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What to do if your dog stinks. How to get rid of dog smell from a dog. Common non-pathological causes

What to do if your dog smells bad? Many people think that the only way to get rid of dog smell is not to get a dog. But this is a misconception! This is the norm! There is nothing wrong with a dog having a specific smell after a walk or after its fur gets wet.

All dogs have a special smell, with the possible exception of those breeds that have hair instead of fur. However, this aroma is barely perceptible; the whole apartment or, say, the owner’s clothes should not smell of it... According to the surveyed dog breeders, the shepherd is considered the most “fragrant” dog. The smell is least felt from toy terriers.

If your dog gives off a foul odor that not only your guests smell, but also you yourself, there is cause for concern. There are several reasons for the stench...

Violation of hygiene rules

  • Wash your dog as needed, but at least once every 7-10 days. Usually sources of unpleasant odor are mouth and fur.
  • Brush your dog's teeth every other day.
  • In this case, be sure to use a special paste. An alternative is a children's room
  • Be sure to buy a special one. Some dog breeders recommend using deodorant
  • You can wipe the dog’s fur with a solution of vinegar and water (1/1)
  • Carefully treat your pet's ears. Some dog breeders claim that it is from this part of the body that the dog smell comes
  • Dog owners often use sebazol to treat their fur. Never spray your pet with your eau de toilette: animals have a much keener sense of smell, and such an operation can cost your pet’s sense of smell!
  • After every walk, wash your dog's paws, belly and area around the tail.

Insufficient cleaning quality

Puddles behind the dog should not only be wiped off with paper napkins, but also treated with a disinfectant. It is better to wipe all wet spots on carpets with lemon juice or vinegar, and be sure to treat the carpet from the front and back sides.

Vacuum your apartment and do wet cleaning as often as possible. Wash your dog's bedding regularly - it is often the epicenter of the unpleasant odor. For prevention, wipe the floor and carpet with a vinegar solution once a month.

Dog smells bad due to poor diet

  • Your pet should not eat the same things as you.
  • Think over his menu so that he receives the proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins that the dog needs for normal functioning.
  • It is better to consult a veterinarian on this issue; he will help you create a diet that is suitable for the breed, parameters and characteristics of your animal.

It is recommended to mix boiled meat and porridge in such a way that there is 3 times more meat broth than cereal. found in cabbage, carrots, zucchini, onions, and pumpkin. You can add pieces of these products to dog soup. You also need to chop some greens there - dill, parsley and cilantro also contain substances necessary for the body.

If your pet refuses to eat these foods, select vitamins for him after consulting with your veterinarian.


If cleaning and careful care of the animal do not help achieve results and the smell continues to poison your life, contact a veterinarian or: the animal needs to be checked for diseases. The dog must be tested. Many veterinarians say: a healthy dog ​​does not stink, but only smells slightly. An unpleasant aroma is a distress signal sent by the pet’s body.

The stench may be the result of a serious illness.

Veronica, manager: My brother's dog smelled disgusting, although he tried everything to get rid of this problem. And after a visit to the veterinarian, it turned out that the cause was cancer, which was killing the pet... The animal died within a few months.


Smell is a protective reaction of the body. Your dog may be anxious, seriously stressed, or afraid. Because of this, her sebaceous glands secrete an unpleasant odor. Provide your pet with a normal emotional background, eliminate the reasons that make him afraid.

Often, when experiencing fear, a pet leaves puddles in secluded places. Do not scold him, but seek help from a zoopsychologist.

Natalya, financier: My Spitz was very afraid of the vacuum cleaner, he simply shrank into a ball and hid in the farthest corner of the apartment when I turned on this technique. After I cleaned the house the smell was even worse than before cleaning. A conversation with an animal psychologist solved the problem: Bucks was nervous and released aromatic substances when he heard the noise of a vacuum cleaner. I carefully hid the device and used it only if the Pomeranian was not at home. There was no more dog smell.

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We absolutely love our four-legged friends. Each of them has its own smell - cats smell like cats, and dogs smell like dogs. If we are calm about the smell of a puppy, then the smell of an adult dog that permeates the apartment often causes dissatisfaction. And then the question is tormented by what to do so that the dog does not smell like a dog.

How to get rid of dog smell from a dog?

Not everyone knows why a dog smells like a dog. But the reasons for this phenomenon can be different: from the emotional state of the animal to the indifferent attitude of the owners towards their pets.

The smell from a dog can come from a variety of organs: the mouth, fur, ears, paws and, of course, the area under the tail. Therefore, if you buy yourself shampoo or toothpaste, do not forget about your pet. He also needs to take water treatments at least every other day and once a week. And after each walk, be sure to wash your paws, belly and around the tail.

Today there is a huge selection of conditioners for caring for dog fur. Therefore, you shouldn’t rack your brains about how to wash your dog so that it doesn’t smell like a dog. Any qualified specialist will give you comprehensive information on this matter. From time to time it is necessary to comb your four-legged friend, ridding his fur of lost hairs.

An unpleasant odor sometimes comes from the ears and eyes. Greenish and copious discharge indicates a disease and is a signal to take your dog to the veterinarian.

They say that a healthy dog ​​does not smell bad. And the health of our dog depends, first of all, on nutrition. A variety of foods containing sufficient proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins is the key to her health.

If there is a dog in the house, sometimes puddles appear on the carpets and floors. Your arsenal of apartment care products should include wet wipes, disinfectants, sprays, anti-odor, vinegar or lemon. And don't forget about the bedding.

Dogs that don't smell like dog

What dog doesn't smell like dog? But there really are odorless breeds! These are hairless breeds and dogs that have long or short hair without undercoat. The most famous of them are the Yorkshire Terrier, the Chinese Crested Dog and the Mexican Hairless Dog. The smell also depends on gender. Males, for example, smell stronger.

If you are attentive to your friend, you will relieve him of stress, and you will not be tormented by the question of what to do so that the dog does not smell like a dog.

Each dog has its own natural smell, which is usually almost unnoticeable.

However, there are times when the pet begins to emit a very unpleasant odor that follows literally everywhere.

Before solving the problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence; a veterinarian or breeder can help with this.

Why does a dog smell?

Rotten meat and rot

There are quite a few reasons why a dog starts to smell unpleasant, but the main ones are:

  1. Stress. During stressful situations of a physical nature, dogs begin to emit an unpleasant odor. This occurs mainly during prolonged pain.
  2. Fear. Often, pets, experiencing a feeling of fear, begin to spontaneously emit a foul odor. The source of fear can be anything; in apartments it is mainly electrical appliances, in particular a vacuum cleaner and a blender.

Many dog ​​owners have noticed that as soon as they start cleaning their apartment or house, the pet hides in some corner and does not come out until the cleaning is completed, but after such cleaning the unpleasant smell is felt even stronger than before. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use such items only when the animal is not in the house.


Sometimes owners of four-legged pets notice that their dog begins to smell strongly of urine.

In this case, you should under no circumstances hesitate, as this may be a sign of uremia, when the animal’s kidneys begin to fail.


Owners often complain that their pet smells like rotten fish - why this happens and what is the reason:


Most often, the reason why dogs smell like dogs is the most commonplace - poor hygiene. Hygiene procedures play a very important role in the life of a four-legged pet. Often, the smell of a dog appears due to insufficient quality care for the animal.

Usually the sources of unpleasant odor are: mouth, fur, ears and under the tail.

If the dog’s hair is actively growing, an unpleasant odor has appeared (especially after bathing or if the dog’s fur gets wet in the rain outside), but the dog is actively itching – these are signs fungus!

Fact: A healthy dog ​​does not smell.

The natural smell of a dog (subject to hygiene rules) is very gentle and neat, audible only during close contact. If the smell “hits” your nose, this is a sign of illness.

With fungus, the smell has a cloying scent, very similar to the smell of socks or rubber sneakers worn for a week. with shampoo - the effect will last no more than a couple of hours, then the smell appears again. The smell nests: at the base of the tail, on the paws, in the groin.

Dirty socks

Often the source of such an infection is a fungus; usually the veterinarian in this case recommends a course of vitamins to boost immunity: gamavit, hemobalance, baksin, aminovit.

What to do?

There is no definite answer to this question; you need to act comprehensively, step by step, eliminating all possible causes of the unpleasant odor.


The first thing you should pay attention to in preventing unpleasant odors is hygiene. The coat, especially in long-haired breeds, needs regular cleaning and combing, and therefore the dog needs to be bathed periodically, but this must be done no more than once a week or 10 days.

After bathing, the pet must be thoroughly dried, preferably using a hairdryer. However, it is important to remember that the temperature during drying should be as low as possible, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to secrete even more sebum, making washing the dog a waste of time.

When brushing your pet, you need to carefully comb out all matted hair, as this can also be a source of bad odor from the dog.

When choosing a shampoo for a dog, you should take into account what type of coat and skin your pet has. It is best to give preference to natural products, that is, those that do not contain fragrances or any additives.

If a dog is afraid of water, then the smell after bathing may intensify, especially if you bathe it without any special shampoo, but simply with laundry soap.

Often the cause of an unpleasant odor is, therefore, owners should regularly clean their pet’s ears. In addition, regular hygiene of your dog’s ears will help prevent the development of diseases that lead to inflammation of the ears.

A large amount of dirt and debris also accumulates on your pet's paws, which can cause odor. Therefore, after each walk, you should wipe your dog’s paws with a damp towel and carefully examine them for injuries to prevent infection and bacteria. If necessary, you need to treat your paws with a disinfectant.

Another important aspect of dog hygiene is its teeth, you need to clean them every other day with specially designed toothpastes or, in extreme cases, children’s toothpaste.

How to wash it so it doesn't stink?

First aid is Nizoral medicinal shampoo (can be bought at a regular pharmacy), diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with water. You need to thoroughly soap your dog and leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off. In difficult cases, you need to wash the dog 5-6 times every other day.

If you already have bald spots on your fur, then run to the vet! He will scrape the fungus and prescribe an ointment (for example, triderm or malavit).

Do not buy fungal vaccines yourself! Only a doctor can calculate their dose, and the vaccine itself is not a magic wand at all, because there are more than 70 types of fungi!

How to wash an animal so that it doesn’t smell like a dog if store-bought shampoos don’t help? There are 2 tips that work if only Absolutely all health and skin problems are excluded , otherwise with such cleaning you will only make things worse.

  1. You need to mix water, vodka and vinegar in equal parts. Then, using newspaper, remove dirt from the dog’s fur. It is extremely important to dry the animal afterwards. c, otherwise there is a high probability of catching a cold.
  2. Moisten the animal's fur with a solution of baking soda from a spray bottle (1 tablespoon per glass of water), and when the fur dries, comb it thoroughly. Baking soda gets rid of unpleasant odors and makes the coat shiny and pliable to comb.

Do not try to mask the smell with perfumes, deodorants or scented products! You will only strengthen it and make it completely unbearable.. Just imagine: the smell of dog with a slight touch of Chanel No. 5!


If an unpleasant odor appears from your dog, along with hygiene, you should review your pet’s entire diet. You can consult your veterinarian about this. In addition, it is important to remember that the dog needs to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals in a timely manner.

Visit to the veterinarian

In order to exclude the occurrence of any serious health problems in your dog, it is recommended to regularly visit the veterinarian, carry out vaccinations on time and promptly treat all diseases.

Useful video

Bottom line

In conclusion, it is worth noting that caring for a dog is not an easy task, but with the right approach, the pet will definitely thank its owners with excellent health, a cheerful disposition and, most importantly, a pleasant aroma.

The choice of the breed of a new pet is dictated by many factors: size, habits, skills, attitude towards children, and others. However, not many owners take into account in advance the fact that some breeds have a specific smell. The owner will know that the dog smells like a dog after the fact. Further, throughout their life together, the owner looks for ways to get rid of the smell and, unfortunately, often only makes it worse.

Let's begin with All dogs smell like dog, the decisive factor is This aroma intensity. People who have kept four-legged dogs for years simply get used to the smell and do not feel it, but those who have never owned dogs clearly feel the aroma. Another unexpected fact - Most small dogs smell stronger than large ones due to improper care. It is customary (for unknown reasons) to bathe babies more often, treat them to forbidden treats, etc. In theory, the smaller the dog, the weaker its scent.

Remember! Healthy puppies, up to 4 months old, do not have a specific odor.

You should be wary if your dog smells strongly of dog, but this has never happened before.. A strong odor may be a symptom of illness or a sign of improper feeding. The odor can also appear in so-called odorless breeds and cannot be eliminated by washing.

It is known that dogs practically do not sweat, so the smell of a dog should not be compared with the smell of sweat. Each animal has a set of scent glands that work as intended. In the animal world, individual odors are very important; they serve as a tool of communication and protection. The main sources of odor (not just dogs) are:

  • Skin glands that secrete lubricant for the fur. The number and sensitivity of the glands determines whether the breed will be classified as smelly or non-smelling. Most dogs bred to work on water or in harsh climates have larger fat glands. The skin of dogs with very short hair is also protected only by oil, which is why most short-haired dogs have a strong odor. In four-legged animals without undercoat, fur lubricant is secreted more intensely, so their wet fur smells strongly.
  • Sweat glands located between the fingers– Dogs’ sweat smells very differently. Some owners complain that their pet's paws smell like dirty socks, while others complain that the aroma is reminiscent of baked goods or popcorn. The reason for this range is that the smell of sweat is the smell of an individual footprint, and here everything is the same as in humans, because bipeds also smell differently. To eliminate paw odor, just wipe them after a walk. By the way, in winter and summer the smell from paws becomes stronger.

Note! Almost all healthy dogs do not have a strong odor if properly cared for, with the exception of four-legged dogs, for which this odor is a breed characteristic.

A dog's body is covered with thousands of hairs, each of which is associated with a hair follicle. Each follicle works in symbiosis with nerve endings and sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands have no effect on cooling or warming the dog, but through them the animal's body removes toxins. This property is especially noticeable if the dog is sick or undergoing aggressive treatment. Be that as it may, if a puppy smells like a dog or an adult dog that does not smell suddenly begins to emit an unpleasant aroma, this is a reason to take it in and check whether the animal’s condition corresponds to the norm. If blood tests indicate obvious abnormalities, it is better to consult a doctor before deciding what to do.

Note! With the help of the sebaceous glands, the dog secretes a special secretion containing pheromones that attract animals of the opposite sex. In dogs, this feature is practically not manifested.

In anticipation of, during and after the end, a very bright, unpleasant odor may emanate from the dog. This problem is partially solved by washing, since dried blood emits a rotting smell until it completely decomposes.

Read also: A dog grunts when breathing - a harbinger of serious pathologies

The foul odor may not come from the fur or skin at all, which is often missed by inexperienced owners. If you notice that your pet has a scent, smell it separately:

  • Ears may emit a strong odor for a number of reasons. Dirt, plaque and earwax – this mixture has a very unpleasant odor. This problem is fixed regularly. You can smell the beginning of otitis media, in which case a sweetish aroma is felt. In case of improper nutrition, especially if the dog eats smoked meats and sweets, the smell from the ears becomes simply unbearable.
  • Eyelids– mild inflammation or incipient inflammation can also cause a very unpleasant odor that seems to emanate from the dog’s skin. To check your suspicion, you need to rinse your pet’s eye with strong tea or clean warm water; if the smell becomes less noticeable, you need to treat the eyes.
  • Mouth– an unpleasant odor may appear due to the appearance, decay of teeth, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract or metabolism.

Believe me, if the smell comes from the above places, you will immediately understand it. Dog smell is especially often confused with ear smell. By the way, in dogs with drooping ears, owners have been struggling with dog odor for years instead of changing the type of food and eliminating all the problems at once.

Note! Furry dogs can smell like urine or feces, as the four-legged dog may soil its fur while relieving itself. The problem can be solved by examination and hygienic haircut for dogs.

Unpleasant odor from the skin, ears and paws may occur due to improper nutrition.. We are not talking about a violation of the basic rules of diet composition, but rather about unsuitable food or food composition. Each dog is individual, the animal may be lactose intolerant, cannot digest seafood or chicken meat. The owner buys expensive good food without knowing the characteristics of his pet, and gets the opposite effect. You can check your guesses experimentally - by changing the food or eliminating suspicious (from your point of view) products.

The smell of a completely healthy dog ​​can increase dramatically for a number of reasons:

  • Getting the wool wet– the smell intensifies, during drying, the smell spreads with evaporation. Usually, after complete drying, the smell becomes the same or gets in the way.
  • Seasonal– the undercoat, which the dog has been wearing all season, is generously saturated with sebum. When the undercoat begins to shed, the smell intensifies.
  • Dirty wool– Frequent bathing is not recommended for most dog breeds, but if the pet is not washed at all, the concentration of sebum increases, which increases the odor. From a physiological point of view, there is nothing wrong with this, the only problem is with the comfort of the owner.
– the smell intensifies due to the acceleration of metabolism, and therefore the excretory system.
  • Hormonal surges– during puberty, estrus and heat, dogs smell stronger, this is explained by a natural disruption of metabolic processes. It has been noticed that for hormonal reasons, males smell much stronger.

Read also: Everything you need to know about Chihuahua teeth

An unpleasant odor from a dog may not have a physiological basis. Some quadrupeds tend to to fall out in stench, such as rotten meat or carrion. In this case, the owner will have to wash the dog and start looking for the root causes of the incorrect behavior. Veterinarians do not recommend using scented shampoos, as extraneous aroma can only increase the desire to wallow in stench.

All of the above reasons can be called normal, that is, predictable. In such cases, the owner can only do one thing - observe the rules of hygiene as much as possible. There are also more serious reasons, we will look into them below.

Poor nutrition as a cause of unpleasant odor

An increase in or appearance of dog odor is one of the first signs of metabolic disorders due to poor nutrition. According to the experience of owners, the global nature of the problem greatly depends on the breed and method of keeping the dog.

Some pets barely smell, while others stink so much that it's hard to be in the same room with them. Not realizing the consequences, some owners treat their pets with baked goods, sweets or smoked meats. Such delicacies almost instantly affect metabolic processes in the body, and they affect the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In the best case scenario, the dog's body will begin to produce more lubricant, which will lead to a slight increase in odor.

Dry food, especially a cheap brand– This is the second cause of foul odor due to poor nutrition. By the way, owners note that pets kept on industrial natural food smell differently. The smell that appears from dry food always has an admixture of unnatural aroma. This may be due to flavor enhancers or dyes contained in cheap dry food.

Any foods that promote fermentation enhance the natural odor to a quite noticeable and sharp one. A stench may indicate incomplete digestion of food, which often occurs if the dog's diet contains a lot of grains or bread.

Note! Raw cabbage, boiled potatoes, pasta and the basis of any cheap food - beans - are the best environment for fermentation and rotting.

Another product that may cause or increase dog odor is this is a fish, or rather, an excessive amount of it. You shouldn’t exclude fish from your natural diet; it is a source of minerals and fatty acids, but it shouldn’t replace meat either.

The problem with all of the above reasons is that even perfect an adjusted diet will not give immediate results, that is, the dog will smell for some time. In older dogs, the smell may not go away at all, but becoming a little less pronounced is already a good result. Without consulting a specialist, an inexperienced owner can experiment for years and not achieve success. The optimal method is feeding natural food according to a standard scheme with gradual correction or switching the dog to neutral, high-quality, industrial food.

Dog smell as a symptom

As a symptom, you should perceive a persistent smell that hits the nose sharply and appears suddenly. It is worth understanding that an increase in skin odor indicates that you have missed the development of the disease and certain changes have already occurred in the body.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 11 minutes


It's impossible not to love dogs. These devoted four-legged dogs bring so much joy to the house that boredom and despondency leave it on the same day and never return. True, along with joy, dogs also bring a specific smell, but now the owners cope with it without difficulty.

Read and remember!

We identify the cause of the dog smell in the apartment - why does it smell like a dog?

First of all, you should find out where the smell actually comes from?

The smell may appear both from the pet itself and from its bed . And also from furniture, carpets and other corners where you can sleep, bury a chicken leg or lift your paw. The same goes for .

Well, of course, it is equally important to find the cause of this smell.

You will be surprised, but the most common reason is the laziness of the owners.

So, the reasons for the “dog” smell in your home...

  • "The odor of the rock." Yes, that happens. Not all dogs, alas, smell of flowers and vanilla shampoos. Actually, such dogs simply do not exist. If only immediately after a shower and only for a few hours. In general, dogs can be highly odorous and practically odorless. For example, spaniels and shepherd dogs are the most “smelly” of all breeds, but in Chinese crested dogs the smell appears only if the dog has not been washed for 1-2 months.
  • Hygiene reasons. You will be surprised again, but the dog should be washed. Optimally - once a month, if your affectionate and gentle animal is indoor. Less often if the animal lives on the street. Natural fats accumulated in wool over time emit a very unpleasant odor. And yeast fungi living on the skin and multiplying aggravate this problem. Train your pet to bathe from infancy, and the odor problem will be solved by 50%.
  • Incorrectly chosen bathing products. Not everyone knows, so owners should take note: human shampoos are not suitable for pets! The acidity of these products is not for the fur and skin of four-legged animals. Choose a shampoo specifically for your pet. Don't skimp on shampoo! Cheap products do not remove odor well, dry out the skin too much and damage the coat. In addition to the shampoo, buy a special product that will restore the structure of your friend’s coat and eliminate the unpleasant odor. The choice of such funds today is quite wide. Remember that a powerful alkaline bathing product (and even without balm) disrupts the production of sebum and, as a result, a strong odor.
  • Blockage of the anal glands. If you notice that your pet is intensively licking the area around the anus, rolling on its butt, trying to bite itself on it, or itching for no reason, it’s time to clean the glands. Otherwise, inflammation may begin. The smell always appears with this phenomenon, and, of course, not the most pleasant one.
  • Excessive wax in the ears or otitis media. If your dog is not accustomed to cleaning its ears, then the smell from them will haunt you constantly. But it’s even worse if otitis media begins - this smell is very specific, it is difficult to confuse it with the usual “sulfur”. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a veterinarian.
  • Smell from the mouth. Again, the dog should be trained to brush its teeth. In addition, special toys, food and treats can be used to remove plaque. But only a specialist can remove tartar.
  • Seborrhea. It is characteristic of specific breeds and produces a rather intense odor at the end. Seborrhea is observed, as a rule, in all hunting breeds. The reason is simple - intensive work of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as increased production of sebum (approx. - 30% stronger than in other breeds), as protection from getting wet.
  • Improper digestion. Feed your dog correctly! Allergies and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract begin from disorderly and illiterate feeding, unsuitable feed, human products and “biting”. And, accordingly, skin problems. Everything here is like with people: if you eat all sorts of “nonsense”, then pimples on your face, excess weight and severe sweating will haunt you endlessly. Odor often appears from dogs that are fed fish or “fish” food.
  • Seasonal reasons. The dog smell always gets stronger in the summer. Firstly, the pet is hot. You can wear shorts and a T-shirt, but the dog has nowhere to undress. In addition, in the summer, dogs often plunge into all the rivers, small ponds and even puddles located near the house to cool off. And wool always smells sharply sour when wet. And various microorganisms multiply more actively in wet wool, which also does not add aroma.
  • Physiological reasons. For example, hormonal surge, obesity, metabolic disorders and other human “sores”. However, it is worth noting that males are initially more odorous than females. The exception is the period of estrus. Therefore, if a bitch’s odor appears outside of her period of heat, consult a doctor (this is a symptom of serious problems in the “female line”).
  • Diseases. If you bathe your pet regularly with medicated shampoo, dry it properly, feed it, walk it, and it still smells, consult a doctor. A strong unpleasant odor can be a symptom of infection, liver or gastrointestinal diseases, ears, allergies, abscesses and even oncology. Remember that a sweet or “antifreeze” smell from your pet’s mouth is a reason to urgently go to the veterinarian.

As for the reasons for the dog smell directly in the house, there are two of them:

  1. The pet made a toilet for himself in the apartment.
  2. Homeowners do not clean the house often or thoroughly enough.

Unpleasant Dog Odor – 14 Ways to Eliminate Dog Hair Odor

To make a dog’s fur smell—if not like flowers, then at least just clean—you need...

  • Wash your dog with special “dog” products once every 10-30 days, according to the breed. Wash thoroughly with shampoo and be sure to use conditioner.
  • Dry your dog after washing or bathing in ponds with a hairdryer or a special microfiber towel that absorbs water as much as possible.
  • Clean your pet's ears and teeth regularly. Preferably using a special paste.
  • Wipe your pet's fur with vinegar solution a (approx. - 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). The skin of hairless dogs can be wiped with chlorhexidine (at the same time, treat any inflammation on the skin).
  • Brush your dog regularly , remove undercoat, which accumulates moisture and spreads an unpleasant odor.
  • After the walk Be sure to wash the paws, face, belly and area near the tail.
  • Trim the area under the tail so that feces particles do not stick to the fur in this area. Don't forget that even the smartest pet doesn't know how to use toilet paper.
  • Feed your dog correctly , taking into account the balance of all nutrients. Remember that not getting certain substances from food leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, disruption of the sweat glands. Change your dog's diet completely - to a correct and balanced one, give up allergic foods, and perhaps this step alone will significantly reduce the size of the odor problem. Do not feed your pet raw meat/fish - cook without salt and steam it. This will protect your dog from helminths and subsequent problems with them, including odor.
  • Have your dog examined by a veterinarian in a timely manner and get tested. Remember: a healthy dog ​​smells, but does not stink. The unbearable smell of “dog” is the body’s signal of ill health.
  • Be a caring owner. That is, treat the dog carefully, paying attention to its mood changes. The smell can also be a protective reaction to stress or fear, during which the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce an unpleasant “smell.” Eliminate the causes of stress and fear. Do not scold your pet, and especially do not use force.
  • Use additional products when bathing your pet. For example, Doctor shampoo (by the way, it perfectly treats skin inflammation).
  • You can also pay attention to dog “deodorants”: OdorGone, Smart spray, Faithful friend, Essential 6 spot on dermoscent drops.
  • Wash clothes and pet mattress/bedding covers more often. At least once a week! And also wash his toys and put away his “stash” in the corners.
  • Walk the dog more often and longer so that she relieves her natural needs not on the carpet in the apartment, but under a bush on the street.

How to remove dog smell from carpet and furniture - 10 effective ways and means

It is worth noting that the smell appears on carpets and furniture in 2 cases:

  1. A dog lifts its paw more often in an apartment than outside.
  2. The dog is rarely washed, and the smell from it “eats” into the furniture and carpets.

Before removing odors from your apartment, follow the steps described above. Otherwise, any cleaning will be pointless.

  • Remove puddles as soon as they appear. The smells of urine ingrained into the upholstery or carpet only become stronger over time. Do not smear the puddle - absorb it as much as possible with paper towels, and then treat it with special products and after half an hour, remove the remaining product with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on the carpet (furniture area) , after 4-5 hours, remove with a vacuum cleaner.
  • For non-fabric surfaces you can use a mixture of soda (2 tbsp), peroxide (20 ml) and regular dishwashing detergent (1 tbsp). This mixture should be applied to the “smelly” area, rubbed in and washed off after a couple of hours.
  • Rinse the stain with a solution (approx. - weak and without grains!) of potassium permanganate. It helps neutralize ammonia.
  • Use household products to remove odors. For example, whiteness, Domestos or Vanish, as well as Mr. Muscle and Mr. Proper. You can add a couple of drops of citrus essential oil to products containing chlorine.
  • Dilute vinegar 1 to 1 , treat the desired area, repeat after drying.
  • Dilute 15 drops of iodine per 1 liter of water , treat the wooden surface, wipe with a dry cloth.
  • You can also use rubbing alcohol . We spray it from a spray bottle onto the desired area, rub it in, and absorb it with napkins until the alcohol is completely eliminated.
  • For fabric surfaces you can use household soap/soap . We grate it, mix it with water until it becomes a paste, apply it to the odorous area and wash it off after 10 minutes.
  • Lemon juice or fresh lemon peels. We simply wipe the furniture with juice or crust, and after 15 minutes with a regular damp cloth.

How to get rid of dog smell in an apartment - 9 methods for getting rid of dog smell in rooms

To remove the smell of “dog” from rooms, you need...

  • Regularly do wet cleaning with the addition of disinfectants.
  • Vacuum all areas of the apartment where fur accumulates (one of the sources of odor).
  • Wipe the floor after washing with a vinegar solution.
  • Wipe furniture with ammonia or vinegar solution.

You can also use the following tools:

  1. Apples. The recipe is simple: cut an apple in half and place it on the area where there is an unpleasant odor. The absorption of odors by fruit lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Sprinkle cornstarch on the floor , vacuum after 3-4 hours. It absorbs odors as effectively as baking soda.
  3. Add 4-5 drops of essential oil to a spray bottle with warm water (aroma - according to your “taste”), spray in the room - on curtains, carpets and floors. The advantages of the product are a pleasant aroma, as well as an antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  4. Use furniture covers. They are easier to wash than sofa upholstery.
  5. Use special products from veterinarians/pharmacies that remove organic odors. These products do not mask, but completely remove microorganisms that are sources of odors. For example, Vaportek and Le Artic, BIO-J and Zoosan, Bio-GM, UF2000, Ultrasan, Nature’s Miracle Pet Stain & Odor Remover or ORANGE-OXY. These products are safe for both your pets and household members.