds of creations of computer technology, so until old age they had a clear mind and excellent memory. It took a lot to remember the long-distance numbers of all relatives, but the address book was not always at hand.

Crossword puzzles and games

Solving crossword puzzles is also a good way, especially since it perfectly activates the memory. Next, it’s good to do familiar things with your right arm and leg. This may seem difficult for left-handers, but that is the essence of the exercise.

There are also games that develop the brain. Moreover, many of them can be taken from a number of familiar ones. This technique is excellent for left-handed people, as it will be more effective due to the unusual position. For example, a great game is badminton. The racket should be taken in the right hand and used only with it. At first it may seem difficult, but after a while the brain will get used to it and begin to follow commands. The movements will be more coordinated. Table tennis, bowling and others will also be suitable games.

An excellent game that also perfectly develops brain activity, especially the left hemisphere, is chess. Thinking through a strategy and calculating probable moves effectively activate the work of the “main computer”.


How to develop the brain of a child and an adult? There are several other methods. These include:

In order for the brain to work well, do not forget about good nutrition and proper drinking regimen. Also, quality rest and 7-8 hours of sleep are important for productive activity.


Now you know how to develop your brain. As you can see, there are many methods. Therefore, do not forget to develop it. Good luck!

How to unlock the potential of your brain and become the darling of fate? The secret is out! It is necessary to develop the right hemisphere...

Imbalance in human development

Managing your own brain¹ is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself.

But history has taught people to pay attention to the external, forgetting about the internal. The same applies to the brain. According to research, on average people use only 3-5 percent of their brain potential!

Unfortunately, most abilities remain beyond the realm of possibility for people, something out of the realm of fantasy. It’s similar with the brain: for most people it works as it should.

A person is not able to fully control his memory and other neural processes of the brain, although this, it would seem, should be as easily accessible to him as the ability to lift a glass into the air. Therefore, we cannot independently solve memory problems, develop imagination, and much more.

It’s the same with superpowers: esoteric texts say that every person can develop these abilities. But he cannot do this due to the underdevelopment of the right hemisphere of the brain.

Why should we strive to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Nowadays people primarily use the left hemisphere. It is responsible for logic, analysis; the work of this hemisphere is alien to creativity, imagination and creative mental activity. It makes us, at best, good performers.

Only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life; it is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition.

There are people whose brains spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation, including the right hemisphere. Such people usually make artists, performers, musicians and representatives of other creative professions.

But in science, in technology, and in other types of activity, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere!

We can say that the right hemisphere creates ideas, and the left hemisphere directs, seeks ways of expression.

Right hemisphere potential

Every person is capable of awakening the right hemisphere and developing their mental abilities. And as a result, develop any talents in yourself and achieve success in life.

What is the difference between the activity of the right and left hemispheres?

The human brain is naturally electromagnetic. This activity is expressed by a certain rhythm in which the brain works. It is the rhythm that determines what state we are in.

Electromagnetic oscillations of the brain produce a certain number of repeating cycles per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. Rhythm has its own frequency. For most people, it can range from one cycle every two seconds to forty cycles per second.

Depending on the rhythm of brain activity, there are four main brain states: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

For example, when a person is awake, his brain works in the beta rhythm. When he sleeps, and the mind is turned off and does not dream, the brain is immersed in the delta rhythm: it rests in it.

How to develop the right hemisphere?

During light relaxation, immersion into the alpha rhythm occurs. When falling asleep, the brain is in a state of theta rhythm. And this state is key for the development of extrasensory abilities and brain potential.

This state is difficult to catch, and at the same time it can be learned: you need to increase your awareness, and simply train your body to pay attention to this short moment. In the theta trance state, you can receive secret knowledge from the information field of the Universe³, control reality to achieve success in life, fulfill desires, develop superpowers and much more.

Konstantin Yakovlev