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Record keeping decree sample. Office work from A to Z. How to fill out forms in non-governmental organizations

We continue to comment on the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016 on document preparation. Let's look at section 6 “Document forms”.

Our dictionary

Document form - a sheet of paper or electronic template with details identifying the author of the official document;

An electronic form template is a document form presented in electronic form. As a rule, electronic form templates are used by organizations instead of printed paper forms.

New GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter - GOST R 7.0.97-2016) is the successor to GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003), and not a completely new standard. Therefore, when developing it, it was important to maintain the consistency of provisions so that users of the standard would be comfortable working with its new edition.

In the “Document Forms” section, the sequence of presentation of the material also remains the same. However, additions or clarifications have been made to some provisions of the section, which explain in more detail the rules for drawing up documents. We will consider and comment on all the provisions of the section “Document Forms” (extracts from GOST R 7.09-2016 are given within the framework).


6.1 For the production of document forms, paper of A4 (210 x 297 mm), A5 (148 x 210 mm) formats is used; For the production of forms of instructions for the execution of documents (resolutions), paper of A5 (148 x 210 mm), A6 (105 x 148 mm) formats is used.

Each sheet of the document, whether on a form or without it, must have fields of at least:

20 mm - left;

10 mm - right;

20 mm - top;

20 mm - lower.

Documents with long-term storage periods (over 10 years) must have a left margin of at least 30 mm.

A5 format forms are used very limitedly, mainly for issuing certificates, powers of attorney, and memos. For most organizational and administrative documentation (orders, instructions, regulations, instructions, protocols, business letters, etc.) A4 paper is used.

For resolution forms, the standard formats are A5 and A6 (Example 1).

The regulation on the size of the service margins of a document has been supplemented by the requirement that in documents with a storage period of more than 10 years (administrative documents, local regulations, personnel regulations, etc.) the left margin must be at least 30 mm. This will allow you to neatly stitch documents into files without capturing part of the text.


6.2 Organizations use document forms made on paper (forms for documents of federal government bodies with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation are produced by printing enterprises that have certificates of technical and technological capabilities for high-quality production of the specified type of product) and/or electronic templates of forms. Paper forms and electronic form templates must be identical in the composition of the details, the order of their arrangement, and font typefaces.

Forms of documents on paper and electronic templates of forms are produced on the basis of layouts of forms approved by the head of the organization.

Document forms should be prepared on white paper or light-colored paper.

Electronic templates of document forms must be protected from unauthorized changes.

In the context of the standard, paper document forms and electronic form templates are equivalent.

An organization, as a rule, uses both paper forms and electronic form templates (for example, for internal documents).


Forms of one type of document (for example, a letter) in paper and electronic form must be identical in terms of details and design. In other words, the form of a document of the same type on paper and its electronic template should not differ.

Another important requirement is that electronic form templates must be immutable, that is, protected from unauthorized changes.

The standard emphasizes that the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation can only be reproduced on paper. The requirements for the production of such forms are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1995 No. 1268 “On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1268).


6.3 Document forms are drawn up in accordance with Appendix B. The approximate boundaries of the areas where details are located are indicated by a dotted line. Each zone is determined by the set of details included in it.

6.4 Depending on the location of the details, two versions of forms are installed - angular (Figure B.1) and longitudinal (Figure B.2).

Appendix B of the standard is a diagram of the arrangement of document details on forms with an angular arrangement of details (diagram B1) (Example 2) and on forms with a longitudinal arrangement of details (diagram B2) (Example 3). In this case, the location areas of the details indicated by the dotted line are approximate.


6.5 Details 01, 02, 03 are located on the top field of the document above detail 05 in the middle of the zone occupied by this detail.

Attribute 03 can be located on the left at the level of attribute 05.

Details 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 13, limit marks for details 10, 11, 12 within the boundaries of the location zones of the details are placed in one of the following ways:

Centered (the beginning and end of each line of details are equally distant from the boundaries of the area where the details are located);

Flag (each line of details starts from the left border of the area where the details are located).

These provisions of the standard repeat the old GOST R 6.30-2003 and offer two ways to register details within the zones of their location:

Centered (in the center of the details location area);

Flag (along the left border of the zone).

The standard also indicates that details 01 “State emblem of the Russian Federation (coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, coat of arms (heraldic sign) of a municipal entity)", 02 “Emblem” and 03 “Trademark (service mark)” are located in the upper field of the document according to in the middle of the zone occupied by attribute 05 “Name of the organization - the author of the document” (Example 4). However, attribute 03 can also be placed on the same level as the attribute “Name of the organization - the author of the document” (Example 5).


6.6 The following types of organizational document forms are established:

General form;

Letter form;

A form for a specific type of document.

The regulatory legal acts of the organization establish the types of forms used and their varieties (letter form from structural units, letter form from an official, order form, instruction form, protocol form, etc.).

Samples of document forms are given in Appendix B.

The composition of the types of forms has not changed. However, a provision has emerged that the list of types of forms used in the organization must be enshrined in the local regulatory act (LNA) of the organization. This can be an instruction for the organization’s office work or an order from the manager, which simultaneously approves the types of forms used and their samples (layouts).


6.7 The general form is used for preparing any types of documents, except for business (official) letters.

The general form, depending on the constituent documents of the organization and local regulations, includes details 01 (02 or 03), 05, 06, 07, 13 and restrictive marks for details 10, 11, 16, 17.

The letter form, depending on the constituent documents of the organization and local regulations, includes details 01 (02 or 03), 05, 08, restrictive marks for details 10, 11, 12, 15, 17. The letter form of a structural unit additionally includes details 06, letter form official - detail 07.

The form of a specific type of document, except for a letter, depending on the constituent documents of the organization and local regulatory legal acts, includes details 01 (02 or 03), 05, 09, 13 and, if necessary, limit marks for the boundaries of the zones where details are located 10, 11, 16 , 17. The form of a specific type of document of a structural unit additionally includes detail 06, the form of an official - detail 07.

General form may contain (Example 6):


02 - “Emblem”;

10 - “Document date”;

17 - “Title to the text.”

The letter form may include (Example 7):


01 - “Coat of arms (State emblem of the Russian Federation, coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, coat of arms (heraldic sign) of a municipal entity)”;

02 - “Emblem”;

03 - “Trademark (service mark)”;

06 - “Name of the structural unit - the author of the document”;

08 - “Reference information about the organization”;

Details for which restrictive marks for zone boundaries are placed on the forms:

10 - “Document date”;

11 - “Document registration number”;

15 - “Addressee”;

17 - “Title to the text.”

Form of a specific type of document includes (Example 8):


01 - “Coat of arms (State emblem of the Russian Federation, coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, coat of arms (heraldic sign) of a municipal entity)”;

02 - “Emblem”;

03 - “Trademark (service mark)”;

06 - “Name of the structural unit - the author of the document”;

09 - “Name of document type”;

13 - “Place of compilation (publication) of the document”;

Details for which restrictive marks for zone boundaries are placed on the forms:

10 - “Document date”;

11 - “Document registration number”;

16 - “Document approval stamp”;

17 - “Title to the text.”

Official letter form must contain detail 07 “Position name of the person who authored the document.” This detail is also used in forms of administrative documents (instructions, orders) issued by heads of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and heads of municipalities (for example, forms of orders of governors, orders of heads of cities, districts and other municipalities). It is also used in forms of administrative documents (orders) issued by the heads of independent structural divisions of organizations, if the head of the structural division is vested with such right (Example 9).

The form for a specific type of document of a structural unit must contain detail 06 “Name of the structural unit - the author of the document” (Example 10).


The standard provides the maximum possible list of details for each type of document form. To determine the composition of the details when developing document forms, in practice one should be guided by the constituent documents and LNA.


6.8. In government bodies and organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which use, along with Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation, the state language (state languages) of the republics within the Russian Federation, document forms are used in the Russian language and the state language (languages) of the republics within the Russian Federation: corner (the details of the form are located on the same level: in Russian - on the left, in the state language (languages) of the republics within the Russian Federation - on the right) or longitudinal (all details of the form in Russian - above, below - all details of the form in the state language (languages) ) republics within the Russian Federation).

For correspondence with foreign correspondents, use forms in two languages ​​- Russian and English (Appendix B.8) or another foreign language.

The standard establishes the rules for preparing forms in two or more languages ​​for organizations that, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of October 25, 1991 No. 1807-1 “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation” (as amended on March 12, 2014), have the right to use along with the Russian language (as the state language of the Russian Federation) the national language (languages), recognized as the state language in the republics of the Russian Federation in accordance with their legislation.

For correspondence with foreign organizations, the standard recommends that the form be drawn up in two languages: Russian and one of the foreign languages ​​(most often English) (Example 11).



In connection with the entry into force of the new GOST, organizations are not required to make changes to document forms if this is not necessary.

If the organization nevertheless decides to develop new forms, then the algorithm of actions may be as follows:

1. The head of the organization instructs the office management service to develop new samples (layouts) of forms.

2. The office management service organizes the development of layouts (samples) of document forms (develops independently or resorts to the services of a specialized organization).

3. The head of the organization approves by order new samples of forms with the following wording:

If office management instructions are being developed at the same time, new sample forms can be included in the instructions.

4. The administrative and economic service orders the printing of forms at a printing house, or the organization’s information technology specialists prepare electronic form templates based on approved layouts.


Let us recall that the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 applied to organizational and administrative documentation related to USORD, which is included in the All-Russian Classification of Management Documentation (OKUD). The provisions of the new standard apply to all organizational and administrative documents, including those included in the USORD, which is recorded in section 1 “Scope” of the new standard:

GOST R 6.30-2003

GOST R 7.0.97-2016

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to organizational and administrative documents related to the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD) - resolutions, orders, orders, decisions, protocols, acts, letters, etc. (hereinafter referred to as documents) included in OK 011-93 "All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation" (OKUD) (class 0200000).

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to organizational and administrative documents related to the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD): charters, regulations, rules, instructions, regulations, resolutions, orders, orders, decisions, protocols, agreements, acts, letters, certificates, etc. (hereinafter referred to as documents), including those included in OK 011-93 "All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation" (class 0200000).

See: Turkina V.S. Use of the state languages ​​of the Russian Federation in forms, seals and signs // Secretary-referent. 2017. No. 5. P. 33 - 35.

OK 011-93. All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299, as amended on December 6, 2016).

Success in business largely depends on its proper organization. Both managers and ordinary employees should keep records. What are its features, what types are there, and what regulatory documents should be taken into account when organizing document flow?

What is office work

Any organization, regardless of its form of ownership and characteristics, creates a variety of papers in the course of its activities. These can be orders, letters, and protocols. All of them relate to organizational and administrative documentation.

Office work is the activity of creating organizational documents, carried out according to certain rules and requirements. Most often, enterprises allocate special employees engaged only in this area. In small companies, the secretary function can be assigned to almost any employee.

If you understand the essence of terminology (what office work is), the origin of the word will become clear. This is, first of all, the recording of official information on a tangible medium. During this process, a user is created which subsequently initiates certain actions.

The term “office work” itself appeared quite a long time ago, but only in the middle of the last century it took official form, being enshrined in regulatory documents at the state level.

Office work and document flow - what is it?

An organization cannot exist independently of legislation. It always has office work and document flow. What is it, what are the features of the transfer of papers, how to draw them up correctly? These issues are resolved by specialists: secretaries, archivists, personnel department workers.

Record keeping involves recording information on a tangible medium, creating a paper or electronic document. On its basis, the organization's document flow is built - the movement of an order or letter, starting from its creation and ending with execution and sending to the archive or destruction.

Depending on the place where business papers are created regarding employees and management of the organization, document flow is divided into external and internal. The further path of the order, instruction, letter will depend on the source.

The internal document flow of an organization involves the following stages:

The stages of external document flow are generally similar, but there are some differences:

  • Documents are supplied to the enterprise from outside. These can be papers of higher and lower organizations, branches, regulations from official authorities, court orders, letters from citizens.
  • All business papers received by the organization must undergo a registration procedure. She confirms that they are under control.
  • The next stage is working with the document, familiarizing yourself with or following the instructions.
  • If necessary, an official response is issued.
  • The last stage is registration for long-term or archival storage, and possible destruction.

In addition, in relation to the management of the organization, the following types of document flow are distinguished:

All stages of document movement are necessarily recorded in special journals. They can be carried out in several options:

  • movement of documents;
  • document cards;
  • Electronic document management is most common in the vast majority of organizations.

Features of judicial records management

Many people wonder what it is and how it differs from the general one. A court case is a slightly different package of documents and material evidence. Its correct storage and movement ensures transparency in the work of the law enforcement system. Judicial work, unlike organizational work, cannot be voluntary. It is conducted by authorized persons and is strictly controlled. For him, all stages are normatively and strictly defined, up to destruction.

Secretary functions

Most company employees have a very vague idea of ​​what office work and document flow are. For a secretary, this is a professional activity.

The secretariat of an enterprise performs the main function of: According to the form and characteristics of the work, the organization of the office work service of the enterprise is divided into the following types:

  • Centralized - all secretaries are in one department and report to the chief clerk or senior secretary.
  • Decentralized - secretaries and employees performing their duties are dispersed across departments of the organization and report to different superiors.
  • Mixed - most often found in large organizations.

Features of document flow at the enterprise will directly depend on what form of secretariat is adopted.

Instructions for office work

Regardless of the size and form of ownership, any organization must have a regulatory act regulating the movement of documents. What is it and how to compile it? This issue worries not only secretaries, but also managers.

Instructions for office work are an internal regulatory act of an organization, approved by an order or directive of management, of unlimited validity. It spells out all the stages of passing the document, provides lists of positions whose signatures can certify the authenticity of official papers, provides design samples, forms and forms.

Record keeping

In small organizations with a low level of document flow (less than 200 per year), the question of what recordkeeping is does not arise. Everything is decided by the employees themselves or even the manager.

If the duties of record keeping are not direct for the employee and are not specified in his employment contract, then a decree should be issued to assign these functions. This document should detail additional duties, responsibilities, and compensation.

Features of personnel records management

If the organization has at least one employee, then labor documents will be created. The question of what is personnel records management is especially relevant for enterprises with a small number of employees.

Personnel records management is ensuring the movement of specific documents related to the work activities of the enterprise’s employees. Typically, these duties are performed by employees of a special unit - the personnel department. Their functions include receiving, processing and storing personnel documentation. Including the processing of personal data that is confidential.

Personnel document flow is usually carried out separately from the general document in compliance with the rules of secrecy and storage features.

Office work optimization

Despite the rapid development of digital technologies, many organizations find it difficult to optimize document flow. They continue to carry out paper correspondence in the old fashioned way and keep regular log books.

This is due to two factors:

  • resistance to innovations by enterprise employees;
  • lack of finance.

Managers should remember that optimizing document flow with considerable investment produces a noticeable economic effect.

The samples available on the site are relevant for both beginners and professionals. The samples are compiled taking into account current legislation. Some samples can be used without significant editing. You only need to add your specific circumstances to the contents of such a sample and sign it. It must be remembered that an incorrectly executed document will be left without consideration, which means that only a thoughtful approach to filling it out will guarantee that the application you submitted will not be left without attention.

Why do you need a sample?

The need to go to court arises when the right of an individual or legal entity is violated and this person has no other way to protect it other than going to court, unless the law provides for an alternative.

You have decided to go to court. You have two options: first, find a specialist; the second is to draw up a statement of claim (statement) to the court yourself. In the first case, everything is quite simple, you need to pay for the work of a specialist and receive legal services in the form of a ready-made statement of claim. In the second case it is more difficult.

Writing a statement of claim to the court will require you not only to master the terms of law, but also to know the current legislation. If you do not have this, then you will need samples, templates, standard forms available on our website.

How to use the sample correctly

It must be remembered that sample statements of claim come in different contents. Some can be made in the form of a template (standard form), others in the form of actual statements of claim. The claim template, as a rule, does not contain a detailed description of the circumstances that led to the application to the court. The author of the application is asked to include these circumstances in the content of the statement of claim independently. However, this is not easy to do without proper preparation. If you are unable to correctly draw up a statement of claim based on a template, then you are looking for samples of statements of claim with ready-made content. The samples available on the site are relevant for both beginners and professionals. The samples are compiled taking into account current legislation. Some samples can be used without significant editing. You only need to add your specific circumstances to the contents of such a sample and sign it. It must be remembered that an incorrectly executed document will be left without consideration, which means that only a thoughtful approach to filling it out will guarantee that the application you submitted will not be left without attention.

Rules for downloading information

The Internet allows you not only to view a variety of information, but also to “take” it for yourself. You can find the materials you need and then download them to your computer disk. In this case, the information becomes yours. This is beneficial because at any time you can open it without the Internet, move it to a flash drive or disk. It is even possible to send it via email or Skype. If this information is deleted from the Internet, it will still be available to you in an “unchanged” form. This action of “taking” from the network is usually referred to as downloading. We remind you that you can download both text data and video, music, photos and computer programs. The problem with downloading may be that there is a different download option or even several download options for each type of data. We “download” text in one way, video or music in another, photos in a third, etc. Unfortunately, there is no one universal instruction; in each case it is different.

You can download the sample in the following formats: TXT, DOC, DOCX, WORD

You can order the selected sample in the following formats: TXT, DOC, DOCX, WORD from the site archive.Checkout .

Official documents created by legal entities or individuals must be executed and certified in the prescribed manner.

When preparing organizational and administrative documents, it is customary to use a pre-made form.

The document form, as defined by GOST R 51141-98, is “a set of details that identifies the author of an official written document.” GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. M., 1998.-S. 2, paragraph 44.

Document forms can be printed in a printing house, and when using a PC, the form can be entered into the machine’s memory and automatically output when the document is printed. No matter how the form is produced, it is necessary to take into account certain requirements that are established by GOST R 6.30-97 for the types of forms, their design, recording and storage, including forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Forms must be made on white paper or light-colored paper of appropriate quality.

When designing document forms, the dimensions of the areas for the location of the details used on the forms must correspond to those shown on the sample form.

On the form, in accordance with the established sizes and rules for the design of details, permanent details are applied, the locations of some variable details, which should be in the upper (header) part of the form, are marked in the form of corners or lines. Also, the corners mark the fields of the document and the location of the details applied at the bottom of the form.

Document forms can be produced in A4 and A5 formats, with angular and longitudinal options for the location of details. When producing forms by printing or using computer technology, the details are always drawn up in a centered way, when produced using a typewriter - in a flag way.

The following types of forms are established for an organization, structural unit, or official: general form; letter form; form of a specific type of document.

The general form is used to prepare any types of documents except letters.

Depending on the constituent documents of the organization, the following permanent details can be written on the general form:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

06 - name of the organization; 12 - place of drawing up the document.

For variable details, limit marks in the form of lines are applied to the general form - for details:

09 - document date;

10 - registration number of the document (for this detail the “No” sign is also printed in advance).

In the form of corners, the locations of the following details are distinguished:

14 - addressee (beginning and end of the attribute, which simultaneously indicates the border of the right field);

17 - title to the text of the document;

18 - control mark;

28 - mark on receipt of the document by the organization;

29 - identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

Between detail 04 “Organization code” and details 09 “Document date” and 10 “Document registration number”, space is left for applying (imprinting) detail 08 “Name of document type”.

When the name of the type of document is entered into the general form, for example, “order”, “act”, “protocol”, this form becomes a form of a specific type of document - order form, act form, protocol form, etc. Thus, a form of a specific type document is actually a type of general form, since a general form without using the name of the type of document is not used at all when drawing up organizational and administrative documents.

Detail 05 “Document form code” is imprinted on the form when registering a specific type of document, since each type (variety) of document has its own unified form code according to OKUD.

Samples of a general form and a form for a specific type of document are given in the appendix. 2-6.

The letter form is used when drawing up only one type of document - an official letter, so there is no need to indicate the name of the type of document in it. In the letter form, in place of detail 10 “Name of the type of document” is placed detail 07 “Reference data about the organization”, and in place of detail 12 “Place of document preparation” is placed detail 11 “Link to the registration number and date of the document”, which is so necessary for correspondence.

Detail 07 “Reference information about the organization” must contain information about the place of preparation, therefore there is no need to use detail 12 “Place of preparation of the document.”

Thus, the letter form differs from the general form in only two details. All other details, for which marks in the form of corners are applied on the general form, are also used on the letterhead and are drawn up according to the same rules. Letter forms are given in the appendix. 7-10.

The form of a structural unit of an organization or an official is designed if the head of the unit or official has the right to sign. The name of the structural unit or the name of the position is entered on the form after detail 06 “Name of the organization.”

Samples of official forms are given in the appendix. 11, 12.

Forms of organizations with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (stamped forms) are printed products subject to accounting.

Stamp forms are produced only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have licenses for the relevant type of activity and certificates of technical and technological capabilities for high-quality production of the specified type of product.

In order to produce a stamp form or any other form in a printing house, it is necessary to make a layout of the form on a scale of 1:1, on which permanent details must be applied, the necessary marks for variable details, and the dimensions of the areas where the details are located are indicated. It is necessary to indicate the type and color of paper, select the necessary fonts, indicate the circulation, agree on the deadlines and production costs. The layout of the form must contain an indication that the head of the organization allows this layout to be printed (usually the word “I authorize” is written). The layout must also include the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

The organization's official forms must have serial numbers, which are stamped in a typographical manner or with a numberer. Sometimes series of these numbers are also put on stamp forms. Each type of stamp form is recorded in a separate journal (or other registration and accounting form), and the forms themselves are stored in securely locked and sealed cabinets. Their destruction occurs in the prescribed manner, according to an act with a mark in the registration form.

The organization of production, storage, accounting, issuance, checking the availability of stamp (as well as simple) forms in organizations is assigned to the unit responsible for office work. The office management instructions of any organization must have a section describing the procedure for the production and use of organization forms.

General requirements for the production and storage of forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the federation are given in section. 5 GOST R 6.30-97 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Control questions

1. What is a document form as defined by GOST R51141-98?

2. In what ways can document forms be produced?

3. What is the basis for designing a document form?

4. How many types of forms are established by GOST R 6.30-97?

5. To prepare what types of documents is a common form used?

6. What permanent details can be applied to each type of form?

7. In what ways can places for variable details be marked on forms?

8. How does a general form differ from a letter form?

9. What are the requirements for the production of a form with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation?

10. What must be submitted to the printing house to produce the form?