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Embryologist about the death of a child at the DAR perinatal center: This is a medical error and negligence. Altai perinatal center "Dar" was opened for show? Komsomolskaya Pravda is monitoring the development of the situation

Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, gynecologist Viktor Radzinsky is impressed by the work of each unit of the Altai Regional Clinical Perinatal Center “DAR” and noted that this is the most unique project in Russia. The words of an expert who arrived in Barnaul to provide methodological support for organizing the optimal structure for providing medical care to women and newborn children in the Altai Territory are quoted by the official website of the regional Ministry of Health.

“According to the designers, this is the most unique project in Russia. It is necessary to understand that no country in the world will ever be able to organize highly qualified assistance in every remote area. Therefore, it must be concentrated in one place. As, for example, in this new perinatal center, which is part of the medical cluster. The regional multidisciplinary clinical hospital is located next to it. This is exactly what the modern woman needs. The most specialized medical care is the need of the hour. Therefore, I predict a great future for this perinatal center,” noted Viktor Radzinsky.

Read also: Altai medical cluster will be strengthened with nuclear technologies

The famous doctor appreciated not only the organization of medical care for pregnant women, but also the comfortable conditions in which the patients are at DAR.

“We must not forget that the region is huge. And women come from the most remote areas not for a day or two, but for 2 weeks, a month, and sometimes more. Therefore, the conditions that are organized for them here: separate wards, sanitary conditions “This is what they need,” the professor emphasized.

At the same time, Viktor Radzinsky expressed disappointment at the lack of understanding of the heads of district administrations and some chief doctors of district hospitals about the need to route patients. He recalled that according to European indicators, if less than 600 births take place in a maternity hospital per year, then these departments do not reduce maternal mortality. The specialists of such medical organizations do not have the necessary skills. In Russia, the average workload per maternity hospital is 312 births, and in the Altai Territory - 100.

“Due to the presence of a large number of somatic diseases, modern women have a need for related medical specialists and for complex diagnostics. Therefore, those who strive to ensure that a woman who is indicated to give birth in a third-level medical organization remains to give birth in a first-level maternity hospital are risking their lives,” the professor emphasized.

During the visit, Viktor Radzinsky examined the most complex patients, gave valuable advice and recommendations on their management, including routing within the perinatal center and the procedure for placing newborns, and also gave several lectures for obstetricians and gynecologists of the Altai Territory.

As REGNUM already reported, at the end of April, the head of Roszdravnadzor, Mikhail Murashko, personally visited the DAR perinatal center and assessed the work of its team, which almost from the very opening was forced to work in the conditions of an information war unleashed by the media owned by the Siberian Media Group ( owner of Evalar). Based on the results of checking the licensing requirements and conditions, as well as the possibility of implementing procedures for providing medical care at the Altai Regional Clinical Perinatal Center (KGBUZ "AKKPTS"), the commission did not find violations that were previously reported in a number of media.

Let us recall that representatives of the construction contractor, the Self company, noted that the stories and articles deliberately created the impression that construction and delivery took place simultaneously.

“The Roszdravnadzor Commission has established that construction work in the perinatal center (except for the assembly hall) has been completed, and the corresponding conclusions have been issued by Rospotrebnadzor for the Altai Territory. All departments of the institution can operate and receive patients. Currently, the adjustment of the technological process and equipment is ongoing with a gradual increase in load,” the official statement of Roszdravnadzor said. It is known that on May 2, “DARE” a boy was born, who became the 100th newborn born in this medical organization.

During his visit to Barnaul, Mikhail Murashko recommended attracting the country's leading specialists for methodological support in building an optimal structure for organizing the provision of medical care to women and newborns, including Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Victor Radzinsky.

The Altai Regional Clinical Perinatal Center "DAR" opened its doors in December 2016 with the aim of providing assistance to pregnant women, women in labor and newborns. The priority area of ​​work of the perinatal center is the use of high technologies that make it possible to care for premature babies, including those with extremely low body weight.

The interregional scientific and practical conference “Advanced technologies as the basis for the provision of obstetric and gynecological care”, which took place today, December 21, was timed to coincide with the first birthday of “DAR”. Leading experts in the field of gynecology from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul and other cities took part in it. Opening the event, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Altai Territory Nadezhda Kapur noted:

“The most important priority for Russian and regional healthcare is to create conditions for providing accessible, high-quality, modern medical care to mothers and children. Significant support for this direction is provided by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Thanks to the emergence in the regions of the newest perinatal centers, equipped with the latest medical technology, in recent years Russia has managed to achieve record low infant and maternal mortality rates in the entire history of the country. The Altai Territory is no exception in this regard, and a huge role in this issue is given to the DAR perinatal center, whose specialists help even those expectant mothers who live at a distance from the regional capital.”

Nadezhda Kapura emphasized that Viktor Radzinsky, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology with the course of perinatology at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, provided great assistance in the development of the DAR perinatal center and presented him with gratitude for his cooperation on behalf of the Government of the Altai Territory. In turn, Radzinsky expressed the opinion that the perinatal center easily integrated into the modern Russian medical ideology, which has significantly changed life.

“If earlier, 4 years ago, in our country, on average, 312 women gave birth per year in first-level medical organizations, then last year - only 192 women. This happened due to the fact that all the highest risks are transferred to perinatal centers, equipped with the latest technology and having highly qualified specialists. One of these, of course, is “GIFT”.

The Minister of Health of the Altai Territory, Irina Dolgova, addressed the conference participants. She analyzed the development of medicine in the region in recent years, emphasizing that today residents of the region can observe how the May Decree of the President of the country on the development of a network of perinatal centers has been implemented.

“During the year of work at the Regional Perinatal Center “DAR”, more than 2 thousand babies were born. This is a new type of medical institution, which includes the whole range of work with families - planning a child, accompanying a pregnant woman, monitoring newborns. Over the past 5 years in the Altai Territory, the infant mortality rate has decreased by 67%, and maternal mortality by more than 4.5 times. This became possible thanks to the construction of a three-level system of medical care with uniform requirements for timeliness and quality of care in each obstetrics institution, from the smallest to the largest,” the minister said.

It is also worth noting that during the period of operation of the DAR perinatal center, 39,410 consultations were carried out in the consultative and diagnostic department, in addition - 27,587 remotely. The Center for Prenatal Diagnostics conducted 58,520 examinations of pregnant women for congenital pathologies. 6393 patients were treated in the hospital, 2174 births occurred, 2250 children were born, including 2 triplets.

Two native Muscovites have already been able to receive the services of the newest medical facility in Barnaul. One of them, Elena Buyanova, gave birth to her first-born Matvey at the Altai perinatal center “DAR”. As the woman notes, she was attracted to the medical institution by the friendly attitude of the medical staff and comfortable living conditions. It is also important that medical care is provided free of charge under a compulsory health insurance policy. “When I decided to give birth in Barnaul, relatives and friends were skeptical about my words. Only my husband supported my initiative; he bought the plane tickets. From the first meeting in the emergency department until the moment of discharge, I never regretted that I chose this particular perinatal center. I could only get this combination of professionalism of doctors, the latest equipment and comfortable living conditions in the paid wards of the best clinics in Moscow. But in them the cost of childbirth varies from 600 to 700 thousand rubles. In Barnaul, they provided me with help based on a birth certificate,” said a resident of Moscow. A week has passed since Elena Buyanova was discharged from the DAR perinatal center. The young mother recalls with pleasure the period of her stay in a medical institution. “I was impressed by the delivery room, the latest equipment, and constant monitoring of the fetus’s condition using a CTG machine during childbirth. The child was immediately shown to me, treated, and examined in the delivery room. The postpartum ward does not look like a hospital room at all; it has furniture, a separate bathroom and shower, and a pine forest is visible from the windows. My husband could come to the ward to see me and my son. Neonatologist Anna Klimenkova is always polite, responsive, and she is very kind to newborns. She showed me how to care for the baby and how to swaddle him. I needed this since it was my first baby. I remember with gratitude the head Oksana Filchakova, who helped to survive the difficult process and paid maximum attention during childbirth,” noted Elena Buyanova. According to her, there are no regrets or doubts about the decision made to go to the Altai Territory. Now she recommends the DAR center to her friends. “The perinatal center exceeded my expectations. During my stay, it became my home, I felt so comfortable and safe. We were given a suit for Matvey, given a congratulatory letter from the Governor, and we framed it in the children's room. I definitely would not have received such an attitude in Moscow,” stressed Elena Buyanova. Let us remind you: the regional perinatal center “DAR. Children, Altai, Russia!” - this is a polyclinic department for 240 visits per shift, departments of gynecology, pathology of pregnant women, pathology of newborns and premature babies, resuscitation, antenatal clinic, prenatal diagnostic center, IVF center, remote consultation center with visiting teams, and so on. On 34 thousand square meters of the new perinatal center there are about two thousand units of modern, convenient and reliable medical equipment. The postpartum department is only the “Mother and Child” wards. During the operation of the DAR perinatal center, more than 1,300 children were born there. Among them there are babies with extremely low body weight and with congenital pathologies. Saving their lives was made possible due to modern equipment that meets international standards and the high professionalism of medical workers. Help: A birth certificate gives pregnant women the opportunity to choose a medical institution. The expectant mother (if she is a citizen of the Russian Federation) can choose an antenatal clinic and maternity hospital herself. She can give birth in any state medical institution in Russia, regardless of her permanent registration.

- Excellent center for mother and child

Advantages: budget organization, a lot of medical equipment

Disadvantages: there are negative reviews

A woman who is expecting a child and has become a mother is a fragile vessel that needs guardianship and care. Perinatal centers provide her with such assistance.

First, we need to understand what a perinatal center is. This is a modern clinic that provides the widest range of services to women during the period called perinatal.

This is the period from the 28th week of pregnancy until the newborn baby is 7 days old. That is, it includes monitoring the pregnancy, and, in fact, the birth itself, and monitoring the born baby. During this period, a woman is very vulnerable and needs widespread help from doctors and others.

Not so long ago, literally on June 17, 2016, the state budgetary institution “Altai Regional Clinical Perinatal Center” opened in the city of Barnaul. It is located on Fomina Street, 154. Open from 8.00 to 16.20 on weekdays, the department of radiation and functional diagnostics from 8.00 to 18.00, also on weekdays. The obstetrics department is open 24 hours a day. This is understandable. Women give birth at any time of the day.

All services in this center are provided free of charge if you have a compulsory health insurance policy. It is issued to a citizen free of charge and is valid throughout the Russian Federation. Payment is made by the insurance company that issued the policy.

In this center you can receive pre-hospital outpatient care in obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenerology, cardiology, endocrinology and others. Also perform ultrasound diagnostics.

Inpatient care is also provided. In the pregnancy pathology department, maternity department, neonatal department.

Medical examination is not provided here.

Upon admission you will need

    Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

    Compulsory health insurance policy and its copy

    Exchange card

    Copy of sick leave

    Birth certificate

    Insurance certificate of state pension insurance

This center was built under the Federal program and, according to rumors, cost 3 billion rubles. But many people are sure that the money went into their pockets. Reviews about the center are quite mixed. Many claim that the center is not staffed as it should be. There are not even ultrasound monitors where you can look at your baby. It's uncomfortable to sit and wait your turn. There are no toilets provided, especially for accompanying persons who come with patients.

The quality of service also leaves much to be desired. The doctors are rude and rude, although almost all of them are of the highest category.

There are, however, other reviews. They write that the staff is young and competent, and deliveries are handled clearly and professionally. The state gave grants to some young doctors to study in Moscow and after that they returned to Barnaul. Almost two thousand units of medical equipment. Postpartum wards of the “mother and child” type, where babies lie with their mothers. Full-term babies do not have contact with premature babies.

Lots of interest in new things Altai Regional Clinical Perinatal Center DAR. We answer a popular question: yes, they are already delivering babies there. We will tell you real facts and information about him, as well as photographs directly from the “scene of events.”

  • All rooms are for 1-2 people. The room contains a bed, bedside table, wardrobe, crib, changing table and sink. Each room has a separate toilet, shower and sink, and in some places there are TVs. There is a refrigerator and cooler in the hall.

Postpartum ward, DAR

  • The food is brought, poured and laid out in the corridor, and eaten in the wards. 5 meals during the day: breakfast, second breakfast (apples, juices), lunch (first course, main course, drink), afternoon snack (milk), dinner, late dinner (kefir).

  • They provide shirts and dressing gowns for the mother, diapers for the baby too, and you can take your own clothes for the baby from home.
  • 8 individual maternity rooms equipped with the latest technology.
  • Intensive care unit with 6 beds. There are 2-3 medical staff in the intensive care unit at all times.
  • Discharge after a natural birth occurs on the 3-4th day, after a cesarean section - on the 6-7th day.
  • There is a prayer room where you can light a candle or pray for the health of mother and baby.

Resuscitation, DAR

  • Every woman in Barnaul and the Altai Territory can give birth in DAR; no special documents are required; a passport, insurance policy, SNILS, and birth certificate are required.
  • Availability of official paid services in the field of obstetrics. Read more about this.
  • The staff is collected from all maternity hospitals in the city - mostly young professionals and middle-aged.
  • From 16 to 19 visiting relatives. Relatives can go directly into the room and help care for the baby; they need to have a robe/cape, shoe covers and a hat with them.
  • All necessary tests are taken in the ward, ultrasound is performed on the floor.

Maternity room, DAR

  • A beautiful discharge room, closed from prying eyes. Each person is given 30 minutes to check out. The discharge room can accommodate a large number of greeters, ideal for a discharge photo shoot.

Toilet/shower in the postpartum ward, DAR.

Sink for washing the baby/changing table in the postpartum ward, DAR