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If the dog becomes aggressive, what should you do? The dog has become aggressive - reasons for the change in behavior. Prerequisites and types of aggressive behavior in dogs

Many dog ​​owners often write asking for advice - the dog has become aggressive, what to do. That is why it was decided to tackle this sensitive topic, which can help understand and solve this problem.

Since dogs are different from each other and have different personalities, it is difficult to give specific recommendations that can be suitable for any dog.

The correct premise is that a dog's aggressiveness can depend on how it was raised or the various life situations that the dog has had to face and struggle with. Dogs are not born aggressive, they become them. For major aggression problems, it is necessary to get help from a professional.

Overall, however, the tips you learn here can help you act correctly and limit or eliminate your dog's unnecessary aggression.

3 categories of aggression

First of all, you need to understand what kind of aggressiveness there are three main categories:

  • Aggression is associated with strength
  • Aggression towards children/persons
  • Aggression towards other dogs

Once the reason is well defined, it must be understood that most dog training plans include the famous positive reinforcement.

How to Use Positive Reinforcement in a Dog for Aggression

Since you know what triggers aggression, you will need to approach your dog carefully. Stop at a safe distance and give the dog time to calm down (if necessary, distract with something).

At this point in time, you need to praise the dog and at the same time distract, stroke or play with him. If the situation repeats, the same procedure must be followed again (game-praise-positive attitude).

See how the dog slowly calms down and at the perfect moment reacts to your praise.

What you want to achieve is that he/she will remember your affection on a similar occasion in the future. And this is what it means to use "positive reinforcement": to associate something positive with what he perceives as a threat.


One thing you absolutely shouldn't do is punish your dog for his aggression... There are actually two good reasons for this:

  • In this state, the dog emotionally does not quite understand why you are punishing.
  • If a dog feels threatened, it may rightfully react with aggression, and it is not uncommon for that aggression to be turned against its owner.

Aggressiveness while eating

If your dog is showing signs of aggression while eating, you will see some sort of repetition of his thinking pattern.

There is one thing that works very well. Do this: When you eat, make sure your dog gets small amounts of food at the same time in his bowl, so he has to stop and wait to eat again.

This exercise is very important because it makes your dog understand that you love him.

In addition, it is clear that you are the one feeding him, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of anything, even if you approach while the dog is eating.

The reason for aggression during mealtimes, of course, is the fear that you might steal the food.

Often, dogs that show this type of aggression tend to eat very quickly, and when swallowing food they will also swallow large amounts of air, which will then have to be eliminated through burping or flatulence.

Try these tips and see how your dog reacts.

Aggression with other dogs or people

Attacks that can occur between your dog and other dogs (or people) are potentially dangerous events for both the dog and the owner. So when a family has a dominant dog, you need to keep this factor in mind and know everything you need to know to avoid and reduce aggression problems.

It is clear that all dogs are different from each other, have different personalities and it is difficult to give specific recommendations that can be suitable for any dog. For major aggression problems, it is necessary to get help from a professional.

If we adopt a puppy, the first twelve weeks are critical. This is actually a good thing to improve her behavior immediately.

If socialization during this period is done correctly, the puppy will establish good relationships with other dogs and with people. Otherwise, fear or aggression may occur.

To do this, it is important that the dog sees you as a reference point and has complete confidence in you. In fact, even in case of aggression with other dogs, it must hear the owner’s call and obey.

When, despite good training, conflict arises between dogs, it is important to evaluate the consequences of this. If no animal is in danger, the dog adopts a neutral behavior, thinking that the issue will be resolved on its own.

This means that when aggression occurs, it is advisable to adopt certain types of behavior, decisive and immediate, in order to avoid possible complications.

You should never pull on your dog's leash, as in most cases, the dog will be too busy to listen to you and you risk getting bitten. It is very unwise to act cruelly towards a dog or dogs involved in a fight, as this will increase the aggressiveness of the opponents.

The most correct action that would be taken would be to slightly lift the dog by the belly and invite him to continue the walk or distract him with a game or positive reinforcement.

It is preferable if each owner takes care of his own dog. If you are alone, you find the dominant dog and move away from the other with due care.

Why do dogs attack each other?

The reasons are different. They may be due to a hierarchical relationship between two males, as each tries to dominate the other. They are less dangerous and usually resolve on their own, this happens because one predominates over the other without serious consequences.

Such situations are the most dangerous among bitches, since they, as a rule, are injured when bitten. No less dangerous, but less common, is aggression between a dog and a bitch.

Typically, an adult dog will not attack a puppy. This is because it actually recognizes him as a puppy and has no interest in appearing aggressive. But at the age of 8-9 months, when the puppy is no longer seen as such by other dogs, it is necessary to give the puppy due attention, because other dogs will see him as an adult.

Know that..

Sometimes it can happen that the dog does not listen and is completely absorbed in the source that causes him aggression or anger. This could be a problem with the dog not recognizing you as the "alpha dog." There are many behaviors, but these are the ones that are most common:

  • The dog doesn't listen or pay attention to you.
  • The dog pulls when you go for a walk or does not listen to you when you call him on a leash next to you.
  • Generally does not obey your commands, such as “sit”, “come to me” and so on.

I hope the topic - the dog has become aggressive, what to do - has become clearer to you? In any case, I look forward to your comments.

If your dog has been threatening or showing any signs of aggression, then the problem will likely persist until you take some action to determine the reason for the animal's behavior. Therefore, the first necessary step is prevention and prevention of further incidents. This is important not only to ensure safety, but also to prevent the problem from worsening, which can worsen with each subsequent act of aggression.

Why does aggression intensify with each subsequent incident?

Aggression most often results in an increase in the distance between the dog and the stimulus (eg, person, other pets, cars, etc.).

Whenever barking, threats and aggressive behavior lead to the withdrawal (disappearance) of the stimulus, the dog's behavior is reinforced and will likely become stronger the next time. The same thing happens when the owner himself removes the dog away from the stimulus. Additionally, as a stimulus approaches that may be disturbing, frightening, or threatening in any way, the dog's fear and anxiety will increase.

The owner's actions in response to the behavior can also make the problem worse. If the owner does not show any concern or fear, then the dog may see this as another reason for anxiety or fear. If the owner uses discipline, punishment, or other corrective methods such as choking, jerking, or physical force, the dog may become increasingly fearful and may associate these actions with the approach of a stimulus. Even if these actions are successful in the short term, they actually increase anxiety and worsen the animal's emotional state.

What to do if the dog resists the stimulus instead of retreating?

The opposing animal (stimulant) is potentially dangerous, so trying to reduce fear and anxiety may be counterproductive. First you should ensure safety, and only then act on the irritant.

How to ensure safety?

The first step is to identify the situation in which fear, anxiety or aggression may arise. Your dog may show aggression in a variety of ways, including growling, raising the hair on his withers and back, grinning, snapping his teeth, or biting.

Recognition of all possible stimuli (e.g., humans, other animals, type of vehicle), situations and places that may incite aggression should be done in such a way as to prevent or avoid any dangerous situation. If it is not feasible to prevent all situations that could lead to aggression, then it may be worth taking additional safety precautions and considering removing the animal from the home.

What forms of physical control can be used as aids?

  1. Leash. Aggression can be prevented if a responsible adult, towards whom the dog is not showing aggression, restrains the dog on a leash at a sufficient distance from the irritant. However, this method is based on an adult, so it is best used in conjunction with irritant avoidance.
  2. Cage and restriction of movement. If your dog is trained to be in a crate, room, or other confined area, then he can be placed in that area any time a problem arises. This method can be used 1) when food is being prepared, 2) when food is being consumed, 3) when guests arrive, 4) in any other situations where aggression is possible. Make sure the dog is comfortable and that the crate is secure enough.
  3. Muzzles. A muzzle can also greatly enhance safety, especially if the dog is likely to be placed in a situation where aggression is inevitable.
  4. Harnesses on the head. A leash and harness are often the most practical means of physical control. They can help prevent the dog from colliding with an approaching stimulus, and if the dog is showing aggression, its head can be reoriented and its mouth closed. Additionally, a head harness can be a great way to safely control and calm your dog during training.

How can you ensure safety if your dog may become aggressive towards people or animals outdoors?

If your dog is aggressive, threatening, or chasing during walks, you should probably stop walking until you can find a place and time when there are no other people or animals around. If you must encounter another person or animal on a walk, make sure your dog is kept securely on a leash and can be controlled at a sufficient distance.

A head harness can help provide safety and control and can also redirect the dog's focus away from people or other animals. If you take your dog into public places, it is necessary to use either a muzzle or a head harness to prevent any possible injury. Additionally, you should not allow your dog to roam without a leash in any areas where other animals or people are likely to be present.

How to ensure safety if the dog can be aggressive towards guests?

Dogs that show aggression towards guests in your home should be placed in a confined space before guests and visitors arrive. On the other hand, the dog can be kept on a leash at a sufficient distance from guests to ensure safety. Only adults who have full control over the animal should restrain the dog. Remember that you must control and prevent not only the dog's access to guests, but also the guests' access to the dog. This is especially important with children who may not understand the risks of approaching your dog. A head harness can provide additional safety if visitors are likely to get close to the dog.

What should you do if your dog is aggressive with food or toys?

Dog food should only be served in an area where it will be limited until the food runs out or until your dog leaves the area on its own. If a dog is protective of its toys or treats, then these should only be given when the dog is, again, in a confined space.

How to ensure safety if the dog can be aggressive both on the street and in the yard?

Dogs that may be aggressive in such situations should always be under adult supervision. When outdoors and on walks, you should use a head harness if there is a chance that strangers will get too close. Never leave your dog unattended outside unless your yard or garden is securely locked so that other people cannot enter it. If there is no one in the house, the dog should not be left outside.

How to ensure safety if a dog is aggressive towards other dogs or other pets in the house?

This type of aggression can be difficult to manage and difficult to correct. Precautionary measures and safety precautions must therefore be taken both in the short and long term. To begin with, pets must be completely separated except in situations where they are directly under the supervision of a responsible adult. Under supervision, use a leash, muzzle or head harness. If possible, identify in advance specific situations in which aggression may occur and either avoid those situations or use a muzzled leash or head harness.

What to do and how to ensure safety if the dog is aggressive towards family members?

Dog aggression towards family members is another problem that can be difficult to prevent unless you can identify specific safe types of handling and interaction. If the dog is difficult to handle safely, then it is either necessary to avoid such situations, or use a leash with a muzzle or a head harness. For example, dogs that act aggressively when you are preparing food should be restricted during this time. Other dogs that may become aggressive if their sleep or rest is disturbed should be trained to sleep in an area where they will not be disturbed.

If aggression cannot be completely prevented, and especially if children are at risk, then the dog may need to be permanently restrained except during play sessions, training and social interactions. If necessary, a head harness or muzzle should be used.

Aggression in dogs is a fairly pressing issue in modern society, which affects not only stray dogs, but also domestic ones. If we look at the statistics, about 65% of those bitten by a four-legged pet are children and the elderly. This problem is very serious and widespread regardless of the territory and size of the settlement.

Causes of aggressive dog behavior

Some believe that a dog became aggressive from birth due to its heredity or other congenital factors. But that's not true. There are reasons for this behavior of the animal, which are grouped into 3 groups:

  1. Poor animal care. According to dog handlers, the first 4 weeks that the dog spends in the family (communication with people, living conditions, etc.) are very important. It is during this period of time that its future character is formed;
  2. Bad Education. A dog is essentially a pack animal and it needs a leader, which any member of the family can become. If you do not let her understand who is boss in the house, then she will independently take on this role, which will lead to a demonstration of aggression towards others;
  3. Illiterate breeding. This could be excessive praise, insufficient control over the execution of commands during the training process, or indulgence in everything.

Based on the above reasons, we can conclude that the cause of a dog’s aggressive behavior is the human factor. Making such mistakes can lead to aggression not only towards strangers, but also towards the owner.

To suppress aggression, do not use force or humiliation under any circumstances, which can only aggravate the problem. The only correct method is to correct your pet's behavior. If your pet has become aggressive and angry, then it is better to seek help from an experienced dog handler.

Types of aggression

There are several types of aggressive behavior in dogs, each of which has its own characteristics and solutions. Let's look at some of them.


This aggression manifests itself mainly in cables. You should approach your pet's training correctly and not allow him to dominate. However, some cases may involuntarily provoke aggression.

The following actions should be avoided:

  • Touch the face;
  • Gaze;
  • Disturb during sleep and eating;
  • Press the quadruple to the floor;
  • Use the leash;
  • Step over the dog.

The manifestation of signs of such behavior is expressed by growling and grinning. This is especially evident when looking closely at an animal. In order to overcome impulses of dominance on the part of the dog, you should not allow him to take food from the table or climb onto the bed. Carefully monitor how your pet follows commands and do not allow him to pull you along with him during a walk.

Play aggression

It manifests itself mostly in puppies in the form of harmless biting or growling. After such games, the dog gradually ceases to understand the boundary between play and danger. Most often it is the fault of the owner himself who allows the dog to behave this way.

During the game, the dog begins to get excited and really angry. This can happen to both humans and other animals. You can determine how aggression appears in dogs by the following signs: prolonged and low growling, dilated pupils, raised hair, flattened ears.

If you want to play with your dog, use special toys for this. Try to engage your dog with calm games. A game like tug-of-war should take place in a calm environment and adhere to certain rules. For example, you should not let your four-legged friend win and after the end of the game you should hide the toy, thereby showing who it belongs to. If the animal is large, then such games are unacceptable. Remember that only the owner should take the initiative to start or end the game.

During the gameplay you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before the game starts, the dog must sit down at your command and grab the toy at the command “Take”;
  • You must not allow your pet to bite your hand, otherwise you must stop playing immediately;
  • After the “Drop” command, your pet must let go of the toy;
  • Aggression in dogs will occur if you hit the animal during play.

Food aggression

Such aggression in dogs appears when they approach the animal while eating food, or try to take away its bowl or the food itself. The dog begins to growl, bark, bite, thereby protecting its food. This is an inherited instinct, so this behavior is difficult to correct.

Most pets who exhibit this behavior begin to steal food from the dinner table and hide it.

To avoid this problem, you need to follow a few tips. The pet should eat only after all family members have left the table. Never feed your pet from your dinner table or welcome begging. Try to please your dog with treats as a well-deserved reward.

Even while eating, you should train your four-legged dog using commands: “No”, “Eat”, etc. If aggression occurs, take the bowl and command “Sit”. After the dog has calmed down, you can reward it with a treat and allow it to continue eating.

When there is a small child in the family, you should be especially careful and not allow children to walk around the house with food.

Territorial aggression

This behavior is common to all dogs and is considered quite normal. After all, they defend their territory in order to drive away the unwanted guest. To a greater extent, this is typical for animals on a leash or living in a booth. This only increases aggression.

This guard behavior is more of a plus than a minus, but only if the pet immediately stops barking and growling at the owner’s command. Then this can be considered a problem.

To ensure that your pet does not go beyond what is allowed and does not bark at all passing people and passing cars, it is necessary to train and train it from an early age. The dog should guard the territory only after your command and not rush at every passerby. If you are expecting visitors, first take the dog indoors and then introduce the dog to the guests. Train your dog to only react to situations that are truly threatening.

Possessive aggression

The pet does not want to give away some objects that she considers hers and the dogs show aggression towards their owners. If someone tries to take them away, the animal begins to growl and may even attack the person. One in four dogs are susceptible to this behavior as early as three months.

You should start fighting this behavior from puppyhood, and the principle is the same as during play aggression. The owner must make it clear that all things and objects in the house belong only to him.

Aggression due to fear or pain

The manifestation of this behavior is a response to a person’s action. Formed at an early age.

If something frightens an animal, a defensive reaction begins in the form of growling and barking. Very often this happens in a veterinary clinic. The reason for this behavior may be abuse or mistakes in upbringing.

At this time, the animal is very scared and tries to bite the offender and run away. Sometimes involuntary urination occurs.

To avoid similar situations in the future, accustom your puppy to a variety of strong and frightening sounds, a variety of situations, etc. If the dog is afraid, it is important to demonstrate at that moment your confidence and ability to protect your pet. Never use force or yell at the animal to stop this behavior.

Intraspecific aggression

This most often occurs during puberty between dogs of the same sex. It is also a way to show your hierarchical superiority over others. The victims of such disputes, as a rule, are old and weak animals.

Communication with other animals from an early age helps to overcome such manifestations. Most often, the dominant pet is the first to respond to conflict. If you cannot solve the problem, then answer the question: “How to suppress aggression in a dog?” A professional dog handler will help.

Maternal aggression

During pregnancy, cases of maternal aggression are possible, but not in all dogs. The bitch becomes very angry, irritable and does not allow anyone near her puppies. But gradually this reaction fades away as soon as the offspring is about two months old.

A good and kind attitude from the owner and family members will help the bitch feel safe.

Predatory aggression

Appears in 2 forms:

  • chasing small animals;
  • attacks on vehicles.

The first form manifests itself in real predators, who stalk and quietly creep up on their prey. Infants may be in danger, as the dog associates them with a defenseless animal due to poor coordination and high-pitched crying.

The second form occurs in pets that bark loudly and chase objects while they are moving (cars, cyclists, runners, etc.). You can get rid of this habit after completing a training course.

Ways to correct aggression in dogs

In order to get rid of negative behavior on the part of an animal, first of all, it is necessary to remove all the signs and irritants that provoke the pet.

By following long-proven principles and solutions, you can train your dog well, eliminate aggression and correctly correct its behavior. To do this you need:

  • Get rid of all sorts of reasons and factors that can provoke unsatisfactory things;
  • Your friend's behavior;
  • Under no circumstances use force or punishment for any offense against an animal;
  • Let your pet know who is the leader and leader in the house from the first days of your life together;
  • Develop good habits in your dog through a good attitude, attention, affection and rewards for completed tasks.

Before going through OKD with your four-legged friend, find out more information about the dog handler who will work with your dog, his professionalism, and experience. This is very important, since the wrong approach to training can harm the animal even more. Many experts recommend taking courses several times over a certain period of time.

Medication method

Very often, along with training, they undergo a course of drug therapy. It involves suppressing aggression with the help of sedatives, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. Dog handlers speak only positively about such drugs and consider them useful.

A course of anxiolytic therapy helps reduce your pet's excessive anxiety, which contributes to an aggressive attitude. This increases the effectiveness of the correction course.

An important role in a dog’s behavior is played by its character, and not by its level of reactivity. Thus, to achieve a high-quality result, training alone is not enough. Therefore, experienced veterinarians strongly recommend using special medications that suppress pet aggression by blocking impulses in the brain. This helps to significantly improve the entire course and achieve excellent results.

However, you should not think that medications and OCD will do all the work for you. Most of the result depends on the good and attentive attitude of the owner towards his pet. By caring for your dog, you are also taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

It often happens that as a dog grows up, it begins to show aggression towards other dogs. This is a very serious problem that many people have nowadays. A densely populated city with a large number of dog owners of various breeds against the backdrop of a minimal number of areas and parks intended for their walking does not allow you to relax for a minute while walking.

It often happens that a small, trusting puppy is attacked by an aggressive dog. It is very difficult to protect yourself and your pet from this, especially since the legislation of our country does not currently provide for any significant punishment for walking aggressive dogs without a leash and muzzle.

In this article you will learn about the causes of dog-to-dog aggression and how to correct this problem..

The main causes of dog aggression:

1. Perhaps the dog is sick with something

2. Dominance problem
Any dog, regardless of its size and breed, is characterized by the behavior of a wolf. A dog that lives with a family considers it its pack. There is a hierarchy in the pack, where one representative is more important than the others, in other words, he is the leader of the pack. The higher the animal's position in the hierarchy, the more rights and advantages it has.
Usually the leader sets the rules and demands their implementation (dominates). He always goes first, forcing others to follow him. The leader eats first. He can take food from other members of the pack. He is the initiator of all the actions of the pack, be it games or hunting. He sleeps on high places. In the well-known cartoon about Mowgli, the leader Akella always lay on a high stone.

This behavior of dogs is inherent in them from birth; it determines how viable their pack will be in natural conditions. Every dog ​​has the desire to lead the pack and become a leader.

3. Insufficient obedience training
It will be difficult for the owner to control the dog at the moment of aggression if it is not trained to carry out commands on demand.

4. Unintentional encouragement of aggression by the owner
Many people try to distract the dog from aggression with treats, stroking, games, etc.

5. Accumulated experience
Usually after each fight the aggression intensifies

Many owners walk their dogs for only 20-30 minutes a day. The dog does not have enough time for exercise. From excess energy she begins to show aggression.

7. Past trauma and lack of socialization
For example, while on a walk your pet was attacked by another dog and severely frightened. For many people, dogs are not allowed to communicate and play with other animals during childhood.

8. Insufficient punishment.
Many people believe that leaving their dog without dinner or hitting them when they are aggressive will solve the problem. This is usually not enough, and physical punishment can make the dog even angrier.

Methods for correcting aggressive dog behavior
1. Be sure to show your dog to a veterinarian and fully examine her, even if you think she is healthy.

2. You must prove to the dog that you are more important than him, become his leader. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

Always be the first one in and out of any door. That is, before exiting or entering, you must stop, exit first, and only then allow the dog to exit or enter. The leader is always the first to enter and exit any door.

Always be the first to go up and down the stairs. The dog should walk next to you or slightly behind you, and not run in front, since the leader always goes in front.

Completely ignore your dog if he asks for food while you are eating. While eating, the dog should not be near the owner. Before feeding the dog, take its bowl with one hand and show it to it, in the other hand take any human treat (cookies, candy, apple) and eat it in front of the dog and only then give the bowl. The leader always eats first.

Always ignore a dog if it pesters you to play with it or pet it while you are resting. That is, if you are sitting and relaxing, and the dog pesters you, say “Ugh” in a stern voice and completely ignore the animal, when the dog moves away from you, wait 1-2 minutes and come up, praise and play with the dog. The initiator of any action is always the leader.

Prohibit your dog from sleeping on beds and chairs. Only the leader sleeps on a hill!

3. Be sure to take your dog through an obedience course..
If you teach your dog to follow commands according to your first request, then it will be much easier for you to control him.

4. Stop petting, soothing, feeding or trying to play with your dog when he is being aggressive.. The dog regards this behavior as encouragement.

5. Until the problem is completely corrected, walk your dog only on a leash., since she can be dangerous to others, and every fight will only evade aggression.

6. Try to increase the duration of your walks, at least up to 2 hours a day.

7. At the time of correction, it is recommended to walk the dog only in a “bridle” for dogs. In a bridle, the dog simply cannot pull or yank you forward, since the leash is attached to a ring on the muzzle. That is, you hold the dog by the muzzle, and not by the neck. If the dog decides to pull you forward, then its neck will simply turn in your direction and it will be uncomfortable for it to walk sideways! Control over a dog wearing a bridle collar will be much better and easier. You don't need to jerk hard to correct or punish your dog. When, for example, she tries to jump on a person or rushes at a dog, a light tug on your part is enough, which at the same time will be quite noticeable for the dog! Sometimes only wearing a bridle helps to completely cope with aggression. More information about a dog bridle is described in the article: “A dog bridle”

8. For punishment, it is best to use some kind of sound that is unpleasant for the dog..
This sound can be produced, for example, by an iron can. This was discussed in the article “How to punish a dog” previously published on our website.

9. Never punish a dog without a reason or after a long time after the offense, as this can lead to unpredictable results. In these cases, the dog simply does not understand why he is being punished.

There are no dogs whose behavior cannot be corrected unless it is related to health. Everything is in your hands and depends only on your patience, skill and desire. Remember, aggression is a very serious problem that can become enormous and cause harm and pain not only to you, but to everyone around you. Put in a little effort and you will succeed. Well, all we can do is wish you good luck.

Aggressive dog– a topic that is close not only to owners of guard or fighting dogs. When a small, decorative dog shows aggression, living together in the same area becomes uncomfortable. Aggression in dogs doesn’t just happen. There's always a reason. Yes, of course, there are aggressive dog breeds that are inherently aggressive by nature. However, aggressive behavior in dogs is not always related to their origin. The causes of aggression in dogs, as well as signs of aggressive dog behavior, will be discussed in this article.

First of all, let's be clear why the dog is showing aggression. The point is that if the dog behaves aggressively, growls, barks at some family members, this does not mean at all that she has problems with the psyche or nervous system and the situation is hopeless. No. Such a dog most likely considers itself the leader and dominant member of the pack. The same family members will say that the dog snaps only sometimes, but during the day it is an affectionate, intelligent animal. Yes. This is true because a dog snaps only when it doesn’t like the behavior of its pack members. A dog that has decided that it is the leader of the pack not only stops obeying its owner and his family members, but also begins to correct their behavior!

Thus, the dog is showing aggression, if she sees that the situation is going against her. Especially in this case, it goes to the weak members of the pack - these are children and the elderly. However, in another situation that is not conflicting in her opinion, the dog will be sweet and affectionate.

Attention. Sometimes, the dog is showing aggression when she has something. For example, a tooth or stomach. Dogs cannot tell that something is hurting them; often, they cannot understand where the pain is coming from. And any external irritant, including the owner, our caresses, touches - everything can frighten the dog or hurt it. The dog’s logical reaction is to defend itself, i.e. show aggression. In this case you need to find an opportunity to help the dog, take her to the veterinarian or invite a doctor to your home.

If aggression is detected at an early stage, when it has just begun to emerge, it can be corrected. Aggressive dog behavior can be corrected. It usually starts with simple disobedience. Then you can notice defiant behavior, the dog begins to make threatening gestures, growls, bares its teeth, and then begins to bite.

I'll bring examples of dog behavior that should alert you. These signs may not appear together immediately. The sooner they are noticed, the easier it will be to correct the behavior of an aggressive dog.

The dog ignores commands which he knows. Here, if you are absolutely sure that the dog knows the command, that the command is fixed and the dog has a clear conditioned reflex for executing this command, you should think about it. Because not ignoring a command is not just a bad habit. This may be a sign that the dog considers it unworthy to carry out the commands of a member of the pack of the lowest rank. Simply put, you don't deserve to have your commands obeyed. In this case, do not swear, do not be offended, do not shout at the dog! This will only prove and confirm that the dog is right.

The dog refuses to lie down on command. The fact is that the lying position is a posture of submission. Refusal to obey this command is a demonstration of direct disobedience.

The dog sits astride you on your children or members of your family. You should know that the dog is not doing this because he finds you attractive! This is how the dog demonstrates its superiority to you.

The dog throws away the child who is standing in the doorway, jumps on you, on your child. This behavior needs to be corrected. The dog must understand that behaving this way is bad. She should know that the child and you are higher in rank in the group.

The dog refuses to leave your sleeping place. He growls, turns his head away, grins. This behavior should be alarming, because a dog that considers itself the head of the pack will not give up its sleeping place to its subordinates.

The dog is alert stops eating, starts growling while eating, when you pass by.

The dog is hiding under the furniture. This is usually what dogs do when they have lost trust in humans. These are scared, unsure dogs. If the behavior that drives him under the bed continues, the dog may become defensive. From the same fear. This is a defensive reaction. Here you need to find out what is tormenting the dog, what is driving it under the bed and eliminate this cause. Gradually the dog will begin to calm down. This is not a matter of one day. It will take time and patience. However, as in all other cases.

Correcting a dog's aggressive behavior is to find the reason for this behavior. There's always a reason! A dog doesn't behave aggressively for no reason. Your task is to understand what caused this incorrect behavior. And then correct it and prevent the development and strengthening of such behavior.

For example, if your dog growls when you ask him to get off the couch– prohibit anyone from climbing onto the sofa at all! If a dog growls in response to some action of yours, and you leave it alone, rest assured that next time it will growl on a different occasion! This behavior of yours only strengthens her confidence that she is right, and that growling can achieve results, that she is the leader in your relationship. To prevent this behavior, The owner should first gain a leading position in the relationship with the dog.

However. To prevent such behavior, there is no need to treat the dog roughly for any reason: screaming, hitting, shaking. Often this behavior can form a defensive reaction. As a result, you will end up with an even more aggressive dog! Even if you achieve relative obedience of the dog with this behavior, it is not a fact that the behavior has been corrected. It is doubtful that the dog will maintain obedience, even visible, with other family members.

What to do?

An aggressive dog really needs to be tightly controlled! But! This must be achieved through training, not through bad treatment!

Be prepared for the dog to actively resist. And, and the fact that you are constant and persistent. For example, if you can’t climb onto the sofa today, that means you can’t climb on the couch tomorrow either! And the day after tomorrow and in three months you can’t go there either. If the owner walks past a toy, it is not dangerous and will never be dangerous! Because the owner does it

If a dog offers conflict, don’t walk away from it. The dog will perceive your departure as a victory over you. Don't condone growling at you or your family members. Make your dog work to get what he wants. Give your dog what he wants as a reward for a job done. Limit the time you spend with your dog during the day - don’t praise or pet him just like that when you pass by. Just praise! for showing signs of submission and doing a job well.

If the matter has gone far, if the dog has defeated you, if it is much stronger than you physically, you need to seek help from a professional. This should be a dog handler familiar with animal behavior, with adjustments, and an experienced instructor.

If a dog is tyrannizing one family member, there is no need to limit the dog’s contact with this person. On the contrary, it is recommended that this person, who has the biggest problems in the relationship with the dog, should be the one who, if possible, is the only person who gives it food and water, that it is he who gives it exercise, plays and encourages it. This person should be able to walk the dog under the supervision of a leading family member and exercise the dog. During the period of behavior correction, this person must become everything for the dog, and everything that the dog receives from him must be earned by the dog. All other members of the pack should completely ignore the dog and not offer him to play, not offer him treats or other benefits.

I repeat, if your dog is dangerous, physically strong and cannot achieve obedience and follow commands, you need to contact a trainer and continue adjustments with the help of a dog behavior specialist.

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