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Eye drops that dilate the pupil: instructions for use. Drops "Tropicamide" How do drops for dilating pupils work and how to use them correctly? How dilated will the pupils be after instillation?

Hello, Leonid!

Based on the complaints you described, it can be assumed that the ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist) performed a fundus examination (ophthalmoscopy) during the appointment and did not warn you about the possible consequences.

What is a fundus examination?

An eye fundus examination is a medical ophthalmological procedure, during which the doctor, using a special device (ophthalmoscope), looks inside the eye through the pupil and studies the condition of the blood vessels, optic nerve, transparency of the ocular media and other important indicators. At the same time, he may notice signs that indirectly indicate not only ocular, but also other somatic pathologies.

The procedure has no contraindications and does not require special preparation of the patient, except for one small nuance.

An ophthalmoscope is a device consisting of a special lamp, a complex system of mirrors and an eyepiece. During the examination, a beam of light is directed inward through the pupil, and a reflex constriction of the pupil occurs. To prevent this reaction, ophthalmologists instill special medications (mydriatics) into the patient’s eyes before the procedure.

What are mydriatics and how do they work?

These are medications that block the transmission of nerve impulses and prevent the activation of the muscle that constricts the pupil. As a result, it loses its ability to contract. In this case, the muscle tone of the pupil decreases, so it increases in size (dilates).

Depending on what drug was used, its effect can last from several hours to several days. The most commonly used drug is tropicamide, its duration of action reaches 6 hours. But in some cases, for example, if there are contraindications for the use of this drug, other medications are used:

  • atropine - its effect lasts up to two weeks, while dilation of the pupil and immobilization of its muscles equally occur;
  • cyclopentolate - it dilates the pupil for a period of 6 to 12 hours, and the muscles are immobilized for 12 hours, but may not return to normal for up to 2 days;
  • Tropicamide is the fastest-acting drug; the effect of pupil dilation after its use ends after 6 hours, and the muscles begin to work after 3 hours.

Long-acting drugs (for example, atropine) also have a therapeutic effect, because allow the eye muscles to relax and rest.

Judging by the clinical picture you described, it is more likely that cyclopentolate or one of its analogues was used to conduct the fundus examination. Within two days, all the consequences of its use should stop on their own.

But if for some reason vision does not recover, and the pupil remains dilated, you should contact an ophthalmologist again.

Good health to you!

Best wishes, Svetlana.

In this article we will answer in detail the question “How to narrow the pupils and return them to their usual size?” and we will analyze all possible methods.

It is important to understand that often constricted or dilated pupils are the norm and if you notice them in yourself, there is no need to panic (in medicine, constricted pupils are called miosis, and dilated mydriasis). In this case, they remain in this position for a short time, after which they are restored to the size characteristic of healthy eyes. This happens due to the relaxation and tension of certain oculomotor muscles, which are responsible for the corresponding functions. They are usually called circular and circular.

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There is a fairly extensive list of methods that help return the pupils of the eyes to their normal shape and size. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • Methods used in medicine, i.e. medications;
  • Methods used at home (including eye exercises);
  • Methods for constricting pupils using folk remedies (berry-based decoctions).

Eye drops to constrict pupils

In ophthalmological practice, constriction of the pupils of the eyes is achieved by using a number of medications, their basis is eye drops, which are called miotics.

Miotics are medications that narrow the pupillary openings in the iris of the eyes. They act in the opposite way compared to mydriatics, which dilate the pupils. Their pharmacological action is based on reducing intraocular pressure and relaxing the extraocular muscles responsible for changing the size of the pupils of the eyes. This, in turn, leads to a change in pupil size. As a result, it becomes narrowed.

These drugs are prohibited from being used independently, and they are used only on the recommendation of the attending physician under his strict supervision and in compliance with all rules of use. This is explained by the fact that uncontrolled use of miotics can lead to paralysis of the optic nerve, which regulates the pupillary reflex to the appearance of light sources in a person’s field of vision, as well as to a huge number of side effects.

Commonly used medications include eye drops:

  1. Pilocarpine;


A medication intended for miosis (causes artificial myopia) and spasm of the accommodating ability of the visual apparatus in a person with glaucoma. Miosis is caused by contraction of the circular oculomotor muscle, and spasm of accommodation is caused by contraction of the ciliary muscle of the eyes.

Other cases using eye drops are characterized by the requirement to reduce pressure inside the eye cavity.

Pilocarpine is prohibited from being prescribed to children before they reach adulthood, as well as to pregnant women. These are only the main contraindications that prohibit the use of the drug. What other contraindications are there? Here are some of them:

  • Iritis;
  • Iridocyclitis;
  • Hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug;
  • Retinal detachment. Use with double caution is allowed;
  • Presence in adults.

Side effects:

  • Short-term miosis and accommodating spasm;
  • Redness;
  • Headaches in the temporal region;
  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea.

Physostigmine solution is an alkaloid. The drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac. This drug, like Pilocarpine, has properties that cause pupil constriction and a decrease in its size. Careless use of the medicine leads to optic nerve paralysis.

Contraindications prohibiting the use of the drug include the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug;
  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Dyskinesia (problems with removing bile from the body);
  • Bradycardia;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Angina;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases of the urinary and digestive systems. In particular, obstruction of the intestines and urinary tract.

Side effects that may occur when using the drug include:

  • Sweating;
  • Salivation;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Cramps.

This drug is sold under a variety of other names. Its analogues are Glaucomil, Carcholine and some others. It contains substances similar in composition to acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is produced by the human body to transmit nerve impulses and ensures stabilization of the central nervous system. The drug is used only in the form of eye drops, and it is strictly prohibited to take it in the form of injections, tablets or capsules due to its high toxicity.

Side effects that may occur when using this drug to narrow the pupils:

  • Nausea;
  • Salivation;
  • Decreased heart rate.

When they appear, it is necessary to reduce the dosage.

All drugs that constrict the pupil cause inhibition of the ability of eye tissue to receive oxygen. Excessive narrowing has negative consequences on the health of the visual organs. This is due to the fact that the amount of light reaching the surface of the retina decreases. Which, in turn, can lead to degenerative processes in the eye tissues. It can progress so much that it causes cataracts.

Gymnastics for the eyes

To normalize the size of the pupillary openings, you can try doing gymnastics.

  1. To do this, focus your eye on some object that is high above your head, for example, the ceiling. Then make a sharp movement with your eyes downwards, looking at the farthest corner. This will count as one repetition. Perform these repetitions about ten times.
  2. Follow the clock hand of the clock and repeat its trajectory with your eye movements, and after completing a full circle, make the opposite movement. Do the same number of repetitions as in the first exercise.
  3. Take your gaze to one side. Move it from side to side. The number of repetitions is the same.

Other home remedies

  • Constriction of the pupils can be caused by complete relaxation of the abdominal muscles. This method does not work with all people and requires extensive training to achieve results.
  • Contrast compresses. To do this, take several scraps of fabric. Then one of them is moistened by immersing it in hot water. The other - in cold water. Take it out and apply it to your closed eyes. When ten seconds have passed, then the compresses are swapped. And this is repeated several times.
  • Alternate focusing of the gaze. You can narrow the pupils of the visual apparatus by alternating focusing your gaze on objects that are located both at a distance and quite close to the person.

Methods for constricting pupils using folk remedies

Using folk remedies, you can achieve normalization of the iris. For this purpose, decoctions and infusions are prepared based on various plants that have medicinal properties.


Pour boiled water over a glass of blueberries and leave to cool. Take this decoction at least four times a day, about sixty millimeters. If a real plant is not available, it can be replaced with pharmaceutical tablets or blueberry juice.


Raspberry leaves are used to constrict the pupils. Boil them. Take the resulting decoction twice a day (200 ml).


The anise-based recipe is similar to the raspberry one. Anise improves blood circulation in the retinal area of ​​the eyes and helps in constricting the pupils.

There are quite a large number of methods that help to narrow the pupils, both without the use of medications and with their help. But when resorting to any of them, you must first consult with your treating ophthalmologist.

Some ophthalmic examinations require the pupil to be wide. It is impossible to do this by willpower, therefore, to prepare for the diagnostic procedure, the patient is instilled with special drops into the eyes - mydriatics. And the condition resulting from their use (when the pupils are enlarged) is called mydriasis. Let's consider in what cases drops are used to dilate the pupils, and what types they are.

The pupil is a hole located in the middle of the iris. It is through it that light rays penetrate the eyeball and focus on the retina. The hole constantly changes in diameter. This is possible thanks to two muscles of the iris:

  • Radial muscle responsible for increasing pupil diameter. Its work is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system;
  • orbicularis muscle responsible for narrowing the lumen in the iris. Its work is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system.

The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems act opposite to each other. Receptors in the retina (cells that convert external stimuli into electrical impulses) respond to the degree of illumination. If the room is dark, the sympathetic part of the nervous system is excited, and it causes the radial muscle to work. As a result, the pupil becomes wide. If a person is in a brightly lit room, the parasympathetic nervous system is excited, which leads to activation of the circular muscle. As a result, the pupils become narrow.

Good to know! Light is just the visible range of electromagnetic waves emitted by the sun or other sources. Together with it, infrared, ultraviolet waves, as well as waves of other lengths and frequencies are emitted. They are dangerous to humans, and if they come into contact with the retina in a certain amount, they can cause a burn. Regulating the gap in the iris is a way to protect yourself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in bright light, the pupils become narrow (to reduce the amount of harmful rays passing through them), and in the dark - wide (to increase the light flux incident on the retina and maintain the ability to see in twilight).

Why do pupils dilate?

Mydriasis is caused by the use of special dilating drops in the following cases:

  • Carrying out diagnostics of the internal structure of the eyeball;
  • Performing eye surgery;
  • Treatment of certain diseases of the visual system (spasm of accommodation, inflammation of the outer membranes and amblyopia - age-related farsightedness).

To examine the lens, retina, optic nerve and assess the condition of the blood vessels of the fundus, you need a wide opening. Ophthalmologists have to shine a bright light into the eye or they won't see anything. And the light makes the pupils narrow, which impedes research. The use of drops that dilate the pupil completely eliminates this problem. The same effect is necessary when performing eye surgeries.

Attention! In rare cases, drops are used when choosing glasses. When the muscle that regulates image focus is relaxed, it is very difficult to make a mistake when selecting the optical power of lenses. Some people dilate their pupils to create an attractive image.

Drops to enlarge pupils: classification according to principle and time of action

Since the diameter of the pupil is regulated by two muscles, it is possible to artificially influence its width by acting on one of them. Therefore, mydriatics are divided into two types:

  1. Rectus (contracting radial muscles). Such drops are used exclusively to enlarge the pupillary opening;
  2. Indirect (not allowing the orbicularis muscle to contract). This group of mydriatics not only makes the pupils wide, but also relaxes accommodation, which is useful for its spasm.

All drugs have different duration of action. Mydriatics used to treat ophthalmic diseases last the longest. The effect of using drops to examine the internal structures of the eye or perform surgery on them lasts for several hours. There are also very weak solutions, the duration of which is significantly shorter, as is the degree of expansion of the hole in the iris.

Important! The duration of action of a mydriatic is influenced by the individual characteristics of the patient. For example, the pupils of a light-eyed person will dilate longer after instilling the medicine than those of a dark-eyed person.

Review of drops for dilating pupils

Eye drops for pupil dilation differ in the main components, duration and principle of action, list of contraindications and side effects. Some remedies have a lasting effect of enlarging the hole in the iris and are very harmful, others are less effective, but almost harmless. Let's look at popular drugs used to enlarge the pupil.


The name of the active component of these drops coincides with the name of the drug itself - atropine. The medicine belongs to the group of indirect mydriatics. It was widely used in ophthalmic practice in Soviet times. At the moment, these drops are rarely used, as they have the following disadvantages:

  • Wide list of contraindications;
  • Many side properties;
  • Long duration of action (from several days to 7-10 days).

After instilling Atropine into the eyes, a person complains of:

  1. Burning and itching;
  2. Swelling of the eyelids;
  3. Redness of the whites of the eyes;
  4. Increased intraocular pressure;
  5. Allergic reactions;
  6. Blurred vision throughout the duration of the medication;
  7. Tearing and increasing pain in the eyes in bright light (the hole in the iris is too wide for the given level of illumination, and it cannot decrease).

Atropine should not be instilled if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components included in the drug. It is also contraindicated for adhesions in the iris, as well as for glaucoma (even if it is suspected).

Analogs of Atropine in action: Scopolamine and Platiphylline. The latter drug is better tolerated by patients and gives a less lasting expansion effect, but if the dosage is not observed, it can last just as long.


These are eye drops, the main component of which is phenylephrine. The substance acts on the radial muscle, which causes the pupil to dilate (direct action agent). Irifrin has quite a few contraindications:

  • Children under 12 years of age;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Diseases of blood vessels and brain (in old age);
  • Closed-type glaucoma;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Congenital pathologies of hemoglobin metabolism.

The drug has fewer side effects:

  1. lacrimation;
  2. Burning;
  3. Allergy;
  4. Blurred vision.

Irifrin begins to act within 1-2 minutes after instillation. If the doctor prescribed 2.5% drops, then the effect lasts 2 hours, and if 10%, then 7 hours. After this, the patient may temporarily experience myiasis (constriction of the pupil).

Analogues of Irifrin in terms of the main substance and action: Phenylephrine and Neosinephrine-POS, Mezaton.


These are the safest drops for dilating pupils, the active component of which is tropicamide. They are classified as indirect mydriatics (they prevent the orbicularis muscle from contracting). There are two types of the drug: 0.5% tropicamide solution, and 1%.

The list of contraindications is short:

  • Individual intolerance to the composition of the product;
  • Glaucoma (Mydriatsil contributes to an increase in intraocular pressure to a lesser extent, but it should still not be used for glaucoma);
  • Children up to 6 years of age for a 1% solution (0.5% drops can be used even for newborns).

List of common side effects:

  1. Swelling of the eyelids;
  2. Blurred vision;
  3. Redness of the whites;
  4. Burning and itching;
  5. Photophobia;
  6. Allergy.

At first glance, there are many side effects. However, they are smoothed out by the fact that the effect of the drug lasts only 1 (when instilling 0.5 of the drug) or 2 (when using a 1% solution) hours. After this, the unwanted effects disappear and normal vision is restored.

Analogs of Midriacil in terms of active substance and principle of action: Midrum and Tropicamide.


There is no drug that dilates the pupils better than Cyclomed. The active ingredient is Cyclopentolate. These are indirect action drops, one of the most popular in modern ophthalmic practice. Their contraindications include only:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Glaucoma or its suspicion (to exclude it, it is recommended to perform ocular tonometry).

The list of side properties is similar to any mydriatics:

  1. lacrimation;
  2. Photophobia;
  3. Blurred image;
  4. Redness of the eyes;
  5. Itching and burning;
  6. Swelling of the eyelids.

Side effects disappear when Cyclomed stops working:

  • The effect of the 0.5% solution ends after 6 hours;
  • Action 1% - after 12 hours;
  • The effect of using 2% Cyclomed disappears after 24 hours.

Analogues of Cyclomed in terms of the main component and action: Cycloptic.


This is a drug that combines the effects of direct and indirect action. That is, after instilling drops, the radial muscle contracts as much as possible, and the circular muscle relaxes. This effect is possible due to the presence of two active components in the drug - phenylephrine (direct mydriatic) and tropicamide (indirect mydriatic).

The combination of two substances at once caused a large list of contraindications:

  • Glaucoma;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Treatment with drugs from the group of MAO inhibitors (drops cannot be used even for 3 weeks after discontinuation of the drug);
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The side effects of Midrimax are similar to other mydriatics, and after the effect ends, myiasis often occurs - the pupils become narrow for a while. But then everything is restored. Action time is about 2 hours.

Analogues of Midrimax in composition and action: Appamida plus.

Mydriatics are drops that always give side effects. They also have many contraindications. Therefore, using them without a doctor’s prescription means damaging your eyesight and causing harm to your health. Try to use these drugs only as indicated, when treatment is necessary, surgery or diagnosis of eye diseases is indicated.

Drops are used to dilate the pupils, usually for diagnostic purposes, in which it is possible to fully examine the condition of the visual organs. The use of such medications for fundus examination requires a doctor's prescription, since medications have a number of undesirable reactions. Eye testing in children is also possible with the use of medications, after which the pupils become larger.

Why are they appointed?

In medicine, drops that cause pupil dilation are known as mydriatics. A similar product is dripped in 2 cases:

  • For the purpose of performing diagnostic procedures. With large pupils, it is easier for a specialist to examine the vascular and other ocular structures. When checking vision, in particular, blood vessels in the eyes, the name of the drugs is selected exclusively by an ophthalmologist. Often, the ophthalmologist uses mydriatic drops during ophthalmoscopy. Since the procedure involves exposing the visual organs to a light beam, which causes narrowing. To prevent constriction of the pupils during the manipulation, the doctor instills vasodilators.
  • With complex drug therapy. If the patient has an ophthalmological disease, then eye drops are prescribed to dilate the pupil. The drugs help to enlarge the eye structures and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

A medicine that dilates the pupils is recommended for use in inflammatory reactions, accommodation spasm, lens opacification and amblyopia

Types of medications

Drops that enlarge pupils are usually divided into several types, which are presented in the table:

Popular drugs: list

The product has many contraindications.

There are different drops for dilating pupils, so to choose the optimal remedy, you must first consult with a doctor. Self-treatment can provoke serious complications, against the background of which it is not possible to achieve pupil reduction and vision deterioration is observed. There are such popular medications that help to enlarge the pupil:

  • "Atropine". Drops are an old medicine that have been used for more than a century. Recently, the medication is rarely prescribed due to toxic effects and other adverse reactions. Often the effect of the medicine does not go away even after a week.
  • "Irifrin." After instillation of the drug to dilate the pupil, a diagnostic procedure is often performed. The medicine is also used for medicinal purposes. They are instilled only as prescribed by a doctor, since side effects from the cardiovascular system are observed.
  • "Mydriacyl." The drug is also produced under other trade names - “Midrum” and “Topicamide”. It is usually used to examine the fundus of the eye, since the effect lasts for 3 hours.
  • "Mezaton". It is necessary to instill drops into the eyes as prescribed by a doctor, since the drug is effective, but has many contraindications.
  • "Cyclomed". Dilates the pupil for half a day, after which the patient has it constricted. It is recommended for pregnant women and children, as it has fewer side effects.

Mechanism and duration of action

Pupil dilation contributes to a more accurate diagnosis.

Different pupil dilation drops work differently. There are some medications that are used exclusively for diagnostic purposes and have a short-term effect. Thanks to such drugs, the organ is enlarged immediately before diagnostic manipulation, after which the effect lasts for 3 hours. The patient does not need to take any constricting agents, since the expansion will soon go away on its own and the visual organ will return to normal.

The duration of action of therapeutic drops that dilate the pupils varies; it can last up to 24 hours or more.

After the patient drops the product into the eye, it spreads to all tissues, as a result of which the size of the pupil changes. Even local use of the drug does not protect against the penetration of active components into the systemic circulation. Metabolic processes after using drops to dilate the pupil are fixed in the liver, while breakdown products leave the body through the urinary system.

Features of use and dosage

Vasoconstrictor eye drops must be used in the dosage strictly prescribed by the doctor to avoid negative consequences. The table shows the recommended doses for different medications:

Due to the toxic effect on the body, some drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Pregnant women are treated with caution. To narrow or dilate the pupils, you need to be especially careful in selecting medications so as not to harm the development of the growing fetus. During pregnancy, an examination of the visual organs is often performed for the timely detection of ophthalmological ailments that may worsen during labor. A woman carrying a baby is allowed almost all the same medications as for ordinary patients. In special cases, the dosage and number of instillations may be adjusted.

To diagnose some ophthalmic problems, doctors need to see what is impossible without artificially dilating the pupil. This can only be done if special medications are used. Drops allow you to achieve maximum mydriasis. Drugs in this category are used in the examination of children and adults. Let's take a closer look at which drops are used to diagnose various eye diseases.

When are drops needed to dilate the pupils?

The size of the pupil is constantly changing and depends on the lighting. Through this small hole, using a special instrument - an ophthalmoscope - an ophthalmologist can look inside the eye and identify pathology. However, some difficulties may arise during the inspection. The light that the device emits causes, which significantly complicates the diagnostic process. In order to avoid such difficulties, specialists use drops that dilate the pupil.

Drugs that can increase the diameter of the pupil are called mydriatics. The main task of such remedies is to relax some eye muscles. Indications for use include pathologies such as retinal detachment and dystrophic changes. Mydriatics help in assessing the condition of the vessels of the retina, lens, and optic nerve.

Drops can also be prescribed for medicinal purposes. For example, the medication will help eliminate tension in the eye muscle. Eye drops are used for inflammatory processes of the organs of vision, during surgery.

If it is necessary to determine refraction in young children, it is important that the lens is immobilized. Mydriatics also help achieve this effect. You cannot do without such drugs in the process of diagnosing astigmatism and farsightedness.

Effective and safe drops

Ophthalmic drugs that dilate the pupil are distinguished depending on the mechanism of action. Some drops - direct mydriatics - can cause contraction of the muscle responsible for pupil enlargement. These drops include “Irifrin”, “Phenylephrine”.

The second group of drugs is called indirect mydriatics. They relax the muscle responsible for narrowing the diameter of the pupil. These drops have a similar effect on another muscle, which adjusts focus. They can be used for medicinal purposes. Among such medications are eye drops “Tropicamide”, “Midrum”, “Mydriacyl”.

Drops "Atropine"

Until recently, this drug was used everywhere in ophthalmic practice. However, today it is gradually being replaced due to long-term therapeutic effects, many contraindications and frequent cases of adverse reactions. The active component of eye drops - atropine sulfate - is of plant origin (alkaloid). The substance dilates the pupil and increases intraocular pressure. Due to this, vision at a short distance develops and somewhat deteriorates.

"Atropine" - drops that dilate the pupil, are rarely used for severe diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary and digestive systems. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and certain ophthalmological pathologies.

The maximum effect is observed 30-40 minutes after instillation of the drops and it persists for several days. If the effect of the drug does not stop within 7-10 days, this is classified as a side effect. The medicine can also provoke dizziness, tachycardia, and hyperemia of the skin of the eyelids.

Tropicamide: instructions for use

The medication is a mydriatic and affects the ciliary muscle of the eye, which is responsible for changing the diameter of the pupil, as well as the receptors of the sphincter of the iris of the visual organ. As a result of the therapeutic effect, a short-term dilation of the pupil occurs and its narrowing is prevented.

The drug is available only in the form of a solution for instillation into the eyes. The active ingredient of the product is tropicamide. 1 ml of drops may contain 5 or 10 mg of active substance. The therapeutic effect after using the drops occurs within 5-10 minutes.

How long do Tropicamide pupil dilating drops last? The duration of the therapeutic effect depends on the concentration of the active component. When using a 1% solution, the effect lasts for 60 minutes. This concentration is usually used to diagnose ophthalmological pathologies in children. Adult patients are prescribed Tropicamide drops in the form of a 2% solution. In this case, the effect of the drug lasts at least 2 hours.

Rules of application

According to the annotation, the drug can be used in the following cases:

  • when diagnosing the lens;
  • during fundus examination;
  • for measuring refraction;
  • during surgery on the retina, lens;
  • as part of complex therapy in the treatment of eye diseases;
  • to prevent inflammation after surgery.

The concentration of the drug is selected depending on the required speed of the therapeutic effect and the purpose of use. The drug "Tropicamide" instructions for use is recommended to be instilled using a dropper with which the bottle is equipped, or use a pipette. The drug should enter the lower part of the conjunctival sac.

Maximum pupil dilation can be achieved by instilling a 1% solution, 1 drop into each eye. If you use a drug with a lower concentration of the active substance, you must first drip one drop at a time and repeat the procedure after 5 minutes.

"Tropicamide" for children

Drops that dilate the pupil can be used even in newborn babies. It is allowed to use only a 0.5% solution. To prevent side effects, experts recommend diluting the drops with saline in a 1:1 ratio immediately before use.

In rare cases, the drug may cause local side effects: photophobia, burning, decreased visual acuity, short-term increase in intraocular pressure.