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How often should you give Chiktonik for ducks? Chiktonik: instructions for use for birds. Instructions for use for adults

Raising birds will be successful only if both young animals and adults receive high-quality feed and vitamin and mineral supplements to accelerate development and maintain productivity. But it is the chickens that require the greatest attention from the poultry farmer, because at a young age they are more susceptible to various diseases that can cause the death of the livestock.

Chiktonik is considered one of the best drugs for young chickens. This is a special food additive that is used to accelerate the growth and development of chickens. Chiktonik has been on the market for quite a long time, and during this time it has earned the trust of many experienced poultry farmers. If you have never used it on chickens before, we recommend that you read this article, which describes in detail the features of using this product.

Chiktonik for chickens

From the point of view of scientific classification, Chiktonik belongs to probiotic drugs. These are special products containing beneficial microorganisms that can improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive tract as a whole. This helps strengthen the immune system of young birds and increase the percentage of nutrients absorbed from the feed (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Various dosages of the drug

Chiktonik consists of many components, including essential amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients that can accelerate the development of chickens and increase their productivity. It should be borne in mind that the use of the product is especially useful for broiler breeds of chickens, because this drug promotes the absorption of nutrients from the feed, which means that the birds gain weight much faster and the duration of their housing is reduced. However, this drug can be used as a dietary supplement not only for adult chickens, but also for other poultry: geese, turkeys and ducks.

Indications for use of Chiktonika for chickens

The main indications for the use of Chiktonik for chickens are:

  1. Poor food supply on the farm, due to which the birds do not receive enough vitamins and nutrients from food.
  2. Constant stress or lack of a clear feeding schedule. As a rule, such troubles occur when transporting livestock or when there are too many chickens on the farm.
  3. It is necessary to improve the immunity of birds before mandatory vaccination, so that the birds can better tolerate the procedure.
  4. Broiler chickens must be given Chiktonik, even if there are no other indications for the use of the drug. This is necessary to accelerate the development of young animals and rapid weight gain

In addition, this drug will have a positive effect on individuals weakened by toxic substances and for young animals in the active growth phase (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Indications for use of the product

If you strictly adhere to the dosage, you will soon notice positive results from its use. First of all, the birds' body tone will increase, and their plumage will improve. In addition, you will notice a significant increase in appetite and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, even in those individuals who previously suffered from digestive disorders. In chickens of egg breeds, egg production increases significantly, and meat species gain weight much faster even without changing the feed supply. This drug also improves the condition of the reproductive system, and the number of fertilized eggs increases significantly.

Naturally, such results can be achieved only if Chiktonik was used correctly and in strict accordance with the instructions, so we will consider this point in more detail.

Instructions for use of Chiktonik for broiler chickens

Since the drug is a dietary supplement, it must be used exclusively orally.

Note: For ease of use, the drug is best added to drinking water. This way you will be sure that the chicks are constantly receiving the required amount of the drug.

To ensure that the drug is consumed in the optimal dosage, it is better to use automatic drinkers to dispense it. However, if the farm contains a small number of livestock, you don’t have to buy an automatic drinker on purpose. A conventional droplet or vacuum model can cope with this task quite successfully (Figure 3).

It is important to consider that the effect of the drug will be pronounced only if the product was stored correctly. A sealed bottle can be stored for up to two years, but only if it is kept in a room with a constant temperature of +5 to +20 degrees. After opening, the bottle must be stored in the refrigerator, and the storage period is no more than two months.

Despite the fact that Chiktonik is considered a safe drug, it must be stored in places inaccessible to children or pets.

Figure 3. Methods for issuing funds

The instructions for the drug state that this drug has an effect primarily on the intestinal microflora of birds. However, if you strictly follow the dosage and manufacturer's recommendations, you will notice other positive effects from using the product. First of all, the appearance of the chickens' plumage improves, but soon they begin to gain weight more actively, which is especially valuable when raising meat breeds of chickens.

The packaging of the drug contains clear instructions for the use of Chiktonik and recommended dosages for different types of birds. However, if you have not used this tool yet and do not know how to use it correctly, you can use the instructions given in our article.

Dosage of the drug

Chiktonik is given to chickens along with drinking water. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the individuals. For example, for young animals it will be enough to add 1 ml of the drug to 1 liter of water, and for adults the dosage is increased to 2 ml per 1 liter of water.

Other application features include:

  1. To achieve maximum effect, the drug, mixed with drinking water, is added to drinking bowls for one week.
  2. It is advisable to feed with this product if mass vaccination or transportation of birds is planned.
  3. If the livestock is not in good health, or the productivity of the birds has significantly decreased, it is not recommended to exceed the dosage of the drug. In this case, it is better to extend the probiotic course to two weeks or repeat the weekly course a month after the previous dose.
  4. If livestock transportation is planned, the food additive is introduced into the diet two days before transportation and continued for three days after it.

In addition, Chiktonik is used to reduce the effects of stress, for example, before vaccination or the administration of antibiotics. In this case, the supplement must be introduced into the diet three days before the procedure and three days after completion of the procedure.

Even if the chicks have no contraindications to the use of the drug, increasing the dosage is strongly not recommended, as this may lead to negative consequences. However, in practice, some poultry farmers still slightly exceed the dosage, but only if the effect of using the food additive is completely absent. In order not to harm the livestock, no more than 1.3-1.5 ml of the drug for chickens and no more than 2.6-3 ml for adult chickens can be added per liter of water.

Contraindications Chiktonika

The main purpose of using Chiktonik is to saturate the body of an adult bird or chicken with nutrients. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the drug directly affects the intestinal microflora and improves the absorption of nutrients from feed.

Note: The manufacturer strongly does not recommend exceeding the indicated dosage, and also taking into account possible contraindications from the use of the drug.

It is worth noting that Chiktonik is an absolutely natural food supplement, since it contains microorganisms that are normally constantly present in the intestines of a healthy bird. Accordingly, this drug has virtually no contraindications, and undesirable consequences can only be observed in the presence of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

However, in case of an overdose of the drug, certain side effects may still occur. As a rule, they are expressed in digestive disorders (for example, diarrhea) or allergic reactions of varying intensity. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to use the drug only in strict accordance with the instructions, and also ensure that the product does not expire.

The advantage of the product is that it is available in containers of various sizes. For example, for small farms it is advisable to buy this food additive in small penicillin bottles rather than in large canisters. The fact is that the drug can be stored in a sealed container for two years, and after opening, its shelf life in the refrigerator is only two months. It is impossible to give birds an expired supplement, as its use may have the opposite effect. Containers in which the food additive was located must be disposed of after use, for example, burned. The finished solution, which you did not have time to use, can simply be poured onto the ground, since the drug has no toxic effect on humans or the environment.

Results of the effects of Chiktonik for chickens

The vitamin and mineral food supplement Chiktonik has been on the market for quite a long time and is a proven means of increasing productivity in birds. It is noteworthy that this product can be used as a dietary supplement not only for chickens, but also for geese, ducks and turkeys (Figure 4).

In general, the practical use of Chiktonik allows us to highlight the following effects from its use:

  1. Supplementing your diet with this nutritional supplement allows you to clearly control the nutrients entering your body. As a result, the birds' diet becomes more balanced, and individuals receive much more nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Thanks to the saturation of the body with useful substances, the livestock has a stronger immune system and is less likely to get sick, even in crowded conditions.
  3. Chiktonik is also reflected in the appearance of birds: their plumage becomes thicker and shiny, and young animals gain weight much faster due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Both young animals and adults who receive this supplement become less susceptible to stress. It is due to this feature that the drug is recommended for use before transportation, vaccination or treatment of livestock with antibiotics.
  5. All individuals become stronger in terms of physical health, since using the drug according to the instructions effectively activates the defenses of the entire body.

Figure 4. Results of using the product

It should also be taken into account that Chiktonik also has a beneficial effect on the body of laying hens. First of all, this nutritional supplement can increase the egg production of females. At the same time, the drug increases the percentage of fertilized eggs and reduces the level of embryonic mortality among chickens. Combined with ease of use and relatively low cost, Chiktonik can be called a truly indispensable tool for all poultry farmers.

If you have never used the Chiktonik food additive for feeding birds before, we recommend that you watch the video, the author of which explains in detail how to properly use this drug in the household and what effects should be expected from its use.

The complex, which contains amino acids and is intended to enrich and balance the diet of agricultural and.


1 ml Chiktonika consists of vitamins: A - 2500 IU, B1 - 0.035 g, B2 - 0.04 g, B6 - 0.02 g, B12 - 0.00001, D3 - 500 IU; arginine - 0.00049 g, methionine - 0.05, lysine - 0.025, choline chloride - 0.00004 g, sodium pantothenate - 0.15 g, alphatocopherol - 0.0375 g, threonine - 0.0005 g, serine - 0.00068 g, glutamic acid - 0.0116, proline - 0.00051 g, glycine - 0.000575 g, alanine - 0.000975 g, cystine - 0.00015 g, valine - 0.011 g, leucine - 0.015 g, isoleucine - 0.000125 g, tyrosine - 0.00034 g, phenylalanine - 0.00081 g, tryptophan - 0.000075 g, - 0.000002 g, inositol - 0.0000025 g, histidine - 0.0009 g, aspartic acid - 0.0145 g.

Release form

The drug is available as an opaque dark brown liquid for oral use. It is packaged in dark glass bottles of 10 ml, and can also be produced in polymer bottles of 1, 5 and 25 liters, packaged in containers made of white opaque plastic, which are closed with lids that have a first-opening control.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has a balanced amount of biologically active substances, amino acids and vitamins in its composition, which helps compensate for their deficiency in the body of animals. Chiktonik increases nonspecific resistance to environmental factors that are considered unfavorable.

Did you know? Nonspecific resistance of the body-This is a defense that is aimed at destroying any foreign agent in the body.

Chiktonik stimulates the growth and development of young animals, reduces animal mortality, improves appetite, increases the body's resistance to stress and infections, and has a positive effect on the skin, hair and plumage of birds.

Indications for use

Chiktonik is indicated for use in order to normalize the metabolism of farm animals during periods of unbalanced nutrition, as well as during stress and high productivity, if animals have been poisoned by mycotoxins, and after treatment with antibiotics, as well as the administration of vaccines. Indications for use are metabolic disorders, protein and vitamin deficiency.

Dosage and method of administration

The drug is added to animals’ drink and used for 5 days. Depending on the type of animal, the drug is used in the following doses:

  • Chiktonik for birds: replacement young birds, use 2 ml per 1 liter of water.
  • For foals, use 20 ml of the drug per one.
  • For use 10 ml of the drug per one, for young animals from six months to one and a half years the drug is 20 ml of the drug per one.
  • For weaned piglets, use 3 ml per one; for lactating and pregnant sows, use 20 ml per one.
  • For lambs and use 2 ml of medicine per one, for young sheep and give 4 ml of medicine per one.
  • Chiktonik is used in the form of a solution: 1 ml of medicine per 1 liter of water.

If necessary, the course can be increased to 15 days or repeated after 1 month.

In industrial quantities during cultivation, in order to reduce the negative effects of stress caused by the introduction of vaccines, coccidiostats and this medicine, it is recommended to give birds at the rate of: 1 liter of Chiktonik per ton of water.

The liquid is given to the bird 3 days before and after the expected stress.

If you plan to regroup or transport birds, then Chiktonik has the following instructions for use for birds: - the medicine is given 2 days before and 3 days after, at a dose of 1 liter per ton of water.

special instructions

No special precautions need to be taken. It is also not necessary to maintain a certain interval for consuming animal and poultry meat, because the medicine does not in any way affect the quality and safety of meat and eggs. The medicine can be used together with other drugs.

Important! When working with medicine, you must follow safety precautions and wash your hands before and after use..

Side effects

There are no side effects when using Chiktonik for animals and birds. The drug has been on the market for quite a long time, has passed all the necessary laboratory tests and is approved as a safe medicine.

To develop and maintain the health of poultry and animals, vitamin preparations are necessary. One of these is Chiktonik - a feed additive that includes a complex of vitamins and amino acids, including essential and non-essential ones. Before using the product, you should read the instructions for use, which contain information about the composition of the drug, for whom it can be used, and how to breed it for birds and animals.

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    Dosage form and composition

    Chiktonik is produced in the form of a solution for oral use. The product has the appearance of an opaque dark brown liquid.

    Chiktonik is sold in liter bottles and plastic canisters with a capacity of 5 liters or 25 liters. Each package is labeled “For Animals,” and inside there are instructions for using Chiktonik. The composition includes vitamins and amino acids.


    Amino acids:

    1. 1. Essential (methionine - 5 g, threonine - 0.5 g, lysine - 2.5 g, isoleucine - 1.25 g, leucine - 1.5 g).
    2. 2. Replaceable (serine - 0.68 g, alanine - 0.975 g, glutamic acid - 1.16 g, cystine - 0.15 g).
    3. 3. Partially replaceable (arginine - 0.49 g).
    4. 4. Proteinogenic (aspartic acid - 1.45 g, glycine - 0.575 g, tyrosine - 0.34 g, histidine - 0.9 g, valine - 1.1 g, tryptophan - 0.075 g, tyrosine - 0.34 g, phenylalanine - 0.81 g).

    Excipients include:

    • water;
    • propylhydroxybenzoate;
    • polysorbate-80;
    • propylene glycol;
    • Methylhydroxybenzoate.

    Biological properties

    Chiktonik is a feed additive for animals. The effect of the drug is based on the presence of beneficial vitamins and amino acids (both essential and non-essential), which replenish the lack of active substances in the body of chickens, chickens, rabbits and other domestic animals.

    The drug helps normalize metabolism, stress resistance, improve appetite, increases the degree of tolerance to adverse environmental conditions, and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. Thanks to the use of the additive in various unfavorable periods, the livestock is preserved, the productivity of animals increases, as well as the feather and skin-hair cover improves, the tone increases, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the immune system is strengthened.

    Chiktonik is a low-hazard substance and, subject to application standards, does not have embryotoxic, sensitizing or teratogenic effects on animals.


    The product is used for agricultural animals and poultry:

    1. 1. With an unbalanced diet.
    2. 2. For the development of young animals and increased growth.
    3. 3. In order to normalize metabolism.
    4. 4. In stressful situations.
    5. 5. Before or after vaccination.
    6. 6. During long-term use of antibiotics.
    7. 7. After mycotoxin poisoning.
    8. 8. To saturate the body of animals and poultry with useful elements and vitamins.

    Contraindications and special instructions

    There are no contraindications to the use of Chiktonik in veterinary medicine.

    Special instructions for the use of feed additives:

    • can be used in combination with other supplements and medications;
    • the products of animals consuming Chiktonik are suitable for consumption without restrictions;
    • Food cannot be stored in the drug packaging;
    • When working with the drug, follow safety and personal hygiene rules.


    Instructions for use of Chiktonik in veterinary medicine.

    The drug is diluted in water that is given to animals.

    Directions for use for birds:

    Duration of treatment - 5 days.

    In industrial poultry farming, the product is given in automatic drinkers, diluting a liter of solution per ton of water. If it is necessary to eliminate stress from vaccination or antibiotic treatment, birds are watered for three days before the event and another three after. If you plan to transport individuals, Chiktonik is added to drinking water for two days before the transfer and three days after it.

Veterinary medicine offers farmers a range of feed additives that promote poultry growth. Among the variety of drugs, Chiktonik has gained great popularity. Farmers use it to ensure the health and quality weight gain of chickens. Vitamins for broilers Chiktonik are a harmless and effective supplement with a wide spectrum of action.

The product is very easy to use. The drinking container is washed and scalded with boiling water. If the water supply is automatic, it is also necessary to flush the lines, since the concentration of the drug will decrease when passing through them. Drinking water must be clean and fresh. The liquid with the additive is diluted in the amount of the daily drinking norm so that there is enough for the entire livestock and poured into drinking bowls or a common container.

The feed additive is compatible with medications and other feed additives.


The drug is given with drinking water. One liter of liquid is diluted with 1 ml of additive for chickens and 2 ml for adult birds.

They only reduce the dosage of Chiktonik for broilers due to their rapid growth. For them, 1 ml of additive per liter of drink is enough.

  • Add the product to drinking bowls for up to 7 days in a row.
  • In large farms, the drug is given to livestock before vaccination or for preventive purposes in a ratio of 1 liter per ton of water.

If necessary, the course can be increased to two weeks or repeated after a couple of months.

  • To reduce the negative effects of stress (before vaccination or antibiotic therapy, before administering coccidiostats), the supplement is given to the bird three days before the manipulation and for three days after.
  • If transportation is planned, the feed additive is given two days before transportation and three days after.

A significant increase in the dosage of Chiktonik is not recommended even in the absence of contraindications. If no effect is observed with the recommended use, you can increase the dosage to no more than 1.3-1.5 ml per 1 liter of water for chickens and 2.6-3 ml for adult chickens.

Indications and contraindications

Many farmers use Chiktonik prophylactically for each new brood. However, there are direct indications for when the drug should be given:

  • viral infection (in other birds - turkeys, geese, ducks, etc.);
  • loss of appetite;
  • slow weight gain from established standards;
  • in preparation for transportation or relocation to another chicken coop;
  • doubts about the quality of feed;
  • low immunity in birds.

The supplement has practically no contraindications, since it has a natural composition. Very rarely, an individual may experience individual intolerance to a component or develop hypersensitivity. In all other cases, Chiktonik is indicated for laying hens and broilers at any age.

Chiktonik for chickens

Chiktonik for broiler chickens is used for preventive purposes to ensure their full growth. Chicks are fed to give them a vigorous start, ensuring full growth and development. The chicken comes to the farm from an incubator - from sterile conditions, without immunity.

The drug is started to be given to 7-day-old babies. Chiktonik for chickens instructions provide a dosage in the proportion of 1 ml of additive per liter of water. When using the drug in young animals, the following is observed:

  • increasing resistance to infectious agents;
  • improvement of skin and plumage;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • improved appetite and food digestibility.


The drug is stored under normal conditions, at room temperature, in a place where direct sunlight is excluded. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of the drug getting into the hands of children. The shelf life of a Chiktonik bottle is 2 years. After opening, the drug is used within a month and stored in the dark. In the light, the drug loses its properties.

What is Chiktonik supplement?

Chiktonik is a probiotic that is used to normalize the microflora in the intestines and increase the immunity of birds. The drug allows you to first normalize and then maintain the optimal ratio of microcomponents in the body of chickens. Even if they develop dysbacteriosis, with the help of Chiktonik the negative effects will be compensated.

Chickens, especially when kept in winter, receive all the necessary substances for the body only from feed. If the food is monotonous and scarce, the bird weakens. By adding a probiotic to the food, birds grow healthy and resistant to many viruses and infections.

What does Chiktonik contain:

  • Vitamin A accelerates weight gain, has an antimicrobial effect, strengthens the immune system, and improves productivity;
  • vitamin D3 helps strengthen bones;
  • vitamin E is used to prevent degenerative stomach disorders and prevent the appearance of calluses on the heels of chickens;
  • vitamin B1 promotes faster muscle mass gain and has a positive effect on digestion;
  • vitamins B2, B6, B12 normalize the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of poultry;
  • vitamin K improves blood quality;
  • amino acids improve appetite;
  • choline chloride is necessary for the prevention of paresis;
  • inositol regulates digestive functions, helps restore appetite in weakened individuals;
  • lysine helps with the formation of the skeleton and promotes the active production of feather protein;
  • biotin is necessary for the proper formation of tendons and feathers;
  • glycine promotes faster development of chickens.

The feed additive contains a full range of useful substances that have a positive effect on the entire body of the bird. Most often used to accelerate the growth of poultry.

In what cases is Chiktonik required?

Chiktonik is not a medicine and does not have a specific therapeutic effect. It will be useful preventively in the following cases:

  • lack of vitamins or other beneficial substances, which becomes noticeable visually or with changes in behavior;
  • stress;
  • as a prevention of cannibalism or pecking in chickens;
  • monotonous stale food;
  • before vaccination;
  • in case of intoxication;
  • with long-term antibiotic therapy, if the risk of developing mycoses is increased or diarrhea has begun;
  • to accelerate the growth of chickens and the development of their muscle mass;
  • during the period of accelerated development of young animals.

With regular use of Chiktonik, improvements are observed in the livestock:

  • growth and development;
  • tone;
  • appetite;
  • quality of feather cover;
  • increase in average daily weight gain;
  • gastrointestinal tract work;
  • egg production in laying hens and improving egg quality.

There is also a decrease in the embryonic mortality of the livestock, and the quality of the embryos is improving. Hatching from the egg of a laying hen fed with chiktonik, the chicken becomes more viable, due to which the mortality of day-old young animals is reduced.

The economic feasibility of taking the drug is not in doubt: the yield of meat from poultry and the quantity and quality of eggs in laying hens increases.

All experienced poultry farmers know that while raising poultry it is necessary to monitor its health. It is imperative for normal development and to maintain health that birds, starting from a young age, need to be given vitamin preparations that are intended for the full growth and development of individuals. Such drugs include Chiktonik. This product is in great demand among many farmers because it has good properties. Before you start using this product, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with its features and instructions for use, which will be discussed below.

For what diseases is it used in veterinary medicine?

Chiktonik is a prebiotic. Thanks to this product, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal. Means of this type ensure the maintenance of an optimal balance of intestinal microflora, and change it if necessary.

Main indications for taking Chiktonik:

1. To saturate the body with vitamins and useful components;

2. With stress and unbalanced nutrition;

3. Often given before vaccination;

4. Give to birds after poisoning with toxic substances;

5. During long-term use of antibiotics;

6. To enhance the growth and development of chicks;

7. During the period of active growth of young individuals.

Thanks to this drug, the following indicators are provided:

- Improving the tone of the bird;

- Improves the quality of feather cover;

- Appetite improves;

- Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract;

- Increases egg production;

- Has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of birds.

According to scientific data, Chiktonik has a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, the immune system is strengthened several times. In addition, beneficial components from food are absorbed much better.

What are the dosages of Chiktonik?

Chiktonik, like gammatonic, is taken orally, the drug is diluted in water for drinking. Add 1-2 ml of premix per 1 liter. Give this solution for 5 days. For ease of feeding, many poultry farmers use automatic drinkers.

On large poultry farms, before vaccination or before the start of a situation that can put the bird in a stressful state, the premix is ​​diluted in large quantities - 1 liter of product per ton of water. Usually this solution is given 3 days before the onset of a stressful situation and 3 days after it. If the owner needs to transport or transplant young animals, then the drug is given in the same doses (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) 2 days before the expected event and in the next 3 days.

The drug can be given together with other medications and nutritional supplements; no interaction of the drug with them has been identified.

How to use for chicks

For chickens

Chiktonik for chickens is a necessary means to ensure the full growth and development of the body. Unlike adults, chicks have a weak immune system and have almost no resistance to various diseases. To increase the protective functions of the body, starting from 7 days of age, chickens are given chiktonik.

The drug provides the following indicators in chickens:

    The body's resistance to the effects of infectious and viral diseases increases;

    Improves the condition of the skin and plumage of young animals;

    Saturating the body with essential vitamins and nutrients from food;

    Improved tone and appetite.

For chickens, the drug is administered orally. Add it to drinking water. You can give it in two ways - 1 ml per 100 ml of water or 1 ml per 1 liter of water. Many veterinarians advise giving it in a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. They claim that if taken at this dosage, the absorption of the drug increases and an overdose does not occur. The drug is given for 5-7 days, but no more.

For the goslings

Chiktonik for goslings is used to improve the body's protective functions and enhance immunity. In addition, the product normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes the functioning of the urinary tract.

In addition, starting from 7 days of age, goslings are given the drug to improve health and ensure full development and growth. The product ensures good absorption of nutrients and nutrients from food.

The drug is given with water. 1 ml of product is diluted in 1 liter. The chicks are given water with this solution. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days, but no more.

For turkey poults

Turkey poults, unlike goslings and chickens, are quite weak and are more susceptible to various diseases. The use of Chiktonik for turkey chicks should begin at 7 days of age, sometimes it begins to be used from the 4-5th day of life of the chicks.

Thanks to Chiktonik, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized in turkey poults, the immune system is strengthened and resistance to various viral and infectious diseases increases. It enhances growth, accelerates the absorption of vitamins, amino acids and beneficial components by the body of young animals. The product improves the quality of skin and feathers.

According to the instructions, Chiktonik is diluted in drinking water. Add 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water. The solution is given once a day for approximately 5-7 days.

Application for other birds

For young animals of other bird species - ducks, quails, pigeons, the use of chiktonik is a prerequisite for normal development and growth. In addition, it is needed to maintain the normal state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Thanks to this component, chicks receive from food useful substances, vitamins, amino acids, which are necessary for the full development of the young body.

Chicks begin to be given Chiktonik from 7 days of age. It is also given with water. Add 1 ml of product to 1 liter of water. The period of admission is 5-7 days no more.

Instructions for use for adult birds

For broilers

Chiktonik for broilers is a necessary means for the implementation of important conditions for normal life, namely:

1. Increasing the protective functions of the body;

2. Normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;

3. Improving the quality of leather and feathers;

4. Beneficial effect on the reproductive system of individuals;

5. Improved appetite;

6. Increased egg production;

7. Helps in stressful situations;

8. Must be used before vaccination;

9. Thanks to this product, the absorption of vitamins, amino acids, nutrients and nutrients from feed increases;

10 Normalization of metabolism

Therefore, this product must be given to broilers. It is diluted with water. For adult birds, dilute the solution according to the following scheme - 2 ml per 1 liter of water. This solution is given for 5-7 days.

For others

For other types of poultry - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, the purpose of this product is the same. It is intended to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Increases protective functions, strengthens the immune system, ensures the body absorbs useful and nutrients from food, and also improves skin and feather cover. And these are, of course, not all of its properties. Therefore, the use of chiktonik for adult birds is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of individuals.

Chiktonik is given with water. For adults, 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 1 liter of water. The period of taking the solution should be from 5 to 7 days.

Side effects

If the dosages and rules for taking the premix are properly observed, no adverse interactions occur. The product is not new and it has passed all tests in laboratory conditions, so we can definitely say that it is safe for poultry health.

If after using this remedy there is no improvement, then it is advisable to increase the dosage, but not by much.


There are practically no contraindications for this product. Sometimes it is not recommended to give the drug if there is an individual intolerance to it or the body is sensitive to the constituent components of the premix. Laying hens must be given this product because it increases egg production.

Pharmacological properties

In appearance, the drug Chiktonik looks like a colorless liquid, which is contained in small glass bottles. This remedy belongs to the group of prebiotics. Prebiotics ensure the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the poultry body.

Chiktonik is a useful feed additive that contains the following substances:





    Choline chloride;













    Sodium pantothenate;







    Aspartic acid;



Thanks to the vitamin complex composition, the following indicators are ensured:

1. Regulation of the ratio of biologically active compounds that enter the body of individuals;

2. All useful and nutrients are replenished;

3. Metabolism is normalized;

4. Strengthening the immune system and increasing the body’s protective functions;

5. Increases growth and weight gain in young individuals;

6. Laying hens increase egg production;

7. The body's resistance to stressful situations increases;

8. The functioning of the reproductive system improves;

9. Embryonic mortality is reduced;

10. The quality of skin and feathers improves.

During the autopsy of individuals that were raised using Chiktonik, it was discovered that in the intestines of birds there were 3 times more lacto- and bifidobacteria than in birds that were not given this drug.

Chiktonik does not have a toxic effect on the body of warm-blooded animals. It is a low-hazard substance and at increased dosages does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic or sensitizing effects.

The full development of poultry is the key to obtaining a high number of individuals. Therefore, when raising poultry, it is imperative to use the drug Chiktonik. Due to it, you can increase the protective functions of the body, strengthen the immune system, and improve the health of individuals. This drug is a necessary condition for the full life of poultry.